How long will the BBC campaign to unseat an elected PM go on for ? It is using the same hateful onslaught used daily against president Trump – another politician on the ‘disapproved ‘ list . The answer might be ‘for ever ‘….
Midweek 9 February 2022
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Karnataka hijab row: Wetin we know about hijab crisis wey shut down one state for India
When a Saudi woman daring not to wear a hijab leads to calls for her beheading, maybe it’s time the UK paid attention
Our Government has put business, arms and trades deals before human rights. It isn’t ethical and it isn’t fair
Yasmin Ahmed
Friday 02 December 2016
2022 … the science is settled….
Okechukwu Toby say according to di Red Cross Society na “10,480 pesin miss for 2017” for Nigeria.
Nigeria House of representatives don tell federal goment to declare national emergency on top ritual killings for di kontri.
Di directive to di federal goment follow resolution of di national assembly during dia sitting on Wednesday.
Dem reach di resolution afta one Lawmaker, Toby Okechukwu present motion “on need to stop di rising trend of ritual killings for Nigeria.”
I wonder how long it will take before Kurt Zuma the
West Ham footballer starts appearing in adverts on TV ?
I imagine that all the advertising agencies that produce
all the present day woke adverts on TV must be in an
orgasmic state in trying to outbid each other for
Zuma’s services. Perhaps we will see him in a new
pet food advert.
Sorry if I appear to be like Margo from the TV show “The Good Life” but exactly who or what is Kurt Zuma?
Cat 5 exemption on BBC.
Because reasons.
Someone please add the link of the video for Lefty.
Lefty-Sorry I spelt his name incorrectly. It should of
been Zouma. He is a French player who plays for West
Ham who enjoys playing football with his cats. The
only difference being that when he fouls his cats
he doesn’t get a red card and sent off. He and his
family just laugh at it. I can see him being
invited to be on ” A Question of Sport” on
the BBC . Sooner than later.
Kurt Zuma is the president of bongo bongo land – the leading recipient of UK taxpayer give aways …
Pipster seems pretty much embedded in the colon of BBC Politics.
Toenails got flushed.
BBC ‘News’. It appears.
The photo appears to show UK PM Boris Johnson at a Christmas quiz held in Downing Street, when London was under Tier Two rules.
Metropolitan Police to review No 10 quiz decision after Boris Johnson photo leak
Guest, the PM must now know for sure that there is a Labour Party traitor in No.10 Downing Street. He should ask the Security Services to find out who it is and the PM must name them in the House and then fire them. He might also get the Security Services to investigate links between BBC people and Pippa Crerar at the Daily Mirror.
bbc1 Pointless “now the topic is the BBC’s top 100 films directed by WOMEN”
Surely you meant to write Pointless BBC1?
ITV local news
#1 Hull African woman encourages people to get an HIV test
after she suddenly found she’s HIV positive at a routine pregnancy check.
“one third of these late diagnoses are women”
… Oh I wonder what sex the other two thirds are ?
#2 Doncaster councillor chairing the Crime committed has been charged by an Ohio court with being in a mob supplying psychodelic drugs.
#4 Cockamamie scheme to build a causeway from Grimsby to Hull ..not going to happen is it.
#5 Another Metaverse PRasNews item ..they had one on Monday.
Sopes, BS, Lurch and Spingster going to have to postpone again?
Hedging your bets ??
Jason Statham (cinematic ‘hard man’) and other half have just had a little girl. Well, I don’t know if anyone on here knows any female with the name James, but clearly this couple ‘aren’t sure’ as they’ve named the babe Isabella James Statham.
James was my Dad’s name, but he sure as hell wouldn’t want his daughter named Jim – he didn’t call his boy Sue either !!!
The BBC have replaced Martin Bashir as religious editor.
This is the third time in a row that the BBC have appointed a Muslim to this position.
Apparently Aleem Maqbool previously worked for the BBC as their Gaza/West Bank correspondent so his recruitment is not thrilling news for Jewish people in this Country either.
We need no further proof that the BBC is determined to stamp out Christianity in our largely Christian Country.
Stats show that 59% of the population still self-identify as Christian, with only 6.3% identifying as Muslim so the BBC have simply done what they do best by ignoring this and ramming this appointment down our throats.
This is a takeover by stealth of the worst kind for reasons of sheer propaganda and should result in all right-thinking Christian citizens in this Country letting them know that they cannot just continue the role of this Countries arbiter of the news and programming etc. whilst blatantly blocking any member of the largely Christian community for this role in the BBC.
They need terminating before they permanently damage this Country, if they want to become MBC to represent Pakistan, Iran, Palestine and etc. that’s fine but they should do it by raising all their own money not using the massive cash income extracted from mainly Christian British taxpayers.
Voice for Justice UK are running a campaign to try to block the appointment by urging people to write to their MP but I fear this will go nowhere with the iron-headed activists within the BBC, the only way to deal with it is to cut off it’s massive flow of free income from Joe Public.
STOP PAYING THEM to crap on you!
