Do you notice the exodus of main purveyors of bias and lies from the BBC ? Do they realise how hated it is because of its anti British Far Left poison ? Here’s to its ‘ demise .
Victoria Derbyshire, who was a contestant on last year’s I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, tells 5 Live Breakfast what will be happening in the castle ahead of tonight’s launch show ⬇️
When the President of the USA makes it clear in a public announcement that he personally dislikes the result of a jury trial, the USA have a huge problem!
It looks like to me that the BBC has found in Azeem Rafiq
as an analogy in a way, the British ethnic
equivalent of George Floyd. No manslaughter or worse
as in the case of Floyd for a compulsive criminal. But so far as the BBC is concerned a latter day Muslim Jesus Christ being
crucified by Yorkshire cricket club. Maybe being stoned to
death is a better phrase.
Rafiq seems to me, as boy a typical ,but talented, in the field of cricket Muslim kid. More than likely with anti-semitism a ” dirty
little secret for Muslims. As Mehdi Hasan the esteemed Muslim journalist
and presenter has said on Question Time. I won’t blame
Rafiq too much for this . Because he was probably taught it
from an early age.
But as he grew up he began to indulge in the “vices ” of the
infidels .Probably not at first under his own recognizances . But
probably succumbed to them , as most of us do , in one form
or another.
I believe that it came to a position that his contemporaries
he was playing cricket with him felt that the kind of “racist” banter that goes on between people of the same ethnic groups.
Such as black folk calling THEMSELVES ,n***r or Non Jews
or Jews shouting out YIDDO’S when supporting Spurs, could be
applied to calling Rafiq a p**i. It would be interesting to know what Rafiq called them in banter or jest.
We know a little bit more about Rafiq being one of the “boys”
now. And one would not imagine in a million years this
“episode” is not being done for anything other than altruistic reasons.
Although fellow contributors. I have been in the gambling
industry for nearly sixty years. And some of the “stories” I
can tell, would be on the front page of every newspaper in the land. My advice to Mr Rafiq would let this story go to bed.
But it’s probably too late now. BUT if the BBC carry on making
a Saint out of this gentleman. they are going to finish up with egg on their face.
As a fully qualified dinosaur i have to say that the hyper sensivity of all thing race or sex is just a madness of our time .
Frankly a ‘ good person’ test should he applied . Clearly this pakk cricketer doesnt qualify because he has exploited his ‘ victimhood’ whilst saying and doing things which are shameful.
The self censorship arising out of this sickness is now fully embedded – which i guess is part of the race industry aims .
People just adapt to no writing comments or saying things without filtering them first . Their views are ‘ internalised ‘ and perhaps – strengthened .
Mine certainly are .
I can’t download but there was an excellent picture doing the rounds of Rafiq and a pal wearing identical green T shirts with the slogan “Paki Power” on the front, with underneath written “when it suits……”
Just a thought. Liberals like to describe “Islamophobia” as an “irrational” fear of Islam. Then surely its antonym, “philia”, means an “irrational” love; so the BBC’s patent Europhilia is by definition irrational! Works for me.
If we get a couple more calm channel crossing days there’s every chance that in this month alone we get more daytrippers (and ex muzzie Christian converts) than the whole of last year.
It’s a good job that Boris wants a review (and about time too)
That should stop these crossings.
Many years ago I worked for a company that employed an ‘out of the box thinker’. Some people thought he was a bit ‘weird’ but I thought he was worth listening too, after all he was being paid to do his job by the company.
After listening to one of his talks I drew a cartoon of him surrounded at his desk by lots of different timepieces, all showing a different time. He was drawn speaking on his phone and the caption was, “At least I know I don’t know the right time!”
I think that ought to be the position of any sensible person, especially these days. The certainty of Ms Spring, coupled to her age, makes me think she is almost certainly wrong!
Despite initial appearances to the contrary, I can only imagine what was said in the preliminary briefing between Billy Bunter and Nadine Dorries before she took up the position.
BB thanked ND for instilling in the public that she was no fan of the BBC and for her emphasising her faux distaste for the “Most Trusted”.
BB: ‘That was a good trick that got the public and other critics off our back temporarily and bought us a little time’.
‘Listen ND, the propaganda that the BBC spews out is in line with other major broadcasters in Europe and the US. It is designed to pacify the public who we would not want to even start thinking revolution / coup as a result of the various Governments’ patent mismanagement of their countries. If they start seeing the daily protests and rioting happening throughout Europe, for example, they might get the wrong idea and decide to have a go at that themselves.’
BB: ‘No Nadine, much as we might find the BBC’s lies and distortions of the truth distasteful, on balance, its helping to keep the public down and in check.’
BB: ‘I’m sure you understand. Now FO and do the job and don’t upset the BBC………..
Not the BBC, I know, but this is The Sunday Times today (21 Nov 2021).
Peter Conradi
“The party’s leaders (The Freedom Party) have consistently downplayed the seriousness of the virus, opposed vaccination and promoted quack cures such as ivermectin, a potentially toxic dewormer blamed for serious illness among some who have taken it.”
