Theresa May would be excellent as a corpse hanging from a rope.
A rope wound several times round the branch of a tree.
With Ollie Robbins hanging from the other rope end.
“In their death they were not divided”.
A nice big tree with plenty of room for another 100ish CINO traitors who tried to thwart BREXIT.
Just watching channel 5 , Ben Fogle at a muslim families farm, telling us how nice they are with their organic halal animal husbandry, while skirting round halal slaughter, more brainwashing of the masses.
Apparently its “blatant racism” to complain about animals having their throats cut, I thought we were all supposed to be vegan these days, Lefties need to make their minds.
the Ben Fogle is called New Lives IN THE WILD
viewers point out living in an Oxfordshire cottage is hardly WILD
.. The only thing is they live off-grid
I do have sympathy for the TV corp .. that Covid makes flying to remote pars difficult.
but surelly tis family have been shoe-horned in cos they tick a box.
He adds “there’s a Tesco Express 400 yards away.
I’m not watching this rubbish anymore anyway. Was hoping it was somebody living in the wild.
2 weeks ago they were living 500 yards from Polzeath,
last week a sex worker,
this week in Oxfordshire. Awful programme.”
I know someone who went on a Ray Mears course
she said it was another dream shattered as she found he lived in the falseness of medialand and was arrogant.
Lol ! I live more in the Wild than he does ! on the edge of a village, have a river with swans and nature reserve across the road, mile and a half from the pub, AND I’m 8 miles from a Waitrose !!!
‘The departure of Emily Maitlis from the BBC to join LBC will be greeted with jubilation by her many critics who came to see her as one of the worst serial offenders in the ongoing controversy about BBC impartiality. ‘
Her future seems twinned with LBC podcasts! Whatever they are. Apart from Nick Ferrari and Ian Dale, the LBC has crept to align itself to left whingers since Farage had his Saturday slot. I turn off David Lammy as soon as ‘heard’ on radio. And that’s well before O’Brian gets his morning moan in. LBC’s gain in mouthy BBC ex presenters is a loss to the rest of us listeners. So with luck I will never, ever have to hear Maitlis or Kuenssberg. Not good overall for LBC to lose listeners. We already have a Classic FM ex R4 newsreader (now spinning disks) on Classic FM. Globals seems to go out of its way to employ ex BBC moaners.
And they still enjoy the staggering BBC pension scheme, before and after the high salaries found only at BBC towers on a lifetime of substance abuse of the news. I cannot see the attraction in employing BBC left overs. Unless something has changed at ‘Globals’, and they want to ape the BBC editorials and viewpoint.
Yes, LBC is becoming more leftie, so my standard ‘listens’ are Steve Allen, who doesn’t give a hoot, Ian Payne, Clive Bull, and Tom Swarbrick these days.
Sadly Darren Adam has joined the leftie mob and is openly disrespectful to anything other than guradian-type, anti-Tory misery!
GB News last night was fabulous, and certainly getting better by the day!
Interesting piece on how Biden enabled Putin to invade Ukraine, how he benefits from pushing up the cost of oil and gas – how that is going to affect Europe. Ukraine is the 5th largest cereal producer in the World, the bread basket of Europe, and if sanctions mean we can’t buy that grain then up goes the price of food.
In short Europe is F***ed because of years of Socialist idiots making policy based on fantasy, allowing in millions more mouths to feed who are non productive and take up land which could have been used for farming. The lunatic – and they really are certifiable have even said Britain shouldn’t grow any of its own food!
Watch the video and be concerned about what might be in store for us.
Ukraine is a leading exporter of highly purified neon gas, which is necessary for the lasers that are used to etch circuit designs into silicon wafers to create chips. Russia, meanwhile, is the world’s leading producer of palladium, which is essential for many memory and sensor chips.14 Feb 2022
The basic point Rubio makes is that Europe cannot sustain the sanctions America is demanding for a long period, and Putin knows it.
Cowards like Boris the bottler will fold at the first challenge anyway, his initial batch of sanctions has been pitiful to say the least. Putin must be laughing his socks off.
Just wait until China goes for Taiwan then sparks will fly.
The question of how Putin would test Biden has now been answered . But how high will the cost be . Putin has a military which is ready to fight – NATO has – well if it’s ‘war by woke’ it would be a walk over …
Decisions by the likes of merkel has weaken the west – ending German nuclear power was the act of an enemy – not a western leader and has weakened any resolve .
Putin knows that threatening the cost of living of ordinary people is a bigger weapon than anything we have got .
Fortunately we can’t waste British blood vis the military because we haven’t got one – we’ve got a ‘defence force ‘which can’t even defend the Channel .
Putin will win – what he targets after Ukraine ? Guess ….
As I write I’m listening to David Lammy on “Today” – who is the ‘shadow foreign secretary ‘- is that a joke ? The interview was very short …and so many questions were not asked …
Palladium, 45% Russia the remaining 55% comes from South Africa, the US and Canada…
Neon : South Korea is OK it just opened a new plant
“A ceremony to mark the completion of POSCO’s neon production facility was held on January 12 in the southern industrial port city of Gwangyang. The steelmaker said it has worked with TEMC, a domestic semiconductor gas producer, to establish a neon production facility by utilizing POSCO’s large air separation device for gas production. TEMC has refined the extracted Neon gas and produced the excimer laser gas”
The BBC is so consistently annoying that we should at least show some gratitude when they have good news for us — for a change. The departure of the vain, gobby and terminally boring Maitlis with her dull, simpering little friend Sopel is long overdue but welcome nonetheless. Whether they make a success of their futures or sink into well-deserved obscurity, who cares? At least we won’t be forced to pay their salaries. As Captain Tim stands on the quarterdeck, saluting the empty horizon with that characteristically vapid smile on his face, I wonder if he can hear the rats’ feet as they scuttle down the gangplank…?
Well who would have believed it. Trump was right after all!
Quote: ‘Looks like Hillary Clinton’s cronies did indeed spy on Trump’s campaign, as he alleged all those months ago… “Fox News host Sean Hannity dared Hillary Clinton to sue the network after she said in a speech that its coverage of her was coming “awfully close to actual malice”, a legal threshold for defamation’.
’The BBC started saying allegations of fraud in the Biden election win were “baseless” immediately after the result was called. Before anyone actually checked the facts’
The entire fiasco linking Trump to ‘Russia’ was all hoax, and (it you look below its extensive the claims against Hilary and damaging, if not proof of this conspiracy.
Some are calling it as big as Watergate in the US…
How ‘old Hilary’ will get out of this one, along with Biden’s convoluted postal ballots fraud is going to be nasty…
Oh! what joy to see old Hilary final banged up in Jail!
For those who wish to see the US legal docs they are here.
Telegraph was a big supporter of Trump was it ?
2 main Telegraph article used the term “baseless”
One of them doesn’t have that word in the text any more.
The other was by Ben Riley-Smith
Here’s another Ben Riley-Smith “exclusive”
British spy chiefs were briefed on Christopher Steele’s dossier before Donald Trump knew of its existence.
Heads of MI5, MI6 + one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers all knew of the Russian links claims before Trump.
What the BBC could claim is that they are training ‘the talent’ and then let them go off to wherever at whatever salary they think they can command, and bring in newer ones at a lower level.
There must be a reason why Maitlis, Edwards, Hussein, Robinson and Bruce have never left the BBC.
World crisis and Abott, Corbyn and McDonell don’t even bother to turn up:
“Mr Johnson welcomed Starmer’s spirit of co-operation.
But the PM also gently lobbed a pebble into this calm millpond by noting Labour’s change in attitude towards Russia over the past couple of years. This was ‘massively beneficial’, he said.
Cue embarrassed murmurs and an awkward shifting on Labour’s benches.
Watching them recoil over the wayward Jeremy Corbyn era is like an old duke squirming over an ancestor who frolicked with the chamber maids and spanked the family fortune.
Mr Corbyn, incidentally, was not present for either Johnson or Starmer’s speeches.
Nor John McDonnell, Diane Abbott or any of his other Stop the War Coalition cronies.
Fifteen minutes into the debate, Corbyn’s angry white beard eventually appeared through a side door where he purposefully plonked himself in a corner.
He briefly examined the PM’s statement in the way a bored child inspects the in-flight safety instructions. Moments later, he skedaddled.”
“Yeltsin, often paralysed with drink, was a welcome guest in the West, even the White House, despite his embarrassing and crude behaviour.
But Yeltsin, unlike Putin, did nothing to control the oligarchs, allowed the West to continue its rape of Russia’s economy, and – above all – made no protest against the humiliation of his country by the continued expansion of Nato eastwards across Europe.
This was by then a more or less openly anti-Russian alliance (who else is it directed against?).
