BBC now openly criticising the Government with regards to its handling of the Ukraine war..
Labour saying they will stand firm with the government and work with them during crisis.
Sadly it didn’t last long. So far today I have seen 4 Labour representative’s openly slagging of the government. They just can’t help themselves.
It really is a new low by Labour and the BBC.Why do think it’s morally acceptable to make political capital out of such heartbreak and carnage.
Just witnessed an interview where a Ukrainian refugee who has lived in this country for years slagging of this Government saying we are not doing enough….really..!!! Where do they find these people..???
If the criticism was constructive then perhaps you could understand but it’s not. Most of it is factually incorrect and non sensical. Pathetic.
International Men’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually in November to recognise and celebrate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of men. The objectives of celebrating an International Men’s Day are set out in ‘All The Six Pillars of International Men’s Day’. Wikipedia
For those kidults who care about such things ‘happy international …fill in the gap …day ‘ … what a waste of words …
I’m just waiting for some fem loon to complain about women and children being got to safety in Ukraine whilst the men are not allowed to leave and are expected to fight for their country ?
Such a thing just must not compute in the head ( nearly said mind ) of the average snowflake woke ….
Ok Nicola, whereas I DON’T support #WorldHijabDay, because I think women should be allowed to dress however they want to, without pressure, or threat of violence, or imprisonment, to comply with archaic and misogynistic religious doctrines.
Meanwhile, women in Iran languish in jail for defying the hijab.
“Three women have been charged with ‘inciting prostitution’ for not wearing veils and sentenced to 30+ years in prison between them.”
“In 2019 Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for defending women who peacefully protested for women to have the right to choose what to wear.”
Exactly Vlad, let alone their own freedom to express themselves, it’s a loss to the world that they are forced to cover up by a bunch of religious fanatics!
Marine Le Pen: Yes I can confirm that I don’t intend to attack Islam, which is a religion like any other. And, because I am strongly attached to our French values, I want to conserve total freedom of religion. That’s my opinion.
Rob in Cheshire
I learnt to write in the 1940s – I think it was called the Marion Richardson method – and we were taught the z for lower case, like a long 3, and also lower case Rs with a flattish top and two sides, easier for joined up writing, and both of which I still use on the infrequent occasions I write by hand.
My mother would have been learning to write around the same time. Due to an early education on the move, and residing in three different countries, each with their own education system, my sisters and I were mostly taught to read and write by our mother. As a result we all tend to write lower case z in the same way, like a 3 with a lower loop that extends below the line, and ‘funny’ shaped lower case ‘rs’.
At secondary school here in the UK, in the 1980s, I used to get told off for my ‘strange’ writing, and for writing 7s with a bar through them (to differentiate them from 1s) – I’d always wondered where my mother picked up these odd ‘quirks’, she passed on to us, and I think you’ve just explained Messenger.
Methods of writing learned in infancy are really hard to shake off.
I was taught the Marion Richardson method too, but in the 1970s! I still write my lower case “z” in that way. It was a big thing when we allowed to stop using pencils and write with a fountain pen, usually an inexpensive Platignum. When I see the way children hold their pens these days, I realise that handwriting cannot be taught much in schools.
I see the Republicans and Fox news blaming Biden over his disastrous energy policies, but I don’t see them offering any alternative, other than “lets waste energy as quickly as we can”.
Reckless use of gas and oil in the UK and Europe has led to much of it being depleted far too quickly. These are finite resources, and a country like America has built its society on cheap oil, when that oil begins to run out as it inevitably will the American society will collapse.
Building housing so far away from any kind of shop that a car ride is necessary just to buy basic necessities is assininely stupid.
America needs to rethink its policies to make it possible for people to be able to walk to or take a short ride on public transport to the nearest shops, or it’s going to fail in the not too distant future.
There is a piece on twitter where President Trump makes a speech where he identifies the risks of the EU/krauts becoming energy dependent on putin …the camera cuts away to the German Reps (UN?) laughing at him .
As the twitter says – they are not laughing now …
It’s strange how some of the ‘bellicose ‘ comments President Trump made in office – are now coming True – at such a horrible – dreadful- price .
One might expect an unbiased media to point this out – but as we know – It. Won’t, Happen ….
Thoughtful – I recall thar the US oil ‘strategic ‘ reserve was never meant to be used – and retained for use in national emergency – not sold overseas .
Now it seems to be just used as another form of export – which may well land up keeping the lights on in bits of Europe .
This week nut nut is going to announce some kind of energy strategy. I predict the headline will be about cutting VAT on bicycle sales – needed because no one can afford to fuel a car or power up a ridiculous electric car ….
More seriously – it will be a test of whether he is in charge or his green loon metro wife is still running the government …
2017 …. Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Yes, nice to see a Telegraph journo endorsing Trump, however cautiously. Like the rest of the msm, the august Telegraph was very sniffy towards Orange Man.
TOADY Watch #1 – are the BBC naive or stupid or …..
It seems like April/May 2020 all over again on TOADY but this time with refugees instead of PPEs. The BBC do not seem to realise that Government Ministers give instructions to Civil Servants to ‘do things’ and Rishi writes the cheques in Treasury to fund the Civil Servants carrying out the instructions of Government Ministers. The Government Ministers do not actually go out and order PPe or check refugees passports in person; they expect responsible officials to that job properly. So back to the big question.
Are the BBC naive or stupid or ….. are they being deliberately blind to Civil Servants deliberately hampering or even disobeying instructions just to make the Conservative Government look bad and to provide a Lame Labour Leader and his Opposition Front Bench an opportunity to make look like a (unlikely) ‘Government in waiting’?
Looks like the military are going to have to go to Calais to sort out the real refugee mess that the idiot Home Secretary cannot .
If it is another attempt by the civil service to undermine her by refusing to do the job – it would be an obscenity …. At the moment it is an embarrassing shambols
I don’t believe it’s her, I honestly believe Boris and nut nut have pressured her into doing nothing.
No country could be as utterly useless at controlling their border unless it was deliberate.
People need to get off this silly idea it’s because Patel is useless, when all the time this is the one world government of Socialists doing exactly the same as they are doing in every other Western country.
The Home Office clearly needs to be reconfigured. Even back in 2006 the Labourite John Reid admitted it wasn’t “fit for purpose”.
Like the NHS it will keep limping along until I am long gone, because there is no one with any balls or wherewithal to get to grips with it. Personnel come and go, and in essence no bugger is bothered !!!
I had reason to go down Reading Job centre recently. A security guard blocks you at the door, then another escorts you to a guy with a clipboard behind some bulletproof perspex, you are allowed to walk up the stairs unaccompanied, where you are met by guard number three, who will take you to your ‘advisor’. Then you get some really sage advice like, Have you tried the Civil Service website for a job. It’s hard to hold your tongue. The advisor next door didn’t like it when I told him to put his shoes back on. Then it’s a couple of escorts to leave. Thank the lord, I found some employment, it was the pits of civilisation. None of security spoke coherent English.
Not about the BBC … but the big power companies – Eon and EdF must be really feeling the pain from those punters on fixed energy contracts now .
Ironic that they are French and had to be baled out by the French government last month – before the war ….
Somehow the ‘financial statement ‘ planned by sunak for the 17th? Will turn into full blown budget ….
Extract from DT
STARTS Emmanuel Macron pledged to ditch the French licence fee that largely funds state TV and radio as he kicked off his re-election campaign with a low-key meeting in a Paris suburb in a race upended by the Ukraine conflict.
The 44-year-old centrist also ruled out taking part in any debates with rivals before the first round of the election on April 10 – a move likely to enrage opponents who say he is hiding behind his presidential status to avoid taking hits.
While his main rivals launched their campaigns at flag-waving mass rallies, Mr Macron picked a small cultural centre in the nondescript town of Poissy for a “conversation” with around 300 locals on everything from the threat of nuclear war to more sport in primary schools to avoid child obesity.
But perhaps his most eye-catching pledge was to do away with the licence fee that helps fund France Télévisions and a string of state radio stations, saying it was part of his drive to cut taxes and boost French spending power.
“It costs €137 on average,” he told the crowd. Removing it, he added, was in the same vein as shelving housing tax, which he did during his first mandate. “We must go all the way,” he said.
As in the UK, the French licence fee has become a bugbear for the French Right. Both hard-Right candidates Éric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen want to see it ditched, and mainstream conservative runner Valérie Pécresse has said there should be no “taboo” over privatisng state broadcasters.
