When you factor in the carbon emissions that come from manufacturing electric vehicles, how well do they stack up against their petrol and diesel counterparts? https://t.co/hO8jaZKWlr
Re the diversity debate regarding TV. I was watching a satellite channel earlier this evening and up pops an advert for a company called Diversifying.io. Can you guess what this company does? For the uninitiated, they are a recruiting agency for jobs for the black, Asian and mixed effnicities and various gender benders and shirt lifters. If you or I were to start a company that only employed pale coloured hetro sexuals we’d be strung up. Anyway I’m off to Godaddy to see if they have the domain “We only want whites.com”
How long has Bo Jo got to go ?
‘Frosty’ is not happy with him and apparently, ‘Sir’ Nigel Farage is stirring to make a return ? (nowt on Al Beeb about this ……….yet )
Another party scandal just breaking with an Email showing 100 Downing street staff were allowed to party while everyone else was locked down and Cummings has said The Marxist in chief was there too.
\\’100-plus’ invited to Downing Street garden lockdown drinks//
“But Boris Johnson has declined to say whether he was among those there.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59930733
I suspect that there may be more snippets to come from Mr Cummings ?
I’m not sure that anyone becoming replacement would do anything differently apart from the green crap … as Asian bloke is addicted to borrowing money and raising taxes – the ex Liberal Democrat girl will do / say anything to get power ….
Can’t think of anyone else – Rees mogg likes Money too much ( supposedly a Christian ) and that’s your lot as far as the blue Labour Party is concerned …
The Tories have forgotten one of the prime reasons why we voted for Brexit in 2016 – control of our borders and complete independent sovereignty.
All we have had so far is mass invasion and a myriad of broken promises .
I suspect that many Tory MPs are getting a ‘little’ worried about keeping their jobs , more so, should the Brexit Party make a return …………. https://reformparty.uk/reformisessential
9:34pm The BBC owned UKTV Yesterday channel
“Mandela was an activist for most of the 1940s”
Black American voice “He believed in change through peace means”
.. Surely that is false, there was injustice at that time and his solution was terrorism.
Necklacing was used by the black community to punish its members who were perceived as collaborators with the apartheid government.[2] Necklacing was primarily used on black police informants; the practice was often carried out in the name of the struggle, although the executive body of the African National Congress (ANC), the most broadly supported South African opposition movement, condemned it.[3][4] In 1986, Winnie Mandela, then-wife of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela, stated, “With our boxes of matches, and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country”,
GBNews news just led with
‘Number 10 invited staff to a socially distanced, bring your own booze party in the garden on May 10th 2020’
..it quoted ITVnews
It’s strange GBN news runs with the pack.
“ITVnews Martyn Reynolds hve an email in which he invited more than 100 people”
On May25th The Downing St Rose Garden was full of media people for the Dominic Cummings press conference
I only found one photo ..don’t see anyone wearing a mask
In an alternative universe the media would have chased down the story of the grooming gangs like they have the lockdown 'parties' – nonces would have been jailed – police officers and social workers investigated and thousands of young girls wouldn't have had their lives ruined
‘groomed’ = There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
. . . .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Good article in the epoch times from Robert Malone, expanding on mass formation psychosis idea from the Joe Rogan show.
Talks about peoples free floating anxiety finding a form to obsess on, and unite around, in this case the covid pandemic.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59930206 BBC reporting about IKEA and them discriminating for workers jabbed or those that’s not had it.
After reading what the reporter Hotten put down for his attempt at an unbiased article, it left me just wondering why he didn’t ask the obvious question.
How can it be fair for IKEA to allow a jabbed worker to come to work with Covid and spread it to others and get sent home on full sick pay. And then a Co-worker whose not had the jab but didn’t bring covid to work, then gets sent home on minimum sick pay!
It’s as though coercion and blatant discrimination is perfectly fine for IKEA. A healthy worker whose not been jabbed and not brought covid to work gets punished but the vaccinated worker gets a free pass even though they came to work with the cold…. I mean covid!!
We all know those that’s been jabbed can still catch it and spread it so it’s totally unfair and wrong. You would think the BBC and Hotten being so fair and unbiased and caring about us all would ask that question but once again the BBC demonstrate how utterly lost they are. No wonder people don’t trust them anymore, defund it or replace it
Top two stories on the BBC Moaning Emole are something about tennis and a party, well, an ‘alleged’ one, that they understand took place having been told about it.
When I was young, I used to
Watch behind the curtains
As men walked up and down the street. Wino men, old men.
Young men sharp as mustard.
See them. Men are always
Going somewhere.
They knew I was there. Fifteen
Years old and starving for them.
Under my window, they would pauses,
Their shoulders high like the
Breasts of a young girl,
Jacket tails slapping over
Those behinds,
One day they hold you in the
Palms of their hands, gentle, as if you
Were the last raw egg in the world. Then
They tighten up. Just a little. The
First squeeze is nice. A quick hug.
Soft into your defenselessness. A little
More. The hurt begins. Wrench out a
Smile that slides around the fear. When the
Air disappears,
Your mind pops, exploding fiercely, briefly,
Like the head of a kitchen match. Shattered.
It is your juice
That runs down their legs. Staining their shoes.
When the earth rights itself again,
And taste tries to return to the tongue,
Your body has slammed shut. Forever.
No keys exist.
Then the window draws full upon
Your mind. There, just beyond
The sway of curtains, men walk.
Knowing something.
Going someplace.
But this time, I will simply
Stand and watch.
I listened to ‘ coming storm ‘ mess after watching a 4 part PBS thing on Clinton ( obviously as soft as possible on him ) – but my read on how President Trump was treated was payback for what the Republicans ( rightly ) did to Bill and Hillarly .
Bill – after all – modelled himself on the amoral JFK – both were led by their private parts – so in different times Clinton was bound to come unstuck by his behaviour .
So the Republicans went after him on this – as well as Arkansas corruption of course. The lady who came forward with the rape allegation when Clinton was governor hasn’t seen justice yet….
To me this puts the constant fevered targeting of Mr Trump into a context which is still rolling in America and fixated the MSMBBC ….
Meanwhile – back to the number 10 outside garden party ( yawn)…or wallpaper …
It won’t win more than a handful of seats but it would remove most of the extreme loonies from Labour and so make them more electable. Even ‘moderate’ Labour is a danger to the country, even more so than the Johnstone’s woke light party, aka Conservatives.
On balance therefore I would prefer Jeremy not to start a new party.
Good point. The more thoughtful ideological journos are trying to get Wes Streeting installed for when Jez makes Labour more electable if not under Slick.
Meanwhile…. funniest post so far…
Many reputable journalists saying there are multiple witnesses to the PM and Carrie being there. Cummings says he was there. When asked directly the PM didn’t deny that he was there. If he wasn’t he simply would have said.
Come on – where’s your sense of humour ? A new rival for the MP for righteous indignation ( crofter blackford )?….
….I can’t think of many of Jeremy’s disciples defecting from the warm arms of Labour to sit with him – apart from his girlfriend …..
But at a time when humour is needed fizz like this is welcome …..I’m sure the BBC will be above moon ….
The Offa’s Dyke Path, which runs along part of our border with Wales, will be featured on a new ITV series starting TONIGHT!
Wonders of the Border sees Good Morning Britain and BBC Countryfile Extra presenter Sean Fletcher visit more than 50 locations along the 177-mile National Trail – and we understand that Herefordshire will feature highly this week and next!
So be sure to tune in on Tuesdays (starting tonight) at 7.30pm to see our borders with Wales showcased in all of their beautiful glory!
Guest who – C5 recently sneaked out on some bloke walking Roman roads – I don’t like the format where they have to meet some local ‘interesting person ‘ who makes pots or stuff ….
…. Keep the countryside secret please ? Is there a car park ? Is there wi fi ?
Guest, I seem to recall Wynford Vaughan-Thomas walking that route and broadcasting during the walk. It would be great if the BBC repeated that series on R4 in order to celebrate their centenary. It was said to be something of a high-spot in BBC broadcasting, something of a ‘Masterclass’ in broadcasting.
Inevitably the press has a lot to say about that now infamous Downing Street party. The point being that the PM exhibited rank hypocrisy, locking down the nation whilst apparently not personally wishing to abide by his own rules.
One prefers the succinct nature of one of the Daily Star’s subordinate story headlines: ‘Party boy mugged us all off‘ – they go with: ‘Boffins say common cold helps beat covid‘ – as their lead story. Which puts some things in perspective. We were also intrigued momentarily by: ‘Brass monkey sandwich‘ – that’s certainly eyeball catching, until realising it was likely yet another excited dire weather prediction from the Star.
All preferable – I think you must agree – to the circumlocution of the Telegraph’s top headline: ‘Cabinet anger over misleading isolation guidance‘ – do please cut to the journalistic chase more quickly… you remember… “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” and “Why” – a clear case for some trademark Cathy Newman-like demand of – So what you’re saying is?
