It seems Remembrance Sunday has seen another terrorist attack . Nothing is sacred . Will the BBC give it the coverage it deserves or do its’ normal censorship in the name of ‘community relations ‘ ?
Start the Week 15 November 2021
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The BBC have now named the Liverpool bomber (Emad Al Swealmeen) on their Regions page, but not on their Home page “What we know so far”.
It could just be BBC disorganisation, but I’m not inclined to give the lying bastards the benefit of the doubt anymore, and always assume the worst.
Watching Farage chat with Trevor Kavanagh of The Sun fame – riveting TV . I bet a lot of anoraks were just mesermised by the frankness of it …
I believe it’s ” Islamphobia awareness month.” Shouldn’t
the BBC just stick to cricketing banter stories? Is it racist to
start mentioning about Muslims trying to blow up Women’s
Wasn’t he of an heritage of some sort?
GBnews “How the media cover terrorist incidents”
item just about to start.
Brazier on islamic terrorism starts at 20:26 by the clock in bottom right corner.
(He’s calm and measured but you can tell he’s seething.)
“Seventy Five percent of terrorists are ‘home-grown'”.
Must be a comforting thought to anyone suffering from Covid that more than 75% of the virus in their bodies is ‘home-grown’.
Nearly as comforting as finding out that the ex-boss of Border Force doesn’t believe in borders, but then Johnson doesn’t believe in Conservatism either.
Once again the police and the BBC are unsure what the motivation could be for the Liverpool explosion.
Allow me to be of assistance.
First, given the intensity of the explosion, it probably wasn’t a tyre blow-out or the engine backfiring.
Next, given the day and time, it probably wasn’t an accident.
Then, given the name of the ‘passenger’ (Emad Al Swealmeen) it probably wasn’t the IRA.
We know the name is muslim and that the man was of Middle Eastern origin.
A picture is emerging of a possible motivation, is it not?
Now let’s turn to the terror manual known as the quran to see if it can shed further light on a possible motive.
– Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.
– Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.
– The disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies.
– I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.
– And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah.
– slay the idolaters wherever you find them.
– O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you.
– And kill them wherever you find them.
– Sahih Bukhari (52:220) – Allah’s Apostle said… ‘I have been made victorious with terror’.
Etc etc etc.
Is it just me or is a possible motive beginning to emerge?
The bomb was designed to explode at 11am on remeberence Sunday. Everyone knows but nobody will say it was intended for a remeberence day service.
Poor Syrian refugee with mental health problems blows himself up in a hospital car park.
Perfectly ordinary, move along, nothing to see here.
He was such a lovely person and had recently become Christian.
A lefty has a go at making a righty parody account
8:30pm Channel4 Dispatches doco claiming Brexit has put a lot of firms costs up ..
Well part of Brexit was about stopping cheap Labour
BTW I notice that at the COOP
Beet Sugar which is UK/EU is £1
and Cane Sugar which all non-EU is 80p
Cheap ‘labour’?
The Labour-supporting Co-Op charges 20% more than other shops then? Labour not so cheap.
BBC article about the terrorist
version 0 : 4 lines
version 1 : 1 page
version 2 : 3 pages
The page doesn’t mention syria/syrian/refugee/asylum/ISIS/Islam
doesn’t mention eh?
I’m shocked
OK… not really
Sky reporting that he had mental health issues 🙄
Are they committed to say this by contract?
Strictly speaking one might just have to be stark staring effin bonkers to blow yourself up in the back of a taxi in a hospital car park.
– bu that’s not the point is it?
– this guy was a victim
“EXCLUSIVE: Suicide bomber who died when his device blew up outside Liverpool hospital is Syrian asylum seeker, 32, who converted to Christianity at cathedral he wanted to attack and was once arrested for carrying a knife”
A Christian with mental health issues according to the Fail Online main headline.
“Almeni was taken in by Malcolm and Elizabeth Hitchcott in 2017 and converted from Islam to Christianity in Liverpool Cathedral, the venue it is thought he wanted to blow up on Remembrance Sunday” apparently.
That’s a new one. Taqiya perhaps?
Ah “claimed to be Syrian”
It was claimed that Al-Swealmeen had told a friend he came from Syria — but The Sun understands he was a Jordanian national.
He was an asylum seeker who converted to Christianity in Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral in March 2017
And after being arrested for carrying a knife, it’s understood he was sectioned in around 2014.
he went by the name Enzo Almeni.