Ivermectin a quack cure?
Am no expert, or even a doctor or other medic, but I was under the impression that it was on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, had been used in complete safety for about 40 years as a treatment for parasites, and had been found to be effective against Covid-19.
“Ivermectin, a US Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-parasitic agent, was found to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine the rapidity of viral clearance and safety of ivermectin among adult SARS-CoV-2 patients. The trial included 72 hospitalized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who were assigned to one of three groups: oral ivermectin alone (12 mg once daily for 5 days), oral ivermectin in combination with doxycycline (12 mg ivermectin single dose and 200 mg doxycycline on day 1, followed by 100 mg every 12 h for the next 4 days), and a placebo control group. Clinical symptoms of fever, cough, and sore throat were comparable among the three groups. Virological clearance was earlier in the 5-day ivermectin treatment arm when compared to the placebo group (9.7 days vs 12.7 days; p = 0.02), but this was not the case for the ivermectin + doxycycline arm (11.5 days; p = 0.27). There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19. Larger trials will be needed to confirm these preliminary findings.
Repurposed medicines may have a role against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The antiparasitic ivermectin, with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, has now been tested in numerous clinical trials.
Areas of uncertainty:
We assessed the efficacy of ivermectin treatment in reducing mortality, in secondary outcomes, and in chemoprophylaxis, among people with, or at high risk of, COVID-19 infection.
Data sources:
We searched bibliographic databases up to April 25, 2021. Two review authors sifted for studies, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias. Meta-analyses were conducted and certainty of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach and additionally in trial sequential analyses for mortality. Twenty-four randomized controlled trials involving 3406 participants met review inclusion.
Therapeutic Advances:
Meta-analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin (average risk ratio 0.38, 95% confidence interval 0.19–0.73; n = 2438; I2 = 49%; moderate-certainty evidence). This result was confirmed in a trial sequential analysis using the same DerSimonian–Laird method that underpinned the unadjusted analysis. This was also robust against a trial sequential analysis using the Biggerstaff–Tweedie method. Low-certainty evidence found that ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86% (95% confidence interval 79%–91%). Secondary outcomes provided less certain evidence. Low-certainty evidence suggested that there may be no benefit with ivermectin for “need for mechanical ventilation,” whereas effect estimates for “improvement” and “deterioration” clearly favored ivermectin use. Severe adverse events were rare among treatment trials and evidence of no difference was assessed as low certainty. Evidence on other secondary outcomes was very low certainty.
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Ivermectin a quack cure? Apparently not.
It does seem extraordinary to see that publications which at one time in my life were regarded as reliable organs of record can have degenerated to the point where they peddle stuff like Conradi’s piece.
Just been having a look at Tucker Carlson show on Fox and it reports that there are calls in Congress for Rittenhouse to be tried by the Federal courts rather than the Wisconsin State Court. It seems that such a process is indeed possible , ie you can be tried for the same alleged crime twice in different courts and different verdicts can result, the Federal one taking precedence.
In normal times I think that such a move would never happen but with the current crop of democratic politicians in charge anything is possible.
Perhaps it is just a ploy to stop a Rittenhouse suing the pants off just about every democrat MSM outfit and of course Biden himself. The Dems don’t prosecute if Rittenhouse agrees not to sue.
The politicisation of the legal system in the US by the Dems has reached previously unplumbed depths. The country is now neither a democracy nor a country which has an impartial legal system. Where America treads the UK is not far behind.
Thanks for that . I thought it was interesting that after jury selection there were 20 jurors including ‘reserves’…
I’m sure the US Federal State will try to get him some other way ….
It is difficult to see where the politics of the USA will go .the polarisation seems far worse than here at the moment because people seem less willing to give up their freedoms and rights than here …
Rittenhouse cannot be tried again at the state level (double jeopardy) but the route the Feds will probably take is charging Rittenhouse with violating the Civil Rights of the people he shot (I refuse to call them “victims”).
They used the same playbook with the Minneapolis police officers who were involved with the drug addict Floyd.
… elsewhere the BBC newspaper reports that the dreadful Andy Marr wants to be free to express his green views. Anyone wanna guess what they are ?
He is off to LBC with the rest of the retired BBC dross …. And apparently the daughter of dead labour leader is off to do the Sopel gig … moving the deckchairs …
… with koonsberg being suggested to take over the Marr gig of go to Today … all tedious but useful to know where the enemy is .
Steve is going to make a list.
He is doing a grand job drawing attention to all this.
Someone commented it would be easier to list which hotels are not being used to house ‘immigrants’.
Read the comments under this post to see the scale of the problem just at a glance.
i still refuse to believe Marianna is just one person
More likely it’s a Team inside BBC-TR(uthb)ENDING who create misinformation
and front it with a young woman to SHIELD it from criticism.
Joe was a tottering, stumbling dotard in the Democrat TV debates 18 months ago.
