Midweek 27 April 2022

The BBCs shock over the loss of Twitter to ‘unapproved ‘ forces threatening to bring freedom and a diversity of views continues —and might well continue for some time to come – nice – isn’t it ?

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496 Responses to Midweek 27 April 2022

  1. StewGreen says:

    The local breakfast show had coverage of last night’s end of Ramadan
    Saying the reporter was at the Scunthorpe mosque, and that the police and council PR department were there too.
    And that coverage will be on the Friday evening local TV news prog too
    .. https://twitter.com/NajModakBBC/status/1519778081355055105


    • MarkyMark says:

      Great to see

      , & guests join us for Iftar (breaking fast) this evening at Islamic Centre in Scunthorpe. See it
      & hear more

      at breakfast tomorrow.
      #RamadanMubarak #EidAlFitr #Scunthorpe #community #diverse


      Shhhhh …..


  2. dafydd says:

    Got a spring in my step this morning…Labour seem to be having a bad day..

    Rayner now proven to have lied about Durham , Starmer banged to rights.

    And drunken Labour MPs having to apologise to Tory MPs for being abusive in the bars.

    Coverage on Sky but bugger all on the BBC, now there’s a surprise..and I dare say the Union driven Leftie police will do sod all about the new evidence


  3. StewGreen says:

    PJW “Belgian Leftist Leader Admits Multiculturalism Has Failed”
    It’s all about Mollenbeck becoming a Muslim ghetto suburb
    .. https://youtu.be/EyaVOJF3q2Y


    • MarkyMark says:

      Swedes burn Korans to keep warm this winter.


    • MarkyMark says:

      1978 … “Every country can take some small minorities and in many ways they add to the richness and variety of this country. The moment the minority threatens to become a big one, people get frightened.” – Margaret Thatcher 1978


      2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012

      2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015


  4. StewGreen says:

    So Amazon have made a £3 billion quarterly loss
    .. suppose PM Starmer would be seizing that loss


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jeff Bezos is accused of being a climate hypocrite for lecturing COP26 about cutting emissions and how going to space made him realise ‘how thin the globe’s atmosphere’ is after flying in on his £48million private jet
      Amazon tycoon Jeff Bezos said going to space made him realise ‘how thin the globe’s atmosphere is’
      Mr Bezos stressed the importance of environmentalism to Boris Johnson , Joe Biden and other leaders
      He said: ‘I was told that seeing the Earth from space changes the lens through which you see the world’
      Nadia Whittome, Labour MP for Nottingham East, was among Mr Bezos’s critics today, calling him a ‘hypocrite’
      US Republican Lavern Spicer said: ‘While you’re busy at home turning off lights and keeping your thermostat down, Jeff Bezos’s $65m Gulf Stream just lead a parade of 400 private jets into COP26’




  5. MarkyMark says:


    Amber Heard admitted the poop in her shared bed with Johnny Depp was ‘a horrible practical joke,’ a security guard testified


  6. StewGreen says:

    Another PJW video “Too Many White Men Flying Planes!”
    A very short clip about the NYT article that complains 95% of US airline pilots are male
    And 95% are white.
    .. https://youtu.be/sm3JWOfJEHo

    Another video about how spending money to virtue signal “We Support Ukraine” does nothing to help Britain’s poor
    .. https://youtu.be/1b8S-Czh1o0

    I kinda disagree, showing support for Ukraine should dampen down Putin, otherwise oil/gas prices might be rising even higher.


  7. StewGreen says:

    Belfield says that TR has released the second part of The Rape of Britain .. on Gettr


  8. StewGreen says:

    Interesting how the knee jerk reaction to two year MOTs
    is a claim that people will die in accidents.
    .. A lot of the neighbour have camper vans which don’t actually do much mileage in a year.

    Surely these days the vehicles own computer should be able to figure out when the next service should be done .
    That might be based on mileage, but would also take into account if the vehicle had been standing still for 6 month are therefore needing a good check.

    That issue come up in the new WGAP video that summarises a few news stories
    That also includes, the banning of a children’s book due to Islamphobia.
    .. https://youtu.be/lIXPJUBvS2o


  9. MarkyMark says:


    German energy firm Uniper ready to meet Russian pay demand
    By Daniel Thomas
    Business reporter, BBC News

    Published18 hours agocommentsComments



    • StewGreen says:

      “Polish energy minister says here that Poland has substantial reserves and gas will keep flowing to homes.”
      Poland and Bulgaria are not now super dependent on Russian gas cos it is almost summer now
      Azerbaijan gas is due soon.
      Though of course Putin will try to influence that.