The Jews dressing as Muslims to get around a prayer ban
The Jews dressing as Muslims to get around a prayer ban
Some extremist Jews reveal that they’ve been dressing as Muslims to enter and worship at a bitterly contested holy site, Temple Mount or the al-Aqsa Mosque compound.
After Israel captured and occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, a delicate status quo remained: non-Muslims can visit the complex but must not pray there.
The BBC has been speaking to Jewish Israeli activist, Raphael Morris, who leads a fringe group called “Returning to the Mount”, which advocates prayer at the site he calls Temple Mount and to a Palestinian Muslim activist, Hanady Halawani who says she will defend al-Aqsa Mosque.
Produced by Gidi Kleiman, Yolande Knell and Youssef Shomali
Shot and edited by Anastassia Zlatopolskai
The BBC offends me. Is there any way that I can delete this hateful Marxist organisation without incurring a hefty fine or going to prison? No? Then I must take the only honourable way out. Head for the hills.
That’s a first – turned of GBNews – Farage for going woke – who gives a damn about nut nut at his activities in number 10 in 2020?
Who cares about footballers kicking cats ?
Not much sign of grown up subjects – apart from the coming electricity tariffs based on time of day …. Which is a horror – from personal experience ….
Every hour …
Be afraid. Be very afraid. They are establishing new colonies.
Jasmine Taylor-Coleman
Assistant Editor, Digital Live, BBC News
LondonJoined January 2009
1,708 Following
Of course the BBC Politics team will be allllll over this like a ras… oh.
Fascinating all the Remainers trying to claim fessing up once nabbed is the sign of nobility.
Might tease all the limps on the Climate assembly a bit.
Still taking Chinese bungs for his kid then ?
“apologising ” – returning money?
For month after month, the msm (including the BBC) lied that the savagely violent BLM/Antifa riots were “mostly peaceful” (on one famous occasion while cars and buildings were literally burning in the background).
Now they’re lying that the peaceful Truckers’ protest is violent, trans-phobic (!?), Islamophobic (?!) homophobic (?!) and every other phobic Trudeau and the lefties can dream up.
P.S. In the last few seconds, Rubin makes the point that the race riots stopped soon after Biden took power. Almost as if they’d been fomented by the Dems to discredit Trump.
Warning – The BBC does it again!
Well, there’s a surprise, the BBC has, after what they say was a competitive recruitment process, appointed a new Religion editor, Aleem Maqbool. Mr Maqbool, a Muslim and journalist of some note, who previously acted respectively as Auntie’s Pakistan and Gaza/West Bank Correspondent, is reportedly delighted to be taking on a role that will focus ‘on telling stories associated with faith and ethics’ ( He is due to take up his new position this Spring.
Maqbool is set to succeed Martin Bashir, who stepped down from his role as religious correspondent in questionable circumstances in 2021, following allegations of having fabricated evidence in order to procure an interview with Princess Diana ( Bashir had, in turn, taken over from the controversial former head of religion and ethics, Aaqil Ahmed, who did so much to promote multicultural programming … demonstrating what many complained was clear bias, to the detriment of Christianity.
And the so called ‘impartial’ BBC even exposes its charter to ridicule…
The BBC was established by Royal Charter in 1927, ‘to inform, educate and entertain’, with committed Christian, Lord Reith, appointed as Director-General. He it was who had inscribed over the foyer of Broadcasting House, in Latin (where it remains to this day):
“This temple of the arts and muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors in the year of our Lord 1931, John Reith being director-general. And they pray that good seed sown may bring forth good harvest, and that all things foul or hostile to peace may be banished thence, and that the people inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest, whatsoever things are of good report, may tread the path of virtue and wisdom.”
Well so much for that. A clear line has been breached and that the BBC is no logger fit for purpose. No taxation without representation (as the Americans used to say about England).
Our society and culture are founded on Christian values, and we are a Christian country. Though there has been an undeniable decline in religious adherence in recent years, according to the Office for National Statistics, 59% of the population still self-identify as Christian, with only 6.3% identifying as Muslim. (
articles/exploringreligioninenglandandwales/february2020; It would seem, from this, that the BBC has a clear agenda to promote minorities over the majority of society, nevertheless expecting – or hoping – that we should all continue to pay a licence fee in their support, whether we agree with such policies or not.
BBC Masters of misinformation.
Stop Aleem Maqbool’s appointment as Head of religion for the BBC
“Islamic and Western values are one and the same (Atif Rashid)”
. . . which one is fake news or a lie? . . . .
“ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws (Justin Welby)”
Taqiyya at its finest
Reith appears to have been at least a Nazi sympathiser and admirer, he might have been something more, and Churchill hated him.
Very amusing reply to a feminist trying to be clever.
That broken image link is to the meme website called, which my browser blocks by default
However that image address doesn’t work anyway
The BBC are proud to state that they are ‘progressive’ and deny that they are soft on drugs. However what is happening in America could happen here… Socialists prefer the term ‘progressives’ rather than Marxist ideology. The damage is clear in the US.
The George Sorus Foundation claim to fame…
Defunding the Police, BLM and Wokists..
