The House of Hypocrites: One by one, these MPs berated Boris Johnson over Partygate, and Priti Patel over Rwanda. Yet with supreme irony, they’re guilty of appalling double standards.
Former Tory Chief Whip Mark Harper
The accusation: ‘The Prime Minister is no longer worthy of the great office he holds.’
The hypocrisy: Harper was the immigration minister who took legislation through the Commons in 2014 requiring landlords to carry out ‘reasonable checks’ to ensure tenants had the right to live in Britain. If only he had practised what he preached. The Forest of Dean MP had to resign as a minister after it was revealed his private cleaner for seven years did not have permission to work in Britain. His career never really recovered – in the 2019 Tory leadership contest, he received just ten votes out of a potential 317.
Former Prime Minister Theresa May:
The accusation: Mrs May launched a bitter Commons attack on her own government, pouring scorn on the Rwanda refugee plan and questioning whether it met the expected standards on ‘legality, practicality and efficacy’.
The hypocrisy: As Home Secretary, Theresa May presided over a disastrous billboard campaign aimed directly at illegal migrants, and telling them to ‘Go Home’. The billboards read: ‘In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest,’ and advertising vans were driven around displaying them with a helpline number for illegal migrants.
The scheme was dropped in 2013 after it resulted in the voluntary repatriation of only one person.
Former Tory Brexit Secretary David Davis
The accusation: Condemning the ‘moral delinquency’ of the Rwanda plan, Mr Davis said it was ‘fraught with practical problems… and hamstrung by extortionate costs’, adding: ‘We are better than this. Or at least we used to be.’
The hypocrisy: The old bruiser, a long-standing opponent of Boris, drew cheers as shadow home secretary at the 2004 Tory conference when he declared: ‘We will also push ahead with reforms to our asylum system, with a system of overseas processing.’
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper
The accusation: Describing the Rwanda scheme as ‘unethical and shameful’ she said: ‘Whether or not people are refugees, whether or not they are victims of modern slavery… the Home Secretary is asking Rwanda to do the job that she is not capable of doing.’
The hypocrisy: As a minister in 2004, Miss Cooper was a member of the Labour government which backed the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act, permitting the offshoring of asylum seekers. After Tony Blair promised to halve the 100,000 asylum applications a year, Labour reportedly offered Tanzania an extra £4million in aid if it opened an asylum camp for Somali refugees to have their applications assessed before they made the journey to the UK.
Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
The accusation: ‘Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have been fined by the police for breaking the law. They should be held to account.’
The hypocrisy: Corbyn was pictured breaking the rule of six at a dinner party in London in September 2020. Scotland Yard decided he wouldn’t be fined, saying police would not retrospectively enforce coronavirus laws. In February last year he was spotted in a group of 12. Corbyn’s spokesman said he had been at a funeral, but he was not socially distancing, or wearing a mask, when the rule of six was still in place.
Shadow immigration minister Stephen Kinnock
The accusation: There is no question that ‘Boris has to go,’ declared the Labour MP for Aberavon.
The hypocrisy: Kinnock himself broke the rules against non-essential travel when he visited London in March 2020 to celebrate the birthday of his father, former Labour leader Neil Kinnock. His constituency in South Wales is 180 miles from London, and South Wales Police tweeted: ‘Hello @SKinnock we know celebrating your Dad’s birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel. We all have our part to play in this, we urge you to comply with @GOVUK restrictions, they are in place to keep us all safe. Thank you.’ But no further action was taken. Kinnock said he had also been delivering supplies to his parents.
Labour MP Tahir Ali
The accusation: Since he broke the rules, ‘Johnson must resign,’ said the Birmingham Hall Green MP.
The hypocrisy: Tahir Ali attended a funeral in Sutton Coldfield in April 2020 where there were reports of up to 100 people. Ali said he was attending as ‘an observer’, which was in breach of guidance on funerals at a time when Birmingham City Council limited the number of mourners to six. West Midlands Police said they had spoken to Ali and ‘warned’ him about his behaviour. He was criticised as ‘totally irresponsible’ by West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson. Ali apologised but no fine was issued.
Labour MP Barry Gardiner
The accusation: Revelling in the PM’s and the Chancellor’s predicament after being given fines for Partygate, the Brent North MP said: ‘The Prime Minister and Chancellor will now wriggle to stay in office.’
The hypocrisy: He boasted on Twitter that he had broken social distancing rules to attend a Black Lives Matter protest outside Parliament last year. He said he ‘took the knee with thousands of brave young people fighting for justice’. No action was taken.
SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford
The accusation: ‘The public know the difference between the truth and lying, and they know that the Prime Minister is apologising for one reason, and one reason only, and it is the only reason he ever apologises: because he has been caught.’
The hypocrisy: He drove 600 miles from London to his Isle of Skye home three days after lockdown was introduced and people were told to ‘stay at home and save lives’. This is the same Blackford who called for Boris’s then senior adviser Dominic Cummings to quit after he drove from London to Durham and then Barnard Castle during lockdown.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer
The accusation: ‘If the Prime Minister had any respect for the millions who sacrificed everything to follow the rules, he would resign. But he will not, because he does not respect the sacrifice of the British public. He is a man without shame.’
The hypocrisy: Back in April 2021, Starmer was pictured drinking a bottle of beer in a Durham constituency office with other Labour campaigners. He argued ‘it was perfectly lawful to meet for work’ and added: ‘No party, no breach of the rules.’ He is now calling for the PM to resign for a remarkably similar-sounding incident, although Durham police decided no offence had been committed.
Starmer (again)
The accusation: Referring to Boris’s £50 fixed penalty notice for joining the No 10 gathering, Starmer criticised those who said it was no worse than a speeding ticket. ‘No, it is not,’ he insisted. ‘The last minister who got a speeding ticket, and then lied about it, ended up in prison. I know, because I prosecuted him.’
The hypocrisy: Starmer was, indeed, Director of Public Prosecutions in 2012 when the Coalition’s LibDem cabinet minister Chris Huhne was charged with perverting the course of justice.
He lied about driving the car he was caught speeding in, so his then wife could take his penalty points. Starmer was not directly involved in the case, though he was very happy to take credit for it in the Commons.
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
The accusation: ‘Boris Johnson must resign. He broke the law and repeatedly lied.’
The hypocrisy: She was investigated by Scottish police after being reported for not wearing a face mask on a visit to a barber’s shop at the weekend in a breach of laws set by her own government.
Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford
The accusation: The Labour politician demanded Boris should quit. ‘You can’t be a law-maker and a law-breaker.’
The hypocrisy: He refused to sack his health minister Eluned Morgan, who last month was fined £800 and banned from driving for six months.
Wes streeting – the socialist shadow health minister – had a nice chat with a bbc droid . It was noticeable how many times he mentioned ‘boris Johnson ‘ .
It’s as though the BBClabour party has decided to toxify the name . It reminds me of the campaign against President Trump . It was obsessive .
Despite being shadow health – there was no mention of any NHS issue – nothing at all .
I no longer care about the rights or wrongs of the covid thing – but there is a clear campaign to depose the PM – one can only assume that BBCLabour is scared of his popular image and need to destroy it .
The Gray Report will be out in the Summer ( with politicians on their holidays ) after plod has thrown around more tickets – and maybe the pictures will be leaked / published .
Funnily enough I reckon the pictures will do more damage than anything else but I cannot see the PM going now – and maybe he will start using that majority to do more Conservative policies as the recession gets going and the rates go up …
To ‘balance ‘ things up the bee lady interviews the blue labour education secretary – Nadeem someone – cake cake cake … at the end he asks her is she wants to talk about the o level ‘green crap ‘ exam he is introducing … she sort of said ‘yeah’ but we ve talked about that already …
So cake beats green crap …
Tomorrow will be wall to wall cake because parliament is voting on another inquiry today – redtory divas will do their ‘statesman ‘ impersonations – fake fury will abound . None of it helps pay the bills . … the BBC will love it .
I think it’s great that the more dross the BBC chuck at Boris, the more he gives them two fingers, and they get even hissier, which is quite fun to watch and listen to!
The BBC always wheel out the tired old leftie-gobbers without ever realising that most of the population don’t really give a toss about what they think!
LBC are the same with some of their presenters, but they at least balance the arch-lefties with some normals. GB News are really the best by a long chalk at balance and real reporting, but I wish they’d get their link music sorted out…
BBC Moaning Emole from Naff leads with a BBC ‘quote’, that becomes a “quote”.