      Germany needs gas for factories.


  10. s.trubble says:

    Should we read anything into Mr. Tim Davie,s low profile vis a vis the headlines announcing the death of the Licence Fee?

    Will they go down fighting? You betcha the LF is their Heroin.

    Expect to see the Capita bailiffs being told to “up their game”

    Will the courts though conduct any more prosecutions?


  11. Zelazek says:

    The “Black children over-policed in schools” piece on the BBC website includes this quote: “Black girls…tend to be perceived as being loud, as being aggressive and as being hyper-resilient.”
    Implication: Black girls are none of these things. It is Whitey’s perceptions that are the cause of all the trouble.

    Later on we come to a part about percentages. Black children, they say, are three times more likely to be strip-searched than white children although they they make up only one in five of the population of schoolchildren.
    Implication: Clear evidence of racism.

    Avid students of my posts like Maxincony will forgive me if I again point out the error these BBC chumps continually make. The proper baseline for establishing if there is any racist element in strip-searching is the percentage of black children being arrested for crimes, NOT the percentage of black children in the school population.

    I see this fundamental error made over and over again in relation to blacks and crime. And the wrong conclusion drawn every time.

    The truth is that blacks on average are less intelligent than whites, more impulsive, more aggressive and more VIOLENT. All the statistics show this. But the BBC never present this information properly.


    • MarkyMark says:



    • vlad says:

      “Black girls…tend to be perceived as being loud, as being aggressive and as being hyper-resilient.”

      Where could that misconception possibly have arisen from?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Yep try being stupid enough to be on a bus at 330pm on a weekday to find out ( I don’t do it anymore)


    • Guest Who says:

      It is likely more complex, involving factors such as culture, education, self perception and passes given due to being awesome.

      No doubt some dainty flowers at the Rayner of finishing off competitors one’s favoured beau as as demure as the Rashford heavyweight Wresting squads filmed by their BFs rolling on the floor with each other and posted straight to tik tok.


  12. MarkyMark says:

    This Tory government has had its head in the sand throughout the cost of living crisis.

    A vote for Labour on Thursday 5 May is a vote for a proper plan for our economy.



    Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
    Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.

    MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
    This article is more than 1 month old
    Increase of 2.7% comes against backdrop of significant economic hardship for many Britons


  13. StewGreen says:

    Labour lockdown hypocrisy: Madeline Grant on Starmer’s ‘Beergate’


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Is nt that great ? We are sending the British Expeditionary Force to Europe
    . ‘🎼gonna hang out the washing on the putin line 🎼


  15. StewGreen says:

    the libmob idea is that Boris lied about “parties”
    that he somehow kept the 2020 presentation of a birthday cake secret.
    That is not true his office did issue a press release at the time
    And stories appeared in the next day’s newspapers.
    No one called it a party, so no one was angry at the time.

    photo of newspaper https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea-J22GWkAEST1n?format=jpg&name=small


  16. MarkyMark says:

    Still employed and not fined!

    Beth Rigby on her ‘partygate’ scandal: I wish I hadn’t gone — it was a mistake
    The Sky news political editor opens up about breaching Covid guidelines and her new chat show


    • Guest Who says:

      Should have ended her career as a political reporter there and then.

      But then, she is a political tv reporter.


  17. Guest Who says:

    6 reactions in a day.

    It is an exclusive club.


    • StewGreen says:

      “Black is a former long-time BBC environmental correspondent and author of Denied: The Rise and Fall of Climate Contrarianism.”

      He ha a free choice about whether to debate or block.
      When I suggested to him that he and the BBC reporters act as if they are shilling for the Big GreenHedgefund such as Grantham’s, he chose to block me rather than reply with a defence.


      • Guest Who says:

        The Springster Wendy play… devious.


      • tomo says:

        How much do you reckon Black Dick trousers for the gig?

        _ I’d guess double his BBC pay-packet and a fat pension contribution?


  18. Guest Who says:

    Katty Kay retweeted this, presumably having used journalism oversight first.


