Is the BBC reporting the spreading protests by ‘truck drivers ‘ or is it trying to ‘non report ‘ as part of its’ propaganda programme ? Selective reporting and non reporting of events just makes it easier for people to see the bias in action . Time to end it .
Start the week 7 February 2022
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For those people who still believe in the reinstatement of the death penalty, the admission by Levi Belfield that he murdered Lynne and Megan Russell should come as a salutory warning.
Twice this man was found guilty by UK courts, proving just how inadequate they can be. The papers were absolutely certain Michael Stone was guilty and despite him consistantly pleading his innocence many would have seen him hanged,
So what will the reperations be for 26 years of a lost life wrongly found guilty of a crime he didn’t commit? Probebly not much since the state decided to limit the amount to a pittance, but at least he isn’t deprived of his life as many would have liked.
Confessions don’t count for much either way .
Belfield is the kind of nutter that would confess just to be malicious
However DNA checks should be done
BTW 29th November 2017 Stone’s lawyers declared that Bellfield had confessed to the murders to another prisoner
“despite him consistently pleading his innocence “
That’s no basis for declaring someone innocent. I do that all the time .
Why bother with the expense of a judiciary when the MSN act as judge and jury for free – and rarely find anyone innocent.
The piece wasn’t about a declaration of innocence it was a warning about the dangers of the death penalty, and that our court system is not as good as some would like to think it is.
It pains me to say this, but you are right…
I believe in the death penalty, but cases like this do make me think twice…or perhaps even thrice…
However, as others have said, Belfield could be lying…for what reason I don’t know… And just because Michael Stone constantly denied the crime doesn’t mean he was telling the truth.
Still, if this is true, there’s no amount of money can possibly compensate for what Michael Stone has lost. It’s beyond any amount of money. It’s an intolerable injustice that we can never right.
And in the meantime…
Perhaps we should just hang Belfield.
Consider the case of a nutter who murders an MP and waits to be arrested – would that justify a death sentence ?
Depends who the MP was…….
The possibility of making a mistake should never prevent us from meeting the demands of justice. Or anything else, for that matter.
It is probable that many innocent people have died in prison after serving life sentences, the truth about their cases never coming to light. You are assuming that miscarriages of justice are always discovered and pardons and compensation duly made. You don’t like the death penalty because of the risk of a mistake. But if it is theoretically possible for someone to be wrongly imprisoned and for the truth to never come out, shouldn’t your argument be that prison sentences also be abolished?
There is evidence that when there is the possibility of a death sentence, juries are much more cautious about delivering a guilty verdict.
Im glad you can sit at the keyboard and readily accept the word of a prisoner criminal in such away . I dont know the details of these killings, the trisl or appeals or the view of the CCRC – on which a dear Law professor of mine served ..
So i wont automatically do your knee jerk ‘ told you so ‘ .
But i do believe in killing such criminals – the death penalty – and i find it more inhumane to lock them up for decades in the hope they may die by their own hand or that of another inmate – or such die from old age. I see that as torture .
Many years ago I spent a year in various prisons – on attachment to the Home Office – and a regular pattern that came out was what prisoners do with all that time .
One hobby is ‘ getting back at the system ‘ . This particular confession may just be that ….
So enjoy your prejudice …,
Im not saying all ‘lifers ‘ should be killed – but there are some crimes so bad that death should be the sentence- and quickly.
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 3 started 4:30pm on Sunday
– page 2 started 4:30pm on Saturday
“Ukraine crisis: Macron says a deal to avoid war is within reach”
Surrender monkeys ?
‘Macron called for a “new balance” to protect European states and appease Russia.’
“Appease”, eh? Sounds like appeasement and it’s never ended well yet.
Still, the French are good at that.
What if Vlad Nike’s them?
Anything on Al Beeb covering truckers being ‘on the move’ on the M25?
It’s not something I’ve heard of Taffman and I’m a lorry driver !
I don’t want to be a wet blanket, but the owner drivers of the fuel protests of 2000 aren’t there anymore.
Having said that , the BBC can’t weigh in the factors over wether a protest really is important or just another lefty Gramscian whinge .
For example , a protest within London by state employed headmasters demanding more government money is not as serious as Welsh hill farmers protesting about the unfair trading position .
The former lose no money by taking the day off , are not going to be questioned by the teachers they work with , live within the M25 a lot or have easy access to London , have bolshie unions who have no fear of strike action .
The latter will lose money both by not working and paying to get to London , will be sceptically questioned by amongst others their creditors, are a long way from London and are not well represented by unions .
Usually if their is a protest by state employed or private firms and individuals, the first demand more money be given their way , the second ask for less money to be taken from them .
Maybe some protesters in April in London by normal folk will bring sense , accountability and democracy to the country.
Thank you sir for the update .
We wait then, with baited breath.
Truckers ? cars/private vansreally
M25 hundreds of protester cars arriving at Cobham Services
40 min video with interviews ..