The 32-year-old was born to an Iraqi mother – and grew up in Dubai before moving to the UK, it’s understood.
“The UK asylum people were never convinced he was Syrian and he was refused asylum in 2014.
“He had his case rejected because he has been sectioned due to some mental health incident where he was waving a knife at people from an overpass.”
How about a few depth charges being let off in the Channel ?
Nothing mentally ill about him, he is and always will a follower of the teachings of Islam.
Liverpool bomber was not a Trump supporter. Fact.
Predicted BBC reaction – numerous interviews with mohamidans expressing fears of a backlash from the far right.
I’ve just seen something on GB News that had me choking on my evening cuppa.
Jonathan Ashworth, the Labour shadow health minister, was asked about the terrorist attack in Liverpool. He had on his “concerned and sympathetic” face. You know the one…
“Shocking,” he said, “that this could happen anywhere, but particularly outside a women’s maternity hospital…” okay, so far, so predictable.
It was the next sentence that had me upsetting my PG Tips. “Obviously we pay our respects and send our condolences to the family of the man who lost his life…”
So, Labour are now commiserating with the families of Islamist suicide bombers.
Amazing they can’t get elected…
I’m ‘shocked’ that he might have said Women’s Maternity Hospital – ‘Men’ can have babies too, the bigot!
Jonathan Ashworth just can’t keep himself off the tele. Him and Ian Blackford are like the Bunter twins that I imagine are the most unpopular kids at school.
– Victim porn ….
but will they elaborate on what he was a victim of?
– juss guessin that’d be an absolute no-no
Drakeford is just the pits ….
Ah but it’s an effnik celebration, so that’s alright then, innit.
Can you imagine the squirming that has been going on in the upper echelons of the BBC in the last few hours?
Waiting for news about the Liverpool bombing. What I really mean is waiting for news about the Liverpool bomber.
Drat. He isn’t a Far Right extremist. Damn. He isn’t a Brexit supporter. Or someone who wants to control immigration. Blast. It isn’t the IRA. Or an offshoot.
Nope. It’s just the usual terrorist asylum seeker.
Even now, the BBC ‘journalists’ must be scouring every mental health department in the country hoping, praying, that the Liverpool bomber was a patient.
But he was none of those, BBC. He was, as usual, from a grouping the BBC bend over backwards to celebrate.
But what’s this? He was a Syrian asylum seeker who had converted from Islam to Christianity !!!!!!!!
That’ll do. Get out the Dom Perignon!
BBC going for mental health issues, bastards!
Damn did I miss the One Show ?
and it was like a giant promo advert for Children In Need
with COP26 propaganda bit thrown in
7:35pm BBC Celebrity MasterChef Professionals
and at 8:30pm cos the BBC is very diverse we get : Celebrity MasterChef Professionals part 2
10:35pm Drag Race
9pm Labour Politician Ed Balls doco about “The Care Crisis”
10pm Frankie Boyle
More diversity
8pm Channel4 #FoodUnwrapped “is back to investigate the challenges of climate change”
8pm Channel5
Kate Humble: Good Life Green Life
‘Kate demonstrates ways to help save the planet by living sustainably’
\\ Strewth, straight out of the WEF handbook. //
11pm GBnews Dominic Frisby is presenting the newspaper headlines show
..with more comedians as guests.
BBC story is up to version 5
The phrases added
: “Al Swealmeen was a refugee from Syria”
: “He said he had come from the Middle East and gone into the the UK asylum system, but was also thought to have converted to Christianity and had mental health issues”
If all that is not in the Guardian article, how would a BBC news worker know ?
BBC’s Fake GHGs Graph
By Paul Homewood
As ever there are updates in the comments
Fake data to solve a fake crisis, based on fake science. It’s hard to keep track!
I can barely contain my anger and frustration about this. I’m literally seething with rage at the way the bbc are not only downplaying the whole incident in their usual scumbag fashion but actually leaning toward the happy smiley victim of the self-inflicted act of terror.
Who is in the BBC now? Who? isis sympathisers? Islamic fundamentalists? What squirming vermin could play the reporting tune in this fashion? So furious!!
Complain to Nadine Dories.
Simples .
Boris says we should “be vigilant” .
Does he know that we are being invaded ?
Perhaps he should tell Priti to be vigilant .
Am I correct in the statement that both Pritstick and Bo Jo warn
any illegals that they would “be sent back ” ?
Any gone yet ?
