Actually Tarien, the antipodean term ‘postie’ covers both genders and could be used without need to descend to jargon speak like postal operative.
Sadly though, even in Oz and NZ the Yank term mailman is replacing it. Mailman of course is sexist but for some reason the woke brigade, or should I say legions, have not got onto it yet.
I’m surprised that no wokey wants a return to the original name of Robins – which posties were called due to their red uniforms. But then, they are not intelligent enough to even know this.
An 18-year-old suicide bomber blew himself up and appeared before Allah.
He said, “Oh, Allah, I did your bidding, but I have a request. Since I’m only 18 and spent all my time in terrorist training school, I never was with a woman. So, instead of 72 virgins, who also won’t know what to do sexually, can I have 72 prostitutes?”
Allah regarded him for a moment, then replied,
“Actually, 72 virgins are here in heaven because bastards like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex. So you’re here to service them. Since they’re virgins, they’re quite sexually ravenous; and, frankly, you’ll be on constant, exhausting duty.”
The bomber responded, “Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?”
“ Any time I see the phrase “according to fact-checkers” in a headline, I can’t help but roll my eyes. That’s because what follows the headline probably isn’t a “fact-check” but an opinion piece authored by someone pretending to be a journalist. ”
Every disaster movie starts with someone ignoring a scientist.@ProfBrianCox explores the events of new Netflix movie Don't Look Up and explains if they could really happen…
Asteroid collision. I have been predicting this as plan B for when people widely reject the climate scam.
Unite the world under one authority to provide a universal protection scheme, costing billions and requiring unlimited sacrifice and obedience.
Fuel Bills are going to double . Let’s ‘target ‘ those who need help – not cut VAT on fuel – that’s one song the BBC is singing to the tune of ‘welfare state ‘ ….
… on comes a spokeswoman for some energy consortium who starts every sentence with ‘so ‘ . ‘So’ she says – it’s all about world markets and imports she says .
The BBC droid comes on and says ;green green green ‘ build more nuc power stations ….he says …. ‘Target support ‘ he says ….
….and no one says ‘ why not use our own gas – a bit of fracking ? Some North Sea stuff ? Use a bit of coal ?
I think I know how the tune ends . Up go gas and electricity bills ….. people start to notice …. And demand they be cut – don’t care how – but just cut – screw the ‘green ‘ crap – we are freezing cold – heat or eat …..
Which will leave both nut nut and the MSM as the opposition to people with big dd holes in their bank accounts ….
I do wonder how those working from home will react when there heating bills soar. Will they all suddenly want to go back to work and also ask big questions about the green con.
“We’re being lied to, and it’s been costing us a fortune, both economically and socially. For most of the last decade, the industry selling these lies has operated within the ten billion dollars a year range (with a B), selling a product they know doesn’t work, and it’s now growing exponentially. This industry produces no tangible product, makes workplaces less effective and efficient, and reliably leads to toxic and hostile working cultures that can tear companies—and our society—apart, and yet we can’t get enough of it. It’s a particular kind of madness that’s almost impossible to understand, explain, or stop.
What does this industry sell? “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity” (DIE) consulting, training, and administration.
Among these manipulations at the very core of these consultancy projects are three seemingly anodyne and now sacrosanct words: “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity.” These are what they’re selling to us to a tune of untold billions of dollars a year in return for a society that gets increasingly dysfunctional as a result, and we have a right to know why. We have a right to see how we’re being lied to and manipulated by these three words. We actually do have to understand the terms “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity” in their proper “Critical” meanings—because that’s what they’re really selling—to understand what’s going on. All of these represent political agendas, not something helpful, useful, moral, or anything remotely close to what people should think is warm, fuzzy, and worth getting behind. Speaking corporately, it would be better to set our money on fire than to spend it on these programs because they don’t just waste money but will cause increased costs more or less perpetually afterward.”
“That political agenda comes from a long-standing line of radical thought called “Critical Theory,” though it has been supercharged into something new in the last decade or so. That new way of doing Critical Theory is called “Critical Social Justice,” or sometimes “Wokeness” in slang, and it represents the maturation of what the Critical Theorists have called “the long march through the institutions,” following the communist philosopher Antonio Gramsci in the 1920s. Installing DIE in your workplace is facilitating the late—and, if they are successful, final—stage of the “long march,” essentially creating a new form of fascism “
So, do we have any idea how old wobbly chops Boris is going to jump today.
Copying Kim yong Krankie in Scotland and closing nightclubs?
Perhaps he’ll emulate the Emir of Wales and close pretty much anything that ordinary folk might like to go to…other than mosques, the regular Diwali knees up and possibly the LGBTQXYZ centres?
Got an interesting biological experiment starting – English infections versus the rest of the UK – the numbers in 2 or 3 weeks might tell us something ….( no difference ?)
The numbers already tell us something, Fed: the NHS under the devolved Governments in Scotland and Wales is not as good as England.
” During the Christmas holiday period the publication of Covid data by UK nations will be intermittent. It is likely that a full national picture will only be available again in the first week of January. ”
” 27 December update: New data only available for England, since 24 December to present ”
Thanks – very worrying when the numbers get really really political . Neither Drakeford nor Krankie will want to be shown to be wrong – so surely there is a possibility that the numbers will be fiddled ?
I say this in the belief that the SNP would do anything to maintain or improve their standing amongst the Scots- as well as sticking it to the English …
I think nut nut has got it right this time . The NHS drones have been given air to moan about the usual shortage – mainly their own people chucking the Christmas sickie – they must be hacked that it’s only 7 days now ….
