625 Responses to Midweek 3 November 2021

  1. Up2snuff says:

    BBC biased against the Conservative Government and the PM?

    You judge.

    (scroll down to Newsbeat below ‘Most Read’ and above ‘Sport’.


  2. MarkyMark says:

    What the hell …

    Meredith Kercher’s killer to complete sentence doing community service
    This article is more than 10 months old
    Rudy Guede, 34, only person definitively convicted of murder of British student in Italy in 2007



    Guede had already been given partial prison release in 2017 and until the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic had been working in the library of a criminology centre in the Lazio town of Viterbo. Umbria24 reported that the centre closed because of the pandemic and that Guede then began working as a volunteer for the Catholic charity, Caritas. Rome’s surveillance court has now entrusted him to social services in what his lawyer, Fabrizio Ballarini, said was a sign of Guede’s “high level of social integration” and “irreproachable conduct”.


    • StewGreen says:

      It’s in the news cos Amanda Knox is in the news
      He was her new boyfriend at the time of the killing
      And the end of the full judicial process she was completely exonerated… Woman’s Hour said


      • Jeff says:

        He wasn’t her boyfriend at the time of the killing, the young Italian lad was.

        If you remember there was a lot of media criticism as to their behaviour after the murder.


        • StewGreen says:

          @Jeff ah my error, I though WH said her “new” boyfriend had been rrested first for the crime.


  3. Dover Sentry says:

    This from our BBC is very disturbing. Our BBC of course supports it.

    “Climate change: Facebook fails to flag denial, study finds”

    “Climate change denial is spreading unchecked on Facebook, two studies by disinformation researchers have found.”

    “The Center for Countering Digital Hate and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue said less than 10% of misleading posts were marked as misinformation.”


    So, Climate Change denial is now a Hate-Crime?


  4. Dover Sentry says:

    Over half the UK population is anti-Climate Change and refuses to believe the CO2 garbage.

    There is here a recipe for Civil War in the not too distant future.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Dover Sentry
      Never mind COP26. Our money would better spent finding a cure for COPD.


    • africamike says:

      Dover, I would love to believe that this is true, and I have searched for evidence that I am not part of a small minority surrounded by a sea of fools. Do you have good evidence to support this? Please don’t take this as a challenge. I am only looking for ammunition to continue the fight.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        @africamike. There is abundant evidence. No evidence for Climate Change, though. Only in the minds of the anti-Brexit and anti-Trump brigade. Is this you?


        • africamike says:

          @Dover Sentry, indeed I see no evidence for man-made climate change, and abundant evidence that it is a fabricated scam. However, I am referring to the degree of acceptance of this lie by the UK population, and more generally the global population. You say that over half in UK are anti climate change. But is that based on surveys, or just a feeling?


    • G says:


      Let’s hope there are power cuts over the winter, just enough to demonstrate how incompetent this Executive really is and focus the public’s minds.


  5. Northern Voter says:

    The Labour Party is constantly at war with it’s conscience, unfortunately the Labour Party wins every time.


  6. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news “and now COP26”
    .. they laid the propaganda on thick; Climate Kids etc.


    • StewGreen says:

      Here’s 1 of the 3 COP26 tweets , our ITV local news tweeted today


  7. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news opened with massive coverage of Yorkshire cricket “crisis”

    so far the main thing is one Pakistani cricketer
    has been called the P-word some years ago by his best mate cricketer.

    That’s a whole different thing from 30 brown players coming forward with great cases , that prove they were held back

    My sympathies still lie with the guys who actually raped multiple times by their football coaches.

    UK media never seem to have proper proportionality in their outrage.

    End of the prog had a long item with another racebaiter Ashley Banjo
    about his judging of the Pride of Britain award
    ..there didn’t seem to be a local connection.


    • JohnC says:

      I have to admit that I am still somewhat perplexed about how simply calling someone by the first half of the country they come from can be so hugely offensive.

      It’s like the country is such an awful sh1thole that it a disgusting thing to call someone. Having never been there (and never will), I have no idea if that is the case or not.


    • Piku says:

      “so far the main thing is one Pakistani cricketer
      has been called the P-word some years ago by his best mate cricketer.”