Riding high in the polls – the latest place him on 30 per cent in round one with his nearest rival, Ms Le Pen reaping little more than half on 18 per cent – Mr Macron has been accused of abusing his presidential status, first due to the Covid crisis and now Ukraine, to avoid entering the electoral ring.ENDS
Centerist? Strikes me that the Left have moved so far to the Left they can no longer understand what right and Left are, and as someone else said, when you are at the South Pole, every direction appears to be North.
A woman claimed that a gang of male avatars virtually groped her in Meta’s metaverse, The Mail on Sunday reported. The 43-year-old said she was also verbally harassed by the avatars in Meta’s Horizon Venues.30 Jan 2022
Celebrity armchair general Zelensky who is trying to become the darling of the press in Europe is doing his utmost to force the World into Nuclear War. It couldn’t be that if the Russkies take him they might uncover what he and his cronies have been up to could it?
If you go by Blair’s past history in negotiations with the IRA.
Putin and the rest of his butchers will get letters of comfort..get out of jail free cards and of course the Ukrainians will get charged with war crimes.
Clarification : they did change the title of the article
but their first promo tweet is still up.
It wouldn’t load on my tablet
but it will load here on the desktop
So Twitter was probably having problems earlier.
I think the article is the same, they just changed the title,
Someone points out the article is about MIGRANTS and MEN and sums it up by quoting “The logical endpoint for International Women’s Day would be a unisex campaign,”
Feminism = give all the migrants the vote, especially the men and then we wouldn’t have had Brexit or something
In honor of U.S. Black History Month, today’s Doodle illustrated by San Francisco, CA-based guest artist Monique Wray celebrates athlete Marcenia “Toni” Stone, who overcame both gender and racial discrimination to become the first woman in history to play professional baseball as a regular in a men’s major baseball league. On this day in 2021, Stone was inducted into the Minnesota Sports Hall of Fame.
I think this website should have a moments’ silence for the ‘reputation’ of Mr John Bercow.
An independent panel has found that allegations of bullying and being an all round bad egg are true .
Naturally the bad egg disputes the findings . Lets hope he goes to court ( if he can ) and his misconduct in office fully exposed to the public .
Other Remainer Traitors will rally round this scoundrel- others will thank nut nut for not adding his character to the Lords – a place where his attitude would fit far too well ..
Scrob Righto – i detect a heightism theme today –
Apparently putin ( still alive sadly )
is 5 ‘ 5” . Im sure Mr Non lord Bercow is also on the short side .
As someone of just over 6’4” i have to say that i have been bullied by many a ‘superior’ suffering from shortness . I used to just accept it . But as i got older – less so -…
My last short boss got the full fury …
Our Tesco has four spaces closest to the store, with a sign painted on the tarmac saying ‘For electric vehicles only’!
As is the norm, I always park as far away from the shop doors as possible, to avoid the rock-apes, mental lightweights, tattooed brigades, fat ugly families and their hideous souped up Vauxhall Corsas with the irritating boom-boxes/exhausts blaring rap rubbish!
So that’s another reason to disregard electric cars…
(If they were listening to the BBC, I’d just move on to the next store anyway…)!
Some years ago we ditched live TV, mostly because there was nothing anyone in the family was watching on it, and it seemed like an easy way to save some £.
Now we’re thinking about ditching Netflix, because it’s also got the point where there’s nothing worth watching on it, and I don’t want to pay for something no one watches.
I also think I’m going to give up viewing the BBC website, because… you’ve guessed it, there’s nothing worth reading/viewing on it any more. That’s not quite true, but most of it is so breathtakingly bad, I am looking for alternatives, and it is at least (for the moment) ‘free’ (courtesy of foolish licence payers).
I was just wondering how many others are in the same boat? Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions across the UK?
Ive recommended dumping woke netflix several times here . Prime is only worth having because of the delivery thing . I had apple TV free once – that wasnt worth money either .
Ive not had a TV licence this century ..
As I’m on a hat-trick, I’ll just tell everyone that this morning, I’ve cooked a gammon joint, a beef joint and made a slow-cooked and dumplings lamb casserole for Senora O’Blene and me for lunch!
The new dog has also benefited from the bits and pieces, and the red wine is already flowing, so stick that, vegans!
(And if I hear that bloody vegan KFC ad on LBC once more, there’ll be a bloody great hole in the wall from where I threw the iPhone…)!
Staying right on topic lest Stewy Green should get bitchy.
I hardly comment on this website anymore because I don’t watch the BBC. It has been nearly 4 years since I withdrew my Licence tax support so I have very little to complain about in that respect.
The BBC placed this unsolicited headline on my Youtube page. I never search for BBC News items via Youtube.
I can’t imagine why it turned up on my front page.
“The Russians leaving their country for Finland – BBC News”
If Africa & The Middle East can fit into The British Isles, FInland shouldn’t have a problem sqeezing the Russians in.
Lucy ..I do not get “bitchy” , that is not my nature.
YouTube recommendations are not random
I’m pretty sure they analyse cookies to see what websites and topics you have recently visited.
eg It recommends a video to me
and then when I come to post it here I found someone else already has, like YouTube picked up that and then recommended the video to me
However YouTube doesn’t recommend any BBC or MSM to me any more
cos previously I have right clicked on a video and clicked “don’t recommend me anything from this channel”
That video is with John Simpson and has 8.1 million views
From the comments it seems the BBC first labelled it “The Polish Finland border”
I guess they later corrected that.
The popularity is probably the main reason it was recommended.
And perhaps YouTube thinks you are a fan of John Simpson.
MM give it a few more decades, and those in Government running our country will not have any history in this country beyond 1950. There’ll be an abundance of African/Indian/Oriental/Eastern European names gracing the benches. Don’t get me started on the religion and education here either.
This lunchtime, perusing articles on the BBC website, I was suddenly struck by the utterly ludicrous hypocrisy of it all.
I’m an engineer by training, and every project I work on must be entirely logical and well reasoned, if I, or one of my colleagues were to start applying irrational fantasies to what we do, people’s lives could be on the line, so we have to make sure we get everything CORRECT, not necessarily the option we’d prefer, but the one which is LOGICALLY the best for any given situation.
Anyway, the reason I bring this up, is that so many of the arguments which the BBC supports (and they do support quite a varied collection of causes, they are NOT impartial) are utterly irrational, and often completely illogical and self-contradictory.
Take the notion that we can (SHOULD! – they demand, loudly, stamping their feet and scowling) allow as many immigrants and refugees as want to come here into the country, and then state (no debate allowed) that they won’t have any negative impact.
This is illogical on numerous counts, but it also directly contradicts a number of the BBC’s other causes!
Just to highlight ONE of those, the notion of ‘rewilding’, when we’re a small country, already unable to maintain self sufficiency in food production, adding to the population WILL put more pressure on those parts of the UK which aren’t currently built up – which, if nothing else, are needed for agriculture, water collection, treatment, and purification, the siting of energy production facilities etc…
The pressure of immigration on the extremely limited resource of ‘open space’ is two-fold: on the one hand the space available is reduced, due to the necessary housing, roads, schools, shops and other infrastructure required to support the larger population, on the other, the larger population ALSO requires more space to provide for their requirements in terms of: food, water, sewage disposal, energy demands etc…
And yet, the BBC would like us to dedicate much of what’s left of this limited resource (undeveloped land) to ‘rewilding’ and providing more space for wildlife. It’s simply impossible, 1 minus 1 = 0, not the 2 which would be required to allow us to both ‘have our cake, and eat it’, which is what the BBC are demanding.
As a kind hearted person (if I say so myself), I’d LIKE to see refugees, and those living in difficult situations around the world, given a chance to start a new life in a better place. As someone who is not at all racist, I personally don’t mind where they come from, or what colour skin they have (so long as they accept us, and our rules and laws, and live as we do). Logically though, the quantity we can house is extremely limited, due to the small size of our country, the density of population already here (especially in England), and the existing demands on already squeezed ‘undeveloped’ land.
Likewise, as a conservationist and a nature lover, I’d love to see more space dedicated to wildlife and wild landscapes, and would love to see beavers, and bison, and bears back in the UK. However, with the population we’ve already got, it’s simply a daydream, it can’t be done, there isn’t room, and with immigration the problem is compounded, because there’s even less room. It’s simple logic, not hard to understand.
Why is no one publicly pointing out these blatantly obvious FACTS? Because, if they do they get shouted down, called vile names, and ‘no platformed’, that’s why.
Forget the world being ‘held to ransom by mad Putin’, we’re all being held to ransom by raving, emotionally unstable, and totally irrational idiots who’re wrecking everything, and we’re not allowed to try to stop them.
