I see Tim Davie parrots the “science is settled” line on climate change. If he cannot understand there are other legitimate arguments to bring to the debate he should go. Either he or his propaganda factory.
More I think of it the more it seems like regression to the primitive – every ‘once in a generation weather event ‘ is man made climate change – the crops failed – the gods are angry – we must sacrifice a 17 year old mentally disordered girl …
I think this shows either how dim and tunnel visioned he is or how cowed by the militant zealots in the BBC. Either way not material to run a public service paid for by almost everyone.
Bowing to the climate high priests without dissent will affect the quality of lives of millions in this country, hence all factors should be open for investigation including the possibility that it’s complete and utter bollox.
It is high time that highly placed people in industry stopped being blackmailed by nobodies with popular grudges in their Companies and showed some real backbone, they certainly get paid enough to do this!
Amazingly, Gordon Correra has just admitted on air that he has not been doing his job. I wonder what the BBC pay him? I also wonder if the BBC will sack him? No?
Goodness only knows what treasures future archaeologists may find deposited at Glasgow, as evidence of the battles over Cop26?
The frontpage of today’s Times pictures: ‘Leonardo Di Caprio and the Prince of Wales met yesterday at Cop26, where they viewed eco-fashions by Stella McCartney‘ – the Times there, playing the incorrigible name-droppers.
The Daily Express spots Gwyneth Paltrow wearing the same pillarbox red trouser suit she wore back in the 1990s: ‘25 years on, it still suits you, Gwynnie!‘ – I’m not sure but that may be what’s known as a backhanded compliment.
We should get used to decoding these little subtleties as more women take positions of power in our culture and media.
The Sun informs us of: ‘Anne & Rachel’s Countdown meltdown‘ – Ms Robinson, of “You are the weakest link – goodbye” fame, has apparently had maths whizz: ‘Rachel Riley’s microphone muted as part of a toxic feud‘
They do say women compliment one another – but don’t mean it, whereas men tend to offend one another – but hardly ever do it in seriousness.
Sadly, the days of such nuance are well and truely over: ‘Gary Ballance, the former England batsman, last night admitted being the Yorkshire cricketer who called Azeem Rafiq, his team-mate, a P*** in what an investigation described as “banter“‘ (Daily Telegraph)
The Telegraph there potentially being caught out breaking the new rules of cricket: ‘ICC to replace ‘batsman’ with ‘batter’ from T20 WC onwards‘ – a rare guest appearance hereabouts for The Hindu E-paper
The BBC meanwhile emphatically headlines no wriggle room for the banter defence: ‘Gary Ballance says he ‘regrets’ using racial slur against Azeem Rafiq during time together at Yorkshire‘ – the BBC there with typical lack of ballance in matters of race.
BBC approved cultural expert Jon Ronson is featured in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper with: ‘My cure for the culture wars‘
Jon Ronson has made a Radio 4 series telling strange stories from the history of the culture wars.
Here’s the blurb…
International bestselling author and podcaster Jon Ronson tracks down the people involved in some of the defining battles that have raged across cultural lines in recent decades – to hear their stories and to help us understand how we got to a point where it can feel like every aspect of our lives has the potential to divide us.
Far be it for us to rush to judgement of the book by just reading its cover but I’m guessing he will tend to blame our apparent culture war on conservatives complaining about what they see as the progressive take over of our lives and culture.
Afterall, there’s no war if one side quietly surrenders rather than fights back.
Ronson said: ‘If you’ve ever argued with someone on social media about, say, cancel-culture or mask wearing, then you are a soldier in the culture wars.
And, lest we forget, there’s a minor postscript to our handbags at dawn edition, brought to us by the Daily Mirror (tagline “Fighting for all our futures”): ‘At war: Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy‘ promoting: ‘Wagatha Christie: The film. Coleen in £1m deal‘
Impressive that Gwyneth Paltrow can fit into her 25 year old trouser suit in this age of obesity. I’m far too kind to ask if she had to have the pants’ waistband, ummh, er, relaxed a little.
So true.
Once they get their own busses, they will notice something about the buses for men (eg more of them for more men going to work) and then declare them sexist and must be abolished.
Feminism is 25% good intention and 75% a blend of jealousy and misandry.
I understand the BBC headline regarding Glenn Youngkin’s win in Virginia went something like “Shock win for Republican …” Such a pity the Daily Mail omitted to record the BBC reaction in this gleeful round-up:
“Hosts on MSNBC and CNN were unable to contain their shock at McAuliffe’s defeat …”
“Their shock and disappointment at the result gave conservative commentators on Twitter endless joy, with radio host Buck Sexton comparing it to the ‘seven stages of grief.’”
“National Review critic Kyle Smith said: ‘Every conservative I know is watching MSNBC.’
Pundit Stephen L. Miller joked, ‘It’s early yet but MSNBC is pulling a bit ahead in the election meltdown. Still waiting for returns from some of CNN’s more loyal viewers and the late night returns but Joy Reid looks to be pulling away early. Still too close to call though.’”
Laura Tobin, ITV, talks about how to communicate issues like the shrinking of glaciers in the Arctic – they are at their lowest for two thousand years and may disappear by 2100, raising sea levels by half a meter – drowning counties and cities in the UK under water. @WeAreALBERTpic.twitter.com/RFxHTULODm
Love those ‘something ‘ melted stories …. Wonder what they’d say as the ice cap expanded and expanded and is due to hit Scotland soon ? – maybe 10k years ..?
Even if this were true (it isn’t), “half a metre” is about 19 1/2 inches. Do you really think that we couldn’t cope with that, especially as it would happen gradually?
More #tellitoftenenough from the uncontroversial juvenile swamp Wolfie brigade…
“Listen, if @RHarrabin is saying #COP26 is going better than expected you’d better believe it.”
Harrabin erroneously stated the government had banned onshore wind farms, and it then took him *two* attempts to correct his disinformation. pic.twitter.com/cnOgUU9I01
Castlemilk Primary School, Edinburgh, the ‘wear a dress for equality day’ that Zephir mentioned earlier.
25 teaching staff, 3 of whom are male, 12%.
Of the 22 female staff, 88%, there is only 1 Mrs and only 1 who uses Miss, all of the others use Ms.
Their website has an ‘Equalities’ section which has a BLM tab highlighting a number of black role models, essential in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh which is 92.6% white, and one for LGBT+ as well. Obviously an area of great concern for those aged 4-12, and of tremendous significence in an area being regenerated in an attempt to rid it of its poor housing and social welfare problems, the type of social deprivation that led to rioting in the 80s. Have a look at the results a search for Castlemilk on the Bbbc webshite throws up.
