R4 Profile on 3 times over the weekend
I bet the main news for you is
conductor Oksana Lyniv, becoming the first female Music Director at Teatro Comunale di Bologna.
Presenter Mark Coles discovers the family stories and personal challenges which have brought Oksana’s charisma and talent from Western Ukraine to classical music’s world stage
The graphs of results by actual day are up
so far there is no sign of a new actual peak
It’s still the Wednesday after Christmas.
Death trend is up and probably is actually about 180 today
but the actual average for last 7 days was much lower maybe 145.
The daily stats releases must have contained a lot of old catchup data for the previous week.
No matter, Stew, and no problem, we just imagined some Civil Servant pinning some bits of paper to a notice board at the DfH&SC except, strictly speaking, at present it ought to be known as DfS – Dept. for Sickness.
Times : that impartial Justin Webb reviews a book Trump’s gone. Get over it
Yes, he is a fake and a moneygrubber
— but now it’s time to move on, says
He begins To describe this book as mind-bendingly dull is not necessarily to criticise it. This stuff just is dull. Allegation after allegation of malpractice and malfeasance: complex financial ruse after complex financial ruse; tax fiddle after tax fiddle; conflict of interest after conflict of interest. After all, Donald Trump did indeed tell lie after lie about crowd size, brain size, penis size (the hands, remember?). On and on The Big Cheat by David Cay Johnston goes about Trump’s alleged financial misdeeds, expecting the reader to be . . . well, what? Surprised? Annoyed? Or just plain bored, as I increasingly was.
The Times thinks that promoting hate of Trump is so important, the entire article is free outside the paywall.
Bill Shakespeare, 81, received his first Covid vaccine in December at University Hospital Coventry shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan. Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, a friend of Mr Shakespeare, said he had died on Thursday and added the “best tribute to Bill is to have the jab”.25 May 2021
More than 150,000 people in the UK have now died within 28 days of a positive Covid test since the pandemic began. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59923936
Please see the below table showing total deaths caused by LC02 Cancer (malignant neoplasms) in England and Wales in 2019 and 2020:
For some reason – in so many ways – that takes me back to the 6th Form . I think that event outdoes the ‘naga / Charlie ‘ sneer at the union flag …..
I hope this doesn’t disappear from public attention – it is real is it ?
Think that one is for the DG / Chairman to apologise …..but I guess it won’t come any time soon .
People who pay their TV licence might want to think again about paying that smug xxxx
Oh they played the Sex Pistols version
… How witty
.. Newsnight is so different from a Labour Student union common room.
(I wrote that before Fed’s words appeared )
Lord Grade is on… as GBnews are doing an item about BBC licence fees ..and the BBC refused to put anyone up for interview.
“they haven’t got an agenda”
“it’s just shoddy journalism”
“they are stuck in the Westminster bubble
.. they didn’t see Thatcher ..or the last election and Brexit”
“The idea that there is groupthink is nonsense.. they are slaves to the narrative, instead of questioning it”.. Yes he did finish with that contradiction.
While it’s tragic to see Christianity attacked by the Muslims and the woke, and marginalised, it must bear some of the blame as the faithful grow increasingly lukewarm and indifferent, while even Christian so-called leaders lack all conviction and put up no resistance to secularisation and islamisation.
Dunno, cos fish bumper stickers are a fairly common Christian symbol.
,, Maybe not on Essex ?
Maybe you've seen fish bumper stickers on vehicles, which is a throwback to the early church. Facing intense persecution, Christians used these symbols to secretly identify themselves.
A good reminder of how they esteemed robust Christology and regular fellowship.
I feel like I am inhabiting some sort of twilight parallel universe. The News is being read by a BAME, who then interviews a ‘go to’ GP of Indian heritage in N London who has all the facts and stats about Covid and NHS waiting lists that a statistician would be proud of (why isn’t this GP doing his job instead of tv presenting).
I turn over to another News Channel, again read by a BAME who chats to an outside reporter of mixed origin. Cut to the adverts – three consecutively are non white families endorsing products to entice us.
Change to another Channel, and the voice over programme link is distinctly West Indian patois. I give up and find a Scandi drama on Netflix.
I look out of the window to see if there is someone I identify with – cos I sure as hell don’t identify with what I am watching on tv.
Brave new world Brissles… you will suck it up or else!
This is being dictated by the masters in the UN, you can be 100% sure of that. It is now going to take an internal national uprising to stop this total madness.
Wake up Britain before you are totally in chains….
GB NEWS , Neil Oliver interview with Scientist who talked a lot of sense about the Pandemic…..only saw the last few minutes and its a must watch on catch-up , and again news and information you won’t see on the BBBC !