  19. Guest Who says:

    Either an ex BBC Getty, or the Indy photo Ed deserves a h/t.


    • tomo says:

      and the BBC’s music folk push the edgy AliG-speak tosspots endlessly braying “with a hoe here and a hoe there, I shank im coz disrespect innit”


      • MarkyMark says:

        BBC Search ‘GQ Solo’ …
        2017 Sep “Stormzy handed best solo artist prize at GQ Awards by Jeremy Corbyn”
        2015 Sep “GQ Awards: Sam Smith wins top solo prize (missing person who handed it out in 2015, not so important?)”

        “Never had a MAC-10 ( Military Armament Corporation Model 10 similar to an Uzi) or a trey pound (357 magnum gun/revolver)
        You were never bad then, you ain’t bad now
        Never had the MAC then, little nigga, back down” – Big for Your Boots by Stormzy

        – GQ Politician of the Year 2017: Sadiq Khan (or Kahn) (spelt incorrectly as ‘Kahn’ on the image {twitter – Kate Hopkins})
        – GQ Politician of Year 2016 Sadiq Khan
        – GQ Politician of Year 2015 George Osborne
        – Rapper Stormzy calls Theresa May a ‘paigon’ {dailymail.co.uk sep2017}
        – paigon. friend that lies betrays and isn’t true
        – ‘Tories have been reduced to personal name-calling’: Jeremy Corbyn criticises Boris Johnson’s ‘mugwump’ comment {telegraph apr2017}
        – STORMZY – OH JEREMY CORBYN at Glastonbury 2017 *MUST WATCH* {youtube} (p.s. not very good if you just went to Glastonbury for the songs and not a political broadcast)
        – Diane Abbott discusses online abuse “We are very clear in the Labour Party. That if you are known and you are peddling racist, homophobic, anti-semitic abuse, you will face a penalty. The problem with a lot of this abuse though is it’s anonymous. ” – Diane Abbott @1:56



    • MarkyMark says:


      “It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}

      “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38


      • Fedup2 says:

        At least that droid can spend her time counting her pay off before getting another quango ‘job’…. Baroness woke of wokeshire …


        • MarkyMark says:

          Met Police Chief Cressida Dick wore £5,000 Savile Row uniform to State dinner with Donald Trump that was paid for by taxpayers
          Cressida Dick was at the Trump state banquet at Buckingham Palace last month
          She wore tailored royal blue mess jacket and cummerbund by Gieves & Hawkes
          Bespoke jacket made for her for £3,700 after made Commissioner in April 2017
          Worn with a £692 cummerbund, and epaulettes and braiding worth about £500

          PUBLISHED: 01:30, 14 July 2019 | UPDATED: 01:32, 14 July 2019


  20. tomo says:


    • MarkyMark says:

      The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink.

      — Part II, Chapter IX


      • Fedup2 says:

        I wonder what the ministry of truth will go after first ?

        Are there supporters for it. ? There is a female labour MP – shadow culture minister maybe ? Who was talking about total regulation of the internet – you’d need a licence – pay – ‘be approved ‘….
        I thought it strange that such a repressive idea came from such a pretty thing – for a Labour gal …( thought I’d indulge in a bit of overt sexism – very popular these days ) …

        Shows – also – how out of touch the Obama / Biden regime is …


  21. tomo says:



  22. StewGreen says:

    “An email obtained by the New York Post has revealed Joe Biden agreed to pay off US$800,000 worth of Hunter’s bills, including a legal fee referencing a Chinese company, despite the president claiming he has no knowledge of his son’s business deals.”
    SkyNewsAust https://youtu.be/-RxDOPSfmTc


  23. tomo says:

    Will the BBC pile in I wonder


    • MarkyMark says:

      Jeremy Corbyn … speaks at Al Quds rally (does not denounce Ayatollah) and on Iranian PressTV and does not denounce ‘Death to Isreal’ emoji released by Iranian government.

      Diane Abbott … suggests Mao did more good than harm.

      David Lammy … called the smoke from the Vatican racist.

      If you believe in this team then it tells me you support Iran, China and are racist.


  24. MarkyMark says:

    6.Members have a general duty to act in the interests of the nation as a whole; and a special duty to their constituents.
    Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
    The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
    Amy Gibbons
    Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23


  25. MarkyMark says:

    Loneliness Minister Baroness Barran today held the first ever meeting with with her Japanese counterpart Minister for Loneliness, Tetsushi Sakamoto, to discuss how both countries are continuing to tackle the global issue of loneliness.17 Jun 2021



    • Fedup2 says:

      All the lonely people
      Where do they all belong?


