The BBC were trying hard to ‘rehabilitate’ Alec Baldwin on TOADY this morning (Friday 3rd December). They were a bit behind the news curve on this as I think the interview happened 24 hours before the TOADY item. Late on the news is a perennial BBC problem and keeping old stories going, especially on their web-site, is something they promised not do over two decades back.
But breaking promises is nothing new to BBC:
Free TV Licences for over-75s
iPlayer TV available Licence Free to those watching catch-up TV
Whole radio archive made available via BBC web-site
Up-to-date news, no old stories
Reminds me of the Belushi scene in the blues brothers…
It is both bizarre and frighteningly telling how duplicitous and evil lefties really are..
Come on man just say I never expected it to happen but I did inadvertently shoot the girl dead. But that would take honesty and bravery, both missing in our left wing cohort.
I would like our BBC to move away from presenting Channel Migrants as victims and explore the possibility that the indigenous population could also become victims.
Peppa the Pig is to blame, when we went from military holding camps to 4 star hotels. The UK has become an economic magnet with almost no chance of deportation.
Thanks Peppa!
That poor little boy Arthur was murdered by his ‘parents’ .
Meanwhile various public authorities managed to fail to follow up clear leads about the appalling cruelty he was suffering.
There is to be a public enquiry. I guarantee the social services, local council, police, and others will leave no stone unturned to make absolutely sure …..that none of them can be blamed for anything, no-one is held to account and any failings will be swept under the carpet, and those in charge will probably be promoted.
What else do we expect from our public sector heroes?
Other child victims of other predators ignored, noticed around the world, but not much of a concern for our “wurld klass” bangladeshi broadcasing corporation
Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness
Europe is currently being overwhelmed by a wave of rape committed by Muslim migrants. Particularly in Scandinavian countries, the number of rapes of white women and girls is rising.
” Jo Cox wanted to make the world a better place and it was a cause for which she was willing to travel halfway across the globe. Whether consoling rape victims in Darfur or bombed out villagers in Afghanistan, it seemed the jet-setting international aid worker was rarely far from the action.
Lately it had been the struggle of Syrian war refugees to get to the West that touched her heart, and their plight was a subject she returned to again and again after becoming a Member of Parliament. It seemed there was no victims anywhere she could not empathise with.
Except, perhaps, with one striking omission.
And that would be the White child rape victims of Muslim grooming gangs in her own back yard. For her West Yorkshire constituency is near the epicentre of the Muslim child rape epidemic that has been sweeping the Labour heartlands of northern England, largely ignored or covered up by social services workers, police and politicians.
For it is a striking omission that of all the subjects she enjoyed sounding off on, this world-famous crisis affecting the poorest Whites on her doorstep was not one of them. One cannot help wonder if this shrewd silence was connected to the fact that her lavishly paid MPs job in the constituency of Batley and Spen largely depended on the support of the local Muslim community.
Co-incidentally, just as Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death outside her constituency office in Birstall last Thursday, sentencing was about to take place at Leeds Crown Court after a long trial involving a horrific case of Muslim child exploitation.
The court heard that in Halifax, eleven miles from Cox’s constituency, a vulnerable underage girl had been left to fend for herself at the age of 13 after her mother died. This child ended up being preyed on by 100 Muslim males who plied her with alcohol and drugs. The girl — nominally in council care — was then passed from house to house and from town to town as far away as Manchester and London. The girl described being filmed by Muslims on a mobile phone while being orally raped. She contracted an STD. Some of the rapists were identified from CCTV which had been seized from the hotels she could remember, while others were caught because of DNA from stains on her clothing. The police said afterwords that the girl, one of two victims, had shown “immense courage and bravery in reporting these matters to the police and providing evidence.”
At the Leeds trial, only fifteen of the men were convicted. Originally over a hundred were arrested and doubtless dozens of culprits walked free. It was a lurid and horrific story but such hearings are so common these days, they have become wearily familiar.
Nevertheless you would think this would be a issue that would enrage a feminist-minded, morally crusading MP. But no, instead of fighting to defend the White girl victims of Muslim rape gangs, female Labour MPs have preferred to defend the Muslim community and deflect any criticism. Or, like Jo Cox, they have chosen to ignore it completely. In her maiden speech, Jo Cox said that her community had been “deeply enhanced by immigration”. Yes well.”
Putting any character – dead or alive – up on a pedestal – needs to be treated with suspicion . If what is reported here is true she will be damned . But at the moment she is a symbol of purity and victimhood for the Left / Far Left and as a shield any time a lefty wants to reduce freedom a bit more and more ….
As a little aside the BBC still refer to the Nigerian part of his name as Labinyo , not Labinjo .
The British and derivatives such as Nigeria will pronounce it as Labinjo , as the last part will be pronounced Joe , as in jam , jelly , jet .
The European pronunciation of J from Germany downwards ( like Jugoslavia = Yugoslavia) is Y , as in yellow , yacht , yam yams .
So why is billionaire BBC mispronouncing it ?
The Baldwin shooting – I see some blue on blue action with Democrat royalty George Clooney weighing in .. The interview timing on Baldwin’s part as the Jussie Smollett case is “airing” yet again couldn’t be worse – he’d have been better to leave it alone until after Christmas…
The BBC – bringing you what you need to know in a timely fashion huh?
Covid-19: Omicron could cause re-infection and Italian man tries to dodge jab with fake arm and… How do you say Omicron?
It would be more accurate to say “NHS to stop” and leave it at that, my GP surgery seems to have given up and after waiting four months for an eye appt rang them up to hear they are still dealing with appts for January 2021
Last June my optometrist detected a cataract in my left eye. I was seen by the our sainted, clapped for Anychess the next day and they concurred with the diagnosis.
The doctor at the hospital said she would get me on the list for a pre-op consultation. I asked, somewhat cynically, “How long will this take, 6 months?”. The doctor reassured me that it would be 6 – 8 weeks.
In September, I received the notification of my pre-op appointment, April 5 2022.
I went back to my ophthalmologist and she said, “This is ridiculous”. She referred me to a private firm, CHEC whose sole business is doing cataracts, much of which is paid for by the NHS.
I had my consultation the beginning of November and the operation 2 weeks ago.
I subsequently contacted the hospital to cancel the April 2022 appointment explaining that I had already had the cataract sorted. They replied by post that they understood the the appointment was not convenient for me and that while they could not offer a new date they would put me on the Waiting List for a new appointment in the future.
In similar circumstances, I concluded it was quicker to, ‘play the refugee’ and fly down to West Africa where all the medical charities are facilitating such treatment day-to-day and get it done down there. Welcome to the UK Third World.
Btw, the West Africans can now have vision enough to destroy the right documents (passports) before setting off for the UK with a Soros grant in their back pocket……….
Exposing the myths of Meghan’s victimhood
She lectures plebs on poverty while living in a $19m mansion. It’s time Meghan Markle was held to the standards she demands of others.
Simi Garewal calls Meghan Markle liar after viral Oprah interview. Twitter reacts
Simi Garewal took to Twitter today to say that she did not believe a word that Meghan Markle said on Oprah Winfrey’s interview. She called her evil and a liar.
This may explain his excuse, aomething I came across :
“Could Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin be the victim of a self-shooting gun as he claims in a recent interview with George Stephanopoulos?
No That’s not what he said. And this is why sound bite news is dangerous. It will cause you to think things which are not accurate depictions of reality.
He said, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger was not pulled.” He actually said that.
And it may even be completely true.
Baldwin describes how they were setting up the [camera] shot and that he pulled back the hammer, since that was part of the scene. One of those, good guys pointing the firearm at where the camera is going to be and then he cocks the revolver.
When the AD said they got the angle right, he released the hammer.
Well. There’s a reason why there’s a big red line through the image of the guy manually operating the hammer above. If you release the hammer with enough tension still on it, the gun will fire.
Normally, the revolver operates by (yes, this is double action):
You start squeezing the trigger,
The trigger squeeze begins pulling the hammer back (storing energy in a spring)
When a point is reached, the hammer moves forward.
The hammer strikes the firing pin.
The firing pin hits the primer cap (which is in the cartridge).
When struck, the primer (should normally) detonate
Causing the powder in the cartridge to fire the bullet down the guns’ barrel.
Baldwin is saying:
He didn’t do Step 1.
Instead, he used his thumb to do Step 2.
He let go of the hammer, causing Step 3.
The rest operated as a revolver normally does, because there was a live round.
Now, it’s important to place what he said into context:
Is he saying, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger wasn’t pulled” to claim that he didn’t cause the injury or was not involved; or
Is he saying, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger wasn’t pulled” to factually describe what actually happened.
There are very different things. The ABC interview and its previews are heavily edited to cut out most of the conversation.
Or is it both? He can say he didn’t pull the trigger. And that he wouldn’t point a gun at someone and pull the trigger—believing that he was trying to be safe, and so he is less culpable. And for his single-action revolver, that might be true.
And I believe his factual statement that he didn’t pull the trigger. Why? Because:
He’s an idiot
Who doesn’t know a damn thing about guns”
If the hammer is cocked and let go with no pressure on the trigger it will drop to half cock.
For it to drop on the primer I believe the trigger needs to be pressed. And this can be done prior to cocking and allowing the hammer to fall- this is a method used to fire such guns known as fanning.
Half cock is an integral part of this firearm design as you need to put it in half-cock to rotate the cylinder freely for loading/unloading through the loading gate as the cylinder is fixed and not a swing out cylinder.
if the hammer is dropped prior to reaching the half cock feature – would it have enough force to ignite the primer or would it “light strike”? I am not sure…this is possibly the only wiggle room I can see in Baldwin’s situation.
Correction 3rd December: During the editing process a line was added to this article reporting that racial slurs about Muslims could be heard inside the bus. This line has been amended to make clear that “a slur about Muslims” could be heard.
‘They Spit When I Walked in the Street’: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’ in France
Gunther Jikeli, a German historian at Indiana University who conducted a meticulous study of Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe, called the phenomenon “blindingly obvious” in a recent opinion piece in the newspaper Le Monde.
Nearly 40 percent of violent acts classified as racially or religiously motivated were committed against Jews in 2017, though Jews make up less than 1 percent of France’s population.
