A critical roundabout on the Aberdeen outer ring road is still not open, having been identified as a critical bottleneck nearly ten years ago. How many hundreds of thousands of journeys and potentially millions of wasted unproductive hours have accumulated as a direct result? And at what huge cost!
Meanwhile, our towns and cities have traffic jams as our woke councils prioritise cycling and bus lanes. Neither of which are used by even as much as 10% of the population and mostly lie empty. But money is poured into these politically correct schemes while the majority of us are given crumbs when the occasional pothole is filled in.
But up in Aberdeen we see a fantastic example of just what the public centre intelligentsia, in this case Scottish but not confined to them, aided and abetted by the eco-fanatics, really think of the rest of us. And the BBC can be relied on to be on message.
Guardianlalaland’s Nick Cohen and his mad mates are triggered by Andrew Marr saying Partygate is small compared to the war.
In the replies his mates claim the BBC is a Tory mouthpiece etc.
.. https://www.twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/1508868788053237763
I was unfortunately in the same room as a TV tuned to the BBC for about two minutes today. In that two minutes the BBC promoted wimmin’s Six Nations Rugby, showed me some forthcoming bilge to be avoided on BBC3 (isn’t it all?), and gleefully looked forward to Partygate penalties being dished out, obviously the story on everybody’s lips with nothing else going on in the world. Earlier this week they couldn’t be bothered to tell us about the Test Match cricket unless one scrolled past three articles about female cricket or football or something. I didn’t think I could despise them any more but they have proved me wrong.
– You have got to understand that the BBC show very little men’s
major sporting events. For example a women’s rugby or netball
match is much more important so far as the BBC is concerned than
say a Premiership league match between Manchester City-Liverpool.
When the woke rugby, football and netball associations let trans women who still have their penises play. You will then see the
BBC really in full bloom when it comes to wimmins sport.
On top of which you will see some tackles you have never seen
in wimmins football and rugby before,
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department at the BBC
will be in ecstasy .And continuity presenters , talking in patois
will keep us informed when the BBC will be showing these
“major” sporting events.
They claim they cannot afford the cost of the mens game and they make the excuse of the diversity in showing what isn’t even really a second class alternative.
The point is though that they have vast amounts of cash given to them, and they still cannot make ends meet, just like every other nationalised construct.
Womens faces appear to rule in the BBC, there is ever a new female face of any colour or creed mouthing off, showing off, and pntificating on one subject or another and anyway that’s a man’s prerogative. Fed up with hearing women’s voices that often speak so badly one cannot understand what they are really saying.
Listened to local radio on the way home
The presenter is a lefty and local NUJ rep
He first gave us #Fakenews claiming the Hull/Rotterdam ferry is the ONE ferry running
That’s false the Liverpool/Dublin ferry is also running
He didn’t seem to know they have had part Indonesian crew for years.
He promised an interview with the RMT head Mick Lynch.
I hoped he’d ask about the Indonesian workers and their living costs , since they live onboard for free AFAIK.
But when the interview came on after 2 hours, it turned out it had been done pre-recorded, with the presenter fielding him soft ball questions
Then the presenter did actually point out that some staff have accepted the payoffs
then the union leader basically said the ferry company should be nationalised and the current head jailed
..Which isn’t going to happen of course.
In another segment the BBC Local Democracy Reporter was interviewed and he did PRasNews
He listed 3 green business projects and said how fantastic they are, no hint of scepticism etc.
I said a while ago about the bbc missing the zeitgeiss, over and again. It has been alluded to by others.
This site may have a limited number of people, and therefore open to accusations of a similar “bubble”but I have noticed, far and wide the same dissatisfied opinions on the bbc and media wide black obsession.
I have a lot of connections in the music industry and the same there. It has traditionally been colour blind but now many getting pissed off about being told what to think and how to think.
Talking to a ska drummer last week, who plays with many black musicians, driving a van thru the blm riots and getting spat on and sworn at because he was white.
Working with a black bassist last month and all he went on about was slavery etc etc. Well done bbc.
As usual I’m 24 hours behind the times when I watch GB News on catch up but I must comment on the extraordinary piece on Dan Wooton’s Monday show . It was a ‘discussion’ between Lawrence Fox and two black chaps , one from London and one from the US about the Smith chap at the Oscars.The US bloke seemed to be eating chips and constantly rolled his eyes whenever Fox pushed back against his claims that black victimhood excused everything.
But the point was that during the piece Fox said that tens of thousands of white girls were raped by MOPOs ( Men Of Pakistani Origin) in the UK . Obviously it’s true and has been true for decades and we all know that it’s true but it is never said so bluntly , so honestly , said without a host of caveats and obfuscations , on UK TV.
The BBC is a place where the Truth dies every day . GBN is a place where the Truth is spoken everyday. How long will the UK ‘liberal’ establishment allow the truth to be spoken so openly?
Dt, However
As far as I know GBN have never invited Anne Marie Waters on despite the Party Chairman writing an open letter to Nigel Farage in August 2021. https://www.forbritain.uk/2021/08/22/an-open-letter-to-nigel-farage-gb-news/
For Britain is the only registered political party who openly discuss the dangers of Islam and for which they have been ‘cancelled’.
Yes. Perhaps Ofcom has warned them off AMW. Even with Grade at the helm Ofcom will continue to cast a long shadow over what can can’t be said on TV and radio in the UK. I’m sure that the many ex BBC members on the Ofcom board see their first duty is to protect their old employer and their second duty to continue to suppress the truth on topics that the liberal establishment find , to use one of their words, problematic.
@TheIsland free speech should apply to all, except if a court says so
Opinions should be debated not banned.
I see AMW was banned from Twitter on Sept 13th 2019
One thing is if media did invite her on 90% it would be some kind of controlled stitchup, rather than fair debate.
Woman is savagely beaten in Birmingham ‘coronavirus rage’ attack after stepping in to defend her Chinese friend from racist abuse
Trainee lawyer Meera Solanki, from Solihull, was at Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery
She was celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at popular Birmingham bar
Miss Solanki defended her Chinese friend Mandy Huang, 28, from racial abuse
West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information
Chinese American man attacked in New York last April dies of injuries
This article is more than 2 months old
Attack on Yao Pan Ma, 61, drew attention amid rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and is now being treated as homicide
Powell is alleged to have attacked Ma from behind, knocking him to the ground and repeatedly kicking his head before fleeing, prosecutors say.
Surveillance video appears to show an attacker stomping on Ma’s head.
The attack drew national attention as part of a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in New York and around the country, amid the coronavirus pandemic which originated in China.
As footballers boycott social media over hate crimes, the abuse directed at Spurs star Son Heung-Min has focused attention on racism suffered by people of Asian background.
Community leaders say such abuse has increased dramatically since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
Today watch
The BBC is ‘talking about ‘ the maternity report on Shropshire before it is released .
Jeremy Hunt was interviewed about it today – he baldly stated that ‘lessons will not be learnt ‘ because those involved were in a ‘wall of silence ‘ about repeated failures – deaths and unnecessary suffering .
I ve written here before about the corruption of the medical mafia – covering up – exploiting taxpayers using private £ practice – and the medical mafias fixation with money not people ….
This report has taken 5 years – no one will be blamed – no one will be fired – the medics will close ranks .
But on the upside – nurses and doctors and staff will have to pay for parking their cars in hospitals – hitting them in the pocket is the best thing to do
Don’t forget to clap ….
the clap, the most brazen part of the experiment, as anyone that needs something from the hero spitfire pilots saving the country. all grossly fat but happy to give nutrition adviice while eating donuts
As said before many times, the Shrewsbury NHS cover up is just the latest example of how nationalised industry really works. It works to protect itself. Customers/ patients/ the public/ taxpayers (especially) really do not matter one jot.
The Far Left of course spout all the unusual dross about nationalised industries being caring, sharing, institutions owned by the people for the people. After which they drive off in their chauffeured Zil limousines.
I hope the Shrewsbury hospital report will feature bigly on PMQ – but I guess the party thing will beat the unnecessary deaths of over 200 babies –
After all – it’s only 200 babies – and kier won’t want to go anywhere near the term ‘woman ‘ as he and his party are unsure what they are ….
British politics really is the dregs isn’t it ?
We are the victims of woke non energy policies bringing us dependency and avoidable expense which if more prudent politicians had planned ( civil service ) would have been avoided decades ago – gas production ‘ storage – nuclear .
Notice we don’t get ready comparisons of how much gas / electricity / petrol costs in other countries ….
The boundaries that exist to protect women-only spaces are being eroded by idiotic politicians too cowardly to risk offending a small minority of bullies by standing up for what is sadly the truth: that sometimes people with cervixes need protection from those with penises.
What has it come to when they can’t even answer the simple question: ‘What is a woman?’ And, when asked whether a woman can be in possession of a penis, Labour leader Keir Starmer has no reply?
This is because our idiot MPs passed the Gender Recognition Act. Guess who was PM then. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_Recognition_Act_2004
“The Gender Recognition Act 2004 enables transsexual people to apply to receive a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). A Gender Recognition Certificate is the document issued that shows that a person has satisfied the criteria for legal recognition in the acquired gender. The Act gives people with gender dysphoria legal recognition as members of the sex appropriate to their gender identity allowing them to acquire a Gender Recognition Certificate.”
