The BBCs shock over the loss of Twitter to ‘unapproved ‘ forces threatening to bring freedom and a diversity of views continues —and might well continue for some time to come – nice – isn’t it ?
Midweek 27 April 2022
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Well well well, another BBC employee turns out to have been a sexual predator preying on young girls.
It seems DJ Tim Westwood treated (black) girls as sex objects to be used and abused.
He was something big on the ‘rap scene’ apparently. I wonder where he got his violent, hyper-sexual, misogynistic attitudes from?
(Is it coincidence that rap is one letter short of rape?)
Or how Grime ends up.
Or one less letter than ‘crap’?
BBC ‘Gropegate’ enquiries will no doubt stall at the first hurdle, with the usual cover-ups, pathetic excuses and general disinterest in getting to the truth!
Of course, they have plenty of experience with quite a few of their employees, but I suppose, it goes with the mindset of a bloated, unimaginative set of publicly funded clowns, spending pensioner’s money like men with no arms.
Also one letter short of crap, vlad.
Sorry Scobs, yours beat me by a fartbeat.
Met Police chief Cressida Dick calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos that ‘glamourise’ gang life to quell London’s tide of violence
The Scotland Yard chief calls on social media giants to remove Drill music videos
She says they have a ‘social responsibility’ to take down clips from the internet
The Met Police boss says they have a ‘terrible effect’ on the rise in violent crime
Drill is a hip hop sub-genre and is said by campaigners to be fuelling gang wars
vlad, APRIL 27, 2022 AT 3:31 PM;
“I wonder where he got his violent, hyper-sexual, misogynistic attitudes from?”
vlad, APRIL 27, 2022 AT 3:32 PM;
Are you sitting down?
Maybe strapped in as well ?
And not near anything you can reach and then throw?
The government has a social mobility commissioner. She’s a woman – naturally.
And today’s big whinge is that girls are avoiding A level physics because of the ‘hard Maths’.
Try our old friends at The Guardian, though to be fair they are not alone.
What is not in the report, needless to say, is that University courses for Vetinerary Science, Medicine, and allied subjects, and Psychology, to name but several are composed of 80% female students. So the article could read ‘men put off from medical sciences’. But it doesn’t.
Flagrant bias, but in the one way street of Leftoid wokeland, only certain bias is unacceptable.
There’s always journalism
And a special ability to not notice things before ‘reporting’.
I once told my daughters’ dancing teacher that she had fabulous legs, and she melted, went all coy, and we were chums forever more, (She did indeed have a superb pair of pins)!
So it’s ‘Knickergate’ now is it?
The rustle of nylon on nylon, the peek at the hem, the hint of the Janet Regers…
Well ‘b****r me’, it’s all what most re-blooded blokes want isn’t it?
Apaparently not in the Labour Kampenstaffendienst’!
Many years ago I sat and passed ‘A’ level physics. I was fine on modules such as light, and crystal structures etc but like the other girls (we were girls at a girls’ school) but we struggled with the modules on electricity and torques and pulleys etc. It was nothing to do with the maths. I might have suggested it was because we were female and our brains were just not wired that way. Of course that was then, but now I would not be able to say that.
Deborah ? False news ? Girl can’t do physics . Fact . It’s the law . Cookery and domestic science is the kiddie – all else offends nature …
Deborah, I was in secondary school almost too long ago to remember but the top marks in pure and applied maths seemed to be achieved by the girls from what I recall.
Ah…some of my class could do the maths, it was some of the physics we struggled with, We had an excellent female teacher who was herself a physics graduate.
One of the biggest disappointments of my life was turning up for the first lecture on my Chemical Engineering degree and entering a lecture theatre heaving with something like 100, sweaty lads and just 2 extremely butch girls.
I have to say, it wasn’t what TV, movies, and the Uni prospectus had prepared me for.
I’m still scared by taking the ‘family law ‘ option where I was the only chap in a class of 20 man hating wimmin would be divorce vampire lawyers
Thanks for the warning Sluff I did check I had taken my blood pressure tabby before reading.
This is the drama-queen expression used by greenies to describe all the gadgets we have on standby; TV sets, TV recorders, and so on. Greenies worry that standby wastes electricity and thus will destroy the planet. It really is a total load of greeny bollocks, so as you would expect when some little intern at British Gas produced an ill-founded and largely nonsensical report the BBC picked it up with great glee. The BBC news just had a totally one-sided item about it. Apparently all standby is bad bad bad and we should be ashamed of ourselves. We should unplug everything that isn’t in use. No mention of the good reasons for keeping things on standby. For some items it’s a no-brainer. Intruder alarms, CCTV systems, door bells, smoke alarms, light sensors for dawn/dusk lighting, just have to be on standby all the time. Things that have batteries, like power chairs and stair lifts, need to be on standby because the built-in charger monitors the battery and keeps it in good condition. There are several reasons why TV sets, TV recorders, satellite receivers, and Freesat receivers need to be on standby. These items receive various updates either over the air or via the internet. They need to be able to record programmes automatically. And then there’s the simple fact that they come on more quickly from standby than they do from a cold start. That last point would make the greenies shriek their disgust, but why shouldn’t we use a miniscule amount of electricity to give us the convenience of a quick start when we press the button on the remote? Convenience is what electricity is for. Oven clocks, temperature gauges on fridges and freezers, yes, we need these to be powered 24/7. Phone and laptop chargers? Well, when the appliance isn’t connected the consumption drops to near-zero.