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Minister for Loneliness, what a fantastic job title. It’s nice though, that they have a counterpart to talk to, isn’t it? Must help a little.

        Is there a Minister for Disinformation yet? Do they work in the Ministry of Truth? Minister for Lies?

        Minister for Blacks? We really need one of those, I’d nominate Mr Lammy, he’d be great for the job.

        Minister for Obesity? Blackford would be a shoo in…

        Minister for Trangenderism?!

        What about a Minister for Porn… we have just the man for the job!

        Minister for Sluttishness? I can think of a good candidate…

        Minister for Sleaze? Minister for Brazeness? Minister for Boredom? Minister for Excuses?


  26. MarkyMark says:

    I employ my wife, Susan Parish, as Junior Secretary.



  27. Thoughtful says:

    Great! Just what we needed for the bank holiday weekend.

    Ben Wallace the defence secretary has released an official statement that Nato expect Putin to announce World War Three against Nato on Mayday.

    Not keen on thsoe mushroom shaped fireworks nor the lack of any adequate defence systems in the UK since the Blue Labour Tories either gave them away or sold them!


    • Fedup2 says:

      There must be a full on intelligence chess game going on to which we are not privy . Labour will say putin is declaring WW3 to distract from the cake / beer / gate … time to whitewash the windows and get the sticky tape out ….

      Will the papers have 12 page supplements on surviving nuclear war ? Buy potassium iodide futures …


      • Thoughtful says:

        Living in London I don’t think there’s going to be much need for anything other than a dustpan and brush!

        There is no civil defence strategy any more, no air raid sirens, nothing we are all supposed to survive the best we can.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Thoughtful – I beg to differ – I’m sure I heard the emir announce That ‘londonistan is ready ‘….but to be honest – a nuclear blast could do some improvements to certain boroughs … not sure about the housing market afterwards though …


          • Thoughtful says:

            Not sure the Russians would be too bothered given their property hsa been sanctioned.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Defence Secretary Ben Wallace backs ‘excellent candidate’ Theresa May to be next NATO chief as current boss of the alliance Jens Stoltenberg prepares to step down next year


  28. MarkyMark says:



  29. MarkyMark says:

    Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.

    Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner was at an event where Sir Keir Starmer was filmed drinking a beer during lockdown last year, the party has said.

    It had previously denied she was at the event, but now says that statement was a “mistake” made in “good faith”.

    a “mistake” made in “good faith”
    Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
    a “mistake” made in “good faith”
    Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
    a “mistake” made in “good faith”
    Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
    a “mistake” made in “good faith”
    Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    V.Rules of Conduct
    12.No Member shall act as a paid advocate in any proceeding of the House.2

    Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
    The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
    Amy Gibbons
    Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23


  31. Guest Who says:

    The mSM can still entertain.


    With luck The BBC will pick this up and use it to ‘speak for the nation’.


  32. Guest Who says:

    Murder In Paradise

    Meanwhile KGM is bleating away.

    What aspect of public service broadcasting does Ch4 actually provide that is of any value?

    If it is Jon Snow singing at Glasto, The BBC has plenty of cover.


    • MarkyMark says:

      1400+ raped kids look on an wonder when the outrage bus will drive by them?!


  33. Zephir says:

    Meanwhile the hideous Katie Price swans around in her Range Rovers drunk, equality for wimmin ??

    “Boris Becker is served TWO YEARS and SIX MONTHS in jail! Tennis ace is sent down over £700K bankruptcy fraud”



  34. Zephir says:

    Here we go.

    Poor asylum seekers are lawyered up somehow ??

    Asylum seekers take government to court over Priti Patel’s plans to send illegal migrants on a one-way ticket to Rwanda

    A man from Eritrea and another from Iran will challenge the new Rwanda policy
    It will be the first legal test of the new policy – which will see migrants arriving in the UK illegally as stowaways on trucks or small boats deported to Rwanda



    • MarkyMark says:

      Sadiq Khan did consult for the defence of Zacarias Moussaoui, although Mr Khan never represented the man in court and has never met him.



