Always worth paying attention to what disappears. our bbc Ms Spring has a history with Russia, now rather quiet
News reporter
The Moscow Times
Nov 2015 – Mar 2016 5 months
Reported for the Moscow Times whilst living in Russia. This involved reading Russian news articles, understanding and investigating stories and then writing them up in English.
completed a series of week long work experience placements at the Guardian National News desk, publishing a number of stories online and in print. I also worked on the Live Blog for the second television debate of the French election candidates with another reporter, following Twitter and the debate.
Her innate ability to refute climate scientists, environmental experts, ecologists, election statisticians, anthropologists, career politicians old enough to be her grandfather that dare to disagree with her, her deep knowledge of European and UK Law and so many other specialisms that she decides to pontificate upon, do not faze her at all, with her skills acquired through following twitter, some work experience and a BA in French and Russian is astounding.
If only the likes of Newton, Hawkins and Einstein had her insights.
Thank God for the bbc and their work experience wokes for ensuring the future of this country.
A woman walking her dog in East Hollywood over the weekend found a box of more than 100 mail-in ballots for the upcoming election just sitting on the sidewalk.
One has to wonder what’s going to happen if when some scrote rocks up to a drop box with a tray-full like that (worth $1000 it seems) on the passenger seat / shopping trolley / bicycle carrier and it gets spotted by some voters who don’t like it?
Wali the French Canadian mercenary sniper has done a runner back to Quebec . Stating how amateurish the Ukrainian army is, probably didn’t give him the latest rifle but instead sent him to the front line to fight.
Long winded video about it here
and lots of photographers, who seem to be always available
funny how we had war reporters in Vietnam and Ireland reporting from both sides, not this time
Ukranian far right Nazis ? free pass this time from the bbc
Tommy Robinson still far right whenever mentioned in the same sentece by the bbc, Le Pen ? still far right whenever mentioned in the same sentence by the bbc
4pm local news, unusual report “Lincolnshire car wash boss given anti-slavery order”
unusual mention of name : “Mohamed Hamza, who runs M&H car wash in Pinchbeck faces up to five years in prison if he fails to comply, the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) said.
He must pay at least the minimum wage and provide wage slips to all workers.
It is also the first order issued in the UK for the hand car wash sector. …..
However, magistrates said he had refused to co-operate with authorities or run a legitimate business, employing illegal workers on little or no pay, and issued a two-year order against him.
“A far-right battalion has a key role in Ukraine’s resistance. Its neo-Nazi history has been exploited by Putin
Far-right extremism represents a threat to the democratic development of Ukrainian society. The brief provides an overview of the activities and influence of the far right, differentiating between groups that express radical ideas but by and large operate within a democratic framework and extremist groups, which resort to violence to influence society.
Right-wing Azov Battalion emerges as a controversial defender of Ukraine
Militia with far-right views says it welcomes all volunteers, regardless of ideology, in the fight against Russia”
“Silence won’t make the Ukrainian far right go away
Acting like any mention of the problem feeds Kremlin propaganda is only making it worse.
I don’t think this is a controversial thing to say: yes, the far right is a problem in Ukraine, but it doesn’t in any way justify the actions of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, as he threatens Ukraine with military intervention.
The best known, though not best understood, name on Ukraine’s far right — the Azov movement, the subject of my latest book — is being more frequently dropped online by people who want to give Putin a free pass to do what he wants in Ukraine.
The basics: Ukraine’s far right, particularly the Azov movement, has long been able to operate with a degree of impunity and openness that makes it the envy of its international peers. The movement grew out of the Azov Regiment (originally a Battalion), formed in the chaos of war in early 2014 by a ragtag group of far-right thugs, football hooligans and international hangers-on — including dozens of Russian citizens — becoming an official unit of Ukraine’s National Guard.
“With estimates of membership as high as 10,000 members — thankfully nothing near the numbers of fascist parties of the 1930s, with whom it shares more ideological affinity than it will publicly admit — the Azov movement has been able to take advantage of a general “patriotic” turn in Ukrainian mainstream discourse since Russian aggression began in 2014. The movement’s leaders have been adept at playing up their own status as veterans, insulating themselves from criticism as mere “patriots”
Plenty of info out there for the cause of the conflict. People should do some of their own research and never ever believe the MSM, especially the BBC.
Strawman there mate
The BBC website doesn’t have a “BBC News search box”
The search is a BBC programme search
If there isn’t a BBC prog withe phrase in the blurb
then it won’t show up in the search.
One of President Putin’s justifications for his invasion of Ukraine is that he wants to “denazify” the country.
Ros Atkins looks at the distortions and untruths that Russia is spreading about Nazis in Ukraine – including about the role of the Azov regiment, who are based in Mariupol and are part of Ukraine’s national guard.
Any so called journalist would be able to see there is more than an iota of truth about SOME Ukranian far right extremism unless they are totally blind, especially regarding this group
unless you are world class and work for the bbc
what we all need is a bbc unqualified but expert work experience disinformation specialist to sort it all out, who it seems is on extended gardening leave until this all goes away
The lies of the media regarding the USA election fraud, (ask any statistician and its a bloody miracle how that happened) the historic, never seen before total, complete and utter incompetence of a so called president who cannot string a sentence together, his criminal, drug addicted son and his own corruption and fraud, together with a war in Europe and humiliating surrender in Afghanistan, are slowly unfolding
Yet still all ignored by the bbc but if they can find Donald Trump did something or other..
Christine Lagarde: IMF chief convicted over payout
Published20 December 2016
A French court has found International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde guilty of negligence but did not hand down any punishment.
