Will the Far Left Social Campaigning Broadcaster – known to some as the BBC – manage to bring the democratically elected Prime Minster down ? The campaign is back to full flow . Wall to wall Fixed Penalty Tickets adorn the airwaves . The Third World War must wait . Putin must laugh .
Midweek 13 April 2022
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Who, if anybody, will replace Bo Jo ?
Standby for demands to return the UK to the European Union by the former ‘Remainers’.
Notice how Al Beeb has been keeping the topic on the boil for the past 6 years ……………………………
Taffman – now that green card man is toast the favourite is the Truss … as cited on the twitter by A. Neill. Parliament doesn’t come back for a while and rabid shouts for parliament to be recalled – eg by Eddie Davey – is just Tourette’s .
One theory is that the red Labour Party will get a kicking in the coming local elections which might shake the current regime into becoming a Conservative party again …. But they remind me of that time when major was PM and bad stuff just kept on happening … certainly the conduct of too many blue labour MPs points to that …
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 2 started 7am on Tuesday
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But… but… they are… ‘refusing to resign!’
Despite the entire BBC demanding they do, via #callsfor from…folk.
“Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been fined by police for breaking coronavirus lockdown rules in Downing Street. So has Chancellor Rishi Sunak. Both politicians have apologised and they have paid their fixed penalty notices. However, neither have offered to resign – and they are rejecting calls to step down.
The awful BBC’s website even makes it all headline news!
It’s pathetic really, nobody really gives a toss, they go out to find wretched grieving families on purpose, and have hardly covered all the labourites doing exactly the same thing!
They really are becoming yet another local radio station with poor reporting and dull subjects.
Soon to be gone methinks, and won’t we all cheer!
The ‘independent’, Amol’s last gig… has the same, and what is this?
“ Labour leader Keir Starmer said the fines showed : “They have to go.”
Clowns they may be. But a country run by a vacillating idiot like Starmer installed by the Labour PR of BBC and Campbell and Vile… no.
The Tory party have been busy demonstrating once again that they are not the sharpest tools in the box.
Fresh from the clueless morons in number 10 attacking Rishi Sunaks wife, over the non Dom status which had been known about for months ever since Sunak became Chancellor, he apparantly had had enough and was going to resign. The Muppets at number 10 suddenly woke from their torper and realised that if he did resign then Boris would have to as well, and apparantly made strenuous efforts to disuade him, which apparantly succeeded.
Goodness knows what Sunak was offered as an enticement to stay, but he would never have been placed in this position if number 10s attack dogs hadn’t been allowed to savage him.
Boris was wrong to hold or attend parties in No 10 after banning such gatherings. But to be honest such a breach of his own rules doesn’t upset me very much.
What does outrage me is his gross STUPIDITY at not realising that within No 10 staff there would be plenty of enemies , Labour voters and Remainers , who would attend the parties and make sure they had enough evidence to cause endless trouble for him when the time was ripe.
If , as is very possible , he is forced to resign and if this turns out to be the first step back to EU membership he will have been a total and complete failure.
I see no other potential PM from any party who will kick the Net Zero policy into touch, nor who will take on the BBC , nor who would fight the culture war , nor who will control immigration , so Boris’s only point of difference was and remains ( excuse the pun) keeping us out of the EU . For that single point he is worth keeping despite his stupidity over partygate.
The point is here is that for all intents and purposes he hasn’t kept us out of the EU.
Here we are outside of it, with as Nigel Farage pointed out a myriad of opportunities to make Britain prosper, but Boris and his Blue Labour haven’t taken advantage of one of them.
They are still enacting EU law into British law as if we were still a member country, presumably to make re-integration easier, and not engaging in beneficial arrangements so as to be able to sell a rejoin to the British public and not have to drop those partners when a rejoin happens.
Look at the bottlers history on EU membership, for him to join leave was a free lunch for him, if he won he became PM, if he lost it was at zero cost to him.
He’s not by any stretch of the imagination a comitted leave believer, he is that only by convenience.
Yes it is Luke warm Brexit at present but with any other PM , Tory or Labour , and realistically there can’t be one from any other party for a long time to come, there won’t be any Brexit at all.
Its time BJ resigned. Not for the drinks party fiasco, but political ineptitude since, and that he hasn’t led the country out of the EU for good.
Ukraine is just a photo-op. But it could bite back.
All it requires is one bad Brexit news blared out by the BBC, and we will be back in the EU via a parliamentary vote. Parliament was never too keen on the idea of a referendum – people deciding an important policy – what a novel idea..
Dan Wootton is impressively based tonight
as he makes a clear case that the MSM are mad and deceptive.
He played footage of Skynews creating wild drama
“Here can see the number 10 and we have the sound of silence”
Total rubbish of course , cos Boris had read a statement and answered the gotcha-journalists questions .
(I posted the statement on the last thread)
GBnews just sent a young reporter to the XR demo
He went around asking the XR protesters his gotcha question
.. “What percent of carbon emissions is the UK responsible for ?”