    • taffman says:

      All the illegal invaders already here should be deported .
      If the Tories carry out their promises we will not have to fund their deportation.
      They will be buying their dinghies back and ship out to France under their own steam.
      What will France do then ?


  35. Eddy Booth says:

    Ukraine claims Russia has lost 23,000 military personnel

    So why doesn’t the BBC ask what the Ukrainian losees are?
    Ask why they aren’t releasing their own figures, but
    Instead reporting speculation/ propaganda about Russias.


  36. MarkyMark says:

    TOTAL RESERVE 2,000,000



    • Thoughtful says:

      This must be very old because the Russian aircraft Carrier Admiral Kuznetzov hasn’t been seaworthy for months. The Kirov class battle cruisers however are a different kettle of fish and have “seawreck” missiles the West can only dream of. Supersonic with a 750Kg warhead, they were designed to combat the recomissioned Nevada class battleships.


  37. MarkyMark says:

    No wonder she’s smiling! In line for a £575,000 payout and a £160,000-a-year taxpayer-funded pension pot, Cressida Dick gets set to put her feet up at her £1m country home and enjoy a leisurely life like her predecessor Bernard Hogan-Howe
    Dame Cressida, 61, has pensions estimated to pay out £160,000 a year
    Outgoing Met Commissioner likely to get a pay-off in the region of £575,000
    She will retire to the £1million country home she shares with her partner, Helen

    PUBLISHED: 13:58, 11 February 2022 | UPDATED: 19:08, 11 February 2022


    • Thoughtful says:

      So, there is a failing dancing Gestapo head, and she gets more in retirement than the (admittedly failing PM) and you still think he’s adequately paid?


      • Nibor says:

        So what’s the solution?
        Pay the failing PM more ?
        Or reduce her renumeration ?

        Basically proves that paying huge sums to whatever position does not mean we get the best .


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Death by Conspiracy?

    Released On: 21 Feb 2022Available for over a year
    Gary Matthews was into conspiracy theories – until he caught Covid and died. What role did falsehoods play in his death? BBC disinformation reporter Marianna Spring investigates.
    Gary was a talented artist and photographer, sociable and well-liked – a familiar face in his hometown of Shrewsbury. A few years ago, his friends noticed that he was getting into conspiracy theories. Like millions of others, he fell for Covid pseudoscience when the pandemic hit. In January 2021, at the age of 46, Gary caught the virus, and died.
    Marianna Spring, the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter, travels to the serene medieval Shropshire town that Gary Matthews called home to investigate what happened to him – and why. While delving into the conspiracy underbelly of this picturesque town, she finds out more about Gary’s life – and discovers a story that’s been repeated across the country, and around the world.
    Producer: Ant Adeane
    Editor: Mike Wendling Read less



    CBBC Channel, Tuesday 8 June 2021

    In a segment about vaccine approval for 12 to 15 year olds, a contributor claimed that the Pfizer vaccine is “100% safe”. This has been removed from the online article and video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57435861


  39. StewGreen says:

    In 2017 LIberty used the magic words “We’ll be making Green-Steel if you let us buy Tata UK”
    ..Politicians threw money at them
    Liberty only picked up some bits of the steel industry

    Now Serious Fraud Office In London/Paris have been doing serious raids.
    “The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) have raided all of Liberty Steel’s offices in the UK after French police did the same in Paris on Tuesday.
    It won’t be long until Nicola Sturgeons in front of them on why she gave them £568m & a 114 acre hunting estate”


  40. Guest Who says:

    His contributions show what we are missing.

    Groper ‘voice finding’? Again.


    • StewGreen says:

      File under #ThingsThatNeverReallyHappened

      ..the libmob school bully gang members like Sopel think they can get away with anything


  41. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – partygate? what partygate? sexual harrassment? what sexual harrassment?

    Jonny ‘dis conn ected’ Dymond was in charge as the Montacutie ‘doesn’t do Fridays’. New nickname for the Montacutie: Happy Mondays? Apart from a brief mention at the beginning of the programme, almost as an extension of the 1 p.m. News, the fact that the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party was at a Party during Lockdown1 (other Lockdowns are available) and the fact that the same Deputy Leader of the Labour Party has boasted to colleagues of sexually harrassing the Prime Minister was not really important to the BBC.