M5 Convoy ..bit sparse
Here’s Daisy regarding the truckers.
She’s on form!
Or BBC N. America this latest fascist slaughter spree.
“Carrie Johnson: I’m target of a brutal briefing campaign”
‘Playing the victim’ ?
There will be a lot of real victims when the pensioners of this country will not be able to ‘eat or heat’ this year.
All because of the so called “Green Levy”.
Eamon Holmes was good on this on GBnews
a natural fit as he showed he is against woke agendas
Whereas his female co-host said “It’s all sexist”
“calling someone Carrie Antoinette is sexist”
“Give PM time and space to deliver, says Kwasi Kwarteng”
Great Britain cannot afford to give him more time.
He has had enough time with his Covid Propaganda.
Time enough to deliver, to deliver what ?
If he is not out, all the Tory MPs will be out.
“Worst to come for food price rises, Tesco boss says”
There are other supermarkets, just as there are alternative political parties and news channels .
Viz ………………
Edwina Currie is usually well based in the real world
But tonight on GBnews she is pushing Green Dream and talking crap
She started by pushing heat pumps
When asked about illegal immigration she diverted the question to answer everyone should get electric cars.
After she tweeted
I keep telling you, Stuart, get a Tesla.
You’ll instantly become a *disciple* like me.
She made out that you can lease a Tesla for £230/month
She forgot to say that is after an enormous deposit
(video .. )
Currie’s Let them drive Electric Cars tweet has been ratioed 11:1
Private parking fines to be capped at £50
..although higher financial penalties will remain for more serious breaches
But could be higher! Make your mind up
Look out… according to the BBC and SKY news Cummings to release more “startling” revelations sometime today.
Cummings interviewed by US TV, the bloke looks and behaves completely unstable.. Calling Boris a complete “f-ckwit”
Keunnsburg will be in waves of ecstasy this morning and sharpening her vile pencil…
FFS..!!! When will this end.?
Dafydd – It’s never going to end. The media have decided that they can control the electorate by simply pounding away at the slightest move by any non-left-wing PM and government. The US media proved they could get away with it for four years during Mr Trump’s presidency, and have followed that up with a complete absence of any questioning/crticism whatsoever of Joe Biden. The BBC and other ‘mainstream’ media have decided that this can also be done in the UK.
So now, they are having a pop at the PM’s wife – no matter what your feelings about the woman, can you imagine the same sort of pile-on vilification being carried out by the mainstream media against Gordon Brown’s wife, or Obama’s wife, or Biden’s wife ?
The message is clear here, no matter who you are, if you don’t agree with the media’s politics, they are going to pillory you, your family, your friends and colleagues until you just give up on your future career.
Fergus asks a question via the bbc based on stuff he has been told.
Did nationalism spoil ‘Britain’s gift to the world’?
In the UK, nearly half the adult population has received two doses of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine. It seems highly likely to have saved more lives here to date than the Pfizer and Moderna jabs combined. Yet it is now barely used by the National Health Service. More than 37 million people have received a booster dose in the UK. Just 48,000 of those were AstraZeneca.
The vaccine has also been sidelined in the EU and was never approved in the United States. So how did we end up here? I’ve been talking to scientists, politicians and commentators about the fate of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, billed by ministers as “Britain’s gift to the world”, for a documentary on BBC Two. I’ve been asking one central question: did politics and national interests get in the way of ambitions for the vaccine?
Read full analysis >
Fergus Walsh
Medical editor
Ask Sleepy, and Le runt Francais… and Femi.
“Astra -Zeneca never approved in the USA” ?
After listening to “The Real Tony Fauci” – I can understand how that might have happened….
Fergus has read the book? – I rather doubt it as Fergus still hasn’t afaics retracted his Remdesivir boosting screeds
You very got to be a bit sorry for Afghanistan. Every so often they get a visit from BBC royalty – namely Sir John Simpson . He mentions in passing that Blighty is throwing £300 million a year at this dump and its’ people . Simpson calls in a ‘country ‘ when its just a bunch of Muslim enemy tribes .
Guess who turns up at the end of the report yes Scott Tracy / Milliband £ senior £ wanting British taxpayers to fund the taliban …..
….the source of the failure – Biden /Obama – doesn’t get a mention …
…….and it seems an idiot retired general want the taliban to be ‘recognised ‘ …wokes in the military …
BTW – I wonder is anyone has surveyed the BBC for the number of mentions of Biden /Obama against president trump ?
Methinks mr trump was mentioned at least once every hour whilst the false president doesn’t get mentioned at all …. The bias ..the bias …
7:30pm Simpson’s prog Panorama’s Afghanistan: A Country at Breaking Point
“I feel terrible for my people. It’s so sad to see how dependent people are, how desperate people are,”
says Dr Qadir Assemy, from the World Food Programme in Afghanistan
You would think that, Fedup2, after Band Aid’s efforts which resulted in creating, in Ethiopia, a hyper-dependent country which can never again support its own burgeoning population on its own, we might have learned some lessons. Thank you, Bob Geldof.