Elsewhere – nut nut has been given another few months not to set up the public inquiry – those calling for it would look pretty bad trying to speed things up in current circumstances .also it will be interesting if the Labour Party supports what nut nut has decided or be ambiguous / silent i their response…
The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture
Heather Mac Donald Author
“Until the current obsession with politically correct attitudes, universities stood for knowledge, learning, debate and a deep respect for freedom of speech and civilised debate. Academic courses were disciplines, requiring rigorous thought and open-mindedness. Not all students lived up to these lofty ideals, but all but a small minority respected them. Intellectual curiosity and humility were the great virtues. Our heritage from the 18th century enlightenment in particular was cherished. As Heather Mac Donald demonstrates in this persuasive study, for decades now these treasures of civilisation are in the process of increasing subversion.
In her incisive introduction the author reveals the enemies of all that has sustained us for hundreds of years. Essentially, they are identity and diversity politics, victimology and above all violent attempts to shut down free speech. In the pages that follow, she expands on these crucial issues via extensive research and trenchant argument. Instead of an openness before life, we have increasingly insularity, self-pity and intolerance. If we are not already alive to the key issues, we learn in the body of this fine argument the ways in which universities have kowtowed to the bullies.
New courses have mushroomed, almost all around the themes of race, ethnicity and gender. Students, who were once expected to be resilient are now such sensitive beings that they require warnings that the content of books prescribed for study might touch upon their tender vulnerability to offence. The great works of literature from Chaucer, through Shakespeare to Milton, Pope, Wordsworth and onwards are no longer considered to be suitable, since they incorporate the values of white, male-dominated society. As the author potently says: ‘universities should be where students encounter the greatest works of mankind – what makes them touchstones of human experience’. Now, owing to pressures upon universities to admit wholly unqualified students simply on the grounds of their member ship of numerous minorities, some turn up at freshers’ time barely able to read.
What is perhaps most alarming is the pressures upon teaching staff to conform to the accepted political attitudes. Not a few have lost their jobs through giving voice to ideas that fall foul of student prejudices. No longer are speakers invited to campuses to express unconventional and minority views. They are shunned, and when they do pass the initial obstacles they are mobbed with ignorant screaming and threats of violence, shouted down with no chance to articulate their views.
The author writes of the United States, but the evils of what she describes have permeated UK universities too, and perhaps even more here freedom of speech is under constant threat. As she says, the academic world does not exist in a bell jar; rather infects society in very many ways. It seems to me that this important book is a warning and a lament. I hope that it is not too late for sanity to prevail. “
Jesus H Christ it never stops, I promised myself no more after Black and the Beanstalk, but saw a new Hansel and Gretel was on
Hansel and Blackel now FFS
(all those blacks in Late Middle Ages Germany)
Only black minorities you notice, no Chinese, no Japanese, Philipino, Sikh, Hindu, Tibetan, Taiwanese, Australian aboriginal, French, German, Dutch, Boer South African, Inuit, Maori, Norwegian, Icelandic, even Welsh or Scot NOPE
Only black
One reason I got some extra channels was for UK Gold for vintage comedy but they have gone to 24 7 Only Fools and bleeding Horses which I think the whole country could quote the scripts verbatim now, sick of the sight of it (how many bloody episodes before they get to the end of it ? months probably
And the so called History channels are little more than either second world war or bloody car restoration for some strange reason so a bit stuck now
Idly wondering whether Ofcom will step in after a @GBNEWS presenter spouted anti-vax nonsense. Mind you the replies may prove more effective than the regulator…
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
She reported stories of MEDICAL EMERGENCIES that she’d heard at her salon.
They may well be hyperbole .. stories often are.
But RCJ just dismisses what may be genuine medical emergencies
as “anti-vax nonsense.”
Instead of showing any concern he’s trying to INTIMIDATE her from repeating such stories giving it a power label “anti-vax nonsense.”
People keep quote tweeting it to Ofcom
Trying to cause a pile-on
But it’s her own private Twitter account, she is under no rule to validate every story she tweets.
Furthermore his reply come 3 days after her original tweets
first one was timestamped 10:59 AM · Dec 24
Her next tweet 11:44 AM · Dec 24 I am not remotely anti-vax nor a conspiracy theorist, but this is not the first time I am hearing such anecdotes.
All unverified and salon gossip, but it goes to show what people are talking about out there
I agree 100% with your last sentence. In my opinion the BBC has done more damage to this country than any other institution. Many would disagree with that view and cite the Blair nexus of evil as the most damaging but it was the BBC which paved the way for Blair . Without their eighteen year long campaign against the Tories , 1979 to 1997 , Blair would never have become PM.
The BBC are doing it all again, or at least trying to, Double. They are in cahoots with the Daily Mirror (and probably the Guardian, too) because Sarah Montague gave the game away on TWatO stating that Part-time had been working with the Daily Mirror to reveal a story about HMG, the PM and No.10. Cannot now remember what or when it was. I should have written it down.
But the health secretary said people should “remain cautious” and celebrate outside on New Year’s Eve if possible.
“When we get into the new year, of course we will see then whether we do need to take any further measures, but nothing more until then at least,” he said.
He said 90% of cases across England were now the Omicron variant.
My neighbour who sits watching MSM news assured me yesterday,
that it was guaranteed Boris would announce an immediate New Years lockdown today Monday.
I tried to convince him, that it was impractical ..but he wouldn’t have it.
Not a great fan of the hunting fraternity but great to see some woke protestors getting a few well deserved smacks
So many hiding behind masks and mobiles at the ready didn’t quite bank on their latest victims fighting back and fighting a lot better than the wokes thought they might
Anyone who has solar PV panels, should go outside and look at their panels
and consider if that solar panel was in a sunny place like Africa it would be working 3 times as hard.