I presume Mike Yeadon. I can believe understand some of what he says….but…at the beginning of Covid, around May 2020 he was predicting that it was almost all over and left to itself ie no lockdowns or vaccinations there would be the occasional blip of small outbreaks. That isn’t exactly what is happening at the moment. And I can believe his idea that there is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission he didn’t like it when the studio guest asked him about a funeral she had attended where 16 out of 20(?) guests caught the bug. It is anecdotal apparently, even though she was part of the group. I have also understood that the common cold can be passed on for a couple of days before it comes out.
As I watch Kirsty And Phil show ever more mixed race couples round potential new homes I cannot but consider how long it will be before Kirsty and Phil are displaced by olumwonfa and aliwonga.
It will happen cos the tv chiefs think it absolves them of race blame,
Such a narrow and false condition to impose on what should be an open condition.
BBC4 trailer
Deep voice “It started with a body found in a park
The Coming Storm the new podcast on BBC Sounds with Gabriel Gatehouse”
.. It didn’t even mention Jan 6th ..which is supposed to be the topic.
1. The Democrats cheated massively in the election. They never won it legitimately, they used everyone they could including big tech and left wing MSM to help them.
2. They are now trying to bury opposition.
3. They lie naturally and are proud of it.
4. They rewrite history to make their case.
5. They are simply liars end of!
Good luck America, I used to want to see it one day but now I would rather go to anywhere else in the World. (And that now goes for Australia and New Zealand who are also basket cases now due to the bloody lefties taking control)
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
They underestimate the intelligence of the people of Great Britain.
Bo Jo beware!
Watching Sarah Millican and it becomes clear that she is basically a female version of Bernard Manning. The only difference is that she is given a free pass to be sexist.
PBS documentary about Algeria
They just covered Madi women from the Ibadi Islam sect in who live in some areas like Mozabite.
The married women are only allowed out wearing a big white wool garment that covers everything except one eye.
My local guide, muttering about the Mozabite women of Ghardaïa, Algeria: “They have one eye, but they see everything. You cannot see them, but they see everything!” 🇩🇿 pic.twitter.com/K19tbz71tx
The M’zab valley in central Algeria is Ibadi Islam, where women are generally only allowed to show one eye, & dress in white. Even Algerian men call them ‘ghosts’, they’re not allowed to marry outside the few towns in that valley. Captives. Nothing else accurately describes them.
1,000 mile south there are a completely different Tuareg Muslims
It’s proper desert so the men do go out with a kind of veil where only he eyes are uncovered, cos of the sand etc.
.. Women tend not to wear a veil
and are in charge cos it’s a matriarchal society.
Tucker talks for 14? Minutes and covers areas of fact and thought that for all those 24/7 news MSM channels never touch .
His view that language becomes more impersonal as populations rise and change really hits a spot eg
Politicians saying
‘ community ‘
Build back better
‘ the peoples ‘ this or that ‘
‘ hard working families ‘ line has been dumped now as that was too specific
Naturally all of these words are meaningless …
… the piece by Neal Oliver about language of covid – earlier on this site also hits a similar area .
I suppose – really – that the vast majority of people ( who can speak the ingleesh ) in the UK dont listen to politicians and its only people such as those who read or write on sites such as this one notice such things –
Lets call it ‘ the peoples site ‘ for the ‘ informed community ‘ who want to ‘level up’….
Have yet to see it Tim but you are not alone in tweeting about its message….BBC covered the naming of a tree after Leonardo Dicaprio just yesterday, so their sense of irony is intact at least.
Front page: ‘Teacher banned over funding terrorism’.
Such a vague headline can only mean one thing – but I checked anyway to make sure my assumptions are valid.
Sure enough, she’s a Muslim funding people to jojn ISIS.
But what stood out to me is what a complete farce our legal system is. This is halfway down:
‘Ms Sebbagh was arrested in 2017 and investigated by police but the Crown Prosecution Service concluded there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges, the panel heard.’.
How many tens of thousands of times has this same story played out ?. How many KNOWN ISIS members are walking free because we don’t have an actual photograph of them choppping somebodies head off ?.
Thats one to add to that meaningless and insincere list at the start of PMQs where they try to out’ thoughts ‘each other – im waiting for thoughts and prayers because someones dog / cat died . Votes in that .
Just 13 days after their prog in 2012
“The BBC agreed to pay Lord McAlpine £185,000 in damages
and cover his legal costs
following the false Newsnight accusations linking him to a child sex abuse case.”
Yesterday I caught up with a Christmas edition of University Challenge. It’s the series with alumni.
Three out of the four University of Portsmouth team were black and amassed a stunning total of…..30 points. That’s three answers in the whole programme.
For equality and diversity read ignorance underperformance.
Perhaps there weren’t enough questions on 18 th Century slave traders.
It get worse , much worse, on one of the teams they have the anti democracy , antiBrexit , kimono clad , fox slayer himself. Fortunately his team of halfwits got knocked out. How anyone can sit on a team with this POS is beyond me.
