Lord Michael Grade of Yarmouth is being nominated as the new Chair of BBCOFCOM . Does that mean it will be less of a ‘friend ‘ to the BBC and adopt a more challenging approach to its’ bias ?
Or will it be same old same old ?
Weekend 26 March 2022
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And in yet another triumph of multiculturalism, we have this.
Kyrell Matthews: Mum and partner jailed for killing toddler son
It did not make it on to the 6 pm BBC1 tv news. Other victims were more worthy I.e fitted the BBC agenda more accurately.
The poor, poor little lad.
The racist black who should have been sacked like a white person would have seems to be thriving:
Whoopi Goldberg demands apology from British royal family for colonial past: ‘Somebody is listening’
Goldberg’s remarks came a month after she was suspended following comments made about the Holocaust. Goldberg was publicly criticized after she said the Holocaust was not about race, but rather about man’s inhumanity to others. She apologized, but ABC Newresident Kim Godwin told her to sit out for two weeks.
We should only apologise if they apologise for rap music.
These people would be in Africa, if African chiefs hadn’t sold their ancestors to Arabs and Whites.
They also wouldn’t be alive had it not been for the invention of antibiotics.
Black racists bemoan cultural appropriation, yet straighten their hair like whitey.
Plus, lying about being Jewish and changing your birth name from Caryn Johnson to Goldberg whilst being an antisemite is a deceit.
Doesn’t seem to have any likeable qualities whatsoever.
Who is going to apologise for this ?
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia
VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation’s eventual intervention, most of Liberia’s young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust.
Buy a camouflage shirt, a pair of sunnies, a fetching beret in red, look sufficiently ‘pouty’ and you too could be a gang leader.
Goodnight. And good luck.
Guardian released a story 7 days early ??
What happened to all the bird mess? Just sayin’.
Let’s just say the candles she sells… nope.
P&O at 8pm Karl Turner said the Larne ferry had failed its safety checks.
Meanwhile on the Rotterdam Hull route ..the ferry has left Rotterdam possibly empty due to dockers
It’s halfway to Hull now
The crew will be the same foreign crew it always has
The Hull formerly British crewed sister ship is still tied up.
The local ITV reporter has just put out a confused tweet
“After Dutch crew reportedly prevented the Pride of Rotterdam leaving the Hook of Holland this evening”
“., it seems she’s on the move tonight”
FFS the boat didn’t leave the Hook of Holland
It left Rotterdam ferry terminal and passed the Hook of Holland after some time
The “crew” didn’t prevent,
rather someone may have prevented freight loading , or maybe management sneaked something onboard.
It’s well on the way to Hull now.
(same Dutch/Indonesian crew as always I guess)
Meanwhile the BBC guy tweeted after 8pm
“It appears that Dutch union members won’t allow the Dutch-crewed Pride of Rotterdam to depart for Hull tonight.”
Then at 9pm tweeted
I’m told this protest has now ended, and the Pride of Rotterdam has now left port en route to Hull.
(Yes well it had already left at 7:47pm before he first tweeted)
The nasty libtards in the press want a right wing villian to take flak. It doesn’t seem to be happening so confusion reigns.
Look North is terribly worried about sand eels at Bempton. It COULD affect the puffin population. It is all due to climate change apparently. The reporter then told us that puffin numbers have not been affected this year and there are about 3,000 puffins there this year. So no story and no evidence of climate change. Waste of our money doing the research into sand eels and waste of licence money reporting it.
You haven’t mentioned the windfarm item
Local councillor had a right to oppose them
but they brought on Greenpeace guy to shout all over him “wind is cheaper” “wind is cheaper”
Ihat’s a fantasy
To be honest Stew, I went to get supper ready and thought I had heard enough. I did come back into the room to see ‘Greenpeace’ under someone speaking and had no desire to stay and hear what they had to say. Sums up my view of the BBC I suppose.