.. It’s not about saving CO2 it ?
Depends on what leftie councils let through for planning permissions.
Solar panels make a marginal difference, but the lefties won’t be allowed to use these ugly bits of roofing on listed buildings, and in conservation areas, without a huge bitch-fight.
Most of the lefties have to/will roll over of course, but the graun, ‘i’ observer puppets will whinge…
…while living in their leafty, listed mansions in conservation areas!…
Just been watching Traffic Cops in Bradford, an Audi RS3 doing a hundred in a built up area “asian” driver arrested on an empty residential street.
Within twenty minutes they all run out of the houses like rats, at least 50 of them attacking the police and blocking the exit with their cars shouting abuse at the police who have to send for emergency assistance
This is what I think about when I hear about refugees, so called racism and islamophobia
Utter cowards on their own and belligerent twats en-masse. Protected by the anti-racist brigade. This has already taken hold in Asia and the twats are bringing it here.
ITV local news : mainly a #PRasNews item for a men’s suicide charity recorded 2 weeks ago
The segment with @AndysManClubUK did explain that 75% of UK suicides are men
The item didn’t mention that white men are easily the highest risk group
The prog ended up with a segment about a Sheffield man still walking on Christmas day to raise money for MacMillan .
As a guest of someone who uses the BBC – I’ve just seen a load of dire tosh ‘British scandal ‘ or similar – I noted that the director and author were girls – I guess it was a girl show as I had no idea what the eff was going on or what it was for ….
BBC have a definite ‘posh’ thing buried in the institutional memory below the layers of virtue coloured / gay thing
Covid patterns : Looking at test by actual date.
There is a clear lull at a weekend
Then on a Monday people go out and get tested, and there is a clear step up.
Tuesday, Wednesday get a gradual rise, but then on a Thursday/Friday it falls again
Peak day in this stage was 21/22 at 135K
Next peak expected to be 29th
Hospital admissions had a step up by 40% starting 6 days ago. to 1,300/day
Cheers Stew – I got a bit ‘number weary ‘ when they were going on about those who had died ‘with ‘ or ‘from ‘ the Chinese virus – as well as questionable practices by the medical mafia …
Tonight’s TV
8pm Channel4 Joe Lycett and Bill Bailey tour Iceland
The diverse TV land are so big on sending celebs to Iceland
ITV just had Bradley Walsh, and son.
.. and it’s repeated 0:20pm tonight too
Channel5 In October had a 3 part Alexander Armstrong series
Jane MCDonald has done some episodes from there
BBC4 Joanna Lumley in Iceland was repeated the other day
Rick Stein in Iceland was on in the summer
Oh Dec 24 tweet
” BBC and Channel4 with programmes on Iceland this week (amazing hotels and George Clarke’s amazing spaces).”
The BBC are rolling out celebs ad nauseum on every frigging program they can. Either they can’t trust ordinary folk to behave or the agents are giving them a back-hander.
Off topic I know, however I’ve just been subjected to what will inevitably be deemed a 3rd (or possibly 4th) party hate crime!
It seems Lucozade are suggesting a hula-hoop twirling coloured geezer represents everything they feel ‘Cool’ about their Brand.
The last time I heard the word Lucozade and gentlemen of colour in the same sentence, the ‘L’ word was Cockney rhyming slang for a well known garden digging implement . . .
I nearly died I tell you!
Referring to an earlier post re the nasty infiltration of companies by the diversity thought police. This is all driven by their warped lefty university bred Marxist ideology. We have one magnificent weapon to fight back with…. just totally stop buying from them. We need a database of worst offenders so we can all double down and drive the twats bankrupt.
Full story: Here is @TheSun coverage of the Christmas Day crossbow intruder today. Praise should go to those who quickly swooped on the intruder before he could get too far. Windsor Castle was packed with royals spending Christmas with the Queen.
John Redwood listening to R4Today on Monday morning
Why did BBC Today say the problem of energy prices is international energy prices which we cannot do anything about? US gas prices are way cheaper than ours because they allow business to find and produce more gas. We in the U.K. should produce more of our own energy.
Just to report that 72,000 at Twickenham today seemed to think government covid policy is set about right.
As it appears did 50,000 at Newcastle.
Other examples are available,
Those who oppose such measures were presumably cooped up at home. As is their right. Which should not extend to imposing on the rest of us their medical socialism.
Bjorn Lomborg’s long anti BBC thread
our local news ran the Christian Aid PRasNews on the morning bulletin
.. Once again, BBC blithely repeat campaigners’ press release of ever-costlier climate disasters
knows disaster costs increase with more and more valuable houses
When adjusted for growing GDP, as even UN insists, weather-related damages are 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
@GuestWho Yes , I did the thing of quoting the words rather embedding the full tweet
cos people complain about Tweets and YouTube filling up the page
Yet no one noticed my post
it’s obvious when we do do the embeds many more people do notice them.
On the issue of double posting, when you Like a tweet or post a video here, the algorithms cause it to be pushed to the top of my feeds, so I think I have “discovered” something brand new.
“No we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person… The virus does not infect them…It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people.”
We may suspect the media is outright lying to us, the following is important, ten examples from the liberal US press and how fact checkers lied to the country:
This is something for the bbc fact checker Spring thing to look at maybe ? fat bleeding chance
Critics say fact checks have become “fetishized” in the mainstream press as more declarative of the truth than a traditional news report,
Journalist Mark Hemingway predicted as much in a 2011 column, writing at the time that “the media seem oblivious to the distinction between verifying facts and passing judgment on opinions they personally find disagreeable.”
