2 weeks to Christmas. Very often the values of the BBC are demonstrated by what it chooses – editorially – to ‘big up’ rather than what it doesn’t . Whether it is an obsession with office parties or the minimising of the criminal conviction of a US race hero – the biased values of the BBC show themselves to we who see the truth . At least there are growing numbers of alternative sources of News rather than BBC propaganda .
Weekend 11 December 2021
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Has China bought Wales?
Guest Who
“Has China bought Wales?”
Nothing wrong with China.
I would suggest that the Chinese Communist Party has bought The West.
Hopefully our check is made of rubber.
Sorry, I meant to write cheque not check.
This is probably what comes of spending too much on American Conservative websites. Mind you at my age it could be a sign of senility.
Getty Images tags it “Thai Ethnicity Photos” “Chinese Ethnicity Photos” “Japanese Ethnicity Photos” “Christmas Photos”
Never does it say Wales
ah the properties say “Location: Thailand”
Lefty, how about a health update? Some of us are concerned …. . Don’t bother if it is far too personal.
Sorry mate but I am surprised that you take my personal medical statements seriously. I, like millions of old men have an enlarged prostate gland which puts pressure on ones bladder with the inevitable results.
Mind you the last consultant I spoke to following a prostate test told me and I quote “At the moment you do not have prostate cancer but you will get it”
My answer was -So what? I am an old man. I will live my remaining years free from fear.
Glad to hear you are free “so far” Lefty. Despite my recent health ‘issue’, have discussed with various mates of similar age, our current lifestyles. We’ve all given up the fat free, all have a good slug for a nightcap, semi skimmed anything is for sissys, butter with everything, oh and we all think that grass, roots and leaves should be left to our 4 footed friends.
I mean, seriously ? once you get over 70 what have you got to lose ? you’re life is shortened with stress and could keel over while waiting for the Surgery to answer the phone !!
The twisted far left:
Prince Philip death joke tweets sparks probe as councillor leaves party
A Stevenage councillor who asked if there would be a “space free at the Windsor’s beer garden” on the day Prince Philip died has quit the Labour Party after an investigation was launched into her tweets.
Cllr Lizzy Kelly, who represents the Bedwell ward, was elected to Stevenage Borough Council in 2018 as a Labour representative, but said she no longer felt welcome in the party.
The second tweet under investigation was a retweet which read: “Thinking of the queen today, it’s never easy when your cousin dies.”
In response to the investigation, Cllr Kelly said she had cancelled her membership to the Labour Party, and criticised the party for investigating “random joke tweets” about the monarchy amidst alleged “inaction” on transphobia and Islamophobia.
She wrote online: “Those are indeed my tweets. I was unaware being royalty was a protected characteristic so didn’t realise I was in breach of any rules.
What utterly nasty reptiles these sub-humans really are! From what slime did they creep out from to infest our public life?
….things must be bad for Boris when Guido Fawkes is turning on him and the Government….
‘It’s bringing people to tears’: SECOND UPenn swimmer speaks out against trans Lia Thomas competing for the women’s team and says the crowd was silent when she won most recent meet
An second anonymous female swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania has spoken out to say she and her teammates are upset by transgender teammate
Lia Thomas, 22, smashed three US swimming records at an Akron, Ohio contest last weekend
Thomas also gave an interview to SwimSwam touting the fairness of inclusive but controversial IOC guidelines allowing transgender athletes to compete
Thomas previously competed for the school’s men’s team for three years before joining the women’s team with her last men’s competition in November 2019
Yes, totally agree. Over the decades I’ve been watching the growth of legislation which is designed to criminalise by totally ‘cornering’ every member of the public. Easily. That’s what they will fall back on. I think of it as, ‘dicing and slicing’.
…I have to say I’m really disappointed in Guido Fawkes saying that Labour deserve there 8 point lead in the polls…why !!!!!!
They have done f-ck all to deserve anything, the Conservatives have gifted them the lead with the help of the jaw dropping bias of the BBC and other news outlets…
Let’s not kid each other, the Tory’s are in a mess but its being amplified 10 fold by the media.
And what short memories voters have, Starmer and Labour going against the will of the people over Brexit, there appalling anti semitism, there support for terror supporting organisation, I could go on and on and on.
Instead of the right wing media criticising Boris they need to fight his corner and give him some breathing space to rectify the problems and they can start by fighting back against the appalling BBC..
Well said, dafydd. Good post.
Boris needs to spring out of his corner, discard the gloves, give the MSM the finger and POSITIVELY prove to his supporters in the South of England AND our good brethren in the North of England who live behind the so called “Labour Red Wall.” – how I hate that term- that he has received the message and that he will carry out his election promises on behalf of us all. If he does not then the only option left to us is to take to the streets.
Some say that the name of the brewer Greenking is deeply offensive as the colour ‘green’ is nowadays strongly associated with environmentalism and environmentalists, may of whom find the very concept of the patriarchal monachy extemely upsetting.
It is suggested that Blackqueen is a name more appropriate for the 21st century as it would at last give some recognition to the historically unrepresented women of colour.