Aware as he must be of the weakness in intellect of these ‘gifted alumni’, he reduces their exposure to critical appraisal by regularly wasting between 8 and 10 of the allotted 30 minutes introducing the non-entities to an entirely disinterested audience.
BTW I doubt she needed kale to get pregnant, it was at least her fourth time
Alex Jones had a baby in 2017, 2019, 2021
she also had a miscarriage in 2017
Previous story May 26, 2021 The One Show’s Alex Jones admits she didn’t realise she was pregnant after thinking early pregnancy fatigue symptoms were caused by new vegan diet
Always enjoy cougar media for the lolz, but Mateless looks less rough here.
She's right.
We are invisible after age 30 in Los Angeles. No matter how fit, how much botox, how many face lifts. . . There's one hundred 20 year olds to replace us.
Men do not want to date women their own age as they age.
#MeToo: thousands march in LA as sexual misconduct allegations continue
This article is more than 4 years old
Event aims to support sexual assault and harassment victims
Organizers hope to spread conversation on harassment beyond Hollywood
‘Fear is everywhere’: a quiet paranoia haunts post-Weinstein Hollywood https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/12/metoo-march-hollywood-sexual-assault-harassment
Featuring luxury mansions, supercars and a cast of millionaires, the BBC’s new series about life in Dubai portrays it as a “playground of the rich” and a land of opportunity https://t.co/rJidHlrTJY
Videos secretly recorded by Princess Latifa, a daughter of Dubai’s ruler, have been obtained by the BBC’s Panorama programme. She sent them to friends after her failed escape attempt from the Middle East emirate in 2018.
Last time I was in Dubai there were literally thousands of Chinese , Russian and displaced person prostitutes openly plying their trade. (The Royals and their mates sponsor the visas / residence permits)
Wayne Rooney would love it.
Stacey Dooley should be hoiked out of semi-retirement and pantos to do a series.
Rachel Reeves said we need nuclear energy is this the same Labour Party who for the past 40 years have been denigrating nuclear power surely not and the bbc interviewer didn’t pick up on it!!!!
Alireza, 22, has cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair and can only use his right hand. He had to drop out of school at 15 because there was no way for him to reach classrooms on the upper floors of the school or use the toilet. Before that, he relied on other students or cleaning staff to carry him and his wheelchair, but as he gained weight, this became impossible.
This report by another young female BBC ‘reporter’ is the equivalent in engineering where we put someone on documentation because they were not competent enough to be given the real work.
I’m just amazed they didn’t have a Getty library image of a white male tattooed hand on a steering wheel to add impact. Missed a trick there BBC, have a word with you junior editors!
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861
Those ‘corrections’ (most of which conveniently appear to be in favour of the agenda and hence can be classed as blatant lies) should be on the front page if the original article was on the front page.
Some on here think politicians are not paid enough ….does make you wonder how that MP finds the time to represent his constituents ….
I did like the ‘compensation ‘ of £3333 a month for 7 hours non exec board attendance
Good to know MPs are getting a pay rise innApril …….
Europe trends in the last 7 days
UK has had 19 Covid deaths /million … ranked it the 24th worst country out of 47
East Europe topped the list with a death rate typically 3 times the UK’s even 4 times
Sweden is 46th (2 deaths/mn) , Gibraltar is 47th
Overall deaths
Russia 316,163
UK 150,057, Italy 138,881 , France 125,348, Germany 114,652, Spain 89,934
Deaths/million people so far
UK 2,193 thus ranked 20th in the list,
Russia is just behind
Those Eastern European countries top the list ..some with more than double the UK’s
Belgium and Italy are also higher than the UK
France and Spain have a rate 10% less than the UK’s
Sweden 25% lower than UK
Germany about 30%
Rest Scandinavia are at the bottom of the list, their death rate if a quarter of the UK’s or lower
Another very young BBC female journalist producing absolute non-stories about a young Muslim ‘Umaymah Dakri’ in her wheelchair.
Umaymah conveniently gets stuck going down a kerb and has to ask strangers to help. I would have thought the camera crew would have been easier.
This completely agenda-driven video has taken Heidi a long time to produce. And the public have paid her to do it. I will bet my hat that not a single driver changes where they park as a result.
The BBC churn out this pointless in-flight magazine tripe by the bucketload. One more reason they should have to compete for their funding.
Poor Laura. About to deliver a mouthful of BBC/Johnson Government lies about Trump and Jan 6th, and global cooling hits her in the mouth. Here the laughter in the background.
I find it simply amazing that such a large percentage of the population believe some fraud took place and the only response from the Left has been to call everybody liars.
And what is even more amazing is that they say the claims of election fraud are a threat to democracy !.
They could have nipped this in the bud and they chose to shout down the accusers instead. That’s the main reason I believe they are guilty.