And they wonder why education in Scotland is going down the pan? Equality? Aye right.
“…..a local referendum in Berlin, which strongly endorsed a campaign to expropriate properties owned by large corporate landlords.” Mark the date of this event.
The beginning of the slippery slope, aka, “You will own nothing and be happy”. Acorns and all that.
Wot abaht the UK?
““While average household size has remained stable over the last two decades, the proportion of people who live alone has increased…..”
“The number of people living alone in the UK has increased by 4.0% over the last 10 years; in 2020 the proportion of one-person households ranged from 22.8% in London to 33.6% in Scotland and the North East of England.”
Indeed a Minister recently declared that ‘we must halt single owner/occupiers from “rattling around” in a house too big for them. I regret not being able to cite the source.
I have a theory that if the internet was invented in India they would have kept it to themselves. Americans tend to share what they know.
An Indian at university took out all the recommended text books from the library on day one and kept renewing the loan.
Perhaps all of Wiki will be downloaded, the original removed and replaced by links to the pay-walled Indian Internet where the old content will be hosted, innit?
In South Asian culture, knowledge IS power, to be hoarded and sold, in small lots, to the highest bidder, hence the professional Pandit class (common usage in West = ‘pundit’).
I can’t help feeling the British Library has been taken over by such.
During @RishiSunak speech, declaring the whole global economy will be re-wired to meet NetZero! There’s about a dozen people watching! Which begs the question…what are all the COP26 attendees actually doing in Glasgow? This whole thing is just one big Carbon-spaffing stitch-up! pic.twitter.com/eS8IzruMM9
Actually, I can only count two(?) sat in seats (and the odds are those are either asleep, or on their mobiles), the others in the photo all seem to be standing around chatting, or heading for the exit.
I’ve done a few conference presentations in my time, and if that was the room I was talking to, I’d take a hint and quietly pack up and leave as well.
The telling thing is the full Hollywood doomsday feature film poster treatment in this. It says a lot about who these truly nutty people like Justin Rowlatt think they are and how they foolishly think the rest of us see them…. “A list stars of course”, a Hollywood fiction approach being much better than facts! It lifts them from being news hacks into personalities and puts them on the waiting list for Strikly come Prancing.
I stumbled on a YT channel which I had not previously given any credibility to and that conclusion had been wrongly based upon very brief exposures. But no longer. Being well into the last chapter of my life, I seem to have developed the overwhelming desire to understand why the World is going off the rails – daily – and who / what is responsible for the collective madness.
The YT channel is,
and the interviewee is Gad Saad who succinctly provided brilliant explanations. Well worth a watch. And a classic example of why our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” cannot compete and its demise will eventually be total irrespective of any BBC/Government intervention.
The Nudge Unit is working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care in crafting the government response. The most visible manifestation of its influence to date is in the communication around hand-washing and face touching – in particular the use of “disgust” as an incentive to wash hands and the suggestion of singing Happy Birthday to ensure hands are washed for the requisite 20 seconds.
Wonder if Ms. Spring will check it out? – it seems targeted at her demographic.
Will Tony Fauci start wearing a Spandex suit with a cape and a Mexican wrestler mask?
Pfizer is telling young children that their experimental mRNA covid injection will make them "superheroes" and give them "superpowers." pic.twitter.com/092Vqlaaid
It is becoming obvious that the Owen Paterson MP thing is not about probity but is an attack on a Conservative Party MP and former Government Minister. They got rid of Hancock (helped by his own lack of restraint), they somehow don’t have to reckon with Cain or Cummings. Now Labour and the minor parties are after another scalp. The BBC will probably help keep this thing going like the ‘hand on knee’ thing of Damian Green.
Afghan families are selling their child-daughters to old men as ‘brides’.
Yes, in that enlightened faith that the BBC tells us affords wonderful rights to women and children, it’s perfectly ok to buy and sell girls as young as 4!
Four! Wow, even the paedophile prophet waited till 6 to marry, and 9 to – ahem – ‘consummate’ (rape).
But at least their hair is covered, so that’s all right then.
And by the way, well done Biden, your Afghan policy is really playing out well.
From the BBC. Not really interested are they as he is White OMG….Male OMG…..South African…..OMG and is pictured wearing a RED Poppy ……OMG X 4
Then as if thats not enough his book is about White People being murdered and thier farms reposessed even though thier familys have been there 200 years !!
Watch the moment South African author Damon Galgut won the Booker Prize for fiction for The Promise.
On picking up the award, he said: “I would like to accept this on behalf of all the stories told and untold, the writers heard and unheard, from the remarkable continent that I’m part of”.
The coloured stripes represent the change in the global average temperature since Radio 4 began in 1967.
We've added a new batch of episodes to our 39 Ways to Save the Planet podcast – from zero-carbon flight to better batteries to crisps to being happy… 🔋 🛩 🍃 😊 ☀
Despite a complete lack of interest from the general public, Davie says the BBC are doubling down on their already overwhelming climate coverage. I’m sure the licence fee payers can’t wait for more Greta lecturing on the front page! #DefundTheBBC
Swampy's son Rory tells @BBCWorldatOne that Sharma is talking rubbish: 'The Swampys of the world are all around us but they are not in the conference halls and boardrooms' https://t.co/Ph7RMF1sIg
Great discussion on the 'Match Fit' @WeAreALBERT event at @COP26 about accepting advertising from brands that are unsustainable. @claireypoole makes the point sport can help incentivise them to transform their business, saying we need to ask why, and what their plans are
"Unveiling a new study [Stop Funding Heat] claim “shows Facebook’s climate misinformation problem is not only bigger than the company suggests but that it stands to get even worse.” https://t.co/Ljon0d7Ibv
Odd battles to choose as ‘French victories’, not sure either really qualifies as such, but then Dan’s knowledge of history often seems a bit shonky… wonder why he got the job, must have been his sparkling intellect? Being a member of an ethnic minority? Peculiar sexual preferences?…
As regards the battle of Yorktown, I hate to say it but Dan Snow is right.
There is no way that the American rebel army could have defeated an army the size that Cornwallis had at that stage in the war. Washington’s army was in the process of disintegration at the time and were mutinous due to lack of pay. It was soon to be all over for them. It was Rochambeau who brought his army into play and most of the fighters on the field that day were French army regulars and it was he who spurred Washington to bring his tattered army trap the Brits on that fateful peninsula. Everybody knows that the French Navy blockaded the coast to prevent supplies getting in to the British troops but the land battle was won by the fresh French troops not the demoralised Americans.
