The Downing street decorating expenses and – I strongly suspect – these parties were at the behest of Nut-Nut who is quite the socialite and seems to have complete control of Boris now.
This whole affair reflects terribly on the BBC and the Lefty MSM in general – just as their Trump coverage has. I despise their dishonesty. But if it gets rid of Boris and puts a real conservative with backbone in instead then it will have a silver lining.
And then they will regret it. Especially if they keep Starmer in charge.
Agree. As late as the start of this year I would have preferred Boris to stay as PM. But the last twelve months have seen him become increasingly Woke , going green at the gills , not following through on Brexit completion nor dealing with the BBC and of course making the whopping error of removing Dom Cummings. So as you say JC resign and clear the decks for a true blue Tory who will calm down the green madness, stop HS2, complete Brexit, smash the BBC and emasculate the rabid left wing dogs in the civil service.
The only problem is that the next PM will be principally chosen by the Tory MPs and they are more likely to choose a Woke secret europhile who daren’t touch the BBC or the civil service and loves being seen as the leader of the green agenda. Still we can hope.
Hope for one of the new parties to gain a few seats and hold the balance of power against either a Tory or Labour Government. Sadly, I cannot see the Tories choosing a conservative leader.
Yes, I’d love to get shot of Bunter. Cop 26 (or whatever the bloody nonsense was called) was an irrelevant shambles. I thought we’d elected a conservative, not bleedin’ Carolyn Lucas… The bloke is a shambolic buffoon, but just who do we replace this plonker with?
“A real conservative” you say. Okay…who?
Liz Truss…talks a good game, but so does Priti Patel and she’s been exposed as being worse than useless.
I want to get rid of this pillock, but for the life of me, I don’t know who I’d put in his place.
Just to confirm who is dedicated to creating division and resentment and stirring up race hate in the USA:
Flashback: Biden, Harris led frenzy to amplify Jussie Smollett’s false hate crime claims
Multiple politicians called the attack an attempted ‘modern day lynching’
Empire actor Jussie Smollett was found guilty on five charges of staging a hate crime and lying to police on Thursday raising questions whether or not several high-profile political figures would offer apologies or attempt to clarify their public defense of his innocence.
“What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country,” President Joe Biden, tweeted in January of 2019 when he was mulling a presidential run, “We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.”
Vice-President Kamala Harris also believed Smollet’s story and posted about it on Twitter calling the alleged attack an attempted “modern day lynching.”
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat who ran for president, also referred to the alleged attack as an attempted “modern day lynching.”
I wonder if this Jessie character will land up sharing a cell with that actor fellow who shot someone dead ? …..
Plenty of loose criminality with these high moral high ground characters eh?
He’s tedious, his motivation is pure spite and all he ever does is nit-pick.
But if you remove him, he can just create another account. These people have no shame or ethics about doing that – otherwise they wouldn’t be trolls.
At least we know who he is like this.
The ideal solution for people like him is to set it so only he can see his posts. Does the forum software let you do it ?.
With a little imagination, we might come up with an appropriate title for a separate Maxiconomy thread every week all of his own with no access to others
perhaps “Late Night Musing from the Nazi Left”
a summary of churches torched this week, Jews / Tory scum attacked and teachers in hiding
including a “book burning of the week club” section
and maybe a “cultural enrichment” section with the latest rape gang prosecutions
I personally would take the troll down mainly because it never addresses the issue of the BBC . As a moderator I read all the comments and am frankly bored by the ritual nocturnal cut and paste counter comments of what other people write .
The troll also tends to target particular posters and never – never – defends or comments directly .
However some here find these trolls entertaining . I don’t .
I can get the ‘rights ‘ switched to ‘read only ‘ if enough people want this . And as you say – they can always try and some back in a new guise. But that tedious style will soon give this away …
The troll keeps quoting a descriptive statement I made in 2019 and implying it is a prescriptive statement. In other words, falsely accusing me of advocating the mass murder of innocent people.
In my experience, he can’t really debate and is basically just a striker of pompous woke attitudes: “I have no desire to debate with you”. “You are worthy of nothing but contempt”.
But my opinion is that when Coney Island Maxi abuses you or misrepresents your argument, it is a useful indicator that you are on the right track and irritating the hell out of the left.
Fox-affiliate Boston 25 News, asked Rollins if she would be willing to answer questions. Rollins, who became visibly upset, demanded to know how the reporters knew where she lived, to which they informed her it is a matter of public record.
“So as a Black woman, in this moment in this country, you’re going to put my f—ing house on screen?” Rollins asked the reporter. At no point in the video is Rollins’ house shown
Rollins threatened to call the police on the Boston 25 News team, saying, “And you know what I’ll do? I’ll call the police and make an allegation. And we’ll see how that works with you.”
Rollins went on to comment on the race of the female reporter before threatening to look up her identity.
“So the rantings of a White woman get you here and scare my children?” Rollins asked. “Get off our private property, and I swear to God, I’m dead serious. I will find your name.”
a policy memo Rollins released shortly after taking office in January 2019 which identified more than a dozen charges she said should be declined for prosecution entirely or recommended for diversion, such as mental health or substance abuse treatment.
On her campaign website for Suffolk County district attorney, she included several crimes that she wouldn’t prosecute, including trespassing, drug possession, disorderly conduct, shoplifting, and breaking and entering.
His pronouncements included claims that American soldiers were committing suicide “by the hundreds” outside the city, and denial that there were any American tanks in Baghdad, when in fact they were only several hundred meters away from the press conference where he was speaking and the combat sounds of nearing American troops could already be heard in the background of the broadcast.[5] On another occasion, he spoke of the disastrous outcomes of previous foreign attempts to invade Iraq, citing an unspecified Western history book and inviting the journalists present to come to his home to read it. His last public appearance as Information Minister was on 8 April 2003, when he said that the Americans “are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender, it is they who will surrender”.[6] When asked where he had gotten his information, he replied, “authentic sources—many authentic sources”.[7] He pointed out that he “was a professional, doing his job”.[7]
Bit of job news: Delighted to be appointed UK Editor for @BBCNewsnight – opportunity to do more high impact investigative journalism that matters to viewers & wider public. Sure bags under eyes will worsen & late dinners will provide more heartburn but can’t wait to start in Jan
No, no no, Zeph.
You are so out of touch- though to be fair it’s hard to keep up with the BBC woke department . You can’t use the term BAME in connection with the BBC.
From the Telegraph
The BBC is to drop the “BAME” acronym after a report found the term could “cause serious insult” by treating ethnic minorities as a single group. … Instead, it will refer to specific ethnic groups where possible, or use the full description of “black, Asian and minority ethnic”
Isn’t all this BBC B***S*** about stirring up race and creed, the reason why Yugoslavia became an utter hellhole in recent years?
And if the BBC are still going to differentiate against tribes, what are they going to do with all the different sorts of immigrant we have to endure from the African continent each week?
I suppose the Graun will have a new raft of ads for ‘diversideee’ BBBC non-jobs pretty soon, paid for from the TV tax – a fund of pensioners’ most-needed money to keep warm, but used to keep untalented tossers poking mullock to their ageing screens with tiresome nonentity…
London estate agents – fill the empty space with Beeb non-jobs left over from WAH civil serpents and LAs! And Plod, they must be WAH as we never see them for weeks on end!
And its CHRISTMAS! Not some bloody foreign worship of some idol we don’t want to hear about! Stick whatever arses you want in the air but don’t do it anywhere near me, as I’m going back to being the No 1 kicker for my old RFC, and I was bloody accurate!
Jimmy Savile scandal: the BBC’s timeline
This article is more than 8 years old
Summary of key events taken from the Pollard review into the management of Newsnight’s investigation into the late presenter
Sima Kotecha’s claims in Leicester from 10 May 2020
show there is a difference between BBC world and reality.
It was Smollett-like.
– During lockdown when you were only allowed out to exercise the BBC announced that they would do an OB from Leicester clock Tower.
Well that’s trolling and against the spirit of lockdown, cos the only people there should’ve been people exercising.
Russel R was a guy who had some strange theories about BBC child abuse, so he went down to shout ‘the evil BBC are not welcome in his town’
Obviously after some point that becomes abuse and harassment
such that the BBC packed up
There no evidence of anything racist.
And later the guy was charged with “using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour to cause harassment/alarm/distress”
The police page said and BBC page said
However later the BBC got the charge upgraded to “racially aggravated”
and their page was stealth edited to say that.
The BBC story was first titled “Man charged after BBC reporter suffers racist abuse”
However it was changed to “Man denies racial abuse of BBC reporter Sima Kotecha”
But the BBC Guardian world ran with the first narrative and thousands of tweets say that
Yet he was given court dates which were cancelled and cancelled
Until he got his trial one year later ..for shouting at someone in the street !
Kotecha then decline to give evidence so the charge was dropped back down
The guy was also charged with later 2020 things
“He admitted having a bladed article in a public place in June.
He also pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and another charge”
so the judge did put him in a mental hospital.
Dear @sima_kotecha I’m sorry you had to experience this at all let alone in Leicester. The rise of racism and race hate is a real and worrying problem – something which I have vowed with others to stamp out. We must all Stand Up to Racism – thank you for your bravery & courage
Detailed news came 13 months after arrest the judge said: “You made very offensive and unpleasant remarks. I’m satisfied they were not racist in the circumstances
but were deeply offensive and left the BBC crew very shaken.”
