So, Ukraine turns off one third of natural gas traveling through Ukraine and destined for Europe!
Never mind, the UK have some purple haired pierced nutters who will stop us using alternative oil and gas and a judiciary and police that allows them to terrorise the nation.
‘Twitter does not believe in free speech’: Undercover Project Veritas recording reveals Twitter engineer saying platform censors the right but NOT the left, everyone who works there is ‘commie as f**k’ and they ‘hate’ Elon Musk
Project Veritas have published a secretly recorded conversation with a Twitter engineer admitting the company has a left-wing bias
Siru Murugesan, described by Project Veritas as a senior engineer at the company, said it was ‘commie as f***’
He said many employees were angry and worried about Elon Musk’s takeover of the company, and ‘did all we could, to like revolt against it’
Murugesan said that Twitter had operated an extremely left-wing, lax culture where people could take any time off they wanted and not worry about profit
He told the undercover operative that there was ‘bias’ against conservatives, and said: ‘Twitter does not believe in free speech’
It’s a private company – its culture is its own business
Problem is the media/the naive that believe twitter represents real life
A decentralised open source twitter clone, totally free from censorship and totally transparent,is a possibility, but would likely need to be funded directly by users rather than ads
The algorithms will not disappear when Elon takes over. They will just be tweaked.
Can you imagine if BT and other telephone providers decided they had the power to cut your telephone line because they didn’t like your political views?
“When will the Leftist superannuated student activists grow up and stop monstering Maggie?
What does it say about us as a society that a statue commemorating our first female Prime Minister in her home town, paid for by £300,000 in public subscriptions, has to be put under 24-hour surveillance against criminal damage?
Even more profoundly depressing is the fact that the first vandal out of the blocks is an allegedly educated man about to enter his seventh decade.
Don’t these people ever take a day off? Sadly not.
Britain appears to have spawned an entire generation of overgrown student union protesters, decades past the first flush of youth. Some of these menopausal morons are already drawing their pension.
So I guess we shouldn’t be all that surprised that a 59-year-old art gallery administrator is behaving like a hormonal first year revolutionary reading diversity studies at a former polytechnic.
Even his own 87-year-old mother-in-law, a Thatcher fan, called him ‘childish’.
There are legions of these people, mostly employed in cosy sinecures in the public sector, salving their agitprop consciences at taxpayers’ expense.
Take Wolfie Webster. He seems to have spent his entire career sucking on the public teat.
Before he got his latest gig in Leicester, he was head of exhibitions at a craft and design centre in that internationally renowned cultural citadel, Sleaford.
Prior to that, we are told he spent a decade in ‘various roles’ at Lincolnshire County Council.
I’m only guessing here, but I doubt he worked as a dustman or roadsweeper.
For the record, Labour closed more coal mines than the Thatcher government.
And Barmy Arthur Scargill’s suicidal year-long strike, aimed primarily at bringing down a democratically elected Conservative government, did for the rest.
More moderate union leaders acknowledged that Thatcher was a necessary corrective to the institutionalised decay and resistance to modernisation.
While politically opposed to many of her policies, patriotic union men like Terry Duffy of the engineering workers and the electricians’ Eric Hammond not-so-secretly admired Mrs T’s determination to revive our moribund economy.
Don’t forget, either, that she won three consecutive General Elections and in the process helped drag the Labour Party into the real world, even though it has been regressing in recent years under a succession of hopeless leaders who have either forgotten or chosen to ignore the lessons of history.
Ordinary voters had much more time for Thatcher than their self-appointed ‘champions’ on the Left maintained.
Outside of the smug metropolitan tendency, hatred of Mrs Thatcher today would appear to be concentrated in parts of the North of England, Manchester and Liverpool in particular.
But both these great cities benefited long term from economic dynamism ignited by her government.
When I went to Liverpool during the 1980s, after it had fallen into the hands of Militant, the city was on its knees.”
The one thing this article makes absolutely clear is that the Springster has absolutely nothing of any importance to do. She is there for when her boss wants her to jiggle her melons in front of the camera while squeezing some agenda through the gap in the middle.