The facts of that final battle are not popular because it would question the great American myth of the backwoods farmers defeating the ‘most powerful army in the world’.
An American colonial rebellion was all part of French strategy to bring down the British after the Seven Years war. And the British army was not the most powerful in the world but it serves the US myth to believe it.
The sad thing is that most Brits believe the American Version.
I think you’re probably right about Yorktown Yasser, and a French expeditionary force stepping in at the eleventh hour to save a faltering rebellion against their hated rivals. But, it’s not classed as a ‘French’ battle by most historians, more on the grounds of it being part of the ‘American War of Independence’ than anything else, I guess, and the French (officially anyway) being in a ‘supporting role’… and as you say, it would reduce the status of Washington to admit the superiority of the French.
One of the things I find most interesting about that war is the tiny size of the forces involved, especially compared to the massive armies of the Napoleonic Wars only a couple of decades later. A comparison of the casualties is particularly revealing. It really shows how ‘provincial’ and ‘insignificant’ the American Colonies were at the time, but don’t tell the Americans that, it might wound their self image.
University worker who was forced out of his job after objecting to boss’s demands to exclude white middle aged men from opening a new campus building wins £1,000 compensation
HR worker Ricardo Champayne complained over an email sent by Ellen Rudge
Ms Rudge was then marketing chief at University of Leicester’s Students’ Union
She had asked colleagues to suggest celebrities to open union’s new building
But in her email she said she did not want ‘another white, middle aged man’
Mr Champayne warned that Ms Rudge risked being offensive and derogatory
He later resigned and has now won an employment tribunal in Nottingham
Ms Rudge considered Mr Champayne was alleging she was a ‘racist’. She claimed she was ‘shocked and attacked’ and that her ‘integrity was questioned’.
‘Upset’ Ms Rudge brought the matter to her colleague, HR and fiance manager Samantha Creese, who ‘treated the matter seriously’ and launched a disciplinary investigation into Mr Champayne.
Around the same time, female workers had complained about ‘inappropriate’ messages from Mr Champayne on social media asking to be friends outside of work and he was jointly investigated for that.
As Mr Champayne was investigated, Ms Rudge, who now works for a volunteer group charity in Cornwall, was allowed to continue in her role at the union.
In an email, Mr Champayne said: ‘I am concerned no one did anything about Ellen’s conduct, given the gravity of what she sent to all the staff.
I'm finding the sudden interest in Climategate fascinating. It's almost like the media are taking dictation from Carrie Antoinette. https://t.co/yaDerqVYwK
The dissolute shambles clearly figured weighing in on the side of Aunty was a safe bet, but in open forum immediately went tits up.
So, arrogant to the last, he decided to fight Aaronovitch’s Drift all over again. That too, failed.
So, the brilliant solution to highlight bbc predilections to rampant censorship when the propaganda fails… he is now attacking the person rather than the argument.
“The climate scientist Philip Jones may have experienced a Howard moment when, back in 2009, a gigantic cache of emails exchanged by him and his colleagues was hacked, then leaked to a series of antipathetic bloggers and selectively quoted. ”
. . . .
Here’s the issue: In recent decades, some — although not all — trees have stopped responding positively to higher temperatures. How do we know? For the past 150 years, we’ve been measuring temperatures directly with various instruments. And, indeed, trees seem to follow temperatures faithfully, growing more during warm years and less during cold, until around 50 years ago. Then, even as scientific instruments continued to register rising temperatures, some trees started growing less.
If you were to go solely by these tree rings — and if you were looking at just ring density and width — you’d erroneously conclude that temperatures were falling when, in fact, they were rising. That’s why scientists sometimes omit tree-ring data from recent decades in favor of the more accurate instrumental data.
Sky’s climate advocacy has seen them claim sea levels are rising so quickly that the Queen will soon be swimming through Buckingham Palace – a claim that was patently false. Now they’re suggesting broadcasters should “use kids’ content” to put children off meat and dairy. It’s also worth bearing in mind that the Nudge Unit is partially owned by and run out of the Cabinet Office, which means this report is effectively government-sanctioned propaganda to push a political agenda, something that liberal democracies usually avoid. Governments encouraging broadcasters to use their power to subliminally influence the population is dangerous.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
On the BBC internet site I am looking at – outside the UK – the Paterson piece is the biggest at the top – whereas the Claudia Webbe criminal conviction and jail time ( suspended ) is way down the page under ‘other UK news ‘ … waiting to fall off into ‘London news ‘ and oblivion .
Now considering this MP made racially charged allegations against the court i should be surprised at the small coverage …
I’m sure her ‘legal team’ will appeal this whitee unfair sentence and she will go back to making laws again .
Lord Paterson of randox in the New Years “ Honours – got to be worth a few more thousand to the bent b ….
Or .. maybe he’ll climb the moral high ground that Andrew plebgate ‘ Mitchell did finding ways to give our money away to bongo bongo land …
I didn’t know the news about Webbe
but was wondering about the criminally convicted Webbe
I saw this tweet @LBC Eddie Mair has spent half an hour gloating over Owen Paterson
and hasn’t mentioned the fresher news re Claudia Webbe.
16.30 news bulletin led on OP and didn’t mention CW.
Not right
I spent sometime reading Telegraph articles about Paterson
and they didn’t imply Paterson has committed any fraud.
Obviously it is a bit weird for the 2 corps to pay an MP £70K each just for advice
but I’d like to see proper evidence of any abnormal contracts they got as a result, if there were any.
the island, don’t think you can resign as a MP, only as a Minister or Shadow Minister.
Instead you have to beg leave of the Speaker to appoint you to a post of the Chiltern Hundreds, Bailiff or Steward, or both. It is a duty answerable to the Monarch and you therefore have to stand down from your seat in the House of Commons due to your loss of independence.
I should be a whip – no way should the lord Paterson of randox be allowed to announce that today – with a red labour MP getting suspended time from de whitee court ….
BBC killing that event – coloured MPs well protected by the BBC ( see Vaz )
Fed, the BBC for TWatO were picking up on your lead and attacking Paterson and the Prime Minister big time. Bojo is really missing the organisational abilities of Dominic Cummings.
I can only think that there is another ‘Paterson ‘ story about to hit the news – he might have gone on Friday afternoon or the weekend – he had the time ….
… it won’t stop the msm going on about it as though it’s a surprise -…. Mind you Friday is the traditional day for Islamic terrorist attacks so maybe the news cycle will have moved …
Marco Silva
Senior journalist for
. Reporting on climate change disinformation for #DenialFiles. 🌍 Launched #AfricaDaily podcast.