In 16 surveys conducted over the last 12 years in Europe, “anti-Semitism is significantly higher among Muslims than among non-Muslims,” Mr. Jikeli wrote.
“There is a kind of norm of anti-Semitism, of viewing Jews negatively,” he said in an interview.
It’s time to call out the antisemitism within Britain’s Muslim communities
New survey into British Muslim attitudes towards Jews
Politicians often talk tough on tackling antisemitism — but there seems to be a reluctance to call out this deep-rooted prejudice within one section of British society: British Muslim communities.
The evidence has shown for some time that such problematic beliefs are more concentrated within the British Muslim population. A 2017 report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) showed that, across a range of indicators, the degree of antisemitic beliefs within British Muslim communities was a serious cause for concern. When compared with the general population, British Muslims in the study were more likely to believe that the Holocaust is a myth (2 per cent and 8 per cent respectively) and think that Jews possess feelings of ‘group superiority’ over non-Jews (13 per cent and 28 per cent respectively)
The sorry truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected the British Muslim community
t pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.
I can’t keep count of the number of Muslims I have come across – from close friends and relatives to perfect strangers – for whom weird and wacky anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are the default explanation for a range of national and international events. Who killed Diana and Dodi? The Mossad, say many Muslims. They didn’t want the British heir to the throne having an Arab stepfather. What about 9/11? Definitely those damn Yehudis. I mean, why else were 4,000 Jews in New York told to stay home from work on the morning of 11 September 2001? How about the financial crisis? Er, Jewish bankers. Obviously. Oh, and the Holocaust? Don’t be silly. Never happened.
Growing up, I always assumed that this obsession with “the Jews” was a hallmark of the “first-generation” immigrants from the subcontinent. In recent years, I’ve been depressed to discover that there are plenty of “second-generation” Muslim youths, born and bred in multiracial Britain, who have drunk the anti-Semitic Kool-Aid. I’m often attacked by them for working in the “Jewish owned media”..
It is sheer hypocrisy for Muslims to complain of Islamophobia in every nook and cranny of British public life, to denounce the newspapers for running Muslim-baiting headlines, and yet ignore the rampant anti-Semitism in our own backyard. We cannot credibly fight Islamophobia while making excuses for Judaeophobia.
Why the Labour Party Won’t Confront British Muslim anti-Semitism
Too many Labour politicians cravenly adopted the anti-Semitic tropes and anti-Israel demonization they think will get them British Muslim votes, rather than standing up to the prejudice that exists in the community.
That is the real tragedy of this current exposé of anti-Semitism on the Left. Anti-Israel demonization, they think, will get those votes. Fear of violence in Britain and the belief that by appeasing their Muslim voters they will secure themselves in power are the driver behind these abhorrent statements. So the condemnations of anti-Semitism that we hear from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the offenders typically express disapproval of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism, lest anyone think that anti-Semitism was special, or had any roots in the religion and culture of Islam.
Anti-Semitic attacks: ‘I try not to look overtly Jewish, I’m not going to take the risk, I’m not looking for trouble’
Greater Manchester faith leaders join forces to stem rising tide of hate as Muslim official admits dismay at attacks from within his community, Shocking figures show anti-Semitic incidents have soared by nearly 80 per cent in Greater Manchester over the last year.
Analysis of the CST figures suggests there has been an increase of anti-Semitic attacks carried out by Muslims during heightened conflict in Gaza.
Mohammed Amin, co-chair of the Muslim Jewish of Greater Manchester, said the Muslim community cannot hide from the statistics.
TOADY Watch #1 – it is OK for some people to do a U-turn but not Conservative Government Ministers
The hypocrisy of the BBC is on show – again – this morning. No surprise, it is routine for the BBC (a.k.a. the militant broadcasting wing of the Labour Party) to howl at a Government U-turn, especially if made by the Prime Minister. Those of us with long memories will remember one of Margaret Thatcher’s speechwriters coming up with the brilliant line “U-turn if you want to; this lady’s not for turning.” Was it the late Lord Bell’s line?
No matter. One of the early items in the 7 a.m. News on R4 was about a public information film to be released (I assume with Dept. of Health approval) about three unvaccinated mothers who caught ‘Covid’ while pregnant. Now I recall that in 2020, it was stressed by PH (England) and the vaccine companies that the vaccines should not be taken by young females if pregnant or trying to get pregnant. That is quite a U-turn by the medical profession.
Jim, is this a Christmas quiz? Please let me have a go. Three guesses. Ummh, Jim, let me guess .. er …does it have David Lammy in it somewhere and Diane Abbott, too? Got a feeling it begins with ‘B’ …. ummhhh, no just won’t come to me.
Moderator Admin note
I notice that a troll has been active during Friday night . I guess it must be on a shift . If anyone would like the troll removed from the site please let me know .
No, Fed, that would spoil things. We need some critics to keep us sharp. Actually, we need better critics than maxi and his pals. How about it maxi? How about ‘upping your game’ to the level of ours?
Ok – I’m just getting lazy and scanning over those troll comments – which are always of the same miserable song .
It will obviously enjoy being discussed believing it validates their miserable existence as much as any responses it gets .
I just wish it would focus on the BBC – even once – and attempt to defend it – but that might be an intellectual task beyond a simple cut and paste troll . Which is sad really .
I have to admit my opinion of maxi has changed from bemusement at his hypocrisy and extremely selective choice of topics through to thinking he is just another pathetic Lefty full of schoolboy-grade spite.
I used to wonder what motivates people like him to be bottom-feeder trolls. Now I just don’t care. There is no ‘noble cause’. He’s just a hater.
His only worth is to show us what the BBC are doing on forums like this – particularly the fact they are keeping a database of ‘offenders’. I believe the Nazis did something similar. It reminds us what dirty scumbags they really are.
The fact he avoids the real topics completely and nit-picks irrelevant stuff speaks volumes.
Fed, what we could do with is a chance to mark down posts that don’t really have anything to do with the BBC (unless stated in the post) or are just personal attacks. maxi always seems to go after the same posters; Stew Green and pug and one or two others. It might incentivise maxi to join in properly instead of his drive-by-snipings!
You should not remove maxi because if you do it would make this site as bad as the lefties.
Even though I disagree with his views he should be allowed free speech.
Today watch
The anti royalist presenter of south Asian heritage ( a paki?) interviews mickey holding – who apparently used to play cricket .
Mr holding poured forth on the Yorkshire cricket club which appears to be in the process of destroying itself because a paki got upset being called a paki .
At the end holding casually mentioned that as a result the atmosphere has got more toxic and (whitee ) people are less likely to talk . Quite right . Why talk to coloured people if you suspect they are waiting for a comment which can be reported 10 years from now to get money and get the victim fired.
We always said we would leave America when our kids understood why they were doing mass shooting drills in their classrooms. We kept to that pledge.
Imagine if Bryant Jr. had stayed and gone to the wrong Uni? Or London?
An Italian computer science graduate student at @Columbia University was stabbed to death allegedly by Vincent Pinkney, a gang member out on parole. A second Italian man was also stabbed but survived.
It’s nothing compared to how we have normalised terrorist attacks in this country – right down to the bollards all over our city centres to stop them mowing us down in trucks.
These people should be far more concerned about their children being shot by black people at some point in their life. That’s the truth of the matter.
Today watch
On yesterdays’ thread I reported the comedy that C4 news has discovered that more children*are killing more children in Blighty more and more each year .
Today the bbc is going into great detail reporting the latest killings x4 of children in America – a foreign country far far away . What has that tragedy got to do with us ?
Friday might have been an unusual day if there is no report of a dead 14 year old in londonistan . It’s normal now . And it’s normally the third ( coloured ) world happily killing itself with flowers , candles , ritual sobbing and the rest of the post killing tribal nonsense . And nothing changes – nothing will .
I think the BBC need to justify their bloated expenses waste in the US by doing non-stories like this Fed, because they just cannot find anything useful or interesting about the utter failure of Biden and Norris!
BBC diversion tactics are so crude these days that even a moron can see they’re just not up to the job any more!
"The unvaccinated are filling hospital beds, they're in ICUs taking up precious resources – there are hospital waiting lists going up because there are so many unvaccinated people in hospitals"@Ofcom
I have watched the statistics, Guest, go from 8,000+ hospitalised with Covid down to nearly 7,000 recently. Only in the last week have the figures started to really climb.
It is, of course, winter. More people are hospitalised in winter. More people die during winter.
The BBC and media are clearly suppressing the information, but apparently experts at SAGE, not all of whom are necessarily millionaire communists, believe that hospitalisations could soon approach eleventeen thousandy a day before too long. It is not yet known whether these Abbotian numbers have been verified, but it has been suggested by an unidentified wokesman at Pfizer that hourly booster shots are the only way out of the pandemic.
Diane has delved deep into the developing ‘Omicron’ (what a shame it isn’t still Delta – spoilt my aliteration) and come up with that number – obviously an Omicronful.
Maybe someone should tell the wokesman (or wokeswoman, Ian) that Omicron has ‘micro’ at its very center. But then only the PM does Greek these days . . . ……
“Claim : About 80-90% of those hospitalised with Covid-19 are unvaccinated.
OUR VERDICT : This used to be true. The figure now is more like 35%.”
there was a clear trend downwards so it will be lower now
The point is the establishment know there are 2 things
#1 People who come to hospital BECAUSE of Covid
#2 The total number of hospital patients with Covid
and that includes a lot of people who didn’t have Covid but caught it in hospital,
often quite mild, but it still shows up in a test.
Really the only TRUE covid patients are those who have it severe.
A leg patient will be taking up a bed cos of their leg, not cos they have mild covid too.
Since most of the old population are vaccinated,
the vast majority of non-Covid hospital patients are vaccinated
Thus there is a huge pool of patients who will catch Covid in hospital if they sit in a room with someone for 10 hours who is a carrier
whereas the unvaccinated person might typically pick up the infection in 2 hours.
I’m sorry folks, but I think the writing is on the wall.