Look North 6:35pm
“Now as energy bills rise there is a suggestion that WIND POWER will be part of the answer in getting them down”
Loaded language there
. Basically the government is floating an idea to BRIBE village people
“Lower electricity for not objecting to ONSHORES windfarms”
Lincs councillor Colin Davie to speak against that
but BBC put on Saint Doug Parr from GREENPEACE against him
.. who then bullied by shouting “Wind is cheaper” all over him
5 minute item in total
Then a lot of “give us your views”
Oh that wasn’t the only Greenpeace material in the show
Some of the puffin item footage was marked as Greenpeace
.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOvRzMNXIAA4UAv?format=jpg&name=small
.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOvS7yHXoAERsPV?format=jpg&name=small
Last minute of the show “and now your comments”
There were a good few points properly sceptical of wind
and maybe a couple pro wind
.. that was a surprise from BiasedBBC
Not a surprise: a Beeb/Gordo combo…
Perhaps if he hadn’t spent all that time as a failed Chancellor, and an even worse PM, he might have done better to go out, get a real job, and pay a decent wage for a decent workforce.
The bloke was way out of his depth from day one of the dreadful Blair years, but as the beeboids still revere him, he crops up most weeks, bawling some sort of crap to keep the lefties in lattes.
Why would anybody be interested in what this idiot has to say?
Puffin item has 2 tweet videos
.. https://twitter.com/BBCPaulMurphy/status/1507397662617837569
.. almost the same https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1507446520467099668
“Bird conservationists welcome new restrictions on commercial sandeel catches in the North Sea. “
That item was funny. it was tagged
“Bird conservationists welcome new restrictions on commercial sandeel catches in the North Sea. “
The RSPB woman did her Climate Change spin
We know that sandeels are critical food source
We know that sandeels are in PARTICULAR sensitive to ocean warming, thru CC, and that’s driving decline
and we know that overfishing further contributes to that decline”
Yet the item ended
“despite the decline Bempton’s puffin numbers appear to be steady for this year at least”
.. “we counted just over 3,000 puffins this year
Conservationists say firm measures are needed to protect large areas of the sea from industrialisation”
Offshore windfarms were not mentioned
but fishing was
A former Humberside Police detective who repeatedly failed to properly investigate sex crimes has been banned from serving as an officer.
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) found failings in the handling of six investigations led by Payton between 2015 and 2017, all involving vulnerable victims.
They must have spent thousands on this “look it’s sunny today video mix” ..just 1 Like
.. https://twitter.com/looknorthBBC/status/1507422386022400014
Manchester : 4 ethnic Muslim burglars jailed
for trying to rob container of counterfeit cigarettes in 2020
“businessman died after he tried to stop them from breaking into his property the storage units he owned and rented to businesses at Collop Gate Farm.”
He’d driven they’d attacked the car, he drove away and had a heart attack.
I don’t know if anybody noticed but Fed asked a question at the beginning of the thread about the nomination of Lord Michael Grade to be chairman of bbc/offsted as he put it.
Now while I had heard that news I did not know much about the gentleman in question and was hoping that a some people might put forth their opinions and we could form a sensible assessment.
As the time I write this nobody has yet responded. I am none the wiser. Nor am I better informed.
Thanks for noticing … lord grade is a member of the Conservative Party – which means he has no connection to the nut nut government ….
… he has had senior command in the BBC ITV and C4 and is on record for privatising C4 now ….
In the current far left world he is probably the best people of the Right- like me -is going to get ….
The test is the level of hostility he will receive now – the c word labour MP – the queer Christopher Bryant – will be hostile – so butch …
I think there is far more than meets the eye in the russkie-Ukraine thingy. The UK press are crowing about Russian gaffes left right and centre.
It has all the hallmarks of lord haw-haw in the last major conflict.
I am beginning to think the Russians have moved carefully trying to avoid civilian deaths as much as possible to establish a buffer zone which has worked and will now sit back and wait for Ukraine to agree that the newly occupied areas are now in Russian control thus giving the Russians what they want, a non EU contaminated border with Russia.
I think Putin can see that this is a red line between Russia and the EU and will stop at nothing the prevent the creep of the EU into Russian affairs.