None of them knew
.. it’s 1 %
Sure you can argue that UK consumers are additionally responsible for the manufacturing CO2 of the products they buy from
but China’s population itself is 25 times bigger than the UK’s.
Therefore XR protesters should head forChina.
Let’s see how far they get with their protests then ?
I think they should head to the front lines in Mariupol or Donbass to impress upon the Russians how much CO2 is released when a missile is launched and when a building is set ablaze and burns to the ground.
Did you know that we (mankind) produce 3% of the co2 on Earth compared to 97% which is produced in nature (like the Oceans for example)
This makes the UK contribution 0.03%
@EG In the TV discussion Kathy Gynelll attempted to put that question to the activist
but he shouted her down
as he shouted “99% of scientists say Climate Change is real”
… A meaningless PR phrase with no basis in science
According to some people I’m a scientist Stew (although I prefer the title engineer), anyway, I’m pretty sure climate change is real, but I’m not entirely convinced it has much to do with us (humans), there are plenty of perfectly natural reasons the climate keeps on changing.
Most scientists I know, and I do know a few (I work with some 20 odd people with degrees, and mostly higher degrees in the sciences and engineering fields, most of them far more intelligent and sensible people than me), the vast majority would say the same, they’d also say IF there is any relation to CO2 in the atmosphere (that’s still not definite by any means), our impact on the atmospheric CO2 concentration seems minimal, compared to that due to natural processes, and the climate change fanatics are not scientists, they’re crazy doomsday cultists. I know this because it’s a regular topic of conversation during tea breaks and has been for the last decade (as is how awful the BBC has become).
So, technically he is probably correct, and I expect at least 99% of scientists would say “the climate is changing… and always has”, however that doesn’t mean they agree with him (or the BBC ‘experts’) about why that is!
Exactly EG, and if there is major volcanic activity somewhere on the planet then the CO2 in the atmosphere can peak massively (and perfectly naturally).
Green morons do sound idiotic, but if its true that one percent of scientists think “Climate Change is not real”. Then I think they must be quantum physicists or cognitive scientists, because of findings in quantum mechanics showing that reality is not real: https://conversations.e-flux.com/t/reality-is-not-real-according-to-one-cognitive-scientist/3578
But then seriously, only those scientists who think its natural have the answers. The answer comes from reading about Max Planck’s take on the issue, in a debate on the Mensa Forum.
We have evidence that radiative heating & gravitational heating do not occur. The reason being that the random nature of the movement of molecules means that half of the molecules moving towards the radiation or away from the gravity field, are slowed down or cooled. So then radiative forcing or gravitational forcing is real, but only positive for half of the molecules. So in reality no heat is created in this process. So Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse gas for the Earth, at 100.6 Kelvin, by molar mass, NOT BY RADIATIVE FORCING. So the made up term “Gravitational Greenhouse Effect” would refer to a “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” NOT GRAVITATIONAL FORCING.
The simplest way of proving that “Pressure-induced Thermal Inertia” is true, and not “Radiative or Gravitational Forcing”, is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
So Climate Change must be real and caused by mother nature, not unreal and caused by carbon dioxide, as Venus proves.
The final answer to all those confused debates.
I’m still from the school which says that we do not have sufficient data to analyse what the effect of human activity is on the planet versus what the planet – nature – does itself – for instance volcanic activity …
And if it is the case the ‘humans are not the problem ‘ then humans are trying to solve a problem not possible to solve .
I hear nothing about the cycle of ‘ice ages’ – little about the solar cycle -or other geological changes . Instead it is panicking fools screwing up other peoples’ live ranging from Putin to idiots blocking motor ways ….
I support recycling and being more careful about our resources but that is economical – not ‘green ‘ as far as I am concerned …
Yes but that’s because man-made carbon dioxide is less than 4% of 400 parts per million in the Earth’s Atmosphere. 10ppm Volcanic, 6ppm Man-made.
But the answer was always going to come from Venus, which has a 96.5 percent carbon dioxide atmosphere, the other 3.5 percent is Nitrogen, but the 78 percent Nitrogen on Earth is not regarded as a greenhouse gas by the man made climate change dogma.
So on the Earth we are considering the influence of 6ppm CO2, but on Venus we are considering the influence of 960,000ppm CO2, that’s 160,000 times more influence of CO2 on Venus than man-made CO2 on the Earth.
So Venus was the ideal way to prove whether or not the man-made carbon dioxide dogma was true or not. But instead Venus has helped to prove the Unified Theory of Climate is correct, as have other planets. Even before the Unified Theory of Climate it was known that the temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the temperature on Venus and the Earth.
I believe that the simplest explanation for Climate Change is found by those scientists who say that they can use the orbits and masses of the Planets, to calculate the speed of plasma within the Sun. See the Tallbloke Website for what really causes the Climate to Change: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/10/30/orbital-resonance-and-the-celestial-origins-of-earths-climatic-changes-why-phi/ and why Venus proves Man-made Climate Change is rubbish: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2019/01/17/nikolov-zeller-reply-to-dr-roy-spencers-blog-article/
You need to tell Princess Nikki Campbell. Yesterday on his show, he listened with great respect to some crusty describe his crimes to sabotage the fossil fuel industry. When a caller attempted to suggest that maybe the “science” of AGW might be suspect, Nikki immediately shouted him down: “99% of scientists believe it, so it must be true!”.