And they roll out the “fact checkers” (which by application of logic, prove NOTHING)
Fact check: Deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud
By Reuters Staff
Social media users have been sharing posts that say a mathematical rule called Benford’s Law provides clear proof of fraud in the U.S. presidential election. However, research papers and academics consulted by Reuters consistently say that deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud took place.
Theodore P. Hill, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, cautioned that regardless of the distribution uncovered, the application of Benford’s Law would not provide definitive evidence that fraud took place.
“If you look at the results, you see how Donald Trump improved his national performance over 2016 by almost 20%. No incumbent president has ever lost a reelection bid if he’s increased his votes. Obama went down by three and a half million votes between 2008 and 2012, but still won comfortably,” he said. “If you look at those results, you see that Donald Trump did very well, even better than four years earlier, with the white working class. He held his own with women and suburban voters against all of most of the polling expectations, did very well with Catholics, improved his vote among Jewish voters. He had the best minority performance for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960, doing so well with African-Americans, and importantly with Hispanics.”
Basham suggested the president’s performance was so well, among a variety of demographics, that if he polled 100 independent, well-informed voters in a room, he believed 99 of them would say the data suggest Trump would win the election. “We know from the vote itself, the alleged vote, the alleged result, that something very strange has happened,” Basham said.
In an op-ed in the Spectator, Bashman analyzed “peculiarities” from the election that lacked “compelling explanations.” He outlined counting without observers, late-arriving ballots, failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots, and low absentee ballot rejection rates.
And by the above concern from the far left and their election examination logic,
How many “fact checkers” will be sniffing around the bbc backsides to get a contract to fact check if UKIP were to win the next general election ?
And four more years of bbc stories of grannies starving (all I see is them handing over sheaves of £20 notes at the lottery counter)
And NHS nurses (socialist activists) complaining about not earning enough while the black man next to them on 50K a year for diversity and inclusion nudges them out the way to get into his BMW
Time for GB News to update their ‘regular’ guests. I’m getting sick of listening to lefty Scarlett’s views every day on varying shows throughout the day – with her godawful wig. If she’s not on Dewbs, then its Brazier or Dan Wooton. This merrygoround is becoming tedious and a turn off.
Couldn’t agree more – he must know sooner or later some woke will send a ‘file ‘ to OFCOM …. If you watch him and mentally compare him to the droids on the BBC – all the same approved propaganda – you see clearer what poor fare the BBC is …
I have a wide variety of people I talk to and somehow, without any kind of prompt, many seem to express similar kind of opinions, from casual market traders, people in bookshops, record shops, fellow musicians etc etc
Mostly being sick of black people dominating TV for no good reason other than they riot if they dont get what they want and sick of BLM violence being excused, gang warfare in London being excused or ignored if it is black related, the mass black on black stabbings ignored, it is disturbing that they only talk about it quietly.
It is spreading. Luton is rife with Asian and Somali drug gangs who will mass riot every year after Luton Carnival.
And being a Bedforshire lass you are no doubt aware Luton has been a no go area each year after dark on carnival day for many years because of these people.
It is getting worse, if I was to state I was right wing (only towards that way compared to far left but) it would be seen as something morally wrong, yet I could post all day on here videos of antifa and far left extreme violence who will alway excuse immigrant crime and blame the indigenous population for some twisted non sequitor bizarre reason and where is the morality in that ?
I went to school there, Bucklersbury on a Saturday night was always a point of conflict but that was just the skinheads vs the bikers and handbags really
Regarding influx, they have their own pub and place where they sell their interesting tobacco
Hitchin is a lovely town IMO I was at the Friday market this week, not an influx in sight, after dark is always about the trouble caused by alcohol in most towns but Luton is much, much worse, a different scene altogether. It is racial hate at its worse and mostly caused by the racial visitors to our shores, either fighting each other or preying upon others.
Local ITV news, you had to wait until the end of the report to know it was PRasNews
“So the YWT Puffin festival takes place all next week”
The beginning was hype from the studio anchors
“Puffins are severe danger from Climate Change”
then the report had two YWT staff shouting Climate Change.
AFAIK researchers often mark a zone as a Puffin counting zone
and they don’t count puffins the other side of the line
In the real world puffin populations often move to other areas or even just over the line
So don’t get counted this year, when the were counted last year etc.
I just thought I should have a look at 2000 mules, fat chance here we go google, your first three attempts:
Site 1) Fact-checking “2000 Mules,” the movie alleging ballot fraud
Alleging and fact checking
Site 2) The faulty premise of the ‘2,000 mules’ trailer about voting by mail in the 2020 election
Site 3) Some of the most high profile Donald Trump supporters, conservative figures, and conspiracy theorists gathered at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort to watch a screening of the 2020 Election documentary, 2,000 Mules. “The film, created by right-wing political commentator Dinesh D’Souza, claims ” etc etc
Oh Christ its the Trump years again, the bandwagon is rolling out again:
Just tried this link and the free stream at ugetube is still working from here (Virgin Broadband) – but your YMMV as they say…
The lamest criticism I saw was “GPS isn’t accurate enough”
I think it’s actually stumped the tosspot “fact checkers” …
– there’s gonna be a load of keening and wailing when the #RIPCORD gets pulled on the “charities” / “non partisan” 501(c) outfits that actually ran the papers out to the stuffers.
I’m fascinated about how the government seems to be expected to fix the cost of living – to pay for everything – and cut taxes and cut borrowing ….
Has the reliance on the State always been there ?or is it all those daily covid briefings telling us what to do and wait for the date for an injection ….
And how the hell does one avoid the State anymore ?
