Boris is usually pretty masterful at dealing with Beth Rigby, though today he finally lost his cool amid a barrage of Partygate questions – at one point even making the cardinal interview sin of blatantly checking his watch and looking like he wanted to walk away. He angrily asked Rigby “why don’t you get on with the substance of this trip?”. When Beth pointed out the BBC did seven minutes of Partygate questions, the PM tersely shot back “this isn’t a kind of competition to see who can do more”…
As with last year’s Panama Papers leak, the documents were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which called in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) to oversee the investigation. BBC Panorama and the Guardian are among the nearly 100 media groups investigating the papers.
Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton avoided tax on his £16.5m luxury jet, the papers suggest
A key aide of Canada’s PM has been linked to offshore schemes that may have cost the nation millions of dollars in taxes, threatening to embarrass Justin Trudeau
A key aide of Canada’s PM has been linked to offshore schemes that may have cost the nation millions of dollars in taxes, threatening to embarrass Justin Trudeau
ormula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton avoided paying tax on his £16.5million private jet, according to the Paradise Papers leak.
The 32-year-old received a £3.3million VAT refund when he imported his Bombardier Challenger 605 into the Isle of Man from Canada in 2013, according to the papers.
Accountancy firm EY and Appleby allegedly helped him and others set up leasing businesses through which jets were rented, while still allowing them use of the jets for personal journeys.
Hamilton finalised the deal at Ronaldsway Airport on the Isle of Man with his then-girlfriend Nicole Sherzinger.
Any private jet purchased outside the European Union is subject to 20 per cent VAT in order that it can move freely around the continent.
MM ,
It’s good that you keep on reminding us of the plight of these three in ever so tolerant 21st century Britain where the MSM daren’t even mention it.
Are they afraid of
a)Muslim retribution
b) or of the ire of their liberal left chums
c) or if reminding the supine population of this country that they are on a runaway train of Islamification
A small point perhaps in the sea of BBC awfulness, but I wonder what colour the couple are that they have chosen as being representative of our country in their ‘report’ on high fuel bills? Clue- it’s more than one colour. They really cannot help themselves can they?
Like a lot on here I’m sick & tired of “partygate” and particularly annoyed at the double standards of both the rozzers and the press viz a viz starmers drink with colleagues etc.
I am not the biggest fan of Boris and his lack of vigour with an 80 seat majority, however, I think if I were him I would be inclined to call a general election, after all if the press and others want rid surely it should be by the people who elected him not a load of spineless no marks in the HOC. At least it would be legitimate and if the public think starmer and his cronies are any better, they are in for a big surprise
And don’t forget the civil serpents who were probably involved and no doubt did their best to expose it afterwards and will do anything to damage a conservative government
He is perhaps quite like Edward Heath in being fat lazy useless duplicitous cowardly and generally incompetent, but to follow another back me or sack me election which Heath pulled and then lost would cement Boris’s already poor reputation as one of the most ineffective PMs in history.
The problem for the Tories lies in poor pay and too many inadequate public schoolboys who are not up to landing the big paying jobs who see politics as a career path for failure.
The Tories best leader Margaret Thatcher was not a public schoolboy, a lesson they have studiously tried never to repeat until they chose the Marxist infiltrator Theresa May who was a disaster.
Reminder: We voted for Brexit , Control of our Borders and less tax .
We got a Green Energy Blob, mass invasion and a liberal government in all but name. We also got into a high cost of living crisis with a nation in debt.
Do we have a proper Brexit ? Do we have all our fishing grounds back yet ?
The most duplicitous recent PM was Theresa May. She was supposed to be leading on Brexit. I was actually holidaying in Berlin and staying close to the British Embassy and saw a cavalcade leaving the building. I am sure it was Theresa on her way to see Mrs Merkel because only a few days later out came a pronouncement of the way forward. Mrs May had no intention of us leaving the EU in reality.
I am actually in agreement with Nadine on last nights GBNEWS, all this trouble Boris is having with partygate are pro Europe Tories which see Boris’s downfall as the U.K.’s return to the EU.
Hard not to notice who congregates and synergises constantly to feel this is a worrying trend…
Cheap shot Pippa – not worthy of you. @JCBmachines is a major exporter for UK; and has big plant in India, from where it exports to much of Asia, and mostly under WTO rules. That’s rather more relevant.
Unbelievable open glee on Radio 4 this afternoon as the Partygate furore rumbles on.
The BBC interviewer speaking to one of the lefty talking heads asked what could happen next…
The guest replied “If it looks bad for Boris now…imagine the situation when the photos start to come out, for instance Boris with his arms around a colleague, both with glasses in hand and maskless!”
You mean that there is such a photo” gasped the BBC interviewer with obvious relish.
“Well I don’t know I was just painting a picture!” came the reply from the obvious Labour plant.
Horrific, dirty and unprofessional standards from the BBC. Are they going to apologise for this blatant and false attempt to shit stir or shall we all just move on?
Let’s assume the British public are sometimes “wrong” about things.
Why might that be? 93% go to State schools, so perhaps these don’t teach them the right things or how to think logically? 40-50% of younger generations have university degrees; so that should put them right about things, surely? The BBC also claims that it must continue to be funded by a poll tax, since over 90% of the population consume some of its output in a typical week; so again, how can so many be misinformed?
Something doesn’t add up … but don’t expect the BBC to analyse.
Do they have no-one with a brain to stand up and say “Hang on chaps, that’s simply a famous line in a play written a long time ago by the most famous playwright who ever lived.”
I despair of the level of absolute brain-dead dumbness that abounds in so many Companies today.
Twitter in effect is now a modern version of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth where after doing a degree in some dubious social science zombies spend their days re-writing facts to fit the narrative.
Twitter. I was punished for 48 yours for writing an ironic tweet which offended their prohibition on violent language. I had written: ‘Hang the Kaiser’ and ‘Squeeze Germany ’till the pips squeak’.
It’s done by a computer algorythm which isn’t sophisticated enough to know the difference.
Employing people to scan every post would be far too expensive, however that does mean that the site can be gamed by those who know how to do it.
Exactly Thoughtful, a computer algorithm programmed to detect keywords from a list.
I’ve worked places where they’ve had similar to detect ‘offensive’ emails going out.
Remember many years ago, my first encounter with such software, and a totally bizarre ‘balling out’ by the deputy director.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
“Err… no, actually”
“I’m told you’ve been sending offensive emails!”
“Really? Sorry, that must be a mistake…”
“Well, you must have some idea what you’ve written that is offensive?”
“Err… no, actually, can you tell me what it was?”
“Err… no, but apparently it was offensive, so you shouldn’t have sent it.”
“No, I realise that, I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but I’m not sure what it was I said that WAS offensive.”
“Well, something you said obviously was, or the computer wouldn’t have informed HR about it.”
“Alright, but if you can tell me WHAT it was I wrote that was offensive, I can make sure I don’t repeat it, I really wasn’t trying to offend anyone.”
“I can’t tell you that, you just need to be careful not to write anything offensive.”
“Err…okay, but how do I KNOW it’s offensive, if no one tells me what it is that I wrote that WAS offensive?”
“Err…well, as I understand it there’s a long list of words, offensive words, and you must have used one of them.”
“Okay, but, which one? I didn’t realise it was offensive, so if you can tell me what it was, I can make sure I don’t use it again.”
“Err…I don’t know what the word you used was that was offensive, HR didn’t tell me, I’m not sure they know, actually.”
“Okay, so can I see a list of the offensive words I need to avoid then?”
“No, of course not.”
“I see, so how do I know a word is offensive, so I can avoid using it?”
“Stop being silly, and just stop using offensive language in emails, okay?”
“Err…I’ll try, but I don’t really see…”
“Sigh, just get back to work…”
A few months ago I had a similar non-violation. I sent an email to a colleague; I think i can safely post the gist without editing (So you can judge if it’s offensive or not) :-
“Hello Joe, I’m looking at the design for the new Acme circuit board, and I can’t fit the Whizzo transformer. Could we have a chat about this please, as I’m starting to look like a bit of a nob with this.”
Cue the call to the bosses desk, he’s there with his boss, the whole posse – offensive language, calling a colleague an offensive word, not acceptable.
One of my “shortfalls”, so I’m told, is i have an inability to hold my tongue when someone is spoiling for a fight, especially when they are showing off to their boss in turn. I hadn’t called anyone a nob except myself, and it’s hardly an offensive label, in my opinion. I told him so, and when he realised he had picked on the wrong guy he had nowhere to go, as the rest of his audience was already walking away.
Starmer? The most ardent Europhile in Parliament. A man with no principles, who stood shoulder to shoulder with a rabid Marxist who didn’t believe in the EU.
Surprisingly Corbyn’s honesty in scoring the EU Seven out of Ten was one of the most candid statements of the entire Brexit campaign.
Remarkable tv from the brilliant Mark Steyn tonight on GB News.
He goes through the official UK numbers, all relating to covid hospitalisations and deaths through several periods up to 13 weeks after the jabs and the amazing fact that in every scenario, if you have had the 3 jabs (2 plus the booster) you are at least 3 times more likely to be hospitalised or die.
There were about a dozen tables with the age groups from 18 to the over 80s showing about ten different groups, and the data for those with no jab, 1 jab, 2 jabs and 2 jabs plus the booster.
1 jab does have a positive effect but 3 is killing at least 3 times as many as no jab.
If you have catch up I recommend watching this.
It could literally save your life.
He explains it much better than me on here.
I will not be having any more jabs, that’s for sure.
ONS data shows that in Britain, half the population is triple jabbed. The all cause death rate for the triple jabbed is two to three times that of the two jabbed or less. The reason seems to be that the spike proteins from the vaccine are not natural.
Dr Robert Malone, The Inventor of the mRNA vaccine, explains what has gone wrong, and why its going to get progressively worse for the vaccinated:
The “Spike protein” problem. The vaccine incorporates the synthetic nucleotide pseudouridine which persist in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection. This is not natural, and this is not really mRNA. There is no technology that I know of which can eliminate these synthetic “mRNA-like” molecules from your body. You just have to hope that your immune system will attack the cells that have taken up the polynucleotides and degrade (chew up) the offending large molecule that causes your cells to manufacture the toxic protein. Since virtually all current “gene therapy” methods are inefficient, and essentially deliver the genetic material randomly to a small subset of cells, there is no practical way to surgically remove the scattered, relatively rare transgenic cells. Clearance of genetically modified cells by the cellular immune system (T cells) is the only currently viable method to remove cells that have taken up the foreign genetic information. Based on this information, it appears to me that the extensive random incorporation of pseudouridine into the synthetic mRNA-like molecules used for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may well account for much or all of the observed immunosuppression, DNA virus reactivation, and remarkable persistence of the synthetic “mRNA” molecules observed in lymph node biopsy tissues by Katharina Röltgen et al:
So the triple jabbed are suffering from immunosuppression, which is being observed after multiple mRNA vaccine boosters, and which is increasingly referred to as an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.
This is censored by the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative under Suppression #4 & Suppression #6
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Early Treatments for Covid
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Health Professionals
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
Watch Mark Steyn here from 7:36.
He presents the official figures from the UK Health Security Agency which indicate that the 3rd ‘booster’ shot has no efficacy and increases your chance of being hospitalised or dying. The triple vaccinated are dying at around three times the rate of the unvaccinated.
This information is quashed by the groupthink politico-media class and the ‘boosters’ are still being pushed.
Mark is asking why this isn’t big news and calling for a Royal Commission into aspects of the Covid policy.
But we will prey on your females and attack the unarmed in the UK when we outnumber them
This Tiktok account bragging about invading the UK and doing live videos from his hotel room provided free of charge billed to the British taxpayer, all fighting age men as usual.#OfTouGoToRwanda 👋
‘I’m having the time of my life…’: Sick boasts of Asian paedophile gang boss after he fled Britain as it’s revealed rape victim, 13, was reported missing to police 71 TIMES but they failed to act
Rapist and ‘international gangster’ Arif Chowdhury, 20, fled to Bangladesh
Family say his life on the run is ‘like heaven’ and given life ‘new meaning’
Victim’s mother told police 71 times girl was missing but told to keep diary
Migrant buses continue to arrive in Washington, DC from Texas
“It’s an atrocity that we have a President of the United States that is not securing the border. He is violating laws passed by Congress to secure the border and on top of that, we have a president who is turning a blind eye to security-based issues by allowing people on terrorist watch lists to come into the United States of America,” Abbott said.
Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) last week to begin transporting migrants released from federal custody in Texas to Washington, D.C., and other locations outside the Lone Star State. The migrants must volunteer for the bus ride.
Gov. Greg Abbott’s controversial policy to bus migrants in Texas who volunteer to go to the nation’s capital came in response to President Biden’s decision to end Title 42, which allowed the U.S. to deny entry to migrants, according to the Texas Tribune.
MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC all avoid covering the demise of CNN+
This isn’t the first time the liberal networks circled the wagons on behalf of CNN. In December, none of them acknowledged the ousting of CNN producer John Griffin, who was accused of child sex crimes.
“So who did Putin fund in Europe? The answer might end up being a surprise.
I give you someone widely proclaimed to be the finest politician of their generation. A renowned negotiator, able to keep warring factions together with a quiet tone and a level head. Universally respected and the literal “person you phoned when you wanted to speak to Europe”.
Someone who spoke fluent Russian with Putin, and always maintained an open diplomatic door with the Kremlin, regardless of what atrocities it had carried out in other countries.
Who deliberately kept their own country’s defence forces weak, underfunded and unable to operate at even the most basic level.
Who championed the closest possible economic ties with Russia, even linking the two countries with undersea pipes to avoid any monies going to a hard-pressed Ukraine, or even fellow EU member Poland.
Who pressed for the closure of the country’s nuclear power stations, necessitating an increase in gas imports.
Who increased their country’s dependence on gas from Russia from 36% in 2010 to 65% in 2020, despite repeated warnings from neighbours and the US.
Who invited a million Syrian refugees into Europe against the stated wishes of the Eastern bloc member states.
Who proclaimed that the UK was now an ‘economic enemy’ after Brexit.
Yes, I give you the warm and cuddly Mutti Merkel, the most over-rated, and dangerous, European politician of the twenty-first century.”
The formerly patriotic Times newspaper has been prominent among those many press titles telling us the Russians were suffering huge loses and that Putin had come a cropper.
Mr AsISeeIt remembers the Russian way of war – unlike us in the west – Russia accepts heavy casualties. The Russian steam roller moves slow but crushes resistance. Their recent track record is pretty good: Georgia in 2008 was a win; by 2009 Chechnya was pacified; in Syria, despite western “red lines” their proxy Assad has his win.
Whereas our war aim is confused between having Putin bogged down, having his illiberal regime overthrown, having him replaced, or the recapture of the whole of Ukraine within the EU/Nato orbit – take your pick – Putin merely demands a return to the relatively recent status quo.
We in the west prefer our wars to start on a Sunday afternoon so as to catch the Monday headlines, to fuel the rolling new channel audience’s short attention span for about a week, and then to be over by the six o’clock news on Friday.
This morning after weeks of banging the drum for Ukraine there’s an apparent change of gear – call it a revision of expectations: ‘President Putin could still “win” the war in Ukraine, which is now expected to last until the end of the year, western officials said‘ (Times) – quite way the Times employs scare quotes around the word “win” is presumably a mysterious military intelligence secret.
I’m concerned about all those well-meaning chi-chi little cafés with their brand new decor of bright blue and yellow flags will have the colours fade and look a tad tatty come the winter months.
Putin has certain “won” the international diplomatic battle – or rather the German-led selfish energy policy stymied EU and bungling US Biden administration has lost it: ‘Which countries have decided not to sanction Russia?‘ (The Washington Examiner) the answer from this conservative-leaning source lists: India, UAE, Israel, Mexico, Serbia & China – but that’s not the half of it…
‘No, it’s not the world against Russia. In fact, it’s far from it. Why a lot of nations aren’t on board with economic sanctions… in fact most of three huge continents Asia, Africa, and South America – are either still working with Russia or trying to project an image of neutrality… no country in Africa, including South Africa, has joined in the call to make Russia an outlier in global relations.‘ (The Democrat supporting Boston Globe) – please don’t tell me the rainbow nation isn’t waving the brave blue and yellow…!
Click on the BBC’s online news and you’ll find the still prominent Coronavirus tab (unlike fabric flags tabs don’t fade) and you’ll notice our venerable national broadcaster seems to be channelling Roy Castle’s vintage children’s TV show Record Breakers: ‘Covid: Woman caught virus twice within record 20 days‘; ‘Longest Covid infection lasted more than 16 months, tests show‘
I have in my head the tune of that old ditty “Bless em All, Bless em All, the long and the short and the tall…”
These are of course examples of what journos term man bites dog stories: ‘The phrase man bites dog is a shortened version of an aphorism in journalism that describes how an unusual, infrequent event (such as a man biting a dog) is more likely to be reported as news than an ordinary, everyday occurrence with similar consequences, such as a dog biting a man‘ (thank you Wiki)
Unfortunately, the media being what it is, there will be those demanding public policy be formulated on the basis of these extremely rare occurencies.
The first instance was, apparently, a 31-year-old female healthworker from Spain. A healthworker – presumably jabbed up to the eyeballs should have known better. The BBC go on to draw some rather astounding conclusions from this one report: ‘Scientists predict that eventually everyone will catch Covid twice, and probably many more times over the course of their lifetime‘ – so what was all that fuss about lockdowns stopping us catching it all about then?
Case two was: ‘UK doctors believe they have documented the longest Covid infection on record – a patient they treated who had detectable levels of the virus for more than 16 months, or 505 days, in total‘ – before we call in Ross and Alan McWhirter to adjudicate the record, note our UK docs qualify their claim with the proviso that they only “believe” this one.
And, despite all the science and the experts’ often emphatic decalrations, it still amazes how very little we actually know for sure – the reports seemingly always peppered with “coulds” and “mights” etc: ‘Prolonged infections are rare but important, say the researchers, because they might give rise to new variants of Covid – although that did not happen in this case‘
Subtle News Agenda.
As I have said many times if your white and your a suspect you’ll probably see the highest resolution picture of yourself ever on the BBC news site. However if your BME……..
Also they have a report about the Hadron Collider on the news site. Dr Sam Harper is basically in charge of pressing the button to carry out the experiment. Whilst Dr Sam is quoted in the article thier is no picture ?? Why ?? Because he is white and male !!! If he was female or BME no doubt his picture would have been all over the article.
Hi Halifax
Have another example ‘IRA people ‘ – a term used by the Bee Lady on Today.this day – in relation to the cemetery where the vermin are buried . But on the upside – at least they are dead…
The BBC calls the political part of the IRA – sinn fean? ( spelling – I don’t care ) with the prospect of Republicans becoming the NI government – a long term dream of the BBC to take another step to destroying the UK .
Fed up
A great example but sadly one of many.
If your white, male, English, straight, have worked, not on benefits and love your country then basically the BBC hates you. That’s not an over statement it’s a fact. They hate you, but not the money you pay each year to them to enable the BBC to use thier unique privilege of not having to earn money , and to spend your money slagging off white working Englishmen.
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
Scroblene – I often say that it is a long slog to end the BBC – and sadly the earliest opportunity will be 2027 as the charter ends .
Maybe – with the departure of the current monarch – the nettle will be grasped for all sorts of changes – let the BBC be one of them
If it wants to carry on being a far left propaganda machine – do it using private subscription money – not by the use of taxpayers ‘ cash raised under the threat of criminalisation .
I’m for a much smaller state and the BBC is just part of that
Normally actual priorities would see me shrug this one off, but given what gets media excited the list of points made in comments do make this in the public interest.
Jess Phillips stood up in the House of Commons yesterday to declare she doesn’t own a printer and has to visit her mother-in-law every time she wants to print something. Right…
Philips charged the taxpayer £24,000 for her office costs last year. Is she seriously saying she couldn’t find a spare £20 for a printer? Perhaps she could have found it within her annual £80,000 MP salary, book royalties, or the up to £160,000 she paid her husband in staff expenses.
Last year Philips claimed £4,090.97 in travel expenses. Guido wonders if that includes the mileage of driving to her mother in law’s every time she wants to print something…
MI5 warning over ‘Chinese agent’ in Parliament
By Gordon Corera & Jennifer Scott
Security correspondent & political reporter, BBC News
One of the MPs funded by Ms Lee was Labour’s Barry Gardiner, who received over £420,000 from her in five years – but he said he had always made the security services aware of the donations.
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey also received a £5,000 donation when he was energy secretary – but he said the money was accepted by his local association and it was “the first time he has been given cause to be concerned”.
Something you are more likely to miss with our corrupt media:
Hunter Biden laptop: ABC, CBS, NBC spent only 25 minutes over 18 months covering scandal, study says.
ABC spent the least amount of time on the Hunter Biden scandal, covering the story for only 58 seconds over 18 months, according to the MRC. NBC managed to find nine minutes and six seconds for it, while CBS dedicated 15 minutes and two seconds.
The laptop, which was left in a Delaware repair shop in 2019 by the first son before being turned over to the FBI by the repair shop owner, was first reported by the New York Post in October 2020 but swiftly censored by Twitter and dismissed by most mainstream media outlets.
The scandalous computer’s contents included emails, text messages, photos and financial documents between himself, his family and business associates that showed how he used his political influence in his foreign business dealings, specifically in his work as a board member of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.
The conservative MRC also discovered that when ABC, CBS and NBC covered the story, they typically used dismissive rhetoric to describe it, including labeling it “dubious,” “questionably sourced” and “unverified.”
Spent time yesterday with a friend who is a paid up member of the Labour Party.
To my surprise my friend agreed with little or no prompting, indeed may have raised the issue first, that both the NHS and civil service are in dire need of serious reform !!!!!!
But neither main party has the ability or willingness to actually do anything about it. Maybe it’s because MPs by definition themselves become part of the same entitled world.
Police have no money – Paint a hate crime car, monitor the internet for right-wing conspiracy, have big festivals and lots of protests managed by the police force. More diversity.
The NHS is on the edge (again) – Immigration up, health tourists up, BBC ‘Charlie from Casualty’ is paid £400K to pretend to be a nurse for 1 hour when he could be replaced with 11 real nurses (£35K) doing 35 hours a week.
Housing is not affordable – yet Jeremy Corbyn had 34 years to sort Islington out and ‘Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety.’ (NatCen sep2017)
London is Open – but Mayor does not want President of a democracy and largest economy to come to the UK.
Marky – I admire the comment directly above yours from 2017. Whoever wrote that is obviously very incisive and clever and rich and handsome and modest ….
Does our media have an ulterior motive with its use of such images? Many of my colleagues have noticed this subtle use of ‘Brainwashing’.
But do our Tory MPs notice this?
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
This is who he blames for “race-mixing” in advertising:
“HLG Studios was founded by Yuri Baranovsky, the same man who directed Netflix’s race-mixing, anti-white propaganda pieces. Baranovsky is Jewish.
CEO John Wren, of Irish descent, currently heads Omnicom Group. Omnicon was founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach, all three Jewish.
WPP of London was founded and is currently run by Martin Sorrell, of Jewish descent.
There seems to be a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in advertising.
The ad was not created or paid for by Sprite, nor was it even created in Germany. Instead it was financed and directed independently by Max Isaacson, a New York Jew.
The entire project, from start to finish, was a Jewish expression of ethnic hatred towards whites.”
Some more about Richard Houck, whose propaganda images you enjoy spreading around:
Maxi Isn’t that like as if someone posted a Labour policy idea
and then someone turned up and said that guy who wrote that policy seems to in a darkplace with some anti-Jewish conspiracy theories ?
Would we just dismiss the Labour policy idea ?
In GW’s post I see a tweet image TODAY made up of a collage of famous advertising
With the comment “This isn’t representative of Britain is it?”
