For those who do not accept the ‘climate change theory ‘ – this weekend poses a dilemma. Do we listen to the output of the BBC or switch it all off and do something useful . It will be tempting to watch poor old joe Biden trying to read the autocue and being praised for not answering questions by BBC automatons …..
Weekend 30 October 2021
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The blonde ditz (ok, that does not narrow much down) is back to the skilled role that launched her to fame and fortune…
Beff makes her pitch for the megabux role…
Esme makes a play…
The carbon cost of this gem from one of many Beeboids up there will be impressive. If likely exempted.
Instead of this usual stuff coming out from Boris and the rest of them why not just play Flash by Queen with the ‘we have only 14 hours to save the World’ line because I don’t believe them any more. It’s just another case of crying wolf.
He started off saying “The science is settled”
Well, if you only ever allow one side of the argument I’m not surprised you think so but in the real world there are plenty with opposing views.
I think the Prime Minister and her husband are ignoring all the counter views and forcing us all to do their will.
First two questions Boris took are from Laura Kuensberg and the guardian.
As an aside, will Greta get ‘sniffed’ in Glasgow (if he can get near her)
Politicians… and scientists!
The Graun?
1 engagement per minute.
Surprised Laura didn’t pull a Greta out of her pocket.
They could have said ‘wibble and wonk’.
“blah, blah, blah”
FedUp2 ,
One of my comments has gone missing . Is anything wrong ?
Nibor – no I haven’t deleted anything – and unless I’m in a mood I say if I’ve done it … I will rummage through the trash and let you know
…no nothing in the trash and nothing in the spam … a mystery …apologies on behalf of the site …
Oh well . Thank you .
I’ve noticed that if you take time typing ( sometimes ) the thing just disappears … pretty bad when it’s got 6 paragraphs and goes ….
That may explain why an occasional comment of mine has disappeared. I really really don’t swear and didn’t think what I had said was litigious or too pro Laura K.
I had thought a recent comment had posted but had quickly closed the iPad and had assumed that was the cause.
Nibor did it actually ever show up as posted ?
You posted at 12:02 PM
about Laura Kueunsberg on the Serota thread
was that it ?
What can sometimes happen is that your login times out before you hit the POST button
then you end up with a posting error
but on my devices I can always login and then click BACK 3 times to get to the box where I typed and it’s always there so then pressing SEND works.
Esme and gang will so be hating on Julia.
Apparently the green thing goes on for 2 weeks . Is that true ? What the hell are they doing ? The outcomes have been preagreed so are they swapping hotel keys …..?
Are they still stuck at Euston ? Bless …
The Chinese and Russians must laugh there bits off at all those mugs busily making their populations ( us ) poorer ….
Jeez! Had the misfortune to catch a bit of professional bBBC whinger Heap on Countryfile just now. I loathe this guy and always have. Must be a joy to be around. Moan, moan, moan on and on ad infinitum.
COP26 – Also known as a classic example of The Emperors Clothes.
I see a puppet. Little to admire.
Sheesh – Lineker out and about burnishing his credulous twerp credentials and a trade unionist who won’t say what he actually thinks of the Skandi sock puppet as she’s got socialist credentials + sponsors…
What an incredibly non impressive moron Lineker is. He speaks like the Springster as if he is a leading font of knowledge on anything that comes into his pea brain.
Footballers may be very good at kicking a ball around, but I’ve never understood the logic of expecting them to be any good at anything else.
No problem with celebrating their incredible skills on the pitch (that’s something I’d never be able to do), but that’s as far as it goes, I’m not interested in hearing their opinions on anything other than football, why should I be? The random bloke down the pub usually makes more sense.
Actually, the same applies to most ‘celebrities’, and most of those born into fame and wealth too (thinking Royals here, but applies more generally).
While we’re on the subject, I don’t care what Greta Thunberg ‘thinks’ either, let’s be brutally honest here, she’s a not particularly bright, mentally disturbed teenager with no experience of the real world, who has a vastly over inflated opinion of her importance. It would be funny if it wasn’t so cruel.
There is something very dissonant about Gary Lineker using the word ‘sagacity’
Don’t worry Gary – when they colonise Mars i’m sure you’ll be first to be offered a ticket (preferably one-way)
Countryfile also mentioned climate refugees, due to a Welsh council deciding not to spend money on sea defences in 2054 protecting a low lying village.
After a check with the University of Liverpool marine research dept. The average sea level rise in the 20th century was 1.7 mms per year.
