It seems Remembrance Sunday has seen another terrorist attack . Nothing is sacred . Will the BBC give it the coverage it deserves or do its’ normal censorship in the name of ‘community relations ‘ ?
Start the Week 15 November 2021
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Funny thing this environmentalism. Back in the late 1980s it was all about oil. Oil is bad for the environment and so are cars, pushing out all that very bad CO2 from petrol. Then a couple of decades later, it suddenly all became ‘methane is bad’, it is heating up the planet but no-one told the UN IPCC until 2018. Once they had been informed, they then put it in their Global Warming report for 2019 – go vegan or the planet gets (h)it. It was all “Cows are evil”, “Lambs are evil” and Pigs are well off the menu ‘cos red meat, bacon & sausage, and the Great British Breakfast are bad for your health.
Now it is coal that is the new villain of the piece. Oil is good all of a sudden, especially if it is diesel and powering a generator for charging electric 4x4s for COP26. I wish these environmentalists and their so-called scientists could make up their minds.
What will the BBC do for their coverage this next week on R4 – no COP26 so will the PM cop it from the MSM, Labour and the BBC? You bet!
“I wish these environmentalists and their so-called scientists could make up their minds.”
Yeah, one minute they’re saying the sun goes round the earth, the next it’s the earth goes round the sun! Why can’t they just make their minds up!!!!
Lefty pricks.
1. Thatcher bad. She shut the coal mines.
2. Coal bad. Don’t burn coal.
Make your mind up !
Ah, maxi, where is that apology that you owe me?
A supplemtary question or two: are you ‘a flat-earther’ ? Your post leads to that suspicion and that question.
As the BBC have accepted the environmentalist’s position without question, are you going to question the BBC’s stance for neutrality and impartiality on the issue?
A note of desperation there!
It is all about implementing socialism via control of people. Not by means of production, the traditional communist way, but by means of control of consumption.
Socialism, despite leading to poverty, degradation of the environment on a vast scale, totalitarian marxists continue marching the same well beaten one way path to the Gulag.
Even the church, which should put its faith Christ alone, is now calling the West to gift billions of dollars, Euros and pounds every year, to poor countries indefinitely.
Indefinitely I suppose till we are at the same level as poor countries.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – funny, I seem to recall the BBC wanting something to be done about Syria
Now the BBC are not exactly complaining about the USA but coming quite close to it. I wonder who was President at the time? Peculiar thing but TOADY News on Saturday was about Steve Bannon (former Pres. Trump’s strategist) and Trump was mentioned again this morning with reference to COP26.
What we have is ‘conservatives’ in the US and UK under attack from the MSM. Add India (being blamed for COP-out26), Brazil, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary and you have the makings of a Bingo card.
Dont forget China. I wonder why China is left out. Perhaps as China makes all the stuff leftys desire.
NC, don’t think China are remotely conservative or Conservative but they could be National Socialists.
Chinese and China have always been an enigma. They are at present the most out and out capitalists, but under a communist regime.
NHS jabs more than 1m children aged 12-15 in England
“Health Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Over a million young people aged 12 to 15 have now received the crucial protection the vaccine provides.”
What protection? you can still catch and spread Covid the same..Did children ever get the flu jab? Creepy times…
Eddy, add in the Belorus/Poland thing, refugees & illegals crossing the Channel and the COP26 nonsense and I had a strong feeling during TWoTWeeeee today that the world is heading for a major war. An unhappy thought. Normally virus Pandemics come after a world war, not before.
It would certainly help to sink the Global Warming & Climate Change thing and end the call for reparations from industrialised nations “There’s no money left.” and it might kill off the virus obsession, too.
Bearing in mind who is in the big, pale house on Pennsylvania Avenue is a doubly unhappy thought.
The Unvaccinated: An Inconvenient Control Group in a Sinister Social Experiment
All of us Vaccinated or not, should read what goes into the vaccine. Particularly Pfizer as reported to German drug authorities. This is a fully research paper by two doctors in NZ claiming that the SARS virus (1) was manipulated to ‘extend’ into biological (human) targets.
(2) The VIRUS (PCR test and vaccine) is not a proper ‘VACCINE’ or PCR test at all but something ‘else’ entirely. To be honest, this is global FRAUD by drug companies charging 12 dollars per person every six months — for life. And it reduces your life chances with ‘complications’ for your children in later life. Sometimes from heart failure as a side affect. Six times more likely to die taking the vaccine, so that’s the problem, not reported.
From the examples the VACCINE appears to be junk medicine. Really worrying as ‘PsyCops’ advertising is being used to push it through to Anti-Vaxxers over Christmas, i.e TESCO TV advert and NHS ‘scarers’ on national radio. We are being manipulated, By FAUCI, GATES and SOROS who funded the ‘global’ epidemic programme in China.
According to this report.
Too right. This is very worrying. From what I hear, the booster is not going to be from the Astra Zenica stable but a horse from a different stable – Pfizer.
Of course we are told its all going to be alright, as the research on long term effects not only of the Astra Zenica mRNA, but also the booster being a different horse from a different stable, has all been done. Nothing to worry about.
From the BBC report on the Liverpool blast:
“Carl Bessant, who had just had a baby, was inside the hospital with his partner at the time of the blast. My partner is really shook up to be honest,” he said.”