… The answer is NO, of course
The tweet GW posted is from an anonymous guy called Charles 🇬🇧 @PEGASUS_FLIGHT
I don’t see any conspiracy theories about Jews in it
Then I see GW saying “It’s about asking questions”
and that the answer is obvious
Then he tangentially raises the issue of the BBC having similar biases as it uses similar Getty images
You quote from that Houck’s mentions of Jewish
Then you quote a link, that says that second Twitter account is actually Richard Houck himself.
… Absolutely plausible
and say that many Houck’s tweets are off in anti-Jewish conspiracy land .. yep seems true
All very complicated for a Friday night
but GW’s post doesn’t talk about Jewish conspiracy etc.
I’m not sure any excuse along the lines of; **I didn’t know it was anti-semitic, I just thought it was about Black Men mating with White Women**, really helps.
Unless, of course, racist propaganda is okay sometimes…
Maxi You gave no evidence that the AMERICAN guy who speculates about Jewish conspiracies created that collage
Sure he coincidentally used that image in his tweet too
but since it obviously contains British-only advertising, I doubt that he did.
It like saying we should ignore a policy idea of a Labour activist
cos another Labour activist who is anti-Semitic had coincidentally used the same innocent image in another presentation.
Apparently today is ‘earth day ‘ . I was thinking of what to do to celebrate it . I thought maybe take the diesel on a circuit of the M25 – but instead I’ll just burn some plastic in the garden .
I live in an area completely sealed off from traffic by the people hating lefty council . It likes cyclists . So when a cyclist was involved in an incident with a car yesterday – and lost a leg – the ambulance couldn’t get to the scene so they had to get the air ambulance .
I reckon the council will close off a few more roads for ‘community safety ‘….
“Boris Johnson and India’s Narendra Modi discuss defence and trade”…………..
Perhaps they will discuss the ‘advantages’ of Net Zero Carbon to India ?
Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
It is interesting the questions BBC presenters & journalists ask (and asked on the web-site, too) “Have we reached peak Netflix?” – second row, r/h side. One of the big threats to the BBC are the new streaming services and it will be possibly a cause for much rejoicing that Netflix are facing a fall in subscribers. There was some discussion of Netflix woes during the first half-hour of TOADY.
However, it should be noted that in mid-April we are at a point when the hemispheres are equally in sunshine near enough. I always watched less television in summer back when I was young and still had a TV Licence. I did note that 50 years ago that people did cash their licences in for late-spring, summer and early-autumn and would re-Licence their properties just for the darker months.
The BBC may be ‘counting their chickens’ too soon.
IF Netflix read the writing on the wall, do the sensible thing, ditch the woke (including a certain Prince and his “Look at ME! How DARE you look at me!” spouse), go back to sponsoring independent ‘new talent’ producing whatever they want, and letting them complete popular series (woke, or not), they will continue to rule the world.
On the otherhand, if they keep on churning out the wokeshite they are at the moment, they’re doomed (much like the loathesome BBC).
Go woke, go broke – you’d think some people would be getting the message by now, they really are thick aren’t they? (Or maybe so brainwashed they really can’t see the blindingly obvious).
According to ITV, BritBox UK currently has around 733,000 subscribers and 6,000 hours of British content. Financially, in 2021, BritBox UK made a venture loss of £61 million.
Last night Tucker Carlson on Fox *showed how the US Msin stream media have been instructed to turn on their false president – mainly by showing the declining opinion polls ( which can’t be trusted ) ….
So if CNN is now starting to say bad things about the approved president – how long will it be before the BBC starts the ‘
‘bad joe ‘ narrative – it’s like waiting to spot the first swallow …
* free on the YouTube
I’m thinking of putting 50p on Mrs Obama – the current First Lady – to stand for the top job …
“A Very Secret Service” (actually, the original, French title is “In the Service of France” I believe?)
It takes a couple of episodes to really get going, it’s French (but, not pro-France), set in 1960, very, very dark, very, very dry, and very, very funny. Kind of like the Pink Panther, but darker. I’d forgotten how cathartic good comedy can be.
I detest this lazy and offensive term “Brit” as in “Britbox”.
About time the bbc called their “Asian” output “Pakibox” ?
It most certainly does not cater for Asians such as Chinese, Japanese or Philipino to name a few thousand million and their people over here disenfranchised by the racist bbc..
I’m very late to the Netflix party (18 months ago), and living alone I had enough of the terrestrial channel dross of reality/cookery/idiotic quiz programmes. The other streaming channels, not long off the ground, did not have the Netflix variety and lumping them altogether was not financial viable for all the subscriptions involved.
I know many view Youtube, but that’s not for me. So I very much enjoy the foreign dramas, many of which do not have a woke agenda – quite the opposite in some cases, which begs the question, is the wokerism only prevalent in English speaking shows. I contribute to a site where fans of a certain Spanish show comment, and from Sao Paulo to Melbourne, from LA to Buenos Aires, from the Netherlands to Middlesborough, they haven’t mentioned any wokeness, just people who enjoy Netflix as a whole.
For me the Netflix subs is worth the entertainment value for me living alone, as opposed to the Licence fee that should be featured on Rip Off Britain.
Ohhhh, I doooooo. I have craft stalls at fairs, walk my dog daily, I only garden as a necessity, and see friends for lunch. What else do you suggest ? I’m in my 70’s – too old to walk the streets at night, all my clubbing years were back in the 60’s when music could be danced to unlike now, and the Swingers Club up the A1 have an age limit for their participants !!!! so before sending Youtube messages just consider the circumstances first.
“When it comes to anti-fascism in most of Western Europe, there would appear for now to be a supply-and-demand problem: the demand for fascists vastly outstrips the actual supply.”
― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
Most of the invective aimed at Boris by the BBC and others is based on what is seen as the perfectly understandable angst of those denied access to their dying ‘loved ones’ while he partied with such gay abandon. It is a very clear and unequivocal stick with which to beat him, which must be why it is utilised on every occasion.
On the other hand Tyne Cott cemetry holds the bodies of 12,000 men killed on the Somme and is surrounded by other, smaller, cemetries from the battle. The Menin Gate is inscribed with 54,000 names of men whose body parts are integral to the soil of the Ypres salient and nearby areas. Other such memorials holding bodies or bits from World Wars are dotted all over Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia and, in only the most rare and exceptional circumstances, were family members either present or had any possibility of expressing sympathy or grief at the time.
Just imagine how much could have been done to get brexit working or building small nuclear power stations etc if our politicians put as much effort towards these types of things that they are all putting into partygate.
I wonder if they know how it sounds to us when they get up on their hind legs and put on their earnest concerned faces when they tell us they know somebody who knows somebody who couldn’t attend an uncles funeral yet Boris was partying all day.
Sure, but the problem for Labour is that they are even more divided than the Conservatives over Brexit. In addition, if the/a Conservative Government wish to do anything (with the notable exception of interminable Lockdowns and compulsory mask wearing and social distancing) the Labour Party are ‘agin it’. Labour in opposition oppose for the sake of making life impossible for a Tory Government.
– LibsOfTikTok did a great job of exposing libmob craziness simply by tweeting the most outrageous examples.
– Antifa didn’t like this and automatically labelled it a “hate account”
If the account holder was a public person they would have done everything to intimidate them, to find some dirt on them, trigger harassment of them
– Since the account was anonymous. the antifa have a tactic of doxxing, ie digging to find the real person and then releasing their name
– April 16th a clear antifa account is tweeting they have the name
– The same day a big lefty account Travis Brown start promoting the research. He labels @LibsOfTikTok as an “anonymous HATE account”
– Seems he was then in touch with the WaPo reporter. She credits him in her article which came out 60 hours after his tweet.
– The article gave a link which goes to a page which gives @LibsOfTikTok HOME address
This is an obvious invitation to harassers
And the WaPo must have realised this was dodgy legally they then edited that bit out of the article.
– There was an immense kick back against the WaPo reporter, not least cos she always complains about doxxing
-Her editor then defended her and got massively ratioed for saying ‘well the name was already on Social Media and the Wapo hadn’t published any private info’
..when actually publishing a link to the private info is really the same thing.
And the account holder’s name was not widespread on Social media ..60 hours is not enough time to secure security.
– Finally the WaPo reporter posts this amazing nasty tweet
See how libmob themselves adopt Stalinist 1984 gaslighting tricks like redefining language
That’s hatey.
And see how she calls what she does “basic reporting practices”
Yet it is another example of the practice we have come to see
: A vested interest like an NGO has an agenda to push; they prepare PR material, present it to a reporter ..and the reporter simply cuts and pastes that to make an article … Then on the basis of that, might doorstep the target or doorstep her family .
Remember this guy from the 2019 General Election. His name (and by extension the surname of his sick child) was exposed within hours by the right-wing media. I don’t recall any outrage being expressed here at the time.
Presumably ‘doxxing’ some people is perfectly fine?
The gentleman you refer to as “exposed within hours by the right-wing media” may have had a perfectly valid point to put to the Prime Minister. However stepping in front of Boris in full view of the media is a strange course of action for someone keen to preserve their anonymity.
You yourself may be sensitive about his anonymity, so why remind us with a picture of him?
If Maxi does reply to you , I repeat if he does , it will be at 3.30 in the morning .
Maxi likes to get the last word in which is why he only goes to the tail end of an older thread at unusual hours .
He never posts early on a new thread . He’s too afraid .
Yes , I have noticed those antics of maxincony – always sneaking in by the ‘back door’ in the hope that no one notices and answers his trolling posts . Usually during the yooney and school hollidays
He never tells us if he pays the telly tax . That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
He never posts any example of BBC’s bias . What does that tell you ?
Since you set yourself up as a judge of “doxxing” how would you define the difference between doxxing and legitimate research? Or, according to Theory and Social Justice, is it all in the eye of the beholder?
I agree with you (there’s always a first time), it was not really okay for this man’s name to be published in the media (right wing, or left wing, or centrist, or bat wing), but then I’m not really FAR right at all, kind of centre of the road I reckon, with some slightly rightish and some slightly leftist ideas, depending on the subject matter.
For some reason, I don’t expect everything and everyone to fit in neat pigeon holes, and don’t think it’s always factually correct to slap a big fat ‘red’/’blue’, ‘left’/’right’ sticker on people, and their ideas.
Maxi that’s #1 Whataboutery
#2 False equivalence : the person in my example EXPECTED to remain anonymouse
Indeed it is within Twitter’s rules that she can
The guy in your example went on TV in front of Boris ..of course many of his acquaintances would recognise him
so he had no expectation of remaining anonymous
” exposed within hours by the *right-wing media*.”
That’s loaded language it true some “right-wing media” first named him
and “non-right-wing media” have never mentioned his name ?
One “far right source” we call the BBC
.. “It has emerged that the father who confronted Boris Johnson in a London hospital is also a Labour activist”
@BBCPolitics 2:54 PM · Sep 18, 2019
Here’s what a prominent Labour activist said
Omar Salem was perfectly entitled to berate the PM over NHS underfunding.
The media were perfectly entitled to point out that he was a Labour activist. (It’s a simple case of declaring an interest – the same as if Corbyn was attacked by a Tory activist.)
It also says I love writing about political issues. I have written about the NHS for The Guardian, The Mirror and inews, about the Rohingya crisis for the Huffinton Post, about Brexit for Left Foot Forward and Labour for a Socialist Europe and for LabourList about lots of different subjects.
Aren’t all those left-wing ?
Nope. I was asking whether you thought it was ok for the media to reveal his name.
“#2 False equivalence : the person in my example EXPECTED to remain anonymouse”.
And for all you know, the hospital Guy EXPECTED the same. I don’t recall anyone asking him if he wanted to remain anonymous or not before publishing his name. Do you?
Answer the question. Do you think it was ok for the media to doxx him given the circumstances?
“That’s loaded language it true some “right-wing media” first named him”
It’s not ‘loaded language’, it’s accurate language. His name was first exposed by right-wing media – as you’ve just admitted.
Maxi, that misrepresentation by you again
Nope I haven’t admitted that
I have no idea who first published his name
I expect some mate of his tweeted “I’ve just seen your Omar on TV”
I asked you a question about the media ..and you didn’t answer.
