Weekend 30 October 2021

For those who do not accept the ‘climate change theory ‘ – this weekend poses a dilemma. Do we listen to the output of the BBC or switch it all off and do something useful . It will be tempting to watch poor old joe Biden trying to read the autocue and being praised for not answering questions by BBC automatons …..

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410 Responses to Weekend 30 October 2021

  1. Guest Who says:

    The bbc appear to feel volume will compensate for insanity.


  2. Fedup2 says:

    Are you in London and want to get to Glasgow today? Rail,first class is £340 but limited availability . Cattle class is £155… expensive business being green …


  3. Guest Who says:



  4. Guest Who says:

    Ant and Dec looking rough.


  5. Guest Who says:

    Sometimes there is not enough time or space for what is less newsworthy.

    Marr has on a teenage truant to work up the mob.

    The very definition of propaganda


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Don’t worry…Marr will ask her some very difficult questions. He will also be rude and repeatedly talk over her.

      No, not really…


  6. G.W.F. says:

    This is doing the rounds on Twitter. One for Marianne to fact check.
    Did Biden pooh in his pants when he met the Pope?

    Amy Tarkanian
    The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an “bathroom accident” at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving.

    I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now.
    11:09 AM · Oct 30, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
    Quote Tweets


    • StewGreen says:

      That’s trash talk.
      And anyways, Incontinence is a reality for a lot of old people.
      It doesn’t stop them doing good work, or even being president.


      • G.W.F. says:

        And the talk of Diaper Don – Trump incontinent – was also trash.
        If it can be said of Trump, then why not the good working president?
        #DiaperDon became a top Twitter trend this weekend thanks to an outrageous and so far unsubstantiated accusation that President Trump has had incontinence issues that led him to use adult diapers as far back as the early 2000s when he hosted NBC’s “The Apprentice.”

        Hollywood liberals like Rosie O’Donnell and John Leguizamo began sharing a video in which a New York-based standup comic named Noel Casler claimed, without corroboration, that Trump “would often soil himself on ‘The Apprentice’ set.” He added, “I saw it first-hand in the 2000s on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and late 2000s, and we’d have to stop the show and change him.”



      • Up2snuff says:

        I hope China Joe hasn’t had a stroke.


  7. pugnazious says:

    Tim Davie hit the headlines this week as he wrote in The Telegraph about his intention to make the BBC bias free…you mean it’s not now? LOL.

    ‘It’s time for all of us who believe in the free and open exchange of ideas to push back against the tyranny of a wholly polarised society and make the UK a beacon for free, enlightened, robust and respectful debate.’

    The tyranny of a polarised society? Hmmm…the BBC that has been at the forefront of polarising British[and US] society….creating division, fear, distrust and anger…whipping up racism and hate, creating the very society it says it seeks to prevent. The BBC that acts as the mouthpiece for dangerous extremist groups all of which, from BLM to Extinction Rebellion and Islamists, are all prepared to use violence to force their views upon us.

    Davie states ‘We will give more space to programming that actively explores different points of view’….but you know what that means in reality….the voices you will hear will be Black, Muslim or some other minority or fringe group. They will get to say their piece uninterrupted, unchallenged and unquestioned…their narrative will be fully accepted and stamped with the BBC seal of approval as the true and proper worldview. Others, those with views the BBC disagrees with and disapproves of will be brought on but only to be challenged, demonised and stigmatised…the sole aim to ensure the audience understands such views and ideas are ‘unaccpetable’ and unvoiceable in public despite Davie claiming the BBC will have no fear in allowing such voices to be heard…

    ‘Free speech is fundamental to the strength of British democracy. We value our right to freedom of expression highly. We understand that democracy depends on the open exchange of information and ideas. So how is it that we have become so nervous about sharing views?’

    As said…you may hear the voices but the BBC’s approach in discussing them will be entirely different depending on skin colour, religion, sexuality or the wokeness of the issue being discussed.

    Check out the BBC’s ‘White Mischief’ programme…the title already an attempt to demonise white people…it’s cobbled together by a Black and has a long cast of supportive voices for his racist and misleading lies. It is an insidious and sinister production that actually portrays white people as inherently evil and perhaps..perhaps…they should be erased…

    ‘In this final episode, Ekow asks whether we can live without whiteness.’