What! HE had the baby? I had to read it a couple of times before moving on where it was made a bit more obvious that it was his FEMALE partner who had actually had the baby. The trouble is, with the way things are these days you never know. The BBC would happily state that a man had had a baby, it’s the agenda innit?
The BBC are just SO off the pace.
Charles Hawtrey’s character had a baby in ‘Carry On Doctor’ in 1968.
BBC must read this site. Report now altered to “Carl Bessant, whose partner had just had a baby, was inside the hospital at the time of the blast.”
My guess
Taxi misfired. Was supposed to blow up somewhere else but without the driver.
10:20-11:35pm ITV schedulers chose not to have a Remembrance Day programme
Instead they chose to give Tareena Shakil the Sparbrook mum and ex-ISIS terrorist a platform to tell us about her reform
I just checked , it’s still in the schedule despite today’s attempted terrorist attack by a female bomber likely to be a Muslim too.
There’s instagram audio of a fella taxi driver
that contradicts the idea that it was a female bomber
but rather it was a male who wanted to divert from Remembrance place to hospital after taxi got stuck in traffic.
Then when the bloke started “vibrating” the taxi driver made a move to leap out out the taxi..then unconscious.
The only strange bit is he speaker claims the driver is now home
There hasn’t been an Islamic terrorist attack for a quite a while. So one was expected soon.
Its not well known, but the Mujahideen are advised not to let the Kuffar think that they have conquered the Jihad. Therefore, its imperative that the Jihad is continued, to let the Kuffar know there will be no peace till they have accepted the peace of Islam.
The Muslim version of good cop / bad cop routine.
Both have exactly the same aim but different method’s…
Sharia and the Caliphate.
It far too late for shutting the door. In fact, might be better to open the doors wide open, and address the problem now, before the occupying force become native born and claim that right.
My guess
Taxi misfired. Was supposed to blow up somewhere else but without the driver.
the first British citizen to return from ISIS and be convicted, now also the first to tell their story. Made over 3 years. Produced with ACL.
She cant be British citizen if her allegiance is to ISIS.
Why she was allowed in is a mystery.
Lou is borrowing my car tomorrow so I thought I’d better clear it out. Turns out I’ve been carting about half a ton of junk around. Ohh, bad for the planet, naughty naughty!
The job took much longer than I envisaged, and as I filled the black sacks I had the radio on. The car hasn’t got DAB, so much against my better judgement I settled for BBC Radio Four. I found myself listening to ‘Any Answers’, presented by Anita Anand. People were ringing in to discuss global warming. All seemed to be smoothly progressing along the lines of the usual agenda, with a number of callers more-or-less toeing the BBC’s line, but then a Scottish lady joined in. At first she talked about the way greeny policies had damaged employment in Aberdeen, and although you could hear Anita’s hackles rise this challenge to the universal consensus was just about tolerated, but then the Scottish woman went on to express doubts (just doubts) about the whole global warming hypothesis, in as much as it was affecting employment and prosperity. She might as well have declared that the moon was made of green cheese, that the Earth is flat, or that sex with goats was a jolly fine thing. She was cut off faster than was decent. So much for free speech.
Next up a couple of blokes who were dead against nuclear power. Their views were welcomed warmly. One said that ‘renewables provide 90% of our electricity needs already.’ Anita did not challenge this absurd claim, although she must have known it was rubbish. At the moment of writing renewables are doing much better than usual because it’s really windy: they are producing a massive 19% of demand!
The other guy said that nuclear power stations weren’t ‘environmentally friendly’, because of the amount of cement used when they are built. I can’t dig out the figures right now but I know that the amount of cement per GWh of electricity produced by nuclear power stations is dwarfed by the same figure for wind turbines. Anita kept quiet, but then a caller came on and to Anita’s palpable alarm cunningly changed tack without warning. He pointed out that not only do the windmills need a hell of a lot of cement because they have to have massive foundations to withstand the lateral forces from the wind, their construction releases large amounts of CO2 that had been trapped in the peat. Wow! That man was disappeared mighty quick! Can’t fault that Anita for her reflexes!
The next programme was a short story by Travis Alabanza. Actually, it isn’t accurate to call it a short story. Blatant propaganda is a better description. It was in the form of letters between a mother and her daughter. It was pure one-sided environmentalist claptrap from start to finish. No really, it was. It was incredible. I’m used to the BBC’s lies but this really made me sit up. Even in the dark days of the Soviet Union and Radio Moscow there was no propaganda as naked and unashamed as this. Amongst much more (because they really crammed it in) we had Obama GOOD, Boris BAD, Greenpeace GOOD, Monbiot GOOD, Oil BAD, windmills GOOD, Greta a SAINT, and much much more. Needless to say a quick google confirms my suspicions about this Travis Alabanza person. She/he/it will have a fine future with the BBC.
OK, if they want to make a 15 minute over-the-top advert for environmentalism that’s one thing (and thus warned we could all avoid it), but for it to masquerade as an innocent short story is outrageously dishonest.
February 2nd is early this year!
A number of ongoing police situations in Liverpool
Even BBC reporters implying there’s standoff at Rutland Park with negotiators present
Earlier footage show a man coming out the back of a house hands on head as armed police shout from ladders they are on.
