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That is for BiasedBBC.tV .. the feed seems to have stopped
A couple of years ago I asked a Jewish American student at Hull University if she had come across antiSemitism whilst she was in the UK. Her reply was, ‘of course’. But a BBC that blamed young people celebrating Chanukah by visiting the lights in Oxford Street for the antiSemitism they encountered, wouldn’t be interested in this sort of racism. David Baddiel is right (in the eyes of the BBC), ‘Jews don’t count’.
They are just revealing what they really are, the lowest form of intolerant, festering and bullying humanity. Little wonder their home Countries are such cess-pits. It’s only a matter of time before they achieve a critical mass and we witness this sort of vitriol against our own people, man, woman and child.
“Extinction Rebellion protests block Vauxhall and Lambeth bridges”
Why do the Police treat these wasters with kid gloves ?
They look as if they are having a ‘one to one’ chat. What next, sandwiches and tea?
OFCOM is a lefty extension of the BBC so we won’t get any criticism of the BBC .
As for Nadine – she engaged someone could cursty alsop( no idea ) who is famous on `c4 – on twitter .
Seems strange to me a government minister publicly arguing with a celebrity – but it was about Mrs thatcher – who made the mistake of setting up C4 but later wanted to sell it off …
Alsop’s post was in reply to a rude tweet about Dorries
KA Let’s keep it polite.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
This is going to be a long struggle,
hopefully we will manage to persuade people why it’s so vital to preserve the Channel as it is,
or at least to let it change as it wants, not as the Gov dictates.
1. Kirsty, I’ve been made aware of your tweets and would like to respond.
‘Mrs Thatcher would be spinning in her grave.’
It is very clear in Mrs Thatchers memoirs, ‘The Downing Street Years,’ that she very much wanted to sell C4 in 1988.
2 ‘C4 should be preserved as it is’ – with decreasing advertising revenue and decreasing investment in new content, that is not possible.
‘at least to let it change as it wants, not as the Gov dictates’
– The Government own C4. This fact appears to be lost in the outrage.
3. If C4 were ever unable to repay borrowings or liabilities, the burden would fall on the taxpayer, presenting the Gov with limited options.
We have chosen an option to allow C4 to do exactly as you wish, thrive.
4. There is of course the bonus a sale will bring to the entire sector which is that the proceeds of sale will be invested back into people from all backgrounds,
especially those from left behind communities because talent is everywhere, not just in the SE.
(actually C4 just moved it’s HQ to metropolitan Leeds)
5. We will invest in skills in order to benefit from incoming demand
due to our booming film and TV sector due to the favourable tax benefit/relief and funding this gov has put in place to encourage film industry to regard Britain as its home.
6. I also love C4, especially Location Location, but as I say in my article, it’s time to look to the future.
The channels salad days are in the past.
Being owned by the Gov is restrictive.
Time for C4 to fly the nest towards a very exciting future.
13 hours ago lefties started tweeting
“Thatcher rejected the opportunity to privatise it in 1989”
.. It’s interesting no one ever tweeted that claim before.
It’s a claim that appears in some articles
eg The Guardian last week (I checked the article doesn’t cite a source)
The Telegraph in September, quotes minutes in the archives Summing up the group’s discussions, Mrs Thatcher said:
“While some members of the group saw considerable attractions in privatising Channel 4,
the group did not believe that it would be politically sustainable for the Government to propose such an arrangement.”
“The discussions have been unearthed by The Daily Telegraph at the National Archives ”
Unearthed as in the Channel4 PR team sent them to the Telegraph ..probably
I couldn’t understand why the bridge in London had to be closed when the ER idiot was hanging from it. I would have had one policeman standing guard to stop anyone helping him, and left him there for a couple of days and kept the traffic flowing over it, then arrested him when he gave up.
“Energy giant Ineos asks to build fracking test site”
The company claimed extracting shale gas in the UK could make the country “self-sufficient in 10 years”.
Bang goes the Bojo Green Balloon !
Too little too late. This demonstrates why we need more MPs in Parliament with an industrial, engineering and commercial experience. We need a government that is proactive not reactive .
What Tories voted for this country to commit industrial suicide or fuel poverty ?
Our present government got into office under false pretences. To get Brexit Done, the control of our borders, law and order, and less taxes on the people that work for a living
“Our £250m investment did not even get us to first base. We identified significant reserves of gas across the whole of the N of England but were not allowed to develop a single test well to prove that the technology could be operated safely”
Why would you ask this batshit bullshit artist, and the only MP of a radical, weirdo, nutjob party, for her views on matters she plainly has no grasp of, unless it was to deliberately distort the debate and confuse and mislead the public?
The same editorial policy that demands that any mention of any political party anywhere in the World who doesn’t fall into line with the BBC Woke, Worldview is automatically and doggedly tagged “Far Right”. They have been doing it this morning on R4, every mention of Le Penn was preceded by “Far Right”.
It’s a sort of social media style pile on dictated by the head honchos to all staffers and in no way qualifies as “Journalism”.
However, I believe that more and more people are beginning to see what they are up to and it may hasten their demise in good time.
Digg – I agree – and it is a painfully slow process . Part of the problem is that the Far Left BBC tries to rely on its ‘ ‘better’ past – as well as as a residual affection it holds with people who still don’t know what it is now – I think this particularly applies overseas ( where they don’t have to pay for it ) .
What is the remedy ?
Sites like this one spreading the word
Encouraging the government to confront the BBC
Forcing big changes and an end to the Charter
Divorcing or dumping OFCOM – disqualifying anyone with a connection to the BBC eg pension
Decriminalising licence ‘crimes ‘ now
Eroding the value of the licence to force cuts now
Stopping the BBC from expanding now
I know Others here will be able to suggest more ideas ….
Part of the ‘roadmap ‘ for the BBC will be how quickly C4 is sold off and what will be the consequences ….
BTW – the coming personal finance ‘bomb’ hitting now will be cutting TV licence DDs for quicker than any campaign will do…
My views on the BBC have moderated. Previously I wanted it killed off with maximum pain inflicted on it and an invite to the burial so I could enjoy the internment and celebrations.
Now I would settle for it being forced to become a subscription only channel. An additional way of achieving this is for a the coordination of a national campaign to promote refusal to pay the License Fee. I’m sure that there are millions of folks who pay it purely because they fear prosecution if they don’t. If a few million joined the refusnik cause there would nothing, absolutely nothing that the BBC could do to them and it would very soon be begging the government to make it a subscription channel.
Of course I agree that if non payment of the LF was decriminalised people would immediately stop paying it by the million. But if this Lilly livered Tory government won’t take this step then the people must take direct action and indulge in a bit of civil disobedience.
There is a place for Mossad in universities around the UK to give some gobshite muzzies a taste of their own tactics.
Remember these same muzzies who are always paraded as victims by the insidious bbc.
Always remember and see what they do when they think they can get away with it, awaiting us all sooner or later in the UK, these “fleeing oppression”only to show their true nature.
There is a reason why they need to be oppressed… they will wipe you out without a second thought.
Rishi Sunak parked his brand new Porsche in front of the office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he got out, a bus came along too close to the kerb and completely tore off the driver’s side. Sunak immediately whipped out his phone and dialed 999. It wasn’t more than 5 minutes before a policeman pulled up. Before the policeman had a chance to ask any questions, the Chancellor started screaming how his car, which he just picked up that day, was completely ruined and would never be the same again.
After he finally finished his rant, the policeman shook his head in disbelief.
“I can’t believe how materialistic you finance guys are,” he said “You’re so focused on your possessions, you don’t care about anything else!” “How can you say that?” asked Sunak, angrily. The policeman replied, “Didn’t you realize that your left arm is missing from your elbow down? It’s been completely torn off from when the truck hit you!” The Chancellor looked down in absolute horror.
Today watch
Our Justin interviews a shadow red labour minister . Said minister is asked about the leaking of tax details for the green card chanvellor and his foreign wife .
Labour droid refuses to say leak was wrong …
But our Justin didn’t ask is -‘should the tax affairs of all politicians and close family should be made public’ – which I think should be expected .
If people don’t like that – don’t go into politics – go count their money in private . Never a shortage of politicians … and we deserve a higher level of morality from our law makers …
Just listening to the BBC and they keep on talking about a candidate for the French presidency called Farright Marinelepen.
This is a very unusual name. I remember Farrah Fawcett Majors from the 1970s. But Farright is a new one on me.
The BBC seem very keen to namecheck her and have sent many reporters to Paris.
Being a woman, no doubt the BBC are quietly hoping she will win. She has done very well in the first round.
Emmanuel Macron and far-right rival Marine Le Pen are in the fight for French presidency. With the counting almost done, Mr Macron has won the first round of the election with 27.6% of the votes counted so far but Ms Le Pen wasn’t far behind
Seems they are committed to their editorial guidelines no matter what.
Remember, the BBC backed the wrong horse during Brexit.
They did the same in the US elections with Biden .
Perhaps they will have “lessons to learn” ?
I really can’t be bothered, and don’t have the time to do any indepth reading about elections in France, but it doesn’t seem to me there’s anything about her, or what she’s offering that qualifies the term? She seems less ‘extreme’ to me than Trump, and he was hardly an ‘extremist’, despite what the BBC would like to have us believe, certainly a very large percentage of Americans didn’t think so, and still don’t seem to (I could see him returning at the next US election).
She is ‘anti-uncontrolled-immigration’, and not particularly ‘pro-Muslim’ (hardly, anti-any-immigration, or anti-Islam, as far as I can see), is that all that’s required to be ‘far right’ now? If so, I suspect there are a lot of people around who are ‘far right’ here in Europe, and the US, and Canada, and Aus, and NZ, and just about everywhere else on the planet to be honest.
When does it become a meaningless phrase because it’s no longer ‘far’ anything, and is now the most commonly held view?
The reason that the MSM keep describing politics as a battle between right and left , often with further qualification labels attacked eg far or hard, is that they want to confuse us voters. The actual political struggle of our time is between globalists and ordinary folks. By pretending it’s still the left right struggle if the last century it disguises the real intent of globalists like Macron.
They are more interested in creating a new internationalist world order with them and their chums on top of course.
Democracy is a threat to their plans and so they attempt to subvert it with the help of their stooges in the media.
I know from friends who live in France that Macron is one of the elites that the World Economic Forum support and will push for his election. French people as I know having lived in France, can be logical and illogical at the same time, so expect the unexpected.
Sluff – I wonder if Farright gets that treatment from the state controlled French media – maybe I need to monitor France24 a bit …
….I fear that the normal ‘voting practices ‘ to ensure the likes of FarRight LePen will be deployed across the next 2 weeks to ensure the current bonaparte will get the gig again ….
I reckon he will be off to Ukraine( in combat gear ) to give stuff to that Rambo character they’ve got in charge …
…If I were the Ukrainian president I’d make sure any tanks coming from France didn’t only have reverse gears ….
Revelation 13
16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.…
Sopes again shows what a loss he is to the journalistic output of the bbc.