In addition, I never seem to hear any mention of demands on the Arab/Muslim countries and populations around the world, to support their brothers of the faith. Somehow, it’s always the responsibility of Western countries and populations to bear the brunt of stepping in to prop them up.
Not every cherished tradition is lost – if you can still find a Doreen
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here for the first reading of today’s sermon, delivered from the pulpit of the Daily Telegraph by Tim Stanley: ‘The woke Pope is prosecuting a forgotten minority: traditionalists‘
Meanwhile, our supposedly Brexit British institutions say – when not in Rome, do as the Romans do anyway – down with tradition: ‘The ecclesiastical map of England could also be redrawn via mergers‘ – admittedly we always had the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Never mind the litergy – I guess this is corporate lateral integration… that’s what you get when you promote an oil industry chap to wear the Archbishop’s big hat.
The Mail were onto this bloke a decade ago. I like their snarky tone here: ‘With a modesty befitting his holy office, the Archbishop of Canterbury has always played down his past life as a young oil company executive.‘ (Daily Mail 2013)
It gets worse: ‘Behold the bishop of Brexit as church models itself on politics‘ (Times) – for the formerly patriotic Times the issue of Brexit is of course their first and foremost political obsession.
‘Church leaders could be appointed to full-time cabinet-style roles such as “Brexit bishop” or “Covid bishop” under proposals seen by The Times for the biggest overhaul in centuries of how the Chuch of England is run‘
I guess the businessman in Welby spots a gap in the market – due to the sad redundancy of Labour’s pathetic no-mark shadow cabinet.
Here endeth the lesson.
From the formerly patriotic Times to the anti-patriotic ‘i’ newspaper, which looks forward to the close of an era: ‘Will Queen Elizabeth be the last of the great British monarchs?‘
But fear not – the ‘i’ has some consolation for the patriots among us: ‘Britain set for a medal in curling as speed-skaters seek glory‘
Doesn’t that warm the cockles of your hearts? Think of it – those brave winter athletes crossing half the world at the very peak of condition, straining every sinew in their bodies to compete for the honour of their flag: ‘Skiers say Winter Olympics are too cold‘ (Guardian)
Are winter Olympians perhaps looking for an excuse for which to blame their poor performance?
‘Valentine’s whiteout‘ says the cheeky Daily Star: ‘So much for our hot night in Dave‘ complains the Star’s expectant sweetheart ‘Ooh me snowballs are freezing, Doreen!‘ replies the Star’s typical ineffectual chap.
The Olympic-size excuses keep coming: ‘Athletes complain of poor quarantine conditions at Olympics‘ (FT)
Tell you what, sports people – talk about the Uyghurs while you’re over there in China, or mention Hong Kong – that’ll likely get you locked down pretty strictly.
Returning to the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper – it’s not that they have a complete down on the Conservatives – it’s just that they don’t like the wrong kind of Conservatives – you know, conservative Conservatives: ‘Ian Birrell – Is it too late for common-sense Conservatives to drive out the PM’s populism‘
Of course there are some long-lost traditions the left still hankers after – fondly imagining them back into existence: ‘Jennifer Beals “I’ve had letters from Klansmen”‘ (Guardian)
Well, we do know we still have a Flu Klux Klan – that certainly hasn’t died out – whilst attempting to address the monumental NHS waiting list backlog: ‘Health Secretary Sajid Javid said… “At the height of the pandemic the NHS rightly focused on treating Covid-19”‘ (BBC) – it’s just that the supposed height of the pandemic supposedly went on for two years.
Interesting that Elizabeth Windsor might be described as a ‘great monarch ‘ when all she has done is left her business going as her country rapidly declined since the 1950s and perhaps isn’t her country at all any more ….
… for fans of the class system / monarchy the next monarch will be full on Woke which might be enough to finish the institution off – but at least we ll always have the fag end represented by the mad woke ginger one and that one who is fond of American billionaire sex offenders ….
She likes yachts as well, one could almost call her a yacht girl
No 10 set for more changes as PM seeks to calm MPs
The vendetta is still in full swing – including a flow-chart someone has created to show how Boris could be removed. No mention how there is zero chance of that : the magnitude of rebellion is far less than the BBC and their lies by omission and implication would have you believe.
Of course they then open it up to HYS yet again. And other list of viscious anti-Boris comments including some like this one which is very likely completely made up for the occasion :
‘I am a long term Tory supporter. But I won’t forget my father-in-law dying alone in a nursing home while Johnson told me to stand outside and clap, whilst him and his buddies were partying.’
and comments like this which get 155 upvotes to 20 downvotes:
‘It’s funny that someone who’s responsible for the permanent deadweight that is Brexit, who has divided the country, who’s spread lies his entire life (lied to the Queen!), who’s overseen the pandemic cause one of the worst death rates in Europe and one of the hardest hit economies….. That voters would turn against him because of that.’
The BBC is basically a Left-Wing echo chamber now. Nobody else goes there.