Sentenced to mental hospital mainly for drug induced episodes when he waved a knife at people
This morning’s Telegraph “Inside” features would each appear to have been written specifically with our Boris in mind…
‘William Sitwell. Midlife with two babies? Here’s my advice‘
And if that doesn’t sit well with readers…
‘Not again… Coping with Covid Christmas anxiety, part 2‘
‘Kate Andrews. The NHS’s dirty little secret‘
The Daily Express observes: ‘Boris under the cosh‘ – No, that’s not commentary on his relationship with Princess Macadamia, rather: ‘A rising Tory revolt has left the Prime Minister fighting on three fronts…‘
The giveaway Metro is specific: ‘…calls for him to quit grow over Xmas parties row, Plan B and “Wallpapergate”‘
How delicious would be the irony if dogged adherence to the policy of Lockdowns – which BoJo always said he didn’t really want to enforce – turns out to be his Downfall.
Downfall [2004] (German: Der Untergang) as directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, father of a thousand years of internet memes and parodies.
Cue Carrie in the bunker mussing Boris’s hair for him, ordering Rishi, Priti and Trussy from the room and going on some sub-Hitlerian rant about Cummings, COP26 and Stalin, as the PM – naughty schoolboy caught scrumping-like – stands helplessly sweating in the corner of the room. Number 10 staff and press corps gathered in the coridor outside, ear-wigging helplessly as they stand embarrassingly bedecked in paper hats and various party novelty items. Don’t cry, Allegra, dear, we’ll all escape to some quango make-work jobs.
Of course the commentariat can’t backtrack on their full endorsement of Sino-Communistic medicalised social control measures… but the inglorious bastard who shoved Brexit down their collective throats may well pay the price at last.
If only he’d written himself two articles – one with the pros and one laying out all the cons of Lockdown.
Sadly, although the Guardian is apparently in celebratory mood: ‘Review. And just like that. “Flashes of the old spirit”‘; and ‘All they want for Christmas…‘ – and New Year and birthdays come together… the organ that purports to be the very conscience and thinking brain of the right-on left just can’t see the irony: ‘Sienna Miller: tabloid “nearly ruined my life”… she believed a Sun reporter illegally obtained her private medical information from a blagger‘
Blagger? Did they mean blogger? Or the childish US booger? The Gruan dipping into the style of Jack Regan circa 1975?
Private medical records, eh? You know, the sort of info supporters and promoters of Lockdowns want you to share with doorstaff at various entertainment venues whose medical qualifications may consist of little more than an SIA badge.
Irony is an over-used word and perhaps becomes redundant under an authoritarian regime.
Frontpage of the Times brings us an attempt at a chuckle by way of a pic of one cleric and his camel: ‘Don’t get the hump. The Christmas Eve service at Salisbury Cathedral was rehersed yesterday with Timujin, one of three camels taking part, and the Rev Pete Atkinson‘ – and not a mask in sight as Timujin visably exhales in the cold air – right into the mush of the vicar.
BBC: ‘UK plan to ban animal trophies too slow – conservation groups‘ – the BBC in typical form there side-stepping in-house editorial opinion by way of attribution to a friendly campaign group.
‘Poll blow for Tories as trust in Johnson falls‘ – or so laments (?) the Times: ‘Two thirds of voters question his integrity‘ – so 33% DO trust Boris? They need their heads examined.
‘Trust in politicians has fallen by five percentage points and they have displaced advertising executives as the least trusted profession in the survey… Trust in politicians has always been in short supply, but this figure matches previous lows recorded in 2016 (15%), 2011 (14%) and 2009 (13%)‘ (Ipsos Mori polling November 2019 – or just pre-Lockdown)
Damn this blasted Populism that gave us Brexit and Trump!
‘US Democracy plea. President Biden urged an invited group of world leaders to “lock arms” against autocracies…‘ – invited via Zoom, mind you.
Keep an eye on the most coronaphobic of newspapers: ‘”Plan C” already being drawn up‘ (‘i’)
And by way of truthfulness from our press…
Also in the ‘i’: ‘First date fibs. What secrets should you hide from a partner?‘ – too much irony yet folks?
‘“The music industry is so patriarchal” Alicia Keys at 40‘ (‘i’)
‘Alicia Keys is an American singer, songwriter and actress who has a net worth of $150 million. This is a combined net worth that she shares with her husband, producer Swizz Beatz.‘ (A welcome return hereabouts for the fat pig logoed Celebrity Net Worth website)
So we’ll leave it there with the observation that the Sun’s headline contains – or rather consists solely of – the contraction: ‘WFP‘ – Working From Pub being an amusing spoof on WFH or what we take to be the prevailing abbreviation for Working From Home – the sole preserve and preferred choice of internet-based employment types. This is not an acronym, mind you – unless you can get your tongue around some attempt at a pronunciation of WFH.
Makes a change from WFBCS (working from bloody coffee shop) when you are trying to get a seat in a coffee shop and a student (generally) is sitting with a laptop at a table for four people, for hours on end, having bought one coffee, a plague of them in Cambridge now so that many have signs asking for them not to do this
Zephir, how about sitting next to them or, even better, opposite them and coughing, quietly but continually? A few sniffs, too, with application of handkerchief to nose ought to be enough to shift them outside.
Had this done to me and wife sitting at very small table for four (during social distancing too) and we had only just arrived, only been ther 5 minutes by a couple who then started jabbering loudly in some language or other, the volume rather than the language was a probelm as well as the closeness
I would not do this I consider it too intrusive whatever the provocation but maybe wifi could be strictly timed if that were posssible ?
I didn’t realise – until I checked – how much of a lefty the now unemployed tearful Allegra Stratton is – full on green Islington ( cannonbury posh ) yet was a mouth piece for the Tories ….
…. I reckon is partygate carries on in the run up to Christmas a lot if blue labour MPs will be looking at the polling and looking to dump nut nut and maybe put someone fit in the job – rishi or liz I reckon …
TOADY Watch #1 – the schysters and schuksters (pardon my Yiddish) sitting in the TOADY studio . . .
of the BBC part are concerned about the gatherings of the first Party while not asking any questions about gatherings of the second Party. It is notable that the gatherings of the BBC part are not revealed either so I’m hoping there will be some concerned activists who love the truth in either of those parties about pre-Xmas gatherings of the BBC and the Party of the second part, also the Parties of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth part (hope I have counted all the Parties correctly) and will leak the truth to all the newspapers and the BBC preferably with video footage from a mobile phone.
Hiram T. Flywheel Jr. Jr. II, Attorney at Law on behalf of Up2snuff
I forced ‘today ‘ on myself this day – there was extensive evidence of group think with the 2 deliverers of propaganda being abetted by like minded ‘guests’ who I suppose the BBC would use that term ‘friends of the programme ‘.
The party thing is nice and easy with all the players members of the swamp – and being happy to juxtapose a named individual punters’ tragic experience ti add to the mix .
Meanwhile the Chinese wait for Taiwan and putin waits for Ukraine… and on more trivia – no mention of friend macron sending frog diplomats to the china winter games when the ‘nice ‘ nations are not …
Fed, did you listen to Wes Streeting in the (now devalued) prime interview? I gather that he is better thought of than Jonathan Ashworth, previous Labour Shadow SoS for Health although that is not really a massive validation. It wouldn’t be hard to be better than erstwhile Ashworth, probably even the current PM achieves that status.
Was Streeting asked about Labour Christmasparties‘gatherings’ ?
I was up a bit late so only listened from 7 a.m. until 8 a.m. and then I hit the ‘Off’ switch rather than go through it all over again.
Yes comrade streeting of ilford held court and used that lie about ‘putting the nation above politics ‘ – which is always the preface to putting the boot in .
Wesley is very up and coming and is a bit of a wet southern version of that one who is the mayor of manchester ..,
… but he is no good when on the defensive or up against a contrary view – so he sounded good on Today …
… i wonder if there was any big public organisation which did not have at least one party last christmas ?
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Get over yourself, you pompous arse – and take the fake moral halo off too. It wasn’t @GBNEWS that turned a blind eye to Savile & stitched up Diana with vile lies & deception – it was your BBC employer.
Could this be the reason the BBC is very quiet today..??
Media Guido
Hearing reports of illicit BBC parties held last Christmas. Always happy to hold public institutions to account,
I understand comode does film reviews for the BBC ( no barry norman ) so has to wade through all those tedious woke things with coloured types trying to do roles meant for whitee .
So i pity him for that and his prejudice against is such a refreshing change and highlights the dire presentation by the BBC MSM – so frightened of any challenge to the narrative/ approved view.
I watched farage and brazier last night and noted the lack of group think so absent from the MSM .
. I would prefer a Right Wing News Outlet though ..
Andrew Neil
Russia has assembled a massive force on Ukraine’s border
Iran is moving back into the nuclear game
China is rehearsing attacks on Taiwan.
But the British political and media elite is obsessing about a Christmas party that wasn’t — or was.
Does this remind you of any paricular national “treasure” ?
Jussie Smollett hoax proof the left ‘will besmirch anyone for political gain’: Hannity
‘Hannity’ host claims the left in America ‘don’t give a damn about truth or justice’
“The left in this country, they don’t give a damn about truth or justice,” Hannity said. “They get it wrong every single time. They don’t care if they ruin somebody’s life. They will lie. They will smear, they will slander. They will besmirch anyone for political gain.”