Already Ireland are imposing stricter limits on what their people can and can’t do do. Krankie hates to be left out so she’ll be chomping at the bit to enforce some restrictions and the incredibly odd Welsh weirdo won’t be far behind.
We know what Boris will do. He’ll bluster and blather, waffle about things not being as bad in England. Lanky Lura, Lipstick Lil and the scarecrow will gang up on him, there’ll be the all too familiar wobble, his bottle will go and hey ho…
What has happened to Boris since he sacked all those MPs from the Conservative Party? That took great courage and showed the nation that he meant business.
Is it all due to Carrie-Antoinette?
One might ask what is left of BBC N. America, but, well…
These are emails concerning a lab #OriginOfCovid between a US Major General, former president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine Hygiene and the director of the Galveston National Laboratory who trained Wuhan Institute Virology personnel.
Most here don’t need any convincing that the BBC’s routine sins of omission are a massive part of why the organisation is not trusted (understatement) – but really … it looks like there’s a bunch of Richard “Baizuo” Burgon’s fellow travellers on the BBC payroll.
Anybody with relevant competence in virology + related fields who publicly discusses the possibility of a lab leak is attacked (usually by lefty “liberals”) and In addition the threat of losing the $100s of millions of virus research funding from western taxpayers is being held over people involved in unrelated work.
TOADY Watch #2 – it’s a scandal, racism and sexism in sport, says the BBC
The BBC are now going after the beautiful game that has become ugly on TOADY and marking the centenary of the Football Association’s ban on Womens football in 1921. What the BBC do not appear to have mentioned before I hit the off-switch in disgust was why the FA banned the women’s game having previously supported it, especially during WW1. I don’t know if this was mentioned by the racist, sexist, feminist obsessed BBC, at all?
The FA banned women’s football for a variety of reasons, mostly to do with health. In addition, many men in the UK population had been killed or badly wounded and perhaps handicapped during the war and needed the health treatment facilities that would otherwise have been taken up by healthy women injured playing football. [I have been in an A&E Dept. in late summer and have seen the numbers traipsing in for treatment to sporting injuries both from cricket and football as well as athletics.]
Secondly, it was necessary for healthy women of child bearing age to not risk injury, especially to the womb and uterus, when the depleted population of men needed replacing with new lives. Widespread immigration into the UK (and most countries with some exceptions) due to the threat of terrorism and revolutionary activities had been stopped at the end of the 19th/early 20th centuries.
Thirdly, medical science had not advanced to the point where damage to females’ wombs, etc., could be easily repaired. And there was still a need to keep patching up the war wounded.
I was hugely amused by the ‘dame Casey ‘ inquiry into the riot at the wemberly euros final . The findings were
1 it was a big footy match
1A there has never been a footy match at Wembley
2 it was held late in the day
3 booze was taken
4 the BBC MSM ramped it up and up
5 plod has never done a big match before
6 plod turned up late – to save money
7 cheap ‘stewards ‘ took bungs or let mates in
8 no World Cup
Having gone to brutal games in the 70s and after I am surprised at how genteel matches have become – and in those few cases where the past returns – it is a surprise to the woke .
There is only one major scandal in this country, no public enquiry or media outrage into the mass rape of THOUSANDS of white British children by gangs of pakis in every city of the UK
BBC obviously victimising chaps with or without parts for wearing / not wearing ladyware .
Off the the employment tribunal , massive payout for noo ‘tats’
Twi (I have no idea whatbthatbis)
These are the language translations provided with my flu jab reminder by the NHS – or should that be the IHS?
A long time ago a blue labour government said it was going to stop doing these multi language leaflets to attempt to integrate foreigners into blighty – and to save money
Im guessing the foreigners in the civil service killed that good idea off
Scarily Sluff, a fair few of them are employed by the NHS, and will pretty much be guaranteed promotion to senior positions, thanks in part to a slew of new ‘Diversity Advisers’. It being racist NOT to positively discriminate in their favour and promote them, you see, even if they are completely incompetent and/or don’t speak the native tongue.
A friend of mine’s son, an odd, but nice enough lad, wants to work in a field where he’ll presumably be maintaining, repairing and operating, high tech medical devices, some of which will be keeping patients alive (or not).
The problem is this boy has a number of, how shall I put this politely, ‘handicaps’, such as severe dyslexia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. All of which, I would have thought, would better suit him (however bright) to some less… responsible, line of work.
However, so mixed up is the world we currently live in, that he’s sailed through his A Levels, and got top marks, thanks in part to his intelligence (he seems a bright kid), but even more, I suspect, to all the help (laptops, calculators, extra time, books of formulae etc… he’s had in exams) AND being given ‘positive assistance’ by markers on account of his multiple ‘conditions’. Now he’s headed for Uni, and going to study Medical Engineering at a decent Uni, which has accepted him (and will be assisting him) on the grounds of his ‘disadvantages’.
All of which sounds ‘nice’ and ‘supportive’, and gives his loving parents a warm glow, but all I can think of is this:
Coming to a clinic near you, sooner than you think!
Sluff -Yiddish ? On a Flu jab reminder? Oy gevalt ( I’m shocked)
Yiddish is a humorous language which evolved when the Russian
Jews were forced to live in a western region of the Russian Empire
between 1791 to 1917. Parts of modern day Poland. Lithuania,
Latvia. And all of Byelarus and Ukraine made up the Pale of Settlement.
It was a very hard life for them what with the pogroms. And
this Yiddish language was around 70% German, with other
eastern European languages and some Hebrew slung in.
I say it was humorous . If you have seen Fiddler on the Roof you
know what I mean. Some of the words and sayings have been
passed down from great grandfathers to their great grand children like a 76 year alte kacker (a crotchety old man) like me. But Yiddish on
vaccination instructions ? I am pretty krank(sick) with heart failure . And I cant schlapp( carry) the heavy shopping
a long distance anymore. Sluff Yiddish? Are you being kosher
Perish the thought that the NHS gigantic budget would be spent on anything so prosaic as actually treating indigenous tax-paying British citizens with illnesses and nasty diseases..
The wokes would be spitting blood.
Sluf-Absolutely fascinating ! Thanks for the info. Just one interesting observation. The language they say is Yiddish, is not Yiddish . Its HEBREW. A completely different language . Not an exact comparison . But Yiddish is in a way what Swiss deutsch is to German . Swiss deutsch is a spoken language passed down from one generation to another . It is not a written language.
But it is a real living spoken language. Even in the thirties
especially in Poland and the USA there were still
flourishing Yiddish theatres and even hit songs with Yiddish
titles like Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn ( to me your beautifu)
BUT whilst Swiss deutsch still flourishes Yiddish is dying out.
Modern Hebrew is the language of Israel. And that ” Yiddish”
Flu vaccine info is in Hebrew. Why we 300,000 Jews in the UK
need this info in Hebrew. God only knows !!
Sluff, its the same for those being called for Jury Duty. Can you imagine being up before the beak and then having a dozen pick’n’mix who can barely say Hello in English, yet are able to decide your fate ?
A nasty piece of Racism came across from a narrative in Yahoo today-Amol Rajan in 2012 whilst Editor of the Independant was quoted as calling the late Prince Phillip a racist bafoon and Prince Charles scientifically illiterate. So how has this individual been able to get a job with the BBC et al-is that the calibre of the people that Corporation employs-Lord Reith would do a somersault in his grave.
I suppose we have to accept the fact that as Rajan is dark of skin colour he has to be first in line?
Not only Boston that has East European killers, Grimsby as well
… “Anna Krolikowska has been jailed for six years for killing husband Adam Krolikowski” .. Polish AFAIK
Douglas Murray maintains his anti Trump stance in the Telegraph this morning. We all respect Douglas for his forthright expression of his loathing for Islam and the cowardly approach of western politicians towards the ever growing list of Muslim terror attacks.
But in my opinion he is entirely wrong about President Trump. Douglas doesn’t like him , or perhaps more accurately doesn’t like his style, and it shows. But It isn’t a question of whether you dislike his tweets , his combatative approach, or if you would like Trump as a neighbour . It is about whether you agree with his policies or not , such as America and it’s culture first, anti globalism, CO2 scepticism, a strong line on immigration and Islamic terror, which I most certainly do.
Douglas writes The Strange Death of Europe and rightly pilloried the weak kneed politicians who have let it happen , or worse promoted it , but baulks when a leader steps up who pushes back on behalf of the people because Douglas doesn’t like his style.
The monstering of Trump has been so successful across the media that anybody (including Douglas Murray) who mentions him by name is effectively attracting attacks which deflect near entirely from anything else they might talk about.
Victor Davis Hanson manages to talk about Trump in the 3rd person successfully – Murray needs to look at how Hanson gets away with it….
Perhaps if he raises enough opposition to DJT, it might catch on and deprive DJT of winning the 2024 election. He doesn’t wield that much power so I don’t think so but, whatever, it allows Murray to write a few more books and make more money. Perhaps he’s already well through a next book on “Trump” and he wouldn’t want anything to disturb the current Trump trajectory contrary to what’s being written?
If Murray cannot see or accept what Trump following there is, he’s no reporter.
Double, I don’t like former President Trump (to give him his correct title until 2024) but I have heard the truly bad way the BBC has treated him and his supporters and the lies the BBC have told about both. I personally find the old ‘British sympathy for the underdog’ thing has kicked in.
TOADY Watch #3 – missed the elephant in the room by a mile – the BBC need to visit Specsavers*
Tribute on TOADY to one of the BBC’s British wildlife sound recordists Martyn Stewart who has developed cancer. His niece is trying to get his lifetime archive onto record as many of the habitats, it is claimed, that this gentleman made his recordings in no longer exist. (Due no doubt to global warming, climate change, deforestation, farming to feed an ever expanding world population, etc.)
That last point was mentioned by the sound recordist – the ever expanding world population – and he also pointed out the intrusion of the noise of modern life. I can sympathise with that having had numerous dogs barking in nearby gardens and the sound of children playing outside now the rain has stopped. The sound recordist mentioned constant sound of aeroplanes flying overhead.
11:30am FooC
– South Korean ; Squid Game imagines people competing in a series of ever more violent contests, hundreds dying along the way.