This means that the sea level in 2054 will be 2.209 inches higher than today. They are now both desperate and pathetic
‘Climate refugees’ are part of the agenda being pushed by the World Economic Forum co-ordinating with the UN as another excuse to swamp us with third-worlders.
AnneG (above)
This time of year is the Spring/Autumn Equinox with seasonal floods you get used too. its no big thing if you live by the river such as the Thames. On a UK basis the largest tidal variation is over 14 metres! Some parts of France, Channels Islands – is even higher – and with no panic, its all normal. Nothing to do with CLIMATE but the Moon.
AFAIK 150 years ago some Liverpool builder said
“Hey you know this piece of flat marshland in front of the sea next to Porth Madoc
lets drain it a bit, then build some houses and make a lot of money.
Everything will be OK in 150 years time
there’s no point in building on the higher land a couple of miles away”
And then 10 years ago the local council said
“what build a 3 mile bank to protect these crummy houses ?
Nope we’ll do managed retreat instead”
Pesto risks excommunication.
Fair enough! Most of us could probably identify with that. I liked this country much better when it was full of people who looked like me.
I was reading the Sunday papers, online, (I like to save trees), and someone was banging on about colonialism and a what if thought struck me. What if the Industrial Revolution had started in, let’s say Central Africa or Arabia, would the population of said places stayed where they were, or with the wealth accumulated from said revolution, colonised nearer countries and those further away. Imagine if Brunel or Watt were black or just brown. It doesn’t bear thinking about. Just suppose they had got as far north as the UK, would we now be banging on about it? I would assume the answer to be no, as we would have been subjugated.
As the BBC go to Glasgow the new UK Mecca for global climate predictions, – those of us with a more independent and open mind may prefer a less corrupt environment. I am reminded that billionaires may prefer DAVOS for ‘like-minded’ thinking and ‘entertainment’, would (I predict) not want go to the Glasgow recycle rubbish tip. After all they already have a TESLA alongside the BMW and several other ‘Italian gas guzzlers’ at the mansion. This is then a Glasgow for political ‘behind-the-scene’ activist EXPO pitching at those ‘reluctant’ politicians – who have been asked to be there as ‘show up’ by the boss. Solidarity of fashion statements. The truth may well be that its a hard sell, the ‘end-of-the-world’ scenario version 26 sequel.
The only incentive for a poor (third world country) is money to be diverted to ‘save the planet 26’ which failed last time, but if the money was ‘improved’ to billions as foreign aid or Carbon taxes ‘accommodation’ can be made. In short a very large bribe. After all if the rich western countries are so stupid as to believe in ‘end-of-the-world’, they must be desperate, right? So how much is it worth?
We may be used to the spectacle of the BBC loosing £4.8 Billion a year for ‘A Question of Sport’ and ‘Strictly’ but that is a ‘local’ issue compared to the astonishing waste of the EU which share the same BBC objective of competing with China or Russia as equal bull*hit. The BBC may prefer Russia espionage, but China is more in control of the UK and US media than we think.
Net zero is a totally stupid proposal, and does not exist in nature. The Earth devoid of animal life and people would not be net-zero! If all the countries in the world aspired to ‘net zero’ and effectively killed all home grown industry and went back to medieval times, the result would be less than 0.5% reduction in CO2.
At the same time we need CO2 to eat to survive, cook and make anything of industry.
So what is COPT26 for and to whom? The UN is behind the IPCC predictions of doom. Its a wealth transfer scheme where we get no ‘opt out’. It will enable governments ’emergency powers’ use at time of world war crisis, and open the flood gates to public funding (aka BBC) and private funding (pension funds). So everyone will be paying for it and the cost will be Trillions. Paid by our own UK government as global tax’ for CO2 (could be another gas in the future) Note they have not chosen Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen – but don’t rule that out in the future.
The future is false. If we believe it will happen, it will. The BBC will try to drown out dissenters, but we in turn are turning off the BBC. There is no appeasing traitors at the gate. Boris will learn that nobody believes in the new religion of higher taxes and global taxes and ‘fines’ for exceeding (insert) Travel, Food, Rubbish bin collection as ‘exceeding CO2’ targets. Its all b*ll*cks and they know we know it. Even they know it, but nobody has told the children (or Greta). It will be the biggest con of the century if the IPCC gets voted as ‘global’ mandate.
