Trump said America should paint Chinese marking on their plane and bomb the sh1t out of Ukraine then let China and Russia fight it out between themselves.
Now it’s very, very clearly a joke. It could never, ever be meant as a serious proposition. Only a complete idiot – or a total hypocrite – could pretend it is a serious suggestion.
The Independent:
Trump calls for US to put Chinese flags on fighter jets and ‘bomb the s*** out of Russia’
The DT:
Donald Trump says US should put Chinese flag on American fighters and ‘bomb the s—‘ out of Russia
Vanity Fair:
Washington Post:
Trump muses about a really bad — and evidently illegal — idea to bomb Russia using Chinese flags
And a whole bunch of other far-left news sites who are similarly outraged.
It’s simply staggering. Do these idiots think that attackers are identified solely by the marking on their aircraft ?. Which they will never even see anyway as it flies at 40,000 feet or zooms past close to mach-1.
This is the biggest problem in the world today. Everything we are force-fed is political agenda. The people feeding this to the public are the lowest, most dishonest liars I can imagine. And they are the ones writing headlines.
My contempt and disgust of the Leftist MSM remains where it is. Right at the bottom of the gutter.
I wonder if it will be on the BBC tomorrow. I bet it is …
Hahaha, it’s a joke, hahahahaha. Ya think the residents of Russia & China will find it funny? Right now; when people are being slaughtered in Ukraine and Putin is throwing around threats of nuclear war?
Maximum-incontinence, don’t wet yourself, it was only a joke. ‘Gallows humour’ (humour that makes fun of a life-threatening, disastrous, or terrifying situation). The Russians and Chinese must know if it goes nuclear NOBODY will survive.
Tens of thousands of ex-military personnel from Western countries are heading to Ukraine. There are reports that several tens of thousands of software personnel are already engaged in attacking Russia’s military and other structures. All this is being done openly, and at times open support of Western governments. I take It for granted that the NSA is already attacking Russian data structures.
My fear is that Russia already feels surrounded by NATO on all its frontiers, bar the South. If they feel that the West has already started the war, and these are opening salvoes, they might just up the ante to a point where we will have to blink.
Firstly congratulations on putting a comment at the beginning of a thread . That must take some doing from someone even worse at computers than me . Are you going to use this new found ability or revert to you’re old laggard self ?
Now let’s go to some whataboutery eh ?
What do you think about the BBC favourites Jo Brand and her battery acid comment and Nish Khumar telling children to murder parents ?
And what about Joe Biden’s gaffes like Putin and the minds of Iranians when he’s supposed to be talking about Ukraine?
Actually Maxincony , now you’ve brought up the whataboutery I think I rather enjoy it .
digg, we can give as good as we get and pick the maxi’s of this world up on their errors and hypocrisies. Oleg Derapaska and Peter Mandelson suddenly come to mind ….
Oh hello maxi. Ukraine is in the news again. Pogroms. Where is that apology you owe me? Do you realise that you never made it? I was right in what I posted about pogroms; you and your tame ‘expert’ were wrong. When are you going to apologise or do you just like sniping at posters here and running away to hide like a coward?
John no of course those media are not outraged.
They are after all the biggest bullies in the playground
they are far worse than whatever bad man they make Trump out to be.
They weaponise claiming offence , so that they can SMEAR their political opponents
Did they use actual video of Trump
Or just spin it in their own words ?
Libmob claiming they are offended by a Trump joke
that some cheek after their 4 years of spreading HATA HATE HATE against Trump by making up silly stuff, like saying their was a Moscow peegate tape
eg2 saying Trump seriously told people to drink bleach
Libmob are tweeting those newspaper headlines and links
with mock outrage making out Trump was serious
The way it’s presented doesn’t mention “joke”
First up and to clarify, he is not joking. I have a number of American friends and not one of the them would even consider putting their ‘X’ beside big Don’s name! He seems to really think this would work and he’s a genius in the theatre of war 😱😱
You remember Kenny Everett at the Tory poarty conference gooning around and joking “lets bomb Russia” ? Clearly a joke told in a comedy skit, and yet the Left demanded it was a serious policy attempt to bomb the Russians.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories immediately folded and apologised instead telling the left where to get off, and unfortunately that only re-inforces bullying behaviour.
The left claim to be PEACEFUL
..yet they look to WEAPONISE everything
They pounce on every throw-away comment to claim it is evil racist/sexist/phobic etc.
I have always supported Donald Trump even before 2016. But really he should realise that saying such things as he has done, will not be taken as a joke. One does not joke on such matters when the nuclear trigger is already at DefCon 4 ( Russia’s equivalent).
Too, particularly when he has thrown in his hat for the 2024 election.
Well, I agree with you on that. It was black humour in bad taste considering the current situation.
But that point pales into insignificance when you read the reports which have twisted it and directly claim he meant it. Those scum are driven by hate and don’t care what the consequences of their lies might be. Same as claiming he said people should inject disinfectant.
And I just wonder what kind of complete idiot thinks it could be even remotely possible. Perhaps they think Armies still have people stood with binoculars watching for attacks.
Our politicians, particularly our own PM, should calm things down. Try and understand what Russia has been saying since the fall of the USSR. If they continue in the path of inflexibility, all this will come to a bad end. The 21st century has already started badly with a “pandemic” made much worse by politicians (Refer to Dr John Campbell and his further look at Ivermectin)
I find it instructive to read Zerohedge. We didn’t, that is the financial world didn’t understand the ramifications of the sub prime mortgage till it hit us all.
Even the sanctions on Russia might end up hurting the West far more then it hurts Russia.
Kim Iversen: ”Ukraine Will Be Wrecked.” OMINOUS Warnings Of NATO-Provoked War Given For DECADES
And we might too, with the fall of the dollar and the fall or reconfigure NATO. NATO was never designed for tiny states to use as a weapon against Russia ( as Latvia, Lithuania etal are doing ). Pres Zelensky seem to be on a mission to get NATO involved in a war against Russia, one way or other.
Al Beeb will not like this……
The Reform Party ………………..
“We are demanding a referendum on the life-changing Net Zero plans forced upon us by Westminster politicians. We want the British people to have a say, both on our energy future and on Britain’s energy security.”
Get cracking on fracking !
Get Nigel Farage on the case !
“Just did a search for ‘reform party bbc’. Nothing. Seems like the BBC cancelled them… Quite what this publicly funded, impartial-by-charter organisation thinks gives them the right to do that is beyond me.”
Birmingham Erdington by-election result= Reform Party drops from 3rd to 4th place winning a staggering 1.7% of the vote. One could almost forgive the BBC for ignoring them.
Of course such a constituency was never going be anything other than Labour but it should be remembered that in 2015, not that long ago. Ukip managed over 17%. I don’t think Reform are serious as a political party. I wish they were. Let’s hope the net zero thing goes better for them. Perhaps then they’ll find the courage to take on the invasion.
Price of fossil fuels will increase in a war situation, together with absurd green policies.
A better headline would be Fishing Industry hi jacked as usual by traitorous Powers That Be Practised at Sabotage Against Fishing Industry and Everything Else .
“so are you a proponent of running on renewbabbles then?”
I’m questioning Farage’s motives…
“What we actually have here is what John le Carré’s fictional spymaster George Smiley would have called “an embarrassing chain of events”. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin needs fossil fuel revenues to increase one day, Nigel Farage pops up in the Mail on Sunday advocating a policy that will do just that the next.”
But seeing as “BiasedBBC” is now busy, actively promoting Russian propaganda outlets; I guess such questions will be dismissed with the all too usual meat headed response.
Ah an article by (Paul) Tim Fenton a bit of a trollish guy who also writes for the Guardian.
He once put forward a wacky conspiracy theory about TR
After he wrote an article attacking TR, TR called it lies and to correct the record tried to engage with Fenton
In the end he doorstepped Fenton .. which is not harassment if done only one or two times. TR video
Fenton said Tommy must have a “corrupt cop”
… Em a corrupt cop wouldn’t have been needed to get Fenton’s address since it was on the electoral register anyway.
Maxi Troll.
None of the points you made about Nigel Farage are his fault , they were the result of the government at the time and it’s negotiations with the EU .
When are you and your ‘team’ going to post some evidence of your BIASED anti-Brexit bosses ? You do your employer no favours.
Have you paid your telly tax yet or do you get it free?
Radio 5 Live, right now. Stephen Nolan and various virtue signalers having a go at the Government regarding refugees being turned away.
What is lacking is any kind of investigation into why this might be happening. All Stephen Nolan wants to do is signal his outrage. Typical Woke, virtue signaling BBC.
If this pathetic excuse for a government hadn’t accepted 28,000 economic chancers coming in on dinghies last year, we’d have more resources to devote to real refugees.
This so-called “Conservative” government, actually a social-democratic/green alliance, led by a liar and cheater, is really not what the British people deserve. Only the first three letters of “Conservative” reflect reality.
10pm BBC1 news. Jeremy Bowen lying on the ground wearing a bulletproof vest and a helmet, breathless without any obvious reason, perhaps having run for cover. Shame that as he was doing his piece to camera there were people walking into view without hint of fear or desire to hurry.
When the Russians (then the Soviet Union) chased the Germans all the way back to Berlin, they raped about 2 million women and girls, aged 8 to 80, many of whom subsequently died.
Stalin specifically orderd the rape to stop anyone caught was for it. It wasnt the front line troops it was the support troops that carried out the atrocities.
If you look into after D Day when the allied support troops moved into France thier was uproar from the French, looting rape etc…..
For the record, Stalin completely approved of the mass rapes of German women. He only ordered it stopped when the Western allies in Berlin complained about it.
You are right. But this was in response to what Germany did in Russia and to Russians. Tens of millions dead due to a scorched earth and scorched human flesh, invasion of Russia. Who knows how many really died.
Just watching ‘The Professionals’ and marvelling at just how good it still is compared to the political tripe of today.
In it, a historical quote came up which I was stunned to realise summarises my own outlook on life very well.
It’s even more relevant in the world we live in today.
GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
I wonder how it would read if the BBC and the woke-tards rewrote it.
There is some mad stuff in some of those towns
that is way outside our world
I was on the Asimov Coast for about 2 weeks in 2009
Sure there was this thing between Ukrainian and Russian culture and some people wanted to go back to Soviet towns, but I went to one town I think it was Berdyansk and the was a memorial and bullet damage due to one event in 1996 or something
I can’t remember exactly what happened but it was like that cops had decided to shoot a load of pro Ukrainian demonstrators or pro-Russian demonstrators had shot the cops and staged a 2 day revolution.
I found many a time that I got some kind of a DDOS page. Then a little later, the RT page will load up with some sort of DDOS page before it.