Big – I think that ‘re wilding ‘ thing is another one of those loon green ideas which the grown ups failed to kill off – and now it has ‘traction ‘ …
Personally my idea of rewilding is helping hedgehogs survive and that’s about it .
Maybe the woke stuff is now at its height as we enter a new world with a recognised state enemy – as well as the non state enemy of Islam…
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
The bully bercow was interviewed by Lady Brooke on the world at one . Ironically his attitude to both Lady Brooke and the independent report on his conduct evidenced his character .
I get the impression nobody has ever physically stood up to him and his mouth has allowed him the freedom to expand his ego to that of a monster – with a complete inability to look at himself for a moment or conceive that he might be wrong …
2pm local news, sounds like they trying to talk UP the price of petrol
… “oh it could go up to £1.80”
Hmm in the long run oil can go down as well as up.
12:30pm R4 phone in
caller “I have to fuel illegally now with red diesel THERE IS NO OTHER WAY to get the kids to school, I just can’t afford £160/diesel.
.. my rates are £200 and I live in a cottage”
.. Hm £2,400 year doesn’t sound like the lowest band property.. so it’s probably a good sized cottage
Then she says “we don’t to have to change to the nearer school, although we would have a free school bus”
.. So hang on this woman has ENTITLEMENT, she believes she can live in a big cottage & send the kids to a school further away than the nearest.
1:35pm Vine is talking about FakeNews
..”Thats why I wont tweet any story until I’ve seen it on the BBC/ITV or Sky”
Sherifat Abubakar, 33, spent her life savings to come to Wales for a Masters degree, but has failed to get a full-time job in healthcare.
BAME Mental Health Support (BMHS) said this was a common experience, resulting in a “brain drain” of talent.
In our series of letters from African writers, Nigerian novelist Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani looks at the growing frustration among the middle class that is pushing people to leave her country.
Could alternatives to Russian gas be found?
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, 197 countries agreed to try to keep temperature rises “well below” 1.5C to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Experts say that to achieve this, net zero must be reached by 2050.4 Nov 2021
“Actually, I have experience in two areas that are relevant to this discussion. I was a forward observer in Vietnam and saw the effects of a variety of projectiles from high angle to flat trajectory. And then I spent most of my adult life in commercial construction in NYC and Boston where I did a lot of demolition on a variety of masonry buildings with my own equipment. I can tell that somebody punched a hole in that wall for what ever reason. Maybe the tenant refused to pay the rent. But that is definitely a demo hole made by a machine.”
The Government has to do more / The Government aren’t doing enough / The Government has to do more / The Government aren’t doing enough………………. zzzzzzzzzzz
Is the UK turning into the only relief agency then ??? I see from tv pictures there are literally mountains of black bags at depots in Poland filled with clothes and essentials – have they come from other European countries, because we are not told if they are doing their bit too !
A powerful performance in the Commons this afternoon from Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke, who told Home Office minister Kevin Foster to go back to the department and tell them to “get a grip”. This isn’t a partisan issue, plenty of traditional Tory voters will be in complete alignment with Shelbrooke…
The smell of incompetence at a time of crisis (PPE – illegal immigrants ) infects this Tory government .
How can they fail to set up places for Ukrainians to go to register / get visas – get to the UK if vetted . As I’ve said before – these people will have papers – they will not be third world African boys going for a soft touch .
This is a real crisis and Europe has to spread the response to it – Poland and Moldova and Hungary and Romania will not have capacity to house maybe 2 or 3 or 4 million people coming from a real live war zone .
We could have been better prepared if the government hadn’t put tens of thousands of illegals in hotels …
… I saw the clip of Alec Sherbrooke – and afterward wondered if the junior home office minister trying to defend the incompetence would just throw in the towel and resign on the spot …
These are White European Christians, why does it surprise you that our far Left Blue Labour government doesn’t want them here?
Every other country inm Europe has either removed or is in the process of removing the Syrian migrants they allowed into their countries because Syria is no longer a danger to them.
Britain only allowed Muslim Syrian migrants into the country and there is no question of the far Left cowardly useless incompetent Tories ever repatriating them.
This is the big difference between Europe and the UK. This country is now full and there isn’t room or housing even for the people who live here. Nor are there any hotel spaces because they have all been taken by the illegal channel crossers, mostly Muslim, and guess what? Yep none of them have been sent back either!
This goes beyond uselessness and incompetence, the Tories like Joe Biden and every other NWO government want an open border policy and have been working with that objective in mind ever since Cameron came to power.
Revealed: MPs charge YOU for their £3,500 energy bills at their second homes as millions prepare for their fuel bills to double this year
MPs who represent seats outside London will be protected from rising fuel bills
316 MPs put in utilities claims in 2020-21 with dozens claiming more than average dual fuel tariff of £1,138
Claims for utilities totalled £262,454 in 2019-20, of which £206,717 was for gas, electricity and other types of fuel
You insist someone supplies their own second home which they need to do to be able to work late into the night when they can’t get even local transport, away from their friends and families, then you have to pay for it.
Why should someone have to pay two fuel bills because their employer insists they work into the wee small hours and is located hundreds of miles from where they live ?
Temper tantrums, sulks, berating ‘f*cking stupid’ staff and throwing mobile phones at them: Extraordinary rap sheet of bully and ‘serial liar’ ex-Speaker John Bercow is revealed in damning report as he is BANNED from Parliament for life
Bercow barred from holding Commons pass usually given to time-served MPs
Report highlighted a catalogue of appalling behaviour against three aides
It also branded him a ‘serial liar’ who would face expulsion if he was still an MP
Among his tyrannical behaviour were episodes where he threw a mobile phone so that it shattered over a secretary, and berated another by calling them ‘f*cking stupid’.
In another tirade the now 59-year-old, once branded a ‘stupid, sanctimonious dwarf’ by a minister, was described as ‘physically shaking with fury, his fists bunched and trembling, his eyes popping’.
He now faces being blocked from holding a Commons pass usually given to ex-politicians.
An official investigation found ‘his behaviour fell very far below that which the public has a right to expect from any Member of Parliament’.
Labour faced calls to strip Mr Bercow of his membership, after he defected from the Tories last year. This afternoon his membership was administratively suspended pending an investigation.
The official censure handed down today also means he becomes the first Speaker of the House of Commons in modern history to be blocked from a peerage as a reward after standing down.
So it appears that Biden and the UK have decided that the best way to defeat Russia is to throw the West into what will be the biggest depression since the 1930’s by not buying any Russian Oil, gas and stuff.
Meanwhile the EU are pretty quiet on the issue, I suspect because they don’t have to pander to so many short-sighted snowflakes.
It means of course that the US and the UK will now have to go back to basics on fuel by re-opening domestic oil wells and coal mines, fracking or buying from antagonistic Middle-Eastern tyrants to keep the population from freezing etc.
Are you ready for the onslaught from the greenies Joe – Boris?
Are you ready to be tarred and feathered at the next election Joe -Boris?
BERLIN, Feb 28 (Reuters) – E.ON (EONGn.DE), Europe’s largest operator of energy networks, rejected demands to shut down the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline as part of sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine, the company told Rheinische Post newspaper on Monday.
After the German government put the Nord Stream 2 pipeline on hold last week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Saturday called for shutting down Nord Stream 1, which has transferred Russian gas to Germany since 2011.
Nord Stream is a joint venture of Russia’s Gazprom , Germany’s oil and gas producer Wintershall DEA, PEG Infrastruktur E.ON , Dutch Gasunie (GSUNI.UL) and French Engie .
E.ON, which holds a 15.5% stake in Nord Stream 1, said the project was “completely different from the ongoing discussions about the Nord Stream 2 line”.
But at least he will do it gradually so the prices don’t rocket in one go. How considerate.
And don’t forget the hundreds of billions we spent in the pandemic and the hundreds of billions Net Zero is going to cost us. We are already in debt > 100% GDP.
Now nobody wants to work. They got used to being on holiday at home all day.
And yesterday I was talking to a local employer who was saying all his staff have no ambition whatsoever. They just want an easy life and get their pay. He offers them more responsibility and they say no. Plus the college his apprentice goes to for training just told him they had gone bankrupt and were closing down. A college going bankrupt !!!!.
It’s a perfect storm. There is no limit to how bad it could get.