By Nafeesa Shan
World faces hunger ‘catastrophe’ from invasion
Story detail
The war in Ukraine has already caused food prices to reach record highs, there has been a warning about global supplies and costs, and now there could be further consequences. This is according to the president of the World Bank, David Malpass, who said the world is facing a “human catastrophe”.
You say hunger, I say human, let’s call the whole thing news.
“We will halve oil by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then gas will follow,” Germany’s foreign minister said.
No ‘analysis’?
“We will halve Exocet sales to Argentina by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then Super Etendardes will follow,” France’s foreign minister said.
‘We share the tennis court, we share everything – we want to know you’re against this’
🎾Ukrainian tennis star @ElinaSvitolina tells @RickEdwards1 she wants Russian and Belarusian players to speak out about the situation in Ukraine. They’ve been banned from playing at Wimbledon.
Let’s hope the naughty bunnies among us haven’t over-indulged on the chocolate last weekend; on a morning when the Daily Star poops the Easter party with their report: ‘No yolk for egg farmers‘
We note yet more Lockdown chickens coming home to roost elsewhere in the press…
The coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper (to be generous, let’s call it health-conscious) now frets: ‘UK child hepatitis mystery: scientists probe potential link to lockdown. Experts believe lack of social mixing is possible explanation for outbreak‘ – at mention of the word mystery – one is inevitably reminded of the lisping punkrock-inspired Toyah Willcox and that 1981 hit EP of hers. The lyrics of which are suddely oddly appropriate to the formerly all-consuming China virus… a fair chunk of which is quoted here… spooky, eh?
“Somewhere in the distance
Hidden from view
Suspended in the atmosphere
Waiting to come through
Sometimes it’s so far away
Sometimes it’s very near…
It’s a mystery, it’s a mystery
I’m still searching for a clue
It’s a mystery to me
shot in the dark
The big question mark in history
Is it a mystery to you?
It can lift you to the heavens
Put your troubles in the past
Whisper the elixir
Then vanish in a blast
It’s a mystery, it’s a mystery”
Will China ever be held to account? ‘Beijing urged to switch to non-Chinese vaccines… Now China faces having to overcome its reluctance to approve foreign jabs to prevent a huge death toll, or inflict stricter lockdowns‘ (FT) – one can’t help but note the lapse of language employed there – who in our media, just a matter of months ago, would have described strict lockdowns as having to be “inflicted” on populations?
Where were we? Ah yes, the panic-inspired mishandling of the virus outbreak by our public health officials and the abject failure of our much vaunted National Helath Service to cope with anything more than a moderate emergency.
‘Patients turning to private chemotherapy. The number of patients forced to pay for private chemotherapy has reached a record high amid rising NHS backlogs‘ (Telegraph) – will anyone ever admit the NHS model is broken?
The globalist FT takes a quick spin around the globe for their Datawatch feature – when I think of globes spinning, I recall that scene in one of Peter Sellers’ Pink Panther movies where the hapless Inspector Clouseau ponders the complexities of the case whilst spinning faster and faster the large ornamental globe in his office. Clouseau being Clouseau, his hand is suddenly stuck painfully in the mechanism of the globe – he retrieves the injured palm with the cry: “Look, I’ve got Africa all over my hand!”
‘Progess in cutting global poverty reversed during the pandemic‘ (FT)
The FT further admits today that the wider world, outside of the western media bubble, is far from united against Russia: ‘Johnson to avoid Ukraine in India talks. The prime minister will tiptoe around the war issue when he arrives in India hoping for a trade deal. Counterpart Narendra Modi has refused to condemn the Kremlin‘
We know the expression – this is why we can’t have nice things. Our BBC today explains why we can’t say nice things anymore: ‘Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been criticised for telling an audience he is “blessed” not to have children with disabilities‘
S’truth mate, how’d you go? It was only recently us Aussie politicians had to stop all our buggering swearing in our bloody public speaches!
Sir Boaty and Justin Rowed to Greenland and could have started a new Ice Age if Mishal had not flown to visit Greta in Bali as they were visiting John Prescott on Megharry’s diCaprio Gin palace loaner.
Wow this game is amazing!
I managed to limit temps to 1.42C, although probably helped that I recognised quite a lot of the policy options presented to me 😅
Just shows how powerful C4 is – the mere mention by Nads of it being unleashed to compete caused Netflix shares to tank. But best of all JRM's investment fund had shorted Netflix shares prior to the announcement. Kerching! (Subsidised) trebles all round!
Netflix subscribers in Russia launch class action for loss of service
Users sue after firm halted streaming and stopped developing Russian-made shows following invasion of Ukraine
Marky – sounds like a 13 part series with Thandi cast as the chippy coloured Russian heroine and some white English bloke as the resident baddie – whole cast under 30 – cute half caste kids playing the jeopardy roles ….
And of course Idris playing zelenski….
Our Great National Parks
Our Great National Parks premieres April 13 on Netflix. Narrated by President Barack Obama, discover the power of our world’s wild spaces.15 Mar 2022
As the western world is looking down the settee to pay for putin’ war via fuel prices – the question ‘shall we keep the Netflix going ?’ Must be being translated into a lot of languages –
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had quarterly licence tax numbers – surely must drop another million by year end ….? Even the most feckless who have forgotten they are paying by rolling DD must realise the saving sooner or later ?
The smuggery of these people knows no bounds. Armando Iannucci thought the best actor to star in his film adaptation of David Copperfield was Dev Patel. Quite possibly the reason why the movie had a worldwide gross of just $14.2m from a $15.6m production budget (they used to say the promotion and distribution of a film doubled this, I’ve no idea what the stat is nowadays).
Nobody seems to be mentioning the elephant in the room: lots of people have stopped watching Netflix because of the woke crap. Here’s an example; Breaking Bad, The Crown or House of Cards it definitely ain’t:
Ian – the MSM doesn’t mention the wokeness but we here do .
Breaking Bad was truly great TV ( the word brilliant is over used ) and Better Call Saul – which has its last series out now – has been good stuff .
I won’t renew my spend on Netflix until I hear that the woke crap has been reduced – I’d rather buy ‘Saul ‘ via the DVD when it turns up .
Apparently that Bridgetown ? Think is suitably ridiculously woke but the kidults are attracted by the soft porn element.
I tried Apple TV for free – that was crap – Amazon is ok if you buy it as part of the delivery thing but otherwise – no pay TV – and certainly no BBC .
On the BBC – I’ve been forcing myself to listening to R4 and I notice that there is an editorial decision to use ‘boris Johnson ‘ far more than referring to him as the ‘PM ‘ or prime minister – it might be me … but it’s one of those bias ‘giveaways ‘ – like referring to Marie LePen by the prefix ‘far right’ ever. Single . Time .
Nice for the BBC to signal what is not ‘approved ‘ …
“China is a very important trading partner for us, but it’s also a mature relationship for us. Where there are areas we can work together, we will – but there will always be times we will not agree”
Jacinda Ardern speaks to the BBC in an exclusive interview..
And… another “quote” shy on bbc ‘analysis’.
Maybe they like China as much as St. Jaq? Like Gaz & Gaz and hot places with footy stadiums.
The lefty MPs want a vote on partygate today to try and get Boris out.
When the police report comes out they will want another vote to try and get Boris out.
When the Grey report comes out they will want another vote to try and get Boris out.
Meanwhile, the police are stretching out all these fines, drip feeding them for maximum damage to the pm.
Good job there’s nothing much happening at the moment.
How much is all this costing, 650 troughers all getting paid a big wedge plus all the time spent on this by the hangers on and other lickspittles in Westminster.
Fine him and then shut up about it.
We all know that politicians lie all the time so what are they trying to prove.
I suppose the next bit of fuel to throw on the cake fire? Is the local elections – where I reckon the turn out will be low – apart from for the fraud ethnic postal votes .
Whatever the outcome (‘Tory bloodbath ‘ ) – the blame will be mixed across – cost of living – cake – tories failing to be tories .
I’m sure the labour strategy is to flog the cake thing through 2022 and 2023 targeting the biggest Tory asset – the PM – (whether one likes him or not ) .
I’ve already voted – I live in a one party state London borough -with a compliant local press and no examination or challenge to what the ethnic socialists do or steal …
What really happens in American states completely controlled by Democrats, and how they in reality do the opposite of what their progressive manifestos claim they stand for:
I suspect if the Russians occupy the remainder of Ukraine, they’ll use the western regions as a gateway for the third world into Europe, just as Erdoğan threatened.
Why would he need to do that when he’s already created the biggest migrant crisis seen since WWII ?