This is the kind of tactic that was being used by Google when they didn’t want us to read what leadiung experts in immunolgy, epidemiology etc were saying on the covid 19 vaccine. They weren’t shut down , but their page was shut or opened intermittently. Or the audio was scrambled. Irritating enough to discourage all but the persistent.
Maxi said “But seeing as “BiasedBBC” is now *busy*, actively *promoting* Russian propaganda outlets; I guess such questions will be dismissed with the all too usual meat headed response.”
I guess that is a reference to the video clip I posted.
I found a tweet where guy was pointing out the RT piece was blatant propaganda
I posted that tweet here, however since the tweet automatically embedded the parent tweet, it took up too much space.
I then edited the post to just leave the YouTube clip
And if you clicked it you’d notice that I had set it to start not at the beginning, but rather at the heavy propaganda bit, just like the tweet did.
It is outrageous and offensive of you to suggest that I am “*busy*, actively *promoting* Russian propaganda outlets”
I suppose by wishing putin dead I could be reported for a ‘hate crime ‘….
Will I get a visit from PC Ahmed checking my ‘thinking ‘….
… meanwhile – world at one
The BBC is now attacking nut nut on two fronts-
1 refugees
2 greenery
Listening to WATO – with crankie getting an audience -there is a bit of me wondering if the current crop of politicians want the price of power to go up to a level where taxpayers suffer huge bills and dark cold homes .
This would push forward the not hydrocarbon drive …
… so some more old people die because of the cold and there are more repossessions and suicides – but as long as the planet is ‘saved ‘ in 200 years ‘ time – that’s ok ..
If you misread the above – this is not my view – I do not believe in green crap – cut taxes on fuel and cut public spending to do it if need be . Re open every power station that has been closed – if possible – and fire up the nuclear building as well …
FFS the comedian on GBnews was just promoting the Hatey No Hopers latest project
They are a Labour front group that weaponise selectively shouting “racism” in order to smear people who are non-racist but represent some challenge to Labour.
Can you explain why you support racism? I have followed your posts for some time and your racism sticks out like a sore thumb. Just try to consider people other than by the colour of their skin.
Maxi there is nothing wrong with me pointing out the BBC’s apparent anti-white racism.
Yet you seem to seek to spin it as bad, as if to INTIMIDATE commenters from posting honest opinions.
.. People should be free to post whatever OPINIONS they want, even if those opinions are later proven to be incorrect.. it’s all part of free and fair debate .. and on the path towards truth.
Who in their right mind believes that sort of thing actually happens. I mean, no one would stand there trying to promote the views of Hitler. Come on!
This is quite clearly the work of some left-wing “journalist” (it came from the Observer, after all!) and astonishingly believed without question by this air-head comedian.
When ever the left feel they’re in trouble it’s always time to search out the “Far Right” bogeyman. If he doesn’t exist they’ll invent him. It’s their knee jerk, go to tactic.
I am getting to appreciate Maxi’s spitting fables on here. In a way Maxi underlines everything I suspect about the narrow-minded, tunnel-vision, spiteful, selective cut ‘n paste zombies on the left.
I bet Maxi has a special shed full of cardboard placards for every activist occasion.
Digg – others
Each time the troll turns up here and engages in non BBC issues NEVER THE BBC I ask whether people still want it on the site .
I don’t really look at the comments but just say again – let me delete it .
Thing is, Fed, if we ban maxi he will wear that ban as a badge of honour among his mates who obviously don’t always agree with maxi. He, apparently, can only get two ‘likes’ on most of his posts, one probably from himself. You, on the other hand, get a like from me just for your collegiate way of doing things. Good on yer, Guv.
Up2 – thanks – I tend to only scan the troll comments but it really seems to have a ‘thing ‘ for Nigel Farage .
I wonder if that stems from fear of him ? After all – he has confounded democracy by getting Blighty out of the ReichEU without putting a single foot into the Palace of Westminster .
He has not been bought off by bribes such as peerages – and is now campaigning on energy security – an issue as big as EU membership .
Farage will win on energy security – the price of hydrocarbons in the short term ( this / next year ) is going to be painful and will cause the recession I am predicting .
There is a gap in energy supply because the tories have been too slow to develop nuclear and other sources – renewable or not .
And we voters aren’t paying the price.
HMG will not have the capacity to support all of those going into ‘fuel poverty ‘ next winter … it will be increasing public spending as interest rates rise and servicing the national debt will be more than painful ..
As for the troll – no comment – but as for Farage – he called the putin war wrong – he thought there wouldn’t be one – and he is not always right … an hour on GB News is more than enough …
bbc reports on people bringing pets from Ukraine, and the war twitter is bringing to the war between Russia/Ukraine, and Netflix going offline in Russia
bbc get a life, those snowflakes must be quaking in their boots
Apart from watching Biden hiding in his bunker, lest he be asked to strng a lucid sentence together, I think the worst aspect of this conflict is once again having to watch Americans try to pronounce “nuclear”.
I am left hoping and praying Putin leaves the reactors alone, lest I hear another news anchor strangulate the language with “Newkooleah” or any other number of imaginative variations.
It was bad enough during the “Eyerack” conflict, and I have had to forgo any programme related to the universe lest a US professor sends me hiding behind the sofa with his theories on the “kosemose”.
(maybe the worse is mispronouncing netball and rounders also)
I sometimes wonder if they do it as a joke or more likely, as a barmy nationalist attempt at their own unique language.
They are, as a nation, painfully unaware of much outside of their country.
It has been said that this is because many are unable to obtain travel documents as they cannot fit themselves inside a passport photo booth, I could not possibly comment.
Zephir – I laughed at the passport booth comment – thanks – interesting theory .
I used to sneer at the fact so few yanks have passports – until I went there and saw how big it is . I came to the conclusion that if you have a country the size of the US there can be little drive to go look at somewhere else….
Maybe they are watching the latest bad news from that Europe or it’s the ‘World Series ‘ – whatever that is ..
I find the idea that the USA have a World Series, in a sport that nobody else in the world even plays, shows a level of ignorance and arrogance comparable to anything the BBC are capable of. I could be mistaken, or even deluded, but I doubt it. I also love the passport booth comment.
who ??
“Louis William Tomlinson is an English singer and songwriter. He rose to fame as a member of the boy band One Direction”
A person who probably has a massive teenage fan following
He has 36 million followers on Twitter
That is quite a big pool of people, to find a person who would send Walker a threat.
Well after an exhausting read this morning I have finally got through Maxi comments and the replies they elicit. Can I please ask that no one replies to dear Maxi it only encourages him/ her/ they / it to post more rubbish.
They are just amazed that Botswana is taking such an interest in their conflict.
But he must have saved some lives:
one look at his goggle eyes and all assume he has just seen an incoming cluster bomb and run for cover. Like a stopped clock he will be right a couple of times a day at least.
A permanent look of a stunned rabbit in car headlights which is tiring to watch for more than a few seonds,
I keep looking over my shoulder wondering what he has seen.
Orla’s post is cute, as he stands, at night, on top of a building, fully kitted out, with a spotlight shining at him and past him into the void where folk lurk with the means to detect… light.
Top marks to Clive and Lyse. If I ever wanted to know about what it’s like to stand on the roof of a hotel in Kyiv, they are the people to tell me. Actually going to the front line and reporting on the war, less so.
Has he got a gong yet ? No worries, he will – for services to journalism. Mark my words. The Beeb are pushing him front and centre for everything. Just like Nadya.
Meeshal reports on a few coloured folk ( students ) being called bad names in Ukraine /Poland as women and kids die ….
Robinson loses the plot ( in my ears )
1 over the number of visas granted to people claiming to be from Ukraine – with Jim cleverly …
2 Then he attacks on rich Russians
3 Then he focuses on some dodgy Russian who bought a peerage from nut nut .
It’s human – when seeing the horror of Ukraine – to want to lash out – but Robinson is meant to be a professional and conducting a rant – sorry -interview the way he did was not it the best tradition of the BBC …
I think Robinson has ‘issues ‘….
On 3 – corruption in public life is bigger than a Russian buying a peerage – it’s about the corruption of the upper house itself – which needs to be ended.
Probably knows it should be him, shining a light, in the darkness, in full gear, and Clive of Kyiv on the borders getting the sob stories from aspiring doctors of Pelosi.
Now all he is known for is exchanging war stories in warsore with Brando.
Forgive my ignorance but who the hell is Toenails? I miss a lot on here by not being able to identify the subjects of comments. Be aware that my viewing of the BBC is limited so even telling me may not clear up any confusion.
Moggie – I know – I find it annoying too – toenails is – apparently -Robinson of “today ‘ fame – I don’t like it because it humanises him and sounds like affection .
Others misnamed are ‘
‘Timmeh’? Who is the BBC director general
Brillo – Andrew Neal
Krankie – the Scot’s first minister
Sleepy Joe – the false US president
There are plenty more – I share your frustration . Abbreviations can also be ‘exclusionary ‘ ACABE
“British Brexiteers: what tangible benefits have you seen so far?
My daughter lives in social housing (housing association) and she recently had need of help with her heating
Being a social kind of person she made the engineer a cup of tea and while they were talking it came out that the waiting list for social housing in our area had dropped from 3 years to just over 2 months
When she asked why she was told that nearly all of the Eastern European workers at the local slaughter house/meat packing plant had done moonlight flits and left the properties empty.
The slaughter house was now employing Welsh people again at higher wages
The Welsh families living in sub standard accommodation now have access to the housing that was previously denied them
I know to many this post will be an invitation to tell me what a bad person I am but the locals who now have decent homes and well paying jobs (without the previous requirement of being able to understand Polish) will all think Brexit was the best thing that ever happened.
Unfortunately Fiona Moneybags down in London still cannot find a cleaner like that nice girl from the Ukraine – Fiona sees no benefits at all”
We have never seen or heard a reasoned discussion about the effects of an increase in EU immigrants to the UK between 2004 and 2021 on housing (we have a 2 million housing units shortfall), or hospital waiting times even before COVID, or the increase in in-work benefits.
We got the platitudes – they contribute more than they take out, they do the jobs Brits refuse to do, they are needed to pay our pensions – all proven palpably false, but nothing else.
Incidentally, I’m still at a loss to understand why we have had 6.3 million EU adult nationals granted settled status and the ONS says there were only 3+ million resident here last year. Are the remainder only not here for the ongoing benefits?
Robinson interviews Alan Duncan – one of those awful traitor tories who did every thing to stop brexit . I hope he is not an mp any more .
But … Duncan made his money in oil . And he carefully explained the dangers of cutting oil supplies from Russia – the consequences of which could be oil and gas ‘rationing ‘ and being so expensive as to disrupt the economy .
Duncan was speaking in a ‘grown up ‘ way which Robinson couldn’t handle – so he cut him off – meanwhile meeshal in Poland is out of her depth ….