The 10 worst fact checks of 2021, and why they matter
When the arbiters of truth fell short
Fact-checkers ‘suddenly’ flip on the Wuhan lab-leak theory
Biden’s time check
USA Today issued a public correction in September on a “fact check” examining whether President Biden actually kept checking the time on his wrist during a dignified transfer ceremony, in honor of the 13 U.S. service members killed in a terrorist attack outside the Kabul airport.
Kamala Harris and the not-so-empty stockpile
Axios drew criticism in February after it deleted a tweet fact-checking Vice President Kamala Harris, who repeated the debunked claim that the Biden administration was “starting from scratch” with its coronavirus vaccine rollout.
NN blames conservatives for questioning false ivermectin story
CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale was slammed as “very obviously a rank partisan” for taking the “conservatives pounded” approach after multiple mainstream outlets were fooled by a false story that some Oklahoma hospitals were overwhelmed with patients having overdosed on the drug ivermectin.
The collapse of the Lafayette Square narrative
The left-leaning media narrative with CNN fact-checker approval went belly-up again in June when an Inspector General report found former President Donald Trump did not have Lafayette Square forcefully cleared of protesters, so he could pose in front of a church last year.
HuffPost called ‘stupid liars’ after accusing Cruz of lying about court-packing
The Huffington Post was savaged in April as “stupid liars” for claiming Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had lied about Republicans never engaging in so-called “court-packing” when they controlled the White House and Congress.
Joe and Kamala’s change of heart
PolitiFact was accused of shielding President Biden and Vice President Harris from criticism over their past rhetoric expressing distrust in the coronavirus vaccine during the Trump administration.
Jacob Blake’s pocket knife
Last August, police shot a Black man named Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., while trying to arrest him after a domestic incident, leading to violent uprisings and protests in the city. The media widely reported he was unarmed, including in a USA Today fact-check declaring the notion he brandished a knife before the shooting “false.”
A ‘hit job’ on Sen. Tim Scott
The Washington Post shocked readers in May for publishing a “hit job” on Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., questioning his family history of going from a childhood picking cotton to the halls of Congress after Scott delivered the Republican Party’s response to Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s gun charge
PolitiFact was roasted in November for a poorly aged “fact-check” claiming Kyle Rittenhouse’s firearm possession was illegal.
Insidious, considering what they allowed, and encouraged against Trump
Media working overtime to protect Biden from ‘Let’s Go Brandon’:
No matter how silly or serious you think the phrase is, it has now hit embarrassing new heights for Joe Biden thanks to a man named Jared Schmeck. Even on Christmas Eve while he was taking calls from the public and tracking Santa Claus, Joe Biden couldn’t escape “Let’s Go Brandon.”
That clip is now a viral sensation. So naturally, Biden’s allies in the media have swooped into his defense. It doesn’t matter that Jared Schmeck claims he said “Let’s Go Brandon” in jest. Blue checked journalists were outraged. NBC News was traumatized by the call and ran a headline calling the phrase a quote “right-wing slur.” ABC News called it a quote “verbal insult.” Congressman Eric Swalwell of all people–who has repeatedly slept with a Chinese spy–had the audacity to accuse Schmeck of humiliating his family and of being quote, “indecent.”
BBC Today’s interview on the energy crisis was a proposal to put in more wind farms when one of the main reasons we were short of energy this year is the fact the wind did not blow much. No questions over what back up power is needed when the wind drops.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Should read Postal Operatives.
Actually Tarien, the antipodean term ‘postie’ covers both genders and could be used without need to descend to jargon speak like postal operative.
Sadly though, even in Oz and NZ the Yank term mailman is replacing it. Mailman of course is sexist but for some reason the woke brigade, or should I say legions, have not got onto it yet.
I’m surprised that no wokey wants a return to the original name of Robins – which posties were called due to their red uniforms. But then, they are not intelligent enough to even know this.
An 18-year-old suicide bomber blew himself up and appeared before Allah.
He said, “Oh, Allah, I did your bidding, but I have a request. Since I’m only 18 and spent all my time in terrorist training school, I never was with a woman. So, instead of 72 virgins, who also won’t know what to do sexually, can I have 72 prostitutes?”
Allah regarded him for a moment, then replied,
“Actually, 72 virgins are here in heaven because bastards like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex. So you’re here to service them. Since they’re virgins, they’re quite sexually ravenous; and, frankly, you’ll be on constant, exhausting duty.”
The bomber responded, “Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?”
And Allah replied, “Who said they were women?”
A ‘promoted’ tweet from a desperate B list medium without access to Getty.
Can’t read for a giant cookies banner 😕
Is it vaccine comp-lications? Filthy mask muckiness?
Marianna liked this.
Calling the faithful to…?
At least the parents of the would be assassin of The Queen have talked to the Mail about their son
: Jaswant Singh Chail……
‘Community ‘ reassured …?
First line:
“ Any time I see the phrase “according to fact-checkers” in a headline, I can’t help but roll my eyes. That’s because what follows the headline probably isn’t a “fact-check” but an opinion piece authored by someone pretending to be a journalist. ”
And if viewers point out inaccuracies to bbc fact checkers online, they block them.
Neatly covering dealing with immediate problems, and those that are usually lost anyway down the line.
Then there is Netflix.
Seems in the remake of ‘Lost in The WH’, Zachary Smith is played by Tony Fauci.
Asteroid collision. I have been predicting this as plan B for when people widely reject the climate scam.
Unite the world under one authority to provide a universal protection scheme, costing billions and requiring unlimited sacrifice and obedience.