Inconvenience is when there’s a bus replacement service on your train line. A Great White nibbling your toes is going to be a bit more than an inconvenience 🦈
BBC: ‘Queen reveals Covid left her ‘very tired and exhausted’‘ – you and me both, Ma’am. I refer, of course, to official Lockdown policy and general media pandemic propagandising, which one found most unamusing, not so much the illness itself.
If balance in the media means giving the other side of the argument a fair hearing then our BBC certainly scores points here: ‘Falklands War: ‘The UK is still usurping our land’ It’s 40 years since the Falklands War, a 10-week armed conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina over two British dependent territories in the South Atlantic. Argentina, which calls the islands the Malvinas, lost the war, but to this day it maintains that they belong to them.‘
Not a well-timed attack on Britain’s couple of hundred years of so-called colonialist sovereignty… considering we’re supposed to be supporting and defending the Johnny-come-lately state of Ukraine’s uncertain borders from an invading neighbour.
‘Title race going to the wire after epic clash‘ (‘i’) – no, this isn’t the French Presidential election, this was the big Manchester City versus Liverpool match – or as our media love to personalise – Klopp v Pep.
Speaking of France, which the ‘i’ newspaper weren’t, one can’t help recalling Charles Dickens and his epic Tale of Two Cities and that immortal line: “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”
So let’s see which media outlets in their news headlines go with the FAR-FAR-Right moniker for our Marine?
BBC: ‘Could Marine Le Pen win the French elections? The far-right politician obtained her highest result ever…‘ – the BBC do like to pose a question.
Guardian: ‘Macron and Le Pen face off in fight for France’s future. President to go head to head with far-right challenger‘ – apart from the intended far-right slur, and the tedious political platitude – every election is hailed as future determining these days – the Gruan sticks with reportage rather than go down the BBC’s speculative route.
The Times – not a full-time fully paid up member of the lefty club – avoids the father excesses of the name calling by using the far-right “f” word: ‘French election in balance after narrow Macron win. President will face Le Pen in second round. Old parties of the left and right humiliated‘ – the Times, although acknowledging that Marine Le Pen would wish to reform Brussels, doesn’t get its French knickers completely twisted since, as it explains, she says she doesn’t want to leave the EU.
The sleepy old Telegraph hardly notices the French election – as its frontpage concentrates on Rishi and his missus Murty’s tax affairs, the Ukraine war and the Grand National: ‘Macron to face Le Pen in tight run-off vote‘ – all very matter of fact.
The left-leaning, with tabloid tendencies, ‘i’ newspaper of course joins the BBC and Guardian, shouts out loud and clear the “f” word and would have us run away and hide from the scary monster under bed clothes: ‘Far-right Le Pen in play-off for French Presidency‘ – really, “play-off”? – one supposes their sports writer drew the short straw there and was landed with the job of sub-heading the French election report? I can only speculate that the coronaphobic ‘i’ still has all their political staff off on a sicky.
The globalist FT is pink in tooth and claw these days: ‘Le Pen’s late surge set to put her in election run-off with Macron. Far-right candidate likely to face centrist incumbent‘ – the headlines are overly long, ponderous and unnecessarily mix tenses but the FT soon gets around to slinging the “f” word slur.
Sky News, as a corporate broadcaster, tends to follow our national broadcaster in political tone and leanings: ‘France presidential election: Emmanuel Macron faces far-right challenge from Marine Le Pen as voting takes place across country‘
ITV News: ‘Emmanuel Macron and far-right rival Marine Le Pen to face each other in presidential runoff‘
The far-left, communist, Morning Star has a new angle – wishing a plague on all their houses – but they naturally include the “f” word: ‘France: another victim of the war in Ukraine. This Sunday’s presidential election will see a far-right breakthrough thanks to Macron’s inability to deal with the chaos unleashed on the working class by the conflict in the East and sanctions against Russia, writes DENNIS BROE‘
No popular newspaper titles bother to put the French election on their frontpages.
RE Falklands. I believe 3 people out of 2900+ voted against remaining British. Considering the foreign population included about 200 Chileans, not a solid support from South America.
Strange really that the BBC – so fond of trumpeting about ‘the first woman to do that ‘ or ‘the first woman to do this ‘ doesn’t sign up to enthuse about the ‘first woman president of France’ …
I won’t do the annoying ‘I wonder why?’ Thing some people use on this site . The answer is that she is highly unapproved by the BBC – which has ‘transed’ from a broadcaster to a political movement …
According to the “Britannica” , Captain John Davis discovered the Falkland Islands (Aug. 9, 1592). This was long before Argentina was a nation.
Why does the BBC hate Great Britain ?
An excellent interview by our Justin with a blue Labour minister called ‘George eustice’ who has been doing the rounds defending the green card chancellor …. Eustice did a valiant job defending the indefensible –
-a red tory Minister who had the right to live and work in the US until he gave the card up in October 2021.
Unusually the BBC had trod quite lightly on this latest example of poor red tory standards – I think it’s because so many in the swamp – of all brands – exercise such personal financial arrangements – eg a red labour MP taking £500 k from the Chinese,…. Who also got an easy treatment ….
Btw- it’s more than likely that the replacement for the blue tory chancellor will be an ex banker who avoided tax using ‘off shore ‘ accounts ….
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC Labour Lies continue as JustRemainIn Webb lies on air
Justin, in interviewing George Eustice MP SoS for Farming and Environment and takes the Labour Party line, as some on here have, about Rishi Sunak’s Green Card and Mrs Sunak’s non-domicile status and shareholding in Infosys. It is quite disgraceful that JustRemainIn Webb, who has worked in the USA, lies about the purpose of the US Green Card. He claims that you have to be on the point of applying for US citizenship and ‘to advance the aims of the United States’. That is a lie and JustRemainIn Webb knows it is a lie.
How do I know that it is a lie? Because at one or two distant times in my past I looked into the matter of obtaining a Green Card for myself. All the Green Card does is entitle a person to work (earn an income) while living in the USA beyond the normal six month limit of USA visitor visas for UK subjects.
I listened briefly to Today this morning whilst taking a short journey. I heard Justin ask Eustace whether Richi was too wealthy to be……(I had arrived at my destination). He could have said Chancellor or MP. Whichever he asked, what a strange concept. In the same vein he might ask whether Boris is too fat to be PM, or Richi too black. (Anything is possible when you hate the party from which your interviewee comes). I would like Justin to ask a Labour spokesman whether Angie is too thick to be Deputy Leader or Claudia Webb too thick or violent to be an MP. It is the same quality of question.
Deborah – the ‘too rich ‘ thing – is a bit like that ‘gotcha’ type question very inferior journos ask of politicians “ how much is a pint of milk ?”
Does knowing the exact price of cravendale make an MP any good at their job? Of course it would be good in MPs and journos had to travel by bus – and have a bit of uncontrolled contact with taxpayers in an expense – free world , but they don’t – and never will .
I’ve said it many times – that building – parliament changes the people going in there – mostly for the worst – and the longer they are in there – the more disconnected they become – if they ever were
( didn’t even mention 800 parasites in the lords did I ) …
9:45am R4 new Daily Book
“The Man Who Invented Motion Pictures by Paul Fischer”
The graphic is that of a black guy in a cap
That isn’t the main character, the French guy who Edison allegedly stole the movie camera invention off
nor the author.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC’s Lefty Labour smears and lies continue in France
Marine le Pen’s name is never heard on the BBC without a nearby, adjacent or right alongside ‘Far Right’ smear tag. The western world is slipping dangerously towards a Communist era style One World Government and the forces of Conservatism which would normally oppose it are being destroyed by their own voters or supporters. Dangerous days.
Auntie BBC’s defective memory and amnesia has conveniently brushed ‘Far Right’ former President de Gaulle out of their minds.
Meanwhile, as JustRemainIn Webb tries to keep up the Lefty bullying of a woman who cannot answer back, Askata Murty a.k.a. Mrs Sunak, he has a cosy little chat with Ayesha Hazarika, a Labour supporter and someone, sorry have forgotten name, who used to advise David Cameron as PM.
Left and right are fairly meaningless terms these days. Macron is a signed up globalist, whereas I rather doubt Le Pen has ever been made welcome at Davos. She is not part of the multinational blob which seeks to rule the world, and if only for that she’d have my vote if I were French.
PR land : Twitter pushes stuff at me in the “For You section” on the search page
Near the top is an England woman’s Rugby PR tweet
which shows a mixed race payer kneeling as she chats to an ethnic Indian girl fam
The tweets says @EnglandRugby
“All it takes is one special moment to inspire a kid for life 📸
#ENGvWAL | #RedRoses”
BBC online news majoring on family of murdered teacher Sabina Nessa complaining about government and Priti Patel showing less interest than over Sarah Everard.
Newspapers (not BBC) are also criticised for treating her differently due to her ethnicity.
No mention of the ethnicity of the murderer of course nor of the fact that Sarah Everard was missing for days which created huge media interest.
Framer – whoever is behind this kid was pushing her around the studios today . She sure has a chip – as shown on her ‘today ‘ appearance .
The ethnic killer refused to turn up for his sentencing – who can blame him – who would want to listen to some judge yapping as well as the ‘family statements ‘ before starting their 10 year -or less – ‘time ‘…?
But the lady incidentally raises the issue of victim treatment . Some get the full ‘everard ‘ countless more – of all types ages colours complexions get – nothing by way of media or political ‘attention ‘…
………..not that it matters – the dead stay dead and the killers get their time – not death – as I’d like to see ….
I think she has a point, re: the media and the relative coverage of the Sarah Everard murder and that of her sister, but she’s wrong to blame the government – they were (rather reluctantly, it seemed to me), pushed into making the big deal about the one case, by the hysterical media, and that red haired woman and her mates, and their ‘safety for women’, ‘look at me, don’t you DARE look at me!’ demands.
It’s terrible women don’t feel safe out on their own, and it’s shocking the guy who did it was a (part time) police man, BUT I don’t see how we can make the world safer for women on their own (it’s not me, or my son, or my old dad, out there raping and killing), and it’s equally shocking to me, that this second crime was committed by an imported psycho, and I agree Fed, one thing we COULD be doing to try to protect women is to liquidate a few of these animals… it MIGHT deter some others, in a way that locking them up for a couple of years clearly doesn’t.
Returning home from my trip (see comment about Today) I still had Radio 4 switched on. Emma Barnett was interviewing Arlene Philips and Oti Mbussii. They were discussing Cher. They said she was always fighting for women. I am a woman and I have never fought for what I wanted to do, I just got on and did it.
They also said Cher had some terrible relationships. So she obviously wasn’t that good at fighting for herself never mind the whole of womankind, otherwise she would have got herself out of these relationships at the first sign of trouble. Strange mindset at the BBC.
“Cher criticised on Twitter for saying Trump should be sexually assaulted in prison”
A tweet which later deleted and apologised for
She has tweeted many hatey things about Trump
I think Cher suffered sexual abuse early on
Something like she was only 15 when Sonny Bono picked her up and put her in the studio
Not cos she was a great singer, but cos she was good looking
Then later their may have been incidents with Phil Spector
“Cher and Sonny first met in 1963, she was 16, while he was 27 and married (he and his first wife were separated).”