What is it about GBnews ? Steyn interviewing peter hitchin – and for 3 minutes – on the radio – the plug is pulled . He was being unapproved – talking about the IRA taking over Northern Ireland ..
It was the same sound as the plug was pulled as the lady with farage talking about biden corruption …
Steyn is running an almost single handed investigation into the covid vaccine – interviewing people who are suffering after receiving it . Could it be that certain batches were contaminated or not properly produced ?
Has the British state accepted that such casualties are acceptable for the ‘greater good ?’ I don’t know . I’ve always favoured the vaccine – but if such issues are being suppressed – censored on social media and ignored by the MSM – that’s pretty disturbing – but the way things are – no surprise …
My brother in law had a panicked call from the NHS 6 months ago about a Pfizer batch he received – he was “a bit crook” for a week but didn’t take to his bed.
They actually said “it was a bad batch – we can give you another one”
Tonight marks the anniversary of the worst bombing of London during the blitz –
150 00bombs – 1500 plus dead in one night – all but forgotten . I’m not sure if that was the night my grandparents’ house got hit …
BC News does report : “Potters Bar rail crash: Memorials mark 20th anniversary”
but not this
Today is the 81st anniversary of the most deadly Luftwaffe raid on London. It cost the lives of 1,436 Londoners, left 1,800 injured and 11,000 without homes. Landmarks badly damaged included Old Bailey, British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Parliament & St James’s Palace.
10 May 1941. The House of Commons was damaged, during the worst Luftwaffe London air raid of the Blitz. The bombing took place overnight on 10-11 May, and saw both the Commons chamber and the roof of Westminster Hall set ablaze.
Probably saving up the editorial space to report on Essen, Hamburg and Cologne.
If the BBC want to do a piece on the RAF and bomber command they should look into the history of RAF crashes near thier Salford base. One of the unfortunate crew that perished would tick thier boxes. But of course that would mean investigating like journalists used to……and that wouldn’t do would it.
“Kiev cites “force majeure” to halt a third of Russian transited gas flow to Europe, while Gazprom says there have been no issues that would justify the move”
9pm every Tuesday ..TV show about his black upbringing
Take an emotional journey with @jayblades_ as he travels back in time to discover the extraordinary history that was on his doorstep when growing up in East London.
Its absolutely beyond my comprehension that someone who was unheard of 5 years ago, is now the recipient of an award at the Palace. Is just a bloody meet and greeter on a tv show, and gets the gong for “services to heritage craft”. Er, no he got it because he is black, just like Nadya, who cooked the worst cake ever for the Queen, also got a gong “for services to broadcasting and the culinary arts” – who the hell makes these titles up ?????
The 10pm BBC4 documentary is about a Dutch family
but uses ” Kirkland Vaughans – one the few African-American Freudian therapists in the United States”
It’s about the affect on the filmmakers family of an older sister she never knew dying in a tragic accidental drowning.
Gradually our civilisation is being taken apart by vicious left wing activists using the threat of racism or likewise to delete the power of our law enforcement people.
If we do not find a way to put these nasty sub humans back in their box we will end up with anarchy. I for one will be ready to take up any arms I need to rise up against these bloody evil individuals.
Are there any areas in the UK which have become overall a statistically better place for the things which matter in civilised society (such as theft, muggings, employment, family cohesion, crime rates etc) after being taken over by this ‘wonderfully rich diversity’ these people keep telling us about ?.
Come on maxi, if it’s all so wonderful, just give us 10 or so.
That’s painful to watch. He has no real clue what he is saying : he’s just reading it out.
The longer the BBC ignore this – the most powerful Western leader – the greater their disgraceful double-standards and hypocrisy become.
They do it for one reason : to stop Trump getting in again. It’s a complete abuse of their ‘uniquely funded’ position and shows OFCOM up for what it is too.
Some of that river of blood from Afghanistan and Ukraine is on THEIR hands. Death, riots and destruction always seems to follow when the ideologically driven Left get to do what they want because they are so convinced of their own mental superiority, the ends justify whatever means they decide are needed.
Usually, when they get older, life teaches them they are not nearly as clever as they thought they were. That’s why the young tend to be Leftist and older people are on the Right.
I know which group I think should be running the world.
If you make extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence.
The absence of one individual filmed at multiple drop boxes on the same night is a flaw? – or is it a feature? True The Vote need this to run over numerous news cycles and create pressure in the court of public opinion – and I feel they need to pressure the perps – somebody drove that snail trail and likely by now they’re wondering if the knock on the door is coming.
It would be foolish in the extreme to set out the entire case at the get-go. There are enough asides / sly hints in the carefully crafted and edited film itself to have the alert people wondering where they lead…. I think there might well be some traps set to draw in the quibblers like the reviewer and get initial reaction to the exposed lures – this is definitely a big game of cat and mouse – and if the claims stack up there’s some really big beasts the background.
In terms of a political play – this is too early I feel to be a play for the mid-terms unless the intent is to have a clear out of the tepid Republicans… Both the main parties indulge in this sort of shit and imho are not to be trusted.
True The Vote know who these mules are, they know their homes and workplaces.
Millions of invalid ballots in circulation is an open goal, drop boxes like that doubly so – one intent of the film is to create distrust based on those two clear undisputed opportunities.
The documentary is absolutely not behind a paywall and hasn’t been down for 72 hours – free to view – not that that is actually advertised – it’s about the only thing where I might be able to agree with Mr Upper Echelon Gamer – the makers of the film and True The Vote need funds – 10 Petabytes of phone information is $$$ and I suspect they don’t trust big tech to use cloud services -so more $$$.