This afternoon Sajid Javid announced his NHS reform package, with a focus on “shifting to a new mode” of preventative care, and introducing a new “right to choose” policy for patients on long waiting lists – a scheme that will allow patients to opt for alternative care elsewhere in the country, or rely on the private sector for more immediate treatment. All transport and accommodation will be covered by public spending.
Under the new plans, those who’ve already waited more than 2 years will be contacted this month, while those who’ve waited at least 18 months expected to be reached by the end of the year. Although Saj still warned the scale of reform means it won’t be completed quickly – and added that the NHS’s budget has swelled to match the total GDP of Greece…
Equality and Inclusion Manager WRES
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Job Reference: 990-1-EI8177-EE
Employer:NHS England and NHS ImprovementLocation:NHS East of England, Victoria House, CambridgeSalary
£47,126 – £53,219 per annum £47,126 – £53,219 per annum
More of this utter nonsense. Nowadays they seem to actively recruit BAME individuals to senior positions regardless of competence. Colour is all that matters. I know who I would want operating on me i.e. someone who is competent and not a tick box appointee to fill quotas set by these people.
Many people think Tony BLiar was awarded a knighthood without ever realising that there are grades within that honour, and that BLiar was awarded the highest one possible.
BLiar was made a knight of the garter which has a select and limited number of members. Short of a peerage this is just about the highest honour which can be bestowed on someone.
This never appears to have been made clear to people, I’m sure they would have been even more outraged had they known.
If you want tt help genuine Ukranian refugees in need of temporary asylum please sign this petion to stop k's of self entitled illegals crossing the channel & deport those taking up hotel rooms . They are all undeserving & have no right to be here
— LittleBoats 🇬🇧NI🏴🏴En (@LittleBoats2020) March 8, 2022
TYRES DEFLATED ON HUNDREDS OF SUVs OVERNIGHT IN 13+ UK LOCATIONS AS DEMANDS FOR CLIMATE ACTION GROW SUVs ‘disarmed’ last night in Chelsea, Chiswick, Harley Street, Hampstead Heath, Notting Hill, Belgravia, Clapham, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Sheffield, Liverpool and Edinburgh.
— The Tyre Extinguishers (@T_Extinguishers) March 8, 2022
MP condemns ‘unacceptable’ backlash against teacher suspended over Prophet Mohammed cartoon
… Didn’t make it onto our ITV local news Batley and Spen MP Kim Leadbeater issued a statement almost a year after the man was suspended by Batley Grammar School amid protests outside the school gates.
She said: “As I have clearly said on numerous occasions, it is completely unacceptable for him to have been forced into hiding and his family put at risk.”
If he was someone the BBC didn’t like, they would have buried the ‘says report’ bit in the article. Subtle but all part of their drip-drip-drip method.
I’ve said many times that remainers were the most nasty, spiteful and unpleasant people of all. Now this odious little bully proves it.
The BBC report does it’s best to show him in a good light. They’ve put the best picture they can find at the top and things like this defending him which have absolutely no place at all in this report:
During his decade-long stint as Speaker, Mr Bercow made several changes to Parliament to fulfil his aim to make the House of Commons “less stuffy”.
For example, he allowed MPs to speak in the chamber without wearing ties, and removed the requirement for clerks to wear wigs.
He won praise from some MPs for giving backbenchers more opportunities to question ministers.
What the BBC SHOULD be asking here is how such a man could remain in the position of speaker for 10 years. But they won’t because they supported him all the way. He is one of them.
David Lammy tells Tonight with Andrew Marr that the 'world changed on the 24th of February and 'petty spats with Macron over the English Channel and fishing rights' now 'feel pathetic'.@AndrewMarr9 |
Just in case readers have forgotten, The Democrats, at the time led by Nasty Pelosi impeached Donald Trump unsucessfully over his contacts with Ukraine and the Biden families dodgy dealings there.
Nicola Sturgeon formally apologises to all the witches executed in Scotland between 1563 and 1735.
I know she is responsible for a lot of bad decisions and policies but these unjust executions had nothing to do with her, the SNP, or anybody alive today.
This is classic political humbug. An apology three hundred years after the events in question is no good to anyone – except Sturgeon. She clearly thinks it makes her look good, siding with the ultimate female victims of history. And it might pay some political dividends for her, so many voters these days being susceptible to meaningless, virtue-signalling pantomime.
It was the passing of the Witchcraft Act of 1735 which stopped these absurd accusations and executions. That was what politicians had to do, all they could do, and all they needed to do. Nothing extra was required, then or now.
It does beg the question of the intelligence and sanity of folk like Sturgeon that they are unable to see the totally stupid validity of this hair-shirt wearing self flagellation over something so obviously crack-pot.
It demonstrates a thoroughly numbskull level of intelligence.
BBC are very late with the Covid figures. I wonder why? They normally update around the 5.30pm mark. It is not unheard of for the BBC’s web-site not to the have numbers by mid to late evening but it is unusual.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
BBC now openly criticising the Government with regards to its handling of the Ukraine war..
Labour saying they will stand firm with the government and work with them during crisis.
Sadly it didn’t last long. So far today I have seen 4 Labour representative’s openly slagging of the government. They just can’t help themselves.
It really is a new low by Labour and the BBC.Why do think it’s morally acceptable to make political capital out of such heartbreak and carnage.
Just witnessed an interview where a Ukrainian refugee who has lived in this country for years slagging of this Government saying we are not doing enough….really..!!! Where do they find these people..???
If the criticism was constructive then perhaps you could understand but it’s not. Most of it is factually incorrect and non sensical. Pathetic.
F-ck the BBC.
This is interesting in context, historically.
Good post, ‘factually incorrect and nonsensical’ is exactly right Dafyyd!
And those going along with it are like the fools clapping for the Emperor’s ‘new clothes’.
Yes, feck the BBC, as my half-Irish gran might have said after a couple of pints of stout.
International Men’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually in November to recognise and celebrate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of men. The objectives of celebrating an International Men’s Day are set out in ‘All The Six Pillars of International Men’s Day’. Wikipedia
For those kidults who care about such things ‘happy international …fill in the gap …day ‘ … what a waste of words …
I’m just waiting for some fem loon to complain about women and children being got to safety in Ukraine whilst the men are not allowed to leave and are expected to fight for their country ?
Such a thing just must not compute in the head ( nearly said mind ) of the average snowflake woke ….
Ok Nicola, whereas I DON’T support #WorldHijabDay, because I think women should be allowed to dress however they want to, without pressure, or threat of violence, or imprisonment, to comply with archaic and misogynistic religious doctrines.
Meanwhile, women in Iran languish in jail for defying the hijab.
“Three women have been charged with ‘inciting prostitution’ for not wearing veils and sentenced to 30+ years in prison between them.”
“In 2019 Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes for defending women who peacefully protested for women to have the right to choose what to wear.”
Exactly Vlad, let alone their own freedom to express themselves, it’s a loss to the world that they are forced to cover up by a bunch of religious fanatics!
Lincolnshire non-Muslim girls asked to wear hijab for a day
Published4 August 2019
Remember Marine Le Pen?
“You’re not putting that rag on me, Mister – You can stick it up your arafat.”
Turned around and walked off.
Marine Le Pen: Yes I can confirm that I don’t intend to attack Islam, which is a religion like any other. And, because I am strongly attached to our French values, I want to conserve total freedom of religion. That’s my opinion.
Rob in Cheshire
I learnt to write in the 1940s – I think it was called the Marion Richardson method – and we were taught the z for lower case, like a long 3, and also lower case Rs with a flattish top and two sides, easier for joined up writing, and both of which I still use on the infrequent occasions I write by hand.
My mother would have been learning to write around the same time. Due to an early education on the move, and residing in three different countries, each with their own education system, my sisters and I were mostly taught to read and write by our mother. As a result we all tend to write lower case z in the same way, like a 3 with a lower loop that extends below the line, and ‘funny’ shaped lower case ‘rs’.
At secondary school here in the UK, in the 1980s, I used to get told off for my ‘strange’ writing, and for writing 7s with a bar through them (to differentiate them from 1s) – I’d always wondered where my mother picked up these odd ‘quirks’, she passed on to us, and I think you’ve just explained Messenger.
Methods of writing learned in infancy are really hard to shake off.
I was taught the Marion Richardson method too, but in the 1970s! I still write my lower case “z” in that way. It was a big thing when we allowed to stop using pencils and write with a fountain pen, usually an inexpensive Platignum. When I see the way children hold their pens these days, I realise that handwriting cannot be taught much in schools.
I see the Republicans and Fox news blaming Biden over his disastrous energy policies, but I don’t see them offering any alternative, other than “lets waste energy as quickly as we can”.