Why do you continue to punish yourself with this poisonous drivel?
Honestly, I’m serious, I used to be the same. My day was punctuated by Radio 4. Blimey, I even suffered Woman’s Hour! Jeez…
No more. Eventually I came to my senses and realised that this radio station is about as free thinking as Pravda FM.
All you get is an endless diatribe of PC propaganda. If you’re white, slightly to the right, have concerns about uncontrolled immigration, believe that there are only two genders, don’t swallow the green guff and think that Saint Greta needs a clip round the ear’ole before being sent to bed, then you’re just being battered from dawn til dusk.
Oh…and then, usually about 6.30pm, they’ll foist on you some of the least talented “comedians” they can find to take the piss out of everything you believe in for half an hour.
Not the BBC . But money saving ( potentially ) . There used to be a really good free site called ‘my supermarket ‘ which compared the price of stuff you bought across the main supermarkets .
Unfortunately I think this was so successful a big supermarket bought it and closed it . Anyway – I have found a new site which sort of does the same . It is called –
– it seems ok – there may be other similar sites – I have no personal or financial interest in it but just use it because it is free ( at the moment ) …….
Thanks Fedup – I may well give it a try. Just not today. I have a series of vouchers from Waitrose offering £14 if I spend £90. Today, only mentally adding up as I went along, I spent £92. I am hoping at that level, Waitrose are not making too much from me and I am saving 15% off the bill. The store cupboards are getting full so once the offer date runs out I will go to Morrisons or Tescos where the fruit and veg are better.
Oh Stew, Waitrose stopped the coffee ages ago (probably when covid hit), and the free newspaper a couple of weeks ago. Waitrose customers are now supposed to go one line, log in, find the vouchers page, and choose 3 vouchers amongst the ones Waitrose has specially selected for them. They then have to download the voucher to their phone and show it at the checkout. Life seriously is too short. I am maxing out on the vouchers (a girl can never have too much soap powder and half price electric toothbrushes) and then return to the cheaper stores.
I would only use them if I was looking for a special designer product like decaffeinated coffee pods
AS I already know where the cheapest things are eg Aldi for cornflakes, but not for alcohol.
There used to be a useful site for motorists called WhatGas (no, not motorists with flatulence) where you could add the latest petrol or diesel price that you have paid. Again it seems to have fallen by the wayside. I expect with prices at all-time highs it may make a comeback.
Thanks for that Fed but am afraid you have to sign up for that one; I’m all passwordred out!
The beauty of WhatGas was that anyone could update prices; you did not have to sign in or sign up for anything with yet another password and SFA which stands for Secure Factor Authorisation. 😉
Well the first allegations of voting irregulalities have cropped up in France. Please don’t believe the silly rumours about Dominion voting machines being used, Macron tried and failed to get them past the French parliament.
“France Soir has picked up a short story of a lady named ‘Sophie’ who, like possibly thousands of others, has suddenly found herself de-registered despite years of voting with a valid voter registration card. Re-registering can be done, but not in time for the elections starting today and finishing on April 24, despite recourse to local courts. ”
Macron is an Ex Rothschilds Bank employee, and he is being helped in his endeavours by the banking family. They are also allegedly financing at arms length the campaign or Zemmour in order to split the support for Marine Le Penn
Apologies if this is an old story discussed here years ago.
Never having watched “The Split”, I recently decided to go to the iPlayer and start from series 1 episode 1.
In this show there are an extraordinary number of interracial marriages and relationships. A huge number. Even by BBC drama or TV commercial standards. Okay, I don’t move in posh London lawyer circles so maybe this IS an accurate reflection of that social milieu. Perhaps blacks DO occupy high-powered positions in that world. Perhaps when white lawyers have a house party, there are ALWAYS plenty of blacks, Asians and Orientals invited.
Another thing. When evaluating someone as a potential spouse, no character in this show ever mentions the fact that belonging to different races might be a factor they need to consider. When an interracial marriage comes to an end, race is never mentioned as a possible reason for its ultimate collapse. Nobody mentions race at all, in fact. Ever. In series 1 anyway.
This show suggests that every minority is perfectly assimilated into British society and has reached the top in all of the professions – indeed, is massively overrepresented.
There is a sort of link to family walk we had a couple of weeks ago during the spell of good weather that we had. .
We set off at 9 am for a walk in the Yorkshire Dales . There were about a dozen of us , ranging from me the eldest to 12 year olds . We left a local car park which was deserted . When we arrived back at 14.30 the wide expanse grass by the riverside car park was hosting at least fifty Popos ( people of Pakistani origin) in large family groups with barbecue and kebabs etc.
some of my family thought it marvellous that there was such cultural diversity in the Dales . I’m sure that if they had been invited they would have broken bread with the Popos. I walked on stony faced appalled at the growing amount of litter you find in our once beautiful countryside.
Seems the killer of the RC MP David Amess has been convicted …
Watch how quickly this Islamic murderer disappears from the BBC news – now the weather …..
Muslim / race industry goes silent ….
which labour MP/ councillor will say ‘one less Tory scum ‘?
Sunday : Antiques Roadshow
the public bring their antique to their nearest show and experts take a look.
Today in Birmingham 14 mins in
And friend of the show Benjamin Zephaniah is introduced
.. Strange, cos he’ actually lived in South Lincolnshire for the last 30 years
#BiasedBBC want to air black faces to tickbox
Producer seems to have thought
“on no, half the time the camera will not be on Zephaniah, it’ll be on the expert”
So they brought in an extra black lady
to stand behind the expert
So the show actually had a black person in shot all the time.
You’ll see the conversation brought in Haile Selassie
who was lorded
bet he was a bad dictator too
Normally the footage only shows you the crowds who have come to see Antiques Roadshow
but this time the cameras travelled around the rest of the park
and caught this ALL MALE group watching a cricket game
There can be no better example of the hierarchy of policies of the left than of Melanchon advising his supporters not to vote for MLP. He may not have said vote for Macron but he could have advised them to abstain altogether. So he is offering tacit support to Macron.
So here we have a French equivalent of Jeremy Corbin lukewarmly supporting Macron , a globalist President for the rich who is strongly against many traditional leftist policies such as a large state and welfare, but coming out strongly against MLP who is very socialist but wants to keep France French and is sceptical about the EU.
Clearly , as we know in the UK with Labour, socialist politicians these days put the interests of third worlders above that of the people whom they claim to represent.
Almost every white worker must by now have grasped that the political left doesn’t care about their best interests or their well being. These politicians just want their votes and their taxes so they can pander to the third worlders.
All French socialists who voted for Melanchon in round one should logically vote MLP in round two, but sadly I don’t expect that they will.
A little more stirring of the victimhood cauldron duly picked up by the BBC.
The sister of the murdered young woman Sabina Nessa thinks her family has been treated “differently” to the way in which a white British family would have been treated in similar circumstances. This unfortunate young woman was brutally murdered. To the best of my recollection (though I of course stand to be corrected) there was no particular controversy over dilatoriness or incompetence in the subsequesnt police investigation: the perpertrator was identified, arrested, tried and sentenced according to law. So far so normal under the rule of law. The victim’s ethnicity made no difference.
However, Miss Nessa’s sister says she believes the family did not receive enough “support” from the government. It is unclear what “support” she thinks a government could or should give to a grieving family. Grieving families traditionally find support, counsel and help among extended family, friends, churches….not governments. But this all helps to extend the pernicious idea so prevalent nowadays that governments must, always and without exception, deal with everything about everything for everyone every time.
She also avers, as part of the victimhood motif, that the murder of her sister was not given as much prominence in the media as the murder of the late Sarah Everard. Many murders happen each year: very few receive more than a day or so’s newsprint or web space. Occasionally, a murder happens that remains in the public consciousness for various reasons. The murders of Jo Cox and Sir David Amess resonated because they were public figures; the murder of Sarah Everard because the perpetrator was a serving policeman. But Miss Nessa’s sister is convinced that Miss Nessa’s murder received “less coverage” because the family is non-white. How do you, for one thing, quantify that? And why in Heaven’s name would you want to? Is this some sort of macabre competition? Needless to say, the BBC offers no challenge to the absence of the slightest evidence for this assertion.
I would be the last person to attempt to mimise any family’s grief: but this is yet another attempt to manufacture a sense of evidence-free victimhood based on race. It is deleterious and wrong. But I would not be at all surprised if the Guardian were to develop and amplify it over the next few days as illustrative once more of “systemic racism”.
Below is Dinesh D’Souza’s update on his forthcoming documentary exposing the rigged US election, called 2000 Mules. (trailer:
“DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: On Saturday May 7 you will be able to stream the film from two platforms, and Rumble/Locals.
Details for all of this will be on the website
We’re very excited about this movie. 2000Mules exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. So get ready!”
Below are details only relevant to the US:
“THEATER SPECIAL EVENTS: On two days, Monday May 2 and Wednesday May 4, we are renting 250 theaters around the country which will show the movie at the 7 pm showing. You will be able to purchase tickets for these showings from a link that will be posted on the 2000Mules website. This is a LIMITED theatrical release so there will be certain places that aren’t showing the movie in theaters.
VIRTUAL PREMIERE: On Friday May 6 we are having a virtual premiere. This is a very exciting way you to buy tickets and log into a live event out of a studio in Las Vegas. This virtual premiere will include exclusive content with President Trump, the screening of the movie, and a live Q & A with me and leading figures in the movie. Additionally, for a higher price, around 300 VIPs will be able to attend this event in person. (Your weekend in Vegas including the live premiere—it might be time to make some plans!)”
The event happened in January 2008
The boy did not want to take it any further, but then went back to police in 2019 when he found out Khan was standing as an MP.
TWatO Watch #1 – Snuffy is rendered speechless by the Montacuties mental arithmetic …
… and the sad and sorry tale that follows and has to hit the ‘OFF’ switch. Cost of Living was to be at the forefront of TWatO today. The BBC had shopped around and found a vox pop from Lexy or Lexi. Lexy is disabled and unable to work but never mind that, the BBC put her to work to complain on air about the cost of living. Lexy receives benefits that total approximately £1940 per month. She, her husband (who I don’t know if Sarah asked the $64,000 question: is he able to work? and the follow up question if reply is affirmative for $128,000: why has he not got a job?
The answer, I guess, and from dim & distant memories of a friend who was a Benefits Officer, would be “Oh, my benefits would be reduced if my husband went out to work.” The Montacuties mental arithmetic gets her to “You have £24,000 a year and you are struggling with inflation?” as a retorical question whereupon we hear the saga of too poor to heat the house, her four children have a bad diet because fresh fruit costs too much (banana at Aldi, admittedly small – 13p, bag of apples £1 Iceland, ASDA pre-prepped carrots & peas 300g 85p Iceland Beef Lasagne £1 enough for two, add broccoli or cabbage 59p at ASDA again).
Sarah, sadly, is not sharp enough to point out that £24,000 is an average salary for someone in work about five years ago and a person on Minimum Wage receives £16,000 per annum. A new nursing apprentice receives £27,000 at present and has to study at the same time.