I`ll be going into a busy pub later on which has TV screens on . At my request they will change the channel from BBC news to GB News . This will get more people familiar with the format of GB News and hopefully one or two of them will watch it at home .
Slowly kill off the BBC .
Yes – my radio and TV is defaulted to GBNews now –
Today watch
Meeshal interviews The Raab – seems like the BBC wants the identities of those who received fixed penalty notices for alleged breaches of covid regulations .
And top of the list is Mrs nut nut – who – presumably the BBC thinks has been on the receiving end of a plod letter and ticket .
If the BBC can’t get nut nut they’ll go for his wife … in the public interest of course ….
I don’t know about you but the sooner the plod thing is finished and the gray report published the better as it all gets in the way of important stuff – like living costs .
There are different places around the web suggesting ways of saving money – surely the most obvious way is to dump the TVLicence tax – might pay for a tank of juice …
Over the past month, @bbclysedoucet has been a daily fixture on @BBCr4today bringing clarity, insight and empathy as she's reported from Ukraine. Tomorrow, as she prepares to leave, she'll present Today from Kyiv, alongside @MishalHusain in London #r4today from 6am on @BBCRadio4
ajs, (“great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again”, make them in Britain?), tomorrow it is going to be plenty windy in the Thames Estuary with a 40mph northerly. Er, actually, that sort of speed may require the wind farm off Herne Bay to be shut down. Wrong kind of wind speed. Wrong direction, too.
Except that she wasn’t assaulted by a transgender rapist. She was assaulted by a man who gamed a gullible woke system.
Even the woman attacked confirmed that “it was just a costume, an act. She also didn’t speak like a woman. Her voice was really, really deep and blokey. If you wanted to be a woman you would try to make your voice softer, but she didn’t care.”
There are genuine trans people around, and it is an internationally recognised medical condition. There aren’t very many of them and they generally keep themselves to themselves and don’t bother anyone. You would probably pass them in the street and never even know.
Very sad that the Left has used this small group as a battle ground, with other far left feminazis, and equally as sad that plenty of people with a great deal of hate in their hearts have joined in.
If it is not Banania then it should be-of course the Human Rights and all other notable wets would go off the cliff at such an action, but for the follower of Islam I know it would destroy them in the name of their ideology and within their community. Such a lesson is needed,
ITBB have a thread about Simpson’s sarcastic sneering anti-Grade tweet
He also deleted his tweet which proves Assange is his good friend
which ties with his past reporting being biased.
The genuine article*? One in three internet users fail to question misinformation
Ofcom publishes its annual research into children’s and adults’ media use and online lives.
More than a third of internet users are unaware that online content might be false or biased, according to new Ofcom research.
It reveals that 30% of UK adults who go online (14.5 million) are unsure about, or don’t even consider, the truthfulness of online information. A further 6% – around one in every twenty internet users – believe everything they see online.
Misinformation can spread quickly on social media platforms. More than four in ten adults say they have seen a story on social media that looked deliberately untrue or misleading in the last year.
Although seven in 10 adults (69%) said they were confident in identifying misinformation, only two in 10 (22%) were able to correctly identify the tell-tale signs of a genuine post, without making mistakes. We saw a similar pattern among older children aged 12-17 (74% confident but only 11% able).
Online experiences uncut
Today’s reports reveal an unfiltered picture of our lives online today. Other themes emerging in this year’s research include:
Multiscreening TikTots – TikTok is growing in popularity, even among the youngest age groups. The popularity of short-form content could also be linked to multi-screening, with more children reporting difficulties in focusing on a single online activity.
Concealing life online – Many children could be tactically using other accounts or ‘finstas’ – fake Instagrams – to conceal aspects of their online lives from parents.
Scrolling over sharing – both adults (88%) and children (91%) are becoming more passive online; and are three times as likely to watch videos online, than to post their own content.
Social Samaritans – Young digital natives, who have never known life without the internet, are sharing their technical skills and supporting others. They’re also increasingly using the internet as a means of supporting their own wellbeing.
Of the 33% aware, many have been either blocked or banned by BBC staff, especially in the BBC Disinformation Unit, ironically for trying to point out BBC howlers to the BBC, because they can, their facts are their views, their views are their own, so there.
*GW edit. Some quotes are from sources who say, ‘BBC style’, and may be utterly made up.
Ofcom do a report about misinformation
and instead of focusing on the fact that the media is rife with misinformation
and understanding it’s a deep culture thing within the industry, that spinning stories is better than truth.
… ofcom say look over their the problem is THE PUBLIC not being smart enough.
TOADY Watch #1 – she is a Vivisectshun Perfector you know
After Mens Doubles on TOADY (ah the days of Jack de Manio!) we are back to Ladies Doubles with Lyse Doucett in Kyiv and Mistress Mishal in London.
“Merry Hoop Hole” is the start of Lyse’s contribution immediately after the 7 a.m. News. Am not sure at first if she is confused through shell-shock between Christmas and Easter but then I decode what she is talking about: Mariupol, a city in Ukraine.
Lyse is, of course, a Visiting Professor at the Dame Celia Vowel-Strangler’s Academy of Pismronunciation and a world authority on The Mangling of Vowels and Consonants. In fact, that is the title of her book which is required reading for students at the Dame Celia Vowel-Strangler’s Academy of Pismronunciation.
To conclude, I wish that The Peace of Christmas could fall upon the nation, the territory and peoples of all Ukraine.
The BBC vermin must be worried that there might be a peace treaty before it is there turn to go out there and get a valuable CV entry –
But on the upside there will plenty of ‘travel’ to report breaches and get the war going again …… dead people make for good TV – especially kids – right BBC ?
Elsewhere the BBC will be desperate for reports of nice Ukrainian refugees being badly treated in the UK …..
Local news : almost every item was heavy on gaslighting
eg another vox pop where every voice said people couldn’t possibly pay for their own Covid tests.
One item said “Ofcom research says 6% of people believe EVERYTHING they read online”
.. Nope it’s human nature to know things might be true and might not be true, no one believes everything 100%
Today is set to be mega. Just got this from the #prasnews service that all MSM editors and Labour pols use for their tv appearances with charity directors of Comms on £100k.
We may witness near unanimity of thought on the big issues – such as covid and Ukraine – but there are some subjects on which our media still provide some variety of opinion.
The Sun offers the full respect due to our monarch – albeit the tabloid’s headlines are informal: ‘The Queen of broken hearts. Emotional farewell to beloved Phil. And she picks Andrew to escort her… in a public show of support‘
There’s no forgive and forget at the Mirror: ‘Remembering the Duke. The pain… and the stain. Queen’s tears for Philip… as Andrew worms his way back into limelight‘
The Express gives credit to the Queen despite: ‘Royal fallout over Queen’s ultimate act of love. The Queen’s forgiving gesture… sparked tensions‘
Meanwhile, whilst our minds are again focused on those special temptations that will confront those in the limelight and their past misdemeanors of a sexual nature: ‘Tiger shock. Golf legend planning sensational Masters return‘ (Telegraph)
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph alerts us to the sad situation concerning: ‘Giving birth on the NHS is a disgrace… maternity care failures that led to hundreds of baby deaths‘ – if the NHS were a person, there would surely be less forgiveness and more calls to lock it up.
Even our BBC admits: ‘Public satisfaction with NHS drops to 25-year low… after a sharp fall during the pandemic, a survey suggests.‘
You know how those online customer comments tend to read – “crap customer care service my advice is go elsewhere”
In Mr AsISeeIt’s humble opinion all that doorstep clapping, pot-banging and all that highly politicised sentimentatlity didn’t help the case for the NHS one jot.
Speaking of medical malfeasance: ‘NHS facing £3bn bill for negligence claims‘ (Telegraph)
Staying with health, our other creaking State monolith, the BBC, seems somewhat conflicted on this one: ‘Clinics call for at-home abortions to continue‘
Speaking of conflict: ‘Why the Red Cross has to be neutral in the Ukraine conflict‘ – explains the BBC, rather whistfully. If only we could have a clear-cut – all the good guys of the world against the bad guys conflict.
The BBC audience are likely slavering for the Red Cross to properly take sides – like everyone else has – so why can’t they speak out against Putin – like everyone else has? – The BBC audience need a little schooling via quote to their reporter from the Red Cross: ‘“We’re not some dial-a-quote organisation,” an ICRC officer told me at the time, “there are human rights groups for that.”‘ – ouch, that stings.
On the subject of schooling… the BBC approves: ‘Afghanistan: World Bank freezes projects over girls’ school ban‘ – and yet the BBC has to admit the problem of lack of education is somewhat more general worldwide: ‘Covid closures still affecting 400 million pupils – Unicef‘
Ah, what’s this? I do believe I detect that rare breath of stale air emanating from the direction of the crusty old Telegraph this morning, as it is momentarily nudged awake from its habitual slumber: ‘Game over. Now robots have mastered bridge, is humanity doomed?‘
The FT’s Datawatch feature likewise regrets the prevailing climate in a world that just won’t conform to its own elevated notions of propriety: ‘Any potential enviromental benefits from the pandemic appear to have been shortlived in the EU, with greenhouse gas emissions nearly at pre-pandemic levels‘ – ain’t that a bummer.