It’s a satire on the cut-throat competitiveness of ordinary South Korean life;
Chloe Hadjimatheou
– Ethiopia : in the war, civilians have been murdered in ethnically-based violence, while others have starved.
There’s a social media war too.
Andrew Harding
– Negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme
the Iranians won’t talk until sanctions imposed on their country are lifted.
James Landale
– Naples : The neighbourhood of Sanita has a series of regeneration programmes. one based on catacombs
Mark Stratton
– Venezuela, three quarters of the population are living on less than two pounds a day, so how will they do Xmas.
Katy Watson
@Telegraph : Pestering women in the street or in pubs and making lewd comments at them COULD become an offence under plans to criminalise “public sexual harassment”,
which are set to be announced next week
It is seen as a more effective way of protecting women against violence than classing misogyny as a hate crime alongside race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity, Whitehall sources have said
emm harassment is already against the law
harass someone on 3 occasions and the court can have you
They have even bent the law and convicted people who only did on two occasions
Blinking is to be made a criminal offence along with breathing …new plod blinking patrols …. Could it be made up ?
Walking on cracks in the pavement . Wearing loud shirts .
Very, very uneasy about this proposed law. Labour will love it. Read details. Cat-calling can be unpleasant, but should it be illegal? On a par with more serious sexual harassment etc for which laws already exist? Why is answer always more police power and more criminalisation?
Pestering in the street. This is a tactic used non-stop by Muslim men.
Women I know are repeatedly propositioned and leered at by Muslim men, on public transport and in the street. This particularly applies on the London tube system. A crowded carriage provides ample opportunity for taking this to a physical level.
This act, if enforced with vigour, could result in unexpected consequences.
When I was contracting in Derby quite a few years ago, we had an office 50/50 split between Pakistani Muslims and whites. When we had a leaving do (and we had a lot because it wasn’t a nice place to work), we would end up in a nightclub. That’s when they let themselves go and I felt sorry for the women they fancied. It didn’t matter if anyone else was talking to them, they would push in on the dancefloor and show whitey their red-velvet jacket backs while they forced themselves on the poor female.
One of the most ignorant things I ever saw. You need to see them confident in a group in their own environment to fully appreciate their culture. They were the most racist people I ever met.
@Independent “RNLI vows to continue Channel rescues amid new hate campaign by Britain First”
@lizziedearden · Dec 3 Britain First has launched a campaign to bombard the RNLI with complaints over English Channel crossings
It says it wants “to pressure them to abandon their support for illegal immigrant and people trafficking and focus instead on saving British lives”
Guess who the actual HATE is from all over Twitter now.
“RNLI takes down website after suspected hacking attempt”
.. The thing is the website is actually up
And has a message at the top “Our website is currently unavailable”
Yet when you go down the page the website is working
cos you can click the links
I’d say it’s possible someone just hacked the front page
Oh the donations page is down
but the donation page listed on their Twitter never went down.
“*new* hate campaign” ..when I checked the BF form page seems to be 2 years old. It’s not new
It’s the HnH campaign that seems new.
As ever everything is upside down the Hatey No Haters set themselves up as being against hate
They have set up a narrative that BF are spreading hate. How ? by sending a form mail to the RNLI
Hang on, that’s not violence is it
they are entitled to send whatever message they want to the RNLI
and rather than being swamped the only new evidence on Twitter for such a campaign is from hundreds of HateyNoHope supporter hatey tweets demonising BF.
There seem to be zero tweets from BF people promoting the form.
HnH seem to have done nothing new hatey
Yet HnH supporters are being hatey against them.
HnH’s behaviour of demonising another group merely for sending letters , does seem akin to racism.
BBC has a special report on rising anti semitism -and what is behind it . Well BBC try starting by looking in the mirror at your uncritical approach to the fake religion of Islam and your anti Israel propaganda , A Joke .
“I don’t think we are a left-wing organisation,” says Alex Mahon, chief executive of Channel 4.
If Alex Mahon “doesn’t see Channel 4 as left-wing”, it just shows how instinctively & irredeemably left-wing she actually is.
“I don’t think we are a left-wing organisation,” says Alex Mahon, chief executive of Channel 4, after some gentle cajoling.
“I think we do have a particular focus on the young under our remit and a particular focus on the issues that concern them,” Mahon explains, choosing her words carefully. “Ultimately, we are an organisation that is set up to represent the underrepresented. That has traditionally meant minorities. It has meant LGBT and minority ethnic communities.
In one sense, she is correct, at least if she is referring to traditional left wing politics. The original purpose of the Left was to represent the interests of working class people, whereas nowadays they are just apparatchiks and lapdogs for the billionaire globalists, engaging in distraction politics so people don’t see what is going on, along with promoting ‘divide and rule’ to ensure no true opposition can ever arise.
Labour should rename itself . The University Knowitall Lecturer and Allied Virtue Signallers party is one .
The Anything But British Working Class another .
If C4 is focussing on minority ethnic communities then can we expect specific programming related to the interests of British white people in Leicester, Bradford, Southall, Tower Hamlets and elsewhere?
Nope, thought not.
And if C4 is not left wing then how come it focusses on ‘minorities’ which all the demographics and polls say hugely favour the Labour Party? How about a focus on white working class Brexit supporters, showing them in a positive, patriotic light?
Most are aware on here that I am a movie ‘buff’. So imagine my surprise at seeing included in Sky’s Top 10 Christmas films (introduced by Irritating Elbow) is this movie – which I have never heard of, was made in 2007, and is clearly included to satisfy the ego of Mr Elbow as he appears in it, about a black family Christmas !!!
Anyone on here heard of it ? ………….. THIS CHRISTMAS
Newsnight do like the blarney news. Ask McAlpines.
Irish professor on #Newsnight says British death rates from Covid exceptionally bad. 12 EU countries have a higher death rate. Kirsty does not challenge him.
Just putting this out there: Springster seems to be fully qualified to be the next German Chancellor.
Absolutely bizarre that she ran Europe’s most powerful country for 16 years and uses her farewell speech to complain about people chatting shit on the internet
Furious Muslim mob of hundreds LYNCH Sri Lankan factory manager in Pakistan, publicly burning his body after he was accused of blasphemy
Priyantha Kumara was killed and publicly burned in eastern Pakistan yesterday
The Sri Lankan sports equipment factory manager was accused of blasphemy
A mob of hundreds of enraged factory workers dragged the victim outside
Police have arrested 13 and dozens have been detained, officials said today
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
The BBC were trying hard to ‘rehabilitate’ Alec Baldwin on TOADY this morning (Friday 3rd December). They were a bit behind the news curve on this as I think the interview happened 24 hours before the TOADY item. Late on the news is a perennial BBC problem and keeping old stories going, especially on their web-site, is something they promised not do over two decades back.
But breaking promises is nothing new to BBC:
Free TV Licences for over-75s
iPlayer TV available Licence Free to those watching catch-up TV
Whole radio archive made available via BBC web-site
Up-to-date news, no old stories
I may have missed some at this time of night.
Have a good weekend everybody.
Baldwin is moving the furniture every day.
I didn’t pull the trigger….
I didn’t shoot the gun….
I wasn’t even there…
My place was taken by Donald Trump…
Reminds me of the Belushi scene in the blues brothers…
It is both bizarre and frighteningly telling how duplicitous and evil lefties really are..
Come on man just say I never expected it to happen but I did inadvertently shoot the girl dead. But that would take honesty and bravery, both missing in our left wing cohort.
I would like our BBC to move away from presenting Channel Migrants as victims and explore the possibility that the indigenous population could also become victims.
Peppa the Pig is to blame, when we went from military holding camps to 4 star hotels. The UK has become an economic magnet with almost no chance of deportation.
Thanks Peppa!
That poor little boy Arthur was murdered by his ‘parents’ .
Meanwhile various public authorities managed to fail to follow up clear leads about the appalling cruelty he was suffering.
There is to be a public enquiry. I guarantee the social services, local council, police, and others will leave no stone unturned to make absolutely sure …..that none of them can be blamed for anything, no-one is held to account and any failings will be swept under the carpet, and those in charge will probably be promoted.
What else do we expect from our public sector heroes?
Other child victims of other predators ignored, noticed around the world, but not much of a concern for our “wurld klass” bangladeshi broadcasing corporation
Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness
Britain hit by another Asian grooming gang scandal as report exposes child sex abuse in Manchester
“Muslims have raped at least 5 lakh Kaffirs in the UK in last 40 years,” says survivor of Pakistani grooming gangs- Read excruciating details
UK: Muslim rape gang members treated teen girl like ‘rag doll,’ laughed when she cried out in pain
Europe is currently being overwhelmed by a wave of rape committed by Muslim migrants. Particularly in Scandinavian countries, the number of rapes of white women and girls is rising.
It is left up to bloggers to point this out:
” Jo Cox wanted to make the world a better place and it was a cause for which she was willing to travel halfway across the globe. Whether consoling rape victims in Darfur or bombed out villagers in Afghanistan, it seemed the jet-setting international aid worker was rarely far from the action.
Lately it had been the struggle of Syrian war refugees to get to the West that touched her heart, and their plight was a subject she returned to again and again after becoming a Member of Parliament. It seemed there was no victims anywhere she could not empathise with.
Except, perhaps, with one striking omission.
And that would be the White child rape victims of Muslim grooming gangs in her own back yard. For her West Yorkshire constituency is near the epicentre of the Muslim child rape epidemic that has been sweeping the Labour heartlands of northern England, largely ignored or covered up by social services workers, police and politicians.
For it is a striking omission that of all the subjects she enjoyed sounding off on, this world-famous crisis affecting the poorest Whites on her doorstep was not one of them. One cannot help wonder if this shrewd silence was connected to the fact that her lavishly paid MPs job in the constituency of Batley and Spen largely depended on the support of the local Muslim community.
Co-incidentally, just as Jo Cox was shot and stabbed to death outside her constituency office in Birstall last Thursday, sentencing was about to take place at Leeds Crown Court after a long trial involving a horrific case of Muslim child exploitation.