And the ‘impartial’ BBC have refused to publish any articles whatsoever on the subject. They have ‘cancelled’ it along with Trump. Even when there is clear evidence to support it. Just what do they think gives them the right to do that ?.
It certainly shows the power of the MSM – they can bury election result which are not ‘approved ‘ – they can start ‘panic buying ‘ , frighten the living daylights out of people with a virus –
But as we saw with project fear and brexit – it is never ‘all powerful ‘…
……..I really think that those setting the editorial policies for the BBC/ MSM – some times with the connivance of the government – use the Goebells playbook to achieve their aims ….
We complain and joke about it, but I honestly feel like we are living through the rise of the modern day Nazis. The events in the USA – where the Democrats are now openly going for the man, not the ball – are difficult to believe. And the MSM are not saying anything about it because they agree with it. The last time the USA was this divided, it started a civil war.
We can only hope that democracy rescues us before they manage to dismantle that completely. We’ve seen what the ideological Left do when they have total power. They believe the ends justify any means. They get rid of their political enemies.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 17:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 HA HA HAHA AH “Other departments like Defra – which spent £1,246,267 in total on civil service training – are…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 16:53 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “… and mould all Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the…
FlotsamFeb 24, 16:48 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The by-election will be an interesting test for Labour, Conservative and Reform. I wonder if Reform is going to be…
Ian RushlowFeb 24, 16:19 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC website is running a bizarre article – sometimes hit-piece, sometimes publicity puff piece – on Herr Merz, the…
ZephirFeb 24, 16:08 Start the Week 24th February 2025 So, it’s clear now, if you don’t like someone, whatever you do don’t post anything nasty on facebook, or send…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 15:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The greatest leaders in the world …. soft power …. “Meanwhile, cross-party MPs and peers of the Net Zero Scrutiny…
R4 Profile on 3 times over the weekend
I bet the main news for you is
conductor Oksana Lyniv, becoming the first female Music Director at Teatro Comunale di Bologna.
Presenter Mark Coles discovers the family stories and personal challenges which have brought Oksana’s charisma and talent from Western Ukraine to classical music’s world stage
Then 8pm History hour is about the original trans Jan Morris who changed sex in 1972
9:45pm Gina Miller joins Sandi Toksvig in her cosy log cabin
Covid stats are out .. The overall positives trend is only up 10% in 7 days
But the deaths average for 7 days is upto 182/day
Not terrible, but we were about 100/day a couple of weeks ago.
The graphs of results by actual day are up
so far there is no sign of a new actual peak
It’s still the Wednesday after Christmas.
Death trend is up and probably is actually about 180 today
but the actual average for last 7 days was much lower maybe 145.
The daily stats releases must have contained a lot of old catchup data for the previous week.
A drop in cases yesterday to today of almost a fifth is encouraging. It will upset the Boris haters at the Beeb.
ah I said the new graphs are up
more correctly “the new graphs are out”
No matter, Stew, and no problem, we just imagined some Civil Servant pinning some bits of paper to a notice board at the DfH&SC except, strictly speaking, at present it ought to be known as DfS – Dept. for Sickness.
Times : that impartial Justin Webb reviews a book
Trump’s gone. Get over it
Yes, he is a fake and a moneygrubber
— but now it’s time to move on, says
He begins
To describe this book as mind-bendingly dull is not necessarily to criticise it. This stuff just is dull. Allegation after allegation of malpractice and malfeasance: complex financial ruse after complex financial ruse; tax fiddle after tax fiddle; conflict of interest after conflict of interest. After all, Donald Trump did indeed tell lie after lie about crowd size, brain size, penis size (the hands, remember?). On and on The Big Cheat by David Cay Johnston goes about Trump’s alleged financial misdeeds, expecting the reader to be . . . well, what? Surprised? Annoyed? Or just plain bored, as I increasingly was.
The Times thinks that promoting hate of Trump is so important, the entire article is free outside the paywall.
The Muslim slaughter of Christians in Africa and elsewhere continues apace.
Does the BBC care? Like hell they do.
Robert’s website: https://www.jihadwatch.org/
Latest Jihadi stats: in the last 30 days, there were 110 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 412 people were killed and 270 injured.
BBC creaming their pants.
Covid deaths exceed 150,000.
Cue a whole box of hankies.
The first to die is featured. Guess what? He was a Muslim with TEN children.
Now there’s a demographic driver the BBC manage to make no comment at all about.
The fact that cases today were down to 146,000 giving a 7 day increase of 10% (so not exactly doubling every 2-3 days) rated no comment at all.
Cretinous, pathetic, selective, doom-laden journalism.
Bill Shakespeare, 81, received his first Covid vaccine in December at University Hospital Coventry shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan. Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, a friend of Mr Shakespeare, said he had died on Thursday and added the “best tribute to Bill is to have the jab”.25 May 2021
More than 150,000 people in the UK have now died within 28 days of a positive Covid test since the pandemic began.