Local news
“About a third of the fish British people eat is caught by Russian vessels ..here it is arriving in Grimsby in Icelandic vessels
.. Likewise other Russian products timber, oil, coal are arriving in German vessels”
The sanctions are only being applied fairly rigorously by the Anglosphere , the EU is half hearted and the RoW isn’t bothered at all. The West’s globalists are going to have to admit that their world view , a view that they have held for many decades, is entirely wrong. Just because nations like China and India trade with the West doesn’t mean that they have come to share our values or beliefs.
That was what the Globalists thought , that once trade was globalised everyone on the planet would share Western values.That is premise that the WEF was founded on. That was why the great and the good were prepared to sacrifice the employment prospects and the standard of living of hundreds of millions of their own people. Share the trade and manufacturing around the world and see liberal democracy triumph.
Will they admit that they made a mistake of historic proportions and started the irreversible decline of the West and its values? You know the answer.
Foreigners are getting banner adverts for a branding exercise at the BBC
Apart from “BBC SELECT” there’s “BBC TRAVEL” and “BBC LIFESTYLE”
– any hint of this for provincial UK visitors to the web site?
My comments were repeatedly cancelled on the woke “Cambridge News” a couple of days ago for daring to ask why comments were disabled on only two stories : both about the latest extinction rebellion members’ trespass and vandalism around Cambridge.
And posing the thought that maybe the lib left site was avoiding admitting to readers via comments that the majority did not approve of the purple haired criminals.
there was no other reason, as previous comments were not abusive but just opinions of Cambridge residents sick and tired of these antics.
Trudeau and bbc style lib left fascism.
They will be burning books next and sending people to re education camps disguised as “diversity training”. Some lib left local authorities are already doing this.
Tribalism is hard wired into our brains as essential for survival, no amount of diversity bullshit will ever, ever change that.
The face mask seems a badge of honour now amongst the lib left.
A symbol of how activists managed to mislead, harrass and harangue governments into continual social control, the marxist wet dream, with the bbc at the vanguard leading the way.
One can only wish that it were of sufficient thickness to prevent others from hearing their ever whining and criticising voices.
I read in the Times that the BBC is conducting a PR exercise in which it prevents families from watching its programmes for a month. At the end of the month it hands them back the £13 it owes them and asks them if they preferred the money or access to the BBC.( I don’t know how the BBC stopped them viewing other than voluntarily)
Obviously all the families will say the BBC is worth many times the £13 and that being ‘deprived’ of it made them realise how essential it was to their lives and what fantastic value it is and , crucially, that the Licence Fee is the best way to fund it. There will be no mention of subscription, even though the License Fee is enforced subscription.
Even as a PR exercise it is fatally flawed . For instance how do we know that the families were a thoroughly randomised sample and not carefully chosen to get the right answer?
There are numerous other flaws in this childish attempt to justify the Licence Fee, but the biggest one must surely be that if the BBC is so essential to people and such good value then they would be more than willing to take out a subscription. Only the very few fools who thought that the BBC was a subversive pile of stinking international leftist rubbish , ie most of us on the site, wouldn’t take out a subscription!
The BBC can try to defend the 100 year old License Fee all it likes but there is simply no credible defence of this method of funding it in the 21 st century and forcing people to pay for ‘news and entertainment’ which they do not want.
On two successive nights the leftists on Dan Wootton’s show have said that they are in favour of paying reparations to black folks. The discussion hasn’t gone any further so we don’t know exactly what they have in mind.
Do they intend the sum of reparations to be a token gesture , a statue for instance, or do they think that every black person living in the Americas should get a financial settlement. Obviously the black agitators are for something much more tangible than a statue .
Either way conceding the point that white people today share a burden of guilt for what happened two or three centuries ago is wrong and lunatic. As David Starkey has pointed out on GBN several times the biggest slavers in history were the Ottoman Turks not the white Europeans. Don’t hear much call fir Turks to be held to account for the actions of the ancestors. Not much money in that !
These leftists are all mad . It’s as though their brains are wired to have stupid thoughts and make bonkers decisions.
Double – firstly I am sad that GBNews still has poor technical support – kids must be running their control rooms .
As for reparations . I suppose if you apply the ‘don’t ask don’t get doctrine ‘ then the coloured folk are bound to ask whitee for a handout .