It wasn’t just that the West had promised not to do this, as numerous documents now show beyond doubt.
It was that it was stupid, and created the very crisis it claimed to be protecting us against.
Interestingly the leading protesters against this Nato expansion were not Russian nationalists but highly intelligent and experienced independent figures.
One was the Russian liberal politician Yegor Gaidar, a man Western leaders claim to have admired.
He prophesied with total accuracy that the policy would strengthen hardliners and nationalists in the Kremlin.
Then came the brilliant American diplomat George F. Kennan, a man nobody could accuse of being soft on Communism.
But, unlike so many others, he could tell the new transformed Russia apart from the old USSR.
Kennan had been architect of the USA’s policy of containment of the USSR. He came out of retirement to deplore Bill Clinton’s support for pushing Nato east. I quote his prediction at length because he was so right.
‘I think it is the beginning of a new Cold War,’ said Mr Kennan. ‘I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies.
‘I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. “
Today / News
Early in the day – I wanted to here if we are at war as I didn’t hear the nuclear blast during the night …
…anyway – try listening to the News – God the BBC just throws on depressive miserable ‘news ‘( propaganda ) with a trowel – mind you putting quality standards on people going to university is a shock …
…. Meanwhile I – like the whole country – is desperate for news about the party investigation – I care less about covid or nuclear war – I wanna know about parties – who cares about babies dying at NHS maternity units in Shropshire – it’s the party thing that matters – right BBC ?
.@maitlis failed to distinguish between reporting and commentary. Her welcome departure will offer the Beeb an opportunity to reset the dial in terms of professionalism & impartiality.
Two down , several thousand left to go. No doubt Tim Davie will be claiming that the departures of Maitlis , Sopel and before them Marr , is evidence that he is taking action against leftist bias. Some of the wetter Tories will agree with him and suggest that he needs to be given time to complete his reforms and urge Nads to tone down her rhetoric.
It’s all rubbish . Three swallows do not a summer make. The BBC is well past reform . It must be made a subscription only service and it can then be true to its hard left beliefs.
Guess what ? They’ve sent Robinson to Ukraine . I wonder how many the BBC have got there – ? Bet it’s more than the UK military there .
The best hotel in Kiev must be full of them – calling themselves ‘was correspondents ‘ … when they are really ‘war tourists ‘desperate for material for their books and to do their piece to camera wearing body armour ….
I think it was Pounce who suggested you looked at the people around the BBC war correspondents wearing their helmets and flak jackets. The surrounding people, walking casually by, or standing in a group chatting will suggest the ‘armour’ is worn for effect rather than necessity.
Emily Maitlis defected to LBC with Jon Sopel after she became ‘frustrated at being ticked-off by BBC bosses over impartiality’
Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel are quitting BBC to co-present a programme for LBC
Pair, who join ex BBC veteran Andrew Marr at LBC, will also host a new podcast
The broadcasters currently earn more than £550,000 combined from the BBC
But it is thought they will both have secured pay rises from their new employer
I know I shouldn’t say this – but I might listen to Maitliss when she does her stuff on LBC – it will be instructive to listen to her without being ‘restrained ‘ by BBC guidelines
( I know she pleasured herself ignoring them )
But if there is no difference in her opinions we know that BBC guidelines are without value –
Will we get more accurate listening figures – or does she have a whole tribe of cougar fans who want to be just like her ?
So this is where that slug Watson has ended up, trying to gouge yet more money out of the taxpayer. He has never done one good thing in his entire wretched life.
What I like about the BBC and Guardianistas with the Liberal/left globalists is their ability to “discuss” a subject without mentioning the elephant in the room .
Thus on Monday night Radio 4 at 8pm discussed the subject of homelessness and lack of affordable housing without mentioning immigration .
But do you not think it’s a bit of a sick game ( which I indulge in) in which you listen and spot the omission . It’s a game to play if you are well informed about an issue but for a casual listener it can be harmful .
The shameful thing is that these BBC staff know what they are doing but make adverts telling us they are unbiased .
When any outfit has to say overtly it is unbiased it just means it is biased .
An Indian court this week is ruling on whether Muslim girls can wear the hijab in school. The debate has sparked anger for many women that a personal choice is once again being politicised.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, an Iranian Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Yemen Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Saudi Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, an Iranian Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Saudi Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Yemen Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can draw a cartoon and people will laugh, an Islamic Muslim should be careful when drawing cartoons or fellow tolerant Islamists will punish them with honourable stones or lashes of joy.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
Now that the money’s so good, I would expect “trans” types will suddenly find that they would like to play in women’s football. I wonder what the left wing Megan Rapinoe and her right-on friends will make of that? No need to lose the old frank’n’beans lads, you just have to “decide” you are a woman, who could possibly object?
Our tabloid press indulge in some permissible jingoism this morning – one is tempted to cry Structural Russophobia…
‘Get dirty Russian money out of UK now‘ (Mirror) – one has to assume here from the Labour-supporting Mirror’s point of view Saudi finance and Chinese investment is as pure as the driven snow.
‘Punish Putin harder now‘ (Express) – nice to see there’s still such a thing as the hang ’em and flog ’em brigade alive and kicking in the Tory press.
‘We’ll grab him by the Roubles‘ – it’s often left to the giveaway freebie Metro these days to do a sound job of imitating those classic tabloid headline of days of yore.
Since the Sun went a bit lame: ‘Boris: stop mad Vlad‘ – a poor five out of ten effort there from the purveyors of the classic: ‘Stick it up your Junta‘; and ‘Gotcha!‘
‘That’ll learn him‘ – so says the Daily Star, rather more than semi-satirically, in response to the UK’s half-arsed salvo of sanctions – proffered along with a typically gloomy weather prediction: ‘Never ending winter‘ – So even General Winter will be on the Russian side? I can’t help but feel a quote from Shakespeare’s Richard III opening soliloquy coming on… or perhaps a catchphrase from Games of Thrones (for the youngsters) I suppose at least we’ve seen the back of Global Warming.
The BBC suggests: ‘Global warming and land use change to drive more extreme wildfires‘ – but… won’t the concomitant : ‘Floods: Research shows millions more at risk of flooding… due to climate and demographic change‘ – dampen down all these wildfires somewhat?
For once one applauds the use of the scare quotes in the ever-so earnest left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘BBC’s “brain drain” Battle to fill top politics job as Matlis and Sopel quit‘
Did they jump or were they pushed? These two stalwarts of our public broadcaster off to the commercial LBC where we can soon determine if their anti-Trump, anti-Boris monologues can be sufficiently monetised? One doubts it. My money says their corporate after-dinner-style sidelines will provide the jam to spread on top of their daily bread and butter. Exploiting their celebrity status built and nurtured at BBC Licence Payer expense.
The ‘i’ turns our minds toward travel news: ‘Holidays are go for Easter‘
Maybe that’s why the FT Datawatch feature goes with: ‘Support for vaccine passports‘ – the Australians are keen – they’ve been locked up downunder for years – the Russians much less so – perhaps we’re meant to think that makes them bad people?
But what’s this? : ‘Revealed: UK “ghost flight” boom since 2020‘ (Guardian) – just so you know, I’m perfectly happy to see scare quotes around some unfamiliar new journalistic coinage. What the Gruan is talking about here is: ‘The ghost flights, defined as those with no passengers or less than 10% of passenger capacity‘ – we note the data reveals: ‘Almost 15,000 “ghost flights” have departed from the UK‘ – one wonders whether incoming flights have been quite as empty?
Our favourite cartoonist Matt alludes to the tendency in our otherwise right-on press to permissible othering of a nation. A small time bed and breakfast premises puts up a sign in their window reading: “No Russian Oligarchs” – one can’t help but mention the likes of Hull’s Royal Hotel and Newcastle’s Novotel happily opening their government contarct lubricated doors to illegal migrant all-comers.
The serious papers chime in with the anti-Russian articles. The Guardian prefers to question Putin’s manhood, favouring amateur hour psychoanalysis over foreign affairs expertise: ‘Listen to Putin for a lesson in strongman self-pity‘ – so says posh girl Marina Hyde. Her beat at the Gruan also covers celebrity and sport.
I do like the Guardian’s sub-header quote: “Like taking a peashooter to a gunfight” – of course in this organ that is criticsim of Boris and his token sanctions regime – but there’s a wider context of western ineptitude in the face of a hard-headed determined opponent. The west is weak from the top – from the semi-senile US President right down to his poodle, the light-weight UK foreign secretary.
Still being involved in the gambling side of
football. I am waiting to see what UEFA are
going to do ,if anything about the Champions
League final being played in St Petersburg.
And in fact Putin’s team Zenit playing in
Seville against Betis this Thursday.