Sassanach brewer, Greenking, proposes to re-name linlithgow pub named for heroic local bitch.
Covid the growth curve of Omicron could look scary
but the count is still only 3% of daily cases.
We are being lied to on a massive scale and it has to be down to political machinations. There HAS to be a full investigation into the creeps behind this totally devious shit.
We could start by looking at WHO and the UN, populated by Marxists backed by Soros!
Watch this speech from a Senator in the Irish Parliament
Before I looked more carefully I was thinking, “Gosh, Mairead McGuinness has had a Damascus road experience”.
There was a real elderly death spike in January/February 2020
and the establishment will be scared of a repeat of that
That is why I imagine MSM progs are obvious adverts for Covid alarmism.
I hope I am not being presumptious, but I don’t think Halifax would think that covid was a load of …..
I also know a young man in his early 20s who refused the vaccine, one month in hospital and a lost lung.
Brave women!
the island
Well he would say that wouldn’t he?
Are we really THAT naive? Well apparently the answer is YES.
Time for a massive kick-back everyone they are taking us for mugs! I will join a national revolution at any time now. They are just evil and greedy wankers.
I am hoping the government will do something so unmistakably silly that all the waverers will come over to reality. Otherwise this conflict may end in violence.
Watching the food network and ups pops “Ollie” the drinks expert. The same guy who appears on the BBC morning cooking shows, He proceeds to promote brand after brand unashamedly where it is obvious they have paid him to be promoted. In which case how can the BBC possibly tolerate him as an unbiased “expert”. I smell a rat and quite possibly undercover back-handlers.
Context is that DIY man was fired from BBC
cos he appeared as a builder in the Shreddies advert.
The rule is BBC staff are not allowed to do adverts which show a link to a BBC programme.
The biggest threat this country now faces does not come from foreign invaders or resident anarchists, it comes from what used to be our spiritual leaders and those given a status in our society. We now have politicians who side with immigrants against their own population. We have church leaders who tell us our own religious history is evil and wrong. We have teachers who tell our children that they are the spawn of twisted parents.
It is time to take sides people, they will not give up until they destroy our society to make room for their twisted new world.
The only defence is going to be forceful resistance. It is the only thing that has worked to protect societies throughout history.
BTW Martin Lewis has a special link that gets you standard Shell broadband and line rental for a very cheap £13.66/month that’s £152 over a 12 month contract
It will actually work out about a few pounds more cos the internet corps are allowed to put up the price slightly in April
.. £6/month extra gets you offpeak calls for free
It’s standard not fibre . They don’t have any TV packages
The BBC are placing iPlayer adverts on YouTube
I don’t like Christina Patterson. (she is the unbelievable misery guts who gets paid on the BBC and Sky to continually berate everyone who doesn’t conform to her lefty views on the Press Review) She must be a barrel of laughs in real life – not.
Daily Mail: “Boris Johnson’s blast at BBC over partygate: PM tells friends the ‘frivolous, vengeful, partisan’ Corporation has neglected its primary duty to focus on the Covid-19 booster jab rollout”.
So, Boris has just noticed the rotten BBC is frivolous, vengeful and partisan? We’ve been saying it for years, and a lot more besides. Perhaps if Bojo survives into the new year he’ll damn well DO something about it, like scrapping the extortion tax, for a start.
You could not make it up, they would not believe you:
Orwell estate approves retelling of Orwell’s ‘1984’ from feminist perspective
“Orwell estate acts…Orwellian,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tweeted.
“You know what George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984 needs?” political commentator Paul Joseph Watson tweeted. “A politically correct modern day re-write from a feminist perspective. Said no one ever.”
The book, written as a warning against totalitarianism, contains a famous line that reads
“every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,”
Not a press review but The Mail delivers 2 pieces that sum up our current circumstances – one has nut nut – the PM – letting it be known that he is not pleased that the BBC MSM is fixated on 2020 blue labour parties .
And a column by Peter Hitchen describing how free speech is all but dead in Britain – that unapproved comments are denounced – individuals are ‘cancelled ‘.
I’m sure there are individuals who look at this site and dream of the day it – in its turn – is ‘taken down ‘ and comments / views which are unapproved are silenced .
I wonder if this is a permanent process or a madness of our time.
Certainly the method used of changing the environment in order to a single view approved by the Far Left – eg queers and chaps who think they are girls – coloureds as victims is the same and very dangerous .
I say it is dangerous because we can’t project where it goes and ends ….
Fed Up , I too wonder how long the site will be allowed to operate for. In my world it is one of the few places where none approved comments can be found. If it is taken down I will regard that not just as a personal blow but more importantly as an indicator of just how far the process of closing down free speech has gone in this country.
The question that bothers me more and more is how much longer will it be before the people of this country, the silent majority, actually try and do something about the loss of their rights . They remind me of the frog being placed in a pan of water which is being slowly heated. It might feel nice and warm at the moment but in not so long it’s going to get intolerable but it will be too late to do anything about it by then.
This site may be a canary in the mine.