The ottomans castrated their male slaves so there arnt the coloured folk in turkey land – girls produced were just killed . So it looks like no handouts there .
To put a cost on slavery and proving a link to a descendent – no way – maybe though – a free tv licence for a year – if it’s that valuable – or a seat on a plane back to the homeland …
I don’t think that they are making bonkers decision and I don’t think this is about race and I don’t think this is about slavery. I believe it’s about money and pushing the woke into forcing the west to hand over vast wads of cash to anyone remotely connected with the Caribbean and giving them preference in jobs etc for the future. The lib woke in fact falling straight into a trap.
THis is going to run and run!
Lewis Shaffer on the Andrew Doyle show on GB News suggested that the Egyptians should pay reparations to Jewish people for the slavery in the times of the pyramids.
I don’t think he was serious, (ok know) but it is about as logical.
Excellent idea – there is even documentary evidence to support the claim – I think it’s a bit old – and called a Testament? Or similar… the interest payment will be ….huge
The answer obviously is to say yes to reparations, but they have to return and live in their ancestors place of birth or get nothing. Most would vote for nothing.
Looking at the audience engagement to the tweet, Leo may need to depend on his yacht crew, helo pilot and, of course, the media.
Meanwhile, the house journal smashes it…
If this is not beyond the pale, what is?
Kind of shows where various heads are up too.
Look out Springster.
The comments are… mixed.
Sorry – who is that ? Why is it on this site ?
I doubt you are really sorry.
In answering both questions, try…
I am sorry – as moderator i want others to be informed . I didnt know who that is – you do – so are okay -you re little world is fine – and you dont feel the need to use context .
Actually – im not sorry and wish i hadnt wasted my time
Well, you got 4 likes at least. Chill, dude.
I tend to share on topic and the presumption others have the ability to think for themselves.
I also avoid skirting isms as you are prone to. Or getting pointlessly personal with other posters.
Hope that horse is not too high to climb off.
‘How did Kate and Wills get tour SO wrong?‘ asks the Daily Mirror. Let me explain – one can’t ever be woke enough – in this day and age – no matter how really hard and sincerely one tries, to fully and completely satisfy. They will always expect more.
Just look at this prominent example of how quickly a one time woke heroine fell from grace: ‘JK Rowling was namechecked by President Putin after he suggested that the West, having “cancelled” the Harry Potter author, wanted to do the same to Russia‘ (Times) – he has a point. One can’t help but smile at how Vlad likes to turn western leftist propagada tropes back on the west.
‘Ukraine war: Ros Atkins on… Putin’s false ‘Nazi’ claims. One of President Putin’s justifications for his invasion of Ukraine is that he wants to “denazify” the country… Ross Atkins looks at the distortions and untruths that Russia is spreading‘ (BBC)
‘Controversy. Military tour accused of echoing colonialism‘ (Mirror) – and there was me thinking we had suddenly become rather anti-pacifist and somewhat gung ho for military struggles: ‘We root for them. We are amazed by their resilience. We long for them to survive and stay free.‘ (The BBC’s Katty Kay on the Ukrainians)
Meanwhile creepy Joe meets GI Jill – pictured frontpage of the FT: ‘Joe Biden meets US personnel from the 82nd Airbourne Division‘- naturally of all the brass and all the grunts in the entire outfit is was of course the female in fatigues who took pride of place in what they used to describe as “this man’s army”
Despite the Daily Mail putting on a brave face on our Royals’ behalf: ‘Kate Carribean queen. Glorious 12-page picture pullout‘ – the Guardian – standard bearer of woke sentiment – remains distinctly unamused and continues to scoff at our wannabe woke young Royals: ‘Rain on the Royal parade. How the Carribean tour turned into a debacle‘ – and after all they’ve done for the climate: ‘Prince William reveals Earthshot Prize winners in global bid to tackle climate crisis‘ (Guardian October 2021)
‘This will be the last royal tour to Jamaica‘ – purrs the delighted left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper: ‘Is it sensible for an independent country thousands of miles away from Britain to have our monarch as its Head of State? By any rational measure, it certainly is not‘
‘This will be the last royal visit to Jamaica‘ (Jennie Bond, late of the BBC parish writing in the ‘i’)
Once you take the knee – so to speak – to all this woke stuff, then you undermine your own position.