Putin may feel a little peeved if his team
is banished from the Europa League.
The BBC’S attitude may well be as long
as the Zenit players take the knee and
subjugate themselves to the BLM organization,
all will be forgiven. Zenit if you knew their
history, they would be the last football team in
the world to do this.
I wonder if the Russian folk could care less
if their country were banned from competing
in World sport? I don’t think so. The drug taking
goes on . And nobody seems to care about
it in Russia.
By the way Fedup. Up to now, you and I amongst others
have read the Russian “adventure” pretty accurately.
The next question is when will they eat their chicken Kiev.
It took the Germans six months to be in Prague after
the Munich appeasement in 1938. Will it take as long
for the Russians after Boris closed a few bank accounts?
Foscari – it just goes to show – where is the reporting on this game tomorrow ?
Will they appease by coming out with the lie that ‘sport and politics ‘ are separate – or will national ( Spanish ) self interest win ? I know where my bet would go ….
Maybe the footy powers will be instructed to allow the final to go ahead to pretend that Russia is a ‘normal country ‘ as opposed as one run by the secret police …
That’s assuming it’s not all out war by then ….
Will Chelskie be defunded …
… meanwhile one Troy Deeney s people are trying to muscle in on Marcus Rashford s people by going political .
Troy – not the sharpest knife in the box – wants coloured kids to have a coloured curriculum at school … what a great idea – Troy – mate – stick to getting yellow cards in brum …
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Zephir- What you write is true. For very long after
the Second World War one of the worst genocidal
atrocities of the war was tried to be swept under
the carpet . Or should I say ravine by both the
Soviet and Ukranian authoroties . The Babi Yar
massacres. When tens of thousands of Jews were
slaughtered by the Germans with the aid of the
UKRANIAN auxiliary police.It is estimated that between
100,000 and 150,000 people were slaughtered at Babi Yar ravine. Just outside of Kiev,
during the German occupation
I stopped taking the news on Classic FM seriously many years ago . But I have written to Global, the parent company, seeking assurance that the contamination which is about to hit LBC will not pollute Classic FM. Replacing Suchet with Armstrong was a retrograde step . You never heard Suchet mention anything even vaguely political but with Armstrong you get the odd nod towards Wokism. Please leave politics out of Classic FM or I will have to leave .
Now the election is safe in the bag…..we can talk about this
“The Senate Homeland Security Committee and Senate Finance Committee conducted an investigation in 2020 into Hunter’s foreign business dealings during his father’s tenure as vice president and discovered that there were at least four large transactions that banks flagged as “potential criminal activity” to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.”
One of the suspicious transactions was a $100,000 payment from a subsidiary of CEFC China Energy — which was at the time owned by Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming — to Hunter’s law firm, Owasco, in 2017.
Biden wrote in his memoir “Beautiful Things” that he was “blacklisted” from Chateau Marmont due to complaints of his drug use over five months at the hotel in 2018, revealing the pricey hotspot is where he “learned how to cook crack.”
This is not the dream that the BBC have told us would happen .. ‘Afrofeminist future world where everyone is a woman of colour‘ … it’s not where everyone is a woman of colour, this goes against the BBC dream of “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Facebook comment “Remember back when we dreamed of a colorblind world? When we wanted equality and to see everyone as humans and look past things like skin color? What happened to those days?”
– What is an Afrofeminist exactly?
– How many are there in the world or per country?
– Imagine a world where there are no Afrofeminists?
Back in the early noughties, the guy who ran this website used to get invited on to TV and radio programmes to comment on stuff. BBC editors used to react to the articles posted here, and even occasionally take part in discussions. Why don’t they any more? In the intervening two decades, Biased BBC evolved from a blog offering thoughtful critique into an echo chamber for unabashed racists and fans of the authoritarian Right. You only have to look at the ‘In Their Own Words’ section to see how out of touch you are. Jeff Randall, Peter Jay… they haven’t worked at the BBC in literally decades. There’s a quote about the 1997 general election, which nobody under the age of 35 even remembers! It is hilarious how irrelevant this place has become.
So “irrelevant” in fact that you feel the need to post comments here …
By the way, would you class Justin Trudeau as “authoritarian Right”? He doesn’t get any support here. When you say “unabashed racists”, do you mean people who merely point out high levels of Black-on-Black knife- and gun-crime, e.g. in London?
The problem with the BBC is that, as its bias grows to the point of being almost off the scale, so people’s disgust at it increases and they understandably let off steam here.
@pollyanna Your comment is not entirely without merit
but there’s a lot of spin there
“an echo chamber for unabashed racists”
Yes, there is the odd occasional comment that seems racist .. that’s partially the nature of open discussion on the internet
.. BUT throwing around that boo-word label “racist” to dismiss whole groups of people is just as bad as racism, it is othering people.
You say the ‘In Their Own Words’ has no recent additions
Yes that is true, but so what ?
That one tab is not the main focus of this blog today. The focus is the daily discussion of about 150 comments per day.
Saying things like ONE contributor used to appear on the BBC under their own name; well it’s not just this blog that’s changed the BBC is less open to non-metroliberal voices
And contributors could be appearing on the media under other names, for all I know.
The original tweeter is overstating
“Tony Blair was questioned by police *twice* over the cash-for-honours scandal but was not questioned under police caution at the time.”
the No 10 questionnaire’s have wording similar to “under caution”, but that’s probably not the same
Poor old Beeb. For one mad moment after BLM activist Sasha Johnson was shot, they thought they had themselves a real case of White Supremacist racism, and boy were they going to milk it!
Sadly for them, it soon emerged that the 4 suspects were – ahem – black; and suddenly the story went very quiet indeed.
Now the whole ghastly case has collapsed, for reasons not entirely clear but possibly due, in part, to lack of witnesses willing to testify.
No doubt the BBC are loathe to delve too deeply into that murky subculture of guns, drugs, violence, misogyny and BLM.
The BBC’s last hope of attaching any sort of racism to the story must be that some race baiter (Lammy? Abbott? Butler?) will mouth off about Johnson not receiving justice because she’s black.
But more likely no-one wants to touch this hot mess, where da bruvvers and sistas might not come out smelling of roses.
Even the Beeb seem mildly embarrassed by the story and have parked it in the section called ‘More from the UK’ – a sort of limbo.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
If this creature makes a recovery she ll be back touring those studios ‘telling us’ how it is for ‘them’ and of course going for the ‘no justice from whitee ‘ angle – it’s in the script ….
Translation : “messaging a decoy”
A decoy is a child social media account set up by police to entrap pedos.
So whilst on bail for online grooming, he’s been doing online grooming.
Farcical scenes from the Lords inquiry into BBC funding this afternoon, as half the panel charged with discussing the future of the licence fee immediately admitted to having financial interests – including pensions – in the BBC. This is a panel that also happens to include Tony Hall, the ex-Director General of… the BBC.
Another day of not getting through to my GP’s surgery to seek a appointment.
Glad I signed on to Benenden last year.
With the constant stream of so-called, “Refugees” and those virtually automatically given residence (Afghans / Hong Kongers) I dread to think what the health service will look like soon.
Yes I went for the benenden too – £11? A month I think ? Never used it hope I never will – I complained against my GP and ‘trust ‘ so am probably on their ‘target list ‘ for the Liverpool pathway should I fall into the clutches of their NHS -…
For those who need to do covid tests – you can still get taxpayer funded ones through the gov Uk site – must end soon – really soon ….
“Boris has offered places for Ukrainian refugees.” Not a concern in the World for the indigenous population. None whatever. Even back to Bliar, seems no one, but no one in Government had the simple thought: ‘Can the public infrastructure handle the millions more ferried in over a short space of time?’ Still the same right now. You can chuck billions at the NHS all you like but the policy is destined to fail if there is no Docs/Nurses. Seems to me that those they import are the dregs of the barrel in terms of competence.
Well, there shouldn’t really be any ‘refugees’ from Ukraine of course. And generally they will feel more comfortable in Poland, where around a million have migrated to for employment during the past couple of decades (Slavic language, compatible culture, historical links etc). But there again, they are European, Christian, firm believers in the family and for the most part have a strong work ethic. So here’s the deal, Boris: Let’s assume that there will be some genuine cases. But to ensure no additional pressure on Britain’s public services, for every Ukrainian taken in we remove one of the undeserving cases currently here, including anyone who has arrived by rubber dinghy. Think of it as a ‘Net Zero’ strategy if it helps when discussing with Carrie.
A senior Lady GP was reported yesterday bemoaning the horrible workload GP’s have come under.
She laid a significant portion of the blame on modern medical advances because they have become proficient at keeping the elderly alive with serious ailments who then go on to develop yet more serious issues in their later years and thus placing a heavier burden on the Health Service.
