BBC desperate to keep Project Fear running despite hospitals not being overwhelmed . Shortages of stuff for Christmas didn’t happen . The lies stack up .
“BBC desperate to keep Project Fear running despite hospitals not being overwhelmed . Shortages of stuff for Christmas didn’t happen . The lies stack up .”
It’s about time we found out what Nadine Dorries does for a living .
I do notice that the Friends of the BBC club, being the Guardian and the Independent are running lots of hazy opinion polls on whether we should have left the EU or not with surprisingly a rise in the number of people who now think leaving was wrong.
This is a technique of using very targeted polls only including people who think like you do to suggest it is the National mood.
They have never forgiven the referendum result and they are not given up yet and will continue to push for rejoin for a long time yet.
Reminds me of those old blokes who used to walk around with sandwich boards saying the end of the world is nigh!
I am not a conspiracy theorist. But a friend tells me in her local authority NHS workers can self certify for up to 28 days sick to save gp’s time. I do hope they are all honest. You could believe it was a decision to make difficult times more difficult.
This idea to protect NHS workers from diseases is a brilliant idea. Hardly any can disagree that NHS workers should be protected.
One can apply the principle to the armed forces. Also to RNLI – they should be protected and mandated not to go out into stormy seas just to save a few irresponsibles.
Another protected should be power electricity workers. They should not be forced to go out to repair power lines in stormy weather.
Moreover, to show how grateful we the public are, their salaries should be increased by 10%.
Christians all over Afrtica, the ME, accepted invading and migrating Muslims. Now they are facing extinction by mass rape and eviction. This is the fate of Europe.
Illustrative is the town oif Bethlehem. Just a few decades back it was a Christian majority town when Israel governed it.
But due to pressure from leftys, Christians in the West, and strangely, Christians in Palestine, Israel handed control to the PA.
Bethlehem is now a Muslim town. The only reason that the Manger church is till a church is that it is the only source for money.
Made the mistake of putting @BBCRadio4 on in my car. A young Asian woman was saying walking in the countryside 'isn't inclusive' because white people live there. "I like seeing the odd brown face – means there's less white people to kill me". The BBC – promoting racism again.
I am not on Twitter, if you or anyone else is could you find more details, I am incensed at the hypocrisy of the bbc if this is true, allowing this kind of hate speech from black and asians unchallenged
I will call R4 to lodge a complaint if true, I walk in the countryside a lot never ever see BAMES and to hear this utter f@cking hateful, racist tripe promoted by an organisation that never stops banging on about bloody racism beggars belief to be honest
I walk along the Wolds Way a lot – and in the years I have been doing, I have only ever passed one single Chinese family on there. Never seen an Indian or Black person.
I will admit though that the Chinese family seemed wary of me until I said hello then they were very friendly.
I don’t think we ll be hearing much from noises such as Attenborough about fuel bill increases – courtesy of the ‘green levy ‘.
The msm mention – in passing – that the government can’t do much about the cost home home energy bills … that – of course – is another green lie ….
To be honest I don’t know we bother. The BBC is an anarchist
Marxist organization. We should just be grateful that
unlike China the BBC can’t send in the police to arrest
us for making our comments.
As for the Chinese it looks like that their upgrade on their
biggest ever “export” they have given to the world is
not as good as the previous versions. I wonder what the
next version will be like? And do you think that are clever
enough to increase their 50% of the World’s carbon
emissions and still have St Greta and the BBC not being
.. and make no mistake, if the Left had the power, they would shut us up one way or another.
Just look at what they are doing in the USA to the Capitol protestors. I wonder how much taxpayers money they have spent going after people for ‘trespassing’ up to now.
Listened to as much of Toady as I could stomach.
The guest presenter was Professor of Sociology at Brent University, Raheem Sterling.
And I must say that I have rarely heard such an unceasing monosyllabic contribution.
In fact it appeared to me that this was inferentially understood as Toenails did nearly all of his presenting. The socialist content was risible. Kids with two parents appear to be ‘advantaged’ if you follow the BBC narrative.
What next? A random geezer from down the chippie?
He’d have more to say.
Knowing who the ‘guest editor ‘ would be today I wondered how many comments there would be . I think I am done with ‘today ‘ and things BBC for this year – you might guess my New Years Resolution – which also involves the BBC …..
Well done the ‘i’ newspaper for gifting us a feature headline today that – perhaps accidentally – nicely sums up our health and safety obsessed nervous ninny covid-passport medicalised authoritarian state of the nation in 2021:
‘Books – the Feminist retelling of 1984‘ – look out George Orwell, they’ll be coming for your cigarette and little moustache next (Churchill has already had his cigars banned by the National Trust this week).
One senses it’s going to be a ladies day in the press today.
Our Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the ‘i’ tips her metaphorical hat to some vague theoretical residual notion of Britain and tells us we’ll be hearing lots more from her in future – so we can all look forward to that: ‘I’m grateful to big hearted Brits …and will never be silenced by critics‘
Well, the lads have let us down: ‘Over and out. England crushed as Australia retain Ashes‘ (Guardian) – does one sense a little more than a hint of relish there in male failure?
I don’t know what Geoffry Boycott, Aggers or Blowers would say but Sally Jones in the Telegraph comments: ‘We English are never happier than when we are losing at sport‘ – speak for yourself, luv.
For ironic effect one had planned to highlight here our unsilencable Yasmin’s hypocrisy with a Tweet of her’s calling for Hate Laws to silence her critics and political opponents. Her Twitter profile sounded promising; bravely espousing her Leftist credentials and social justice warrior-like refusal to be silenced: ‘Breaking the silence on the toxic mix: Immigration, race and Brexit. My column‘
Here we go, or so I thought… however…
“You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets”
I think this is what’s known as broadcast-only or living in your own bubble.
Of course not all the Sistas speak with the same voice (or more properly Women – whatever they might happen to be…? Don’t ask Sir Keir, he can’t tell you): ‘Emma takes Howarts Express to TV reunion …but no sign of JK‘ (Daily Mail) – I’ll bet Rowling now wishes she could wave a wand and wish all those ungrateful virtue-signalling child actors away, back to the pennyless anonymity of the talent schools where she found them.
Speaking of female celebs getting down and dirty: ‘Crowning glory. Foy tipped for awards after ‘dirty Duchess’ triumph‘ (Daily Express)
I hear the TV audience considered Claire Foy’s recreation of the headless man sex act in A Very British Scandal was a bit of a flacid flop. Seems this BBC show is in need of some fluffing and the Express is apparently willing to go down and oblige.
Let’s raise the tone with a Times fashion feature after all this naughty talk of going down… ‘Going up! Hems are rising again‘
At last, some good news for the chaps.
Likewise the Telegraph promotes: ‘The 25-best dressed women of 2021‘ – one doubts our Davina made the shortlist… what on earth is she wearing on the frontpage of the Daily Satyr? I do hope it was for a fancy dress superhero-themed party. I guessed wrong. Cue a rare credit hereabouts for Women’s Heath UK magazine who did the photoshoot with our Davina fresh from the dressing up box.
Speaking of disreputable Duchesses – as we were – the The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s PR machine has been busy as per usual jumping every bandwagon that comes along: ‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Pay Tribute to Desmond Tutu‘ (Harper’s Bazaar)
There’s hardly a day goes by we don’t hear some virtue signal from the woman I like to term the Duchess of Mouthy.
There’s one for all those legions of well-educated teenaged fans of Jacobean drama out there.
And speaking of Jacobean drama and our very own Prince Hal… who’s rather more manly namesake and distant forebear, rather than giving up the life of the soldier, grew up to bash the French as Henry V (bear with me, I’m on a segue way roll today) One hears that following the crossbow-armed intruder incident at Windsor Castle – and the inevitable calls for something must be done – our diminiative Princess Priti Patel is tasked with tightening the nation’s crossbow laws.
Given her track record level of success with toughening our immigration laws we can perhaps soon look forward to the skys above our streets being almost as filled with flying arrows as was the vacinity of Agincourt on Saint Crispin’s Day 1415.
Remind me… how did we get here? It’s not just me who for no apparent reason has got himself stuck in the Middle Ages – as is the preferred habit of our media to relentlessly relitigate in the search for justice, the Telegraph reopens a case colder than the average British home is going to be this winter as we open our gas bills: ‘Richard III ‘did not murder’ Edward V‘
One half expects Shakespeare to be cowered into issuing a grovelling retraction of his libellous play in 2022, for fear of m’learned friends breathing down his neck in search of damages. Now is the winter of our discontent, betwixt media and populace…?
Richard III. Where did they dig him up from? A car park in Leicester, apparently, he lay there undiscovered for over 500 years. It’s amazing what you can unearth in those parts, when you actually start really looking for it: ‘Leicester child prostitution trial: Six men jailed‘ (BBC August 2013)
But enough old news about young brown men and ancient white men resident in Leicester, it’s supposed to be ladies day…
‘Menopause ‘champions’ wanted for every office‘ (Times)
That’s for sure been calculated to encourage lots of unemployed demotivated directionless socially awkward and displayed suicide-prone young men back into the workplace (sarc – as the teenagers tend to text)
James Delingpole has reviewed the BBC offering of Around the World in 80 days in the Spectstor , in his usual witty style and found it to be Marxist anti British rubbish , which is why of course none of us on this site will have bothered to watch it.
The readers comments are excellent ranging from a chap who watched the entire first episode but decided that he would ‘ rather milk a cow with diarrhoea ‘ than watch the second episode , to another who decided after the first ten minutes that he would rather stick needles in his eyes than continue to watch.
The viewing figures are going to be interesting …. But I suppose they’ll be fixed – or not matter – or inaccurate because ‘they’ll all watch later ‘….
……I reckon every Christmas more people have it dawn on them what the BBC is now and that it is a stranger to them …..
…so there is some gain for us … but nothing will change under Dorries and nut nut …..
Viewing figures are estimated ‘ independently’ by BARB . They arrive at these estimates from input from about 15,000 ‘carefully’ selected households whose TV consumption is electronically monitored .
The obvious way in which these figures can be deliberately weighted in favour of the BBC is in the ‘selection process ‘ of the households. Events of the past few years have hugely increased my suspicion of all forms of officialdom as I believe that there is overwhelming evidence that the global liberal blob has taken control of almost all of our institutions and uses this control to ruthlessly push its agenda .
Preservation of the BBC , its main propaganda fog horn, is essential to the blob and I am sure that the blob will require BARB to play its part and provide boosted figures for BBC consumption in order to justify the License Fee or in future direct government funding.
Not the BBC – but the thing about JK Rowling being excluded from celebrating her creation ‘Harry potter ‘ seems to sum up the current madness .