Love a gif 👾 DMs are open 👋
London, United Kingdombbc.co.uk/programmes/p01…Joined April 2009
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The Luxembourg unit – which handles sales for the UK, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden – employs just 5,262 staff meaning that the income per employ amounts to €8.4m.
Once again, the indomitable Douglas Murray hits the nail on the head concerning COP26.
Extracts from the Sun op-ed:
“COP26’s a vanity project for the global elite and eco-alarmist kids who’ve never paid a tax bill”
“It is less than two years since Boris Johnson won an 80-seat majority for the Conservatives.
It is striking that the biggest policy idea he has had since that time is to spaff — as he would say — millions of pounds against the wall by throwing yet another yawnathon green gabfest.
The world’s political elite fly in by private jets to tell the rest of us we should cut down on commercial air travel.
Each time, they issue warnings so dire that they sound more and more like street preachers wearing The End Is Nigh sandwich boards.
Usually they tell us we have only a couple of years left to live.
This time Johnson pulled out all the stops and told us the planet only has ONE MINUTE to go before we are doomed.
It is so absurd, so palpably over the top, that it is hardly surprising many of us simply turn off.
China has no intention of stopping its economic growth by committing to zero carbon.
Nor do the countries across Africa who believe it is their right to develop like countries in the Northern Hemisphere did before them.
China alone is in the process of building hundreds of coal-fired power stations. They are not stopping because of the Glasgow summit.
Having a carbon-cutting conference without the Chinese is like having a trial without a defendant.
A wholly pointless exercise in shouting, grandstanding and reputation-polishing.
At least the Zimbabwean delegation used the opportunity as a barely disguised booze cruise.
The big news this week was that Leonardo DiCaprio had flown in to Glasgow to join the conference.
Because as everybody knows, there is no major world issue that cannot be solved by actors.
… https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16627460/cop26s-vanity-project-douglas-murray/
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
The rapid population growth is the result of declining mortality since the 1950s unmatched by changes in fertility. There are significant socioeconomic and rural-urban mortality differentials in Africa, but as yet only highly educated urbanites have measurably reduced their family size.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is growing at 2.7% a year, which is more than twice as fast as South Asia (1.2%) and Latin America (0.9%). That means Africa is adding the population of France (or Thailand) every two years.26 Mar 2020
Marky, I applaud your research. Sad fact around that (new) nation in No.1 spot; they are breeding children to replace fighters killed or incapacitated in South Sudan’s war of succession from Sudan (North).
Haitians say underaged girls were abused by U.N. peacekeepers
By Sonia Elks
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Girls as young as 11 were sexually abused and impregnated by U.N. peacekeepers in Haiti and abandoned to raise their children alone, according to testimonies from more than 2,000 residents.
12 hours each month for a monthly payment of £5,420
(£65,040 a year)
From 1 August 2018 until further notice, chair of the Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress (London) Ltd), of 9 Chamberlain House, 126 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7UR. I expect to spend approximately 12 hours each month on my duties as Chair and on preparing publications and other content, in return for a monthly payment of £5,420 (£65,040 a year). (Registered 10 October 2018)
Marky : Chuka’s side have a rule “It’s OK when we do it”
Anyone who thinks Chuka Umunna is a man of the working class and a voice of reason needs a reality check
He is paid £65,000 a year (£451 an hour) to chair Progressive Centre UK, a centrist think-tank promoting privatisation and austerity https://t.co/ngo99U2YMu
South Africa politicians ‘killing one another’ for corruption whistleblowing says report
SOUTH African politicians are hiring assassins to kill one another off as punishment for speaking out about political corruption, with more than 90 having been assassinated, according to a shock report.
19:06, Mon, Oct 1, 2018 | UPDATED: 19:13, Mon, Oct 1, 2018
Boris Johnson has confirmed he stayed for free at a holiday home owned by the family of Lord Zac Goldsmith – who received a peerage from the PM in 2019.
Stanley Johnson says Greece visit is essential to ‘Covid-proof’ villa
As well as Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate, Prince Charles also owns a second holiday home in Scotland, Castle of Mey in Caithness. The beautiful property has hosted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in August 2018, and there is also an on-site lodge which is open to the public again following coronavirus restrictions.27 May 2021
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
I see Tim Davie parrots the “science is settled” line on climate change. If he cannot understand there are other legitimate arguments to bring to the debate he should go. Either he or his propaganda factory.
More I think of it the more it seems like regression to the primitive – every ‘once in a generation weather event ‘ is man made climate change – the crops failed – the gods are angry – we must sacrifice a 17 year old mentally disordered girl …
I think this shows either how dim and tunnel visioned he is or how cowed by the militant zealots in the BBC. Either way not material to run a public service paid for by almost everyone.
Bowing to the climate high priests without dissent will affect the quality of lives of millions in this country, hence all factors should be open for investigation including the possibility that it’s complete and utter bollox.
It is high time that highly placed people in industry stopped being blackmailed by nobodies with popular grudges in their Companies and showed some real backbone, they certainly get paid enough to do this!
Amazingly, Gordon Correra has just admitted on air that he has not been doing his job. I wonder what the BBC pay him? I also wonder if the BBC will sack him? No?
I thought not.
BBC: ‘Musket balls unearthed in digs at Culloden‘
Goodness only knows what treasures future archaeologists may find deposited at Glasgow, as evidence of the battles over Cop26?
The frontpage of today’s Times pictures: ‘Leonardo Di Caprio and the Prince of Wales met yesterday at Cop26, where they viewed eco-fashions by Stella McCartney‘ – the Times there, playing the incorrigible name-droppers.
The Daily Express spots Gwyneth Paltrow wearing the same pillarbox red trouser suit she wore back in the 1990s: ‘25 years on, it still suits you, Gwynnie!‘ – I’m not sure but that may be what’s known as a backhanded compliment.
We should get used to decoding these little subtleties as more women take positions of power in our culture and media.
The Sun informs us of: ‘Anne & Rachel’s Countdown meltdown‘ – Ms Robinson, of “You are the weakest link – goodbye” fame, has apparently had maths whizz: ‘Rachel Riley’s microphone muted as part of a toxic feud‘
They do say women compliment one another – but don’t mean it, whereas men tend to offend one another – but hardly ever do it in seriousness.