When it comes to the subject of parties the Telegraph meanwhile becomes the bland leading the bland: ‘Johnson received invite to lockdown party‘
The formerly patriotic Times goes all bucolic and pastural on us: ‘No 10 celebrated “lovely weather” with lockdown drinks party‘
The left-leaning po-faced highly coronaphobic ‘i’ has a sudden fit of sarky tabloidese: “Bring your own booze!” – call me conservative but frankly I’d have been more outraged had the taxpayer been oblidged to fork out for the beverages.
The Daily Express regurgitates the old and clichéd “Gate“: ‘Enough Boris! You MUST end “Partygate” farce now‘ – what, with so very very many an outraged potential headline still to be written on the event?
An honourable mention now for the dishonourable corporate and government agency advertising-funded editorial model freebie Metro: ‘Downing it street‘ – never fully trust the word of any institution apparently free at the point of access. Unlike Downing Street staff party attendees for joe public there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Whilst the Guardian is consumed by (righteous?) fury: ‘Fury as email reveals No 10 “bring your own booze lockdown” party‘ – one would fondly like to imagine that the very mouthpiece of our public sector was indeed provoked to the point of fury simply by the revelation of the non-free bar aspect for those Downing Street civil servants.
The BBC champions the rights of: ‘HMP Styal: Prisoner who had stillborn baby “will never forgive jail”‘
I’ve nothing to add today on that other great filler of column inches, the Serb tennis star arrested Downunder, but on this preggers prisoner Cell Block H the BBC has this sad tale to tell:
‘A prisoner who gave birth to a stillborn baby in the toilet of a cell has said she “will never forgive the prison” for the “horror death”. Louise Powell, 31, who did not know she was pregnant, said she begged for an ambulance before her baby died at HMP Styal in Cheshire in 2020.‘
All most unpleasant. One suspects this is leading to an argument that women ought not to be put in prison. We won’t get into what constitutes a woman – I forsee many an old lag playing the I identify as a woman card, should that progressive notion ever come to pass.
But in this case, surely the sad outcome was in part at least the responsiblity of the woman for getting herself sent to jail? Her body, her choice?
Not expecting to find the cause of her incarceration from the Beeb, surprisingly, some way down the report we get: ‘Ms Powell was sent to the prison in March 2020 after admitting common assault, racially-aggravated harassment and criminal damage‘ – oops… I can see why the BBC decided to dob her in there considering some of their audience would find out.
But come on BBC, are you now saying the unborn child had rights?
There’s an awful lot of progressive rubber hitting the road of reality in this tale.
Another US special investigation by Springster with whoever the BBC has left out there selling books, digging up Trump stuff or ignoring Sleepy and Heels Up’s latest.
BBC local news :
” Party ! Martin Reynolds emailed 100,
as many as 30 went
here’s Angela Rayner”
… Is this whole story run by Labour Party PR ?
“Here’s a victim, her father died just 4 days after the invitation was sent out”
.. so around May 8th when the VE street parties were on.
Next : ‘Here’s someone from the local health authority
“unvaccinated are suffering badly from Covid
It’s not them who get it like a cold, it’s only the vaccinated who get it like that”. ‘
Stew, I think it is very much a Part-time/Daily Mirror/Guardian/BBC operation against the PM with Cummings being the feed. I suspect that he hasn’t been bought or had his family threatened but is acting out of pure spite on his own and Lee Cain’s behalf to get Carrie out of No.10. I also wonder whether, if there is a change in PM, Cain and Cummings will be straight back on the No.10 team.
As Robert Hardy memorably growled in the 1980s while playing Winston Churchill “Politics is foul.”
Stew – I think crofter blackford is the leader on Righteous indignation – the labour girls haven’t quite got it yet – Angie loses control – Mrs balls tries too hard – and the shadow treasury girl just grates at it …
… but now that we have partygate 2? There will be plenty of time for the swamp to practice it …. I reckon nut nut will have to do a starmer and ‘isolate ‘ for a while ….
G, interesting. I’ve just tried to find out the number of ICU/ITU/CC beds AB hospital has. It is a brand new facility and has its own web-site. There is no mention of an ICU/ITU/CC unit at all. Strange.
Of course it is possible that one has been hurriedly set up during the Pandemic as the hospital was not quite finished but brought into use to cater for Covid patients in early Lockdown 2020
I see only contempt for the people/voters from this current Marxist labour/Green Government headed by, the now openly ridiculed Boris Johnson.
Historically, the expression, “liar” was avoided but now there is no avoiding calling the man a, ‘Serial Liar’. He’s one of those who only has to open their gob for all the lies and deceit to simply fall out.
Of course he is a liar – 1 journalist 2 politician – surprise ? But he makes all the Charlie chuckles noises that entertain the public – so is ‘okay ‘…
Yet another headline of such breathtaking importance, the BBC have someone updating a live blog on it. Similar to what I would expect in the run-up to world-war 3.
I haven’t seen such a blatant agenda to discredit someone since Cummins went for a drive in his car.
Now there is no doubt that both of these events went against the rules. But I personally don’t care that much. In the scheme of how many have lost their lives or livelihoods or what damage COVID has done to the economy, they are utterly trivial. I bet every single MP broke the COVID rules in some way.
And isn’t it strange how these over-inflated witch-hunts are always by the Left against the Right ?. All inconvenient trangressions (like the Labour MP who took a train after testing positive or Biden forcing his fingers inside a female colleague because he thought ‘she liked him’) are brushed straight under the carpet.
It’s these gross, politically-motivated double standards by the Left, the MSM and particularly the BBC which disgust me more than anything else. They are shameless scumbags who would happily see a country burn to get what they want.
BBC will be pretending they can’t talk cos on upcoming trial
but I doubt it’s a jury trial, so we can talk
Why’s this take 2 years ? MP Margaret Ferrier will stand trial in August accused of travelling between Glasgow and London knowing she had Covid symptoms.
The 61-year-old, who represents Rutherglen and Hamilton West, is accused of making the trips despite being told to self-isolate.
Ms Ferrier is also said to have travelled in and around Glasgow over three days in September 2020.
She denies wilfully exposing people to the risk of illness and death.
Ms Ferrier, who was suspended by the SNP in September 2020, appeared in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court to plead not guilty and was granted bail.
See how the BBC fail to mention she pushed a cameraman out of the way as she left court.
Liverpool’s Deputy Mayor, Lynnie Hinnigan, has been forced to apologise for attending a party in her garden while lockdown restrictions were at their height.
The Labour Councillor claimed the event on 9th May to mark her 50th birthday hadn’t been a party as such.
pics : https://www.twitter.com/Cloudy77252912/status/1266291864065327104
TOADY Watch #1 – funny, not much mention of someone else but I did notice something
After Mens Doubles on Saturday, and Mixed Doubles yesterday, it is Ladies Doubles today. Lying in bed with the eyes closed there was no mistaking the delight in Mishal’s voice at 6 a.m. that the BBC were leading with ‘the old news’ of Downing Street drinks parties. Now there is a Senior Civil Servant in some considerable trouble but he only received a passing mention.
Mishal was keen to tell listeners that the Prime Minister and his fiancée, Carrie Symonds, both attended the event. As Carrie was pregnant at the time I assume that she did not drink any alcohol, as is the current fashion, but Mishal neglected to confirm this. The word ‘Booze’ was bandied around – is that now an accepted BBC broadcast word? – but I always understood BYOB to stand for Bring Your Own Bottle which was not necessarily restricted to alcohol beverages.
Unfortunately, the Labour Party are so boring apparently that they could not hold a party in a brewery in a month of Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. The problem for the Sucker is that he and Labour are sidelined out of the news within days of that important Labour Re-set Speech. That’s the worse possible thing to happen for Labour.
As for it counting with the voting public, I suspect it will not.
If the community round about where I live, outdoor parties were all the rage in the good weather of 2020 and mostly seemed to be populated by women entirely or with a few ‘token’ males. Judging by the shrieking and howling going on from just after lunchtime – which made it unpleasant to work outside in the sun in the garden – a considerable amount of alcohol was being consumed and having an effect.
Of course the BBC will be able to find a vox pop or two from an enraged member of the public who is probably a Labour voter but ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword’.
I managed 5 minutes of the Today programme this morning around 8.20am On and on droned Mishal, asking a junior health minister about this ruddy party. ‘Was the Prime Minister there?’; ‘Wouldn’t you be angry if it turned out that the PM was there?’; read out a couple of emails (do we know if they were real?) then, ‘Don’t these people have the right to be angry’; ‘Do you believe there was a party?’ etc etc. Boring and the junior minister wasn’t to be swayed. I presume the presenters and the editors at Today believe the longer they go on about it, the angrier ‘the people’ will be. What are the listening figures for Today. It really doesn’t reach that great a proportion of the population.
Mr D pointed out that whenever new regulations re covid were being brought out, there was usually a few days’ grace. So if there was an announcement that day about not more than 2 people meeting, it probably wasn’t implement until a few days after the party.
Meanwhile if you are working with a room full of people – and if Sarah Vine is to believed – they were working very hard and long hours, moving outside on a sunny day with the same people to talk – I really cannot get worked up about it. If they were inviting people from all over Whitehall and beyond, then it becomes a different matter.
Deborah – well done – 5 minutes more than me … I wonder what the ‘listening rules ‘ are ? I understood that if you listen for 5 minutes you count as a ‘listener ‘.