Your example is false equivalence
cos the guy was NEVER anonymous, his acquaintances immediately knew who he was
(I already said that in my first reply)
His name was immaterial to the story, but his position as a TOP Labour activist was of course of interest.
The UK has privacy laws, were any media prosecuted ?
“Maxi that’s #1 Whataboutery”
Yes it is ..we were talking about the WaPo case
and you brought up a completely different case
and said “What about this one .. ”
.. That’s the definition of Whataboutery.
“His name was first published by GuidoFawkes”
I have no idea who FIRST published the name
Are you sure no one tweeted/mentioned it before Guido ?
And why if you meant Guido did you say “exposed by right-wing media” ?
Is it cos you wanted to use a bogey man label “right wing” ?
Yes I did highlight that the name is Muslim .. that is factual and context .. As it happens it doesn’t tell us much, it didn’t turn out that he is affiliated to a Muslim PR org, rather his Labour affiliation is the big deal.
Now as I said this is not a parallel with LibsofTikTok cos that account was anonymous
and Omar the Labour activist was never anonymous
He was NOT anonymous.
Are there similar cases of left wing anonymous accounts that have been doxxed by right wing people ?
I struggle to cite an example.
I guess the rightwing government in Iran does that
And I certainly would condemn the Iranian government if they did it to an account that happened to be run by a Marxist or Communist etc.
I guess in the west leftwing people don’t need to use anonymous accounts, cos they are free to speak under their own name cos
#1 the media is favourable to the leftwing and affords them platforms
#2 There isn’t significant threat to them by packs of violent activists
Whereas righty voices have less platforms and are at genuine risk from packs of violent antifa
Tommy gets attacked in the street etc.
Farage has to have protection officers
When I google “doxxed By Right Wing”
The thing that comes up is Claira Janover: I Was Doxxed By Right Wing Twitter
She got a lot of media attention
Her narrative was that she had just made a quick TikTok JOKE about stabbing white people, and that had led to doxxing and thus losing her “dream job at Deloitte which I have worked so hard to get”
It turned out she didn’t work at Deloitte, but rather had been offered a few weeks internship and that had been rescinded.
Alex Belfield and Tim Pool are both anti-libmob (Tim Poll is fairly lefty)
but because they are non-anonymous, crazy libmob people do lots of malicious infringement-reporting against them
So both have been swatted (ie the libmob phone the police and say they are a bomber, thus the police SWAT team turn up and storm into the house.)
.. This has happened 8 times to Tim Pool.
The BBC reports that the party thing is following nut nut on his jolly to India – but guess who is asking him about it at Indian press conferences … ? A clue – begins with B and ends in C ..
New Zealand has been aware for some time now of a “growing assertiveness” and a “growing interest” in its region – explicitly from China, according to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
But Ms Ardern also spoke of the need to work together with China, on areas of “natural mutual interest”.
“Travelling again, doesn’t mean there’s a lot of time for wedding planning,” she said. “So, no set date. Just intention. And that’s, I think, when you live together, have a child together – just intention is enough.”
An important issue here which receives very little consideration.
Visiting Australia I was struck by the Far East influences.
Ok, so we can all cope with various cuisines.
But it permeates more than that. The population is increasingly ‘multicultural’ but not as we know it – Chinese. People may have left China to re-settle but has China left them? Given the numbers, only a small % would need to support their homeland to be quite a thorn in the side.
I think Australia could be put under a great deal of geopolitical pressure from China in the next 25 years.
The Australian economy will be ever more dependent on China. And the Australian armed services, who can be respected man for man, are just microscopic compared with China and could not possibly safeguard their giant country against aggressive overtures.
Sinicization of Tibet refers to the programs and laws of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which force “cultural unity” in Tibetan areas of China, including the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding Tibetan-designated autonomous areas. The efforts are undertaken by China in order to remake Tibetan culture into mainstream Chinese culture.
Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad { 20sep2017}
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
This a tweet from a pirate unofficial BBC account @BBCplayer
How’s the BBC allow that ?
Especially since it promoted the illegal use of BBCiPlayer in Singapore & Malaysia.
the account is 7 years old , but maybe they renamed it recently
According to WHO, 2 million people die as a result of the smoke generated by open fires or crude stoves within their homes every year. Indoor air pollution has been definitively linked to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia, the risk of which is doubled by exposure to indoor smoke.7 May 2011
Key Miliband backer in offshore tax row: Labour donor transferred shares to Liechtenstein and Jersey and later sold some for reported £37 million
Sir David Garrard transferred shares offshore before some were later sold
The tycoon has given the Labour Party more than £1.2million
Ed Miliband attacked ‘dodgy Tory donors’ for having off-shore accounts
Sir David held accounts in Liechtenstein and Jersey according to reports
PUBLISHED: 22:49, 14 February 2015 | UPDATED: 22:50, 14 February 2015
rince Harry is starting another new job – at the Aspen Institute as one of 14 “commissioners” who will “fight against misinformation” in the digital world.
The Duke of Sussex has confirmed he is joining the Aspen Institute’s new “Commission on Information Disorder” along with 14 others including Kathryn Murdoch – co-founder and president of Quadrivium.
We’re proud to have been working with @bbcbitesize The Regenerators and to celebrate the launch of their #HallOfFame, we’re going to be chatting on @bbc5live
on Friday afternoon, as part of their #EarthDay2022 activities
BBC Bitesize is launching the The Regenerators ‘Hall of Fame’, a celebration of young climate champions from across the UK who are passionate about the planet and taking action to protect it…
Stew – didn’t have time for the 46 minutes – but on the Sligo murders – Steyn described that contemporary phenomena infecting the woke –
Namely the reflex response of ‘ something must be done ‘
The Irish swamp reaction was the same as the British swamp reaction after David Amess has murdered in a church by an Islamic terrorist –
That being
It’s because of hate speech
Someone must be censored
Let’s censor the ‘unapproved’
When it turned out that the killer in Ireland was a third world refugee they suddenly go silent – until the next opportunity ….
… it’s from the same school of ‘thought’ which declares that Islam is not the biggest terrorist threat to us – its “The Right Wing “ …..
Any ambitious career swamp dweller must recite this lie … – even better is they call for a new law …
🌍From Our Changing Planet to Blue Peter find out how a wide range of BBC Studios shows are marking #EarthDay2022 in the thread below. 🧵
The River Yamuna
The River Yamuna, the largest tributary of the River Ganga, flows through the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi and is considered to be the most polluted river in the world (Mishra, 2010).
Experts link pollution in the Ganga and other rivers to India’s high rate of waterborne illnesses, which kill an estimated 1.5 million children each year. Researchers have also discovered the emergence of so-called superbugs in Ganges water samples, bacteria resistant to most commonly used antibiotics.11 Feb 2020
A BBC Hindi report from Haryana in October- one of 11 states that was declared free of open defecation in February 2018 – found that in one village, more than 200 people were still going to the toilet outside.
New BBC radio/podcast series presented by Shaun Keaveny called Your Place or Mine, seems to be an excuse for BBCbubbleworld to invite their mates to talk about their homeland “From Barbados to Pakistan, travel hotspots will be chosen by a different podcast guest each week.
Listeners of Your Place Or Mine will hear from Guy Garvey, Daliso Chaponda, Ching-He Huang, Sarah Kendall, Aatif Nawaz, Sikisa, Michaela Strachan, Steve Backshall and more.”
BBC libs taking YOUR money to promote THEIR agendas.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Protest in Pakistan against social media
Blasphemy is a sensitive charge in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where even unproven allegations can trigger mob lynchings and violence. Photograph: Faisal Mahmood/REUTERS
Sune Engel Rasmussen in Kabul and Waqar Gillani in Islamabad
Sun 11 Jun 2017
GMar 4, 12:32 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC – “A German Man”. A German man can be a naturalised German ex Arab…….. Just saying.
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 12:28 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wimmin to have to pay a £10k stud fee. Well they can do it with horses, can’t they?
tomoMar 4, 12:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We should see *who* curated that list of “inspirational mums” – and they should be confronted on their choices. Patricia…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 12:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Davie wears suit and tie as he squirms in front of DCMS Committee:
wwfcMar 4, 12:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 With everything going on in the world a lighter note some idiots in a field dancing to Benny Hill lol…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Same with that euro pop thing – shows every year the descent of Europe
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I identify as someone who doesn’t feel right paying taxes. Don’t try and sublimate my being.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “… sublimate someone’s natural way of being” … Harriet Harman condemns paper’s ‘smear campaign’ The Daily Mail has questioned…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
Boris is usually pretty masterful at dealing with Beth Rigby, though today he finally lost his cool amid a barrage of Partygate questions – at one point even making the cardinal interview sin of blatantly checking his watch and looking like he wanted to walk away. He angrily asked Rigby “why don’t you get on with the substance of this trip?”. When Beth pointed out the BBC did seven minutes of Partygate questions, the PM tersely shot back “this isn’t a kind of competition to see who can do more”…
Beth Rigby returns to Sky News after three-month ban for breaking Covid rules at Kay Burley’s birthday
The broadcaster was removed from air after attending Kay Burley’s birthday bash
Forgotten …
As with last year’s Panama Papers leak, the documents were obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which called in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) to oversee the investigation. BBC Panorama and the Guardian are among the nearly 100 media groups investigating the papers.
Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton avoided tax on his £16.5m luxury jet, the papers suggest
A key aide of Canada’s PM has been linked to offshore schemes that may have cost the nation millions of dollars in taxes, threatening to embarrass Justin Trudeau
A key aide of Canada’s PM has been linked to offshore schemes that may have cost the nation millions of dollars in taxes, threatening to embarrass Justin Trudeau
ormula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton avoided paying tax on his £16.5million private jet, according to the Paradise Papers leak.
The 32-year-old received a £3.3million VAT refund when he imported his Bombardier Challenger 605 into the Isle of Man from Canada in 2013, according to the papers.
Accountancy firm EY and Appleby allegedly helped him and others set up leasing businesses through which jets were rented, while still allowing them use of the jets for personal journeys.
Hamilton finalised the deal at Ronaldsway Airport on the Isle of Man with his then-girlfriend Nicole Sherzinger.
Any private jet purchased outside the European Union is subject to 20 per cent VAT in order that it can move freely around the continent.
3 teachers hide in Batley ….
MM ,
It’s good that you keep on reminding us of the plight of these three in ever so tolerant 21st century Britain where the MSM daren’t even mention it.
Are they afraid of
a)Muslim retribution
b) or of the ire of their liberal left chums
c) or if reminding the supine population of this country that they are on a runaway train of Islamification
What is Nadine Dorries doing about it?
Dozens arrested at Sweden riots sparked by planned Quran burnings
Published3 days ago
A small point perhaps in the sea of BBC awfulness, but I wonder what colour the couple are that they have chosen as being representative of our country in their ‘report’ on high fuel bills? Clue- it’s more than one colour. They really cannot help themselves can they?
Like a lot on here I’m sick & tired of “partygate” and particularly annoyed at the double standards of both the rozzers and the press viz a viz starmers drink with colleagues etc.
I am not the biggest fan of Boris and his lack of vigour with an 80 seat majority, however, I think if I were him I would be inclined to call a general election, after all if the press and others want rid surely it should be by the people who elected him not a load of spineless no marks in the HOC. At least it would be legitimate and if the public think starmer and his cronies are any better, they are in for a big surprise
And don’t forget the civil serpents who were probably involved and no doubt did their best to expose it afterwards and will do anything to damage a conservative government
He is perhaps quite like Edward Heath in being fat lazy useless duplicitous cowardly and generally incompetent, but to follow another back me or sack me election which Heath pulled and then lost would cement Boris’s already poor reputation as one of the most ineffective PMs in history.
The problem for the Tories lies in poor pay and too many inadequate public schoolboys who are not up to landing the big paying jobs who see politics as a career path for failure.
The Tories best leader Margaret Thatcher was not a public schoolboy, a lesson they have studiously tried never to repeat until they chose the Marxist infiltrator Theresa May who was a disaster.
Reminder: We voted for Brexit , Control of our Borders and less tax .