She claimed that a while back many of these would have died of the first serious illness but have been preserved by modern medical techniques.
My takeaway was this “problem” is simply another step up from the trend to abortion on demand.
This theory is pretty well bound to gain traction with the faceless global health bigwigs as has the fear of overpopulation through too many children.
It look likely therefore that we can all look forward to having a medic decide we have had our share when we fall into their hands and simply removing us as a problem for the greater good of the rest of society.
Interestingly this paragraph was quite recently added to the medics Hippocratic Oath…
“Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty.
Above all, I must not play at God.”
What a greedy self-centred World this generation is creating!
The ex-Muslim Britons who are persecuted for being atheists
Published28 September 2015
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
BBC breakfast this morning..
Article on the new drama series of Peaky Blinders.
They get some guy on to tell us that the series is not “historically accurate”
Seems a bit strange when you consider all of the coloured tokens inserted into all of their other drama series’s
Three hours to get through the Dartford Crossing both ways .
We are told that Britain must get used to storms .
OK Powers That Be , do something about it . We cant have Britain gridlocked every time its a bit blowy , and the South Eastern bit going slower than horse and cart days . Its like Sweden or Canada coming to a halt if theres snow . They dont because they expect that weather like we`re now told to expect storms .
Sorting out the chaos and delays to our road system will reduce emissions far more than closing our coal mines . How can cities have Low Emission Zones then raise emissions by having stop-start traffic wasting fuel ?
Not one person in the gridlocked mess around Dartford enjoyed the experience . Whether white or BAME , Hetero or LGBTQ+ , Christian Atheist Muslim or pagan . Able or disabled . Lorry , coach or car drivers , or pedestrians crossing over the M25 or surrounding areas .
That QE2 bridge could have been used by cars using the middle two lanes . It would have meant that a crossover from outside two lanes to inner two for cars while high sided vehicles did the opposite , but there are overhead gantries that can stop traffic .
Here`s a thought . All those “diversity officers ” and “equality managers ” can do something useful . They can be sent to all the gridlocked pinch points like Dartford , put on a high viz vest for a real reason and help marshall the traffic to speed everyone through . For once they will improve minorities lives , as well as the rest of us .
Nibor – if you use the A406 going towards the river from the north – there is a little ‘stub road’ which was going to lead to the bridge linking the north and south – I think hezza was environment secretary when he announced it bigly …
“The BBC has asked the Ministry of Justice why two convicted bombers and a man who aspired to carry out a terror attack were held on the same spur of the same high security unit, and were able to plan their assault on a prison officer.”
Bill Shakespeare, 81, received his first Covid vaccine in December at University Hospital Coventry shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan. Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, a friend of Mr Shakespeare, said he had died on Thursday and added the “best tribute to Bill is to have the jab”.25 May 2021
Major featur on the pathetic BBC’s “Morning Live” on Covid. We need to get vaccinated and continue to hide under our tables in case we die a horrible death.
David Starky, what a hero. Real history tells it’s own truth rather than the nonsense that the BBC promoted.
R4 having a discussion slagging off Britain for abolishing slavery allegedly for the wrong reasons. Next up – why Britain fought the Nazis for selfish reasons?
Although slavery is recognized as being illegal around the world by international treaties and conventions, evidence has shown that there is still existing slavery in Yemen, and the number of slaves is in fact growing. Slavery affects and inhibits many basic human rights, and was specifically abolished by Yemen in 1962. That slavery is alleged to still exist is a major human rights issue.
An investigation conducted as a joint effort by local press in Yemen, human rights activists and the wider media uncovered an array of evidence strongly suggesting slavery is still alive in Yemen, with a former slave who had recently been freed admitting other members of his family were still being used as slaves.
More Or Less was a bit rubbish
as it gets ever more twee and like the sneering Guardian
another veiled reference to Downing parties etc.
Final item “can it really be greener to ride an e-bike than a good old-fashioned push bike?”
… That was really an item that was shoved in so the presenter could plug her World Service Climate Change prog.
The item cherry picked from a claim made in a book by Mike Berners Lee.
The fallacy is that one should consider all costs.
The item made no mention at all of the production CO2 for the E-bike eg for the batteries, etc, nor for their disposal
a £1,000 bike is always going to have more production CO2.
The item pushed the idea that people who cycle expend more energy so eat more.
I doubt they do. I doubt e-bike owners do less food shopping.
-” Covid vaccinations to primary school-aged children.”
a lot of waffle ..and as usual no mention of the difference between people who have had covid and therefore got some resistance
“What effect did lockdowns have on preventing deaths from Covid? We look at a research paper that says almost none.”
What they did was strawman
They picked a weak paper and attacked that
The paper was by some economists and was just a meta analysis of other people’s paper, which in the end dismissed most other papers and cherry picked one and twisted its findings.
Again proper analysis has to be in the round including everything
eg locking down tends to delay Bob getting Covid not prevent him ever getting it.
Lockdowns depressurise the NHS covid wards, but cause cancer treatments to be delayed etc.
And hit the economy from funding the NHS.
“Elon Musk right to warn of a global population collapse”
again this cherrypicking an extreme hyperbolic claim
eg Japan has a declining population’s not a collapse.
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StewGreenMar 29, 23:00 Weekend 29th March 2025 video of the advert Great Western Railway, “A thrilling engagement” by Adam & Eve/DDB #WokeSupremacist The advertising agencies promoted…
BRISSLESMar 29, 22:50 Weekend 29th March 2025 Oh dear oh dear. My childhood Famous Five is now in cartoon image for the Great Western Railway advert. Naturally…
Too Late?
Theresa May would be ‘excellent’ Nato chief, says defence minister
Former PM was a ‘fantastic’ leader in ‘really tough’ times, says Ben Wallace
Leonie Chao-Fong
Monday 14 June 2021
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 4 started 7:30pm on Tuesday
– page 3 started 8am Tuesday
Theresa May would be excellent as a corpse hanging from a rope.
A rope wound several times round the branch of a tree.
With Ollie Robbins hanging from the other rope end.
“In their death they were not divided”.
A nice big tree with plenty of room for another 100ish CINO traitors who tried to thwart BREXIT.
This tells us more about Ben Wallace than it does May.
Just watching channel 5 , Ben Fogle at a muslim families farm, telling us how nice they are with their organic halal animal husbandry, while skirting round halal slaughter, more brainwashing of the masses.
Apparently its “blatant racism” to complain about animals having their throats cut, I thought we were all supposed to be vegan these days, Lefties need to make their minds.
the Ben Fogle is called New Lives IN THE WILD
viewers point out living in an Oxfordshire cottage is hardly WILD
.. The only thing is they live off-grid
I do have sympathy for the TV corp .. that Covid makes flying to remote pars difficult.
but surelly tis family have been shoe-horned in cos they tick a box.
He adds
“there’s a Tesco Express 400 yards away.
I’m not watching this rubbish anymore anyway. Was hoping it was somebody living in the wild.
2 weeks ago they were living 500 yards from Polzeath,
last week a sex worker,
this week in Oxfordshire. Awful programme.”
How Bear Grylls the Born Survivor roughed it – in hotels
I know someone who went on a Ray Mears course
she said it was another dream shattered as she found he lived in the falseness of medialand and was arrogant.
Lol ! I live more in the Wild than he does ! on the edge of a village, have a river with swans and nature reserve across the road, mile and a half from the pub, AND I’m 8 miles from a Waitrose !!!
The Oxfordshire farm family were on the prog for one reason, muslim propaganda, channel 5 and Ben Fogle telling us we have to accept halal slaughter.
‘The departure of Emily Maitlis from the BBC to join LBC will be greeted with jubilation by her many critics who came to see her as one of the worst serial offenders in the ongoing controversy about BBC impartiality. ‘
writes John Aitkin in today’s Telegraph
Her future seems twinned with LBC podcasts! Whatever they are. Apart from Nick Ferrari and Ian Dale, the LBC has crept to align itself to left whingers since Farage had his Saturday slot. I turn off David Lammy as soon as ‘heard’ on radio. And that’s well before O’Brian gets his morning moan in. LBC’s gain in mouthy BBC ex presenters is a loss to the rest of us listeners. So with luck I will never, ever have to hear Maitlis or Kuenssberg. Not good overall for LBC to lose listeners. We already have a Classic FM ex R4 newsreader (now spinning disks) on Classic FM. Globals seems to go out of its way to employ ex BBC moaners.
And they still enjoy the staggering BBC pension scheme, before and after the high salaries found only at BBC towers on a lifetime of substance abuse of the news. I cannot see the attraction in employing BBC left overs. Unless something has changed at ‘Globals’, and they want to ape the BBC editorials and viewpoint.