Sadly, the days of such nuance are well and truely over: ‘Gary Ballance, the former England batsman, last night admitted being the Yorkshire cricketer who called Azeem Rafiq, his team-mate, a P*** in what an investigation described as “banter“‘ (Daily Telegraph)
The Telegraph there potentially being caught out breaking the new rules of cricket: ‘ICC to replace ‘batsman’ with ‘batter’ from T20 WC onwards‘ – a rare guest appearance hereabouts for The Hindu E-paper
The BBC meanwhile emphatically headlines no wriggle room for the banter defence: ‘Gary Ballance says he ‘regrets’ using racial slur against Azeem Rafiq during time together at Yorkshire‘ – the BBC there with typical lack of ballance in matters of race.
BBC approved cultural expert Jon Ronson is featured in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper with: ‘My cure for the culture wars‘
Jon Ronson has made a Radio 4 series telling strange stories from the history of the culture wars.
Here’s the blurb…
International bestselling author and podcaster Jon Ronson tracks down the people involved in some of the defining battles that have raged across cultural lines in recent decades – to hear their stories and to help us understand how we got to a point where it can feel like every aspect of our lives has the potential to divide us.
Far be it for us to rush to judgement of the book by just reading its cover but I’m guessing he will tend to blame our apparent culture war on conservatives complaining about what they see as the progressive take over of our lives and culture.
Afterall, there’s no war if one side quietly surrenders rather than fights back.
Ronson said: ‘If you’ve ever argued with someone on social media about, say, cancel-culture or mask wearing, then you are a soldier in the culture wars.
And, lest we forget, there’s a minor postscript to our handbags at dawn edition, brought to us by the Daily Mirror (tagline “Fighting for all our futures”): ‘At war: Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy‘ promoting: ‘Wagatha Christie: The film. Coleen in £1m deal‘
Impressive that Gwyneth Paltrow can fit into her 25 year old trouser suit in this age of obesity. I’m far too kind to ask if she had to have the pants’ waistband, ummh, er, relaxed a little.
Impressive? Not really.
I merely recall a diy tip from my dear old dad wiping screws in candle wax to ease insertion.
As to why a trouser suit might glide over her in similar fashion, who can say.
BBC ‘Must See’:
‘I want to feel as safe as men on public transport’
Complete with close up picture of obligatory black woman.
Go search google for ‘bus stabbing’ and see how many are women you self-obsessed misandrists.
Just a thought, but maybe the Victorians had it right with ‘women only’ trams and carriages?
When feminism is clearly completing the circle itself you know it’s had its day.
So true.
Once they get their own busses, they will notice something about the buses for men (eg more of them for more men going to work) and then declare them sexist and must be abolished.
Feminism is 25% good intention and 75% a blend of jealousy and misandry.
Emily Jones – safe in a park. BAN ALL WOMEN FROM PARKS?
I understand the BBC headline regarding Glenn Youngkin’s win in Virginia went something like “Shock win for Republican …” Such a pity the Daily Mail omitted to record the BBC reaction in this gleeful round-up:
“Hosts on MSNBC and CNN were unable to contain their shock at McAuliffe’s defeat …”
“Their shock and disappointment at the result gave conservative commentators on Twitter endless joy, with radio host Buck Sexton comparing it to the ‘seven stages of grief.’”
“National Review critic Kyle Smith said: ‘Every conservative I know is watching MSNBC.’
Pundit Stephen L. Miller joked, ‘It’s early yet but MSNBC is pulling a bit ahead in the election meltdown. Still waiting for returns from some of CNN’s more loyal viewers and the late night returns but Joy Reid looks to be pulling away early. Still too close to call though.’”
And the potential “Icing on the donut”:
No doubt the BBC will just turn its relieved attention to the Democrat Phil Murphy’s scraping home past Jack Ciattarelli …
Wel, Timme! has tickled this little ex Graun weasel.
As to this…
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink…
Love those ‘something ‘ melted stories …. Wonder what they’d say as the ice cap expanded and expanded and is due to hit Scotland soon ? – maybe 10k years ..?
Even if this were true (it isn’t), “half a metre” is about 19 1/2 inches. Do you really think that we couldn’t cope with that, especially as it would happen gradually?
It looks a bit like joining the Masons or the Mafia to me.
See… sorted!
Soros et al.
New Years Honours
A new award – the green shield …
More #tellitoftenenough from the uncontroversial juvenile swamp Wolfie brigade…
Seems the word has gone out: ‘on with all ladles’.
The reichminister for state propaganda would be proud ..
Castlemilk Primary School, Edinburgh, the ‘wear a dress for equality day’ that Zephir mentioned earlier.
25 teaching staff, 3 of whom are male, 12%.
Of the 22 female staff, 88%, there is only 1 Mrs and only 1 who uses Miss, all of the others use Ms.
Their website has an ‘Equalities’ section which has a BLM tab highlighting a number of black role models, essential in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh which is 92.6% white, and one for LGBT+ as well. Obviously an area of great concern for those aged 4-12, and of tremendous significence in an area being regenerated in an attempt to rid it of its poor housing and social welfare problems, the type of social deprivation that led to rioting in the 80s. Have a look at the results a search for Castlemilk on the Bbbc webshite throws up.
And they wonder why education in Scotland is going down the pan? Equality? Aye right.
A nice group hug, yet Boris still goes through the charade of elbow bumping instead of hand shaking.
The man is a bluffer, a bullshitter and a liar. I am not a big fan of Max Hastings, but he knows Boris well, and everything he says about him is true.
Get rid of him or face the consequences, Conservative Party.
off topic but funny
“…..a local referendum in Berlin, which strongly endorsed a campaign to expropriate properties owned by large corporate landlords.” Mark the date of this event.
The beginning of the slippery slope, aka, “You will own nothing and be happy”. Acorns and all that.
Wot abaht the UK?
““While average household size has remained stable over the last two decades, the proportion of people who live alone has increased…..”
“The number of people living alone in the UK has increased by 4.0% over the last 10 years; in 2020 the proportion of one-person households ranged from 22.8% in London to 33.6% in Scotland and the North East of England.”
Indeed a Minister recently declared that ‘we must halt single owner/occupiers from “rattling around” in a house too big for them. I regret not being able to cite the source.
Watch developments.
I’ve just logged onto wikipedia, They are now starting “Wikipedia Asian Month”. Please God, don’t let the BBC find out about this.
I have a theory that if the internet was invented in India they would have kept it to themselves. Americans tend to share what they know.
An Indian at university took out all the recommended text books from the library on day one and kept renewing the loan.
Perhaps all of Wiki will be downloaded, the original removed and replaced by links to the pay-walled Indian Internet where the old content will be hosted, innit?
In South Asian culture, knowledge IS power, to be hoarded and sold, in small lots, to the highest bidder, hence the professional Pandit class (common usage in West = ‘pundit’).