We got a Green Energy Blob, mass invasion and a liberal government in all but name. We also got into a high cost of living crisis with a nation in debt.
Do we have a proper Brexit ? Do we have all our fishing grounds back yet ?
The most duplicitous recent PM was Theresa May. She was supposed to be leading on Brexit. I was actually holidaying in Berlin and staying close to the British Embassy and saw a cavalcade leaving the building. I am sure it was Theresa on her way to see Mrs Merkel because only a few days later out came a pronouncement of the way forward. Mrs May had no intention of us leaving the EU in reality.
I am actually in agreement with Nadine on last nights GBNEWS, all this trouble Boris is having with partygate are pro Europe Tories which see Boris’s downfall as the U.K.’s return to the EU.
VD channeling her inner Vile, or finding her voice?
Does Nadine Dorries watch the BBC or visit this site ?
Breaking new ground!
Hard not to notice who congregates and synergises constantly to feel this is a worrying trend…
Which minor tab Eds are never off the bbc?
Unbelievable open glee on Radio 4 this afternoon as the Partygate furore rumbles on.
The BBC interviewer speaking to one of the lefty talking heads asked what could happen next…
The guest replied “If it looks bad for Boris now…imagine the situation when the photos start to come out, for instance Boris with his arms around a colleague, both with glasses in hand and maskless!”
You mean that there is such a photo” gasped the BBC interviewer with obvious relish.
“Well I don’t know I was just painting a picture!” came the reply from the obvious Labour plant.
Horrific, dirty and unprofessional standards from the BBC. Are they going to apologise for this blatant and false attempt to shit stir or shall we all just move on?
Obviously meaning except those “British public” who work for the Guardian, The BBC and The Independent etc.
Let’s assume the British public are sometimes “wrong” about things.
Why might that be? 93% go to State schools, so perhaps these don’t teach them the right things or how to think logically? 40-50% of younger generations have university degrees; so that should put them right about things, surely? The BBC also claims that it must continue to be funded by a poll tax, since over 90% of the population consume some of its output in a typical week; so again, how can so many be misinformed?
Something doesn’t add up … but don’t expect the BBC to analyse.
If you suspected that Twitter was staffed by juvenile and pretty poorly educated woke warriors here’s the proof….
Do they have no-one with a brain to stand up and say “Hang on chaps, that’s simply a famous line in a play written a long time ago by the most famous playwright who ever lived.”
I despair of the level of absolute brain-dead dumbness that abounds in so many Companies today.
Twitter in effect is now a modern version of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth where after doing a degree in some dubious social science zombies spend their days re-writing facts to fit the narrative.
Do they have no-one with a brain…?
– No.
Twitter. I was punished for 48 yours for writing an ironic tweet which offended their prohibition on violent language. I had written: ‘Hang the Kaiser’ and ‘Squeeze Germany ’till the pips squeak’.
Not being allowed to post on Twitter for 48 hours is more of a reward than a punishment.
People have tweeted that before
It’s done by a computer algorythm which isn’t sophisticated enough to know the difference.
Employing people to scan every post would be far too expensive, however that does mean that the site can be gamed by those who know how to do it.
Exactly Thoughtful, a computer algorithm programmed to detect keywords from a list.
I’ve worked places where they’ve had similar to detect ‘offensive’ emails going out.
Remember many years ago, my first encounter with such software, and a totally bizarre ‘balling out’ by the deputy director.
“Do you know why you’re here?”
“Err… no, actually”
“I’m told you’ve been sending offensive emails!”
“Really? Sorry, that must be a mistake…”
“Well, you must have some idea what you’ve written that is offensive?”
“Err… no, actually, can you tell me what it was?”
“Err… no, but apparently it was offensive, so you shouldn’t have sent it.”
“No, I realise that, I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but I’m not sure what it was I said that WAS offensive.”
“Well, something you said obviously was, or the computer wouldn’t have informed HR about it.”
“Alright, but if you can tell me WHAT it was I wrote that was offensive, I can make sure I don’t repeat it, I really wasn’t trying to offend anyone.”
“I can’t tell you that, you just need to be careful not to write anything offensive.”
“Err…okay, but how do I KNOW it’s offensive, if no one tells me what it is that I wrote that WAS offensive?”
“Err…well, as I understand it there’s a long list of words, offensive words, and you must have used one of them.”
“Okay, but, which one? I didn’t realise it was offensive, so if you can tell me what it was, I can make sure I don’t use it again.”
“Err…I don’t know what the word you used was that was offensive, HR didn’t tell me, I’m not sure they know, actually.”
“Okay, so can I see a list of the offensive words I need to avoid then?”
“No, of course not.”
“I see, so how do I know a word is offensive, so I can avoid using it?”
“Stop being silly, and just stop using offensive language in emails, okay?”
“Err…I’ll try, but I don’t really see…”
“Sigh, just get back to work…”
A few months ago I had a similar non-violation. I sent an email to a colleague; I think i can safely post the gist without editing (So you can judge if it’s offensive or not) :-
“Hello Joe, I’m looking at the design for the new Acme circuit board, and I can’t fit the Whizzo transformer. Could we have a chat about this please, as I’m starting to look like a bit of a nob with this.”
Cue the call to the bosses desk, he’s there with his boss, the whole posse – offensive language, calling a colleague an offensive word, not acceptable.
One of my “shortfalls”, so I’m told, is i have an inability to hold my tongue when someone is spoiling for a fight, especially when they are showing off to their boss in turn. I hadn’t called anyone a nob except myself, and it’s hardly an offensive label, in my opinion. I told him so, and when he realised he had picked on the wrong guy he had nowhere to go, as the rest of his audience was already walking away.
CNN’s subscription option (CNN +) has just collapsed after a few short weeks.
Hopefully the same will happen to the BBC when they go private.
CNN+ ?
Oh Dear, How Sad, Never Mind
What next post Boris?
Starmer? The most ardent Europhile in Parliament. A man with no principles, who stood shoulder to shoulder with a rabid Marxist who didn’t believe in the EU.
Surprisingly Corbyn’s honesty in scoring the EU Seven out of Ten was one of the most candid statements of the entire Brexit campaign.
Remarkable tv from the brilliant Mark Steyn tonight on GB News.
He goes through the official UK numbers, all relating to covid hospitalisations and deaths through several periods up to 13 weeks after the jabs and the amazing fact that in every scenario, if you have had the 3 jabs (2 plus the booster) you are at least 3 times more likely to be hospitalised or die.
There were about a dozen tables with the age groups from 18 to the over 80s showing about ten different groups, and the data for those with no jab, 1 jab, 2 jabs and 2 jabs plus the booster.
1 jab does have a positive effect but 3 is killing at least 3 times as many as no jab.
If you have catch up I recommend watching this.
It could literally save your life.
He explains it much better than me on here.
I will not be having any more jabs, that’s for sure.
Censored by the BBC:
ONS data shows that in Britain, half the population is triple jabbed. The all cause death rate for the triple jabbed is two to three times that of the two jabbed or less. The reason seems to be that the spike proteins from the vaccine are not natural.
Not just Britain but in New Zealand the Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of the Unvaccinated:
Dr Robert Malone, The Inventor of the mRNA vaccine, explains what has gone wrong, and why its going to get progressively worse for the vaccinated:
The “Spike protein” problem. The vaccine incorporates the synthetic nucleotide pseudouridine which persist in lymph nodes for at least 60 days after injection. This is not natural, and this is not really mRNA. There is no technology that I know of which can eliminate these synthetic “mRNA-like” molecules from your body. You just have to hope that your immune system will attack the cells that have taken up the polynucleotides and degrade (chew up) the offending large molecule that causes your cells to manufacture the toxic protein. Since virtually all current “gene therapy” methods are inefficient, and essentially deliver the genetic material randomly to a small subset of cells, there is no practical way to surgically remove the scattered, relatively rare transgenic cells. Clearance of genetically modified cells by the cellular immune system (T cells) is the only currently viable method to remove cells that have taken up the foreign genetic information. Based on this information, it appears to me that the extensive random incorporation of pseudouridine into the synthetic mRNA-like molecules used for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may well account for much or all of the observed immunosuppression, DNA virus reactivation, and remarkable persistence of the synthetic “mRNA” molecules observed in lymph node biopsy tissues by Katharina Röltgen et al:
So the triple jabbed are suffering from immunosuppression, which is being observed after multiple mRNA vaccine boosters, and which is increasingly referred to as an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.
This is censored by the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative under Suppression #4 & Suppression #6
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Early Treatments for Covid
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Health Professionals
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
Regarding the above, the below may be of interest:
Watch Mark Steyn here from 7:36.
He presents the official figures from the UK Health Security Agency which indicate that the 3rd ‘booster’ shot has no efficacy and increases your chance of being hospitalised or dying. The triple vaccinated are dying at around three times the rate of the unvaccinated.
This information is quashed by the groupthink politico-media class and the ‘boosters’ are still being pushed.
Mark is asking why this isn’t big news and calling for a Royal Commission into aspects of the Covid policy.
Justin Rowlatt “at it”
Climate Editor … pfffff…..
Fight for our country? no way
But we will prey on your females and attack the unarmed in the UK when we outnumber them
‘I’m having the time of my life…’: Sick boasts of Asian paedophile gang boss after he fled Britain as it’s revealed rape victim, 13, was reported missing to police 71 TIMES but they failed to act
Rapist and ‘international gangster’ Arif Chowdhury, 20, fled to Bangladesh
Family say his life on the run is ‘like heaven’ and given life ‘new meaning’
Victim’s mother told police 71 times girl was missing but told to keep diary
That’s more ‘Carbon Footprints’ landing on our shore while our Home Office just watches on .
A year on from Prophet Muhammad Batley school row and teacher still in hiding as family ‘at risk’
Ms Leadbeater has issued a statement almost a year on from the protests over a teacher at Batley Grammar School showing an image of the Prophet Muhammad
Migrant buses continue to arrive in Washington, DC from Texas
“It’s an atrocity that we have a President of the United States that is not securing the border. He is violating laws passed by Congress to secure the border and on top of that, we have a president who is turning a blind eye to security-based issues by allowing people on terrorist watch lists to come into the United States of America,” Abbott said.
Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) last week to begin transporting migrants released from federal custody in Texas to Washington, D.C., and other locations outside the Lone Star State. The migrants must volunteer for the bus ride.
Gov. Greg Abbott’s controversial policy to bus migrants in Texas who volunteer to go to the nation’s capital came in response to President Biden’s decision to end Title 42, which allowed the U.S. to deny entry to migrants, according to the Texas Tribune.
MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC all avoid covering the demise of CNN+
This isn’t the first time the liberal networks circled the wagons on behalf of CNN. In December, none of them acknowledged the ousting of CNN producer John Griffin, who was accused of child sex crimes.
Luckily the BBC knows what matters.
Zoom call to save the planet? Work at home to stop Putin the EU said.
Reduce office costs, and put your own heating and lights on
Biden’s “Lolita express”?
A couple of hours of having your hair sniffed by a geriatric in nappies… no thanks.
An interesting take:
“So who did Putin fund in Europe? The answer might end up being a surprise.
I give you someone widely proclaimed to be the finest politician of their generation. A renowned negotiator, able to keep warring factions together with a quiet tone and a level head. Universally respected and the literal “person you phoned when you wanted to speak to Europe”.
Someone who spoke fluent Russian with Putin, and always maintained an open diplomatic door with the Kremlin, regardless of what atrocities it had carried out in other countries.
Who deliberately kept their own country’s defence forces weak, underfunded and unable to operate at even the most basic level.
Who championed the closest possible economic ties with Russia, even linking the two countries with undersea pipes to avoid any monies going to a hard-pressed Ukraine, or even fellow EU member Poland.
Who pressed for the closure of the country’s nuclear power stations, necessitating an increase in gas imports.
Who increased their country’s dependence on gas from Russia from 36% in 2010 to 65% in 2020, despite repeated warnings from neighbours and the US.
Who invited a million Syrian refugees into Europe against the stated wishes of the Eastern bloc member states.
Who proclaimed that the UK was now an ‘economic enemy’ after Brexit.