Here’s a quote: “As long as devices are plugged in at the wall, they are slowly drawing power.” Err… electric drills, electric planers, chop saws, hair driers, table lights, vacuum cleaners, blenders, curlers, tin openers, nearly everything…?
Here’s another quote: “a set-top box from Sky or Virgin Media can incur £23.10.” So do they really think people are going to pay Sky £300 per year and then keep the box unplugged so it can’t record anything, just to save twenty-three quid? That gives us an insight into just how unreal these people are.
The greenies started on about ‘standby’ a few years ago, then I think they must have realised what bollocks it was because they shut up about it. Trust the BBC to dredge it up again.
Turning your broadband router off every night is feasible but it means that the provider thinks you have a rubbish line and they throttle back your speed to compensate.
Turning off your TVL makes the bbc think you don’t enjoy a lot of streamed video.
Turning on your TV makes the BBC think you should pay them for the shit they deliver.
moggie, my router ‘overheats’ or something like that and I find I have to switch it off for ten minutes to give it a rest.
Mine got quite hot but I attached 4x15mm high self adhesive rubber feet, to improve air flow underneath, then put a 12cm USB fan on top of it and it now stays cool at almost no cost (less than 3 units of electricity per year).
A food programme on Radio 4 talking about different foods from different cultures . A guest was the the Bagle shop owner in Brick lane, in London. Imagine my surprise when one of the cookery experts spoke of the “myth” that the bagle was founded after the battle of Vienna in 1683 as it was mentioned before and she gave the earlier date as a Polish bread roll.
It is known that the Jewish bakers of the town paid tribute to the king of Poland , a noted horseman with a special dough roll shaped like a ” beugal” – a stirrup . He had been part of the largest cavalry charge in history which had stopped the the Ottoman Turks at the gates of Vienna.
Now this may have been something that the BBC didn’t want to emphasize but why make a point of calling Jewish history a myth. And doing so on a cookery programme is quite unbelievable!!!
Every time I see this “VAMPIRE DEVICE” thing I recall being scolded for leaving my phone on charge by somebody who’d a 3kW fan heater in the kneehole of their desk – on for most of the day.
Me – I just want those who think they’re getting 100% renewbabble electric to actually be connected via Smart Meter to *exactly* that
– and actually pay for what their idiotic virtue signaling nonsense actually costs.
Oh dear, former EU President cannot spell rouble.
It is officially rubles. Even though Westerners have used the term ‘roubles’ for decades.
Just like Bombay potatoes are named after Mumbai or similar revisions and the capital of Ukraine was always ‘Kee-ev’
BBC Poo Editor reports… niche.
Er, I wonder what the excuse is for the travellers who regularly leave defecation behind them for council workers to clear up.
Was it a Kent beach ?
ITV local news, did Labour PR put the items in there ?
#1 Evil Tories : Here’s someone complaining the Tory MP jailed for abusing some kid 20 years ago, was allowed to sit on a Child Abuse committee, even though the police were investigating him at the time.
The Tories say they didn’t know at the time.*
#2 Evil Tories : “Here’s a national item from Amani Khan
here’s someone saying the benefits are not enough”
.. The first thing I notice is her cooker is about 6ft wide
The kitchen then looked pretty luxury.
I didn’t note which NGO was quoted.
Waterloo. Stalingrad. Monte Cassino…
So how often does it offend him then ? a couple of times a year when he visits from his home in Monaco ?
Strange isn’t it ? The news ranges from putin threatening Blighty with nuclear attack – to stories about sex in the parliament room … or cake … or whether an unknown DJ got off with a girl above the age of consent … strange times …
Dinesh D’Souza announces the date of the launch of 2000 Mules, his film about the US election steal.
I dont think it will win an Oscar.
It is beginning to be clear that an organised lefty plot is underway to try to damage the Government. The accusations of wrongdoing by various Tories coming down the line like London buses, the mountain out of a molehill revelations are queuing up every day. From how the pandemic was handled to the salaciousness of Tory MP’s and amazingly with each new reveal, the BBC and the rest of the left wing media have all the facts at their fingertips almost instantly.
It smacks of collusion between the Labour Party and a large chunk of our media particularly including of course the BBC.
I believe the press are briefed up front what the next farce will be so that it makes headlines immediately.
This Country needs an honest informed press who will always go after the facts and the truth whatever they are and not the bunch of activists who are in situ right now.
BBC WEB-SITE WATCH #2 – it begs a big question; why are the BBC distorting the truth? The BBC are still showing the old figure of 3.8 million people when the infections are collapsing across the UK. See the interactive map. The only place where infections remain high is in the Outer Hebrides and the Shetlands in Scotland.
The only conclusion I can draw is that the BBC want to make the UK Government look bad.
Tuesday BBC local news
Labour’s Diana Johnson was on yet again talking about Drink Spiking
Local elections : item was only about Hull
It featured Labour spokesman and a Liberal spokesman Tory.
Long item promoting the BBC Make A Difference awards
Douglas Murray fires another magnificent salvo against the woke left in the culture wars that are raging.
I wonder if the BBC will invite him to share his views on one of their comfy studio couches (paid for by us)?
not likely!
Douglas Murray is spot on !
Its rife in our ‘Yoonies’ but what will Nadine Dorries, our “Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport” do about it ?