I’ll sum up this article for you: The picture of this pregnant woman with blood on her face was accused by the Russians of being a propaganda photograph.
That’s it. But my God, what a meal Marianna makes of it;
‘I’ve spoken extensively to her friends and relatives, but have been trying to interview my namesake for weeks. So when she finally appears on my screen on a video call, it feels a little surreal. ‘
The rest of it is the usual BBC attempt to fill the article with empathy and tug at your heartstrings with stuff which has no relevance to the story whatsoever. Marianna has spent days on this one.
Springster also tells us that she clearly isn’t another woman on stretcher in a different picture but inexplicably doesn’t show that picture to prove it.
But the bit which caught my eye was : ‘Marianna seems at ease, and is speaking to me without any preconditions, but a pro-separatist blogger is with her.’.
What ?.
‘There was speculation how free she was to say what she wanted’. Speculation by who Springster ?. You ?. Or was your boss sat on the interview as well so he could tell you what to write ?.
So Marianna is pro-separatist ?. Or not ?. Didn’t mention that anywhere …
Then Springster calls her Marianna Vyshemirsky. Yet as I search in vain for the fake picture, she is called Mariana Vishegirskaya and even the tweet they show in this report she is called Marianna Podgurskaya. But for some reason they just show a screen grab. I can’t click it to see.
Eventually I have given up trying to work out what is going on with this story. Everything is half-truths and unexplained claims and things which just seem odd. And the article confused me from the very start because I couldn’t see what the point of any of it was. Eventually my searches told me it is all because Russia said the hospital was being used by fighters so her picture was staged to make it look like it had pregnant women in it.
What an exercise in subdifuge this article turned out to be. I’m still not quite sure if I know all the facts. But I can say that this report by the BBC’s ‘specialist disinformation and social media reporter’ falls way, way below the required standard for such a title.
But the bit which shocked me was when I searched for ‘My picture was used to spread lies about the war’. The BBC story has simultaneously appeared all over the place. In a similar way to how phrases such as ‘… falsely claimed that ..’ suddenly appears in unison when it fits some far-Left agenda.
I don’t care much about this actual story. It’s that last part which matters. There is absolutely some sort of coordinated media network in place behind the scenes to push this sort of thing.
The tactic here is to fathom out the political message that the “non partisan” “unbiased” bbc (who are meant to just report news) is trying to peddle to it’s audience and assume the polar opposite to be nearer to the real truth.
Simple, but effective way of finding out what is really going on in the world.
My post on the bbc lying climate editor yesterday with two complaints of lying in his reports about climate change upheld againt him being a case in point.
And,do not accept ANY photos they use as evidence that these represent the truth either.
“BBC criticised for cropping out weapon in Black Lives Matter protest photo”
“Fury over the BBC’s hypocritical coverage of violent protests is real
LAST night just outside Number 10 Downing Street anti-racism protests were turning violent for the third time in a week.
Blood was pouring from the head of an un-armed police officer, bottles and other sharp objects were being pelted at cops, thugs were attempting to burn our flag on the Cenotaph, and the statue of our greatest ever Prime Minister Winston Churchill had been desecrated.
If pro-Brexit campaigners had been responsible for such behaviour it would have been headline news.
This newsworthy event developed in the hours before the BBC’s 10pm bulletin went live. But such unacceptable and shocking violence taking place at the heart of Westminster was, yet again, virtually ignored by the corporation.
Just like on Saturday night when police horses had been attacked by the mob, resulting in serious injuries to a WPC, but Beeb reporters either ignored completely or played down this violence.
Their online headline – “27 police officers injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London” – has been rightly pilloried.”
“Please remind me the last time 27 cops were injured during a protest anyone with a right mind could describe as peaceful.
Also brushed over was the complete lack of social distancing by the tens of thousands of protestors, despite the Home Secretary Priti Patel warning they shouldn’t go ahead given we’re in the middle of a pandemic.”
And also regarding the above, let us never forget this gem:
“That’s why London mayor Sadiq Khan showed himself to be an irresponsible hypocrite yesterday.