Please see the below table showing total deaths caused by LC02 Cancer (malignant neoplasms) in England and Wales in 2019 and 2020:
Country 2019 2020
mortality 147,419 147,407
Around 31,000 heart and circulatory deaths attributed to excess weight and obesity every year
16 April 2021
NHS medication errors contribute to as many as 22,000 deaths a year, major report shows
Balanced news you will not receive on the BBC.
A government spokesman said: “Every death from this virus is a tragedy and our sympathies are with everyone who has lost loved ones.”
BBC presenter Lisa Shaw died of Covid vaccine complications, coroner finds
This article is more than 4 months old
Shaw died of a brain haemorrhage caused by a blood clot three weeks after her first AstraZeneca dose
This is absolutely disgusting behaviour by the BBC. Well spotted Alex Belfield.
For some reason – in so many ways – that takes me back to the 6th Form . I think that event outdoes the ‘naga / Charlie ‘ sneer at the union flag …..
I hope this doesn’t disappear from public attention – it is real is it ?
Think that one is for the DG / Chairman to apologise …..but I guess it won’t come any time soon .
People who pay their TV licence might want to think again about paying that smug xxxx
Oh they played the Sex Pistols version
… How witty
.. Newsnight is so different from a Labour Student union common room.
(I wrote that before Fed’s words appeared )
Clip that lefty retweeted en masse ..8000 times plus 28,500 Likes
… https://twitter.com/josefoshea/status/1479103886367420424
Newsnight themselves haven’t tweeted since 2nd Jan
Oh how the lefty republicans in the newsroom must have giggled at that finger up to the Monarchy.
Keep it up Beeb, keep alienating the patriotic majority, and watch your funding get cut off.
BBC hosts replaced after joke about UK flag
Is that Kirsty “flush my toilet with Perrier water” Wark?
(I recall her singing the praises of the new at the time Holyrood loos flushed with on-site borehole “Caledonian spring water”)
Lord Grade is on… as GBnews are doing an item about BBC licence fees ..and the BBC refused to put anyone up for interview.
“they haven’t got an agenda”
“it’s just shoddy journalism”
“they are stuck in the Westminster bubble
.. they didn’t see Thatcher ..or the last election and Brexit”
“The idea that there is groupthink is nonsense.. they are slaves to the narrative, instead of questioning it”.. Yes he did finish with that contradiction.
Used to rate Brillo. Ah well.
There’s probably 23.5 million, of the entire population, unvaxed. Same as the Earth’s tilt !
Ah yes the Brillo man who plucked Simon Reeve from the post room at the Sunday Times to investigate “Al Quaeda” bombing of WTC New York in 1993….
– and self evidently cannot function without a 10 person team of researchers….
Close? Novel.
So,it was/is an option?
More from History Debunked
While it’s tragic to see Christianity attacked by the Muslims and the woke, and marginalised, it must bear some of the blame as the faithful grow increasingly lukewarm and indifferent, while even Christian so-called leaders lack all conviction and put up no resistance to secularisation and islamisation.
Dunno, cos fish bumper stickers are a fairly common Christian symbol.
,, Maybe not on Essex ?
I feel like I am inhabiting some sort of twilight parallel universe. The News is being read by a BAME, who then interviews a ‘go to’ GP of Indian heritage in N London who has all the facts and stats about Covid and NHS waiting lists that a statistician would be proud of (why isn’t this GP doing his job instead of tv presenting).
I turn over to another News Channel, again read by a BAME who chats to an outside reporter of mixed origin. Cut to the adverts – three consecutively are non white families endorsing products to entice us.
Change to another Channel, and the voice over programme link is distinctly West Indian patois. I give up and find a Scandi drama on Netflix.
I look out of the window to see if there is someone I identify with – cos I sure as hell don’t identify with what I am watching on tv.
Brave new world Brissles… you will suck it up or else!
This is being dictated by the masters in the UN, you can be 100% sure of that. It is now going to take an internal national uprising to stop this total madness.
Wake up Britain before you are totally in chains….
It’s Soros and his Open Society puppets promoting this, the UN is merely one of their tools
GB NEWS , Neil Oliver interview with Scientist who talked a lot of sense about the Pandemic…..only saw the last few minutes and its a must watch on catch-up , and again news and information you won’t see on the BBBC !
I presume Mike Yeadon. I can believe understand some of what he says….but…at the beginning of Covid, around May 2020 he was predicting that it was almost all over and left to itself ie no lockdowns or vaccinations there would be the occasional blip of small outbreaks. That isn’t exactly what is happening at the moment. And I can believe his idea that there is no such thing as asymptomatic transmission he didn’t like it when the studio guest asked him about a funeral she had attended where 16 out of 20(?) guests caught the bug. It is anecdotal apparently, even though she was part of the group. I have also understood that the common cold can be passed on for a couple of days before it comes out.