Putin is a terrible strategist, he invaded at precisely the wrong time (should have gone in the Autumn) then cut the gas to Europe, which would then have been forced to surrender to him or face millions of dead from the cold.
On top of housing and feeding millions of Ukrainian refugees. Europe made itself incredibly vulnerable and still is, Putin failed to capitalise on that.
Which more of concern, the lack of diversity or Toenails’ Lynx for Studs waft?
Photo du Jour (LATE LATE EXTRA): Prime Minister @BorisJohnson speaks to journalists on his way to India tonight. By Stefan Rousseau/PA
The BBC is saying it now expects their boy Macron to be re elected on Sunday ‘by a small majority ‘.
Surely macron has been onto the Obama crew to fix the vote again .
I got the impression that the French enemy divides a bit like here – where the cities are full of lefty vermin who vote macron and the decent people live in the rest of the country .
it is not advocated in the quoran that women must wear the Hijab, it has been used as a further element of subjugation by certain secs of Islam. Many Muslim women do not wear the Hijab nor ever will. Macron’s statement against Le Pen is just his usual duplicitous aggitation-Macron knows full well the strength of Le Pen’s popularity and his continuing attitude to current events in his own country and outside it, have become more far right than they were.
CHINA has been branded the world’s worst executioner as the state kills thousands of people every year using firing squads, lethal injections and mobile death vans.
The true numbers of those killed by the Communist Party are thought to be staggeringly high – but the regime keeps them closely concealed as state secrets.
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Campaigns & Communications Director for 5 days per week from 9 November 2015 to 31 January 2016; approx. value £8,900
Gary Lineker and Tony Bellew speak about how they’ve dealt with road rage
In the latest episode of season 2 of the ‘Tony Bellew Is Angry’ podcast, speak about how they’ve dealt with road rage.
You can listen to the full episode of ‘Tony Bellew Is Angry’ on BBC Sounds.
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC pushing out the CO2 like it is going out of fashion
BBC Business Editor is co-presenting TOADY. When are the BBC going to get their three senior Editors to do their jobs? When did Simon Jack last report on business matters? When did he last Blog on business matters? He really is a waste of BBC space and salary and could be dispensed with. As is Faisal Islam.
Simon Jack went all the way to the south-west on a little jolly for a sunny spring day in Plymouth – ho ho. Do the BBC Presenters and Editors have it written in to their contracts that they get so many days out at the TellyTaxpayers’ expense? Faisal Islam flew all the way to Washington DC day before yesterday for to hear an IMF report that he could have received on-line. As far as I know he hasn’t deigned to report on air or on-line about the report. He is a total waste of BBC space and TellyTaxpayers’ money.
Roger the Horror and Matt McGrath keep telling us the planet will heat up and explode if we don’t stop using fossil fuels. For the BBC the sicence is settled. But only for other people, not themselves. What do other BBC Editors and presenters do? They travel hear there and everywhere, not minding the CO2 emissions. Ha hah!
India is the No. 1 country in the world for open defecation, with over 344 million people without regular access to toilets in the country, according to 2017 statistics from the World Health Organization and UNICEF.11 Sept 2020
Let’s cherish the Indians’ habits. After all, the public recently had to witness a black woman peeing on a regular public bus. All good for multiculturalism and the good things they contribute…….
Not the BBC – but GBNews – I like to catch the 1 hour Steyn show . Last night hit a new low . No guests . And at about 2030 – half way in – he almost – almost blew up – but instead went to a ‘commercial break ‘ … which for some reason features a lot of welch businesses – which is useful in London .
It’s worth watching just to see the coming explosion when he does lose it in the face of a constantly incompetent support ….
For anyone still interested there was a feature on the end about the demographics of the future – which in summary amounts to white people not breeding enough and the African coloured folk pumping out babies by the billion ….
.. although there was no mention of potential plagues or wars …which might also affect numbers and colours ….
Fedup, I realise there were problems Steyn being able to talk to Peter Hitchins but after 8.30 he spoke with Dr Paul somebody or other who had written a book. To begin with the interview was a bit cerebral but I stuck with it and it turned out to be interesting. It was about different populations and the number of children. In Israel the average family size is 3 children, in the U.K. amongst educated families it is less and he cited a third country but I have forgotten which and the effect. (Sorry). I assume the problem on Steyn is technology as I understand he usually broadcasts from Canada and hence the time delay between him and his guests. Last night I saw the lady who edits the Spectator in Australia on GB News and there doesn’t seem to be the same problems. I am not sure what that means but I can understand your and Mark Steyn’s frustration.
Deborah – I commented about the demographic issue above .
I don’t find the technological failings ‘frustrating ‘ – I find them entertaining – particularly where mr Steyn – who is best described as ‘unorthodox’ let’s those behind the camera ‘have it ‘….
It almost as though there are people at GBNews trying to screw it up …..
Demographics is Destiny, Africa vs. Europe
MAY 15, 2017 BY NICK
Thanks to John Derbyshire via VDare I came across the video below of another favorite pundit of mine, Mark Steyn. In the video Steyn notes the childlessness of most of the leaders of the EU’s founding member states, and thus their utter fecklessness towards the demographic tsunami facing Europe from Africa.
Boris doesn’t care one bit what his voters want. He is now arranging for thousands more immigrants from the sub-continent to descend on what’s left of the green and pleasant land.
I have not one jot of respect left for Johnson. The word traitor comes to mind. And it stays there. To hell with him.
And quite frankly to hell with Britain if it can’t replace him with somebody British over the next few months. Don’t get me wrong I’m not damning the country to hell. It’s going that way of it’s own accord. And the British people will still keep voting for the Tories who will betray them every time. Lemmings.
Interesting article in the Spectator today about riots in Sweden over the Easter Weekend. A Swedish/ Danish politician is touring Sweden organising burnings of the Koran. The Muslims in Sweden are going nuts and organising mass riots which the police cannot control. The politician is organising more such tours. A brave man. Unless the Swedish authority find some pretext for stopping him we can expect further escalation of the violence.
No where in the article is the word Muslim used , rioters and gang members being used as euphemisms . Although who would riot about Koran burning is a closed question.
The reporter expresses dismay that such a tolerant country , as Sweden once was, could have become so violent and aggressive in a few decades. Nowhere is Islam directly blamed for this descent of parts of Sweden into third world hell hole status. Even a moron would see the link between the violence and Islam so I suppose thatthe author ,for whatever reason, just can’t bring themselves to write about it. Is it fear of Islamic retribution , ie the Batley teacher, fear of being cancelled by the liberal left , or just the author’s own cognitive dissonance, that prevents him writing such an obvious truth?
In the final paragraph the authors says other countries should take note of what is happening in Sweden so that they can avoid making the same mistake. But we all know it’s far too late for that . It’s either submit to Islamification or fight back.
I want to know where the line is drawn in this shouty slogan?
What is the definition of the few?
Was this drawn up in the fully costed manifesto? (I didn’t read it so not sure here)
Once that is drawn then we can see how many of the political class fall into the group of MANY and FEW. Is it owning MANY houses (5) like Keith Vaz ? Is it having MANY jobs (2) like George Osbourne did for while? Is it Theresa May* with her MANY pairs of shoes? Is it being caught with MANY expense claims?
This “Many/Few” strap line should have been ripped to shreds on day one and then discussed.
Comrades! En Marche! “On the Move”! Now ask where France is moving to as they sign in a president who replaces the French Anthem with “Ode to Joy” (She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine) . More vacuous and empty slogans – at least May tried to say what she wanted with “Strong and Stable”.
Next time May should use slogans such as “Forever!”, “Free!”, “More!”, “Enough!”.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
The really wealthy people (with the power and influence that money buys), when in this country, live in gated communities or isolated properties. Over-crowding and problems with immigrants mean nothing to them. They are citizens of the world.
A Somali native makes nothing for them. But transfer that native to, say, Bristol and he lives in a house provided by the Government and buys goods from shops with money paid for by the taxpayer (remember, taxes are for “the little people” to quote a wealthy person).
Who owns the shops and building companies? The wealthy!
Increase the population and profits are increased, the wealthy receive more in dividends and their wealth increases.
Why on earth would they want immigration to be curbed. Their income would decline.
And that is why politicians will never stop immigration – their paymasters would never allow it.
“Steve Baker has a strong moral core, perhaps this should not have been unexpected…”
On 23 March 2020, a prize of £1,500 was awarded to me by the Jo Cox Foundation when I jointly won its Civility in Politics Award 2019 – 2020. The prize fund was provided to the Jo Cox Foundation by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and the Award announced on 22 July 2020. The prize money awarded to me was paid direct to a charity in my constituency. (Registered 18 August 2020)
Baker is couching it in RC terms – he says he believes in forgiveness and redemption but hasn’t seen continuing contrition from the PM. This smacks of a certain smugness to me. Now is a bad time to switch leaders and the thought of the proven traitors and hypocrites from across parliament and the media ‘winning’ is abhorrent.