I don’t know anything about the Harry Potter – apart from hysterical people having their picture taken at KingsX but how can the author be ‘cancelled ‘…. ?
Could you imagine Dickens being cancelled over a comment ?
( I’m not saying Rowling and Dickens are equivalent ).
“Teenagers taken into care in England to safeguard them from exploitation are being put at more serious risk in the care system itself, a report warns.”
I think we all know what this is all about and who the exploiting “Men” are ?
This website is produced by BBC Global News, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.
And creating a whole new generation of stoned, woke kids in the U.K.
🚨 A must watch: Henry dyne award winning crisis actor plays like his sick in a hospital bed with covid, live on BBC news, all to lead the sheep to the slaughter.
— Ninnyd 🇬🇧❤️🇺🇸 Waiting~4~the Revolution (@ninnyd101) December 28, 2021
Here's Henry's LinkedIn entry, together with a screengrab of the £8.5 MILLION NHS vacx phones, laptops, tablets & barcode printer contract Computacenter was awarded alongside Telefonica. (2/3)
“Boris Johnson has been put on notice by his own side”
Boris was put in power with a huge majority because of his promise of Brexit .
We do not have Brexit, he gave us ‘Brino’ .
Brexit in Name Only . Leaving the door open for his liberal colleagues to ‘nudge us back into the EU.
If we look at how this Country is run it’s such a disappointment.
Take the NHS for example.
This top heavy institution is not fit for purpose. It is outperformed by the similar health systems in Germany and France for example.
We are performing poorly in many other areas.
The immigration service or border forces are also not fit for purpose. We are helpless and seem unable to do anything about the mass arrivals.
We are getting the runaround with NI and don’t appear to be making any headway.
The Tories appear lukewarm about brexit and are not fulfilling the brexit we voted for.
The worst pensions compared to similar nations.
Hopeless at sorting out our energy with prices set to go through the roof yet little or no movement to become self sufficient. Small nuclear power stations take over a decade and we don’t appear to be doing anything about them. No fracking looks like happening and we have virtually no gas storage. Windmills aren’t the answer and we don’t get enough sun for solar to make much difference.
It looks like most will be worse off except those middle manager, diversity type of jobs so common in the NHS and other government funded employment. Civil servants will not lose out. In short, those who run the Country will be ok and they will make sure their mates are as well.
All the political parties are similar and are not the way forward.
I hope Reform etc can get their acts together because those in charge are just wasting the money that our actual businesses are still providing. The working part of the UK is paying for a big lazy blob of useless, mainly government/civil service types who are wasting huge amounts whilst making sure they are well paid for doing it.
We could do so much better than this lot in charge.
Any PM that goes against the wishes of the Blob ,as Nigel most certainly would, will be undermined, conspired against and eventually rendered ineffective and removed from office.
We do not live in a democracy but in a
We will continue to do so until the general public become fully aware of how the power of their vote has been taken from them. They might then be ripe for resisting the Blob. The role of the Blobists MSM is stop the public from ever becoming aware of their loss of power.
Agree with most of what you write except pensions.
I recently ‘bought’ an extra year of state pension. It cost £780 and gives me an extra £2 a Couple of years time.
So. That’s £104 per year guaranteed inflation proofed income for as long as I live for an outlay of £780.
A rate of return of over 13%..
Compared with commercial annuity rates of around 3%.
No wonder we are in such deep financial trouble with that kind of largesse, unappreciated by 90% of taxpayers.
The full state pension of £9000 per annum which so many are alleged to ‘deserve’ would require a pension pot of £300,000 for a private sector worker. Almost no-one ever pays in anything like that. As a deal it’s very hard to beat.
Covering the cost is of course left to others.
I’m on the old pension of £137 or about £7,000 a year after paying in for 50 years without missing a week.
That’s the pension most will be on (the old one) apart from those retiring in the last 5 years.
While I’m sure there will be deals out there such as the one you mentioned most people either don’t know much about them or are not savvy enough to find them and build up their pension pot so compared to the rest of similar Countries we get a lower pension.
Things like the (not increased for 12 years I think) heating allowance, well, we are on a cold Island with some parts of our mainland more northerly than the Capital of Alaska so although welcome it doesn’t cover the bills and the way energy prices are heading will become a bit like the £10 Christmas payment.
I have to admit that the best advice I received was in 1972 – when I was 24 (earning £18 pw), and asked to join the company pension scheme, paying in £5 per month from my wages. Reluctantly I did (thinking what I could buy for a fiver), but I didn’t miss it, and my contributions grew with my salary. As I changed jobs I transferred accordingly, or joined another company scheme and paying AVCs. So when I retired 15 years ago I had a few ‘top ups’ to my state pension.
Sadly youngsters today and in recent years put their current needs first rather than thinking ahead for their retirement. I suppose they do have the benefit of inheritance which my generation didn’t have.
I suppose someone’s got to pay for all the shiny new warships we are building like nobodies business, ready for the next World War. Not to mention the 70 new F35’s needed for both aircraft carriers.
I am not seeing your point here. Yes, F35s are expensive, but there has never been a cheap fighter plane. And I wish we were building lots of new ships. The ones which are planned merely take the place of the ones leaving service, and will still leave the navy with just 19 escorts, assuming they are all built.
Apparently pubs and bars lost on average £10,000 in the week before Christmas.
Given that this was reported in the Guardian it is unclear whether this is regarded as good news or bad news.
If only there was a state run enterprise to provide our social entertainment instead of all these private sector businesses who deserve all they get.
We could call it the National Hospitality Service.
Or NHS for short.
Then it would be certain of being saved.
In normal times the political cost of this to the SNP would be high but how will it play out with the present toxic mix of independence fever and Covid?
When doing various marketing courses in the seventies, I was always taught that the number-one issue was to respect the culture and philosophy of any country you wish to visit and work in, to understand their ideology, their religions, their passions, and anything to do with the place, as it was commercially incorrect and very rude to try and impose British views and instincts on people who didn’t want change. Much of this emanated from previous years when such colonialism was ‘allowed’, but certainly wouldn’t be soon, and most normal companies learned to accept this.
It was/is still a sound appreciation of how to work rest and play with other nations, but this philosophy has been hijacked by the woke, snowflake, lefty mob, carefully tended to by the MSM and especially the awful BBC, to bring unwanted ‘diversity’ to Great Britain, and these elite socialists tell normal British citizens that they have to abide by their Marxist rules, and we must not be ourselves any more.
The BBC have already gone too far with their ridiculous racist stirring at every turn, and are the main culprits for much of the unrest in towns and cities, where we are inundated with people who just will never adapt to the British values that I was taught, as set out above.
Their ‘Charter’ is well overdrawn nowadays, their attitude to Great British citizens is deplorable and when Boris is chucked, a new PM must get a decent person in cabinet to take them down for good!
Senora O’Blene and I have been discussing this at some length in recent days, as the awfull BBC’s output over Christmas has been derisory, and they’re soon getting back to full-on anti-British, anti-Trump, anti-normal Britain pretty damn quickly! Knob Rickerson is well in the frame for ‘gotchas’ but no actual results in his poor ‘interviews’! He clearly didn’t have the marketing expertise which was drummed into me back then, but there again, he’s only a ‘journo’, so not really worth a lot.
Boris the Botcher has only a few weeks to redeem himself now. The awful BBC are rubbing their grubby hands with glee, but let’s look at the alternatives – Surkeer, Fick Ange, Abbott, Lammy…
I’m so glad I’m getting old, I won’t have to worry about all these a*******s dealing with my country!
I wonder if anyone can help me ? Jon boy diamond geezer interviewed some bloke from ofsted . Apparently there are hundreds of illegal religious schools operating in Blighty .
This is very serious ( apparently ) . But I was vexed because Jonnie didn’t ask any one from the Protestants. Catholics . Jews . Sikhs , pagans …. Or anyone else about the nature of these Religious Schools?
Apparently the parents sending their kids to ‘religious schools ‘ don’t agree with the state what parts of the State Curriculum might that be ?
I’m not sure the BBC covered this story very well and left more questions than answers . Can anyone explain ….. why ?
Will New Year’s Eve have ‘border incidents where Welsh and Scottish people are ‘intercepted trying to travel from those places to Engerland …?
Will The Border Force be on hand to examine papers ? Turn people around ? Impound cars ? Take names and addresses? Issue ‘warnings ‘ ‘penalty notices ‘?
Happy days ….
Of course, the diamond geezer is a shoo-in for New Year dross, something to entertain the mush, and not really do very much except annoy normal Citizens.
If the awfull BBC were really interested in poking mullock at religion, they could start at ‘the religion of peace’, but of course they won’t.
Happy 2022 to you and Lady Scrob .
I was trying to do a ‘mental review ‘ of the Bias of 2021 but didn’t really get past the ‘non attention ‘ that the demented fraud US president got . And it is as much about what was not covered as much as what the BBC pushed and will continue to push until we end it . But it will be a long gradual struggle .
However – I don’t think it would take much to push our agenda forward –
Thank you Fed, and best wishes to you and yours! You’re running a tight ship, and I’m very grateful for the style you engender here!
While I’ve been posting on various sites since God knows when – probs when Prince Charles was up to no good, and I discovered ‘Throne Out’, (remember them), and I’m certainly not a republican, but I was able to cut my teeth on discussions on these good sites which are now up to the standard like you manage and continue to help normal people to get somewhere near the truth.
Guido and Iain Dale came next, and the latter has gone off on a tangent, and the first one still does do a great job in getting under politicians’ skin, but has loads of trolls as a consequence. But I do get in there because I like to!
This site has a lot more going for it than many people might imagine. We all agree that the BBC is a dreadful example of bullying, lefty shouters, with poor ‘journos’, and doing definitely poorer productions these days, and the under-managers pummel the British public with far too much wokeness and feeble displays or snowflakeness, it’s not surprising that whatever popularity they had a dozen years ago has just dissipated!
Sorry for the length of this item, but I hope you know where I’m coming from, or to be more precise, ‘From whence I arrived’!
Thank you – I get a bit moody sometimes and tell people off for going off subject – but generally we have to do that because the BBC just infects and area of life one could name . So I intend to be a bit more….. liberal ….in 2022 .
I’m lucky that I don’t have to take many posts down for content or even correct the language very often at all . I would like more people to come here and justify their BBC – but as we know – they’d be truly up against it .
The best they can do at the moment is to cut and paste comments made by others and attack those…
On the perverse upside – the coming cost of living pressure will see more TV licences cancelled – for many I think this will the first place to go to save a few bob ….
Seems like the Mail are picking up tips from the BBC. This morning they had a splash article on their home page having go at a Viscount over some suggested misuse of the Governments levelling up fund to get £330,00 to repair a driveway on his land.