Kudos to the Times for keeping their eye on the ball where others tend to look away: ‘Channel crossings up. More than 3,000 migrants have crossed the Channel this month‘ – one doubts any of them were Ukrainians.
And as we get used to Western foreign policy in complete disarray with Biden at the helm the Times consoles us with some cold comfort in the East: ‘Taiwan war “reprieve”. China will delay any attempt to take over Taiwan by at least four years becasue of Russia’s failing campaign in Ukraine‘
Time to get a few things straight. Western claims that Russia’s war is failing are a misreading of the situation.
Our media revel in Russian casualties and material losses. Have we forgotten the Russian way of war? We in the West so despise casualties to our forces that we feel the need to bomb our enemies back to the stone age before we dare send in ground troops. See Iraq and Serbia. Not so the Russians. The fall of Berlin cost 70,000 Russian lives at the end of WW2. A figure perfectly acceptable to Stalin in order for him to achieve his political goal of victory in the enemy capital ahead of his pusy-footing allies.
Putin’s present war aim was never to push through to Warsaw, Berlin then Brussels and a quick hop to London. Ruskie soldiers with snow still on their boots marching up Downing Street – where no British demonstrators dare pass the security gates to interrupt the on-going heady calendar of office parties schedule – despite covid.
His war aims are four fold: Secure and annex the Russian speaking enclaves; Downgrade the regular Ukrainian forces in their future ability to further harass the pro-Russian districts; Secure an internationally recognised agreement of neutrality for the rump Ukrainian state, barring its future enrolment into the EU or NATO; lastly, pour encourager les autres within his spere of influence as Napoleon would put it. Display his strengh and reslove in contrast to Western weakness by clear demarcation of his sphere of influence which the West has now so obviously failed to deny him.
Our media may puff and blow with approved propaganda but Vlad appears to be close to achieving these goals: ‘Putin to withdraw troops with focus on Donbas as Ukraine offers neutrality deal‘ (Telegraph)
War in Ukraine is hamstringing China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’
Russia’s invasion is costing Beijing trade revenue and turning BRI investments into a total loss.
All racism is equal but some racism is more equal than others.
Yes the BBC reports that lasers were flashed in the eyes of the
Egyptian players as they took their penalties against Senegal
yesterday. But I must have missed the BBC reporting the
continual racist abuse the Egyptian players had chanted at
them . Ok stones and rocks have been thrown at
opposition team coaches all over the world. So the Egyptian
team coach didn’t really experience anything knew.
But black African football “supporters” screaming racist abuse
at Arab footballers. So far as the BBC is concerned ” Hush hush,
say no more”
mi teecher tell me Toni Blaree hees good an then these nasti toree taker evry fing away like bottles of chamagne we drin k wehen torees gone,. cos mi teacher tell me we all be drinking champagnge soopnn but that Boris, cos he hav wine an cheese that is bad, chamaigne in bbc thas ok cos if ypou don like you is racist init
After leaving his / her/ it’s ‘ school’ this young BBC reporter studies for five years at the BBC College of Journalism and received a first class degree.
Twitter trickery : It says to me “#ScumMedia is trending”
However it does not list the number of tweets, like it does for 90% of hashtags in the charts .
When it doesn’t list the number of tweets , that suggests the chart position was calculated by AI counting tweets that it thinks belong in that category.
There aren’t that many tweets using the hashtag #scumMedia, although some maybe being withheld from search results.
I spot tweets criticising the ScumMedia’s partygate obsession, which has still not found a single MP
And tweets complaining the funeral coverage focussed on smearng Andrew, rather than acknowledging Prince Philip.
No wonder Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine.
The EU selling Russia arms and in the UK we have the #FBPE and #scummedia trying to bring the elected government and PM down!
Tell me who is Putins stooge cos it ain’t
Meanwhile on the Twitter NEWS page
#1 Ukrainian war – OK
#2 “#ToryCovidCatastrophe 1,511 Tweets”
What the heck why put that at number 2 ?
1,500 is not many tweets and it’s obviously a PR thing from Labour’s twitterbot army
(Likewise for #10 “Trending in Politics #ToriesPartiedWhilePeopleDied 4,721 Tweets”
and #12 #ToryCovidCatastrophe 1,537 tweets)
#3 Trending in Politics Keir Starmer43.4K Tweets
OK forty thousand tweets
#4 Met Police to issue first fines into Downing Street lockdown parties
(actually yesterday’s news)
The page just refreshed itself, and re-arranged ..the pro Labour theme was still maintained
Something troubling crosses my mind this morning as you joke of a Prime Minister is pictured heading off to yet another party with his ministers.
At this part he jokes that he is more popular in Kiev than in parts of Kensington, and they call find that most amusing. Of course they do because they are so dim they don’t appear to realise than no one in Kiev can vote in a British election.
He took a swipe at those MPs who sent in no confidence letters – the few who had a scintilla of courage, but the others who were too cowardly will probably loose their seats come the Landslide loss the Tories are looking at come the next election.
But yet all of that is not the concern, and it comes back once again to the appalling poor pay of British politicians – the worst in the Western world. Boris is popular in Kyiv to give it its Ukrainian name, but then so was Hunter Biden. We know that Ukraine was and almost certainly remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Boris was becoming heavily involved in Ukraine way before the Russian invasion actually happened, giving away British weapons with the gleeful abandon which is his hallmark with taxpayers money. As it turns out it was all justified by the invasion, but at the time he did it most expert commentators including the Ukrainians did not believe Russia would actually invade.
Boris has already stated that the PMs salary is insufficient to meet his expenses, with God knows how many children and abandoned women in his wake to support it might not be surprising, but the possible temptation to make up that low salary with money from the corrupt Ukrainian government using taxpayers funded weaponry to seal the deal cannot be ruled out.
He probably didn’t reckon on Hunter Bidens laptop coming out of the woodwork to bite him in the ass, and a compliant media willing to not probe too deeply into any promises made by Ukrainian political leaders to get his snout in the trough when he leaves office. What was the quid pro quo from Ukraine for the supply of those British weapons given for free at a time when Ukraine had more than enough money to have paid for them ?
Thoughtful, I generally agree with most of your posts here but I think that your antipathy to BoJo is leading you into bizarre, Leftoid, unsubstantiated conjecture regarding his support for Ukraine.
He is unlikely, in my opinion, to need Ukrainian dirty money when he eventually leaves No10. To equate him with the deviant, totally corrupt Bidengimp and his son, Bidenpervert, is really propaganda worthy of Fick Ange.
It’s certainly not leftoid, I simply see a political class now used to accepting what is basically bribes or dirty money from which ever country they can get it.
It’s happened with BLiar, Brown and Cameron why would Boris be any different?
What I have written are a series of known facts and asked a series of questions over the unknowns.
You say thaty he is unlikely to need Ukrainian dirty money, the proof however is against you, and you offer none to support your opinion.
Greed does not set a limit, and as with Tony BLiar a £200 million income was insufficient for him and his greedy weasel wife. Similarly with David Cameron caught lobbying to make himself very wealthy indeed. Both these people led what might be termed conventional lives with a wife and kids, Boris does not live a conventional life, and his power mad money crazed wife is going to need some serious wonga to support once he’s left office.
I never said that I offered any proof he would do it which would of course be impossible, however the point I did make which is supported by proof is that weapons were given at no cost and with no corresponding benefit to the UK therefore giving rise to the suspicion someone might be up to no good.
You are looking at the wrong side of the contract with Biden, you should be looking at the other party and their willingness to pay politicians money in large amounts.
Thoughtful – common sense on your part rather than supposition . pay politicians more ? They’d still take bribes – god knows what Really Happens when the likes of Barry Gardiner can trouser £500 k and he’s not even in the government ….
These people rub shoulders with the very wealthy and want to be like them . But I think the bestist example is nut nut putting a Russian into the corrupt Upper Chamber – but at least he won’t be taking bungs as he has his stash already .
I heard he has only turned up once – to get is costume and sign the book of ‘allegiance ‘ bet they laughed at that in the Kremlin …
I wonder how many politicians haven’t taken a bung ? – foreign holiday – fact finding committee – ‘gift ‘…. Tickets to sports ( declared so that’s ok ….) …
Same for the civil service ‘first division ‘ of course ….
Absolutely they would, the issue is the current state of the rules which allow them to do that. My point about paying them more comes connected with a whole slew of laws preventing them accepting any money post office.
I don’t know if the Trot wing of the BBC are celebrating over UKIP being booted out of their hotel, but the Cameron supported Trots in Unite against fascism are celebrating.
Unite Against Fascism
t856So4f770soih46tud5c ·
🎉🎉VICTORY! After a sustained campaign against UKIP’s Free Speech conference in Newcastle they have been forced to cancel having been turfed out of their hotel. Stand Up To Racism led a sustained campaign and had called a protest outside the conference with backing of the PCS and FBU with more union in progress. They have been sent packing once and will be again if they return. https://www.facebook.com/events/320303463323364?active_tab=about
I gave a link on the last page of the previous page (8pm post)
to the article that explains that SUTR are a UAF brand who are in turn a front for the rapist sheltering Socialist Workers Party.