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
The promise, in reaction to a new security law China is trying to impose on the semiautonomous city, a former British colony, would sharply raise the stakes in a developing standoff.
Boris Johnson: West can be ‘proud’ of Afghanistan legacy
Labour’s Keir Starmer said Johnson was ‘incapable of international leadership.’
Has Johnson broken his promise to resettle 5,000 Afghans?
Newcastle United fans have responded with delight and human rights campaigners with dismay after a Saudi-backed consortium finally completed its takeover of the Tyneside club.
The £300m deal, which ends the ill-fated 14-year tenure of Sports Direct boss Mike Ashley, will see Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund take an 80% stake, with the remainder held by PCP Capital Partners and RB Sports & Media.
Here we look at the groups and people behind the controversial buyout of Newcastle United.
His Royal Highness
Mohammad bin Salman Al-Saud
Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister
Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs
Chairman of the Public Investment Fund
“Our ambition is aligned with the fans – to create a consistently successful team that’s regularly competing for major trophies and generates pride across the globe.”
Jamie Reuben of RB Sports & Media, said: “We look forward to a great future for Newcastle United. Newcastle is a fantastic city, which is why our family has been investing heavily in the area for many years. To become part of this great Club and its amazing fans is a privilege.
“We will build a true community Club, based upon our family’s knowledge of the city and in line with our plans that have been worked on closely with Newcastle City Council to deliver long-term sustainable growth for the area.”
The directors of the Investment Group thank Mike Ashley for his commitment to the sale process. We would also like to thank the Premier League for its contribution in the regulatory process, which has helped lead to completion of this deal.
Why is Saudi Arabia buying up African farmland?
The Christian Science Monitor highlights an April report by the International Food Policy Research Institute entitled “‘Land Grabbing’ by Foreign Investors in Developing Countries.” The report details purchases of farmland in developing countries by China, South Korea, India, and a handful of gulf states. Saudi Arabia recently purchased 500,000 hectares of land in Tanzania and …
Massive industrial storehouses line the southern end of town, packed with thousands upon thousands of stacks of alfalfa bales ready to be fed to dairy cows – but not cows in California’s Central Valley or Montana’s rangelands.
Instead, the alfalfa will be fed to cows in Saudi Arabia.
The storehouses belong to Fondomonte Farms, a subsidiary of the Saudi Arabia-based company Almarai – one of the largest food production companies in the world. The company sells milk, powdered milk and packaged items such as croissants, strudels and cupcakes in supermarkets and corner stores throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and in specialty grocers throughout the US.
Each month, Fondomonte Farms loads the alfalfa on to hulking metal shipping containers destined to arrive 24 days later at a massive port stationed on the Red Sea, just outside King Abdullah City in Saudi Arabia.
Run by husband and wife team, Mandy and Martyn, the couple wanted to extend their opening hours from 11:00 to 17:30 Monday to Sunday to 10:30 to 18:30 and open until 20:00 during special events such as the Medieval Festival or Queen’s Jubilee.
Mrs Crump said she did not think this would be a problem, given they are also next to a Weatherspoons, which is open until 23:00.
TWatO Watch #1 – I wonder, sunny, warmer weather, what could possibly cause this?
Not the BBC exactly but an item on TWatO (in the 1 p.m. News actually) caught my ear: delays in treatment in the NHS in Wales have reached a record high. It has been explained by the fact that the NHS in Wales has massive staff shortages due to sickness with Covid. Er, ummh, er, could this statistic be possibly wrong?
Scroll down to the map under ‘Coronavirus across the UK’ showing the UK infections and you will see that Wales is entirely blue – the lowest level of infections. Last night it was entirely light blue apart from one Local Authority area, Wrexham. (maxi, please note that the map has changed since last night.)
What could possibly be causing NHS staff to fall sick when Wales, out of the four ‘home’ nations has had the lowest level of infections?
Meantime, the media and parliament are arguing that 9 minutes having a cup of tea is considered a 'party' and that the Prime Minister should resign because people sang 'Happy Birthday'.
This manifesto offers the chance of
real change for every generation and
every community. When Labour wins,
the nurse wins, the pensioner wins, the
student wins, the office worker wins, the
engineer wins. We all win.
We can and we must do better
as a country.
This is our last chance to tackle
the climate emergency.
The future is ours to make. It’s time for
real change – for the many, not the few.
Together, we can deliver it.
Jeremy Corbyn
Leader of the Labour Party
This election is
about the crisis
of living standards
and the climate
and environmental
emergency. Whether
we are ready or not,
we stand on the brink
of unstoppable change.
MM, I seem to recall Tony Blair and Gordon Brown increasing tuition fees for students, Gordon Brown raiding pension funds and giving a less than £1 increase to old age pensions and Labour also hit engineers hard offshoring jobs to China. All under a Labour Government 1997-2010 when we had inflation of about 40% over those 13 years, an average of just over 3%.
The idea that Rishi Sunak is a Tax avoider has been openly discussed in Parliament and on Radio 5 Live via some earnest Labour leftie. I’m no fan of Sunak but it’s absolutely clear that he isn’t a “Tax avoider” in the context of his wife being offshore for Tax. Let’s be absolutely clear. Tax avoidance isn’t a crime but by extension the implication is that he’s a Tax evader.
The interesting thing about the BBC Radio 5 Live interview was that the statement that he is a “Tax Avoider” remained unchallenged by the interviewer. A Smear by ommission.
andyjsnapeMar 4, 09:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK ads target Iraq to deter small boat crossings More like an advertisement for the UK, JUST INFORCE BORDER…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “On 26 October 2012, Ford announced that, as part of a larger cutback of their European production capacity, the Southampton…
JohnCMar 4, 09:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What is happening is so far beyond anything which makes sense to me that I’m in the old ‘Sherlock Holmes’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 UK Army 80K UK Terror Watch List 40K ……………………………… Mr Khan said he assisted UK forces to source accommodation before…
diggMar 4, 09:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A perfect example of chinless boneheads unwittingly destroying the UK from within.
diggMar 4, 09:05 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Starmer is obviously basking in the glow of being the main man in this shit-show, you can hear it in…
Guest WhoMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Is the UK becoming less attractive for students? All good. Blonde but still qualifies for media reporter training.
moggiemooMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I love the way Starmer is front and centre, the natural 1st target for a sniper, I’d wager.
DoublethinkerMar 4, 08:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I disagree with how Zelensky and the West has been going about this war for the last three years. Ukraine…
Infowars files for chapter 11 bankrupcy.
The solution to illegal cross channel immigration.
The House of Hypocrites: One by one, these MPs berated Boris Johnson over Partygate, and Priti Patel over Rwanda. Yet with supreme irony, they’re guilty of appalling double standards.
Former Tory Chief Whip Mark Harper
The accusation: ‘The Prime Minister is no longer worthy of the great office he holds.’
The hypocrisy: Harper was the immigration minister who took legislation through the Commons in 2014 requiring landlords to carry out ‘reasonable checks’ to ensure tenants had the right to live in Britain. If only he had practised what he preached. The Forest of Dean MP had to resign as a minister after it was revealed his private cleaner for seven years did not have permission to work in Britain. His career never really recovered – in the 2019 Tory leadership contest, he received just ten votes out of a potential 317.
Former Prime Minister Theresa May:
The accusation: Mrs May launched a bitter Commons attack on her own government, pouring scorn on the Rwanda refugee plan and questioning whether it met the expected standards on ‘legality, practicality and efficacy’.
The hypocrisy: As Home Secretary, Theresa May presided over a disastrous billboard campaign aimed directly at illegal migrants, and telling them to ‘Go Home’. The billboards read: ‘In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest,’ and advertising vans were driven around displaying them with a helpline number for illegal migrants.
The scheme was dropped in 2013 after it resulted in the voluntary repatriation of only one person.
Former Tory Brexit Secretary David Davis
The accusation: Condemning the ‘moral delinquency’ of the Rwanda plan, Mr Davis said it was ‘fraught with practical problems… and hamstrung by extortionate costs’, adding: ‘We are better than this. Or at least we used to be.’
The hypocrisy: The old bruiser, a long-standing opponent of Boris, drew cheers as shadow home secretary at the 2004 Tory conference when he declared: ‘We will also push ahead with reforms to our asylum system, with a system of overseas processing.’