Boris may be keen, but this is beyond his attention span. He can only win if we vote for it. That is where the BBC comes in as established vote riggers. For the first time, the BBC will have to vote ‘Conservative’ and water down its rhetoric to let it pass. At the same time the BBC will be ‘rodgered’ as its TV license fee is due to be abolished, but IF they support and report COPT26 as a ‘huge success for Boris’, then they just might be able to continue broadcasting spew. But not all BBC staff are on board, if they look around the corner, redundancies are not that far away.
If the BBC pay the electricity bill, its quite likely to suffer from power cuts. We all will, even at 50% net zero. There will be power cuts for the BBC as there will be for Cars and transport and Air Travel and Ships, forced to use an impossible target.
The more you look at it the more daft it gets. Its a world the BBC help create.
‘Bjorn Lomborg – author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet – returns to The Brendan O’Neill Show. Bjorn and Brendan discuss the upcoming COP26 climate talks, the dangers of green austerity and why climate change is not the apocalypse.’
I get the feeling some populations are less compliant to such crap as increasing taxes to ‘save the planet ‘ and will dump governments which try it on .
The UK government ( s) is going to nail us . We will be sacrificed as ‘leaders ‘ in climate crap even more that what has happened so far … our enemies will laugh at us .
Antiques Road show
They are featuring a WHITE MAN who is saying he has a special interest in art where the faces look like him or his family.
I might have adjusted the person’s identity
Something stopped Biden from broadcasting with minutes to go to his arranged timeslot from the Vatican – I’d hazard a guess that stimulants either didn’t work – or worked too well….
– this made I larf though
Look what Joe did
6:50pm ITV local news Basically just 2 news items
#1 Tomorrow a woman will do a protest about Smart Motorways
#2 COP26 A reporter has been out to a wind farm
The item was basically a trailer for tomorrow’s special item
The hook was the idea it will ask are sceptical question “Are wind farms all they are cracked up to be ?”
.. Actually the presenter’s tweet shows him interviewing a researcher into the impact of offshore wind farms on marine habitats.
Will she be critical ?
#1 The University press officer is in the photo , and the uni gets substantial sums from wind corps
#2 She was given a £400,000 government grant
to “work with partners in industry and academia to ensure that *the rapid expansion of offshore wind energy* is sustainable and has as little impact on marine habitats as possible .”
I checked her tweets : she’s a full on alarmist campaigner.
She wouldn’t have been recruited unless she was on message
Is she some expert biologist ?
Nope on the contrary She’s a Lithuanian who got a
Civil Engineering degree in Italy & Birmingham and then worked in wind farm design for 3 years & has now been in Hull 2 years helping the wind industry.
Oh anyway she’s already been on GBnews
60 seconds of blah blah
After the prog we had an ITV Black History Month ident
Before that prog at 6:50pm we had an ITV Climate Action Week trailer
a week of special programmes to coincide with #COP26 this November
FLOP26 Daily Live Stream #1 (skipped preamble)
Ben Pile interviews the sceptical experts that are banned from the BBC
cos they talk about the true eyewatering costs that the poor will be bearing
Tomo’s link takes you past the 14 minute countdown screen to the beginning of the1 hour of guests
Benny “10 years ago Boris said the opposite of this Net Zero campaigning”
… actually just 2 or 3 years ago I think.
It looks like COP26 has cured COVID……not a mention of the lefts favourite virus on the BBC News Website….
@BernieSpofforth has had her Twitter account permanently suspended for wrongthink
My usual message to Al Beeb ……………………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
“UK and France blame each other over fishing row stalemate”
On which side will Al Beeb favour, the UK or France ?
“Salisbury train crash: Major incident as two trains collide”
“A Network Rail spokesperson said: “At around 19:00 GMT this evening, the rear carriage of the 17:08 Great Western Railway service from Portsmouth Harbour to Bristol Temple Meads derailed after striking an object on its approach to Salisbury station.”
Was the “object” another train?
Am I missing something ?
No one dead least 12 people are hurt
none serious, but the driver was trapped in the original derailed train cab with multiple injuries.
Looks like not head on
but rather came off the tracks so tilted say 20 degrees and touched the other
Wonder if a tree had fallen over the track due to the severe weather ?
or something in the tunnel
The tilted train is wedged against the other one on the other track in the tunnel
“UK steel makers ‘left behind’ as US ends trade war”
Why we should have supported President Trump . Thanks a bunch Al Beeb.