Wake up Tory MPs or your end will be nigh.
Wednesday BBC local news
“We are not wasting less food .. despite rising prices, we are continuing to waste the same ”
FFS is that news ? ..nope it’s PR for the NGO called WRAP
“Energy bills have gone up by £690, but each house wastes £700 of food”
Farm footage shows Lions volunteers picking leaks for Fair Share,
The reporter says she will doing more on this issue : a chef showing not to waste.
… Then the prog ended … and the Green Party political broadcast started.
By sheer coincidence WRAP_UK PR dept have declared today “#StopFoodWasteDay an international day of action to fight food waste”
Best way to stop food waste is to use preservatives. Buy a loaf in Italy it will be best before November 22 buy one here and it’s best before 11:22 am !!
Another BBC lie: “… each house wastes £700 of food …” What they should have said is, “the total value of wasted food, averaged out over the total number of households, is £700.”
There, that wasn’t hard, was it? I never waste any food, ever.
Nor me so that means people are throwing away loads and loads of food. Except not. If you refer to this day’s (28th April) Daily Star you will find that the average Brit uses 127 toilet rolls per year. Obviously, a lot of out of date and mouldy food is consumed in the UK and therefore most people have permanent diarrhoea and need 127 toilet rolls to mop it all up.
Ah, I like a “not for profit” story…
Check out “Client Earth”
Like so many of these parasites he has a history….
A short read shows he is trying to whitewash China the most polluting country by a country mile on the globe. No doubt slush Chinese cash is changing hands as we speak.
In other words he is a greedy bandwagon jumping, sneaky opportunist turd.
Show me a lawyer and I will show you a legalised con-man and thief.
Don’t sugar coat it 🙂
I somehow doubt he actually said that – but if he did – well, good for him.
“Push Russia out of whole of Ukraine, says Truss”
Is she after Bo Jo’s Job ?
Please forgive if mentioned before .
The Angela Rayner thing .
The House Of Commons when sitting is video recorded .
Surely the BlueLabour can log her leg crossings when Boris Johnson isnt at the Despatch Box and when he is .
And how can a male appreciating a females physique be described as misogynist ?
“how can a male appreciating a females physique be described as misogynist ?”
It’s a no win situation, there is no ‘right’ answer, that’s the point, it’s just another big stick to beat men with.
#Metoo was pretty weird if you think about it, not the whole men shouldn’t be molesting women bit, of course they shouldn’t, but the “LOOK at me! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!” ” You all saw it, he looked at me! HOW DARE HE look at me!” thing is insane… just think of the behaviour and comments of that Markle women, for example, completely nuts. If women don’t want to attract men’s attention, it’s not hard, they just don’t need to dress TO attract attention.
Big Brother ,
Doesn`t it show the power of women over men ?
The fact? that a woman of 42 can distract the Prime Minister of Great Britain by her womanly charms to get a result she wanted ?
Why not have a dress code for the House Of Commons ?
Adopt what they use for Ascot races .
Plenty of ordinary people in Britain HAVE to attire themselves for the job they have to do . Some even have to wear uniforms , anything like a police constable , dinner lady , the Speaker of the HOC .
Churchill wore his siren suit .
Why dont the Labour party turn up in Mao`s boiler suits ?
That’s a really sensible idea Nibor, honestly, it is.
Have always thought school uniform is a great idea (when properly enforced), so much better than the US/AUS thing of kids from wealthy families flaunting their wealth, and those from poor families mocked for having to wear ‘cheap trainers’. Also, it does clearly mark the girls wearing it as ‘jail bait’ (in case Prince Andrew happens to be eating in Pizza Hut across the road).
Many years ago, during my brief stint in the public sector, suits and ties were demanded for men, with permission to remove the jacket, loosen the tie, and wear short sleeved shirts when the thermometer in the office topped an oddly precise (nobody could tell me why) 24.5 oC.
The fact the women working there had no comparable dress code did cause considerable anguish for some, especially when the offices baked in mid-summer, and didn’t exactly coincide with the organisation’s loudly proclaimed notions of ‘equality’. That was nearly 30 years ago, and these days the lads could just put a skirt and low-cut blouse on, I guess, so long as they put some lippy on to go with it.
Fascinating – if that picture is real ? I wonder how the Scottish parliament would respond to en Engerland shirt ?
A shame to being primitive tribal stuf into such a place – but I suppose it’s par for the course for the Scottish national socialists. … ..
Not a real picture is it ?
There is a dress code – you cannot take your sword into the chamber – there is a hanger in the cloak room ….
I’d sell that place and put them in a warehouse off the M1 …. And dump those false traditions ..such as calling people ‘honourable ‘ when they are anything but …
Fed, send the MPs to Coventry. Well, nearby actually. It is close to the geographical centre of the UK, they need a modern building with modern facilities and security features and at the present time, discussions are under way about a refurbishment of the Houses of Parliament that are going to cost the taxpayer £billions. Both houses could be turned into tourist hotels and attractions – they are already during the summer recess – and at least the taxpayer would get a return on their investment.
I blame the building – I’ve been in there quite a bit and I think it changes people for the worst – it’s more like a museum than a place of work . It should be placed more centrally – but will never happen because that would make second jobs – bungs – lobbying – more difficult …..
