How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Midweek 9 February 2022
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First! Haven’t been first for ages.
First Farage tonight backtracking on this mini “crowd’ circling Starmer. Now the Daily Mail on line blaming the BBC for saying that it was the crowd blaming Starmer for not prosecuting Savile. The DM are now showing Piers Corbyn as one of the mob. Did the MSM realise they had gone too far blaming Boris? They were using the techniques they had tried on Trump. Or did MSM realise the story wouldn’t wash. As Meyhar Tousi said today, imagining people had listened to Boris in Parliament and thought, ‘we must go to London, find Sir Kier and hold him to account over Savile’, really wasn’t very believable.
damn too sloiw
What did Keir Starmer do to justify the Sir bit ?
Anything extra extra special while he was state employed ?
To fair to Farage , like most of us, we can only make judgements on what we had only heard so far. The reports (at that time) inferred that the crowd were predominantely badgering Starmer over failure of Saville. When the truth came out later (GBNews Tom Harwood’s perspective and subsequent video footage) that it was incidental to other gripes. Then I can understand Farage’s different stance.
Dan Wootton “The media’s parallel universe”
as he plays again (Steyn show did as well) the actual video of the crowd hounding Starmer
..where despite the media’s characterisation. the words Jimmy Savile can be heard only once.
The BBC’s greasiest little greaseballs in full grease mode.
Full monologue
BTW it’s ridiculous to suggest that groups haven’t barraged Starmer before.
So why make this time news ?
Mark Steyn’s bit on it from 4:25 here – “total blithering codswallop”
(Only the second part of this seems to have been posted on twitter here).
Today there is more blithering codswallop from Welby and the DT.
Interesting quote – I wonder which God this character has in mind ? I some how think he would fail the ‘rich man eye of a needle test ‘( but who would nt) – and I don’t think those Muslims who murder in the name of their God have forgotten it …
Maybe it’s out of context and just after column inches …
Dan Wootton nailing James O’Brien’s support for Carl Beech
played 2 clips
#1 The NEW JOB clip of him condemning Boris saying he spreads dangerous CT Conspiracy Theories
Then #2 JOB promoting the Carl Beech conspiracy theory ‘There is sex abuse at high political level’
Clip :
BBC2 9 pm.
Taking one for the team, we watched a documentary about the AZ vaccine.
But even for a vaccine given away at cost, there was much whingeing. The UK should have given away its vaccine doses to third world countries instead of vaccinating our own people.
The fact that we invented it, developed it, and worked out how to make it cuts no ice.
But hey. Feel the virtue. We gave it away.
Meanwhile, Pfizer have reported $13 bn of extra profit from their vaccine. Money which will work around the economic system in the US and in part go to more R and D giving them a future competitive advantage. The UK will have none of this.
However, another UK company, BP, has made a big profit this year, after a dire time in lockdown. Guess what? The left want windfall taxes, no doubt to fund more NHS funding and energy subsidies. The BBC are red hot on this one. Cue the usual whingeing vox pop.
This country has a total death wish when it comes to being successful economically. And the people who advocate all the Marxism? They are using Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
A more telling example of utter hypocrisy would be hard to imagine.
Good evening.
And the people who advocate all the Marxism? They are using Microsoft, Facebook, Google, and Amazon.
A more telling example of utter hypocrisy would be hard to imagine.
The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them. Lenin.
If only gross hypocrisy had been a carcinogen then it would have solved most of the world’s problems.
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.”
New version:
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them, but to maximise their profit they will have it made in China”
Wow – $13 billion vaccine profit – that could have paid for increased gas prices – but such generosity will make taxpayers feel warm as they shiver without the heating on ….£
The BBC was originally conceived to educate entertain and inform its viewers and listeners, so what I have to tell you about a very well known individual might well surprise you.
Most people reading these threads will be aware of David Camerons far left proclivities and his links with the Socialist Workers Party, and might not be surprised at yet another revelation.