I don’t know if anyone knows this for a fact though ….
….I suppose ITV will publish a happy snap from the ‘party ‘ ahead of PMQs on Wednesday ‘resign ‘ will be the rehearsed cry ….
Much ado on Al Beeb about one man – Novak Djokovic’s legal or illegal entry into Australia, but ‘Tumbleweed’ when 28000+ illegal criminals sail into the UK in one year?
Those chickens are going to ‘come home to roost’ at an enormous cost to the people of Great Britain.
Now “Justin Madders is a Labour MP “We’d end energy VAT & introduce a windfall tax on North Sea oil”
(Windfall ? the mining tax is already huge .. all it would do is discourage future investment and thus diminish future mining tax income )
I presume that is a clip from yesterday
the presenter whose the NUJ rep had promised us an interview with Starmer, but we got Madders instead (Shadow Energy minister)
Now Kirsty from a charity
“I have signed a Labour Party petition”
“I am using less gas , my prices have risen 8$% from £25 to £90/month” ..FFS she is totally anti-maths as she throws around numbers.
I really don’t care about any parties or gatherings by any politicians, scientists, academics or civil servants. What I am really annoyed about is that all these groups know quite well that there was little or no risk which is why they were happy to have their fun. Meanwhile the application of the regulations to the rest of us just happens to meet certain objectives, such as control or financial gain. WEF, Davos, IPCC , the BBC and Agenda 2030, plus billionaires with visions all more than happy to take advantage of the “pandemic”. As always, rules are for little people.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – still not correct, try again
After Stew spotted some things wrong with the photo used to illustrate an article about vehicle fuel prices that I posted on this site about a week ago, the BBC have changed the header photo. It still isn’t quite right.
I’m still getting over paying over sixty-five quid for under forty litres this morning!
Buqqer me, that’s nearly a case of Australian vin ordinaire!
(It is the high octane stuff, as we only do short journeys, and a petrol-head mate advised me to do this at every fill-up. Something about the ‘Jets gumming up’, but what West Side Story has to do with it, God only knows)!
@Up2snuff , not that’s a new article on same topic
#1 Midnight before Jan 6th : Drivers overcharged by £5m a day for petrol, claims RAC https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59886270
(stealth edited to remove a claim that petrol prices are at a record high)
Photo features a light black woman at a US gas station
Great research, Stew. Sorry to put you to all that trouble. My hasty skim read thought it was the same article.
Still not a good photo: no masks outside, good, especially as it is summer but we are in winter, so not exactly current and relevant to the article. Then there’s the subject of the article: petrol prices and the lady is filling up with diesel.
It is good that the BBC are so concerned suddenly for the poor motorist. In the usual way of things they are firmly anti-car and anti-car drivers.
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 2 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
I ask this, as I rather like the over-night banter with some of the guys on air, and they have all points of view from lefty to normal (righty), but I’ve yet to find out the real motives of the presenters!
The lefties even think of being a little bit normal (center-righty) sometimes, and as I wouldn’t listen to Lammy anyway, that makes some sort of balance.
Of course, R5Dead or R4 (is it on during the night?) is a no-no these days, so apart from Classic FM (too much boring classical stuff – needs more of the Vaughan Williams/Holst/Respighi/Debussy/Butterworth genre of music, not gibbering Handel or Chopin, (peasant – Ed), so it’s LBC and Nick Abbott’s pretty good, so is Steve Allen, Darren Adam’s a bit lefty, but acceptable, Clive Bull is pretty good and so on…
Must plan ahead, as the awful BBC is failing so badly these days, its days really are numbered, well, for anyone left ‘working’ there, the staff seem to be going to all the alternative media where oblivion may well await them, but who cares about that! They’ve had long enough to rack up a huge TV Tax-funded pension, just like the rest of the civil serpents we have to cough up for, I suppose…
Thank you Stew, I’m still getting new stations on an iPhone, and some are much better than others! (Daughter gave me a pair of Airpods for Christmas, so am ‘all ears’…;0)
Does Talk Radio go on all night? Or does GB do the same?
(I’ll check so please don’t bother to do it, I have all the time in the world – you’re much busier than I am)!
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Partygate2 is part of Constant gas lighting by MSM
.. They waited 20 months and now feed us the narrative that in May 2020 we were all locked up home lone
As I have shown, that is false there were VE Day street parties
other outdoor meetings and even indoor parties.
Their second trick is MISREPRESENTATION of magnitude
#1 6 grooming gang guys over 2 months might rack up 50 rapes against 10 underage girls
that’s 500 year of jail time potentially
#2 Martin Cummings invited sets of working groups to a garden
at their work place
Did that break workplace Covid rules ?
Sending the email might be at max a £10K fine
Was anyone pinged as a result of this party ?
What was the actual Covid risk
I guess sat together with their own workgroup someone could have walked over to near another workgroup and coughed on them.
The VE Day celebrations were very muted and all those that I saw were socially distanced. While Bunter and his cohorts frolicked in the lovely gardens of Downing Street, us mere mortals were being threatened with imprisonment if we sat on a park bench or stopped for a coffee.
There were blood curdling warnings about transmitting this dangerous disease. Power crazed coppers were sending up drones to harass folk rambling in the Peak District. A lovely pool of water was polluted with some sort of hideous dye to dissuade people from visiting. It was an appalling infringement on our civil liberties and must never be forgotten, or forgiven.
And yet all the while fatty and his friends…
I think you’ve got to look at the big picture. I don’t give a flying fig if Boris had the entire cabinet, their wags and the cast of Eastenders in his garden. What’s really telling is that this was happening when we were being warned how high the risk was. How deadly it was. STAY AT HOME, SAVE LIVES! Quite clearly those that attended this Downing Street soiree didn’t think it was such a risk. And FFS, they should know…
We’ve bullied and we’ve been lied to.
I’m not surprised, after all this is Boris…
But I am disgusted.
Jeff – im with you on that but personally i could care less – although if the result was a government which stood for Right Wing policies rather than the current socialism i would be happier …
When we were prevented from sitting on taped up park benches, around that time, I was followed by a Police Range Rover into our little park. I parked the car and my dog jumped out, the Range Rover pulled up beside me – no other cars around. The two cops sat and watched this old gal as she threw the ball for her dog in this solitary space. After 10 minutes off they went.
Now, I couldn’t give a fig about parties in work spaces, what’s done is done, and its always been ever thus about one rule for us etc etc.
BUT I am concerned who would be better than Boris ? If there was someone better in the running then I’m all for it, will Keir Starmar stop the thousands crossing the Channel ? will he really DO something about the care system ? HE may well do, but I have no faith AT ALL in the Dianne Abbots, Lammys, Rayners of this world. The other parties are really non starters.
Yes, Boris can be ousted, and probably will be, – he certainly hasn’t been the same since his brush with death, but is there anyone with any clout or gravitas in any party to take on the Whitehall Mandarins, and surround themselves with a team that has brains and common sense, instead of the idiot children who call themselves ‘advisors’.
Agree about Boris not being the same as before the covids got him!
Maybe a new leader could create a new department which makes the current Home Office, Foreign Office etc., more irrelevant, and staff it with proper meaningful Conservatives, (not the lifers), who could employ a better crowd of mandarins than we have to pay for at present!
Hows about a ‘Ministry for Great Britain’? Make a Minister work for the whole of our country, and use our taxes to pay for Great British Citizens to flourish instead of overseas tinpotters and illegal immigrants! And while he/she’s there, cut out the wasteful councils and restore a better NHS! Why we insist on so many over-staffed, over-paid departments in Whitehall I’ll never know, but lets say half of them could go in a few months!
This particular Minister could also oversee the blatant leftie BBC, and start decomissioning the whole lot without bothering to consult any ‘charter’ which is ignored by Davie and Co anyway!
There you are! Job done, and a vote-winner for the next Conservative leader!
There lies the problem – if nut nut is replaced by – say Liz Truss – the BBC will argue ‘legitimacy ‘ on behalf of the socialists – and the need for a General Election to get a more TV licence friendly regime in place …
Sorry @Jeff “VE Day celebrations muted .. all .. were socially distanced”
..that’s the gaslighting it was not true that everyone was alone
I had checked May 2020 Tweets and there were photographs on TV
Likewise in the days around May 24th the press were rammed outside Dominic Cummings house
MSM banging-on operations do work
One of our neighbours sits there in front of the TV
..and now he’s finger jabbing angry.
He knows the two biggest injustices of the decade are
#1 A tennis player followed the rules and got into Australia whilst unjabbed
#2 20 months ago in a place where hundreds of people work, 30 people sat in a garden socially distanced.
He shouts “Boris lied, he has to go”
… That’s plausible but I don’t even know if Boris has told an actual lie about this party.
I can just about imagine Boris coming down the stairs on hi way out to go somewhere
And then someone would say “Boris was at the party”
and Boris could have a different view.