Yes, I give you the warm and cuddly Mutti Merkel, the most over-rated, and dangerous, European politician of the twenty-first century.”
Who (maybe deliberately) failed to build a single LNG terminal for gas supplies by sea, thus increasing reliance on Russian energy.
Oh and how many German energy ministers were made directors of Gazprom on retirement?
“Retail sales fall as rising cost of living bites”
What did they expect following warnings and threats from retailers about ‘rising prices’.
None the wiser
We just don’t know edition
The formerly patriotic Times newspaper has been prominent among those many press titles telling us the Russians were suffering huge loses and that Putin had come a cropper.
Mr AsISeeIt remembers the Russian way of war – unlike us in the west – Russia accepts heavy casualties. The Russian steam roller moves slow but crushes resistance. Their recent track record is pretty good: Georgia in 2008 was a win; by 2009 Chechnya was pacified; in Syria, despite western “red lines” their proxy Assad has his win.
Whereas our war aim is confused between having Putin bogged down, having his illiberal regime overthrown, having him replaced, or the recapture of the whole of Ukraine within the EU/Nato orbit – take your pick – Putin merely demands a return to the relatively recent status quo.
We in the west prefer our wars to start on a Sunday afternoon so as to catch the Monday headlines, to fuel the rolling new channel audience’s short attention span for about a week, and then to be over by the six o’clock news on Friday.
This morning after weeks of banging the drum for Ukraine there’s an apparent change of gear – call it a revision of expectations: ‘President Putin could still “win” the war in Ukraine, which is now expected to last until the end of the year, western officials said‘ (Times) – quite way the Times employs scare quotes around the word “win” is presumably a mysterious military intelligence secret.
I’m concerned about all those well-meaning chi-chi little cafés with their brand new decor of bright blue and yellow flags will have the colours fade and look a tad tatty come the winter months.
Putin has certain “won” the international diplomatic battle – or rather the German-led selfish energy policy stymied EU and bungling US Biden administration has lost it: ‘Which countries have decided not to sanction Russia?‘ (The Washington Examiner) the answer from this conservative-leaning source lists: India, UAE, Israel, Mexico, Serbia & China – but that’s not the half of it…
‘No, it’s not the world against Russia. In fact, it’s far from it. Why a lot of nations aren’t on board with economic sanctions… in fact most of three huge continents Asia, Africa, and South America – are either still working with Russia or trying to project an image of neutrality… no country in Africa, including South Africa, has joined in the call to make Russia an outlier in global relations.‘ (The Democrat supporting Boston Globe) – please don’t tell me the rainbow nation isn’t waving the brave blue and yellow…!
Click on the BBC’s online news and you’ll find the still prominent Coronavirus tab (unlike fabric flags tabs don’t fade) and you’ll notice our venerable national broadcaster seems to be channelling Roy Castle’s vintage children’s TV show Record Breakers: ‘Covid: Woman caught virus twice within record 20 days‘; ‘Longest Covid infection lasted more than 16 months, tests show‘
I have in my head the tune of that old ditty “Bless em All, Bless em All, the long and the short and the tall…”
These are of course examples of what journos term man bites dog stories: ‘The phrase man bites dog is a shortened version of an aphorism in journalism that describes how an unusual, infrequent event (such as a man biting a dog) is more likely to be reported as news than an ordinary, everyday occurrence with similar consequences, such as a dog biting a man‘ (thank you Wiki)
Unfortunately, the media being what it is, there will be those demanding public policy be formulated on the basis of these extremely rare occurencies.
The first instance was, apparently, a 31-year-old female healthworker from Spain. A healthworker – presumably jabbed up to the eyeballs should have known better. The BBC go on to draw some rather astounding conclusions from this one report: ‘Scientists predict that eventually everyone will catch Covid twice, and probably many more times over the course of their lifetime‘ – so what was all that fuss about lockdowns stopping us catching it all about then?
Case two was: ‘UK doctors believe they have documented the longest Covid infection on record – a patient they treated who had detectable levels of the virus for more than 16 months, or 505 days, in total‘ – before we call in Ross and Alan McWhirter to adjudicate the record, note our UK docs qualify their claim with the proviso that they only “believe” this one.
And, despite all the science and the experts’ often emphatic decalrations, it still amazes how very little we actually know for sure – the reports seemingly always peppered with “coulds” and “mights” etc: ‘Prolonged infections are rare but important, say the researchers, because they might give rise to new variants of Covid – although that did not happen in this case‘
Subtle News Agenda.
As I have said many times if your white and your a suspect you’ll probably see the highest resolution picture of yourself ever on the BBC news site. However if your BME……..
Also they have a report about the Hadron Collider on the news site. Dr Sam Harper is basically in charge of pressing the button to carry out the experiment. Whilst Dr Sam is quoted in the article thier is no picture ?? Why ?? Because he is white and male !!! If he was female or BME no doubt his picture would have been all over the article.
True Bias.
Hi Halifax
Have another example ‘IRA people ‘ – a term used by the Bee Lady on Today.this day – in relation to the cemetery where the vermin are buried . But on the upside – at least they are dead…
The BBC calls the political part of the IRA – sinn fean? ( spelling – I don’t care ) with the prospect of Republicans becoming the NI government – a long term dream of the BBC to take another step to destroying the UK .
Fed up
A great example but sadly one of many.
If your white, male, English, straight, have worked, not on benefits and love your country then basically the BBC hates you. That’s not an over statement it’s a fact. They hate you, but not the money you pay each year to them to enable the BBC to use thier unique privilege of not having to earn money , and to spend your money slagging off white working Englishmen.
Jez keeps up the pressure using tried and trusted techniques.
Finding someone else’s voice like the ventriloquist dummy he is.
Meanwhile his dummy Femi is getting even more deranged.
Johnson is not a good PM, but a media estate that makes a baying mob seem like a Silent Order is not how one wants a country run.
CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021
In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video:
I hope good people here will forgive a little self-aggrandisement, but I found that I wrote this fifteen years ago!
So while things have got so much worse with BBC ‘news’, their smug, condescending presentation was around way back then!
I don’t know whether I feel older or younger, but had just turned sixty when I wrote it…
Scroblene – I often say that it is a long slog to end the BBC – and sadly the earliest opportunity will be 2027 as the charter ends .
Maybe – with the departure of the current monarch – the nettle will be grasped for all sorts of changes – let the BBC be one of them
If it wants to carry on being a far left propaganda machine – do it using private subscription money – not by the use of taxpayers ‘ cash raised under the threat of criminalisation .
I’m for a much smaller state and the BBC is just part of that
Normally actual priorities would see me shrug this one off, but given what gets media excited the list of points made in comments do make this in the public interest.
Luckily Dave knows who stands behind him.
Not a copper, obvs.
No mention of shoulder to shoulders.
Given he is sitting.
But the race bait and switch is awesome.
This…. is the kind of power the BBC seeks to get installed?
Jess Phillips stood up in the House of Commons yesterday to declare she doesn’t own a printer and has to visit her mother-in-law every time she wants to print something. Right…
Philips charged the taxpayer £24,000 for her office costs last year. Is she seriously saying she couldn’t find a spare £20 for a printer? Perhaps she could have found it within her annual £80,000 MP salary, book royalties, or the up to £160,000 she paid her husband in staff expenses.
Last year Philips claimed £4,090.97 in travel expenses. Guido wonders if that includes the mileage of driving to her mother in law’s every time she wants to print something…
Wait until the bbc crisis unit swoops in.
3 teachers hide in Batley – 2022
Has anyone seen MP David Lammy of BBC Mastermind fame on his bike which was claimed on expenses cycling around Grenfell Towers?
If not … then where is the bike? Time to fire up the £3.5bn BBC News Service ….
Find out if your MP owns a bike :
Lefty x2
And the shoe on her right foot appears to me to be for a left foot!
Judging by the curve at the toe.
Not sure if anyone knows about the parties which went on at no 10
In case you weren’t aware, the bBC reminds us about 50 times a day
Another reminder this morning, PM goes to India and mention the parties again!
MI5 warning over ‘Chinese agent’ in Parliament
By Gordon Corera & Jennifer Scott
Security correspondent & political reporter, BBC News
One of the MPs funded by Ms Lee was Labour’s Barry Gardiner, who received over £420,000 from her in five years – but he said he had always made the security services aware of the donations.
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey also received a £5,000 donation when he was energy secretary – but he said the money was accepted by his local association and it was “the first time he has been given cause to be concerned”.
Meanwhile back at the ranch…
Something you are more likely to miss with our corrupt media:
Hunter Biden laptop: ABC, CBS, NBC spent only 25 minutes over 18 months covering scandal, study says.
ABC spent the least amount of time on the Hunter Biden scandal, covering the story for only 58 seconds over 18 months, according to the MRC. NBC managed to find nine minutes and six seconds for it, while CBS dedicated 15 minutes and two seconds.
The laptop, which was left in a Delaware repair shop in 2019 by the first son before being turned over to the FBI by the repair shop owner, was first reported by the New York Post in October 2020 but swiftly censored by Twitter and dismissed by most mainstream media outlets.
The scandalous computer’s contents included emails, text messages, photos and financial documents between himself, his family and business associates that showed how he used his political influence in his foreign business dealings, specifically in his work as a board member of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company.
The conservative MRC also discovered that when ABC, CBS and NBC covered the story, they typically used dismissive rhetoric to describe it, including labeling it “dubious,” “questionably sourced” and “unverified.”
Spent time yesterday with a friend who is a paid up member of the Labour Party.
To my surprise my friend agreed with little or no prompting, indeed may have raised the issue first, that both the NHS and civil service are in dire need of serious reform !!!!!!
But neither main party has the ability or willingness to actually do anything about it. Maybe it’s because MPs by definition themselves become part of the same entitled world.
2017 .. old post copied ….
Police have no money – Paint a hate crime car, monitor the internet for right-wing conspiracy, have big festivals and lots of protests managed by the police force. More diversity.
The NHS is on the edge (again) – Immigration up, health tourists up, BBC ‘Charlie from Casualty’ is paid £400K to pretend to be a nurse for 1 hour when he could be replaced with 11 real nurses (£35K) doing 35 hours a week.
Housing is not affordable – yet Jeremy Corbyn had 34 years to sort Islington out and ‘Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety.’ (NatCen sep2017)
London is Open – but Mayor does not want President of a democracy and largest economy to come to the UK.
Marky – I admire the comment directly above yours from 2017. Whoever wrote that is obviously very incisive and clever and rich and handsome and modest ….
Cheeky! Just shows that things are not really changing!
Yes marky … time marches on …
I started to add up the number of years – now a decade plus – without paying for the BBC …
Heat the home or pay to heat Gary Linekers home with the BBC TV TAx.
Sluff, there is a long-standing Parliamentary convention that Ministers always protect their Civil Servants.
In the spirit of using questions…
Popes, bears, woods…
Does the BBC have shares in Getty Images?
Does our media have an ulterior motive with its use of such images? Many of my colleagues have noticed this subtle use of ‘Brainwashing’.
But do our Tory MPs notice this?
“If you tell Google that you would like to see images of ‘Black men’ the images that come up are all portrait photos of black men. Indeed, it takes more than a dozen rows of images before anybody who isn’t black comes up in the images. By contrast a search for ‘White men’ first throws up an image of David Beckham – who is white – but then the second is of a black model. From there every line of five images has either one or two black men in the line-up. Many of the images of white men are of people convicted of crimes with taglines such as ‘Beware of the average white man’ and ‘White men are bad’.”
― Douglas Murray, The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity
Guest Who,
“In the spirit of using questions…”
So you’re sharing anti-semitic propaganda now, Guest Who?
The origins of this image can be traced back to this guy:
– Richard Houck -.
This is who he blames for “race-mixing” in advertising:
“HLG Studios was founded by Yuri Baranovsky, the same man who directed Netflix’s race-mixing, anti-white propaganda pieces. Baranovsky is Jewish.
CEO John Wren, of Irish descent, currently heads Omnicom Group. Omnicon was founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach, all three Jewish.