Cameron and Osborne appointed James Karney to the governorship of the Bank of England, however Karney was then and remains today a member of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party.
In fact he is even at the age of 56 being touted as a possible successor to Trudeau.
Karney has called the Truckers protest ‘Sedition’, and called for state sanctioned force (violence) to break it up. He is also suggesting that sinister possible foreign actors have organised and funded the protest against the tyranny of leftist Fascism.
But in Britain where he was in charge of the BoE we were never told of this mans far left (il)liberal views, nor that he was a member of any political party, now we can see the truth.
The BBC could have pointed out just how far to the Left Cameron was and made sure the people were fully aware of it, but instead they chose to stay silent on the matter and allow him to get on with it.
A point of information: “James Karney” = Mark Carney, former Governor of the BoE.
Carney… worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years. Member of the foundation board of the World Economic Forum. Member of the Group of Thirty (organisation setup by the Rockefeller Foundation). Bilderberger (attended 2011, 2012, 2019). Anti-Brexiteer. Cut off his head (I’m not advocating it) and you’d find the word ‘Globalist’ stamped through him like a stick of Blackpool rock.
I did think I’d corrected that, but obviously I hadn’t.
Theatre of the absurd.
Via the tv news.
Springster is in the air.
Brendan Cox
Why do SOME footballers behave like animals ?
… It’s through a sense of ENTITLEMENT
.. isn’t it ?
And they let the shit play last evening!
Disgusting froggit.
From Twitter
In Batley a teacher is still in hiding
because there is a genuine threat of violence against him
Pier’s Corbyn’s crowd shouting “Freemason” at him
presented no physical risk to Starmer who was accompanied by police all the time
Perhaps Kim could have a quiet chat with ‘scum queen’ Angela Rayner.
Yep Mahyar Tousi called out the MEDIA THEATRE that makes out the crowd were all inspired by Boris.
Why has the scuffer on the right got red epaulettes? Is it to show he’s the left winger?
Kyle Kemper , Justin Trudeau’s HALF brother is on GB news
“Justin stands for big pharma and the World Economic Forum
whereas the truckers are all about peace and unity”
GBnews failed to say he’s a HALF brother until the end.
“GBnews failed to say he’s a HALF brother until the end.”
That’s still 50% too much for any decent human being.
When will some decent politician stand up and say that’ Moslems are incompatible with Western civilisation and those that disagree should move back to the third world 5hitholes they came from’. Its what a lot of people think, but are too frightened by the medieval death cult and pinko grauniad readers to say in public.
news : “Formula One stops drivers taking the knee before races”
One of Trudeau’s MP’s has broken ranks and criticized public health policies dividing Canadians
Older Canadian journo Rex Murphy who was on GBnews video
“The protected class versus the working class, East versus West, urban versus rural — the protest is a marker of all these unfortunate divides”
ITVLondon feature a little 7 year old girl.
She has Cystic Fibrosis and has had many many operations in her short life.
But now there is a wonder drug called Kaftrio.
It’s been recommended by NICE and is now available on the NHS. Remember them?
What ITV did not mention is that one months supply of drugs is about $26,000 in the US. Thus over $300,000 per year.
Hundreds may ‘benefit’. Thousands will pay.
I’d like to tell you the cost in the UK but the authorities seem remarkably reluctant to give it, and ITV weren’t asking.
How much tax do we want to pay?
A question no-one has the b*** to ask, let alone answer.
That’s a lot of money, and the cost of treatment for one little girl will be a source of mixed emotions for many people. The government has recently been forced to admit that it is paying £5.1 million a day (£1.8 billion a year) to house invaders and illegal migrants in hotels. That’s a tidy sum of money that could be better spent on treating such cases, the 500,000 million or so waiting for cancer diagnoses/treatment, and towards reducing the NHS waiting queues.
Oh, they are are singing in English as well
Woke ITV bans “man of the match” : “player of the match awards”
I disagree – I think ‘man of the match ‘ is an anachronism from a bi gone age when chaps played chaps watched by chaps – now it’s a variety of cat kickers and rapists (Alleged ) who should be cut some slack ….