You said it, BBC LEFT overs.
Yes, LBC is becoming more leftie, so my standard ‘listens’ are Steve Allen, who doesn’t give a hoot, Ian Payne, Clive Bull, and Tom Swarbrick these days.
Sadly Darren Adam has joined the leftie mob and is openly disrespectful to anything other than guradian-type, anti-Tory misery!
GB News last night was fabulous, and certainly getting better by the day!
Interesting piece on how Biden enabled Putin to invade Ukraine, how he benefits from pushing up the cost of oil and gas – how that is going to affect Europe. Ukraine is the 5th largest cereal producer in the World, the bread basket of Europe, and if sanctions mean we can’t buy that grain then up goes the price of food.
In short Europe is F***ed because of years of Socialist idiots making policy based on fantasy, allowing in millions more mouths to feed who are non productive and take up land which could have been used for farming. The lunatic – and they really are certifiable have even said Britain shouldn’t grow any of its own food!
Watch the video and be concerned about what might be in store for us.
Ukraine is a leading exporter of highly purified neon gas, which is necessary for the lasers that are used to etch circuit designs into silicon wafers to create chips. Russia, meanwhile, is the world’s leading producer of palladium, which is essential for many memory and sensor chips.14 Feb 2022
The basic point Rubio makes is that Europe cannot sustain the sanctions America is demanding for a long period, and Putin knows it.
Cowards like Boris the bottler will fold at the first challenge anyway, his initial batch of sanctions has been pitiful to say the least. Putin must be laughing his socks off.
Just wait until China goes for Taiwan then sparks will fly.
The question of how Putin would test Biden has now been answered . But how high will the cost be . Putin has a military which is ready to fight – NATO has – well if it’s ‘war by woke’ it would be a walk over …
Decisions by the likes of merkel has weaken the west – ending German nuclear power was the act of an enemy – not a western leader and has weakened any resolve .
Putin knows that threatening the cost of living of ordinary people is a bigger weapon than anything we have got .
Fortunately we can’t waste British blood vis the military because we haven’t got one – we’ve got a ‘defence force ‘which can’t even defend the Channel .
Putin will win – what he targets after Ukraine ? Guess ….
As I write I’m listening to David Lammy on “Today” – who is the ‘shadow foreign secretary ‘- is that a joke ? The interview was very short …and so many questions were not asked …
Palladium, 45% Russia the remaining 55% comes from South Africa, the US and Canada…
Neon : South Korea is OK it just opened a new plant
“A ceremony to mark the completion of POSCO’s neon production facility was held on January 12 in the southern industrial port city of Gwangyang. The steelmaker said it has worked with TEMC, a domestic semiconductor gas producer, to establish a neon production facility by utilizing POSCO’s large air separation device for gas production. TEMC has refined the extracted Neon gas and produced the excimer laser gas”
@Thoughtful – Interesting analysis by Rubio. Scary.
And damning of the useless Biden in so many ways.
The BBC is so consistently annoying that we should at least show some gratitude when they have good news for us — for a change. The departure of the vain, gobby and terminally boring Maitlis with her dull, simpering little friend Sopel is long overdue but welcome nonetheless. Whether they make a success of their futures or sink into well-deserved obscurity, who cares? At least we won’t be forced to pay their salaries. As Captain Tim stands on the quarterdeck, saluting the empty horizon with that characteristically vapid smile on his face, I wonder if he can hear the rats’ feet as they scuttle down the gangplank…?
As soon as Trudeau started putting the boo-word label “Nazi” on people
we should’ve asked if he was PROJECTING his own character.
Well who would have believed it. Trump was right after all!
Quote: ‘Looks like Hillary Clinton’s cronies did indeed spy on Trump’s campaign, as he alleged all those months ago…
“Fox News host Sean Hannity dared Hillary Clinton to sue the network after she said in a speech that its coverage of her was coming “awfully close to actual malice”, a legal threshold for defamation’.
’The BBC started saying allegations of fraud in the Biden election win were “baseless” immediately after the result was called. Before anyone actually checked the facts’
The entire fiasco linking Trump to ‘Russia’ was all hoax, and (it you look below its extensive the claims against Hilary and damaging, if not proof of this conspiracy.
Some are calling it as big as Watergate in the US…
How ‘old Hilary’ will get out of this one, along with Biden’s convoluted postal ballots fraud is going to be nasty…
Oh! what joy to see old Hilary final banged up in Jail!
For those who wish to see the US legal docs they are here.
Click to access gov.uscourts.dcd.235638.35.0_1.pdf
Hilary in jail – like Keith Vaz – Like Jimmy Savile .. like .. oh … wait.
This is ‘What Happened?’ Hillary Clinton … you had … No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton {amazon}
Even the Telegraph said Trump’s election fraud allegations were “baseless.”
Telegraph was a big supporter of Trump was it ?
2 main Telegraph article used the term “baseless”
One of them doesn’t have that word in the text any more.
The other was by Ben Riley-Smith
Here’s another Ben Riley-Smith “exclusive”
All the msm, whatever their politics, looked down their noses at Trump, often for no better reason than a kind of snobbery.
Dahling, the man is so… gauche, n’est-ce pas?
Hopefully he’ll have the last laugh, either with his Truth Media group and / or by winning in 2024.
What the BBC could claim is that they are training ‘the talent’ and then let them go off to wherever at whatever salary they think they can command, and bring in newer ones at a lower level.
There must be a reason why Maitlis, Edwards, Hussein, Robinson and Bruce have never left the BBC.
10am Weekdays on LBC
Malicious lefties claim the BBC is “right wing”
did you see how it acted when President Trump was doing a state visit ?
Hatey Hatey Hatey
Like a more vicious version of BS, without the sex appeal or vast audience.
World crisis and Abott, Corbyn and McDonell don’t even bother to turn up:
“Mr Johnson welcomed Starmer’s spirit of co-operation.
But the PM also gently lobbed a pebble into this calm millpond by noting Labour’s change in attitude towards Russia over the past couple of years. This was ‘massively beneficial’, he said.
Cue embarrassed murmurs and an awkward shifting on Labour’s benches.
Watching them recoil over the wayward Jeremy Corbyn era is like an old duke squirming over an ancestor who frolicked with the chamber maids and spanked the family fortune.
Mr Corbyn, incidentally, was not present for either Johnson or Starmer’s speeches.
Nor John McDonnell, Diane Abbott or any of his other Stop the War Coalition cronies.
Fifteen minutes into the debate, Corbyn’s angry white beard eventually appeared through a side door where he purposefully plonked himself in a corner.
He briefly examined the PM’s statement in the way a bored child inspects the in-flight safety instructions. Moments later, he skedaddled.”
I’m guessing the traitors were ordered by the Kremlin not to turn up …
Clinton, again:
“Yeltsin, often paralysed with drink, was a welcome guest in the West, even the White House, despite his embarrassing and crude behaviour.
But Yeltsin, unlike Putin, did nothing to control the oligarchs, allowed the West to continue its rape of Russia’s economy, and – above all – made no protest against the humiliation of his country by the continued expansion of Nato eastwards across Europe.
This was by then a more or less openly anti-Russian alliance (who else is it directed against?).
It wasn’t just that the West had promised not to do this, as numerous documents now show beyond doubt.
It was that it was stupid, and created the very crisis it claimed to be protecting us against.
Interestingly the leading protesters against this Nato expansion were not Russian nationalists but highly intelligent and experienced independent figures.
One was the Russian liberal politician Yegor Gaidar, a man Western leaders claim to have admired.
He prophesied with total accuracy that the policy would strengthen hardliners and nationalists in the Kremlin.
Then came the brilliant American diplomat George F. Kennan, a man nobody could accuse of being soft on Communism.
But, unlike so many others, he could tell the new transformed Russia apart from the old USSR.
Kennan had been architect of the USA’s policy of containment of the USSR. He came out of retirement to deplore Bill Clinton’s support for pushing Nato east. I quote his prediction at length because he was so right.
‘I think it is the beginning of a new Cold War,’ said Mr Kennan. ‘I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies.
‘I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. “
‘We have signed up to protect a whole series of countries, even though we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way.
‘[Nato expansion] was simply a light-hearted action by a Senate that has no real interest in foreign affairs.
‘What bothers me is how superficial and ill-informed the whole Senate debate was.’
He added: ‘I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country dying to attack Western Europe.
‘Don’t people understand? Our differences in the Cold War were with the Soviet Communist regime.’