Since Upper Echelon Gamer has 500,000 keyboard warriors subscribing who I’d guess could usefully use a bit of real world experience and likely contains more than its fair share of obsessives – letting them loose on that data strikes me as a really rather grand idea.
Privacy concerns need to be addressed though… – and I feel that’s where many of the shortcomings of 2000 Mules are springing from. It seems likely that the film-makers have had to tread extremely carefully and have a pretty serious legal team. They have already been accused of invading privacy.
The clear intent is to ratchet up pressure on the purported lower level organisers at their local locations and do a drive by on the bad practices like vote harvesting from care homes and cemeteries and the absurd practice of sending out voting slips to everybody who’d lived at an address for the last 30 years (care homes must have huge mail at election time)
Dinesh DeSouza the 2000Mules producer is a fairly well known political activist – the reviewer insinuates that TrueTheVote are partisan without actually giving much evidence himself . Gamers to my mind are usually pretty cheap folk (apart from daft video cards) – I find it really weird that I found three free streams of the movie near instantly over the weekend and have been using one without issue for three days at what must be quite high demand period and he doesn’t treat his subscribers to a freebie! – all gamers love swag / cheats.
nothingburger vs. dam breaking – TBD
Things will liven up if the 501(c) organisations and office addresses are revealed.
STARTS The BBC has struck a pay deal that will see the majority of employees given a 4.2 per cent pay rise in August followed by 1 per cent later in the year.
Last year’s annual pay increase was 1 per cent and in 2020 there was a pay freeze across the BBC due to the impact of the pandemic.
The broadcaster said the 2022/23 increase sits below the current 7 per cent rate of inflation.
Senior leaders at the corporation will not receive an automatic increase, and their pay is subject to a different process.
The BBC said the announcement is about “providing a fair deal to licence fee payers and to staff” and that it was made possible by “cutting staff numbers and saving costs”.
Last year, the number of employees fell by more than 1,200 – 6 per cent of the total workforce – while senior leader numbers were down by more than 5 per cent.
BBC director-general Tim Davie said: “The BBC is the home of creative excellence and world-beating impartial journalism. We want our staff to thrive, produce their best work and feel valued for their output.
“Last year the number of employees fell by over 1,200. The BBC is smaller but we also need to attract and retain world-class talent, within a reformed, modern and efficient organisation that provides great value to audiences.”
Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has recently said the BBC’s funding model is “completely outdated” and decisions on any changes will be made “well ahead” of its charter renewal in 2027.
The corporation is currently engaged in conversations on how to fund its services as the licence fee faces an uncertain future.ENDS
Excellent news – pay them all more and cut propaganda output ….
Tuesday’s report showed Gary Lineker earned £1.36m in the 2020/21 financial year, down from £1.75m. Radio 2’s Zoe Ball, who also took a pay cut after offering to do so, is still the second-highest paid star on £1.13m.6 Jul 2021
Our Nurse’s Pay Calculator
Band Minimum years of experience Pay
1 0-1 £18,546
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Just noticed a comment with a link to 2000 Mules on YouTube has been removed.
– the entire comment, not just the link.
I assumed that YT just deletes links as policy – but never had it happen since I’d not posted many links outside YouTube’s walled garden.
Probably “normal”
Always worth paying attention to what disappears. our bbc Ms Spring has a history with Russia, now rather quiet
News reporter
The Moscow Times
Nov 2015 – Mar 2016 5 months
Reported for the Moscow Times whilst living in Russia. This involved reading Russian news articles, understanding and investigating stories and then writing them up in English.
I’d forgotten that Ms. Spring was an Ivan expert – what a career opportunity! – You’d think she’d be front and centre.
She could be there right now, interviewing Bono?
“You’d think she’d be front and centre.”
Well, front anyway.
And so productive:
Young Reporter
Sep 2010 – Apr 2014 3 years 8 months
I wrote an article every month for 8 months for 4 consecutive years as part of the Young Reporter Scheme run by Newsquest/ Local Guardian
Now that EVERY month don’t forget
A WHOLE article
Private Eye
Aug 2016 – Aug 2016 1 month
London, United Kingdom
I completed a work experience placement at Private Eye, finding and writing stories, which appeared in issue no. 1425 19 August – 1 September.
Well done
AHH Guardian ..quelle surprise;
completed a series of week long work experience placements at the Guardian National News desk, publishing a number of stories online and in print. I also worked on the Live Blog for the second television debate of the French election candidates with another reporter, following Twitter and the debate.
WEEK long, don’t forget each one was a week, and she “followed twitter,
she has so much to teach us all how to do that
I note the Graun is also gunning for the Deep Curry mole who has spoiled Slick and Ginge’s immediate ambitions.
Oddly, hard to find on twitter.
Maybe doxxing other media is something best left in areas where comments can be controlled.
Mike Wendling, Springster’s boss, is a fan but blocks just in case.
And now Specialist Disinformation and Social Media Reporter for the bbc
after some work experience and some articles once a month and a singe article in Private Eye
What a star
A bleeding specialist, don’t you ever forget, shes a specialist, she follows twitter, it’s stated in her CV
we can only stand and admire such skills from the sidelines., and wish for our children to acquire the same skills, if only
Her innate ability to refute climate scientists, environmental experts, ecologists, election statisticians, anthropologists, career politicians old enough to be her grandfather that dare to disagree with her, her deep knowledge of European and UK Law and so many other specialisms that she decides to pontificate upon, do not faze her at all, with her skills acquired through following twitter, some work experience and a BA in French and Russian is astounding.
If only the likes of Newton, Hawkins and Einstein had her insights.