The man is a disgrace.
BBC articles on Climate Change seem to be boringly devoid of any serious science. It now seems that 100% of Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists are banned from speaking freely on the mainstream media. It has been mentioned that after the French media sacked their most popular weather man during the Paris climate conference in 2015, after being asked about the science, and then coming out as a denier of man-made weather. You will now notice that weather presenters are no longer questioned about the science by presenters & journalists, despite being better qualified. I believe that Paul Hudson is the best qualified Climate Scientist employed by the BBC. I think he has a degree in Planetary Atmospheric Physics. Hudson has been silenced by the BBC ever since the notorious fraudster Michael Mann complained about him. A top Virologists in America said that science on the BBC was “censorship & propaganda”
Questions which the BBC should investigate (or “fact-check” to use their fave term – over to you, Ms Spring?) but don’t:
(1) CO2 is only 4/10,000 of the Earth’s atmosphere, and 70% of this was there already before we started burning fossil fuels on any scale, so how can anyone ascribe climate change (formerly “global warming”, remember) largely to CO2, man-made or not?
(2) CO2 levels increased between 1940 and 1975 due to global industrialization, but temperatures didn’t continue to rise as they had done in the earlier 1900s, so would you not conclude that there MUST be other factors influencing warming and/or cooling?
(3) As with point (2): if the warming of roughly 1975-98 was halted by a “Pause” (their expression, not mine) despite rapid increases in CO2 emissions (China et al), then once again, there MUST be other factors at play.
(4) In view of Grand Solar Minimums in 1645-1715 [“Maunder”] and roughly 1790-1820 [“Dalton”] and at other times since, with corresponding cooler temperatures on Earth, shouldn’t the role of solar variability be acknowledged?
(5) If Nitrogen is 78% of our atmosphere and Oxygen 21%, why don’t we hear more about them – and water vapour – as “greenhouse gasses”? As others have said, if CO2 really is the culprit, then why don’t we hear much more about Venus (and even Mars) which have CO2 atmospheres?
(6) What of the oceans and thermal lag?
(7) What about vulcanism, e.g. the effects of the Tambura eruption in 1815 (bigger than Krakatoa but less famous) on the climate in the years after Waterloo and end of the Napoleonic Wars?
The lack of even basic curiosity about these and other factors (I claim no special expertise here) is a terrible failing of the BBC and others, who seem more focused on globalist propaganda and alarmism than the search for truth.
Its called “Propaganda & Censorship”. It’s moved on from Climate science to Virology and Biology etc. Dr Robert Malone, the original inventor of the mRNA vaccination, wrote an article that includes information about “The Trusted News Initiative (TNI)”: A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) led organisation which has been actively censoring eminent doctors, scientists & academics: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/propaganda-corporatism-and-the-hidden?s=r
Less than 1% actually. Not worth freezing to death for nor defacing the countryside with windmills.
Does Carrie know Meghan?
Are they friends?
I think they have so much in common.
9pm BBC1 They sent a bunch of “celebs” to do an ice challenge show
.. One of them was Owain Wyn Evans
I’ve go nothing against the camp gay weatherman
but why did they select him as a celeb ?
Come on, Stew, anyone who is LGBT++ or a person of colour or a female sports presenter qualifies as a beeb celeb – everyone else is a minor celeb who has to go to the back of the queue!
TV weather used to be read by employees of the Met. Office.
How much licence money do these people get paid to basically recite the same forecast every thirty minutes for a few hours a day.
You could programme a virtual reality computer to do it for peanuts, like Max Headroom, back in the nineties.
I live in sleepy Devon where clearly not much happens. Every day the local news introduces the weather at least twice without actually saying anything useful, then the weather presenter comes on as a celebrity and spouts their bit after yet another introduction. Out of a running time of twenty minutes at least five are devoted to the weather. (The rest of the programme is wall-to-wall hard-done-by whingers but that’s another story).
‘I’ll quit my job, I want to do something to help’
“Simon, a former British soldier, is now driving cars in Ukraine”
Not at all clear exactly what he’s doing over there…
Meanwhile no mention on BBC of the capture in Mauripol of Britain Aiden Aslin who was fighting with the Ukrainian Army.
‘Famous’ British mercenary Cossackgundi, real name Aiden Aslin, who fought for the YPG for years in Syria, had his phone call intercepted where he cried about the likelihood of being ‘used for propaganda’ once he’s captured.
Phone call
His relatives running his social media account broke the bad news to his tens of thousands of followers:
As reported on:
Boris’s statement says that a birthday cake presentation was sprung on him
and the whole thing lasted 10 minutes.
I can’t see how you can use the word “party” for that.