The court heard that in Halifax, eleven miles from Cox’s constituency, a vulnerable underage girl had been left to fend for herself at the age of 13 after her mother died. This child ended up being preyed on by 100 Muslim males who plied her with alcohol and drugs. The girl — nominally in council care — was then passed from house to house and from town to town as far away as Manchester and London. The girl described being filmed by Muslims on a mobile phone while being orally raped. She contracted an STD. Some of the rapists were identified from CCTV which had been seized from the hotels she could remember, while others were caught because of DNA from stains on her clothing. The police said afterwords that the girl, one of two victims, had shown “immense courage and bravery in reporting these matters to the police and providing evidence.”
At the Leeds trial, only fifteen of the men were convicted. Originally over a hundred were arrested and doubtless dozens of culprits walked free. It was a lurid and horrific story but such hearings are so common these days, they have become wearily familiar.
Nevertheless you would think this would be a issue that would enrage a feminist-minded, morally crusading MP. But no, instead of fighting to defend the White girl victims of Muslim rape gangs, female Labour MPs have preferred to defend the Muslim community and deflect any criticism. Or, like Jo Cox, they have chosen to ignore it completely. In her maiden speech, Jo Cox said that her community had been “deeply enhanced by immigration”. Yes well.”
Putting any character – dead or alive – up on a pedestal – needs to be treated with suspicion . If what is reported here is true she will be damned . But at the moment she is a symbol of purity and victimhood for the Left / Far Left and as a shield any time a lefty wants to reduce freedom a bit more and more ….
As a little aside the BBC still refer to the Nigerian part of his name as Labinyo , not Labinjo .
The British and derivatives such as Nigeria will pronounce it as Labinjo , as the last part will be pronounced Joe , as in jam , jelly , jet .
The European pronunciation of J from Germany downwards ( like Jugoslavia = Yugoslavia) is Y , as in yellow , yacht , yam yams .
So why is billionaire BBC mispronouncing it ?
‘ What else do we expect from our public sector heroes?’
That lessons will be learnt, surely.
The Baldwin shooting – I see some blue on blue action with Democrat royalty George Clooney weighing in .. The interview timing on Baldwin’s part as the Jussie Smollett case is “airing” yet again couldn’t be worse – he’d have been better to leave it alone until after Christmas…
The BBC – bringing you what you need to know in a timely fashion huh?
Covid-19: Omicron could cause re-infection and Italian man tries to dodge jab with fake arm and… How do you say Omicron?
NHS to stop routine surgery “to get booster jabs done” hasn’t made its way onto the BBC web front page .
It would be more accurate to say “NHS to stop” and leave it at that, my GP surgery seems to have given up and after waiting four months for an eye appt rang them up to hear they are still dealing with appts for January 2021
Last June my optometrist detected a cataract in my left eye. I was seen by the our sainted, clapped for Anychess the next day and they concurred with the diagnosis.
The doctor at the hospital said she would get me on the list for a pre-op consultation. I asked, somewhat cynically, “How long will this take, 6 months?”. The doctor reassured me that it would be 6 – 8 weeks.
In September, I received the notification of my pre-op appointment, April 5 2022.
I went back to my ophthalmologist and she said, “This is ridiculous”. She referred me to a private firm, CHEC whose sole business is doing cataracts, much of which is paid for by the NHS.
I had my consultation the beginning of November and the operation 2 weeks ago.
I subsequently contacted the hospital to cancel the April 2022 appointment explaining that I had already had the cataract sorted. They replied by post that they understood the the appointment was not convenient for me and that while they could not offer a new date they would put me on the Waiting List for a new appointment in the future.
Not fit for purpose
In similar circumstances, I concluded it was quicker to, ‘play the refugee’ and fly down to West Africa where all the medical charities are facilitating such treatment day-to-day and get it done down there. Welcome to the UK Third World.
Btw, the West Africans can now have vision enough to destroy the right documents (passports) before setting off for the UK with a Soros grant in their back pocket……….
”Disrespectful!’ BBC flooded with complaints over William and Harry documentary.” – Express
Excellent, keep digging your own hole, BBC.
“BBC flooded with complaints…”
“…more than 150…”. (Gasp)
An op ed piece you will never hear on the far left racist bbc, completely out of touch with opinion of the the UK and rest of the world:
Patrick Christys: “Meghan and Harry are totally worthless as people”
Meghan Markle Shock: Prince Harry’s Wife A Liar? Duchess’s Version Of Events Debunked
The Compulsive Liar That Is One Meghan Markle
Exposing the myths of Meghan’s victimhood
She lectures plebs on poverty while living in a $19m mansion. It’s time Meghan Markle was held to the standards she demands of others.
Simi Garewal calls Meghan Markle liar after viral Oprah interview. Twitter reacts
Simi Garewal took to Twitter today to say that she did not believe a word that Meghan Markle said on Oprah Winfrey’s interview. She called her evil and a liar.
Watch out watch out, maxincony our troll is about, our very own ‘fact checker’ is on duty this evening !
This may explain his excuse, aomething I came across :
“Could Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin be the victim of a self-shooting gun as he claims in a recent interview with George Stephanopoulos?
No That’s not what he said. And this is why sound bite news is dangerous. It will cause you to think things which are not accurate depictions of reality.
He said, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger was not pulled.” He actually said that.
And it may even be completely true.
Baldwin describes how they were setting up the [camera] shot and that he pulled back the hammer, since that was part of the scene. One of those, good guys pointing the firearm at where the camera is going to be and then he cocks the revolver.
When the AD said they got the angle right, he released the hammer.
Well. There’s a reason why there’s a big red line through the image of the guy manually operating the hammer above. If you release the hammer with enough tension still on it, the gun will fire.
Normally, the revolver operates by (yes, this is double action):
You start squeezing the trigger,
The trigger squeeze begins pulling the hammer back (storing energy in a spring)
When a point is reached, the hammer moves forward.
The hammer strikes the firing pin.
The firing pin hits the primer cap (which is in the cartridge).
When struck, the primer (should normally) detonate
Causing the powder in the cartridge to fire the bullet down the guns’ barrel.
Baldwin is saying:
He didn’t do Step 1.
Instead, he used his thumb to do Step 2.
He let go of the hammer, causing Step 3.
The rest operated as a revolver normally does, because there was a live round.
Now, it’s important to place what he said into context:
Is he saying, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger wasn’t pulled” to claim that he didn’t cause the injury or was not involved; or
Is he saying, “I didn’t pull the trigger. The trigger wasn’t pulled” to factually describe what actually happened.
There are very different things. The ABC interview and its previews are heavily edited to cut out most of the conversation.
Or is it both? He can say he didn’t pull the trigger. And that he wouldn’t point a gun at someone and pull the trigger—believing that he was trying to be safe, and so he is less culpable. And for his single-action revolver, that might be true.
And I believe his factual statement that he didn’t pull the trigger. Why? Because:
He’s an idiot
Who doesn’t know a damn thing about guns”
It’s a single action Colt Army Copy I believe.
If the hammer is cocked and let go with no pressure on the trigger it will drop to half cock.
For it to drop on the primer I believe the trigger needs to be pressed. And this can be done prior to cocking and allowing the hammer to fall- this is a method used to fire such guns known as fanning.
Half cock is an integral part of this firearm design as you need to put it in half-cock to rotate the cylinder freely for loading/unloading through the loading gate as the cylinder is fixed and not a swing out cylinder.
if the hammer is dropped prior to reaching the half cock feature – would it have enough force to ignite the primer or would it “light strike”? I am not sure…this is possibly the only wiggle room I can see in Baldwin’s situation.
BBC “correction” ie caught lying:
Correction 3rd December: During the editing process a line was added to this article reporting that racial slurs about Muslims could be heard inside the bus. This line has been amended to make clear that “a slur about Muslims” could be heard.
‘They Spit When I Walked in the Street’: The ‘New Anti-Semitism’ in France
Gunther Jikeli, a German historian at Indiana University who conducted a meticulous study of Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe, called the phenomenon “blindingly obvious” in a recent opinion piece in the newspaper Le Monde.
Nearly 40 percent of violent acts classified as racially or religiously motivated were committed against Jews in 2017, though Jews make up less than 1 percent of France’s population.
In 16 surveys conducted over the last 12 years in Europe, “anti-Semitism is significantly higher among Muslims than among non-Muslims,” Mr. Jikeli wrote.
“There is a kind of norm of anti-Semitism, of viewing Jews negatively,” he said in an interview.
It’s time to call out the antisemitism within Britain’s Muslim communities
New survey into British Muslim attitudes towards Jews
Politicians often talk tough on tackling antisemitism — but there seems to be a reluctance to call out this deep-rooted prejudice within one section of British society: British Muslim communities.
The evidence has shown for some time that such problematic beliefs are more concentrated within the British Muslim population. A 2017 report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) showed that, across a range of indicators, the degree of antisemitic beliefs within British Muslim communities was a serious cause for concern. When compared with the general population, British Muslims in the study were more likely to believe that the Holocaust is a myth (2 per cent and 8 per cent respectively) and think that Jews possess feelings of ‘group superiority’ over non-Jews (13 per cent and 28 per cent respectively)
And… from the Muslim Institute :
The sorry truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected the British Muslim community
t pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.
I can’t keep count of the number of Muslims I have come across – from close friends and relatives to perfect strangers – for whom weird and wacky anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are the default explanation for a range of national and international events. Who killed Diana and Dodi? The Mossad, say many Muslims. They didn’t want the British heir to the throne having an Arab stepfather. What about 9/11? Definitely those damn Yehudis. I mean, why else were 4,000 Jews in New York told to stay home from work on the morning of 11 September 2001? How about the financial crisis? Er, Jewish bankers. Obviously. Oh, and the Holocaust? Don’t be silly. Never happened.
Growing up, I always assumed that this obsession with “the Jews” was a hallmark of the “first-generation” immigrants from the subcontinent. In recent years, I’ve been depressed to discover that there are plenty of “second-generation” Muslim youths, born and bred in multiracial Britain, who have drunk the anti-Semitic Kool-Aid. I’m often attacked by them for working in the “Jewish owned media”..