Readers, the defence of the realm is at stake ! – he has got to go!
With reluctance I’m afraid that I have to agree with you . Boris has done ok on Brexit despite the attempts to stop him from the Remainer establishment. But on other key fronts he has been hopeless, immigration and CO2 being the two most grevious faults closely followed by the BBC.
The appointment of a successor , assuming he goes, is largely up to Tory MPs , not party members , and they will chose someone who will be soft on immigration , because most of them are, and someone who will at least nod in the direction of massive CO2 emissions reduction.
As to the BBC I think that Boris was ready to put it to the sword but then was persuaded that he needed it to scare us about Covid and now about climate change. I suspect he successor will be equally conned.
The only way for those in the general public who loath the BBC to rid themselves of the foul corporation is to do it themselves by refusing to pay the License Fee in ever increasing numbers.
I am afraid to disagree with you . IMHO it was Nigel Farage that got us Brexit.
They both did.
Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
BBC Radio 4 Extra (2011-2021)
“This programme contains language reflecting opinions and attitudes of its time.”
I guess the ultimate plan is that all the brown babies, (there won’t be any white babies), will brought up in state-run farms where they will be told that they are the first generation and there is no history.
Welcome to Woke, the new Fascism.
Clearly his ‘conversion’ was a sham to gain some advantage in this country. Suicide combers do it because giving their life while taking others in the name of Allah gets them into paradise with 72 virgins to abuse as they see fit. There is no such reward for Christians which is why they do no do it.
This article is the truth which the BBC and our MSM will never tell you:
The BBC say ‘Christian’ FOUR times in their article and have never used the ‘Muslim’ word once !!.
I remember an interview with a Muslim terrorist once and they asked him how he could do such terrible things. His answer was ‘Allah knows my heart’. This was particularly chilling as it means they firmly believe they can do anything at all with Gods blessing.
Shame on you BBC. You are the most disgusting of liars because you do it in cunning and deceitful ways whilst hiding behind a charter which stipulates you are impartial.
But of course the ends justify the means to the Left. Just ask Hitler and Stalin. The BBC are not so ethically different from the terrorists in many ways. Both want to force their agenda on everyone else and don’t care what damage they do in the process.
Nice final point . I wonder what a beeboid reading your last paragraph would think ? Could they ever realise that others see their anti British lefty indoctrination as similar to Islamic killing?
As for the 2nd Islamic terrorist in 4 weeks – obviously read the wahabi guidebook of adopting a ‘lifestyle ‘ to cover their true intentions of attacking and killing non Muslims .
I heard Robinson describe this killer as a ‘young man’ – which suggests sympathy . This would be killer was 32 . The bbc cannot stop itself .
The narrative seems to be to change our way of life further to make it more difficult for Muslim terrorists to kill people in the name of their false god – not to control of prevent those creatures from being in the UK – such as withdrawing refugee laws
They are also talking about ‘mental health funding ‘
In the NHS being a reason for Islamic terrrorist attacks …
I am surprised that the BBC hasn’t run to its ‘happy place of going on about highly paid cricketers being called ‘paki ‘ – when that’s what they are …
Covid: Cardiff mum trains to become nurse after husband’s death
Given the number of deaths etc since the start of the Pandemic, this headline struck me as a particularly weak reason for a full article AND a special video pushed in my face on the front page.
So I checked it. And discovered why.
Wales’World’s Greatest Love Story, (in colour)?Well it is news of a sort, efnik man stays with family
22.7% of Mixed White and Black Caribbean households were made up of single parents with dependent children (the highest percentage out of all Mixed ethnicity households), compared with 9.6% of Mixed White and Asian households (the lowest percentage)
In 2011, 72% of black babies were born to unmarried mothers, while the 2018 National Vital Statistics Report provides a figure of 69.4 percent for this condition
QUESTION: How do you tell the difference between an English police officer, a Canadian police officer and an American police officer ?
The situation is that an armed man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with the officer, screams obscenities, raises the knife and lunges at him. The officer is carrying his truncheon and he is an expert in using it. However, he only has a split second to react before the knife-wielding man reaches him. What does each officer do?
English Police Officer:
Firstly, the Officer must consider the man’s human rights.
1) Does the man look poor or oppressed?
2) Is he new to the country, does he not yet understand the law?
3) Is this really a knife or a ceremonial dagger?
4) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
5) Am I dressed provocatively?
6) Could I run away?