By now we’d have had a very advantageous trade deal with Trump, who remained a great Anglophile – amazingly, given all the insults, abuse, disrespect and snobbery he received from the BBC, Emir Khan, and – I’m sorry to say – MPs of all parties.
And that stupid baloon .
They would never have insulted the Russian or Chinese PM with that.
MPs of the Tory party in particular should hold their heads in disgrace . But then, they are not Tories any more.
All kinds of crooked and murderous heads of state, who wish us harm, have received the red-carpet treatment, while Trump was mocked by the mindless mob, themselves brainwashed by the likes of the BBC.
“ If you’re happy and public sector pensioned clap your hands “
Taffman – Re removal of the U.S. embargo on importing steel products from the EU, just the case that sleepy Joe forgot that the U.K. is no longer part of the EU – a simple mistake – or maybe not?
IMHO it was Deliberate.
Don’t forget , the Democrtats are running the country. Not just Biden .
“JCB signs green hydrogen deal worth billions”
This looks interesting …………
The son of the JCB corp owner
owns Ryse a hydrogen fuel start up corp that gets lots of government grants
Hydrogen isn’t a fuel you mine
rather you use another energy source to get it
Almost always by treating methane with steam
The dream is that one day it will be economic to separate it from water using spare wind power.
In such transition processes there is always a lot of wastage.
You can’t use the same spare leccy to both charge an electric car and make hydrogen,
The mising part of the story is that ‘JCB’s, tractors and the like work hard all day, unlike the Tesla in the BBC producer’s mews garage, so there isn’t the down-time to charge batteries, plus batteries increase the size and weight of the vehicle.
JCB believe that the solution is to run an adapted iternal combustion engine on hydrogen. This video explains it quite well.
Look at Harry’s journey to the North Pole in a Rolls Royce . On YouTube .
Greta Thumberg was on the 10 pm news.
What was she doing there? Surely she should have been tucked up in bed with her mobiles and teddy bears.
What were her parents thinking? Where are social services when you need them?
Don’t the BBC have a duty of care? Have they never heard of safeguarding responsibilities? Have they learned nothing since Jimmy Savile?
11:35pm Channel4 The Last Tree: A Nigerian boy who grew up with his foster mother in Lincolnshire
moves back to his birth mother in London.
His mother beats him for not doing chores.
Later in adulthood, he (Sam Adewunmi) befriends a small-time hustler. But wonders if this is the life he wanted.
Jon Snow sounds deranged.
Jon ratioed there
1,900 Likes vs 2,500 replies and 600 quote tweets which seem to all go against him
So a lot of his 1.4 million followers didn’t like his tweet
Jon doesn’t know the difference between POLLUTION and climate change caused partially by excess CO2
that allegedly causing stronger weather.
Of course October stormy weather would still happen without men using fossil fuels.
Snow is as thick as mince. Lineside maintenance has been ignored for 50 years.
Struggling for the ton.
I’m now well and truly bored with hearing about climate change and COP26, and I don’t even have a TV licence, watch live TV, or listen to the radio!
It’s a mind bogglingly dull subject isn’t it? And the reporting about it is tediously repetitive too, especially now any dissenting voices have been totally silenced, it’s not a subject which is discussed and debated by informed experts, it’s a religion which is preached by fanatics.
If the ‘science is settled’ (their words, not mine) and it IS all about the amount of CO2 us humans produce, then why are they wasting money on useless politicians and celebrities going on jollies and not putting that money to good use, funding scientists and engineers to get on with ‘fixing’ it by coming up with practical alternatives to burning fossil fuels?
Perhaps, the ‘science’ isn’t really ‘settled’ after all? Perhaps it really isn’t something that URGENTLY needs to be sorted out? And perhaps this COP26 thing is all just a load of shite so that ‘important’ people can mouth off and virtue signal about something which many of them seem to barely understand?
Libya: Thousands of migrants and refugees camp on UN’s doorstep
Just take a look at who the BBC want you to think are the migrants.
A young woman with a young child. All sweet, clean and innocent.
Then play the video and watch the opening scene of them all running out of the detention centre.
Almost every one is a young male.
Blatant, shameless lie. BBC style.
I really do feel sorry for these people. But they way to help them is to get their countries to help themselves via politics. They are only there because they know we will let them in if they make it here.
But the Left can’t satisfy their shallow, ego driven characters from that. They need to feel like benevolent superiors.
“COP26: Boris Johnson says ‘no excuses’ for not tackling climate change”
Have a word with the countries concerned not the poor people of this country .