I can’t help feeling the British Library has been taken over by such.
“There’s about a dozen people watching!”
Actually, I can only count two(?) sat in seats (and the odds are those are either asleep, or on their mobiles), the others in the photo all seem to be standing around chatting, or heading for the exit.
I’ve done a few conference presentations in my time, and if that was the room I was talking to, I’d take a hint and quietly pack up and leave as well.
There’s a reason the Brazilian hookers are in town!
Perhaps Panorama will dig in and find out what’s going on?
Recycling in the UK is getting very serious…
Even our immigrants are being shipped in reusable containers.
What do you do with 365 used condoms?
Re-cycle them into a tyre and call it a Good Year.
Marianna liked it at least.
Seems around 70 other people too.
Children cannot sleep at night.
The telling thing is the full Hollywood doomsday feature film poster treatment in this. It says a lot about who these truly nutty people like Justin Rowlatt think they are and how they foolishly think the rest of us see them…. “A list stars of course”, a Hollywood fiction approach being much better than facts! It lifts them from being news hacks into personalities and puts them on the waiting list for Strikly come Prancing.
You are quite right.
Bbc graphics working OT to serve egos.
I stumbled on a YT channel which I had not previously given any credibility to and that conclusion had been wrongly based upon very brief exposures. But no longer. Being well into the last chapter of my life, I seem to have developed the overwhelming desire to understand why the World is going off the rails – daily – and who / what is responsible for the collective madness.
The YT channel is,
and the interviewee is Gad Saad who succinctly provided brilliant explanations. Well worth a watch. And a classic example of why our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” cannot compete and its demise will eventually be total irrespective of any BBC/Government intervention.
Good book – Madness of Crowds.
Not unconnected, David Starkey on Academic Freedom – including the belief that there is truth and there are falsehoods.
He now even has merchandise – buy a mug.
Can’t help thinking we are going the same way.
What is the Nudge Unit doing on coronavirus?
The Nudge Unit is working closely with the Department of Health and Social Care in crafting the government response. The most visible manifestation of its influence to date is in the communication around hand-washing and face touching – in particular the use of “disgust” as an incentive to wash hands and the suggestion of singing Happy Birthday to ensure hands are washed for the requisite 20 seconds.
FooC : Anthony Zurcher is giving the fantasy view of America as usual
“In Iowa the people seem to be *souring* on Biden”
FFS even by his questionable figures only about half the people voted for him in the first place
… Yet now stadiums shout F- Biden
The reporter hasn’t even mentioned this.
Pfizer advert for vaccines…..
This is aimed at kids obviously….
Wonder if Ms. Spring will check it out? – it seems targeted at her demographic.
Will Tony Fauci start wearing a Spandex suit with a cape and a Mexican wrestler mask?
Mid-day R4 News:
It is becoming obvious that the Owen Paterson MP thing is not about probity but is an attack on a Conservative Party MP and former Government Minister. They got rid of Hancock (helped by his own lack of restraint), they somehow don’t have to reckon with Cain or Cummings. Now Labour and the minor parties are after another scalp. The BBC will probably help keep this thing going like the ‘hand on knee’ thing of Damian Green.
I wonder if the BBC will report this?
Afghan families are selling their child-daughters to old men as ‘brides’.
Yes, in that enlightened faith that the BBC tells us affords wonderful rights to women and children, it’s perfectly ok to buy and sell girls as young as 4!
Four! Wow, even the paedophile prophet waited till 6 to marry, and 9 to – ahem – ‘consummate’ (rape).
But at least their hair is covered, so that’s all right then.
And by the way, well done Biden, your Afghan policy is really playing out well.
Shonky Dr. Bonky gets some pushback.
From the BBC. Not really interested are they as he is White OMG….Male OMG…..South African…..OMG and is pictured wearing a RED Poppy ……OMG X 4
Then as if thats not enough his book is about White People being murdered and thier farms reposessed even though thier familys have been there 200 years !!
Watch the moment South African author Damon Galgut won the Booker Prize for fiction for The Promise.
On picking up the award, he said: “I would like to accept this on behalf of all the stories told and untold, the writers heard and unheard, from the remarkable continent that I’m part of”.
About twenty reactions.
Award season.
All shall have prizes!
Has it been?
No more than any other year in history/pre-history – rather the opposite I would have thought.
Say what you like about the Graun; they get a better looking bunch of oddly solo sex activists from the jungles.
Do the indigenous whites of the British Isles factor into the six percent?
BBC Shire Radio
Protestors from Extinction Rebellion are blocking the entrances of the Three Counties Showground.
It’s in opposition to a defence and security expo taking place there today, which is being attended by 130 companies.
Turns out it is one dipsh*t up a pole that has mobilised the media.
Meanwhile, cause:effect.
Guardian Opinion
Climate depression is real. And it is spreading fast among our youth
Peter Kalmus
Sums it up.
As does this.
The rate of heat generation in media is runaway.
Best I can tell, bbc tvl payers here fund her to ride her bike.
Has she won an award for being blonde too?
Media Snow job goes consequenital.
Goes badly.
He really is a tool’s tool.
Merkel is still in power – Germany won the War.
Odd battles to choose as ‘French victories’, not sure either really qualifies as such, but then Dan’s knowledge of history often seems a bit shonky… wonder why he got the job, must have been his sparkling intellect? Being a member of an ethnic minority? Peculiar sexual preferences?…
Indeed. Between My research watching ‘Vikings’ and ‘Sleepy Hollow’ the French connections are hard to see as tangible.
As regards the battle of Yorktown, I hate to say it but Dan Snow is right.
There is no way that the American rebel army could have defeated an army the size that Cornwallis had at that stage in the war. Washington’s army was in the process of disintegration at the time and were mutinous due to lack of pay. It was soon to be all over for them. It was Rochambeau who brought his army into play and most of the fighters on the field that day were French army regulars and it was he who spurred Washington to bring his tattered army trap the Brits on that fateful peninsula. Everybody knows that the French Navy blockaded the coast to prevent supplies getting in to the British troops but the land battle was won by the fresh French troops not the demoralised Americans.
The facts of that final battle are not popular because it would question the great American myth of the backwoods farmers defeating the ‘most powerful army in the world’.
An American colonial rebellion was all part of French strategy to bring down the British after the Seven Years war. And the British army was not the most powerful in the world but it serves the US myth to believe it.
The sad thing is that most Brits believe the American Version.