      If you are referring to Azeem Rafiq you are wrong. Rafiq has played for England. He is an English cricketer.


      • taffman says:

        I am often called a “Brit”.
        Care to comment ?
        May I ask you why you post here on this site and do you pay the Telly Tax ?


      • Banania says:

        Turn on your heel and go back to UKIP


        • taffman says:

          I doubt he is a member of UKIP.
          He is an Al Beeboid employee. That’s why he gets a free Telly Tax.
          Over to you Piku for an answer …………….


      • StewGreen says:

        “so far the main thing is one ethnic-Pakistani cricketer
        has been called the P-word some years ago by his best mate cricketer.”

        There was no pressing reason to include the word “ethnic the first time
        You know I never claimed that he wasn’t an England cricketer.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        And what do you think he considers his main identity?


  8. JohnC says:

    Very sad to learn the young black male Keon Lincoln was murdered by Tahjgeem Breakenridge, Michael Ugochukwu and 2 younger others (one only 14 who had a gun and the other a knife who are being protected) after being stabbed 8 times and shot.

    I’m assuming the story is from Africa or somewhere in another place coincidentally called Birmingham because it sure doesn’t sound like the England I grew up in.



  9. JohnC says:

    Claudia Webbe: MP convicted of harassment gets suspended sentence

    Black, former labour female MP is convicted of threatening to throw acid over someone.

    This could get the record for the fastest slide off the front page and into ‘regions’.


    • StewGreen says:

      This country had a man who was court short when all the toilets were closed
      so he had a pee against a wall
      Five days later, he was jailed for 14 days and served 7.


  10. StewGreen says:

    BBC local news .. no climate item yet
    but now a long item about the woman who says Smart Motorways killed her husband.

    I believe that in the same years her husband died MORE people would have died if traffic had been crammed onto 3 lanes instead 4.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I disagree. So-called “smart motorways” are a death trap.


      • StewGreen says:

        @Rob that is clearly not true, cos there are millions of miles of journeys on them everyday
        but very few deaths.

        Showing cherrypicked widows does make for good science.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:


          They are just not safe. They were sold with the claim that they were constantly monitored for broken down cars, but that is just a lie. People have died because of it. If you have to stop in what used to be the hard shoulder, but is now a live lane, your life is in great danger. You might be safe if you can get to a haven, but these were meant to be every few hundred yards, yet many are over a mile apart, no doubt to save a few quid. I repeat, they are death traps.


          • StewGreen says:

            @Rob I didn’t say they were 100% “safe”
            I believe they are SAFER than conventional motorways, as the government says
            until someone shows me proper statistical evidence against.
            Of course putting on a fifth lane as a hard shoulder would make them even safer than they are.


            • Rob in Cheshire says:


              They won’t put in a 5th lane. The whole point of “smart motorways” (they aren’t) is to save money by using the hard shoulder as a 4th lane.

              I applaud your faith in the government, by the way. They would never lie to us, would they?


  11. Thoughtful says:

    Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
    The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
    I know of no reason
    Why the Gunpowder Treason
    Should ever be forgot.
    Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent
    To blow up the King and Parli’ment.
    Three-score barrels of powder below
    To prove old England’s overthrow;
    By God’s providence he was catch’d
    With a dark lantern and burning match.
    Holla boys, Holla boys, let the bells ring.
    Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
    And what should we do with him? Burn him!

    Perhaps we should be looking to see if there is any storage space for rent under the palace of Westminster, just for a few casks of wine you understand ? Cough cough.


  12. StewGreen says:

    TV guides show Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain | Yesterday Channel 7pm
    everyday his week
    Yet it’s been replaced by another series
    Is TV land so nutty they’ve cancelled Fred cos of COP26 ?


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Another piece of news the BBC wont be reporting – the convicted criminal coloured far left MP has been thrown out of the Labour Party .
    Hasnt the poor lady suffered enough ? Suffering a prison sentence is no easy deal .


  14. Dover Sentry says:

    Our biggest hope to destroy the Climate Change hoax rests with Trump. The Reps will certainly win control of the House and Senate at the end of next year in the mid terms.

    Trump and Putin will be a powerful force.

    Climate Change is taught with an evangelical fervour in our schools by a far left education system. This has to stop.