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper
The accusation: Describing the Rwanda scheme as ‘unethical and shameful’ she said: ‘Whether or not people are refugees, whether or not they are victims of modern slavery… the Home Secretary is asking Rwanda to do the job that she is not capable of doing.’
The hypocrisy: As a minister in 2004, Miss Cooper was a member of the Labour government which backed the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act, permitting the offshoring of asylum seekers. After Tony Blair promised to halve the 100,000 asylum applications a year, Labour reportedly offered Tanzania an extra £4million in aid if it opened an asylum camp for Somali refugees to have their applications assessed before they made the journey to the UK.
Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn
The accusation: ‘Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have been fined by the police for breaking the law. They should be held to account.’
The hypocrisy: Corbyn was pictured breaking the rule of six at a dinner party in London in September 2020. Scotland Yard decided he wouldn’t be fined, saying police would not retrospectively enforce coronavirus laws. In February last year he was spotted in a group of 12. Corbyn’s spokesman said he had been at a funeral, but he was not socially distancing, or wearing a mask, when the rule of six was still in place.
Shadow immigration minister Stephen Kinnock
The accusation: There is no question that ‘Boris has to go,’ declared the Labour MP for Aberavon.
The hypocrisy: Kinnock himself broke the rules against non-essential travel when he visited London in March 2020 to celebrate the birthday of his father, former Labour leader Neil Kinnock. His constituency in South Wales is 180 miles from London, and South Wales Police tweeted: ‘Hello @SKinnock we know celebrating your Dad’s birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel. We all have our part to play in this, we urge you to comply with @GOVUK restrictions, they are in place to keep us all safe. Thank you.’ But no further action was taken. Kinnock said he had also been delivering supplies to his parents.
Labour MP Tahir Ali
The accusation: Since he broke the rules, ‘Johnson must resign,’ said the Birmingham Hall Green MP.
The hypocrisy: Tahir Ali attended a funeral in Sutton Coldfield in April 2020 where there were reports of up to 100 people. Ali said he was attending as ‘an observer’, which was in breach of guidance on funerals at a time when Birmingham City Council limited the number of mourners to six. West Midlands Police said they had spoken to Ali and ‘warned’ him about his behaviour. He was criticised as ‘totally irresponsible’ by West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, David Jamieson. Ali apologised but no fine was issued.
Labour MP Barry Gardiner
The accusation: Revelling in the PM’s and the Chancellor’s predicament after being given fines for Partygate, the Brent North MP said: ‘The Prime Minister and Chancellor will now wriggle to stay in office.’
The hypocrisy: He boasted on Twitter that he had broken social distancing rules to attend a Black Lives Matter protest outside Parliament last year. He said he ‘took the knee with thousands of brave young people fighting for justice’. No action was taken.
SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford
The accusation: ‘The public know the difference between the truth and lying, and they know that the Prime Minister is apologising for one reason, and one reason only, and it is the only reason he ever apologises: because he has been caught.’
The hypocrisy: He drove 600 miles from London to his Isle of Skye home three days after lockdown was introduced and people were told to ‘stay at home and save lives’. This is the same Blackford who called for Boris’s then senior adviser Dominic Cummings to quit after he drove from London to Durham and then Barnard Castle during lockdown.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer
The accusation: ‘If the Prime Minister had any respect for the millions who sacrificed everything to follow the rules, he would resign. But he will not, because he does not respect the sacrifice of the British public. He is a man without shame.’
The hypocrisy: Back in April 2021, Starmer was pictured drinking a bottle of beer in a Durham constituency office with other Labour campaigners. He argued ‘it was perfectly lawful to meet for work’ and added: ‘No party, no breach of the rules.’ He is now calling for the PM to resign for a remarkably similar-sounding incident, although Durham police decided no offence had been committed.
Starmer (again)
The accusation: Referring to Boris’s £50 fixed penalty notice for joining the No 10 gathering, Starmer criticised those who said it was no worse than a speeding ticket. ‘No, it is not,’ he insisted. ‘The last minister who got a speeding ticket, and then lied about it, ended up in prison. I know, because I prosecuted him.’
The hypocrisy: Starmer was, indeed, Director of Public Prosecutions in 2012 when the Coalition’s LibDem cabinet minister Chris Huhne was charged with perverting the course of justice.
He lied about driving the car he was caught speeding in, so his then wife could take his penalty points. Starmer was not directly involved in the case, though he was very happy to take credit for it in the Commons.
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
The accusation: ‘Boris Johnson must resign. He broke the law and repeatedly lied.’
The hypocrisy: She was investigated by Scottish police after being reported for not wearing a face mask on a visit to a barber’s shop at the weekend in a breach of laws set by her own government.
Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford
The accusation: The Labour politician demanded Boris should quit. ‘You can’t be a law-maker and a law-breaker.’
The hypocrisy: He refused to sack his health minister Eluned Morgan, who last month was fined £800 and banned from driving for six months.
In pictures.
The bbc would do it in emojis, but have decided what is news and what is not.
“Sir David Attenborough named Champion of the Earth by UN”
I bet he will not worry about paying his gas bill next winter .
Or this fellow.—s-theyve-deal-Climate-change-envoy-John-Prescott-reveals-unusual-approach-solving-global-warming.html
By recollection he too had a fondness for first class, 5* travel to far flung places of tropical idyllity too.
Reminds one of BBC editors queuing up to explain what a Labour MP or ShadMin ‘meant to have said’ when the PR needs a bit of crisis management.
Holding to account by media these days is distinctly skewed.
Still, Sopes will always have Trump.
Today watch
Wes streeting – the socialist shadow health minister – had a nice chat with a bbc droid . It was noticeable how many times he mentioned ‘boris Johnson ‘ .
It’s as though the BBClabour party has decided to toxify the name . It reminds me of the campaign against President Trump . It was obsessive .
Despite being shadow health – there was no mention of any NHS issue – nothing at all .
I no longer care about the rights or wrongs of the covid thing – but there is a clear campaign to depose the PM – one can only assume that BBCLabour is scared of his popular image and need to destroy it .
The Gray Report will be out in the Summer ( with politicians on their holidays ) after plod has thrown around more tickets – and maybe the pictures will be leaked / published .
Funnily enough I reckon the pictures will do more damage than anything else but I cannot see the PM going now – and maybe he will start using that majority to do more Conservative policies as the recession gets going and the rates go up …
Today watch 2
To ‘balance ‘ things up the bee lady interviews the blue labour education secretary – Nadeem someone – cake cake cake … at the end he asks her is she wants to talk about the o level ‘green crap ‘ exam he is introducing … she sort of said ‘yeah’ but we ve talked about that already …
So cake beats green crap …
Tomorrow will be wall to wall cake because parliament is voting on another inquiry today – redtory divas will do their ‘statesman ‘ impersonations – fake fury will abound . None of it helps pay the bills . … the BBC will love it .
I think it’s great that the more dross the BBC chuck at Boris, the more he gives them two fingers, and they get even hissier, which is quite fun to watch and listen to!
The BBC always wheel out the tired old leftie-gobbers without ever realising that most of the population don’t really give a toss about what they think!
LBC are the same with some of their presenters, but they at least balance the arch-lefties with some normals. GB News are really the best by a long chalk at balance and real reporting, but I wish they’d get their link music sorted out…
BBC Moaning Emole from Naff leads with a BBC ‘quote’, that becomes a “quote”.
By Nafeesa Shan
World faces hunger ‘catastrophe’ from invasion
Story detail
The war in Ukraine has already caused food prices to reach record highs, there has been a warning about global supplies and costs, and now there could be further consequences. This is according to the president of the World Bank, David Malpass, who said the world is facing a “human catastrophe”.
You say hunger, I say human, let’s call the whole thing news.
With added “could”.
“Could” competes with, “may” send illegals to Rwanda.
BBC News
“We will halve oil by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then gas will follow,” Germany’s foreign minister said.
No ‘analysis’?
“We will halve Exocet sales to Argentina by the summer and will be at zero by the end of the year, and then Super Etendardes will follow,” France’s foreign minister said.
Sticking with hiding behind asking a vague question… sneaky.
Remember when Germany did hate ….
Luckily, in GettyWerld hair salons are still rammed.
Any word from the bBc LGBTrannie Ed on this record being broken by a fella?
This ‘everything’ Elina shares…?