Maybe they could reduced the number of bars and subsidies – as well as changing work rules to be more conventional ….eg shorter recesses … but none of this is likely to change the civil service and make governing better for taxpayers …
Sometimes I think there actually is one big conspiracy in life. It is the one about the sexual power of women. Attention must not be drawn to it. We must be silent about it. We must pretend that flirtatious behaviour, provocative dressing, womanly wiles and female strategems do not exist.
Low cut blouses and short skirts, for example, are specifically designed to increase a woman’s sexual appeal. It’s all supposed to work at a subliminal level though because it would be rather vulgar and shameful for a woman to admit that this was what she was deliberately doing. So woe betide any poor bloke who is caught staring at her, despite the fact that the woman has done everything she can to make herself irresistible to his male gaze.
Most of the talk you hear about sexism, misogyny and the male gaze is humbug. Women have a lot of sexual power that can translate into actual power. All women know this. But they don’t want men to quite realise it.
‘Women can be as sexual as they like – but heaven help any man who responds’: In his controversial new book DOUGLAS MURRAY exposes the contradictions of #MeToo movement
Ellen DeGeneres noted ‘big balloons’ while staring at Katy Perry’s chest in photo
Mayim Bialik flashed Piers Morgan her cleavage but said she has a flirting ‘policy’
Claimed her ‘sexual self’ is reserved for private situations and ‘dresses modestly’
Seems women can be as sexy as they like but cannot be sexualised by others
Published: 22:49, 7 September 2019 | Updated: 08:26, 9 September 2019
It used to be ‘look but don’t touch’.
Entirely fair. Necessary even. Unless ennobled, a Limp, a peer or John Prescott, so all covered there. Including the office desk.
Now this has been extended by the outrage, catch all, vague law snatch brigade to cover pursed lips and just blowing and beyond. Mae Wests now just for Dover tourists of full benefits awareness.
I am of an age where my appreciations lie more at the Elizabeth Hurley Exposure spectrum with an acknowledgment that Hanoi Jane still looks good for her age, but not across a bevvy of other criteria, possibly Hague Jr. pints. So Labour’s front bench press passes, no too. To be politically broad in broad scoping spectrum, that includes the attempts to get Treezer’s northern exposure included too.
That said who ever first captured the meme with the Karen snarling at the BF looking back… kudos dude… ette.
My two still do not appreciate me appreciating a world ankle on their behalves. Ingrates.
The appreciation of power.
Just seems lucky no Tory has clearance to bring a support Jack Russell into the chamber.
20 leg crossing is OK.
21 is racism.
22 is fascism.
23 is … etc.
“So incredible…she’s black…!”
It’s yet more evidence of racism on the part of the author really, what they’re saying is that they think black people are not as capable, or as bright as everyone else and when one manages to do alright at something they need a bit of extra clapping. Bit like when the fat kid came third in the slow bicycle race on school sports day and you couldn’t work out why your parents were shouting for him, and not the kid that won.
If I was black I’d see it for what it is, racism, plain and simple.
I know what you’re saying, Big Bro. Since people like the author profess to believe that blacks and whites are equal in every way, it is therefore a sort of unconscious racism, what they call the racism of low expectations, to go overboard with the applause when a black does well at something.
The thing is, though, that having low expectations for blacks is not racism but realism. With their lower average IQ, only a few blacks are ever going to distinguish themselves in scientific disciplines and in jobs like that of an astronaut.
Really, something like this should arouse no comment at all. Except perhaps to query the narrative that we live in a racist society in which blacks cannot succeed.
I have worked in catering for nearly forty years and worked with literally thousands of people. I recall only ONE black manager or in a very senior position, and he sounded like he had been to public school.
The rest of the black people have been average, or lazy, or with a poor work ethic whereby they don’t ask questions, or treat work as a chore. Yet many Indians, Polish and south Europeans succeed because they just get on with things without being prompted. Suppose I am just racist.
An interesting opinion from the US I came across, not much different to the bbc ?
“Is there such a thing as whataboutism journalism?
Yeah. You mean like Julian Assange? Like Seymour Hersh? Like I.F. Stone? Like Glenn Greenwald? If there is, it is a rare and precious thing. And most corporate journalists do not practice it.
“We have this extremely bizarre dynamic in the United States in which journalists that are supposed to be the leaders in not just defending First Amendment rights of free speech and free press but the values of free discourse and free inquiry….that’s one of the reasons you go into journalism. But instead OUR journalists who are really more accurately described as employees of giant media corporations who call themselves journalists are LEADING THE WAY in demanding censorship. It would be as if cardiologists were the leading activists urging people to smoke more or exercise less.
“Watching journalists take on the role of being the leading agitators for censorship is incredibly pernicious. Just like it’s pernicious watching them be the leading proponents of prosecuting Julian Assange for breaking major stories and bringing transparency to the United States government, which is supposed to be their job. Journalism in the corporate world is so inverted and so twisted and so distorted that those values we have long associated with journalism are nowhere to be found. In fact, those are the values upon which they most vigorously wage war.” ~ Glenn Greenwald
When people file a complaint of whataboutism, they mean: Don’t ask questions. Don’t look at the background, the subtext, the history. Don’t connect the dots. Don’t investigate. Don’t point out the hypocrisy of a situation. Don’t look at the big picture.”
Trump got an amazing deal off Boeing for the conversion of the new air force one.
