The BBCs shock over the loss of Twitter to ‘unapproved ‘ forces threatening to bring freedom and a diversity of views continues —and might well continue for some time to come – nice – isn’t it ?
Midweek 27 April 2022
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WHY is this news ???
entitled millenials…
“Size 26 passenger slams Ryanair after she struggled to fit in the seat, couldn’t lower the tray table and ‘squeezed’ into the toilet in viral TikTok – but is hit with criticism that ‘she’s the one to blame’
Why can’t they stop them? Fury as ‘John Lennon-lookalike’ who’s been jailed over climate protests leads Just Stop Oil shutdown of two M25 petrol stations for FIVE HOURS after group vowed to continue chaos despite threat of prison
Re. The High Court decision concerning Covid and discharging elderly people into care homes.
Great for High Court Judges to pontificate over these matters. Meanwhile in the real World however, what could the Government have done? It was an impossible situation, these old people couldn’t have been put anywhere else, they were frail and many suffering from dementia. The Government, in my view, did the only thing that could be done with them.
If anyone disagrees, please tell me what could have been done.
Anither stupid Court ruling.
Flotsam, the balanced view on TWatO yesterday was that HMG was told that this novel coronavirus was so novel that it could not be transmitted assymptomatically. From what I know of viruses, all of them can be transmitted assymptomatically and I have been a victim of two viruses or maybe three if you count the admittedly rare assymptomatic transmission of the common cold virus. In other words HMG received some duff advice from people in the medical profession.
Now, there’s a thing!
Your summing up is indisputable Flotsam, there was literally nothing they could do apart from shifting them all to Premier Inns alongside the migrants. The High Court is just the provisional wing of the Lib movement with Lawyers and Solicitors it’s foot soldiers.
They are constantly working in concert with Labour and the lefty media and the end game is to bring Boris and the Government down so nice Mr. Stamer can take over and get into bed with Biden and the rest of the scallies in the US administration as well as the dictators in the EU. as well as having their do’s and dont’s handed down to them by the UN.
“Your summing up is indisputable Flotsam, there was literally nothing they could do apart from shifting them all to Premier Inns alongside the migrants.”
Prior to mid-April 2020, the government guidance was that patients should be discharged into care homes and allowed to mix freely with other residents with no checks or safeguards put in place.
After mid-April the govt. guidance changed; saying that they should be isolated from other residents for two weeks.
The court case revealed that the government had been warned about the dangers of ‘non-symptomatic transmission’ at least one month earlier, but sat on their hands and did nothing. In the mean time, thousands of elderly residents became infected with covid and died.
A few of weeks later, Matt Hancock went on TV and boasted about how; “right from the start, we’ve tried to throw a protective ring around our care homes”.
Have you any BBC Bias to report ? Have you paid the telly tax yet ? Yes, that’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
🦧Errr kept them in hospital?🦧
Hi Eddy, That would simply have resulted in a two-way spat.
1. Elderly Care home residents in hospital infecting other patients…..
2. Care Home residents in hospital being infected by other patients…
Either way it would have been the same pillow fight against the Government and the NHS would just sit back and say to Boris “We warned you!”
And from the public instead of “Why did you send my relative back to an unsafe care home to catch Covid” it would simply have been “Why did you leave my relative in hospital to catch Covid!”.
So a no-win situation for Boris I’m afraid, they just needed to paint him as the executioner whatever he did!
Spot on, Digg!
Hobson’s Choice in a nutshell!
Two points arise:
1) They couldn’t stay in hospital because the beds were needed for ill people. They couldn’t go in the Nightingale hospitals because you’re dealing with frail and disoriented old people needing specialist care.
2) The BBC and other far left media seek, as ever, to make the most of this ridiculous judgement.
digg, I suspect HMG were given very faulty information either because the SAGEs didn’t know, or more likely the SAGEs were fighting among themselves or deliberately either to disrupt or even cancel Brexit or to advantage Labour and put the NHS on an unquestioning gravy train that is a.k.a. Labour Party funding. The fact that the PM got very sick is possibly no coincidence either. I would love to know if the PM knows the source of his infection. Hopefully his blood was analysed promptly and a trace of infection found.