I had switched off before then so I do not know if Lexy was asked all sorts of difficult questions about precisely what she and her family eat and what they spend their money on, whether they own their house or whether they rent from the council or privately. I guess not, knowing the BBC as I do.
All part of the current agenda to attack the Government and the Chancellor.
Look – all because a blue labour Queer Muslim MP plies a 15 year old Roman Catholic boy with booze to try and bugger him doesn’t make him a bad person does it ?
I suppose he will stay an MP and resume his seat in the Commons making laws – including those he might well break ..
The British Political Class ….( it didn’t say if this Tory had dual nationality – off shored – or is a non Dom – take your pick )
More relevantly – both Farleft Macron and FarRight le pen promise to do away with the French State TV licence ….
I watched Brazier on GBNews . Bravely – they put on a Scottish freak from the ‘stop the oil ‘ thing . This angry ugly screwed up man – maybe 50 – 60? Was about as aggressive as it can get .
Sadly Brazier failed to wind him up – so he wound himself up . It was ugly brutal TV .
“the people you end up punishing are .. people in isolated rural areas
Ans “Really, Really, do you do you live in the real world most people i know can’t afford to fill their part in the car with petrol
.. the gov needs to move towards renewables move towards free trouble public transport and move away from this addiction to fossil fuels ”
(eff off ..the activist has no right to tell the public what to do
And a renewable economy is a more expensive one)
B “but Tesla’s are the most seeling vehicle right now cos of government incentives, the gov are doing things”
B “why did it become necessary to disrupt people going around to their their lawful business if this if your protests end up in people’s minds hospital and schools often very poorly paid people who need their cars to get around
They need the cars to get around you you’re trying to align yourself with normal working people whereas you do you don’t live in the normal working you have no idea what world is”
Brazier “They need the cars to get around”
Activist ” you you’re trying to align yourself with normal working people whereas you do you don’t live in the normal working you have no idea what world is”
“These rich oil people should be paying for the transition”
The activist then goes on to say he has ski-ed all over the world
Hello how much CO2 was that
Activist “Do you know what a 2 degree world is going to be ?”
(A better world I guess)
Brazier “Won’t these tactic backfire ?”
Activist “no YOU make it backfire .. the the only way that our voices get heard is by these people putting themselves on a line ”
“there’s people even on a hunger strike to try and get the voice heard”
Brazier ” are you prepared to accept an alternative vision
.. you’ve won the argument you’ve persuaded the majority of people that your vision is the right one and then they see these pictures
and they have doubts because they they know they live in the liberal society”
Activist “I have an 85 yo mother and a 25 year old son they don’t they don’t see any of this on the news, because you people within the media are disinforming them misinforming and mal-informing them
.. don’t don’t don’t go shaking your eyes
.. could you just explain to the readers what net zero really means” (Yes it is a PRtrickery word)
Activist “Boris made some promises on net zero i’ve got them all written down here ”
Brazier “we haven’t got time”
(They’ve had 8 mins
The activist could have mentioned the promises earlier)
” we’re running every time we’ve got a rapidly closing window to make a difference “
“As part of the Pandora Papers Russia project,
Leaked documents seen by BBC News show how a sanctioned oligarch from Putin’s “inner circle” hid his wealth.”
BBC seems to have forgotten that Zelensky also features in the Pandora project..
The Pandora papers, leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and shared with the Guardian as part of a global investigation however, suggest Zelenskiy is rather similar to his predecessors.
The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote.
Protesters at the Kingsbury Oil Terminal in Warwickshire dug a tunnel under a road to gain access to the site.
The tunnel was concealed by a caravan parked on the roadside, and surrounded by protesters.
The Just Stop Oil group said that as police arrested members, five people remained inside the caravan working on the tunnel on Sunday.
The slaughter of Sir David Amess by an Islamist
terrorist in Southend was always going to be a tricky
subject for the BBC’S Londonistan programme.
Maybe I am not being fair to the BBC . Perhaps
a party political broadcast four times a day for the
Corbyn wing of the Labour Party would be a better
description of the programme. With a fair degree of
anarchist Marxism thrown in for good measure.
So BIG BROTHER from the diversity department and
his sycophant editors of the programme which is supposed
to be representative of the whole of London and its
environs , even including the minority indigenous population ,
for which it is not. Must of had been in a quandary in how to
handle the guilty verdict of Ali Harbi Ali on the murder
of the” tory scum” Sir David Amess.
I suppose just letting us know as an I Islamic Terrorist it was his
duty to slaughter Sir David. Because he voted for airstrikes against Isis in Syria, was not quite enough to placate us.
Yes having a Muslim telling us what a good man David was
something. But I didn’t expect this apparent
Londononistan mirage to last for long.
The rest of the programme went back to normality . Telling
us how racist the police and toreeee government are.
BUT there is a new element to the programme. It’s now
what the programme would call the “uncle tom” Indians
such as Priti Patel who should be , and are attacked as well.
Foscari – I wonder who watches that show – I guess teachers and other guardian readers . Certainly the ethnics won’t be watching because they’ll be at Asian TV .. the viewing figures must reflect that …
I wonder – did it cover the glorious legacy of the ex dyke police commissioner who got her leaving cheque yesterday ?
Apparently she was worried about the ‘politicisation of the police ‘ – one task – probably the only one during her tenure – which she has achieved ( although the number of ethnic plod convicted of crime must be a record on her watch .. keep it diverse – right Cressida ?)
8pm C4 Why are you energy bill so high
“And it’s about to get even worse !”
“can you keep crying, it’s great TV”
They mention Ukraine, gas price,
and now the cost of funding bankrupt energy companies £94/household
No mention of Green lunatic policies.
8pm BBC1 “The cost of living crisis”
8pm Radio4 doco US Millionaires who want a wealth tax
.. Is that sustainable ?..once it’s gone, it’s gone
The energy prog
The worker from a bust firm “We had a problem cos people weren’t paying their bills, they owed us £2m”
Now “Council energy companies like Robin Hood Energy”
.. They failed cos they were up against experts
Being naive they ended up with the worst customers.
The council ended up having to max the council tax rises year after year.
Citizens Advice wrote a special letter to Ofgem in 2013 warning about weak energy companies
And kept writing to them.
New 2020 Audit powers have never been used.
Analysis shows 2/3 of the bust companies NEVER made a profit ..sometimes selling at a loss to get customers.
Avro collapsed with debts of £251 million !
The cleanup cost is £600m for consumers.
Stew – always gets me about how these government policies are modelled on certain assumptions – such as stable costs – and that failure of such assumptions lead to instant failures …
Next weeks C4 Dispatches “How terrorists are slipping though the anti-terrorist programme”
I’d expect that to be all Islamic terrorists and some Eco and anti-vivisection terrorists, but the trailer shows Nazir Afzal the lefty remainiac.. so I expect bias.
Both the BBC and C4 running programmes about the hardship being caused by rising energy prices ….. no solutions offered up – and with the likelihood that prices will jump again in October .
Cutting the 5% vat of domestic fuel ? – will help a little bit – a ‘ windfall tax’ – will help a bit – but how many times can that be used ?
Suspending green ‘add ons ‘? Maybe a cut of 15% ( my guess )
Is the taxpayer somehow meant to subsidise the energy market ? The cost of borrowing money is going up – so that’s difficult – and how long could that go on ?
So when all of those are thrown against market reality there remains the individual – and the Welfare State won’t be there for the ‘non vulnerable ‘….
Green subsidies are about £11bn/year
ie £11,000 million through 25 million homes
ie about £11K for 22 homes
ie about £500 /home
However it’s not paid by your bill, but rather it’s mostly on the bills of orgs that use the most gov/councils/charities/business
but ultimately you fund all those, so you pay eg in the price of a pint at the pub etc.
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Another picture of the dusky ‘ German ‘ who killed at least 2 in mannheim yesterday ( now forgotten )……
Fedup2Mar 4, 18:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van – I saw that the Russian defence industry was operating on a war footing and is well financed through…
Van HelsingMar 4, 17:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, Russia isn’t as strong as some people think. It wasn’t the old USSR to begin with and it’s even…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Even more excellent news – Rachel from accounts has said smaller companies can get the urgent defence contract for the…
wwfcMar 4, 17:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Defund Defund BBC adds two childless drag queens to list of ‘inspirational mums’ on children’s website for International Women’s Day…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 17:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “A psychotic Nigerian armed robber and crack cocaine dealer has been spared deportation because he would be considered “possessed” in…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Recommend Charles Moore, BBC2 this evening on Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan Part 2. Catch up on catchup.
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 3 started 8pm on Sunday
– page 2 started 6pm Saturday
Inoreader gives you different VIEW options
eg comment first lines only, without images, chronological (so latest comment appears at the top of your screen)
then click SUBSCRIBE
That is for BiasedBBC.tV .. the feed seems to have stopped
The symbolism of those mobiles held aloft defines this sorry period.
Who are they preserving such a moment for?
A couple of years ago I asked a Jewish American student at Hull University if she had come across antiSemitism whilst she was in the UK. Her reply was, ‘of course’. But a BBC that blamed young people celebrating Chanukah by visiting the lights in Oxford Street for the antiSemitism they encountered, wouldn’t be interested in this sort of racism. David Baddiel is right (in the eyes of the BBC), ‘Jews don’t count’.
They are just revealing what they really are, the lowest form of intolerant, festering and bullying humanity. Little wonder their home Countries are such cess-pits. It’s only a matter of time before they achieve a critical mass and we witness this sort of vitriol against our own people, man, woman and child.
“Extinction Rebellion protests block Vauxhall and Lambeth bridges”
Why do the Police treat these wasters with kid gloves ?
They look as if they are having a ‘one to one’ chat. What next, sandwiches and tea?
Hundreds of thousands of anti-vaxxers march through London and blockade the BBC. BBC reporting? Zilch
It makes you think , what exactly, does ‘Ofcon’ or Nadine Dorries do ?
OFCOM is a lefty extension of the BBC so we won’t get any criticism of the BBC .
As for Nadine – she engaged someone could cursty alsop( no idea ) who is famous on `c4 – on twitter .
Seems strange to me a government minister publicly arguing with a celebrity – but it was about Mrs thatcher – who made the mistake of setting up C4 but later wanted to sell it off … left too soon Mrs T .
Context : Dorries quoted Charles Moore, (Thatcher’s biographer)
Alsop’s post was in reply to a rude tweet about Dorries
KA Let’s keep it polite.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
This is going to be a long struggle,
hopefully we will manage to persuade people why it’s so vital to preserve the Channel as it is,
or at least to let it change as it wants, not as the Gov dictates.
1. Kirsty, I’ve been made aware of your tweets and would like to respond.
‘Mrs Thatcher would be spinning in her grave.’
It is very clear in Mrs Thatchers memoirs, ‘The Downing Street Years,’ that she very much wanted to sell C4 in 1988.
2 ‘C4 should be preserved as it is’ – with decreasing advertising revenue and decreasing investment in new content, that is not possible.