So the BBC are full on “Nasty Trump” for getting a great deal for the US taxpayers.
They hate him with a vigour that’s unprecedented they do not show murdering Putin one % of the destain they show Trump it just shows how perverted the left really are.
The BBC article below…well a bit of it. Can’t believe this is worthy of a front page article but then nothing surprises me about the BBC.
Former US President Donald Trump’s new deal for Air Force One was a bad one for Boeing, the plane-maker’s chief executive has said.
Dave Calhoun spoke as the firm said it expected to lose $1.1bn (£875m) on the two planes for the White House.
Mr Trump had forced the company to renegotiate its contract, calling the initial deal too expensive.
The new agreement made Boeing, not taxpayers, responsible for changes to costs.
“We took some risks not knowing that Covid would arrive and not knowing that inflation would take hold like it has – and both of those have impacted us fairly severely,” Mr Calhoun said on a conference call with investors on Wednesday.
I watched Douglas Murray on the Dan Wootton show last night, a day late as usual, talking about his new book, The War on the West. He was brilliant, as Dan said inspirational. I will certainly be buying his book.
Douglas , brilliant though he is, continues to disappoint and confuse me. He is a right wing intellectual, a rare and important creature, a deep thinker who can see the future and can articulate his message with crystal clarity. He recognises the imminent threat that woke globalism poses to us and urges us to resist , to fight back against this woke enemy within. All very good.
But then when someone like President Trump takes on the fight , goes out into the ring and starts slugging it out with the very people Douglas warns about , Douglas doesn’t back him. It’s as though Douglas thinks that the culture war can be won by erudite writing siting in a nice office and holding insightful discussions on radio and you tube.
It can’t , it needs people like Trump to lock horns with the woke enemy , to get down in the mud and blood and trade blows.
The woke will only be defeated by politicians like Trump who will take them on and stick it up ‘em.
Folks like Douglas need to support men of action like Trump and supply them with the intellectual horsepower and ammunition but also to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Only a United Anti Woke front will save the West from the enemy within.
See Vlad’s earlier post incl. video on this thread.
Thanks DoubleT.
Great Post.
Double – mr Murray gets a lot of exposure on the likes of GBNews – and there is a sort of ‘stable ‘ or regular guests who turn up and l turn off … hitchins is an example .
Why Murray rubbishes mr trump doesn’t make sense to me – but maybe it keeps him comfortable selling his books ….
Opinions will deviate at some point for all … I think Murray’s thoughts are travelled from Christopher Hitchens who he knew well ….
Here’s the link again.
Concerning Trump, sadly most intellectuals felt obliged to have a sneer, or at least put some distance between them and Orange Man. As has been said here, both are needed: men of intellect and men of action. Thinkers and doers.
But let’s not bash Murray. He’s doing a superb job bringing these issues to the attention of millions, and with solid research to back his claims, making them irrefutable.
The government is publishing a White Paper on regulating broadcasting today . Apparently it will confirm the sale of `channel 4 – which – if it goes through – will be a small step closer to the sell off of the BBC – or even the control of the Far Left monster .
The BBC remains pre occupied with throth . It’s either number 10 parties – a scum labour woman’s legs or now a chap watching porn in the commons – and a labour MP commenting about wanting to have sex with a rising star female Tory MP ..
Notice how none of this impacts on day to day problems of taxpayers dealing with the mess being made of the UK by current politicians .
One way to avoid bias.
Thing is, will the last tvl payers cover all the salaries and pensions when it gets to zero?
Luckily, key funding will be directed where most needed.
BBC Shires
The King of Noodles! 🍜
Meeting Pershore’s Dean Pugh – a man who has eaten over 4,000 Pot Noodles and spent over £3,000 on memorabilia
🎧 Listen here👇
June Sarpong
June Sarpong is Director, Creative Diversity. June is responsible for improving the BBC’s on-air talent portrayal and commissioning, developing strategies to support both on-air and production talent representation and portrayal across the BBC and its partners.
Annual remuneration (as at July 2021)
The party within a party – whipping up a storm
I believe the term moral panic applies here: ‘A Conservative MP repeatedly watched porn on his mobile phone while working in the House of Commons, female colleagues have claimed… Party whips began an investigation after the incidents were revealed at a meeting of Tories, where more than a dozen women complained about sexism and harassment by male MPs. “It was like a blood-letting – everybody was sharing awful stories…”‘ (freebie Metro)
Blood-letting? Sounds more like a bitching session. A pile on. The Salem Witch Trials in reverse. Potty hysterical women denouncing blokes and demanding they be tarred and feathered, drummed out of the Brownies, burned at the stake. Are we seeing the emergence of a party within a party?
‘Sleazy party’s new low. Tory’s porn shame in Commons‘ – shrieks the Mirror. Let’s face it, Labour are never getting back into power by merit of their policies.
Is this latest furore not just an update of this old story, with a bit of added spice girl power: ‘Shame of MP who played Candy Crush in Commons… but authorities only care about finding out whoever filmed him‘ (Daily Mail 2014)
This time two female MPs complained and: ‘One tried to take a photo of him in the act but was unable to capture it‘ (giveaway Metro) – sounds a bit sneaky. Mighten’t it have been more appropriate to have confronted this chap and asked him to desist – or told him to his face to wait until he got home? Instead of this playground type behaviour akin to “ummm, I’m telling Miss on you, I took a picture of what you were doing in class”
Perhaps – and if the less-than-honourable not-much-of-a-gentleman wants to borrow this as his defence at his coming witch trial, he’s welcome to it – he was just reviewing the Matt Hancock necking and fumbling in the office CCTV video inquiry evidence? Apparently that much vaunted inquiry cost us tax payers a few grand and then completely gave up on the idea of finding out who leaked the tape.