I posted this on the above HYS:
‘I wonder why the number of people ‘defecting’ who are remainers is never mentioned.
This whole farce is about Brexit. Shame on your hypocrisy BBC.’
And – as expected – it has been quickly deleted as ‘off topic’.
It seems only comments demanding Boris resigns or those which criticise him personally are allowed – even though neither have anything to do with the headline.
What a complete joke the BBC is now.
Sky News Aus laughs at the BBC for censoring its own archives.
It’s become an international joke. Defund asap.
‘It’s unbelievable, it’s so perverse’: BBC censors its own archive of old comedy programs.
The BBC must be awash with juvenile crackpots running the show.
Another bias technique the BBC has developed is the ‘newspaper review’ – where the likes of ‘Today ‘ broadcast left wing propaganda from chosen lefty newspapers which favour the BBC Far Left agenda ….
Seems The Ottawa Red Flag Bugle is a major source these days.
The awful beeb are so lazy, they just use stuff from CNN, Huffpo and Wapo, and cobble it to look like they’ve actually done the actual story themselves!
It’s pathetic really, and while many have now given up and left W1A, the rest of them are just sulking and whinging out of control!
I don’t know anybody who thinks they’re doing a good job these days, everyone around here thinks they’re a crowd of losers!
BBC reports ;state of emergency in Ottawa – but the loony lefty woke PM – whose language and attitude to dissent doesn’t get a mention …. Nor his cowardice in running away ….
But… Joe Rogan! Spotify still carrying Wall of Sound tracks?
But… Black Panther salutes! BBC and troops not mentioning a certain Square, or certain ongoing ‘practices’…
A bbc ‘reporter’ has his guesstimate analytical glasses one and quotes away.
This. Is just the BBC squeezing a Tory spot again to see if they can get any puss out. Sorry if you are having your breakfast folks!
It nearly put me off my beer, Digg, but your comment is so much better than the sad git spouting in the post above!
‘Made worse by the pandemic’!
Twat! Of course it’s bad because the country has been on its knees, and no thanks to you lot in the awful BBC, gleefully poking mullock at everything the Tories did or tried to do, to save a few lives from the flu/chink-flu.
Thank god we didn’t have Starmer in charge, with Abbott and co. doing the figures!
This was raised in Citizen’s Assemblies, run by folk the BBC interview a lot, like XR.
Simples. Tell them all cars are built by Sassenachs.
For the easily confused in bbc editorial.
One day Springster, one day, you get to say what might be on the table.
No Lord Prezza inferences allowed.
Oh great – BBC able to cover the State Visit of our number one enemy to Russia with the full red carpet treatment .
Subjects discussed will be
the supply of dinghies by Russia to the French coast as well as
the cost of buying Labour / Tory MPs now that china is paying £500 k each for them ….
What NATO secrets can macron sell ?
Plus a lot of these…
Like… A LOT.
Seems the cubicle gardens set the news agenda for W1A and the U.K. now.
The BBC Quietly Censors Its Own Archives
George Orwell’s many authoritative predictions can grow tiresome for writer and reader alike. And yet, given our present predicament, one might ask what choice one truly has. “The sinister fact about literary censorship in England,” Orwell wrote back in 1945, “is that it is largely voluntary.” And so, indeed, it is. Over the weekend, the Daily Telegraph reported that “an anonymous Radio 4 Extra listener” had “discovered the BBC had been quietly editing repeats of shows over the past few years to be more in keeping with social mores.” To which the BBC said . . . well, yeah.
Bet they don’t take DVDs of progs like “Till death…” etc., off the shelves, and still pocket the dosh from sales of stuff they did when they were funny all those years ago!
What a miserable bunch of hypocrites they are up there in cloud-cuckoo la-la land!
The Guardian running a huge advertorial for a London “club” catering for people who are a little out of the ordinary and like to do stuff a little out of the ordinary.
They do have a door policy for anyone tempted, basically no one allowed in who is an average man. So going in Levi’s instead of Lycra will get you blocked at the door.
Now it seems to ring a bell! Where might we have seen this before I wonder?
Oh I remember now wasn’t it Berlin before WW2?
I think all that Lycra had to be dumped for khaki pants back then but they did get to keep their leather jackboots
Life is a caba… merry go round for those clowns in the circus who choose not to learn from history. Again.
Thinking about it the gung-ho gusto that the Guardian put into this article is revealing about the mindset in the Guardian newsroom too!
In our Waitrose, the ‘free’ rag with a spend of over a tenner includes the Gramsdian, but not the D. Express for some odd reason!
John Lewis Partnership? Hello? Did you now want me to have a pro-Tory rag then?
Never mind, I went to Tesco instead!
Can’t see most of the male cousins to the cubicle gardens hitting the club too much, if they value their hides.
Quite near Golders Green for a bit of post drive by action?