I can’t work out the timeline of Coid rules in May 2020
but May 20th was a special day, as it looked like we were moving to new open phase https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_United_Kingdom_(January%E2%80%93June_2020)
“The number of people in hospital with COVID-19 drops below 10,000 for the first time since March”
” Oliver Dowden announces the establishment of a task force that will look at how sporting and arts events can resume safely. ”
May 24th “Johnson also confirms plans (outlined on 10 May) for the phased reopening of schools in England from 1 June:”
18 May “Jury trials resume at a handful of courts in England and Wales, having been suspended since the beginning of the lockdown restrictions”
Ive dipped into the BBC news to see if theyve managed to get nut nut to resign yet …
…. Urgent questions in house from our comrade raynor – the msm getting in a fever
For those who eat popcorn it will be interesting to see whether the Tories can hold the line at the ‘inquiry ‘ they set up.
I think the only way that the various forces can get nut nut is if he was found to be lieing to the liars in the house .
But nut nut is so imprecise with his language that he ll probably have a bluster loophole.
Im sure that the next 24 hours will be wall to wall party gate and no one would notice if putin sent the boys in …
Apparently putin is after a promise that ukraine ( spelling ) will never join NATO …
…Jesus Wept. Is this all the Beeb and its political wing, the Labour Party, have to offer in the way of news? Putin the Terrible is busily using the ineptitude of the Woke West to reassemble his Alma Mater, the Soviet Empire while we’re beset by pronoun abuse, glasses tinkling in Downing Street, and the ravings of the hypocritical, jilted, egomaniac- Cummings. Have the British public been so dumbed down, that they’ll swallow this endless woke whingeing? Clearly, the Beebists think so- or, perhaps they understand that it is possible to bore someone into compliance with the woke credo. Are the residents of Woking already woke-complaint, I wonder?
“Channel migrants: Three boats with 96 people make the crossing” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-59954819
And it goes on and on , while the already impoverished people of Great Britain will have to foot the bill.
We voted against this .
Will it be 60000 this year ?
We need a new leader and a new Government – now !
“Liz Truss ‘willing’ to override Northern Ireland-part of Brexit deal” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-59927034
Beware ! As the present fiasco ridden government makes a mess of a mess, dark forces are at work trying to nudge Great Britain back into the EU.
You are correct we need to keep our eyes on the dark forces still joined at the hip with the EU. I note that Faisal Islam snuck out a doom and gloom item about trade on 24 December.
For trade information it is better to ignore the bBC’s selected contributors altogether and follow @Rob_Kimbell.
Speaking of which:
I am a bit fed up that some on this site have taken up the BBC News obsession with Boris’s party and continue to discuss this non- news item as well as others. There is so much news that the BBC omit, both positive and negative which is worthy of detailing on this site which will show up how rediculous the BBC news reporting is and highlight the fact that the British public pay for this rubbish that they call a news service. .
The BBC have no less than 5 separate articles for the topic on the UK front page including another headline quote from Anglea Rayner who seems to be the darling of the BBC now.
It’s the clear bias in pushing this story to this extreme which is the issue here.
Name of donor: Waheed Alli
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £50,000 received via Angela Rayner Ltd for my campaign for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party
Name of donor: British Council
Address of donor: 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, hotel accommodation, meals and visa, with a total cost of £3 571.58
Destination of visit: Nairobi, Kenya
Dates of visit: 6-10 August 2019
Purpose of visit: To encourage people from socially disadvantaged groups to become policy leaders and to participate in the British Council’s Future Leaders Connect programme. https://www.theyworkforyou.com/regmem/?p=25429
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Lynette – it’s the latest for the popcorn class . I have to admire the way the MSM exploits people who have suffered because of covid – such as not being able to say ‘goodbye ‘ to some one they love ( I include myself I’m this ) –
but you are right in that there are really serious issues ( Russia – China – invasion – energy prices- green crap — crime )to keep in the public eye …
MPs considered nationalising a Whitehall pub to avoid a drinking ban while they are relocated to the Department of Health’s offices for the du
ration of refurbishment works at the Palace of Westminster.
Richmond House, which hosts the department, is one of three government buildings owned by Middle East financiers who have bought into an Islamic bond issued by the government. One of its stipulations is that no alcohol will be sold on the premises.
David Cameron, the former prime minister, unveiled the Islamic bond, known as a Sukuk, in 2013, as part of a drive to raise cash from Islamic investors, who cannot buy into interest-paying government bonds because of religious rules against usury.
Instead, the £200m bond sees investors effectively take ownership of three government buildings – Richmond House, Wellington House and a third Whitehall property – and take rent from the UK government for their use.
However, the small print of the deal means that the buildings must be run according to the principles of sharia law. Any attempt to serve alcohol in the buildings could lead to a conflict with investors.
Popular petitions
Repeal Breed Specific Legislation
199 signatures in the last hour
Protect free NHS prescriptions for over 60s
175 signatures in the last hour
Increase sentences for one punch assaults that kill to equal those for murder
88 signatures in the last hour
Launch new public inquiry into legality of the invasion of Iraq in 2003
A former defence secretary from Sir Tony Blair’s government claims he was told to ‘burn’ a note which set out advice on the legality of the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
This one is not so popular (no publicity for it) – but it should be.
Please sign & share our petition to arrest & deport all adult illegals entering the UK …. At the very least it will get our foot in the door of Westminster where many MP's are facilitating the destruction of our country unchallenged. https://t.co/vfG3iBqPr6
— LittleBoats 🇬🇧NI🏴🏴En (@LittleBoats2020) January 3, 2022
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Rumour has it that TTK, when some sort of lawyer, made sure that the killer’s parents stayed in the UK…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It could be worse, Tomo, with Major’s shirt tucked into his ‘Y’Fronts! Actually, come to think of it, Starmer’s flies…
diggFeb 24, 19:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I read that Starmer has claimed that releasing details of the Southport vile children stabber early might have risked the…
tomoFeb 24, 19:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I rather hope TTK manages a stupid faux pas like Broon’s trousers tucked into his socks when he alighted from…
Fedup2Feb 24, 19:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nice to see macron getting the basic greeting as opposed to the full White House welcome with DJT / 47…
tomoFeb 24, 19:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 madly scampering for all the good it’ll do them…. Comey, McCabe , Strzok , Page and the guy who set…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 18:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Some years ago, I read an article about the legendary Peter De Savary, in which he stated that, “If you’re…
Charlie FarleyFeb 24, 18:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Obnoxious Barry Gardiner (£500k from China) on Michelle Dewsbury GBnews with Rupert Lowe……Liebour on a mission to discredit Reform ……Rupert…
New bbc n. America anything reporter?
Slow burner.
Re the diversity debate regarding TV. I was watching a satellite channel earlier this evening and up pops an advert for a company called Diversifying.io. Can you guess what this company does? For the uninitiated, they are a recruiting agency for jobs for the black, Asian and mixed effnicities and various gender benders and shirt lifters. If you or I were to start a company that only employed pale coloured hetro sexuals we’d be strung up. Anyway I’m off to Godaddy to see if they have the domain “We only want whites.com”
Anyway I’m off to Godaddy to see if they have the domain “We only want whites.com”
The one for Big Bus Tycoons has already gone.
Organisation of wealthy individuals for the betterment of large public transport.
Mastermind just now, a Student, speciality, History of the Green Party.
Give me strength.
I bet he’s from Brighton.
Was he called Jolyon?
Still trying to work out how they managed to think of more than two or three questions really!
How long has Bo Jo got to go ?
‘Frosty’ is not happy with him and apparently, ‘Sir’ Nigel Farage is stirring to make a return ? (nowt on Al Beeb about this ……….yet )
Another party scandal just breaking with an Email showing 100 Downing street staff were allowed to party while everyone else was locked down and Cummings has said The Marxist in chief was there too.
Who, old man Steptoe?
\\’100-plus’ invited to Downing Street garden lockdown drinks//
“But Boris Johnson has declined to say whether he was among those there.”
I suspect that there may be more snippets to come from Mr Cummings ?
I’m not sure that anyone becoming replacement would do anything differently apart from the green crap … as Asian bloke is addicted to borrowing money and raising taxes – the ex Liberal Democrat girl will do / say anything to get power ….
Can’t think of anyone else – Rees mogg likes Money too much ( supposedly a Christian ) and that’s your lot as far as the blue Labour Party is concerned …
The Tories have forgotten one of the prime reasons why we voted for Brexit in 2016 – control of our borders and complete independent sovereignty.
All we have had so far is mass invasion and a myriad of broken promises .
I suspect that many Tory MPs are getting a ‘little’ worried about keeping their jobs , more so, should the Brexit Party make a return ………….
650 MPS get 10K to work from home – they got a pay rise – all is good!
I think the best that can be hope for next time is a ‘hung’ parliament which will open the door for more votes on independence ….
“Chatham man admits firing blank shots from balcony”
Is he really a “Chatham man”?
Alunomoh is a traditional English name.
Once again the ‘mental health’ card was played.
It’s really Alan Omo, the Black Broadcasting Corporation’s spell checker isn’t worth a sh1t.Other washing powders are available.
The original BBC story used a blurred image
The Nigerian newspaper showed a clear image
“Dundee man jailed for stalking Chester woman for seven years”
“A Dundee man” ?
Crocodile dundee?
He’s ex Black Watch.
There will never be an ‘independent ‘ inquiry into anything covid related .
And as for Neal Oliver – I think the State will shut him up fairly soon – such unapproved expression really can’t be accepted in our ‘free country ‘….