The “Hannity” host compared how the left treated Smollett and how they have treated the recently-vindicated Kyle Rittenhouse.
“Kyle was labeled a white supremacist by then-presidential candidate Joe Biden,” he said. “Where’s the apology, Joe? Kamala Harris called him a vigilante and an extremist. They were wrong then. They are wrong now, but don’t ever expect a retraction or an apology.”
The Fox News host also pointed out Democrats’ years-long claims that Trump colluded with Russia, when in fact, Hillary Clinton was “[t]he only one [who] colluded with Russia and bought a dirty Russian…dossier” that was used to spy on Donald Trump, he said.
A fine example of unnecessary placement; here’s one I noticed yesterday:-
An Actor, Henry Cavill or similar (Who he?) “admitted” that he enjoys playing “Warhammer” which involves moving fantasy models around on a playing surface, often multiplayer with highly detailed characters. There are clubs and game rooms where like-minded folk meet and do battle. My son was into it around ten years ago, hence my (Rather sketchy) knowledge of the genre. A few pictures appear in the article, which obviously triggered the diversity alarm (A continuous moaning and wailing sound). The call went out “Find a n3gro, and quick”. So they find some unknown, who admits a fondness to “call of duty” which is an online screenplay game. It’s like saying to someone building their own house “Oh I know all about that, I play minecraft every day”.
There’s a small item at the foot of the front page of the Times newspaper that might explain the BBC’s obsession with diversionary attacks on the PM recently.
” Christopher More an undercover BBC and Channel 4 investigator who tortured to death a cannabis grower, has been convicted for murder after 16 years on the run. “
This follows on from my note of yesterday about there being no Christmas party this year .
However – to avoid any disappointment or confusion – there will be ‘A gathering ‘ . This will be comprised of individuals sitting on their own eating popcorn whilst watching a red political party with an 80 majority ( now -80) busily being destroyed by its ‘ nut nut PM … enjoy…
Boris Johnson turns up at Downing Street and the place is a mess, beer bottles and liquor bottles everywhere.
He is just about to leave when Allegra Stratton comes down the stairs.
He looks at her then looks at the mess
She catching the hint, explains that they had a big party last night.
Boris spots a blanket in the corner with holes all cut out.
“What was that for?” He asked
Well she explained “We were playing party games last night, were we had all the men line up behind the blanket and stick there penis’s out the holes. Then all the women went along and tried to guess whose was whose.”
“oh crumbs, that must have been some party, wish I here.”
“Well you might as well have been here your name came up several times”
If or when Boris (or is it his Missus who it seems is now running the Country) goes, I had thought Liz Truss would be a good fit with her excellent trade agreements work.
I then found out that she was a remainer.
She may well have embraced leave now but if she got into power would the remainer part come back?
I can’t see any obvious replacement but what about a real ‘none of the above’ type of choice.
Would Sir Desmond Swayne be a good PM.
He ticks our (on here) boxes.
Would Ann Widdicombe come back, she would make an excellent PM.
Would Nadine be a good choice.
I like her but she hasn’t appeared to have done much (yet) regarding the bbbc.
She’s too young but Nigel’s sidekick on GB News Sunday morning, Dehenna Davison is quite sound.
Also on Nigel’s show is a Labour bloke called Paul Embery. If the Labour Party could get lots more like him they would be a serious threat because he talks a lot of sense.
I can understand some voting Tory to keep Labour out during a GE but in a by-election there’s no danger at all when the Tories have a big majority so why don’t people vote Reform or whatever party now represents the place the Tories have vacated.
Labour will not get in from a by-election win but a huge message will be sent to the now left wing Tory party.
A couple of similar gains for the ‘new’ (or real) Tory parties might get us one of the above as the next Tory leader to take the party back to the right of centre.
As soon as they enter the door they leave the electorate on the street ….
“Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 2 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Latest election news – live updates
Boris Johnson
Johnson says he is ‘looking at’ scrapping BBC licence fee – video
Rowena Mason and Jim Waterson
Mon 9 Dec 2019 22.30 GMT”
Emmanuel, check out Kemi Badenoch. Was part of the London Assembly when Bojo was Mayor. Think she now has a non-Cabinet Ministerial post now that she’s an MP. Kemi is no pushover when being interviewed either. She would really put the Labour Party’s nose out of joint for her obvious qualities!
When will we be seeing the death toll from the omicron variant.
We keep hearing it takes a few (4) weeks before death occurs and they say we need more time to see the results.
Omicron first known case was reported on 9 November.
It was then reported by SA to the WHO on November 24.
At this time of writing no deaths have been caused by the omicron variant.
SA is still saying it’s a very mild version.
It reminds me of a decade or two ago when the world was going to end because of bird flu and they had drone type footage on our tv’s of what appeared to be a dead swan or seagull washed up on some sort of lifeboat launching ramp.
Hushed tones reporting on this dead bird.
Lots of scientists telling us how bad it could be.
Then ….. nothing.
In other news, Geronimo the Alpaca did not have TB, the scientists got it wrong (but it got killed anyway)
EG you canf just throw in that devastating news about the al paca without saying what was wrong with him .
Was it covid related- like every other death certificate sez now?
Chicken and Bird influenza, EG, really only appeared to kill people in China. Mexican Swine influenza, the third influenza scare, killed a lot of people in Mexico and spread into the USA but did not really transfer across the Atlantic causing Gordon Brown to vaccinate the world waste £4bn of UK taxpayers money scrapping vaccines at a time when we could really not afford it thanks to Labour’s mismanagement of the economy.
TOADY Watch #2 – hhmmmnn – not inspiring confidence in those who know the data
In the second hour of TOADY (R4 7-8 a.m.) Professor Kevin Fenton was interviewed by, iirc, Nick Robinson. Prof. Fenton is part of (discredited) Public Health (England) and has a specific remit of looking after the health of Londoners. Mayor Khahane was also interviewed during this hour. Both stated that Covid-19 cases were increasing at a rapid rate in the capital. It just so happens that I monitor a few areas in London as well as in Kent.
‘Vaccine’ rates were also mentioned by both interviewees and one or both were asked about compulsory ‘vaccination’. ( The Left outside and inside Parliament, including the BBC, do love compulsion and making things ‘mandatory’. ) There is a Borough in north London that has a relatively low vaccination rate: Haringey. You can check it here: by typing EN1 into the ‘look up’. You can also check the vaccination rate for Tonbridge and Malling by typing ME19 into the same ‘look up’ box. Check the different levels of Covid infection and then look at the vaccination numbers.
What do they tell you?
They tell me that I should not have any confidence in Professor Fenton or Mayor Khan. They are not looking at the data. The disparity is worse if you look at the London Borough of Enfield.
The Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Peace, the Ministry of Love, and the Ministry of Plenty are the four ministries of the government of Oceania in the 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.[1]
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.
EXCLUSIVE: Anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany increased by nearly 150% in 2020
Government data shows anti-Christian attacks rose from 57 to 141 in 2020
It included seven physical assaults, three thefts and a grave desecration
One report said: ‘A 77-year-old female Jehovah’s Witness, while engaging in religious activities, was hit by a woman on the street. The victim fell to the ground and hit her head.’
A Jehovah’s Witness kingdom hall was also ‘desecrated when its mailbox was filled with urine’, the church claimed.
In another alleged attack, a Protestant church was vandalised with swastika graffiti and other far-right symbols.
BBC producer who tortured father to death in front of his children tried to CUT OFF his own FINGERPRINTS while on the run living a life of luxury and rubbing shoulders with the Moroccan royal family for 16 years
Over four hours, Mr Waters sustained 123 injuries as he was whipped, burned with acid, attacked with a staple gun, hung upside down, suspended head first into a liquid to simulate drowning and beaten at Burnt House Farm in Tabley, near Knutsford.
A Home Office post-mortem investigation recorded a cause of death of multiple injuries – including fractured ribs, a broken nose and breastbone, a bleed on the brain and bruising to the heart.
Evidence of strangulation was also found, while he had suffered burns to his back from a ‘caustic substance’ and had been attacked using the staple gun across his head and body. He was also beaten with bamboo canes with such ferocity that they snapped, as well as being struck with a metal bar and burned with melting plastic.
Soon to be working for their license collection agency ?
Dunno if I’d call him a BBC producer
Most media describe him as freelance and say he claimed to be working for Dispatches at the time.
“Christopher More claimed he cultivated a relationship with John Wilson because he was planning an undercover exposé for a TV programme about drug dealers.
“The CPS accepted More’s background in undercover TV work, but we did not believe this was why he was at Burnt House Farm on the day of the murder.
“The CPS said that, far from trying to infiltrate the gang for a documentary, More was a willing participant in Mr Wilson’s world of drugs and violence.
“On the unexpected arrival of police at the farm, the gang fled the scene, crucially leaving behind a bag of evidence that would be pivotal in identifying those involved.
“As a result of his experince in undercover work, More was forensically aware: the bag had been kept in the cow shed to store any items that would likely contain the DNA of the attackers.
“The defendant’s DNA was found on a number of items within the bag including cigarette butts and a drinks bottle.