Russian tycoon lambasts country’s ‘massacre’
bBC dont normally report on Tycoons, they label them oligarchs
Maybe it sounds more favourable, and we will warm to the people the bBC like
And on those mighty chipped shoulders, step up Laura, Kay, Beff, the one Jordan destroyed…
China urged to take the western medicine
Let’s hope the naughty bunnies among us haven’t over-indulged on the chocolate last weekend; on a morning when the Daily Star poops the Easter party with their report: ‘No yolk for egg farmers‘
We note yet more Lockdown chickens coming home to roost elsewhere in the press…
The coronaphobic left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper (to be generous, let’s call it health-conscious) now frets: ‘UK child hepatitis mystery: scientists probe potential link to lockdown. Experts believe lack of social mixing is possible explanation for outbreak‘ – at mention of the word mystery – one is inevitably reminded of the lisping punkrock-inspired Toyah Willcox and that 1981 hit EP of hers. The lyrics of which are suddely oddly appropriate to the formerly all-consuming China virus… a fair chunk of which is quoted here… spooky, eh?
“Somewhere in the distance
Hidden from view
Suspended in the atmosphere
Waiting to come through
Sometimes it’s so far away
Sometimes it’s very near…
It’s a mystery, it’s a mystery
I’m still searching for a clue
It’s a mystery to me
shot in the dark
The big question mark in history
Is it a mystery to you?
It can lift you to the heavens
Put your troubles in the past
Whisper the elixir
Then vanish in a blast
It’s a mystery, it’s a mystery”
Will China ever be held to account? ‘Beijing urged to switch to non-Chinese vaccines… Now China faces having to overcome its reluctance to approve foreign jabs to prevent a huge death toll, or inflict stricter lockdowns‘ (FT) – one can’t help but note the lapse of language employed there – who in our media, just a matter of months ago, would have described strict lockdowns as having to be “inflicted” on populations?
Where were we? Ah yes, the panic-inspired mishandling of the virus outbreak by our public health officials and the abject failure of our much vaunted National Helath Service to cope with anything more than a moderate emergency.
‘Patients turning to private chemotherapy. The number of patients forced to pay for private chemotherapy has reached a record high amid rising NHS backlogs‘ (Telegraph) – will anyone ever admit the NHS model is broken?
The globalist FT takes a quick spin around the globe for their Datawatch feature – when I think of globes spinning, I recall that scene in one of Peter Sellers’ Pink Panther movies where the hapless Inspector Clouseau ponders the complexities of the case whilst spinning faster and faster the large ornamental globe in his office. Clouseau being Clouseau, his hand is suddenly stuck painfully in the mechanism of the globe – he retrieves the injured palm with the cry: “Look, I’ve got Africa all over my hand!”
‘Progess in cutting global poverty reversed during the pandemic‘ (FT)
The FT further admits today that the wider world, outside of the western media bubble, is far from united against Russia: ‘Johnson to avoid Ukraine in India talks. The prime minister will tiptoe around the war issue when he arrives in India hoping for a trade deal. Counterpart Narendra Modi has refused to condemn the Kremlin‘
We know the expression – this is why we can’t have nice things. Our BBC today explains why we can’t say nice things anymore: ‘Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been criticised for telling an audience he is “blessed” not to have children with disabilities‘
S’truth mate, how’d you go? It was only recently us Aussie politicians had to stop all our buggering swearing in our bloody public speaches!
AISI, I see you haven’t spotted the Sun newspaper’s attempt this morning to tak us back to the days of future past.
(Sorry, originally posted this for the previous day!)
Sir Boaty and Justin Rowed to Greenland and could have started a new Ice Age if Mishal had not flown to visit Greta in Bali as they were visiting John Prescott on Megharry’s diCaprio Gin palace loaner.
How about that. I played the AI at online naughts and crosses and I reckon my drawn result means I just stymied Putin in the Ukraine.
So proud, I’m tempted to Tweet about it
Playing ‘guess the fealty’ to this one.
Sometimes subtle humour isn’t.
Netflix subscribers in Russia launch class action for loss of service
Users sue after firm halted streaming and stopped developing Russian-made shows following invasion of Ukraine
Russian Netflix users are suing the streaming firm for suspending its service as a result of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Marky – sounds like a 13 part series with Thandi cast as the chippy coloured Russian heroine and some white English bloke as the resident baddie – whole cast under 30 – cute half caste kids playing the jeopardy roles ….
And of course Idris playing zelenski….
Our Great National Parks
Our Great National Parks premieres April 13 on Netflix. Narrated by President Barack Obama, discover the power of our world’s wild spaces.15 Mar 2022
And get ready to cry over some baby sea turtles.
As the western world is looking down the settee to pay for putin’ war via fuel prices – the question ‘shall we keep the Netflix going ?’ Must be being translated into a lot of languages –
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had quarterly licence tax numbers – surely must drop another million by year end ….? Even the most feckless who have forgotten they are paying by rolling DD must realise the saving sooner or later ?
The smuggery of these people knows no bounds. Armando Iannucci thought the best actor to star in his film adaptation of David Copperfield was Dev Patel. Quite possibly the reason why the movie had a worldwide gross of just $14.2m from a $15.6m production budget (they used to say the promotion and distribution of a film doubled this, I’ve no idea what the stat is nowadays).
Nobody seems to be mentioning the elephant in the room: lots of people have stopped watching Netflix because of the woke crap. Here’s an example; Breaking Bad, The Crown or House of Cards it definitely ain’t:
Ian – the MSM doesn’t mention the wokeness but we here do .
Breaking Bad was truly great TV ( the word brilliant is over used ) and Better Call Saul – which has its last series out now – has been good stuff .
I won’t renew my spend on Netflix until I hear that the woke crap has been reduced – I’d rather buy ‘Saul ‘ via the DVD when it turns up .
Apparently that Bridgetown ? Think is suitably ridiculously woke but the kidults are attracted by the soft porn element.
I tried Apple TV for free – that was crap – Amazon is ok if you buy it as part of the delivery thing but otherwise – no pay TV – and certainly no BBC .
On the BBC – I’ve been forcing myself to listening to R4 and I notice that there is an editorial decision to use ‘boris Johnson ‘ far more than referring to him as the ‘PM ‘ or prime minister – it might be me … but it’s one of those bias ‘giveaways ‘ – like referring to Marie LePen by the prefix ‘far right’ ever. Single . Time .
Nice for the BBC to signal what is not ‘approved ‘ …
A BBC Eeeeksclusive.
“China is a very important trading partner for us, but it’s also a mature relationship for us. Where there are areas we can work together, we will – but there will always be times we will not agree”
Jacinda Ardern speaks to the BBC in an exclusive interview..
And… another “quote” shy on bbc ‘analysis’.
Maybe they like China as much as St. Jaq? Like Gaz & Gaz and hot places with footy stadiums.
Tanks for the memory, account holders.
DEATH STATE Inside China’s brutal execution system with mobile injection vans & firing squads after killing most in the world
Jamie Micklethwaite
9:49, 18 Feb 2021Updated: 9:50, 18 Feb 2021
If they like China so much I have some nice empty apartments in Shanghai they can use. Going cheap with great security.
The lefty MPs want a vote on partygate today to try and get Boris out.
When the police report comes out they will want another vote to try and get Boris out.
When the Grey report comes out they will want another vote to try and get Boris out.
Meanwhile, the police are stretching out all these fines, drip feeding them for maximum damage to the pm.
Good job there’s nothing much happening at the moment.
How much is all this costing, 650 troughers all getting paid a big wedge plus all the time spent on this by the hangers on and other lickspittles in Westminster.
Fine him and then shut up about it.
We all know that politicians lie all the time so what are they trying to prove.
A right big waste of time and money.
I suppose the next bit of fuel to throw on the cake fire? Is the local elections – where I reckon the turn out will be low – apart from for the fraud ethnic postal votes .
Whatever the outcome (‘Tory bloodbath ‘ ) – the blame will be mixed across – cost of living – cake – tories failing to be tories .
I’m sure the labour strategy is to flog the cake thing through 2022 and 2023 targeting the biggest Tory asset – the PM – (whether one likes him or not ) .
I’ve already voted – I live in a one party state London borough -with a compliant local press and no examination or challenge to what the ethnic socialists do or steal …
That a bbc ‘seen by’ is used in a tweet by the shared pr team?
Not a bit.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
What really happens in American states completely controlled by Democrats, and how they in reality do the opposite of what their progressive manifestos claim they stand for:
I suspect if the Russians occupy the remainder of Ukraine, they’ll use the western regions as a gateway for the third world into Europe, just as Erdoğan threatened.
Why would he need to do that when he’s already created the biggest migrant crisis seen since WWII ?