Though of course if the people in the room were not in the same daily workgroup as each other, the gathering was a lockdown breach
9.1 Billion Euros, or less than what the EU is giving to Russia for a quarters gas supply.
EU’s Juncker calls empty European Parliament ‘ridiculous’
Published4 July 2017
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has launched a bitter attack on members of the European Parliament for failing to show up.
Standing up in almost empty chamber in Strasbourg, he denounced the body as “ridiculous, totally ridiculous”.
Estimating the number of MEPs present at about 30, he said it proved that the parliament was “not serious”.
The BBC still refuses to judge or question the mental ability of the fraud US president . Now he has gone off message on ‘genocide ‘
… Followed by the now ‘traditional ‘ roll back by the Obama White House .
I wonder what it will take for the MSMBBC to notice this old man declining ?
I’ve said for ages that they’ll cover for Brandon until Jan 2023 that way when Harris replaces him she can be elected twice more so a total of 10 years that’ll have all the far left Dems wetting their underwear. A woman of colour totally under their control, what’s not to love.
Sarah Sands brought Mehdi in to replace Sopes and Bryant?
A bbc fave. Sure he could right a book.
“AND most importantly, that individual communities not sticking to absolutely totalitarian restrictions for two years is directly the cause of the length of the pandemic. You know, as opposed to insane people like him dragging it out for political reasons.
And he attributes all of THAT to, dum dum dummmm: White Supremacy.”
They do notice, it’s painfully clear to everyone that the man’s an imbecile. They choose to ignore it in the hope that we will too.
Mrs kitty
Thats quite something – 5 terms of Obama . What a mess the US will be in by then …
Inflation UK hits 7%. I was predicting 10% by year end – i now reckon 12% or more – the genie is well out of the bottle … i bet fixed rate anything is disappearing now
Humanitarian corridors not possible today – Vereshchuk
“Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk says it will not be possible to open humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to escape today as the situation remains too dangerous.Moscow cannot control its soldiers on the ground”
Here we go, Ukrainian politicians determined to keep those civilian human shields firmly in position.
Today watch
For once – no bias – poor meeshal interviewing a farmer about food / resource costs . Everything – everything – is going up in price . The farmer even mused on whether to plant crops because of the cost of fertiliser plus labour costs of harvesting .
The standard BBC response is to blame the government and expect the State – the `government to ‘do something ‘ .
But this time that wasn’t mentioned. The times of cheap food is ending . Super abundance of choice is ending . I wonder how people will adapt to it ? Store detectives are going to be busy – crime will be heading up .
I hate to sound so dismal – but I’m a realist / pessimist – and I would welcome someone to tell me I am wrong .
On the upside people won’t be able to afford to panic buy
The birthday cake never left its Tupperware box… honestly, m’lud, it didn’t!
What with inflation, oil crises and Tupperware parties… we really are back in the 1970s
The BBC online news prefers the freebie giveaway Metro to head its print press line up this morning: ‘No. 10 Partygate shame. PM and the Chancellor broke law. PM defies calls to quit as police fine them for attending bash in lockdown. Carrie also get fixed penalty… one of 50 now dished out at Downing Street‘ – one supposes the other 47 civil servants get a by? Does this further imply Carrie ought to step down from her role as first lady?
As a lockdown sceptic – who believe’s locking down the healthy was both illogical and counter to our freedoms and moreover notices there is still yet no empirical evidence that they work – one fails to be quite so aghast at the news that our elites who imposed these rules didn’t abide by them – on the quiet.
Meanwhile in other news, in the ‘i’ newspaper Esther Walker muses: ‘No wonder UK birth rates are rock bottom right now!‘ – yep, social distancing will have put a crimp in those figures and of course Boris, who in the past has caused a local bit of a blip there, has now been safely locked down by Carrie – we assume.
In obliquely connected commentary in the Mirror Polly Hudson insists: ‘Why shouldn’t Rihanna flaunt her fab bump?‘
And in commentary that might stand for our entire media-driven cultural sex wars Jan Moir in the Mail refers to the ill fated relationship of Mr Depp and his former missus: ‘Johnny & Amber, two scopions locked in a dance of death‘
The FT reflects on: ‘Frances O’Grady has said she will retire as general secretary [of the TUC]… after a decade’s tenure as the first woman to lead the main organised labour body‘ – that’s the sort of peculiar and rather pompous-sounding way of describing the Trades Unions that we have come to expect from the FT – even if it does address a generation largely unacquainted with the concept of unions – outside of the public sector, of course.