One thing on Ukrainian refugees – they will have documents to show who they are won’t they ? Unlike the dinghy boys who never have ID and should be immediately deported or put in prison …
Telegraph, Guardian and ‘i’ newspapers each share the same frontpage pic they variously caption as: ‘Running for their lives‘; ‘People fleeing…‘; or ‘Civilians attempting to flee‘ – attribution to particular titles is moot – since the story across our supposedly broad range of opinion press is identikit. Fortunately, for these fleeing civilians at least – all are chaps, no women or kids – and in the photo a couple of them did have their “Press” flack vests on and kevlar helmets, and they do appear to have grabbed their cameras, tripods, sound equipment etc, as they rush to safety.
‘Conflict forces Britain to re-examine ties with EU‘ (FT) – how so?
I thought they promised us there would be no EU army – wasn’t the EU army just a scare story cooked up by daft Brexiteers?
‘According to Lord Peter Ricketts…‘ – Ricketts served as chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) under Prime Minister Tony Blair – thank you Wiki
‘… choices have been forced and simplified. “European security is the number one national security priority for the UK”, he says‘ (FT) – what, not our own borders and potential local threats… such as terrorism?
Our left-leaning globalist liberals will take every opportunity to scorn Britain: ‘Sanctions UK accused of moving too slowly on oligarchs‘ (Guardian) and instead they admire europe: ‘Macron presses Putin over humanitarian crisis…‘ (Guardian)
‘not good enough or don’t care‘ (BBC) – sorry, that’s not criticism of the Tory government on just about any issue you can think of – that’s: ‘– pundits react to derby defeat‘ in Manchester United’s match against City. Back to serious red on blue action…
‘Paris urged London to lift visa blockage preventing 150 Ukrainian refugees reaching UK from Calais‘ (FT) – France not a safe country still?
Speaking of visas: ‘Russia’s banks are scrambling to switch to a Chinese card system after Visa and Mastercard suspended opperations‘ (Telegraph) – so how about we put sanctions on China?
As for the refugees – after brief intermittant border closures – mainly token and mostly aimed at UK holidaymakers returning here – betwixt Brexit and Lockdown – seems we’re about to relinquish control oncemore: ‘Priti vow: I’ll open UK to ALL Ukrainians‘ (Sun) – really? ALL Ukrainians? ‘More than 1.5m refugees have quit Ukraine in 10 days‘ (Daily Mirror) Don’t Hong Kongers have first dibs? ‘The UK opened its borders to three million Hong Kongers and their dependents – potentially five million people – following China’s democracy crackdown. And they’ve been arriving in the UK or applying to come here – on average – at a rate of 2,500 a week since January‘ (Sky News December 2021) – won’t all that potentially “overwhelm” our NHS? Of course millions don’t always suddenly turn up when a politician gives this kind of green light – like Merkel did – often it’s more of a gradual influx – call it Chinese water torture – easily ignored at first but after a while…
Sports news – although it’s all political these days – and look at this… not all the politics is in the direction the BBC approves – rainbow football boot laces, taking the knee, Black Power salutes, etc: ‘Russian gymnast investigated for wearing pro-war symbol on podium next to Ukrainian‘ (BBC) ‘The letter Z has become symbolic with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has been seen painted on the side of tanks and military vehicles, as well as being worn by pro-war politicians in Russia‘ – I wonder, who will be the first to call for a shortening of our alphabet to 25 letters – in support of Ukraine?
What’s our equivalent to the Cyrillic Z? There’s your starter for ten, Bamber.
I wonder how our press will “spin” this celeb story?
‘Did detox diet play a part in Shane’s death?‘ (Daily Express); ‘Hero Warnie died after extreme liquid diet. 14 day “shred” before heart attack‘ (Daily Star) – perhaps he should’ve stuck to his Aussie diet of tinnies and coke?
The Star’s thought for the day is a familiar frontpage feature that persists when other favourites such as the FT’s Datawatch come and go. This morning we wake up to: ‘When will this madness end?‘ – referring of course to: ‘Putin fires on civilians‘ – really, did he personally fire on civilians – all the way from Moscow? Although given the Star’s medium range weather forecast: ‘Sub zero spring‘ – and of course our shared european dependence on Russian fuel – perhaps the madness here is our persistent blind adherence to Greenie climate alarmism?
‘Russia’s Ukraine Invasion and Climate Change Go Hand in Hand‘ (a rare appearance hereabouts for Carnegie Europe – ranked the third most influential think tank in the world – based Rue du Congrès 15, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium)
‘Brexit and the Dismal Reality of “Take Back Control”… Today, Johnson lacks Cnut’s self-awareness. Egged on by the campaigners for Brexit, he insists that Britain will flourish‘ (Peter Kellner for Carnegie Europe in 2020) – the Dismal Reality… you can say again.
‘Taking cover’ seems more technically accurate, as these are brave souls. I know this because I am constantly told this. Albeit, by them.
But to what end? Looking at Clive, in the light, in the darkness, he at distance could easily look like a worthy point of engagement, and buggering about in rubble closer to the action simply garners little more than imagery of each other… buggering about in rubble.
Still, Clive of Kyiv will get the awards, noble savage that he is. From on high.
And Toenails’ headphones will spin around that polished dome like a ballistic helmet on a bayonet fitted rifle in the wind. In the studio. Where he has piles.
The BBC website has a very very long feature on the parents of a pretty 10 ? Year old girl who was murdered at the Manchester arena by a Muslim terrorist .
If you didn’t know the background to the mass killings ( 21?) plus a hundred injured – you’d needed to search hard to find out who did it and why and what they were doing in the UK in the first place .
The feature focuses on the grief of the parents – which is – ok – but it would be better to show the Muslim terrorist – and why he wanted to kill as many kids at a pop concert as possible .
And as an aside the incompetence and cowardice of those who were meant to protect those kids …
Apologies, not Al Beeb but the equally-biased Sly, fronted by the reptilian Kay Bully, is currently pushing the UK’s inhumanity compared with the EU with regard to visas for Ukrainians. France suggesting we set up a consulate in Calais…just for Ukrainians I ask myself or for the hordes who would otherwise pay £5k for a boat trip?
The fact that we are furthest west from the Ukraine in Europe seems lost on her.
I know everyone's talking about Clive Myrie, Orla Guerin and probably now Jeremy Bowen…but can I just add how amazingly @sarahrainsford is doing – calm, measured, hugely sensitive, brilliant reporting.
9am Radio4 And it is yet another show about black victimhood
Black people who are just 3 or 4% of UK population.
So rare in some parts of the country that you can go for weeks without seeing one.
As ever this show is all London and vastly black
Of the 3 guests there is one ONE white guest
– Ralph Rugoff director of the Hayward Southbank Gallery promoting his new Louise Bourgeois exhibition at the Hayward Gallery (a French-American artist who worked in her 70s & 80s known for her large-scale sculpture and installation)
– “Somali-British poet Warsan Shire has been hailed as the voice of a generation, who has collaborated with the superstar Beyoncé.”
– Drama director Kwame Kwei-Armah promoting his play about African American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat who worked with Andy Warhol
..He laid on being the victim, thick.
“Oh I feel treated like a stranger in my own country”
Yes and lots of white people get treated as strangers too cos of their unusual appearance , say if they are 7ft tall or a dwarf etc.
I compare the reporting of what is happening in Ukraine by the BBC and GB News. GB News, in spite of not having anyone on the ground, wins hands down. I have retired senior military people like Lord Dannat discussing the military situation, what is going on in Russia etc etc. The BBC has Clive Myrie interviewing other BBC staff and finding a person in distress and asking them, ‘how do you feel (now that you have lost everything and your untrained father is fighting the Russian army implied)?
LOL. BBC is so plainly manipulative that they put puppies to shame! Bad BBC.
That is a good point about the guests they have. GB News real people who do the jobs. BBC, like you say, is all analysts, journos, politicians. Bulls–t Central.
TOADY Watch #1 – two names come to mind when I hear protests from Labour about Lebedev
TOADY are quick to slur and accuse. Quick to slur the PM and accuse him of being in bed with Russians and Russian money in much the same way they treated former President Trump. I have two names for the Labour Party at Broadcasting House and also the Labour MPs in Paliament: Derepaska and Mandelson.
Who is Barry Gardiner? Labour MP links to ‘Chinese spy’ Christine Lee, China and £500k donation – explained
The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the British are ‘too obsessed with James Bond 007 movies’ and rejected claims Christine Lee is a spy
Why did Biden repeatedly rule out using force against Russia in the run-up to their invasion, instead of at least maintaining “strategic ambiguity” and keeping all options on the table?
And later even signalling that a ‘minor incursion’ would be acceptable?
Because he’s an Imbecile.
digg, I still think the links between ‘Part-time’, Pippa Crerar, the BBC and the Daily Mirror should be investigated. Maybe Sir Keir Starmer would like to call – in Parliament – for a Special or Judicial Inquiry?
Digg – if the cake prosecution / gray report were to be released soon – eg this week – I wonder how it will play out ?
I’ve always said that the cake thing was nothing but a contrived swamp story – with added grief from relatives of those who died over the same period …
Prosecutions ? No – out of time – would there have been prosecutions ‘in time ‘? Only politicians will say .
Meanwhile either Ukraine continues to die or the war spreads or we start to feel the economic and social consequences ….
I doubt they can come up with a more gutter-press headline than that.
The BBC seem to be far more interested in producing heart-rending personal stories about as many individuals as they can than actually telling us what is going on with the actual war.
Right now, I know the BBC’s narcissitic Ukraine editor’s mother was able to buy bread the other day and she noticed she isn’t crying as much as she did, but I have no idea of the overall picture of what is happening or who is doing what. It’s just constant propaganda.
When that happens with the BBC, it’s usually because they don’t want me to know something.
BBC banging on about how Poland ( next to Ukraine) is taking in millions of refugees but we’ve only taken fifty .
Now look Beeboids we’ve taken in tens of millions of people , mostly bogus asylum seekers .
We took in Polish nationals before they were in the EU , as asylum seekers . Has Poland taken in any British nationals ?
What other refugees has Poland taken in ?
Sorry BBC , but it’s because of people like you that our refugee and asylum system is broken , and that’s why we don’t trust the Powers That Be to make it fair for us .
It’s your fault ,BBC .
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
BBC News at Six
Type of case Broadcast Standards
Outcome In Breach
Service BBC 1
Date & time 26 February 2021, 18:00
Category Due accuracy in news
The acknowledgement and correction of significant
mistakes on air
Summary A news programme featured an inaccurate statement
regarding Alex Salmond’s view as to whether or not
Nicola Sturgeon should resign as First Minister of
Scotland whilst he gave evidence to a Scottish
Parliament Committee. There was not any
acknowledgement or correction on air. In breach of
Rules 5.1 and 5.2.