BBC Taliban Network
“What should I do if either I or my child is sick and my husband is not available?”
Tell him to vote for a different outfit next election?
…like he will listen.
So….. hit the trail to Calais so Lily Allen can weep you and the nipper over.
Then wait and bring hubs too, to share the wonders of diversity.
World At One
Fuel Bills are going to double . Let’s ‘target ‘ those who need help – not cut VAT on fuel – that’s one song the BBC is singing to the tune of ‘welfare state ‘ ….
… on comes a spokeswoman for some energy consortium who starts every sentence with ‘so ‘ . ‘So’ she says – it’s all about world markets and imports she says .
The BBC droid comes on and says ;green green green ‘ build more nuc power stations ….he says …. ‘Target support ‘ he says ….
….and no one says ‘ why not use our own gas – a bit of fracking ? Some North Sea stuff ? Use a bit of coal ?
I think I know how the tune ends . Up go gas and electricity bills ….. people start to notice …. And demand they be cut – don’t care how – but just cut – screw the ‘green ‘ crap – we are freezing cold – heat or eat …..
Which will leave both nut nut and the MSM as the opposition to people with big dd holes in their bank accounts ….
I do wonder how those working from home will react when there heating bills soar. Will they all suddenly want to go back to work and also ask big questions about the green con.
Rishi will p**s all over the ‘use of a room as an office’ tax fiddle come Spring!
The IR will stamp on so much of this, the hobnail boots market will flourish so get your shares in Clarks now!
The Diversity Delusion
“We’re being lied to, and it’s been costing us a fortune, both economically and socially. For most of the last decade, the industry selling these lies has operated within the ten billion dollars a year range (with a B), selling a product they know doesn’t work, and it’s now growing exponentially. This industry produces no tangible product, makes workplaces less effective and efficient, and reliably leads to toxic and hostile working cultures that can tear companies—and our society—apart, and yet we can’t get enough of it. It’s a particular kind of madness that’s almost impossible to understand, explain, or stop.
What does this industry sell? “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity” (DIE) consulting, training, and administration.
Among these manipulations at the very core of these consultancy projects are three seemingly anodyne and now sacrosanct words: “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity.” These are what they’re selling to us to a tune of untold billions of dollars a year in return for a society that gets increasingly dysfunctional as a result, and we have a right to know why. We have a right to see how we’re being lied to and manipulated by these three words. We actually do have to understand the terms “Diversity,” “Inclusion,” and “Equity” in their proper “Critical” meanings—because that’s what they’re really selling—to understand what’s going on. All of these represent political agendas, not something helpful, useful, moral, or anything remotely close to what people should think is warm, fuzzy, and worth getting behind. Speaking corporately, it would be better to set our money on fire than to spend it on these programs because they don’t just waste money but will cause increased costs more or less perpetually afterward.”
“That political agenda comes from a long-standing line of radical thought called “Critical Theory,” though it has been supercharged into something new in the last decade or so. That new way of doing Critical Theory is called “Critical Social Justice,” or sometimes “Wokeness” in slang, and it represents the maturation of what the Critical Theorists have called “the long march through the institutions,” following the communist philosopher Antonio Gramsci in the 1920s. Installing DIE in your workplace is facilitating the late—and, if they are successful, final—stage of the “long march,” essentially creating a new form of fascism “
So, do we have any idea how old wobbly chops Boris is going to jump today.
Copying Kim yong Krankie in Scotland and closing nightclubs?
Perhaps he’ll emulate the Emir of Wales and close pretty much anything that ordinary folk might like to go to…other than mosques, the regular Diwali knees up and possibly the LGBTQXYZ centres?
Or, of course, there’s the third option.
He could grow a pair…
Got an interesting biological experiment starting – English infections versus the rest of the UK – the numbers in 2 or 3 weeks might tell us something ….( no difference ?)
The numbers already tell us something, Fed: the NHS under the devolved Governments in Scotland and Wales is not as good as England.
” During the Christmas holiday period the publication of Covid data by UK nations will be intermittent. It is likely that a full national picture will only be available again in the first week of January. ”
” 27 December update: New data only available for England, since 24 December to present ”
Thanks – very worrying when the numbers get really really political . Neither Drakeford nor Krankie will want to be shown to be wrong – so surely there is a possibility that the numbers will be fiddled ?
I say this in the belief that the SNP would do anything to maintain or improve their standing amongst the Scots- as well as sticking it to the English …
I think nut nut has got it right this time . The NHS drones have been given air to moan about the usual shortage – mainly their own people chucking the Christmas sickie – they must be hacked that it’s only 7 days now ….
Elsewhere – nut nut has been given another few months not to set up the public inquiry – those calling for it would look pretty bad trying to speed things up in current circumstances .also it will be interesting if the Labour Party supports what nut nut has decided or be ambiguous / silent i their response…
The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture
Heather Mac Donald Author
“Until the current obsession with politically correct attitudes, universities stood for knowledge, learning, debate and a deep respect for freedom of speech and civilised debate. Academic courses were disciplines, requiring rigorous thought and open-mindedness. Not all students lived up to these lofty ideals, but all but a small minority respected them. Intellectual curiosity and humility were the great virtues. Our heritage from the 18th century enlightenment in particular was cherished. As Heather Mac Donald demonstrates in this persuasive study, for decades now these treasures of civilisation are in the process of increasing subversion.