It is sheer hypocrisy for Muslims to complain of Islamophobia in every nook and cranny of British public life, to denounce the newspapers for running Muslim-baiting headlines, and yet ignore the rampant anti-Semitism in our own backyard. We cannot credibly fight Islamophobia while making excuses for Judaeophobia.
You forgot the fire at Grenfell, they got the blame for that as well.
Why the Labour Party Won’t Confront British Muslim anti-Semitism
Too many Labour politicians cravenly adopted the anti-Semitic tropes and anti-Israel demonization they think will get them British Muslim votes, rather than standing up to the prejudice that exists in the community.
That is the real tragedy of this current exposé of anti-Semitism on the Left. Anti-Israel demonization, they think, will get those votes. Fear of violence in Britain and the belief that by appeasing their Muslim voters they will secure themselves in power are the driver behind these abhorrent statements. So the condemnations of anti-Semitism that we hear from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the offenders typically express disapproval of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and all forms of racism, lest anyone think that anti-Semitism was special, or had any roots in the religion and culture of Islam.
Anti-Semitic attacks: ‘I try not to look overtly Jewish, I’m not going to take the risk, I’m not looking for trouble’
Greater Manchester faith leaders join forces to stem rising tide of hate as Muslim official admits dismay at attacks from within his community, Shocking figures show anti-Semitic incidents have soared by nearly 80 per cent in Greater Manchester over the last year.
Analysis of the CST figures suggests there has been an increase of anti-Semitic attacks carried out by Muslims during heightened conflict in Gaza.
Mohammed Amin, co-chair of the Muslim Jewish of Greater Manchester, said the Muslim community cannot hide from the statistics.
Ros thinks it best posed as a question.
Let’s ask Maxincony what he thinks, to settle the matter.
TOADY Watch #1 – it is OK for some people to do a U-turn but not Conservative Government Ministers
The hypocrisy of the BBC is on show – again – this morning. No surprise, it is routine for the BBC (a.k.a. the militant broadcasting wing of the Labour Party) to howl at a Government U-turn, especially if made by the Prime Minister. Those of us with long memories will remember one of Margaret Thatcher’s speechwriters coming up with the brilliant line “U-turn if you want to; this lady’s not for turning.” Was it the late Lord Bell’s line?
No matter. One of the early items in the 7 a.m. News on R4 was about a public information film to be released (I assume with Dept. of Health approval) about three unvaccinated mothers who caught ‘Covid’ while pregnant. Now I recall that in 2020, it was stressed by PH (England) and the vaccine companies that the vaccines should not be taken by young females if pregnant or trying to get pregnant. That is quite a U-turn by the medical profession.
No mention of the U-turn by the BBC in the News.
Wasn’t there a broadcaster, back in the 1970s, that was pushing the New Ice Age Disaster?
Somewhere along the line it must have done a U-turn as I believe it now worships at the shrine of the sainted Greta.
Jim, is this a Christmas quiz? Please let me have a go. Three guesses. Ummh, Jim, let me guess .. er …does it have David Lammy in it somewhere and Diane Abbott, too? Got a feeling it begins with ‘B’ …. ummhhh, no just won’t come to me.
Moderator Admin note
I notice that a troll has been active during Friday night . I guess it must be on a shift . If anyone would like the troll removed from the site please let me know .
Typically selective and pervasive to an obsessive extent, making Femi look rational.
I’d say leave it there to show what bbc fact checking is motivated by.
Leave him. Every site needs a twat to put normal people’s comments into perspective. And there’s no doubt that Maxi is that twat.
No, Fed, that would spoil things. We need some critics to keep us sharp. Actually, we need better critics than maxi and his pals. How about it maxi? How about ‘upping your game’ to the level of ours?
Ok – I’m just getting lazy and scanning over those troll comments – which are always of the same miserable song .
It will obviously enjoy being discussed believing it validates their miserable existence as much as any responses it gets .
I just wish it would focus on the BBC – even once – and attempt to defend it – but that might be an intellectual task beyond a simple cut and paste troll . Which is sad really .
I have to admit my opinion of maxi has changed from bemusement at his hypocrisy and extremely selective choice of topics through to thinking he is just another pathetic Lefty full of schoolboy-grade spite.
I used to wonder what motivates people like him to be bottom-feeder trolls. Now I just don’t care. There is no ‘noble cause’. He’s just a hater.
His only worth is to show us what the BBC are doing on forums like this – particularly the fact they are keeping a database of ‘offenders’. I believe the Nazis did something similar. It reminds us what dirty scumbags they really are.
The fact he avoids the real topics completely and nit-picks irrelevant stuff speaks volumes.
Fed, what we could do with is a chance to mark down posts that don’t really have anything to do with the BBC (unless stated in the post) or are just personal attacks. maxi always seems to go after the same posters; Stew Green and pug and one or two others. It might incentivise maxi to join in properly instead of his drive-by-snipings!
You should not remove maxi because if you do it would make this site as bad as the lefties.
Even though I disagree with his views he should be allowed free speech.
It will be easier to remove once it dries. Always the same when randomised bird-sh** is dropped by a bird flying over.
Today watch
The anti royalist presenter of south Asian heritage ( a paki?) interviews mickey holding – who apparently used to play cricket .
Mr holding poured forth on the Yorkshire cricket club which appears to be in the process of destroying itself because a paki got upset being called a paki .
At the end holding casually mentioned that as a result the atmosphere has got more toxic and (whitee ) people are less likely to talk . Quite right . Why talk to coloured people if you suspect they are waiting for a comment which can be reported 10 years from now to get money and get the victim fired.
Amol No Maaaates is a pretty shot bolt now.
Maybe the Indy will take him back?
Marianna liked this.
Bet she didn’t really.
Guest – you are right – Marianna deserved it more – life is so unfair .. here’s a picture of a sad Marianna on her twitter account …
The BBC giving awards to itself then telling us how proud they are to receive them.
Perhaps maxincony and his palls will be up for an award next, for attempting to fact check this site ?
These people seem to crave being liked by their own, the customer can go hang.
The more ‘hate’ that Marianna can stir up, the more selfies she can post, the more liked she will be by the Media Mob.
P.S. I thought she was nominated for an award, along with ‘four-planks’ Dotun Adebayo and Martine Croxall?
Emily M liked this.
Hope the Bryant youth don’t cop a rubber round in Oz from the state civil service.
Imagine if Bryant Jr. had stayed and gone to the wrong Uni? Or London?
Sanctimonious ex Beeboids and their VS BS to get likes from their award winning ex colleagues would be funny if not tragic.
It’s nothing compared to how we have normalised terrorist attacks in this country – right down to the bollards all over our city centres to stop them mowing us down in trucks.
These people should be far more concerned about their children being shot by black people at some point in their life. That’s the truth of the matter.
They need a good shake and be told to get a grip.
Yeah, right outside Kings College, Cambridge
thanks muzzies
The Eyes of Emily M.
Fashionably Strumpet.
Larry seems chipper.
Like Nick, also ex BBC N. America.
And Sopes. And Katty.
Can’t wait for their next books.
Today watch
On yesterdays’ thread I reported the comedy that C4 news has discovered that more children*are killing more children in Blighty more and more each year .
Today the bbc is going into great detail reporting the latest killings x4 of children in America – a foreign country far far away . What has that tragedy got to do with us ?
Friday might have been an unusual day if there is no report of a dead 14 year old in londonistan . It’s normal now . And it’s normally the third ( coloured ) world happily killing itself with flowers , candles , ritual sobbing and the rest of the post killing tribal nonsense . And nothing changes – nothing will .
*feral savage children
I think the BBC need to justify their bloated expenses waste in the US by doing non-stories like this Fed, because they just cannot find anything useful or interesting about the utter failure of Biden and Norris!
BBC diversion tactics are so crude these days that even a moron can see they’re just not up to the job any more!
The entire bbc.
Mr. Farley is shaping up to be a top value chap.
I’d ask Wendy but am blocked, so maybe a quick request to Springster on BBc stealth editing?
Ah, maxi. Where is that apology you owe me?
And, importantly, why did you not check the link provided by pug to IsTheBBCBiased? You really should have checked that first.
What failings have you noticed – and posted about – at the BBC recently?
There was a bloke who once started eating himself.
Vile would have him on. Well, what is left.
I have watched the statistics, Guest, go from 8,000+ hospitalised with Covid down to nearly 7,000 recently. Only in the last week have the figures started to really climb.
It is, of course, winter. More people are hospitalised in winter. More people die during winter.
The BBC and media are clearly suppressing the information, but apparently experts at SAGE, not all of whom are necessarily millionaire communists, believe that hospitalisations could soon approach eleventeen thousandy a day before too long. It is not yet known whether these Abbotian numbers have been verified, but it has been suggested by an unidentified wokesman at Pfizer that hourly booster shots are the only way out of the pandemic.
Diane has delved deep into the developing ‘Omicron’ (what a shame it isn’t still Delta – spoilt my aliteration) and come up with that number – obviously an Omicronful.
Maybe someone should tell the wokesman (or wokeswoman, Ian) that Omicron has ‘micro’ at its very center. But then only the PM does Greek these days . . . ……
James quotes a FullFact article from 2 months ago
“Claim : About 80-90% of those hospitalised with Covid-19 are unvaccinated.
OUR VERDICT : This used to be true. The figure now is more like 35%.”
there was a clear trend downwards so it will be lower now
The point is the establishment know there are 2 things
#1 People who come to hospital BECAUSE of Covid
#2 The total number of hospital patients with Covid
and that includes a lot of people who didn’t have Covid but caught it in hospital,
often quite mild, but it still shows up in a test.
Really the only TRUE covid patients are those who have it severe.
A leg patient will be taking up a bed cos of their leg, not cos they have mild covid too.
Since most of the old population are vaccinated,
the vast majority of non-Covid hospital patients are vaccinated
Thus there is a huge pool of patients who will catch Covid in hospital if they sit in a room with someone for 10 hours who is a carrier
whereas the unvaccinated person might typically pick up the infection in 2 hours.
BBC Patients In Hospital graph
Jamie Jenkins is monitoring those two different hospital counts for England
“now with” and “admitted with”
both are trending DOWN in the short term
Someone’s telling porkies.