7) Could I possibly swing my truncheon and knock the knife out of his hand?
8) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong-doings?
9) Why am I carrying a truncheon anyway and what kind of message does this send to society?
10) Does he definitely want to kill me or would he be content just to wound me?
11) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to stab and kill me?
12) If I raise my truncheon and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself?
13) If I hurt him and lose the subsequent court case, does he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job, my credibility and the loss of my family home?
Canadian Police Officer:
American Police Officer:
TOADY Watch #1 – funny thing, this Tory sleaze – all over the BBC for two weeks, then it’s all over
Did last night’s vote in the House not go so well?
Oh dear.
How sad.
Never mind.
There’s always Labour Party sleaze to fill the news, BBC.
Isn’t there?
[ Deafening silence. ]
7 Labour MPs given jail sentences!’ Marr skewers Starmer over attacks on Tory sleaze
KEIR STARMER was brutally skewered by Andrew Marr for comments about Tory sleaze despite his own party seeing seven MP’s handed jail sentences in just ten years.
During a discussion about the ongoing Owen Paterson scandal, who resigned as an MP following a lobbying debacle, the Labour leader was questioned by Andrew Marr about Claudia Webbe, the Leicester East MP who on Thursday was handed a suspended 10-week jail sentence and 200 hours of community service for threatening an acid attack on a woman.
The seven Labour MP’s who have been caged in the last ten years are: David Chayter, Eric Illsley, Denis MacShane, Fiona Onasanya, Jim Devine, Elliot Morley and now Claudia Webbe.
Most recently, in 2019, Fiona Onasanya, the former MP for Peterborough, was sentenced to three-months in prison for perverting the court of justice after she lied to police to avoid being nicked for speeding.
As noted above, the bbc line to take has been arrived at.
Moaning Emole Andy has found Liz….
Emad Al Swealmeen
“A lovely guy,” was the impression Elizabeth Hitchcott had of Emad Al Swealmeen, when he briefly lived with her and husband Malcolm after his arrival in the UK. Last night police named the 32-year-old as the man who died when a homemade bomb blew up in the back of a taxi outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Reports suggest he was an asylum seeker from the Middle East who converted to Christianity
Next season of Spooks writes itself.
How Springster is running out of feet.
If only dinosaurs had green carbon credits.
Now we’ve got our sitting ducks in a row
You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off edition.
After a couple of days of uncertainty it looks as though our authorities have got their story straight and have passed our media notes for their main headline.
Typically: ‘Taxi suicide bomber was Christian convert‘ (Daily Express) – and if you buy that as the salient point about this bomber chap, then I’ve got a Mersey Bridge to sell you.
They’ll be telling us next he was a Yorkshire County Cricket fan.
Perhaps we should demand an apology from the Archbishop of Canterbury – he’s still a sort of a Christian, isn’t he? I joke but his press office is probably drafting a mea culpa in reply to a BBC request, even as we speak.
Seems the much vaunted police distraction dragnet was somehow full of holes: ‘Liverpool Women’s Hospital explosion: Four freed as suspect killed in blast named‘ (BBC) – predictably.
More interesting than the media’s apparent delighted pounce upon matters theological is this old chestnut: ‘UK terror threat “severe” after hospital bomb blast‘ (‘i’) – did MI5 suddenly realise there’s still about a million Jesus Botherers living over here?
Now this threat level business might be vaguely useful to the public if it were predictive or preventative in any way. However, it works completely reactively. It is like a pizza restaurant telling you there may be some delay in delivering your order because the chef is otherwise engaged – but only after you’ve already placed your order: ‘Picture exclusive: Budding pizza chef: Bomber Emad Al Swealmeen‘ (Daily Mail) – sorry, my analogy was a bit strained there.
The details of where he learned and practised the ingredients for a mozzarella are rather less interesting than where he got his bomb recipe – which one assumes we will not told quite as readily. Despite screamer headlines about Christian conversion – I don’t believe explosive knowhow is any part of the evangelical Alpha Course? My money is on that old anarchist cookbook and he got that off t’internet – which really needs to more strictly regulated, dontchaknow.
Of course raised threat levels will help protect government and official potential targets, where extra security will be wheeled in.
This will do nothing for Joe and Joanna Public. In fact, you might reason that us plebs will be at more risk as the next terrorist looks for ever softer targets.
I’d liken threat level raising to be the equivalence of Lockdowns for protecting the institution of the NHS. Bugger the patients.