No such celebratory media acclaimation will be due, should the first woman soon get to lead the main organised body of Frenchmen…
As predictably as night follows day, sur le continent, the Left and centre are preparing to do their level best to freeze out the right: ‘Leftist Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s message to supporters to shun the far right appears to favour Emmanuel Macron‘ (FT)
The ‘i’ suggests there’s a: ‘Race to find out if Russia has used chemical weapons‘ – and this reader, having a tad more than your proverbial goldfish’s memory, reflects on dodgy dossiers and Iraq and one recalls that old hymn “Tell me the old, old story”
One wonders for a moment whether the Daily Mail sub-editors perchance glance at one’s press reviews hereabouts? This morning the Mail recycles my jocular rejoinder to the Daily Mirror’s elderly couple of yesterday complaining of fuel poverty and blasting the Tory Chancellor as a substitute way of keeping warm – ‘Don’t they know there’s a war on?‘ – the Mail this morning borrowing my blitz-spirit-style saying to counter the excitable Boris detractors in other more left-leaning titles: ‘Boris was there for nine minutes. Carrie less than five. The birthday cake never left its Tupperware box. And last night the PM rightly apologised. As the left howls for resignations over Met’s £50 Covid fines‘ – which, apart from the casual product placement for that famous old kitchen plastics firm, sounds like a plea in mitigation – that really ought to precede the passing of sentence.
We have a Prime Minister who is amoral. But we have had
Prime Ministers including LLoyd George , Winston Churchill
and many others who to one degree or another have been
amoral in certain aspects.
In my opinion the big mistake of Boris Johnson was to lie
about the “partying”.But being amoral doesn’t help you
in knowing what is right or wrong. It doesn’t help Boris that
he has a wife equally as amoral as him.
As Fed -Up has repeatedly written the BBC will still be making
this their cause celebre in doing their best to get rid of him
as the Russian bombers approach the UK with their atomic
As for breaking the Lockdown rules . ” Let him who is without
lockdown sin cast the first stone” I for one wont. Or I expect
the thousands of folk I watched driving their cars along
Totteridge Lane on Christmas Day 2020 to celebrate Christmas
with their families.
I expect more than 95% of us broke the Covid rules at sometime .
Boris just should of not lied about it. even if he is amoral.
Good comment Fossy. I do wonder whether Boris actually realised he was lying, to some he was blatantly lying, but he may truly believe that rules weren’t broken ! And yes, unless you were looking at granny through the window, and sitting at distance at funerals, then I agree that most broke the rules.
e.g. were all those thousands who poured onto beaches and parks during the hot spell subjected to police investigations ???
TOADY Watch #1 – Ed Davey and Rachel Reeves mislead the entire nation, not just Parliament
In my time listening to TOADY this morning I heard Ed Davey claim that the Government had recently increased tax on the poorest in the country. This was untrue but Ed was not corrected by either Nick or Mishal. Why? Because the BBC employees on good salaries above £34,000 will face higher NI contributions from 1 April and the BBC are keen to campaign against the tax even though it is intended, initially, to finance our sainted NHS.
Later in the programme Rachel Reeves, Shadow Chancellor was interviewed by Nick. He started by asking her whether this was a good time to change Prime Ministers bearing in mind the war in Ukraine. Rachel Reeves said Maragaret Thatcher was replaced by John Major during Gulf 1. Again, this was untrue. Gulf 1 (Operation Desert Storm) ran from 17 January 1991 to 28 February 1991. John Major became Prime Minister on 28 November 1990.
BBC Ex Anger and Protests Editor shows why he got the Economics gig.
Guest who – ha ha – priceless – so to speak …. State lockdown – State price controls – what’s next – State broadcasting ? Oops
anybody remember when Wolfie Mason was openly mocked from the Noozesnite studio by his colleagues when reporting from Athens on the Greek financial crisis street disturbances?
That lady at the pump pic carefully selected eh?
Today – Again
Grant Shaps v Nicholas c word Robinson .
Why do such an interview – what does it achieve ? What does it do ? Robinson behaving as though nut nut had committed genocide – even played a very sad tape of a lady who had lost her husband to the Chinese virus . ( I have no one to cuddle me now )
Yet was The Gray Report mentioned ? No . It’s as if the inquiry into events in number 10 are not being examined . Robinson was just after a ‘gotcha’ . He didn’t get one .
But ladies and gentlemen – let’s face it – the way number 10 works is people meeting people – all the time – and the trouble is that the meetings can be formal and informal . It’s part of the way that the government operates .
Perhaps when they drafting the regulations such working practices should have been considered – or number 10 closed completely ….
Now it’s just a distracting mess
One for the coloured folk – Frank James (62) is wanted ( what about Jessie ?) p Frank is coloured – he is thought to be responsible for the ( non ) terrorist attack on the New York Underground .
Was the multiple shooting racist ? Is Frank ‘know to the police ‘? .
I suspect this event is not ‘approved’. Non narrative – therefore little will be heard – unusual for the BBC – which often thinks america is part of the UK ….
“Frank James, the person of interest in the #Brooklyn subway mass shooting, made a number of pro-communist and pro-Fidel Castro posts in the past.
His more recent posts and videos have pivoted obsessively to black nationalist interests”
However in his recent video he criticises black people for doing shooting
.. https://www.twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1514094989621481477
Tim Pool calls out the BBC World Service
BBC Article Says INSANE China Lockdown Would Be A GOOD THING For Everyone
10am Woman’s Hour
The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police has met and personally apologised to three victims of grooming gangs in Rochdale for failures in the investigation of the sexual exploitation of children.
The apology comes exactly a decade after the 2012 trial that resulted in some members of the gangs being convicted for their crimes.