I’m sorry folks, but I think the writing is on the wall.
Already Ireland are imposing stricter limits on what their people can and can’t do do. Krankie hates to be left out so she’ll be chomping at the bit to enforce some restrictions and the incredibly odd Welsh weirdo won’t be far behind.
We know what Boris will do. He’ll bluster and blather, waffle about things not being as bad in England. Lanky Lura, Lipstick Lil and the scarecrow will gang up on him, there’ll be the all too familiar wobble, his bottle will go and hey ho…
That’s Christmas fxxcked.
Sorry, I really hope I’m wrong, but…
Im meant to be leaving blighty for a few days next week . I wonder if theyll let me back in before 2022. Ho hum
Fed, have you got good broadband where you stay?
Yes I have – plus the roaming data thingy which is ‘free’ for the next 27 days …
Fed, hope you have a good time in the sun 😉 and don’t catch anything nasty on the way there or your return.
No problem Fed. You can always return by dinghy in 2022 if Boris slaps on a travel ban. You’ll also get to stay in the Ritz.
So do we Jeff- the whole of the UK is being run by an absolute shower as Terry Thomas would have said.
What has happened to Boris since he sacked all those MPs from the Conservative Party? That took great courage and showed the nation that he meant business.
Is it all due to Carrie-Antoinette?
What value the 27,000 coming in on rubber boats within the scheme of things? Forgive me, but a, ‘Drop in the Ocean’.
In fact, Migration Watch assert: “We directly resettled more people in the period since 2015 than any other European state…”
(03.12.21 Newsletter)
All part of some sick joke perpetrated by our elite. Tax strike. Still remains the only answer.
One might ask what is left of BBC N. America, but, well…
SARS-Cov2 is a highly political virus.
Chan and Ridley’s “Viral” book is worth every penny. (I have the Audible version )
Most here don’t need any convincing that the BBC’s routine sins of omission are a massive part of why the organisation is not trusted (understatement) – but really … it looks like there’s a bunch of Richard “Baizuo” Burgon’s fellow travellers on the BBC payroll.
Anybody with relevant competence in virology + related fields who publicly discusses the possibility of a lab leak is attacked (usually by lefty “liberals”) and In addition the threat of losing the $100s of millions of virus research funding from western taxpayers is being held over people involved in unrelated work.
TOADY Watch #2 – it’s a scandal, racism and sexism in sport, says the BBC
The BBC are now going after the beautiful game that has become ugly on TOADY and marking the centenary of the Football Association’s ban on Womens football in 1921. What the BBC do not appear to have mentioned before I hit the off-switch in disgust was why the FA banned the women’s game having previously supported it, especially during WW1. I don’t know if this was mentioned by the racist, sexist, feminist obsessed BBC, at all?
The FA banned women’s football for a variety of reasons, mostly to do with health. In addition, many men in the UK population had been killed or badly wounded and perhaps handicapped during the war and needed the health treatment facilities that would otherwise have been taken up by healthy women injured playing football. [I have been in an A&E Dept. in late summer and have seen the numbers traipsing in for treatment to sporting injuries both from cricket and football as well as athletics.]
Secondly, it was necessary for healthy women of child bearing age to not risk injury, especially to the womb and uterus, when the depleted population of men needed replacing with new lives. Widespread immigration into the UK (and most countries with some exceptions) due to the threat of terrorism and revolutionary activities had been stopped at the end of the 19th/early 20th centuries.
Thirdly, medical science had not advanced to the point where damage to females’ wombs, etc., could be easily repaired. And there was still a need to keep patching up the war wounded.
I was hugely amused by the ‘dame Casey ‘ inquiry into the riot at the wemberly euros final . The findings were
1 it was a big footy match
1A there has never been a footy match at Wembley
2 it was held late in the day
3 booze was taken
4 the BBC MSM ramped it up and up
5 plod has never done a big match before
6 plod turned up late – to save money
7 cheap ‘stewards ‘ took bungs or let mates in
8 no World Cup
Having gone to brutal games in the 70s and after I am surprised at how genteel matches have become – and in those few cases where the past returns – it is a surprise to the woke .
There is only one major scandal in this country, no public enquiry or media outrage into the mass rape of THOUSANDS of white British children by gangs of pakis in every city of the UK
The Hunt for Pink Megha
I thought all BBC staff were allowed to be ‘wayward’*
*Views their own
BBC obviously victimising chaps with or without parts for wearing / not wearing ladyware .
Off the the employment tribunal , massive payout for noo ‘tats’
Twi (I have no idea whatbthatbis)
These are the language translations provided with my flu jab reminder by the NHS – or should that be the IHS?
Do words fail you as much as they do me?
A long time ago a blue labour government said it was going to stop doing these multi language leaflets to attempt to integrate foreigners into blighty – and to save money
Im guessing the foreigners in the civil service killed that good idea off
Twi is a language used in Ghana , oboroni
I think we should be told how many Twi speakers there are in the UK who cannot read or speak English.
Presumably they are all doctors and engineers.
Scarily Sluff, a fair few of them are employed by the NHS, and will pretty much be guaranteed promotion to senior positions, thanks in part to a slew of new ‘Diversity Advisers’. It being racist NOT to positively discriminate in their favour and promote them, you see, even if they are completely incompetent and/or don’t speak the native tongue.
A friend of mine’s son, an odd, but nice enough lad, wants to work in a field where he’ll presumably be maintaining, repairing and operating, high tech medical devices, some of which will be keeping patients alive (or not).
The problem is this boy has a number of, how shall I put this politely, ‘handicaps’, such as severe dyslexia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. All of which, I would have thought, would better suit him (however bright) to some less… responsible, line of work.
However, so mixed up is the world we currently live in, that he’s sailed through his A Levels, and got top marks, thanks in part to his intelligence (he seems a bright kid), but even more, I suspect, to all the help (laptops, calculators, extra time, books of formulae etc… he’s had in exams) AND being given ‘positive assistance’ by markers on account of his multiple ‘conditions’. Now he’s headed for Uni, and going to study Medical Engineering at a decent Uni, which has accepted him (and will be assisting him) on the grounds of his ‘disadvantages’.
All of which sounds ‘nice’ and ‘supportive’, and gives his loving parents a warm glow, but all I can think of is this:
Coming to a clinic near you, sooner than you think!
Sluff -Yiddish ? On a Flu jab reminder? Oy gevalt ( I’m shocked)
Yiddish is a humorous language which evolved when the Russian
Jews were forced to live in a western region of the Russian Empire
between 1791 to 1917. Parts of modern day Poland. Lithuania,
Latvia. And all of Byelarus and Ukraine made up the Pale of Settlement.
It was a very hard life for them what with the pogroms. And
this Yiddish language was around 70% German, with other
eastern European languages and some Hebrew slung in.
I say it was humorous . If you have seen Fiddler on the Roof you
know what I mean. Some of the words and sayings have been
passed down from great grandfathers to their great grand children like a 76 year alte kacker (a crotchety old man) like me. But Yiddish on
vaccination instructions ? I am pretty krank(sick) with heart failure . And I cant schlapp( carry) the heavy shopping
a long distance anymore. Sluff Yiddish? Are you being kosher
I share your general incredulity, although to be honest Yiddish is the least of my worries.
But I sense your scepticism so try this
Other comparable publications are available
Perish the thought that the NHS gigantic budget would be spent on anything so prosaic as actually treating indigenous tax-paying British citizens with illnesses and nasty diseases..
The wokes would be spitting blood.
Sluf-Absolutely fascinating ! Thanks for the info. Just one interesting observation. The language they say is Yiddish, is not Yiddish . Its HEBREW. A completely different language . Not an exact comparison . But Yiddish is in a way what Swiss deutsch is to German . Swiss deutsch is a spoken language passed down from one generation to another . It is not a written language.
But it is a real living spoken language. Even in the thirties
especially in Poland and the USA there were still
flourishing Yiddish theatres and even hit songs with Yiddish
titles like Bay Mir Bistu Sheyn ( to me your beautifu)
BUT whilst Swiss deutsch still flourishes Yiddish is dying out.
Modern Hebrew is the language of Israel. And that ” Yiddish”
Flu vaccine info is in Hebrew. Why we 300,000 Jews in the UK
need this info in Hebrew. God only knows !!
Sluff, its the same for those being called for Jury Duty. Can you imagine being up before the beak and then having a dozen pick’n’mix who can barely say Hello in English, yet are able to decide your fate ?
A nasty piece of Racism came across from a narrative in Yahoo today-Amol Rajan in 2012 whilst Editor of the Independant was quoted as calling the late Prince Phillip a racist bafoon and Prince Charles scientifically illiterate. So how has this individual been able to get a job with the BBC et al-is that the calibre of the people that Corporation employs-Lord Reith would do a somersault in his grave.
I suppose we have to accept the fact that as Rajan is dark of skin colour he has to be first in line?
Not only Boston that has East European killers, Grimsby as well
… “Anna Krolikowska has been jailed for six years for killing husband Adam Krolikowski” .. Polish AFAIK
Douglas Murray maintains his anti Trump stance in the Telegraph this morning. We all respect Douglas for his forthright expression of his loathing for Islam and the cowardly approach of western politicians towards the ever growing list of Muslim terror attacks.
But in my opinion he is entirely wrong about President Trump. Douglas doesn’t like him , or perhaps more accurately doesn’t like his style, and it shows. But It isn’t a question of whether you dislike his tweets , his combatative approach, or if you would like Trump as a neighbour . It is about whether you agree with his policies or not , such as America and it’s culture first, anti globalism, CO2 scepticism, a strong line on immigration and Islamic terror, which I most certainly do.
Douglas writes The Strange Death of Europe and rightly pilloried the weak kneed politicians who have let it happen , or worse promoted it , but baulks when a leader steps up who pushes back on behalf of the people because Douglas doesn’t like his style.
The monstering of Trump has been so successful across the media that anybody (including Douglas Murray) who mentions him by name is effectively attracting attacks which deflect near entirely from anything else they might talk about.
Victor Davis Hanson manages to talk about Trump in the 3rd person successfully – Murray needs to look at how Hanson gets away with it….