It’s the Susan Rices, Merrick Garlands, Anthony Blinkens and so on that are running the show and making such a monumental mess. Kerry even said on French national TV that “Joe doesn’t know what’s going on” – hey, – if Lurch knows…..
by now THERE SHOULD BE NO DOUBT in your mind !
Global warming is REAL
It is man made
and it THREATENS every SINGLE ASPECT of our lives
yet if you go on Wikipedia, you’ll still find people Hell bent on denying the science
… They are doing their best to warp the truth by rewriting it
that’s #Orwellian
and “Confession through projection” is standard libmob behaviour
“The Astra-Zeneca vaccine has all but vanished from the scene…what are people to think?”
Here’s a clue. The price of AZ is between $2.15-$5.00 depending on where you are in the World. American pharma companies make nothing from this.
Pfizer costs between £17 and £22 and the price of Moderna is between $22-$37. American pharma companies are reckoned to have made around $41 billion so far from their ‘vaccines’.
Go figure.
These numbers are from the hard left Guardian but hey, they are onboard with all this stuff anyway.
Jurors in Kyle Rittenhouse’s polarizing murder trial have been deliberating whether the teenager acted in self-defense when he shot three people during protests in Wisconsin last year, but self-defense claims are rarely as clear-cut as they might appear.
Interesting that so many bits of the Main Stream Media have their own version of Rittenhouse. Mainly – it seems – he was a White plod who killed defenceless coloured folk and got off because of a whites only justice system ….
He was just as bad !. The ongoing situation she inherited was due to him.
The BBC really don’t care who they quote as long as it is in line with the agenda. Even when they are scraping the very bottom of the barrel with John Major, Gordon Brown or Theresa May.
I wonder what the accounts will look like for the RNLI ….I suspect there normal downers will be replaced by woke Business who see this volunteer force used a migrant entry support flotilla.
You will never see a terrorist who intended to kill and mame innocent people with a shrapnel bomb be treated with such sympathy as you will on the BBC.
I’m still not sure how someone can have his asylum and all legal challenges refused in 2014 and still be in the country making yet another application in 2021.
And who paid for all those legal challenges ?.
This – any many other topics – will not be covered by BBC reporters. I deliberately do not use the word journalists.
Countryfile : John Craven revisits the Gloucestershire village of Hillesley where he worked on the local newspaper
– meets Hollywood screenwriter William Nicholson, who cut his teeth on the paper
– meets three generations of farmers
– pops into the pub that was saved by the community
– delves into the Countryfile archives REPEATS
Hmmmmm, so it seems that Amol Rajan – currently the BBC’s golden boy, is the ‘presenter’ of a documentary about the Royal family and its family disputes – due to be aired tomorrow. The RF are in a bit of a tizz about not having seen it beforehand.
All that aside, I find it a bit rich, that Amol Rajan – born in India (and like the rest of them, pitched up here when in his infancy), has attached his colours to the mast of republicanism, by saying he thinks the Monarchy are “absurd”, amongst other things.
This rejection by migrants – who know how the UK operates and under whose flag we fly, really pisses me off. Lucky old Rajan that he was able to arrive here in the first place due to India being part of the Commonwealth or he would still be living in God knows what conditions in Kolkata – or rather Calcutta as we know it, and unlikely he would have had a university education, but waddayouknow, he went to Cambridge here. Aren’t we the greatest ?
Him and the rest of them, need to think, that had we no monarchy, there would be no ‘British Commonwealth”, no Commonwealth no access to the UK , and how life would now be for him and Savid Javid et al who are all here because their parents were able to move here.
BBC – Christian Female Priest introducers article on HALAL Alcohol for muslims.
Alcohol is forbidden within Islam as it is harmful to the body. In the Qur’an , Allah says that any intoxicants or gambling are “from the work of Satan” (Qur’an 5:90). Therefore, Muslims consider that all non-prescribed drugs are the work of Satan and are designed to lead people away from Allah.
I am the LORD thy God.
No other gods before me.
No graven images or likenesses.
I wonder how Albania feels about being the place where we send the channel crossers and the message being it’s an awful place that even the asylum seekers would be horrified to go to.
We say “send them to Albania, that’ll make them think twice”
Do the Albanians think they live in such a total shithole that somalians would turn their noses up at having to spend time there while being processed (possibly 10-20 years at the current rate I’ll admit)
Why not send them to South Georgia.
Give then a few sheep and a tent or shed and let them make a good life for themselves.
Tucker Carlson & @julie_kelly2 Discuss The Buzzfeed Report About The FBI's Involvement In The Governor Whitmer Plot & The Striking Similarities It Has To January 6th
Tucker: "So what does this suggest about January 6th, before you dismiss it as a 'conspiracy theory?'"
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) July 22, 2021
The weird conspiracy theory world of libmob
Priti Patel gave a speech in America
how do they describe it ?
“Climate Denial speech”
Jessica Simor QC
And Patel was this morning
speaking at the Trump supporting
Koch brother funded
climate denying Heritage Foundation.