Some made the outrageous slander against the BBC, claiming they don’t report properly what happens to do with Telford.
They did put up a page 7 days ago
with now what is a false title
Suspected arson attacks in Telford ‘not linked’ say police
BBC Telfors stories page
Despite the tweet date, here’s a PRasNews item was put on on Dec 22nd
Experts, who the bbc have people who say, say…
Is it idiot proof? Fancy trying to plug an appliance into a 80’s portable radio………………
As I watch Kirsty And Phil show ever more mixed race couples round potential new homes I cannot but consider how long it will be before Kirsty and Phil are displaced by olumwonfa and aliwonga.
It will happen cos the tv chiefs think it absolves them of race blame,
Such a narrow and false condition to impose on what should be an open condition.
BBC4 trailer
Deep voice “It started with a body found in a park
The Coming Storm the new podcast on BBC Sounds with Gabriel Gatehouse”
.. It didn’t even mention Jan 6th ..which is supposed to be the topic.
1. The Democrats cheated massively in the election. They never won it legitimately, they used everyone they could including big tech and left wing MSM to help them.
2. They are now trying to bury opposition.
3. They lie naturally and are proud of it.
4. They rewrite history to make their case.
5. They are simply liars end of!
Good luck America, I used to want to see it one day but now I would rather go to anywhere else in the World. (And that now goes for Australia and New Zealand who are also basket cases now due to the bloody lefties taking control)
My count was two car attacks
but this totally totally impartial article in the Daily Record says “third”
One for all you misogynist racists out there..
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
They underestimate the intelligence of the people of Great Britain.
Bo Jo beware!
Some questions for America.
Are you a happy country now that you have reached a point where half of America and many in the Western Word hate the administration?
Is this really what you want!
Is this the way forward for a major democracy?
Do you really want a future of enforced thought by military or legal action?
Biden is a puppet of the Globalist evils.
You are the home of the brave and land of the free!
You have one more chance to rise up and take your Country back… take it!
Roll on the next elections.
Watching Sarah Millican and it becomes clear that she is basically a female version of Bernard Manning. The only difference is that she is given a free pass to be sexist.
I can’t think why that should be!
PBS documentary about Algeria
They just covered Madi women from the Ibadi Islam sect in who live in some areas like Mozabite.
The married women are only allowed out wearing a big white wool garment that covers everything except one eye.
The M’zab valley in central Algeria is Ibadi Islam, where women are generally only allowed to show one eye, & dress in white. Even Algerian men call them ‘ghosts’, they’re not allowed to marry outside the few towns in that valley. Captives. Nothing else accurately describes them.
1,000 mile south there are a completely different Tuareg Muslims
It’s proper desert so the men do go out with a kind of veil where only he eyes are uncovered, cos of the sand etc.
.. Women tend not to wear a veil
and are in charge cos it’s a matriarchal society.
A reminder to any bbc staff on who you are paid by.
Will Maxincony watch that ?
\\Cardiff: Six Nations loss due to Covid rules could ‘devastate economy’ //
I think it could be curtains for Drakeford ?
Whats the national socialist majority like in Wales ? Are they united by hatred of the English in the way the SNP or the IRA party is ?
“Covid: UK records more than 150,000 deaths”
With, Of, or Linked to ?
What is the mortality rate in a normal year ?
I suspect this guy won’t be on ThemTube much longer
In related news, substitute ‘editorial’ for ‘community’ and leave ‘disinformation’ right where it is, and the BBC’s Mike Wendling will
Tucker talks for 14? Minutes and covers areas of fact and thought that for all those 24/7 news MSM channels never touch .
His view that language becomes more impersonal as populations rise and change really hits a spot eg
Politicians saying
‘ community ‘
Build back better
‘ the peoples ‘ this or that ‘
‘ hard working families ‘ line has been dumped now as that was too specific
Naturally all of these words are meaningless …
… the piece by Neal Oliver about language of covid – earlier on this site also hits a similar area .
I suppose – really – that the vast majority of people ( who can speak the ingleesh ) in the UK dont listen to politicians and its only people such as those who read or write on sites such as this one notice such things –
Lets call it ‘ the peoples site ‘ for the ‘ informed community ‘ who want to ‘level up’….
The could still least have named it Sir Socks.
The movie is getting a lot of luvvie promo.
Front page: ‘Teacher banned over funding terrorism’.
Such a vague headline can only mean one thing – but I checked anyway to make sure my assumptions are valid.
Sure enough, she’s a Muslim funding people to jojn ISIS.