The BBC is going ‘big’ on the African Cup thing – it will be interesting if they all ‘take the knee ‘- I guess they all will ….
… but if they don’t – I wonder how the BBC will react to this vacuous woke nonsense …?
9:34pm The BBC owned UKTV Yesterday channel
“Mandela was an activist for most of the 1940s”
Black American voice “He believed in change through peace means”
.. Surely that is false, there was injustice at that time and his solution was terrorism.
Necklacing was used by the black community to punish its members who were perceived as collaborators with the apartheid government.[2] Necklacing was primarily used on black police informants; the practice was often carried out in the name of the struggle, although the executive body of the African National Congress (ANC), the most broadly supported South African opposition movement, condemned it.[3][4] In 1986, Winnie Mandela, then-wife of the imprisoned Nelson Mandela, stated, “With our boxes of matches, and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country”,
I see BBCNews Twitter page has been given a header graphic
It’s a Covid advert ..
No safe distance?
Robert Malone coming up at 10:20pm on GBnews
GBNews news just led with
‘Number 10 invited staff to a socially distanced, bring your own booze party in the garden on May 10th 2020’
..it quoted ITVnews
It’s strange GBN news runs with the pack.
“ITVnews Martyn Reynolds hve an email in which he invited more than 100 people”
Was that a few days after many people had had VE street parties ?
ITV were out filming them
.. https://twitter.com/DWeekel/status/1258690875942752257
On May25th The Downing St Rose Garden was full of media people for the Dominic Cummings press conference
I only found one photo ..don’t see anyone wearing a mask
Every. Single. MSM. Twat. Obsessing.
‘groomed’ = There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent r*pes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
. . . .
“If you use the language rules that your ideological opponent demands that you use, you cede (give up) the territory to them.” – {youtube – Jordan Peterson @6:12}
Kay Burley was there?
My typo not May 10th, May 20th was the alleged party day at number 10
Good article in the epoch times from Robert Malone, expanding on mass formation psychosis idea from the Joe Rogan show.
Talks about peoples free floating anxiety finding a form to obsess on, and unite around, in this case the covid pandemic.
Thanks Eddy. See also an interesting interview with Prof. Mattias Desmet from last year here. It is over an hour long but worth the effort.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59930206 BBC reporting about IKEA and them discriminating for workers jabbed or those that’s not had it.
After reading what the reporter Hotten put down for his attempt at an unbiased article, it left me just wondering why he didn’t ask the obvious question.
How can it be fair for IKEA to allow a jabbed worker to come to work with Covid and spread it to others and get sent home on full sick pay. And then a Co-worker whose not had the jab but didn’t bring covid to work, then gets sent home on minimum sick pay!
It’s as though coercion and blatant discrimination is perfectly fine for IKEA. A healthy worker whose not been jabbed and not brought covid to work gets punished but the vaccinated worker gets a free pass even though they came to work with the cold…. I mean covid!!
We all know those that’s been jabbed can still catch it and spread it so it’s totally unfair and wrong. You would think the BBC and Hotten being so fair and unbiased and caring about us all would ask that question but once again the BBC demonstrate how utterly lost they are. No wonder people don’t trust them anymore, defund it or replace it
Top two stories on the BBC Moaning Emole are something about tennis and a party, well, an ‘alleged’ one, that they understand took place having been told about it.
Luckily the real news is there.
Also vital.
BBC News
The former Top Gear host hoped to use a converted lambing shed on the site of his series Clarkson’s Farm.
Jez refused planning permission. Doubtless a crew dispatched to stand outside.
Got rid of him, now obsessed with everything he does and says.
Whatever the plusses and minuses of Clarkson’s plan it was pretty much doomed to fail.
Clarkson has the aura of white right wing male while the majority of local council planning departments are pretty much bitter lefties.
Just another political skirmish really!
When I was young, I used to
Watch behind the curtains
As men walked up and down the street. Wino men, old men.
Young men sharp as mustard.
See them. Men are always
Going somewhere.
They knew I was there. Fifteen
Years old and starving for them.
Under my window, they would pauses,
Their shoulders high like the
Breasts of a young girl,
Jacket tails slapping over
Those behinds,
One day they hold you in the
Palms of their hands, gentle, as if you
Were the last raw egg in the world. Then
They tighten up. Just a little. The
First squeeze is nice. A quick hug.
Soft into your defenselessness. A little
More. The hurt begins. Wrench out a
Smile that slides around the fear. When the
Air disappears,
Your mind pops, exploding fiercely, briefly,
Like the head of a kitchen match. Shattered.
It is your juice
That runs down their legs. Staining their shoes.
When the earth rights itself again,
And taste tries to return to the tongue,
Your body has slammed shut. Forever.
No keys exist.
Then the window draws full upon
Your mind. There, just beyond
The sway of curtains, men walk.
Knowing something.
Going someplace.
But this time, I will simply
Stand and watch.
Which way?
I listened to ‘ coming storm ‘ mess after watching a 4 part PBS thing on Clinton ( obviously as soft as possible on him ) – but my read on how President Trump was treated was payback for what the Republicans ( rightly ) did to Bill and Hillarly .
Bill – after all – modelled himself on the amoral JFK – both were led by their private parts – so in different times Clinton was bound to come unstuck by his behaviour .
So the Republicans went after him on this – as well as Arkansas corruption of course. The lady who came forward with the rape allegation when Clinton was governor hasn’t seen justice yet….
To me this puts the constant fevered targeting of Mr Trump into a context which is still rolling in America and fixated the MSMBBC ….
Meanwhile – back to the number 10 outside garden party ( yawn)…or wallpaper …
All the great programmes are BBC.
Please please please start a new party Jeremy – please !
It won’t win more than a handful of seats but it would remove most of the extreme loonies from Labour and so make them more electable. Even ‘moderate’ Labour is a danger to the country, even more so than the Johnstone’s woke light party, aka Conservatives.
On balance therefore I would prefer Jeremy not to start a new party.
Good point. The more thoughtful ideological journos are trying to get Wes Streeting installed for when Jez makes Labour more electable if not under Slick.
Meanwhile…. funniest post so far…
These are the clowns who are cool on allegations when they know they are going to be beaten to the alleged revelation, according to sources.
Jeremy Corbyn explains why he won’t reveal if he’s had Covid vaccine
14 June 2021, 21:59 | Updated: 15 June 2021, 15:22
Are you saying Jeremy doesn’t trust his NHS and not express solidarity with Front . Line . Heroes.?
Come on – where’s your sense of humour ? A new rival for the MP for righteous indignation ( crofter blackford )?….
….I can’t think of many of Jeremy’s disciples defecting from the warm arms of Labour to sit with him – apart from his girlfriend …..
But at a time when humour is needed fizz like this is welcome …..I’m sure the BBC will be above moon ….
Jeremy Corbyn broke ‘rule of six’ at dinner party with eight others
author image
Joe Roberts
Thursday 1 Oct 2020 8:07 am
Big news! 📺 in the Shires…
The Offa’s Dyke Path, which runs along part of our border with Wales, will be featured on a new ITV series starting TONIGHT!
Wonders of the Border sees Good Morning Britain and BBC Countryfile Extra presenter Sean Fletcher visit more than 50 locations along the 177-mile National Trail – and we understand that Herefordshire will feature highly this week and next!
So be sure to tune in on Tuesdays (starting tonight) at 7.30pm to see our borders with Wales showcased in all of their beautiful glory!
#visitherefordshire #offasdykepath #offasdyke #herefordshire #catsback #wales #visitwales #itv
And guess what… he’s doing it alone! Well, bar the crew. And any audience members en route brought in shot.
Guest who – C5 recently sneaked out on some bloke walking Roman roads – I don’t like the format where they have to meet some local ‘interesting person ‘ who makes pots or stuff ….
…. Keep the countryside secret please ? Is there a car park ? Is there wi fi ?
Guest, I seem to recall Wynford Vaughan-Thomas walking that route and broadcasting during the walk. It would be great if the BBC repeated that series on R4 in order to celebrate their centenary. It was said to be something of a high-spot in BBC broadcasting, something of a ‘Masterclass’ in broadcasting.
That Sean Fletcher series was already on ITV Wales last year
Loads of drone footage
and every 2 minutes running into people who have something to promote
(all white it seems)
Inevitably the press has a lot to say about that now infamous Downing Street party. The point being that the PM exhibited rank hypocrisy, locking down the nation whilst apparently not personally wishing to abide by his own rules.
One prefers the succinct nature of one of the Daily Star’s subordinate story headlines: ‘Party boy mugged us all off‘ – they go with: ‘Boffins say common cold helps beat covid‘ – as their lead story. Which puts some things in perspective. We were also intrigued momentarily by: ‘Brass monkey sandwich‘ – that’s certainly eyeball catching, until realising it was likely yet another excited dire weather prediction from the Star.
All preferable – I think you must agree – to the circumlocution of the Telegraph’s top headline: ‘Cabinet anger over misleading isolation guidance‘ – do please cut to the journalistic chase more quickly… you remember… “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Where,” and “Why” – a clear case for some trademark Cathy Newman-like demand of – So what you’re saying is?