BBC executive Fiona Campbell who was behind hit TV shows Fleabag and Killing Eve paid tens of thousands of pounds to two gangsters who tortured a drug dealer to death in front of his children in 2003.
Following the jury’s guilty verdict only yesterday the Mail revealed that both More and Raven worked as undercover operatives for Fiona Campbell, now the Editor in Chief at BBC Three.
The investigation found that Miss Campbell knew Raven had a conviction for violence but allowed him and More, who had been cleared of rape aged 18, to work for the publicly funded news company.
The men were also paid thousands for earlier BBC projects commissioned by Miss Campbell, with More’s payments for 2002 to 2003 totalling £42,000.
She told police she did not ask them how they obtained information. She was criticised by a judge in a trial related to the pair’s counterfeiting programme for allowing them to operate without effective scrutiny.
Fiona Campbell is far more deserving of serious criminal investigation than a bunch of junior civil servants pulling crackers at a party in No. 10 a year ago, but that is in real life not BBC life.
I thought I’d give the World At One chance to see if any other Nut Nut aide was doing a tearful Act on their Islington door step .
Instead the BBC was enjoying the mild disconfirm to the Met Plod who couldn’t detect a serial queer murderer in Barking who could barely be bothered to hide his actions .
Obviously the default was ‘institutional homophobia ‘ – giving the crew a chance to mention a coloured kid killed in Sarf lundun maybe 25 years ago .
Anyway – the next of kin of the dead queer chaps want the heads of the lazy plod who didn’t play detective – quite rightly in my view – and maybe the same view as the jury who had to listen to the inquest – which has now closed .
Sadly the killer is still alive and in prison – bet he is a bit of a celebrity amongst the girls …
Normal thing – lives might have been saved – not lazy plod – just overworked – lessons – learnt – not the same now as they all work from home ….
What an embarrassment – no wonder plod heading down the drain . I wonder what the ‘queer community’ thinks of the Barking murders . I think it might take more than a few rainbow plod cars …
Oh how the liberal media (including the Black Broadcasting Corporation) jumped on the Jussie Smollett bogus story of being attacked by MAGA-cap-wearing white supremacists.
They’re looking pretty stupid now.
Below is Salty Cracker’s enraged take on the story.
Incidentally, we’re not hearing much about the black supremacist and BLM activist who deliberately ploughed into a peaceful Christmas Parade in Wisconsin.
The Jussie Smollet case confirms that woke luvvies are so desperate to be victims that they will pay people to victimise them. This fashion for oppression is insane, says Brendan O’Neill
The knives are being sharpened for for the head of Boris Johnson..As a member of the Conservative Party i have just received this questionnaire from my constituency office…
Boris is the best PM we never had …. and a rich one!
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
1 October 2021, received £1,396.93 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 21 October 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Police spent more than £90,000 on Pride t-shirts, fans and rainbow merch – and, shockingly, some people aren’t very happy about it
AUGUST 17, 2020
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – unfortunate timing on the part of the photographer or . . .
Nicola Sturgeon in First NannyMinister-mode making an announcement in a televised Press Conference of the number of tsunamisOmicron (pronounced ommycron in Scotland) cases they have had in Scotland’s hospitals so far. Unfortunately, the lady signing for deaf people either doesn’t believe the First Minister or is about to make a derogatory gesture behind the FM’s back.
Hard to believe: it appears Nicola Sturgeon has even less credibility than Boris Johnson.
“fleeing persecution” now wll likely be fleeing prosecution
muslims and gang rape of children and blackmail of victims, who would have thought it ?
Six Egyptians including five boys are arrested for ‘gang-raping TEN underage girls daily while they were quarantined for coronavirus at a migrant centre in Sicily’
One adult and five minors have been arrested at the Villa Sikania centre in Sicily
The 10 alleged victims say they were forced to perform sex acts every night
The gang raided their quarters and blackmailed them to stay silent, police say
“The judges thought that this winner is fearless and intent on giving a voice to underrepresented communities. Delivers original, diverse storytelling using her multilingual skills to report on the ground.”
I wonder if they are looking for the source of that media rehearsal . I would think it was made on a Cabinet Office system which has an audit trail – at least of views – but by the sound of it the whole number 10 thing is as chaotic as the discredited PM .
Not much need for MSM bias as the sooner he is gone and a grown up takes over the better . At least he can still make a living running a Question of Sport or some other tired panel show ….
Wherein the word ‘possibly’ is expected to lift much.
BBC Fergus Walsh says Omicron means we are possibly facing the biggest wave of infection so far . That is despite the huge amount of vaccination . What we don’t know -yet- is how many of those infections will lead to hospitalisations .
Guest, some Jews are very pale whereas others are of a more dusky hue and some, of course, can be black Africans from the north or south of the Continent. As for Chinese, Indian and Iranian Jews they may well exhibit some characteristics of their adopted homelands, especially if a little bit of ‘marrying out’ has gone on somewhere in the ancestral line.
I guess the racist organisers of that Goldsmiths meeting did not want any non-pale Jews slipping in to listen to proceedings so they covered that with the catch-all exclusion. Disgraceful.
StewGreenMar 16, 00:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:24 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer two video thread Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen video 2 is a compilation of…
BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
StewGreenMar 15, 22:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 Are there ways those lines are defended ? Like saying the lines are mistranslations ? uses slightly different lines…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
tomoMar 15, 21:59 Weekend 15th March 2025 Car ramming attack in Munich A bit further southeast, Victor Orban :
The Downing street decorating expenses and – I strongly suspect – these parties were at the behest of Nut-Nut who is quite the socialite and seems to have complete control of Boris now.
This whole affair reflects terribly on the BBC and the Lefty MSM in general – just as their Trump coverage has. I despise their dishonesty. But if it gets rid of Boris and puts a real conservative with backbone in instead then it will have a silver lining.
And then they will regret it. Especially if they keep Starmer in charge.
My fingers are crossed.
Agree. As late as the start of this year I would have preferred Boris to stay as PM. But the last twelve months have seen him become increasingly Woke , going green at the gills , not following through on Brexit completion nor dealing with the BBC and of course making the whopping error of removing Dom Cummings. So as you say JC resign and clear the decks for a true blue Tory who will calm down the green madness, stop HS2, complete Brexit, smash the BBC and emasculate the rabid left wing dogs in the civil service.
The only problem is that the next PM will be principally chosen by the Tory MPs and they are more likely to choose a Woke secret europhile who daren’t touch the BBC or the civil service and loves being seen as the leader of the green agenda. Still we can hope.
Hope for one of the new parties to gain a few seats and hold the balance of power against either a Tory or Labour Government. Sadly, I cannot see the Tories choosing a conservative leader.
Yes, I’d love to get shot of Bunter. Cop 26 (or whatever the bloody nonsense was called) was an irrelevant shambles. I thought we’d elected a conservative, not bleedin’ Carolyn Lucas… The bloke is a shambolic buffoon, but just who do we replace this plonker with?
“A real conservative” you say. Okay…who?
Liz Truss…talks a good game, but so does Priti Patel and she’s been exposed as being worse than useless.
I want to get rid of this pillock, but for the life of me, I don’t know who I’d put in his place.
Beware what you wish for…
Another day same old sh-t……
We await the next revelation by the “legendary BBC source”
Just to confirm who is dedicated to creating division and resentment and stirring up race hate in the USA:
Flashback: Biden, Harris led frenzy to amplify Jussie Smollett’s false hate crime claims
Multiple politicians called the attack an attempted ‘modern day lynching’
Empire actor Jussie Smollett was found guilty on five charges of staging a hate crime and lying to police on Thursday raising questions whether or not several high-profile political figures would offer apologies or attempt to clarify their public defense of his innocence.
“What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country,” President Joe Biden, tweeted in January of 2019 when he was mulling a presidential run, “We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.”
Vice-President Kamala Harris also believed Smollet’s story and posted about it on Twitter calling the alleged attack an attempted “modern day lynching.”
New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat who ran for president, also referred to the alleged attack as an attempted “modern day lynching.”
etc etc the list is extensive
Bet they all feel like boobs.
They never cared about Jussie in the first place.
They were just expressing their own hatred and racism in a flash of virtue signalling.
I bet not a single one of them feels a shred of remorse for posting what they did.
I wonder if this Jessie character will land up sharing a cell with that actor fellow who shot someone dead ? …..
Plenty of loose criminality with these high moral high ground characters eh?
The one that didn’t pull? Apparently.
Still want the troll on this site ?
He’s tedious, his motivation is pure spite and all he ever does is nit-pick.
But if you remove him, he can just create another account. These people have no shame or ethics about doing that – otherwise they wouldn’t be trolls.
At least we know who he is like this.
The ideal solution for people like him is to set it so only he can see his posts. Does the forum software let you do it ?.
A good idea, the ultimate echo chamber, like most far left “discourse” where any opinion to the contrary is immediately cancelled
If he posted any opinions it might be different. He’s not here for any debate.
With a little imagination, we might come up with an appropriate title for a separate Maxiconomy thread every week all of his own with no access to others
perhaps “Late Night Musing from the Nazi Left”
a summary of churches torched this week, Jews / Tory scum attacked and teachers in hiding
including a “book burning of the week club” section
and maybe a “cultural enrichment” section with the latest rape gang prosecutions
A bit like many BBC editor Twitter accounts?