San Francisco is situated at the heart of America’s tech boom. Yet according to this week’s guest, much of the city looks like a slum. Homelessness is rampant. Drug use is soaring and violent crime continues to rise. To find out what is happening to America’s most progressive cities…
How the radical Left turned America’s cities into “slums”
The Blue Labour Tories are trying to do the same in the UK by defunding the Police, closing most Magistraits and County Courts, creating backlogs so long that now many of the statstically few cases which are brought age out before they can be heard.
On top of that no new prison places are being built so sentences are becoming shorter and shorter.
They are in short attempting to achieve the Socialist dream of anarchy. Of course they can afford protection from the baying mobs of criminals, but the rest of us can’t.
OK …
some remorse – but there are those who aren’t showing any at all and are doubling down….
they need challenging – BIG TIME.
I was literally just about to post this
Steerpike : Why is the BBC saying Boris’s Savile claims are false?
In a BBC fact check article from last week, the Corporation stated that there was ‘no evidence that Sir Keir was involved at any point in the decision not to charge Savile’. That is undoubtedly true, but the key distinction over the claim is not a factual one — it is a question of where responsibility should lie. The BBC’s position is that because there is no evidence for Starmer’s involvement in the case, he cannot be held responsible for the decision.
(..I add that if Boris is responsible for setting the culture in No 10,
then Starmer WAS responsible for setting the culture in the DPP’s office)
Asked about their decision to brand the claim as ‘false’ (a technique often used by American broadcasters when covering Donald Trump) a BBC spokesperson told Mr S: ‘The BBC has reported on all aspects of this story’
.. When the Corporation reports that the statement is ‘false’, it implicitly makes a value judgement on where responsibility lies. For all its talk of objectivity, the BBC has made that moral judgement for you
Starmer, in true tried-and-tested civil servant style, has been at pains to appear never to be ‘directly responsible’ for anything. This modus operandi relies on collusion between between various institutions in order to spread the blame and make it almost impossible to pinpoint the person(s) responsible. There is always an element of fraud involved. In his past rise up the ranks Starmer has mastered this skill by keeping himself several steps away from any action – hence all the ‘fence sitting’ – apart from when he considers himself to be on safe ground such as opposing the death penalty in foreign parts. However, as Labour leader it was always going to be more difficult for him to hide his duplicitous nature. Having boasted publicly in the Commons and elsewhere of his successes as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Starmer finds himself precariously close to a position of having to bear a degree of responsibility for something unsavoury. Hence all the righteous indignation. The bBC, as an instrument of the blob, is therefore instructed to flatly deny his involvement in e.g. the Savile case in order to keep Blair’s man in position as Labour leader.
7:30pm BBC1 Southern regions show
Black biz success
Meanwhile BBC1 Birmingham was set to air a story of an ethnic Somali’s success
They put up a news story
.. but then they’ve pulled the news story
and substituted tonight’s TV episode
BBC “Hanad was a normal 20-year-old student. He started trading crypto in the first lockdown and became a multi-millionaire in nine months. He’s now on a mission to help those in need.”
.. gone bust hasn’t he ?
“Hanad Hassan had started a project called Orfano, but the token was discontinued last October — with investors claiming it was a scam.”
BBC story was promoted by Farhan Jimale
Senior Journalist Team Manager @BBCWorld
10:43am The Guardian gave the BBC a kicking
Thread :
Archive or the now deleted BBC page
BBC involvement was used to placate investors
@ConnorSephton tweeted
Last October, investors vowed to get police involved.
A Telegram group suggested the BBC film was in the works last October. This may have given investors false hope. One wrote:
“The BBC would not waste its reputation if Orfano wasn’t doing something special, maybe even big.”
“Scottish Covid powers to be extended by six months”
Why ? Power crazy .
More of the SNP ‘Deathwish’ perhaps?
The bbc often trumpets about holding power to account
who had the power in the CPS ?
we have to rely on people shouting in the street to hold that one to account
The bbc does not like Fox news. I wonder why
Biden approval rating drops below 40% for the first time in an average of major polls
The White House is attempting to wrangle a number of crises
CNN anchor admits she’s ‘officially out of ideas’ for ‘what to do about Joe Rogan’
The liberal network has waged relentless attacks toward the popular podcast host
Other opinions are available
Is the BBC a reliable news source?
“Since I am from India, my answer will be more focused on BBC’s coverage of India. I will try to be as objective as possible by just representing the facts and will let users make up their mind:
When the opposition party BJP won a land slide in 2014 becoming the first party to get a majority by it’s own in thirty years in India; BBC correspondent got two college students supporting the opposition Congress party and were debating how Muslims are going to live under BJP rule, in spite BJP winning plurality of Muslim majority seats in India.
They called Mumbai 2008 terror attackers as “Gunmen” for a very long time until even some Englishmen objected to it.
When world was commending India about India’s mars mission, BBC was dismissive about it because of “700 million poor it has”. They said the same when India sent Moon mission and when India did a nuclear test in 1998.
BBC was so pro pakistan during wars that Indian government has to ban it during 1971 war.
Many reputed journalists (MJ Akbar) have refused to work with BBC because of its anti India rant.