He was supporting and encouraging the protests to go ahead on Saturday night.
Then on Sunday at 9.05am he had the temerity to tweet: “Lockdown has not been lifted. The virus is still out there. I know it’s tough, but please keep following the rules.”
to hire new staff for their ever expanding empire at TellyTaxpayers’ expense. Coletta, is yet another new voice on Business this morning. “Oh no, what another one?” comments an incredulous Brenda from Bristol. Coletta tries to claim that the poorest people in the land have not received their £150 Council Tax rebate as promised by Rishi Sunak in the Budget. She says this affects the poorest who do not pay by Direct Debit.
Coletta gives out iformation that is wrong, wrong, wrong. Just plain untrue.
If you do not pay by Direct Debit, your Local Authority provided the rebate up front and deducted the £150 from your overall bill for 2022/23. I have the evidence to prove it. You know you cannot trust the BBC. On behalf of their Labour Party friends and colleagues, they wish to attack a Conservative Government and will even tell lies to try to help the Socialist cause. Time to close the BBC down.
I listened to that and wondered why the BBC were investigating something which should be being done either by the government ( treasury ) itself or the loyal opposition ….
…..any way I am not sure you are completely right – the socialist council in my bit of east London doshed out the cash for DD types about 2 weeks ago .
However – my neighbour refuses to DD and at this time hasn’t had her cheque yet – the £150 wasn’t removed from the council tax invoice …..
Elswhere – I know I listen to the BBC too much – and consume too much news …. But the more I listen the more obviously dysfunctional various public bodies are .
I realise that this really isn’t the place to run through all the obvious errors state bodies commit – but it bugs me and I try to figure out is there an overall reason for these failures – or is it just the BBC going after easy hits – as in the needless failure to administer giving £150 of their own money back to them ….
Maybe I should turn the question around – is there anywhere in government which is efficient and works well ?
Elswhere – again Steyn interviewed – again – the widows of 2 healthy men who died young after taking the covid virus . The lady who is to head the public inquiry has asked the PM to include vaccine deaths into the terms of reference – there has been no reply yet .
If the aim is to ‘learn and apply ‘ lessons – then surely nut nut would eagerly say ‘yes ‘ …. But there is potential economic and reputational harm to various players …
Fed, “…..any way I am not sure you are completely right – the socialist council in my bit of east London doshed out the cash for DD types about 2 weeks ago .”
You did not read my post carefully enough.
Non-DD types get the £150 discount up front. This OAPensioner had his £150 discount above the line, as the accountants say. 😉 The Charity that the BBC had cuttid and pastid from had not done their research nor had the BBC who lied on air so they should not accuse Bojo of that. BTW, nothing to do with HMT nor HM’s Oppo.
Given all Stuart Hughes and Vile have done for BBC loose chain Spandexistas, the photo Ed has clearly captured the corporate ideology well.
Day 3 of the Balkan cycling holiday with a covid case and a Montenegro court appearance after a near hit and run (nb you can’t wear shorts..) Not your average bike
Bio “BBC News Head of UK Operations. Chair WBU IMCG.
@rise_WIB Woman of the Year 2019.
Wife/mother/cyclist; proud Cheshire grocer’s daughter.
Views all mine etc”
Bio photo shows a pair of cycle women
Is that her and her wife ?
(earlier tweets mention her husband
… Oh BBC Lincs breakfast presenter has just mentioned HIS husband ..veryBBC)
Wonder if she was in an ethnic Muslim area of Montenegro ?
(I stayed one night with a Muslim family there about 10 years ago)
BTW I refer to their news reporting as “storytelling”
and she head of news recently quoted another BBC journalism manager’s presentation at the MobilePhone Journalism Festival
“It’s opened up so many more *storytelling* opportunities “
says @Declanwilson on #mojo at #MojoFest #MPTS2022
The BBC is running the script of ‘downfall ‘ – the latest bit is that hitler – sorry – putin – is running the war / peace keeping operation – from his bunker – making decisions ‘usually made by junior officers ‘…..
I would love to see the source intelligence which comes up with this one ….