WPP of London was founded and is currently run by Martin Sorrell, of Jewish descent.
There seems to be a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in advertising.
The ad was not created or paid for by Sprite, nor was it even created in Germany. Instead it was financed and directed independently by Max Isaacson, a New York Jew.
The entire project, from start to finish, was a Jewish expression of ethnic hatred towards whites.”
Some more about Richard Houck, whose propaganda images you enjoy spreading around:
Maxi Isn’t that like as if someone posted a Labour policy idea
and then someone turned up and said that guy who wrote that policy seems to in a darkplace with some anti-Jewish conspiracy theories ?
Would we just dismiss the Labour policy idea ?
In GW’s post I see a tweet image TODAY made up of a collage of famous advertising
With the comment “This isn’t representative of Britain is it?”
… The answer is NO, of course
The tweet GW posted is from an anonymous guy called Charles 🇬🇧 @PEGASUS_FLIGHT
I don’t see any conspiracy theories about Jews in it
Then I see GW saying “It’s about asking questions”
and that the answer is obvious
Then he tangentially raises the issue of the BBC having similar biases as it uses similar Getty images
Then you turn up and say another guy @heywildric used the SAME image in the opening of his thread
that gives a link to a very long article : The War Against Whites in Advertising
written by Richard Houck
An article that does NOT contain that image
You quote from that Houck’s mentions of Jewish
Then you quote a link, that says that second Twitter account is actually Richard Houck himself.
… Absolutely plausible
and say that many Houck’s tweets are off in anti-Jewish conspiracy land .. yep seems true
All very complicated for a Friday night
but GW’s post doesn’t talk about Jewish conspiracy etc.
“All very complicated for a Friday night…
Not complicated at all. ‘Guest Who’ is spreading an image; created by a rabid anti-semite for the sole purpose of spreading anti-semitic propaganda.
I’m not sure any excuse along the lines of; **I didn’t know it was anti-semitic, I just thought it was about Black Men mating with White Women**, really helps.
Unless, of course, racist propaganda is okay sometimes…
Maxi You gave no evidence that the AMERICAN guy who speculates about Jewish conspiracies created that collage
Sure he coincidentally used that image in his tweet too
but since it obviously contains British-only advertising, I doubt that he did.
It like saying we should ignore a policy idea of a Labour activist
cos another Labour activist who is anti-Semitic had coincidentally used the same innocent image in another presentation.
Apparently today is ‘earth day ‘ . I was thinking of what to do to celebrate it . I thought maybe take the diesel on a circuit of the M25 – but instead I’ll just burn some plastic in the garden .
I live in an area completely sealed off from traffic by the people hating lefty council . It likes cyclists . So when a cyclist was involved in an incident with a car yesterday – and lost a leg – the ambulance couldn’t get to the scene so they had to get the air ambulance .
I reckon the council will close off a few more roads for ‘community safety ‘….
“Boris Johnson and India’s Narendra Modi discuss defence and trade”…………..
Perhaps they will discuss the ‘advantages’ of Net Zero Carbon to India ?
Beijing (China) has proven itself rather shrewd (Dishonest? Liars? Frauds?). At home it has been steadily reducing its reliance on coal (meeting it’s international obligations!), replacing it with renewable energy. Yet all the while — it has been happy to invest in dirty energy abroad (so China does not care about the environment?), with profits returning to boost the domestic sector {dailytimes aug2017}
– I like the use of the word ‘shrewd’ for China’s behaviour – having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute.
– I wonder what Al Gore would say?
TOADY Watch #1 – much delight in W1 and Salford?
It is interesting the questions BBC presenters & journalists ask (and asked on the web-site, too) “Have we reached peak Netflix?” – second row, r/h side. One of the big threats to the BBC are the new streaming services and it will be possibly a cause for much rejoicing that Netflix are facing a fall in subscribers. There was some discussion of Netflix woes during the first half-hour of TOADY.
However, it should be noted that in mid-April we are at a point when the hemispheres are equally in sunshine near enough. I always watched less television in summer back when I was young and still had a TV Licence. I did note that 50 years ago that people did cash their licences in for late-spring, summer and early-autumn and would re-Licence their properties just for the darker months.
The BBC may be ‘counting their chickens’ too soon.
IF Netflix read the writing on the wall, do the sensible thing, ditch the woke (including a certain Prince and his “Look at ME! How DARE you look at me!” spouse), go back to sponsoring independent ‘new talent’ producing whatever they want, and letting them complete popular series (woke, or not), they will continue to rule the world.
On the otherhand, if they keep on churning out the wokeshite they are at the moment, they’re doomed (much like the loathesome BBC).
Go woke, go broke – you’d think some people would be getting the message by now, they really are thick aren’t they? (Or maybe so brainwashed they really can’t see the blindingly obvious).
For the last few days the bBC are reporting on the demise of Netflix
Netflix ONLY has 200 million subscribers
Would think this is fair healthier than britbox
(Financially, in 2021, BritBox UK made a venture loss of £61 million)
According to ITV, BritBox UK currently has around 733,000 subscribers and 6,000 hours of British content. Financially, in 2021, BritBox UK made a venture loss of £61 million.
Here is one to watch –
Last night Tucker Carlson on Fox *showed how the US Msin stream media have been instructed to turn on their false president – mainly by showing the declining opinion polls ( which can’t be trusted ) ….
So if CNN is now starting to say bad things about the approved president – how long will it be before the BBC starts the ‘
‘bad joe ‘ narrative – it’s like waiting to spot the first swallow …
* free on the YouTube
I’m thinking of putting 50p on Mrs Obama – the current First Lady – to stand for the top job …
Another one to watch, before Netflix dies:
“A Very Secret Service” (actually, the original, French title is “In the Service of France” I believe?)
It takes a couple of episodes to really get going, it’s French (but, not pro-France), set in 1960, very, very dark, very, very dry, and very, very funny. Kind of like the Pink Panther, but darker. I’d forgotten how cathartic good comedy can be.
I detest this lazy and offensive term “Brit” as in “Britbox”.
About time the bbc called their “Asian” output “Pakibox” ?
It most certainly does not cater for Asians such as Chinese, Japanese or Philipino to name a few thousand million and their people over here disenfranchised by the racist bbc..
I’m very late to the Netflix party (18 months ago), and living alone I had enough of the terrestrial channel dross of reality/cookery/idiotic quiz programmes. The other streaming channels, not long off the ground, did not have the Netflix variety and lumping them altogether was not financial viable for all the subscriptions involved.
I know many view Youtube, but that’s not for me. So I very much enjoy the foreign dramas, many of which do not have a woke agenda – quite the opposite in some cases, which begs the question, is the wokerism only prevalent in English speaking shows. I contribute to a site where fans of a certain Spanish show comment, and from Sao Paulo to Melbourne, from LA to Buenos Aires, from the Netherlands to Middlesborough, they haven’t mentioned any wokeness, just people who enjoy Netflix as a whole.
For me the Netflix subs is worth the entertainment value for me living alone, as opposed to the Licence fee that should be featured on Rip Off Britain.
Why don’t you just switch off your television set and go out and do something less boring instead……
Ohhhh, I doooooo. I have craft stalls at fairs, walk my dog daily, I only garden as a necessity, and see friends for lunch. What else do you suggest ? I’m in my 70’s – too old to walk the streets at night, all my clubbing years were back in the 60’s when music could be danced to unlike now, and the Swingers Club up the A1 have an age limit for their participants !!!! so before sending Youtube messages just consider the circumstances first.
Next ?
I was pulled up here for calling pakis pakis . For a while I changed it – but now – if a Brit is a Brit – a paki is a paki …
Which as a Londoner – is a term I grew up with . There was often a prefix and postfix to the term …
Are we still banned on Virgin Media
“When it comes to anti-fascism in most of Western Europe, there would appear for now to be a supply-and-demand problem: the demand for fascists vastly outstrips the actual supply.”
― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
Most of the invective aimed at Boris by the BBC and others is based on what is seen as the perfectly understandable angst of those denied access to their dying ‘loved ones’ while he partied with such gay abandon. It is a very clear and unequivocal stick with which to beat him, which must be why it is utilised on every occasion.
On the other hand Tyne Cott cemetry holds the bodies of 12,000 men killed on the Somme and is surrounded by other, smaller, cemetries from the battle. The Menin Gate is inscribed with 54,000 names of men whose body parts are integral to the soil of the Ypres salient and nearby areas. Other such memorials holding bodies or bits from World Wars are dotted all over Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia and, in only the most rare and exceptional circumstances, were family members either present or had any possibility of expressing sympathy or grief at the time.
Makes you think, perhaps.
We have always been at war with China.
Just imagine how much could have been done to get brexit working or building small nuclear power stations etc if our politicians put as much effort towards these types of things that they are all putting into partygate.
I wonder if they know how it sounds to us when they get up on their hind legs and put on their earnest concerned faces when they tell us they know somebody who knows somebody who couldn’t attend an uncles funeral yet Boris was partying all day.
Sure, but the problem for Labour is that they are even more divided than the Conservatives over Brexit. In addition, if the/a Conservative Government wish to do anything (with the notable exception of interminable Lockdowns and compulsory mask wearing and social distancing) the Labour Party are ‘agin it’. Labour in opposition oppose for the sake of making life impossible for a Tory Government.
The Wapo doxxing of the @LibsOfTikTok
It is explained this long article how it is part of a grand conspiracy by antifa-types to control our world.
– LibsOfTikTok did a great job of exposing libmob craziness simply by tweeting the most outrageous examples.
– Antifa didn’t like this and automatically labelled it a “hate account”
If the account holder was a public person they would have done everything to intimidate them, to find some dirt on them, trigger harassment of them
– Since the account was anonymous. the antifa have a tactic of doxxing, ie digging to find the real person and then releasing their name
– April 16th a clear antifa account is tweeting they have the name
– The same day a big lefty account Travis Brown start promoting the research. He labels @LibsOfTikTok as an “anonymous HATE account”
– Seems he was then in touch with the WaPo reporter. She credits him in her article which came out 60 hours after his tweet.
– The article gave a link which goes to a page which gives @LibsOfTikTok HOME address
This is an obvious invitation to harassers
And the WaPo must have realised this was dodgy legally they then edited that bit out of the article.
– There was an immense kick back against the WaPo reporter, not least cos she always complains about doxxing
-Her editor then defended her and got massively ratioed for saying ‘well the name was already on Social Media and the Wapo hadn’t published any private info’
..when actually publishing a link to the private info is really the same thing.
And the account holder’s name was not widespread on Social media ..60 hours is not enough time to secure security.
– Finally the WaPo reporter posts this amazing nasty tweet
See how libmob themselves adopt Stalinist 1984 gaslighting tricks like redefining language
That’s hatey.
And see how she calls what she does “basic reporting practices”
Yet it is another example of the practice we have come to see
: A vested interest like an NGO has an agenda to push; they prepare PR material, present it to a reporter ..and the reporter simply cuts and pastes that to make an article … Then on the basis of that, might doorstep the target or doorstep her family .
“The Wapo doxxing of the @LibsOfTikTok…”
Remember this guy from the 2019 General Election. His name (and by extension the surname of his sick child) was exposed within hours by the right-wing media. I don’t recall any outrage being expressed here at the time.
Presumably ‘doxxing’ some people is perfectly fine?
Hello, Max. Joining in the conversation again?
The gentleman you refer to as “exposed within hours by the right-wing media” may have had a perfectly valid point to put to the Prime Minister. However stepping in front of Boris in full view of the media is a strange course of action for someone keen to preserve their anonymity.
You yourself may be sensitive about his anonymity, so why remind us with a picture of him?
Square Eyed ,
If Maxi does reply to you , I repeat if he does , it will be at 3.30 in the morning .
Maxi likes to get the last word in which is why he only goes to the tail end of an older thread at unusual hours .
He never posts early on a new thread . He’s too afraid .
Yes , I have noticed those antics of maxincony – always sneaking in by the ‘back door’ in the hope that no one notices and answers his trolling posts . Usually during the yooney and school hollidays
He never tells us if he pays the telly tax . That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
He never posts any example of BBC’s bias . What does that tell you ?