    How would you do that eh? Is the BBC seriously proposing ethnic cleansing of all whites? Looks very much like it.


    Davie has a long way to go if he’s to stop the bias, polarisation and dangerous disinformation that lies at the heart of BBC programming….just follow the BBC’s climate change programming right now….no discussion, no dissent, no challenge to the view that we are in a ‘climate emergency’ and that we must destroy our way of life to ‘save the planet’ as Boris tramples democracy and imposes his green revolution without a single protest from the BBC.

    Davie’s words are pure smoke and mirrors…disinformation itself…no irony that he claims the BBC will be at the forefront of ensuring the Public only gets the facts and that the BBC will provide them whilst preventing disinformation from polluting our democracy….of course having the BBC decide what is a fact, what is true, what is an acceptable viewpoint is decidedly Stalinist itself and extremely dangerous and sinister. I think I’d like to decide and work out what is true or not without the help of BBC journalist telling me what to believe and think.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    The Charter is up for renewal / ending about 3 years after the next planned election .
    Although there is little difference between the 2 socialist Partys i am sure the BBC will mount any even more determined propaganda drive to ensure Labour gets power
    However the BBC hasnt learnt yet that its’ influence is waning …


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Under Boris’s neo-socialist/green government, the neo-socialist/green BBC is under no threat whatsoever.


  9. StewGreen says:

    American has a lot weird people
    Hence this prof.

    But Simon Webb asks why YouTube allows her video even though it looks very racist.
    His vid .. https://youtu.be/1KF5WSBWW7E
    Her original .. https://youtu.be/efjZqmVKm9Q

    Twitter summary


  10. pugnazious says:

    Climategate: Science of a Scandal


    The BBC has decided to take a grip of history and the narrative about ‘Climategate’…just as it did with the Iraq War and the inquiries….the BBC, like the Taliban, have time on their side and the ultimate power to rewrite history to suit themselves.

    The email hack is now a ‘crime’ and an immoral act that prevented the true narrative of climate change to be heard and thus dangerously slowed the actions ‘necessary’ to save the planet.

    Hmmm..I thought it revealed the truth about the ‘science’, the scientists and the journalists…not least those at the BBC who worked in collaboration with the scientists pushing the ‘man-made global warming’ theory…still unproven….CO2 has certainly not been shown to be the main cause if any at all.

    However, no….the BBC has decided that hack was a wicked act by sinister people with malevolent intent rather than people who wanted transparency and an open and truthful debate.

    This is the BBC rewriting history to suit its own agenda…it is pure, outright disinformation designed to demonise those who criticise the climate change Faith and to buttress the narrative about the ‘climate emergency’ that needs radical and extreme lifestyle changes to stop it…..the BBC quite happy to promote the idea that this ‘dangerous’ climate change is irreversible and thus we are on the path to absolute destruction….never mind Britain has been desert, tropical, covered in miles of ice and now a green and pleasant land.

    When Tim Davie self-appoints the BBC to be Britain’s arbiter of truth and accuracy who is going to be checking and holding to account the BBC? Not Ofcom…nor indeed Boris.


    • StewGreen says:

      Don’t accept their narrative by using the word “hack”
      Information that comes out is “a leak”
      They have no evidence that it wasn’t a leak from an insider.

      BTW This weeks Climategate daily radio show was put on Iplayer in advance of broadcast
      and activist mates were tipped off


  11. Jeff says:

    Prince Charles has just arrived in Rome and will be addressing the world about climate change.
    I can hardly contain my excitement. He’s such a scintillating orator…

    No doubt, like all the others, he flew in, either first class or by private jet.

    He’ll then be taken by a huge limo to the conference. Just on that point, did you see the enormous convoy of massive vehicles that accompanied Biden? FFS it went on for about half a bleedin’ mile.

    Charlie boy will, of course, be wearing the regulation face nappy and socially distancing…until that is he gets inside and then it’s off with the mask and hand shakes and hugs all round.

    This is an embarrassing charade. They must think we’re all feeble minded.