Reckless use of gas and oil in the UK and Europe has led to much of it being depleted far too quickly. These are finite resources, and a country like America has built its society on cheap oil, when that oil begins to run out as it inevitably will the American society will collapse.
Building housing so far away from any kind of shop that a car ride is necessary just to buy basic necessities is assininely stupid.
America needs to rethink its policies to make it possible for people to be able to walk to or take a short ride on public transport to the nearest shops, or it’s going to fail in the not too distant future.
There is a piece on twitter where President Trump makes a speech where he identifies the risks of the EU/krauts becoming energy dependent on putin …the camera cuts away to the German Reps (UN?) laughing at him .
As the twitter says – they are not laughing now …
It’s strange how some of the ‘bellicose ‘ comments President Trump made in office – are now coming True – at such a horrible – dreadful- price .
One might expect an unbiased media to point this out – but as we know – It. Won’t, Happen ….
Thoughtful – I recall thar the US oil ‘strategic ‘ reserve was never meant to be used – and retained for use in national emergency – not sold overseas .
Now it seems to be just used as another form of export – which may well land up keeping the lights on in bits of Europe .
This week nut nut is going to announce some kind of energy strategy. I predict the headline will be about cutting VAT on bicycle sales – needed because no one can afford to fuel a car or power up a ridiculous electric car ….
More seriously – it will be a test of whether he is in charge or his green loon metro wife is still running the government …
bbc does a report on false news:-
Ukraine invasion: False claims the war is a hoax go viral
Its one of those Reality Checks they do, true or false, who knows
2017 …. Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Keep up the good work, Mark. Maybe casual visitors here will get the message and see how disingenuous those traitors at the BBC and others are.
I don’t think so – the left repeat until you give up thinking and applying reason. Bullied into submission …. no coherent message just noise.
“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
They laughed when Trump warned about the dangers of German dependency on Russian gas.
They ain’t laughing now.
Vlad – thank you – thank you for putting that up .
If only voters in America and Europe could see thar now – of all times . …..
As for the kidult girl with brazier – works for the telegraph ? Really ?
Yes, nice to see a Telegraph journo endorsing Trump, however cautiously. Like the rest of the msm, the august Telegraph was very sniffy towards Orange Man.
TOADY Watch #1 – are the BBC naive or stupid or …..
It seems like April/May 2020 all over again on TOADY but this time with refugees instead of PPEs. The BBC do not seem to realise that Government Ministers give instructions to Civil Servants to ‘do things’ and Rishi writes the cheques in Treasury to fund the Civil Servants carrying out the instructions of Government Ministers. The Government Ministers do not actually go out and order PPe or check refugees passports in person; they expect responsible officials to that job properly. So back to the big question.
Are the BBC naive or stupid or ….. are they being deliberately blind to Civil Servants deliberately hampering or even disobeying instructions just to make the Conservative Government look bad and to provide a Lame Labour Leader and his Opposition Front Bench an opportunity to make look like a (unlikely) ‘Government in waiting’?
Looks like the military are going to have to go to Calais to sort out the real refugee mess that the idiot Home Secretary cannot .
If it is another attempt by the civil service to undermine her by refusing to do the job – it would be an obscenity …. At the moment it is an embarrassing shambols
Boris … 10 troops sent to Poland Border.
200 troops to sent to NHS.
0 troops sent to UK border.
Sent Navy to speed up the process.
I don’t believe it’s her, I honestly believe Boris and nut nut have pressured her into doing nothing.
No country could be as utterly useless at controlling their border unless it was deliberate.
People need to get off this silly idea it’s because Patel is useless, when all the time this is the one world government of Socialists doing exactly the same as they are doing in every other Western country.
The Home Office clearly needs to be reconfigured. Even back in 2006 the Labourite John Reid admitted it wasn’t “fit for purpose”.
Like the NHS it will keep limping along until I am long gone, because there is no one with any balls or wherewithal to get to grips with it. Personnel come and go, and in essence no bugger is bothered !!!
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
I had reason to go down Reading Job centre recently. A security guard blocks you at the door, then another escorts you to a guy with a clipboard behind some bulletproof perspex, you are allowed to walk up the stairs unaccompanied, where you are met by guard number three, who will take you to your ‘advisor’. Then you get some really sage advice like, Have you tried the Civil Service website for a job. It’s hard to hold your tongue. The advisor next door didn’t like it when I told him to put his shoes back on. Then it’s a couple of escorts to leave. Thank the lord, I found some employment, it was the pits of civilisation. None of security spoke coherent English.
Not about the BBC … but the big power companies – Eon and EdF must be really feeling the pain from those punters on fixed energy contracts now .
Ironic that they are French and had to be baled out by the French government last month – before the war ….
Somehow the ‘financial statement ‘ planned by sunak for the 17th? Will turn into full blown budget ….
The Shape of Things to Come ?
Extract from DT
STARTS Emmanuel Macron pledged to ditch the French licence fee that largely funds state TV and radio as he kicked off his re-election campaign with a low-key meeting in a Paris suburb in a race upended by the Ukraine conflict.
The 44-year-old centrist also ruled out taking part in any debates with rivals before the first round of the election on April 10 – a move likely to enrage opponents who say he is hiding behind his presidential status to avoid taking hits.
While his main rivals launched their campaigns at flag-waving mass rallies, Mr Macron picked a small cultural centre in the nondescript town of Poissy for a “conversation” with around 300 locals on everything from the threat of nuclear war to more sport in primary schools to avoid child obesity.
But perhaps his most eye-catching pledge was to do away with the licence fee that helps fund France Télévisions and a string of state radio stations, saying it was part of his drive to cut taxes and boost French spending power.
“It costs €137 on average,” he told the crowd. Removing it, he added, was in the same vein as shelving housing tax, which he did during his first mandate. “We must go all the way,” he said.
As in the UK, the French licence fee has become a bugbear for the French Right. Both hard-Right candidates Éric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen want to see it ditched, and mainstream conservative runner Valérie Pécresse has said there should be no “taboo” over privatisng state broadcasters.
Riding high in the polls – the latest place him on 30 per cent in round one with his nearest rival, Ms Le Pen reaping little more than half on 18 per cent – Mr Macron has been accused of abusing his presidential status, first due to the Covid crisis and now Ukraine, to avoid entering the electoral ring.ENDS
Centerist? Strikes me that the Left have moved so far to the Left they can no longer understand what right and Left are, and as someone else said, when you are at the South Pole, every direction appears to be North.
Public sexual harassment: Groped and laughed at while walking to the gym
I wonder if its worse in foreign countries like Bradford for example
A woman claimed that a gang of male avatars virtually groped her in Meta’s metaverse, The Mail on Sunday reported. The 43-year-old said she was also verbally harassed by the avatars in Meta’s Horizon Venues.30 Jan 2022
Oooooooh, pleeeease, how do I get a virtual snoggy grope with my favourite Spanish actor ???
‘Snoggy Grope’ – im sure i was at school with him . …
Celebrity armchair general Zelensky who is trying to become the darling of the press in Europe is doing his utmost to force the World into Nuclear War. It couldn’t be that if the Russkies take him they might uncover what he and his cronies have been up to could it?
Tony Blair to handle the peace negotiations.
God help us..!!!!!
If you go by Blair’s past history in negotiations with the IRA.
Putin and the rest of his butchers will get letters of comfort..get out of jail free cards and of course the Ukrainians will get charged with war crimes.
The bloke is a complete hypocritical halfwit
5pm Tuesday – he addresses parliament – bet he asks for a WW3 fly zone …
More curtains for Carrie.
Ageing flower power child Zoe Williams in the Guardian would like to mark International Womens Day by giving all Migrants a vote, men and women.
That would be all the migrants living up-North at the countries expense I guess as there are not that many around Islington.
Almost akin to self-harming for attention?
Since posting the above the Guardian have slightly changed the headline…
“I know one way to improve women’s lives. It involves giving more immigrants the vote”
“I know one way to improve women’s lives. It involves giving more men the vote”
They just quietly slipped that in their, how odd! wonder why they would do that?
By men they mean “those men” not men in general…
Bizarre change
I just saw them delete their first promo tweet
Clarification : they did change the title of the article
but their first promo tweet is still up.
It wouldn’t load on my tablet
but it will load here on the desktop
So Twitter was probably having problems earlier.