In her incisive introduction the author reveals the enemies of all that has sustained us for hundreds of years. Essentially, they are identity and diversity politics, victimology and above all violent attempts to shut down free speech. In the pages that follow, she expands on these crucial issues via extensive research and trenchant argument. Instead of an openness before life, we have increasingly insularity, self-pity and intolerance. If we are not already alive to the key issues, we learn in the body of this fine argument the ways in which universities have kowtowed to the bullies.
New courses have mushroomed, almost all around the themes of race, ethnicity and gender. Students, who were once expected to be resilient are now such sensitive beings that they require warnings that the content of books prescribed for study might touch upon their tender vulnerability to offence. The great works of literature from Chaucer, through Shakespeare to Milton, Pope, Wordsworth and onwards are no longer considered to be suitable, since they incorporate the values of white, male-dominated society. As the author potently says: ‘universities should be where students encounter the greatest works of mankind – what makes them touchstones of human experience’. Now, owing to pressures upon universities to admit wholly unqualified students simply on the grounds of their member ship of numerous minorities, some turn up at freshers’ time barely able to read.
What is perhaps most alarming is the pressures upon teaching staff to conform to the accepted political attitudes. Not a few have lost their jobs through giving voice to ideas that fall foul of student prejudices. No longer are speakers invited to campuses to express unconventional and minority views. They are shunned, and when they do pass the initial obstacles they are mobbed with ignorant screaming and threats of violence, shouted down with no chance to articulate their views.
The author writes of the United States, but the evils of what she describes have permeated UK universities too, and perhaps even more here freedom of speech is under constant threat. As she says, the academic world does not exist in a bell jar; rather infects society in very many ways. It seems to me that this important book is a warning and a lament. I hope that it is not too late for sanity to prevail. “
Jesus H Christ it never stops, I promised myself no more after Black and the Beanstalk, but saw a new Hansel and Gretel was on
Hansel and Blackel now FFS
(all those blacks in Late Middle Ages Germany)
Only black minorities you notice, no Chinese, no Japanese, Philipino, Sikh, Hindu, Tibetan, Taiwanese, Australian aboriginal, French, German, Dutch, Boer South African, Inuit, Maori, Norwegian, Icelandic, even Welsh or Scot NOPE
Only black
One reason I got some extra channels was for UK Gold for vintage comedy but they have gone to 24 7 Only Fools and bleeding Horses which I think the whole country could quote the scripts verbatim now, sick of the sight of it (how many bloody episodes before they get to the end of it ? months probably
And the so called History channels are little more than either second world war or bloody car restoration for some strange reason so a bit stuck now
A very bbc attempt to create differences.
Only black jews matter to the racist bbc it seems
If they could get out of their boxes just once…
Dual identity good. Single British Identity bad.
I like Old Bill, but he is very loyal. Often to a fault.
I need to sell Charlie some land in Florida.
Also noticed this.
First, the lawyers.
Another ex Beeboid ‘finding his voice’.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
She reported stories of MEDICAL EMERGENCIES that she’d heard at her salon.
They may well be hyperbole .. stories often are.
But RCJ just dismisses what may be genuine medical emergencies
as “anti-vax nonsense.”
Instead of showing any concern he’s trying to INTIMIDATE her from repeating such stories giving it a power label “anti-vax nonsense.”
People keep quote tweeting it to Ofcom
Trying to cause a pile-on
But it’s her own private Twitter account, she is under no rule to validate every story she tweets.
Furthermore his reply come 3 days after her original tweets
first one was timestamped 10:59 AM · Dec 24
Her next tweet 11:44 AM · Dec 24
I am not remotely anti-vax nor a conspiracy theorist, but this is not the first time I am hearing such anecdotes.
All unverified and salon gossip, but it goes to show what people are talking about out there

Clever manipulation of the photograph. I suppose the woman was painted out.
Stupid pollock.
I agree 100% with your last sentence. In my opinion the BBC has done more damage to this country than any other institution. Many would disagree with that view and cite the Blair nexus of evil as the most damaging but it was the BBC which paved the way for Blair . Without their eighteen year long campaign against the Tories , 1979 to 1997 , Blair would never have become PM.
The BBC are doing it all again, or at least trying to, Double. They are in cahoots with the Daily Mirror (and probably the Guardian, too) because Sarah Montague gave the game away on TWatO stating that Part-time had been working with the Daily Mirror to reveal a story about HMG, the PM and No.10. Cannot now remember what or when it was. I should have written it down.
Is Reichsmarschall Johnson making an announcement about restrictions today?
Oh i see
“No new Covid rules in England before new year – Javid”
But the health secretary said people should “remain cautious” and celebrate outside on New Year’s Eve if possible.
“When we get into the new year, of course we will see then whether we do need to take any further measures, but nothing more until then at least,” he said.
He said 90% of cases across England were now the Omicron variant.
My neighbour who sits watching MSM news assured me yesterday,
that it was guaranteed Boris would announce an immediate New Years lockdown today Monday.
I tried to convince him, that it was impractical ..but he wouldn’t have it.
Not a great fan of the hunting fraternity but great to see some woke protestors getting a few well deserved smacks
So many hiding behind masks and mobiles at the ready didn’t quite bank on their latest victims fighting back and fighting a lot better than the wokes thought they might
A week dedicated to Tutu has started. An opportunity for the BBC to bash Israel, which Tutu saw as the bad guys of the ME.
This should be fun.
I am going with a gentle mix that encompasses ‘affordable’, buyer power and images that are lovely a blue sky.
Anyone who has solar PV panels, should go outside and look at their panels
and consider if that solar panel was in a sunny place like Africa it would be working 3 times as hard.
.. It’s not about saving CO2 it ?
Depends on what leftie councils let through for planning permissions.