…. Surely they should not be classified at ‘man ‘ ..?
Can someone wearing a tag play footy ? Would it upset the VAR ?
If all this crap wasn’t reported by the MSN then ‘wokeness’ would die a rapid death – its just fuelled by the Press. On the street, Man of the Match will still be mentioned, in the lower leagues and village footy, of course there will always be the wokey 1990s dads called Toby who wants little Rupert to be called ‘they’. (dear God )
“Jimmy Carr: Pressure grows over comedy routine but what do the fans think?”
In the interest of the people of Great Britain and our own culture , when is our Secretary of State for Culture & Media going to push back against this rampant Wokisim ?
So men and women are playing on the same field now? LEVEL PLAYING FIELD!
Oh yeh the media are AGAINST intimidation …/sarc
No, they CULTIVATE it
.. if it’s against people they don’t like.
The German Weimar republic was infamous for the Powers That Be ( police , judiciary etc ) giving harsh sentences on liberal/left politicians and generally making life difficult for them but soft on right wingers . We have the opposite .
“Jacob Rees-Mogg made Brexit opportunities minister as PM reshuffles team”
A bit like shuffling the chairs on the Titanic.
Mogg gets closer to heading the Green Party.
19th Oct 2021 when Gove was barracked
was there much coverage ?
“same guy with the camera as against Starmer William Coleshill.
They’ve done this a lot to both sides. Just agitators and friends of Piers Corbyn”
“Cabinet reshuffle 2022: Who is in Boris Johnson’s cabinet?”
Should the question be, Who is replacing the PM ?
Yep the media-coup against Boris
.. A #MediaCoup against Brexit ?
“NHS waiting-list backlog will take years to clear”
How about employing more doctors and nurses and cutting out the pen pushers ?
My wife just spent three weeks in hospital so I had plenty of opportunity to observe. Firstly there was an absolute horde of “security” people at the entrance. To get in you had to have a picture of a passed LFT test, any picture will do – no check on it. To be fair I’m not sure what feasible check they could do .
Then in the waiting areas I had plenty of time to observe all the “Our Values”, “Our Objectives”, “We are Diverse” posters; all products of Media graduates who couldn’t get a job in the media or Diversity graduates on unrealistic levels of pay for their work.
Then, when I get home I find, every other day, TWO identical letters addressed to my wife (remember – she’s in hospital) from the NHS to tell her that her Covid test was negative. Guys, she’s in your hospital, why don’t YOU tell her, and why has she got two (at at least £1.00 a pop).
Yep, impressive levels of management yet I have to say that nursing care generally was excellent (unfortunately some exceptions)
They do employ more medical mafia – they are called £’agency “and it’s why NHS staff are sick or knackered £ all £ the £ time .
Agency is an anagram for ‘don’t . Give . A . Damn …..£
Yep !
I don`t perceive as much bias in the BBC as I did years ago ,
I dont watch or listen to it now .
I don’t watch or listen to it now .
I don’t pay either , do you ?
I havent paid the BBC for nigh on 16 years .
My conscience is clear , and my bank balance better .
Well done that man.
Hi Nibor, I notice when people comment on the bbc website “have your say”, that most are in favour of the bbc, I guess the rest actually dont bother with it anymore
Plus they are confident enough now that nobody will object if they delete comments which are not in line with the agenda while leaving much worse ones in place which are.
They know now that OFCOM will leave them alone unless they really do go too far. This remainer vendetta against Boris without a peep from OFCOM is setting a new line in the sand. Next time it will be even worse.
Andy Ngo talks about Leftwing political violence on GBnews
Afterwards an antifa chief with 116K followers invited people to do a pile on against AndyNgo in the GBnews Twitter thread
Kinder gentler politics.
sums up islam in a nutshell
I am afraid Boris is not helping ……..Mass invasion , Telly tax, green levy, fuel poverty etc etc …, not what we voted for.