Anyhoo, here’s Naff from the BME…
By Nafeesa Shan
Plan to tackle NHS backlog on hold
With a record six million patients on hospital waiting lists in England, a plan has been put together to tackle the backlog, made worse by the pandemic. It was due to be published today detailing wide-ranging measures but it’s been put on hold. The NHS England scheme to deal with waiting times for non-urgent operations and procedures is believed* to have been supported across government but reports suggest* a last-minute intervention by Whitehall means this will no longer happen – and it’s not clear* when the full plan will be made public. But one part of it has been announced, an online service called My Planned Care. It’s going to be launched later this month and allows patients waiting for treatment to get more information and help them prepare for operations.
The My Planned Care platform will help “ensure access to life-changing care and support for people no matter who they are or where they live”, says Health Secretary Sajid Javid, who adds that focusing on Covid patients during the height of the pandemic meant waiting lists did rise. The publication of the full details of this plan is seen as a “key moment for the NHS” says Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers – which represents health trusts. They will aim to get through backlogs as quickly as possible, he says, and staff would be “going flat out to meet the challenges presented by long waits”. But over the weekend it seems* there was an intervention from one part of Whitehall and full publication was stalled, according to our health editor Hugh Pym* says. It is not clear when the full plan will be published or – given the urgency of the issue – why one section of government would want to hold it back.*
Cunning. All those new diversity directors earning their crust like bosses. Just like the failing national broadcast joke.
*Note: not reporting.
AstraZeneca vaccine: Did nationalism spoil UK’s ‘gift to the world’?
Aparently the British vaccine producers didn’t want to appear to promote Britain, especially post Brexit, so let other companies take over the market.
Weird title, as it was clearly self-loathing wokeness that sunk their Ship.
Nationalism bad. EU Nationalism good.
“What you in for ?”
.. “Oh I brought food to a trucker”
The “carry the can” protest
Have you noticed that so-called diversity only works in one direction? So no white actor can apparently be allowed to play Othello, yet Anne Boleyn is played by a black actress (Jodie Turner-Smith) and that’s fine and dandy.
I saw another example of this yesterday on Sky Sports, which falls over backwards to include black footballers (and plenty of full-on lesbians) on its panel of commentators and pundits. But yesterday’s AFCON final came complete with a black presenter and an all-black panel. No hint of old whitey to be seen anywhere.
Racism is a one way street.
The Left have renamed racism against whites as ‘diversity’.
But it’s racism just the same. People are being discriminated against on the basis of their skin colour.
The Rwandan genocide[3] occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.[4] During this period of around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were slaughtered by armed militias. The most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths.[5]
I have visited the Genocide museum in Kigali. Very upsetting.
And their normal Conservative way of life, John!
If the BBC are so damned keen on the dead-hand mantra of ‘diversity’, then the majority of the British citizens should receive equal status to the nerds, lefties, whingers, victims, poor illegals, cervical serpents etc!
But of course, they won’t!
I still watch “The Apprentice”, but in the present series only 2 out of the 8 men were white, and Sugar has sacked them both, so for me it may go the way of “Dr Who”, which they finally made me stop watching after it got too woke, and I started when Jon Pertwee was the Doctor.
On the after show, “You’re Fired”, it has become very clear that of the 3 guests, one must be a BAME. It is the case on every show so far, and now we know from Nigel Rees that it is BBC policy. The BAMES are usually unfunny comedians, who add nothing. I wonder if they know they are just there as token blacks? Maybe the fee makes up for that.
I watched the first of six episodes of “Chloe”, on BBC1 from 21:00 on Sunday. Within 15 minutes of the start, the weird White anti-heroine had picked up a Black man, at an arty-farty reception that she’d bluffed her way into, and gone to bed with him at his place.
Also prominent was a nice Black woman called Livia, married to / partnered with a White man; the nasty White woman let Livia’s car tyres down, pretended to help her by offering to wait by the car for the breakdown people (as Livia had to rush off elsewhere) then wormed her way in with Livia and others. The Black man correctly sensed that the evil White woman was fake (three different names at least given to others in the first episode alone!)
So, pretty much BBC par for the course: the race-mixing agenda (times two!), an evil White psycho, nice middle-class Black people, the arts world, promiscuity.
I consider myself to be pretty articulate, but lately even my language skills have struggled to get my tongue around the names of some newscasters / presenters / journalists – and this in my Mother country ! I have to really focus to say the names of these British actors………. David Oyelowo / Chiwetel Ejiofor / Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje / Gugu Mbatha-Raw / Adelayo Adedayo
Thank the Lord for Maggie Smith !
Just a few seconds ago, Senora O’Blene said that we should start re-watching M*A*S*H again, so we don’t have to worry obout that lot, Brissles!
Just loved Henry back then, such a fabulous character!
There’s only a few of them left now…
So Britain’s leading medical statistician, what do you think of the Guardian ?
It has been corrected now.
The original implied Sir David didn’t think Covid was serious at all
He means he certainly did take the pandemic seriously, but now he thinks he should have taken it even more seriously.