Reported on the BBC as Patel “speaking in Washington”
That is weird cos speech actually never mentioned Climate/Green/COP26 at all *
None of them quote any words
They #JustSmear
In fact the speech was about National security etc
“British Home Secretary Priti Patel today announced banning of #Hamas in its entirety, a move that puts the UK in line with the U.S. and EU.
Patel said during a speech in Washington, “Hamas is fundamentally and rabidly anti-Semitic.”
Guest mentioned this earlier but the oximeter, a medical device, is guilty of racial bias, according to Sajid Javid. Cue claims of structural racism, systemic racism in healthcare, evil white technology. The coronavirus and the oximeter must be forming a sinister coalition to wipe out black people.
Actually what is happening is merely a diagnostic inaccuracy relating to skin colour. Inanimate objects like medical devices are incapable of “racial bias”, which is a preference made by moral agents.
Just a couple of thoughts about these people crossing the Channel courtesy of the RNLI and the Border Farce.
1. The RNLI are supposedly made up of volunteers, to my knowledge there’s only one professional life boat crew, that’s the one at Spurn Point on the Humber Estuary, so if they are volunteers, who is paying their salaries, doing their courses at yooni, etc.whilst they are casually cruising off Dover picking up the flotsam of the world?
2. Living abroad, I visited the UK last week for a few days,I was in Pompey, what a desolate place it is now the RN has pulled all its shore establishments out of the city and surrounding area, anyway the point I wish to make is this, travelling on the ferry from Ouistreham my wife and I had to produce proof of covid double vaccination, Passenger locator form along with proof of a day 2 test having been ordered. Getting into Pompey, we had to provide the same proof. Who is subjecting these dusky visitors to our shores to the same rigorous examinations. Answers on the back of an envelope please.
Coverage of a demo exclusively by wimmin’ about the lack of midwives.
Just think about all those occupations where there are more men than women. You can hardly move for the feminist protesters. So about about male midwives? Silence.
Very next item. A scheme to keep wimmin’ convicted of minor offences out of prison. So what about men?
The selective BBC. Where ‘equality’ means what they say it means, when it suits them.
It’s Sir David Amess’ funeral tomorrow. Notice how there’s been nothing like the reaction from media, establishment & politicians to his murder as there was with Jo Cox?
Both murders were outrageous but Sir David’s murder passed through the news so much more quickly than Jo Cox.
Something not reported by the BBC even though it’s from the AP.
Covid cases in Africa are mysteriously low. At the same time hardly any one has been vaccinated there. Strange isn’t it. I wonder why the BBC don’t report on this and ask why it’s like that there instead of only asking Boris to lock us up again.
If the BBC did honest proper reporting, their investigation would ask why low vaccine uptake seems to = low covid cases.
Covid … The UK is closing on 10 million total RECORDED cases
remember in the old days only the severest 10% of cases got test, so 90% didn’t get logged
We are logging 1 million official cases per month
Could it be that 20 million or 30 million have already had Covid ?
Mohammed Ali, 21 from Syria. An illegal immigrant who had been in the country 3 weeks, living in a hotel at the taxpayers expense used a phone provided by the Home Office to communicate with what he believed to be two young girls aged 13 and 14. They were decoys.
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Would you fight for this country?” “No, I’m from Brazil.” What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Marianna to arm wrestle Wendy?
Nomia might need a chart, like Mishal’s.
For Marianna to not have time or space for.
But here is a selfie….
Not about anything recent, because… awks.
VD goes Vile.
“I did a big project on this”
Sounds like our Lucy over there at the Guardian just left high school.
‘All the civil servants I spoke to know…’
As Darth Vader might have said: The journalistic force is weak in this one
“…pull factors are a myth not supported by evidence” – then please explain for us the push factors apparently operating in France?
“Politically convenient justification” – I believe they call this projection.
“…for harsh asylum policies” – is this a spoof of some kind?
When the President of the USA makes it clear in a public announcement that he personally dislikes the result of a jury trial, the USA have a huge problem!
Yup, and here too, Digg!
But never mind, they had the giggling goblin in ‘power’ for ninety minutes, so all will be well, one day…
Don’t forget the vice-President also inferred the whole justice system needs to be changed so it doesn’t happen again.
And just imagine the tone of the BBC article if it were Trump making such comments when he was President.
I’m watching all of this happening with an extreme sense of foreboding. It’s how revolutions start.
Across State Lines mashup
Supercut video from @mtaibbi
It shows that the media storytellers are addicted to untruths
Graphic : It’s weird how every liberal NPC picks up the same programming.
If there is any substance to this, someone should be facing charges just for the millions it cost the Country.
You can take the man out if the BBC but you can’t take the BBC out if the man it seems!
It looks like to me that the BBC has found in Azeem Rafiq
as an analogy in a way, the British ethnic
equivalent of George Floyd. No manslaughter or worse
as in the case of Floyd for a compulsive criminal. But so far as the BBC is concerned a latter day Muslim Jesus Christ being
crucified by Yorkshire cricket club. Maybe being stoned to
death is a better phrase.