The Mirror has no truck with the whopping coincidence that this incident just happened to be on Remembrance Sunday and occurred at a minute to eleven: ‘Bomber who targeted new mums & babies‘ – I’d like to see a traffic report for the area for the morning because I’m assuming this was a fall back target.
If only… ‘Uproar in North over broken promises on rail‘ (‘i’)
Think of the children: ‘Is it time to give children the vote?‘ – that’s your Guardian ‘Long read‘ – Shouldn’t they provide a short concise Cliffs Note for the kiddies? Think of their attention span! I guess the point is that grown ups keep voting bloody Conservative.
What could go wrong with a children’s parliament? Would the level of debate be raised? “Ummm… I’m telling on you, you said a bad word!“
I now genuinely believe there is a concerted effort by most media outlets to bring down this government and Boris Johnson.
Kay Burley now saying it’s the governments fault for the recent terror attack.BBC saying a similar thing.
Constant reference to this governments sleaze but no mention of the jaw dropping earnings by Labour.
Now a conservative MP making allegations against Boris Johnsons dad going back to 2003. An MP who has not hidden her dislike for the PM.
Hardly a mention of the brilliant employment figures released this morning…
Now the BBC saying the NHS to face hell on earth this winter…just waiting for the Media to blame the government for this….Nothing to do with the Pandemic of course just crap government…
This constant doom and gloom is bringing us all down, FFS we will all being having f–king Prozac for breakfast
Blur. Fine.
Today watch
The bee girl spent 15 minutes having a nice chat with the girl boss of Newcastle health mistrust . I won’t recite the normal propaganda crap about ‘tough winter ‘…you know that song ..
…but instead – the sheer lack of inquiry about why the NHS constantly fails – despite never ending chunks of money being thrown into it …
I’d offer my explanations but that’s not my point . It is that the BBC is for ever uncritical – and always points any criticism at the very top end of the government – cutting out god knows how many layers of management .
No discussion about the refusal of GPs to do their jobs and passing the work on to hospitals . No question as to whether GPs should exist at all . ….
I heard that interminable whingeathon too.
But you have to laugh.
As an example of why A and E is so busy, they featured a man taking up a hospital bed with a broken leg.
He got it ‘on a night out with the boys’ when he fell over.
Then he admitted that he weighed over 20 stone!!!!!
Only a little later we heard that the NHS are to open a nationwide series of special clinics to tackle the issue of childhood obesity.
You can’t make it up.
The endless costs meanwhile are made up…by the poor b***** taxpayer.
Try A and E on a Sunday and see the procession of gutbucket Sunday “footballists” with twisted ankles
Yes, Fed, quite illuminating.
Keeping my exposure to BBC Marxist propaganda to a bare minimum, I only tune in to gather the headlines and to determine whether WW3 has started somewhere. Then ‘off’. I did linger unusually longer at 0800 to hear of the black cricketer – somewhere – is it Yorkshire? (I have no interest in Cricket so wouldn’t know) having his experiences of white racism being teased out of him. Surely he can disclose all in one fell swoop?
It occurred to me that this black should trigger the BBC’s juices for a dedicated, daily programme, bit like Toady but purely devoted to a daily update on the horrifically ubiquitous racism perpetrated by whitee. I’m sure the 86% of the population would welcome that. Let’s hear the stories which will need a repeat, ‘catch up’ facility for those white who miss the first broadcast.
Then there’s the terrorist who kindly blew himself up. Our World’s Most Trusted tells the listener, with unnatural emphasis, he was a Christion convert in 2017 but he had been sectioned since. Apparently, the police are still working on the why’s and wherefores. I wouldn’t normally help our Stazi but in this instance, I’m relenting: If he intended blowing himself up but the taxi driver intervened in that plan (has the latter been charged yet with locking him in the back of the taxi and murder?), maybe he feared death from those of his first religion? We all know what they do to those who leave the Religion of Peace.
I was wondering if he was going after the maternity unit – by then realised it would be full of babies called’ Mohammed ‘ so I guess he was after his church ….
Would that be the Sickle Cell / Obese maternity ward?
“In Britain, black women are more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth than white women”.
I see they plan to create numerous clinics around the UK to deal with Sickle Cell. Thought? Tag them on to the clinics in place to deal with FGM……………
The upshot of waves of invasions prior and current.