    As for our BBC…. 🙁


    • Fedup2 says:

      It depends on the outcome of the war of vote counting .,…


      • StewGreen says:

        Fedup2 If they rigged the election successfully for Biden
        how come they didn’t igged the election successfully in Virginia now ?
        Or was the real vote for Republicans even bigger ?


  15. vlad says:

    In his biased report on the Virginia election, Lurcher makes at least two statements that are opinion, not fact.

    He refers to the “”stolen election” that wasn’t stolen”, and the “still-unpopular former president”.

    Who says the election wan’t stolen, and where is the former President unpopular?

    Answer to both questions: the BBC.



    • StewGreen says:

      The line “the still-unpopular former president.”
      Is almost the last takeaway line Zurcher gives at the end of his article.

      What’s going on ?
      libmob media give us the picture of the world they want it to be, rather that what is really is

      Zurcher’s bubble believe Trump is unpopular
      Hence when opinion survey firm FiveThirtyEight did an article tracking Trump and Harris’s popularity
      They use the word UNPOPULAR fr Trump three times
      and for Harris zero times
      Yet their own stats show the two have almost equal favour disfavour 53/41 52/42

      We wouldn’t say Remain was UNPOPULAR, they were only beaten by 52%
      So why claim Trump is unpopular when 53% are again him
      In the real world popular is when more than 30% or 40% of people support you. .. so Trump is well popular.



  16. Thoughtful says:

    The News reports Lionel Blair is dead at the age of 92 Damn! I first read it as Tony Blair was dead !


  17. StewGreen says:

    Covid news : positives have not soared like many media claimed, they would.
    They peaked about 2 weeks ago
    Deaths always trail cases by a few weeks, so it is not surprising deaths have not peaked.



  18. vlad says:

    The psychotic Labour MP convicted of threatening to throw acid on a love rival played the race card, natch.

    “In a message apparently sent to her supporters before the verdict, the MP – who denied the harassment claims – said: ‘I am a black woman in a white court, facing a white system and white prosecutors.

    ‘I have been deliberately targeted because I am vulnerable.’

    It continued: ‘I know first-hand the sexism and racism institutions and media use to vilify black women.’ ”




    • G.W.F. says:

      The race card played in court

      Guido Fawkes
      · 6h
      News from Claudia Webbe’s hearing:

      Back at 15.30.

      Her barrister asked the judge to “please consider my clients suffering as a black woman and the abuse she encounters”

      The judge reminded her that Claudia is not the victim.


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        To reprise something that the late England football manager Bobby Robson once said about a player called Neil Webb:

        “A lot of players are special but Webbe is special special”


      • vlad says:



    • digg says:

      What an absolutely devious toad she is! How do we people like this get into our Government?


    • Banania says:

      I think it is unkind to show disapproval of throwing acid, when it is part of her heritage.


  19. StewGreen says:

    Channel4 the home of NEW ORIGINAL comedy ….. not


  20. BRISSLES says:

    Having missed it the first time around (like 30 years ago), I’m on episode 3 of Michael Palin’s Pole to Pole. Its like a history lesson – where I began to think what I was doing in 1991 ! As he sets sail in the Arctic, not one word about the ice cap melting or climate change, in fact, the ‘envornment’ word was only mentioned a couple of times. Amazingly Tallin was not yet a destination for hen parties or city break, I hadn’t realised that St Petersburg was still called Leningrad, and the Ukraine was fighting for independence from Russia.

    Palin at his best, when drinking home made vodka with Russians and didn’t want to party poop by refusing, and slowly getting pissed on camera. Good tv back then, and somehow didn’t seem like 30 years ago, until its realised that there were no mobile phones, computers were big and clunky, and the fashion was 80’s – jeez did we REALLY look and dress like that !


    • Scroblene says:

      Thanks so much Brissles, you’ve just reminded me to buy his ‘Ripping Yarns’, for when the Senora comes home!

      She called a ‘boring little t**’ yesterday, (one of the highlights of the great series), so she won’t be long methinks!

      We’ve bought so much from Ebay in the form of antidotes to the awful rubbish of the bbc’s ‘comedy’ and trashy remakes of old faves, and of course, like most normal citizens, we’re ignoring all the ‘dross goss’ going on Glasgow!