During the news headlines at the start of BBC News at Six, newsreader Sophie Raworth briefly
introduced the top story about Alex Salmond giving his “long awaited” evidence to the Scottish
Parliament Committee investigating the Scottish Government’s alleged handling of sexual harassment
claims against him. This was followed: firstly by a brief clip of Mr Salmond giving his evidence in front
of the Scottish Parliament Committee; and then a short statement from BBC Scotland Editor Sarah
Smith (“the reporter”) who was reporting live from Holyrood. She said:
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Foodbank Britain : Potatoes are now £5 per 25Kg bag at a farm I passed yesterday
That’s 20p for 1Kg
.. The nearby farm shop has a choice of Varona or Marfona for £6 per 25Kg bag
“The mistake of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria was to enter into a dream world where UK government thought its role was to hobnob in Davos & police the world rather than govern in the interests of the British people
Little bird tells me our government is not being entirely truthful about its sanctions with Russian oil and gas. Claiming that a subsidiary company of Gazprom registered in Britain is is buying gas from Britain and not from Russia is twisting truth so much it has become a lie.
Of course cowardly Boris needs to be able to tell these lies in order to preserve his fantasy bubble of net zero carbon, which is of course unachievable.
Forget yachts and Mayfair homes, the only real sanction that would hurt Putin is a ban on Russian oil and gas.
That would of course send fuel prices soaring, because of the West’s idiotic ‘green’ policies.
Surprise surprise, you can’t run an energy-hungry civilisation on windmills.
So the West is dithering over imposing a ban with any teeth because of Biden’s idiotic anti-fossil fuel policies, such as shutting down the Keystone pipeline while opening up Nord Stream. (A double bonanza for Putin who must have thought it was Christmas.)
It’s simple, but you won’t see that anywhere on the BBC, enamoured as they are with Biden and all things ‘green’.
Deserves to be read in its entirety, but here’s a taster:
“Biden Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness”
“Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country and making us a paper tiger abroad.”
“Fact is, this country is now being “led” by a man who absolutely will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. In just over a year, Biden has brought inflation roaring back to levels not seen in 40 years, has destroyed our southern border as millions of illegal aliens, along with Chinese fentanyl, flood the country, and now we have been involved in two major international debacles with Afghanistan and Ukraine. The list could go on, but perhaps that’s too depressing.
With every opportunity to make the right decision, Biden and his administration choose the most asinine choice possible, leading one to ask, “Is this a clown show led by an imbecile? Or do you just completely hate this country?”
Answer: both.
Consider his actions on the energy front, which is part and parcel of the inflation disaster: they’re so committed to the hoax and woke religion of man made global warming and shutting down fossil fuels that they sacrificed our energy independence on its altar. Crude oil more than doubled under Biden before war broke out in Ukraine, and natural gas had risen 74 percent before the Russians invaded. Now with the crisis in Ukraine we’re seeing oil approaching $120 per barrel. None of this had to happen, mind you, especially since under Donald Trump the United States had become a net exporter of energy.
But Biden wasted no time enacting his idiotic policies. On day one of his administration he shut down the Keystone pipeline, put thousands of people out of work, crippled our self-sufficient energy production, and made us reliant on purchasing absurd quantities of oil from countries that despise us.
He is Example A of how quickly things can go wrong with terrible leadership.
With America now importing 595,000 barrels of Russian oil a day—that adds up to more than $1 billion a month we’re paying Russia—the fact is our terrible energy policy is helping finance Putin’s invasion. If you want to really know how bad it is, consider that in 2021 alone it’s estimated that European nations, most of which are NATO members, paid Russia $100 billion for oil and gas. So the infantile Left has weakened the United States and Europe in the face of Putin’s energy dominance and strengthened his hand by pumping up his coffers with oil and gas money. The environmentalist wackos and weak-kneed political “leaders” are absolutely responsible for what are now being described as war crimes in Ukraine.”
Criticism a-plenty regarding the reluctance of the UK to take in Ukranian refugees. Poland, amongst others, are taking many of them in, simply because they have the room and feel that these people will adapt to their new home and be anxious to earn their keep. The reason they are turning some back at the border isn’t a racist construct, simply that there is a limited number of places, and they would sooner have a mother and her children rather than half a dozen fighting-age males who will do little other than stick their arses in the air five times a day, pausing only to eye up the local white women and make nuisances of themselves. We have, unwisely, taken in hundreds of thousands of these chancers, convinced that we are doing the right thing, rather than simply dumping them back on the beach in Calais. We are stuck with them now, and we have no room at the inn for those who genuinely need our help. When I say “We” are convinced we are doing the right thing, don’t include me, please.
Lets face it, while ‘net zero’ would be ideal until we have the plant and equipment to achieve that aim in the far distant future, we need to buy that time with fossil fuel etc. Who decided to order the sealing up with concrete of our fracking wells a week or two ago ?
The Reform Party and Nigel Farage has shown the way.
Why has the BBC been driving the ‘green agenda’ ?
Perhaps maxincony will tell us when he wakes up?
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Already !
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 2 started 3am on Sunday
Has everyone forgotten The Gray Report already ?
Trump said America should paint Chinese marking on their plane and bomb the sh1t out of Ukraine then let China and Russia fight it out between themselves.
Now it’s very, very clearly a joke. It could never, ever be meant as a serious proposition. Only a complete idiot – or a total hypocrite – could pretend it is a serious suggestion.
The Independent:
Trump calls for US to put Chinese flags on fighter jets and ‘bomb the s*** out of Russia’
The DT:
Donald Trump says US should put Chinese flag on American fighters and ‘bomb the s—‘ out of Russia
Vanity Fair:
Washington Post:
Trump muses about a really bad — and evidently illegal — idea to bomb Russia using Chinese flags
And a whole bunch of other far-left news sites who are similarly outraged.
It’s simply staggering. Do these idiots think that attackers are identified solely by the marking on their aircraft ?. Which they will never even see anyway as it flies at 40,000 feet or zooms past close to mach-1.
This is the biggest problem in the world today. Everything we are force-fed is political agenda. The people feeding this to the public are the lowest, most dishonest liars I can imagine. And they are the ones writing headlines.
My contempt and disgust of the Leftist MSM remains where it is. Right at the bottom of the gutter.
I wonder if it will be on the BBC tomorrow. I bet it is …
“Now it’s very, very clearly a joke.”
Hahaha, it’s a joke, hahahahaha. Ya think the residents of Russia & China will find it funny? Right now; when people are being slaughtered in Ukraine and Putin is throwing around threats of nuclear war?
Are you laughing, John?
The occasional little, coquettish giggle perhaps?
Missed the point again maxi. Never mind. None of us think you are the sharpest tool in the box. You wouldn’t be a forum troll if you were.
The point is how the Leftist media are trying to make out Trump was serious.
Got it now ?. Or do you need more explanation ?.
Oh, I just realised : YOU think he was serious too !!.
Now I AM laughing maxi. At you.
“The point is how the Leftist media are trying to make out Trump was serious”
Whatever you say, John…
The Independent:
“Mr Trump told a crowd of giggling GOP donors”
The DT:
“His suggestion… was greeted with laughter by an audience of approximately 250 major donors in New Orleans”
Vanity Fair:
“…the former president quipped about how much fun it would be to start a war between Russia and China”
Washington Post:
“…he said of labeling U.S. military planes with Chinese flags and bombing Russia, which was met with laughter from the crowd of donors”
Maximum-incontinence, don’t wet yourself, it was only a joke. ‘Gallows humour’ (humour that makes fun of a life-threatening, disastrous, or terrifying situation). The Russians and Chinese must know if it goes nuclear NOBODY will survive.
Maxincony ,
So the leftist media saw it as a joke .
Remember Ronald Reagan’s microphone test that became famous:
“My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever.
“We begin bombing in five minutes.”
Tens of thousands of ex-military personnel from Western countries are heading to Ukraine. There are reports that several tens of thousands of software personnel are already engaged in attacking Russia’s military and other structures. All this is being done openly, and at times open support of Western governments. I take It for granted that the NSA is already attacking Russian data structures.
My fear is that Russia already feels surrounded by NATO on all its frontiers, bar the South. If they feel that the West has already started the war, and these are opening salvoes, they might just up the ante to a point where we will have to blink.
Maxi coney ,
Firstly congratulations on putting a comment at the beginning of a thread . That must take some doing from someone even worse at computers than me . Are you going to use this new found ability or revert to you’re old laggard self ?
Now let’s go to some whataboutery eh ?
What do you think about the BBC favourites Jo Brand and her battery acid comment and Nish Khumar telling children to murder parents ?
And what about Joe Biden’s gaffes like Putin and the minds of Iranians when he’s supposed to be talking about Ukraine?
Actually Maxincony , now you’ve brought up the whataboutery I think I rather enjoy it .
“What do you think about the BBC favourites Jo Brand and her battery acid comment and Nish Khumar telling children to murder parents ?”
In both cases I think they were stupid and disgusting things to say.
“And what about Joe Biden’s gaffes…”
I think the most that can said about Biden is that he was preferable to the alternative.
Sorry to disappoint.
No disappointment Maxincony , its what i expected of you and your kind .
The problem with people on the left, like Maxi is that they are convinced that they are the arbiters of everything and any dissent is poison to them.
Best to just let them marinade in their own bile…
digg, we can give as good as we get and pick the maxi’s of this world up on their errors and hypocrisies. Oleg Derapaska and Peter Mandelson suddenly come to mind ….
Oh hello maxi. Ukraine is in the news again. Pogroms. Where is that apology you owe me? Do you realise that you never made it? I was right in what I posted about pogroms; you and your tame ‘expert’ were wrong. When are you going to apologise or do you just like sniping at posters here and running away to hide like a coward?
John no of course those media are not outraged.
They are after all the biggest bullies in the playground
they are far worse than whatever bad man they make Trump out to be.
They weaponise claiming offence , so that they can SMEAR their political opponents
Did they use actual video of Trump
Or just spin it in their own words ?
Libmob claiming they are offended by a Trump joke
that some cheek after their 4 years of spreading HATA HATE HATE against Trump by making up silly stuff, like saying their was a Moscow peegate tape
eg2 saying Trump seriously told people to drink bleach
Libmob are tweeting those newspaper headlines and links
with mock outrage making out Trump was serious
The way it’s presented doesn’t mention “joke”
You remember Kenny Everett at the Tory poarty conference gooning around and joking “lets bomb Russia” ? Clearly a joke told in a comedy skit, and yet the Left demanded it was a serious policy attempt to bomb the Russians.
Of course the cowardly useless incompetent Tories immediately folded and apologised instead telling the left where to get off, and unfortunately that only re-inforces bullying behaviour.
The left claim to be PEACEFUL
..yet they look to WEAPONISE everything
They pounce on every throw-away comment to claim it is evil racist/sexist/phobic etc.