I am not sure if someone is biased; how can they be reliable?”
bbc news, or opinion
“Is ending the last Covid rule brave or stupid?”
of course, the bbc are full to the brim with scientifically qualified journalists.
BA versus BSc, majoring in basket weaving and knitting your own yoghurt
Yet they somehow have an innate ability in Hebrew when it comes to anti muslim slurs, ignoring any advice from those who speak the language from birth.
Once again, the bbc fails to represent public opinion and it is left to the public to express
The BBC are on the wrong side of British public opinion for almost everything these days. And have been since Brexit.
Instead of reflecting it, they seem to have taken it upon themselves to change it to what they think is best in their middle-class, metropolitan London bubble.
A newer Salah chant, I’ll be Muslim too, was given the seal of approval by the star winger last season.
Sung to Dodgy’s ‘Good Enough’, the lyrics are:
“If he’s good enough for you, he’s good enough for me.
“If he scores another few, then I’ll be Muslim too.
“If he’s good enough for you, he’s good enough for me.
“Sitting in the mosque, that’s where I wanna be!
“Mo Salah-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la-la.”
Anjem Choudary: Radical preacher’s public speaking ban to be lifted
Published18 July 2021
BBC pull documentary on young refugee Hanad Hassan who claims he turned £37 into £5.9m
Strange, maybe he wasn’t an angel or perfect, and was only being broadcast just because the colour of his skin to try to impress us
BBC pulling any other rep… ‘stories’?
Am I the only one who thinks he’s got an octopus on his head?
I feel sorry for the octopus, makes a change from abusing cats
other aquatic residents are available if ones barber falls short of your expectations
I am considering the 6 foot wide giant clam look or maybe an orca, which may help the queue in Waitrose move forward a bit
Afghanistan: Evidence mounts of Taliban reprisal arrests and killings
A number of women who participated in protests demanding women’s rights in Afghanistan are missing.
Might have had something to do with all the exposure end encouragement you gave them BBC ?. Even though everyone in the world knew they wouldn’t actually change anything.
And what about the men ?. How many men are missing ?. Oh, I forgot. You don’t care about them as they are not the agenda. Exactly the same as you don’t care about the women either if they can’t be used for your own propaganda.
Just add the blood to all the on your hands for what you did to get Trump out and Biden in.
You know, I wouldn’t put it past the BBC and the Left to have deliberately exposed these people so they could run this article later.
Maybe they will turn up and get a Nobel and go to Oxford?
Or, not.
The bbc likes collateral.
Elliot Carver………………
Ukraine tensions: Russia to begin military drills with Belarus
and at the bottom of the “report” is the bbc in its element
“A teenage rock band is singing for peace near Ukraine’s front line”
Surely the war must start soon, Biden start it would begin in February and its the 10th now
Conflict, lockdown, masks and racial divide all for just £159
“Surely the war must start soon…..” The closer to the Mid-terms the better. War could delay the elections if not suspend them……………..
Boris announces good news on the ending of coronavirus restrictions.
We should all rejoice?
BBC respond “Ending restrictions, is it brave or stupid”.
Partygate all over again, they will be seeking anyone who gets poorly from the day restrictions end and making it Boris’s personal fault.
Boris will be killing people!
Just when we all need a lift of National spirits, the BBC respond with a bucket of cold sick.
Just as well we didn’t have the current shower of nutters in the BBC in 1944 or we would still be carrying gas masks.
The BBC are quite simply rats in the grain barn. Feeding off everyone and crapping everywhere.
The BBC have degenerated into pure spite and is embarassing to watch. They cannot allow Boris to stay now after what they have done.
The Lefties love it and their comments in the HYS the BBC regularly open for these articles are dripping with hate.
I was mulling it over while painting something yesterday and it occurred to me that when the Right dislike someone on the Left, it’s because of their political views. For example, I detest what Starmer does as a politician – but I don’t hate him. I don’t even know him.
But the Left actively hate people who disagree with them with a passion. They don’t just disagree with Boris or JRM : they absolutely hate them personally. Same as they did with Thatcher.
This is one of the main difference I have seen between Left and Right since Brexit and is probably linked to how younger people tend to be Lefties whereas when they grow up and become more balanced, they understand the real world and move to the Right.
Those who live in a far-Left bubble (like at the BBC or in the media) never grow up.
Jacob Rees-Mogg’s children told ‘your daddy is horrible’ during ‘sick’ Class War protest
The leading Tory Brexiteer was targeted outside his Westminster home by “Class War” activist Ian Bone.
Vandals attack Jacob Rees-Mogg’s Somerset home
According to a report in the Mail Online, the words “posh scum” were written on windows of the house.
Jacob Rees-Mogg ATTACKED: Thug tips bottle of water over Tory in latest Brexit attack
JACOB REES-MOGG has become the latest Brexiteer to be attacked by members of the public as a thug tipped over him a bottle of water while another branded the MP a “horrible little
We can have fun as the MSMBBC push project fear over adopting ‘herd immunity’ for the latest brand of Chinese virus .