Between 2015 and 2020, the average crude death rate in Africa was 8.2 deaths per thousand people. The rate decreased gradually since the five-year period from 1990 to 1995, when the continent registered around 14 deaths per thousand inhabitants.
Records use up valuable resources and should be banned.
By the way I hate that natural popcorn that is tasteless. needs a bit of toffee with it……
See you in court! BBC presenter quits with ‘immediate effect’ and launches legal action
A LONGSTANDING BBC news presenter resigned from the corporation with “immediate effect” as she declared that she was taking it to an “employment tribunal”.
Unusual – normally people running to employment tribunals shout out about how badly they have been treated – I wonder if this lady is just after an out of court bribe and non disclosure agreement to feather her expensive BBC pension nest …?
Or something more serious …?
It’s Christmas come early in the BBC news room.
The Liverpool bomber was…
A Christian !!!!!!!!
With a history of mental illness !!!!!!!
And was frustrated that his asylum seeker claim of over seven years was still not being resolved.
So absolutely NTDWI.
Trebles all round.
Well, one things for sure, his asylum application will chronologically continue its way toward its ultimate conclusion and despite the current intervening act, he will, posthumously eventually receive his documents by post.
My thanks to HMG for their sympathy at this difficult time.
See that the newspapers are falling over themselves to describe the Liverpool terrorist as a Christian this morning. Seems odd – I mean bombing Christian churches seems quite un-Christian and surely really much more. . .
Funny how the BBC never mentions Wahhabism – which recommends using deceit to undermine the non Muslim enemy – deceit such as pretending to adopt ‘western ways ‘ such as becoming an Anglican – which some might argue is not the same as being a ‘Christian ‘ now ….
It will be interesting to find out how this thankfully dead vermin got into the UK and how much public money was thrown at him across the years he shouldn’t have been here . On the upside at least he is dead .
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; ”
Which verse speaks of bombings?
Brings MI5 closer to the church. Now they will have to nationally check up on others who converted to Christianity.
Will this latest bomber (whatever bits are left of him) be given a full Christian burial as we are being told he’d converted.
It’s the least we could do for him.
Maybe a few bits in each faith cemetery?
Meanwhile, Vile’s little chocolate brown bear expert on all things wing grasps taqqiya.
Funny how all these defective people who stab and blow up innocent people are Muslim’s. ‘Femi’ seems to choose to ignore that bit.
A top-notch, far-Left tw@t who is a perfect fit for Vile.
Some doubt whether bbc experts are quite as expert as bbc expert experts appear to think.
For a security specialist to be unaware of key aspects of covert warfare is like a 24 yo selfie addict not knowing all about virology or climatology.
Says it all. Objective truth is in short supply across the board.
Where’s Archie Bish at a time like this? He should be telling us to be thankful we had a convert like this that, in true Christian tradition, sacrificed himself to protect other members of the public………
In what way is it ‘right wing’ to point out the obvious flaws in an argument?!
In what way is it ‘right wing’ not to agree with everything you’re told to think?!
If both of those are now the signs of a ‘right winger’, then I guess I am, although I really don’t think I am, and that would make ALL ‘left wingers’ mentally challenged fools, wouldn’t it?
People seeking asylum in the UK and Europe on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity are routinely seeing their claims rejected because of a widespread “culture of disbelief” and an “impossible burden of proof”, researchers have said.
Cremation ?
What another one………….
Yes, we’re being told the religion this time.
Isn’t it nice to the commons getting wound up by its ‘ own procedures . Apparently the blue labour lot were trying to bury the corruption report on `the MP for randox £ Paterson last night but one of their own shouted ‘object ‘ meaning they’ll have to debate it again .
MPs talking about their own corruption will – I suggest – lead to empty benches whilst said MPs go looking for ‘outside jobs and bent cheques ‘ – all in accordance with their Standards Code …
Those who predicted the immediate shift back to Covid scaremongering once COP(out) 26 finished were spot on.
Another laborious Downing Street presser yesterday afternoon with chief stooge Whitty prattling on about the strain on the NHS. We’ve all done our bit, but the fear is wearing very thin now – anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that (1) the NHS is not fit for purpose and (2) This is no longer about a virus, it’s simply about control.
I speak from personal experience… my employer has told me to work from home for the next 10 days as SOMEONE ELSE has tested positive for Covid in the office. I have taked lateral flow tests every week for past 3 months, always negative. But because I’ve chosen not to take the vaccine, I am ostracised and told not to come in. I’m not an antivaxxer, but I have personal and practical reasons not to take the vaccine ( I am from a small family unit, and one is a vulnerable adult).