I think the article is the same, they just changed the title,
Someone points out the article is about MIGRANTS and MEN and sums it up by quoting
“The logical endpoint for International Women’s Day would be a unisex campaign,”
Feminism = give all the migrants the vote, especially the men and then we wouldn’t have had Brexit or something
Someone screenshotted the earlier title

Google – Internationl Men’s Day
In honor of U.S. Black History Month, today’s Doodle illustrated by San Francisco, CA-based guest artist Monique Wray celebrates athlete Marcenia “Toni” Stone, who overcame both gender and racial discrimination to become the first woman in history to play professional baseball as a regular in a men’s major baseball league. On this day in 2021, Stone was inducted into the Minnesota Sports Hall of Fame.
British band Glass Animals are No 1 in USA (Me neither)
This band is four white (gasp) males (recoil).
BBC got story but no close up picture of faces ……now if they were…..
I think this website should have a moments’ silence for the ‘reputation’ of Mr John Bercow.
An independent panel has found that allegations of bullying and being an all round bad egg are true .
Naturally the bad egg disputes the findings . Lets hope he goes to court ( if he can ) and his misconduct in office fully exposed to the public .
Other Remainer Traitors will rally round this scoundrel- others will thank nut nut for not adding his character to the Lords – a place where his attitude would fit far too well ..
Have a nice day Mr Bercow
Right – that’s my single moment, Fed!
But he was always being bullied by his ‘wife’, as she’s much bigger than him, and not that bright between the ears as well, so he was susceptible!
Can I spare another ‘moment’…?
Scrob Righto – i detect a heightism theme today –
Apparently putin ( still alive sadly )
is 5 ‘ 5” . Im sure Mr Non lord Bercow is also on the short side .
As someone of just over 6’4” i have to say that i have been bullied by many a ‘superior’ suffering from shortness . I used to just accept it . But as i got older – less so -…
My last short boss got the full fury …
Back door wokery…
Our Tesco has four spaces closest to the store, with a sign painted on the tarmac saying ‘For electric vehicles only’!
As is the norm, I always park as far away from the shop doors as possible, to avoid the rock-apes, mental lightweights, tattooed brigades, fat ugly families and their hideous souped up Vauxhall Corsas with the irritating boom-boxes/exhausts blaring rap rubbish!
So that’s another reason to disregard electric cars…
(If they were listening to the BBC, I’d just move on to the next store anyway…)!
Some years ago we ditched live TV, mostly because there was nothing anyone in the family was watching on it, and it seemed like an easy way to save some £.
Now we’re thinking about ditching Netflix, because it’s also got the point where there’s nothing worth watching on it, and I don’t want to pay for something no one watches.
I also think I’m going to give up viewing the BBC website, because… you’ve guessed it, there’s nothing worth reading/viewing on it any more. That’s not quite true, but most of it is so breathtakingly bad, I am looking for alternatives, and it is at least (for the moment) ‘free’ (courtesy of foolish licence payers).
I was just wondering how many others are in the same boat? Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions across the UK?
Ive recommended dumping woke netflix several times here . Prime is only worth having because of the delivery thing . I had apple TV free once – that wasnt worth money either .
Ive not had a TV licence this century ..
As I’m on a hat-trick, I’ll just tell everyone that this morning, I’ve cooked a gammon joint, a beef joint and made a slow-cooked and dumplings lamb casserole for Senora O’Blene and me for lunch!
The new dog has also benefited from the bits and pieces, and the red wine is already flowing, so stick that, vegans!
(And if I hear that bloody vegan KFC ad on LBC once more, there’ll be a bloody great hole in the wall from where I threw the iPhone…)!
Scrob – food posts are banned here today – im doing a Lent fast thing today -… but keep a dumpling for me …
Staying right on topic lest Stewy Green should get bitchy.
I hardly comment on this website anymore because I don’t watch the BBC. It has been nearly 4 years since I withdrew my Licence tax support so I have very little to complain about in that respect.
The BBC placed this unsolicited headline on my Youtube page. I never search for BBC News items via Youtube.
I can’t imagine why it turned up on my front page.
“The Russians leaving their country for Finland – BBC News”
If Africa & The Middle East can fit into The British Isles, FInland shouldn’t have a problem sqeezing the Russians in.
Remember when the celebrities left the USA due to Trump being President? Oh wait ….
Lucy – you are missed – I’m being more ‘liberal ‘ in subject coverage – my extremist days are over … except for trolls …so post away …
Lucy, always enjoyed your posts. A favourite commentator of mine here. Keep’em coming.
Lucy ..I do not get “bitchy” , that is not my nature.
YouTube recommendations are not random
I’m pretty sure they analyse cookies to see what websites and topics you have recently visited.
eg It recommends a video to me
and then when I come to post it here I found someone else already has, like YouTube picked up that and then recommended the video to me
However YouTube doesn’t recommend any BBC or MSM to me any more
cos previously I have right clicked on a video and clicked “don’t recommend me anything from this channel”
That video is with John Simpson and has 8.1 million views
From the comments it seems the BBC first labelled it “The Polish Finland border”
I guess they later corrected that.
The popularity is probably the main reason it was recommended.
And perhaps YouTube thinks you are a fan of John Simpson.
My experience there is that they won’t be welcome.
BBC correspondents now accusing the Government of failing Ukrainians wishing to come to this country.
Already at Calais many are being stopped and turned away presenting false documentation and not even Ukrainian nationals.
I for one am happy each and everyone is being checked. Salisbury poiserning comes to mind.
Don’t forget, when at Calais they are already out of harm’s way.
But of course if some terrorist gets through the net and reeks havoc in the UK, who will the BBC and Labour blame, yes, this Government
3 million from Hong Kong.
20K from Afghanistan.
0 in an MPs house.
What’s 0 in a MPs house got to do with it..???
MM give it a few more decades, and those in Government running our country will not have any history in this country beyond 1950. There’ll be an abundance of African/Indian/Oriental/Eastern European names gracing the benches. Don’t get me started on the religion and education here either.
This lunchtime, perusing articles on the BBC website, I was suddenly struck by the utterly ludicrous hypocrisy of it all.
I’m an engineer by training, and every project I work on must be entirely logical and well reasoned, if I, or one of my colleagues were to start applying irrational fantasies to what we do, people’s lives could be on the line, so we have to make sure we get everything CORRECT, not necessarily the option we’d prefer, but the one which is LOGICALLY the best for any given situation.
Anyway, the reason I bring this up, is that so many of the arguments which the BBC supports (and they do support quite a varied collection of causes, they are NOT impartial) are utterly irrational, and often completely illogical and self-contradictory.
Take the notion that we can (SHOULD! – they demand, loudly, stamping their feet and scowling) allow as many immigrants and refugees as want to come here into the country, and then state (no debate allowed) that they won’t have any negative impact.
This is illogical on numerous counts, but it also directly contradicts a number of the BBC’s other causes!
Just to highlight ONE of those, the notion of ‘rewilding’, when we’re a small country, already unable to maintain self sufficiency in food production, adding to the population WILL put more pressure on those parts of the UK which aren’t currently built up – which, if nothing else, are needed for agriculture, water collection, treatment, and purification, the siting of energy production facilities etc…
The pressure of immigration on the extremely limited resource of ‘open space’ is two-fold: on the one hand the space available is reduced, due to the necessary housing, roads, schools, shops and other infrastructure required to support the larger population, on the other, the larger population ALSO requires more space to provide for their requirements in terms of: food, water, sewage disposal, energy demands etc…
And yet, the BBC would like us to dedicate much of what’s left of this limited resource (undeveloped land) to ‘rewilding’ and providing more space for wildlife. It’s simply impossible, 1 minus 1 = 0, not the 2 which would be required to allow us to both ‘have our cake, and eat it’, which is what the BBC are demanding.
As a kind hearted person (if I say so myself), I’d LIKE to see refugees, and those living in difficult situations around the world, given a chance to start a new life in a better place. As someone who is not at all racist, I personally don’t mind where they come from, or what colour skin they have (so long as they accept us, and our rules and laws, and live as we do). Logically though, the quantity we can house is extremely limited, due to the small size of our country, the density of population already here (especially in England), and the existing demands on already squeezed ‘undeveloped’ land.
Likewise, as a conservationist and a nature lover, I’d love to see more space dedicated to wildlife and wild landscapes, and would love to see beavers, and bison, and bears back in the UK. However, with the population we’ve already got, it’s simply a daydream, it can’t be done, there isn’t room, and with immigration the problem is compounded, because there’s even less room. It’s simple logic, not hard to understand.
Why is no one publicly pointing out these blatantly obvious FACTS? Because, if they do they get shouted down, called vile names, and ‘no platformed’, that’s why.