But what stood out to me is what a complete farce our legal system is. This is halfway down:
‘Ms Sebbagh was arrested in 2017 and investigated by police but the Crown Prosecution Service concluded there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges, the panel heard.’.
How many tens of thousands of times has this same story played out ?. How many KNOWN ISIS members are walking free because we don’t have an actual photograph of them choppping somebodies head off ?.
He and Springster should get a room.
And then tweet about it.
I have no idea what that Chris Bryant tweet is about
..maybe someone tweeted him and then deleted it.
They know which experts to get in to say what for whom.
Also the photo ed covering both bases on mask wearing.
Don’t they know there are over 200 bbc ways to wear one?
To what? Or… who?
CEOs of charities? Lawyers?
How media analyse will be as interesting.
Having watched from the beginning of a longer version, yes mobiles aloft, my first thought was why they did not move away earlier.
The tragedies pile up. Along with the reports.
Thats one to add to that meaningless and insincere list at the start of PMQs where they try to out’ thoughts ‘each other – im waiting for thoughts and prayers because someones dog / cat died . Votes in that .
That and getting tips to the largest broadcast platform from those who know how it will be spun.
McAlpine family knows.
Just 13 days after their prog in 2012
“The BBC agreed to pay Lord McAlpine £185,000 in damages
and cover his legal costs
following the false Newsnight accusations linking him to a child sex abuse case.”
Yesterday I caught up with a Christmas edition of University Challenge. It’s the series with alumni.
Three out of the four University of Portsmouth team were black and amassed a stunning total of…..30 points. That’s three answers in the whole programme.
For equality and diversity read ignorance underperformance.
Perhaps there weren’t enough questions on 18 th Century slave traders.
Portsmouth has a university?
To be fair, I was unaware of this.
At least Lammy went to Harvard and Abbott to Cambridge.
It get worse , much worse, on one of the teams they have the anti democracy , antiBrexit , kimono clad , fox slayer himself. Fortunately his team of halfwits got knocked out. How anyone can sit on a team with this POS is beyond me.
There is a human side to Paxo.
Aware as he must be of the weakness in intellect of these ‘gifted alumni’, he reduces their exposure to critical appraisal by regularly wasting between 8 and 10 of the allotted 30 minutes introducing the non-entities to an entirely disinterested audience.
Spud face dobbed her into Twitter yet?
A Sausage or two?
BTW I doubt she needed kale to get pregnant, it was at least her fourth time
Alex Jones had a baby in 2017, 2019, 2021
she also had a miscarriage in 2017
Previous story May 26, 2021
The One Show’s Alex Jones admits she didn’t realise she was pregnant after thinking early pregnancy fatigue symptoms were caused by new vegan diet
Always enjoy cougar media for the lolz, but Mateless looks less rough here.
Plenty of pedophiles?
#MeToo: thousands march in LA as sexual misconduct allegations continue
This article is more than 4 years old
Event aims to support sexual assault and harassment victims
Organizers hope to spread conversation on harassment beyond Hollywood
‘Fear is everywhere’: a quiet paranoia haunts post-Weinstein Hollywood
The BBC Yosemite Sam Editor at work?
Called bandits, cos although they started out as Fulani nationalists with a grip about herdsman life being disrupted, it has become a mixed group of gangsters.
Sopes back there flogging regal soap again?
Nope, still ‘reporting’ on cricket.
Not on a certain Labour Lord and a certain BBC selective story involving a US billionaire.
How can you take money under threat of prison without crying? Especially when more women than men are prospected.
If Mark Easton sees that picture he will want to fill the empty stands with would-be British citizens.
Some say, though, that watching cricket is worse than water boarding.
Videos secretly recorded by Princess Latifa, a daughter of Dubai’s ruler, have been obtained by the BBC’s Panorama programme. She sent them to friends after her failed escape attempt from the Middle East emirate in 2018.
Last time I was in Dubai there were literally thousands of Chinese , Russian and displaced person prostitutes openly plying their trade. (The Royals and their mates sponsor the visas / residence permits)
Wayne Rooney would love it.
Stacey Dooley should be hoiked out of semi-retirement and pantos to do a series.
Rachel Reeves said we need nuclear energy is this the same Labour Party who for the past 40 years have been denigrating nuclear power surely not and the bbc interviewer didn’t pick up on it!!!!
A very worthy bbc #callsfor
One cannot help but feel this is unlikely to impact any not complying.
“I Am Equally Human”
Discrimination and Lack of Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Iran
Alireza, 22, has cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair and can only use his right hand. He had to drop out of school at 15 because there was no way for him to reach classrooms on the upper floors of the school or use the toilet. Before that, he relied on other students or cleaning staff to carry him and his wheelchair, but as he gained weight, this became impossible.
“A Woman has launched a campain”
A man from Luton launched a campaign … has he been given the same kind of assistance from the BBC ?
No blocking, hinderance , monstering all the way.