Today / News
Early in the day – I wanted to here if we are at war as I didn’t hear the nuclear blast during the night …
…anyway – try listening to the News – God the BBC just throws on depressive miserable ‘news ‘( propaganda ) with a trowel – mind you putting quality standards on people going to university is a shock …
…. Meanwhile I – like the whole country – is desperate for news about the party investigation – I care less about covid or nuclear war – I wanna know about parties – who cares about babies dying at NHS maternity units in Shropshire – it’s the party thing that matters – right BBC ?
Sorely missed.
Two down , several thousand left to go. No doubt Tim Davie will be claiming that the departures of Maitlis , Sopel and before them Marr , is evidence that he is taking action against leftist bias. Some of the wetter Tories will agree with him and suggest that he needs to be given time to complete his reforms and urge Nads to tone down her rhetoric.
It’s all rubbish . Three swallows do not a summer make. The BBC is well past reform . It must be made a subscription only service and it can then be true to its hard left beliefs.
On the bBC website, there is a link to “The dangerous power of conspiracy theories” – I thought thats worth a laugh coming from the bBC
When clicking on the link I got
Sorry, the page you are looking for cannot be found!
Should I read into that 🙂
Today watch
Guess what ? They’ve sent Robinson to Ukraine . I wonder how many the BBC have got there – ? Bet it’s more than the UK military there .
The best hotel in Kiev must be full of them – calling themselves ‘was correspondents ‘ … when they are really ‘war tourists ‘desperate for material for their books and to do their piece to camera wearing body armour ….
Meanwhile in Canada …..
The Aligyah Suite with a view of the blondes getting raped
Bet he has his SSERP helmet on sideways.
Its not serious unless Kate Adies there
I think it was Pounce who suggested you looked at the people around the BBC war correspondents wearing their helmets and flak jackets. The surrounding people, walking casually by, or standing in a group chatting will suggest the ‘armour’ is worn for effect rather than necessity.
Do we know where , the coordinates I mean. A leak of them might do some good.
Activist or journalist ?
Emily Maitlis defected to LBC with Jon Sopel after she became ‘frustrated at being ticked-off by BBC bosses over impartiality’
Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel are quitting BBC to co-present a programme for LBC
Pair, who join ex BBC veteran Andrew Marr at LBC, will also host a new podcast
The broadcasters currently earn more than £550,000 combined from the BBC
But it is thought they will both have secured pay rises from their new employer
And these ‘pay rises’ from the commercial sector activist media are akin to a Treezer getting a speaker’s fee to talk about defence skills.
I know I shouldn’t say this – but I might listen to Maitliss when she does her stuff on LBC – it will be instructive to listen to her without being ‘restrained ‘ by BBC guidelines
( I know she pleasured herself ignoring them )
But if there is no difference in her opinions we know that BBC guidelines are without value –
Will we get more accurate listening figures – or does she have a whole tribe of cougar fans who want to be just like her ?
GB seems to be split into two factions.
FREE …. ha ha ha ha … Pay China!
So this is where that slug Watson has ended up, trying to gouge yet more money out of the taxpayer. He has never done one good thing in his entire wretched life.
I bet he says that for no other reason than to make as much profit as they can out of this.
What I like about the BBC and Guardianistas with the Liberal/left globalists is their ability to “discuss” a subject without mentioning the elephant in the room .
Thus on Monday night Radio 4 at 8pm discussed the subject of homelessness and lack of affordable housing without mentioning immigration .
But do you not think it’s a bit of a sick game ( which I indulge in) in which you listen and spot the omission . It’s a game to play if you are well informed about an issue but for a casual listener it can be harmful .
The shameful thing is that these BBC staff know what they are doing but make adverts telling us they are unbiased .
When any outfit has to say overtly it is unbiased it just means it is biased .
BBC Selective News
An Indian court this week is ruling on whether Muslim girls can wear the hijab in school. The debate has sparked anger for many women that a personal choice is once again being politicised.
Irony does not cover it, eh?
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, an Iranian Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Yemen Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British Muslim can wear or not wear a hijab, a Saudi Muslim must wear a hijab or be beaten.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, an Iranian Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Saudi Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British Muslim can read a Bible or become an Atheist, a Yemen Muslim only read the Koran or be punished.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
British Muslim can draw a cartoon and people will laugh, an Islamic Muslim should be careful when drawing cartoons or fellow tolerant Islamists will punish them with honourable stones or lashes of joy.
British (Tolerant of Intolerance) Muslim (Intolerant of tolerance).
Go on, guess…
BBC Pink Hair News
“It’s great to take that step forward. I not only see this as a win for our team or women in sport but for women in general.”
Now that the money’s so good, I would expect “trans” types will suddenly find that they would like to play in women’s football. I wonder what the left wing Megan Rapinoe and her right-on friends will make of that? No need to lose the old frank’n’beans lads, you just have to “decide” you are a woman, who could possibly object?
Our tabloid press indulge in some permissible jingoism this morning – one is tempted to cry Structural Russophobia…
‘Get dirty Russian money out of UK now‘ (Mirror) – one has to assume here from the Labour-supporting Mirror’s point of view Saudi finance and Chinese investment is as pure as the driven snow.
‘Punish Putin harder now‘ (Express) – nice to see there’s still such a thing as the hang ’em and flog ’em brigade alive and kicking in the Tory press.
‘We’ll grab him by the Roubles‘ – it’s often left to the giveaway freebie Metro these days to do a sound job of imitating those classic tabloid headline of days of yore.
Since the Sun went a bit lame: ‘Boris: stop mad Vlad‘ – a poor five out of ten effort there from the purveyors of the classic: ‘Stick it up your Junta‘; and ‘Gotcha!‘
‘That’ll learn him‘ – so says the Daily Star, rather more than semi-satirically, in response to the UK’s half-arsed salvo of sanctions – proffered along with a typically gloomy weather prediction: ‘Never ending winter‘ – So even General Winter will be on the Russian side? I can’t help but feel a quote from Shakespeare’s Richard III opening soliloquy coming on… or perhaps a catchphrase from Games of Thrones (for the youngsters) I suppose at least we’ve seen the back of Global Warming.
The BBC suggests: ‘Global warming and land use change to drive more extreme wildfires‘ – but… won’t the concomitant : ‘Floods: Research shows millions more at risk of flooding… due to climate and demographic change‘ – dampen down all these wildfires somewhat?
For once one applauds the use of the scare quotes in the ever-so earnest left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘BBC’s “brain drain” Battle to fill top politics job as Matlis and Sopel quit‘
Did they jump or were they pushed? These two stalwarts of our public broadcaster off to the commercial LBC where we can soon determine if their anti-Trump, anti-Boris monologues can be sufficiently monetised? One doubts it. My money says their corporate after-dinner-style sidelines will provide the jam to spread on top of their daily bread and butter. Exploiting their celebrity status built and nurtured at BBC Licence Payer expense.
The ‘i’ turns our minds toward travel news: ‘Holidays are go for Easter‘
Maybe that’s why the FT Datawatch feature goes with: ‘Support for vaccine passports‘ – the Australians are keen – they’ve been locked up downunder for years – the Russians much less so – perhaps we’re meant to think that makes them bad people?
But what’s this? : ‘Revealed: UK “ghost flight” boom since 2020‘ (Guardian) – just so you know, I’m perfectly happy to see scare quotes around some unfamiliar new journalistic coinage. What the Gruan is talking about here is: ‘The ghost flights, defined as those with no passengers or less than 10% of passenger capacity‘ – we note the data reveals: ‘Almost 15,000 “ghost flights” have departed from the UK‘ – one wonders whether incoming flights have been quite as empty?
Our favourite cartoonist Matt alludes to the tendency in our otherwise right-on press to permissible othering of a nation. A small time bed and breakfast premises puts up a sign in their window reading: “No Russian Oligarchs” – one can’t help but mention the likes of Hull’s Royal Hotel and Newcastle’s Novotel happily opening their government contarct lubricated doors to illegal migrant all-comers.
The serious papers chime in with the anti-Russian articles. The Guardian prefers to question Putin’s manhood, favouring amateur hour psychoanalysis over foreign affairs expertise: ‘Listen to Putin for a lesson in strongman self-pity‘ – so says posh girl Marina Hyde. Her beat at the Gruan also covers celebrity and sport.
I do like the Guardian’s sub-header quote: “Like taking a peashooter to a gunfight” – of course in this organ that is criticsim of Boris and his token sanctions regime – but there’s a wider context of western ineptitude in the face of a hard-headed determined opponent. The west is weak from the top – from the semi-senile US President right down to his poodle, the light-weight UK foreign secretary.
Still being involved in the gambling side of
football. I am waiting to see what UEFA are
going to do ,if anything about the Champions
League final being played in St Petersburg.
And in fact Putin’s team Zenit playing in
Seville against Betis this Thursday.
Putin may feel a little peeved if his team
is banished from the Europa League.