As I said yesterday – they will desperate to prove nut nut wrong – with a queue of SAGE dissenters ‘speaking in a personal capacity ‘ for the latest ‘hotspot ‘
Restrictions must be re imposed
Everything must be locked down
Space – ventilation – the whole show ….
….but I guess the next big battle will be for the ‘public inquiry ‘
When who what ? …..
Watch that space ….
‘Hang the Tories’ protest banner on Salford bridge denounced by MPs
This article is more than 4 years old
Huge hand-painted sign removed from bridge by police ahead of Conservative party’s conference in Manchester
One Conservative MP said the party’s conference was being targeted by “fascists” after pictures circulated on social media of a 10-metre wide banner reading: “Hang the Tories.”
Fascism (by the original definition, not the one the Left have changed it to so it specifically has ‘right-wing’ in it) is the intolerance of any and all opposing views and an active policy to shut them down.
It describes the BBC and the Left perfectly.
I looked up ‘ totalitarianism ‘ as well and saw that that applied equally to the BBC – paricularly the kiddie end – not showing much on the old – who they hope will pay the TVL by DD even after they die ….
East to West, North to South, the World is almost complete in its splitting between left and right. I am quite amazed at how quickly the left has easily been able to force this shift. Clearly, the right and ‘democracy’ and all these fine expressions mean nothing now. The transition is almost complete: ‘Go with the flow’…………….
I read some Lefty in a recent BBc HYS – clearly foaming at the mouth – accuse the Conservatives of dividing society.
In his brain, he obviously thinks anyone who does not accept the Left-wing agenda being forced upon us are the people who are doing the dividing.
How do you deal with such a mix of fanaticism and stupidity ?. It’s the Nazi socialist brainwashed mindset. You are with us or against us.
Teacher or headmaster ?
The BBC Moaning Emole is on it.
Is ending the last Covid rule brave or stupid?
The last remaining Covid restriction in England could be gone in weeks, after the prime minister announced the legal requirement to isolate after a positive test may be scrapped early. The plan had been due to end it on 24 March – but if the trends remained positive, Boris Johnson said, it could go a month early. The move has taken many experts by surprise, with one describing it as either brave or stupid.
As often with Covid, the evidence is unclear. Certainly questions are being asked about the politics of the move, with the prime minister under continuing pressure. But there is plenty of positive news in the latest data – as the prime minister suggested. Hospital cases are falling and, despite the large wave of Omicron infections, overall deaths have not risen above what would normally be seen in winter.
Read full analysis >
Nick Triggle
Health correspondent
See… analysis. Apparently. Is one ‘expert’ a Chris?
Maybe if Boris advised to cut the bottom off fire doors?
I agree with the notion that Nick is very BBC.
Insulating draughty homes
Two-thirds of homes, or 19 million households, need better insulation, according to government data – and with rising energy prices, why aren’t we doing it? It seems it could all be down to cost even though insulating draughty homes, the head of the UK’s Climate Change Committee says, is one of the ways out of the current energy crisis. Chris Stark rates government policy on insulation as “very poor”, and his assessment comes as Britain’s frequently described as having some of the oldest and least energy efficient housing in Europe. The government has previously acknowledged the importance of improving energy performance. Read more here.
Maybe Chris could get Ed and Barry to kick in?
Interesting how different #prasnews outlets run what they are sent. Here is the Indy, about 5’ later…
1 / ‘Very brave or very stupid’: Scientists’ warning over early ending of Covid rules in England
Boris Johnson’s surprise decision to end all domestic Covid restrictions in England one month early is either “very brave or very stupid”, scientists have warned.
Seems they have multiplied, anonymously.
I’d get Springster to check, but she’s a bbc blonde.
Just waiting for the Commies in the EU to block all UK – EU traffic fir the next few months now having been beaten to the blocks by Boris, they will be fuming.
Oooh look the Guardian hotline was busy from the BBC
And as for the Poison puppet lady in Scotland and the Welsh Nobody well we all know what’s coming next there don’t we?
Gas masks? We’d more likely be speaking German.
BBC News
The school’s head teacher said its children were “encouraged to express their thoughts”.
Those thoughts appear BBC approved. Hence coverage.
In the BBC future, those children with incorrect thoughts will be separated out for special education. Those who cannot be re-educated will get ‘special treatment’.
Just like their ideological socialist counterparts have done in the past when they had the power to do it.
The quizmasters
As we wish a fond farewell to a famous TV quizmaster: ‘The man with the biggest brain on the box: Playwright, publisher… and pioneer who built an opera house in his garden. There was so much more to Bamber Gascoigne, who’s died at 87, than just being the cleverest TV quizmaster, writes Christopher Stevens‘ (in the Mail)
I would add – humourist – to the littany of Bamber’s raconteurial attributes. I once recall watching whilst he was hosting University Challenge, back in the day, he introduced a mathematical-themed segment of his quiz for teams of eager young undergraduates, with the deadpan line: “Now for a round on deviations… but not the sort you’re thinking of”
Some viewers may have found the show as dull as ditchwater – but it’s all about how you ask the questions.