Solar panels make a marginal difference, but the lefties won’t be allowed to use these ugly bits of roofing on listed buildings, and in conservation areas, without a huge bitch-fight.
Most of the lefties have to/will roll over of course, but the graun, ‘i’ observer puppets will whinge…
…while living in their leafty, listed mansions in conservation areas!…
Or alternatively, why do new school builds have no solar panels?
It’s because the Department of Education cannot afford the cost.
A more telling example of the rank hypocrisy of government policy would be hard to envisage.
Just been watching Traffic Cops in Bradford, an Audi RS3 doing a hundred in a built up area “asian” driver arrested on an empty residential street.
Within twenty minutes they all run out of the houses like rats, at least 50 of them attacking the police and blocking the exit with their cars shouting abuse at the police who have to send for emergency assistance
This is what I think about when I hear about refugees, so called racism and islamophobia
Chaos in Bradford: UK Police Outnumbered And Surrounded Naked Stories
Published on Jun 7, 2019
Thanks SG
for showing the scum in their ghettos and what this country can expect when this lot feel they are in the majority
apart from running away from soldiers in their own country
Utter cowards on their own and belligerent twats en-masse. Protected by the anti-racist brigade. This has already taken hold in Asia and the twats are bringing it here.
And YES, they all look the same.
ITV local news : mainly a #PRasNews item for a men’s suicide charity recorded 2 weeks ago
The segment with @AndysManClubUK did explain that 75% of UK suicides are men
The item didn’t mention that white men are easily the highest risk group
The prog ended up with a segment about a Sheffield man still walking on Christmas day to raise money for MacMillan .
As a guest of someone who uses the BBC – I’ve just seen a load of dire tosh ‘British scandal ‘ or similar – I noted that the director and author were girls – I guess it was a girl show as I had no idea what the eff was going on or what it was for ….
BBC have a definite ‘posh’ thing buried in the institutional memory below the layers of virtue coloured / gay thing
It may have been a thing about the Duchess of Argyll scandal, her with the “playing the bagpipes with the headless man” photo etc
It has been touted in the press for a while
Covid patterns : Looking at test by actual date.
There is a clear lull at a weekend
Then on a Monday people go out and get tested, and there is a clear step up.
Tuesday, Wednesday get a gradual rise, but then on a Thursday/Friday it falls again
Peak day in this stage was 21/22 at 135K
Next peak expected to be 29th
Hospital admissions had a step up by 40% starting 6 days ago. to 1,300/day
Cheers Stew – I got a bit ‘number weary ‘ when they were going on about those who had died ‘with ‘ or ‘from ‘ the Chinese virus – as well as questionable practices by the medical mafia …
Cinch advert
“Auntie Kate” ..usual demographic
Tonight’s TV
8pm Channel4 Joe Lycett and Bill Bailey tour Iceland
The diverse TV land are so big on sending celebs to Iceland
ITV just had Bradley Walsh, and son.
.. and it’s repeated 0:20pm tonight too
Channel5 In October had a 3 part Alexander Armstrong series
Jane MCDonald has done some episodes from there
BBC4 Joanna Lumley in Iceland was repeated the other day
Rick Stein in Iceland was on in the summer
Oh Dec 24 tweet
” BBC and Channel4 with programmes on Iceland this week (amazing hotels and George Clarke’s amazing spaces).”
The BBC are rolling out celebs ad nauseum on every frigging program they can. Either they can’t trust ordinary folk to behave or the agents are giving them a back-hander.
Either way it stinks to high heaven.
BBC4 Sondheim night 4.5 hours
Off topic I know, however I’ve just been subjected to what will inevitably be deemed a 3rd (or possibly 4th) party hate crime!
It seems Lucozade are suggesting a hula-hoop twirling coloured geezer represents everything they feel ‘Cool’ about their Brand.
The last time I heard the word Lucozade and gentlemen of colour in the same sentence, the ‘L’ word was Cockney rhyming slang for a well known garden digging implement . . .
I nearly died I tell you!
Referring to an earlier post re the nasty infiltration of companies by the diversity thought police. This is all driven by their warped lefty university bred Marxist ideology. We have one magnificent weapon to fight back with…. just totally stop buying from them. We need a database of worst offenders so we can all double down and drive the twats bankrupt.
BBC at 3pm “Shoppers shun Christmas sales as footfall drops”
The shops I went to were pretty busy.
2Kg of Salmon £2.61
24 cans of Guinness £9.20
spuds 17p 1.5Kg, caulis/sprouts 11p
ready meals 20p
I did see a couple of cougher tossers : One guy coughing into his mask
One maskless guy coughing all over Iceland’s freezer and handle.
BTW in 2021 many big shops didn’t open on Boxing day
.. It is quite possible more were on on that Saturday : Boxing Day 2020
The Sun frontpage on Monday
John Redwood listening to R4Today on Monday morning
Relentless booster propaganda:
“Leitch: Booster is the best present you can give”
“That honestly is the best present you could give to any of your relatives, to get yourself protected so that you then protect others.”
My take: He who jabs last lives longest!
“Two people were stabbed prior to a mass brawl in the Belgian city of Genk on Christmas day that saw a mob of around 40 young migrants from Afghanistan and Turkey clash.”
Just to report that 72,000 at Twickenham today seemed to think government covid policy is set about right.
As it appears did 50,000 at Newcastle.
Other examples are available,
Those who oppose such measures were presumably cooped up at home. As is their right. Which should not extend to imposing on the rest of us their medical socialism.