Forget the world being ‘held to ransom by mad Putin’, we’re all being held to ransom by raving, emotionally unstable, and totally irrational idiots who’re wrecking everything, and we’re not allowed to try to stop them.
Big – I think that ‘re wilding ‘ thing is another one of those loon green ideas which the grown ups failed to kill off – and now it has ‘traction ‘ …
Personally my idea of rewilding is helping hedgehogs survive and that’s about it .
Maybe the woke stuff is now at its height as we enter a new world with a recognised state enemy – as well as the non state enemy of Islam…
I am educated by the UK and taxpayer.
I use tolerance and freedom to spread hatred of the UK.
I go on the welfare system whilst I hate the UK, being paid by the taxpayer.
I tell BBC’s Stacey Dooley I will not follow UK laws.
I get 2 years and 6 months being looked after by prison guards, paid by the taxpayer.
I get released 2 and a half years early for hating the UK.
The UK taxpayer pays £2 million to watch me with 23K other terrorists.
If you disagree you are Islamophobic and Sajid Javid will arrest you.
.. Anjem Choudary mocks the tolerance of the West ..
Rewilding = The Nature Fallacy
In reality man conquered nature and improved on it
eg no more malaria in the UK.
Of course man go the other way and poison streams etc.
So we do have to take care
100% natural is no panacea
Man bad.
Volcanoes good.
The bully bercow was interviewed by Lady Brooke on the world at one . Ironically his attitude to both Lady Brooke and the independent report on his conduct evidenced his character .
I get the impression nobody has ever physically stood up to him and his mouth has allowed him the freedom to expand his ego to that of a monster – with a complete inability to look at himself for a moment or conceive that he might be wrong …
He’d get on well with putin .
John Bercow put £1,000 taxi on expenses for journey that could have cost £67
The former Commons speaker spent the eye-watering sum on a taxi from Westminster to Nottingham to deliver a speech in April
2pm local news, sounds like they trying to talk UP the price of petrol
… “oh it could go up to £1.80”
Hmm in the long run oil can go down as well as up.
12:30pm R4 phone in
caller “I have to fuel illegally now with red diesel THERE IS NO OTHER WAY to get the kids to school, I just can’t afford £160/diesel.
.. my rates are £200 and I live in a cottage”
.. Hm £2,400 year doesn’t sound like the lowest band property.. so it’s probably a good sized cottage
Then she says “we don’t to have to change to the nearer school, although we would have a free school bus”
.. So hang on this woman has ENTITLEMENT, she believes she can live in a big cottage & send the kids to a school further away than the nearest.
1:35pm Vine is talking about FakeNews
..”Thats why I wont tweet any story until I’ve seen it on the BBC/ITV or Sky”
1 pm local news : They featured a woman to celebrate International Woman’s Day
Bet you can’t guess who ?
Clue ..Not a Tory
Ans : It was of course their favourite : The Hull Labour MP, they always have on.
It would be between Bercow and that bellowing clown, Stop Brexit”
as to which would be Exhibit 1 in the Brexit Museum\
Although a TV set at the entry point of Dimbelby announcing
We,re Out ad nauseum …..and a life size dummy of Monsieur Barnier and a clock.
“Diversity is our strength”.
“Fraudster made up 188 fake kids to rake in £1.8m in benefits scam – using a detailed notebook to keep track of them all”
“Ali Bana Mohamed drafted in relatives and friends to submit bogus claims using around 70 different names over a nine-year period.” Somalian.
Note, no deportation after completing his sentence.
Racists alert, or just the best person god the job?
Education: International students ‘not trusted’ in Welsh jobs
Sherifat Abubakar, 33, spent her life savings to come to Wales for a Masters degree, but has failed to get a full-time job in healthcare.
BAME Mental Health Support (BMHS) said this was a common experience, resulting in a “brain drain” of talent.
In our series of letters from African writers, Nigerian novelist Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani looks at the growing frustration among the middle class that is pushing people to leave her country.
Could alternatives to Russian gas be found?
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Not very easily.
Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, 197 countries agreed to try to keep temperature rises “well below” 1.5C to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Experts say that to achieve this, net zero must be reached by 2050.4 Nov 2021
This is interesting, I make no guarantees about accuracy, but it does seem strange and worth considering:
The Ukranian kindergarten, “bombed” :
“Actually, I have experience in two areas that are relevant to this discussion. I was a forward observer in Vietnam and saw the effects of a variety of projectiles from high angle to flat trajectory. And then I spent most of my adult life in commercial construction in NYC and Boston where I did a lot of demolition on a variety of masonry buildings with my own equipment. I can tell that somebody punched a hole in that wall for what ever reason. Maybe the tenant refused to pay the rent. But that is definitely a demo hole made by a machine.”
The Government has to do more / The Government aren’t doing enough / The Government has to do more / The Government aren’t doing enough………………. zzzzzzzzzzz
Is the UK turning into the only relief agency then ??? I see from tv pictures there are literally mountains of black bags at depots in Poland filled with clothes and essentials – have they come from other European countries, because we are not told if they are doing their bit too !
Could things possibly get worse? Now poor little Johnny Bercow has been invited to leave the Labour party.
At least he has the loyal wifely bosom to rest his weary head.
What’s that you say?
Nothing but malicious gossip. Probably that Commons Committee behind it. They never properly appreciated him you know.
A powerful performance in the Commons this afternoon from Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke, who told Home Office minister Kevin Foster to go back to the department and tell them to “get a grip”. This isn’t a partisan issue, plenty of traditional Tory voters will be in complete alignment with Shelbrooke…
The smell of incompetence at a time of crisis (PPE – illegal immigrants ) infects this Tory government .
How can they fail to set up places for Ukrainians to go to register / get visas – get to the UK if vetted . As I’ve said before – these people will have papers – they will not be third world African boys going for a soft touch .
This is a real crisis and Europe has to spread the response to it – Poland and Moldova and Hungary and Romania will not have capacity to house maybe 2 or 3 or 4 million people coming from a real live war zone .
We could have been better prepared if the government hadn’t put tens of thousands of illegals in hotels …
… I saw the clip of Alec Sherbrooke – and afterward wondered if the junior home office minister trying to defend the incompetence would just throw in the towel and resign on the spot …
Invade Urkaine and liberate their homeland so they can go home?
Ask Saudi to open up their 100K tents and pump cheap oil into the UK?
See if they want to go to Africa?
3 million from hong kong …. 20K from afghanistan .. unlimited from Eritria.
These are White European Christians, why does it surprise you that our far Left Blue Labour government doesn’t want them here?
Every other country inm Europe has either removed or is in the process of removing the Syrian migrants they allowed into their countries because Syria is no longer a danger to them.
Britain only allowed Muslim Syrian migrants into the country and there is no question of the far Left cowardly useless incompetent Tories ever repatriating them.
This is the big difference between Europe and the UK. This country is now full and there isn’t room or housing even for the people who live here. Nor are there any hotel spaces because they have all been taken by the illegal channel crossers, mostly Muslim, and guess what? Yep none of them have been sent back either!
This goes beyond uselessness and incompetence, the Tories like Joe Biden and every other NWO government want an open border policy and have been working with that objective in mind ever since Cameron came to power.
Cost of living: Warning UK faces biggest income squeeze in nearly 50 years
Unless you work at the beeb
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise from April for ‘dramatically increased’ duties last year
Revealed: MPs charge YOU for their £3,500 energy bills at their second homes as millions prepare for their fuel bills to double this year
MPs who represent seats outside London will be protected from rising fuel bills
316 MPs put in utilities claims in 2020-21 with dozens claiming more than average dual fuel tariff of £1,138
Claims for utilities totalled £262,454 in 2019-20, of which £206,717 was for gas, electricity and other types of fuel
PUBLISHED: 22:01, 14 January 2022
Seems perfectly reasonable to me!
You insist someone supplies their own second home which they need to do to be able to work late into the night when they can’t get even local transport, away from their friends and families, then you have to pay for it.
Why should someone have to pay two fuel bills because their employer insists they work into the wee small hours and is located hundreds of miles from where they live ?
Temper tantrums, sulks, berating ‘f*cking stupid’ staff and throwing mobile phones at them: Extraordinary rap sheet of bully and ‘serial liar’ ex-Speaker John Bercow is revealed in damning report as he is BANNED from Parliament for life
Bercow barred from holding Commons pass usually given to time-served MPs
Report highlighted a catalogue of appalling behaviour against three aides
It also branded him a ‘serial liar’ who would face expulsion if he was still an MP
Among his tyrannical behaviour were episodes where he threw a mobile phone so that it shattered over a secretary, and berated another by calling them ‘f*cking stupid’.