The irony being of course that people who are double-jabbed are now effectively classed as unvaccinated because of the slow uptake of the booster. Two jabs? Nope, you’re now the same as the 10% not taking any kind of jab.
Also, the hypocrisy of some of my colleagues travelling to another regional office today (for no real reason) is not lost on me either. I’m sure I’m not alone, as the two-tier society being created is snowballing.
Only two events can make this all go away. Either the Queen passes away, or Putin escalates tensions to such a magnitude that troops are sent in and we are at war.
“Only two events can make this all go away. Either the Queen passes away, or Putin escalates tensions to such a magnitude that troops are sent in and we are at war”.
Or a black/brown sportsperson recalls being called an ‘unacceptable’ name ten years ago!
“…Putin escalates tensions to such a magnitude that troops are sent in and we are at war.”
As I understand it, UK troops have already gone in.
Now that would be a welcome distraction…………..
The covid death count is about 130,000
These deaths, we are told, are the old, obese and unhealthy with a very tiny number of others.
This 130,000 would have been filling hospital beds and in general creating huge treatment backlogs with their medical procedures and appointments.
This 130,000 are now no longer creating this huge waiting list.
Should that not mean that nhs waiting lists would become smaller and not the 5-6 million (and rising) that they currently are.
As over 99% with covid have it no worse than a cold or flu why is the waiting list so high.
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning they had someone on saying the number of old people is getting so high and that was a reason the waiting times are increasing.
I thought they were all being killed by covid, the unhealthy ones at least, the ones who would be on the waiting lists.
There’s a lot of manipulated information and now, whatever the government comes out with I automatically disbelieve them.
It wasn’t always so, you could trust the government a lot more 50 years ago, not completely, but they were much better than today’s lot.
I believe those on here much more readily than I do the government.
I also think that GB News, although not perfect, is a much better source of the truth than all the other msm’s and they (still) are a breath of fresh air.
They have to get rid of them somehow…
I’m not sure how to check the NHS waiting list figures, or how reliable these claims are. A brief Google search came up with media reports from unreliable sources such as the Grauniad and BBC. But it is certainly counterintuitive that hospitals are full, when hardly anyone in UK dies with covid anymore, and a lot of vulnerable people have already passed on. I think we’re being fed BS.
“With”, “of”, and “from” Covid are artfully manipulated and lied about. It is no worse than any other flu-like disease, from any other year. They must know, by now, that the scam has been rumbled.
Up until recently Government has only wielded statutory “power” if elected to do so by a majority of the population.
Now for the first time in human history an authority of any kind, NHS included can grasp power simply by rolling out demands that have to be obeyed. E.G. Covid restrictions.
In the past the powers that be would have been held to issuing “advice” and “guidance’. Henceforth they will no longer be required to do that, simply dictate conditions that no-one can vote against but must obey.
Pretty much totalitarianism really!
Lenin must be smiling in his grave.
Brissles post below which appeared as I was editing this is a slightly different but prime example of what I am trying to say. No attempt to weigh up the scale and balance of the argument, just a rush to feign concern and then patch it up at any cost without any counter argument.
We have been through this charade before with Lewis Hamilton have we not? Seems to be a thing!
Sorry OG must beg to differ on this one.
It did not look like a scam to our five contacts who have died from Covid. And does not for their surviving relatives. Of course they had to die of something. We all do, precisely once. But their time came early.
That is not to say there are not some rum goings on with the way information and thus the public is/are manipulated.
But the increase in all-reasons mortality over the last 18 months as compared with the long term average is hard in my opinion to argue against.
Azeem Rafiq giving evidence to MPs. Tippy Toe interrogation. Its awkward I suppose, because there is no physical evidence (unless there are texts/emails/voicemails that we don’t know about), so its purely allegations, but everything he is saying is being totally agreed with by the committee, so the exercise is pretty pointless. We can’t argue, disagree with or be confrontational with anyone who is not white, or there would be an outcry on social media and in the press.
As a nation we are now ‘stuffed’ in not being able to debate with any minority group – yet we are being ‘controlled’ by them constantly.
One hundred percent agree with you Brissles. A few years ago I was on a cruise ship and it was announced over the public address system that England had just beaten Australia in a Test Match. I had the misfortune to be standing in a lift with an Australian and when he heard my English accent he just turned to me and shouted out you “Pommie B*****d”. Should I have sued Cunard for this racist slur by a fellow passenger or would they say it was friendly banter between two white Commonwealth Citizens.