Doublethinker, Hear, hear
Perhaps if he raises enough opposition to DJT, it might catch on and deprive DJT of winning the 2024 election. He doesn’t wield that much power so I don’t think so but, whatever, it allows Murray to write a few more books and make more money. Perhaps he’s already well through a next book on “Trump” and he wouldn’t want anything to disturb the current Trump trajectory contrary to what’s being written?
If Murray cannot see or accept what Trump following there is, he’s no reporter.
Douglas thinks the Donald is not quaite naice.
Double, I don’t like former President Trump (to give him his correct title until 2024) but I have heard the truly bad way the BBC has treated him and his supporters and the lies the BBC have told about both. I personally find the old ‘British sympathy for the underdog’ thing has kicked in.
TOADY Watch #3 – missed the elephant in the room by a mile – the BBC need to visit Specsavers*
Tribute on TOADY to one of the BBC’s British wildlife sound recordists Martyn Stewart who has developed cancer. His niece is trying to get his lifetime archive onto record as many of the habitats, it is claimed, that this gentleman made his recordings in no longer exist. (Due no doubt to global warming, climate change, deforestation, farming to feed an ever expanding world population, etc.)
That last point was mentioned by the sound recordist – the ever expanding world population – and he also pointed out the intrusion of the noise of modern life. I can sympathise with that having had numerous dogs barking in nearby gardens and the sound of children playing outside now the rain has stopped. The sound recordist mentioned constant sound of aeroplanes flying overhead.
He lives in Florida. !!! Nuff said !!!
* other Opticians are available
Imagine if Wendy and Unit spent less time at awards dos.
11:30am FooC
– South Korean ; Squid Game imagines people competing in a series of ever more violent contests, hundreds dying along the way.
It’s a satire on the cut-throat competitiveness of ordinary South Korean life;
Chloe Hadjimatheou
– Ethiopia : in the war, civilians have been murdered in ethnically-based violence, while others have starved.
There’s a social media war too.
Andrew Harding
– Negotiations over Iran’s nuclear programme
the Iranians won’t talk until sanctions imposed on their country are lifted.
James Landale
– Naples : The neighbourhood of Sanita has a series of regeneration programmes. one based on catacombs
Mark Stratton
– Venezuela, three quarters of the population are living on less than two pounds a day, so how will they do Xmas.
Katy Watson
@Telegraph : Pestering women in the street or in pubs and making lewd comments at them COULD become an offence under plans to criminalise “public sexual harassment”,
which are set to be announced next week
It is seen as a more effective way of protecting women against violence than classing misogyny as a hate crime alongside race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity, Whitehall sources have said
emm harassment is already against the law
harass someone on 3 occasions and the court can have you
They have even bent the law and convicted people who only did on two occasions
“Looking at people funny” seems quite likely to be an arrest-able offence soon?
Blinking is to be made a criminal offence along with breathing …new plod blinking patrols …. Could it be made up ?
Walking on cracks in the pavement . Wearing loud shirts .
That’s a really clever spoof ….isn’t it ?
… I hope so
– but watching the antics of the meatheads running just my local police force I’m prepared to accept that it is likely true…
I think ‘unpleasantness ‘ should be criminalised . And it should be defined by the victim . It would work very well in London .
Pestering in the street. This is a tactic used non-stop by Muslim men.
Women I know are repeatedly propositioned and leered at by Muslim men, on public transport and in the street. This particularly applies on the London tube system. A crowded carriage provides ample opportunity for taking this to a physical level.
This act, if enforced with vigour, could result in unexpected consequences.
When I was contracting in Derby quite a few years ago, we had an office 50/50 split between Pakistani Muslims and whites. When we had a leaving do (and we had a lot because it wasn’t a nice place to work), we would end up in a nightclub. That’s when they let themselves go and I felt sorry for the women they fancied. It didn’t matter if anyone else was talking to them, they would push in on the dancefloor and show whitey their red-velvet jacket backs while they forced themselves on the poor female.
One of the most ignorant things I ever saw. You need to see them confident in a group in their own environment to fully appreciate their culture. They were the most racist people I ever met.
The funny thing is that everybody is aware of this except the people supposedly responsible for dealing with it.
@Independent “RNLI vows to continue Channel rescues amid new hate campaign by Britain First”
@lizziedearden · Dec 3
Britain First has launched a campaign to bombard the RNLI with complaints over English Channel crossings
It says it wants “to pressure them to abandon their support for illegal immigrant and people trafficking and focus instead on saving British lives”
Guess who the actual HATE is from all over Twitter now.
“RNLI takes down website after suspected hacking attempt”
.. The thing is the website is actually up
And has a message at the top “Our website is currently unavailable”
Yet when you go down the page the website is working
cos you can click the links
I’d say it’s possible someone just hacked the front page
Oh the donations page is down
but the donation page listed on their Twitter never went down.
“*new* hate campaign” ..when I checked the BF form page seems to be 2 years old. It’s not new
It’s the HnH campaign that seems new.
As ever everything is upside down the Hatey No Haters set themselves up as being against hate
They have set up a narrative that BF are spreading hate. How ? by sending a form mail to the RNLI
Hang on, that’s not violence is it
they are entitled to send whatever message they want to the RNLI
and rather than being swamped the only new evidence on Twitter for such a campaign is from hundreds of HateyNoHope supporter hatey tweets demonising BF.
There seem to be zero tweets from BF people promoting the form.
HnH seem to have done nothing new hatey
Yet HnH supporters are being hatey against them.
HnH’s behaviour of demonising another group merely for sending letters , does seem akin to racism.
Indeed when you track down the BF page
you find that rather than be a brand new campaign
It seems to come from September 2019
and the form is switched off now.
There is no BF page in the last year that mentions RNLI.
Soros funded HnH.
Is there still a Labour Hope Not Hate Parliamentary Group?
BBC has a special report on rising anti semitism -and what is behind it . Well BBC try starting by looking in the mirror at your uncritical approach to the fake religion of Islam and your anti Israel propaganda , A Joke .
Back to the kraut 1930s again …
Channel 4 is not left-wing, says chief executive.
In other news: Bears don’t dump in the woods and the pope is a Muslim.
One of these is true.
“I don’t think we are a left-wing organisation,” says Alex Mahon, chief executive of Channel 4.
Nice point by mr helmer – I would add that she doesn’t watch her dire channel ( not many others do either ) ..
Alex Mahon >> £991,000 a year buys a lot of “loyalty”
in fact
about twice as much loyalty as Tim Davie
Does anyone know – if she is on PAYE – how much of that £900k goes to the taxman ?
wonder if she’s in one of those schemes that “key talent” so regularly avail themselves of?
Going well, all things considered.
“I don’t think we are a left-wing organisation,” says Alex Mahon, chief executive of Channel 4, after some gentle cajoling.
“I think we do have a particular focus on the young under our remit and a particular focus on the issues that concern them,” Mahon explains, choosing her words carefully. “Ultimately, we are an organisation that is set up to represent the underrepresented. That has traditionally meant minorities. It has meant LGBT and minority ethnic communities.
“If you do that, you are always going to be accused of being liberal. But that is how Channel 4 has always been, and that is part of its natural makeup.”
‘It’s not left-wing
.. It even sometimes airs far-right figures like Jeremy Corbyn’ ..she meant to add
Comments : “Young people don’t watch broadcast TV, they stream content from free on demand services such as YouTube. etc.”
“The Wokeland state broadcaster”
I’d go with “Far Left Organisation “….
In one sense, she is correct, at least if she is referring to traditional left wing politics. The original purpose of the Left was to represent the interests of working class people, whereas nowadays they are just apparatchiks and lapdogs for the billionaire globalists, engaging in distraction politics so people don’t see what is going on, along with promoting ‘divide and rule’ to ensure no true opposition can ever arise.
Labour should rename itself . The University Knowitall Lecturer and Allied Virtue Signallers party is one .
The Anything But British Working Class another .
If C4 is focussing on minority ethnic communities then can we expect specific programming related to the interests of British white people in Leicester, Bradford, Southall, Tower Hamlets and elsewhere?
Nope, thought not.
And if C4 is not left wing then how come it focusses on ‘minorities’ which all the demographics and polls say hugely favour the Labour Party? How about a focus on white working class Brexit supporters, showing them in a positive, patriotic light?
Nope, thought not, again.
I always had my doubts about him; there was always something a bit phoney about his enthousiasm for Jihad.
Most are aware on here that I am a movie ‘buff’. So imagine my surprise at seeing included in Sky’s Top 10 Christmas films (introduced by Irritating Elbow) is this movie – which I have never heard of, was made in 2007, and is clearly included to satisfy the ego of Mr Elbow as he appears in it, about a black family Christmas !!!
Anyone on here heard of it ? ………….. THIS CHRISTMAS
This Chirstmas I gave you my heart
but the very next day you threw it away
That one ?
Nope. That’s a song by Wham lol !
I know nothing. But I think a lot, which is now a hate crime.
It doesn’t sound like my cup of tea at all… so, no, and not ashamed to say so.
Does anyone else wonder how many of the elite have genuinely had the injection (or just fake ones for propaganda purposes)?
theisland, not so much if the ‘elite’ (self appointed) have had AN injection, as if they’ve had the SAME injection as us minions.
I expect quite a number of the “elite” have had the meat injection as recommend by Sir Elton of the John.
Newsnight do like the blarney news. Ask McAlpines.
“discrimination based ungender identity” is a hate crime…..
– are you getting fed up yet?
Just putting this out there: Springster seems to be fully qualified to be the next German Chancellor.
“Our democracy thrives on the ability for critical discourse”
Exactly, so why are you and your ilk trying to shut that down?
pudgy old bat can go rot in Hölle
What they do when they are in the majority
Furious Muslim mob of hundreds LYNCH Sri Lankan factory manager in Pakistan, publicly burning his body after he was accused of blasphemy
Priyantha Kumara was killed and publicly burned in eastern Pakistan yesterday
The Sri Lankan sports equipment factory manager was accused of blasphemy
A mob of hundreds of enraged factory workers dragged the victim outside
Police have arrested 13 and dozens have been detained, officials said today