Thank God for the bbc and their work experience wokes for ensuring the future of this country.
as they do… perfectly normal…
One has to wonder what’s going to happen
ifwhen some scrote rocks up to a drop box with a tray-full like that (worth $1000 it seems) on the passenger seat / shopping trolley / bicycle carrier and it gets spotted by some voters who don’t like it?Here we go again..the civilians are back in the Azovstal steel works. Despite being evacuated last week!
“News that at least 100 civilians remain at the site, ”
“Mariupol is strategically significant for Russia, as it would allow Moscow to create a land bridge between…”
Like that land bridge isn’t already a thing.
How many Frenchies and Canadians are left?
Wali the French Canadian mercenary sniper has done a runner back to Quebec . Stating how amateurish the Ukrainian army is, probably didn’t give him the latest rifle but instead sent him to the front line to fight.
Long winded video about it here
Nurseries and hospitals there probably as well
and lots of photographers, who seem to be always available
funny how we had war reporters in Vietnam and Ireland reporting from both sides, not this time
Ukranian far right Nazis ? free pass this time from the bbc
Tommy Robinson still far right whenever mentioned in the same sentece by the bbc, Le Pen ? still far right whenever mentioned in the same sentence by the bbc
4pm local news, unusual report
“Lincolnshire car wash boss given anti-slavery order”
unusual mention of name : “Mohamed Hamza, who runs M&H car wash in Pinchbeck faces up to five years in prison if he fails to comply, the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) said.
He must pay at least the minimum wage and provide wage slips to all workers.
It is also the first order issued in the UK for the hand car wash sector. …..
However, magistrates said he had refused to co-operate with authorities or run a legitimate business, employing illegal workers on little or no pay, and issued a two-year order against him.
“A far-right battalion has a key role in Ukraine’s resistance. Its neo-Nazi history has been exploited by Putin
Far-right extremism represents a threat to the democratic development of Ukrainian society. The brief provides an overview of the activities and influence of the far right, differentiating between groups that express radical ideas but by and large operate within a democratic framework and extremist groups, which resort to violence to influence society.
Right-wing Azov Battalion emerges as a controversial defender of Ukraine
Militia with far-right views says it welcomes all volunteers, regardless of ideology, in the fight against Russia”
“Silence won’t make the Ukrainian far right go away
Acting like any mention of the problem feeds Kremlin propaganda is only making it worse.
I don’t think this is a controversial thing to say: yes, the far right is a problem in Ukraine, but it doesn’t in any way justify the actions of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, as he threatens Ukraine with military intervention.
The best known, though not best understood, name on Ukraine’s far right — the Azov movement, the subject of my latest book — is being more frequently dropped online by people who want to give Putin a free pass to do what he wants in Ukraine.
The basics: Ukraine’s far right, particularly the Azov movement, has long been able to operate with a degree of impunity and openness that makes it the envy of its international peers. The movement grew out of the Azov Regiment (originally a Battalion), formed in the chaos of war in early 2014 by a ragtag group of far-right thugs, football hooligans and international hangers-on — including dozens of Russian citizens — becoming an official unit of Ukraine’s National Guard.
“With estimates of membership as high as 10,000 members — thankfully nothing near the numbers of fascist parties of the 1930s, with whom it shares more ideological affinity than it will publicly admit — the Azov movement has been able to take advantage of a general “patriotic” turn in Ukrainian mainstream discourse since Russian aggression began in 2014. The movement’s leaders have been adept at playing up their own status as veterans, insulating themselves from criticism as mere “patriots”
Plenty of info out there for the cause of the conflict. People should do some of their own research and never ever believe the MSM, especially the BBC.
Type “2000 Mules” in to Google search box and you get 11.5 MILLION results, and counting!!
In other words, the documentary film exposing the US election steal is creating waves.
Type it into the BBC News search box and you get… precisely zilch.
How long can the Biden Broadcasting Corporation ignore it?
Ros Atkins will opine eventually.
In the meantime nothing to see here – move along and show a bit of respect and sympathy for Sir Kier Starmer QC and blah, blah, blah.
Strawman there mate
The BBC website doesn’t have a “BBC News search box”
The search is a BBC programme search
If there isn’t a BBC prog withe phrase in the blurb
then it won’t show up in the search.
Explains a bit …
Are you sure? Just ran a random check from the BBC News page, and selected a story visible on the front page, and then ran a search.
There it was.
The headline may look subtly different, but it’s the same story when you click on each one.
The whole thing here:
Thanks Banania, it was just a matter of time till it became freely available. Hopefully it won’t get taken down.
BBC hard at work:
Ukraine war: Ros Atkins on… Putin’s false ‘Nazi’ claims
One of President Putin’s justifications for his invasion of Ukraine is that he wants to “denazify” the country.
Ros Atkins looks at the distortions and untruths that Russia is spreading about Nazis in Ukraine – including about the role of the Azov regiment, who are based in Mariupol and are part of Ukraine’s national guard.
Any so called journalist would be able to see there is more than an iota of truth about SOME Ukranian far right extremism unless they are totally blind, especially regarding this group
unless you are world class and work for the bbc
what we all need is a bbc unqualified but expert work experience disinformation specialist to sort it all out, who it seems is on extended gardening leave until this all goes away
The lies of the media regarding the USA election fraud, (ask any statistician and its a bloody miracle how that happened) the historic, never seen before total, complete and utter incompetence of a so called president who cannot string a sentence together, his criminal, drug addicted son and his own corruption and fraud, together with a war in Europe and humiliating surrender in Afghanistan, are slowly unfolding
Yet still all ignored by the bbc but if they can find Donald Trump did something or other..