    Mind you, looking at the coverage by the BBC… I’m just watching the “interview” with Marr and Greta Thumnail. For the love of God, ask some tough questions, you’re not her favourite uncle. Try to imagine she’s a Tory minister or an ardent supporter of Brexit. In a sentence, do your bloody job.

    These aren’t journalists, they’re cheerleaders…


    • StewGreen says:

      see the Neil Oliver video at the bottom of our previous page.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I usually agree with Neil Oliver pieces but im not so sure about his theory that the green project fear is a straight replacement for the chinese virus fear .

        He seems to think it is ‘ organised ‘ but im not sure that they would have the nouse to create a ‘world green conspiracy ‘ .

        I think it is a fad which will pass when something more important and immediate concentrates minds – like a war – or another pestilence..


        • Up2snuff says:

          Fed, it struck me this morning listening to the R4 News at 7 a.m. that the Green thing is really evidence of the outworking that St Paul warned about in his letter to co-worker Timothy. (1 Timothy 6 verse 10) A few scientists came up with a theory, politicians leapt on the bandwagon and urged other politicians to do the same. More scientists saw a potential funding stream of taxpayer cash, so they leapt onto the same bandwagon and thus it becomes a perpetuating cycle when you add in businessmen and women with an eye for making a fast buck.


          • Fedup2 says:

            We have two new religions – the green crap and the perpetually failing NHS . I don’t know which is more dangerous . They are both money pits – neither will be fixed in multiple lifetimes – and everything must be sacrificed for them .

            I think even the ascendant Islam would fall to its knees in homage .


        • StewGreen says:

          Fed I find your response to Oliver’s video strange cos I don’t read it that way

          ” his theory that the green project fear is a straight replacement for the chinese virus fear .”

          I don’t see him saying it’s deliberately organised that way
          cos of course Climate Fear predates Covid.
          He says the government’s Nudge Teams have worked out that instead of getting government policies from the public’s minds the public’s minds can be manipulated by FEAR into conforming with the governments predetermined policies.
          And he said they do this first with Climate then Covid and then back into Climate again
          His MAIN POINT is the elites hypocrisy betrays them, they generate CO2 like crazy whilst telling us to live in CO2 Austerity.

          but im not sure that they would have the nouse to create a ‘world green conspiracy ‘ .
          he’s not saying the entire thing is untrue CO2 will warm an atmosphere in a lab experiment, so will have an affect in the real world, but the actual magnitude is complicated
          He is saying that the UK establishment and that in many other countries have chosen to ramp up the fear in PRESENTATION
          ie never show CO2 positives or warmer world positives.

          I think it is a fad which will pass when something more important and immediate concentrates minds – like a war – or another pestilence..
          I guess you can compare it to the nuclear disarmament fad
          where the world was SURE to end if the US didn’t give up nuclear weapons

          or compare it to colonialism when the Spanish thought they were saving the South Americans from HELL, by bringing them Jesus
          Now the west imposing its OLD religion on countries is seen as an imperialist evil
          ..by the very same people who are imposing the new CLIMATE FEAR religion


  12. pugnazious says:

    Extraordinary from the BBC’s Paul Wood…


    ‘I am talking to others in the media about setting up our own organisation to support the idea of impartiality – at the BBC and elsewhere.’

    And why would that be needed? Apparently race and gender campaign groups within the BBC are attempting to silence jourrnalism they don’t like. Is Tim Davie not on the job? Is he not up to the job? Shouldn’t he be dealing with this?

    Wood goes on to say…

    ‘Most people at BBC News really do think of themselves as journalists, not campaigners (I know, having worked with them). But it is increasingly a struggle.’

    That’s just not true….climate, BLM, Brexit, immigration, anti-capitalism, anti-Israel or numerous other issues that the BBC takes a position on rather than purely reporting the issues.

    Paul Wood himself was a fanatical anti-Trumper….paradoxically reporting that the dodgy dossier on Trump actually came from Russian intelligence sources…however, he assured us, the Russians were trying to help Trump! Sooo…a sexed up dossier alleging the Russians had compromising material on Trump and that they were blackmailing him was trying to help Trump? Makes you wonder what they’d do if they were trying to damage his election campaign.