Double – I don’t think the vast majority either notice or care whether rights are being removed . However – if ‘strictly ‘was banned – or they had to queue for petrol – that would matter .
For instance – they have accepted the way the BBC has gone beyond bias and become a propaganda machine to brainwash every age group – by still paying for it .
The bbc teflon man….I wonder why?
Disgraced former BBC reporter Martin Bashir finally confesses to taking the clothes of murdered nine-year-old school girl Karen Hadaway – 17 years after swearing he couldn’t remember doing so
Karen Hadaway and Nicola Fellows were murdered in Brighton in 1986
In 1991 Martin Bashir convinced Karen’s mother to hand over her clothes
Bashir told Ms Hadaway that he would get the items tested for the killer’s DNA
He has written to Ms Hadaway to apologise after losing her daughter’s clothes
Who will replace Peppa Pig ?
Just looking at the BBC headline story today which is desperate in the extreme. The most important topic in the UK today is that Boris took part in a quiz on skype – accompanied by:
Labour’s Angela Rayner said Mr Johnson was “unfit to lead this country”.
And later:
But Labour’s deputy leader Ms Rayner said: “Boris Johnson really believes it’s one rule for him, another for everyone else.
They even spread the two quotes apart and announced her twice to make it seem like different people. The also put them in paragraphs of their own as a trick to make them look important.
Then at the end – in an absolutely typical BBC lie by association to make people associate Boris with people dying – we get a totally unrelated bit of scaremongering
‘It also said the number of deaths could range from 25,000 to 75,000 between now and April.’
The famous BBC ‘could’. That’s an increase from 100 a day to 700 a day in 3 months even though the rate is still flat.
They really do disgust me. It looks like Boris will survive this because everyone outside the scumbag media realises that it is a completely politically motivated story.
What a shame Cummins isn’t there any more to sort the BBC out.
Well said
The BBC is now out of control because they smell political blood.
It saddens me that certain parts of the right wing media are also falling for all this hysteria and this continuous innuendo because at the moment that’s all it is.
Whether Boris did XYZ or not he most not be removed now
because by doing so the BBC and Labour have won and purely on innuendo alone.
I’m so angry that the Tories just sit back and take all this crap. They need to grow a pair and fight back..
One one more thing, I would love to know who the culprit is who continues to feed the BBC and the left wing press with all of these pictures and videos..If I was a Tory head honcho this would really worry me, it’s obviously an insider possibly a disgruntled MP or Minister and Boris hater..!!!!
I actually joined the Conservative Party to vote for Billy Bunter. That’s two things I’ll never ever do again.
So, no bbc apology for lying to protect racist muzzie sh’ts then ?
They are the enforced national broadcaster of 80 million people.
They have obsessed about nothing else.
Every Remainer from Femi to Adonis to Campbell has been screaming and given a platform to do so.
And they are surprised?
That they have managed 11million… ‘views’.
“The cruelly named Lord Adonis” (Douglas Murray).
It’s about 100 days until April
Deaths have trended at about 120/day for ages
In 100 days that comes out as 12,000 deaths
That’s a starting point
On one side we know old weak people tend to die in January/February, on the other Omicron might be weak enough to diminish deaths.
That’s 750 a day if it starts right now.
So allowing for a ramp-up, their prediction would be daily deaths in the thousands by April.
It’s ludicrous, irresponsible scaremongering.
It’s ludicrous, irresponsible scaremongering.
Yes, but hey, it works, as any ‘sage’ can tell you.
I see Perfesser pantsdown is punting the COP26 conference as the superspreader? I hope that gets Sturgeon all antsy and evasive….
I can’t recommend the Alena Chan + Matt Ridley “Viral” book highly enough. I might have to buy a copy rather than the audio book.
The author Twitter feeds are worth a look for some thoughtful and well evidenced commentary. Alina Chan and Matt Ridley.
No doubt we’re going to be bombarded with behaviour modification sh1te for the next few days….
Just peering (for only a few seconds – honest) at the BBC home page…
Why does the nation’s tax-paid ‘broadcaster’ have to show the headlines of every dead-tree rag which tries to stuff our Prime Minister?
I assume they’re running out of decent journos, (They are – Ed), and like the fact that they copy and paste everything lefty-Yank, like Hufpoo and Blatherington Pissed, it saves them the trouble of actually reporting anything worthwhile.
What a sad bunch they really are – it’s pathetic.
They got Trump. Worth trying here.
This the one who as a junior was so over worked she could only manage working as a doctor, mp and tv studio fitting?
The core vote.
And if Surkeer said he’d ban rats from single mother abodes, Toenails would simply nod.
Guest, the Beeboid who scanned or photographed the front page of today’s Sunday Mirror obviously was a bit excited by it all. The Sunday Mirror’s fp is out of focus or blurred.
Just listening to Radcliffe and Maconie yesterday and on the 9:30 news the BBC say:
‘Two doses of the vaccine are not enough to stop people catching the new variant’.
What kind of lie is that ?.
First they don’t even know if the vaccines are effective or not.
And it directly implies having the booster WILL stop you catching it. Again, they have no idea.