When it comes to the subject of parties the Telegraph meanwhile becomes the bland leading the bland: ‘Johnson received invite to lockdown party‘
The formerly patriotic Times goes all bucolic and pastural on us: ‘No 10 celebrated “lovely weather” with lockdown drinks party‘
The left-leaning po-faced highly coronaphobic ‘i’ has a sudden fit of sarky tabloidese: “Bring your own booze!” – call me conservative but frankly I’d have been more outraged had the taxpayer been oblidged to fork out for the beverages.
The Daily Express regurgitates the old and clichéd “Gate“: ‘Enough Boris! You MUST end “Partygate” farce now‘ – what, with so very very many an outraged potential headline still to be written on the event?
An honourable mention now for the dishonourable corporate and government agency advertising-funded editorial model freebie Metro: ‘Downing it street‘ – never fully trust the word of any institution apparently free at the point of access. Unlike Downing Street staff party attendees for joe public there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Whilst the Guardian is consumed by (righteous?) fury: ‘Fury as email reveals No 10 “bring your own booze lockdown” party‘ – one would fondly like to imagine that the very mouthpiece of our public sector was indeed provoked to the point of fury simply by the revelation of the non-free bar aspect for those Downing Street civil servants.
The BBC champions the rights of: ‘HMP Styal: Prisoner who had stillborn baby “will never forgive jail”‘
I’ve nothing to add today on that other great filler of column inches, the Serb tennis star arrested Downunder, but on this preggers prisoner Cell Block H the BBC has this sad tale to tell:
‘A prisoner who gave birth to a stillborn baby in the toilet of a cell has said she “will never forgive the prison” for the “horror death”. Louise Powell, 31, who did not know she was pregnant, said she begged for an ambulance before her baby died at HMP Styal in Cheshire in 2020.‘
All most unpleasant. One suspects this is leading to an argument that women ought not to be put in prison. We won’t get into what constitutes a woman – I forsee many an old lag playing the I identify as a woman card, should that progressive notion ever come to pass.
But in this case, surely the sad outcome was in part at least the responsiblity of the woman for getting herself sent to jail? Her body, her choice?
Not expecting to find the cause of her incarceration from the Beeb, surprisingly, some way down the report we get: ‘Ms Powell was sent to the prison in March 2020 after admitting common assault, racially-aggravated harassment and criminal damage‘ – oops… I can see why the BBC decided to dob her in there considering some of their audience would find out.
But come on BBC, are you now saying the unborn child had rights?
There’s an awful lot of progressive rubber hitting the road of reality in this tale.
Another US special investigation by Springster with whoever the BBC has left out there selling books, digging up Trump stuff or ignoring Sleepy and Heels Up’s latest.
BBC local news :
” Party ! Martin Reynolds emailed 100,
as many as 30 went
here’s Angela Rayner”
… Is this whole story run by Labour Party PR ?
“Here’s a victim, her father died just 4 days after the invitation was sent out”
.. so around May 8th when the VE street parties were on.
Next : ‘Here’s someone from the local health authority
“unvaccinated are suffering badly from Covid
It’s not them who get it like a cold, it’s only the vaccinated who get it like that”. ‘
itv wiped date off email
Stew, I think it is very much a Part-time/Daily Mirror/Guardian/BBC operation against the PM with Cummings being the feed. I suspect that he hasn’t been bought or had his family threatened but is acting out of pure spite on his own and Lee Cain’s behalf to get Carrie out of No.10. I also wonder whether, if there is a change in PM, Cain and Cummings will be straight back on the No.10 team.
As Robert Hardy memorably growled in the 1980s while playing Winston Churchill “Politics is foul.”
Stew – I think crofter blackford is the leader on Righteous indignation – the labour girls haven’t quite got it yet – Angie loses control – Mrs balls tries too hard – and the shadow treasury girl just grates at it …
… but now that we have partygate 2? There will be plenty of time for the swamp to practice it …. I reckon nut nut will have to do a starmer and ‘isolate ‘ for a while ….
Wales: “All Covid patients in hospital’s intensive care are unvaccinated and several have died this week”.
Note, “All”
G, interesting. I’ve just tried to find out the number of ICU/ITU/CC beds AB hospital has. It is a brand new facility and has its own web-site. There is no mention of an ICU/ITU/CC unit at all. Strange.
Of course it is possible that one has been hurriedly set up during the Pandemic as the hospital was not quite finished but brought into use to cater for Covid patients in early Lockdown 2020
Presumably, the “Covid patients” will be those who contracted Covid in hospital, and the deaths will be any deaths…
I see only contempt for the people/voters from this current Marxist labour/Green Government headed by, the now openly ridiculed Boris Johnson.
Historically, the expression, “liar” was avoided but now there is no avoiding calling the man a, ‘Serial Liar’. He’s one of those who only has to open their gob for all the lies and deceit to simply fall out.
Of course he is a liar – 1 journalist 2 politician – surprise ? But he makes all the Charlie chuckles noises that entertain the public – so is ‘okay ‘…
PM under pressure over further lockdown drinks party
Yet another headline of such breathtaking importance, the BBC have someone updating a live blog on it. Similar to what I would expect in the run-up to world-war 3.
I haven’t seen such a blatant agenda to discredit someone since Cummins went for a drive in his car.
Now there is no doubt that both of these events went against the rules. But I personally don’t care that much. In the scheme of how many have lost their lives or livelihoods or what damage COVID has done to the economy, they are utterly trivial. I bet every single MP broke the COVID rules in some way.
And isn’t it strange how these over-inflated witch-hunts are always by the Left against the Right ?. All inconvenient trangressions (like the Labour MP who took a train after testing positive or Biden forcing his fingers inside a female colleague because he thought ‘she liked him’) are brushed straight under the carpet.
It’s these gross, politically-motivated double standards by the Left, the MSM and particularly the BBC which disgust me more than anything else. They are shameless scumbags who would happily see a country burn to get what they want.
It was an SNP woman who got on a train after testing positive.
Ah yes, thanks for the correction. Margaret Ferrier.
Just checked the original BBC report on her.
Had symptoms so took a test. Then took a train to Westminster. Test came back positive so she took a train home again.
Also travelled in and around Glasgow for three days.
But excused away as ‘a blip’.
Single brief article just giving a bare description of the facts. As with all off-agenda articles.
BBC will be pretending they can’t talk cos on upcoming trial
but I doubt it’s a jury trial, so we can talk
Why’s this take 2 years ?
MP Margaret Ferrier will stand trial in August accused of travelling between Glasgow and London knowing she had Covid symptoms.
The 61-year-old, who represents Rutherglen and Hamilton West, is accused of making the trips despite being told to self-isolate.
Ms Ferrier is also said to have travelled in and around Glasgow over three days in September 2020.
She denies wilfully exposing people to the risk of illness and death.
Ms Ferrier, who was suspended by the SNP in September 2020, appeared in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court to plead not guilty and was granted bail.
See how the BBC fail to mention she pushed a cameraman out of the way as she left court.
Liverpool’s Deputy Mayor, Lynnie Hinnigan, has been forced to apologise for attending a party in her garden while lockdown restrictions were at their height.
The Labour Councillor claimed the event on 9th May to mark her 50th birthday hadn’t been a party as such.
pics : https://www.twitter.com/Cloudy77252912/status/1266291864065327104
May 10th Kevan Jones #Labour MP defends decision to attend war veteran’s 100th birthday party during lockdown -Newcastle Chronicle
Was supposed to be outdoors, but heavy rain meant it got moved into nearby hall
TOADY Watch #1 – funny, not much mention of someone else but I did notice something
After Mens Doubles on Saturday, and Mixed Doubles yesterday, it is Ladies Doubles today. Lying in bed with the eyes closed there was no mistaking the delight in Mishal’s voice at 6 a.m. that the BBC were leading with ‘the old news’ of Downing Street drinks parties. Now there is a Senior Civil Servant in some considerable trouble but he only received a passing mention.
Mishal was keen to tell listeners that the Prime Minister and his fiancée, Carrie Symonds, both attended the event. As Carrie was pregnant at the time I assume that she did not drink any alcohol, as is the current fashion, but Mishal neglected to confirm this. The word ‘Booze’ was bandied around – is that now an accepted BBC broadcast word? – but I always understood BYOB to stand for Bring Your Own Bottle which was not necessarily restricted to alcohol beverages.
Any BBC Parties?
MM, I think we should be told.
Unfortunately, the Labour Party are so boring apparently that they could not hold a party in a brewery in a month of Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. The problem for the Sucker is that he and Labour are sidelined out of the news within days of that important Labour Re-set Speech. That’s the worse possible thing to happen for Labour.
As for it counting with the voting public, I suspect it will not.
If the community round about where I live, outdoor parties were all the rage in the good weather of 2020 and mostly seemed to be populated by women entirely or with a few ‘token’ males. Judging by the shrieking and howling going on from just after lunchtime – which made it unpleasant to work outside in the sun in the garden – a considerable amount of alcohol was being consumed and having an effect.
Of course the BBC will be able to find a vox pop or two from an enraged member of the public who is probably a Labour voter but ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword’.