Del, you were both white, so it wouldn’t count. No doubt the same would apply if two Pakistanis (can I say that ?) or two Jamaicans, or two Black Africans pulled each other’s leg . Humour is sadly finished, even sadder is the fact that best mates of two skin colours cannot have a laugh.
This case I fear will end all joking about between white and non-white sporting colleagues, for fear of what will happen if a case of racism is brought a few years down the line !
My ofl head master had played for Yorkshire and told us lads that you could only play cricket for Yorkshire had you been born and brought up on Yorkshire and be a enginous to the contry -In other words perhaps, this Rafiq fellow, may hold a British passport but is NOT of England -my wife is of Scottish ancestry with Scottish Parents and because her father was working in Singapore at the time of my wifes birth, did and does not make her Malay.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Yet again Poor Peter sees some of the problem in front of his eyes yet fails to connect the dots. Saudi money – but doesn’t see it ending up in the pockets of our poorly paid politicians and the way that influences the Islamisation of our country.
It isn’t happening by chance it’s happening by design and it’s a design which has been running ever since the 1970s
The tiny mosque on the Outer Hebrides serving 60 Muslims
Community hails UK’s northernmost mosque, which was completed with crowd-funding project led by charitable Yorkshireman.
I do suspect, when the Queen is no longer, the gates will be open with a woke monarch at the helm, for all the wokes and PC / enviro nutters to run riot
I see the media has been in full attack dog mode on that well known right wing extremist Russel Brand because he reported that several arrests and charges had been made in regard to the false claims made by the Democrats over collusion between Donald Trump and Russia.
It really does plumb the depths that the MSM can attack Russel Brand simply for reporting facts and what happened, and then calling him a Trump supporter.
We know we have an utterly inept government of the far Left authoritarian kind, when it’s leader deplores Donald Trump and backs on of the most unpopular far Left fools ever to sit in the White House, and it appears Boris the Bottler is attempting to emulate his hero in the mental cognition stakes by forgetting COP26 was held in Glasgow and calling it Edinburgh ! We cannot therefore expect anything to be done about the media, all we can do is to spread the word and hope enough people hear it to know it lies all the time and cannot be believed.
You won’t ever get me to watch Russell Brand, whatever conversion experience he is supposed to have gone through.
I was a little bit confused about the bomber of babies at Liverpool .
He has been described as Syrian , then Iraqi , then Jordanian .
Then I thought , why worry , there`s plenty of all three and more at the Polish / Belorussian border and in dinghies coming across the channel .
I for while stopped the BBC from their parroting as fact the claims of failed asylum seekers.
Failed asylum seekers have had their cases proven false in a court of law, to then state them as fact is to say the court is corrupt or has deliberately made a wrong finding. It is a criminal act called contempt of court.
In reporting the facts of this case this man claimed to a number of people to be Syrian, and they believed that he was. The man was a liar and he maintained his pretence right up until the end. It only appears to be now that the lie is proven false as others admit to the subterfuge. Cannot really blame the media for this and without knowing why his claim was rejected it’s impossible to know whether it was because they did not believe he was in truth Syrian.
BB Biased … *sigh* .. nothing to report ….
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.”
Ignoring for now that ‘news’ is supposedly about all information, logically specialising in what is incorrect information must require a fair background on the good stuff.
For the life of me how she has been propelled to where she is escapes me.
Meanwhile other overpaid bbc failures…
Dear Winston Smith,
I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?
1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?
2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.
3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.
4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?
5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?
6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”
Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.
Just watched Azeem Raffiq giving evidence to Select Committee re Racism on BBC
Discussing the above he talked about south-Asian cricket leagues in Bradford, Batley because of lack of opportunity “in our Community”.
He meant the Indo-Pakistani community.
Surely the need for these separate cricket leagues is not a racism matter – it is the lack of integration of the South Asian community into British Life.
Our politicos on the committee never followed up and dug into why there was a lack of integration
Congratulations on watching that – I just couldn’t . I’m sure the irony of being concerned about a sports person and naughty words versus one of the same tribe wanting to blow up a hospital is lost on them…
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Sky now seems to alternate between who can comment on their tweets and simply deleting them.
With luck, Sky will simply give up pretending to be anything worth reading and save a lot of time.
Sky News sponsored by Qatar Airways.