TWatO Watch #1 – I suspected the W1A view would be different
The BBC are still exercised about the privatisation of Channel 4. Katie Razzle, BBC Meejah Corresponen’ was glo’ ‘ all stoppin’ all theh wah acrogh tha univergh” just to let us know that “no-one wants C4 to be privatised”. I think you may find, Katie, that the taxpayer will be very happy to have C4 privatised as it will provide funds for HM Treasury that can used to help people with the cost of living crisis or paying for the Pandemic or the war in Ukraine and so on.
The alternative would be tax increases and bearing in mind, Katie, the fuss that you and other BBC personnel made about paying more National Insurance contributions to help the sainted NHS, the C4 privatisation seems like a very good idea. Now what about some other media companies that could be privatised?
UTRECHT, Netherlands ( – A new Dutch translation of the Divine Comedy has erased the name of Muhammad from the opus magnum of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri to prevent the epic poem from becoming “unnecessarily offensive” to Muslims.
Translator Lies Lavrijsen
Translator Lies Lavrijsen told Belgian Radio 1 that she expunged the founder of Islam from her translation to give it the “widest possible accessibility,” particularly for “a younger audience.” • March 27, 2021
Professional, unique, transparent, impartial… trust them.
Seems… odd that every single BBC eco editor appointed turns out to be a full on XR-lite loon.
“odd that every single BBC eco editor appointed turns out to be a full on XR-lite loon.”
I have to disagree with your use of the word ‘lite’ there Guest.
I stand, shoulder to shoulder, corrected.
Not top of the bill on the beloved bbc, but on the front page. Criticism of an advert showing a young female taking her daily run alone, through the city at two in the morning. The bbc are moderately up in arms about it being “unrealistic”. This is interesting (To me at least) as they are setting up a discussion they can’t win. It applies equally to anyone in wokeland. Should the advice be “Ladies – If you go running at two in the morning, be sure to take a couple of big strong men with you”. I may suggest it and see how it’s received.
On 22 March 2020, 7-year-old Emily Grace Jones was stabbed at Queen’s Park in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England, while riding her scooter and died shortly afterwards. Eltiona Skana, a 30-year-old Albanian woman unknown to the Jones family, was arrested on the scene and later charged with murder.
Women (and men) are fairly safe running alone at 2am in most parts of South Korea, Japan, Bulgaria, Warsaw, Moscow and Kiev (current situation excepted) for that matter. The BBC might care to enquire as to why this is so, whereas London, Dublin, Stockholm and Los Angeles are decidely unsafe. Hint: some countries and cities are less ‘diverse and vibrant’ than others.
Women are quite safe running around here on their own, late at night too, at least there seem to be quite a few out and about, I often see them when I’m on my way home from working late and sometimes think “Is that safe? Would I want my missus or daughter doing it?” (my missus does take the dog out for a walk in the woods on her own sometimes, but not usually after dark)… and then remember why those of us who live in the country like it here (until they build quadrillion new ‘homes’ and bring all the townies flooding in).
The United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP) has reached a deal with the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela to provide food to the country’s schoolchildren.
Child malnutrition has been on the rise as Venezuela’s once-prosperous economy has gone into freefall and health services have collapsed.
More than 5.3m Venezuelans have fled their home country amid the crisis.
The WFP aims to reach 185,000 school children by the end of this year.
How Hugo Chavez rose to power in Venezuela and why Jeremy Corbyn sang his praises
Chavez was almost a messiah in the eyes of the young
Corbyn is on screen shouting and putting his policies up as a beacon of light
Devoted Chavez supporters are now poverty stricken, rioting and being shot at
PUBLISHED: 22:55, 19 January 2019 | UPDATED: 10:25, 21 January 2019
BBC banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for telling the truth about Jimmy Savile
Mirror Group journalists hacked the phone to listen in. Piers Morgan, editor of the Daily Mirror at the time, later acknowledged listening to it. When teenager Milly Dowler disappeared in 2002, agents of News of the World hacked into her mobile phone messages hoping to acquire information they could use for a story.
Omission is the greatest lie.
A lucky escape for Barry Gardiner on Politics Live this afternoon, with host Jo Coburn asking everyone on the panel to give their views on China’s ‘zero Covid’ policy at the end of the show – everyone, that is, apart from Barry…
Given Beijing Barry was found to have accepted £500,000 in donations from a Chinese spy, Guido would have thought it was an opportune time to ask Barry if he thinks the country’s barbaric Covid lockdown policy is a smart idea, and likewise, whether it was wise to accept so much cash from a CCP operative. Perhaps a chance to clear the air…
Not so. Instead, he sat quietly in his chair as Coburn gave the floor to every other guest before hastily announcing it was time to wrap up. Saved by the bell…
Name of donor: Christine Lee & Co
Address of donor: 86 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NB
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Parliamentary Researcher for 5 days per week from 1 September 2019 to 28 February 2020, approx. value £17,078
Yes, lucky. Dial 888 for Jo.