An analysis of what is happening to the economies of Europe, Britain being around 15 minutes in. Very interesting.
Christine Lagarde: IMF chief convicted over payout
Published20 December 2016
A French court has found International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde guilty of negligence but did not hand down any punishment.
And they roll out the “fact checkers” (which by application of logic, prove NOTHING)
Fact check: Deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud
By Reuters Staff
Social media users have been sharing posts that say a mathematical rule called Benford’s Law provides clear proof of fraud in the U.S. presidential election. However, research papers and academics consulted by Reuters consistently say that deviation from Benford’s Law does not prove election fraud took place.
Theodore P. Hill, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, cautioned that regardless of the distribution uncovered, the application of Benford’s Law would not provide definitive evidence that fraud took place.
And yet:
Pollster says Biden election victory is not ‘statistically impossible’ but ‘statistically implausible’
“If you look at the results, you see how Donald Trump improved his national performance over 2016 by almost 20%. No incumbent president has ever lost a reelection bid if he’s increased his votes. Obama went down by three and a half million votes between 2008 and 2012, but still won comfortably,” he said. “If you look at those results, you see that Donald Trump did very well, even better than four years earlier, with the white working class. He held his own with women and suburban voters against all of most of the polling expectations, did very well with Catholics, improved his vote among Jewish voters. He had the best minority performance for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960, doing so well with African-Americans, and importantly with Hispanics.”
Basham suggested the president’s performance was so well, among a variety of demographics, that if he polled 100 independent, well-informed voters in a room, he believed 99 of them would say the data suggest Trump would win the election. “We know from the vote itself, the alleged vote, the alleged result, that something very strange has happened,” Basham said.
In an op-ed in the Spectator, Bashman analyzed “peculiarities” from the election that lacked “compelling explanations.” He outlined counting without observers, late-arriving ballots, failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots, and low absentee ballot rejection rates.
NOTHING to see here, bbc news
look, a squirrel !
This is where extreme wokery ends up:
A man was arrested for shouting “black bastards” at muggers after they robbed him.
And by the above concern from the far left and their election examination logic,
How many “fact checkers” will be sniffing around the bbc backsides to get a contract to fact check if UKIP were to win the next general election ?
And four more years of bbc stories of grannies starving (all I see is them handing over sheaves of £20 notes at the lottery counter)
And NHS nurses (socialist activists) complaining about not earning enough while the black man next to them on 50K a year for diversity and inclusion nudges them out the way to get into his BMW
Time for GB News to update their ‘regular’ guests. I’m getting sick of listening to lefty Scarlett’s views every day on varying shows throughout the day – with her godawful wig. If she’s not on Dewbs, then its Brazier or Dan Wooton. This merrygoround is becoming tedious and a turn off.
The London ‘pool’ is as limited as it rancid.
Stick to Steyn, while you can, until he is taken off.
Couldn’t agree more – he must know sooner or later some woke will send a ‘file ‘ to OFCOM …. If you watch him and mentally compare him to the droids on the BBC – all the same approved propaganda – you see clearer what poor fare the BBC is …
I have a wide variety of people I talk to and somehow, without any kind of prompt, many seem to express similar kind of opinions, from casual market traders, people in bookshops, record shops, fellow musicians etc etc
Mostly being sick of black people dominating TV for no good reason other than they riot if they dont get what they want and sick of BLM violence being excused, gang warfare in London being excused or ignored if it is black related, the mass black on black stabbings ignored, it is disturbing that they only talk about it quietly.
It is spreading. Luton is rife with Asian and Somali drug gangs who will mass riot every year after Luton Carnival.
And being a Bedforshire lass you are no doubt aware Luton has been a no go area each year after dark on carnival day for many years because of these people.
It is getting worse, if I was to state I was right wing (only towards that way compared to far left but) it would be seen as something morally wrong, yet I could post all day on here videos of antifa and far left extreme violence who will alway excuse immigrant crime and blame the indigenous population for some twisted non sequitor bizarre reason and where is the morality in that ?
Zeph, there are some areas of the market town of Hitchin that I wouldn’t venture in after dark !!! Influx – that sums it up.
I went to school there, Bucklersbury on a Saturday night was always a point of conflict but that was just the skinheads vs the bikers and handbags really
Regarding influx, they have their own pub and place where they sell their interesting tobacco
Hitchin is a lovely town IMO I was at the Friday market this week, not an influx in sight, after dark is always about the trouble caused by alcohol in most towns but Luton is much, much worse, a different scene altogether. It is racial hate at its worse and mostly caused by the racial visitors to our shores, either fighting each other or preying upon others.
Diverity and enrichment at its best in Luton
[video src="" /]
That’s a 2018 newspaper story
..TR has put out video of it previously
Thanks, I now have my own online calendar
I was going to download an app for that, you are invaluable
Local ITV news, you had to wait until the end of the report to know it was PRasNews
“So the YWT Puffin festival takes place all next week”
The beginning was hype from the studio anchors
“Puffins are severe danger from Climate Change”
then the report had two YWT staff shouting Climate Change.
AFAIK researchers often mark a zone as a Puffin counting zone
and they don’t count puffins the other side of the line
In the real world puffin populations often move to other areas or even just over the line
So don’t get counted this year, when the were counted last year etc.