Exclusive: Government scientist Neil Ferguson resigns after breaking lockdown rules to meet his married lover
Prof Ferguson allowed the woman to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing
Anna Mikhailova,
Christopher Hope,
Michael Gillard
Louisa Wells
5 May 2020 • 7:17pm
AstraZeneca vaccine: Did nationalism spoil UK’s ‘gift to the world’?
Japanese Nationalism? German Nationalism? African Nationalism?
Twitter reports that Comrade Barry Gardiner MP has been interviewed on GB News – not about the £500k bung from the chinese government – but about the cost of energy …
Seems he didnt even get a ‘ while you are here ‘ question …
Naturally GBNews is taking some stick – maybe theyve taken money too – or being told that Barry is a double agent …
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 12 March 2019 to 31 December 2019, value £32,625
“The scale and brutality of the genocide caused shock worldwide, but no country intervened to forcefully stop the killings.”
** to intervene is to be racist?
“he most widely accepted scholarly estimates are around 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi deaths.”
video documents the hate in Ottawa
Could it be that trudo has claimed asylum in an asylum – the White House …?
Typical hate-filled racist fascists: dancing in the streets, hugging each other, holding hands and picking up their litter.
(Contrast with BLM Burn-Loot-Murder riots so beloved by the msm)
Sadiq Khan calls for foreign-owned properties register
Mr Singh will be pleased
I did my five minutes of the Today programme for this week this morning. Five minutes was more than enough.
8.20 and coming towards the end of Nick’s interview with the Health Minister. Nick could remember the thousands of health workers brought in by the (I am trying to think of a polite word for him) Blair. Sajiv countered with the higher number brought in recently to cope with covid. Nick sneered that there were still 3000 cancer nurses short. Within the couple of minutes I heard Nick was only too pleased to interrupt anything positive and snort and dismiss anything where his interruptions hadn’t worked.
But we then went for a direct attack on Boris. Nick said the Boris people (didn’t say which people) knew all his adult life; ‘chaotic’ ‘disorganised’; a man who goes through his advisors – one a year usually and then chucks them out’. At least Sajiv spoke about Boris having saved us from Corbynism (Nick ignored that bit) and listed Boris’ successes. And we have come through the pandemic so far better that our friends in the EU, so Nick went on to attack via the little madam (Marxist or ex-Marxist, we don’t know). But how I wish Sajiv had attacked the BBC on how slow it was to react about Saville when so many there apparently knew what was going on. But Sajiv dare not – we saw how the BBC and the Left reacted to the mention of Saville last week. Even though he worked for the BBC, he is someone too sacred for the Right to mention.
I arrived at my destination and switched off, thank goodness. On my return to my car Emma Barnett was talking about a lady of 92 having knitted a castle or something. I switched back to Classic FM and Alexander Armstrong played some lovely music.
Deborah, can I ask you a civil question?
Why, in the name of all that’s holy, are you still listening to this utter garbage?
My radio dial used to be welded to Radio 4. Their programmes punctuated my day. I never missed the Today programme. I was there from start to finish. Okay, I may have drifted away during Wimmin’s Hour, but I was back for TWAO, The Archers and the afternoon play. I was a committed fan.
The endless sneering, left wing bigotry that infests every part of Radio 4 began to wear on me. It’s not just the news items, it’s the “progressive” plays they inflict on us. They can’t just entertain, they have to lecture. Their woke “comedies”, that are about as amusing as a deep root filling. I remember driving home from work with a mate, listening to Punt and Dennis. “When’s the comedy start?” asked my pal.
Wokism has even infiltrated The Archers and the last time I listened to Gardeners’ Question Time they spent about half an hour discussing the lack of BAME people involved in floristry.
Take the advice of a reformed Radio 4 addict.
Give it up. You’ll feel much better for it…
I understand the habit of listening – i had it too . These days i ration intake and am conscious that i might be adding to listening / viewing figures –
But i feel i must bare witness to the propaganda in order to engage here .
Otherwise i would be popping up each day just shouting ‘ dont pay the TV tax – destroy the BBC ‘…
I play some relaxing jazz cd’s in my car – or a swingy Sinatra if I want to jig about a bit !
It’s TR or LBC here, especially while doing some decoration and painting windows etc!
I don’t even mind if they get either lefty or righty, they’re certainly much more entertaining and interesting than nobodies like Stayt or the idiot Naga!
They do balanced discussion programmes, they don’t persist with shouty gotcha leftie stuff like Toenails does, they just examine the facts, and sometimes, even the lefties make some good points!
So good to have alternatives to the awful BBC, but there again, they won’t be around for much longer, so we’ll have to have a new website to meet up in!
We can’t all crash out on Guido, as there’re several trolls there who irritate and muddy the waters, so yup, a new site when W1A is sold to the arabs!
How’s about BBBBC? (Bye-Bye BBC)?
(…gone yet…)?
You are so right.
I first discovered Radio 4 through “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and I loved it.