‘at least to let it change as it wants, not as the Gov dictates’
– The Government own C4. This fact appears to be lost in the outrage.
3. If C4 were ever unable to repay borrowings or liabilities, the burden would fall on the taxpayer, presenting the Gov with limited options.
We have chosen an option to allow C4 to do exactly as you wish, thrive.
4. There is of course the bonus a sale will bring to the entire sector which is that the proceeds of sale will be invested back into people from all backgrounds,
especially those from left behind communities because talent is everywhere, not just in the SE.
(actually C4 just moved it’s HQ to metropolitan Leeds)
5. We will invest in skills in order to benefit from incoming demand
due to our booming film and TV sector due to the favourable tax benefit/relief and funding this gov has put in place to encourage film industry to regard Britain as its home.
6. I also love C4, especially Location Location, but as I say in my article, it’s time to look to the future.
The channels salad days are in the past.
Being owned by the Gov is restrictive.
Time for C4 to fly the nest towards a very exciting future.
The fact that Kirsty Allsopp makes a lot of money from her tedious property shows on Channel 4 might just colour her judgment.
13 hours ago lefties started tweeting
“Thatcher rejected the opportunity to privatise it in 1989”
.. It’s interesting no one ever tweeted that claim before.
It’s a claim that appears in some articles
eg The Guardian last week (I checked the article doesn’t cite a source)
The Telegraph in September, quotes minutes in the archives
Summing up the group’s discussions, Mrs Thatcher said:
“While some members of the group saw considerable attractions in privatising Channel 4,
the group did not believe that it would be politically sustainable for the Government to propose such an arrangement.”
“The discussions have been unearthed by The Daily Telegraph at the National Archives ”
Unearthed as in the Channel4 PR team sent them to the Telegraph ..probably
I couldn’t understand why the bridge in London had to be closed when the ER idiot was hanging from it. I would have had one policeman standing guard to stop anyone helping him, and left him there for a couple of days and kept the traffic flowing over it, then arrested him when he gave up.
“Energy giant Ineos asks to build fracking test site”
The company claimed extracting shale gas in the UK could make the country “self-sufficient in 10 years”.
Bang goes the Bojo Green Balloon !
Too little too late. This demonstrates why we need more MPs in Parliament with an industrial, engineering and commercial experience. We need a government that is proactive not reactive .
What Tories voted for this country to commit industrial suicide or fuel poverty ?
Our present government got into office under false pretences. To get Brexit Done, the control of our borders, law and order, and less taxes on the people that work for a living
The woke BBC has invaded and occupied Britain, cos it is “De-Nazi-fying” it
It’s for our own good.
Why are so many Tory MPs afraid of the ‘wokeidiots ‘?
Because they are ‘closet’ Liberals and woke themselves .
Their philosophy is Islington Wokism, Wokism “uber alles”
.. They see themselves as the masters
And us as the “untermensch” to be dictated to by them, cos they know better.
That would be a direct result of editorial policy at the BBC.
The same editorial policy that demands that any mention of any political party anywhere in the World who doesn’t fall into line with the BBC Woke, Worldview is automatically and doggedly tagged “Far Right”. They have been doing it this morning on R4, every mention of Le Penn was preceded by “Far Right”.
It’s a sort of social media style pile on dictated by the head honchos to all staffers and in no way qualifies as “Journalism”.
However, I believe that more and more people are beginning to see what they are up to and it may hasten their demise in good time.
Digg – I agree – and it is a painfully slow process . Part of the problem is that the Far Left BBC tries to rely on its ‘ ‘better’ past – as well as as a residual affection it holds with people who still don’t know what it is now – I think this particularly applies overseas ( where they don’t have to pay for it ) .
What is the remedy ?
Sites like this one spreading the word
Encouraging the government to confront the BBC
Forcing big changes and an end to the Charter
Divorcing or dumping OFCOM – disqualifying anyone with a connection to the BBC eg pension
Decriminalising licence ‘crimes ‘ now
Eroding the value of the licence to force cuts now
Stopping the BBC from expanding now
I know Others here will be able to suggest more ideas ….
Part of the ‘roadmap ‘ for the BBC will be how quickly C4 is sold off and what will be the consequences ….
BTW – the coming personal finance ‘bomb’ hitting now will be cutting TV licence DDs for quicker than any campaign will do…
My views on the BBC have moderated. Previously I wanted it killed off with maximum pain inflicted on it and an invite to the burial so I could enjoy the internment and celebrations.
Now I would settle for it being forced to become a subscription only channel. An additional way of achieving this is for a the coordination of a national campaign to promote refusal to pay the License Fee. I’m sure that there are millions of folks who pay it purely because they fear prosecution if they don’t. If a few million joined the refusnik cause there would nothing, absolutely nothing that the BBC could do to them and it would very soon be begging the government to make it a subscription channel.
Of course I agree that if non payment of the LF was decriminalised people would immediately stop paying it by the million. But if this Lilly livered Tory government won’t take this step then the people must take direct action and indulge in a bit of civil disobedience.
There is a place for Mossad in universities around the UK to give some gobshite muzzies a taste of their own tactics.
Remember these same muzzies who are always paraded as victims by the insidious bbc.
Always remember and see what they do when they think they can get away with it, awaiting us all sooner or later in the UK, these “fleeing oppression”only to show their true nature.
There is a reason why they need to be oppressed… they will wipe you out without a second thought.
Rishi Sunak parked his brand new Porsche in front of the office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he got out, a bus came along too close to the kerb and completely tore off the driver’s side. Sunak immediately whipped out his phone and dialed 999. It wasn’t more than 5 minutes before a policeman pulled up. Before the policeman had a chance to ask any questions, the Chancellor started screaming how his car, which he just picked up that day, was completely ruined and would never be the same again.
After he finally finished his rant, the policeman shook his head in disbelief.
“I can’t believe how materialistic you finance guys are,” he said “You’re so focused on your possessions, you don’t care about anything else!” “How can you say that?” asked Sunak, angrily. The policeman replied, “Didn’t you realize that your left arm is missing from your elbow down? It’s been completely torn off from when the truck hit you!” The Chancellor looked down in absolute horror.
“F@cking Hell!” he screamed… “Where’s my Rolex!?”
Today watch
Our Justin interviews a shadow red labour minister . Said minister is asked about the leaking of tax details for the green card chanvellor and his foreign wife .
Labour droid refuses to say leak was wrong …
But our Justin didn’t ask is -‘should the tax affairs of all politicians and close family should be made public’ – which I think should be expected .
If people don’t like that – don’t go into politics – go count their money in private . Never a shortage of politicians … and we deserve a higher level of morality from our law makers …
Just listening to the BBC and they keep on talking about a candidate for the French presidency called Farright Marinelepen.
This is a very unusual name. I remember Farrah Fawcett Majors from the 1970s. But Farright is a new one on me.
The BBC seem very keen to namecheck her and have sent many reporters to Paris.
Being a woman, no doubt the BBC are quietly hoping she will win. She has done very well in the first round.
The Moaning Emole just landed. Guess what….
Story detail
Emmanuel Macron and far-right rival Marine Le Pen are in the fight for French presidency. With the counting almost done, Mr Macron has won the first round of the election with 27.6% of the votes counted so far but Ms Le Pen wasn’t far behind
Seems they are committed to their editorial guidelines no matter what.
I would like to know what Monsieur Goat has to say on this matter?
Remember, the BBC backed the wrong horse during Brexit.
They did the same in the US elections with Biden .
Perhaps they will have “lessons to learn” ?
And they never call anyone far-left! Jeremy Corbin anyone?
Yes the today language about the French election is
‘left ‘ versus ‘far right
The BBC bias against anything non approved is declared
‘far right’……
Just how ‘far right’ is Le Pen?
I really can’t be bothered, and don’t have the time to do any indepth reading about elections in France, but it doesn’t seem to me there’s anything about her, or what she’s offering that qualifies the term? She seems less ‘extreme’ to me than Trump, and he was hardly an ‘extremist’, despite what the BBC would like to have us believe, certainly a very large percentage of Americans didn’t think so, and still don’t seem to (I could see him returning at the next US election).
She is ‘anti-uncontrolled-immigration’, and not particularly ‘pro-Muslim’ (hardly, anti-any-immigration, or anti-Islam, as far as I can see), is that all that’s required to be ‘far right’ now? If so, I suspect there are a lot of people around who are ‘far right’ here in Europe, and the US, and Canada, and Aus, and NZ, and just about everywhere else on the planet to be honest.
When does it become a meaningless phrase because it’s no longer ‘far’ anything, and is now the most commonly held view?
The reason that the MSM keep describing politics as a battle between right and left , often with further qualification labels attacked eg far or hard, is that they want to confuse us voters. The actual political struggle of our time is between globalists and ordinary folks. By pretending it’s still the left right struggle if the last century it disguises the real intent of globalists like Macron.
They are more interested in creating a new internationalist world order with them and their chums on top of course.
Democracy is a threat to their plans and so they attempt to subvert it with the help of their stooges in the media.
I know from friends who live in France that Macron is one of the elites that the World Economic Forum support and will push for his election. French people as I know having lived in France, can be logical and illogical at the same time, so expect the unexpected.
Sluff – I wonder if Farright gets that treatment from the state controlled French media – maybe I need to monitor France24 a bit …
….I fear that the normal ‘voting practices ‘ to ensure the likes of FarRight LePen will be deployed across the next 2 weeks to ensure the current bonaparte will get the gig again ….
I reckon he will be off to Ukraine( in combat gear ) to give stuff to that Rambo character they’ve got in charge …
…If I were the Ukrainian president I’d make sure any tanks coming from France didn’t only have reverse gears ….
Lib Dem MPs will like that.
Revelation 13
16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.…
An excellent way to pay your TVLicence
I just give them the finger.
Sopes again shows what a loss he is to the journalistic output of the bbc.
Has he nothing to do?
Does that come in braille and sign language ?
Ha ha ha, how much are you paid Jon?
Message to all sharks: Ex-BBC British toes are particularly tasty.
Head, he means. And space.
Fick Ange of course is now in Polly mode.
BBC #callsfor
Must. Resist. Posting. There.
Can Global insist James O’Brien does it in a full Gimp suit?
Looks like she could do with a stint in McDonalds with free food instead of masking up for an acting job.
Isn’t that fattist?
BBC: ‘Queen reveals Covid left her ‘very tired and exhausted’‘ – you and me both, Ma’am. I refer, of course, to official Lockdown policy and general media pandemic propagandising, which one found most unamusing, not so much the illness itself.
If balance in the media means giving the other side of the argument a fair hearing then our BBC certainly scores points here: ‘Falklands War: ‘The UK is still usurping our land’ It’s 40 years since the Falklands War, a 10-week armed conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina over two British dependent territories in the South Atlantic. Argentina, which calls the islands the Malvinas, lost the war, but to this day it maintains that they belong to them.‘
Not a well-timed attack on Britain’s couple of hundred years of so-called colonialist sovereignty… considering we’re supposed to be supporting and defending the Johnny-come-lately state of Ukraine’s uncertain borders from an invading neighbour.