I personally would take the troll down mainly because it never addresses the issue of the BBC . As a moderator I read all the comments and am frankly bored by the ritual nocturnal cut and paste counter comments of what other people write .
The troll also tends to target particular posters and never – never – defends or comments directly .
However some here find these trolls entertaining . I don’t .
I can get the ‘rights ‘ switched to ‘read only ‘ if enough people want this . And as you say – they can always try and some back in a new guise. But that tedious style will soon give this away …
Agree read only but beware F2 what he may (attempt to) do out of spite
Can you set it so that he can make posts but nobody else sees them except him ?.
He will soon get tired of posting when everybody ignores him.
The troll keeps quoting a descriptive statement I made in 2019 and implying it is a prescriptive statement. In other words, falsely accusing me of advocating the mass murder of innocent people.
In my experience, he can’t really debate and is basically just a striker of pompous woke attitudes: “I have no desire to debate with you”. “You are worthy of nothing but contempt”.
But my opinion is that when Coney Island Maxi abuses you or misrepresents your argument, it is a useful indicator that you are on the right track and irritating the hell out of the left.
New Biden US Attorney Rollins threatens reporters in tirade, resurfaced video shows: ‘You know what I’ll do?’
Fox-affiliate Boston 25 News, asked Rollins if she would be willing to answer questions. Rollins, who became visibly upset, demanded to know how the reporters knew where she lived, to which they informed her it is a matter of public record.
“So as a Black woman, in this moment in this country, you’re going to put my f—ing house on screen?” Rollins asked the reporter. At no point in the video is Rollins’ house shown
Rollins threatened to call the police on the Boston 25 News team, saying, “And you know what I’ll do? I’ll call the police and make an allegation. And we’ll see how that works with you.”
Rollins went on to comment on the race of the female reporter before threatening to look up her identity.
“So the rantings of a White woman get you here and scare my children?” Rollins asked. “Get off our private property, and I swear to God, I’m dead serious. I will find your name.”
a policy memo Rollins released shortly after taking office in January 2019 which identified more than a dozen charges she said should be declined for prosecution entirely or recommended for diversion, such as mental health or substance abuse treatment.
On her campaign website for Suffolk County district attorney, she included several crimes that she wouldn’t prosecute, including trespassing, drug possession, disorderly conduct, shoplifting, and breaking and entering.
Nudge, nudge, sink, sink…
His pronouncements included claims that American soldiers were committing suicide “by the hundreds” outside the city, and denial that there were any American tanks in Baghdad, when in fact they were only several hundred meters away from the press conference where he was speaking and the combat sounds of nearing American troops could already be heard in the background of the broadcast.[5] On another occasion, he spoke of the disastrous outcomes of previous foreign attempts to invade Iraq, citing an unspecified Western history book and inviting the journalists present to come to his home to read it. His last public appearance as Information Minister was on 8 April 2003, when he said that the Americans “are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender, it is they who will surrender”.[6] When asked where he had gotten his information, he replied, “authentic sources—many authentic sources”.[7] He pointed out that he “was a professional, doing his job”.[7]
Has anyone else noticed the slow but sure ubiquitous replacement of Christmas with “festive” ?
The only upside, I look forward to not ever hearing about rama bleeding damn ever again on the bbc et al,
instead a “festive fast”
to avoid offending and alienating Christians
The blonde quota drops further. Sorry Springster.
That 4% minority sure are getting their 4% of jobs at the bbc, must be Dianne Abbot operating the calculator :
erm let’s fink now…..4% = 100 / 4 X 100
oh look its 2500 % BAMES you need
No, no no, Zeph.
You are so out of touch- though to be fair it’s hard to keep up with the BBC woke department . You can’t use the term BAME in connection with the BBC.
From the Telegraph
The BBC is to drop the “BAME” acronym after a report found the term could “cause serious insult” by treating ethnic minorities as a single group. … Instead, it will refer to specific ethnic groups where possible, or use the full description of “black, Asian and minority ethnic”
It is only perceived as an insult because they are so racist against other races within the group
Isn’t all this BBC B***S*** about stirring up race and creed, the reason why Yugoslavia became an utter hellhole in recent years?
And if the BBC are still going to differentiate against tribes, what are they going to do with all the different sorts of immigrant we have to endure from the African continent each week?
I suppose the Graun will have a new raft of ads for ‘diversideee’ BBBC non-jobs pretty soon, paid for from the TV tax – a fund of pensioners’ most-needed money to keep warm, but used to keep untalented tossers poking mullock to their ageing screens with tiresome nonentity…
London estate agents – fill the empty space with Beeb non-jobs left over from WAH civil serpents and LAs! And Plod, they must be WAH as we never see them for weeks on end!
And its CHRISTMAS! Not some bloody foreign worship of some idol we don’t want to hear about! Stick whatever arses you want in the air but don’t do it anywhere near me, as I’m going back to being the No 1 kicker for my old RFC, and I was bloody accurate!
Jimmy Savile scandal: the BBC’s timeline
This article is more than 8 years old
Summary of key events taken from the Pollard review into the management of Newsnight’s investigation into the late presenter
Sima Kotecha’s claims in Leicester from 10 May 2020
show there is a difference between BBC world and reality.
It was Smollett-like.
– During lockdown when you were only allowed out to exercise the BBC announced that they would do an OB from Leicester clock Tower.
Well that’s trolling and against the spirit of lockdown, cos the only people there should’ve been people exercising.
Russel R was a guy who had some strange theories about BBC child abuse, so he went down to shout ‘the evil BBC are not welcome in his town’
Obviously after some point that becomes abuse and harassment
such that the BBC packed up
There no evidence of anything racist.
And later the guy was charged with “using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour to cause harassment/alarm/distress”
The police page said and BBC page said
However later the BBC got the charge upgraded to “racially aggravated”
and their page was stealth edited to say that.
The BBC story was first titled “Man charged after BBC reporter suffers racist abuse”
However it was changed to “Man denies racial abuse of BBC reporter Sima Kotecha”
But the BBC Guardian world ran with the first narrative and thousands of tweets say that
Yet he was given court dates which were cancelled and cancelled
Until he got his trial one year later ..for shouting at someone in the street !
Kotecha then decline to give evidence so the charge was dropped back down
The guy was also charged with later 2020 things
“He admitted having a bladed article in a public place in June.
He also pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and another charge”
so the judge did put him in a mental hospital.
An example of brainwashed land
Detailed news came 13 months after arrest
the judge said: “You made very offensive and unpleasant remarks.
I’m satisfied they were not racist in the circumstances
but were deeply offensive and left the BBC crew very shaken.”
Sentenced to mental hospital mainly for drug induced episodes when he waved a knife at people
Guest, that is Allegra Stratton’s old job. Wonder if it carries any baggage with it.
CNN goes #mostlyBBC
Due to Brexit?
Mostly innocent …
There are lies, damned lies, and lies believed by a senile old fool in the US and also his prime manic giggler.
This edition was produced WFH – pre-commute.
This morning’s Telegraph “Inside” features would each appear to have been written specifically with our Boris in mind…
‘William Sitwell. Midlife with two babies? Here’s my advice‘
And if that doesn’t sit well with readers…
‘Not again… Coping with Covid Christmas anxiety, part 2‘
‘Kate Andrews. The NHS’s dirty little secret‘
The Daily Express observes: ‘Boris under the cosh‘ – No, that’s not commentary on his relationship with Princess Macadamia, rather: ‘A rising Tory revolt has left the Prime Minister fighting on three fronts…‘
The giveaway Metro is specific: ‘…calls for him to quit grow over Xmas parties row, Plan B and “Wallpapergate”‘
How delicious would be the irony if dogged adherence to the policy of Lockdowns – which BoJo always said he didn’t really want to enforce – turns out to be his Downfall.
Downfall [2004] (German: Der Untergang) as directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel, father of a thousand years of internet memes and parodies.
Cue Carrie in the bunker mussing Boris’s hair for him, ordering Rishi, Priti and Trussy from the room and going on some sub-Hitlerian rant about Cummings, COP26 and Stalin, as the PM – naughty schoolboy caught scrumping-like – stands helplessly sweating in the corner of the room. Number 10 staff and press corps gathered in the coridor outside, ear-wigging helplessly as they stand embarrassingly bedecked in paper hats and various party novelty items. Don’t cry, Allegra, dear, we’ll all escape to some quango make-work jobs.
Of course the commentariat can’t backtrack on their full endorsement of Sino-Communistic medicalised social control measures… but the inglorious bastard who shoved Brexit down their collective throats may well pay the price at last.
If only he’d written himself two articles – one with the pros and one laying out all the cons of Lockdown.
Sadly, although the Guardian is apparently in celebratory mood: ‘Review. And just like that. “Flashes of the old spirit”‘; and ‘All they want for Christmas…‘ – and New Year and birthdays come together… the organ that purports to be the very conscience and thinking brain of the right-on left just can’t see the irony: ‘Sienna Miller: tabloid “nearly ruined my life”… she believed a Sun reporter illegally obtained her private medical information from a blagger‘
Blagger? Did they mean blogger? Or the childish US booger? The Gruan dipping into the style of Jack Regan circa 1975?
Private medical records, eh? You know, the sort of info supporters and promoters of Lockdowns want you to share with doorstaff at various entertainment venues whose medical qualifications may consist of little more than an SIA badge.