One of Germany’s biggest energy firms has said it is preparing to buy Russian gas using a payment system that critics say will undermine EU sanctions.

The kraut s lose their moral compass pretty easily when pushed – but then I think it is run by putin inbeds – out there when the KGBs number one spy – Merkel – was in charge ….
Nuclear power – neine danke – the Russians must have laughed their bits off …
Another fun fact is that the car was purchased by a Russian Oligarch who bought it for 15 million euros then acutioned it again and refused to sell after it failed to reach reserve at auction.
Can we expect a ‘bullygate’ daily feature from BBC news?
Probably not.
The BBC are featuring the suspension of one Labour MP Liam Byrne.
But strangely the BBC seem to have forgotten that this is the same Liam Byrne who famously ( and to be fair, accurately) ’ as outgoing Chief Secretary to the treasury in 2010 wrote a note ‘there is no money left’ for his Lib/Tory coalition successor.
“German energy giant Uniper gives in to Russian rouble demand”
Hahaha, send some more tanks; it’ll make you feel better.
The irony is we have what is really an easy, low risk means of punishing Vlad the Invader, we just need everyone to turn off the tap, and get their gas and oil elsewhere… if we still had access to our own supplies (sat there under the ground doing nothing), we could not only supply our own needs, but be selling it to the EU too.
Still, let’s risk nuclear war, and some of our guys getting shot down, and send in the ‘warplanes’, whilst still buying Vlad’s black contraband on the sly, hey? Makes perfect sense.
Too right, BigB!
But the greens will still squeal and fart around, getting all vegan and unnecessary, while someone with a bloody great gun comes along and kills them dead…
Perhaps we could live with that – I certainly could! These hippy layabouts really need to get some sense shoved into their ears, preferably with a large bargepole, and tell them to piss off and stop piddling about with the harrabins and snowflakes and loony lefties who just get in the way of a proper human race, which actually works for a living!
As I don’t hear or watch anything from the awful bbc these days, are there any moves to put a programme on pro-fracking, up at any time?
I don’t even mind the lefties on LBC, because they’re balanced with some pretty good anti-woke presenters, so I can hum/fume most nights, when The Senora is softly snoring on her side of the bed!
“All vegan and unnecessary” love it scroblene you have made my day, I will certainly be rolling out that one!
Thanks, Digg!
Looking at the time, it was after (during several) a tincture of Cotes de Rhone…
Michelle Dewberry is asking who the viewers would like to see appearing on her panel.
I wonder if anyone will be suggesting Katie Hopkins or Tommy Robinson.
Ben Habib talking his usual common sense but being interrupted by a gobby leftie wimmin.
A man is accused of murdering 4 members of a family. FOUR!
An important story, yet the BBC relegate it to Regional news.
I wonder why?
Omission said Barry £5K Gardiner is the greatest LIE!
Seems from comments on various forums people are waking up to the fact that groups like XR and Stop Oil are actually government stooges carrying out government policy at arms length.
Can you imagine there would be a similar response from the dancing Gestapo if Tommy Robinson and friends picketted a fuel station?
I’m not great at links – but the white paper on the future of broadcasting is below – a bet a lot of BBC droids will be reading every word looking for threats to their comfortable future …
……..and all at the expense of the licence fee payer.
DJ Tim Westwood.
The BBC are now clutching their pearls in horror that one of theirs should have committed sexual misconduct.
A couple of thoughts: the allegations span a quarter of a century, 1992 to 2017.
Much of his misbehaviour was open and there for all to see.
So for 25 years he abused multiple young girls, openly, and the BBC knew nothing, really?
Smacks of Saville, hiding in plain sight.
Well the crazy left wokieness has now gone full circle, after having a long bout of cancelling people they are uncomfortable with (Fear).. they are now mass cancelling themselves from Twitter….
It’s the best news this year so far as it….
1. Let’s us all know who they are.
2. Stops their insane carping being relayed around the World.
Especially the high profile two-faced celebs who have always used their woke friendliness on Twitter to garner fans and thus customers and thus income.