‘Title race going to the wire after epic clash‘ (‘i’) – no, this isn’t the French Presidential election, this was the big Manchester City versus Liverpool match – or as our media love to personalise – Klopp v Pep.
Speaking of France, which the ‘i’ newspaper weren’t, one can’t help recalling Charles Dickens and his epic Tale of Two Cities and that immortal line: “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”
So let’s see which media outlets in their news headlines go with the FAR-FAR-Right moniker for our Marine?
BBC: ‘Could Marine Le Pen win the French elections? The far-right politician obtained her highest result ever…‘ – the BBC do like to pose a question.
Guardian: ‘Macron and Le Pen face off in fight for France’s future. President to go head to head with far-right challenger‘ – apart from the intended far-right slur, and the tedious political platitude – every election is hailed as future determining these days – the Gruan sticks with reportage rather than go down the BBC’s speculative route.
The Times – not a full-time fully paid up member of the lefty club – avoids the father excesses of the name calling by using the far-right “f” word: ‘French election in balance after narrow Macron win. President will face Le Pen in second round. Old parties of the left and right humiliated‘ – the Times, although acknowledging that Marine Le Pen would wish to reform Brussels, doesn’t get its French knickers completely twisted since, as it explains, she says she doesn’t want to leave the EU.
The sleepy old Telegraph hardly notices the French election – as its frontpage concentrates on Rishi and his missus Murty’s tax affairs, the Ukraine war and the Grand National: ‘Macron to face Le Pen in tight run-off vote‘ – all very matter of fact.
The left-leaning, with tabloid tendencies, ‘i’ newspaper of course joins the BBC and Guardian, shouts out loud and clear the “f” word and would have us run away and hide from the scary monster under bed clothes: ‘Far-right Le Pen in play-off for French Presidency‘ – really, “play-off”? – one supposes their sports writer drew the short straw there and was landed with the job of sub-heading the French election report? I can only speculate that the coronaphobic ‘i’ still has all their political staff off on a sicky.
The globalist FT is pink in tooth and claw these days: ‘Le Pen’s late surge set to put her in election run-off with Macron. Far-right candidate likely to face centrist incumbent‘ – the headlines are overly long, ponderous and unnecessarily mix tenses but the FT soon gets around to slinging the “f” word slur.
Sky News, as a corporate broadcaster, tends to follow our national broadcaster in political tone and leanings: ‘France presidential election: Emmanuel Macron faces far-right challenge from Marine Le Pen as voting takes place across country‘
ITV News: ‘Emmanuel Macron and far-right rival Marine Le Pen to face each other in presidential runoff‘
The far-left, communist, Morning Star has a new angle – wishing a plague on all their houses – but they naturally include the “f” word: ‘France: another victim of the war in Ukraine. This Sunday’s presidential election will see a far-right breakthrough thanks to Macron’s inability to deal with the chaos unleashed on the working class by the conflict in the East and sanctions against Russia, writes DENNIS BROE‘
No popular newspaper titles bother to put the French election on their frontpages.
RE Falklands. I believe 3 people out of 2900+ voted against remaining British. Considering the foreign population included about 200 Chileans, not a solid support from South America.
Strange really that the BBC – so fond of trumpeting about ‘the first woman to do that ‘ or ‘the first woman to do this ‘ doesn’t sign up to enthuse about the ‘first woman president of France’ …
I won’t do the annoying ‘I wonder why?’ Thing some people use on this site . The answer is that she is highly unapproved by the BBC – which has ‘transed’ from a broadcaster to a political movement …
According to the “Britannica” , Captain John Davis discovered the Falkland Islands (Aug. 9, 1592). This was long before Argentina was a nation.
Why does the BBC hate Great Britain ?
Today watch
An excellent interview by our Justin with a blue Labour minister called ‘George eustice’ who has been doing the rounds defending the green card chancellor …. Eustice did a valiant job defending the indefensible –
-a red tory Minister who had the right to live and work in the US until he gave the card up in October 2021.
Unusually the BBC had trod quite lightly on this latest example of poor red tory standards – I think it’s because so many in the swamp – of all brands – exercise such personal financial arrangements – eg a red labour MP taking £500 k from the Chinese,…. Who also got an easy treatment ….
Btw- it’s more than likely that the replacement for the blue tory chancellor will be an ex banker who avoided tax using ‘off shore ‘ accounts ….
TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC Labour Lies continue as JustRemainIn Webb lies on air
Justin, in interviewing George Eustice MP SoS for Farming and Environment and takes the Labour Party line, as some on here have, about Rishi Sunak’s Green Card and Mrs Sunak’s non-domicile status and shareholding in Infosys. It is quite disgraceful that JustRemainIn Webb, who has worked in the USA, lies about the purpose of the US Green Card. He claims that you have to be on the point of applying for US citizenship and ‘to advance the aims of the United States’. That is a lie and JustRemainIn Webb knows it is a lie.
How do I know that it is a lie? Because at one or two distant times in my past I looked into the matter of obtaining a Green Card for myself. All the Green Card does is entitle a person to work (earn an income) while living in the USA beyond the normal six month limit of USA visitor visas for UK subjects.
I listened briefly to Today this morning whilst taking a short journey. I heard Justin ask Eustace whether Richi was too wealthy to be……(I had arrived at my destination). He could have said Chancellor or MP. Whichever he asked, what a strange concept. In the same vein he might ask whether Boris is too fat to be PM, or Richi too black. (Anything is possible when you hate the party from which your interviewee comes). I would like Justin to ask a Labour spokesman whether Angie is too thick to be Deputy Leader or Claudia Webb too thick or violent to be an MP. It is the same quality of question.
Deborah – the ‘too rich ‘ thing – is a bit like that ‘gotcha’ type question very inferior journos ask of politicians “ how much is a pint of milk ?”
Does knowing the exact price of cravendale make an MP any good at their job? Of course it would be good in MPs and journos had to travel by bus – and have a bit of uncontrolled contact with taxpayers in an expense – free world , but they don’t – and never will .
I’ve said it many times – that building – parliament changes the people going in there – mostly for the worst – and the longer they are in there – the more disconnected they become – if they ever were
( didn’t even mention 800 parasites in the lords did I ) …
I have just been informed that today is “world Parkinsons day”
I suppose everyone will have to sit in an office chair and get beaten round the head with a dead emu now, God it never ends does it.
9:45am R4 new Daily Book
“The Man Who Invented Motion Pictures by Paul Fischer”
The graphic is that of a black guy in a cap
That isn’t the main character, the French guy who Edison allegedly stole the movie camera invention off
nor the author.
9am R4 discussion about books
All four people the presenter and panel are women.
The publishing industry is female dominated.
Off switch came and went ..
Though surely the day of a disabled drag queen of color Editor at the bbc cannot be far off?
Where do you go after you’ve employed a disabled, ethnic, multisexual, trans person for the role though?
What then, hey?
Please don’t challenge them, I’m sure they’re working on it as we type.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC’s Lefty Labour smears and lies continue in France
Marine le Pen’s name is never heard on the BBC without a nearby, adjacent or right alongside ‘Far Right’ smear tag. The western world is slipping dangerously towards a Communist era style One World Government and the forces of Conservatism which would normally oppose it are being destroyed by their own voters or supporters. Dangerous days.
Auntie BBC’s defective memory and amnesia has conveniently brushed ‘Far Right’ former President de Gaulle out of their minds.
Meanwhile, as JustRemainIn Webb tries to keep up the Lefty bullying of a woman who cannot answer back, Askata Murty a.k.a. Mrs Sunak, he has a cosy little chat with Ayesha Hazarika, a Labour supporter and someone, sorry have forgotten name, who used to advise David Cameron as PM.
Left and right are fairly meaningless terms these days. Macron is a signed up globalist, whereas I rather doubt Le Pen has ever been made welcome at Davos. She is not part of the multinational blob which seeks to rule the world, and if only for that she’d have my vote if I were French.
I always think of the BBC as The Far Left BBC.
PR land : Twitter pushes stuff at me in the “For You section” on the search page
Near the top is an England woman’s Rugby PR tweet
which shows a mixed race payer kneeling as she chats to an ethnic Indian girl fam
The tweets says
“All it takes is one special moment to inspire a kid for life 📸
#ENGvWAL | #RedRoses”
BBC online news majoring on family of murdered teacher Sabina Nessa complaining about government and Priti Patel showing less interest than over Sarah Everard.
Newspapers (not BBC) are also criticised for treating her differently due to her ethnicity.
No mention of the ethnicity of the murderer of course nor of the fact that Sarah Everard was missing for days which created huge media interest.
Framer – whoever is behind this kid was pushing her around the studios today . She sure has a chip – as shown on her ‘today ‘ appearance .
The ethnic killer refused to turn up for his sentencing – who can blame him – who would want to listen to some judge yapping as well as the ‘family statements ‘ before starting their 10 year -or less – ‘time ‘…?
But the lady incidentally raises the issue of victim treatment . Some get the full ‘everard ‘ countless more – of all types ages colours complexions get – nothing by way of media or political ‘attention ‘…
………..not that it matters – the dead stay dead and the killers get their time – not death – as I’d like to see ….
I think she has a point, re: the media and the relative coverage of the Sarah Everard murder and that of her sister, but she’s wrong to blame the government – they were (rather reluctantly, it seemed to me), pushed into making the big deal about the one case, by the hysterical media, and that red haired woman and her mates, and their ‘safety for women’, ‘look at me, don’t you DARE look at me!’ demands.
It’s terrible women don’t feel safe out on their own, and it’s shocking the guy who did it was a (part time) police man, BUT I don’t see how we can make the world safer for women on their own (it’s not me, or my son, or my old dad, out there raping and killing), and it’s equally shocking to me, that this second crime was committed by an imported psycho, and I agree Fed, one thing we COULD be doing to try to protect women is to liquidate a few of these animals… it MIGHT deter some others, in a way that locking them up for a couple of years clearly doesn’t.
I thought the Today’s programme on this tragedy got two for one for their buck : racism and the need to rewire all men in their attitude to women .
Normal folks vision of this tragedy :
Murderers are horrid and should be locked up forever , plus we need to control our borders and not let scum like this Albanian murderer in .
BBC’s view of this
We need more awareness of men’s attitude to women and the racism in our society . And not murder people .
Returning home from my trip (see comment about Today) I still had Radio 4 switched on. Emma Barnett was interviewing Arlene Philips and Oti Mbussii. They were discussing Cher. They said she was always fighting for women. I am a woman and I have never fought for what I wanted to do, I just got on and did it.
They also said Cher had some terrible relationships. So she obviously wasn’t that good at fighting for herself never mind the whole of womankind, otherwise she would have got herself out of these relationships at the first sign of trouble. Strange mindset at the BBC.
“Cher criticised on Twitter for saying Trump should be sexually assaulted in prison”
A tweet which later deleted and apologised for
She has tweeted many hatey things about Trump
I think Cher suffered sexual abuse early on
Something like she was only 15 when Sonny Bono picked her up and put her in the studio
Not cos she was a great singer, but cos she was good looking
Then later their may have been incidents with Phil Spector
“Cher and Sonny first met in 1963, she was 16, while he was 27 and married (he and his first wife were separated).”