And how come two doses suddenly doesn’t work ?. I thought you had good protection 21 days after having it and the third was needed 6 months later as it’s efficacy drops off.
The BBC are getting worse. They’ve got away with so much since Trump, it’s gone to their head. Now they think the news is whatever suits them to say it is.
All out against the PM this morning in the 7 and 8 a.m. News. Well, at least we now know for certain that Allegra Stratton was probably working for the Labour Party. An ill-advised appointment. Did Stratton leak the latest pictures or is there another Labour mole at the heart of Government? It is amazing the vetting was not more thorough before appointments were made but that’s Boris for you.
If MI5 are not investigating this already, it will be another example of a lackadaisical approach to strategy that is the PM. Or is MI5 part of the the problem? As well as the BBC, Daily Mirror Guardian, Crerar and Keunssberg?
Might this backfire badly for the BBC?
Femi pushing this to every Vile single mum who had her hair done for an outrage slot.
Mask wars.
Dont forget the difference between the Marxist (Labour) conference all maskless and how they like to look in front of the cameras in Parliament
That deleted Starmer 10 Feb 2021 union meeting tweet, Harwood quotes.
Starmer deleted it when he realised they were breaking mask rules.
… Partygate is nothing cos we already know all the elites break rules.
eg Jeremy Corbyn was actually fined for having too many people at a Christmas meal
Strange thing for a lawyer to do – taking it down implies guilt / not wanting to get his mates in trouble too ….
Another one for plod not to investigate …
aah but they are Socialist Distanced, Guest, from the rest of us and from each other except the two at the end on the left hand side.
Never mind that, off to the Gulag with them.
They are getting desperate as the story gets stale and Boris hasn’t resigned.
I’m starting to enjoy it.
Then there’s Groper with Slick desperate.
Looks like.
I think – in reality there are 3 ways nut nut will go
1. If by-elections / polls are so bad that the no confidence letters go in
2. Nut nut is judged to have lied to the House . However nut nut is so verbose with his language that it would be hard to see where the lie is
3 – the reaction to the latest brand of Chinese virus is held to be so great as to render nut nut s judgement so poor as to lose support ..
I actually don’t think any of them will come to pass ….
“at least we now know for certain that Allegra Stratton was probably working for the Labour Party.”
Can you provide a link to this please it would be helpful.
Boris is a cowardly weak lacklustre individual who is allowing his woke wife to dictate policy, and Allegra Stratton was her friend and her choice.
Thoughtful – I’d take a look at the Stratton employment record as shown on wiki – ie Guardian – BBC – peston and drawn conclusions from that ,
I guess she is a close fiend of Mrs nut nut – fiend was intended…
Thoughtful, unfortunately not. But it is possible/highly likely/probable. The ‘gathering’ that was video’d: who set it up? Who was primarily filmed in it? Who had to resign? Who made the film available? Was that why Stratton had to resign?
“Labour mole at the heart of Government?”
There are probably more than one who hang on Bliar’s every word.
Judging by the sort nut nut employs – there are no conservatives in number 10 – see allegro ‘blubby’ Stratton …
Fed, the PM badly needs ‘a George Smiley’ who is reliable and trustworthy and will carefully look for the mole. Trouble is it might lead to SWMBO or in ‘Arfur speak’, ‘er indoors.
I don’t think the number 10 environment would have anyone ‘reliable and trustworthy ‘………
….I guess Stratton didn’t leak it herself ….even if she lands up working for the BBC again in 2022….
Fed, Cain and Cummings were reliable and trustworthy but they have been out of it for a year now. What was the name of the bloke who ‘organised’ Bojo (NutNut) when he was Mayor?
Stratton was ‘a bad hire’ and I suspect Carrie Antoinette may have had a say in it. But there’s an obvious set of links emerging: Cain’s and Cummings’s dismissals, Pippa Crerar and Laura Kuenssberg, Stratton and Kuenssberg, Guardian, Daily Mirror and the BBC.
I had a look the other day to see if Kuenssberg and Crerar had ever worked together. Apparently they haven’t. They are both from Scotland. [ That may get maxi excited! 😉 ] Part-time went to a posh school. Don’t know where Crerar was educated.
Meanwhile from the Banksy Dept. of BBC One Degree of Separation Propaganda Editorial…
There are well over 100 of the NGO-loving Banksy Bristol tee shirts for sale on ebay. This indicates the queues were of speculative ‘ticket-touts’ rather than true fans like the beeboids.
Hopefully Boris will resign, although I think the media will regret it if he does so far from an election. Poll numbers are appalling as her lurches from one lying disaster to another, his entire premiership since getting rid of Cummings has been characterised by far left woke stupidity run by his wife who he has allowed to run the country by proxy.
If it isn’t her taste in wallpaper, it’s expensive holidays all lied about by Boris.
When it came to covid she manipulated it to be about her favourite Pangolin killing in China. In Afghanistan it was about her insistance stray dogs and cats were evacuated before British citizens – again lied about by Boris.