The woman’s T-shirt is Njambi Koikai alias Fyah Mummah Jahmby The Kenyan reggae queen who suffered from endometriosis in 2016
but who got expensive treatment in the US.
They should just change the masthead logo to The Voice and get it done with. They have knelt down before to the dark man as so many else have done in this country. Shame on them.
“never shall be slaves ”
Sadly, I believe the root of the self-hatred of the country can be found in George Orwell and the lefties post WW1. After revisiting The Road to Wigan Pier and marvelling in his social commentary on mining lives in the 1930’s, I rediscovered the second part: A 5-hours lecture on how much better the lower classes/other countries are.
I guess Winston Smith’s “the hope lies in the proletariat” in 1984 is Orwelll as the anti-England/pro-least successful was fashionable with the increasingly powerful middle classes as a means to attack the ruling class.
So why don’t they just surrender?
Snake Island guys immediately surrendered and have just been freed by Russia is a prisoner exchange and one awarded a Ukrainian medal…
I heard MP comes out as trans .. I didn’t read any further, cos it’s their business not mine
but now I see it’s more complex
He wanted to keep it secret and did even after someone was convicted for blackmailing him,. South Wales Tory who became the UK’s first openly transgender MP and also revealed he was the victim of rape and a £50,000 blackmail plot.
Jamie Wallis, 37, who represents Bridgend, revealed he ‘wants to be’ trans and is ‘not ok’ after someone tried to extort cash from him in return for silence about his secret.
His blackmailer pleaded guilty and was jailed for two years and nine months in 2021
He also explained his conviction for crashing his Mercedes and fleeing the scene last September was as a result of suffering from PTSD after being raped weeks earlier following a date with a man he met online.
(after he refused the guy sex without a condom)
Anyone not voting for him will be deemed to be guilty of a ‘hate crime ‘ with a fixed penalty attached as well as ‘named and shamed ‘ in accordance with ‘community safety ‘ and ‘cohesion ‘ …
Acres of fluff and guff have been written and spoken about the Will Smith incident at the Oscars – not least by the BBC who love that sort of nonsense.
The bien-pensants, the wokerati, the glitterati and the twitterati have been getting their knickers in a twist over the rights and wrongs of it all. (But who cares? One creep bitch-slapped another – who cares?)
Of course it’s all one big soufflé of meaningless, vapid, empty nonsense, like so much of our contemporary ‘culture’.
However, in amongst all the nonsense, a few interesting nuggets have emerged.
One such is Jim Carrey, who said in the interview below: “I was sickened by the standing ovation… Hollywood is spineless, en masse… this is a really clear indication that we’re not the cool club anymore.”
Mark those words: We’re not the cool club anymore.
Indeed not; for all your woke posturing, your predictable banal speeches on feminism (yawn), gay-ism (yawn), black-ism (ditto), trans-ism (“), environmentalism (“)… and i probably missed a few isms – for all your right-on, virtue-signalling posturing, YOU’RE JUST NOT COOL.
Which is why fewer and fewer people watch a bunch of some of the most immoral, depraved, corrupt, overpaid, worthless individuals on the planet give each other awards and lecture us on ethics.
But it goes beyond Hollywood. The ‘uncool’ factor is what will bring down the whole, lefty, woke house of cards. The hoi polloi are waking up, they’re getting red-pilled, they’re not swallowing the propaganda anymore, whether from Hollywood or the BBC.
It’s the same awakening that causes swimming fans to shout: He’s a MAN!; that causes stadium-fulls of sports fans to chant Let’s go Brandon; and school mums in America to reject their young children being taught the wonders of pornography, gay sex and gender confusion.
And hopefully, it’s the same movement that will sweep away the BBC and all it stands for.
In October 2017, following sexual abuse allegations dating back to the late 1970s, Weinstein was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. More than 80 women had made allegations against Weinstein by October 31.[4] The allegations sparked the #MeToo social media campaign and many sexual abuse allegations against powerful men around the world; this phenomenon is referred to as the “Weinstein effect”. Weinstein was arrested and charged with rape in New York in May 2018. He was found guilty of two of five felonies in February 2020,[5] was sentenced to 23 years in prison,[6] and started serving his sentence at Wende Correctional Facility. His earliest possible release date is November 9, 2039, when he will be 87.[7][8] On July 20, 2021, he was extradited to Los Angeles to face further charges at a subsequent trial.
Now I’m not sure how much coverage the BBC is giving this – but I’ve got the report and will scan it .
The harm done is immeasurable – but I am interested in evidence to support my prejudice about the ‘health professional mafia ‘….
It’s not just about the working practice of that Trust – but about failures to declare mistakes – killings – cover ups ranging from staff right up to the CQC and Royal Colleges across those years and cases .
I listened to the both the current health Secretary and the former one -Jeremy Hunt – who were unable to ‘name names ‘ because of the ongoing plod inquiry – which I predict will go no where because of silence and destroyed records .
Javid said that a number of people responsible have been struck off or moved ….
I assume the BBC won’t be laying into its favourite organisation – the NHS – as much as it should –
If all of that happened at Shrewsbury – I wonder how many other hospitals had the same ‘bad practices ‘ and attitudes regarding killing babies and mothers …
5pm bbc radio news – which story featured first on the news – the killing /‘harming of babies and mothers in Shrewsbury hospital – or an industrial dispute involving a ferry company …?
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
ta da
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 4 started 6pm on Tuesday
– page 3 started 8:30am on Tuesday
yep,a trumpet, well done. and a very loud, hairless trumpet with alopecia will get you a job for life at the bbc this week
its a wimmin and its black !
(we will forget that she’s f@cking his son’s friends)
bbc style wurld klass ghernaliss innit
Not directly biased BBC but a telling example of how the majority are treated by the woke minority.
And it’s not an immediately obvious one, but bear with me.
A critical roundabout on the Aberdeen outer ring road is still not open, having been identified as a critical bottleneck nearly ten years ago. How many hundreds of thousands of journeys and potentially millions of wasted unproductive hours have accumulated as a direct result? And at what huge cost!
Meanwhile, our towns and cities have traffic jams as our woke councils prioritise cycling and bus lanes. Neither of which are used by even as much as 10% of the population and mostly lie empty. But money is poured into these politically correct schemes while the majority of us are given crumbs when the occasional pothole is filled in.
But up in Aberdeen we see a fantastic example of just what the public centre intelligentsia, in this case Scottish but not confined to them, aided and abetted by the eco-fanatics, really think of the rest of us. And the BBC can be relied on to be on message.
Guardianlalaland’s Nick Cohen and his mad mates are triggered by Andrew Marr saying Partygate is small compared to the war.
In the replies his mates claim the BBC is a Tory mouthpiece etc.
.. https://www.twitter.com/NickCohen4/status/1508868788053237763
The BBC going to mammoth lengths to verify the authenticity of film of Ukrainian soldiers allegedly shooting Russian POW’s in the legs.
Lots of ifs and buts and obfuscation and expert opinion.
If the film had shown Russian soldiers shooting Ukrainian POW’s it would simply have been accepted as fact and reported as fact.
That’s why I hate the BBC.
I read the report to the end
and it basically said it could be faked, or it could be true.
I was unfortunately in the same room as a TV tuned to the BBC for about two minutes today. In that two minutes the BBC promoted wimmin’s Six Nations Rugby, showed me some forthcoming bilge to be avoided on BBC3 (isn’t it all?), and gleefully looked forward to Partygate penalties being dished out, obviously the story on everybody’s lips with nothing else going on in the world. Earlier this week they couldn’t be bothered to tell us about the Test Match cricket unless one scrolled past three articles about female cricket or football or something. I didn’t think I could despise them any more but they have proved me wrong.
– You have got to understand that the BBC show very little men’s
major sporting events. For example a women’s rugby or netball
match is much more important so far as the BBC is concerned than
say a Premiership league match between Manchester City-Liverpool.
When the woke rugby, football and netball associations let trans women who still have their penises play. You will then see the
BBC really in full bloom when it comes to wimmins sport.
On top of which you will see some tackles you have never seen
in wimmins football and rugby before,
BIG BROTHER from the diversity department at the BBC
will be in ecstasy .And continuity presenters , talking in patois
will keep us informed when the BBC will be showing these
“major” sporting events.
They claim they cannot afford the cost of the mens game and they make the excuse of the diversity in showing what isn’t even really a second class alternative.
The point is though that they have vast amounts of cash given to them, and they still cannot make ends meet, just like every other nationalised construct.
Womens faces appear to rule in the BBC, there is ever a new female face of any colour or creed mouthing off, showing off, and pntificating on one subject or another and anyway that’s a man’s prerogative. Fed up with hearing women’s voices that often speak so badly one cannot understand what they are really saying.
Listened to local radio on the way home
The presenter is a lefty and local NUJ rep
He first gave us #Fakenews claiming the Hull/Rotterdam ferry is the ONE ferry running
That’s false the Liverpool/Dublin ferry is also running
He didn’t seem to know they have had part Indonesian crew for years.