The BBC’S attitude may well be as long
as the Zenit players take the knee and
subjugate themselves to the BLM organization,
all will be forgiven. Zenit if you knew their
history, they would be the last football team in
the world to do this.
I wonder if the Russian folk could care less
if their country were banned from competing
in World sport? I don’t think so. The drug taking
goes on . And nobody seems to care about
it in Russia.
By the way Fedup. Up to now, you and I amongst others
have read the Russian “adventure” pretty accurately.
The next question is when will they eat their chicken Kiev.
It took the Germans six months to be in Prague after
the Munich appeasement in 1938. Will it take as long
for the Russians after Boris closed a few bank accounts?
Foscari – it just goes to show – where is the reporting on this game tomorrow ?
Will they appease by coming out with the lie that ‘sport and politics ‘ are separate – or will national ( Spanish ) self interest win ? I know where my bet would go ….
Maybe the footy powers will be instructed to allow the final to go ahead to pretend that Russia is a ‘normal country ‘ as opposed as one run by the secret police …
That’s assuming it’s not all out war by then ….
Will Chelskie be defunded …
… meanwhile one Troy Deeney s people are trying to muscle in on Marcus Rashford s people by going political .
Troy – not the sharpest knife in the box – wants coloured kids to have a coloured curriculum at school … what a great idea – Troy – mate – stick to getting yellow cards in brum …
You have to go a long way to find more anti black racists than the bbs’s favourite plucky little Ukranians
What mental gymnastics our wokes are having to undergo to get their tiny shrouded minds around that
of course they care little for worrying about the views of the antisemitic neo nazis over there as this is in line with their twisted ideology
Just imagine the process by which this became ‘news’.
And now combine with Troy’s poor brane when his people tell him about the cute blondes in Ukraine.
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.
Slavery before Islam
Slavery was common in pre-Islamic times and accepted by many ancient legal systems and it continued under Islam.
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Its bad enough now with the chronic under education of today’s kids without foisting this utter nonsense and waste of time on them.
Zephir- What you write is true. For very long after
the Second World War one of the worst genocidal
atrocities of the war was tried to be swept under
the carpet . Or should I say ravine by both the
Soviet and Ukranian authoroties . The Babi Yar
massacres. When tens of thousands of Jews were
slaughtered by the Germans with the aid of the
UKRANIAN auxiliary police.It is estimated that between
100,000 and 150,000 people were slaughtered at Babi Yar ravine. Just outside of Kiev,
during the German occupation
I stopped taking the news on Classic FM seriously many years ago . But I have written to Global, the parent company, seeking assurance that the contamination which is about to hit LBC will not pollute Classic FM. Replacing Suchet with Armstrong was a retrograde step . You never heard Suchet mention anything even vaguely political but with Armstrong you get the odd nod towards Wokism. Please leave politics out of Classic FM or I will have to leave .
Now the election is safe in the bag…..we can talk about this
“The Senate Homeland Security Committee and Senate Finance Committee conducted an investigation in 2020 into Hunter’s foreign business dealings during his father’s tenure as vice president and discovered that there were at least four large transactions that banks flagged as “potential criminal activity” to the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.”
One of the suspicious transactions was a $100,000 payment from a subsidiary of CEFC China Energy — which was at the time owned by Chinese billionaire Ye Jianming — to Hunter’s law firm, Owasco, in 2017.
Biden wrote in his memoir “Beautiful Things” that he was “blacklisted” from Chateau Marmont due to complaints of his drug use over five months at the hotel in 2018, revealing the pricey hotspot is where he “learned how to cook crack.”
Champion explains the MSM in style.
From my PC Desktop: (for anyone interested)
Try it on your postcode.
Is it significant that Liverpool is targeted first?
The up side is that the ethnic balance of the UK population would be put back to around 1950 I guess.
This is not the dream that the BBC have told us would happen .. ‘Afrofeminist future world where everyone is a woman of colour‘ … it’s not where everyone is a woman of colour, this goes against the BBC dream of “By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Facebook comment “Remember back when we dreamed of a colorblind world? When we wanted equality and to see everyone as humans and look past things like skin color? What happened to those days?”
– What is an Afrofeminist exactly?
– How many are there in the world or per country?
– Imagine a world where there are no Afrofeminists?
‘Ethnic balance’.
Back in the early noughties, the guy who ran this website used to get invited on to TV and radio programmes to comment on stuff. BBC editors used to react to the articles posted here, and even occasionally take part in discussions. Why don’t they any more? In the intervening two decades, Biased BBC evolved from a blog offering thoughtful critique into an echo chamber for unabashed racists and fans of the authoritarian Right. You only have to look at the ‘In Their Own Words’ section to see how out of touch you are. Jeff Randall, Peter Jay… they haven’t worked at the BBC in literally decades. There’s a quote about the 1997 general election, which nobody under the age of 35 even remembers! It is hilarious how irrelevant this place has become.
So “irrelevant” in fact that you feel the need to post comments here …
By the way, would you class Justin Trudeau as “authoritarian Right”? He doesn’t get any support here. When you say “unabashed racists”, do you mean people who merely point out high levels of Black-on-Black knife- and gun-crime, e.g. in London?
The problem with the BBC is that, as its bias grows to the point of being almost off the scale, so people’s disgust at it increases and they understandably let off steam here.
@pollyanna Your comment is not entirely without merit
but there’s a lot of spin there
“an echo chamber for unabashed racists”
Yes, there is the odd occasional comment that seems racist .. that’s partially the nature of open discussion on the internet
.. BUT throwing around that boo-word label “racist” to dismiss whole groups of people is just as bad as racism, it is othering people.
You say the ‘In Their Own Words’ has no recent additions
Yes that is true, but so what ?
That one tab is not the main focus of this blog today. The focus is the daily discussion of about 150 comments per day.
Saying things like ONE contributor used to appear on the BBC under their own name; well it’s not just this blog that’s changed the BBC is less open to non-metroliberal voices
And contributors could be appearing on the media under other names, for all I know.
“ throwing around that boo-word label “racist” to dismiss whole groups of people is just as bad as racism”
Calling racists “racists” is just as bad as being racist. Yeah… right…
“Yes, there is the odd occasional comment that *seems* racist”
5 hours later;
“BBC2 three trailers… screen fills up with black character”
Calling people who aren’t racists racists is a whole lot worse than what you envision .
‘Screen fills up with black character’
That’s because the BBC is racist .
“Hilarious” is a favourite word of sneer commenters.
Ros trying to beat Americast and Springster’s Panorama figures using BBC metrics…
Most watched by Russian Bots?
What’s the impact of that BBC video story ?
Only 2 tweets got a few likes
both were from Ros Atkins : 211 and 239 Likes
David Starkey’s view.
Nice to get some clear historical perspective.
We are so stuffed, with Biden and the risible Kamala running the show.
Hair dye suggests this needs a Spinster investigation.
And Labour MP’s voting in the Commons whilst wearing the Police ankle tag…………………..
The original tweeter is overstating
“Tony Blair was questioned by police *twice* over the cash-for-honours scandal but was not questioned under police caution at the time.”
the No 10 questionnaire’s have wording similar to “under caution”, but that’s probably not the same
“Weak Boris has been bullied by EU over Brexit – now Truss is about to do the same
DOES Boris Johnson care more for the sovereignty of the Ukraine than he does the United Kingdom?”
Poor old Beeb. For one mad moment after BLM activist Sasha Johnson was shot, they thought they had themselves a real case of White Supremacist racism, and boy were they going to milk it!
Sadly for them, it soon emerged that the 4 suspects were – ahem – black; and suddenly the story went very quiet indeed.
Now the whole ghastly case has collapsed, for reasons not entirely clear but possibly due, in part, to lack of witnesses willing to testify.
No doubt the BBC are loathe to delve too deeply into that murky subculture of guns, drugs, violence, misogyny and BLM.
The BBC’s last hope of attaching any sort of racism to the story must be that some race baiter (Lammy? Abbott? Butler?) will mouth off about Johnson not receiving justice because she’s black.
But more likely no-one wants to touch this hot mess, where da bruvvers and sistas might not come out smelling of roses.
Even the Beeb seem mildly embarrassed by the story and have parked it in the section called ‘More from the UK’ – a sort of limbo.
Black Litigation Matters.
She literally RTs every one.
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Mr M
Yesterday within 11 minutes the Marianna account tweeted 16 times
10:42pm to 10-52pm
If this creature makes a recovery she ll be back touring those studios ‘telling us’ how it is for ‘them’ and of course going for the ‘no justice from whitee ‘ angle – it’s in the script ….
Black lives don’t matter very much to other blacks, do they?
Likely better in the original Pidgin.