Then we have the parties – lied about by Boris and the support for an MP who was on the take to the extent he tried to sack the standards commissioner who was investigating him.
The guy is a disaster, he leaves a legacy of virtually nothing positive, his Brexit deal is the same as Mays barring a mess over Northern Ireland, and the covid policy is now leading to civil unrest and massive damage to the economy and UK finances.
For me he can’t be gone quick enough, although the Tory parties lurch to the far Left means it’s going to be difficult for them to find a centre right replacement to undo the damage.
I will be glad to see nut nut exit because he is not fit for the job . He cannot do detail so cannot challenge ‘advice ‘.
He only believes in himself. The trouble is that the tune is well known . The opposition will spend years saying the new PM does not have a ‘democratic mandate ‘ and there must be a General Election .
Hopefully a new PM – with some conservative beliefs of the Right – will ignore the noise and use the huge majority to do some good .
However we live in a time where taking the easy way – is the preferred way …..
Good to see the French have the extra Fishing Licences that they deserve , After all they are our closest allies……HA HA HA ! , Will that mean more Dinghy Invaders or less ?
Another nail in our once Great British Fishing Industry ….Boris with the backbone of a Jelly Fish….with His and Hers Premiership we’re finished as a Nation !
But, what happened to Lord (whatshisname), the ‘strong’ one we had faith in………….No sight of him for weeks.
I wonder if the Fishing Licences were granted by the PM because Lord Frost is another who is frustrated by the PM’s meddling and muddling and has decided to put his feet up for a bit instead of running back and forth between Brussels, Belfast, Dublin and London and his home.
Disgraceful capitulation.
Jeff Taylor had it right a few days ago: Farage – round up all the disparate righties like For Britain, UKIP and lead a combined charge. Problem is, the ’round up’ bit. They’re all too much up their own ass*s to worry about the country and democracy which is rapidly sliding down the tubes.
Have to echo that G, the same thing has been going on with the Unionist parties here in NI for decades, where their inability to set aside their egos has in the past pitted those with an almost identical political manifesto against each other at election time.
This has in the recent past lost parliamentary seats where the combined Unionist vote would have defeated the winning Nationalist party comfortably. It continues to happen at a local level and is complete and utter madness often caused, pathetically, by nothing more than political snobbery and personal pride.
Yes, only despair. The majority of right thinkers can forget change for the better. Malaise overrides everything. The whole situation will have to, unaided, play itself out.
If Boris resigns, who do you hope will succeed him?
Tucked away somewhere under ‘other scandals’?
Here is a response on the Daily Mail website which is cleartly cut and pasted, but worth doing once again anyway:
This from the same Prime Minister who threatened and organised to have a journalist beaten up? Now 9 children from is it 6 different women? Lied about an oven ready deal, Lied about no border in the Irish sea..a red line he would never cross, Lied about the easiest trade deal in history, Lied about paying 140,000 pounds from his own pocket for redecorating the flat, Lied about protecting our fishermen and farmers, Lied about controlling our borders, Lied about guaranteeing the triple lock on pensions, Lied about a ring of steel around care homes, Lied about a 37 billion pound world beating track and trace app, Lied about laying down in front of bulldozers before any building of a 3rd runway, Lied about protecting our financial services, Lied about multiple parties in number 10.. the list goes on. No confidence vote needed immediately to limit damage at the polling booths…although this may now be too late. No one can now defend the indefensible..not even Raab. Time for the letters!
And, above all, lied about wanting to get out the EU.
He drew the short straw.
We are out of the EU, so how was that a lie? He even sacked the opposers from the party, which was a brave thing to do.
Meanwhile the move to ‘one world government’ continues to gain pace.
The BBC knows it, the BBC wants it, the BBC hides it.
BBC: ‘PM Boris Johnson took part in No 10 Christmas quiz last year‘
Is there no end to this man’s depravity?
What next, pass-the-parcel revelations?
Please don’t tell me he took part in a game of movie title cherades – I might blanche and faint clean away.
Can you imagine it?
“Your turn now Boris… come on the boss has to take his turn. No, Carrie can’t do this one for you. Come on think of a film. Three words… you’re doing the whole thing? He’s pointing to all of us gathered here this evening in Downing Street… The Good the Bad and the Ugly? No, too many words. Downfall? Nope that’s one word and still only two words in the original German title. The Night Before… yes you have, it’s rubbish. Office Christmas Party... Jennifer Anniston was in it – whatever happend to her? He’s trying to show what we’re all doing here? What’s that Peter Sellers film where he blacks up as an Indian… The Party! Birdie Num-Nums… Shussh, you’ll upset Rishi and Pritti. Anyway it’s not enough words. It’s got to be three words. He’s showing us word by word now. First word… eye… more than one… Eyes! Second word… fat… tubby… girth… wide? Yes Wide!”
And we’ll leave it there. You can guest the rest.
I should apologise. Festive parlor games are an absolute anathema and a clear red line that shalt not be crossed. An obvious resigning issue. So this is where we are in modern politics.
Yes, we know he broke his own pointless, stupid rules – like they all do and well we know it… and so do we – if we’ve got any sense that is.