  13. StewGreen says:

    Someone recommended LBC
    So what did I just get when I switched on ?
    “Emily Thornberry looks ahead to COP26.”

    Coming up Former Australian LABOR Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks to LBC to discuss what will emerge from a successful conference.
    (So he’s flown to the UK for COP)



    • MarkyMark says:

      Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}

      What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}



      • StewGreen says:

        Ah when he tries gotcha question against her she shouted “sexism”

        He calmly replies giving the example of when he caught her male predecessor out with a similar question.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Emily Threebellies could save the planet by eating less, that’s for sure.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Has this character left the BBC ? Who does he work for now ? Has he a BBC pension ?

    If he cares so much why did he not call out before now ?

    I find it amazing – amazing that characters like him declare what many / most readers of this site see and hear every day .

    As i mentioned in the serota strand . The DG intends to have’ independent’ published reviews of particular subjects with regard to bias .

    I will believe it when i see it – in fact – i wouldn’t believe anything the BBC puts out .
    Will there be a response from the BBC or any of its propaganda staff about what he says ?
    I bet there will be none – other than some denfensive bland statements about the number of complaints up held versus those not

    And of course – “ we must be ok because we are attacked from ‘ both sides ‘ – the biggest deceit .


  15. nofanofpoliticians says:

    There was an internal meeting at the BBC back in the late 1990s maybe early 2000s, during which the BBC determined its editorial policy as regards Global Warming/ Climate Change.

    I seem to recall that it received much “critical acclaim” in these parts, but can’t recall the detail.

    It had a name, I think, and the meeting itself was exceptional in that it didn’t involve anyone of appropriate expertise.

    Can someone remind me of the name, and if possible the date it took place?



  16. MarkyMark says:

    China laugh at the west …China 3 child policy … west 0 child policy

    They believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas?

    “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”

    Thomas, 29, lives in the east of England, and although his idea of blowing up the world is something of a thought experiment, he is certain about one thing – humans should not have babies, and our species should gradually go extinct.

    It’s a philosophy called anti-natalism. While the idea dates back to ancient Greece, it has recently been given a huge boost by social media.



  17. MarkyMark says:

    BBC … “In Indian-administered Kashmir, Yemberzal is the first all-women Sufiyana music group. This music – which had been dying out in the region – was a uniquely male tradition.”


    Not the BBC …

    Q.1) Are all cultures equal? YES|NO

    Q.2) Should Charles James Napier have let India’s Suttee to continue – widows jump onto fires when their husbands die to kill themselves? YES|NO

    Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO

    Q.4) If Charles James Napier had NOT stopped India’s Suttee and it cotinued in 2018, would you allow Indians moving to Britain to still practice Suttee as part of their culture in 2018?

    Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO

    “Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
    – Charles James Napier

    (c) CANE Project 2018 – Cultures Are Not Equal Project


  18. MarkyMark says:

    Alec Baldwin makes first public comments on ‘one in a trillion’ shooting



  19. StewGreen says:

    After LBC I switched to BBC local and they were doing some Children In Need Guff asking kids who the black morning presenter should dress up as.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Children in need … oh dear …

      £101K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      This project will offer a supplementary school with an
      educational outreach service focussed on helping parents
      improve academic support for their children. The project
      aims for children to improve success at school, increase
      confidence and aspirations (Midaye Somali Development
      Network )

      £28K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      This 3 year grant will provide Somali children experiencing
      poverty and poor educational attainment with a
      supplementary school and confidence-building workshops to
      improve attainment, build self-confidence, and develop
      better relationships.

      £30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      Supplementary lessons at weekends during term time for 75
      local Bangladeshi and Somali young people in the Tower
      Hamlets area. Children will feel more included in their
      communities, increase their confidence and increase positive

      £30K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      Funding for support work for 150 5-18 year olds with special
      education needs from minority ethnic (Somali WOmen) backgrounds. The
      project aims to increase children’s ability to manage negative
      feelings, to further their self-expression and reduce social

      £54K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      This project will provide supplementary education to young
      people from the Somali community, who live in areas of
      poverty, unemployment and low levels of literacy and
      aspiration. It will improve educational attainment,
      communication skills and confidence

      £40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
      poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
      reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
      employment and education opportunities.