Just before 11am : explosion happened
Just before 1pm : ITV local report bomb squad have arrived
3:30pm Twitter mentions the taxi driver angle
Just before 4pm : BBC local report same
GBnews first of nationals : 1:57pm bomb squad, 3:54pm report the death, 412pm report Counter terrorism team there
Now : Media like GBnews, Sun, TalkRadio naming the Driver as Dave Perry
I saw one person say that name at 7pm, but that’s all
Not the Bbbc, but only because they don’t advertise the traditional way. It would be if they could.
So now Santa is racist?
What does the Christmas advertisement for Etsy, who have eagerly and noticeably embraced ‘diversity’ in all of their advertising, really mean?
Old man enjoys the pleasure his granddaughter gets from meeting Santa and shares in the Christmas spirit of joy and goodwill to all mankind OR elderly male from a marginalised and oppressed minority is actually a mean-spirited, petty-minded, easily-offended racist who sees non-existent racial micro-aggressions and symbols of white supremacy everywhere he looks for one?
I know what I think but I don’t think it’s what Etsy want me to.
“What does the Christmas advertisement for Etsy, who have eagerly and noticeably embraced ‘diversity’ in all of their advertising, really mean?”
Son and grandson want grandad to know that he is their own personal ‘Father Christmas’. They do this by going on Etsy and buying something different to all the other mass produced stuff that’s out there.
It’s not particularly difficult to understand; unless you’re actually a mean-spirited, petty-minded, easily-offended racist.
But who would want to be one of those?
Black people make up 1 in 10 of the USA population.
In a truly equal world, for every 10 people we see, 1 would be black.
When there were not enough black people on TV, people like you called it racist maxi.
Now they are seriously over-represented – as in this advertisement and just about every other – you don’t call it racism, you call it ‘diversity’.
Does your little group-think brain have any inkling whatsoever of what a complete and utter hypocrite you are maxi ?. YOU are the racist you accuse everyone else of being.
Oh come on Maxi, we are allowed to comment when we see an obvious attempt by a bunch of shadowy pretend woke business folk to virtue signal and appropriate a White Nordic Christian event to promote their wares or am I being too touchy? Or does racism only work one way?
P.s. there’s lots of my past comments on here for you to trawl through before any response!
Max-The bottom line is if the advertisers find that their new
style of advertising is increasing their sales. I have to admit
that they don’t do anything for me. But I’m a pale stale old male.
But I reiterate i don’t believe that the advertisers are making
these adverts for altruistic reasons. Or to help the employment
of black advertising models .They believe that the 80% or so
of the indigenous population think that these adverts are so original that they will
make them buy their products. OR , and it’s possible
that there is an untapped 10% of the population who are black,
will be so thrilled at the fact of the exposure of their brothers
and sisters that they will be influenced to buy the advertisers products. Or at least become aware of them . They will see
what their balance sheets tell them , at the end of the day.
It is a curious advert isn’t it?
Here we have what appears to be a single male parent Black Caribbean family whose male grandparent is still keeping touch with them! All those masses of single female parent Black Caribbean families must be feeling excluded.
Then consider all those ‘new britons’, the Black African families that now vastly outnumber the Black Caribbean’s, let alone all the South Asians that, in turn, outnumber them!
I believe there is yet another group that just about still outnumbers all of them put together, but the sooner they are erased the better.
This is needle in the hay field advertising, the cost per person must be immense and far outway any returns from sales. At best it is ‘creatives’ hoping for a reward, at worst an attempt to stir up resentment, particulary amonst those naturally adapted to the sun-free Northern climes.
OR elderly male from a marginalised and oppressed minority is actually a mean-spirited, petty-minded, easily-offended racist who sees non-existent racial micro-aggressions and symbols of white supremacy everywhere he looks for one?
Then he should move to a country where he is at peace, instead of trying to make us feel guilty.
Quick. Quick. Quick.
Buy some lottery tickets.
On the BBC news they again get out the hankies for the people on the Belarus/ Poland border.
Every piece of coverage of the actual border and crowds show almost no women and children but lots and lots of young males, usually with ‘darker skin tones’ and with facial hair.
Yet amazingly the BBC manage to feature a man, woman, and their five children !!!
What are the chances of that?
On pro open door immigration BBC, very high indeed.
So if you are as lucky as the BBC, get those lottery tickets. Quick.
“Covid pass Wales: Pubs’ fear as law extended to cinemas”
Mission creep.
First they came for the pantomime horse..
Naturally, the Labour MP for Liverpool’s first concern is that the public avoid speculation.
Here’s some speculation for her: 1) car bomb.
2) Remembrance Sunday at almost exactly 11am.
3) Anti-terror police make three arrests.
What does that suggest?
She tweeted 3 hours ago
1 hour ago the police statement is a a page long
and has the phrase ‘do not speculate’ buried in the middle
The council immediately tweeted that angle.
But the mayor had already tweeted against speculation 4 hours ago.
11am might be an IRA idea as well
Yes, maybe IRA.
But why outside a hospital? The whole thing sounds weird, maybe a bomb plot that went wrong.
I am free to speculate this was not an indigenous Briton.
I am pretty sure that our ‘tough’ Home Secretary is working on it .
There will be a lot of Tory MPs worrying about their jobs this evening.
Especially with over twenty thousand illegal invaders in our midst’s that we know absolutely nothing about.