Irony is an over-used word and perhaps becomes redundant under an authoritarian regime.
Frontpage of the Times brings us an attempt at a chuckle by way of a pic of one cleric and his camel: ‘Don’t get the hump. The Christmas Eve service at Salisbury Cathedral was rehersed yesterday with Timujin, one of three camels taking part, and the Rev Pete Atkinson‘ – and not a mask in sight as Timujin visably exhales in the cold air – right into the mush of the vicar.
BBC: ‘UK plan to ban animal trophies too slow – conservation groups‘ – the BBC in typical form there side-stepping in-house editorial opinion by way of attribution to a friendly campaign group.
‘Poll blow for Tories as trust in Johnson falls‘ – or so laments (?) the Times: ‘Two thirds of voters question his integrity‘ – so 33% DO trust Boris? They need their heads examined.
‘Trust in politicians has fallen by five percentage points and they have displaced advertising executives as the least trusted profession in the survey… Trust in politicians has always been in short supply, but this figure matches previous lows recorded in 2016 (15%), 2011 (14%) and 2009 (13%)‘ (Ipsos Mori polling November 2019 – or just pre-Lockdown)
Damn this blasted Populism that gave us Brexit and Trump!
‘US Democracy plea. President Biden urged an invited group of world leaders to “lock arms” against autocracies…‘ – invited via Zoom, mind you.
Keep an eye on the most coronaphobic of newspapers: ‘”Plan C” already being drawn up‘ (‘i’)
And by way of truthfulness from our press…
Also in the ‘i’: ‘First date fibs. What secrets should you hide from a partner?‘ – too much irony yet folks?
‘“The music industry is so patriarchal” Alicia Keys at 40‘ (‘i’)
‘Alicia Keys is an American singer, songwriter and actress who has a net worth of $150 million. This is a combined net worth that she shares with her husband, producer Swizz Beatz.‘ (A welcome return hereabouts for the fat pig logoed Celebrity Net Worth website)
So we’ll leave it there with the observation that the Sun’s headline contains – or rather consists solely of – the contraction: ‘WFP‘ – Working From Pub being an amusing spoof on WFH or what we take to be the prevailing abbreviation for Working From Home – the sole preserve and preferred choice of internet-based employment types. This is not an acronym, mind you – unless you can get your tongue around some attempt at a pronunciation of WFH.
Now, I’ve a train to catch…
Makes a change from WFBCS (working from bloody coffee shop) when you are trying to get a seat in a coffee shop and a student (generally) is sitting with a laptop at a table for four people, for hours on end, having bought one coffee, a plague of them in Cambridge now so that many have signs asking for them not to do this
Zephir, how about sitting next to them or, even better, opposite them and coughing, quietly but continually? A few sniffs, too, with application of handkerchief to nose ought to be enough to shift them outside.
Had this done to me and wife sitting at very small table for four (during social distancing too) and we had only just arrived, only been ther 5 minutes by a couple who then started jabbering loudly in some language or other, the volume rather than the language was a probelm as well as the closeness
I would not do this I consider it too intrusive whatever the provocation but maybe wifi could be strictly timed if that were posssible ?
I’ve noticed that ‘coffee shops’ in general have no room to swing a cat round let alone have 4 people sat comfortably at a table.
Yet another BBC Far Left activist in the news for opening his big stupid gob and insulting an entire country:
Heydon Prowse is an activist, journalist, satirist, director and comedian.
He has worked as a writer and performed for hit BBC series ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised’.
He has also presented a BBC Radio 4 documentary titled ‘Green Inc’.
The series takes a look at the fashion industry and its attempts to make its workplaces more sustainable.
Mr Prowse has also staged several prank calls to high-profile figures.
In 2017, he called Number 10 Downing Street claiming to then-president Donald Trump wished to send a bouquet to Theresa May.
I didn’t realise – until I checked – how much of a lefty the now unemployed tearful Allegra Stratton is – full on green Islington ( cannonbury posh ) yet was a mouth piece for the Tories ….
…. I reckon is partygate carries on in the run up to Christmas a lot if blue labour MPs will be looking at the polling and looking to dump nut nut and maybe put someone fit in the job – rishi or liz I reckon …
Well the way they operate is to infiltrate everywhere they can spread malign influence so not surprised there are some in the Conservative party
My betting is it will be either Liz Truss or Penny Maudant…
BBC quite quiet at the moment, awaiting the arrival of the ”source”
TOADY Watch #1 – the schysters and schuksters (pardon my Yiddish) sitting in the TOADY studio . . .
of the BBC part are concerned about the gatherings of the first Party while not asking any questions about gatherings of the second Party. It is notable that the gatherings of the BBC part are not revealed either so I’m hoping there will be some concerned activists who love the truth in either of those parties about pre-Xmas gatherings of the BBC and the Party of the second part, also the Parties of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth part (hope I have counted all the Parties correctly) and will leak the truth to all the newspapers and the BBC preferably with video footage from a mobile phone.
Hiram T. Flywheel Jr. Jr. II, Attorney at Law on behalf of Up2snuff
I forced ‘today ‘ on myself this day – there was extensive evidence of group think with the 2 deliverers of propaganda being abetted by like minded ‘guests’ who I suppose the BBC would use that term ‘friends of the programme ‘.
The party thing is nice and easy with all the players members of the swamp – and being happy to juxtapose a named individual punters’ tragic experience ti add to the mix .
Meanwhile the Chinese wait for Taiwan and putin waits for Ukraine… and on more trivia – no mention of friend macron sending frog diplomats to the china winter games when the ‘nice ‘ nations are not …
Just wait, Sally’s Dwarf is on the studio circuit today advising nodding media cretins on bringing politics into disrepute.
Fed, did you listen to Wes Streeting in the (now devalued) prime interview? I gather that he is better thought of than Jonathan Ashworth, previous Labour Shadow SoS for Health although that is not really a massive validation. It wouldn’t be hard to be better than erstwhile Ashworth, probably even the current PM achieves that status.
Was Streeting asked about Labour
Christmasparties‘gatherings’ ?I was up a bit late so only listened from 7 a.m. until 8 a.m. and then I hit the ‘Off’ switch rather than go through it all over again.
Yes comrade streeting of ilford held court and used that lie about ‘putting the nation above politics ‘ – which is always the preface to putting the boot in .
Wesley is very up and coming and is a bit of a wet southern version of that one who is the mayor of manchester ..,
… but he is no good when on the defensive or up against a contrary view – so he sounded good on Today …
… i wonder if there was any big public organisation which did not have at least one party last christmas ?
Regarding Boris and his limited shelf life, my suggestion:
How to drive the entire far left into an collective apoplectic, potentially lethal fit:
Put Willam Rees Mogg in charge, with a requirement he and all Conservative MPs wears evening dress and top hat (and a monocle) at all times
especially when ICUs are full and ambulances queueing, should put paid to many at the bbc at least after a cocaine binge then reading that
BBC News
Five women’s secret diary posts, sent to the BBC, reveal how deeply the Taliban takeover has affected them.
Just about everything in this is very bbc.
Biden or Trump or UK to blame for Islam being shit?
Sadiq Khan to end islamophiba by converting everyone to Islam.
I suspect Lord Nelson would not be impressed.
Although the current BBC would love ‘Kiss me Hardy’
RE Five women’s secret diary posts, sent to the BBC, reveal how deeply the Taliban takeover has affected them
London, Luton or Bradford women ?
Prof Jay said: “No-one knows the true scale of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham over the years. Our conservative estimate is that approximately 1,400 children were sexually exploited over the full inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.”
Revealing details of the inquiry’s findings, Prof Jay said: “It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.”
The inquiry team found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I did smile.
Toenails must burrow under that statue to get in.
BBC Xmas gatherings are exempt – see Kay Burley for more details.
Jimmy Saville vs Phone Hacks.
Could this be the reason the BBC is very quiet today..??
Media Guido
Hearing reports of illicit BBC parties held last Christmas. Always happy to hold public institutions to account,
Now for the list of those who attended – the party list! Yeah!
** no connection to Epstein Island.
I understand comode does film reviews for the BBC ( no barry norman ) so has to wade through all those tedious woke things with coloured types trying to do roles meant for whitee .
So i pity him for that and his prejudice against is such a refreshing change and highlights the dire presentation by the BBC MSM – so frightened of any challenge to the narrative/ approved view.
I watched farage and brazier last night and noted the lack of group think so absent from the MSM .
. I would prefer a Right Wing News Outlet though ..
Kermode has a fan club; his anti-GBnews tweet got 14K Likes
but 1K quote tweets 99% against him
Andrew Neil
Russia has assembled a massive force on Ukraine’s border
Iran is moving back into the nuclear game
China is rehearsing attacks on Taiwan.
But the British political and media elite is obsessing about a Christmas party that wasn’t — or was.
Boris sends 10 UK troops to protect Polish border – as RNLI pick up 104 new citizens for Labour.
Does this remind you of any paricular national “treasure” ?
Jussie Smollett hoax proof the left ‘will besmirch anyone for political gain’: Hannity
‘Hannity’ host claims the left in America ‘don’t give a damn about truth or justice’
“The left in this country, they don’t give a damn about truth or justice,” Hannity said. “They get it wrong every single time. They don’t care if they ruin somebody’s life. They will lie. They will smear, they will slander. They will besmirch anyone for political gain.”