OK, I do get it. This is an example of rank hypocrisy. This is of course the ultimate goal of present day politics – where political principles count for nothing but performance is everything. As the prissy schoolgirl said to the naughty schoolboy in the playground: “Ummm, You said a bad word. You told a big fib. I’m telling on you!”
And we’ll leave that story there as the press corps cue up to throw their first stones. Spirit of Christmas, eh? Boris brought it on himself I guess when he pretended to cancel Christmas. As Sir Walter Scott once observed: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”
Other frontpage stories? They are a bit thin on the ground.
The Sunday Express offers us a token stocking filler: ‘Free chocolate gold coins. Pick up your’s at WH Smith‘ – I’ll tell you what, at the rate inflation is roaring ahead you might want to save those for a very rainy day coming soon.
There’s something of the Christmas decorations feel to the Observer’s second headline – their first naturally links Boris’s office party to mass murder… with a well placed “Could” suffice to say – but they digress from their main point of interest in their second big story: ‘Labour races to nine-point lead in polls‘ – my first observation of this Observer claim is to wonder who on earth has spare time from work to answer political pollsters at this time of year… what with all the food and gift shopping, Christmas card writing, queuing up at the Post Office to post parcels and ringing round to cancel your Christmas parties – just to be on the safe side in light of the looming Plan C next week?
Labout poll numbers are inevitably doomed to soon come down again like Christmas decorations.
If next week Boris goes quietly into his study, pours himself a stiff drink and takes from the top drawer of his desk that Chritsmas cracker water pistol – a momento of last year’s party – then attaches his plastic charity red nose – a fitting symbolic memento mori of his rank failure to tame the BBC, then switches on the Zoom to talk to the nation… then Rishi takes over and Labour’s flash in the pan popularity plunges.
Alternatively, the nation wakes up and comes to its senses in the New Year.
‘NHS ready to jab children as young as five‘ (Sunday Times) – the nation coming to its collective senses any time soon is of course a very brave prediction.
By the way, I thought journalistc silly season used to be in August.
They’re still pushing for the jabbing of children. Anyone that raises an eyebrow at the prospect that this untested vaccine is being pumped into the bodies of those that won’t suffer from the virus are referred to as “conspiracy theorists” or “anti vaxxers”. There’s always some safe pejorative insult to fall back on. Jabbing kids looks seriously dodgy to me.
Children don’t suffer from this virus unless they have other health problems…so why jab them if they’re not at risk from the virus, but could be at risk from the vaccine? It makes no sense.
Yesterday another very fit young Premiership footballer collapsed with “breathing difficulties”. This isn’t a one off. This is now occurring almost every week.
No, I don’t know what caused it. I certainly can’t say for definite that it was caused by one of the vaccines he’d recently received.
However, we can’t just blithely push this onto children when we’re not sure of the long term health consequences.
If only we had some real journalists…
Exactly – nobody knows the long-term health consequences.
Not Bame enough for a mention on bbc front page ?
Or too many people have heard of her
Anne Rice, author of gothic novels, dead at 80
Her son confirmed her death on social media
Instead ther headline in entertainment ” someone leaves GB News”
“Rosie Kay: Dancers write open letter to choreographer after gender row”
Rice’s books have sold over 150 million copies, making her one of the most popular and best-selling authors of all-time. Of course apart from Interview with the Vampire she committed the heinous crime of writing a book about Jesus
This is probably too simplistic but would it be possible for a tv supplier such as Amazon, Sky or whoever to offer a package with all the channels EXCEPT everything bbbc related.
It must be easy to do as they can control which channels we can currently watch.
Would that then mean the bbbc could not charge a licence because they are absolutely no part of the package.
bbbc don’t get paid when you watch a Sky film so shouldn’t that apply to all non bbbc channels.
The reason I have not cancelled my tv license, I watch other channels
People who only watch non-BBC channels like ITV, C4, C5 via online catchup, don’t need a TV licence.
but if they watch LIVE programming they do.
In the USA, I seem to remember that, for instance, Good Morning America is shown live on the East Coast and then played as a recording across the other time zones.
I thought the tv license was mainly to do with live broadcasts. So might the solution be as simple as putting out all the tv shows on a certain time delay?
I think the trouble is that BBC somehow own the airwaves, or something.
And… here we go again
James Bond could be non-binary in future: ‘It’s open’
Producers have said the search for the next James Bond won’t begin until at least 2022
Courtesy of Wikipedia…
Perhaps a”Q” going the other way?
Tomo – er – who is that ? Is it a BBC presenter ? Why?
Is it on the right site ? Just asking ….
A candidate for a non binary 007 or something…
Perhaps the next incarnation of Dr. Who?
And when it bombs in the admissions that will see the end to that experiment. The almighty dollar will dictate.
Which makes me think are the advertisers over here that are using 99% ethnics actually getting an increase in their sales, because I hit the remote when they come on and cannot name one product they are attempting to sell to me.