Who can ever live up to all that might be expected of one granted so much of the limelight of media celebrity?
‘Radacanu: sponsors aren’t a distraction… The nineteen-year-old agreed a deal with Porshe… [she] also has endorsements with Tiffany & Co., British Airways, Dior, Evian and Vodafone, meaning she has landed more sponsorship deals than tour wins‘ (Telegraph)
Ros getting Saz Smitty in?
*sarah smith for those who got out of the wrong side of bed.
**BBC NA ed and egg on face trolley dolly on Doofus One for those not up on BBC staff.
Nice sneer. Cant see my point of view eh?
No evident sneer. And I am always nice, and cheerful.
Drives BBC editors mad. Especially when they end up making up reasons to block or ban that just look silly.
Points of view can vary, visibly.
Take, say, this…
“I didnt need much bait for you – cyclists tend to not take any ‘ anti’ expression ”
Bit general for me, but as a lighter exchange why not? Felt no need to comment, especially to bait further, and simply moved on.
And so the thread passed. See how it works?
Sadly, in certain related countries, a simple door lock has stopped a lot.
The BBC has its own Al now… Campbell.
Today watch
Looks like the BBC doesnt want people to have second homes in cornwall – the socialists want to put up the poll tax like the welsh to x4 the proper level .
If i could afford a second home in cornwall i would but one – and if others cant but one that would be tough for them but not my problem . Damn i hate socialism
Ps id like a place in central london too – but cant afford one – can i have free money to get one ?
Unlikely to get on the BBC, but uses words worth sharing here.
The clown show goes on.
Doesn’t know what a woman is:
Doesn’t know what a man is:
Doesn’t know what day it is:
A candidate chosen on the basis of gender and race. What nation of racists and anti-humans America has become.
To continue in a topical informational vein, with a smidge of humour for those with sense, can’t say we were not warned…
What a lovely chat between the outgoing conrade Maggie Becket MP – soon to be baroness Becket of expense – claims.
Robinson chatted with her . Probably being aware of her socialist mediocrity he probably knew not to ask what her greatest achievement was as an MP …..
The answer might have been ‘ nominating jeremy corbyn as Labour Leader ‘ which she claimed to have been done as a ‘joke ‘
Nice to see somelike her havinv such a care free attitude towards her socialist party .
Happy Retirement Maggie – dont forget to maximise your expenses claims – including – if i recall her extensive collection of exotic plants …
Socialist totty for the bbc mob if Maitless is too saggy?
I caught the tail end of World Service before Toady began. I’m happy to report that with all the so-called, “Factcheckers” the Black Broadcasting Corporation are still peddling the lie that there is no evidence to support DJTrumps ‘allegation’ that the November 20 election was rigged.
The absence of coverage of the false president and his sons ‘ dodgy lap top is also noticed ….
But Fed Up her nomination of JC WAS a great achievement , it made sure that Labour were out of power for five or six years so covering over the extreme uselessness of traitor May. The problems JC created for Labour still rumble on and will be a factor in the next GE. That is an achievement to be proud of . Only Lady T has torpedoed Labour as effectively.
Double – as I wrote that I realised that we ( of the right ) owe her something for her sheer dumbness…
… I was going to look up what she achieved as an MP/ minister then thought – can’t bothered – however brief her miserable political £ life has been … always on the hard left our Maggie – in my opinion …
With regards to Transgenders.
Doctor: I’m afraid I have some very bad news Sir.
Trans: It’s Madam.
Doctor: I’m sorry, Madam.
Doctor: You have Prostrate cancer.
Prostate, not prostrate.
Prostrate is the disease our footballers have before a match and the police during blm riots
Thanks Fred.
I suppose that’s what you get when you click on a word rather than type it yourself.
I tried and as my wife says I can be a very trying person.
H/T Charlie at ITBB, Simpo discovers his voice whilst still under full BBC protection.