Putin is a terrible strategist, he invaded at precisely the wrong time (should have gone in the Autumn) then cut the gas to Europe, which would then have been forced to surrender to him or face millions of dead from the cold.
On top of housing and feeding millions of Ukrainian refugees. Europe made itself incredibly vulnerable and still is, Putin failed to capitalise on that.
Some say Russia Invaded at that time, to preempt a imminent Ukrainian operation to retake the breakaway republics. Who knows.
Which more of concern, the lack of diversity or Toenails’ Lynx for Studs waft?
Paul Brand in the bogs being briefed by a source?
The BBC is saying it now expects their boy Macron to be re elected on Sunday ‘by a small majority ‘.
Surely macron has been onto the Obama crew to fix the vote again .
I got the impression that the French enemy divides a bit like here – where the cities are full of lefty vermin who vote macron and the decent people live in the rest of the country .
Btw – what’s the French for FarRightMarieLePen ?
Le Pen – far right.
Macron – far wrong.
No Macron is far right and Le Pen knows her people.
You will comply or they will burn down your civilisation.
Pupils asked to wear a hijab for a day to fight discrimination
The group behind the day said it has seen a rise in Islamaphobia
Foreign Office employees invited to wear headscarves to work to mark World Hijab day
it is not advocated in the quoran that women must wear the Hijab, it has been used as a further element of subjugation by certain secs of Islam. Many Muslim women do not wear the Hijab nor ever will. Macron’s statement against Le Pen is just his usual duplicitous aggitation-Macron knows full well the strength of Le Pen’s popularity and his continuing attitude to current events in his own country and outside it, have become more far right than they were.
CHINA has been branded the world’s worst executioner as the state kills thousands of people every year using firing squads, lethal injections and mobile death vans.
The true numbers of those killed by the Communist Party are thought to be staggeringly high – but the regime keeps them closely concealed as state secrets.
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Campaigns & Communications Director for 5 days per week from 9 November 2015 to 31 January 2016; approx. value £8,900
Date received: 9 November 2015
Date accepted: 9 November 2015
Donor status: company, registration 2890577
(Registered 01 December 2015)
Tony Bellew finds out what winds up Gary Linekar
Personally his salary
Gary Lineker and Tony Bellew speak about how they’ve dealt with road rage
In the latest episode of season 2 of the ‘Tony Bellew Is Angry’ podcast, speak about how they’ve dealt with road rage.
You can listen to the full episode of ‘Tony Bellew Is Angry’ on BBC Sounds.
Release date:20 April 2022
2 minutes
Are you listening, Gary Lineker? Corporation warns all staff ‘regardless of seniority, profile or role’ they could lose jobs if they break new editorial guidelines with biased Tweets after damning report into Bashir scandal
TOADY Watch #1 – BBC pushing out the CO2 like it is going out of fashion
BBC Business Editor is co-presenting TOADY. When are the BBC going to get their three senior Editors to do their jobs? When did Simon Jack last report on business matters? When did he last Blog on business matters? He really is a waste of BBC space and salary and could be dispensed with. As is Faisal Islam.
Simon Jack went all the way to the south-west on a little jolly for a sunny spring day in Plymouth – ho ho. Do the BBC Presenters and Editors have it written in to their contracts that they get so many days out at the TellyTaxpayers’ expense? Faisal Islam flew all the way to Washington DC day before yesterday for to hear an IMF report that he could have received on-line. As far as I know he hasn’t deigned to report on air or on-line about the report. He is a total waste of BBC space and TellyTaxpayers’ money.
Roger the Horror and Matt McGrath keep telling us the planet will heat up and explode if we don’t stop using fossil fuels. For the BBC the sicence is settled. But only for other people, not themselves. What do other BBC Editors and presenters do? They travel hear there and everywhere, not minding the CO2 emissions. Ha hah!
BBC = hypocrites.
Not one mention of Labour in this article.
Tory donor’s ‘link’ to sanctioned oligarch’s secret London property
By James Oliver, Steve Swann and Nassos Stylianou
BBC Panorama and BBC News
Published5 hours ago
India is the No. 1 country in the world for open defecation, with over 344 million people without regular access to toilets in the country, according to 2017 statistics from the World Health Organization and UNICEF.11 Sept 2020
Let’s cherish the Indians’ habits. After all, the public recently had to witness a black woman peeing on a regular public bus. All good for multiculturalism and the good things they contribute…….
Soon …
Not the BBC – but GBNews – I like to catch the 1 hour Steyn show . Last night hit a new low . No guests . And at about 2030 – half way in – he almost – almost blew up – but instead went to a ‘commercial break ‘ … which for some reason features a lot of welch businesses – which is useful in London .
It’s worth watching just to see the coming explosion when he does lose it in the face of a constantly incompetent support ….
For anyone still interested there was a feature on the end about the demographics of the future – which in summary amounts to white people not breeding enough and the African coloured folk pumping out babies by the billion ….
.. although there was no mention of potential plagues or wars …which might also affect numbers and colours ….
….not a subject the BBC would ever ever go near …
Fedup, I realise there were problems Steyn being able to talk to Peter Hitchins but after 8.30 he spoke with Dr Paul somebody or other who had written a book. To begin with the interview was a bit cerebral but I stuck with it and it turned out to be interesting. It was about different populations and the number of children. In Israel the average family size is 3 children, in the U.K. amongst educated families it is less and he cited a third country but I have forgotten which and the effect. (Sorry). I assume the problem on Steyn is technology as I understand he usually broadcasts from Canada and hence the time delay between him and his guests. Last night I saw the lady who edits the Spectator in Australia on GB News and there doesn’t seem to be the same problems. I am not sure what that means but I can understand your and Mark Steyn’s frustration.
Deborah – I commented about the demographic issue above .
I don’t find the technological failings ‘frustrating ‘ – I find them entertaining – particularly where mr Steyn – who is best described as ‘unorthodox’ let’s those behind the camera ‘have it ‘….
It almost as though there are people at GBNews trying to screw it up …..
I didn’t realise he broadcasts from Canada …..
SteynPost #15: Tomorrow by the Numbers
Demographics is Destiny, Africa vs. Europe
MAY 15, 2017 BY NICK
Thanks to John Derbyshire via VDare I came across the video below of another favorite pundit of mine, Mark Steyn. In the video Steyn notes the childlessness of most of the leaders of the EU’s founding member states, and thus their utter fecklessness towards the demographic tsunami facing Europe from Africa.
Boris doesn’t care one bit what his voters want. He is now arranging for thousands more immigrants from the sub-continent to descend on what’s left of the green and pleasant land.
I have not one jot of respect left for Johnson. The word traitor comes to mind. And it stays there. To hell with him.
And quite frankly to hell with Britain if it can’t replace him with somebody British over the next few months. Don’t get me wrong I’m not damning the country to hell. It’s going that way of it’s own accord. And the British people will still keep voting for the Tories who will betray them every time. Lemmings.
Interesting article in the Spectator today about riots in Sweden over the Easter Weekend. A Swedish/ Danish politician is touring Sweden organising burnings of the Koran. The Muslims in Sweden are going nuts and organising mass riots which the police cannot control. The politician is organising more such tours. A brave man. Unless the Swedish authority find some pretext for stopping him we can expect further escalation of the violence.
No where in the article is the word Muslim used , rioters and gang members being used as euphemisms . Although who would riot about Koran burning is a closed question.
The reporter expresses dismay that such a tolerant country , as Sweden once was, could have become so violent and aggressive in a few decades. Nowhere is Islam directly blamed for this descent of parts of Sweden into third world hell hole status. Even a moron would see the link between the violence and Islam so I suppose thatthe author ,for whatever reason, just can’t bring themselves to write about it. Is it fear of Islamic retribution , ie the Batley teacher, fear of being cancelled by the liberal left , or just the author’s own cognitive dissonance, that prevents him writing such an obvious truth?
In the final paragraph the authors says other countries should take note of what is happening in Sweden so that they can avoid making the same mistake. But we all know it’s far too late for that . It’s either submit to Islamification or fight back.
For the Many, But not Those Few.
I want to know where the line is drawn in this shouty slogan?
What is the definition of the few?
Was this drawn up in the fully costed manifesto? (I didn’t read it so not sure here)
Once that is drawn then we can see how many of the political class fall into the group of MANY and FEW. Is it owning MANY houses (5) like Keith Vaz ? Is it having MANY jobs (2) like George Osbourne did for while? Is it Theresa May* with her MANY pairs of shoes? Is it being caught with MANY expense claims?
This “Many/Few” strap line should have been ripped to shreds on day one and then discussed.