I just thought I should have a look at 2000 mules, fat chance here we go google, your first three attempts:
Site 1) Fact-checking “2000 Mules,” the movie alleging ballot fraud
Alleging and fact checking
Site 2) The faulty premise of the ‘2,000 mules’ trailer about voting by mail in the 2020 election
Site 3) Some of the most high profile Donald Trump supporters, conservative figures, and conspiracy theorists gathered at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago resort to watch a screening of the 2020 Election documentary, 2,000 Mules. “The film, created by right-wing political commentator Dinesh D’Souza, claims ” etc etc
Oh Christ its the Trump years again, the bandwagon is rolling out again:
“claims”, “conspiracy theorists”, “alleges”, “right wing” , “conservative figures”
All together now….sing along whilst Biden shits his pants again and forgets who his wife and drug addicted, corrupt son are live on TV…
Naturally, Google will have rigged their algorithm so the negative commentary on 2000 Mules shows up first.
But I think it’s too big for even Big Tech to silence it this time.
2000 Mules
Just tried this link and the free stream at ugetube is still working from here (Virgin Broadband) – but your YMMV as they say…
The lamest criticism I saw was “GPS isn’t accurate enough”
I think it’s actually stumped the tosspot “fact checkers” …
– there’s gonna be a load of keening and wailing when the #RIPCORD gets pulled on the “charities” / “non partisan” 501(c) outfits that actually ran the papers out to the stuffers.
True The Vote respond to Associated Press
I’m fascinated about how the government seems to be expected to fix the cost of living – to pay for everything – and cut taxes and cut borrowing ….
Has the reliance on the State always been there ?or is it all those daily covid briefings telling us what to do and wait for the date for an injection ….
And how the hell does one avoid the State anymore ?
What is it about GBnews ? Steyn interviewing peter hitchin – and for 3 minutes – on the radio – the plug is pulled . He was being unapproved – talking about the IRA taking over Northern Ireland ..
It was the same sound as the plug was pulled as the lady with farage talking about biden corruption …
Steyn is running an almost single handed investigation into the covid vaccine – interviewing people who are suffering after receiving it . Could it be that certain batches were contaminated or not properly produced ?
Has the British state accepted that such casualties are acceptable for the ‘greater good ?’ I don’t know . I’ve always favoured the vaccine – but if such issues are being suppressed – censored on social media and ignored by the MSM – that’s pretty disturbing – but the way things are – no surprise …
My brother in law had a panicked call from the NHS 6 months ago about a Pfizer batch he received – he was “a bit crook” for a week but didn’t take to his bed.
They actually said “it was a bad batch – we can give you another one”
Thanks but, under the circumstances – no thanks
Tonight marks the anniversary of the worst bombing of London during the blitz –
150 00bombs – 1500 plus dead in one night – all but forgotten . I’m not sure if that was the night my grandparents’ house got hit …
Lots of dots
London Bomb Map
BC News does report : “Potters Bar rail crash: Memorials mark 20th anniversary”
but not this
Today is the 81st anniversary of the most deadly Luftwaffe raid on London. It cost the lives of 1,436 Londoners, left 1,800 injured and 11,000 without homes. Landmarks badly damaged included Old Bailey, British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Parliament & St James’s Palace.
10 May 1941. The House of Commons was damaged, during the worst Luftwaffe London air raid of the Blitz. The bombing took place overnight on 10-11 May, and saw both the Commons chamber and the roof of Westminster Hall set ablaze.
Probably saving up the editorial space to report on Essen, Hamburg and Cologne.
If the BBC want to do a piece on the RAF and bomber command they should look into the history of RAF crashes near thier Salford base. One of the unfortunate crew that perished would tick thier boxes. But of course that would mean investigating like journalists used to……and that wouldn’t do would it.
Ukraine turns off Europe-bound gas
“Kiev cites “force majeure” to halt a third of Russian transited gas flow to Europe, while Gazprom says there have been no issues that would justify the move”
Ukraine cutting off EUs gas.. love it!
Poor underexposed Jay Blades
May 4 BBC News
“Repair Shop host Jay Blades appointed MBE at Windsor Castle”
9pm every Tuesday ..TV show about his black upbringing
So Jay will remember the early late 80s, early 90s in Hackney.
Riots when people were asked to pay their dues via the Poll Tax.
A cover up by Labour, ‘Trottergate’ involving allowing
one of their own to continue working despite being a paedophile.
Living in a Borough with a racist MP.
Maybe he kept a diary at the time (sarc).
Its absolutely beyond my comprehension that someone who was unheard of 5 years ago, is now the recipient of an award at the Palace. Is just a bloody meet and greeter on a tv show, and gets the gong for “services to heritage craft”. Er, no he got it because he is black, just like Nadya, who cooked the worst cake ever for the Queen, also got a gong “for services to broadcasting and the culinary arts” – who the hell makes these titles up ?????
Then 10:35pm BBC there is the pro black show Nought and Croses
Where black actors take the role of white oppressor in a role reverse drama series
8pm-9pm BBC Two about Indian Takeaways
11:15pm film about Indin maths genius Ramanujan
8pm ITV Martin Clunes visits Aborigines
10pm BBC4
The 10pm BBC4 documentary is about a Dutch family
but uses ” Kirkland Vaughans – one the few African-American Freudian therapists in the United States”
It’s about the affect on the filmmakers family of an older sister she never knew dying in a tragic accidental drowning.
Gradually our civilisation is being taken apart by vicious left wing activists using the threat of racism or likewise to delete the power of our law enforcement people.
This is a case in point.
If we do not find a way to put these nasty sub humans back in their box we will end up with anarchy. I for one will be ready to take up any arms I need to rise up against these bloody evil individuals.
Are there any areas in the UK which have become overall a statistically better place for the things which matter in civilised society (such as theft, muggings, employment, family cohesion, crime rates etc) after being taken over by this ‘wonderfully rich diversity’ these people keep telling us about ?.
Come on maxi, if it’s all so wonderful, just give us 10 or so.