Move to ban alcohol from Crawley Labour meetings
A fresh bid to ban alcohol from Crawley Labour Party meetings has been launched by one of its members.
By The Newsroom
Thursday, 23rd November 2017
In my experience there are just as many women as men happy to partake a drink-poos when given the chance so I smell a rat.
You might discover that there is another unspoken group who would dearly like to get onto the council but are prevented by their beliefs!
I managed 5 minutes of the Today programme this morning around 8.20am On and on droned Mishal, asking a junior health minister about this ruddy party. ‘Was the Prime Minister there?’; ‘Wouldn’t you be angry if it turned out that the PM was there?’; read out a couple of emails (do we know if they were real?) then, ‘Don’t these people have the right to be angry’; ‘Do you believe there was a party?’ etc etc. Boring and the junior minister wasn’t to be swayed. I presume the presenters and the editors at Today believe the longer they go on about it, the angrier ‘the people’ will be. What are the listening figures for Today. It really doesn’t reach that great a proportion of the population.
Mr D pointed out that whenever new regulations re covid were being brought out, there was usually a few days’ grace. So if there was an announcement that day about not more than 2 people meeting, it probably wasn’t implement until a few days after the party.
Meanwhile if you are working with a room full of people – and if Sarah Vine is to believed – they were working very hard and long hours, moving outside on a sunny day with the same people to talk – I really cannot get worked up about it. If they were inviting people from all over Whitehall and beyond, then it becomes a different matter.
Deborah – well done – 5 minutes more than me … I wonder what the ‘listening rules ‘ are ? I understood that if you listen for 5 minutes you count as a ‘listener ‘.
I don’t know if anyone knows this for a fact though ….
….I suppose ITV will publish a happy snap from the ‘party ‘ ahead of PMQs on Wednesday ‘resign ‘ will be the rehearsed cry ….
(Smug face) Fed, I managed a whole hour, so there, nyah nyah na nah nah! (end Smug face)
Much ado on Al Beeb about one man – Novak Djokovic’s legal or illegal entry into Australia, but ‘Tumbleweed’ when 28000+ illegal criminals sail into the UK in one year?
Those chickens are going to ‘come home to roost’ at an enormous cost to the people of Great Britain.
They will see them as replenishment cheap cash-in-hand gardeners to replace the Poles who went home.
But I bet they don’t trust them as nannies.
Twitter headline : “Detection of ‘Deltacron’ in Cyprus is likely due to processing error caused by lab contamination, virology experts say”
Both BBC local news phone-ins
“These parties, are you angry let us know ..phone/text/email/tweet-us/WhatsApp”
That is so obviously ab out building outrage and helping Labour PR.
Now “Justin Madders is a Labour MP “We’d end energy VAT & introduce a windfall tax on North Sea oil”
(Windfall ? the mining tax is already huge .. all it would do is discourage future investment and thus diminish future mining tax income )
I presume that is a clip from yesterday
the presenter whose the NUJ rep had promised us an interview with Starmer, but we got Madders instead (Shadow Energy minister)
Now Kirsty from a charity
“I have signed a Labour Party petition”
“I am using less gas , my prices have risen 8$% from £25 to £90/month” ..FFS she is totally anti-maths as she throws around numbers.
I really don’t care about any parties or gatherings by any politicians, scientists, academics or civil servants. What I am really annoyed about is that all these groups know quite well that there was little or no risk which is why they were happy to have their fun. Meanwhile the application of the regulations to the rest of us just happens to meet certain objectives, such as control or financial gain. WEF, Davos, IPCC , the BBC and Agenda 2030, plus billionaires with visions all more than happy to take advantage of the “pandemic”. As always, rules are for little people.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – still not correct, try again
After Stew spotted some things wrong with the photo used to illustrate an article about vehicle fuel prices that I posted on this site about a week ago, the BBC have changed the header photo. It still isn’t quite right.
I’m still getting over paying over sixty-five quid for under forty litres this morning!
Buqqer me, that’s nearly a case of Australian vin ordinaire!
(It is the high octane stuff, as we only do short journeys, and a petrol-head mate advised me to do this at every fill-up. Something about the ‘Jets gumming up’, but what West Side Story has to do with it, God only knows)!
@Up2snuff , not that’s a new article on same topic
#1 Midnight before Jan 6th : Drivers overcharged by £5m a day for petrol, claims RAC
(stealth edited to remove a claim that petrol prices are at a record high)
Photo features a light black woman at a US gas station
#2 Evening of 10th : Petrol prices: Are we paying too much at the pump?
Not edited yet
Photo features a light black woman at a BP petrol station
Key image label “multi racial person”
Series : 2897 British Petrol Station Premium .. High Res Photos
The BBC image label repeats the record price claim , that they removed from the first article, but gives it the correct date of November
BBC like doing RAC PRasNews
Great research, Stew. Sorry to put you to all that trouble. My hasty skim read thought it was the same article.
Still not a good photo: no masks outside, good, especially as it is summer but we are in winter, so not exactly current and relevant to the article. Then there’s the subject of the article: petrol prices and the lady is filling up with diesel.
It is good that the BBC are so concerned suddenly for the poor motorist. In the usual way of things they are firmly anti-car and anti-car drivers.
Boris! Wake up! If you can’t see by now that the BBC are on a dedicated mission to bring you down you are blind!
They are even using their mates at The Guardian and The Independent to help them, not to mention their contacts at Labour HQ.
This is not a spat about Covid Regulations it’s all-out political action by our “National Broadcaster” to try to topple an elected Government.
Boris Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing TV licence fee for BBC
This article is more than 2 years old
Remarks came amid row over PM’s refusal to look at a picture of a sick boy in hospital
Latest election news – live updates
Does anyone here listen to LBC very much?
I ask this, as I rather like the over-night banter with some of the guys on air, and they have all points of view from lefty to normal (righty), but I’ve yet to find out the real motives of the presenters!
The lefties even think of being a little bit normal (center-righty) sometimes, and as I wouldn’t listen to Lammy anyway, that makes some sort of balance.
Of course, R5Dead or R4 (is it on during the night?) is a no-no these days, so apart from Classic FM (too much boring classical stuff – needs more of the Vaughan Williams/Holst/Respighi/Debussy/Butterworth genre of music, not gibbering Handel or Chopin, (peasant – Ed), so it’s LBC and Nick Abbott’s pretty good, so is Steve Allen, Darren Adam’s a bit lefty, but acceptable, Clive Bull is pretty good and so on…
Must plan ahead, as the awful BBC is failing so badly these days, its days really are numbered, well, for anyone left ‘working’ there, the staff seem to be going to all the alternative media where oblivion may well await them, but who cares about that! They’ve had long enough to rack up a huge TV Tax-funded pension, just like the rest of the civil serpents we have to cough up for, I suppose…
You can listen to @TalkRadio or @GBNews Radio on YouTube
or a Dab+ radio
Thank you Stew, I’m still getting new stations on an iPhone, and some are much better than others! (Daughter gave me a pair of Airpods for Christmas, so am ‘all ears’…;0)
Does Talk Radio go on all night? Or does GB do the same?
(I’ll check so please don’t bother to do it, I have all the time in the world – you’re much busier than I am)!
Each time one of these overpaid DJ rascals comes on to our radar I think of them in terms of an equivalence table.
e.g. Sopel salary LFACR
£400,000 = LFACR of 2515.7, where;
LFACR = Licence Fee Annual Consumption rate.
Good nosh .
I suggest the following to help decide if presenters are worth the TV Tax paid under threat of prison …. maybe Carrie Gracie can produce one to justify her pay as well?
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
Excellent, MM!
Wages not linked to talent – priceless!
Partygate2 is part of Constant gas lighting by MSM
.. They waited 20 months and now feed us the narrative that in May 2020 we were all locked up home lone
As I have shown, that is false there were VE Day street parties
other outdoor meetings and even indoor parties.
Their second trick is MISREPRESENTATION of magnitude
#1 6 grooming gang guys over 2 months might rack up 50 rapes against 10 underage girls
that’s 500 year of jail time potentially
#2 Martin Cummings invited sets of working groups to a garden
at their work place
Did that break workplace Covid rules ?
Sending the email might be at max a £10K fine
Was anyone pinged as a result of this party ?
What was the actual Covid risk
I guess sat together with their own workgroup someone could have walked over to near another workgroup and coughed on them.
Sorry Stew, your comparisons are nonsense.
The VE Day celebrations were very muted and all those that I saw were socially distanced. While Bunter and his cohorts frolicked in the lovely gardens of Downing Street, us mere mortals were being threatened with imprisonment if we sat on a park bench or stopped for a coffee.
There were blood curdling warnings about transmitting this dangerous disease. Power crazed coppers were sending up drones to harass folk rambling in the Peak District. A lovely pool of water was polluted with some sort of hideous dye to dissuade people from visiting. It was an appalling infringement on our civil liberties and must never be forgotten, or forgiven.
And yet all the while fatty and his friends…
I think you’ve got to look at the big picture. I don’t give a flying fig if Boris had the entire cabinet, their wags and the cast of Eastenders in his garden. What’s really telling is that this was happening when we were being warned how high the risk was. How deadly it was. STAY AT HOME, SAVE LIVES! Quite clearly those that attended this Downing Street soiree didn’t think it was such a risk. And FFS, they should know…
We’ve bullied and we’ve been lied to.