Moral panic begets moral panic. Following the moral panic over Partygate we have: ‘Police review over Starmer’s lockdown drinks… Full video emerges of Sir Keir swigging beer with colleagues‘ (Daily Express) – I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you. There I was thinking Sir Keir was nothing more than a one-note characterless pious automaton-like puritanical stuffed shirt. Now he sounds almost interesting. Not that I’d rush out to have a beer with him – as they say.
‘Pressure’s on Keir over beer‘ – says the Sun in almost poetic rhyme.
The Daily Star warns of global cooling for us next Monday: ‘– 4c holiday chiller‘ although a certain Tory MP might be tempted to pick up the Star for their feature: ‘Great tits: all you’ll ever need to know. Page 6‘ – don’t panic! It’s an article about those common or garden little blue and yellow birds.
Speaking of the blue and yellow – the new acceptable nationalism – ‘Russia using gas and trade as a weapon – Zelensky‘ (BBC) – a case of the pot calling the kettle black there as our entire western strategy is based on trade sanctions against Russia. Did we really expect Putin not to retaliate in kind?
Getting back to girl power…
If only more women were in positions of authority. In the top jobs. All would be well, right?
‘Passport boss “must return to HQ” as 10-week wait threatens holiday chaos… The agency’s website states that Abi Tierney, 48, its director general lives in Leicestershire 100 miles from HM Passport’s headquarters in London‘ (Telegraph); ‘Abi Tierney was appointed Director General, HM Passport Office and UK Visas and Immigration in February 2020. Before joining the Civil Service, Abi was the Business Development Director at Serco Health…Prior to this, Abi was a Director at University Hospitals of Leicester and Aberdeen City Council, and was previously Marketing Leader for IBM’s Global Services Business. Abi lives in Leicestershire with her two young sons‘ (Gov.UK) – no hubby Tierney is mentioned.
Let’s hear it for women… because female voices are just not heard loud enough in the media or on the world stage these days… ‘Ursula von der Leyen said Russia’s actions were “unacceptable”‘ (FT); ‘Amal Clooney attended the United Nations in New York yesterday to discuss bringing potential war crimes cases against Russia‘ (Times); ‘The 6 ages of Madonna. How Queen of Pop reinvented herself‘ (Mirror); ‘Duchess and the Princess… a new Royal double act‘ (Express); ‘Anna Wintour. The woman behind the shades‘ (Times); ‘Bernardine Evaristo on the triumph of the older Black female artist‘ (Guardian); ‘The best books by women. Every title on 2022 prize list rated‘ (‘i’); ‘Photo test that proves who wears the trousers in YOUR relationship. Femail Magazine see pages 35-50‘ (Daily Mail)
So long as the ladies stay in the realm of ‘claim’.
Things have certainly improved since positive discrimination ensured the best person for the job did not bother applying.
HoP now a freak show.
Guest Who – thanks for putting that up – I’ve commented too much about the nature and quality of the political set up – and it’s consequences .
No wonder this ‘story ‘ is being played down now – scum angee can t really play the innocent victim now – the BBC will pick up the flag on her behalf now …
Asiseeit- the implication that the head of the passport office being unable to run it because she doesn’t go to the office and lives 100 miles away from it doesn’t bare examination .
All because she watches ‘good morning Britain ‘ – has a coffee / fag – checks her twitter / YouTube – bit of lunch over loose wimmin – coffee – take out the dog — bit of R4 – pickup the kids – get the dinner on – look for a better paid job – does nt make her unfit to run the passport office …
AISI, I am intrigued by the gesture Ursula von der Leyen is making with her hands (picture FT) and the entirely coincidental picture of Liz Truss, notice the necklace?, on the BBC web-site: Mutti Merkel used to make the same gesture as Ursula with her hands, but upside down, when pictured with other leaders and sometimes when making speeches.
The chaps have been at this secret sign sort of thing for years. Sometimes we desguise it as goal celebration – the Gareth Bale heart shaped gesture with his tongue out, the Mo Farah Mobot – I blame the Masons.
Joshua Jacques ,28? Has been charged with murder x4 of four people in Bermondsey . Apparently he was the boyfriend ‘ of one of the victims ….. race is not an issue here although everyone involved is of colour . I predict we won’t be hearing much about this slaughter – unless someone finds an anti white / British angle
The medium is the message.
Sadiq shuttle them all there in his Range Rover?
Today watch
Our Justin in wales – population 3 million . 1 in 5 is on a NHS waiting list – wow . Our Justin interviews a cancer doctor who casually says every week she sees a person who cannot be treated because they’ve waited so long on a list ..
Wales is a national socialist state … so not too much criticism from the BBC … now the rugby …
Just a reminder about the BBC, Labour, Wales, News, not news and BBC rigging…
Seems it took several months for the complainant to convince the bbc that the bbc was lying through its teeth.
Lucky they did not get banned.
Deffo BBC Not News…
Wales – where 16 year olds can vote for more Harry Potter cures!