He promised an interview with the RMT head Mick Lynch.
I hoped he’d ask about the Indonesian workers and their living costs , since they live onboard for free AFAIK.
But when the interview came on after 2 hours, it turned out it had been done pre-recorded, with the presenter fielding him soft ball questions
Then the presenter did actually point out that some staff have accepted the payoffs
then the union leader basically said the ferry company should be nationalised and the current head jailed
..Which isn’t going to happen of course.
In another segment the BBC Local Democracy Reporter was interviewed and he did PRasNews
He listed 3 green business projects and said how fantastic they are, no hint of scepticism etc.
I said a while ago about the bbc missing the zeitgeiss, over and again. It has been alluded to by others.
This site may have a limited number of people, and therefore open to accusations of a similar “bubble”but I have noticed, far and wide the same dissatisfied opinions on the bbc and media wide black obsession.
I have a lot of connections in the music industry and the same there. It has traditionally been colour blind but now many getting pissed off about being told what to think and how to think.
Talking to a ska drummer last week, who plays with many black musicians, driving a van thru the blm riots and getting spat on and sworn at because he was white.
Working with a black bassist last month and all he went on about was slavery etc etc. Well done bbc.
As usual I’m 24 hours behind the times when I watch GB News on catch up but I must comment on the extraordinary piece on Dan Wooton’s Monday show . It was a ‘discussion’ between Lawrence Fox and two black chaps , one from London and one from the US about the Smith chap at the Oscars.The US bloke seemed to be eating chips and constantly rolled his eyes whenever Fox pushed back against his claims that black victimhood excused everything.
But the point was that during the piece Fox said that tens of thousands of white girls were raped by MOPOs ( Men Of Pakistani Origin) in the UK . Obviously it’s true and has been true for decades and we all know that it’s true but it is never said so bluntly , so honestly , said without a host of caveats and obfuscations , on UK TV.
The BBC is a place where the Truth dies every day . GBN is a place where the Truth is spoken everyday. How long will the UK ‘liberal’ establishment allow the truth to be spoken so openly?
Or the plethora of black racist attacks on Chinese asians, mainly elderly or female
Dt, However
As far as I know GBN have never invited Anne Marie Waters on despite the Party Chairman writing an open letter to Nigel Farage in August 2021.
For Britain is the only registered political party who openly discuss the dangers of Islam and for which they have been ‘cancelled’.
Yes. Perhaps Ofcom has warned them off AMW. Even with Grade at the helm Ofcom will continue to cast a long shadow over what can can’t be said on TV and radio in the UK. I’m sure that the many ex BBC members on the Ofcom board see their first duty is to protect their old employer and their second duty to continue to suppress the truth on topics that the liberal establishment find , to use one of their words, problematic.
And I assume that Tommy Robinson has never been interviewed by GBN.
@TheIsland free speech should apply to all, except if a court says so
Opinions should be debated not banned.
I see AMW was banned from Twitter on Sept 13th 2019
One thing is if media did invite her on 90% it would be some kind of controlled stitchup, rather than fair debate.
MOPO s thats a good one – i ll use that because some snowflake here objected to calling a paki a paki ..
Woman is savagely beaten in Birmingham ‘coronavirus rage’ attack after stepping in to defend her Chinese friend from racist abuse
Trainee lawyer Meera Solanki, from Solihull, was at Ana Rocha Bar and Gallery
She was celebrating her 29th birthday with friends at popular Birmingham bar
Miss Solanki defended her Chinese friend Mandy Huang, 28, from racial abuse
West Midlands Police are investigating the assault and appealing for information
Chinese American man attacked in New York last April dies of injuries
This article is more than 2 months old
Attack on Yao Pan Ma, 61, drew attention amid rise in anti-Asian hate crimes and is now being treated as homicide
Powell is alleged to have attacked Ma from behind, knocking him to the ground and repeatedly kicking his head before fleeing, prosecutors say.
Surveillance video appears to show an attacker stomping on Ma’s head.
The attack drew national attention as part of a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes in New York and around the country, amid the coronavirus pandemic which originated in China.
Watch the video: black man repeatedly attacks asian woman:
She was attacked in the street for being Asian. Her community still lives in fear
“You don’t belong here, you Asian,” he said, cursing and beating her so violently that Vilma, then 65, was left with serious pelvic injuries.
Attacks on Asian Americans Spiked by 164% in First Quarter of 2021
Asian hate crime in UK increases during pandemic
As footballers boycott social media over hate crimes, the abuse directed at Spurs star Son Heung-Min has focused attention on racism suffered by people of Asian background.
Community leaders say such abuse has increased dramatically since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
Only one common factor in all of the above, regarding the perpetrators
Guess what it is….
Today watch
The BBC is ‘talking about ‘ the maternity report on Shropshire before it is released .
Jeremy Hunt was interviewed about it today – he baldly stated that ‘lessons will not be learnt ‘ because those involved were in a ‘wall of silence ‘ about repeated failures – deaths and unnecessary suffering .
I ve written here before about the corruption of the medical mafia – covering up – exploiting taxpayers using private £ practice – and the medical mafias fixation with money not people ….
This report has taken 5 years – no one will be blamed – no one will be fired – the medics will close ranks .
But on the upside – nurses and doctors and staff will have to pay for parking their cars in hospitals – hitting them in the pocket is the best thing to do
Don’t forget to clap ….
the clap, the most brazen part of the experiment, as anyone that needs something from the hero spitfire pilots saving the country. all grossly fat but happy to give nutrition adviice while eating donuts
The clap was always a waste of time – unbritish – woke crap .
The NHS is more trouble than its’ worth but Is untouchable now ….
British is still the 86 % the gobs we hear are the small but noisy minority
As said before many times, the Shrewsbury NHS cover up is just the latest example of how nationalised industry really works. It works to protect itself. Customers/ patients/ the public/ taxpayers (especially) really do not matter one jot.
The Far Left of course spout all the unusual dross about nationalised industries being caring, sharing, institutions owned by the people for the people. After which they drive off in their chauffeured Zil limousines.
I hope the Shrewsbury hospital report will feature bigly on PMQ – but I guess the party thing will beat the unnecessary deaths of over 200 babies –
After all – it’s only 200 babies – and kier won’t want to go anywhere near the term ‘woman ‘ as he and his party are unsure what they are ….
British politics really is the dregs isn’t it ?
We are the victims of woke non energy policies bringing us dependency and avoidable expense which if more prudent politicians had planned ( civil service ) would have been avoided decades ago – gas production ‘ storage – nuclear .
Notice we don’t get ready comparisons of how much gas / electricity / petrol costs in other countries ….
British Stunned by Harvest of Organs at a Children’s Hospital
JAN. 31, 2001 12 AM PT
The boundaries that exist to protect women-only spaces are being eroded by idiotic politicians too cowardly to risk offending a small minority of bullies by standing up for what is sadly the truth: that sometimes people with cervixes need protection from those with penises.
What has it come to when they can’t even answer the simple question: ‘What is a woman?’ And, when asked whether a woman can be in possession of a penis, Labour leader Keir Starmer has no reply?
This is because our idiot MPs passed the Gender Recognition Act. Guess who was PM then.
“The Gender Recognition Act 2004 enables transsexual people to apply to receive a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). A Gender Recognition Certificate is the document issued that shows that a person has satisfied the criteria for legal recognition in the acquired gender. The Act gives people with gender dysphoria legal recognition as members of the sex appropriate to their gender identity allowing them to acquire a Gender Recognition Certificate.”
I`ll be going into a busy pub later on which has TV screens on . At my request they will change the channel from BBC news to GB News . This will get more people familiar with the format of GB News and hopefully one or two of them will watch it at home .
Slowly kill off the BBC .
Good idea. Grass roots activism against the BBC . We should all become foot soldiers in the culture wars.
Yes – my radio and TV is defaulted to GBNews now –
Today watch
Meeshal interviews The Raab – seems like the BBC wants the identities of those who received fixed penalty notices for alleged breaches of covid regulations .
And top of the list is Mrs nut nut – who – presumably the BBC thinks has been on the receiving end of a plod letter and ticket .
If the BBC can’t get nut nut they’ll go for his wife … in the public interest of course ….
I don’t know about you but the sooner the plod thing is finished and the gray report published the better as it all gets in the way of important stuff – like living costs .
There are different places around the web suggesting ways of saving money – surely the most obvious way is to dump the TVLicence tax – might pay for a tank of juice …
Between her and the likers, a fair idea of the entire wimmin merry go round awards committee in media.
White men need not apply.
Best report from a bunker
Best report from a hotel roof
Best flak jacket and tin hat combo
Best shortest trip to say ‘when I was in a war zone ‘ ….
Climate change: Wind and solar reach milestone as demand surges
10% for 2021 of global electricity apparently
Maybe 2022 could be the same, if its windy or sunny 🙁
ajs, (“great motorcycles, make motorcycles great again”, make them in Britain?), tomorrow it is going to be plenty windy in the Thames Estuary with a 40mph northerly. Er, actually, that sort of speed may require the wind farm off Herne Bay to be shut down. Wrong kind of wind speed. Wrong direction, too.