We hear from Maggie Oliver, the former detective who blew the whistle on the police’s failure to tackle these crimes
Can the bbc go ‘whole hog’?
Another gem from the BBC Embedded Editors
BBC ‘shows and tours’ is hosting a ‘debate’ to… see what can escalate things further.
They are of course vetting.
Bloody BBC breakfast show all morning droning on and on about should Boris be sacked, Jesus Christ give us a break!
And the endless social meeja ‘polls’ on what the public think, as well as interviewing half wits in the street as to their opinions. Nothing like having some bloke with a mic confront you as its peeing down with rain for a comment on national politics !!
Last night both BBC & ITV local news made a big deal of “Here we are at the P&O Pride of Hull which might not sail with its cargo of freight”
That was an unlikely narrative cos the live footage showed freight being loaded with departure due 30 minutes later
Of course it did sail, but today the news moved on.
One radio station didn’t mention it at all.
Radio Humberside gave us a Karl Turner clip saying “This vessel needs to be inspected in Hull”
The newsreader mentioned the ferry is “tied up in Rotterdam” without mentioning it had sailed there yesterday, nor that it is due to depart full of passengers tonight, and is not due to depart Hull until Thursday night.
Both reports did mention that another P&O ship has been seized in Dover.
Oh Twitter is pushing this at me
Image of Tweet attributed to Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is fabricated, fact-checkers say
An image of a Tweet attributed to British Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries with comments over “rising demand for food banks” is fabricated, fact-checkers from Reuters and Full Fact report.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport confirmed to both publications that the Tweet in the image was not published and had been digitally altered.
… https://www.twitter.com/i/events/1514075916531494917
Yes but surely fact- checkers should say who created and promoted the fake tweet ?
Looks like @JoePublicB was the first to tweet it
and his text said “best joke”
but the word joke was stripped off when others took the image
.. https://twitter.com/JoepublicB/status/1513508284954824704
@GuestWho pointed out that thicko Terry Christian had taken a tweet where
Dorries says “food doesn’t grow on trees”
at face-value and tweeted the spoof
.. but I see Alastair Fake-dossier Campell turned up and retweeted Terry
By that time it was 7 hours after the original spoof
so it had well been debunked.
So Campbell went back and deleted his tweet
but for him that was the second deletion in 2 days
cos on Saturday he had tweeted that Boris was too afraid to go to Kiev
..then when Boris went to Kiev, Campbell went back and deleted that tweet as well
.. https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1512801544135135247
How come ProPublica set up Politwoops to catch the UK political worlds tweets, yet left Labour’s top spin doctor off ?
BTW top Twitter disinformer Cadwalladr
has gone from 50 tweets/day to zero in the first two weeks in April
.. https://twitter.com/carolecadwalla/with_replies
Noteworthy how many of these types The BBC has and in some cases still does view as expert guest analysts.
Like their Vox pop list of political gobs, all from a very shallow, fetid pond that has an aroma W1A likes.
I also found this interesting.
More on the spoof Dorries tweet
and the dark world of these FPBE hatey lefty accounts
I did find an earlier tweet, and i’m pretty sure that’s all
well unless a popular tweet didn’t use her name.
#1 10:02am @MariGarCars >> 5,788 Likes
Bio : Mother, Woman, European…
#FBPE #ThreePointFivePerCent #MyFreedomDay #JohnsonOut
#2 10:19am @JoepublicB >> 1.4K Likes
#3 10:44am @Archer_RS >> 12.4K Likes
#4 It took FullFact until 6:20pm ..8 hours to say it was Fake >>1.25K Likes
And when I look at those tweets
The mad lefties are clearly not in good faith
It’s a school bully gang, there’s no contrition saying “Oh sorry I didn’t realise it was fake”
Same with there gang in the quote tweets
They just carry on sneering at Dorries 99% of them not accepting it was fake.
… https://twitter.com/MariGarCar/status/1513442433132081160/retweets/with_comments
@GuestWho There is more on that devious @archer_rs account
#1 why’s the guy already blocking me when I have never interacted with him ???
#2 The previous week he spoofed a Sunak quote
.. https://twitter.com/docrobperry/status/1509450511795339265
#3 he is serial blocker to hide from discovery
.. https://twitter.com/newnamestrobe/status/1509772304095772672
There is a longer 2 year old article about @Archer_RS
“it is tempting to read the whole enterprise as a way of sending up Remainers, who have been so utterly and enthusiastically taken in.”
Pre blocking? Now, who does that?
“In 2020 the voting age in Wales was lowered, enabling 16 and 17-year-olds to vote for the first time in the 2021 Senedd elections.”
Drakeford is after the kids votes. What next , votes for 10 year-olds? We already have Mickey Mouse as a leader.
Free icecream for all new voters! Vote labour! Free!
EU’s Juncker calls empty European Parliament ‘ridiculous’
Published4 July 2017
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has launched a bitter attack on members of the European Parliament for failing to show up.
Standing up in almost empty chamber in Strasbourg, he denounced the body as “ridiculous, totally ridiculous”.