For a few years I didn’t have a TV and listened to Radio 4 all the time. As you say, the news, the plays, the documentaries, it was a great source of news, information and entertainment.
But its drift to the left became inexorable. I found I listened less and less. The last to go was the Today programme, which I always listened to as I woke up. But their treatment of Brexit and Trump was the last straw. I gave up on Today, and on Radio 4. I feel so much better for it. They clearly did not want me to listen to their left wing, woke channel, so I don’t. I can’t remember the last time I listened to one minute of Radio 4. It’s a shame, but the left destroy everything in the end.
“Attacks on Boris Johnson’s wife are sexist, says Sajid Javid”
No, really, no, they’re not, stop being so pathetic and making totally transparent attempts to stir up old grievances Javid.
People are fed up with an unelected individual, of strong opinions and expensive tastes, wasting our money and dictating the laws of the land (especially as they clearly think such laws don’t apply to them).
If Boris’ partner were a bloke it’d be exactly the same… except then I guess they’d be claiming ‘Homophobia’.
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
We have a duty to support dissent in order for it to become a normal part of civic life again. Dissent, disagreement and discussion are vital to any civilised society. No government, NGO, panel of consultants or editorial board should have a right to prevent us speaking freely.
“lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.” { aug2019} – the death of freedom of speech.
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2019 …Australia’s highest court has made a landmark ruling that a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies. The court rejected her claim that she had been denied a right to free speech. – Australia, 2019
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2019 … ** a public servant was lawfully sacked for writing tweets which criticised government policies.**
A serious morning for the PM today….visiting a Cancer centre and hopefully sorting out the backlog..
This is the high quality questioning by the BBC reporters…..
Nothing what so ever about the NHS and what the government propose to do about it…
Nothing about Ukraine
It’s now very clear what the agenda of the BBC is….
Wonder what world media must think about us…
The BBC really is the pits
…..I forgot to mention, I’m seriously depressed after Wales performance on Saturday…..
Wales were as much use as a one legged man in a arse kicking competition…..
Infact Wales were as much use as the BBC..
Yes, that was just bad fortune, Dafydd!
Same happened to England, but I’ve given up on most of the new laws these days, and prefer YouTube from the days of Gareth, JRP, Wilko and Co…
Jess Phillips is paid £15K/epsiode by Hatrick for hosting HIGNFY
BBC then pay Hatrick the negotiated price.
Laurence Fox tweets “I got £250 for @bbcquestiontime”
On Feb 5 Laurence Fox interviewed Ezra Levant.
Around 13:20 Ezra says he can’t quite figure out whether Trudeau is an empty shell that is filled up by other people or is himself a Bond villain character.
I feel that way about many of our political class, although the majority almost certainly fall into the former category, as do all beeboids.
New Harra article : New greenfield housing still designed around cars, report finds
“a report has found” = #PRasNews
So that is a cutNpaste from a NGO, who ?
“Transport for New Homes, backed by the RAC Foundation”
existed since 2018
Who are they ? bus/train corps + activists, I think
Article has open comments.
I posted a comment : politely beginning by saying the article is PRasNews, then making my point that the vast majority of UK locations have no convenient train access
BBC said “Thanks, your comment has been posted”
One hour later it has still not appeared, lots of others have.
After 90 mins I posted “where’s my comment gone ?”
That came through within 2 minutes
and my original one came with it ..logged as the original 13:14 posting time
Of course now that is buried in the middle it won’t collect many Likes.
They’re behind a lot of pension schemes, doofus.
By the way, have you noticed the new ploy of BBC reporters (at least the ones on the ‘Today’ programme) ? They’ve given up battering away, up front, at any government minister in any interview, and then tossing in an innocuous question on the Minister’s actual portfolio to attempt to pass off the interview as unbiased.
Now, they ask a few questions about the portfolio first (with any possible negative slant they can find), before quickly prefacing the rest of the interview with “Now, I really have to move you on to the question of…..”, at which point they launch into the usual tirade of ‘gotcha’s, arguing with, talking over, and generally dismissing any answers they don’t like. They’ve obviously discovered that the public had noticed the bias and complete lack of interest in any real news inherent in their previous tactics, and want to try to hide it better.
Richard – i thought that was the ‘ before you go ‘ technique .
Not being a regular ‘today’ listener and more ive often thought ‘why is the format as it is ?’
Do they think listeners would be bored with longer coverage of a subject ?
Does the news have to repeated every half hour -?
Can they never bring 2 opposing sides together at once ?
Instead – as you say – its a gotcha – bully – interupt – challenge -in a short time – then a beeboid to translate ! Lie then the weather .
It is so tired .
Im out of blighty soon and looking forward to the teatime / evening GBNews on the web – my TV gave up so no TV channels – which is a relief …
Day 3 of the Genocide Games.
Smug BBC sports commentators.
Meanwhile, sadistic Gulag guards force prisoners to stand in the freezing cold until they freeze to death or their feet have to be amputated due to frostbite.