The “Hannity” host compared how the left treated Smollett and how they have treated the recently-vindicated Kyle Rittenhouse.
“Kyle was labeled a white supremacist by then-presidential candidate Joe Biden,” he said. “Where’s the apology, Joe? Kamala Harris called him a vigilante and an extremist. They were wrong then. They are wrong now, but don’t ever expect a retraction or an apology.”
The Fox News host also pointed out Democrats’ years-long claims that Trump colluded with Russia, when in fact, Hillary Clinton was “[t]he only one [who] colluded with Russia and bought a dirty Russian…dossier” that was used to spy on Donald Trump, he said.
I was looking online after feeling sick for 48 hours with covid booster jab, made the mistake of clicking a link which took me to bbc africa
They just cant bloody stop themselves can they
A fine example of unnecessary placement; here’s one I noticed yesterday:-
An Actor, Henry Cavill or similar (Who he?) “admitted” that he enjoys playing “Warhammer” which involves moving fantasy models around on a playing surface, often multiplayer with highly detailed characters. There are clubs and game rooms where like-minded folk meet and do battle. My son was into it around ten years ago, hence my (Rather sketchy) knowledge of the genre. A few pictures appear in the article, which obviously triggered the diversity alarm (A continuous moaning and wailing sound). The call went out “Find a n3gro, and quick”. So they find some unknown, who admits a fondness to “call of duty” which is an online screenplay game. It’s like saying to someone building their own house “Oh I know all about that, I play minecraft every day”.
Until there is an article on London knivings / gangs then its all white “library pictures”
misleading, perverse in the extreme, the bbc sickening and racist
There’s a small item at the foot of the front page of the Times newspaper that might explain the BBC’s obsession with diversionary attacks on the PM recently.
” Christopher More an undercover BBC and Channel 4 investigator who tortured to death a cannabis grower, has been convicted for murder after 16 years on the run. “
16 years hiding in plain sight?
Moderator Note
This follows on from my note of yesterday about there being no Christmas party this year .
However – to avoid any disappointment or confusion – there will be ‘A gathering ‘ . This will be comprised of individuals sitting on their own eating popcorn whilst watching a red political party with an 80 majority ( now -80) busily being destroyed by its ‘ nut nut PM … enjoy…
A follow up to my comment regarding the party games you had planned, and Stephen Hawkins always winning musical chairs
I am also not playing if Rosa Parkes is involved
I was trying to think of appropriate prizes – perhaps a 2022 BBC comedy calender of all their funny talent …
Or maybe a BBC paedo calender with a different one for each month ..
We could play the bbc party game:
“Pin the Blame on the White Man”
Regarding the calendar, it would take 12 pages to fit Jo Brande on.
Boris Johnson turns up at Downing Street and the place is a mess, beer bottles and liquor bottles everywhere.
He is just about to leave when Allegra Stratton comes down the stairs.
He looks at her then looks at the mess
She catching the hint, explains that they had a big party last night.
Boris spots a blanket in the corner with holes all cut out.
“What was that for?” He asked
Well she explained “We were playing party games last night, were we had all the men line up behind the blanket and stick there penis’s out the holes. Then all the women went along and tried to guess whose was whose.”
“oh crumbs, that must have been some party, wish I here.”
“Well you might as well have been here your name came up several times”
Right Honourable- ha ha ha ha ha –
“Keith Vaz engaged in ‘sustained and unpleasant bullying’, report finds
This article is more than 2 months old
Panel chair says ex-MP for Leicester East should be ‘ashamed’ of behaviour that ended woman’s career”
Rarely Right and as for Honourable…..ha ha
If or when Boris (or is it his Missus who it seems is now running the Country) goes, I had thought Liz Truss would be a good fit with her excellent trade agreements work.
I then found out that she was a remainer.
She may well have embraced leave now but if she got into power would the remainer part come back?
I can’t see any obvious replacement but what about a real ‘none of the above’ type of choice.
Would Sir Desmond Swayne be a good PM.
He ticks our (on here) boxes.
Would Ann Widdicombe come back, she would make an excellent PM.
Would Nadine be a good choice.
I like her but she hasn’t appeared to have done much (yet) regarding the bbbc.
She’s too young but Nigel’s sidekick on GB News Sunday morning, Dehenna Davison is quite sound.
Also on Nigel’s show is a Labour bloke called Paul Embery. If the Labour Party could get lots more like him they would be a serious threat because he talks a lot of sense.
I can understand some voting Tory to keep Labour out during a GE but in a by-election there’s no danger at all when the Tories have a big majority so why don’t people vote Reform or whatever party now represents the place the Tories have vacated.
Labour will not get in from a by-election win but a huge message will be sent to the now left wing Tory party.
A couple of similar gains for the ‘new’ (or real) Tory parties might get us one of the above as the next Tory leader to take the party back to the right of centre.
As soon as they enter the door they leave the electorate on the street ….
“Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 2 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Latest election news – live updates
Boris Johnson
Johnson says he is ‘looking at’ scrapping BBC licence fee – video
Rowena Mason and Jim Waterson
Mon 9 Dec 2019 22.30 GMT”
Emmanuel, check out Kemi Badenoch. Was part of the London Assembly when Bojo was Mayor. Think she now has a non-Cabinet Ministerial post now that she’s an MP. Kemi is no pushover when being interviewed either. She would really put the Labour Party’s nose out of joint for her obvious qualities!
Is the BBC and lefties achieving there goal…worrying times for the Tories..
Why does the bBC feel its needs to stick its nose in, sorry I mean comment
Its not bbc, its GB news, I guess we can all feel guided by them lol
So now we know: Eamonn Holmes is the latest big-name signing for GB News’ Great British Breakfast.
May he syphon away more viewers from the odious BBC.
When will we be seeing the death toll from the omicron variant.
We keep hearing it takes a few (4) weeks before death occurs and they say we need more time to see the results.
Omicron first known case was reported on 9 November.
It was then reported by SA to the WHO on November 24.
At this time of writing no deaths have been caused by the omicron variant.
SA is still saying it’s a very mild version.
It reminds me of a decade or two ago when the world was going to end because of bird flu and they had drone type footage on our tv’s of what appeared to be a dead swan or seagull washed up on some sort of lifeboat launching ramp.
Hushed tones reporting on this dead bird.
Lots of scientists telling us how bad it could be.
Then ….. nothing.
In other news, Geronimo the Alpaca did not have TB, the scientists got it wrong (but it got killed anyway)
EG you canf just throw in that devastating news about the al paca without saying what was wrong with him .
Was it covid related- like every other death certificate sez now?
We must be told ..
Chicken and Bird influenza, EG, really only appeared to kill people in China. Mexican Swine influenza, the third influenza scare, killed a lot of people in Mexico and spread into the USA but did not really transfer across the Atlantic causing Gordon Brown to
vaccinate the worldwaste £4bn of UK taxpayers money scrapping vaccines at a time when we could really not afford it thanks to Labour’s mismanagement of the economy.What about the scare over the Zika virus around the time of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. How many cases were there?
Prince Charles seen on Kent beach protecting United Kingdom from invasion …
This guy looks like he could defend the UK’s border – he has lots of medals for bravery ….
Would be fun watching him try to get through the airport metal detectors or a Met Police stop and search
Wow. More medals than Idi Amin or a North Korean General!
TOADY Watch #2 – hhmmmnn – not inspiring confidence in those who know the data
In the second hour of TOADY (R4 7-8 a.m.) Professor Kevin Fenton was interviewed by, iirc, Nick Robinson. Prof. Fenton is part of (discredited) Public Health (England) and has a specific remit of looking after the health of Londoners. Mayor Khahane was also interviewed during this hour. Both stated that Covid-19 cases were increasing at a rapid rate in the capital. It just so happens that I monitor a few areas in London as well as in Kent.
‘Vaccine’ rates were also mentioned by both interviewees and one or both were asked about compulsory ‘vaccination’. ( The Left outside and inside Parliament, including the BBC, do love compulsion and making things ‘mandatory’. ) There is a Borough in north London that has a relatively low vaccination rate: Haringey. You can check it here: by typing EN1 into the ‘look up’. You can also check the vaccination rate for Tonbridge and Malling by typing ME19 into the same ‘look up’ box. Check the different levels of Covid infection and then look at the vaccination numbers.
What do they tell you?
They tell me that I should not have any confidence in Professor Fenton or Mayor Khan. They are not looking at the data. The disparity is worse if you look at the London Borough of Enfield.
Twitter are “at it” – this is being deleted / disappeared
The Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Peace, the Ministry of Love, and the Ministry of Plenty are the four ministries of the government of Oceania in the 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.[1]
The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.
— Part II, Chapter IX
EXCLUSIVE: Anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany increased by nearly 150% in 2020
Government data shows anti-Christian attacks rose from 57 to 141 in 2020
It included seven physical assaults, three thefts and a grave desecration
One report said: ‘A 77-year-old female Jehovah’s Witness, while engaging in religious activities, was hit by a woman on the street. The victim fell to the ground and hit her head.’
A Jehovah’s Witness kingdom hall was also ‘desecrated when its mailbox was filled with urine’, the church claimed.