‘Squeaky Bum Time’ anyone ?
Well the civil servants will be working hard on it .
Diversity , anti hate thought , 4* hotels for the oppressed, extra taxes for combatting climate change , building houses for an increased population, letting murderers out of jail , tax tax tax .
But it’s not all bad their salaries and pensions are generous.
Mass immigration is increasing our carbon footprint.
Its the right sort of carbon.
So did that bomb
Sunday night (10.15pm) GB News (Mark Dolan) interviewed the ex Police Officer – Mark William-Thomas who discovered Saville’s crimes that were being ignored by the BBC and was determined to ‘expose it’.
HE(was) working independently of the BBC (working in his own time to find the victims of Jimmy Saville. The BBC would later declare that he never worked for them!. It was shown on ITV as the BBC would not admit anything connected to Saville and that his allegations (privately told him) ‘ ‘that it will all blow over in fortnight’. (!!!)
But as an ex Police Officer – he thought it was as serious as it gets for the Police. He also pointed out that the Police itself did not respond to incidents as Saville had surrounded himself with those around him with co-workers (clearly also abusing girls offered by Saville both in and out of BBC premises). It addition Saville employed team of Lawyers to ensure nothing bad appeared in the Press about him, and he thinks that is why the Police were reluctant to act.
Following the program aired on ITV he said could ONLY get this aired when Saville had died – as it would have been denied by the BBC itself who had ignored all the signs and (he indicated) those in the BBC who were involved in it never admitted any collusion. None at all! Nothing.
More shockingly (Mark on GB News) has said that nobody has been prosecuted, – since Saville’s death, and nobody on the BBC has been prosecuted for any crime! When the Police told ITV that they had found 30 victims already, he was able to disclose that the true figure was over 500 victims, mostly girls, over decades of sexual abuse of under age girls. Many of these were young girls on TOTP (Top of The Pops) but also young nurses (when he visited their quarters) and even young boys he had befriended fell into his lap.
The undercover journalist Mark (ex Police) really did expose a massive state cover up of Saville’s entire crime carrier crimes. At the same time another person rarely off the BBC was none other than Cyril Smith, serving Liberal MP which habitually abused young Boys, (only reported on his demise) abusing boys at the same time, which the public were not allowed to know. The Police considered them ‘untouchables’. Hardly off the BBC doing ‘charity-work’.
Thank goodness we have some journalist that are able to stand outside the BBC and expose the corruption within. He really is a hero as nobody wanted to touch this story that was proves right.
We would never know the crimes of Saville if it were not for the bravery of ITV and Mark William-Thomas for airing this documentary which reflects badly on the BBC and the ‘shadow world’ they still live in, even now defying any change to it public financing and privilege.
Well done GB News. We should never forget.
Particularly as:
Mark Thompson who was the BBC DG at the time ran off to America in disgrace but only after the BBC gave him 2 million pound in expenses and found himself an editorship on the leftie New York Times. He’s still there even as The Police operation ‘Yew tree’ was launched though the entire BBC interviewing over 800 staff. Some staff were jailed ( Including Rolf Harris) and an ‘Its-a-Knockout‘ Presenter only but nobody who worked for Saville, or was directly connected to Saville was ever prosecuted. Nobody in the BBC lost their job over Saville! Some were actually promoted – since and are still there today. Amazing the BBC is still intact after denying any of it ever happened.
“COP26: Climate deal sounds the death knell for coal power – PM”
He is deluded.
I hope, as a politician, he is playing the 3 card trick.
Boris has a huge contradiction in his COP26 policy
#1 He forces us to pay for Carbon Capture And Storage projects CCS
promising it is likely to work
#2 He says banning coal is the only way
Em if CCS worked you could burn lots of coal and simply collect its CO2 with CCS
Nicholae Ceauscue and Roumania before the 1989 revolution against what is said to be against a tyrant .
Petrol was rationed for the plebs to 20 litres a month .
Food was scarce so everything was eaten
Horse and cart was a main form of transportation for a lot of the population.
Electricity was in short supply so the towns and cities were unlit , dark and disconcerting to a westerner .
There was not in any way shape or form a consumerist society
Your hot water was piped to your flat at specific times , whether you needed a bath or not .
The roads were diabolical. No speeding or boy racers because a Victorian cobbled street was smoother . By a long chalk .
And like the Powers That Be here , he wanted to increase his population. So there were no abortions ( legality) and any woman over 24 who hadn’t had a child was taxed heavily.
Eco green world before it was a fad .
“Polish soldier dies in accidental shooting at Belarus border”
Bloody hell, Alec Baldwin certainly gets about!
What is the betting that the suicide bomber in Liverpool is “far right” ?
or more murderous islamic scum ?
the first duty of government is to protect its citizens
they bomb us, stab us, rape our kids and attack minorities like Jews.
they demand mosques, their own schools and attack our education and culture
and all the bbc cares about is racism and letting more of them in
Puts the very lengthy ‘I almost became a racist killer’ BBC anti-white article the other day firmly into perspective.
Despite 3 men being arrested, there is not a single word in their article alluding to who might have done it.
I never thought in my lifetime the bbc would become what it has become, I can hardly look at the news website now or their tv output
it is sickening and, I believe, the vast majority of the country feel the same
Not a word on the BBC website about what actually happened which can be looked up on Twitter in a matter of seconds.