“However stepping in front of Boris in full view of the media is a strange course of action for someone keen to preserve their anonymity”
He didn’t reveal his name; the right-wing media did. He had no choice. But you think that’s ok given the circumstances?
Yes, for the reason I gave, which you quoted. Next question, please.
“Yes, for the reason I gave, which you quoted.”
Thank you. You support doxxing. No further questions:)
Good morning.
Since you set yourself up as a judge of “doxxing” how would you define the difference between doxxing and legitimate research? Or, according to Theory and Social Justice, is it all in the eye of the beholder?
Here’s an interesting dilemma for you Maxi.
I agree with you (there’s always a first time), it was not really okay for this man’s name to be published in the media (right wing, or left wing, or centrist, or bat wing), but then I’m not really FAR right at all, kind of centre of the road I reckon, with some slightly rightish and some slightly leftist ideas, depending on the subject matter.
For some reason, I don’t expect everything and everyone to fit in neat pigeon holes, and don’t think it’s always factually correct to slap a big fat ‘red’/’blue’, ‘left’/’right’ sticker on people, and their ideas.
Maxi that’s #1 Whataboutery
#2 False equivalence : the person in my example EXPECTED to remain anonymouse
Indeed it is within Twitter’s rules that she can
The guy in your example went on TV in front of Boris ..of course many of his acquaintances would recognise him
so he had no expectation of remaining anonymous
” exposed within hours by the *right-wing media*.”
That’s loaded language it true some “right-wing media” first named him
and “non-right-wing media” have never mentioned his name ?
One “far right source” we call the BBC
.. “It has emerged that the father who confronted Boris Johnson in a London hospital is also a Labour activist”
@BBCPolitics 2:54 PM · Sep 18, 2019
Here’s what a prominent Labour activist said
actually there is more info
You can tell he Omar Salem keeps all that secret
cos it’s on his own website
It also says
I love writing about political issues. I have written about the NHS for The Guardian, The Mirror and inews, about the Rohingya crisis for the Huffinton Post, about Brexit for Left Foot Forward and Labour for a Socialist Europe and for LabourList about lots of different subjects.
Aren’t all those left-wing ?
“You can tell he Omar Salem keeps all that secret cos it’s on his own website…”
Blimey, you mean once you ‘doxx’ someone you can find all sorts of information about them that they didn’t keep secret. What a surprise!
“Maxi that’s #1 Whataboutery”
Nope. I was asking whether you thought it was ok for the media to reveal his name.
“#2 False equivalence : the person in my example EXPECTED to remain anonymouse”.
And for all you know, the hospital Guy EXPECTED the same. I don’t recall anyone asking him if he wanted to remain anonymous or not before publishing his name. Do you?
Answer the question. Do you think it was ok for the media to doxx him given the circumstances?
“That’s loaded language it true some “right-wing media” first named him”
It’s not ‘loaded language’, it’s accurate language. His name was first exposed by right-wing media – as you’ve just admitted.
Maxi, that misrepresentation by you again
Nope I haven’t admitted that
I have no idea who first published his name
I expect some mate of his tweeted “I’ve just seen your Omar on TV”
I asked you a question about the media ..and you didn’t answer.
Your example is false equivalence
cos the guy was NEVER anonymous, his acquaintances immediately knew who he was
(I already said that in my first reply)
His name was immaterial to the story, but his position as a TOP Labour activist was of course of interest.
The UK has privacy laws, were any media prosecuted ?
“Maxi that’s #1 Whataboutery”
Yes it is ..we were talking about the WaPo case
and you brought up a completely different case
and said “What about this one .. ”
.. That’s the definition of Whataboutery.
“I have no idea who first published his name…”
His name was first published by GuidoFawkes, Stew. You posted a link to it on this website just 15 minutes later.
“His name was immaterial to the story…”
StewGreen SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 AT 2:11 PM;
“ …a LABOUR-ACTIVIST did a PR stunt … and he has an ethnic Muslim name…”.
2.35 am . The way Maxincony gets the last word in .
“His name was first published by GuidoFawkes”
I have no idea who FIRST published the name
Are you sure no one tweeted/mentioned it before Guido ?
And why if you meant Guido did you say “exposed by right-wing media” ?
Is it cos you wanted to use a bogey man label “right wing” ?
Yes I did highlight that the name is Muslim .. that is factual and context .. As it happens it doesn’t tell us much, it didn’t turn out that he is affiliated to a Muslim PR org, rather his Labour affiliation is the big deal.
Now as I said this is not a parallel with LibsofTikTok cos that account was anonymous
and Omar the Labour activist was never anonymous
He was NOT anonymous.
Are there similar cases of left wing anonymous accounts that have been doxxed by right wing people ?
I struggle to cite an example.
I guess the rightwing government in Iran does that
And I certainly would condemn the Iranian government if they did it to an account that happened to be run by a Marxist or Communist etc.
I guess in the west leftwing people don’t need to use anonymous accounts, cos they are free to speak under their own name cos
#1 the media is favourable to the leftwing and affords them platforms
#2 There isn’t significant threat to them by packs of violent activists
Whereas righty voices have less platforms and are at genuine risk from packs of violent antifa
Tommy gets attacked in the street etc.
Farage has to have protection officers
When I google “doxxed By Right Wing”
The thing that comes up is
Claira Janover: I Was Doxxed By Right Wing Twitter
She got a lot of media attention
Her narrative was that she had just made a quick TikTok JOKE about stabbing white people, and that had led to doxxing and thus losing her “dream job at Deloitte which I have worked so hard to get”
It turned out she didn’t work at Deloitte, but rather had been offered a few weeks internship and that had been rescinded.
Alex Belfield and Tim Pool are both anti-libmob (Tim Poll is fairly lefty)
but because they are non-anonymous, crazy libmob people do lots of malicious infringement-reporting against them
So both have been swatted (ie the libmob phone the police and say they are a bomber, thus the police SWAT team turn up and storm into the house.)
.. This has happened 8 times to Tim Pool.
Mark Steyn
The BBC reports that the party thing is following nut nut on his jolly to India – but guess who is asking him about it at Indian press conferences … ? A clue – begins with B and ends in C ..
New Zealand has been aware for some time now of a “growing assertiveness” and a “growing interest” in its region – explicitly from China, according to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
But Ms Ardern also spoke of the need to work together with China, on areas of “natural mutual interest”.
“Travelling again, doesn’t mean there’s a lot of time for wedding planning,” she said. “So, no set date. Just intention. And that’s, I think, when you live together, have a child together – just intention is enough.”
DEATH STATE Inside China’s brutal execution system with mobile injection vans & firing squads after killing most in the world
An important issue here which receives very little consideration.
Visiting Australia I was struck by the Far East influences.
Ok, so we can all cope with various cuisines.
But it permeates more than that. The population is increasingly ‘multicultural’ but not as we know it – Chinese. People may have left China to re-settle but has China left them? Given the numbers, only a small % would need to support their homeland to be quite a thorn in the side.
I think Australia could be put under a great deal of geopolitical pressure from China in the next 25 years.
The Australian economy will be ever more dependent on China. And the Australian armed services, who can be respected man for man, are just microscopic compared with China and could not possibly safeguard their giant country against aggressive overtures.
I really, really hope I am proved wrong.
Sorry Sluff ….
Sinicization of Tibet refers to the programs and laws of the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which force “cultural unity” in Tibetan areas of China, including the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding Tibetan-designated autonomous areas. The efforts are undertaken by China in order to remake Tibetan culture into mainstream Chinese culture.
Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad { 20sep2017}
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
This a tweet from a pirate unofficial BBC account @BBCplayer
How’s the BBC allow that ?
Especially since it promoted the illegal use of BBCiPlayer in Singapore & Malaysia.
the account is 7 years old , but maybe they renamed it recently
Mother Nature – Mother – Woman – not trans!
23,000 Nevado del Ruiz Colombia 1985
According to WHO, 2 million people die as a result of the smoke generated by open fires or crude stoves within their homes every year. Indoor air pollution has been definitively linked to lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia, the risk of which is doubled by exposure to indoor smoke.7 May 2011
Key Miliband backer in offshore tax row: Labour donor transferred shares to Liechtenstein and Jersey and later sold some for reported £37 million
Sir David Garrard transferred shares offshore before some were later sold
The tycoon has given the Labour Party more than £1.2million
Ed Miliband attacked ‘dodgy Tory donors’ for having off-shore accounts
Sir David held accounts in Liechtenstein and Jersey according to reports
PUBLISHED: 22:49, 14 February 2015 | UPDATED: 22:50, 14 February 2015
Prince Harry confirms second new job in 48 hours ‘fighting misinformation’ in digital world
rince Harry is starting another new job – at the Aspen Institute as one of 14 “commissioners” who will “fight against misinformation” in the digital world.
The Duke of Sussex has confirmed he is joining the Aspen Institute’s new “Commission on Information Disorder” along with 14 others including Kathryn Murdoch – co-founder and president of Quadrivium.
That’s good, he can call out his wife when she lies again on TV.
Just fortunate she is not called Pinocchio, her nose would be a sight to see.
I am keen to support Extinction Rebellion.
China has recently doubled its coking coal imports from Russia at heavily discounted prices.
Does anyone know when ER supporters will be gluing themselves to the tarmac of Tiananmen Square as I should like very much to be there.
This is different : this is an official BBC account promoting Earth day
There are about 8 EarthDay BBC promo tweets
We’re proud to have been working with @bbcbitesize The Regenerators and to celebrate the launch of their #HallOfFame, we’re going to be chatting on @bbc5live
on Friday afternoon, as part of their #EarthDay2022 activities
.. The One Show
..BBC Radio5Live Drivetime
.. Northern PR agency talks about BBC kids Education
.. BBC Canada using the hashtag for promoting Attenborough ..
.. A BBC Pirate account joins in
Wednesday : BBCspews video about the reporting of the Sligo beheadings
.. Very sweary.
Stew – didn’t have time for the 46 minutes – but on the Sligo murders – Steyn described that contemporary phenomena infecting the woke –
Namely the reflex response of ‘ something must be done ‘
The Irish swamp reaction was the same as the British swamp reaction after David Amess has murdered in a church by an Islamic terrorist –
That being
It’s because of hate speech
Someone must be censored
Let’s censor the ‘unapproved’
When it turned out that the killer in Ireland was a third world refugee they suddenly go silent – until the next opportunity ….
… it’s from the same school of ‘thought’ which declares that Islam is not the biggest terrorist threat to us – its “The Right Wing “ …..
Any ambitious career swamp dweller must recite this lie … – even better is they call for a new law …
more Earth Day promotion
Northern PR agency too
The River Yamuna
The River Yamuna, the largest tributary of the River Ganga, flows through the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi and is considered to be the most polluted river in the world (Mishra, 2010).
Experts link pollution in the Ganga and other rivers to India’s high rate of waterborne illnesses, which kill an estimated 1.5 million children each year. Researchers have also discovered the emergence of so-called superbugs in Ganges water samples, bacteria resistant to most commonly used antibiotics.11 Feb 2020
A BBC Hindi report from Haryana in October- one of 11 states that was declared free of open defecation in February 2018 – found that in one village, more than 200 people were still going to the toilet outside.
New BBC radio/podcast series presented by Shaun Keaveny called Your Place or Mine, seems to be an excuse for BBCbubbleworld to invite their mates to talk about their homeland
“From Barbados to Pakistan, travel hotspots will be chosen by a different podcast guest each week.
Listeners of Your Place Or Mine will hear from Guy Garvey, Daliso Chaponda, Ching-He Huang, Sarah Kendall, Aatif Nawaz, Sikisa, Michaela Strachan, Steve Backshall and more.”
BBC libs taking YOUR money to promote THEIR agendas.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Protest in Pakistan against social media
Blasphemy is a sensitive charge in conservative Muslim Pakistan, where even unproven allegations can trigger mob lynchings and violence. Photograph: Faisal Mahmood/REUTERS
Sune Engel Rasmussen in Kabul and Waqar Gillani in Islamabad
Sun 11 Jun 2017