Carnage as the overnight Line to Take Commitee in Frankie Howerd at W1A have to send out for a chubby latte set and some fairy cakes for breakfast…
‘I was sexually assaulted by a transgender rapist in a women’s jail’: Female prisoner, 45, describes ordeal at the hands of sex predator, 56, who molested four inmates during three-month reign of terror
Except that she wasn’t assaulted by a transgender rapist. She was assaulted by a man who gamed a gullible woke system.
Even the woman attacked confirmed that “it was just a costume, an act. She also didn’t speak like a woman. Her voice was really, really deep and blokey. If you wanted to be a woman you would try to make your voice softer, but she didn’t care.”
There are genuine trans people around, and it is an internationally recognised medical condition. There aren’t very many of them and they generally keep themselves to themselves and don’t bother anyone. You would probably pass them in the street and never even know.
Very sad that the Left has used this small group as a battle ground, with other far left feminazis, and equally as sad that plenty of people with a great deal of hate in their hearts have joined in.
Simple answer, Castration-
I thought that was a standard part of being trans.
If it is not Banania then it should be-of course the Human Rights and all other notable wets would go off the cliff at such an action, but for the follower of Islam I know it would destroy them in the name of their ideology and within their community. Such a lesson is needed,
ITBB got a few good complements worth a check.
Plus an update…
Arthur T • 2 days ago
Charlie’s tweet below from the mouth of John Simpson seems to have disappeared. I wonder why.
Simpo going to be headed onto the Sopes and BS podcast to moan about losing his ability to get paid oodles to opine?
Shame if this got highlighted more.
ITBB have a thread about Simpson’s sarcastic sneering anti-Grade tweet
He also deleted his tweet which proves Assange is his good friend
which ties with his past reporting being biased.
Stats, darn stats, and media stats.
The genuine article*? One in three internet users fail to question misinformation
Ofcom publishes its annual research into children’s and adults’ media use and online lives.
More than a third of internet users are unaware that online content might be false or biased, according to new Ofcom research.
It reveals that 30% of UK adults who go online (14.5 million) are unsure about, or don’t even consider, the truthfulness of online information. A further 6% – around one in every twenty internet users – believe everything they see online.
Misinformation can spread quickly on social media platforms. More than four in ten adults say they have seen a story on social media that looked deliberately untrue or misleading in the last year.
Although seven in 10 adults (69%) said they were confident in identifying misinformation, only two in 10 (22%) were able to correctly identify the tell-tale signs of a genuine post, without making mistakes. We saw a similar pattern among older children aged 12-17 (74% confident but only 11% able).
Online experiences uncut
Today’s reports reveal an unfiltered picture of our lives online today. Other themes emerging in this year’s research include:
Multiscreening TikTots – TikTok is growing in popularity, even among the youngest age groups. The popularity of short-form content could also be linked to multi-screening, with more children reporting difficulties in focusing on a single online activity.
Concealing life online – Many children could be tactically using other accounts or ‘finstas’ – fake Instagrams – to conceal aspects of their online lives from parents.
Scrolling over sharing – both adults (88%) and children (91%) are becoming more passive online; and are three times as likely to watch videos online, than to post their own content.
Social Samaritans – Young digital natives, who have never known life without the internet, are sharing their technical skills and supporting others. They’re also increasingly using the internet as a means of supporting their own wellbeing.
Of the 33% aware, many have been either blocked or banned by BBC staff, especially in the BBC Disinformation Unit, ironically for trying to point out BBC howlers to the BBC, because they can, their facts are their views, their views are their own, so there.
*GW edit. Some quotes are from sources who say, ‘BBC style’, and may be utterly made up.
Meanwhile, on the topic of those in control of the edit informing, or not…
Beeboid on Beeboid fire.
Ofcom do a report about misinformation
and instead of focusing on the fact that the media is rife with misinformation
and understanding it’s a deep culture thing within the industry, that spinning stories is better than truth.
… ofcom say look over their the problem is THE PUBLIC not being smart enough.
The bBC is half way through a virtual conference entitled ‘Trust in News’ for those who have the time and stomach for it.
I wonder if this will be raised?
TOADY Watch #1 – she is a Vivisectshun Perfector you know
After Mens Doubles on TOADY (ah the days of Jack de Manio!) we are back to Ladies Doubles with Lyse Doucett in Kyiv and Mistress Mishal in London.
“Merry Hoop Hole” is the start of Lyse’s contribution immediately after the 7 a.m. News. Am not sure at first if she is confused through shell-shock between Christmas and Easter but then I decode what she is talking about: Mariupol, a city in Ukraine.
Lyse is, of course, a Visiting Professor at the Dame Celia Vowel-Strangler’s Academy of Pismronunciation and a world authority on The Mangling of Vowels and Consonants. In fact, that is the title of her book which is required reading for students at the Dame Celia Vowel-Strangler’s Academy of Pismronunciation.
To conclude, I wish that The Peace of Christmas could fall upon the nation, the territory and peoples of all Ukraine.
The BBC vermin must be worried that there might be a peace treaty before it is there turn to go out there and get a valuable CV entry –
But on the upside there will plenty of ‘travel’ to report breaches and get the war going again …… dead people make for good TV – especially kids – right BBC ?
Elsewhere the BBC will be desperate for reports of nice Ukrainian refugees being badly treated in the UK …..
Fed, Absoluuuuutttelyy! Quite right. Never mind the CO2, CO2 emissions are for other people to be worried about*, not the BBC!
(*not that I do as we will need some global warming this week!)
Good to know that Mrs Danvers has gone from that balcony. She was frightening the crows.
Mrs Danvers. Class.
Is Doucet related to Orla Guerin?
Is the BBC-Canadian related to the BBC-Irish-woman ? you mean
Stew, think one of Lyse’s parents may have been of Irish origin; she also has Acadian and native blood in her veins.
Local news : almost every item was heavy on gaslighting
eg another vox pop where every voice said people couldn’t possibly pay for their own Covid tests.
One item said “Ofcom research says 6% of people believe EVERYTHING they read online”
.. Nope it’s human nature to know things might be true and might not be true, no one believes everything 100%
Today is set to be mega. Just got this from the #prasnews service that all MSM editors and Labour pols use for their tv appearances with charity directors of Comms on £100k.
Some dial-a-quote organisation edition
We may witness near unanimity of thought on the big issues – such as covid and Ukraine – but there are some subjects on which our media still provide some variety of opinion.
The Sun offers the full respect due to our monarch – albeit the tabloid’s headlines are informal: ‘The Queen of broken hearts. Emotional farewell to beloved Phil. And she picks Andrew to escort her… in a public show of support‘
There’s no forgive and forget at the Mirror: ‘Remembering the Duke. The pain… and the stain. Queen’s tears for Philip… as Andrew worms his way back into limelight‘
The Express gives credit to the Queen despite: ‘Royal fallout over Queen’s ultimate act of love. The Queen’s forgiving gesture… sparked tensions‘
Meanwhile, whilst our minds are again focused on those special temptations that will confront those in the limelight and their past misdemeanors of a sexual nature: ‘Tiger shock. Golf legend planning sensational Masters return‘ (Telegraph)
Allison Pearson in the Telegraph alerts us to the sad situation concerning: ‘Giving birth on the NHS is a disgrace… maternity care failures that led to hundreds of baby deaths‘ – if the NHS were a person, there would surely be less forgiveness and more calls to lock it up.
Even our BBC admits: ‘Public satisfaction with NHS drops to 25-year low… after a sharp fall during the pandemic, a survey suggests.‘
You know how those online customer comments tend to read – “crap customer care service my advice is go elsewhere”
In Mr AsISeeIt’s humble opinion all that doorstep clapping, pot-banging and all that highly politicised sentimentatlity didn’t help the case for the NHS one jot.
Speaking of medical malfeasance: ‘NHS facing £3bn bill for negligence claims‘ (Telegraph)
Staying with health, our other creaking State monolith, the BBC, seems somewhat conflicted on this one: ‘Clinics call for at-home abortions to continue‘
Speaking of conflict: ‘Why the Red Cross has to be neutral in the Ukraine conflict‘ – explains the BBC, rather whistfully. If only we could have a clear-cut – all the good guys of the world against the bad guys conflict.
The BBC audience are likely slavering for the Red Cross to properly take sides – like everyone else has – so why can’t they speak out against Putin – like everyone else has? – The BBC audience need a little schooling via quote to their reporter from the Red Cross: ‘“We’re not some dial-a-quote organisation,” an ICRC officer told me at the time, “there are human rights groups for that.”‘ – ouch, that stings.
On the subject of schooling… the BBC approves: ‘Afghanistan: World Bank freezes projects over girls’ school ban‘ – and yet the BBC has to admit the problem of lack of education is somewhat more general worldwide: ‘Covid closures still affecting 400 million pupils – Unicef‘
Ah, what’s this? I do believe I detect that rare breath of stale air emanating from the direction of the crusty old Telegraph this morning, as it is momentarily nudged awake from its habitual slumber: ‘Game over. Now robots have mastered bridge, is humanity doomed?‘
The FT’s Datawatch feature likewise regrets the prevailing climate in a world that just won’t conform to its own elevated notions of propriety: ‘Any potential enviromental benefits from the pandemic appear to have been shortlived in the EU, with greenhouse gas emissions nearly at pre-pandemic levels‘ – ain’t that a bummer.