In another tirade the now 59-year-old, once branded a ‘stupid, sanctimonious dwarf’ by a minister, was described as ‘physically shaking with fury, his fists bunched and trembling, his eyes popping’.
He now faces being blocked from holding a Commons pass usually given to ex-politicians.
An official investigation found ‘his behaviour fell very far below that which the public has a right to expect from any Member of Parliament’.
Labour faced calls to strip Mr Bercow of his membership, after he defected from the Tories last year. This afternoon his membership was administratively suspended pending an investigation.
The official censure handed down today also means he becomes the first Speaker of the House of Commons in modern history to be blocked from a peerage as a reward after standing down.
Arise ….

The BBC version misses out all of those most damning examples. What a surprise.
This is their picture to accompany the article:
Boris and Trump can only dream of getting something so flattering.
So it appears that Biden and the UK have decided that the best way to defeat Russia is to throw the West into what will be the biggest depression since the 1930’s by not buying any Russian Oil, gas and stuff.
Meanwhile the EU are pretty quiet on the issue, I suspect because they don’t have to pander to so many short-sighted snowflakes.
It means of course that the US and the UK will now have to go back to basics on fuel by re-opening domestic oil wells and coal mines, fracking or buying from antagonistic Middle-Eastern tyrants to keep the population from freezing etc.
Are you ready for the onslaught from the greenies Joe – Boris?
Are you ready to be tarred and feathered at the next election Joe -Boris?
You will be happy. You will be cold and happy … but happy.
I guess they will just make not being happy a hate crime.
BERLIN, Feb 28 (Reuters) – E.ON (EONGn.DE), Europe’s largest operator of energy networks, rejected demands to shut down the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline as part of sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine, the company told Rheinische Post newspaper on Monday.
After the German government put the Nord Stream 2 pipeline on hold last week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Saturday called for shutting down Nord Stream 1, which has transferred Russian gas to Germany since 2011.
Nord Stream is a joint venture of Russia’s Gazprom , Germany’s oil and gas producer Wintershall DEA, PEG Infrastruktur E.ON , Dutch Gasunie (GSUNI.UL) and French Engie .
E.ON, which holds a 15.5% stake in Nord Stream 1, said the project was “completely different from the ongoing discussions about the Nord Stream 2 line”.
“Nord Stream 1 is a permitted and fully operational gas import pipeline,” a spokesperson for the company told the paper, adding that the line’s capacity was fully utilized in the past two years.
But at least he will do it gradually so the prices don’t rocket in one go. How considerate.
And don’t forget the hundreds of billions we spent in the pandemic and the hundreds of billions Net Zero is going to cost us. We are already in debt > 100% GDP.
Now nobody wants to work. They got used to being on holiday at home all day.
And yesterday I was talking to a local employer who was saying all his staff have no ambition whatsoever. They just want an easy life and get their pay. He offers them more responsibility and they say no. Plus the college his apprentice goes to for training just told him they had gone bankrupt and were closing down. A college going bankrupt !!!!.
It’s a perfect storm. There is no limit to how bad it could get.
This afternoon Sajid Javid announced his NHS reform package, with a focus on “shifting to a new mode” of preventative care, and introducing a new “right to choose” policy for patients on long waiting lists – a scheme that will allow patients to opt for alternative care elsewhere in the country, or rely on the private sector for more immediate treatment. All transport and accommodation will be covered by public spending.
Under the new plans, those who’ve already waited more than 2 years will be contacted this month, while those who’ve waited at least 18 months expected to be reached by the end of the year. Although Saj still warned the scale of reform means it won’t be completed quickly – and added that the NHS’s budget has swelled to match the total GDP of Greece…
Equality and Inclusion Manager WRES
NHS England and NHS Improvement
Job Reference: 990-1-EI8177-EE
Employer:NHS England and NHS ImprovementLocation:NHS East of England, Victoria House, CambridgeSalary
£47,126 – £53,219 per annum
£47,126 – £53,219 per annum
Shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Picked one at random from google:
Does the job advertisement say ‘Only black people and women need apply’ ?. Because that’s the truth of it.
It’s illegal racial and sexual discrimination.
More of this utter nonsense. Nowadays they seem to actively recruit BAME individuals to senior positions regardless of competence. Colour is all that matters. I know who I would want operating on me i.e. someone who is competent and not a tick box appointee to fill quotas set by these people.
Many people think Tony BLiar was awarded a knighthood without ever realising that there are grades within that honour, and that BLiar was awarded the highest one possible.
BLiar was made a knight of the garter which has a select and limited number of members. Short of a peerage this is just about the highest honour which can be bestowed on someone.
This never appears to have been made clear to people, I’m sure they would have been even more outraged had they known.
Tony Blair challenged on guilt by Archbishop of Canterbury
Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy
This article is more than 6 years old
Former British PM has written to UN chief to confirm resignation from job he took in 2007
Prince Harry’s room is free – he now lives in a mansion in LA!
THAT is one damning photograph.
Covid data is coming in
The trends are still upward.
ITV local news “journo James Webster is at a Diversity conference with Azeem Rafiq”
Then they made a big show of
“Here’s a photo of our production staff today
.. they are all women”
XR have started doing tyre attacks
letting out air
Wait until they do it to a doctor/nurses car.
They get a kicking on the quote tweets
eg from disabled drivers.
And people warning that if someone doesn’t realise and drives off on a deflated tyre they might crash.
MP condemns ‘unacceptable’ backlash against teacher suspended over Prophet Mohammed cartoon
… Didn’t make it onto our ITV local news
Batley and Spen MP Kim Leadbeater issued a statement almost a year after the man was suspended by Batley Grammar School amid protests outside the school gates.
She said: “As I have clearly said on numerous occasions, it is completely unacceptable for him to have been forced into hiding and his family put at risk.”
Ms Leadbeater, who posted the statement on her website, was responding to regular questions she receives about what support she has offered to the teacher
Ex-Commons Speaker John Bercow was a serial bully, says report
If he was someone the BBC didn’t like, they would have buried the ‘says report’ bit in the article. Subtle but all part of their drip-drip-drip method.
I’ve said many times that remainers were the most nasty, spiteful and unpleasant people of all. Now this odious little bully proves it.
The BBC report does it’s best to show him in a good light. They’ve put the best picture they can find at the top and things like this defending him which have absolutely no place at all in this report:
During his decade-long stint as Speaker, Mr Bercow made several changes to Parliament to fulfil his aim to make the House of Commons “less stuffy”.
For example, he allowed MPs to speak in the chamber without wearing ties, and removed the requirement for clerks to wear wigs.
He won praise from some MPs for giving backbenchers more opportunities to question ministers.
What the BBC SHOULD be asking here is how such a man could remain in the position of speaker for 10 years. But they won’t because they supported him all the way. He is one of them.
And Groper gets… Lammy.
I thought he wanted diversity? Diversity by the way is the opposite of unity – not that thicko Lammy would know that.
Just in case readers have forgotten, The Democrats, at the time led by Nasty Pelosi impeached Donald Trump unsucessfully over his contacts with Ukraine and the Biden families dodgy dealings there.
Nicola Sturgeon formally apologises to all the witches executed in Scotland between 1563 and 1735.
I know she is responsible for a lot of bad decisions and policies but these unjust executions had nothing to do with her, the SNP, or anybody alive today.
This is classic political humbug. An apology three hundred years after the events in question is no good to anyone – except Sturgeon. She clearly thinks it makes her look good, siding with the ultimate female victims of history. And it might pay some political dividends for her, so many voters these days being susceptible to meaningless, virtue-signalling pantomime.
It was the passing of the Witchcraft Act of 1735 which stopped these absurd accusations and executions. That was what politicians had to do, all they could do, and all they needed to do. Nothing extra was required, then or now.
Would not mind burning her though!
It does beg the question of the intelligence and sanity of folk like Sturgeon that they are unable to see the totally stupid validity of this hair-shirt wearing self flagellation over something so obviously crack-pot.
It demonstrates a thoroughly numbskull level of intelligence.
BBC are very late with the Covid figures. I wonder why? They normally update around the 5.30pm mark. It is not unheard of for the BBC’s web-site not to the have numbers by mid to late evening but it is unusual.
@Up2snuff I don’t understand why your first port of call for Covid stats is the BBC
.. The Government was late with them today