‘Is ending the last Covid rule “brave or stupid”?‘ asks Nick Triggle the BBC’s Health Correspondent. Quite why the dichotomous brave or stupid gets scare quotes is a question which might well serve as our starter for ten. Sorry to say, the answer to that momentarily escapes me. I think I would have to pass – as they say on Mastermind or phone a friend à la Who Wants to be a Millionaire. (Answer at end of this review)
Apart from the fact the very name “Nick Triggle” sounds like the slightly coy or childish everyday term for some medical urinary tract problem, I would contend that brave or stupid is a highly loaded construction. How about asking does continuing covid restrictions – when clearly there is no actual pandemic – and when the economic, health and social chickens born of lockdown are coming home to roost – represent an over-cautious or daft decision?
‘Johnson calls an end to restrictions – and to the pandemic‘ (Times)
The BBC’s Nick Triggle ain’t the only coronaphobic who’s apparently not happy: ‘Scientist’s say “wholly wrong” that pandemic is over‘ (‘i’)
But even the Guardian seems to be taking it on the chin – a place one notices many sport their loose futile gestures at facecoverings – as facemask wearing will of course remain a voluntary option and Guardianistas and civil servants (but I likely repeat myself) can take heart from: ‘Downing Street… confirmed people would be advised to avoid going to work if they tested positive for covid‘ – so go ahead, knock yourselves out with the testing.
‘Cops may now probe PM’s party drinks quiz‘ (Mirror) – we’ll return to more quiz night fun and games shortly.
In a classic display of exemplars on their frontpage the Gruan says white man bad, black woman good: ‘Life term for man who murdered two partners. Ian Stewart, 61 will die in prison‘; whereas ‘I started my own food hub. The woman who fed 100,000 people… “I was the angry black mother,” she says… “Angry at the world.” She lives in London Fields, Hackney… She is a single parent to a daughter and three sons; all of her sons have additional needs‘ – natuarally thre’s no mention of her partner in the lengthy Gruan feature but good for her. It is actually commendable that she is putting something back into society.
One man finally gets a fine for kicking a live cat: ‘Zouma cats saved by RSPCA… £250,000 fine and dropped by W. Ham‘ (Sun)
Whereas – the left-leaning press generate hype by flogging a dead horse: ‘More than 50 face police questions on partygate‘ (Guardian); ‘Police quiz Johnson and 50 staff for partying in lockdown‘ (‘i’)
Puzzle answer – to the question of where the BBC’s Nick Triggle got his loaded money shot question: ‘Dr Simon Clarke, from the University of Reading, who called the move either “brave or stupid”, says the problem is nobody knows for sure what the impact will be.’ (BBC) – so that’s cleared that up then.
Getty airing a worried white chick at least.
Mrs. Triggle looking for Nick’s reputation?
Two stories, back to back…
A ‘climate chief’ no less. Anyhoo, talking all chiefs and screw the Indians…
That’s just an annual pay rise to the bbc top floor.
Guess who Council Climate Assembly speakers are sourced from? And by…. Green Environment Cabinet members do like money.
“A ‘climate chief’ no less. ”
‘Climate BOSS’ on the BBC webshite FFS.
Is ‘Climate Boss’ AKA ‘Climate Chief’, his/her official job title? If so, surely they should do something about this ‘ere ‘climate change’ thing which I’ve heard is going on.
Bill seems as bright as Richard Burgon.
And from his Twitter banner, a clear peroxidophile as no nurses look like bbc nurses. Emily should howl.
BBC Brekky gets an exclusive opening up.
Who gets the Colleen anguished ‘reveals’ via her team?
Plus some mental health wibble that steers around the attraction of ugly thick men with scag loads of money to very thick wimmin who crave attention.
Speaking of whom… Lily Allen got anything on Ginger Prince?
Anyone noticed how the left have now started to regard the police as their very own private dicks and run to them at every opportunity.
Reminds me of being at school….
“Please miss, smith keeps pulling faces at me!”
Couldn’t be that they believe the police are left biased and therefore a ready made ally could it?
Plus it’s about time someone told the police to stop fannying around with wallpaper and cake and start catching some of the dangerous filth running amok in Londonistan and taking lives left right and centre.
The police force was politicised during the Blair regime. It’s modern purpose is to monitor and suppress dissent, plus collect revenue for the State by enforcing frivolous and arbitrary rules. There is litte intent to control real crime, of the sort that blightens and destroys people’s lives. Totalitarians see criminals as useful allies, who can help keep society in a state of fear and control: it is not a coincidence that one of the first things revolutionaries do is to free the prisoners, or that they were used to maintain order in both the Nazi and Soviet concentration camps.
Some years ago, I spoke with a senior executive at one of Britain’s largest supermarkets. He was pondering the idea of a private police force: it would be a pay monthly service and there would be a booth in each store where crimes could be reported. Depending on the nature of the crime, they would offer advice, investigate, take action or refer to the authorities. He saw it as dealing with crimes such as theft, burglary, car crime and so on, thus freeing up the real police to concentrate on the ‘important stuff’. He described the relationship of this private police to the real one as analogous to that of pharmacies to the NHS, somewhere accessible and able to deal with the everyday stuff. He also pointed out that there was precedent for this sort of thing in the shape of the Pinkerton Detective Agency in the USA and that this would be similar, “but with loyalty card points”. My colleagues found this whole idea somewhat fanciful, but he insisted it would be a practical half-way house between the then recently introduced PCSO and the regular police.