Rafiq seems to me, as boy a typical ,but talented, in the field of cricket Muslim kid. More than likely with anti-semitism a ” dirty
little secret for Muslims. As Mehdi Hasan the esteemed Muslim journalist
and presenter has said on Question Time. I won’t blame
Rafiq too much for this . Because he was probably taught it
from an early age.
But as he grew up he began to indulge in the “vices ” of the
infidels .Probably not at first under his own recognizances . But
probably succumbed to them , as most of us do , in one form
or another.
I believe that it came to a position that his contemporaries
he was playing cricket with him felt that the kind of “racist” banter that goes on between people of the same ethnic groups.
Such as black folk calling THEMSELVES ,n***r or Non Jews
or Jews shouting out YIDDO’S when supporting Spurs, could be
applied to calling Rafiq a p**i. It would be interesting to know what Rafiq called them in banter or jest.
We know a little bit more about Rafiq being one of the “boys”
now. And one would not imagine in a million years this
“episode” is not being done for anything other than altruistic reasons.
Although fellow contributors. I have been in the gambling
industry for nearly sixty years. And some of the “stories” I
can tell, would be on the front page of every newspaper in the land. My advice to Mr Rafiq would let this story go to bed.
But it’s probably too late now. BUT if the BBC carry on making
a Saint out of this gentleman. they are going to finish up with egg on their face.
As a fully qualified dinosaur i have to say that the hyper sensivity of all thing race or sex is just a madness of our time .
Frankly a ‘ good person’ test should he applied . Clearly this pakk cricketer doesnt qualify because he has exploited his ‘ victimhood’ whilst saying and doing things which are shameful.
The self censorship arising out of this sickness is now fully embedded – which i guess is part of the race industry aims .
People just adapt to no writing comments or saying things without filtering them first . Their views are ‘ internalised ‘ and perhaps – strengthened .
Mine certainly are .
I can’t download but there was an excellent picture doing the rounds of Rafiq and a pal wearing identical green T shirts with the slogan “Paki Power” on the front, with underneath written “when it suits……”
Just a thought. Liberals like to describe “Islamophobia” as an “irrational” fear of Islam. Then surely its antonym, “philia”, means an “irrational” love; so the BBC’s patent Europhilia is by definition irrational! Works for me.
If we get a couple more calm channel crossing days there’s every chance that in this month alone we get more daytrippers (and ex muzzie Christian converts) than the whole of last year.
It’s a good job that Boris wants a review (and about time too)
That should stop these crossings.
Good post pug.
Many years ago I worked for a company that employed an ‘out of the box thinker’. Some people thought he was a bit ‘weird’ but I thought he was worth listening too, after all he was being paid to do his job by the company.
After listening to one of his talks I drew a cartoon of him surrounded at his desk by lots of different timepieces, all showing a different time. He was drawn speaking on his phone and the caption was, “At least I know I don’t know the right time!”
I think that ought to be the position of any sensible person, especially these days. The certainty of Ms Spring, coupled to her age, makes me think she is almost certainly wrong!
Language checked. Seems clean.
Yesterday 4,000 people ‘crossed state lines’ to enter the UK via a non-approved route.
I expect that will be a lead headline on the BBC this week.
Surely, that’s illegal isn’t it? Ah, sorry, it would be if you or I did it……………….
Despite initial appearances to the contrary, I can only imagine what was said in the preliminary briefing between Billy Bunter and Nadine Dorries before she took up the position.
BB thanked ND for instilling in the public that she was no fan of the BBC and for her emphasising her faux distaste for the “Most Trusted”.
BB: ‘That was a good trick that got the public and other critics off our back temporarily and bought us a little time’.
‘Listen ND, the propaganda that the BBC spews out is in line with other major broadcasters in Europe and the US. It is designed to pacify the public who we would not want to even start thinking revolution / coup as a result of the various Governments’ patent mismanagement of their countries. If they start seeing the daily protests and rioting happening throughout Europe, for example, they might get the wrong idea and decide to have a go at that themselves.’
BB: ‘No Nadine, much as we might find the BBC’s lies and distortions of the truth distasteful, on balance, its helping to keep the public down and in check.’
BB: ‘I’m sure you understand. Now FO and do the job and don’t upset the BBC………..
Sooner rather than later, all on here will be able to enter any country to flee persecution for our views, politics and opinions
Not the BBC, I know, but this is The Sunday Times today (21 Nov 2021).
Peter Conradi
“The party’s leaders (The Freedom Party) have consistently downplayed the seriousness of the virus, opposed vaccination and promoted quack cures such as ivermectin, a potentially toxic dewormer blamed for serious illness among some who have taken it.”
Ivermectin a quack cure?
Am no expert, or even a doctor or other medic, but I was under the impression that it was on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, had been used in complete safety for about 40 years as a treatment for parasites, and had been found to be effective against Covid-19.