  21. StewGreen says:

    Someone just reminded me of the list of 50 BBC biases



  22. Sluff says:

    Lionel Blair has died. Ex captain of ‘Give us a Clue’.
    And in the immortal words of Humphrey Littleton, who can forget the gleam in Lionel’s eye when he bent over Michael Aspel’s desk to receive A Man Called Horse.

    RIP Lionel.


  23. vlad says:

    The Dems brought out all the big guns in Virginia:
    Saint O’Barmy of Kenya; Heels-up-Harris; and the most popular President in history with 81 gazillion votes.

    All that fire power against an unknown newbie… and still they lost.

    Analyse that, BBC.


    • taffman says:

      Which bodes the question , is Joe a ‘sock puppet’ ?


      • vlad says:

        Joe is undoubtedly a sock puppet, and the people neither like him nor whoever has their hand up his opening.
        Probably Obama.


    • JohnC says:

      They said it was just because everyone was racists and the solution is to hammer on just the same.

      Reminded me of a time at BAE Systems when a project was failing because of too much management and not enough engineering. The solution they came up with was more management.

      Don’t get me started on the number of meetings where the only action was to arrange another meeting.


      • Scroblene says:

        Reminds me of a dreadful prog on the BBC some years ago, probably back when Blair was trashing the UK, where they filmed a group of lefty councillors on a train jolly to some godforsaken town in France or somewhere, and the arch-leftie ‘chair***’ wanted a decision on a tiny irrelevant point, so her opening remarks said (in the whiney voice that all lefties have), something like, ‘I just want to call a meeting where we can discuss in a non-confronational way, blah blah blah…’, and remember thinking what on earth are they expecting to get out of it if someone says something the others don’t agree with!

        But luckily, I managed to turn the blasted set off in time!


    • Guest Who says:

      Our local shire radio pops out FB posts hourly on this topic.

      Few manage more than a dozen reactions.

      Meanwhile, in the BBC Moaning Emole, moves appear afoot…


      What’s on at COP26?

      It’s youth day at the UN’s climate summit in Glasgow. Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi is to set out a series of measures aimed at further embedding the issue in the English schools curriculum – including a new Duke of Edinburgh-style award recognising efforts to protect the environment. But there could be as much interest in what’s going on outside the COP26 campus, with thousands of young people – including Swedish activist Greta Thunberg – expected to take part in a protest march through the city.

      Given their best efforts so far, good luck with that.


  24. Fedup2 says:

    Bit of a rant –

    Do you notice how the bias dictates that non approved stories – such as that of a coloured MP convicted of Harrassment and sent to prison ( suspended in order to stop her reoffending ) –

    …just don’t get covered in the level expected – or indeed – at all.
    Now the rant .
    The treatment of coloured people in the criminal justice system is a bbc favourite –
    domestic violence and harassment is a bbc favourite –
    The conduct of MPs is a big favourite

    So where is the examination or reporting of this case . ? None .
    Instead – because a paki cricketer got called a paki it’s top billing – a sports man playing the victim – race card – a wimp .and the world collapses because of it .

    The Paterson story runs and runs for the BBC – presumably he resigned because his non MP income ( bungs ) will dry up . Will he land up on the board of Randox .

    I think the private income of every MP should be examined again – and a lot of MPs such as Rees Mogg – who sold their morality out for Party reasons should have a look at themselves .
    It’s easy for nut nut as he has no morality or honour so the parliament mess means nothing to him . The MSM is right to go on about this – but as for Claudia Webbe ? Silence .

    Will she keep going with the harassment ? Will she stay as an MP ?


    • Zephir says:

      I can only wholeheartedly agree, my disgust with the bbc inceases even more, an MP threatens someone with acid and found guilty and not even on the website front page (cos she is black innit ?)

      yet some uses the word paki and its front page news

      (he made me cry cos he said a bad word FFS)

      No sympathy whatsoever for the victim of that prsychotic black MP though


      by the way if you submit a complaint, ask them if they had another group w@nk into their skinny lattes when they found another trivial example of white racism

      they don’t like that, apparently


      • TrickCyclist says:

        I am reminded of the OJ Simpson trial when somebody commented that his defence had successfully convinced the jury that a policeman using the ‘N’ word was a worse crime than stabbing two people to death.