Twitter are limiting likes and retweets on this
Shock. Horror. Boris joined in an online quiz from Downing Street. Which is where he lives. And works. And incidentally from where the nation is supposed to be run, pandemic or not.
There is no doubt at all now that we are witnessing one humongous Far Left/BBC/ luvvie/ Guardianista/ Remoaner/ MSM/ Woke witch hunt against Boris and by implication the Tories.
The dilemma is whether to support someone so obviously useless against the FarLeft, Guardianistas, Wokes, and the BBC.
I think on balance we have to do so. For the moment. With gritted teeth. Maybe when things are quieter, the men in grey suits (other female/ transgender equivalent terms may be available) should enable a transition to be made to allow Boris to ‘spend more time with his family’. Which in his case would be quite legitimate, if not also illegitimate.
The way the increasingly ridiculous BBC and The Mirror have played this story I thought there was some sort of Roman orgy occurring in number ten. I was jealous!
But this…They always say a photo is worth a thousand words…and they’re right.
Bo-Jo is sitting at a computer screen, taking part in an online quiz. I mean, it’s his home and his office. Big deal!
Much as I think he’s a hopeless twerp and about as much use as an ingrowing @rse, this is NOT a story.
Blimey, these people are desperate…
I work on the premise:
Anything the bbc and the rest of the far left want, or think is desirable, they should never, ever be able to have.
I am sure all marxists and socialists have champagne on order as we speak, and all have hard ons / dildos out reading the bbc news.
The only alternative I consider acceptable just to piss the witch hunters off, is if Reece Mogg replaces him and, as I said before, wears a top hat and a monocle and spats all the time and is chauffered around in a vintage Rolls Royce Phantom on regular tours around the Red Wall areas, sitting in the back in evening dress with a walking cane in hand.
Next to Prince Andrew, Donald Trump and Karl Rittenhouse.
Former President of Vatican Bank: Covid is Device for ‘Great Reset’
“Covid: First people in UK hospitals with Omicron variant”
Fear ! Fear ! Fear!
Once more, Great Britain stands alone in the world!
We are in need of a Churchill not Peppa the Pig.
Zahawi says “we are beginning to see people in hospital with it here in the UK”
There are so many questions that should be asked about this statement – none are asked by Marr.
Kipling: “I keep six honest serving men, They taught me all I knew; Their names are What and Why and When, And How and Where and Who..”
Updated version:
What: Globalism
Why: To keep control of all wealth for perpetuity
When: Scheduled for completion by 2030
How: Authoritarianism, Censorship, Surveillance, Bogus environmental and medical crises, Divide-and-Rule policies
Where: Across the planet
Who: Gates, Soros, Schwab, Google, Pfizer, BlackRock, Vanguard Group etc
I quote and correct that cited BBC article:
“Scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) have warned that the UK will face a substantial wave of COMMON COLD infections without further restrictions beyond the Plan B measures announced last week.”
Not must noise about ‘the man ‘ shot dead in London yesterday …who hasn’t been ‘named locally ‘ yet …..
…. Doesn’t seem to be a Norwegian – the family’s’ ‘legal £££££ team’ will be on the case demanding ‘justice ££££££’ …
I checked @CrimeLdn
.. no name yet.
Desperate, Dan… desperate.
“Which is so desperate to keep it going it will cite anyone ✅ ”
“cos BBC are revelling in this storyline.
Very little reporting done on anything else this week.”
“the BBC is the only one I’m forced to pay for”
BTW typical libmob tactic
“Look at me I’m the VICTIM”
nope you guys are the biggest bullies in the playground , spitting in the fat kids face and saying “you must have known some whitehall staff were having a Xmas party !”
..meanwhile they ignore 1,000 children at the other end of the playground who are still being raped by grooming raping pimping gangs.
Await the hits on her by proxy.
Maybe the private lift means he will no longer have to walk past that quote the BBC honours in ignoring?
The bbc, as you would expect, are pushing for all to get the covid booster as soon as possible, and no doubt the next, and the next. This is because the efficacy of the first two doses is wearing off (Just as the credibility is wearing thin) and the booster “Hooray for Pfiezer” restores all of science’s wonders. Let us hypothesize that the advice from the medical experts had been “Actually it’s all horse sh!t; the first two doses were pointless and this one is of sod all use too”. What would the bbc line on getting the booster have been then? Much the same I’d wager. Handy that just as a new variant is discovered/invented, the manufacturer has exactly the solution for it. You’d think that it was all about making money. Hmmmm….
BBC News
Mary Storrie, co-founder of the Rosie May Foundation – a charity set up in memory of her murdered daughter – hopes to launch the scheme in the spring in Nottingham, UK.
Her daughter was tragically murdered, so has introduced an ovarian-bearing only pink taxi scheme.
There have been some concerns raised on logic and experience bases, luckily crushed by the guy saying men should shut up and take an Uber, and women agreeing with them are horrible.
I am all for it, of course, though a lesbian driven non bladdered Muslim girl gang option needs introducing.
Do the unvaccinated have to wear a star on their arms yet ?.
Would anybody be now surprised if they did ?