This from the US National Library of Medicine:-
“Ivermectin, a US Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-parasitic agent, was found to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to determine the rapidity of viral clearance and safety of ivermectin among adult SARS-CoV-2 patients. The trial included 72 hospitalized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who were assigned to one of three groups: oral ivermectin alone (12 mg once daily for 5 days), oral ivermectin in combination with doxycycline (12 mg ivermectin single dose and 200 mg doxycycline on day 1, followed by 100 mg every 12 h for the next 4 days), and a placebo control group. Clinical symptoms of fever, cough, and sore throat were comparable among the three groups. Virological clearance was earlier in the 5-day ivermectin treatment arm when compared to the placebo group (9.7 days vs 12.7 days; p = 0.02), but this was not the case for the ivermectin + doxycycline arm (11.5 days; p = 0.27). There were no severe adverse drug events recorded in the study. A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating adult patients with mild COVID-19. Larger trials will be needed to confirm these preliminary findings.
Or this, from the same place:-
Repurposed medicines may have a role against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The antiparasitic ivermectin, with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, has now been tested in numerous clinical trials.
Areas of uncertainty:
We assessed the efficacy of ivermectin treatment in reducing mortality, in secondary outcomes, and in chemoprophylaxis, among people with, or at high risk of, COVID-19 infection.
Data sources:
We searched bibliographic databases up to April 25, 2021. Two review authors sifted for studies, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias. Meta-analyses were conducted and certainty of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach and additionally in trial sequential analyses for mortality. Twenty-four randomized controlled trials involving 3406 participants met review inclusion.
Therapeutic Advances:
Meta-analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin (average risk ratio 0.38, 95% confidence interval 0.19–0.73; n = 2438; I2 = 49%; moderate-certainty evidence). This result was confirmed in a trial sequential analysis using the same DerSimonian–Laird method that underpinned the unadjusted analysis. This was also robust against a trial sequential analysis using the Biggerstaff–Tweedie method. Low-certainty evidence found that ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86% (95% confidence interval 79%–91%). Secondary outcomes provided less certain evidence. Low-certainty evidence suggested that there may be no benefit with ivermectin for “need for mechanical ventilation,” whereas effect estimates for “improvement” and “deterioration” clearly favored ivermectin use. Severe adverse events were rare among treatment trials and evidence of no difference was assessed as low certainty. Evidence on other secondary outcomes was very low certainty.
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Ivermectin a quack cure? Apparently not.
It does seem extraordinary to see that publications which at one time in my life were regarded as reliable organs of record can have degenerated to the point where they peddle stuff like Conradi’s piece.
Just been having a look at Tucker Carlson show on Fox and it reports that there are calls in Congress for Rittenhouse to be tried by the Federal courts rather than the Wisconsin State Court. It seems that such a process is indeed possible , ie you can be tried for the same alleged crime twice in different courts and different verdicts can result, the Federal one taking precedence.
In normal times I think that such a move would never happen but with the current crop of democratic politicians in charge anything is possible.
Perhaps it is just a ploy to stop a Rittenhouse suing the pants off just about every democrat MSM outfit and of course Biden himself. The Dems don’t prosecute if Rittenhouse agrees not to sue.
The politicisation of the legal system in the US by the Dems has reached previously unplumbed depths. The country is now neither a democracy nor a country which has an impartial legal system. Where America treads the UK is not far behind.
Any postings of Tucker Carlson most welcome – he gives a bit of hope in the media …
Tucker Carlson slams the media over the Rittenhouse Trial. This is a classic.
Thanks for that . I thought it was interesting that after jury selection there were 20 jurors including ‘reserves’…
I’m sure the US Federal State will try to get him some other way ….
It is difficult to see where the politics of the USA will go .the polarisation seems far worse than here at the moment because people seem less willing to give up their freedoms and rights than here …
DT, Fedup2, GW et al,
Rittenhouse cannot be tried again at the state level (double jeopardy) but the route the Feds will probably take is charging Rittenhouse with violating the Civil Rights of the people he shot (I refuse to call them “victims”).
They used the same playbook with the Minneapolis police officers who were involved with the drug addict Floyd.
Dob – thanks that s what I meant ….
… elsewhere the BBC newspaper reports that the dreadful Andy Marr wants to be free to express his green views. Anyone wanna guess what they are ?
He is off to LBC with the rest of the retired BBC dross …. And apparently the daughter of dead labour leader is off to do the Sopel gig … moving the deckchairs …
… with koonsberg being suggested to take over the Marr gig of go to Today … all tedious but useful to know where the enemy is .
Steve is going to make a list.
He is doing a grand job drawing attention to all this.
Someone commented it would be easier to list which hotels are not being used to house ‘immigrants’.
i still refuse to believe Marianna is just one person
More likely it’s a Team inside BBC-TR(uthb)ENDING who create misinformation
and front it with a young woman to SHIELD it from criticism.
‘something’ tells me that maxincony is alongside her holding her hand?
Marcus Rashford hands PR and marketing to American sports agency founded by Jay-Z
David Prior’s pictureby David Prior
The state of Biden’s USA..
500 people murdered in Philadelphia this year, this latest one being a pregnant women shot multiple times in the head and her pregnant belly.