      £40K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      To fund a mentoring project for young Somalis living in
      poverty in Islington, to increase confidence and self
      reduce antisocial behaviour and help them access
      employment and education opportunities.

      £21K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      This project will deliver educational support for disabled
      Somali children and those experiencing local deprivation. The
      children and young people will gain academic skills,
      confidence and improve their physical well-being.

      £15K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      The project will provide holiday activities to children, young
      people and their families who have been affected by the
      Grenfell Tower tragedy. The activities will improve children’s
      well-being, support stronger family bonds and broaden
      horizons. (Midaye Somali Development
      Network )

      £10K From BBC Children In Need FUnd
      This 1 year grant will provide supplementary education in
      English, Maths and Science to Somaili children with low
      educational attainment to increase attainment, empower

      BBC Children in Need
      Grant Funded Projects
      London and South East England
      As at November 2017

      Click to access CN0187_Grants_Listings_London_and_South_East_England.pdf


  20. MarkyMark says:

    “Her pictures helped the campaign for recognition of the Yanomami’s rights over their own land.”

    Yet, UK belongs to the World!


  21. MarkyMark says:

    From order-order comment …


  22. MarkyMark says:

    Slavery was common in pre-Islamic times and continued under Islam (c) BBC not to be show in Black History Week.



  23. Guest Who says:

    BBC in full #tellitoftenenough mode on social media.


  24. Guest Who says:

    Looks like the Chinese did make it.

    Either XR undercover from Swansea U or some obscure BBC platform in Malaysia.


    • StewGreen says:

      Ha GW you and I know that groups of people who are ethnically Chinese can come from 10 countries in South East Asia
      or even recent migrant families in 100 other countries
      And the net of people who look ethnically Chinese can be even wider.. eg Japanese, Cambodian, Nepali etc.


  25. StewGreen says:

    BBC local radio stations making a special effort to promote “South Asian” writers


  26. Guest Who says:

    A) CCBGB

    B) Has she not just shot the entire BBC-enabled ‘sticks and stones’ industry fox in all four feet?


  27. Guest Who says:

    The Gollum Family Value Get Together produces this meeting of a brain cell…

    Because, brain donors, crippling democracy to allow a communist autocracy gets you dodgy planet practices globally. Plus if you protest your relatives pay for the bullet rather a gig on Uncle Andy’s gurn fest.


    • Guest Who says:

      Groper sets another up, and…

      She knocks out another quote!


    • Docmarooned says:

      Note she does not answer the bloody question while Marr fawns over her. Utterly pathetic BBC.


      • StewGreen says:

        @Docmaroone thankyou and all others like you, for watching bits of BBC propaganda
        so we don’t have to


  28. Guest Who says:

    #promoted, ironically.


  29. Bulldog says:

    Johnson and Macron agree to de-escalate the dispute over fishing licenses – beeb sensing a French victory?


    Someone has clearly backed down – and it won’t have been Macron


  30. digg says:

    I believe that the race, climate and gender uproar all have one thing in common.

    Power and wealth!

    The race baiters who scream about injustice just want more money and goodies handed over to POC without any judgement allowed on entitlement when it boils down to it.

    The Climate brigade just want only very rich people or official climate zealots and scientists to be unaffected by screwing down the poorer citizens and reducing them to a new serfdom. (catching rabbits on landed gentry land was once a capital offence!)

    The gender brigade want it to be a crime to discuss what they want so that they can avoid scrutiny from anyone and convert society into a tyrannical super-state where only they are untouchable.

    Yep it’s all just a land grab!


  31. Zephir says:

    Why we don’t need foreign aid:

    Mother of Manchester Arena suicide bomber pocketed more than £17,000 in benefits after leaving Britain

    Terrorist sympathiser Samia Tabbal continued to receive about £2,500 a month
    The payments only stopped days after her son, Salman Abedi, killed 22 people
    She failed to inform HM Revenue & Customs that she was leaving the UK


    The taxpayer-funded payments only stopped days after her son, Salman Abedi, killed 22 people by detonating a suicide bomb at an Ariana Grande concert on May 22, 2017, and may have gone on had the subsequent police investigation not established that Tabbal and her husband Ramadan Abedi were back living in Libya


  32. StewGreen says:

    LBC Magid Nawaz prog is sounding reasonably fair as normal
    “I don’t care what side you are on re COP26 I will listen call me”


  33. Guest Who says:

    Paddy likely knows the answer.