Good riddance!
‘ere we go?
– likely not I reckon … but there’s going to be some screeching and keening….
David Starkey on to form again on GBN.
He says that that diversity is resulting in greater State powers and loss of liberty. Spot on.
Can anyone please explain why the Police protect the ER and ‘Just Stop Oil’ terrorists, treating them with kid gloves, instead of protecting ordinary people trying to go about their ordinary business?
Plod on the spot has been briefed by higher ups – no doubt of that – at all.
Then again, they might be trying to avoid embarrassment arresting their own agents provocateurs.
I’d like to see how the twerps got onto Clackett Lane services
I’ve just watched Bless This House film 1972 on YouTube.
Quite relaxing and the cars interesting.
The girl who played Sid James daughter was great . A dippy The World Is Ending Because Of Pollution girl influenced by her biology teacher , showing airheads were about then . Now such people are old ( 1972- 2022 ) and in Extinction Rebellion , Insulate Britain and Just Stop Oil .
Plus la change.
Nibor, That was Sally Geeson. She was in a couple of Carry on films too.
She will be 72 this year.
I used to have sleepless nights about her daughter, Judy, after seeing her in ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’! Fabulous girl!
Steve Winwood’s title song is still a favourite here too!
Windsor pensioner happy about plans to end BBC TV licence.
Steve Allen on LBC earlier, was all over this with his usual glee!
Great stuff to wake up to!
I had to come here to find the detail though…
Following a public consultation, the BBC Board has decided that from August 2020 any household with someone aged over 75 who receives Pension Credit will be entitled to a free TV licence paid for by the BBC. Currently all households with people over 75 are entitled to a free TV licence.
** paid for by the BBC HA HA HA!
*** paid for by the BBC HA HA HA!
**** paid for by the BBC HA HA HA!
Everybody please watch the above post!!!!
Thanks Tomo
Tomo – thank you – if you add the ministry of truth to a Supreme Court being stacked to lefty ‘judges ‘ freedom of speech in America is going to become like that of the UK..
All is ‘free ‘ if it is ‘approved ‘… ..with a lefty police to ‘check your thinking ‘….
The Department of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board is to be headed by Nina Jankowicz who, according to her official website, is an “internationally-recognized expert on disinformation and democratization.”
Hmmn – does that sound familiar?
The Springster Sopes Effect?
Room #101, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
She and Wendy make a lovely couple.
Caaaake! Caaaaake!
‘Where did you get this stuff?’ he said.
‘Black market,’ she said indifferently. ‘Actually I am that sort of girl, to look at. I’m good at games. I was a troop-leader in the Spies. I do voluntary work three evenings a week for the Junior Anti-Sex League. Hours and hours I’ve spent pasting their bloody rot all over London. I always carry one end of a banner in the processions. I always Iook cheerful and I never shirk anything. Always yell with the crowd, that’s what I say. It’s the only way to be safe.’
Here is a case in point to see if the bbc treats this with the same attention, I fully expect this to be headlines for at least a month to the exclusion of all else at the bbc:
“Labour’s lockdown lies: Angela Rayner WAS at Keir Starmer’s ‘beergate’ event despite Party denying it… as MPs tell how she joked about using Sharon Stone ploy at PMQs and leader apparently flouted guidance at his own birthday bash… with cake
Labour said Angela Rayner was also at event last year after a series of denials
Admission came only after Labour officials confronted with video evidence
Keir Starmer is alleged to have broken lockdown rules with beer drinking social”
“Labour last night admitted it had lied about an event at which Sir Keir Starmer is alleged to have broken lockdown rules.
In a sensational U-turn, Labour acknowledged that Angela Rayner was also at the event on April 30 last year at which Sir Keir was filmed enjoying a beer with officials at a time when indoor socialising was banned.
A Labour spokesman said last night: ‘Angela was present.’ A party source claimed the previous denials had been ‘an honest mistake’.
It directly contradicts assurances given to the Daily Mail over the past three months that Mrs Rayner was ‘not there’.
The admission came only after this newspaper confronted Labour officials with video evidence that Mrs Rayner had joined Sir Keir at an online rally for activists filmed in the Durham offices of Labour MP Mary Foy where the party leader was later seen drinking.
The extraordinary revelation raises questions about whether Labour’s deputy leader also broke lockdown rules.”