– I can only surmise that the social distancing sausage balloons that were a feature of some German pavement cafes a while back have been deemed inappropriate equipment for Volkspolizei.
I wonder if those are regional or Federal cops … ?
Like a Vile or QT green room.
Those who sought to overturn the referendum result are absolutely oblivious to how much in the wrong they were. Even after people confirmed it beyond any doubt at the subsequent election.
Now this delusional ‘Femi’ seems to think HE could be a bridge between Left and Right !!!!. He’s one of the worst. He needs to take a long hard look in a mirror – but of course people like him never do.
Femi is a Vile regular, along with Champion, YAB, etc…
BBC Radio 4
Caitlin Moran speaks about her daughter’s eating disorder and how she coped when trying to look after her during her recovery.
As with ‘opens up’, ‘reveals’, etc, whenever the bbc shares a desperate minor journo’s page filler about family coping, I often wonder if the kids are included in the deal.
Lewis Goodhall retweeted.
Next, he and Kev Maguire go on the pull in Islington.
A different way to look at the Boris party gate/ quiz gate stories and non-stories.
Forget the political dimension and look at it from a news journalist perspective.
The stories are breaking due to scoops at the Mirror and ITV.
Admittedly, no supporters of the government.
But then, neither is the BBC, all of whose stories on this issue are borrowed. Despite having more journalists than all of the rest of the media put together.
So either the BBC is being amazingly ‘impartial’ by not going first with the stories they have.
Or……this shows them up for the overprivileged, overstaffed, underworked load of nobodies they are. All those ‘journalists’ yet they have to rely on the work of others.
So, what exactly do they do all day?
Party and take part in online quizzes?
Stop Press
BBC goes into mourning as their favourite racing driver loses the F1 race thing . And sadly it is about Race ….
But don’t worry – the tennis girl gets the ‘sports personality ‘ thing …
People often say that Farage needs to get back into leading some new party and he keeps saying he doesn’t want to.
There is one job which is perfectly suited to him and it could be his most important contribution since getting brexit done.
In the same way that Bismarck unified Germany he should sort out all these right of centre parties which, when alone, will only succeed in keeping themselves out of power.
He should get them all together and unify them under one banner, each party giving and taking but eventually having just one candidate at each election constituency.
The parties are all quite similar and will only end up damaging each other and getting nowhere.
I’m sure Tice, Hamilton, Fox and the others, when United, would be a viable voting option.
Instead of voting tory to keep Labour out or voting labour because you hate the Tories there would be a patriotic party which would get brexit done (properly), stop illegal immigration and actually get the things done which Tory and labour politicians avoid doing.
The leaders of these parties will not be prime ministers but if United they could easily get into power.
Nigel is the only person who has the stature and personality to do this.
I like much of what you say. Any successful new party has to be a broad church. There are many issues that the various factions on the right could make common cause around. I hold extreme views on most of them – I would demolish existing mosques, ban the building of new ones, and repatriate Muslims back to the Middle East, for example. But I wouldn’t refuse to vote for a serious right wing party just because it didn’t go quite as far as I would. If I believed they really would do something good, like stop illegal immigration, I’d vote for them. There is no conservative mainstream party that is remotely capable of implementing any of the policies I want at the moment.
Farage is a charismatic figure and a brilliant orator and debater who ought to be the natural leader of this hypothetical new party.
I hope there are lots of us, but it is difficult to tell.
Zelazek & EG. You both make good points, but I have to disagree with you about Farage. I think he’s doing an excellent job where he is right now and I’m keen to see him stay there.
Can I suggest you ask yourselves why he is not leader of a third party right now? He had one it was called Ukip and under him it became the third strongest Party in the UK. He walked away from it after the election when he failed to take Thanet South. Not only did he leave but he wanted it to end. He eventually claimed that the far right had taken over the party. He also rubbished the membership in a very snobbish way when they would not support his autocratic ways. The Brexit Party suited him because it only let in the ‘right sort of people’ and was a temporary phenomena. To put it simply, and as Godfrey Bloom put it, he is not a leader. At least not in the political party sense. He doesn’t the membership aspect of it and in general he is not good at dealing with mechanism of party dynamics. He never will be. It’s not his thing. We should learn from past mistakes. It is time to look for new talent. Much as I admire Ian Botham I don’t think putting him back in the England side would solve the current problem the team faces in Oz. I won’t be joining the Bring Back Botham campaign. We should regard Farage in the same way.
Now where I do think Nigel can play a part is in bringing together the various populist parties on the right knock a few heads together and give them a sense of direction and purpose. I’m all for him doing that. But making him a party leader, well… okay if the idea is for a short-lived campaign type party. However, I think recent history shows that Britain needs a party of conservatism that is open to all and fully geared up for the long haul.
Sorry EG. I was intending the above post to be very supportive of your post but it doesn’t read that way. It did not come out the way I intended and the editing button didn’t work when I tried to alter things.
It’s ok Yasser.
What I was trying to get over is that Nigel is the one obvious person who could get these parties together.
I think they would all listen to him.
Not that he should lead a grand coalition of them all.