  34. StewGreen says:

    COP26 WSJ article writes against


  35. StewGreen says:

    This GirlGuiding account has a blue tick, so it’s real not a parody


    • Rich says:

      What influenced the design of this ‘rainbow’, a dirty protest?

      It looks like something you’d see on the wall of a Republican cell in the H-blocks of 1970s Long Kesh.


  36. G says:

    I thought I’d been missing all the fun with Capita tv licensing but no. It has to be well over two years since I last heard from them and now, a letter to say, “Your No Licence Needed claim is about to expire. Act now”. So I did.

    Got on their website as directed and simply confirmed again, still not watching “Live” tv. Received a reply to say I will receive confirmation of my “Declaration” within 10 days.

    What can go wrong?


  37. taffman says:

    Not on Al Beeb? ………………….
    “Scottish owners of scallop dredger detained by France urge UK Government help”
    Has Wee Crankie made any comments about this incident ?
    Was it mentioned on Al Beeb Scotland ?


  38. tomo says:

    The Swedish Doom Pixie’s every move has the Beeboids drooling – yet thousands of marchers literally 5 mins stroll from Broadcasting House >>> f-all…


    • Zephir says:

      I’ve booked her to do a talk in Rotherham next week, in a room above a kebab shop, she will get picked up from the bus station by taxi and they have requested she wear her school uniform.


  39. StewGreen says:

    Oh saturday’s local news didn’t have a COP26 item
    They did start with an item on drink spiking again, but I think was to promote their Sunday Politics show.


  40. StewGreen says:

    media REFUSE to hold well financed multinational NGOs to account,
    but it’s easy


  41. StewGreen says:

    Another far-right edition of Marr, on the far-right BBC …./sarc


    • Fedup2 says:

      Where the oil drum band they always have at the end to get the coloured face count up?


  42. StewGreen says:


  43. Guest Who says:

    Ironies abound.

    Hope Jez is not posting he was forced into the ladies loo for the flight.


  44. Guest Who says:

    Often lines get cut off in email lists.

    At first I assumed the word in the lowest was going to be ‘deck’.



  45. G.W.F. says:

    The BBC has had much to say about the ”riot/insurrection” led by Trump and his supporters on Jan 6.

    But nothing is said about the condition of those imprisoned for their alleged participation. Bias by omission is indicative of a serious development in the US, as it hurtles towards the post democracy nightmare.

    Here is a letter from one of the captives.



    • tomo says:

      I saw that letter and have read about the way the incarcerated peeps are being very badly treated – and the harassment of their friends and families.

      Lives are being ruined there – and many of them are self evidently simply ordinary folk who’ve been in the wrong place at the wrong time and the swines in the DoJ are using their mistreatment as a threat to anybody else minded to go to a public demonstration.


  46. Guest Who says:

    Aw Shux is currently in sunny glasgee.

    Bet he is wishing it was held again in one of the fun ones.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Throws in the lame “stay safe” bleat 🐑🐑
      Resistance says “stay strong”


  47. Guest Who says:

    This QC is, amazingly, a BBC BFF.


  48. Guest Who says:

    Shamble on Shamble incident.


  49. Sluff says:

    Totally off topic but……

    Have you your PC clipboard to hand?

    Went to the theatre last night. A play about 19 th century Russia.
    I never realised so many people at that time and in that place were cross-dressers or BAME!!!

    But even more amazingly, one of the cast members was black ( tick), female ( tick) and a dwarf ( tick tick).

    What are the chances of that?
    In the luvvieland so appreciated by the BBC, very high indeed.


  50. Guest Who says:

    The blonde ditz (ok, that does not narrow much down) is back to the skilled role that launched her to fame and fortune…


    • Guest Who says:

      Beff makes her pitch for the megabux role…


      • Guest Who says:

        Esme makes a play…

        The carbon cost of this gem from one of many Beeboids up there will be impressive. If likely exempted.