“…the BBC… ‘understands’”.
Hopefully we will now get absolute proof that the police are corrupted politically. A proper police response to this is to immediately launch an investigation as they did with Boris.
I can bet good money this will not happen.
Our police no longe serve the public, they serve political masters and thus are no longer fit for purpose.
A Labour spokesman said last night: ‘Angela was present.’ A party source claimed the previous denials had been ‘an honest mistake’.
III.Duties of Members
4.By virtue of the oath, or affirmation, of allegiance taken by all Members when they are elected to the House, Members have a duty to be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs and successors, according to law.
5.Members have a duty to uphold the law, including the general law against discrimination.
6.Members have a general duty to act in the interests of the nation as a whole; and a special duty to their constituents.
7.Members should act on all occasions in accordance with the public trust placed in them. They should always behave with probity and integrity, including in their use of public resources.
Not a whisper on their front page, but we have this of course:
“How big are Donald Trump’s legal problems?”
And, of course:
“Black children over-policed in schools, report says”
BTW I looked at who was responsible for the above “report”:
The charity funded “Commission on Young Lives”
“Thousands of children in England are growing up living very vulnerable lives. Every year, hundreds of the most vulnerable fall off the radar of the education and social services system, putting them at increased risk of criminal or sexual exploitation ”
They have a “call for evidence” and “suggest” the type of evidence they are looking for
NOT A SINGLE mention of the grooming gangs exploiting kids in the evidence they are looking for, except this passing refence in the introduction:
“Many have been influenced or groomed by criminal gangs, experience extreme levels of intimidation and violence and are victims themselves.”
Most are boys and half in custody are Black and minority ethnic children.
So, they have decided that that is the evidence they will be looking for: black
Going commando edition
Our liberal media churn out some mixed messages for us chaps this morning.
While the freebie giveaway Metro praises the macho soldierly fighting spirit of: ‘Brit killed in Ukraine. Second fighter missing as comrades praise ex-soldier’s commando spirit‘
By the way, given that our mainstream media’s prevailing narrative is that Russia is losing this war, isn’t it funny how those British volunteers, on whom the spotlight tends to fall, keep getting killed or captured? I digress.
There’s no butch khaki heroics on the modern battlefield for chaps in the Times2 supplement – our place is apparently in front of the telly digging in to binge watch a barrage of nice Jane Austens or Downtons or Poldarks: ‘Corsets, breeches and romance. Why men love costume dramas too‘ – one might venture the opinion that men maybe yearn for an historic period before gender roles and behaviour were quite so blurred and, as the Times frontpage pics suggest, the ladies donned a nice feminine frock and the heroic soldiers wore redcoats – and the two were quite separate – until they met in romance.
Meanwhile, in the Telegraph Suzanne Moore declares sex war as she has us blokes all pegged as sleazy chieftain tankers: ‘Why are men watching porn in public? It’s every bit as damaging for women as flashing‘ – really Suzanne, is a sneaky peek at pics of some artificially pumped up boobs exactly analogous to going commando in a public park so as to unwarrentedly share sight of one’s knackers with random women and girls?
I suppose it was inevitable at some point, but this morning we have reports that the demented Joe Biden wants to sell the siezed assets belonging to Russian oligarchs and use the proceeds for Ukraines advantage.
Like all Socialist horror stories it always has some laudible pretext, but here is why this is the worst thing anyone can ever imagine.
Seizing someones private property without due process is always dodgy, and it’s probably illegal. Forget the Russian Oligarchs, and remember that the law is supposed to apply to everyone equally – even if it doesn’t in Socialist countries, so what happens to them could just as easily happen to you.
Biden is now proposing to sell the seized assets and give to proceeds to Ukraine. This is not the first time this has been propsed however it has never been acted on because it’s illegal.
No matter to the elites or the Biden crime family as the Russians have been denied access to due process and are unable to challenge the criminality of the state.
Remember at each stage of this if it happens to the Russians it can happen to you.
We all know the Bidens are a family of criminals along with many in the Democrat party, and there are some very attractive baubles which will probably be sold cheap to Bidens mates, and the money gifted into Zelenskis account.
This is the method the great reset is achieved – seizure of personal assets by the state without compensation. The laws of private property should be sacrosanct, and we should make it known to everyone, if they can do this to the Russian Oligarchs then they can do it to you too.