Oh – I just posted the same thing :-).
This report by another young female BBC ‘reporter’ is the equivalent in engineering where we put someone on documentation because they were not competent enough to be given the real work.
I’m just amazed they didn’t have a Getty library image of a white male tattooed hand on a steering wheel to add impact. Missed a trick there BBC, have a word with you junior editors!
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861
Those ‘corrections’ (most of which conveniently appear to be in favour of the agenda and hence can be classed as blatant lies) should be on the front page if the original article was on the front page.
Agree – should happen for all news papers as well.
BBC Do special on Dubai?
Maybe check al the 650 MPS?
From 31 March 2021, a residential property in Dubai: (i). (Registered 12 April 2021)
Members’ Interests Nadhim Zahawi
Some on here think politicians are not paid enough ….does make you wonder how that MP finds the time to represent his constituents ….
I did like the ‘compensation ‘ of £3333 a month for 7 hours non exec board attendance
Good to know MPs are getting a pay rise innApril …….
BBC, Guardian and Independent all leading with the proposal to end mass jabs.
Then all three immediately following with the claim that UK COVID deaths are the highest in Europe.
Syncing like that is an amazing coincidence!
Europe trends in the last 7 days
UK has had 19 Covid deaths /million … ranked it the 24th worst country out of 47
East Europe topped the list with a death rate typically 3 times the UK’s even 4 times
Sweden is 46th (2 deaths/mn) , Gibraltar is 47th
Overall deaths
Russia 316,163
UK 150,057, Italy 138,881 , France 125,348, Germany 114,652, Spain 89,934
Deaths/million people so far
UK 2,193 thus ranked 20th in the list,
Russia is just behind
Those Eastern European countries top the list ..some with more than double the UK’s
Belgium and Italy are also higher than the UK
France and Spain have a rate 10% less than the UK’s
Sweden 25% lower than UK
Germany about 30%
Rest Scandinavia are at the bottom of the list, their death rate if a quarter of the UK’s or lower
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Filter by Europe and Deaths/million
True magnitude CANNOT be seen by counting raw deaths; Life Years Lost should be counted (QALYs)
DRP on bigoted slave trade caller
(Mr Dirty Rotten Politics on his second channel)
Ghandi statues?
History Debunked : Ungrateful refugees and asylum-seekers
.. https://youtu.be/mIXUTQH_5eM
I think this one will be grateful.
Woman calls on drivers to help wheelchair users by parking safely
Another very young BBC female journalist producing absolute non-stories about a young Muslim ‘Umaymah Dakri’ in her wheelchair.
Umaymah conveniently gets stuck going down a kerb and has to ask strangers to help. I would have thought the camera crew would have been easier.
This completely agenda-driven video has taken Heidi a long time to produce. And the public have paid her to do it. I will bet my hat that not a single driver changes where they park as a result.
The BBC churn out this pointless in-flight magazine tripe by the bucketload. One more reason they should have to compete for their funding.
Parking is haram!
Poor Laura. About to deliver a mouthful of BBC/Johnson Government lies about Trump and Jan 6th, and global cooling hits her in the mouth. Here the laughter in the background.
“Trying to stop the election from being stolen” she means – and the gods shut her up .
Funny how there was no ‘ in depth ‘ investigation by any MSM / BBC to find out why these people were so sure of the election fraud …?
Russian collusion – what happened?
I find it simply amazing that such a large percentage of the population believe some fraud took place and the only response from the Left has been to call everybody liars.
And what is even more amazing is that they say the claims of election fraud are a threat to democracy !.
They could have nipped this in the bud and they chose to shout down the accusers instead. That’s the main reason I believe they are guilty.
And the ‘impartial’ BBC have refused to publish any articles whatsoever on the subject. They have ‘cancelled’ it along with Trump. Even when there is clear evidence to support it. Just what do they think gives them the right to do that ?.
It certainly shows the power of the MSM – they can bury election result which are not ‘approved ‘ – they can start ‘panic buying ‘ , frighten the living daylights out of people with a virus –
But as we saw with project fear and brexit – it is never ‘all powerful ‘…
……..I really think that those setting the editorial policies for the BBC/ MSM – some times with the connivance of the government – use the Goebells playbook to achieve their aims ….
We complain and joke about it, but I honestly feel like we are living through the rise of the modern day Nazis. The events in the USA – where the Democrats are now openly going for the man, not the ball – are difficult to believe. And the MSM are not saying anything about it because they agree with it. The last time the USA was this divided, it started a civil war.
We can only hope that democracy rescues us before they manage to dismantle that completely. We’ve seen what the ideological Left do when they have total power. They believe the ends justify any means. They get rid of their political enemies.
Arson and violence and threats thereof in Telford. Why so?
Our favourite muslims are worried, apparently. I would have thought our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” would have been on this like a flash.