I am surprised that the BBC is still covering the slaughter
of a family and the arrest of a Jonathon Jacques. Obviously
if Mr Jacques is the perpetrator . You could add him to
the plethora of fellow “brothers” who do not go
down on their knees to subjugate themselves for the
BLM brotherhood.
Even if England don’t win the World Cup in Qatar. I bet we
win the BLM subjugation stakes. That is of course if the
third stop on the Piccadilly tube line picks the best subjugators.
Foscari – I don’t watch live footy – I won’t pay silly money for it . But I notice that BBC coverage always includes the bit where they subjugate themselves and the BBC commentator reading out some nonsense about ‘all forms of discrimination ‘..( senseless ) …
But these footballers Are Still Doing It ! WTF ? Is it because no one has said – ‘you don’t need to do it ‘ ? Or more likely they are all just thick .
I’m proud to say that my team, Sunderland, do not go down on their knee.
One of the few or maybe even the only team in their league not to do it.
Bet the BBC doesn’t cover them much …
There is desperate, and this.
Give him the order of the KGMgee whizz.
Netflix said that pulling out of Russia in March in response to the Ukraine war had cost it 700,000 subscribers. And another 600,000 people stopped using its service in the US and Canada after it put up prices in January.20 Apr 2022
Signing the Obamas is the latest, and by far the biggest, in a string of moves by Netflix to lock up the entertainment industry’s highest-profile producers in exclusive production and development pacts. Last year, Netflix poached “Grey’s Anatomy” creator Shonda Rhimes from ABC Studios with a deal valued at more than $100 million. “Glee” creator Ryan Murphy jumped from his longtime home at 20th Century Fox Television earlier this year to also join Netflix. Murphy’s deal was reported at the time to be worth as much as $300 million. However, sources tell Variety that tally includes money that Murphy is expected to make from his current and former Fox series over the life of his Netflix contract, and that the true value of the deal is in line with that of Rhimes’.
It is unknown how much the Obamas’ Netflix agreement — which will see them produce through their newly formed company Higher Ground Productions — is worth. In March, Penguin Random House signed the couple to a joint book deal that pays them a reported $65 million for their respective memoirs.
A Constitutionalists perspective of ‘PartyGate’:
Here, Mr Mike Gordon (the author), let me paraphrase your ‘Conclusion’: The so-called, ‘Ministerial Code’ is subservient to the other but unwritten principle that, ‘We will never be held accountable when we have the capacity to make it up as we go along’.
That’s the UK Unwritten Constitution for you………….
Constitution convention porn – adhere or ignore it as required . My favourite is ‘knowingly lying to parliament ‘. If an MP gets caught lying to other MPs – it’s a sin . Resign . Yet if an MP lies to voters – it’s politics ….
Matt Hancock tells Brits to avoid casual sex and stick to ‘established’ partners
Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Sky News journalist Kay Burley became rather giggly as they discussed the Government’s casual sex ban and when it will end
ByChris KitchingSenior News ReporterOliver MilnePolitical Correspondent
12:15, 24 Sep 2020UPDATED12:41, 24 Sep 2020
HK protesters doing badly in China.
BBC News
Critics say this undermines the idea of innocence until proven guilty – and is designed to break the will of those accused.
Critics here might point out discrepancies too. Some resulting in death in jail; some a reserved place in BBC green rooms.
Since the commons porn story is just ‘bread and circus ‘ nonsense – the likes of guido is speculating on the identity –
Damien green is in the frame due to his previous collection of stored porn – as is a former health secretary who is a backbencher –
Funny that so much is made of this yet not of MPs convicted of Real Crimes still taking their commons pay .
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
The non-Icelandic Emma Pimpsdottir was getting all high and holy about this on Woman’s Hour after 10 a.m. on R4. It is pretty insignificant compared to routine developments in South Yorkshire and other enriched parts of the UK, and the focus on it is very revealing about BBC editorial priorities.
Streaming services facing tighter regulation in UK broadcasting shake-up
I moved away from mainstream tv due to the fact this is over regulated, and moved to the likes of Netflix – guess there is always the old DVD collection which hasn’t been got at yet
One has to accept that every MP has to ‘celebrate’ every faith event faithfully or BBC Bradford Gay Ceebeebies will drag in an outrage drag Queen to be outraged, but…
When is Slick going to do the back whipping thing?
Corbyn will not regain Labour whip while endorsing Stop the War, suggests Starmer
Leader says MPs must support Nato and reject ‘false equivalence’ with Russian aggression
TOADY Watch #1 – the campaign to get us back into the EU gathers pace
Philip Rycroft, former Civil Sevant at Dept for Exiting EU, is Sean Farrington’s guest and I cannot remember whether Sean fed him a helpful leading question or not but Rycroft suggested that part of the ‘cost of living’ crisis is down to our having left the EU. He would say that but was it not because our leaving the EU was badly bungled – Lord Frost probably excepted – by the Governments of the Day and by the Civil Servants?
Meanwhile in other news and the first forty minutes of TOADY, JustRemainIn Webb generates CO2 travelling to Cardiff to talk BBC Wales Correspondent, Felicity Evans. Did Justin drive from his country residence (in Bath) to Cardiff? I think we should be told.
Twitter watch
Sort of interesting – since the Elton musk take over was announced a lot of exiles have returned and a number of prominent anti wokes have reported big rises in followers – eg `Neil Oliver ‘ reported a 1000 in a day whereas before it was about 10 .