In another alleged attack, a Protestant church was vandalised with swastika graffiti and other far-right symbols.
Despite that hyperbolic headline
the details still say :’ Anti-Christian hate crime, in Germany is not much’
The count could be flawed depending on who’s counting.
One is still too much from an immigrant, “fleeing persecution”
BBC producer who tortured father to death in front of his children tried to CUT OFF his own FINGERPRINTS while on the run living a life of luxury and rubbing shoulders with the Moroccan royal family for 16 years
Over four hours, Mr Waters sustained 123 injuries as he was whipped, burned with acid, attacked with a staple gun, hung upside down, suspended head first into a liquid to simulate drowning and beaten at Burnt House Farm in Tabley, near Knutsford.
A Home Office post-mortem investigation recorded a cause of death of multiple injuries – including fractured ribs, a broken nose and breastbone, a bleed on the brain and bruising to the heart.
Evidence of strangulation was also found, while he had suffered burns to his back from a ‘caustic substance’ and had been attacked using the staple gun across his head and body. He was also beaten with bamboo canes with such ferocity that they snapped, as well as being struck with a metal bar and burned with melting plastic.
Soon to be working for their license collection agency ?
Dunno if I’d call him a BBC producer
Most media describe him as freelance and say he claimed to be working for Dispatches at the time.
“Christopher More claimed he cultivated a relationship with John Wilson because he was planning an undercover exposé for a TV programme about drug dealers.
“The CPS accepted More’s background in undercover TV work, but we did not believe this was why he was at Burnt House Farm on the day of the murder.
“The CPS said that, far from trying to infiltrate the gang for a documentary, More was a willing participant in Mr Wilson’s world of drugs and violence.
“On the unexpected arrival of police at the farm, the gang fled the scene, crucially leaving behind a bag of evidence that would be pivotal in identifying those involved.
“As a result of his experince in undercover work, More was forensically aware: the bag had been kept in the cow shed to store any items that would likely contain the DNA of the attackers.
“The defendant’s DNA was found on a number of items within the bag including cigarette butts and a drinks bottle.
BBC executive Fiona Campbell who was behind hit TV shows Fleabag and Killing Eve paid tens of thousands of pounds to two gangsters who tortured a drug dealer to death in front of his children in 2003.
Brian Waters was murdered by More and Jimmy Raven who paid £51,864.07 for one film on counterfeiters by the BBC that was still aired after the brutal killing.
Following the jury’s guilty verdict only yesterday the Mail revealed that both More and Raven worked as undercover operatives for Fiona Campbell, now the Editor in Chief at BBC Three.
The investigation found that Miss Campbell knew Raven had a conviction for violence but allowed him and More, who had been cleared of rape aged 18, to work for the publicly funded news company.
The men were also paid thousands for earlier BBC projects commissioned by Miss Campbell, with More’s payments for 2002 to 2003 totalling £42,000.
She told police she did not ask them how they obtained information. She was criticised by a judge in a trial related to the pair’s counterfeiting programme for allowing them to operate without effective scrutiny.
Just imagine if such a tenuous link existed when the bbc are gunning for one of their favourite targets and how much hay they would make of it ?
Ms Campbell must be due for higher things judging by that amorality ….
Fiona Campbell is far more deserving of serious criminal investigation than a bunch of junior civil servants pulling crackers at a party in No. 10 a year ago, but that is in real life not BBC life.
BBC ‘Fwee ‘da edgy yoof channel wiv gangstas?
– employing scum ….who’d have thunk that?
I thought I’d give the World At One chance to see if any other Nut Nut aide was doing a tearful Act on their Islington door step .
Instead the BBC was enjoying the mild disconfirm to the Met Plod who couldn’t detect a serial queer murderer in Barking who could barely be bothered to hide his actions .
Obviously the default was ‘institutional homophobia ‘ – giving the crew a chance to mention a coloured kid killed in Sarf lundun maybe 25 years ago .
Anyway – the next of kin of the dead queer chaps want the heads of the lazy plod who didn’t play detective – quite rightly in my view – and maybe the same view as the jury who had to listen to the inquest – which has now closed .
Sadly the killer is still alive and in prison – bet he is a bit of a celebrity amongst the girls …
Normal thing – lives might have been saved – not lazy plod – just overworked – lessons – learnt – not the same now as they all work from home ….
Oh hum
I still wonder who on earth is proud to be gay.
I’m not proud to be heterosexual. I just am.
But then I don’t feel the urge to demand attention about it from everybody else.
What an embarrassment – no wonder plod heading down the drain . I wonder what the ‘queer community’ thinks of the Barking murders . I think it might take more than a few rainbow plod cars …
Oh how the liberal media (including the Black Broadcasting Corporation) jumped on the Jussie Smollett bogus story of being attacked by MAGA-cap-wearing white supremacists.
They’re looking pretty stupid now.
Below is Salty Cracker’s enraged take on the story.
Incidentally, we’re not hearing much about the black supremacist and BLM activist who deliberately ploughed into a peaceful Christmas Parade in Wisconsin.
“… in a world in which victimisation is considered a virtue, frailty will become fashionable and deception will abound.”
The knives are being sharpened for for the head of Boris Johnson..As a member of the Conservative Party i have just received this questionnaire from my constituency office…
Fully oppose
Fully support
If necessary for foreign travel
He is doing a good job as Leader/PM
He is doing a poor job as Leader/PM
Boris is the best PM we never had …. and a rich one!
Employment and earnings
Payments from Hodder and Stoughton UK, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ, via United Agents, 12-26 Lexington St, London W1F 0LE:
20 January 2021, received £1,471.64 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 February 2021)
10 March 2021, received £742.60 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2021)
31 March 2021, received £2,397.09 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 16 April 2021)
21 April 2021, received £1,468.23 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
1 October 2021, received £1,396.93 for royalties on book already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 21 October 2021)
Payments from HarperCollins UK, 1 London Bridge St, London SE1 9GF, via Rogers, Coleridge and White Ltd, 20 Powis Mews, London W11 1JN:
28 October 2020, received £2,406.12 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 05 November 2020)
23 April 2021, received £482.66 for royalties on books already written. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 11 May 2021)
Police spent more than £90,000 on Pride t-shirts, fans and rainbow merch – and, shockingly, some people aren’t very happy about it
AUGUST 17, 2020
Stephen Port: Met Police failings led to more deaths
This is right up the BBC’s alley and gets the full treatment.
The case was branded “one of the most widespread institutional failings in modern history” by the men’s families.
I can think of a much, much bigger one which involves Muslim’s, white girls and rape.
But we don’t talk about that do we BBC ?.
Lurch praying more old US pols croak so he can post Sleepy attending funerals with fewer comments.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – unfortunate timing on the part of the photographer or . . .
Nicola Sturgeon in First
NannyMinister-mode making an announcement in a televised Press Conference of the number oftsunamisOmicron (pronounced ommycron in Scotland) cases they have had in Scotland’s hospitals so far. Unfortunately, the lady signing for deaf people either doesn’t believe the First Minister or is about to make a derogatory gesture behind the FM’s back.Hard to believe: it appears Nicola Sturgeon has even less credibility than Boris Johnson.
Looks like the sign language for “see you Jimmy”
“fleeing persecution” now wll likely be fleeing prosecution
muslims and gang rape of children and blackmail of victims, who would have thought it ?
Six Egyptians including five boys are arrested for ‘gang-raping TEN underage girls daily while they were quarantined for coronavirus at a migrant centre in Sicily’
One adult and five minors have been arrested at the Villa Sikania centre in Sicily
The 10 alleged victims say they were forced to perform sex acts every night
The gang raided their quarters and blackmailed them to stay silent, police say
Springster liked this.
Which is how it works.
The beauty of a bbc source is that, because they could be anyone, or nobody, they could be multiples too.
I wonder if they are looking for the source of that media rehearsal . I would think it was made on a Cabinet Office system which has an audit trail – at least of views – but by the sound of it the whole number 10 thing is as chaotic as the discredited PM .
Not much need for MSM bias as the sooner he is gone and a grown up takes over the better . At least he can still make a living running a Question of Sport or some other tired panel show ….
Meanwhile bbc newspankthemonkey has what the police ‘say’, despite clear proof and a conviction.
ITV local news “What do people think new Covid restrictions
.. we went down to the mosque to ask people”
.. Now “Afro hair discrimination”
long item begins with white activist
some black
now another white activist.
reporter Amrit Birdi
Media blondes are a dying breed.
Unless they are all employed in Pakistan.
AHD looks like it will have a promising 2022 ..
Wherein the word ‘possibly’ is expected to lift much.
Beboid generates alarmist line, by quoting other beeboid.
The law of unintended media consequences kicks in.
Advise selling shares in Brylcreme ASAP.
Kermode is as up himself as a Klein bottle
Meanwhile Ros Atkins has a source lead on an errant snog in a party office.
Guest, some Jews are very pale whereas others are of a more dusky hue and some, of course, can be black Africans from the north or south of the Continent. As for Chinese, Indian and Iranian Jews they may well exhibit some characteristics of their adopted homelands, especially if a little bit of ‘marrying out’ has gone on somewhere in the ancestral line.
I guess the racist organisers of that Goldsmiths meeting did not want any non-pale Jews slipping in to listen to proceedings so they covered that with the catch-all exclusion. Disgraceful.