Kudos to the Times for keeping their eye on the ball where others tend to look away: ‘Channel crossings up. More than 3,000 migrants have crossed the Channel this month‘ – one doubts any of them were Ukrainians.
And as we get used to Western foreign policy in complete disarray with Biden at the helm the Times consoles us with some cold comfort in the East: ‘Taiwan war “reprieve”. China will delay any attempt to take over Taiwan by at least four years becasue of Russia’s failing campaign in Ukraine‘
Time to get a few things straight. Western claims that Russia’s war is failing are a misreading of the situation.
Our media revel in Russian casualties and material losses. Have we forgotten the Russian way of war? We in the West so despise casualties to our forces that we feel the need to bomb our enemies back to the stone age before we dare send in ground troops. See Iraq and Serbia. Not so the Russians. The fall of Berlin cost 70,000 Russian lives at the end of WW2. A figure perfectly acceptable to Stalin in order for him to achieve his political goal of victory in the enemy capital ahead of his pusy-footing allies.
Putin’s present war aim was never to push through to Warsaw, Berlin then Brussels and a quick hop to London. Ruskie soldiers with snow still on their boots marching up Downing Street – where no British demonstrators dare pass the security gates to interrupt the on-going heady calendar of office parties schedule – despite covid.
His war aims are four fold: Secure and annex the Russian speaking enclaves; Downgrade the regular Ukrainian forces in their future ability to further harass the pro-Russian districts; Secure an internationally recognised agreement of neutrality for the rump Ukrainian state, barring its future enrolment into the EU or NATO; lastly, pour encourager les autres within his spere of influence as Napoleon would put it. Display his strengh and reslove in contrast to Western weakness by clear demarcation of his sphere of influence which the West has now so obviously failed to deny him.
Our media may puff and blow with approved propaganda but Vlad appears to be close to achieving these goals: ‘Putin to withdraw troops with focus on Donbas as Ukraine offers neutrality deal‘ (Telegraph)
The Failure is of course home to BBC Gob Majeure Kev.
His tweet on the subject was… very likely to get him on Vile.
Possibly with editor Pippster.
Of cake fame, not butt d’annee.
They may even get in Pesto and Brando… for gender balance. Twat, twat, twat and twot.
War in Ukraine is hamstringing China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’
Russia’s invasion is costing Beijing trade revenue and turning BRI investments into a total loss.
MARCH 22, 2022
They are ALL award winning, their self congraulation is NOT british
And the award for hiding industrial scale, mass rape of white underage schoolgirls in every pakistani ghetto into local news goes to..
And the award for telling every black person underachieving it is whitees fault goes to…
And now, we come to the top achievement of the bbc
The award for “iss the torees innit” award, to be presented by a black wimmin labour MP who is, unfortunately, in custody for various stuff.
cos the law is racist innit
All racism is equal but some racism is more equal than others.
Yes the BBC reports that lasers were flashed in the eyes of the
Egyptian players as they took their penalties against Senegal
yesterday. But I must have missed the BBC reporting the
continual racist abuse the Egyptian players had chanted at
them . Ok stones and rocks have been thrown at
opposition team coaches all over the world. So the Egyptian
team coach didn’t really experience anything knew.
But black African football “supporters” screaming racist abuse
at Arab footballers. So far as the BBC is concerned ” Hush hush,
say no more”
@Fscari how very dare you
Have you not been programmed yet on a mandatory diversity course ?
Don’t you realise the hurt those feel as they rape and stab
Darwin may be spinning as the bbc say sub humans who make a career out of racist and sexist hate are also humans worthy of procreating
they will win then look at Somalia
BBC young reporter
mi teecher tell me Toni Blaree hees good an then these nasti toree taker evry fing away like bottles of chamagne we drin k wehen torees gone,. cos mi teacher tell me we all be drinking champagnge soopnn but that Boris, cos he hav wine an cheese that is bad, chamaigne in bbc thas ok cos if ypou don like you is racist init
After leaving his / her/ it’s ‘ school’ this young BBC reporter studies for five years at the BBC College of Journalism and received a first class degree.
Emmanuel’s image

Thanks Stew.
Twitter trickery : It says to me “#ScumMedia is trending”
However it does not list the number of tweets, like it does for 90% of hashtags in the charts .
When it doesn’t list the number of tweets , that suggests the chart position was calculated by AI counting tweets that it thinks belong in that category.
There aren’t that many tweets using the hashtag #scumMedia, although some maybe being withheld from search results.
I spot tweets criticising the ScumMedia’s partygate obsession, which has still not found a single MP
And tweets complaining the funeral coverage focussed on smearng Andrew, rather than acknowledging Prince Philip.
No wonder Putin was emboldened to invade Ukraine.
The EU selling Russia arms and in the UK we have the #FBPE and #scummedia trying to bring the elected government and PM down!
Tell me who is Putins stooge cos it ain’t
Meanwhile on the Twitter NEWS page
#1 Ukrainian war – OK
#2 “#ToryCovidCatastrophe 1,511 Tweets”
What the heck why put that at number 2 ?
1,500 is not many tweets and it’s obviously a PR thing from Labour’s twitterbot army
(Likewise for #10 “Trending in Politics #ToriesPartiedWhilePeopleDied 4,721 Tweets”
and #12 #ToryCovidCatastrophe 1,537 tweets)
#3 Trending in Politics Keir Starmer43.4K Tweets
OK forty thousand tweets
#4 Met Police to issue first fines into Downing Street lockdown parties
(actually yesterday’s news)
The page just refreshed itself, and re-arranged ..the pro Labour theme was still maintained
Jackie Weaver did not “have the authority” to mute and virtually eject councillors from the parish council meeting, new reports say
.. Which is what I said from the beginning
I never understood why media lionised her.
Something troubling crosses my mind this morning as you joke of a Prime Minister is pictured heading off to yet another party with his ministers.
At this part he jokes that he is more popular in Kiev than in parts of Kensington, and they call find that most amusing. Of course they do because they are so dim they don’t appear to realise than no one in Kiev can vote in a British election.
He took a swipe at those MPs who sent in no confidence letters – the few who had a scintilla of courage, but the others who were too cowardly will probably loose their seats come the Landslide loss the Tories are looking at come the next election.
But yet all of that is not the concern, and it comes back once again to the appalling poor pay of British politicians – the worst in the Western world. Boris is popular in Kyiv to give it its Ukrainian name, but then so was Hunter Biden. We know that Ukraine was and almost certainly remains one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
Boris was becoming heavily involved in Ukraine way before the Russian invasion actually happened, giving away British weapons with the gleeful abandon which is his hallmark with taxpayers money. As it turns out it was all justified by the invasion, but at the time he did it most expert commentators including the Ukrainians did not believe Russia would actually invade.
Boris has already stated that the PMs salary is insufficient to meet his expenses, with God knows how many children and abandoned women in his wake to support it might not be surprising, but the possible temptation to make up that low salary with money from the corrupt Ukrainian government using taxpayers funded weaponry to seal the deal cannot be ruled out.
He probably didn’t reckon on Hunter Bidens laptop coming out of the woodwork to bite him in the ass, and a compliant media willing to not probe too deeply into any promises made by Ukrainian political leaders to get his snout in the trough when he leaves office. What was the quid pro quo from Ukraine for the supply of those British weapons given for free at a time when Ukraine had more than enough money to have paid for them ?
Thoughtful, I generally agree with most of your posts here but I think that your antipathy to BoJo is leading you into bizarre, Leftoid, unsubstantiated conjecture regarding his support for Ukraine.
He is unlikely, in my opinion, to need Ukrainian dirty money when he eventually leaves No10. To equate him with the deviant, totally corrupt Bidengimp and his son, Bidenpervert, is really propaganda worthy of Fick Ange.
It’s certainly not leftoid, I simply see a political class now used to accepting what is basically bribes or dirty money from which ever country they can get it.
It’s happened with BLiar, Brown and Cameron why would Boris be any different?
What I have written are a series of known facts and asked a series of questions over the unknowns.
You say thaty he is unlikely to need Ukrainian dirty money, the proof however is against you, and you offer none to support your opinion.
Greed does not set a limit, and as with Tony BLiar a £200 million income was insufficient for him and his greedy weasel wife. Similarly with David Cameron caught lobbying to make himself very wealthy indeed. Both these people led what might be termed conventional lives with a wife and kids, Boris does not live a conventional life, and his power mad money crazed wife is going to need some serious wonga to support once he’s left office.
Am still waiting, for the Mastermind with fick aang and some black labour MPs when they get out of jail, and, of course Lammy
I would suggest they start on Blue Peter, making a post box out of dog shit and sellotape or something
thats the labour lot gone
The fact that others have done it is not proof that BoJo WILL do it and so proof is, logically, not against me.
Pure supposition on your part, and as I said, worthy of a Leftoid like Fick Ange.