BBC ‘ what we know so far’ .. ‘ A car blew up, the police have arrested someone’ . The end. ( as at 0720)
But finally at least the daily mail website is telling us what actually happened !
You can picture the beeboids in panic mode trying to decide what to do .. Preparing the ‘ we must not be divided we are all together type articles then the ‘it was a local Liverpool man who did it ‘ ( recently back from holiday in France) ‘the local community leaders join in unison’ and later the ‘ it’s our fault, we must get them something better than dominos pizzas when they arrive ‘ articles .. Well, maybe not the last one until later ..
This must be an attack by a ‘far right extremist ‘ because we are always being told the FACT ‘far right ‘ is the biggest threat to national security .
A statement strangely not examined by the expanding BBC fact checking department …
The local men arrested will turn out to be …local .
Fedup-Possibly IRA. BUT whoever it was the Yorkshire
cricket banter is ONE HUNRED times worse so far as the BBC
is concerned.
Naughty car, blowing up like that!
“Poppy Day Blast”
Has our Home Secretary issued any statement yet?
“Covid pass Wales: Pubs’ fear as law extended to cinemas”
We are being by a dictator.
Coming your way across the border.
Springster is of course award winning, and a specialist.
China are responsible for every Covid death around the world. No amount of communist propaganda will change that.
And they truly believe China’s figures without question as China is such an upstanding open societY?
Another of those bbc efforts where the bbc refers to the bbc as if it is not the bbc too.
Russia hikes the price of gas sold to the UK.
France threatens to raise the price of Electricity sold to the UK if we don’t capitulate over fishing.
Dire situation reminiscent of the Nazi blockade in WW2?
The British PM (Carrie) breezily responds by announcing he/she/they will be winding down and then junking UK fossil fuel energy production in a few years time to appease retired left-wing super-glue teachers and pseudo scientist nutter activists while Russia and China openly laugh in his face.
The BBC science folk are happy about all this.
Lunatics running the asylum?
Can’t wait until the next election!
Can’t wait until the next election!
Its going to be a long wait. Unless the party sees the light and gets rid of the clown.
Getting rid of the nature’s gift to us to appease a bunch of ignorant leftys out to destroy the West, is a dereliction of duty and brains.
The Loooooooong Goodbye.
And these two overgrown keyboard warriors are tasked with keeping us all fully informed?
No, they are busy deciding what the bbc knows so far. And then what public needs too.
Incendiary car.
Maybe they were Scots doctors?
News without context
So what is an anti-capitalist to make of this?: ‘Business groups joined climate activists in expressing frustration that national governments were not moving agressively enough to tackle climate change‘ (Financial Times)
And the FT, apparently, is not joking: ‘While global executives broadly welcomed the deal, many said it did not go far enough‘ – clearly they must think there are big corporate profits to be made from governmental reactions to climate alarmism.
Meanwhile, if you feel your assumptions about the world have been turned upside down by that, then think about this…
We now find ourselves at that moment of news limbo in terms of what the BBC term the: ‘Liverpool explosion‘
Read their: ‘What we know so far‘ and you will find it still to be very much a news event without context.
Think of it as that moment in the early summer of 1914 when news first came from the Balkans that Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, had just been assassinated.
So what? You’re not yet told by whom or for what reason. A mad man? A rival to the Habsburg thrown perhaps? It might be possible. Unlikey, but for all we know police at the time didn’t rule it out. It all turned on the name of the assassin and the names of his accomplices. Of course the identity of the terrorist murderer would very soon emerge, along with his political pro-Serbian nationalist motivation and then things could really kick off – the rest, as they say, is history.
The Telegraph – like the BBC – has us very much in limbo land: ‘Three held by terror police after fatal blast‘
At least our print press – unlike the BBC (at my time of going to press at least – and this will date faster than yesterday’s newsprint) – are prepared to share the name of the taxi driver. No, not Travis Bickle…: ‘A friend of the driver indentified him as David Perry from Kirkdale‘
The tabloids go a little further embellishing the story: ‘Cab driver hailed as hero as explosion outside hospital in Liverpool kills one‘ (Daily Mirror)
The Telegraph goes on to explain: ‘The driver noticed the passenger fiddling with something in the back seat’ – I’d certainly have told him – in the time honoured fashion – to get out of my cab!
In more run of the mill news – call it news churn – we see the return of a familiar female celebrity angst tale: ‘Autism diagnosis made me cry for my younger self. Exclusive Christine McGuiness’s ordeal‘ (Mirror)
The Guardian conjours concern for death outside hospital premises – but not necessarily in Liverpool: ‘“Patients left dying” in ambulances outside A&E… a boomshell new report reveals‘ – ooops… awkward word choice there given other news… your health policy reports sub-editor really ought to consult with the boss about breaking news items.
From Liverpool to Deadpool – the Guardian is happy to invite comic book movie US actor Rob Delaney to say something that might be interpreted as snarky: ‘“British people need to relax!”‘ – an expression of cool that is rather spoilt there by the inclusion of the exclamation mark!
In the classic track which expresses scepticism of progressive revolutions: “Won’t get fooled again” The Who warn us that we will: “Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss”
‘Libya election. Gaddafi’s son runs for leader‘ (FT)
And as: ‘COP26: China and India must explain themselves, says Sharma‘ (BBC) – so presumably since we were one minute from climate catastrophe before this asian disappointment then we’re now definitely too late to save the planet.