        • Foscari says:

          As in the Azeem Rafiq “racist” situation where the BBC is
          in it’s element. But we “white scum” must remember one
          important thing. It’s ok for blacks to call fellow blacks
          ni*****s in banter. It’s ok also for any ethnic to make banter
          against “whitie”. But let’s just see for a start if we hear or see
          Michael Vaughan on the radio or TV again. That’s is even if
          he wasn’t involved in any banter.


          • TrickCyclist says:

            Like Sophie Duker saying “kill whitey” on Frankie Boyle’s New World Order, which according to the BBC was “within audience expectations for a post-watershed, topical, satirical programme from a comedian whose style and tone are well-established.”


            • Rob in Cheshire says:

              Yes, and David Starkey said “damn blacks” (which he apologised for) and was immediately cancelled.


  25. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – the chaos continues because the BBC like chaos when it is Conservative chaos

    The jumble inside the head our Prime Minister, reflected in or evidenced by his chaotic lifehairstyle, rumpled suit and poorly knotted tie, will be meat and drink, a Dish of the Day for our culinary and food-obsessed BBC. Scrabbling for small mercies, I find at least the COP show in Glasgow’s mean streets has been tipped out of its dominant position to the waste tip of “in other news …”


  26. Fedup2 says:

    I was thinking about the noises politicians made after Dave Amess was murdered – but how empty all that ‘respect ‘ stuff is .
    For instance – the physical appearance of individuals is treated carefully by the MSM – particularly if colour is involved – yet when it comes to cartoons of white people- or physical characteristics – there is no barrier .

    Don’t get me wrong – I don’t give a damn . I like seeing cartoons of the false profit and coloured people … but won’t be seeing many of those types because this is a free country ….


    • Up2snuff says:

      Quite right, Fed. Once again I think we should have some ‘ordinary people’ taking up oversight of the House of Commons and perhaps more ‘ordinary people’ elected to the House of Commons. And big reform of the Upper House, too.


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Bloody hell – the BBC is really after cricket for whitees . But I have a remedy . Body cameras all round – all cricketers to have constant recording so when insults are thrown around – disciplinary action can be taken – what’s wrong with that .

    Any abusive words or noises can be used in TV programmes to discipline players …


    • Up2snuff says:

      Aw, Fed, y’kna that’s gonna have the whole of the Aussie cricket team red-carded for sledgin’ n back in the Pavo downin’ a few tubes at the bar, mate. Ashes over. Cheers.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I know nothing of cricketing but understand they sledge each other … that has to be banned in accordance with the Banter Act which I introduced to the House the other day


        • Up2snuff says:

          What about the Bunter Act, Fed, when is that going to appear for a vote?


          • Fedup2 says:

            I’m sure that a £9k a month consultancy fee would ensure that Act would finds its way onto the statute book ….

            … I’m wondering who randox is going to bung next – and why the msm has given them a free pass …?

            ( randox was bunging Owen ‘no justice ‘ Paterson btw )


  28. Guest Who says:

    And this is how you get away with if you are Vile.



  29. Guest Who says:

    Claire Fox was at least there.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      He looks like Edward, the mad shopkeeper from League of Gentleman. I expect he only wants local things for local people.


  30. Guest Who says:

    All to keep Hortense in cardboard and sharpies.


  31. Guest Who says:

    Living the nightmare as she did, Ann looks well chipper.


  32. Fedup2 says:

    BBC providing unplanned comedy by moaning about the number of taxi drivers falling causing people to use public transport – oh the suffering ..

    … then giving air to ‘mums ‘ who want car use reduced . Better not tell the mummys taking the brats to school in the 4×4 each day – and sitting outside in the afternoon with the engine running … hilarious ….


    • BRISSLES says:

      Fed, yep, the mummys pollute the air at the school gates twice a day, AND THEN do the same in the evenings when dropping off and picking up their little darlings at various clubs. Personal experience here, my normally quiet road during the day becomes a race track at tea time several times a week, when Chelsea tractors – all containing just the driver and one child, head for the Scout/Guides Building further down the street. As its a ‘no through road’ I’ve been known to walk my dog down the middle of the road to slow the bastards down. Lol ! I’m such a geriatric rebel !