I have always supported Donald Trump even before 2016. But really he should realise that saying such things as he has done, will not be taken as a joke. One does not joke on such matters when the nuclear trigger is already at DefCon 4 ( Russia’s equivalent).
Too, particularly when he has thrown in his hat for the 2024 election.
Well, I agree with you on that. It was black humour in bad taste considering the current situation.
But that point pales into insignificance when you read the reports which have twisted it and directly claim he meant it. Those scum are driven by hate and don’t care what the consequences of their lies might be. Same as claiming he said people should inject disinfectant.
And I just wonder what kind of complete idiot thinks it could be even remotely possible. Perhaps they think Armies still have people stood with binoculars watching for attacks.
John C
US missile forces on land and sea are most likely at high degree of alert. Of course they wont say so. Russian ones already are.
Its with this in mind that senior politicians in the US and the UK, senior NATO countries, should hold their tongues.
An example, examine Vladimir Putin or Sergei Lavrov in particular. Both calm and holding their tongues, or responding in measured tones. Or Pres Xin.
Our senior politicians OTH seem to be playing to the media gallery.
Our politicians, particularly our own PM, should calm things down. Try and understand what Russia has been saying since the fall of the USSR. If they continue in the path of inflexibility, all this will come to a bad end. The 21st century has already started badly with a “pandemic” made much worse by politicians (Refer to Dr John Campbell and his further look at Ivermectin)
I find it instructive to read Zerohedge. We didn’t, that is the financial world didn’t understand the ramifications of the sub prime mortgage till it hit us all.
Even the sanctions on Russia might end up hurting the West far more then it hurts Russia.
Kim Iversen: ”Ukraine Will Be Wrecked.” OMINOUS Warnings Of NATO-Provoked War Given For DECADES
And we might too, with the fall of the dollar and the fall or reconfigure NATO. NATO was never designed for tiny states to use as a weapon against Russia ( as Latvia, Lithuania etal are doing ). Pres Zelensky seem to be on a mission to get NATO involved in a war against Russia, one way or other.
John J Mearsheimer: The Great Delusion
Prof Meeshieimer has been saying this since 2014, or even earlier. Ukraine will get wrecked, if Pres Zelensky continues on his path of hard line.
Al Beeb will not like this……
The Reform Party ………………..
“We are demanding a referendum on the life-changing Net Zero plans forced upon us by Westminster politicians. We want the British people to have a say, both on our energy future and on Britain’s energy security.”
Get cracking on fracking !
Get Nigel Farage on the case !
Just did a search for ‘reform party bbc’. Nothing.
Seems like the BBC cancelled them along with Trump, Farage, GB News and I’m sure lots of others I am unaware of.
Quite what this publicly funded, impartial-by-charter organisation thinks gives them the right to do that is beyond me.
At least it highlights all we need to know about OFCOM.
“Just did a search for ‘reform party bbc’. Nothing. Seems like the BBC cancelled them… Quite what this publicly funded, impartial-by-charter organisation thinks gives them the right to do that is beyond me.”
“The Brexit Party will change its name to the Reform Party after the UK leaves the European Union, leader Nigel Farage has said.”
“Nigel Farage has applied to change the Brexit Party’s name to Reform UK…”
“The Brexit Party has officially changed its name to Reform UK…”
“Nigel Farage is to stand down as leader of Reform UK…”
“Who is Reform UK leader Richard Tice?”
“Reform UK conference: Richard Tice attacks ‘high tax’ Tories”
“Welsh election: Reform UK leader wants Wales’ voting system changed”
“Wales election: Reform UK party pledges no more lockdowns”
Birmingham Erdington by-election result= Reform Party drops from 3rd to 4th place winning a staggering 1.7% of the vote. One could almost forgive the BBC for ignoring them.
Of course such a constituency was never going be anything other than Labour but it should be remembered that in 2015, not that long ago. Ukip managed over 17%. I don’t think Reform are serious as a political party. I wish they were. Let’s hope the net zero thing goes better for them. Perhaps then they’ll find the courage to take on the invasion.
Price of fossil fuels quadruples in a matter of months… Farage launches a campaign to make us more reliant on fossil fuels.
“Get Nigel Farage on the case !”
Oh yes! What could possibly go wrong…?
“Fishing industry ‘on course to lose £300m post-Brexit’ fishermen’s trade body claims”
“Brexit “fails to deliver Government promises on fishing industry”, new study reveals”
“Brexit: The betrayal of the fishing industry has been incredible and shameful”
Maxincony ,
Price of fossil fuels will increase in a war situation, together with absurd green policies.
A better headline would be Fishing Industry hi jacked as usual by traitorous Powers That Be Practised at Sabotage Against Fishing Industry and Everything Else .
so are you a proponent of running on renewbabbles then?
– do tell, and optionally – explain how that might work…?
“so are you a proponent of running on renewbabbles then?”
I’m questioning Farage’s motives…
“What we actually have here is what John le Carré’s fictional spymaster George Smiley would have called “an embarrassing chain of events”. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin needs fossil fuel revenues to increase one day, Nigel Farage pops up in the Mail on Sunday advocating a policy that will do just that the next.”
But seeing as “BiasedBBC” is now busy, actively promoting Russian propaganda outlets; I guess such questions will be dismissed with the all too usual meat headed response.
so… answer the question
meat headed?
What is it with lefties and projection?
Hi Max,
I see you are posting at 2.57am. I worry for you, we all need vitamin D from the sun. Unless you are a vampire, of course.
Ah an article by (Paul) Tim Fenton a bit of a trollish guy who also writes for the Guardian.
He once put forward a wacky conspiracy theory about TR
After he wrote an article attacking TR, TR called it lies and to correct the record tried to engage with Fenton
In the end he doorstepped Fenton .. which is not harassment if done only one or two times. TR video
Fenton said Tommy must have a “corrupt cop”
… Em a corrupt cop wouldn’t have been needed to get Fenton’s address since it was on the electoral register anyway.
I clarify that was in response to Maxi saying we should read an anti-Farage article written by Tim Fenton in his Zelo Street blog.
Maxi Troll.
None of the points you made about Nigel Farage are his fault , they were the result of the government at the time and it’s negotiations with the EU .
When are you and your ‘team’ going to post some evidence of your BIASED anti-Brexit bosses ? You do your employer no favours.
Have you paid your telly tax yet or do you get it free?
Radio 5 Live, right now. Stephen Nolan and various virtue signalers having a go at the Government regarding refugees being turned away.
What is lacking is any kind of investigation into why this might be happening. All Stephen Nolan wants to do is signal his outrage. Typical Woke, virtue signaling BBC.
If this pathetic excuse for a government hadn’t accepted 28,000 economic chancers coming in on dinghies last year, we’d have more resources to devote to real refugees.
This so-called “Conservative” government, actually a social-democratic/green alliance, led by a liar and cheater, is really not what the British people deserve. Only the first three letters of “Conservative” reflect reality.
The Imbecile continues to be an imbecile.
He’s mis-handling EVERYTHING: China, Russia, Ukraine, Taiwan, Iran… disaster after disaster.
Whose side is he ON?
America is leading – its even turned off Netflix Russia – true leadership ….all too late now …
All of them will be back very quickly once the wokerati look another way.
10pm BBC1 news. Jeremy Bowen lying on the ground wearing a bulletproof vest and a helmet, breathless without any obvious reason, perhaps having run for cover. Shame that as he was doing his piece to camera there were people walking into view without hint of fear or desire to hurry.
Drat. Keep trying lads.
When the Russians (then the Soviet Union) chased the Germans all the way back to Berlin, they raped about 2 million women and girls, aged 8 to 80, many of whom subsequently died.
I wonder if they’ve changed their ways?
Stalin specifically orderd the rape to stop anyone caught was for it. It wasnt the front line troops it was the support troops that carried out the atrocities.
If you look into after D Day when the allied support troops moved into France thier was uproar from the French, looting rape etc…..
I’m not lefty btw
For the record, Stalin completely approved of the mass rapes of German women. He only ordered it stopped when the Western allies in Berlin complained about it.
You are right. But this was in response to what Germany did in Russia and to Russians. Tens of millions dead due to a scorched earth and scorched human flesh, invasion of Russia. Who knows how many really died.
Just watching ‘The Professionals’ and marvelling at just how good it still is compared to the political tripe of today.
In it, a historical quote came up which I was stunned to realise summarises my own outlook on life very well.
It’s even more relevant in the world we live in today.
GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
I wonder how it would read if the BBC and the woke-tards rewrote it.
“Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.”
Is that Diane Abbott you refer too?
RT has some alternative viewpoints
There is some mad stuff in some of those towns
that is way outside our world
I was on the Asimov Coast for about 2 weeks in 2009
Sure there was this thing between Ukrainian and Russian culture and some people wanted to go back to Soviet towns, but I went to one town I think it was Berdyansk and the was a memorial and bullet damage due to one event in 1996 or something
I can’t remember exactly what happened but it was like that cops had decided to shoot a load of pro Ukrainian demonstrators or pro-Russian demonstrators had shot the cops and staged a 2 day revolution.
How did you get RT. I thought it was blocked.
@NCBBC I have posted 3 times that RT is NOT blocked to UK internet viewers
and given the link .
The first time you posted the link I tried it, and it works just fine. Thanks V. much!
Thank you StewGreen.
I found many a time that I got some kind of a DDOS page. Then a little later, the RT page will load up with some sort of DDOS page before it.
This is the kind of tactic that was being used by Google when they didn’t want us to read what leadiung experts in immunolgy, epidemiology etc were saying on the covid 19 vaccine. They weren’t shut down , but their page was shut or opened intermittently. Or the audio was scrambled. Irritating enough to discourage all but the persistent.
Thank you for doing an excellent job.
Maxi said “But seeing as “BiasedBBC” is now *busy*, actively *promoting* Russian propaganda outlets; I guess such questions will be dismissed with the all too usual meat headed response.”
I guess that is a reference to the video clip I posted.
I found a tweet where guy was pointing out the RT piece was blatant propaganda
I posted that tweet here, however since the tweet automatically embedded the parent tweet, it took up too much space.
I then edited the post to just leave the YouTube clip
And if you clicked it you’d notice that I had set it to start not at the beginning, but rather at the heavy propaganda bit, just like the tweet did.
It is outrageous and offensive of you to suggest that I am “*busy*, actively *promoting* Russian propaganda outlets”
I suppose by wishing putin dead I could be reported for a ‘hate crime ‘….
Will I get a visit from PC Ahmed checking my ‘thinking ‘….
… meanwhile – world at one
The BBC is now attacking nut nut on two fronts-
1 refugees
2 greenery
Listening to WATO – with crankie getting an audience -there is a bit of me wondering if the current crop of politicians want the price of power to go up to a level where taxpayers suffer huge bills and dark cold homes .