“Too late! too late! will be the cry – Jesus of Nazareth has passed by” – or so goes that old hymn.
Too late indeed: ‘Big freeze returns… Snow way out! -8c Britain faces “Icelandic barrage” within days‘ (Daily Star) – if only that had been a week earlier. Oh how happy we would have been. Still, better late than never. At least the media may shut up about global warming for a minute and give us all that rest Rob Delaney suggests us Brits need.
Stevo even found some relatives, ordinary ones…. happy to pay for the bullet.
Why China is still trying to achieve zero Covid
A person walks into a five-star hotel to ask briefly for directions and ends up in two weeks quarantine because a guest had some coronavirus contact. One crew member on a high-speed train has close contact with an infected person, and a trainload of passengers is sent to quarantine for mass testing. In Shanghai Disneyland, 33,863 visitors suddenly have to undergo mass testing because a visitor the day before got infected.
Welcome to life in the country which now feels like a perpetual, back-to-zero-Covid world. China was the first country to impose restrictions to combat this pandemic and it will be one of the last to ease them. When you speak to ordinary Chinese people in the street, you will find that many do not seem to mind the continued strict anti-virus measures as long as they are kept safe.
Read full article >
Stephen McDonell
BBC News, Beijing
As Chinese manufacturing is falling, what a good time to say to the World, ‘Goody, goody two-shoes: Look what we are achieving’
Get the feeling, post COP deflation, the bbc doom mongers’ hearts are not quite in it?
There will “definitely” be enough turkeys for Christmas, the British Poultry Council has said, but there will be less variety. 🦃
Plenty of variety of Remain on Vile….
There needs to be more shortage news – the BBC routinely inciting panic buying and price hikes – I’m guessing there will be a shortage of spouts which I’d caused by so called ‘global warming ‘/ brexit / lack of government planning …..
But how would the bbc spin it? Shortage of sprouts – sob, boo, shame!
Result of shortage – Reduction in methane in atmosphere – Hooray!
Never heard of her, but sorely missed.
The majority of people on here probably share your view, absolutely no idea who she is.
Despite Philippa Thomas being employed by the Bbbc for 30 years, the only employer she seems to have had, she appears to have remained pretty anonymous to most.
She has a double first from Oxford in PPE and Islamic Studies, has spent a year at Harvard and some time as a Washington correspondent, is married to another journalist who similarly spent 30 years with the Bbbc, his only job as well, and apparently reported on important events from all round the world, seemingly a leading light on the World Service.
I don’t think that Philippa could be any more ‘swamp’ if she tried. How many more are there like her?
No doubt generously rewarded for 30 years, her years in education and her whole working life seem to have been spent within an echo-chamber of shared experiences, lifestyles and political viewpoints, all of her personal and professional relationships with people of the same Bbbc mindset. I do not know her personally and cannot possibly comment on her character but I’m pretty sure that her beliefs and ideals on most subjects will be the polar opposite of mine and most others here.
And the Bbbc must employ hundreds like her. How the hell can they be remotely attuned to the views and opinions of the majority of people within these shores when this woman appears to be the perfect representation of who and what the Bbbc are.
A lot of bbc long term embeds ‘retiring’.
Be interesting how many to spend more time pruning roses, and how many using massive pensions to travel everywhere.
See, BBC politics knows which quotes to run, from whom…
Deeply regrets being so dumb as to get caught …. There is a ‘debate ‘ today about this crap . Im guessing the corrupt ones will stay away ( eg the cabinet ) leaving the few MPs not worth buying to yap like dogs ….
And advertise themselves for sale to unions or charities or countries of companies after something
Daily Mail
“Borders are ‘just a pain in the a***’: Border Force boss triggers row with controversial remarks quoting Pogues rockstar as record 23,500 migrants cross the Channel this year”
Perhaps that’s why they became known as “Border Farce”.
Following on from the above, Union considers legal action over Channel refugee ‘pushbacks’
“Border Force staff express concern at Priti Patel’s proposed tactic of forcing boats back to France.”
It stands to reason that a civil service union would despise the country and love only the benefits on offer.
Clive of Bbc finds bbc interesting.
You can lead a horse to a water trough but it will only find water if someone has engineered a water supply.
Fossil fuels are energy dense, storeable and portable. We don’t have an energy source that compares and probably never will.
Politicians and Teleprompter Readers can bleat all they like but it still won’t change these essential truths.
Some energy crisis over the winter, contrived or otherwise, will do us all a ‘power’ (sorry) of good. Russians / Belarus stopping or restricting the pipelines is highly recommended. After all, the Russians have been consolidating their hold over the EU little by little. Now they are ready. UK? No coal. Yes, let’s see for how long in an emergency situation.
That Myrie is a right arrogant, angry prick.
You can’t say “right” for obvious reasons.
Vintage Toady
Robinson ‘interviewing ‘ the mayor of liverpool . Neither seemed to know anything. And strangely neither mentioned what sort of terrorism this was . So i think it was something to do with climate terrorists and not – repeat not – islamic terrorism .
But if it was islamic terrorism – it was a ‘ one off ‘ ‘mental issues’ a ‘security failure ‘ ….