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
The Beijing Broadcasting Corporation are pleased to endorse the most murderous regime on Earth.
Photo shows a victim of torture in China’s Gulag.
A collaborator
Who decided a winter olympics was a good thing ?
I was bored enough with the summer one
and even worse, dancing on bloody ice, FFS, Darwin might have had a comment or two about that, and some Eskimos could provide valuable advice (50 words for stupid, get back in the f@cking igloo) , but economics, as usual, will decide.
The medical insurance company will no doubt say,
“you did what ? could you repeat that while I put you on speakerphone”
Beijing demand your attention …
Cannot heat your home … yet can watch a £3.5bn News Service for just £159 per year.
Brit Awards 2022: Ballads over bangers as Adele wins big
The English test that ruined thousands of lives
By Ed Main and Richard Watson
A BBC investigation has raised fresh doubts about the evidence used to throw thousands of people out of the UK for allegedly cheating in an English language test.
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
Any one interested, Luton”university” for £500 will give any muslim a pass at English language
this has been going on for years
If you go on English Test UK’s website for Luton and Beds. you’ll see that they provide all the necessary preperation (sic) you’ll need. Guess that’s a pass then.
hal tataHaddath al’ingiliiziyya?
The Home Office has suspended English language tests run by a major firm after BBC Panorama uncovered systematic fraud in the student visa system.
Secret filming of government-approved exams needed for a visa shows candidates having tests faked for them.
ETS, which sets the exams but does not appoint the invigilators, told Panorama it “does everything it can to detect and prevent” cheating.
Home Secretary Theresa May said the BBC’s evidence was “very shocking”.
Panorama saw candidates for tests set by ETS, one of the largest language testing firms in the world, being replaced by “fake sitters” and having answers read out to them.
BBC Investigate … BBC find out .. operation closes and more illegals stay.
“The crackdown was sparked by a 2014 BBC Panorama investigation that revealed two London test centres were running fraudulent exams so people could falsely obtain a pass they could use to apply for a visa.”
BBC then create film about it?
Steve Coogan to play Jimmy Savile in BBC One drama
Published26 September 2021
Home Office admits ‘significant mistakes and misjudgements’ made in English language test scandal
There was a risk that some innocent people might be caught up in operation but that risk was ‘numerically very small’, permanent secretary admits
They can’t even be bothered to learn our language whilst they cream our benefit system, there are muslims in Luton with British passports that cannot speak English
I vividly recall trying to tell a shopkeeper that we were closing a road and had to give up as he had no idea what I was saying
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
Iran … women burn hijab and west celebrates their freedom, they get beaten to death.
UK … women demand girls wear hijab to stop Islamophobia, girls get intimated if they do not comply.
China … send Islamists to re-education camps.
UK …. gives Anjhem Choudary a pat on the back and free welfare for life for hating the UK.
Saudi … uses slavery and locks up its women, gets a free pass on locking up woman and slavery.
UK … no slavery and woman are free, has to pay out for having banished slavery before Saudi’s did even though Saudis is an oil rich country.
BBC add human emotion to that naughty word …
Bosnia shivers as ghost of nationalism returns
By Jeremy Bowen
BBC News, Sarajevo, Bosnia
Instability and authoritarianism have seeded uncertainty in parts of Europe. Some diplomats in Sarajevo see opportunities in the Western Balkans for Russia to make mischief. One of them told me to take this dangerous moment seriously. Bosnia, he said is a state with post-traumatic stress – and guns.
The EU has long been the dominant player in Bosnia and Herzegovina, however its policy toward the country and the Western Balkans more broadly is failing. A recent vote in the UN Security Council has destroyed what was left of the union’s credibility.
November 04, 2021
Nothing to do with the EU .. EU is benign.
Clap harder on Thursday ….
A crisis in cancer care at NHS Tayside could have been averted if the health board had publicly supported doctors who were criticised by an official report, according to a top oncologist.
Boris Johnson’s leadership past point of no return, says big Tory donor
But the donor gave to Labour last year?