All the usual left wing attacks are rolled out including a hint at Tory sleaze.
Reading on it is a classic case of error by omission. The driveway in fact leads to a privately owned historic home and museum open to the public so the road is used by the public the access the museum.
And it was the operators of the museum who has applied for the grant as visitors cars were being damaged by the pot-holed surface of the road.
Oddly, By this afternoon the article had vanished so I guess some sharp lawyers got on the case!
Cultural appropriation is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from minority cultures.
I am sure many will be dipping into their pockets:
Gordon Brown warns Afghanistan is the ‘biggest humanitarian crisis of our times’ and ‘entire country’ faces living in ‘absolute poverty’ under Taliban rule unless West pledges billions in aid
Ex-PM called on world to commit to the ‘largest humanitarian response ever’
Mr Brown said more than half of the Afghan population is facing extreme hunger
Afghanistan economy is expected to contract by 20 to 30% during 2022
Afghanistan’s economy was heavily reliant on western aid, which has now been withdrawn. It has also been cut off from the global financial system, meaning banks cannot borrow from abroad or access their foreign reserves.
The Afghan banking system is now almost entirely frozen, with customers unable to withdraw cash from ATMs, while the cash crisis has been exacerbated by the Taliban banning foreign money despite much of the economy running on dollars.
So Gordon Brown wants citizens in the UK to fork out cash to help a Country now controlled by a bunch of medieval thugs who’s main goal is to bring about the downfall of Western society in order to dominate it with their vile ideology.
Where do these people live in their heads?
The glaringly obvious solution is to throttle the Country financially until the average citizen is sick to death of the nasty activists who currently control it through guns and violence and brings about a citizens revolution.
digg, funny I thought. I thought, funny. Gordon Brown, former PM does not appear to know his own mind and mouth. Before Christmas he was telling us in the UK that “We must vaccinate the world. No-one is safe until everyone is safe.” Now Brown appears to have forgotten that.
Perhaps Gordon Brown has caught dementia from the BBC?
Aaah, Brown, the one bloke left to trash what Blair left him to do while he swanned off to squillions of splonders in directorships and envoy money!
Brown did more harm to the British economy than anyone else in recent history. He was utterly useless, and failed just about everyone, except for civil serpents, LAs etc., who were very well protected of course.
Maybe the good people of Afghanistan could have fought for their own country if it matters so much to them? If not, get on with living under the rule of the Taliban. I would not want to see one more British soldier ever die in Afghanistan.
A young friend was telling me recently that her son – who attends dance and drama school, and who was regularly invited for commercial auditions, has seen a marked drop-off in invites, as have other mothers of white offspring.
Less white children are now required to appear, in favour of mixed race children of which there are a dearth, due to companies wanting to be pc in showing white/black mother and father, so mixed race kids are the obvious choice.
So presumably, fewer citizens will bother to go to see the ‘shows’?
When our girls were small, the star of the show was mixed race, and brought the house down, and we all loved her, and when our lasses went on to older schools, girls from all over the world attended, and we all loved them all, because they did their bit – and worked so well with our Bristish girls, because it was what they all wanted!
We really don’t need to be told who we have to cohort with, but because the MSM and the awfull BBC still plunder the airwaves with such woke stuff, we tend to throw our hands up and say ‘sod ’em’!
99% of adverts of all types are not relevant to me at all. I’m not black, don’t have a black wife or multiracial kids and don’t host Christmas or New year parties with all my local black friends because I don’t have any. Clearly I am not their demographic so good luck to the companies who hope to attract the potential 3% black customers, which they won’t, at the expense of the many, many non-black customers they will inevitably lose because of non representation.
That’s the crux of the matter Moggs, 85% of the population are NOT their demographic, – and further to my comment above, see how often mixed race children are portrayed in preference to white kids.
I have noticed this despite deliberately avoiding adverts. The supermarket Christmas adverts are possibly the worst because that’s where I buy my food. Until I can find an alternative local source (I have my eye on my rather decent lawn even though there is a shortage of grass recipes) I have no real choice.
To my mind, this sort of positive discrimination (also called racism) is along the lines of Gillette’s suicidal advert effectively calling men rapists which saw their profits plummet.
You fail to mention that this was part of a comedy show in which every single absurd & *fictitious* character was making a variety of absurd & ridiculous observations.
But hey – why bother with honesty when your sole aim is to smear the BBC?
As pointed out, an unlikely path of humour for other races in the bbc infirmament, but shows what can happen with overly faithful satire samples, as Orson Welles discovered.
Wonder if they have ever had a ‘joke’ where a white person went into a Mosque and asked to stand near another white person to reduce the chance of him being the one who got murdered ?.
Never in a million years.
Tom’s twitter has another post just below saying:
‘Not content with Brexit, which has done more damage to the UK than anything since World War 2, Nigel Farage is turning his sights on the NHS.’
I think we can safely put Tom (who is proud to be a member of the Green party) in the usual far-left activist bracket and disregard anything and everything he says.
I always check the twitter feed of people like this now. It’s like reading a CV more honest than they would ever write themselves.
F2 RE OFSTED even in the Guardian from a few ywears ago:
Ofsted chief receives threats over private faith school criticism
Amanda Spielman tells of ‘venomous’ tweets and emails after accusing schools of resisting legal and moral duties
The head of Ofsted has received threats and abuse after accusing private faith schools run by religious conservatives of deliberately resisting British values and equalities law.
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector of schools in England, said she had received some “pretty venomous stuff” from what she believed to be a “mixture of Islamic extremists and the hard left”.
In an interview with the Times on Saturday she said: “I’m not easily bruised. I don’t fall over when I see a load of nasty tweets pointed at me, but there has been some pretty venomous stuff.
“I had an email, which was the most threatening one, which was along the lines of: ‘We know where you live and we can get you any time we want to.’”
In the inspectorate’s annual report published earlier this week, Spielman highlighted disturbing policies and literature used by private faith schools, and called for school inspectors to be given new powers to seize evidence during visits.
She said inspectors had found texts that encouraged domestic violence, the subjugation of women and homophobia at schools run religious conservatives.
Despite the backlash, which also reportedly led to extra security staff being drafted in at one of Ofsted’s regional offices after inspectors were sent extreme Islamic literature, Spielman said she would not stay quiet.
“If we let ourselves be intimidated out of discussing these issues, it’s children who will suffer.”
Her report said schools were deliberately choosing not to meet standards because of the tensions between legal requirements and community expectations.
Current powers were inadequate to tackle unregistered schools, which were being set up to avoid teaching in accordance with the law, she said.
Head of Ofsted threatened for defending ‘British values’
The chief inspector of schools in England has said she has received threats and abuse, after accusing some private faith schools run by religious conservatives of “deliberately flouting” British values and equalities law.
The head of Ofsted, Amanda Spielman, in her annual report, warned “there are those who seek to isolate young people from the mainstream, do not prepare them for life in Britain, or … actively undermine fundamental British values.”
The chief inspector said that within state education, there are schools spreading beliefs that are widely shared within the community that the school serves but that clash with society’s values: “The recent case of Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham showed that an ethos that completely segregates children in school and that spreads discriminatory views about women is unacceptable.”
Ms Spielman said that tensions between belief systems and British values create a motivation for some communities to try to avoid the educational and safeguarding standards that are expected of schools – and that illegal ‘schools’ are being created in order to avoid teaching democracy, mutual tolerance and respect.
This is why those who beg and bow and scrape for a UK passport then bite the hand that feeds them should always have the option of having UK nationality revoked when their true nature is revealed as so many of this type are duplicitous, evil, lying, scum who will say anything to get here.
A pause in the persistent rain and thought I would take a stroll. Walking down the High Street of my small coastal town I passed what is called the trash cafe. It is volunteer operated “shop” that collects surplus or near end of date food from local supermarkets and hands it over to needy families for what they can afford or nothing if no cash.
No doubt a worthy cause but what shocked me was seeing the long queue, I would estimate 200-300 strong waiting in the queue, many with small children.
This from just one small town of 50,000 or so souls.
I couldn’t help but remember the recent reports of thousands of pounds worth of free takeaway food being delivered to migrants in their hotels in Kent by border officials.
This is warped in every sense and the Government needs to wake up, get out of London and smell the coffee.
I invite Boris to make a visit to our local trash cafe to see what is really going on for British families.
Thing is food is cheap these days.
Apart from the feckless, people must be suffering from needing to spend their food money on accommodation and heating etc
There doesn’t seem to be any government policy on keeping energy bills low at the moment; the average hike in annual costs is around 40%, which will spell absolute disaster for millions of families in the UK.
And absolutely nobody in Boris’s bloody useless crowd of wandering puppets is doing anything about it!
The awful BBC are being totally useless in doing their job of seeking news properly; they don’t understand commercial content, and rely on gotchas like Knob Blobinson to try and make teeth look like skills in getting information for the plebs!
Eddy – I disagree – the last time I looked at the cost of a macee Dee it was over £2… obviously as a whitee I would not risk my life going into the macee Dee take away shop in downtown east londonistan ….
More seriously – the amount of obesity suggests food it cheap ….
In the context of the above thread, I’ll mention again a recent toe-curling story on BBCLondon, as the BBC reported rejoicing that an Afghan family had been given a nice new home in London. Isn’t that nice?
Conveniently ignoring the fact that very few British tax-paying citizens not living in London could afford to move to London. But of course in BBCLand, their interests are of no importance.
posted last year that complaints to the bBC were a complete waste of time.
In fact , the complaints management system consists of 1 man with a brown overall,( like are you being served) a wheelbarrow and an offsite incinerator.
The bBC dont do complaints …dont waste your time…or if you must write directly to:
Mr Tim Davie
half way
up a flagpole
Blue Sky
Thinking St.
s.trubble, the new building for New Broadcasting House and entrance thereto is just around the corner from (Little Red) Riding House (Hood) Street so your suggestion as to where to send complaints is both brave and good; straight to the Chief Wolf, the head of the pack of wolves that tear chunks out of our nation.
OVERALL TOADY Watch for the week – I am wondering why the BBC . . . …..
…… . . . did not publicise their Guest Editors for the TOADY Programme as they usually do? It seems to me that they used to start doing so early in December. This year: not a peep. There used to be endless trails which would increase in the week in which Christmas Eve was situated.
Could it be that the BBC have detected that the TOADY Programme was actually losing listeners in the week running up to New Years Day and that they did not want that trend to become habit forming? Certainly for a few years now I have found the programme content with a Guest Editor a good reason to not listen for a week.
Rob / Up2 yes I think there is a strong case for stopping or reducing exposure to the Today Propaganda show – I think if I was not reporting bits to this site I’d have stopped by now .