That’s just one city…. I don’t hear any comment from Biden…
However this is one of the top cops on the case..
What basket case he is making of that Country!
It’s not Joe though is it?
Joe was a tottering, stumbling dotard in the Democrat TV debates 18 months ago.
It’s the Susan Rices, Merrick Garlands, Anthony Blinkens and so on that are running the show and making such a monumental mess. Kerry even said on French national TV that “Joe doesn’t know what’s going on” – hey, – if Lurch knows…..
It’s definitely not Joe tomo, it’s Barack Soros running the Three Card Monte game called the US Government
Last week two young disinfo journos have their name on a supposed reality check on what “climate deniers” say.
(I dunno who actually wrote it)
Unsurprisingly it is full of strawmen, omissions, half truths and disinformation:
Homewood :
Please see also this long rebuttal by JIT
I have a pending comment
Tracking the official BBC PR push of 8 tweets to the WORLD, from 6 different BBC accounts
Yet a tiny impact ; 245 maximum likes
Most tweets ratioed by skeptics upto maximum of 150
BTW a big thread by one BBC writer contains about 6 extra supporting tweets from her
Another rebuttal
Those two disinfo operators will have had their copy overseen by Horrorbin – we can be certain of that.
Little Rachael’s tweeting reads like schoolkid sneering.
Green Правда
She mentions a radio show
That radio show might be this, that airs 3 times this weekend
5. ‘We fight climate denial on Wikipedia’
It begins
that’s #Orwellian
and “Confession through projection” is standard libmob behaviour
“The Astra-Zeneca vaccine has all but vanished from the scene…what are people to think?”
Here’s a clue. The price of AZ is between $2.15-$5.00 depending on where you are in the World. American pharma companies make nothing from this.
Pfizer costs between £17 and £22 and the price of Moderna is between $22-$37. American pharma companies are reckoned to have made around $41 billion so far from their ‘vaccines’.
Go figure.
These numbers are from the hard left Guardian but hey, they are onboard with all this stuff anyway.
Seems that when it comes to ‘if in hole, keep digging’, US media can still teach the bbc a thing or two.
Then of course, nearer to these shores…
It would be delicious if defamation actions get going.
The scumbucketry of the “liberal” US media should have just reward.
Interesting that so many bits of the Main Stream Media have their own version of Rittenhouse. Mainly – it seems – he was a White plod who killed defenceless coloured folk and got off because of a whites only justice system ….
Of course the bbc here knows what youth really is all about, and interested in.
And if all else fails run a ‘Labour Says’ from a party who trashed the country for a few extra votes.
Does anyone actually care what Javid thinks ?.
He was just as bad !. The ongoing situation she inherited was due to him.
The BBC really don’t care who they quote as long as it is in line with the agenda. Even when they are scraping the very bottom of the barrel with John Major, Gordon Brown or Theresa May.
I wonder what the accounts will look like for the RNLI ….I suspect there normal downers will be replaced by woke Business who see this volunteer force used a migrant entry support flotilla.
And I wonder how much money they are getting from the government to do it. You can be sure it’s disguised in some way so we never find out.
Speaking of youth…. with ovaries.
Other than giving prepubescent fan bois and fellow slappers something to coo over, what exactly is she on about?
Liverpool bomb: Miracle I’m alive, says taxi driver
You will never see a terrorist who intended to kill and mame innocent people with a shrapnel bomb be treated with such sympathy as you will on the BBC.
I’m still not sure how someone can have his asylum and all legal challenges refused in 2014 and still be in the country making yet another application in 2021.
And who paid for all those legal challenges ?.
This – any many other topics – will not be covered by BBC reporters. I deliberately do not use the word journalists.
Iraq-born asylum seeker Emad Al Swealmeen, 32, who was a passenger in the taxi, died when his bomb exploded. – A tragic accident.
Countryfile : John Craven revisits the Gloucestershire village of Hillesley where he worked on the local newspaper
– meets Hollywood screenwriter William Nicholson, who cut his teeth on the paper
– meets three generations of farmers
– pops into the pub that was saved by the community
– delves into the Countryfile archives REPEATS
Hmmmmm, so it seems that Amol Rajan – currently the BBC’s golden boy, is the ‘presenter’ of a documentary about the Royal family and its family disputes – due to be aired tomorrow. The RF are in a bit of a tizz about not having seen it beforehand.
All that aside, I find it a bit rich, that Amol Rajan – born in India (and like the rest of them, pitched up here when in his infancy), has attached his colours to the mast of republicanism, by saying he thinks the Monarchy are “absurd”, amongst other things.
This rejection by migrants – who know how the UK operates and under whose flag we fly, really pisses me off. Lucky old Rajan that he was able to arrive here in the first place due to India being part of the Commonwealth or he would still be living in God knows what conditions in Kolkata – or rather Calcutta as we know it, and unlikely he would have had a university education, but waddayouknow, he went to Cambridge here. Aren’t we the greatest ?
Him and the rest of them, need to think, that had we no monarchy, there would be no ‘British Commonwealth”, no Commonwealth no access to the UK , and how life would now be for him and Savid Javid et al who are all here because their parents were able to move here.