Details here of just one of many groups persecuted by the CCP:
Further to my earlier comments on here today and once again off-topic, has anyone seen the latest Center Parcs ad?
I have been to CP twice the last six months and at no time in my two visits to Elveden Forest did I see anyone who was even remotely swarthy.
Yes, CP’s latest ad features (surprise, surprise) a family of Afro-Caribbeans.
I really feel sorry for all these white actors being done out of work every week while their black counterparts snap every role going in TV ad land.
This situation seriously needs addressing and is racial discrimination of the worst and most obvious kind.
As has been mentioned on here before by others and somewhat perversely, Indian, Arab and Chinese thespians never get to secure any of these parts.
Perhaps it’s because it is now being based inversely proportional to average IQ.
Also white children in ads are becoming as extinct as a Dodo. I have just watched 4 ads on the Great movies channel, and in all there was only one white – a woman who was the other half of a black partner. Naturally the children in all the ads were mixed race, and it now seems to be de rigeur that the wild Afro hairstyle on black models and children is a must. The white population is around 80% but in advertising land we’ve become less than the minority.
…PM sang ” I will survive”, we know what he meant by it, meaning he will stay in office, hopefully
But not the medias spin on it, they are calling it offensive because of the poor people who died of COVID and first instergated by the gruesome Sturgeon…and being hammered home and reported by the just as gruesome Keunnsburg.( Saying that, I wouldn’t roll over her to get to my ex wife)
So from now on everybody, according to the BBC and media we are no longer allowed to be happy in the work place…you will be hunted down and reported by the BBC.
Oh and by the way as a sideline, just been announced that more British troops are on there way to the Ukraine to possibly fight in a war, we know it’s not as important as Partygate and crapping on Boris but I thought I would mention it..!!!!!
Blabbed straight to the BBC by that ex-BBC grey-faced bloke who took the knee on GB news and who Boris has appointed his new chief of communications.
What on Earth is Boris thinking ?. Does he have any idea what people think about that BBC stooge ?. How can you ever trust someone like him now ?.
I expect Boris thinks it gives him a friendly channel to the BBC. Another case of bad judgement.
Boris, “thinking”? That’s the problem.
Hmmm, at the risk of repeating myself, I repeat myself, damn done it again
I would say, wait and see
Why does Boris Johnson always look like he just rolled out of bed?
Boris is in fact a solid intellect. There’ll be some here that doubt that, but Boris went to Eton on a scholarship. Even if your family is richer than a piquant sauce a French chef has made to impress the Duc de Foofoo, you still have to get a very good grade at CE to get in, otherwise it’s Rugby for you, you halfwit. To get a King’s Scholarship (of which there are fourteen per year) you have to be either outstandingly bright in five compulsory subjects (English, Creative Writing, Mathematics A, Science, and General I) and in three options (French, Latin, Greek, Mathematics B, General II and History-Geography-Divinity) or show a brilliant aptitude in a narrower field (you might be a duffer at everything else but Field’s medal potential at maths or a duffer at maths but a brilliant linguist). It’s very hard. I doubt there are more than a few boys in the country that could get a passing grade, let alone a good one.
But the worst thing you can do when you have a solid intellect is to let people know it. Really. The cleverest thing you can do when you are genuinely clever is not let anybody find out about it.
If you bimble around looking like a tramp and talking half-bollocks, it’s a sign to others of a similar ilk to be looking out for the nugget that those who think they’re cleverer than they are will miss. Because the really clever have a bollocks filter that separates the piffle from the noise. Honestly, I listen to Boris and I can tell exactly what he’s up to. Most of us who work down in the muck can, because we learn it quickly to one degree or another, and use it as well: don’t tell them you can do that, they’ll want you to do it without extra pay. He’s giving the pseuds enough rope to hang themselves with whilst observing, and then the bimbling old fart mask comes off and the shock of what’s underneath puts them straight on the back foot. It’s a brilliant thesp act from a master. I can’t do it nearly as well, but I know it when I see it.
You actually can’t pull this off succesfully if you aren’t listening to the Zeitgeist. And of course, if you are listening to the Zeitgeist, you’ll be au fait with the Zeit. If you are such, not only can you give the people panem et circenses, but also per virgam vitae.
Boris is not a career politician, he’s a writer and editor, and the very fact that he’s not a career politician means he does not follow the rules and procedures of the career politician, least of all suits ’n’ boots. He is also aware of the maxim that if you make yourself look a tit some of the time, people won’t think you’re a tit all of the time.
Except of course, the pseuds, but since they’re deep-down indelible tits twenty-four hours a day, they don’t count.
I blame the EU. Ursula von Dishevelled
“Boris is in fact a solid intellect.”
80 seat majority 0 conservative policies.
Kent beach 0 troops. NHS 200 troops. Poland 10 troops.
1400+ raped kids still raped and increasing.
Home office lose 600K migrants.
More green taxes.
3 teachers hide in Batley and Churchill protected by putting his statue in a box.