I think you’re probably right about Yorktown Yasser, and a French expeditionary force stepping in at the eleventh hour to save a faltering rebellion against their hated rivals. But, it’s not classed as a ‘French’ battle by most historians, more on the grounds of it being part of the ‘American War of Independence’ than anything else, I guess, and the French (officially anyway) being in a ‘supporting role’… and as you say, it would reduce the status of Washington to admit the superiority of the French.
One of the things I find most interesting about that war is the tiny size of the forces involved, especially compared to the massive armies of the Napoleonic Wars only a couple of decades later. A comparison of the casualties is particularly revealing. It really shows how ‘provincial’ and ‘insignificant’ the American Colonies were at the time, but don’t tell the Americans that, it might wound their self image.
I think the honourable Dan lives in France now
Woke racism alive and well……
University worker who was forced out of his job after objecting to boss’s demands to exclude white middle aged men from opening a new campus building wins £1,000 compensation
HR worker Ricardo Champayne complained over an email sent by Ellen Rudge
Ms Rudge was then marketing chief at University of Leicester’s Students’ Union
She had asked colleagues to suggest celebrities to open union’s new building
But in her email she said she did not want ‘another white, middle aged man’
Mr Champayne warned that Ms Rudge risked being offensive and derogatory
He later resigned and has now won an employment tribunal in Nottingham
Ms Rudge considered Mr Champayne was alleging she was a ‘racist’. She claimed she was ‘shocked and attacked’ and that her ‘integrity was questioned’.
‘Upset’ Ms Rudge brought the matter to her colleague, HR and fiance manager Samantha Creese, who ‘treated the matter seriously’ and launched a disciplinary investigation into Mr Champayne.
Around the same time, female workers had complained about ‘inappropriate’ messages from Mr Champayne on social media asking to be friends outside of work and he was jointly investigated for that.
As Mr Champayne was investigated, Ms Rudge, who now works for a volunteer group charity in Cornwall, was allowed to continue in her role at the union.
In an email, Mr Champayne said: ‘I am concerned no one did anything about Ellen’s conduct, given the gravity of what she sent to all the staff.
Aaronovitch’s article in the Times (NewGuardian) today on this subject is taking quite a kicking in the comments !
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/storm-of-lies-is-still-raging-after-climategate-2vvfv56x3 (paywall)
Deservedly so.
The dissolute shambles clearly figured weighing in on the side of Aunty was a safe bet, but in open forum immediately went tits up.
So, arrogant to the last, he decided to fight Aaronovitch’s Drift all over again. That too, failed.
So, the brilliant solution to highlight bbc predilections to rampant censorship when the propaganda fails… he is now attacking the person rather than the argument.
I remember thinking Communist princeling Aarononovitch was a moron back in the 1980s as NUS head.
I see he’s added fractional witted establishment shill to his c.v.
The full article is available on archive.is:
“The climate scientist Philip Jones may have experienced a Howard moment when, back in 2009, a gigantic cache of emails exchanged by him and his colleagues was hacked, then leaked to a series of antipathetic bloggers and selectively quoted. ”
. . . .
Here’s the issue: In recent decades, some — although not all — trees have stopped responding positively to higher temperatures. How do we know? For the past 150 years, we’ve been measuring temperatures directly with various instruments. And, indeed, trees seem to follow temperatures faithfully, growing more during warm years and less during cold, until around 50 years ago. Then, even as scientific instruments continued to register rising temperatures, some trees started growing less.
If you were to go solely by these tree rings — and if you were looking at just ring density and width — you’d erroneously conclude that temperatures were falling when, in fact, they were rising. That’s why scientists sometimes omit tree-ring data from recent decades in favor of the more accurate instrumental data.
Sky’s climate advocacy has seen them claim sea levels are rising so quickly that the Queen will soon be swimming through Buckingham Palace – a claim that was patently false. Now they’re suggesting broadcasters should “use kids’ content” to put children off meat and dairy. It’s also worth bearing in mind that the Nudge Unit is partially owned by and run out of the Cabinet Office, which means this report is effectively government-sanctioned propaganda to push a political agenda, something that liberal democracies usually avoid. Governments encouraging broadcasters to use their power to subliminally influence the population is dangerous.
You will never guess…
Hugs all round!
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Owen Paterson resigns.
Claudia Webbe gets a suspended sentence.
On the BBC internet site I am looking at – outside the UK – the Paterson piece is the biggest at the top – whereas the Claudia Webbe criminal conviction and jail time ( suspended ) is way down the page under ‘other UK news ‘ … waiting to fall off into ‘London news ‘ and oblivion .
Now considering this MP made racially charged allegations against the court i should be surprised at the small coverage …
I’m sure her ‘legal team’ will appeal this whitee unfair sentence and she will go back to making laws again .
Lord Paterson of randox in the New Years “ Honours – got to be worth a few more thousand to the bent b ….
Or .. maybe he’ll climb the moral high ground that Andrew plebgate ‘ Mitchell did finding ways to give our money away to bongo bongo land …
I didn’t know the news about Webbe
but was wondering about the criminally convicted Webbe
I saw this tweet
@LBC Eddie Mair has spent half an hour gloating over Owen Paterson
and hasn’t mentioned the fresher news re Claudia Webbe.
16.30 news bulletin led on OP and didn’t mention CW.
Not right
I spent sometime reading Telegraph articles about Paterson
and they didn’t imply Paterson has committed any fraud.
Obviously it is a bit weird for the 2 corps to pay an MP £70K each just for advice
but I’d like to see proper evidence of any abnormal contracts they got as a result, if there were any.
Charles Moore defends Paterson
Up is Down.
Freedom is Slavery.
We are all equal.
the island, don’t think you can resign as a MP, only as a Minister or Shadow Minister.
Instead you have to beg leave of the Speaker to appoint you to a post of the Chiltern Hundreds, Bailiff or Steward, or both. It is a duty answerable to the Monarch and you therefore have to stand down from your seat in the House of Commons due to your loss of independence.
In this case.
I should be a whip – no way should the lord Paterson of randox be allowed to announce that today – with a red labour MP getting suspended time from de whitee court ….
BBC killing that event – coloured MPs well protected by the BBC ( see Vaz )
Fed, the BBC for TWatO were picking up on your lead and attacking Paterson and the Prime Minister big time. Bojo is really missing the organisational abilities of Dominic Cummings.
I can only think that there is another ‘Paterson ‘ story about to hit the news – he might have gone on Friday afternoon or the weekend – he had the time ….
… it won’t stop the msm going on about it as though it’s a surprise -…. Mind you Friday is the traditional day for Islamic terrorist attacks so maybe the news cycle will have moved …
They are breeding like rabbits.