    It was on to the next item in a loud voice with the President of the British Virgin Islands in big trouble – under arrest in the USA – and it was all the fault of the present Conservative Government, says a helpful Labour Peer on the, ever-helpful to the Labour Party, BBC.

    Now there’s a thing!


  42. taffman says:

    “Students’ advice on how to cope with climate anxiety”
    Snowflakes that have never been out to work, raised a family, and faced ‘real life’ issues .
    They really don’t know what’s ahead of them. Bless .


  43. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News leading with Boris Becker getting 2 years. I don’t know about the case – but getting 2 years in prison ? What does that do for anyone ?- apart from the ‘prison community ‘ getting free tennis lessons ?


  44. Eddy Booth says:

    Former Wimbledon champion Boris Becker has been jailed for two and a half years for hiding £2.5m worth of assets and loans to avoid paying debts.

    “Boris Becker commentated at Wimbledon for the BBC”

    Tells me all I need to need..


  45. Fedup2 says:

    BBC News

    They were obsessed with all things party – but now that there are serious allegations about the labour leader and deputy and dodgy dealing by plod and their labour boss … it doesn’t get a mention …
    ……….maybe it’s co incidental to local elections …. And plain far left bias …

    Actually – it got 30 seconds 20 minutes in – no koonsberg – no journo outside the crime scene – no labour / Tory mp saying stuff … strangely not important …. Not even a ‘resignation ‘thing …


    • kingkp says:

      So if they were all partying did they realise there was no virus and nothing to worry about? Johnson was supposedly on deaths door after being ‘infected’ yet 3 weeks later he’s partying like 1999. Welcome to the new normal.


  46. Guest Who says:

    As ever BBC story evolution between headline and caption makes no sense.

    Maybe posting will see a fuller explanation.

    Still, seems chipper soul.


    • Fedup2 says:

      13? So much mental illness about ..


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        At 13, surely they could just be a ‘late developer’. Have probably said before, my sister was a tom boy, and at 12/13/14 would have happily said ‘yes’ to a magic wand being waved, and being turned into a boy… then she got to 15/16 puberty happened, she discovered boys, and dresses and make up… and hey, she’s a happily married woman with grown up children now.

        Moral of the story? Leave the kids alone you sick pervs!


  47. StewGreen says:

    Covid trend by Zoe modelling
    ..It peaked 3 week into March
    The stats are still booking 200/deaths per day
    but to me they do seem to be old people who happened to have tested positive within 28 day of death which involved other bigger factors.



    • kingkp says:

      Why is it since March 2020 viruses simply never go away? They used to be seasonal in the good old days. Now they simply mutate and kill people. The even stranger thing is, I haven’t met anyone who has died from this ‘virus’ over the last 25 months. This really is a new normal type of plague.


  48. Guest Who says:

    Ch4 staff are giving it their all.

    However, despite the RT from Caffy, this is struggling to beat 50.

    Then there is the Eco-irony.


  49. theisland says:

    Another great show from Mark Steyn last night.
    Apparently he is being ‘investigated’ by OfCom but he hasn’t been told why. I think we know the answer to that.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Theisland – I’ve taken to recording Steyn to get to the main bits easier . The discussion about the puritan Anglo Saxon origins of wokism provoked a bit of thought – together with the need for an ever increasing State to adjudicate over the superiority of particular groups against each other –

      – eg queers v Muslims – …. And that there is no ‘nation ‘ now that different groups are loyal to other things …. But not the country in which they live ( Ukraine – goes against that grain )

      …must have upset a lot of woke kidults seeing the men go off to fight and the women / kids seeking safety – …


  50. Guest Who says:

    This is unfortunate.

    I wonder if it is location specific?


    • Guest Who says:

      In other bbc illustrated news, that sheet looks awesomely not of color.


      • StewGreen says:

        That bedsheet poll breaks the “too wow, to be true rule”

        Oh it’s Newsbeat.


    • Halifax says:

      Is that the same women with the sheet.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Amazing how millions and millions of women managed to plough through the menopause before this generation decided they can’t cope. I’d never even heard of ‘brain fog’ before it was mentioned in the media – like all the other symptoms.


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        My missus is in the middle of all that, she’s really not that bothered – I think I’m more concerned than she is, she doesn’t want to tell the kids, and really finds women she works with who make a big fuss about it annoying – apparently, it’s ALL they talk about, which does sound incredibly dull, I have to admit.