This would push forward the not hydrocarbon drive …
… so some more old people die because of the cold and there are more repossessions and suicides – but as long as the planet is ‘saved ‘ in 200 years ‘ time – that’s ok ..
If you misread the above – this is not my view – I do not believe in green crap – cut taxes on fuel and cut public spending to do it if need be . Re open every power station that has been closed – if possible – and fire up the nuclear building as well …
FFS the comedian on GBnews was just promoting the Hatey No Hopers latest project
They are a Labour front group that weaponise selectively shouting “racism” in order to smear people who are non-racist but represent some challenge to Labour.
StewGreen, March 7, 2022;
“selectively shouting “racism” in order to smear people who are non-racist…”
StewGreen, June 20 2021;
“I really do not care for dividing the world up by skin colour”
StewGreen, June 9, 2021;
“Radio4 Media Show… BBC diversity replace brown Amol with another brown”
Can you explain why you support racism? I have followed your posts for some time and your racism sticks out like a sore thumb. Just try to consider people other than by the colour of their skin.
Maxi there is nothing wrong with me pointing out the BBC’s apparent anti-white racism.
Yet you seem to seek to spin it as bad, as if to INTIMIDATE commenters from posting honest opinions.
.. People should be free to post whatever OPINIONS they want, even if those opinions are later proven to be incorrect.. it’s all part of free and fair debate .. and on the path towards truth.
Intimidation on this site won’t be tolerated – that troll will be removed if it happens again .
‘Black Lives Matter’ risks becoming an empty slogan. It’s not enough to defeat racism
Joseph Harker
If I hear one more white person say “Black Lives Matter” I think my head will explode.
I saw that piece, it was excruciating.
Who in their right mind believes that sort of thing actually happens. I mean, no one would stand there trying to promote the views of Hitler. Come on!
This is quite clearly the work of some left-wing “journalist” (it came from the Observer, after all!) and astonishingly believed without question by this air-head comedian.
When ever the left feel they’re in trouble it’s always time to search out the “Far Right” bogeyman. If he doesn’t exist they’ll invent him. It’s their knee jerk, go to tactic.
FFS, GB News, get a bloody grip…
As if all of those muscle-bound Black gym bunnies aren’t doing the selfsame thing.
Oh well….

I feel a bit sick after seeing that.
Maxincony ,
The most recent of your headlines is April 2021 and another one was duplicated .
Anything else ?
@Nibor I agree, but I presume anyone who said the BBC have never mentioned Reform UK has been doing some Sunday night drinking.
BBCpolitics tweeted almost every news story that mentioned Reform UK .
There aren’t that many, and the last one was about 1 year ago.
BBCWalesNews tweets the Wales stories about Reform UK
The account that tracks Ash Sarkar’s appearances on the BBC is probably much busier.
Has the BBC ever broadcast anything good about Brexit?
Over to you maxi…………
I am getting to appreciate Maxi’s spitting fables on here. In a way Maxi underlines everything I suspect about the narrow-minded, tunnel-vision, spiteful, selective cut ‘n paste zombies on the left.
I bet Maxi has a special shed full of cardboard placards for every activist occasion.
Digg – others
Each time the troll turns up here and engages in non BBC issues NEVER THE BBC I ask whether people still want it on the site .
I don’t really look at the comments but just say again – let me delete it .
Thing is, Fed, if we ban maxi he will wear that ban as a badge of honour among his mates who obviously don’t always agree with maxi. He, apparently, can only get two ‘likes’ on most of his posts, one probably from himself. You, on the other hand, get a like from me just for your collegiate way of doing things. Good on yer, Guv.
Up2 – thanks – I tend to only scan the troll comments but it really seems to have a ‘thing ‘ for Nigel Farage .
I wonder if that stems from fear of him ? After all – he has confounded democracy by getting Blighty out of the ReichEU without putting a single foot into the Palace of Westminster .
He has not been bought off by bribes such as peerages – and is now campaigning on energy security – an issue as big as EU membership .
Farage will win on energy security – the price of hydrocarbons in the short term ( this / next year ) is going to be painful and will cause the recession I am predicting .
There is a gap in energy supply because the tories have been too slow to develop nuclear and other sources – renewable or not .
And we voters aren’t paying the price.
HMG will not have the capacity to support all of those going into ‘fuel poverty ‘ next winter … it will be increasing public spending as interest rates rise and servicing the national debt will be more than painful ..
As for the troll – no comment – but as for Farage – he called the putin war wrong – he thought there wouldn’t be one – and he is not always right … an hour on GB News is more than enough …
Context, and timeline, is not something Our Maxi has ever considered.
bbc reports on people bringing pets from Ukraine, and the war twitter is bringing to the war between Russia/Ukraine, and Netflix going offline in Russia
bbc get a life, those snowflakes must be quaking in their boots
And in the real world tanks attack Ukraine
Him, Nish or Jo Brand.
At least the BBC would remain in safe hands.
Hugh Grant’s never really got over being found in a car with a prostitute has he?
Does his choice of Divine Brown over Liz Hurley demonstrate excellent critical thinking?
Apart from watching Biden hiding in his bunker, lest he be asked to strng a lucid sentence together, I think the worst aspect of this conflict is once again having to watch Americans try to pronounce “nuclear”.
I am left hoping and praying Putin leaves the reactors alone, lest I hear another news anchor strangulate the language with “Newkooleah” or any other number of imaginative variations.
It was bad enough during the “Eyerack” conflict, and I have had to forgo any programme related to the universe lest a US professor sends me hiding behind the sofa with his theories on the “kosemose”.
(maybe the worse is mispronouncing netball and rounders also)
I sometimes wonder if they do it as a joke or more likely, as a barmy nationalist attempt at their own unique language.
They are, as a nation, painfully unaware of much outside of their country.
It has been said that this is because many are unable to obtain travel documents as they cannot fit themselves inside a passport photo booth, I could not possibly comment.
Zephir – I laughed at the passport booth comment – thanks – interesting theory .
I used to sneer at the fact so few yanks have passports – until I went there and saw how big it is . I came to the conclusion that if you have a country the size of the US there can be little drive to go look at somewhere else….
Maybe they are watching the latest bad news from that Europe or it’s the ‘World Series ‘ – whatever that is ..
I find the idea that the USA have a World Series, in a sport that nobody else in the world even plays, shows a level of ignorance and arrogance comparable to anything the BBC are capable of. I could be mistaken, or even deluded, but I doubt it. I also love the passport booth comment.
The sophisticated tech predicting if an advert will work
If the left agree
Kerry going to present Americast with Katty?
No fee for Getty on this one.
The BBC web site is heading into being unreadable as much as Radio 4 is now unlistenable?
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde:
“The unreadable in full persuit of the unelectable”
Springster losing her bbc close protection detail?
who ??
“Louis William Tomlinson is an English singer and songwriter. He rose to fame as a member of the boy band One Direction”
A person who probably has a massive teenage fan following
He has 36 million followers on Twitter
That is quite a big pool of people, to find a person who would send Walker a threat.
Death threats ….
Notice that the article does not mention what Kumar says about killing parents – omission is the greatest lie.
Well after an exhausting read this morning I have finally got through Maxi comments and the replies they elicit. Can I please ask that no one replies to dear Maxi it only encourages him/ her/ they / it to post more rubbish.
Much like adverts, of any description, his/her comments simply wash over me. I wonder if s/he is a disabled, black, transgender, left-winger?
Helmut, On.
The media are circling.
If he is not made Baroness of Scotland’s Blackford… no justice.
Shame about the gammons laughing outside under the shell bursts.
They are just amazed that Botswana is taking such an interest in their conflict.
But he must have saved some lives:
one look at his goggle eyes and all assume he has just seen an incoming cluster bomb and run for cover. Like a stopped clock he will be right a couple of times a day at least.
A permanent look of a stunned rabbit in car headlights which is tiring to watch for more than a few seonds,
I keep looking over my shoulder wondering what he has seen.
He’s a nasty piece of work.
Orla’s post is cute, as he stands, at night, on top of a building, fully kitted out, with a spotlight shining at him and past him into the void where folk lurk with the means to detect… light.
Where’s Warden Hodges when you need him ?
“I’ll have you Myrie, so ‘elp me”
Reporting news or reporting on the reporters reporting on the news?
Top marks to Clive and Lyse. If I ever wanted to know about what it’s like to stand on the roof of a hotel in Kyiv, they are the people to tell me. Actually going to the front line and reporting on the war, less so.
Has he got a gong yet ? No worries, he will – for services to journalism. Mark my words. The Beeb are pushing him front and centre for everything. Just like Nadya.
Orla Guerin is known for her “sympathetic and realistic” reports of Israel.
Today watch
Meeshal reports on a few coloured folk ( students ) being called bad names in Ukraine /Poland as women and kids die ….
Robinson loses the plot ( in my ears )
1 over the number of visas granted to people claiming to be from Ukraine – with Jim cleverly …
2 Then he attacks on rich Russians
3 Then he focuses on some dodgy Russian who bought a peerage from nut nut .
It’s human – when seeing the horror of Ukraine – to want to lash out – but Robinson is meant to be a professional and conducting a rant – sorry -interview the way he did was not it the best tradition of the BBC …
I think Robinson has ‘issues ‘….
On 3 – corruption in public life is bigger than a Russian buying a peerage – it’s about the corruption of the upper house itself – which needs to be ended.
Toenails has more than a few.
Probably knows it should be him, shining a light, in the darkness, in full gear, and Clive of Kyiv on the borders getting the sob stories from aspiring doctors of Pelosi.
Now all he is known for is exchanging war stories in warsore with Brando.
Forgive my ignorance but who the hell is Toenails? I miss a lot on here by not being able to identify the subjects of comments. Be aware that my viewing of the BBC is limited so even telling me may not clear up any confusion.
Moggie – I know – I find it annoying too – toenails is – apparently -Robinson of “today ‘ fame – I don’t like it because it humanises him and sounds like affection .
Others misnamed are ‘
‘Timmeh’? Who is the BBC director general
Brillo – Andrew Neal
Krankie – the Scot’s first minister
Sleepy Joe – the false US president
There are plenty more – I share your frustration . Abbreviations can also be ‘exclusionary ‘ ACABE
There are plenty of other nicknames used here
Bet you both really enjoyed Private Eye back in the day.
But staying constantly annoyed is clearly the preferred state of some.
Posted somewhere else but interesting
“British Brexiteers: what tangible benefits have you seen so far?
My daughter lives in social housing (housing association) and she recently had need of help with her heating
Being a social kind of person she made the engineer a cup of tea and while they were talking it came out that the waiting list for social housing in our area had dropped from 3 years to just over 2 months
When she asked why she was told that nearly all of the Eastern European workers at the local slaughter house/meat packing plant had done moonlight flits and left the properties empty.