Still trying to overturn the elected government, they need to be stopped
A little research reveals this from the Finanacial Times:
‘Hedge funds boost campaign to keep Britain in the EU’
‘John Armitage, founder of $15bn hedge fund Egerton Capital, is giving a six-figure sum to the campaign. A friend of Mr Armitage said: “He is fighting against the Little Englanders on the out campaign.’
A fact the BBC spectacularly fail to mention when talking about how much money he gave the Tories. Nor have they mentioned that all the others are remainers AND they deleted my HYS comment as ‘off-topic’ when I pointed it out.
This is serious abuse of position and power by the BBC for their own policial bias. It’s all 100% about stopping Brexit.
Where the f*ck are OFCOM ?. It’s an absolute disgrace.
The extent of the influence of LGBTQ charity Stonewall in public bodies across the UK has been revealed in a BBC investigation.
Governments, Ofcom and the BBC have had their impartiality questioned after involvement in the lobby group’s diversity schemes.
‘Grade-A student’ was running heroin and crack dealing operation in residential streets
Aspiring Oxford University student Jamal Hourrieh took orders from addicts on the drugs gang’s mobile phone and dispatched ‘runners’ to make deliveries
Christopher Rees, for Hourrieh, said his client had been “little more than a child” when he became involved in the drug dealing operation.
He said the defendant had been a “fantastically talented” grade-A student at school and had been taken to Oxford University to look around with the aim of him one day applying to study there.
“Risk of further Brexit disruption to trade, say MPs”
Al Beeb doing its best to get us back in the EU ?
Note the operative word “Risk”.
In the EU we do not control VAT.
In the EU we do not control vaccines production.
In the EU … we are sovereign.
“A BBC investigation has raised fresh doubts about the evidence used to throw thousands of people out of the UK for allegedly cheating in an English language test.”
How about a BBC investigation in to the amount of illegals let in to the UK , or an investigation in to the amount of health ‘tourists’ robbing the UK every day ?
Oxford University:
The teaching of this course is provided by both the Department of Economics and the Saïd Business School.
The WHAT business school?
And the first picture, two white girls and two black men, like we see everywhere
and they are dealing crack, quelle surprise
We are a world-class business school community. Embedded in a world-class university. Tackling world-scale problems.
Oxford University’s Said Business School is a place where we study how successful businesses appreciate the rules of the game – written and unwritten
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby criticises delay in removing slavery plaque
Welby now a member of blm
The Archbishop of Canterbury said he was “embarrassed” and “irritated” that the Church of England invested indirectly in online lender Wonga.
It comes after the Most Reverend Justin Welby told Wonga the Church would try to force the firm out of business by helping credit unions compete with it.
But the CofE later admitted it invested in funds that provided money for Wonga.
Unwritten, for your business school
More has to be understood about the footballer Kurt
Zouma with his volley of kicking his cat across the
kitchen. Different cultures have to be appreciated.
The BBC , in particular the TV London Programme
understand this.
But it could well be that we kind find the answer in the
lyrics of Stephen Sondheim from ” West Side Story”.
The Porto Rican gang is depraved because they have been
” Their daddy’s beat their mummy’s their mummy’s
clobbered them. And with all their marijuana they didn’t
give them a puff. They didn’t want to have them , but
somehow they were had. And that’s why their so bad.”
The producers , editors , presenters and reporters on
the London programme all know this about the black knife
wielding drug gangs . And like Officer Krupke in West Side Story
the Metropolitan Police in London should understand
why the gangs behave like that.
Or why Zouma kicks his cat. We should be pleased that he
doesn’t cut the cats throat. Because you see ” Blacks Live
Matter” is a perfect oxymoron for too many in the
black fraternity . And that applies to black cats or any other
cats as well . when it comes to mattering.
What was sickening is the way the inflictors of pain and fear on the hapless cat, is the pleasure they took in it. They enjoyed it. This indicative of something that is beyond the norm.