Good it looks like the Blob is suffering loose bowel syndrome, LBS, which, when combined with TDS , can be lethal. Here’s hoping.
Will the BBC buy C4? Can it – ? After all they are identical players – aiming at the kids with no money as well as all sorts of weird and exotic groups …
Lord Grade can get that of the taxpayers ‘ book and then go for the BBC … just hope he doesn’t go native again ….
BGL Nexus of Weevils heroine Caz shows why she only watches BBC News to be informed.
And they love ‘award winners’ for expert opinion.
Hilarious major hypocrisy from Cadwalladr.
… and follows the libmob “but it’s OK when we do it” rule
Oh and Cadwalladr has now DELETED her tweet praising the Kremlin
and deleted another tweet as well
.. https://twitter.com/Stanley2022UK/status/1507659779203813383
@carolecadwalla blocks me
My 2017 Tweet listing her Guardian conspiracy theories is the only time I have tweeted mentioning her account
“The Guardian have a narrative about a conspiracy theory with Assange Farage Trump
Look at the dates of their articles”
“That embarrassment to the legal profession, Nazir Afzal, repeating Cadwalladr’s (now deleted) first tweet, which had repeated the Russia propaganda.”
Tony put up a screenshot ..and now Afzal has also deleted his tweet
but Tony has put up a thread of all today’s deleted tweets
.. https://twitter.com/TonyDowson5/status/1507651428659068931
Does that lady have mental issues ? On drinking and tweeting ?
I understand she was in a serious defamation case and lost but shows no sign of avoiding trouble on social media .
Mind you this crowd funding thing seems to be a ‘ get out of jail ‘ device for the likes of her and that Maughan cretin and his mad legal actions .,
10am Twitter was giving a strange error
“Twitter is blocked”
“twitter.com refused to connect”
Testing on other device ..my notifications would load, but Twitter searches just timed out
Went back to first device and closed current tab,
Opened another tab and it did work.
So maybe the local Twitter servers were having 30 mins of overload.
A previous hit from Miss Meticulous
Seems Cadwalladr habitually tweets making claims, and then later deletes the tweets
Cant get on RT again.
R4 now Sam Hall “wind solar batteries have all all become significantly cheaper
Homegrown gives us the majority of our energy”
The first thing their is mixing up ENERGY and ELECTRICITY
Energy that powers vehicles and heats homes is gas/petrol/diesel/oil mostly from abroad
For ELECTRICITY The increasing wind power meant coal was reduced , but may have increased gas consumption used to fill the wind gaps.
Money box – AKA give out more benefits –
Gave a ‘tip’ which might be useful to those not on fixed energy plans – take a picture of your gas / electricity meter on 31xMarch Before new tariffs come in – in case you have a fight with the bill thereafter ….
Strange that the programme didn’t mention how ‘save the children’ charity refused a £750k donation for Ukraine because the money was from an oil company ….
Nice for green crap to beat the needs of kids in war zones eh?
The BBC continues to collude with the lie that Biden is compos mentis.
Meanwhile, every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it.
Here he is telling US troops in Poland that they’ll soon be going into Ukraine, which his minders were forced to hastily retract.
It’s beyond a joke: the Imbecile could start WW3.
(Not to mention the “vast web of financial entanglements he and his son had throughout the world that compromised him”.)
(Not to mention his suicidal “green” energy policies that are weakening the US while enriching Russia, and soon other ghastly regimes like Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and, worst of all, Iran!)
I suppose it is the inevitable consequence of lies about the theft of the election – one lie follows another – the best that they can hope for is one morning he doesn’t wake up …. But look what the replacement is -?
A tick box who never had a brain to lose in the first place .
I saw that clip of the false president telling some chaps from their 101st that they were going into Ukraine – their body language said it all …. As in wtf ? Can can this old fool be our boss ?
Great interview on GB News earlier today with Wladimir and Vitaly Klitschko the two Ukrainian ex boxers now Politicians. Very moving. Have they been on the BBC?
I always remember Wladimir as a joker and wit in his boxing days. He isn’t cracking any jokes now, he looked drawn and exhausted.