Im sure our glorious Home Secretary will make a stron’ statement usin’ the word ‘ absolutely ‘ a lot .
The Sun re the car bomb:
“TERROR BLAST HERO Liverpool hospital explosion: Hero cabbie Dave Perry locks suspect in taxi before it explodes”
“This guy blew himself up, but my friend is OK. He sustained a few injuries, burns, burst eardrums and some shrapnel, but he’s OK.”
BBC Online News:
“The passenger was declared dead at the scene and is yet to be formally identified.”
“The male driver was injured and is in hospital in a stable condition.”
The Sun tells us what we want to know.
The BBC hides facts and hopes it will all go away. Devious and biased BBC.
In the great child lock scheme of things, a taxi driver can render the back seat a secure area?
Taxi shortages in Liverpool – because of brexit – fact checked … I’m so abused sez fact checker – my life as a fact checker – for wimmin fact checkers it’s different sez female fact checker ….
How long before it is dropped entirely from the Home, UK and England pages of the bBC websh1te?
BBC Guuuuush is hiring.
Nick Bryant is talking about his package.
Meanwhile, impartially, elsewhere…
Pro No Borders – yet ….
Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham wins four-year battle to stop plans to build 5,200 homes on acres of ancient woodland near his home
Controversial plans were earmarked near Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, Hampshire
Eastleigh Borough Council says it will remove the scheme from its Local Plan
Mr Packham was a fundamental part of the campaign against ‘eco-vandalism’
PUBLISHED: 10:59, 5 May 2020 | UPDATED: 11:23, 5 May 2020
Migrant crossings: 1,185 cross Channel to UK in one day as government says ‘British public have had enough’
The number of people arriving in Britain on dinghies and other small boats has continued to rise in 2021.
Friday 12 November 2021 15:08, UK
Sky report the HO as saying “”The British public have had enough of seeing people die in the Channel while ruthless criminal gangs profit from their misery ..”
Artfully phrased, eh? Who would dare disagree?
Remind me how many have died in the Channel?
Ahh…. so it appears that Mr PacMan is actually just another “nimby” does it?
Anyone told him that the Government are planning to build thousands of new houses in the North East to house our newly arrived brethren?
Of course not in the leafy tranquil swathes of the South where Mr P lives….
The irony is the elected do the bidding of the greens
rather than the people who actually voted for them.
And when you give greens something, do they accept it ?
No, they want MORE, and they want it EARLIER.
Then Packha goes for conspiracy theory
the greens claims that there were 500 fossil fuel supporters in the 40,000 delegates
.. that’s a tiny proportion even if true.
Our local greens dominate the county council.
They often post on FB and in a good week get maybe one person laughing at them.
They have pushed through this Climate Assembly alternative to voting based on a concoction promoted by Sortition, who XR love.
14,000 invitations to 200,000 residents to mysteriously choose 48 people to ‘represent’ the county.
They are playing a cynical numbers game based on activist infiltration that will not be questioned by the bbc and its local democracy embeds in the local media no one reads any more since they gave up club footy for old biddies blocking streets.
The newest post on the Hereford Times FB page:
Activist Greta Thunberg has declared the summit a “greenwash festival” and a “celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.”
I have been through the Packham transcript.
It’s wacky, it’s misleading as usual
I listed the key phrases
And gave a full transcript.
Who the BBC chooses to get its news from is intriguing.
It is easy to forget that it is only a relatively small number of people who know that they are promoting a great fraud against humanity. For the majority, they believe this nonsense with their heart and soul. It must be terrifying for them.
Oh no – so much talent leaving the BBC – do they know something we don’t ? Maybe he is a ‘he ‘ – white – and a big crusty …. Time for a gay female disabled paki*replacement …
*paki means ‘person of pakistani heritage ‘
*brit means someone living in Britain watching the country become the third world …
What is this “heritage” we hear so much about?
Speaking for the nation.
Well, a very small, unrepresentative section.
Dover Sentry
The Sun re the car bomb:
“TERROR BLAST HERO Liverpool hospital explosion: Hero cabbie Dave Perry locks suspect in taxi before it explodes”
“This guy blew himself up, but my friend is OK. He sustained a few injuries, burns, burst eardrums and some shrapnel, but he’s OK.”
BBC Online News:
“The passenger was declared dead at the scene and is yet to be formally identified.”
“The male driver was injured and is in hospital in a stable condition.”
The Sun tells us what we want to know.
(Comment from
It was my comment on Order Order. I posted it here earlier 🙂
if the torys answer to the amess murder is to crack down on online anonymity
just what will they dream up for this one ???
ban taxis maybe
We need no further proof that BAMES have the upper hand whenever a case goes to law or public inquiry. They hold a huge advantage over white folks. Ironically this advantage is handed to them on a plate by the liberal, and now Woke, establishment.
But an example close my heart is the Rafiq affair at YCCC.
Everyone now knows the background , or thinks that they do. But several players and staff have said that they had strong reservations about him back then , that were all to do with his behaviour and motivation and nothing to do with his ethnicity. They describe his present behaviour as seemingly being ‘on a one man mission to bring the club down’.