      • Fedup2 says:

        Brissles darling
        I have developed a ‘survival strategy ‘ around my way at ‘school times ‘ . Basically I avoid driving my motor scooter – using buses or being in public places near schools for fear of death or serious injury / arrest as a result of altercations between mummy 4×4 drivers or their tooled up brats ….
        …… recently – however – because grant ships gave the socialist council millions to close roads for non existent cyclists – all the mummy’s form a long queue …


  33. AsISeeIt says:

    After weeks of heavy hint dropping about an impending rise in interest rates the Governor of the Bank of England insists this morning: ‘…he is not an “unreliable boyfriend” after the Bank of England wrongsided financial markets by leaving interest rates unchanged’ (Telegraph) – perhaps it was Rishi who took one glance at the government’s borrowing account and made the booty call?

    The libido’s not what it used to be… but I’ve got a new knee‘ (Telegraph) so says Rod Stewart as he reflects on: ‘Rod’s rocking seventies

    In a similiar geriatric vein The Times features: ‘Clint Eastwood at 91. The return of the Hollywood cowboy‘ – he may be in his dotage, and we’re provided with scant information about his libido, but perhaps the veteran of many a Spagetti and Hollywood shoot out could teach Alec Baldwin a thing or two about shooting blanks?

    They do say politics is showbiz for ugly people.

    Ed Balls to host Good Morning Britain. Quick on his feet. Former MP Ed Balls has become a TV favourite after stint on Strictly‘ – favorite…? or so the Daily Mirror suggests.

    Appropriately enough: ‘Satire’s need for reinvention...’ – muses Armando Iannucci in the ‘i’ paper: “I had to say goodbye to my mother on FaceTime

    Zoom and other video communications apps are also available. Personally, I can’t even get my old dad to figure out how to use a cellphone.

    There’s a theme of individuals being held to account (or not so much) this morning: ‘Sleaze row MP quits. Backlash forces Boris U-turn in lobbying furore‘ (Daily Express)

    Acid threat MP avoids prison. Disgraced Claudia Webb gets suspended sentence for harrassing “love rival”‘ (Metro)

    The BBC eagerly looks forward to a by-election in the former – if not the latter – case: ‘Owen Paterson: Labour will contest North Shropshire by-election

    This is news since: ‘Talks were held on Thursday between Labour, the Liberal Democrats and Green Party over whether to back an independent “anti-sleaze” candidate

    Labour’s ego apparently getting in the way of a glorious rainbow coalition there.

    The BBC can’t help themselves blowing their own lefty trumpet: ‘Back in 1997 former BBC journalist Martin Bell took on – and defeated – Conservative incumbent Neil Hamilton in Tatton, Cheshire, after opposition parties stepped aside

    In Swedish news, we’ll skip: ‘Abba’s dreary new album‘ (‘i’) and try instead to get our heads around: ‘UK trans man travels to Sweden to give birth – and be baby’s legal father

    Whatever peculiar notion floats yer boat, mate. Anything goes these days. I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best for the poor kid’s future, childprotection-wise?

    One can’t help but recall that not-so-very-ancient ITV sitcom Rising Damp and specifically the scene where Rigsby first noticed Alan, the student character played by the young Richard Beckinsale, wearing an earring: “Stop the world, I wan’t to get off!”

    As I recall Leonard Rossiter went into an impassioned comic monologue about modern youth of the 1970s and the likely reaction of the invading Soviet Russians were they to see their Cold War rivals in the west wearing women’s jewellery.

    In real life, politically, Rossiter sat somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan, while his sitcom object of devotion Miss Jones, played by Frances de la Tour, in contrast, was a big noise in Equity the stage trades union and a dyed-in-the-wool pinko.

    The pair may not have got on socially but the on-screen chemistry was magical (unlike the “love wood” – there’s one for the fans) – perhaps TV audiences sensed some underlying verity in the comedically expressed attitudes of the characters and found catharsis in the frank expression of Rigsby’s dying conservative view of the world – albeit he was inevitably ultimately the butt of the joke.