I hope mr musk takes over and reports back on the corruption within twitter by the woke far left …
“Omission is the greatest lie”
Dear Marianna Spring (BBC wages paid under threat of prosecution),
As I’ve had to look at your BBC news and use other sources to determine that your news is not news but selective editorial opinion I’d like to request that I have a refund for the last 4 years plus get the BBC free from now on.
Please let me know how I can go about this as I am willing to create a full list of articles that I’ve had to investigate plus time taken for me to check your fact checker whilst realising that the BBC intentionally removes news rather than incorrectly report on it, uses images to sway opinion or misleads with the main titles hoping no one reads the full article.
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
CAS-6005141-S1V9D1: Not seen a report on the UK Governments Covid19
Let me know how to go about resolving the issue of paying for something that wastes my time as I have to check each story rather than rely on its accuracy.
Rightly in my view, the authorities have been banged to rights for releasing the elderly with covid into care homes in the early stages of the pandemic and thus ensuring that thousands of them were killed off.
But what seems to be totally missing is the context. Were they not released in order to free up NHS beds and so ’save the NHS’? Is my memory really that bad? The judges have made no mention.
Or do we have yet another context free judgement by a legal system which has the benefit of hindsight, looks at things in isolation, and regards the taxpayer as a money printing press?
Guess what? Public Health England, who appear to be accountable for the advice or lack of it, no longer exist.
Expect the usual levels of public sector accountability. None.
The former chief executive of PHE, one Professor Selbie, was, according to the Telegraph, paid £375,000 after his £190,000 a year position ended in August 2020. He is now working as a senior adviser to the DHSC. Nice work if you can get it.
Have a nice day.
The bBC reports on, UN chief in Borodyanka: ‘The war is evil’
Imagine if the UN chief was killed and the war really escalates with the UN sending soldiers in with blue helmets, but not allowed to fire pistols like in Rwanda
Suppose its a nice day out for a visit
UN Peacekeeping has a Sexual Abuse Problem
Published in:
The Hill
Skye Wheeler
Skye Wheeler
Senior Researcher, Women’s Rights Division
Hil… freakin’… larious…
BBC Whinge
Critics questioned whether enough female production crew were involved in the making of the advert.
Samsung 2am running advert is ‘not representing the truth’ for women
No shizzle…. Riiiiiiiiiick.
Must be tough running in a stab proof jacket as well …
Women’s football needs more men?
Five weeks wait for a blood test.
I wonder if the influx of Dinghy Divers, Hong Kongers, Ukrainians, Afghans and now Rwandan’s much less the rest arriving on a day-to-day basis has anything to do with it?
All the more the merrier I say. Not long before the NHS grinds to a halt. What then Billy Bunter?
“Five weeks wait for a blood test….”
A few days ago I decided to burn down my house. Unsatisfied, I then paid a couple of blokes with a JCB to demolish what was remaining brick by brick. Took out all the money from my bank account and threw it, along with my few remaining possessions, into the Thames.
I am now completely penniless and have nowhere to live. How can this be? I wonder if the influx of Dinghy Divers, Hong Kongers, Ukrainians, Afghans and now Rwandan’s much less the rest arriving on a day-to-day basis has anything to do with it?
Why are albinos more common in Africa?
Albinism is more common in East Africa because rural tribes have a more isolated genetic pool, and because the society is less mobile.
There have also been reports of albino killings in South Africa, although such crimes are less common there than in Malawi, Tanzania and Burundi. Last February, a South African court sentenced a traditional healer to life in prison for murdering a 20-year-old woman living with albinism.
Western countries are now openly calling for Ukraine to attack Russia, Kremlin Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova says.
Speaking after a top UK minister said Ukrainian strikes on Russian targets were legitimate, she warned that the West should take Moscow’s vows to respond to strikes on its territory seriously.
Her comments come after Russia reported multiple blasts and an ammunition depot fire yesterday in the country’s south, the latest in a spate of incidents described by a top Ukrainian official as “karma.”
As we reported earlier this morning, the UK’s Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told the BBC that it was fair for Ukraine to strike Russian targets in self-defence.
“If Ukraine did choose to target the logistics structure of the Russian army, that would be legitimate under international law,” Wallace said.
Earlier this week another UK minister said it would be legitimate for Ukraine to use Western-supplied weapons on Russian soil.
Wallace: “Under international law”. Amazing. A very ‘Marquis of Queensbury’ remark. Shame that Putin operates differently.
House of Commons … lady flashed legs.
Real world … Seven men have been found guilty of grooming and exploiting young girls, including one who was sexually abused by “at least 100 Asian men” before the age of 16.
Bollywood have the first non-black actor to win?
Sorry, but Diane Abbott and David Lammy, and intelligence are not five words you would put in the same sentence.
I’m seriously staggered at this article
She can have a political opinion? This is getting mad!
BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Staggered? no.
Not even remotely surprised.
BBC got him on the QT panel yet?
Liam Byrne MP – labour – to be suspended from parliament for bullying .
What is it 651? MPs ? How can so many be so – inferior ? Pay them more ?
Mr Byrne is a bbc regular – and I think was outgoing secretary of the treasury who left a not saying ‘there’s no money left ‘….
Wales council elections: Call for ethnic minority candidate quotas
Why, when again surely the best person for the job.