But after having appointed a new chairman last week , who is of sub continental ethnicity, Yorkshire have decided not to pursue his behavioural issues and regard any criticism of him as being ‘highly problematic’ . They foolishly paid him a six figure sum without insisting that he sign a non disclosure agreement. No doubt he will be back again for a payout in due course.
So in this case , as in just about any involving BAMES , the establishment are content to hear the BAME side of the story but not the white side. Justice under the law , along with democracy , has been thrown into the dustbin of history.
Now Vaughn , so ready in the summer to throw Robinson under the alleged racism juggernaut, will nowfind himself crushed by the same out of control vehicle. He will have no ability to defend himself , he will be guilty by accusation , by denouciation , no trial required , no right to a fair hearing.
Who next ? Is the thought on everyone’s mind but few are brave enough to give voice to that thought. It is very similar to the reign of terror in the French Revolution when you could be denounced in the morning and beheaded in the afternoon. Eventually all these bouts of madness end but I think that this one has some time to run.
Frank, as ever, ‘analyses’, expertly.
I’m sure Frank has his finger on the pulse… from his sitting room. Probably just Googled the latest news on his laptop, which anyone could do. Is he even wearing trousers, or still in pyjama bottoms?
But he’s got to add that a far greater threat is, “…..from the Far Right…”. BBC now standard procedure.
Maxi rallying the troops behind Toenails.
Now why on earth would the BBC be so concerned about goings on in an unconnected organisation that is set up to vet their output I wonder?
Even CNN are starting to realise that Heels-up-Harris and Sleazy Joe are useless. The BBC must be the only propaganda outlet – oops, ‘news outlet’ – to still take those 2 clowns seriously.
Let’s go Brandon.
Sopes… to the end….
Leave only Lurch, in the lurch.
9am R4 no obvious wokism
Supposed to be about history of Latin America
but sounds like there will be blaming Americans for modern history.
Once again, Douglas Murray tells it like it is in a Telegraph article. I’m guessing he won’t be invited by the BBC to share his views any time soon.
The article is worth the read, but in a nutshell he’s saying that China and Russia have seen Biden’s weakness (who could miss it?) and are busy manoeuvring; the former against Taiwan, the latter against Ukraine with a bit of meddling in Belarus. They are testing the waters for Western response, which is zilch as Biden stumbles about like the senile Imbecile he is.
“Joe Biden is just the start of a crisis in Western leadership that emboldens our enemies.
As our vainglorious politicians gathered in Glasgow to virtue-signal about the climate, China and Russia were busy making plans.”
Once the bbc have decided on the ‘line to take’, guessing a mostly peaceful visit to A&E As you do.
Or… mental issue visit.
Haven’t followed this story too closely, just from reading headlines I imagined the taxi driver had worked out he had a bomber in his car , and had maybe driven somewhere safe, locked the doors and was waiting for the police or something?
But looks like he just drove the suspect exactly where he wanted to go .
What if the doors had been unlocked what’s the difference.
The taxi hadn’t even stopped yet.
Am I missing something?
I wonder which is the sickest attack – hitting a woman’s hospital or doing a remembrance service – revenge for afgee ?
Although is may well just be a dangerous car ….
We hope that anyone injured in these attacks meet the Esther Ranzen criteria for NHS treatment. No vaccination, no NHS treatment. Just leave them at the side of the road, eh Esther.
Despite Brexit…
Shell plans to move headquarters to the UK
The oil giant will ask shareholders to vote on shifting its tax residence from the Netherlands to the UK.
The Dutch government, however, said it was “unpleasantly surprised” by Shell’s proposal.
Austria have decided to ‘lockdown’ the unvaccinated.
“Unvaccinated people will only be allowed to leave home for limited reasons, like working or buying food.”
Or go to school or to exercise. It remains ridiculous and recidivist to me, these measures don’t appear to have worked as they were meant to when previously implemented after all, but it’s not much of a ‘lockdown’ is it?
“That is a massive reduction in contacts between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.”
Shouldn’t that be a reduction in contacts between the unvaccinated, or a tactic admission the vaccine is useless
Maybe the vaccinated need protection, by locking the unvaccinated up…
“About 84% of Dutch adults have been fully vaccinated. Most patients in Dutch hospitals have not had their jab.”
Connection without providing evidence..
And THEIR jab? sounds biased , like it’s prescription medicine/ treatment they’ve missed.
‘ridiculous and recidivist’
Fascist, even.
A very bbc tweet.
By the bbc, to the bbc, for the bbc…
This year’s Diwali at Cardiff University I believe …
Makes no difference, as the Welsh a brain dead people who would vote Labour if they promised to sell their children as sex slaves in the Middle East and torture the adults to death. They really are that stupid.
Something tell me that there are more Labour voters and child groomers in England than in Wales ?
Cardiff must surely have the ingredients for a bit of good o’l ymbincio plant enrichment?
Ah the Welsh babe-magnet! Some one should take him out.
Vile gets the old gang in.
Springster as guest star soon?
Owen Jones walks out of Sky News interview about Orlando attack – video
BBC News, vs. BBC curated news, Bach…
I had never heard of DSMA – but someone on a daily telegraph comment board suggested that a notice had been issued about the mostly peaceful Liverpool terrorist incident ….
There’s a website …
DSMA = Defence and Security Media Advisory Notice
The BBCnews does not need DSMA notices,
cos they self-censor at any hint of their pet causes being harmed.