Who the heck are all these Beeboids screaming for total censorship?
They all seem to ‘working’ for Wendy’s Thought Control Unit.
Most appear to be ‘senior’ and about twelve.
Marco Silva
Senior journalist for
. Reporting on climate change disinformation for #DenialFiles. 🌍 Launched #AfricaDaily podcast.
Love a gif 👾 DMs are open 👋
London, United Kingdombbc.co.uk/programmes/p01…Joined April 2009
5,835 Following
The Amazon founder announced a $2bn pledge to fight climate crisis in speech at summit
Amazon had sales income of €44bn in Europe in 2020 but paid no corporation tax
The Luxembourg unit – which handles sales for the UK, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden – employs just 5,262 staff meaning that the income per employ amounts to €8.4m.
Once again, the indomitable Douglas Murray hits the nail on the head concerning COP26.
Extracts from the Sun op-ed:
“COP26’s a vanity project for the global elite and eco-alarmist kids who’ve never paid a tax bill”
“It is less than two years since Boris Johnson won an 80-seat majority for the Conservatives.
It is striking that the biggest policy idea he has had since that time is to spaff — as he would say — millions of pounds against the wall by throwing yet another yawnathon green gabfest.
The world’s political elite fly in by private jets to tell the rest of us we should cut down on commercial air travel.
Each time, they issue warnings so dire that they sound more and more like street preachers wearing The End Is Nigh sandwich boards.
Usually they tell us we have only a couple of years left to live.
This time Johnson pulled out all the stops and told us the planet only has ONE MINUTE to go before we are doomed.
It is so absurd, so palpably over the top, that it is hardly surprising many of us simply turn off.
China has no intention of stopping its economic growth by committing to zero carbon.
Nor do the countries across Africa who believe it is their right to develop like countries in the Northern Hemisphere did before them.
China alone is in the process of building hundreds of coal-fired power stations. They are not stopping because of the Glasgow summit.
Having a carbon-cutting conference without the Chinese is like having a trial without a defendant.
A wholly pointless exercise in shouting, grandstanding and reputation-polishing.
At least the Zimbabwean delegation used the opportunity as a barely disguised booze cruise.
The big news this week was that Leonardo DiCaprio had flown in to Glasgow to join the conference.
Because as everybody knows, there is no major world issue that cannot be solved by actors.
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
Zimbabwean delegation doing their bit for the planet.
Leonardo DiCaprio saves the planet by snorting coke off a hooker’s backside.
The rapid population growth is the result of declining mortality since the 1950s unmatched by changes in fertility. There are significant socioeconomic and rural-urban mortality differentials in Africa, but as yet only highly educated urbanites have measurably reduced their family size.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is growing at 2.7% a year, which is more than twice as fast as South Asia (1.2%) and Latin America (0.9%). That means Africa is adding the population of France (or Thailand) every two years.26 Mar 2020
United Kingdom/Population growth rate
0.6% annual change (2020)
List of African countries by population growth rate
CIA World Factbook (2017)[1]
Rank Country Annual growth (%)
1 South Sudan 3.83
2 Angola 3.52
3 Malawi 3.31
4 Burundi 3.25
5 Uganda 3.20
6 Niger 3.19
7 Mali 3.02
8 Burkina Faso 3.00
9 Zambia 2.93
10 Ethiopia 2.85
11 Tanzania 2.75
12 Benin 2.71
13 Togo 2.64
14 Guinea 2.61
15 Cameroon 2.56
16 Liberia 2.50
17 Madagascar 2.50
18 Mozambique 2.46
19 Egypt 2.45
20 Rwanda 2.45
21 Equatorial Guinea 2.44
22 Nigeria 2.43
23 Senegal 2.39
24 Sierra Leone 2.38
25 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.37
26 Ghana 2.17
27 Mauritania 2.17
28 Djibouti 2.16
29 Central African Republic 2.12
30 Republic of the Congo 2.11
31 Gambia 2.05
32 Somalia 2.00
33 Namibia 1.95
34 Gabon 1.92
35 Chad 1.86
36 Guinea-Bissau 1.86
37 Ivory Coast 1.84
38 São Tomé and Príncipe 1.72
39 Algeria 1.70
40 Kenya 1.69
41 Comoros 1.64
42 Sudan 1.64
43 Libya 1.58
44 Zimbabwe 1.56
45 Botswana 1.55
46 Cape Verde 1.33
47 Eswatini 1.08
48 Tunisia 1.01
49 South Africa 0.99
50 Morocco 0.97
51 Eritrea 0.85
52 Seychelles 0.77
53 Mauritius 0.59
54 Lesotho 0.28
Marky, I applaud your research. Sad fact around that (new) nation in No.1 spot; they are breeding children to replace fighters killed or incapacitated in South Sudan’s war of succession from Sudan (North).
Gainful African Employment.
“You will learn what we require you to learn”
“So yes, it is worse than that, Jimmy”
Haitians say underaged girls were abused by U.N. peacekeepers
By Sonia Elks
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Girls as young as 11 were sexually abused and impregnated by U.N. peacekeepers in Haiti and abandoned to raise their children alone, according to testimonies from more than 2,000 residents.
Urgent …
Labour ….
12 hours each month for a monthly payment of £5,420
(£65,040 a year)
From 1 August 2018 until further notice, chair of the Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress (London) Ltd), of 9 Chamberlain House, 126 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7UR. I expect to spend approximately 12 hours each month on my duties as Chair and on preparing publications and other content, in return for a monthly payment of £5,420 (£65,040 a year). (Registered 10 October 2018)
Marky : Chuka’s side have a rule “It’s OK when we do it”
Can UK politicians use expenses?
Hit Men and Power: South Africa’s Leaders Are Killing One Another
South Africa politicians ‘killing one another’ for corruption whistleblowing says report
SOUTH African politicians are hiring assassins to kill one another off as punishment for speaking out about political corruption, with more than 90 having been assassinated, according to a shock report.
19:06, Mon, Oct 1, 2018 | UPDATED: 19:13, Mon, Oct 1, 2018
Boris Johnson has confirmed he stayed for free at a holiday home owned by the family of Lord Zac Goldsmith – who received a peerage from the PM in 2019.
Stanley Johnson says Greece visit is essential to ‘Covid-proof’ villa
As well as Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate, Prince Charles also owns a second holiday home in Scotland, Castle of Mey in Caithness. The beautiful property has hosted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in August 2018, and there is also an on-site lodge which is open to the public again following coronavirus restrictions.27 May 2021