The slaughter house was now employing Welsh people again at higher wages
The Welsh families living in sub standard accommodation now have access to the housing that was previously denied them
I know to many this post will be an invitation to tell me what a bad person I am but the locals who now have decent homes and well paying jobs (without the previous requirement of being able to understand Polish) will all think Brexit was the best thing that ever happened.
Unfortunately Fiona Moneybags down in London still cannot find a cleaner like that nice girl from the Ukraine – Fiona sees no benefits at all”
We have never seen or heard a reasoned discussion about the effects of an increase in EU immigrants to the UK between 2004 and 2021 on housing (we have a 2 million housing units shortfall), or hospital waiting times even before COVID, or the increase in in-work benefits.
We got the platitudes – they contribute more than they take out, they do the jobs Brits refuse to do, they are needed to pay our pensions – all proven palpably false, but nothing else.
Incidentally, I’m still at a loss to understand why we have had 6.3 million EU adult nationals granted settled status and the ONS says there were only 3+ million resident here last year. Are the remainder only not here for the ongoing benefits?
Today watch again
Robinson interviews Alan Duncan – one of those awful traitor tories who did every thing to stop brexit . I hope he is not an mp any more .
But … Duncan made his money in oil . And he carefully explained the dangers of cutting oil supplies from Russia – the consequences of which could be oil and gas ‘rationing ‘ and being so expensive as to disrupt the economy .
Duncan was speaking in a ‘grown up ‘ way which Robinson couldn’t handle – so he cut him off – meanwhile meeshal in Poland is out of her depth ….
One thing on Ukrainian refugees – they will have documents to show who they are won’t they ? Unlike the dinghy boys who never have ID and should be immediately deported or put in prison …
You can say that again edition
Telegraph, Guardian and ‘i’ newspapers each share the same frontpage pic they variously caption as: ‘Running for their lives‘; ‘People fleeing…‘; or ‘Civilians attempting to flee‘ – attribution to particular titles is moot – since the story across our supposedly broad range of opinion press is identikit. Fortunately, for these fleeing civilians at least – all are chaps, no women or kids – and in the photo a couple of them did have their “Press” flack vests on and kevlar helmets, and they do appear to have grabbed their cameras, tripods, sound equipment etc, as they rush to safety.
‘Conflict forces Britain to re-examine ties with EU‘ (FT) – how so?
I thought they promised us there would be no EU army – wasn’t the EU army just a scare story cooked up by daft Brexiteers?
‘According to Lord Peter Ricketts…‘ – Ricketts served as chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) under Prime Minister Tony Blair – thank you Wiki
‘… choices have been forced and simplified. “European security is the number one national security priority for the UK”, he says‘ (FT) – what, not our own borders and potential local threats… such as terrorism?
Our left-leaning globalist liberals will take every opportunity to scorn Britain: ‘Sanctions UK accused of moving too slowly on oligarchs‘ (Guardian) and instead they admire europe: ‘Macron presses Putin over humanitarian crisis…‘ (Guardian)
‘not good enough or don’t care‘ (BBC) – sorry, that’s not criticism of the Tory government on just about any issue you can think of – that’s: ‘– pundits react to derby defeat‘ in Manchester United’s match against City. Back to serious red on blue action…
‘Paris urged London to lift visa blockage preventing 150 Ukrainian refugees reaching UK from Calais‘ (FT) – France not a safe country still?
Speaking of visas: ‘Russia’s banks are scrambling to switch to a Chinese card system after Visa and Mastercard suspended opperations‘ (Telegraph) – so how about we put sanctions on China?
As for the refugees – after brief intermittant border closures – mainly token and mostly aimed at UK holidaymakers returning here – betwixt Brexit and Lockdown – seems we’re about to relinquish control oncemore: ‘Priti vow: I’ll open UK to ALL Ukrainians‘ (Sun) – really? ALL Ukrainians? ‘More than 1.5m refugees have quit Ukraine in 10 days‘ (Daily Mirror) Don’t Hong Kongers have first dibs? ‘The UK opened its borders to three million Hong Kongers and their dependents – potentially five million people – following China’s democracy crackdown. And they’ve been arriving in the UK or applying to come here – on average – at a rate of 2,500 a week since January‘ (Sky News December 2021) – won’t all that potentially “overwhelm” our NHS? Of course millions don’t always suddenly turn up when a politician gives this kind of green light – like Merkel did – often it’s more of a gradual influx – call it Chinese water torture – easily ignored at first but after a while…
Sports news – although it’s all political these days – and look at this… not all the politics is in the direction the BBC approves – rainbow football boot laces, taking the knee, Black Power salutes, etc: ‘Russian gymnast investigated for wearing pro-war symbol on podium next to Ukrainian‘ (BBC) ‘The letter Z has become symbolic with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has been seen painted on the side of tanks and military vehicles, as well as being worn by pro-war politicians in Russia‘ – I wonder, who will be the first to call for a shortening of our alphabet to 25 letters – in support of Ukraine?
What’s our equivalent to the Cyrillic Z? There’s your starter for ten, Bamber.
I wonder how our press will “spin” this celeb story?
‘Did detox diet play a part in Shane’s death?‘ (Daily Express); ‘Hero Warnie died after extreme liquid diet. 14 day “shred” before heart attack‘ (Daily Star) – perhaps he should’ve stuck to his Aussie diet of tinnies and coke?
The Star’s thought for the day is a familiar frontpage feature that persists when other favourites such as the FT’s Datawatch come and go. This morning we wake up to: ‘When will this madness end?‘ – referring of course to: ‘Putin fires on civilians‘ – really, did he personally fire on civilians – all the way from Moscow? Although given the Star’s medium range weather forecast: ‘Sub zero spring‘ – and of course our shared european dependence on Russian fuel – perhaps the madness here is our persistent blind adherence to Greenie climate alarmism?
‘Russia’s Ukraine Invasion and Climate Change Go Hand in Hand‘ (a rare appearance hereabouts for Carnegie Europe – ranked the third most influential think tank in the world – based Rue du Congrès 15, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium)
‘Brexit and the Dismal Reality of “Take Back Control”… Today, Johnson lacks Cnut’s self-awareness. Egged on by the campaigners for Brexit, he insists that Britain will flourish‘ (Peter Kellner for Carnegie Europe in 2020) – the Dismal Reality… you can say again.
The No Fleas on Us media.
‘Taking cover’ seems more technically accurate, as these are brave souls. I know this because I am constantly told this. Albeit, by them.
But to what end? Looking at Clive, in the light, in the darkness, he at distance could easily look like a worthy point of engagement, and buggering about in rubble closer to the action simply garners little more than imagery of each other… buggering about in rubble.
Still, Clive of Kyiv will get the awards, noble savage that he is. From on high.
And Toenails’ headphones will spin around that polished dome like a ballistic helmet on a bayonet fitted rifle in the wind. In the studio. Where he has piles.
“………Looking at Clive, in the light, in the darkness, he at distance could easily look like a worthy point of engagement”
Would look ‘cammed out’ to me………………
“Z” is just a shape to Russians. The Cyrillic letter for “Z” looks like our number “3”.
It is likely the Greek letter Zeta. In much the same way the Allied troops use Lambda, the inverted V.
Just for the record, the Ukrainian alphabet has more letters than the English one and the equivalent to the Cyrillic z (з) is err, z.
One might wonder what part of Lviv the poor girl hails from.
The BBC website has a very very long feature on the parents of a pretty 10 ? Year old girl who was murdered at the Manchester arena by a Muslim terrorist .
If you didn’t know the background to the mass killings ( 21?) plus a hundred injured – you’d needed to search hard to find out who did it and why and what they were doing in the UK in the first place .
The feature focuses on the grief of the parents – which is – ok – but it would be better to show the Muslim terrorist – and why he wanted to kill as many kids at a pop concert as possible .
And as an aside the incompetence and cowardice of those who were meant to protect those kids …
Apologies, not Al Beeb but the equally-biased Sly, fronted by the reptilian Kay Bully, is currently pushing the UK’s inhumanity compared with the EU with regard to visas for Ukrainians. France suggesting we set up a consulate in Calais…just for Ukrainians I ask myself or for the hordes who would otherwise pay £5k for a boat trip?
The fact that we are furthest west from the Ukraine in Europe seems lost on her.
It is the new line of attack across all U.K. MSM.
Meanwhile, the fate of Irish med students hangs in the balance.
A lovely looking colleen to be sure.
“No, you!”
More light… in the darkness.
Good article here from Greenfield. Looks like the Moslems are going to win the war in Ukraine.
9am Radio4 And it is yet another show about black victimhood
Black people who are just 3 or 4% of UK population.
So rare in some parts of the country that you can go for weeks without seeing one.
As ever this show is all London and vastly black
Of the 3 guests there is one ONE white guest
– Ralph Rugoff director of the Hayward Southbank Gallery promoting his new Louise Bourgeois exhibition at the Hayward Gallery (a French-American artist who worked in her 70s & 80s known for her large-scale sculpture and installation)
– “Somali-British poet Warsan Shire has been hailed as the voice of a generation, who has collaborated with the superstar Beyoncé.”
– Drama director Kwame Kwei-Armah promoting his play about African American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat who worked with Andy Warhol
..He laid on being the victim, thick.
“Oh I feel treated like a stranger in my own country”
Yes and lots of white people get treated as strangers too cos of their unusual appearance , say if they are 7ft tall or a dwarf etc.
A shout for GB News. Eamon doing great job. They bought up the Blair story of him trying to repent for Iraq and discuss it in a balanced way.
The network has found a clear balanced editorial voice. I haven’t felt like I was being programmed a la BBC or had the desire to destroy my TV.
Whilst not perfect, it is a vast improvement over the other established old media.
Plus Eamon always reminds me of one role models – Alan Partridge.
Tony Blair (Not His Real Name)
I compare the reporting of what is happening in Ukraine by the BBC and GB News. GB News, in spite of not having anyone on the ground, wins hands down. I have retired senior military people like Lord Dannat discussing the military situation, what is going on in Russia etc etc. The BBC has Clive Myrie interviewing other BBC staff and finding a person in distress and asking them, ‘how do you feel (now that you have lost everything and your untrained father is fighting the Russian army implied)?
LOL. BBC is so plainly manipulative that they put puppies to shame! Bad BBC.
That is a good point about the guests they have. GB News real people who do the jobs. BBC, like you say, is all analysts, journos, politicians. Bulls–t Central.
TOADY Watch #1 – two names come to mind when I hear protests from Labour about Lebedev
TOADY are quick to slur and accuse. Quick to slur the PM and accuse him of being in bed with Russians and Russian money in much the same way they treated former President Trump. I have two names for the Labour Party at Broadcasting House and also the Labour MPs in Paliament: Derepaska and Mandelson.