I see the Ministry of Fear and Blame (AKA the BBC ) is now enjoying the test kit shortage – maybe the RAF can fly to a Turkish airport and load up £30 millions worth of useless kits using the useless PPE debacle …..
Rob and Fed, I find that if I wake early and don’t sleep past it, listening to either the first ten or the first twenty-five minutes of TOADY on a weekday is the least painful. You get the 6 a.m. News (with a good idea what the leftists will winge about later in the programme), the weather waffle, the first look at the papers (getting another good sense of what the leftists will winge about later in the programme) fifteen minutes of business with O’Connell or David and then when one of the Sport Brothers says hello, I can either listen until 6.30 a.m. or switch off and get up.
We bought ‘Reach for the sky’ a few weeks ago, but Douglas Bader didn’t have a dog called ‘Trigger’, because he was already in ‘Only fools and horses’, and then the ‘Dicker of Fibley’ as a bloke with eternal bowell issues!
Billy Connolly used to joke about when he was a kid, he’d go about wearing a leatherette pilot’s helmet, on his knees, pretending to be the great man!
I didn’t think it was funny at the time, and probs still don’t, although Billy is getting a lot of attention these days, and I’m sorry he’s so very poorly!…
In an item about the rise in infections caused by Omicron and its impact on the NHS we said: ‘NHS England says between 20 and 30 per cent of critical care beds are occupied by Covid patients…. three quarters of those haven’t been vaccinated.’
We also said that the ‘vast majority’ of those in critical care are unvaccinated.
In fact, the most recent figures from the Intensive Care and National Audit Research Centre (ICNARC) show that 51% of intensive care patients in England with Covid in November were vaccinated and 48% were not.
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Any other organisation who were forced to admit such serious miss-truths would be subject to harsh sanctions given the effect on the population at large. The BBC of course get away with it via a mealy mouth “explainer”. They need to end up in court a few times to shut their lying and lefty partisan minions up.
Today’s crisis.
They are running out of LFT AND PCR tests.
This can be laid firmly and squarely on the public sector. DoH, NHS, Civil Servants.
Not the government.
But it is they who will get it in the neck.
While many whose uselessness have caused it will be defined as key workers.
The MSM are all plonking the blame on Boris and co, and while he was never going to win this one, they still scream and shout that it was his government which is to blame. The BBC are probably the worst offenders, as they wheel in countless ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ for even more gotchas by weedy interviewers, but the main reason is that the publically funded NHS, the LAs, and the civil serpents have all had a part to play in all this, and they don’t get clobbered at all!
I suppose, we all really know this, but never expect the awfull BBC to admit that their lefty bunch of nobodies will ever have the guts to expose the waste of resources, and eventually life.
I’m convinced I came home from germsville with Omicron – severe cold symptoms and runny nose. I also emerged with a dislocated jaw – courtesy of the anaesthetist (I assume) when shoving a pipe down my throat. Its still not right after 5 weeks.
The BBC appear to be casting doubts about the wisdom of their hero, Tony Blair, in creating separate Parliaments for Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland. For three days now the TWatO and TOADY crews have been pointing out the problems that different rules for dealing with ‘Ommycron’ in the devolved areas of their responsibility.
Initially, I think the BBC were hoping that the PM would cave in to the demands of some scientists and the Labour Party and introduce strict restrictions for England on Monday. Then the BBC would have a chance to catch the PM or members of his Party breaking the rules. But the BBC were thwarted in that hope.
Now the BBC appear to be going very cool on devolution and are having contributors on TOADY and TWatO that outline how stupid the rules are in the devolved countries. Surprising. And the PM sounding a note of caution about behaviour on New Year’s Eve has given the BBC another problem. If infections rise in Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland and do not in England, the PM will be doubly justified in his actions.
Up2 – ive raised the ‘experiment ‘ here before . Trying to figure out the outcome – in a week or 2 – i concluded that the numbers will be fiddled with to show no clear outcome or results which can support all sides .
I think blair has said in the past that setting up these extremist regimes was a mistake . Certainly very very expensive …
Fed, I haven’t heard Blair say that but I can believe it. It must be obvious to those with half a brain.
The Northern Ireland devolution was probably part of the overall Peace Package and to an extent it has worked in the Conservatives and conservatives favour keeping May going until she was replaced by an Election winner.
As for numbers, highest ever daily figures today – a new record – 183,037 but with only 57 deaths up from a (possibly record low? Stew to confirm) of 18. The bulk of the infections appear to people under 60 years of age.
Nice to see the amazon footy ignoring the embarrassing kneeling down nonsense multi millionaire footy boys do … the BBC always read out some socialist waffle ..
102,900 RED squirrels massacred by hunters
During the early part of the 20th century, gamekeepers and others viewed red squirrels as pests and a bounty was offered on their tails. In Scotland alone, between 1903 and 1946, 102,900 red squirrels were slaughtered.
Now that memories of this mass killing of red squirrels have disappeared into the murky past, our newly found concern for the survival of the species has come too late – and along with a scapegoat, the grey squirrel. Marketing the red as a ‘national treasure’ and the grey as a ‘pest’ merely transfers the label from one innocent species to another when all along the real problem, as usual, has been human interference in nature.
The new legislation will potentially give those who get their thrills from killing wild animals the green light to go and massacre squirrels again, this time greys instead of reds – with an official blessing from the government.
Greys are a pest. It is already legal to shoot pests. Indeed, in the case of greys, its a duty. Those in the know will know that so, where are the massacre’s coming from I ask.
This proves that the management and senior editors at the Guardian are running more scared of their wonky stupid woke staff than telling the truth so their reputation as an unbiased news service is now officially and totally shite.
There is only one truth Guardian, time you found your balls and come clean!
But I guess to you lot of vermin a vote is what you decide not what people actually vote for even if you have to bend the figures, now where have we seen that before?
Average Joe is recognising your tricks now and will not forget or forgive. You have had your run and now is the time for a reckoning.
John looks to me a very spun claim
The Dec 15th article was not a poll
but rather a simple survey form asking you to write an opinion on who you would nominate.
There was no way for input to show up on the page.
However there was a discussion on Twitter on who you should vote for
People said that you could see from Guardian comments that many people were favouring Rowling
by Dec 18th Guardian had switched off the form from further input.
Oh Covid came to our street, for one house
The 10 year old boy got it first .. mild
The 16 year old vaccine refusnik boy .. got hit hard
The 40 yo fittish father got it had to spend most of 10 day isolation in bed.
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
BBC mock the week, 10 mins in and so far they have gone after Trump, Johnson and Hancock.
Not really so much biased as bitter really.
It is the BBC after all!
I think secretly they know their lefty paradise is about to turn to sand.
“BBC desperate to keep Project Fear running despite hospitals not being overwhelmed . Shortages of stuff for Christmas didn’t happen . The lies stack up .”
It’s about time we found out what Nadine Dorries does for a living .
The trouble is they are never held to account because they are very clever at avoiding direct accountability with their system of lies.
How many here couldn’t get a turkey this Xmas ?. Or a tin of Quality Street ?.
I do notice that the Friends of the BBC club, being the Guardian and the Independent are running lots of hazy opinion polls on whether we should have left the EU or not with surprisingly a rise in the number of people who now think leaving was wrong.
This is a technique of using very targeted polls only including people who think like you do to suggest it is the National mood.
They have never forgiven the referendum result and they are not given up yet and will continue to push for rejoin for a long time yet.
Reminds me of those old blokes who used to walk around with sandwich boards saying the end of the world is nigh!
The mystery of Nadine. Two possibilities. Bribed with an offer of a place on either Bake Off, Strictly Come Dancing or I’m a celebrity.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. But a friend tells me in her local authority NHS workers can self certify for up to 28 days sick to save gp’s time. I do hope they are all honest. You could believe it was a decision to make difficult times more difficult.
It’s to ‘protect’ GPs from seeing patients.
This idea to protect NHS workers from diseases is a brilliant idea. Hardly any can disagree that NHS workers should be protected.
One can apply the principle to the armed forces. Also to RNLI – they should be protected and mandated not to go out into stormy seas just to save a few irresponsibles.
Another protected should be power electricity workers. They should not be forced to go out to repair power lines in stormy weather.
Moreover, to show how grateful we the public are, their salaries should be increased by 10%.
I read that the absence of some NHS staff is going to mean extra pressure on GP’s …..
FFS what F******g GP’s? They all did a runner when COVID hit !
When was the last time anyone on here saw a bloody GP?
Where is maxincony ? Is he self isolating ?
No, it’s either too early n the day, or too early in the week.
Maybe he has finally realised what a bunch of toads he tries to protect?
“Israel tries to contain avian flu outbreak after 5,000 wild cranes die
Published3 hours ago”
Here we go again !
My brother in law’s chickens are in lockdown
They are lucky to be alive, tomo, bearing in mind the BBC’s so-called ‘Christmas Turkey Shortage’.
After the enormous Christmas Lunch, I had a serious case of ‘lockdown’, but manged to recover after some Epsom Salts and a pint of Guinness…
They’s not producing many eggs – so I’s told.
More propaganda from the BBC:
“What a Greek tragedy teaches us about modern MIGRATION”
Basically, that we need more immigrants from Africa.
What did tha Greeks teach us about ‘The Trojan Horse’?
Somebody should have warned the Trojans.
Beware of gifts bearing Greeks.
Christians all over Afrtica, the ME, accepted invading and migrating Muslims. Now they are facing extinction by mass rape and eviction. This is the fate of Europe.
Illustrative is the town oif Bethlehem. Just a few decades back it was a Christian majority town when Israel governed it.
But due to pressure from leftys, Christians in the West, and strangely, Christians in Palestine, Israel handed control to the PA.
Bethlehem is now a Muslim town. The only reason that the Manger church is till a church is that it is the only source for money.
Wonder who. The description covers most of the ground floor.
I am not on Twitter, if you or anyone else is could you find more details, I am incensed at the hypocrisy of the bbc if this is true, allowing this kind of hate speech from black and asians unchallenged
Bet she’s not as worried as white people are when they see a young Asian walking along the railway platform with a rucksack.
I will call R4 to lodge a complaint if true, I walk in the countryside a lot never ever see BAMES and to hear this utter f@cking hateful, racist tripe promoted by an organisation that never stops banging on about bloody racism beggars belief to be honest
I walk along the Wolds Way a lot – and in the years I have been doing, I have only ever passed one single Chinese family on there. Never seen an Indian or Black person.
I will admit though that the Chinese family seemed wary of me until I said hello then they were very friendly.
OT but as Amol’s ex and a BBC proxy despite three paid readers, this epitomises the media…..