“Dey dun hon upside daisy due to den Brexit, innit”.
“Kenyan food prices: Why have they gone up so much?”
The BBC have an uncanny instinct for knowing the questions everybody is asking.
Mishal and BS get their T shirts from the same places?
What a fine looking …. Fellow …. But mum and dad are proud …especially …dad …
Translation : “messaging a decoy”
A decoy is a child social media account set up by police to entrap pedos.
So whilst on bail for online grooming, he’s been doing online grooming.
BBC has an Indecent Exposures Editor for London.
Looks like many bbc guests, oddly.
Farcical scenes from the Lords inquiry into BBC funding this afternoon, as half the panel charged with discussing the future of the licence fee immediately admitted to having financial interests – including pensions – in the BBC. This is a panel that also happens to include Tony Hall, the ex-Director General of… the BBC.
BBC director general under pressure over ‘outrageous’ pension payment
This article is more than 8 years old
Lord Hall, who has promised to crack down on huge payoffs, was given £24,500 when he left corporation in 2001
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
Another day of not getting through to my GP’s surgery to seek a appointment.
Glad I signed on to Benenden last year.
With the constant stream of so-called, “Refugees” and those virtually automatically given residence (Afghans / Hong Kongers) I dread to think what the health service will look like soon.
Yes I went for the benenden too – £11? A month I think ? Never used it hope I never will – I complained against my GP and ‘trust ‘ so am probably on their ‘target list ‘ for the Liverpool pathway should I fall into the clutches of their NHS -…
For those who need to do covid tests – you can still get taxpayer funded ones through the gov Uk site – must end soon – really soon ….
Boris has offered places for Ukrainian refugees. But not for all of them. He has the dinghy people to look after.
“Boris has offered places for Ukrainian refugees.” Not a concern in the World for the indigenous population. None whatever. Even back to Bliar, seems no one, but no one in Government had the simple thought: ‘Can the public infrastructure handle the millions more ferried in over a short space of time?’ Still the same right now. You can chuck billions at the NHS all you like but the policy is destined to fail if there is no Docs/Nurses. Seems to me that those they import are the dregs of the barrel in terms of competence.
Well, there shouldn’t really be any ‘refugees’ from Ukraine of course. And generally they will feel more comfortable in Poland, where around a million have migrated to for employment during the past couple of decades (Slavic language, compatible culture, historical links etc). But there again, they are European, Christian, firm believers in the family and for the most part have a strong work ethic. So here’s the deal, Boris: Let’s assume that there will be some genuine cases. But to ensure no additional pressure on Britain’s public services, for every Ukrainian taken in we remove one of the undeserving cases currently here, including anyone who has arrived by rubber dinghy. Think of it as a ‘Net Zero’ strategy if it helps when discussing with Carrie.
A senior Lady GP was reported yesterday bemoaning the horrible workload GP’s have come under.
She laid a significant portion of the blame on modern medical advances because they have become proficient at keeping the elderly alive with serious ailments who then go on to develop yet more serious issues in their later years and thus placing a heavier burden on the Health Service.
She claimed that a while back many of these would have died of the first serious illness but have been preserved by modern medical techniques.
My takeaway was this “problem” is simply another step up from the trend to abortion on demand.
This theory is pretty well bound to gain traction with the faceless global health bigwigs as has the fear of overpopulation through too many children.
It look likely therefore that we can all look forward to having a medic decide we have had our share when we fall into their hands and simply removing us as a problem for the greater good of the rest of society.
Interestingly this paragraph was quite recently added to the medics Hippocratic Oath…
“Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty.
Above all, I must not play at God.”
What a greedy self-centred World this generation is creating!
Another day. No change.
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation continues to promote its favourite interests.
From webshite front page
‘Wearing hijab doesn’t make women feel oppressed’
Will the last remaining Christian in England please turn the lights out.
The ex-Muslim Britons who are persecuted for being atheists
Published28 September 2015
Saudi Arabia’s religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.
In a rare criticism of the kingdom’s powerful “mutaween” police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.
About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred
BBC breakfast this morning..
Article on the new drama series of Peaky Blinders.
They get some guy on to tell us that the series is not “historically accurate”
Seems a bit strange when you consider all of the coloured tokens inserted into all of their other drama series’s
Three hours to get through the Dartford Crossing both ways .
We are told that Britain must get used to storms .
OK Powers That Be , do something about it . We cant have Britain gridlocked every time its a bit blowy , and the South Eastern bit going slower than horse and cart days . Its like Sweden or Canada coming to a halt if theres snow . They dont because they expect that weather like we`re now told to expect storms .
Sorting out the chaos and delays to our road system will reduce emissions far more than closing our coal mines . How can cities have Low Emission Zones then raise emissions by having stop-start traffic wasting fuel ?
Not one person in the gridlocked mess around Dartford enjoyed the experience . Whether white or BAME , Hetero or LGBTQ+ , Christian Atheist Muslim or pagan . Able or disabled . Lorry , coach or car drivers , or pedestrians crossing over the M25 or surrounding areas .
That QE2 bridge could have been used by cars using the middle two lanes . It would have meant that a crossover from outside two lanes to inner two for cars while high sided vehicles did the opposite , but there are overhead gantries that can stop traffic .
Here`s a thought . All those “diversity officers ” and “equality managers ” can do something useful . They can be sent to all the gridlocked pinch points like Dartford , put on a high viz vest for a real reason and help marshall the traffic to speed everyone through . For once they will improve minorities lives , as well as the rest of us .
Nibor – if you use the A406 going towards the river from the north – there is a little ‘stub road’ which was going to lead to the bridge linking the north and south – I think hezza was environment secretary when he announced it bigly …
..wonder what happened …?
Has the tube been privatised yet ?…
The bBC asks a pertinent question (good grief).
“The BBC has asked the Ministry of Justice why two convicted bombers and a man who aspired to carry out a terror attack were held on the same spur of the same high security unit, and were able to plan their assault on a prison officer.”
Convicted bombers guilty of attacking prison officer
Why was Jimmy Saville allowed to live free?
Bill Shakespeare, 81, received his first Covid vaccine in December at University Hospital Coventry shortly after 91-year-old Margaret Keenan. Coventry councillor Jayne Innes, a friend of Mr Shakespeare, said he had died on Thursday and added the “best tribute to Bill is to have the jab”.25 May 2021
Major featur on the pathetic BBC’s “Morning Live” on Covid. We need to get vaccinated and continue to hide under our tables in case we die a horrible death.
David Starky, what a hero. Real history tells it’s own truth rather than the nonsense that the BBC promoted.
BBCnews =HBnews = HateBritainNews
Although slavery is recognized as being illegal around the world by international treaties and conventions, evidence has shown that there is still existing slavery in Yemen, and the number of slaves is in fact growing. Slavery affects and inhibits many basic human rights, and was specifically abolished by Yemen in 1962. That slavery is alleged to still exist is a major human rights issue.
An investigation conducted as a joint effort by local press in Yemen, human rights activists and the wider media uncovered an array of evidence strongly suggesting slavery is still alive in Yemen, with a former slave who had recently been freed admitting other members of his family were still being used as slaves.
“We’ve cut off Russia’s government from Western financing,”
Russia and China: Partners in Dedollarization
More Or Less was a bit rubbish
as it gets ever more twee and like the sneering Guardian
another veiled reference to Downing parties etc.
Final item “can it really be greener to ride an e-bike than a good old-fashioned push bike?”
… That was really an item that was shoved in so the presenter could plug her World Service Climate Change prog.
The item cherry picked from a claim made in a book by Mike Berners Lee.
The fallacy is that one should consider all costs.
The item made no mention at all of the production CO2 for the E-bike eg for the batteries, etc, nor for their disposal
a £1,000 bike is always going to have more production CO2.
The item pushed the idea that people who cycle expend more energy so eat more.
I doubt they do. I doubt e-bike owners do less food shopping.
-” Covid vaccinations to primary school-aged children.”
a lot of waffle ..and as usual no mention of the difference between people who have had covid and therefore got some resistance
“What effect did lockdowns have on preventing deaths from Covid? We look at a research paper that says almost none.”
What they did was strawman
They picked a weak paper and attacked that
The paper was by some economists and was just a meta analysis of other people’s paper, which in the end dismissed most other papers and cherry picked one and twisted its findings.
Again proper analysis has to be in the round including everything
eg locking down tends to delay Bob getting Covid not prevent him ever getting it.
Lockdowns depressurise the NHS covid wards, but cause cancer treatments to be delayed etc.
And hit the economy from funding the NHS.
“Elon Musk right to warn of a global population collapse”
again this cherrypicking an extreme hyperbolic claim
eg Japan has a declining population’s not a collapse.