I’m not surprised, after all this is Boris…
But I am disgusted.
Jeff – im with you on that but personally i could care less – although if the result was a government which stood for Right Wing policies rather than the current socialism i would be happier …
When we were prevented from sitting on taped up park benches, around that time, I was followed by a Police Range Rover into our little park. I parked the car and my dog jumped out, the Range Rover pulled up beside me – no other cars around. The two cops sat and watched this old gal as she threw the ball for her dog in this solitary space. After 10 minutes off they went.
Now, I couldn’t give a fig about parties in work spaces, what’s done is done, and its always been ever thus about one rule for us etc etc.
BUT I am concerned who would be better than Boris ? If there was someone better in the running then I’m all for it, will Keir Starmar stop the thousands crossing the Channel ? will he really DO something about the care system ? HE may well do, but I have no faith AT ALL in the Dianne Abbots, Lammys, Rayners of this world. The other parties are really non starters.
Yes, Boris can be ousted, and probably will be, – he certainly hasn’t been the same since his brush with death, but is there anyone with any clout or gravitas in any party to take on the Whitehall Mandarins, and surround themselves with a team that has brains and common sense, instead of the idiot children who call themselves ‘advisors’.
Agree about Boris not being the same as before the covids got him!
Maybe a new leader could create a new department which makes the current Home Office, Foreign Office etc., more irrelevant, and staff it with proper meaningful Conservatives, (not the lifers), who could employ a better crowd of mandarins than we have to pay for at present!
Hows about a ‘Ministry for Great Britain’? Make a Minister work for the whole of our country, and use our taxes to pay for Great British Citizens to flourish instead of overseas tinpotters and illegal immigrants! And while he/she’s there, cut out the wasteful councils and restore a better NHS! Why we insist on so many over-staffed, over-paid departments in Whitehall I’ll never know, but lets say half of them could go in a few months!
This particular Minister could also oversee the blatant leftie BBC, and start decomissioning the whole lot without bothering to consult any ‘charter’ which is ignored by Davie and Co anyway!
There you are! Job done, and a vote-winner for the next Conservative leader!
It’ll be Liz Truss – the odds are shortening!
There lies the problem – if nut nut is replaced by – say Liz Truss – the BBC will argue ‘legitimacy ‘ on behalf of the socialists – and the need for a General Election to get a more TV licence friendly regime in place …
Sorry @Jeff “VE Day celebrations muted .. all .. were socially distanced”
..that’s the gaslighting it was not true that everyone was alone
I had checked May 2020 Tweets and there were photographs on TV
Likewise in the days around May 24th the press were rammed outside Dominic Cummings house
MSM banging-on operations do work
One of our neighbours sits there in front of the TV
..and now he’s finger jabbing angry.
He knows the two biggest injustices of the decade are
#1 A tennis player followed the rules and got into Australia whilst unjabbed
#2 20 months ago in a place where hundreds of people work, 30 people sat in a garden socially distanced.
He shouts “Boris lied, he has to go”
… That’s plausible but I don’t even know if Boris has told an actual lie about this party.
I can just about imagine Boris coming down the stairs on hi way out to go somewhere
And then someone would say “Boris was at the party”
and Boris could have a different view.
I can’t work out the timeline of Coid rules in May 2020
but May 20th was a special day, as it looked like we were moving to new open phase
“The number of people in hospital with COVID-19 drops below 10,000 for the first time since March”
” Oliver Dowden announces the establishment of a task force that will look at how sporting and arts events can resume safely. ”
May 24th “Johnson also confirms plans (outlined on 10 May) for the phased reopening of schools in England from 1 June:”
18 May “Jury trials resume at a handful of courts in England and Wales, having been suspended since the beginning of the lockdown restrictions”
30th of April announces we are past the peak of pandemic
10th of May was the day announced that he was looking to end lockdown
Why can’t someone just say that Boris was so pissed, he couldn’t remember whether he was there or not!
End of!
Ive dipped into the BBC news to see if theyve managed to get nut nut to resign yet …
…. Urgent questions in house from our comrade raynor – the msm getting in a fever
For those who eat popcorn it will be interesting to see whether the Tories can hold the line at the ‘inquiry ‘ they set up.
I think the only way that the various forces can get nut nut is if he was found to be lieing to the liars in the house .
But nut nut is so imprecise with his language that he ll probably have a bluster loophole.
Im sure that the next 24 hours will be wall to wall party gate and no one would notice if putin sent the boys in …
Apparently putin is after a promise that ukraine ( spelling ) will never join NATO …
Nut nut must be praying for an invasion …
…Jesus Wept. Is this all the Beeb and its political wing, the Labour Party, have to offer in the way of news? Putin the Terrible is busily using the ineptitude of the Woke West to reassemble his Alma Mater, the Soviet Empire while we’re beset by pronoun abuse, glasses tinkling in Downing Street, and the ravings of the hypocritical, jilted, egomaniac- Cummings. Have the British public been so dumbed down, that they’ll swallow this endless woke whingeing? Clearly, the Beebists think so- or, perhaps they understand that it is possible to bore someone into compliance with the woke credo. Are the residents of Woking already woke-complaint, I wonder?
Just had a peek at the Beeb’s website, and they’re all over this like a rash!
Bet they wouldn’t if they had to justify such a non-story with shareholder’s money!
What a poor return for the pensioner’s £150.00 per year – a week’s pension.
“Channel migrants: Three boats with 96 people make the crossing”
And it goes on and on , while the already impoverished people of Great Britain will have to foot the bill.
We voted against this .
Will it be 60000 this year ?
We need a new leader and a new Government – now !
“Liz Truss ‘willing’ to override Northern Ireland-part of Brexit deal”
Beware ! As the present fiasco ridden government makes a mess of a mess, dark forces are at work trying to nudge Great Britain back into the EU.
You are correct we need to keep our eyes on the dark forces still joined at the hip with the EU. I note that Faisal Islam snuck out a doom and gloom item about trade on 24 December.
For trade information it is better to ignore the bBC’s selected contributors altogether and follow @Rob_Kimbell.
Speaking of which:
I am a bit fed up that some on this site have taken up the BBC News obsession with Boris’s party and continue to discuss this non- news item as well as others. There is so much news that the BBC omit, both positive and negative which is worthy of detailing on this site which will show up how rediculous the BBC news reporting is and highlight the fact that the British public pay for this rubbish that they call a news service. .
Do have a word with Nadine Dorries …………….
The BBC have no less than 5 separate articles for the topic on the UK front page including another headline quote from Anglea Rayner who seems to be the darling of the BBC now.
It’s the clear bias in pushing this story to this extreme which is the issue here.
Name of donor: Waheed Alli
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £50,000 received via Angela Rayner Ltd for my campaign for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party
Date received: 21 January 2020
Date accepted: 21 January 2020
Donor status: individual
Name of donor: British Council
Address of donor: 10 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, hotel accommodation, meals and visa, with a total cost of £3 571.58
Destination of visit: Nairobi, Kenya
Dates of visit: 6-10 August 2019
Purpose of visit: To encourage people from socially disadvantaged groups to become policy leaders and to participate in the British Council’s Future Leaders Connect programme.
Here’s another one our own famous, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” touted recently.
“Afghan Accused Of Gang Rape And Child Murder Fled To UK By Boat”
Sorry, what’s that you say? I’ve got it wrong again………………
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
BBC coverage now bordering on hysterical..
The wont stop until they have there scalp,Boris
Queen knights Tony Blair so Prince Andrew can sleep at night!
Lynette – it’s the latest for the popcorn class . I have to admire the way the MSM exploits people who have suffered because of covid – such as not being able to say ‘goodbye ‘ to some one they love ( I include myself I’m this ) –
but you are right in that there are really serious issues ( Russia – China – invasion – energy prices- green crap — crime )to keep in the public eye …
MPs considered nationalising a Whitehall pub to avoid a drinking ban while they are relocated to the Department of Health’s offices for the duration of refurbishment works at the Palace of Westminster.
London – sold brick by brick ….
MPs considered nationalising a Whitehall pub to avoid a drinking ban while they are relocated to the Department of Health’s offices for the du
ration of refurbishment works at the Palace of Westminster.
Richmond House, which hosts the department, is one of three government buildings owned by Middle East financiers who have bought into an Islamic bond issued by the government. One of its stipulations is that no alcohol will be sold on the premises.
David Cameron, the former prime minister, unveiled the Islamic bond, known as a Sukuk, in 2013, as part of a drive to raise cash from Islamic investors, who cannot buy into interest-paying government bonds because of religious rules against usury.
Instead, the £200m bond sees investors effectively take ownership of three government buildings – Richmond House, Wellington House and a third Whitehall property – and take rent from the UK government for their use.
However, the small print of the deal means that the buildings must be run according to the principles of sharia law. Any attempt to serve alcohol in the buildings could lead to a conflict with investors.
So instead of investors issuing a mortgage on the buildings
and charging interest
.. they took pretend ownership and received rent.
FFS that is what interest payments are : RENT charges on money lent
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