Why do you continue to punish yourself with this poisonous drivel?
Honestly, I’m serious, I used to be the same. My day was punctuated by Radio 4. Blimey, I even suffered Woman’s Hour! Jeez…
No more. Eventually I came to my senses and realised that this radio station is about as free thinking as Pravda FM.
All you get is an endless diatribe of PC propaganda. If you’re white, slightly to the right, have concerns about uncontrolled immigration, believe that there are only two genders, don’t swallow the green guff and think that Saint Greta needs a clip round the ear’ole before being sent to bed, then you’re just being battered from dawn til dusk.
Oh…and then, usually about 6.30pm, they’ll foist on you some of the least talented “comedians” they can find to take the piss out of everything you believe in for half an hour.
And best of all, you’re paying for it…
Not the BBC . But money saving ( potentially ) . There used to be a really good free site called ‘my supermarket ‘ which compared the price of stuff you bought across the main supermarkets .
Unfortunately I think this was so successful a big supermarket bought it and closed it . Anyway – I have found a new site which sort of does the same . It is called –
– it seems ok – there may be other similar sites – I have no personal or financial interest in it but just use it because it is free ( at the moment ) …….
Thanks Fedup – I may well give it a try. Just not today. I have a series of vouchers from Waitrose offering £14 if I spend £90. Today, only mentally adding up as I went along, I spent £92. I am hoping at that level, Waitrose are not making too much from me and I am saving 15% off the bill. The store cupboards are getting full so once the offer date runs out I will go to Morrisons or Tescos where the fruit and veg are better.
Don’t you get a free coffee and newspaper with Waitrose ?
Maybe that’s a member’s card thing.
Oh Stew, Waitrose stopped the coffee ages ago (probably when covid hit), and the free newspaper a couple of weeks ago. Waitrose customers are now supposed to go one line, log in, find the vouchers page, and choose 3 vouchers amongst the ones Waitrose has specially selected for them. They then have to download the voucher to their phone and show it at the checkout. Life seriously is too short. I am maxing out on the vouchers (a girl can never have too much soap powder and half price electric toothbrushes) and then return to the cheaper stores.
I bought £3 Colgate electric toothbrushes off the Boots cheap shelf in January
It it included an extra spare head.
Yes, no obvious explanation as to why they closed it in Feb 2020
after many years.
– Was it cos they couldn’t sell it ?
– Was it cos it was panic buying time, and supermarkets started to price gouge and wanted that hidden ? : SIMPLE but misses COOP/M&S
– interesting cos it shows past prices
It’s comprehensive but 2 stages, second stage is pick specific brand
– comprehensive and visual
so probably uses masses of bandwidth
I would only use them if I was looking for a special designer product like decaffeinated coffee pods
AS I already know where the cheapest things are eg Aldi for cornflakes, but not for alcohol.
There used to be a useful site for motorists called WhatGas (no, not motorists with flatulence) where you could add the latest petrol or diesel price that you have paid. Again it seems to have fallen by the wayside. I expect with prices at all-time highs it may make a comeback. – is a free site and you can get an update every day if you want – based on your post code …..
Thanks for that Fed but am afraid you have to sign up for that one; I’m all passwordred out!
The beauty of WhatGas was that anyone could update prices; you did not have to sign in or sign up for anything with yet another password and SFA which stands for Secure Factor Authorisation. 😉
You can also try Hotukdeals, not what it used to be since it was taken over but still good for finding price reductions and the odd bargain.
8pm BBC1 Panorama “The cost of living crisis”
I guess a lot of people buy stuff they don’t really need.
Well the first allegations of voting irregulalities have cropped up in France. Please don’t believe the silly rumours about Dominion voting machines being used, Macron tried and failed to get them past the French parliament.
“France Soir has picked up a short story of a lady named ‘Sophie’ who, like possibly thousands of others, has suddenly found herself de-registered despite years of voting with a valid voter registration card. Re-registering can be done, but not in time for the elections starting today and finishing on April 24, despite recourse to local courts. ”
Macron is an Ex Rothschilds Bank employee, and he is being helped in his endeavours by the banking family. They are also allegedly financing at arms length the campaign or Zemmour in order to split the support for Marine Le Penn
Apologies if this is an old story discussed here years ago.
Never having watched “The Split”, I recently decided to go to the iPlayer and start from series 1 episode 1.
In this show there are an extraordinary number of interracial marriages and relationships. A huge number. Even by BBC drama or TV commercial standards. Okay, I don’t move in posh London lawyer circles so maybe this IS an accurate reflection of that social milieu. Perhaps blacks DO occupy high-powered positions in that world. Perhaps when white lawyers have a house party, there are ALWAYS plenty of blacks, Asians and Orientals invited.
Another thing. When evaluating someone as a potential spouse, no character in this show ever mentions the fact that belonging to different races might be a factor they need to consider. When an interracial marriage comes to an end, race is never mentioned as a possible reason for its ultimate collapse. Nobody mentions race at all, in fact. Ever. In series 1 anyway.
This show suggests that every minority is perfectly assimilated into British society and has reached the top in all of the professions – indeed, is massively overrepresented.
Thanks Zelazek.
Saved me from watching it, or at least the first 10 minutes before realising it was total pc and woke rubbish.
There is a sort of link to family walk we had a couple of weeks ago during the spell of good weather that we had. .
We set off at 9 am for a walk in the Yorkshire Dales . There were about a dozen of us , ranging from me the eldest to 12 year olds . We left a local car park which was deserted . When we arrived back at 14.30 the wide expanse grass by the riverside car park was hosting at least fifty Popos ( people of Pakistani origin) in large family groups with barbecue and kebabs etc.
some of my family thought it marvellous that there was such cultural diversity in the Dales . I’m sure that if they had been invited they would have broken bread with the Popos. I walked on stony faced appalled at the growing amount of litter you find in our once beautiful countryside.
Seems the killer of the RC MP David Amess has been convicted …
Watch how quickly this Islamic murderer disappears from the BBC news – now the weather …..
Muslim / race industry goes silent ….
which labour MP/ councillor will say ‘one less Tory scum ‘?
Journalist Peter Hitchens says Extinction Rebellion is “like a cult” with “many characteristics” of a religion.
Peter Hitchens: “The only difference is that they’re sacrificing other people rather than themselves.”
.. short video
That’s at the start of the full 20 mins :
.. clip :
Sunday : Antiques Roadshow
the public bring their antique to their nearest show and experts take a look.
Today in Birmingham 14 mins in
And friend of the show Benjamin Zephaniah is introduced
.. Strange, cos he’ actually lived in South Lincolnshire for the last 30 years
#BiasedBBC want to air black faces to tickbox
Producer seems to have thought
“on no, half the time the camera will not be on Zephaniah, it’ll be on the expert”
So they brought in an extra black lady
to stand behind the expert
So the show actually had a black person in shot all the time.
You’ll see the conversation brought in Haile Selassie
who was lorded
bet he was a bad dictator too
Normally the footage only shows you the crowds who have come to see Antiques Roadshow
but this time the cameras travelled around the rest of the park
and caught this ALL MALE group watching a cricket game
There can be no better example of the hierarchy of policies of the left than of Melanchon advising his supporters not to vote for MLP. He may not have said vote for Macron but he could have advised them to abstain altogether. So he is offering tacit support to Macron.
So here we have a French equivalent of Jeremy Corbin lukewarmly supporting Macron , a globalist President for the rich who is strongly against many traditional leftist policies such as a large state and welfare, but coming out strongly against MLP who is very socialist but wants to keep France French and is sceptical about the EU.
Clearly , as we know in the UK with Labour, socialist politicians these days put the interests of third worlders above that of the people whom they claim to represent.
Almost every white worker must by now have grasped that the political left doesn’t care about their best interests or their well being. These politicians just want their votes and their taxes so they can pander to the third worlders.
All French socialists who voted for Melanchon in round one should logically vote MLP in round two, but sadly I don’t expect that they will.
A little more stirring of the victimhood cauldron duly picked up by the BBC.
The sister of the murdered young woman Sabina Nessa thinks her family has been treated “differently” to the way in which a white British family would have been treated in similar circumstances. This unfortunate young woman was brutally murdered. To the best of my recollection (though I of course stand to be corrected) there was no particular controversy over dilatoriness or incompetence in the subsequesnt police investigation: the perpertrator was identified, arrested, tried and sentenced according to law. So far so normal under the rule of law. The victim’s ethnicity made no difference.
However, Miss Nessa’s sister says she believes the family did not receive enough “support” from the government. It is unclear what “support” she thinks a government could or should give to a grieving family. Grieving families traditionally find support, counsel and help among extended family, friends, churches….not governments. But this all helps to extend the pernicious idea so prevalent nowadays that governments must, always and without exception, deal with everything about everything for everyone every time.
She also avers, as part of the victimhood motif, that the murder of her sister was not given as much prominence in the media as the murder of the late Sarah Everard. Many murders happen each year: very few receive more than a day or so’s newsprint or web space. Occasionally, a murder happens that remains in the public consciousness for various reasons. The murders of Jo Cox and Sir David Amess resonated because they were public figures; the murder of Sarah Everard because the perpetrator was a serving policeman. But Miss Nessa’s sister is convinced that Miss Nessa’s murder received “less coverage” because the family is non-white. How do you, for one thing, quantify that? And why in Heaven’s name would you want to? Is this some sort of macabre competition? Needless to say, the BBC offers no challenge to the absence of the slightest evidence for this assertion.
I would be the last person to attempt to mimise any family’s grief: but this is yet another attempt to manufacture a sense of evidence-free victimhood based on race. It is deleterious and wrong. But I would not be at all surprised if the Guardian were to develop and amplify it over the next few days as illustrative once more of “systemic racism”.
The BBC won’t mention this, so it behoves us to.
Below is Dinesh D’Souza’s update on his forthcoming documentary exposing the rigged US election, called 2000 Mules. (trailer:
“DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: On Saturday May 7 you will be able to stream the film from two platforms, and Rumble/Locals.
Details for all of this will be on the website
We’re very excited about this movie. 2000Mules exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. So get ready!”
Below are details only relevant to the US:
“THEATER SPECIAL EVENTS: On two days, Monday May 2 and Wednesday May 4, we are renting 250 theaters around the country which will show the movie at the 7 pm showing. You will be able to purchase tickets for these showings from a link that will be posted on the 2000Mules website. This is a LIMITED theatrical release so there will be certain places that aren’t showing the movie in theaters.
VIRTUAL PREMIERE: On Friday May 6 we are having a virtual premiere. This is a very exciting way you to buy tickets and log into a live event out of a studio in Las Vegas. This virtual premiere will include exclusive content with President Trump, the screening of the movie, and a live Q & A with me and leading figures in the movie. Additionally, for a higher price, around 300 VIPs will be able to attend this event in person. (Your weekend in Vegas including the live premiere—it might be time to make some plans!)”