The intention of the globalists is to ration services such as health care, travel and energy, in order to maximise profits and reduce costs. Do not be surprised if law enforcement is also included – the campaigns to ‘defund the police’ are part of a well thought out strategy.
Up to you whether you want to sign another petition. This time trying to stop the appointment of one, Aleem Maqbool to the position of the BBC’s ‘Religion Editor’.
Most here will recognise immediately that trying to halt the islamisation of the UK is a futile task. It is inevitable that the few percent of the population that is islam and / or the blacks will sooner or later, control everything. Our Government and all its MP’s seem oblivious or indeed enthusiastic at this ethnic cleansing. To my knowledge, no action either in place or proposed, will halt this.
I vividly remember my very first flight into Jeddah Saudi Arabia. An altercation took place in the airport between an American and a Saudi. I know not for what. But arab security was quickly called in and I recall, before the yank was carted off, the Saudi spat at him. Brits will have to get used to this behaviour. It is commonplace in some primitive cultures.
I see a new, ‘History Debunked’ video also tells a story (I’d call it ‘Fraud’) by the usual sleight of hand and deceit viewers of the BBC have come to expect of the BBC.
Well, golly. Worth running that by BBC Trending, which is mostly blonde, bar the young brown man who gets it wrong a lot?
Seems the vast majority of the ground floor cubicle gardens is now of color, and faith, and one floor down from the top, bar Sarpo, is of faith. For balance.
This might explain the bbc skew in coverage, but does not excuse it.
Other shampoos are available
Extinction Rebellion co-founder rents crumbling building to farm workers
INSULATE Britain activist Roger Hallam is renting out a tumbledown old farmhouse which appears to have no insulation.
Meanwhile, a bbc stringer has a very niche focus…
Boris Johnson suggests cull of pigs doesn’t matter because they’d have been bacon anyway
The Prime Minister cruelly brushed off the warnings of pig farmers by saying if anyone’s ever had a bacon sandwich, they should be used to the idea of pigs having to die
800 foreign butchers has enlisted – special visa – won’t go home – here we go again.
Export them?
Make them pets at BBC house?
Get Gary Lineker to house them?
Ask Islamists to start eating Bacon to save the country?
Paul Murphy is the the BBC north environment reporter
and appears to have a cosy relationship with Greenblob PR.
BBC Community Ser… Inflaming
Karnataka hijab row: The woman who is the face of the fight to wear headscarf
Ironically, mostly covered.
Top comment:
“Stop polarizing the people and live in peace. None of the protesting boys had any intention of touching her , check the video where one of the spreads his arms stopping the crowd from moving closer. The woman was also here to showcase her view. Stop giving fire to a useless drama by kids who don’t want to study. Let there be a discussion, closed room argument in peace and close the issue so that both parties live in peace. Media will only give more fire.”
The bbc intention.
Other high rated comments from supporters approving her screaming “Allen’s Snackbar” in a clear effort to quietly not drive coverage from the idiot seats.
In Iran, hijab is compulsory for women with any violation attracting a prison sentence of 2-12 months and a fine between 50,000 and 500,000 rials (adjusted for inflation). During 2017-19 protests, multiple protesting women were arrested with many grievously injured in the police action.19 hours ago
Meanwhile, just to calm things down, Radio 4 pops back in history…
The 14 year-old had been accused of flirting with a white woman. His killing still haunts America, but his mother helped galvanise the Civil Rights Movement. This is the story.
BBC Sounds
The BBC Honour Killing Editor still currently twiddling xe’s thumbs?
BBC4radio4 tweeted that a few times since 2013
Including August 2021, November 2021, Feb 2022
Our sitting and democratically elected Prime Minister is under serious threat with the prospect of being ousted.
He is under threat not from the electret but from the BBC and appalling media.
How can this be right. The foul conduct of the BBC and other left wing media is taking away our democratic choice.
But as we all know they have history with this type of behaviour. We all remember the BBC and the left desperately trying to reverse the choice of the people with regards to Brexit. It looks as though this type of behaviour is now becoming the norm.
But not only the BBC and media have questions to answer, what about the conduct of certain Conservative MP’s, in particular the behaviour of William Wragg. By getting the police involved which incidentally has now proven to be a false allegation he not only put the Conservatives at risk but also a the political career of a fellow Conservative MP. This lump of Primordial Slime obviously has a serious beef with the PM and it seems he will do anything to oust him. If I was the PM I would seriously think about deselection.
The arrogance of the BBC is capable. Not only is there bias out of control but they are not even trying to hide it.
The only way stop this appalling behaviour is to stop funding asap, or the threat of it.
Ah well, another day same old crap….