    One can’t imagine TV, or for that matter any popular culture, ever again reaching such heights.

    And after what seems like months of the Cop26 clown show…

    As Armando rightly suggets – satire needs reinvention.


    • Banania says:

      “Harrassing”? All she threatened to do was throw acid at her; are we losing our sense of proportion?


  34. Guest Who says:

    Given her qualifications, how could they not?


    • digg says:

      So that’s screen entertainment about to go even further down the toilet than it already is then. Good luck with future audience figures BAFTA!

      Few things annoy me more than realising I am being preached at by a bunch of actor luvvies and their directors, for a sample see the cringey soap climate embarrassment that has been going on all week.


  35. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – Gary Sport makes a bid for a chair presenting TOADY

    The Yorkshire C.C.C. ‘row’: Gary is interviewing Julian Knight MP, Chair of the House Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee. Other cricket players from outside Yorkshire have made accusations of being racially abused while training with the club. Gary is determined to find a number. How many? He presses the MP. Again and again. Gary obviously wants to beat Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg to that TOADY seat.

    I ask Gary’s twin, Rob Sport, for a comment. Do you want to lose Gary? Will he get the job? Who can possibly replace him? There is a sort of silence, maybe a snort or static on the line. Perhaps Rob is tucked up in bed asleep and I heard snoring. Or he is out walking the dog or shopping with his wife. Who knows? That’s all from me; back to the Bee Lady in the studio.


  36. Fedup2 says:

    Fascinating how eager the BBC is to report tedious baddy colour words in Yorkshire rather than rapist paedo rings run by teams of …. Paki s …..funny that – paste that one trolls …

    … and apparently HMS big boat is returning to Blighty and could be used against ‘extremists ‘…so they are targeting tower hamlets , Luton – Bradford ?


    • Banania says:

      You must learn to distinguish between the vicious use of deadly life-endangering language by the dominant class and the enriching customs belonging to the heritage of an ethnic minority.


  37. Guest Who says:

    Order of Lenin for this young pioneer!


    • Guest Who says:

      Nudge, nudge, BBC, Sky…


      • MarkyMark says:

        Are there really children in the UK who start school or nursery not knowing what their names are or even that they have a name?

        That was the startling claim by the government’s poverty czar Frank Field on Saturday.


      • MarkyMark says:

        On the walls were scarlet banners of the Youth League and the Spies, and a full-sized poster of Big Brother. There was the usual boiled-cabbage smell, common to the whole building, but it was shot through by a sharper reek of sweat, which — one knew this at the first sniff, though it was hard to say how — was the sweat of some person not present at the moment. In another room someone with a comb and a piece of toilet paper was trying to keep tune with the military music which was still issuing from the telescreen.



    • MarkyMark says:

      “Kids, go home and Kill your Brexit voting Parents.” (c) nish kumar


      • Lefty Wright says:

        If the likes of Katie Hopkins had told that obvious but tasteless joke against Remainers she would have been crucified by the whole Marxist MSM.
        Viva Katie!


    • G.W.F. says:

      Dad to young girl. ‘Bugger off and take care of yourself, see how far you get on the money you obtained from this BBC interview’.


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Guest Who
      The Leftists have always used fear and blackmail as a psychological weapon. They just do not care who gets hurt.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      She will go far in the Young Pioneers, once she has sent her climate traitor father to the labour camps.


    • Banania says:

      Sickening. If Daddy really loved he he would give up his job so as to provide her with a better life.


  38. BRISSLES says:

    If this cricketer of colour has been sharing this ‘banter’ for many years with his long standing friend who has now been accused of racial slurs – as has been reported, then why wait until now to make an issue out of it ? Opportunity for a big compensation pay day perhaps ? Will Sporting clubs be reluctant now to employ BAME’s as it could create more future trouble than its worth ?

    Humour between mates is gradually being eroded if one party decides to take umbrage and goes to the Press. I wonder what the media would say 60 years ago when I called my bestie a spas (which she also called herself) – she had a gammy leg.

    I can only imagine those straight talking board members of the YCCC are wondering what the hell is going on !