Estimating the number of MEPs present at about 30, he said it proved that the parliament was “not serious”.
With no, or virtually no power, it cannot be ‘serious’. Get real Juncker.
As much of a clown as Bojo is, and as pissed off many people will be as they made sacrifices for these ‘lockdowns’, he has to stay.
His hypocritical stance on these will mean he no longer has the authority to impose another.
Taffman ,
Jock has gone one further…the Jockette wants 16/17 year-olds to be able to stand for parliament.
It,s final proof that devolution and a bit of power has gone to their heads,,, calls beginning to be made to roll back devolution and many now questioning the role of HolyRood at an estimated cost of £2billion p.a.
s.trubble, I think Bojo missed an opportunity in March 2020 to pull the UK back together. There would have been loud wails from devolutionists but if Laura Perrins is right about HMG’s propaganda here https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/destroying-your-own-country-a-special-kind-of-evil%ef%bf%bc/ , then the media would have swung in behind the PM. A temporary measure could then have slipped a bit … perhaps, maybe … possibly until it sort of became permanent?
The dangers of lowering the voting age to a ridiculous level was the topic of the 1968 film ‘Wild in the Streets’
Shelly Winters was in it and while it not be the greatest film ever made it is certainly relevant right now. I recommend viewing.
In so many cases past comedy becomes reality in this age of lunatic rule in the West.
Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
“On expert has agreed that the average family can see more death and bloodshed and carnage in a week than Crassus saw when he crucified 6000 prisoners.”
During the 80/90s largely on the back of the phenomenal growth of personal computers a facet emerged around competition laws and in the US Anti Trust.
I remember a distinct phrase became the centrepiece of the debate namely; “unnatural advantage”
Put that in the context of the bBC and it is impossible to determine that the bBC does not possess an immense unnatural advantage.
We are overdue at least the outline of a plan from the bBC as to how it will replace the L/Fee by 2027.
The disposal of C4 to the private sector is surely the catalyst for extreme pressure on Mr Tim Davie to produce the plan.
The BBC now believes it has the answer to what the demographics of a truly diverse company should look like …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{bbc.co.uk 14sep2017}”
How many percent white heterosexual men, where do they fit in?
It seems that Bojo can trot off to the Ukraine to play the hero then come back to his own country only back down when faced with the French.
To hell with Party gate why can’t the British have a PM who can stand up to the French? Who is the surrender monkey now?
Is he scared what the BBC will say about him?
3 teachers in batley hide from Islam in the free and tolerant UK!
“The driver of the car had stopped at the scene and exchanged details with the cyclist but (Kier) had left before officers arrived,” the force said in a statement.
Officers from the Roads and Transport Policing Command were investigating the collision, the statement added.
Sir Keir Starmer involved in road collision with cyclist
Published27 October 2020
I read that The Maritime and Coastguard Agency are nipping around the UK and barring P&O ferries from sailing until checks have been made concerning “a number of deficiencies”.
Whatever you think about the recent redundancies forced upon UK staff by P&O this is almost certainly union inspired collective retaliation designed to cause damage to P&O and should play no part in a National Government Agencies normal official activities.
If I were heading P&O I would be engaging with solicitors with the aim of recovering substantial damages for loss from the Agency if this can be proven to be the case.
It almost harks back to the restrictive union practices in the 1970’s in the UK when a walk-out could be convened over something as stupid as the temperature of the tea served to workers.
Unsafe Dinghy crossings? No?
I know I live in a multicultural society. I know I sound
patronizing but I get on very well with ALL my ethnic
neighbours and why shouldn’t I ? The fact that as many as 15-20%
of the UK population is not indigenous is something
which is fine by me. BUT why should nearly 100% of the images
shown on the BBC website concerning the general public,
people in the street, filling up their cars with petrol etc etc
be of ethnic folk? Can somebody give me a reason?
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
The situation with P&O safety checks, someone wants to be a nuisance. The fact is that in a complex machine like a Ship there’s always something that the Ship could be failed on at the whim of the people conducting the checks. I’m not suggesting that P&O are blameless but lets act in a decent and legal manner.
As with many things these days, media and left wing hysteria are driving the agenda.
Boris Johnson’s Guarantee
We will get Brexit done in January and unleash the potential of our whole country.
I guarantee:
Extra funding for the NHS, with 50,000 more nurses and 50 million more GP surgery appointments a year.
20,000 more police and tougher sentencing for criminals.
An Australian-style points-based system to control immigration.
Millions more invested every week in science, schools, apprenticeships and infrastructure while controlling debt.
Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution.
We will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.
Thank you for supporting our majority Conservative Government so we can move our great country on instead of going backwards.
I see that the disgusting BBC have reverted to the normal editorial standard with regards to the murder by a Muslim of Sir David Amiss.
The BBC Editorial stance is, if the perpetrator is white then show his picture if the perpetrator is an immigrant or Muslim then show picture of victim.
This paper considers the question of whether Islam is a ‘religion’ as that word is defined in UK law; that is, it identifies what the legal criteria are and assesses whether Islam meets those legal criteria.