“Indy: Cost-of-living ‘catastrophe’ set to squeeze the country”
The quotes and failure to grasp their part in creating it is pure BBC too. And now they have a degree of separation ‘quote’ to “quote”.
I don’t think we ll be hearing much from noises such as Attenborough about fuel bill increases – courtesy of the ‘green levy ‘.
The msm mention – in passing – that the government can’t do much about the cost home home energy bills … that – of course – is another green lie ….
To be honest I don’t know we bother. The BBC is an anarchist
Marxist organization. We should just be grateful that
unlike China the BBC can’t send in the police to arrest
us for making our comments.
As for the Chinese it looks like that their upgrade on their
biggest ever “export” they have given to the world is
not as good as the previous versions. I wonder what the
next version will be like? And do you think that are clever
enough to increase their 50% of the World’s carbon
emissions and still have St Greta and the BBC not being
.. and make no mistake, if the Left had the power, they would shut us up one way or another.
Just look at what they are doing in the USA to the Capitol protestors. I wonder how much taxpayers money they have spent going after people for ‘trespassing’ up to now.
Listened to as much of Toady as I could stomach.
The guest presenter was Professor of Sociology at Brent University, Raheem Sterling.
And I must say that I have rarely heard such an unceasing monosyllabic contribution.
In fact it appeared to me that this was inferentially understood as Toenails did nearly all of his presenting. The socialist content was risible. Kids with two parents appear to be ‘advantaged’ if you follow the BBC narrative.
What next? A random geezer from down the chippie?
He’d have more to say.
Knowing who the ‘guest editor ‘ would be today I wondered how many comments there would be . I think I am done with ‘today ‘ and things BBC for this year – you might guess my New Years Resolution – which also involves the BBC …..
The random geezers from down the chippie are all now busily employed as continuity announcers, innit mate.
Journalism training da… minute at W1A.
And… fully qualified. Award from colleague by evening.
Women’s Heath UK
Well done the ‘i’ newspaper for gifting us a feature headline today that – perhaps accidentally – nicely sums up our health and safety obsessed nervous ninny covid-passport medicalised authoritarian state of the nation in 2021:
‘Books – the Feminist retelling of 1984‘ – look out George Orwell, they’ll be coming for your cigarette and little moustache next (Churchill has already had his cigars banned by the National Trust this week).
One senses it’s going to be a ladies day in the press today.
Our Yasmin Alibhai-Brown in the ‘i’ tips her metaphorical hat to some vague theoretical residual notion of Britain and tells us we’ll be hearing lots more from her in future – so we can all look forward to that: ‘I’m grateful to big hearted Brits …and will never be silenced by critics‘
Well, the lads have let us down: ‘Over and out. England crushed as Australia retain Ashes‘ (Guardian) – does one sense a little more than a hint of relish there in male failure?
I don’t know what Geoffry Boycott, Aggers or Blowers would say but Sally Jones in the Telegraph comments: ‘We English are never happier than when we are losing at sport‘ – speak for yourself, luv.
For ironic effect one had planned to highlight here our unsilencable Yasmin’s hypocrisy with a Tweet of her’s calling for Hate Laws to silence her critics and political opponents. Her Twitter profile sounded promising; bravely espousing her Leftist credentials and social justice warrior-like refusal to be silenced: ‘Breaking the silence on the toxic mix: Immigration, race and Brexit. My column‘
Here we go, or so I thought… however…
“You’re unable to view this Tweet because this account owner limits who can view their Tweets”
I think this is what’s known as broadcast-only or living in your own bubble.
Of course not all the Sistas speak with the same voice (or more properly Women – whatever they might happen to be…? Don’t ask Sir Keir, he can’t tell you): ‘Emma takes Howarts Express to TV reunion …but no sign of JK‘ (Daily Mail) – I’ll bet Rowling now wishes she could wave a wand and wish all those ungrateful virtue-signalling child actors away, back to the pennyless anonymity of the talent schools where she found them.
“Riddikulus Perfidious Over-Hyperbulous Snowflakius”
Speaking of female celebs getting down and dirty: ‘Crowning glory. Foy tipped for awards after ‘dirty Duchess’ triumph‘ (Daily Express)
I hear the TV audience considered Claire Foy’s recreation of the headless man sex act in A Very British Scandal was a bit of a flacid flop. Seems this BBC show is in need of some fluffing and the Express is apparently willing to go down and oblige.
Let’s raise the tone with a Times fashion feature after all this naughty talk of going down… ‘Going up! Hems are rising again‘
At last, some good news for the chaps.
Likewise the Telegraph promotes: ‘The 25-best dressed women of 2021‘ – one doubts our Davina made the shortlist… what on earth is she wearing on the frontpage of the Daily Satyr? I do hope it was for a fancy dress superhero-themed party. I guessed wrong. Cue a rare credit hereabouts for Women’s Heath UK magazine who did the photoshoot with our Davina fresh from the dressing up box.
Speaking of disreputable Duchesses – as we were – the The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s PR machine has been busy as per usual jumping every bandwagon that comes along: ‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Pay Tribute to Desmond Tutu‘ (Harper’s Bazaar)
There’s hardly a day goes by we don’t hear some virtue signal from the woman I like to term the Duchess of Mouthy.
There’s one for all those legions of well-educated teenaged fans of Jacobean drama out there.
And speaking of Jacobean drama and our very own Prince Hal… who’s rather more manly namesake and distant forebear, rather than giving up the life of the soldier, grew up to bash the French as Henry V (bear with me, I’m on a segue way roll today) One hears that following the crossbow-armed intruder incident at Windsor Castle – and the inevitable calls for something must be done – our diminiative Princess Priti Patel is tasked with tightening the nation’s crossbow laws.
Given her track record level of success with toughening our immigration laws we can perhaps soon look forward to the skys above our streets being almost as filled with flying arrows as was the vacinity of Agincourt on Saint Crispin’s Day 1415.
Remind me… how did we get here? It’s not just me who for no apparent reason has got himself stuck in the Middle Ages – as is the preferred habit of our media to relentlessly relitigate in the search for justice, the Telegraph reopens a case colder than the average British home is going to be this winter as we open our gas bills: ‘Richard III ‘did not murder’ Edward V‘
One half expects Shakespeare to be cowered into issuing a grovelling retraction of his libellous play in 2022, for fear of m’learned friends breathing down his neck in search of damages. Now is the winter of our discontent, betwixt media and populace…?
Richard III. Where did they dig him up from? A car park in Leicester, apparently, he lay there undiscovered for over 500 years. It’s amazing what you can unearth in those parts, when you actually start really looking for it: ‘Leicester child prostitution trial: Six men jailed‘ (BBC August 2013)
But enough old news about young brown men and ancient white men resident in Leicester, it’s supposed to be ladies day…
‘Menopause ‘champions’ wanted for every office‘ (Times)
That’s for sure been calculated to encourage lots of unemployed demotivated directionless socially awkward and displayed suicide-prone young men back into the workplace (sarc – as the teenagers tend to text)
This review ought to have had some form of trigger warning attached – to quote from Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction:
“I’ma get medieval on your ass”
Regarding the Duchess of Argyll, I am led to believe she remarked:
“If you were a gentlemen you would not make me do this”
She received the reply:
“And if you were a lady you would not speak with your mouth full”
James Delingpole has reviewed the BBC offering of Around the World in 80 days in the Spectstor , in his usual witty style and found it to be Marxist anti British rubbish , which is why of course none of us on this site will have bothered to watch it.
The readers comments are excellent ranging from a chap who watched the entire first episode but decided that he would ‘ rather milk a cow with diarrhoea ‘ than watch the second episode , to another who decided after the first ten minutes that he would rather stick needles in his eyes than continue to watch.
The viewing figures are going to be interesting …. But I suppose they’ll be fixed – or not matter – or inaccurate because ‘they’ll all watch later ‘….
……I reckon every Christmas more people have it dawn on them what the BBC is now and that it is a stranger to them …..
…so there is some gain for us … but nothing will change under Dorries and nut nut …..
Viewing figures are estimated ‘ independently’ by BARB . They arrive at these estimates from input from about 15,000 ‘carefully’ selected households whose TV consumption is electronically monitored .
The obvious way in which these figures can be deliberately weighted in favour of the BBC is in the ‘selection process ‘ of the households. Events of the past few years have hugely increased my suspicion of all forms of officialdom as I believe that there is overwhelming evidence that the global liberal blob has taken control of almost all of our institutions and uses this control to ruthlessly push its agenda .
Preservation of the BBC , its main propaganda fog horn, is essential to the blob and I am sure that the blob will require BARB to play its part and provide boosted figures for BBC consumption in order to justify the License Fee or in future direct government funding.
Not the BBC – but the thing about JK Rowling being excluded from celebrating her creation ‘Harry potter ‘ seems to sum up the current madness .
I don’t know anything about the Harry Potter – apart from hysterical people having their picture taken at KingsX but how can the author be ‘cancelled ‘…. ?
Could you imagine Dickens being cancelled over a comment ?
( I’m not saying Rowling and Dickens are equivalent ).
Time to Cancel the Cancel Culture.
We can all do it by calling the Marxists out for what they are .
“Teenagers taken into care in England to safeguard them from exploitation are being put at more serious risk in the care system itself, a report warns.”
I think we all know what this is all about and who the exploiting “Men” are ?
Or some mothers hippy style, who don’t have them off on bbc photo shoots?
Ah… a ‘’journalist’… in CA.
This website is produced by BBC Global News, a commercial company owned by the BBC (and just the BBC). No money from the licence fee was used to create this website. The money we make from it is re-invested to help fund the BBC’s international journalism.
And creating a whole new generation of stoned, woke kids in the U.K.
BBC crisis actor….
apols if this is a repeat
BBC audience twat who knows a bbc ‘news’ twat in editorial.
BBC News
An increasing number of mothers are using cannabis to help them parent.
Amazingly, some young Earth mother pictured in a forest on a log… no child evident.
They are a bunch of twats trying to justify being a twat!
This is from July 2021
His dyne words, very moving.
But not black though………………
“Boris Johnson has been put on notice by his own side”
Boris was put in power with a huge majority because of his promise of Brexit .
We do not have Brexit, he gave us ‘Brino’ .
Brexit in Name Only . Leaving the door open for his liberal colleagues to ‘nudge us back into the EU.
If we look at how this Country is run it’s such a disappointment.
Take the NHS for example.
This top heavy institution is not fit for purpose. It is outperformed by the similar health systems in Germany and France for example.
We are performing poorly in many other areas.
The immigration service or border forces are also not fit for purpose. We are helpless and seem unable to do anything about the mass arrivals.
We are getting the runaround with NI and don’t appear to be making any headway.
The Tories appear lukewarm about brexit and are not fulfilling the brexit we voted for.