    • G.W.F. says:

      Following a stroke my aunt, who lived with us, was paralysed down the left side of her body. She had to be carried from room to room. My mum, who was pregnant, carried her and collapsed losing her baby.
      People admonished my mum telling her that she should not have attempted to carry her sister.
      My mum replied ‘But she is a cripple and someone has to carry her’.

      Yes, she was a cripple, and being a cripple merited some kind of moral status, with an imperative to assist her.

      Perhaps my aunt could have complained to the media over the hurty feelings associated with being described as a cripple.


      • Banania says:

        Some one I knew lived in a special home where he was taught to make things for sale. The home was called Cripplecraft.


  39. Guest Who says:

    So many, on so much, with so little of value to share.


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems to be a thing.


    • MarkyMark says:

      I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect. I feel that by going back to the normal work of writing and journalism I could be more useful than I am at present.



    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      The River Clyde used to be where 20% of the world’s ships were made. You’d think the greens would be happy that all that trade has gone (to China and South Korea!). Nothing satisfies them.


  40. Guest Who says:

    This image is doing the rounds today.

    “And they looked from government to media, and back from media to government, and realised there was not a fag paper between them”


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it (China) has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}

    – I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
    – I wonder what Al Gore would say?

    Until recently, only developed countries were obligated or encouraged to provide climate finance for developing countries. But several countries classified by the UNFCCC as developing — such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have the financial capacity to contribute. {thinkprogress.org dec2015}

    – Saudi Arabia is a developing country – developing into what?
    – We are all equal, but some fossil fuel countries are more equal than others



    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      China and Russia are loving all this.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Never Interrupt Your Enemy When He Is Making A Mistake by Sun Tzu


      • MarkyMark says:


        “Let the politicians who want us to eat bugs, have cold showers, lukewarm heat pumped houses, higher energy bills and far more expensive foreign holidays, make their case!”


  42. digg says:

    @alfie_alford the head of SKY Sports with a very revealing quote about the climate change message and the media…

    Our Alfie says on twitter “sports is itself vulnerable to the effects of climate change and explains there’s a need to weave in the messaging to alter behaviours. He explains audiences would switch off if there was a documentary included – the key is to weave.”

    In the 1960’s a bloke in the USA called Vance Packard wrote a book called “The Hidden Persuaders” all about how advertising was dangerously influencing buying behaviour by weaving “hidden” messages into TV advertising.

    So there you have it folks, we are have propaganda “weaved” into all we view, like it or not. Goebbels himself would have been proud to have come up with this.

    It elevates TV companies into pseudo Government behaviourist departments in order to keep us plebs acting the way they want us to.

    There will come a time to rise up against this dangerous “common purpose” nonsense whereby TV companies adopt the role of policing behaviour.


    • Guest Who says:

      Letting the girls in the graphics Dept run riot is possibly not helping.

      Or the wimmin.


      • Banania says:

        Are we supposed to know who that person is, or is it just a generic non-Caucasian and therefore suffering from our behaviour?


    • Fedup2 says:

      The real ‘ fun ‘ will be placing’ climate propaganda ‘ alongside the race and queer messages in all msm drama and programmes
      Cant see that going too well – particularly if the cost of existing is pushed up by green crap / taxes


  43. Guest Who says:

    They have dug up Lean meat.


  44. Guest Who says:



  45. MarkyMark says:

    Sport is a waste of environmental resources so should be banned under the new Boris/Greta Eco Net Zero Carbon mandates.


  46. Guest Who says:

    Did Graham reach out to the bbc, did the bbc find Graham, or are the bbc aware of every Graham out there?


  47. Guest Who says:

    Which Mag, of buying tat for decades fame, is currently running…


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    • Guest Who says:

      Meanwhile, ironically…


  48. Fedup2 says:

    For anyone monitoring the Paterson disaster the mail give a very detailed account of nut nut dining at the garrick with chums and then throwing the loony 3 line whip to save said paterson .

    Its possible that neither nut nut nor rees mogg will be in post soon …

    Nut nut apparently now depends on advice from FOC – friends of carrie after all the ‘ good ‘ staff left …


  49. Guest Who says:

    Their sodding voices are all the sodding MSM pump out, every sodding minute.

    And as Greta has ably illustrated, nothing worth listening to.

    The entire news media estate is now occupied by or in thrall of thousands of Pixies.