Where are your loyalties?
I needed a laugh this morning:
Now even the Taliban joins calls to save the environment as regime calls for international aid to boost eco projects in Afghanistan
The Taliban called for international aid for environmental projects in Afghanistan
Spokesman Suhail Shaheen cited a need to protect the country’s ‘fragile climate’
He added ‘tremendous work’ was needed to help Afghanistan become greener
And he stressed that the Taliban – which formerly targeted international contractors – was ‘committed’ to ensuring their safety.
” a partial list of private contractors and aid workers killed in the War in Afghanistan according to a few published news sources. It was reported that by July 2007, at least 75 foreign contractors had been killed in the war.[1]
It was also reported that from 2001 to 2009, at least 289 contractors had been killed in the war.[2]
The U.S. Department of Labor confirmed that by March 31, 2021, a total of 1,822 civilian contractors were killed in Afghanistan,[3] of which, during the period between June 2009 and April 2010, 260 were private security contractors.[4]
As of June 24, 2019, 305 foreign private contractor deaths in Afghanistan as part of the War in Afghanistan are listed in this article. Of these, 119 are Americans, 22 are Britons, 19 are Nepalese, 17 are Ukrainians and 13 are Canadians.[5] At least 58 of those killed were private military contractors or PMCs.
I can just imagine how much of that ‘aid’ would be spent on Greenerisation.
Not much.
These people lie easier than they tell the truth. What really bugs me is how the BBC and the Left treat every statement as if it is really true this time.
Can you buy eco friendly guns and bombs, gibbets and whips ?
Dont you DARE call us the weaker sex we can do ANYTHING a man can
Hang on, thats not fair etc etc etc
Fury from fans as female MMA fighter is battered into submission by male rival in mixed-gender bout screened in Poland
The inter-gender fight was part of MMA-VIP event held in Czestochowa, Poland
Female arm wrestler Ula Siekacz took on mixed-martial artist Piotrek Muaboy
Video shows Muaboy lands a series of solid blows to Siekacz’s face
She then goes for a takedown but Muaboy flips her onto her back before raining down punches
Whilst there might be some ‘poetic justice’ in such a beating, watching a man beat the crap out of a woman (any woman) isn’t ‘fun’, not ‘fun’ at all, what kind of decadence is that? What kind of insanity?!
It’s like the fight between the little weedy kid and the big bully in the school yard, where the little weedy kid has been told by his mum he needs to ‘stand up for himself’. The result is 100% predictable, and 100% tragic.
Another example of do what I say not what I do:
Euronews asked candidates for the EU’s top job to respond to a simple question: do you think moving the European Parliament from Brussels to Strasbourg every month is a waste of money?
Most of those running to be the next European Commission president were unanimous: yes.
Auditors say shifting MEPs and their staff from Belgium to France every month costs at least €114 million per year.
“The biggest obstacle is the French government,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a senior research fellow for EU justice and home affairs at the Centre for European Reform.
Indeed, Nathalie Loiseau, the woman leading French President Emmanuel Macron’s European election list launched a petition to keep the Strasbourg seat.
“Yes, #Strasbourg must stay the seat of the European Parliament,” she tweeted.
EU Parliament: Strasbourg, or the climate?
“In a carbon-neutrality pathway, it is evident that the European Parliament needs to consider operation in one site,” a recent report of the parliament’s Environmental Management Unit (EMAS) warns.
The EU Parliament is headquartered in the French city of Strasbourg, but it has also offices in Luxembourg as well as Brussels – which results not only in extra costs but also in additional travel emissions.
Over the past few years, emissions related to the transport of MEPs, assistants, trainees and other parliamentarian staff have been steadily increasing, making mobility the main driver of emissions in the EU Parliament.
In 2018, emissions from transporting staff contributed around 67 percent to the parliament’s carbon footprint – half of it related to the mobility of staff and MEPs (34 percent) as well as subsidised visitors (33 percent).
After MEPs declared a climate emergency in Europe, the EU Parliament was itself instructed to develop a strategy to become carbon-neutral by 2030.
The EMAS report presents a list of short, medium and long-term actions to reduce the institution’s carbon footprint towards carbon-neutrality by the end of the next decade.
These include supporting eco-mobility systems, promoting plant-based diets or introducing carbon budget rules for the institution itself.
In fact, the EU Parliament’s three seats cost amounts to about six percent of the institution’s overall budget.