That’s painful to watch. He has no real clue what he is saying : he’s just reading it out.
The longer the BBC ignore this – the most powerful Western leader – the greater their disgraceful double-standards and hypocrisy become.
They do it for one reason : to stop Trump getting in again. It’s a complete abuse of their ‘uniquely funded’ position and shows OFCOM up for what it is too.
Some of that river of blood from Afghanistan and Ukraine is on THEIR hands. Death, riots and destruction always seems to follow when the ideologically driven Left get to do what they want because they are so convinced of their own mental superiority, the ends justify whatever means they decide are needed.
Usually, when they get older, life teaches them they are not nearly as clever as they thought they were. That’s why the young tend to be Leftist and older people are on the Right.
I know which group I think should be running the world.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
2000 Mules Review
If you make extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence.
The absence of one individual filmed at multiple drop boxes on the same night is a flaw? – or is it a feature? True The Vote need this to run over numerous news cycles and create pressure in the court of public opinion – and I feel they need to pressure the perps – somebody drove that snail trail and likely by now they’re wondering if the knock on the door is coming.
It would be foolish in the extreme to set out the entire case at the get-go. There are enough asides / sly hints in the carefully crafted and edited film itself to have the alert people wondering where they lead…. I think there might well be some traps set to draw in the quibblers like the reviewer and get initial reaction to the exposed lures – this is definitely a big game of cat and mouse – and if the claims stack up there’s some really big beasts the background.
In terms of a political play – this is too early I feel to be a play for the mid-terms unless the intent is to have a clear out of the tepid Republicans… Both the main parties indulge in this sort of shit and imho are not to be trusted.
True The Vote know who these mules are, they know their homes and workplaces.
Millions of invalid ballots in circulation is an open goal, drop boxes like that doubly so – one intent of the film is to create distrust based on those two clear undisputed opportunities.
The documentary is absolutely not behind a paywall and hasn’t been down for 72 hours – free to view – not that that is actually advertised – it’s about the only thing where I might be able to agree with Mr Upper Echelon Gamer – the makers of the film and True The Vote need funds – 10 Petabytes of phone information is $$$ and I suspect they don’t trust big tech to use cloud services -so more $$$.
Since Upper Echelon Gamer has 500,000 keyboard warriors subscribing who I’d guess could usefully use a bit of real world experience and likely contains more than its fair share of obsessives – letting them loose on that data strikes me as a really rather grand idea.
Privacy concerns need to be addressed though… – and I feel that’s where many of the shortcomings of 2000 Mules are springing from. It seems likely that the film-makers have had to tread extremely carefully and have a pretty serious legal team. They have already been accused of invading privacy.
The clear intent is to ratchet up pressure on the purported lower level organisers at their local locations and do a drive by on the bad practices like vote harvesting from care homes and cemeteries and the absurd practice of sending out voting slips to everybody who’d lived at an address for the last 30 years (care homes must have huge mail at election time)
Dinesh DeSouza the 2000Mules producer is a fairly well known political activist – the reviewer insinuates that TrueTheVote are partisan without actually giving much evidence himself . Gamers to my mind are usually pretty cheap folk (apart from daft video cards) – I find it really weird that I found three free streams of the movie near instantly over the weekend and have been using one without issue for three days at what must be quite high demand period and he doesn’t treat his subscribers to a freebie! – all gamers love swag / cheats.
nothingburger vs. dam breaking – TBD
Things will liven up if the 501(c) organisations and office addresses are revealed.
From the DT
STARTS The BBC has struck a pay deal that will see the majority of employees given a 4.2 per cent pay rise in August followed by 1 per cent later in the year.
Last year’s annual pay increase was 1 per cent and in 2020 there was a pay freeze across the BBC due to the impact of the pandemic.
The broadcaster said the 2022/23 increase sits below the current 7 per cent rate of inflation.
Senior leaders at the corporation will not receive an automatic increase, and their pay is subject to a different process.
The BBC said the announcement is about “providing a fair deal to licence fee payers and to staff” and that it was made possible by “cutting staff numbers and saving costs”.
Last year, the number of employees fell by more than 1,200 – 6 per cent of the total workforce – while senior leader numbers were down by more than 5 per cent.
BBC director-general Tim Davie said: “The BBC is the home of creative excellence and world-beating impartial journalism. We want our staff to thrive, produce their best work and feel valued for their output.
“Last year the number of employees fell by over 1,200. The BBC is smaller but we also need to attract and retain world-class talent, within a reformed, modern and efficient organisation that provides great value to audiences.”
Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has recently said the BBC’s funding model is “completely outdated” and decisions on any changes will be made “well ahead” of its charter renewal in 2027.
The corporation is currently engaged in conversations on how to fund its services as the licence fee faces an uncertain future.ENDS
Excellent news – pay them all more and cut propaganda output ….
Tuesday’s report showed Gary Lineker earned £1.36m in the 2020/21 financial year, down from £1.75m. Radio 2’s Zoe Ball, who also took a pay cut after offering to do so, is still the second-highest paid star on £1.13m.6 Jul 2021
Our Nurse’s Pay Calculator
Band Minimum years of experience Pay
1 0-1 £18,546
Ban pubs?
“Conversations in a pub in the days leading up to the murder of a father-of-two could be significant in solving the case, police have said.”
What is the Nudge Unit?
The Nudge Unit was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 by David Cameron’s government to apply behavioural science to public policy. Now owned partly by the Cabinet Office, by Nesta and by employees, it has operations across the world.
Its chief executive is Dr David Halpern, former director of research at the Institute for Government, who is also the government’s What Works national adviser.