I never said that I offered any proof he would do it which would of course be impossible, however the point I did make which is supported by proof is that weapons were given at no cost and with no corresponding benefit to the UK therefore giving rise to the suspicion someone might be up to no good.
You are looking at the wrong side of the contract with Biden, you should be looking at the other party and their willingness to pay politicians money in large amounts.
Thoughtful – common sense on your part rather than supposition . pay politicians more ? They’d still take bribes – god knows what Really Happens when the likes of Barry Gardiner can trouser £500 k and he’s not even in the government ….
These people rub shoulders with the very wealthy and want to be like them . But I think the bestist example is nut nut putting a Russian into the corrupt Upper Chamber – but at least he won’t be taking bungs as he has his stash already .
I heard he has only turned up once – to get is costume and sign the book of ‘allegiance ‘ bet they laughed at that in the Kremlin …
I wonder how many politicians haven’t taken a bung ? – foreign holiday – fact finding committee – ‘gift ‘…. Tickets to sports ( declared so that’s ok ….) …
Same for the civil service ‘first division ‘ of course ….
Absolutely they would, the issue is the current state of the rules which allow them to do that. My point about paying them more comes connected with a whole slew of laws preventing them accepting any money post office.
I don’t know if the Trot wing of the BBC are celebrating over UKIP being booted out of their hotel, but the Cameron supported Trots in Unite against fascism are celebrating.
Unite Against Fascism
t856So4f770soih46tud5c ·
🎉🎉VICTORY! After a sustained campaign against UKIP’s Free Speech conference in Newcastle they have been forced to cancel having been turfed out of their hotel. Stand Up To Racism led a sustained campaign and had called a protest outside the conference with backing of the PCS and FBU with more union in progress. They have been sent packing once and will be again if they return.
I gave a link on the last page of the previous page (8pm post)
to the article that explains that SUTR are a UAF brand who are in turn a front for the rapist sheltering Socialist Workers Party.
@SGb I was attacked for daring to say the same thing, the UIk
Portsmouth PCSOs trolled over beat selfie
i’m wondering if words like Tart were used, thats inappropriate
Anyway I wonder if there is actually any crime to report
BBCnews sidebar
They have this thing about vastly disproportionately highlighting black stories
Out of 11 features 3 are black focused
“I felt like I was being treated differently”
You are, .. BBC staff are exploiting you for their Virtue Signalling.
The woman’s T-shirt is Njambi Koikai alias Fyah Mummah Jahmby The Kenyan reggae queen who suffered from endometriosis in 2016
but who got expensive treatment in the US.
BBC in discrimination row after opening trainee role only to ethnic minorities
At a school near where we live, 85% of students are of ….errr…. Indian subcontinental heritage. A minority have English as their first language.
Would therefore the BBC accept white people as trainees
from such a source?
I guess we all know the answer to that.
Hello Stew
The bBC is trying to relate to people who aren’t interested, eventually this could be its downfall, when its p’ssed off most of the white population
They should just change the masthead logo to The Voice and get it done with. They have knelt down before to the dark man as so many else have done in this country. Shame on them.
“never shall be slaves ”
Sadly, I believe the root of the self-hatred of the country can be found in George Orwell and the lefties post WW1. After revisiting The Road to Wigan Pier and marvelling in his social commentary on mining lives in the 1930’s, I rediscovered the second part: A 5-hours lecture on how much better the lower classes/other countries are.
I guess Winston Smith’s “the hope lies in the proletariat” in 1984 is Orwelll as the anti-England/pro-least successful was fashionable with the increasingly powerful middle classes as a means to attack the ruling class.
Ukraine War: Putin demands Mariupol surrender to end shelling
So why don’t they just surrender?
Snake Island guys immediately surrendered and have just been freed by Russia is a prisoner exchange and one awarded a Ukrainian medal…
BBC priorities
1. Boris Johnson aims a direct question to Starmer over his confusion about what a woman is.
This makes Johnson a vile monster…
2. A Welsh male MP gets raped, runs away from a crash in his car then comes out as trans.
This makes him a hero.
Odd World we now have, particularly BBC style.
I heard MP comes out as trans .. I didn’t read any further, cos it’s their business not mine
but now I see it’s more complex
He wanted to keep it secret and did even after someone was convicted for blackmailing him,.
South Wales Tory who became the UK’s first openly transgender MP and also revealed he was the victim of rape and a £50,000 blackmail plot.
Jamie Wallis, 37, who represents Bridgend, revealed he ‘wants to be’ trans and is ‘not ok’ after someone tried to extort cash from him in return for silence about his secret.
His blackmailer pleaded guilty and was jailed for two years and nine months in 2021
He also explained his conviction for crashing his Mercedes and fleeing the scene last September was as a result of suffering from PTSD after being raped weeks earlier following a date with a man he met online.
(after he refused the guy sex without a condom)
MP’s statement https://twitter.com/JamieWallisMP/status/1508984487102844931
No one can upset him again with such a back story.
Anyone not voting for him will be deemed to be guilty of a ‘hate crime ‘ with a fixed penalty attached as well as ‘named and shamed ‘ in accordance with ‘community safety ‘ and ‘cohesion ‘ …
USA – guns bad.
Ukraine – guns good.
UK – borders evil.
Ukraine – borders good.
England – flag racist.
Ukraine – flag wear with pride.
Acres of fluff and guff have been written and spoken about the Will Smith incident at the Oscars – not least by the BBC who love that sort of nonsense.
The bien-pensants, the wokerati, the glitterati and the twitterati have been getting their knickers in a twist over the rights and wrongs of it all. (But who cares? One creep bitch-slapped another – who cares?)
Of course it’s all one big soufflé of meaningless, vapid, empty nonsense, like so much of our contemporary ‘culture’.
However, in amongst all the nonsense, a few interesting nuggets have emerged.
One such is Jim Carrey, who said in the interview below: “I was sickened by the standing ovation… Hollywood is spineless, en masse… this is a really clear indication that we’re not the cool club anymore.”
Mark those words: We’re not the cool club anymore.
Indeed not; for all your woke posturing, your predictable banal speeches on feminism (yawn), gay-ism (yawn), black-ism (ditto), trans-ism (“), environmentalism (“)… and i probably missed a few isms – for all your right-on, virtue-signalling posturing, YOU’RE JUST NOT COOL.
Which is why fewer and fewer people watch a bunch of some of the most immoral, depraved, corrupt, overpaid, worthless individuals on the planet give each other awards and lecture us on ethics.
But it goes beyond Hollywood. The ‘uncool’ factor is what will bring down the whole, lefty, woke house of cards. The hoi polloi are waking up, they’re getting red-pilled, they’re not swallowing the propaganda anymore, whether from Hollywood or the BBC.
It’s the same awakening that causes swimming fans to shout: He’s a MAN!; that causes stadium-fulls of sports fans to chant Let’s go Brandon; and school mums in America to reject their young children being taught the wonders of pornography, gay sex and gender confusion.
And hopefully, it’s the same movement that will sweep away the BBC and all it stands for.
In October 2017, following sexual abuse allegations dating back to the late 1970s, Weinstein was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. More than 80 women had made allegations against Weinstein by October 31.[4] The allegations sparked the #MeToo social media campaign and many sexual abuse allegations against powerful men around the world; this phenomenon is referred to as the “Weinstein effect”. Weinstein was arrested and charged with rape in New York in May 2018. He was found guilty of two of five felonies in February 2020,[5] was sentenced to 23 years in prison,[6] and started serving his sentence at Wende Correctional Facility. His earliest possible release date is November 9, 2039, when he will be 87.[7][8] On July 20, 2021, he was extradited to Los Angeles to face further charges at a subsequent trial.
it is simple
if you of a certain hue you can do what you want and no one will criticise
You can assault someone, on camera in front of the world and the bbc will tell you it’s ok cos he is black innit
jewish kids and chinese children are well aware of the bbc approving racial attacks by their muzzie jounalsts
Speaking the truths.
The Shrewsbury hospital inquiry .
Now I’m not sure how much coverage the BBC is giving this – but I’ve got the report and will scan it .
The harm done is immeasurable – but I am interested in evidence to support my prejudice about the ‘health professional mafia ‘….
It’s not just about the working practice of that Trust – but about failures to declare mistakes – killings – cover ups ranging from staff right up to the CQC and Royal Colleges across those years and cases .
I listened to the both the current health Secretary and the former one -Jeremy Hunt – who were unable to ‘name names ‘ because of the ongoing plod inquiry – which I predict will go no where because of silence and destroyed records .
Javid said that a number of people responsible have been struck off or moved ….
I assume the BBC won’t be laying into its favourite organisation – the NHS – as much as it should –
If all of that happened at Shrewsbury – I wonder how many other hospitals had the same ‘bad practices ‘ and attitudes regarding killing babies and mothers …
You are not walkimg out of your house and clapping ?
Tell the bbc why not ?
by the way we just report and make no wetc ewt bloodyu c
5pm bbc radio news – which story featured first on the news – the killing /‘harming of babies and mothers in Shrewsbury hospital – or an industrial dispute involving a ferry company …?
Look – squirrels …