52% of UK is racist as per the Media … “He is under threat not from the electret but from the BBC and appalling media.”
Louis Theroux explains why he did not mention Jimmy Saville was a rapist ….
“Louis Theroux: I wrestle with amplifying extreme voices”
Keir responsible for Jimmy – Biden/Boris responsible for …
“Afghanistan: Evidence mounts of Taliban reprisal arrests and killings
Afghanistan: Evidence mounts of Taliban reprisal arrests and killings
A number of women who participated in protests demanding women’s rights in Afghanistan are missing.”
Its OK we’ve found them
Hello Zephir, I thought 1 of the people were holding a message “BBC wastes tax payers money” when I 1st read it 🙂
So now we see the Police talking about investigating Boris’s nut nut for the obscene revamp of the Downing Street flat costing as much as some spend on a house (£120K)
The Political Correctness Enforcement squad masquerading as a Police force are acting on invormation supplied by Labours (Red Labour) lawyers who say there is Primna Facie evidence for a bribery and corruption investigation.
The sh*t keeps flying at Boris and will continue to do so, and the Tories are far too cowardly useless and incompetent to get rid of him despite the damage it is causing their party and gifting a lanslide to Red Labour come the next election.
The evidence comes down to a Tory Donor Lord Brown who funded the revamp, and what appear to be promises made to green light a project of his called ‘The Great Exhibition”.
For a long time I have talked on these pages about bribery and corruption being endemic in Britains political classes and possibly in Europe too, because of chronically low pay. Readers have said that they believe that bribery is a good thing provided they can save a ha’penny every decade, and some have gone so far as to say that politicians should not receive any pay at all, and instead rely on foreign countries to fund them, and of course do their bidding.
Well here is even more evidence of the consequences of poor pay, I hope to see many people here defending bribery as a good thing as it allow poor pay to continue.
Girls of Enghelab (Persian: دختران انقلاب) was a series of protests against compulsory hijab in Iran. The protests were inspired by Vida Movahed (Persian: ویدا موحد), an Iranian woman known as the Girl of Enghelab Street (Persian: دختر خیابان انقلاب), who stood in the crowd on a utility box in the Enghelab Street (Revolution Street) of Tehran on 27 December 2017, tied her hijab, a white headscarf, to a stick, and waved it to the crowd as a flag.[2][3][4][5] She was arrested on that day[4][5] and was released temporary on bail[6][7] a month later, on 28 January 2018.[8] Some people believe that Movahed’s action was based on Masih Alinejad’s call for White Wednesdays, a protest movement that the presenter at VOA Persian Television started in early 2017.[9][10][11] Other women later re-enacted her protest and posted photos of their actions on social media. These women are described as the “Girls of Enghelab Street”[10] and “The Girls Of Revolution Street”[12] in English sources. Some of the protesters claim that they didn’t follow Masih Alinejad’s call.[13][14][15][16]
Daughters of the revolution: The Iranian women who risk arrest for protesting against hijab laws and demanding equal rights
Homa Hoodfar, who spent 121 days in an Iranian jail for ‘dabbling in feminism and security matters’, says the world must not ignore the social and legal inequalities women continue to face,smart
As you would expect bbbc radio newcastle this morning is full on against Boris’ decision to end restrictions if it’s safe to do so at the end of February.
They have had their pet ‘experts’ on all saying it’s too dangerous and the usual stuff you get from them plus the carefully selected Vox pops and members of the public (one with cancer, another was in intensive care) all saying he (Boris) is wrong.
So, nothing unusual there.
They did have a break from attacking this by bringing up todays latest party pictures so they could attack him for a different reason.
Cummings is playing the police brilliantly.
Drip feeding pictures each day.
Is there not a case to be made of wasting police time?
If he has all these pictures and evidence of wrongdoing then shouldn’t he hand over all the evidence otherwise he could be done for withholding evidence.
Still, it suits the police to used this way, it’s better than going after burglars and muggers but can’t anyone in the police see how they are having their strings pulled by Cummings.
Parties and finishing restrictions early. Good job there’s nothing else going on around the world or nothing important at home worth reporting on.
Cummings is a very intelligent man and when he sets his mind to dfo something then he will do everything in his considerable power to achieve it.
If the Tories were not so cowardly useless and incompetent he would not have been able to do so much damage, but alas they are all those things and the sit on their hands doing nothing while all the damage being done to them.
It’s like some mentally ill nutters sitting in a castle under siege because someone has a quarrel with their Lord refusing to hand over the lord or to fight back and just sitting their while the castle is reduced to rubble around them, whilst all the time not supporting the Lord nor denouncing him either.
So Starmer is NOT responsible in any way or form for the activities of Jimmy Saville continuing and not being prosecuted ?
That`s Hitler absolved of the Genocide of millions then .
Corbyn was leading the party but not responsible for the outcome.
Police to email 50 people in Downing Street party inquiry
Could the BBC get any more pathetic or pedantic ?.
Tell us when charges are brought BBC. Until then, stop embarassing yourself with this desperation.
Police to look into Parties at BBC and further connections with Kay Burley.
Where’s Boris Conservative Policies …