Italy now talking of rationing gas, and of re-opening coal fired power stations, meanwhile in the Socialist republic of Nut Nut istan Boris the bottler won’t even give it a thought because it impinges on his leftie green fantasy world.
I thought I would record gogglebox to see what it’s like.
Considering these are supposed to be all far left touchy-feely types their language was foul.
About every fifth word was the F word being used so casually or as a filler word.
Given that the wokies are hugely upset about every perceived micro aggression and are offended by everything they certainly can swear with the best of them.
If I’d been watching with any family members, as they are pictured doing, I would feel very embarrassed with their filthy language yet they appear indifferent ‘F’ ing in front of their parents or children.
I’m certainly no prude and probably wouldn’t last 5 minutes in todays pc work environment but this effing all the time seems so unnecessary.
The English Channel was as still as a mill pond this week when the traffickers pulled off their most audacious act yet.
At first light on Thursday morning, they sent over the largest mega-boat of migrants ever to cross the 21-mile strip of sea between France and England.
The black rubber vessel stretched nearly 40 feet. Highly controversially, it was illegally escorted by a French Navy warship to the Kent coast before being handed, with its cargo of 50 passengers, to Seeker – a UK Border Force vessel.
Dozens of strangers from a myriad of nations carefully boarded Seeker, which then roared into Dover harbour at 10am to be greeted by blue-uniformed officers of Her Majesty’s Coastguard.
In a surreal scene, the officers helped each migrant climb on to the quayside as though they were VIP guests. All that was missing from the welcome in the spring sunshine was a red carpet.
The Doolally Imbecile in the White House compares Mexican illegals to Ukrainian refugees.
Kayleigh McEnany rips into that and other Biden inanities.
Back in the day when the BBC was worth watching, the teatime programme Nationwide was the daily accompaniment to our pilchards on toast at home.
I see in the Obituary column of today’s paper that Bob Wellings has died aged 87. I haven’t seen or heard of him since the demise of Nationwide when he was still a not unattractive young man, but I still felt a twinge, that shows how time is marching on.
Maybe others will remember an episode of the show where various professions in uniforms were lined up in the studio, and one of them keeled over with the heat. Bob gainfully stepped over him and carried on with the programme, clipboard at the ready !!! priceless.
Just watching the support marches for the Ukraine in London.
Looks like the “Stop The War” coalition and the “Socialist Workers Union” who are normally so prominent at war related marches are giving this one a miss.
Makes you think who could possibly be thier paymasters…..
Same as the demonstration against anti-Semitsm in Parliament Square some time back. No Socialist Worker material to be seen.
“Priti Patel admits migrant phone seizures were illegal”
“Judges ruled that the asylum seekers’ human rights had been breached.”
“Data had been unlawfully extracted from two of the devices, and the phones were not returned to the migrants for months.”
Message to Tory Government – We Are Being Invaded! When are you going to defend our country and its borders, because we are becoming overwhelmed ?
We have a shortage of houses. The NHS is struggling. We have a lack of police and other security services to monitor the criminals. Our jails are full etc & etc ……………….
A recipe for a disaster.
Right so if I’m stopped by plod because they think they saw me using a mobile phone while driving they can’t take it from me — human rights .
Lew gunning for Smitty’s slot on Doofus One?
He seems easily smitten.
See what the oily little weasel can do here…
Sky in sync.
Emperor’s New Clothes Media.
ITV Local news
– Hull ferry , there is a Canada style, XR style blockade of the docks
We got words from Hull Labour MP Karl Turner of course
– PRasNews for an epilepsy charity.
Small mercies.
Hardly news, though.
BBC local news ..unknown black woman presenter
– Hull ferry 82 local workers lost their jobs
— We got words from Hull Labour MP Karl Turner AGAIN of course
Vox pop ..with 3 people saying sackings were terrible.
… shots show freight being loaded on
ITV never mentioned this.
– Local typhoon jets are being deployed to Romania.
White local weather lady.
White national weather man
Black national newsreader Clive Myrie.
Full marks to photo ed.
When my home got burgled one summer the fingerprint man came round . He told me the ‘ kid’ who probably did it had worn socks on his hands . …