Yesterday football fans were jumping all over each other when teams scored yesterday
Bjorn Lomborg’s long anti BBC thread
our local news ran the Christian Aid PRasNews on the morning bulletin
Once again, BBC blithely repeat campaigners’ press release of ever-costlier climate disasters
knows disaster costs increase with more and more valuable houses
When adjusted for growing GDP, as even UN insists, weather-related damages are 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
I honour you in repetition.
@GuestWho Yes , I did the thing of quoting the words rather embedding the full tweet
cos people complain about Tweets and YouTube filling up the page
Yet no one noticed my post
it’s obvious when we do do the embeds many more people do notice them.
On the issue of double posting, when you Like a tweet or post a video here, the algorithms cause it to be pushed to the top of my feeds, so I think I have “discovered” something brand new.
Must be some BBC similar …. ?
Hold the front page !!!! wurld klass baghdad broadcasting corporation has found crocodiles are attacking people !!!!
(only muslims though) by the thoroughly British Sarbas Nazari
Wot yu need to no (if you are thick as shit maybe)
“Crocodiles turn on humans amid Iran water crisis”
And the obligatory wimmin story:
UK’s best bus driver: Derbyshire woman’s inspiring journey to help others
And of course, England do not lose, they get “thrashed”
Ashes: Australia thrash feeble England to retain Ashes at Melbourne
We may suspect the media is outright lying to us, the following is important, ten examples from the liberal US press and how fact checkers lied to the country:
This is something for the bbc fact checker Spring thing to look at maybe ? fat bleeding chance
Critics say fact checks have become “fetishized” in the mainstream press as more declarative of the truth than a traditional news report,
Journalist Mark Hemingway predicted as much in a 2011 column, writing at the time that “the media seem oblivious to the distinction between verifying facts and passing judgment on opinions they personally find disagreeable.”
The 10 worst fact checks of 2021, and why they matter
When the arbiters of truth fell short
Fact-checkers ‘suddenly’ flip on the Wuhan lab-leak theory
Biden’s time check
USA Today issued a public correction in September on a “fact check” examining whether President Biden actually kept checking the time on his wrist during a dignified transfer ceremony, in honor of the 13 U.S. service members killed in a terrorist attack outside the Kabul airport.
Kamala Harris and the not-so-empty stockpile
Axios drew criticism in February after it deleted a tweet fact-checking Vice President Kamala Harris, who repeated the debunked claim that the Biden administration was “starting from scratch” with its coronavirus vaccine rollout.
NN blames conservatives for questioning false ivermectin story
CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale was slammed as “very obviously a rank partisan” for taking the “conservatives pounded” approach after multiple mainstream outlets were fooled by a false story that some Oklahoma hospitals were overwhelmed with patients having overdosed on the drug ivermectin.
The collapse of the Lafayette Square narrative
The left-leaning media narrative with CNN fact-checker approval went belly-up again in June when an Inspector General report found former President Donald Trump did not have Lafayette Square forcefully cleared of protesters, so he could pose in front of a church last year.
HuffPost called ‘stupid liars’ after accusing Cruz of lying about court-packing
The Huffington Post was savaged in April as “stupid liars” for claiming Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, had lied about Republicans never engaging in so-called “court-packing” when they controlled the White House and Congress.
Joe and Kamala’s change of heart
PolitiFact was accused of shielding President Biden and Vice President Harris from criticism over their past rhetoric expressing distrust in the coronavirus vaccine during the Trump administration.
Jacob Blake’s pocket knife
Last August, police shot a Black man named Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., while trying to arrest him after a domestic incident, leading to violent uprisings and protests in the city. The media widely reported he was unarmed, including in a USA Today fact-check declaring the notion he brandished a knife before the shooting “false.”
A ‘hit job’ on Sen. Tim Scott
The Washington Post shocked readers in May for publishing a “hit job” on Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., questioning his family history of going from a childhood picking cotton to the halls of Congress after Scott delivered the Republican Party’s response to Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress.
Kyle Rittenhouse’s gun charge
PolitiFact was roasted in November for a poorly aged “fact-check” claiming Kyle Rittenhouse’s firearm possession was illegal.
Insidious, considering what they allowed, and encouraged against Trump
Media working overtime to protect Biden from ‘Let’s Go Brandon’:
No matter how silly or serious you think the phrase is, it has now hit embarrassing new heights for Joe Biden thanks to a man named Jared Schmeck. Even on Christmas Eve while he was taking calls from the public and tracking Santa Claus, Joe Biden couldn’t escape “Let’s Go Brandon.”
That clip is now a viral sensation. So naturally, Biden’s allies in the media have swooped into his defense. It doesn’t matter that Jared Schmeck claims he said “Let’s Go Brandon” in jest. Blue checked journalists were outraged. NBC News was traumatized by the call and ran a headline calling the phrase a quote “right-wing slur.” ABC News called it a quote “verbal insult.” Congressman Eric Swalwell of all people–who has repeatedly slept with a Chinese spy–had the audacity to accuse Schmeck of humiliating his family and of being quote, “indecent.”
Bit Spartacan by now, which they are driving.
Bless the twats.
Does anyone have Al Beeb’s Christmas viewing figures ?
I would be interested to learn how the corporation asses (‘estimate’) them?
I believe you were right the first term.
I think you’ll find that 130% of the population watched the BBC for 27 hours a day or more.
Charlotte Miller – BBC chief ‘content ‘officer ? Said all the family watch the bbc Christmas at Christmas – another lie .
Some BBC mates in Beijing have kicked off.
BBC knows what not to ask.
And then, beyond the censorship, the propaganda.
Maybe the planet could be saved by getting rid of government and propaganda media.
One day Jeremy, one day…
This spoof account is good value.
Funny. And moving.