Midweek 27 April 2022

The BBCs shock over the loss of Twitter to ‘unapproved ‘ forces threatening to bring freedom and a diversity of views continues —and might well continue for some time to come – nice – isn’t it ?

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496 Responses to Midweek 27 April 2022

  1. Guest Who says:

    The appeal to Vile is clear.


  2. digg says:

    The BBC failing to even mention the allegations against Labour for covid “partying” transgressions tells us all what we suspected all along.

    They are simply the labour PR department.

    They can run but they cannot hide!


    • StewGreen says:

      They have mentioned it, even on the breakfast show
      ..However their coverage doesn’t hype it up.


  3. StewGreen says:

    Labour supporter reckon if Starmer had broken any Covid rules
    “The BBC would be all over it”
    ..and the BBC “they’re pretty well ignoring the Cummings story”


  4. Zephir says:

    Phew, it’s OK this one is WHITE. Cue the bbc outrage and #metoo demos……women are not safe etc etc

    “Woman is sexually assaulted onboard a train before being raped in a toilet as police arrest man, 44”

    She had allegedly started conversation with two men who – one of whom disembarked before the alleged attack.

    They added that the second man, described as a white man in his 50s of medium build, is someone they would like to talk to in connection with the case.



    • StewGreen says:

      BBC Sussex “A woman was raped in the toilet of a train from St Leonards Warrior Square to Wadhurst last Friday evening.
      British Transport Police said a 44-year-old man has been arrested, but are keen to speak to any witnesses.”

      So we’ll know his name when charged.
      BTW The BBC seem to be breaking sub-judice rules cos it’s an alleged rape
      .. It’s a weird world and the sex could have been consensual.


  5. Up2snuff says:

    Postscript to TWatO Watch #1 – no sign of the Sucker in charge of the Labour Party or his deputy resigning. Had they done so, it might have put some pressure on the PM to follow suit. Tactical brains in the Labour Party?

    Nah, not a chance.


  6. StewGreen says:

    9pm BBC 1 Jo Brand presents Have We Got Sneery Hatey Lefties For You ?


  7. tomo says:

    Tsk… wonder why?


    Broadcasting House sure to follow


    more coverage of The US Federal Ministry of TRUTH. Near all the video footage of Madam Goebbels seems to have been to the beautician … She hasn’t got great skin – in fact more along the lines of what you’d expect if she had a black pointy hat with a wide brim and travelled by broomstick.

    – and I’m not I feel judging the book by its cover.


  8. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #2 – C’mon, give the poor Sucker an even break ….

    No, all in all a very bad day for the Labour Party. Even the Covid infection statistics & the BBC’s slight misreporting of them were not going Labour’s way. Infections down by almost 1 million, the BBC report 1 in 25 in the UK infected but the ONS number is 1 in 23. Now, BBC, remind me which political parties were calling for continuing Covid restrictions and continuing of free testing at taxpayers’ expense?

    I’ll make it easy for you, BBC. Here is a clue: L & LD & LMs in L & M (where the BBC have their second HQ) and somewhere else that I cannot remember.


  9. Eddy Booth says:

    I like this story

    “Ukraine war: Two UK aid workers captured by Russia, says NGO.

    Paul Urey spent eight years as a civilian contractor in Afghanistan.”

    Just a pure coincidence he profited from the Afghanistan war, then pops up in Ukraine – doing charity work…
    But nothing to see here , to the BBC it’s the Russians who are the baddies for detaining him.😀


  10. StewGreen says:

    I just speed watched the new BBC1 8:30pm “comedy”
    It’s centred on an extended white family with Alison Stedman as the grandma.
    All the white people are divs, especially the males.
    One character isn’t.. the daughter’ girlfriend, who is a mixed race lesbian.
    Even at triple speed it sucked ..10 minutes of my life wasted.


  11. StewGreen says:

    Trudeau “I think it’s extremely important in Canada to continually defend the freedom of speech”
    said in the same voice the football club chairman uses when saying “We have every faith in their manager”

    Trudeau’s speech actually seems to be a prelude to MORE speech control rules ‘to stop racism and hate’

    PM Trudeau says Canada has seen ‘a concerning increase’ in antisemitism, anti-Black and anti-Asian racism and Islamophobia, and his government ‘will always stand with Canadians to defend their basic rights.’


  12. Framer says:

    BBC TV News tonight (29 April) had a vigorous report on discrimination in Denmark in favour of Ukrainian refugees as opposed to Syrians. It is apparently rampant as the interviewed Syrians insisted.
    So now we are requiring other countries to behave.
    Oddly the Danish Minister replied saying that Middle Eastern countries should be doing more for Syrian refugees.
    Now Liz Truss would not be caught out saying something like that.