Who is Barry Gardiner? Labour MP links to ‘Chinese spy’ Christine Lee, China and £500k donation – explained
The Chinese Foreign Ministry said the British are ‘too obsessed with James Bond 007 movies’ and rejected claims Christine Lee is a spy
Shell defends ‘difficult’ decision to buy Russian crude oil,discounted%20price%20was%20%22difficult%22.
Why did Biden repeatedly rule out using force against Russia in the run-up to their invasion, instead of at least maintaining “strategic ambiguity” and keeping all options on the table?
And later even signalling that a ‘minor incursion’ would be acceptable?
Because he’s an Imbecile.
Why didn’t Biden address Russia’s security concerns; maybe persuade NATO to drop the threat of having Ukraine as a member, might be a better question.
The myth that Russia felt “threatened” is propaganda repeated by useful idiots.
Putin has openly planned to recreate something like the Soviet Empire for decades.
The BBC’s Keunssberg comments…
Ukraine war has put the brakes on efforts to remove Boris Johnson – for now
Note the weasely and threatening words “for now”
So very Keunssberg, so very BBC!
They are determined to make Boris choke on the party cake aren’t they?
Starmer now has a backbone and cervix!
I don’t know about a cervix but I would say he’s a c**t.
digg, I still think the links between ‘Part-time’, Pippa Crerar, the BBC and the Daily Mirror should be investigated. Maybe Sir Keir Starmer would like to call – in Parliament – for a Special or Judicial Inquiry?
I thought not.
Digg – if the cake prosecution / gray report were to be released soon – eg this week – I wonder how it will play out ?
I’ve always said that the cake thing was nothing but a contrived swamp story – with added grief from relatives of those who died over the same period …
Prosecutions ? No – out of time – would there have been prosecutions ‘in time ‘? Only politicians will say .
Meanwhile either Ukraine continues to die or the war spreads or we start to feel the economic and social consequences ….
..every day I wish putin dead …slowly ..painfully
I think she meant.
Ukraine war has put the brakes on the BBC’s efforts to remove Boris Johnson – for now.
Ukraine invasion: The children with cancer fleeing war at home
I doubt they can come up with a more gutter-press headline than that.
The BBC seem to be far more interested in producing heart-rending personal stories about as many individuals as they can than actually telling us what is going on with the actual war.
Right now, I know the BBC’s narcissitic Ukraine editor’s mother was able to buy bread the other day and she noticed she isn’t crying as much as she did, but I have no idea of the overall picture of what is happening or who is doing what. It’s just constant propaganda.
When that happens with the BBC, it’s usually because they don’t want me to know something.
“”All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting.’
George Orwell
Back in 2014 someone said Labour’s Stop The War Coalition had been highjacked by Putin
“Putin’s Little Helpers”
BBC banging on about how Poland ( next to Ukraine) is taking in millions of refugees but we’ve only taken fifty .
Now look Beeboids we’ve taken in tens of millions of people , mostly bogus asylum seekers .
We took in Polish nationals before they were in the EU , as asylum seekers . Has Poland taken in any British nationals ?
What other refugees has Poland taken in ?
Sorry BBC , but it’s because of people like you that our refugee and asylum system is broken , and that’s why we don’t trust the Powers That Be to make it fair for us .
It’s your fault ,BBC .
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Click to access BBC-News-at-Six,-BBC-1,-26-February-2021,-1800.pdf
Rush job.
BBC News at Six
Type of case Broadcast Standards
Outcome In Breach
Service BBC 1
Date & time 26 February 2021, 18:00
Category Due accuracy in news
The acknowledgement and correction of significant
mistakes on air
Summary A news programme featured an inaccurate statement
regarding Alex Salmond’s view as to whether or not
Nicola Sturgeon should resign as First Minister of
Scotland whilst he gave evidence to a Scottish
Parliament Committee. There was not any
acknowledgement or correction on air. In breach of
Rules 5.1 and 5.2.
During the news headlines at the start of BBC News at Six, newsreader Sophie Raworth briefly
introduced the top story about Alex Salmond giving his “long awaited” evidence to the Scottish
Parliament Committee investigating the Scottish Government’s alleged handling of sexual harassment
claims against him. This was followed: firstly by a brief clip of Mr Salmond giving his evidence in front
of the Scottish Parliament Committee; and then a short statement from BBC Scotland Editor Sarah
Smith (“the reporter”) who was reporting live from Holyrood. She said:
“Rush Job” @GW’s sarcasm there
It’s taken Ofcom 12 months to judge a simple thing that happened on Feb 26th 2021 on BBC News at Six
#1 Sarah Smith wrongly said Salmond had said Sturgeon should resign .. see video
#2 BBC pulled the Iplayer version
#3 The BBC & Sarah Smith apologised on Twitter ..2.5 hours later
#4 Same day report in Nationalist press
#5 on 28th Feb 2021 Reported in Unionist press as “Sarah Smith is being bullied”
#6 ..Scots Nationals take it to Ofcom cos the apology on Twitter is not as same magnitude as the original TV prog item
Video .. which has another tweet underneath with a video of Salmond’s actual words.
The Sarah Smith and BBC identical correction tweets
BBC apology to Douglas Murray “we need less islam” is not a hate preacher
175,646 views22 Jun 2017
We need less BBC.
Press Gazette and now BBC are reporting the Ofcom story
“Ofcom says BBC breached Broadcasting Code by not airing on-air correction of inaccurate reporting that Alex Salmond called for Nicola Sturgeon to resign last April”
I’ve noticed that many of the times the BBC are forced to apologise, the reasons are not ‘mistakes’ like they claim.
They are deliberate and blatant lies.
BBC1 news just covered the item
note exactly an apology to Salmond or to viewers.
Next item “rapper Dizzee Rascal found guilty of violence against his girlfriend”
They were trawling for exotics from far away and got a bunch of upset Paddy wimmin.
May name can be shortened, which is not my preference.
If someone I value and look set to engage with further I will politely point this out.
If they value me, honoured. If not, no loss.
Hitting The BBC outrage floor seems a very niche bunch.
“Boris Johnson said the UK would be “very generous” to refugees but would not let people in without any checks.”
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The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure.
The suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year had been rescued from the Libyan civil war by the Royal Navy. Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the foyer of the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017 as concert-goers, many of them children, were leaving the venue.31 Jul 2018
Foodbank Britain : Potatoes are now £5 per 25Kg bag at a farm I passed yesterday
That’s 20p for 1Kg
.. The nearby farm shop has a choice of Varona or Marfona for £6 per 25Kg bag
Little bird tells me our government is not being entirely truthful about its sanctions with Russian oil and gas. Claiming that a subsidiary company of Gazprom registered in Britain is is buying gas from Britain and not from Russia is twisting truth so much it has become a lie.
Of course cowardly Boris needs to be able to tell these lies in order to preserve his fantasy bubble of net zero carbon, which is of course unachievable.
Forget yachts and Mayfair homes, the only real sanction that would hurt Putin is a ban on Russian oil and gas.
That would of course send fuel prices soaring, because of the West’s idiotic ‘green’ policies.
Surprise surprise, you can’t run an energy-hungry civilisation on windmills.
So the West is dithering over imposing a ban with any teeth because of Biden’s idiotic anti-fossil fuel policies, such as shutting down the Keystone pipeline while opening up Nord Stream. (A double bonanza for Putin who must have thought it was Christmas.)
It’s simple, but you won’t see that anywhere on the BBC, enamoured as they are with Biden and all things ‘green’.
Deserves to be read in its entirety, but here’s a taster:
“Biden Wokeness on Energy Is Weakness”
“Biden’s energy policy is bankrupting the country and making us a paper tiger abroad.”
“Fact is, this country is now being “led” by a man who absolutely will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. In just over a year, Biden has brought inflation roaring back to levels not seen in 40 years, has destroyed our southern border as millions of illegal aliens, along with Chinese fentanyl, flood the country, and now we have been involved in two major international debacles with Afghanistan and Ukraine. The list could go on, but perhaps that’s too depressing.
With every opportunity to make the right decision, Biden and his administration choose the most asinine choice possible, leading one to ask, “Is this a clown show led by an imbecile? Or do you just completely hate this country?”
Answer: both.
Consider his actions on the energy front, which is part and parcel of the inflation disaster: they’re so committed to the hoax and woke religion of man made global warming and shutting down fossil fuels that they sacrificed our energy independence on its altar. Crude oil more than doubled under Biden before war broke out in Ukraine, and natural gas had risen 74 percent before the Russians invaded. Now with the crisis in Ukraine we’re seeing oil approaching $120 per barrel. None of this had to happen, mind you, especially since under Donald Trump the United States had become a net exporter of energy.
But Biden wasted no time enacting his idiotic policies. On day one of his administration he shut down the Keystone pipeline, put thousands of people out of work, crippled our self-sufficient energy production, and made us reliant on purchasing absurd quantities of oil from countries that despise us.
He is Example A of how quickly things can go wrong with terrible leadership.
With America now importing 595,000 barrels of Russian oil a day—that adds up to more than $1 billion a month we’re paying Russia—the fact is our terrible energy policy is helping finance Putin’s invasion. If you want to really know how bad it is, consider that in 2021 alone it’s estimated that European nations, most of which are NATO members, paid Russia $100 billion for oil and gas. So the infantile Left has weakened the United States and Europe in the face of Putin’s energy dominance and strengthened his hand by pumping up his coffers with oil and gas money. The environmentalist wackos and weak-kneed political “leaders” are absolutely responsible for what are now being described as war crimes in Ukraine.”
Criticism a-plenty regarding the reluctance of the UK to take in Ukranian refugees. Poland, amongst others, are taking many of them in, simply because they have the room and feel that these people will adapt to their new home and be anxious to earn their keep. The reason they are turning some back at the border isn’t a racist construct, simply that there is a limited number of places, and they would sooner have a mother and her children rather than half a dozen fighting-age males who will do little other than stick their arses in the air five times a day, pausing only to eye up the local white women and make nuisances of themselves. We have, unwisely, taken in hundreds of thousands of these chancers, convinced that we are doing the right thing, rather than simply dumping them back on the beach in Calais. We are stuck with them now, and we have no room at the inn for those who genuinely need our help. When I say “We” are convinced we are doing the right thing, don’t include me, please.
Yes, we’ve taken in all the wrong ones, and now can’t take in the truly deserving.
Deport the “wrong ones” to make space for the “deserving ones” .
One for Priti to sort that mess out .
Remember Priti and her promises & promises ?
Lets face it, while ‘net zero’ would be ideal until we have the plant and equipment to achieve that aim in the far distant future, we need to buy that time with fossil fuel etc. Who decided to order the sealing up with concrete of our fracking wells a week or two ago ?
The Reform Party and Nigel Farage has shown the way.
Why has the BBC been driving the ‘green agenda’ ?
Perhaps maxincony will tell us when he wakes up?