Let’s not forget Germany has a history of ” acquiring ” things when on their second ” Tour of Europe ” 1939-45 only to lose it all with various treasures ending up in the good old USA !
BBC Not News Dept. busy elsewhere?
Tony Blair is to step down next month as special representative of the Quartet of international powers seeking a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, after making little headway for nearly eight years and amid near-constant controversy about his role.
Teeth gritted all round?
Loooooook…. Looking at porn… reportedly! Sources say!
Amol’s old gig full on it with their reader.
Love it. The sanctimonious cretins !!!!!
Just been on the BBC website to read all about it cos they love anything party related ………
ooops, cant see owt, not a sausage !!!
But there is no BIAS at the BBC hey ??
People like Starmer, Raynor, Jess Phillips etc, love playing the victim … when they get found out, its a thing of utter beauty.
Jeremy Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved
This article is more than 3 years old
Labour leader rows with Israeli PM over ceremony for individuals from group behind Munich massacre
‘Have you done this before?’
‘Of course. Hundreds of times — well, scores of times anyway.’
‘With Party members?’
‘Yes, always with Party members.’
‘With members of the Inner Party?’
‘Not with those swine, no. But there’s plenty that would if they got half a chance. They’re not so holy as they make out.’
His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it: he wished it had been hundreds — thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. Who knew, perhaps the Party was rotten under the surface, its cult of strenuousness and self-denial simply a sham concealing iniquity. If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! He pulled her down so that they were kneeling face to face.
‘Listen. The more men you’ve had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?’
‘Yes, perfectly.’
‘I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don’t want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.’
‘Well then, I ought to suit you, dear. I’m corrupt to the bones.’
‘You like doing this? I don’t mean simply me: I mean the thing in itself?’
‘I adore it.’
BBC News watch
Apparently coloured boys are victimised by schools because they are thought to be ‘more violent ‘ than non coloured boys .
Standard BBC divisive stuff – with ‘coloured as victim ‘narrative full on .
Well – from experience – I’ve been mugged twice – each by coloured boys . Many years ago – at school – the thugs were mainly coloured . When I was a school governor ( recently and briefly ) – the discipline hearings I dealt with involve coloured kids fighting other coloured kids – which is one of the reasons I resigned ….
………some lefty report is singing the approved song – and to me – is a lie .
See my post at 6.52 above for more details
Boys need fathers at home, as a role model, a mentor and a positive example. And there’s the problem, the culture of many of the people you talk about these are all alien to them.
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published3 October 2012
Anyone spot something unusual about all the people in the photographs used ……………
Somebody is getting sacked .. unacceptable from the BBC picture team !!!
For thousands of teenagers across England, the 5 May local government elections offer them the first opportunity to cast their votes. The BBC visited Harlow College in Essex to listen to students about the issues that matter most to them.
BBC pod people.
Surprised it ran to minutes.
WLM …. Since November 2014, there have been more than 20 murders of people with albinism, and at least 170 attacks in total. These incidents are not isolated to Malawi, with the UN saying that around 75 albinos were killed in Tanzania between 2000 and 2016.5 Feb 2021
Another bbc no mark raking in the audience.
Millions have been told that flying is bad whilst the elite meet at COP26 to say flying is bad.
Who holds the power? The KNEES DO!
2002 UK defence chief Michael Fallon resigns after admitting knee-touching incident – but is that all?
Complainant was a political journalist, but she says it would be ‘absurd’ for Fallon to have quit over the 2002 incident alone
Foggy Moggy incidents.
2020 OMG !!! Stay out of the Office or you’re all going to die !!!!
2021 OMG it’s still just as bad stay out of the office or you’re all going to die !!!!
2022 – Why is no one in the office ?
Branson black faced?
The leader of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) has been arrested for alleged drug smuggling and money laundering in the US.
Premier Andrew Fahie was detained in Miami by US agents posing as cocaine traffickers from a Mexican drug cartel.
He agreed a $700,000 (£560,000) payment to allow traffickers to use BVI ports with an undercover informant, charges filed in the US said.
This article is more than 1 year old
‘We should have the right not to like men’: the French writer at centre of literary storm
Exclusive: Female and feminist voices aren’t always welcome among men, says Pauline Harmange, author of I Hate Men
” I Hate Men” – TRANS MEN?
A London MP has suggested that absent fathers are a key cause of knife crime.
Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy said most young people who have stabbed someone to death come from single parent families.
Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.
The One Show, BBC One, 13 April 2022
20 April 2022
Summary of complaint
We received complaints from viewers who were unhappy about comments made by the actor Dan Stevens.
Our response
The One Show is a live topical entertainment programme where the hosts are joined by a variety of guests to discuss a broad range of subjects. Actor Dan Stevens was a guest on Wednesday 13 April and made comments about Boris Johnson in response to a question from the hosts about his new TV project before going on to talk about the series. These comments were taken in jest and the hosts moved the conversation on to the focus of the interview.
Black children are more likely to face tougher punishments at school because they are viewed as “less innocent” and more adult-like, a report says.
Poorer white pupils let down and neglected – MPs
By Sean Coughlan
Family and education correspondent
Published22 June 2021
Tanzania is thought to have the largest population of albinos in Africa. Albinos are especially persecuted in Shinyanga and Mwanza, where witch doctors have promoted a belief in the potential magical and superstitious properties of albinos’ body parts. This can cause immense strain on families and relationships.
Mark Steyn – talk about MPs touching each other or rape in UK?
“Rape assault, then being doused in petrol.”
Mark Steyn is about the only face on TV who talks about stuff such a now ex paki paedophile convicted Tory MP – who was put on a parliamentary home office committee on Paedo sex exploitation …
I note too who mr Steyn alludes to paki plod being close to paki paedos thus preventing action – together with paki council staff …..
Look the other way – British State …
Sounds like OFCOM are after Mr Steyn – didn’t take long did it ?
A former officer for the Metropolitan police has lodged two claims with an employment tribunal against the force, citing a hostile and “racist” work environment that forced her to resign.
The Pakistani Muslim woman, who has requested not to be named, claims she was forced to resign from her role as a superintendent in January 2020. At that time, she was the most senior female BAME and Muslim officer in the Metropolitan police.
In the two tribunal claims seen by the Guardian, she describes the force as a toxic workplace in which BAME staff of all ranks are subjected to unfavourable discriminatory treatment, including being blocked from promotion, undermined, not supported, harassed and bullied.
Money money money
I hope that when the honourable member is named(shamed ?)
For watching other members on his iPhone it transpires that all the participants are chaps – the wimmin indignation show will have to reset a bit ….
I’ve lost count of the number of MPs who are – have been – or about to be – subject to parliamentary discipline / party discipline / criminal discipline .
Just what are people electing ?
Number 10 slaps down Foreign Office minister Lord Goldsmith after he tweets support for Pakistan’s ousted PM Imran Khan – who happens to be his former brother-in-law
Lord Goldsmith says he is ‘sad’ at Imran Khan’s ousting as Pakistan’s PM
The Tory peer’s sister, Jemima, was once married to the former cricket star
No10 stresses the minister’s remarks don’t represent government policy
PUBLISHED: 13:29, 11 April 2022 | UPDATED: 16:44, 11 April 2022
“…and it shouldn’t have been our high commissioner (UKs) called in by the Pakistani Government to be lectured, we should have pulled in the envoy of Pakistan here and said ‘Stop that right now (protesting by blowing things up), or do without the aid we give you (Pakistan) …'”
– Christopher Hitchens had a point in 2007
10am Local Radio discussion prog
Guest #1 Labour MP Margaret Hodge shouting about “sexism in Parliament” ..she’s not from our area
“Why don’t the male MPs raise the issue when they see a male MP watching porn ?”
.. Em, cos I guess they go straight over to the guy and challenge him directly I guess.
Guest #2 Katie B. Edwards. the Independent /Guardian writer. She sounds liked a Labour supporter.
News comes up
“90% of people report that their cost of living has increased”
.. Is that news ? .. Has there ever been a report saying people say their cost of living is falling ?
Clip from “Disabled People Against Cuts”
ADVERTS : seems every 10 minutes there is a BBC advert for the BBC Make A Difference awards.
10% not bothered include 650 MPS on a £2.2K pay rise!
To me it’ still an issue of “an MP SEEMED to be watching porn”
co we don’t know what specifically he watching
It could have been Channel4, or deceptive email someone had sent him etc.
Probably likely he’d jut switched hi phone on and the old webpage was still there, cos he’d forgotten to close it after legally watching porn in private.
Orwell …..

“We know that Islam is a religion of peace, and it has nothing to do with the ideologies of our enemies.” – Theresa May