The worst pensions compared to similar nations.
Hopeless at sorting out our energy with prices set to go through the roof yet little or no movement to become self sufficient. Small nuclear power stations take over a decade and we don’t appear to be doing anything about them. No fracking looks like happening and we have virtually no gas storage. Windmills aren’t the answer and we don’t get enough sun for solar to make much difference.
It looks like most will be worse off except those middle manager, diversity type of jobs so common in the NHS and other government funded employment. Civil servants will not lose out. In short, those who run the Country will be ok and they will make sure their mates are as well.
All the political parties are similar and are not the way forward.
I hope Reform etc can get their acts together because those in charge are just wasting the money that our actual businesses are still providing. The working part of the UK is paying for a big lazy blob of useless, mainly government/civil service types who are wasting huge amounts whilst making sure they are well paid for doing it.
We could do so much better than this lot in charge.
Emmanuel Goldstein
I am pretty sure that Nigel Farage would be a much better Prime Minister than Boris .
What say you all ?
I am sure his favourite Peppa Pig would be a much better PM than Boris. It’s possible even a real pig would be.
Any PM that goes against the wishes of the Blob ,as Nigel most certainly would, will be undermined, conspired against and eventually rendered ineffective and removed from office.
We do not live in a democracy but in a
We will continue to do so until the general public become fully aware of how the power of their vote has been taken from them. They might then be ripe for resisting the Blob. The role of the Blobists MSM is stop the public from ever becoming aware of their loss of power.
Would Mr Blobby stand a chance? That is, apart from the fact he was a Blobby Broadcasting Corporation invention.
Agree with most of what you write except pensions.
I recently ‘bought’ an extra year of state pension. It cost £780 and gives me an extra £2 a Couple of years time.
So. That’s £104 per year guaranteed inflation proofed income for as long as I live for an outlay of £780.
A rate of return of over 13%..
Compared with commercial annuity rates of around 3%.
No wonder we are in such deep financial trouble with that kind of largesse, unappreciated by 90% of taxpayers.
The full state pension of £9000 per annum which so many are alleged to ‘deserve’ would require a pension pot of £300,000 for a private sector worker. Almost no-one ever pays in anything like that. As a deal it’s very hard to beat.
Covering the cost is of course left to others.
I’m on the old pension of £137 or about £7,000 a year after paying in for 50 years without missing a week.
That’s the pension most will be on (the old one) apart from those retiring in the last 5 years.
While I’m sure there will be deals out there such as the one you mentioned most people either don’t know much about them or are not savvy enough to find them and build up their pension pot so compared to the rest of similar Countries we get a lower pension.
Things like the (not increased for 12 years I think) heating allowance, well, we are on a cold Island with some parts of our mainland more northerly than the Capital of Alaska so although welcome it doesn’t cover the bills and the way energy prices are heading will become a bit like the £10 Christmas payment.
I have to admit that the best advice I received was in 1972 – when I was 24 (earning £18 pw), and asked to join the company pension scheme, paying in £5 per month from my wages. Reluctantly I did (thinking what I could buy for a fiver), but I didn’t miss it, and my contributions grew with my salary. As I changed jobs I transferred accordingly, or joined another company scheme and paying AVCs. So when I retired 15 years ago I had a few ‘top ups’ to my state pension.
Sadly youngsters today and in recent years put their current needs first rather than thinking ahead for their retirement. I suppose they do have the benefit of inheritance which my generation didn’t have.
“The worst pensions compared to similar nations.”
I suppose someone’s got to pay for all the shiny new warships we are building like nobodies business, ready for the next World War. Not to mention the 70 new F35’s needed for both aircraft carriers.
Are you serious? The British government spends £2 billion a day, a vast amount of which is wasted, and you are attacking the armed forces?
No I’m not serious. Just making a point for equivalence.
Surprised at you thinking (as ex-military – like you?) the comment was an, ‘attack’ on the armed forces.
I am not seeing your point here. Yes, F35s are expensive, but there has never been a cheap fighter plane. And I wish we were building lots of new ships. The ones which are planned merely take the place of the ones leaving service, and will still leave the navy with just 19 escorts, assuming they are all built.
Not on Al Beeb yet but Patel and Crossbows ?
I suppose it will detract us all from doing nothing about the 28000+ invaders landing on our coast.
“Crossbow law review bittersweet, says partner of murdered man”
They must have seen the above post ?
Perhaps maxicony will do a fact check on that ?
Apparently pubs and bars lost on average £10,000 in the week before Christmas.
Given that this was reported in the Guardian it is unclear whether this is regarded as good news or bad news.
If only there was a state run enterprise to provide our social entertainment instead of all these private sector businesses who deserve all they get.
We could call it the National Hospitality Service.
Or NHS for short.
Then it would be certain of being saved.
I’ll drink to that!
“Scots urged not to travel to England for New Year parties”
The absurdity of it all , that the people of Scotland will not be able to celebrate the very Scottish celebration .
In normal times the political cost of this to the SNP would be high but how will it play out with the present toxic mix of independence fever and Covid?
Who was urging them, and why?
When doing various marketing courses in the seventies, I was always taught that the number-one issue was to respect the culture and philosophy of any country you wish to visit and work in, to understand their ideology, their religions, their passions, and anything to do with the place, as it was commercially incorrect and very rude to try and impose British views and instincts on people who didn’t want change. Much of this emanated from previous years when such colonialism was ‘allowed’, but certainly wouldn’t be soon, and most normal companies learned to accept this.
It was/is still a sound appreciation of how to work rest and play with other nations, but this philosophy has been hijacked by the woke, snowflake, lefty mob, carefully tended to by the MSM and especially the awful BBC, to bring unwanted ‘diversity’ to Great Britain, and these elite socialists tell normal British citizens that they have to abide by their Marxist rules, and we must not be ourselves any more.
The BBC have already gone too far with their ridiculous racist stirring at every turn, and are the main culprits for much of the unrest in towns and cities, where we are inundated with people who just will never adapt to the British values that I was taught, as set out above.
Their ‘Charter’ is well overdrawn nowadays, their attitude to Great British citizens is deplorable and when Boris is chucked, a new PM must get a decent person in cabinet to take them down for good!
A decent person from the Marxist cowardly Tory party? There aren’t any!
‘Fraid you’re right, Fed!
Senora O’Blene and I have been discussing this at some length in recent days, as the awfull BBC’s output over Christmas has been derisory, and they’re soon getting back to full-on anti-British, anti-Trump, anti-normal Britain pretty damn quickly! Knob Rickerson is well in the frame for ‘gotchas’ but no actual results in his poor ‘interviews’! He clearly didn’t have the marketing expertise which was drummed into me back then, but there again, he’s only a ‘journo’, so not really worth a lot.
Boris the Botcher has only a few weeks to redeem himself now. The awful BBC are rubbing their grubby hands with glee, but let’s look at the alternatives – Surkeer, Fick Ange, Abbott, Lammy…
I’m so glad I’m getting old, I won’t have to worry about all these a*******s dealing with my country!
You get the picture?
I watched Mark Francois talking to Nigel Farage on GB News, and am bound to say I think he is a good egg.
Well said Scrob.
Sorry, Thoughts, I said Fed, not your goodself!
Well, we’d had a tincture or three…
I’ll answer properly next time!
And thank you, Double!
World at one
I wonder if anyone can help me ? Jon boy diamond geezer interviewed some bloke from ofsted . Apparently there are hundreds of illegal religious schools operating in Blighty .
This is very serious ( apparently ) . But I was vexed because Jonnie didn’t ask any one from the Protestants. Catholics . Jews . Sikhs , pagans …. Or anyone else about the nature of these Religious Schools?
Apparently the parents sending their kids to ‘religious schools ‘ don’t agree with the state what parts of the State Curriculum might that be ?
I’m not sure the BBC covered this story very well and left more questions than answers . Can anyone explain ….. why ?
World at one 2
Will New Year’s Eve have ‘border incidents where Welsh and Scottish people are ‘intercepted trying to travel from those places to Engerland …?
Will The Border Force be on hand to examine papers ? Turn people around ? Impound cars ? Take names and addresses? Issue ‘warnings ‘ ‘penalty notices ‘?
Happy days ….
No, the Border Farce will simply ferry the incomers to a club/pub of their choice and offer free pizzas on the way. All down to HM Government.
Nice one, Fed!
Of course, the diamond geezer is a shoo-in for New Year dross, something to entertain the mush, and not really do very much except annoy normal Citizens.
If the awfull BBC were really interested in poking mullock at religion, they could start at ‘the religion of peace’, but of course they won’t.
Happy 2022 to you and Lady Scrob .
I was trying to do a ‘mental review ‘ of the Bias of 2021 but didn’t really get past the ‘non attention ‘ that the demented fraud US president got . And it is as much about what was not covered as much as what the BBC pushed and will continue to push until we end it . But it will be a long gradual struggle .
However – I don’t think it would take much to push our agenda forward –
Thank you Fed, and best wishes to you and yours! You’re running a tight ship, and I’m very grateful for the style you engender here!
While I’ve been posting on various sites since God knows when – probs when Prince Charles was up to no good, and I discovered ‘Throne Out’, (remember them), and I’m certainly not a republican, but I was able to cut my teeth on discussions on these good sites which are now up to the standard like you manage and continue to help normal people to get somewhere near the truth.
Guido and Iain Dale came next, and the latter has gone off on a tangent, and the first one still does do a great job in getting under politicians’ skin, but has loads of trolls as a consequence. But I do get in there because I like to!
This site has a lot more going for it than many people might imagine. We all agree that the BBC is a dreadful example of bullying, lefty shouters, with poor ‘journos’, and doing definitely poorer productions these days, and the under-managers pummel the British public with far too much wokeness and feeble displays or snowflakeness, it’s not surprising that whatever popularity they had a dozen years ago has just dissipated!
Sorry for the length of this item, but I hope you know where I’m coming from, or to be more precise, ‘From whence I arrived’!
Thank you – I get a bit moody sometimes and tell people off for going off subject – but generally we have to do that because the BBC just infects and area of life one could name . So I intend to be a bit more….. liberal ….in 2022 .
I’m lucky that I don’t have to take many posts down for content or even correct the language very often at all . I would like more people to come here and justify their BBC – but as we know – they’d be truly up against it .
The best they can do at the moment is to cut and paste comments made by others and attack those…
On the perverse upside – the coming cost of living pressure will see more TV licences cancelled – for many I think this will the first place to go to save a few bob ….
They are busy building an alternative society which will challenge the existing one when they have enough boat people on board.
Seems like the Mail are picking up tips from the BBC. This morning they had a splash article on their home page having go at a Viscount over some suggested misuse of the Governments levelling up fund to get £330,00 to repair a driveway on his land.