Tory MP guilty of sexually assaulting teenage boy
Imran Ahmad Khan, who was the first Conservative MP for Wakefield when he was elected in 2019, was convicted after a nine-day trial.
The event happened in January 2008
The boy did not want to take it any further, but then went back to police in 2019 when he found out Khan was standing as an MP.
ITV Promoting Big Power Switch Off
Thousands of homes across the UK switched off their lights and unplugged their electrical appliances on Sunday April 10 at 10pm, in protest against the rising energy costs.
The next one is planned for 7pm on April 16.
I wonder if it’s a Labour or SWP thing ?
Can I assume this is the rich virtue signalling, as opposed to the rest of us who are switching off because we can’t afford to pay the bloody bill?
TWatO Watch #1 – Snuffy is rendered speechless by the Montacuties mental arithmetic …
… and the sad and sorry tale that follows and has to hit the ‘OFF’ switch. Cost of Living was to be at the forefront of TWatO today. The BBC had shopped around and found a vox pop from Lexy or Lexi. Lexy is disabled and unable to work but never mind that, the BBC put her to work to complain on air about the cost of living. Lexy receives benefits that total approximately £1940 per month. She, her husband (who I don’t know if Sarah asked the $64,000 question: is he able to work? and the follow up question if reply is affirmative for $128,000: why has he not got a job?
The answer, I guess, and from dim & distant memories of a friend who was a Benefits Officer, would be “Oh, my benefits would be reduced if my husband went out to work.” The Montacuties mental arithmetic gets her to “You have £24,000 a year and you are struggling with inflation?” as a retorical question whereupon we hear the saga of too poor to heat the house, her four children have a bad diet because fresh fruit costs too much (banana at Aldi, admittedly small – 13p, bag of apples £1 Iceland, ASDA pre-prepped carrots & peas 300g 85p Iceland Beef Lasagne £1 enough for two, add broccoli or cabbage 59p at ASDA again).
Sarah, sadly, is not sharp enough to point out that £24,000 is an average salary for someone in work about five years ago and a person on Minimum Wage receives £16,000 per annum. A new nursing apprentice receives £27,000 at present and has to study at the same time.
I had switched off before then so I do not know if Lexy was asked all sorts of difficult questions about precisely what she and her family eat and what they spend their money on, whether they own their house or whether they rent from the council or privately. I guess not, knowing the BBC as I do.
All part of the current agenda to attack the Government and the Chancellor.
Disappointment all round.
Look – all because a blue labour Queer Muslim MP plies a 15 year old Roman Catholic boy with booze to try and bugger him doesn’t make him a bad person does it ?
I suppose he will stay an MP and resume his seat in the Commons making laws – including those he might well break ..
The British Political Class ….( it didn’t say if this Tory had dual nationality – off shored – or is a non Dom – take your pick )
More relevantly – both Farleft Macron and FarRight le pen promise to do away with the French State TV licence ….
I watched Brazier on GBNews . Bravely – they put on a Scottish freak from the ‘stop the oil ‘ thing . This angry ugly screwed up man – maybe 50 – 60? Was about as aggressive as it can get .
Sadly Brazier failed to wind him up – so he wound himself up . It was ugly brutal TV .
8 min video of activist Kenny Alexander
“the people you end up punishing are .. people in isolated rural areas
Ans “Really, Really, do you do you live in the real world most people i know can’t afford to fill their part in the car with petrol
.. the gov needs to move towards renewables move towards free trouble public transport and move away from this addiction to fossil fuels ”
(eff off ..the activist has no right to tell the public what to do
And a renewable economy is a more expensive one)
B “but Tesla’s are the most seeling vehicle right now cos of government incentives, the gov are doing things”
B “why did it become necessary to disrupt people going around to their their lawful business if this if your protests end up in people’s minds hospital and schools often very poorly paid people who need their cars to get around
They need the cars to get around you you’re trying to align yourself with normal working people whereas you do you don’t live in the normal working you have no idea what world is”
Brazier “They need the cars to get around”
Activist ” you you’re trying to align yourself with normal working people whereas you do you don’t live in the normal working you have no idea what world is”
“These rich oil people should be paying for the transition”
The activist then goes on to say he has ski-ed all over the world
Hello how much CO2 was that
Activist “Do you know what a 2 degree world is going to be ?”
(A better world I guess)
Brazier “Won’t these tactic backfire ?”
Activist “no YOU make it backfire .. the the only way that our voices get heard is by these people putting themselves on a line ”
“there’s people even on a hunger strike to try and get the voice heard”
Brazier ” are you prepared to accept an alternative vision
.. you’ve won the argument you’ve persuaded the majority of people that your vision is the right one and then they see these pictures
and they have doubts because they they know they live in the liberal society”
Activist “I have an 85 yo mother and a 25 year old son they don’t they don’t see any of this on the news, because you people within the media are disinforming them misinforming and mal-informing them
.. don’t don’t don’t go shaking your eyes
.. could you just explain to the readers what net zero really means” (Yes it is a PRtrickery word)
Activist “Boris made some promises on net zero i’ve got them all written down here ”
Brazier “we haven’t got time”
(They’ve had 8 mins
The activist could have mentioned the promises earlier)
” we’re running every time we’ve got a rapidly closing window to make a difference “
Hidden wealth of one of Putin’s ‘inner circle’ revealed
“As part of the Pandora Papers Russia project,
Leaked documents seen by BBC News show how a sanctioned oligarch from Putin’s “inner circle” hid his wealth.”
BBC seems to have forgotten that Zelensky also features in the Pandora project..
“Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections
The Pandora papers, leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and shared with the Guardian as part of a global investigation however, suggest Zelenskiy is rather similar to his predecessors.
The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote.
That sounds like whataboutery to me
The issue NOW is that Putin has entered another country and killed lots of people.
We can judge Zelenskiy, in the months and years after the peace
Protesters at the Kingsbury Oil Terminal in Warwickshire dug a tunnel under a road to gain access to the site.
The tunnel was concealed by a caravan parked on the roadside, and surrounded by protesters.
The Just Stop Oil group said that as police arrested members, five people remained inside the caravan working on the tunnel on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Warwickshire Police said 29 arrests have been made this weekend in connection with ongoing protest activity at Kingsbury Oil Terminal.
What 6 protesters arrested 5 times each and let go ?
Tne story seems to say tis was at the weekend
and police have wiped it up now.
Give them 10 years each for criminal damage and terrorism. On second thoughts make it 20.
The slaughter of Sir David Amess by an Islamist
terrorist in Southend was always going to be a tricky
subject for the BBC’S Londonistan programme.
Maybe I am not being fair to the BBC . Perhaps
a party political broadcast four times a day for the
Corbyn wing of the Labour Party would be a better
description of the programme. With a fair degree of
anarchist Marxism thrown in for good measure.
So BIG BROTHER from the diversity department and
his sycophant editors of the programme which is supposed
to be representative of the whole of London and its
environs , even including the minority indigenous population ,
for which it is not. Must of had been in a quandary in how to
handle the guilty verdict of Ali Harbi Ali on the murder
of the” tory scum” Sir David Amess.
I suppose just letting us know as an I Islamic Terrorist it was his
duty to slaughter Sir David. Because he voted for airstrikes against Isis in Syria, was not quite enough to placate us.
Yes having a Muslim telling us what a good man David was
something. But I didn’t expect this apparent
Londononistan mirage to last for long.
The rest of the programme went back to normality . Telling
us how racist the police and toreeee government are.
BUT there is a new element to the programme. It’s now
what the programme would call the “uncle tom” Indians
such as Priti Patel who should be , and are attacked as well.
Foscari – I wonder who watches that show – I guess teachers and other guardian readers . Certainly the ethnics won’t be watching because they’ll be at Asian TV .. the viewing figures must reflect that …
I wonder – did it cover the glorious legacy of the ex dyke police commissioner who got her leaving cheque yesterday ?
Apparently she was worried about the ‘politicisation of the police ‘ – one task – probably the only one during her tenure – which she has achieved ( although the number of ethnic plod convicted of crime must be a record on her watch .. keep it diverse – right Cressida ?)
9pm ITV prog about the Manchester Arena bombing
9pm BBC2 ep 2/3 doco about the Maxwell family
9pm Talking Pictures : The Lone Ranger
8pm C4 Why are you energy bill so high
“And it’s about to get even worse !”
“can you keep crying, it’s great TV”
They mention Ukraine, gas price,
and now the cost of funding bankrupt energy companies £94/household
No mention of Green lunatic policies.
8pm BBC1 “The cost of living crisis”
8pm Radio4 doco US Millionaires who want a wealth tax
.. Is that sustainable ?..once it’s gone, it’s gone
The energy prog
The worker from a bust firm “We had a problem cos people weren’t paying their bills, they owed us £2m”
Now “Council energy companies like Robin Hood Energy”
.. They failed cos they were up against experts
Being naive they ended up with the worst customers.
The council ended up having to max the council tax rises year after year.
Citizens Advice wrote a special letter to Ofgem in 2013 warning about weak energy companies
And kept writing to them.
New 2020 Audit powers have never been used.
Analysis shows 2/3 of the bust companies NEVER made a profit ..sometimes selling at a loss to get customers.
Avro collapsed with debts of £251 million !
The cleanup cost is £600m for consumers.
Stew – always gets me about how these government policies are modelled on certain assumptions – such as stable costs – and that failure of such assumptions lead to instant failures …
Just dumb .
Next weeks C4 Dispatches “How terrorists are slipping though the anti-terrorist programme”
I’d expect that to be all Islamic terrorists and some Eco and anti-vivisection terrorists, but the trailer shows Nazir Afzal the lefty remainiac.. so I expect bias.
Both the BBC and C4 running programmes about the hardship being caused by rising energy prices ….. no solutions offered up – and with the likelihood that prices will jump again in October .
Cutting the 5% vat of domestic fuel ? – will help a little bit – a ‘ windfall tax’ – will help a bit – but how many times can that be used ?
Suspending green ‘add ons ‘? Maybe a cut of 15% ( my guess )
Is the taxpayer somehow meant to subsidise the energy market ? The cost of borrowing money is going up – so that’s difficult – and how long could that go on ?
So when all of those are thrown against market reality there remains the individual – and the Welfare State won’t be there for the ‘non vulnerable ‘….
Maybe a smaller state is coming ….
Green subsidies are about £11bn/year
ie £11,000 million through 25 million homes
ie about £11K for 22 homes
ie about £500 /home
However it’s not paid by your bill, but rather it’s mostly on the bills of orgs that use the most gov/councils/charities/business
but ultimately you fund all those, so you pay eg in the price of a pint at the pub etc.
The pressure to cut the green crap will overwhelm mr and Mrs nut nut .
Will the power companies really be busily cutting off hundreds of thousands of homes who default on their bills ?
What happens if the likes of EDF and EON go bust ?
BBC subbing is the best.
Thatcher and Channel4
This RTS posts says she wanted to privatise
but notes from #1 Will Whitelaw and #2 Bernhard Ingham warned against it.. as it could be unpopular if it went wrong