I am in total agreement BRISSLES.
BBC – Christian Female Priest introducers article on HALAL Alcohol for muslims.
Alcohol is forbidden within Islam as it is harmful to the body. In the Qur’an , Allah says that any intoxicants or gambling are “from the work of Satan” (Qur’an 5:90). Therefore, Muslims consider that all non-prescribed drugs are the work of Satan and are designed to lead people away from Allah.
I am the LORD thy God.
No other gods before me.
No graven images or likenesses.
I wonder how Albania feels about being the place where we send the channel crossers and the message being it’s an awful place that even the asylum seekers would be horrified to go to.
We say “send them to Albania, that’ll make them think twice”
Do the Albanians think they live in such a total shithole that somalians would turn their noses up at having to spend time there while being processed (possibly 10-20 years at the current rate I’ll admit)
Why not send them to South Georgia.
Give then a few sheep and a tent or shed and let them make a good life for themselves.
Are these wimmin supplied to the bbc by Getty Losers?
How many have insulated their lofts?
China 3 child policy will remove all these people in one generation.
In what way is this moron being betrayed by government. These idiots need a reality check.
The weird conspiracy theory world of libmob
Priti Patel gave a speech in America
how do they describe it ?
“Climate Denial speech”
That is weird cos speech actually never mentioned Climate/Green/COP26 at all *
None of them quote any words
They #JustSmear
In fact the speech was about National security etc
“British Home Secretary Priti Patel today announced banning of #Hamas in its entirety, a move that puts the UK in line with the U.S. and EU.
Patel said during a speech in Washington, “Hamas is fundamentally and rabidly anti-Semitic.”
* I went through the transcript
ah… that Jessica Simor?
Am I going to check? No.
Guest mentioned this earlier but the oximeter, a medical device, is guilty of racial bias, according to Sajid Javid. Cue claims of structural racism, systemic racism in healthcare, evil white technology. The coronavirus and the oximeter must be forming a sinister coalition to wipe out black people.
Actually what is happening is merely a diagnostic inaccuracy relating to skin colour. Inanimate objects like medical devices are incapable of “racial bias”, which is a preference made by moral agents.
Overplaying the race card on this one, I’d say.
Just a couple of thoughts about these people crossing the Channel courtesy of the RNLI and the Border Farce.
1. The RNLI are supposedly made up of volunteers, to my knowledge there’s only one professional life boat crew, that’s the one at Spurn Point on the Humber Estuary, so if they are volunteers, who is paying their salaries, doing their courses at yooni, etc.whilst they are casually cruising off Dover picking up the flotsam of the world?
2. Living abroad, I visited the UK last week for a few days,I was in Pompey, what a desolate place it is now the RN has pulled all its shore establishments out of the city and surrounding area, anyway the point I wish to make is this, travelling on the ferry from Ouistreham my wife and I had to produce proof of covid double vaccination, Passenger locator form along with proof of a day 2 test having been ordered. Getting into Pompey, we had to provide the same proof. Who is subjecting these dusky visitors to our shores to the same rigorous examinations. Answers on the back of an envelope please.
Armed police surround a factory in Manchester.
No further details. I bet the BBC and the Socialist Worker’s Party are worrying
BBC London news.
Coverage of a demo exclusively by wimmin’ about the lack of midwives.
Just think about all those occupations where there are more men than women. You can hardly move for the feminist protesters. So about about male midwives? Silence.
Very next item. A scheme to keep wimmin’ convicted of minor offences out of prison. So what about men?
The selective BBC. Where ‘equality’ means what they say it means, when it suits them.
Midwives demo had good PR
The BBC local news made the local demo the main item
The ITV local news made the local demo the main item
Remember the Saint Jo Cox circus ?
Cos a muzzie did it, simple
Something not reported by the BBC even though it’s from the AP.
Covid cases in Africa are mysteriously low. At the same time hardly any one has been vaccinated there. Strange isn’t it. I wonder why the BBC don’t report on this and ask why it’s like that there instead of only asking Boris to lock us up again.
If the BBC did honest proper reporting, their investigation would ask why low vaccine uptake seems to = low covid cases.
No wonder the trust in the BBC is at at all time low.
UK cases 4,000/million population/week
Africa cases 40 or 30 or 2 per million
(UK records 100 times more cases)
UK Deaths 15/million population/week
Sweden 0.4
Africa cases 3 or 2 or 0 per million
(UK records 10 times more deaths)
Africa is Sunny/poor recording/ different genetics
Covid … The UK is closing on 10 million total RECORDED cases
remember in the old days only the severest 10% of cases got test, so 90% didn’t get logged
We are logging 1 million official cases per month
Could it be that 20 million or 30 million have already had Covid ?
Long past time that antibody tests were rolled out – it’s not like they don’t exist.
The antibody test is the only one that’s important. It shows resistance to covid from vaccine or natural immunity which are equally as important
Marr show
“Who did this?”
Sounds like a taffman to me?