Comrades! En Marche! “On the Move”! Now ask where France is moving to as they sign in a president who replaces the French Anthem with “Ode to Joy” (She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine) . More vacuous and empty slogans – at least May tried to say what she wanted with “Strong and Stable”.
Next time May should use slogans such as “Forever!”, “Free!”, “More!”, “Enough!”.
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
India with Boris ….
Nice to know that India is taking care of its growing population. The overflow will be shipped to the UK by Boris’ authority…………..
The really wealthy people (with the power and influence that money buys), when in this country, live in gated communities or isolated properties. Over-crowding and problems with immigrants mean nothing to them. They are citizens of the world.
A Somali native makes nothing for them. But transfer that native to, say, Bristol and he lives in a house provided by the Government and buys goods from shops with money paid for by the taxpayer (remember, taxes are for “the little people” to quote a wealthy person).
Who owns the shops and building companies? The wealthy!
Increase the population and profits are increased, the wealthy receive more in dividends and their wealth increases.
Why on earth would they want immigration to be curbed. Their income would decline.
And that is why politicians will never stop immigration – their paymasters would never allow it.
Rich like this?
“Steve Baker has a strong moral core, perhaps this should not have been unexpected…”
On 23 March 2020, a prize of £1,500 was awarded to me by the Jo Cox Foundation when I jointly won its Civility in Politics Award 2019 – 2020. The prize fund was provided to the Jo Cox Foundation by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and the Award announced on 22 July 2020. The prize money awarded to me was paid direct to a charity in my constituency. (Registered 18 August 2020)
Wrong Party ?
Baker changes his views on a daily basis..
Boris gave him everything he wanted politically and this is how he repays him.
I suggest the lump of primordial slime crosses the house and do the Tories a favour
Baker is couching it in RC terms – he says he believes in forgiveness and redemption but hasn’t seen continuing contrition from the PM. This smacks of a certain smugness to me. Now is a bad time to switch leaders and the thought of the proven traitors and hypocrites from across parliament and the media ‘winning’ is abhorrent.
Boris Johnson Pledges to Admit 3 Million From Hong Kong to U.K.
The promise, in reaction to a new security law China is trying to impose on the semiautonomous city, a former British colony, would sharply raise the stakes in a developing standoff.
Boris Johnson: West can be ‘proud’ of Afghanistan legacy
Labour’s Keir Starmer said Johnson was ‘incapable of international leadership.’
Has Johnson broken his promise to resettle 5,000 Afghans?
Newcastle United fans have responded with delight and human rights campaigners with dismay after a Saudi-backed consortium finally completed its takeover of the Tyneside club.
The £300m deal, which ends the ill-fated 14-year tenure of Sports Direct boss Mike Ashley, will see Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund take an 80% stake, with the remainder held by PCP Capital Partners and RB Sports & Media.
Here we look at the groups and people behind the controversial buyout of Newcastle United.
His Royal Highness
Mohammad bin Salman Al-Saud
Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister
Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs
Chairman of the Public Investment Fund
“Our ambition is aligned with the fans – to create a consistently successful team that’s regularly competing for major trophies and generates pride across the globe.”
Jamie Reuben of RB Sports & Media, said: “We look forward to a great future for Newcastle United. Newcastle is a fantastic city, which is why our family has been investing heavily in the area for many years. To become part of this great Club and its amazing fans is a privilege.
“We will build a true community Club, based upon our family’s knowledge of the city and in line with our plans that have been worked on closely with Newcastle City Council to deliver long-term sustainable growth for the area.”
The directors of the Investment Group thank Mike Ashley for his commitment to the sale process. We would also like to thank the Premier League for its contribution in the regulatory process, which has helped lead to completion of this deal.
Why is Saudi Arabia buying up African farmland?
The Christian Science Monitor highlights an April report by the International Food Policy Research Institute entitled “‘Land Grabbing’ by Foreign Investors in Developing Countries.” The report details purchases of farmland in developing countries by China, South Korea, India, and a handful of gulf states. Saudi Arabia recently purchased 500,000 hectares of land in Tanzania and …
Massive industrial storehouses line the southern end of town, packed with thousands upon thousands of stacks of alfalfa bales ready to be fed to dairy cows – but not cows in California’s Central Valley or Montana’s rangelands.
Instead, the alfalfa will be fed to cows in Saudi Arabia.
The storehouses belong to Fondomonte Farms, a subsidiary of the Saudi Arabia-based company Almarai – one of the largest food production companies in the world. The company sells milk, powdered milk and packaged items such as croissants, strudels and cupcakes in supermarkets and corner stores throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and in specialty grocers throughout the US.
Each month, Fondomonte Farms loads the alfalfa on to hulking metal shipping containers destined to arrive 24 days later at a massive port stationed on the Red Sea, just outside King Abdullah City in Saudi Arabia.
Ukraine crisis: Why India is buying more Russian oil
By Shruti Menon
BBC Reality Check
Published6 days ago
Boris Johnson announces new India investment deals as partygate debate continues
Published50 minutes ago
Boris Johnson fails to secure promise of more Saudi oil in visit overshadowed by executions
bBC reports on…
Tewkesbury ice cream parlour opening hours rejected for causing stress
Meanwhile back in the real world
Run by husband and wife team, Mandy and Martyn, the couple wanted to extend their opening hours from 11:00 to 17:30 Monday to Sunday to 10:30 to 18:30 and open until 20:00 during special events such as the Medieval Festival or Queen’s Jubilee.
Mrs Crump said she did not think this would be a problem, given they are also next to a Weatherspoons, which is open until 23:00.
TWatO Watch #1 – I wonder, sunny, warmer weather, what could possibly cause this?
Not the BBC exactly but an item on TWatO (in the 1 p.m. News actually) caught my ear: delays in treatment in the NHS in Wales have reached a record high. It has been explained by the fact that the NHS in Wales has massive staff shortages due to sickness with Covid. Er, ummh, er, could this statistic be possibly wrong?
Scroll down to the map under ‘Coronavirus across the UK’ showing the UK infections and you will see that Wales is entirely blue – the lowest level of infections. Last night it was entirely light blue apart from one Local Authority area, Wrexham. (maxi, please note that the map has changed since last night.)
What could possibly be causing NHS staff to fall sick when Wales, out of the four ‘home’ nations has had the lowest level of infections?
“WE REALLY MUST BE A LAUGHING STOCK AROUND THE WORLD.” But not in the US. Their demise is a ahead of the UK.
Dont’ worry – Peppa Pig is great.
Laughing stock.
This manifesto offers the chance of
real change for every generation and
every community. When Labour wins,
the nurse wins, the pensioner wins, the
student wins, the office worker wins, the
engineer wins. We all win.
We can and we must do better
as a country.
This is our last chance to tackle
the climate emergency.
The future is ours to make. It’s time for
real change – for the many, not the few.
Together, we can deliver it.
Jeremy Corbyn
Leader of the Labour Party
Click to access Real-Change-Labour-Manifesto-2019.pdf
This election is
about the crisis
of living standards
and the climate
and environmental
emergency. Whether
we are ready or not,
we stand on the brink
of unstoppable change.
..and when we have been in power 5 years the economy as usual goes tits up and as usual the Tories get elected to sort it out…
Unfortunately, have a Tory Government in name only . It may as well be a Liberl Party .
MM, I seem to recall Tony Blair and Gordon Brown increasing tuition fees for students, Gordon Brown raiding pension funds and giving a less than £1 increase to old age pensions and Labour also hit engineers hard offshoring jobs to China. All under a Labour Government 1997-2010 when we had inflation of about 40% over those 13 years, an average of just over 3%.
I’m an engineer, and like most of my ilk, consider Labour winning anything a further kick in the teeth.
The idea that Rishi Sunak is a Tax avoider has been openly discussed in Parliament and on Radio 5 Live via some earnest Labour leftie. I’m no fan of Sunak but it’s absolutely clear that he isn’t a “Tax avoider” in the context of his wife being offshore for Tax. Let’s be absolutely clear. Tax avoidance isn’t a crime but by extension the implication is that he’s a Tax evader.
The interesting thing about the BBC Radio 5 Live interview was that the statement that he is a “Tax Avoider” remained unchallenged by the interviewer. A Smear by ommission.
Rishi Sunak defends Tories after Panama papers linked to major party donor
4th October 2021
HMRC will inspect the leaked Pandora papers exposing the secret financial dealings of some of the world’s richest and most powerful people, Rishi Sunak has said.
The cache of almost 12 million files is said to cover the activities of some 35 current or former world leaders, more than 300 public officials and 100 billionaires.