All the usual left wing attacks are rolled out including a hint at Tory sleaze.
Reading on it is a classic case of error by omission. The driveway in fact leads to a privately owned historic home and museum open to the public so the road is used by the public the access the museum.
And it was the operators of the museum who has applied for the grant as visitors cars were being damaged by the pot-holed surface of the road.
Oddly, By this afternoon the article had vanished so I guess some sharp lawyers got on the case!
However here is a link to the original article.
BAMES are learning Welsh BBC reports.
Mae Cymru yn llawn. Nid ydym am gael mwy o dramorwyr hyd yn oed os gallant siarad Cymraeg
Cultural appropriation is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from minority cultures.
What about the other way round when a culture pretends to be interested in sofas when they are not?
As the author says – he “hopes the article looks like conspiratorial garbage in a couple of weeks”!
One might hope that the world class journalists at the BBC might’ve jumped a jet for a bit of sunshine and a scoop?
Andrew Harding even?
“Covid: Warning over patchy lateral flow test supply”
Fear, fear, fear .
I am sure many will be dipping into their pockets:
Gordon Brown warns Afghanistan is the ‘biggest humanitarian crisis of our times’ and ‘entire country’ faces living in ‘absolute poverty’ under Taliban rule unless West pledges billions in aid
Ex-PM called on world to commit to the ‘largest humanitarian response ever’
Mr Brown said more than half of the Afghan population is facing extreme hunger
Afghanistan economy is expected to contract by 20 to 30% during 2022
Afghanistan’s economy was heavily reliant on western aid, which has now been withdrawn. It has also been cut off from the global financial system, meaning banks cannot borrow from abroad or access their foreign reserves.
The Afghan banking system is now almost entirely frozen, with customers unable to withdraw cash from ATMs, while the cash crisis has been exacerbated by the Taliban banning foreign money despite much of the economy running on dollars.
One for the Taliban to help out ?
So Gordon Brown wants citizens in the UK to fork out cash to help a Country now controlled by a bunch of medieval thugs who’s main goal is to bring about the downfall of Western society in order to dominate it with their vile ideology.
Where do these people live in their heads?
The glaringly obvious solution is to throttle the Country financially until the average citizen is sick to death of the nasty activists who currently control it through guns and violence and brings about a citizens revolution.
digg, funny I thought. I thought, funny. Gordon Brown, former PM does not appear to know his own mind and mouth. Before Christmas he was telling us in the UK that “We must vaccinate the world. No-one is safe until everyone is safe.” Now Brown appears to have forgotten that.
Perhaps Gordon Brown has caught dementia from the BBC?
Aaah, Brown, the one bloke left to trash what Blair left him to do while he swanned off to squillions of splonders in directorships and envoy money!
Brown did more harm to the British economy than anyone else in recent history. He was utterly useless, and failed just about everyone, except for civil serpents, LAs etc., who were very well protected of course.
Maybe the good people of Afghanistan could have fought for their own country if it matters so much to them? If not, get on with living under the rule of the Taliban. I would not want to see one more British soldier ever die in Afghanistan.
The ‘West’ should step back and let the CCP take the lead. After all, they are after the minerals aren’t they?
Surely all the Afghans can come here!
Sign of the times.
A young friend was telling me recently that her son – who attends dance and drama school, and who was regularly invited for commercial auditions, has seen a marked drop-off in invites, as have other mothers of white offspring.
Less white children are now required to appear, in favour of mixed race children of which there are a dearth, due to companies wanting to be pc in showing white/black mother and father, so mixed race kids are the obvious choice.
So presumably, fewer citizens will bother to go to see the ‘shows’?
When our girls were small, the star of the show was mixed race, and brought the house down, and we all loved her, and when our lasses went on to older schools, girls from all over the world attended, and we all loved them all, because they did their bit – and worked so well with our Bristish girls, because it was what they all wanted!
We really don’t need to be told who we have to cohort with, but because the MSM and the awfull BBC still plunder the airwaves with such woke stuff, we tend to throw our hands up and say ‘sod ’em’!
Scrobs, I was particularly referring to the ads on tv, not theatre.
Oooops, sorry Brissles…
Can’t get out of this one…:0(
99% of adverts of all types are not relevant to me at all. I’m not black, don’t have a black wife or multiracial kids and don’t host Christmas or New year parties with all my local black friends because I don’t have any. Clearly I am not their demographic so good luck to the companies who hope to attract the potential 3% black customers, which they won’t, at the expense of the many, many non-black customers they will inevitably lose because of non representation.
That’s the crux of the matter Moggs, 85% of the population are NOT their demographic, – and further to my comment above, see how often mixed race children are portrayed in preference to white kids.
I have noticed this despite deliberately avoiding adverts. The supermarket Christmas adverts are possibly the worst because that’s where I buy my food. Until I can find an alternative local source (I have my eye on my rather decent lawn even though there is a shortage of grass recipes) I have no real choice.
To my mind, this sort of positive discrimination (also called racism) is along the lines of Gillette’s suicidal advert effectively calling men rapists which saw their profits plummet.
To be fair, in preference to black ones as well. The Mulatto look is dominant, especially girls with big hair.
I’m guessing Klaus has had some remorse issues with that jacket?
Nice cod pieces!
Always were liars, those aliens! No man with a helmet like that ever got to wear such a stupid bit of kit – he didn’t need to!
A clarification.
As pointed out, an unlikely path of humour for other races in the bbc infirmament, but shows what can happen with overly faithful satire samples, as Orson Welles discovered.
Perhaps a bit close to accuracy?
Wonder if they have ever had a ‘joke’ where a white person went into a Mosque and asked to stand near another white person to reduce the chance of him being the one who got murdered ?.
Never in a million years.
Tom’s twitter has another post just below saying:
‘Not content with Brexit, which has done more damage to the UK than anything since World War 2, Nigel Farage is turning his sights on the NHS.’
I think we can safely put Tom (who is proud to be a member of the Green party) in the usual far-left activist bracket and disregard anything and everything he says.
I always check the twitter feed of people like this now. It’s like reading a CV more honest than they would ever write themselves.
Outrage at China’s ‘racist’ whitewashing advert
Outrage at China’s ‘racist’ whitewashing advert
A Chinese detergent advertisement is being dubbed the most racist commercial to be screened.
It mirrors an Italian advert for detergent, equally fraught with ethical issues.
Philippa Thomas reports.
Published27 May 2016SectionBBC NewsSubsectionAsia
F2 RE OFSTED even in the Guardian from a few ywears ago:
Ofsted chief receives threats over private faith school criticism
Amanda Spielman tells of ‘venomous’ tweets and emails after accusing schools of resisting legal and moral duties
The head of Ofsted has received threats and abuse after accusing private faith schools run by religious conservatives of deliberately resisting British values and equalities law.
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector of schools in England, said she had received some “pretty venomous stuff” from what she believed to be a “mixture of Islamic extremists and the hard left”.
In an interview with the Times on Saturday she said: “I’m not easily bruised. I don’t fall over when I see a load of nasty tweets pointed at me, but there has been some pretty venomous stuff.
“I had an email, which was the most threatening one, which was along the lines of: ‘We know where you live and we can get you any time we want to.’”
In the inspectorate’s annual report published earlier this week, Spielman highlighted disturbing policies and literature used by private faith schools, and called for school inspectors to be given new powers to seize evidence during visits.
She said inspectors had found texts that encouraged domestic violence, the subjugation of women and homophobia at schools run religious conservatives.
Despite the backlash, which also reportedly led to extra security staff being drafted in at one of Ofsted’s regional offices after inspectors were sent extreme Islamic literature, Spielman said she would not stay quiet.
“If we let ourselves be intimidated out of discussing these issues, it’s children who will suffer.”
Her report said schools were deliberately choosing not to meet standards because of the tensions between legal requirements and community expectations.
Current powers were inadequate to tackle unregistered schools, which were being set up to avoid teaching in accordance with the law, she said.
Speaking of the Graun…
This clown crops up on Twitter and not surprised the Graun post in FB managed a few responses, mostly derisory.
Guess he is front runner for Rog 2?
Is “religious conservatives” code for something?
Head of Ofsted threatened for defending ‘British values’
The chief inspector of schools in England has said she has received threats and abuse, after accusing some private faith schools run by religious conservatives of “deliberately flouting” British values and equalities law.
The head of Ofsted, Amanda Spielman, in her annual report, warned “there are those who seek to isolate young people from the mainstream, do not prepare them for life in Britain, or … actively undermine fundamental British values.”
The chief inspector said that within state education, there are schools spreading beliefs that are widely shared within the community that the school serves but that clash with society’s values: “The recent case of Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham showed that an ethos that completely segregates children in school and that spreads discriminatory views about women is unacceptable.”
Ms Spielman said that tensions between belief systems and British values create a motivation for some communities to try to avoid the educational and safeguarding standards that are expected of schools – and that illegal ‘schools’ are being created in order to avoid teaching democracy, mutual tolerance and respect.
This is why those who beg and bow and scrape for a UK passport then bite the hand that feeds them should always have the option of having UK nationality revoked when their true nature is revealed as so many of this type are duplicitous, evil, lying, scum who will say anything to get here.
A pause in the persistent rain and thought I would take a stroll. Walking down the High Street of my small coastal town I passed what is called the trash cafe. It is volunteer operated “shop” that collects surplus or near end of date food from local supermarkets and hands it over to needy families for what they can afford or nothing if no cash.
No doubt a worthy cause but what shocked me was seeing the long queue, I would estimate 200-300 strong waiting in the queue, many with small children.
This from just one small town of 50,000 or so souls.
I couldn’t help but remember the recent reports of thousands of pounds worth of free takeaway food being delivered to migrants in their hotels in Kent by border officials.
This is warped in every sense and the Government needs to wake up, get out of London and smell the coffee.
I invite Boris to make a visit to our local trash cafe to see what is really going on for British families.
I’m seething!
Thing is food is cheap these days.
Apart from the feckless, people must be suffering from needing to spend their food money on accommodation and heating etc
Certainly heating, Eddy.
There doesn’t seem to be any government policy on keeping energy bills low at the moment; the average hike in annual costs is around 40%, which will spell absolute disaster for millions of families in the UK.
And absolutely nobody in Boris’s bloody useless crowd of wandering puppets is doing anything about it!
The awful BBC are being totally useless in doing their job of seeking news properly; they don’t understand commercial content, and rely on gotchas like Knob Blobinson to try and make teeth look like skills in getting information for the plebs!
Something tells me that Al Beeb’ news researchers visit this site looking for breaking news ?