This paper concludes that Islam is not a religion as that word is defined in UK law.
Link doesn’t work for me
Darn it – sorry — will try and find a new working link.
To be honest, H, I prefer to not see the pictures of these savages. The bbc aren’t showing this one because that’s exactly what he looks like. When the isis “beatles” were never out of the news the bbc showed their faces at every opportunity. They had the appearance of suntanned westerners with a “bad boy” twinkle in their eye. It’s to show the english roses the sort of loveable people they will be dealing with if they are invited above the curry house on any night of the week to meet him and his mates. This guy doesn’t make the cut when fabricating that sort of propaganda.
Word search – Islam x 0.
Chris Mason appointed new BBC political editor
Chris says “I clamber upon the shoulders of giants like Laura, Nick [Robinson] and Andrew [Marr] with a smattering of trepidation and a shedload of excitement and enthusiasm.
Giants hey, bbc bubble
A mutilated Quote from Isaac Newton , ‘ If I have been able to see further than others it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants’.
How some Pratt from the BBC can use quote from a real genius and world changer to describe becoming a propaganda editor , shows the massive inflated egos that these little BBC pigmies have.
“I have seen further by standing on the bodies of the dead” – Mao
or Diane Abbott…
Mao Zedong: I suppose some people will judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm
Michael Portillo: “Whaaaaat?!”
“Fi, Fo, Fo, Fum, I smell the hyperbole of a BBC editor”.
Shame I am pre-banned by the insecure weasel.
And the bags for Toenails’ claim on trust is what?
Bags? Basis.. 🙂
Now, the hero of the high floor…. Clive of Kviv!
A Nobel at least.
So, Mr Robinson, tell me why did you give up the job of BBC Political Editor in order to drag yourself out of your Islington bed at four o’clock on a winter’s weekday morning to get into a taxi that delivers you to Broadcasting House for a run through with the TOADY programme’s Assistant Editors? And why did Laura Kuenssberg also try to leave the job of BBC Political Editor to do the same?
And was it because you both were given ultimatum’s by the D-G?
New political editor…Mason – scottish version
Staunin oan the shooders eh giants
* a smarmy git
* a knob end with the active listening skills of a gnat and
* a red on top of the bed not under it
some’ting weird going on stateside…..
Consistent, at least.
Times like this one misses the Springster. She still on feet?
4:30pm The Media Show starts
Presenter Katie Razzall
“we have someone here from Le Monde
.. What is French for Partygate ?”
FFS ! Hatey anti-tory bubbleworld or what ?
Le Monde “We are launching in English
we already did some stories in English
eg our 2019 article ‘The Dangers of Brexit’ ”
“We add a few word in English
eg to explain that Front Republican is the alliance of voters to prevent the FAR RIGHT from winning”
At the end there was a quick mention of licence fees
“Yes Macron stole a policy from fN, which is to abolish the fee and pay it from tax, like Denmark has done
the thing is it is unworkable to collect it these days, the rep of ireland is having problems2
Here in France, the TV licence is collected as a tax. It used to appear on one’s tax habitation form, but since the far left Macron decided to do away with t.a. we just get a form for tv licence. It is collected from everyone even if you don’t watch French TV. which is like watching Channel 4 but you can’t understand it.
Ah, Antoines de Caunes. Whatever happened to him?
I think that the BBC will end up being funded in the same way, unfortunately.When coupled with the awful Trudeau story below it really does look as though the Globalists are going full out to achieve their aim of world domination by a single government with no opposition allowed. When people wake up they will wonder why they slept through it all .
BBC ‘few words’ in vs. out.
They could always get Jez back in, for ‘balance’.
Mes cheres grenouilles du ‘Monde’, en anglais on dit “we have already done some stories in English …” et non pas “we already did”, comme disent nos amis aux Etats Unis.
Seems the perfect fit once Sarpo has cleared off.
Boris tells the BBC why he’s staying on after “Partygate”.
You would have thought this would be run of the news stuff but no, you have to sign in the BBC Sounds to get it.
Limits the number of people who get to hear his actual response I guess, but seems a bit odd way to go about it for such an important bit of news – but an expected tactic from the BBC.
We all know that the BBC TV’S London Programme
is run by an editorial cabal of anarchist Marxists. But tonight
a party political broadcast by Extinction Rebellion
was taking their agenda a bit too far. Has the BBC
got a remit for this?
The ghastly twinkle socks is on a mission….
How can Trudeau get away with this? Is there no counter balancing force ie a judicial review , or Royal commission?
he’s a 5* sh1t
So it looks like the England football team will have another
American to go down and prostrate themselves for. Frank
James has been a bit of a Jesse with his gun. But I expect
he will get hero worship in certain quarters in the USA as
well as the UK.
“Brooklyn subway shooting suspect taken into custody, officials say
62-year-old Frank James, who was wanted in connection with Tuesday’s subway shooting in Brooklyn, has been taken into custody after being arrested in the East Village neighborhood of New York,”