Eddy – I disagree – the last time I looked at the cost of a macee Dee it was over £2… obviously as a whitee I would not risk my life going into the macee Dee take away shop in downtown east londonistan ….
More seriously – the amount of obesity suggests food it cheap ….
Going to takeaways is too much effort and so last decade.
Just go onto the Deliveroo or Just Eat app,
click on a few buttons, half an hour later it’s delivered to the door by some swarthy alien on a push bike with no lights on.
It’s a bit of an effort to walk the five yards to the front door, though.
In the context of the above thread, I’ll mention again a recent toe-curling story on BBCLondon, as the BBC reported rejoicing that an Afghan family had been given a nice new home in London. Isn’t that nice?
Conveniently ignoring the fact that very few British tax-paying citizens not living in London could afford to move to London. But of course in BBCLand, their interests are of no importance.
posted last year that complaints to the bBC were a complete waste of time.
In fact , the complaints management system consists of 1 man with a brown overall,( like are you being served) a wheelbarrow and an offsite incinerator.
The bBC dont do complaints …dont waste your time…or if you must write directly to:
Mr Tim Davie
half way
up a flagpole
Blue Sky
Thinking St.
s.trubble, the new building for New Broadcasting House and entrance thereto is just around the corner from (Little Red) Riding
House(Hood) Street so your suggestion as to where to send complaints is both brave and good; straight to the Chief Wolf, the head of the pack of wolves that tear chunks out of our nation.OVERALL TOADY Watch for the week – I am wondering why the BBC . . . …..
…… . . . did not publicise their Guest Editors for the TOADY Programme as they usually do? It seems to me that they used to start doing so early in December. This year: not a peep. There used to be endless trails which would increase in the week in which Christmas Eve was situated.
Could it be that the BBC have detected that the TOADY Programme was actually losing listeners in the week running up to New Years Day and that they did not want that trend to become habit forming? Certainly for a few years now I have found the programme content with a Guest Editor a good reason to not listen for a week.
Give the Today programme up for good. I did. Listening to those whingeing leftists first thing in the morning is no way to start the day.
Rob / Up2 yes I think there is a strong case for stopping or reducing exposure to the Today Propaganda show – I think if I was not reporting bits to this site I’d have stopped by now .
I see the Ministry of Fear and Blame (AKA the BBC ) is now enjoying the test kit shortage – maybe the RAF can fly to a Turkish airport and load up £30 millions worth of useless kits using the useless PPE debacle …..
Listening to Toady in the morning is better for you than All Bran (other breakfast cereals are available), your’e given the sh1ts a lot quicker!
What exactly was wrong with the millions of kits that they bought unseen and clogged up Felixstowe container park for 6 months ?
– I mean … they only want props now – surely they’ll do for a bit of posing and photo-ops?
Rob and Fed, I find that if I wake early and don’t sleep past it, listening to either the first ten or the first twenty-five minutes of TOADY on a weekday is the least painful. You get the 6 a.m. News (with a good idea what the leftists will winge about later in the programme), the weather waffle, the first look at the papers (getting another good sense of what the leftists will winge about later in the programme) fifteen minutes of business with O’Connell or David and then when one of the Sport Brothers says hello, I can either listen until 6.30 a.m. or switch off and get up.
‘Reach for the sky’ is on tomorrow at 11:45 in the morning on bbbc2
Will they or will they not. You all know what I mean.
Down boy !
Don’t you mean ‘The Dam Busters’, EG?
We bought ‘Reach for the sky’ a few weeks ago, but Douglas Bader didn’t have a dog called ‘Trigger’, because he was already in ‘Only fools and horses’, and then the ‘Dicker of Fibley’ as a bloke with eternal bowell issues!
Billy Connolly used to joke about when he was a kid, he’d go about wearing a leatherette pilot’s helmet, on his knees, pretending to be the great man!
I didn’t think it was funny at the time, and probs still don’t, although Billy is getting a lot of attention these days, and I’m sorry he’s so very poorly!…
I got it wrong.
Well spotted Zephir, even with the wrong film you knew what I meant.
The Dam Busters
Just watch on You Tube It is for grown ups
BBC Radio 4, Monday 13 December
In an item about the rise in infections caused by Omicron and its impact on the NHS we said: ‘NHS England says between 20 and 30 per cent of critical care beds are occupied by Covid patients…. three quarters of those haven’t been vaccinated.’
We also said that the ‘vast majority’ of those in critical care are unvaccinated.
In fact, the most recent figures from the Intensive Care and National Audit Research Centre (ICNARC) show that 51% of intensive care patients in England with Covid in November were vaccinated and 48% were not.
Have they apologised / corrected this yet?
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Any other organisation who were forced to admit such serious miss-truths would be subject to harsh sanctions given the effect on the population at large. The BBC of course get away with it via a mealy mouth “explainer”. They need to end up in court a few times to shut their lying and lefty partisan minions up.
What is a mistruth? Is it different from a lie?
Today’s crisis.
They are running out of LFT AND PCR tests.
This can be laid firmly and squarely on the public sector. DoH, NHS, Civil Servants.
Not the government.
But it is they who will get it in the neck.
While many whose uselessness have caused it will be defined as key workers.
Spot on, Sluff!
The MSM are all plonking the blame on Boris and co, and while he was never going to win this one, they still scream and shout that it was his government which is to blame. The BBC are probably the worst offenders, as they wheel in countless ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ for even more gotchas by weedy interviewers, but the main reason is that the publically funded NHS, the LAs, and the civil serpents have all had a part to play in all this, and they don’t get clobbered at all!
I suppose, we all really know this, but never expect the awfull BBC to admit that their lefty bunch of nobodies will ever have the guts to expose the waste of resources, and eventually life.
Let’s create a fake shortage.
People will want them more then…
Buy one to make China Great Again ….
Pillar of Shame: Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Square statue removed
Published6 days ago
China allows three children in major policy shift
How many patients in hospital caught Covid in hospital?
I’m convinced I came home from germsville with Omicron – severe cold symptoms and runny nose. I also emerged with a dislocated jaw – courtesy of the anaesthetist (I assume) when shoving a pipe down my throat. Its still not right after 5 weeks.
Well, yes, if oddly still easy to see.
Next, first devotee of vampire blood sacrifice to present Newsnight*
*Not BS.
Or a 5 year old with a biro spoof?
The first. Whatever reasons given are lies. It’s woke politics.
And she will be the last. I guarantee it. No political gain for anyone else now.
Did it improve her performance?
An obvious comment is quietly withheld.
TWatO Watch #1 – can I believe my ears?
The BBC appear to be casting doubts about the wisdom of their hero, Tony Blair, in creating separate Parliaments for Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland. For three days now the TWatO and TOADY crews have been pointing out the problems that different rules for dealing with ‘Ommycron’ in the devolved areas of their responsibility.
Initially, I think the BBC were hoping that the PM would cave in to the demands of some scientists and the Labour Party and introduce strict restrictions for England on Monday. Then the BBC would have a chance to catch the PM or members of his Party breaking the rules. But the BBC were thwarted in that hope.
Now the BBC appear to be going very cool on devolution and are having contributors on TOADY and TWatO that outline how stupid the rules are in the devolved countries. Surprising. And the PM sounding a note of caution about behaviour on New Year’s Eve has given the BBC another problem. If infections rise in Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland and do not in England, the PM will be doubly justified in his actions.
Up2 – ive raised the ‘experiment ‘ here before . Trying to figure out the outcome – in a week or 2 – i concluded that the numbers will be fiddled with to show no clear outcome or results which can support all sides .
I think blair has said in the past that setting up these extremist regimes was a mistake . Certainly very very expensive …
Fed, I haven’t heard Blair say that but I can believe it. It must be obvious to those with half a brain.
The Northern Ireland devolution was probably part of the overall Peace Package and to an extent it has worked in the Conservatives and conservatives favour keeping May going until she was replaced by an Election winner.
As for numbers, highest ever daily figures today – a new record – 183,037 but with only 57 deaths up from a (possibly record low? Stew to confirm) of 18. The bulk of the infections appear to people under 60 years of age.
Let’s let the devolved do what they want – Provided the Barnett formula stops from day one.
Nice to see the amazon footy ignoring the embarrassing kneeling down nonsense multi millionaire footy boys do … the BBC always read out some socialist waffle ..
A Tree Rat gets put down .
“Oh dear , so sad, never mind” …………….
102,900 RED squirrels massacred by hunters
During the early part of the 20th century, gamekeepers and others viewed red squirrels as pests and a bounty was offered on their tails. In Scotland alone, between 1903 and 1946, 102,900 red squirrels were slaughtered.
Now that memories of this mass killing of red squirrels have disappeared into the murky past, our newly found concern for the survival of the species has come too late – and along with a scapegoat, the grey squirrel. Marketing the red as a ‘national treasure’ and the grey as a ‘pest’ merely transfers the label from one innocent species to another when all along the real problem, as usual, has been human interference in nature.
The new legislation will potentially give those who get their thrills from killing wild animals the green light to go and massacre squirrels again, this time greys instead of reds – with an official blessing from the government.
Greys are a pest. It is already legal to shoot pests. Indeed, in the case of greys, its a duty. Those in the know will know that so, where are the massacre’s coming from I ask.
Priceless. This kind of thing shows exactly what these people are.
Will the BBC report it I wonder ?.
The Guardian and the BBC – 2 cheeks of the same arse – are the most disgusting of hypocrites. They don’t care one bit about truth.
This proves that the management and senior editors at the Guardian are running more scared of their wonky stupid woke staff than telling the truth so their reputation as an unbiased news service is now officially and totally shite.
There is only one truth Guardian, time you found your balls and come clean!
But I guess to you lot of vermin a vote is what you decide not what people actually vote for even if you have to bend the figures, now where have we seen that before?
Average Joe is recognising your tricks now and will not forget or forgive. You have had your run and now is the time for a reckoning.
“They don’t care one bit about truth”
Erm, it’s not true, John. There was no poll.
John looks to me a very spun claim
The Dec 15th article was not a poll
but rather a simple survey form asking you to write an opinion on who you would nominate.
There was no way for input to show up on the page.
However there was a discussion on Twitter on who you should vote for
People said that you could see from Guardian comments that many people were favouring Rowling
by Dec 18th Guardian had switched off the form from further input.
Oh Covid came to our street, for one house
The 10 year old boy got it first .. mild
The 16 year old vaccine refusnik boy .. got hit hard
The 40 yo fittish father got it had to spend most of 10 day isolation in bed.
So ther BBC are scaremongering as much as possible about COVID cases with lots of statistics to back them up.
Then this line in the middle:
‘Last week they accounted for nearly a third of cases. However, the numbers who are seriously unwell with Covid are still going up.’
But curiously no numbers at all about that one !.
How very BBC.