Elsewhere – as this war carries on casualty number don’t seem to be put out by the MSM – I would have thought that the Ukraine side biggest weakness is the number of fighters it has versus the sheer number available to putin
– surely sooner or later Ukraine will run out of fighters ….. are am I missing something ( eg private security companies )…?
You can be sure we will be told by the BBC that Ukraine are on the verge of victory right up to the point the Russians control the Donbas and the fighting suddenly stops. I can imagine quite a few large groups of Ukrainian soldiers have been wiped out by overwhelming Russian firepower by now – but we only get told about the deaths of Ukranian civilians and Russian soldiers. Those incredibly brave white males out there doing the fighting and getting blown to pieces are just inconvenient for the BBC agenda when they get killed. They much prefer empathy stories about women and children suffering hardships.
I do wonder how many mercenaries they have out there. They will come home rich if they survive, but going up against the Russian army will be a lot more dangerous than it was for them in Syria where the opposition just had basic rocket launchers and AK47’s.
You can’t trust anything you read about this on the BBC at this point to be the full story. As usual, it’s what they don’t tell you that matters. I must admit I’ve been force-fed so much propaganda, I’ve almost lost interest in all of it.
An old story, he was believed to be in the Szovstahl works fighting with the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol, there are rumours he has been captured but no confirmation of this.
A remainer with a relentless grasp of the facts (about the EU)? ? !!! ? Don’t make me laugh. Most of the Remain voters I know of didn’t have the first idea about the EU. Even one of those, no longer alive, who had lived in it, had a very poor knowledge of Brussels matters!
Keep-it-uppy, Pyrrhic victories and superlatisation edition
Here’s one for future pub sports quiz questions: ‘Daniels is first UK footballer in decades to come out as gay‘ (Guardian)
In case you were after an extra 10-point bonus question – the freebie Metro provides the answer: ‘First: Justin Fashanu‘
Suffice to say our BBC, in the thinly veiled persona of football/poverty/immigration and now gay-scene expert Gary Lineker, is cock-a-hoop: ‘Jake Daniels: Gary Lineker says forward will be ‘massively accepted’ after coming out‘- it’s like all the BBC’s birthdays and Christmases had come together.
Suddenly common or garden goals formerly described by hyperbolic commentators as “brilliant” or “worldies” will now be “fabulous”
The journalistic opportunities will be endless – now watch the game of keepy-uppy as our media relish the every reaction of crowds – negative, positive or indifferent.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper naturally go with this gay footballer story as their top headline – be there actual public interest or no – however, the juxtaposition with this feature aimed at the feminist-leaning female constituency strikes this reader as somewhat awkward: ‘Fashion. Full-frontal words. How beauty companies sell you make-up – and sex‘ – are our liberal media, corporates and public sector here not busily enaged in selling gay sex to the chaps?
We go over now to Barnstoneworth United – coming off the back of an eight-bloody-one defeat last week… where just prior to kick-off Ottershaw the big number nine feels the need to inform the crowd of his preference for Marigold gloves and a smack on the bottom from the missus on a Thursday night – his annoucement of his preferred peccadillos are evidently “massively accepted” by the customary home crowd of three small boys, one man and his dog. Slight blush there from Mrs Ottershaw over in the players’ wives section.
‘I’m Greg James and I’m a pen pervert. My stationery obsession is now out of control‘ (‘i’) – BBC Radio One DJ (apparently) – sadly my Radio One days are long past… but whatever turns you on… LGBTQ+… HB..? That’s pencils… LGBTQ+BIC?
‘Greg James misses BBC Radio show after testing positive for Covid‘ (Metro) – Greg, I thought I was the one behind the times… but that covid look is SO last year.
Returning to the wags for a moment – former high street giants such as John Lewis may be struggling these days but our media headlines are rarely undersold: ‘Coleen’s fury at Rebekah’s “evil” texts‘ (Daily Mail)
Superlatisation of speech pervades from bottom to top of our culture and society: ‘Bank chief: food price rises will be “apocalyptic”‘ (Daily Telegraph)
Why so? ‘Bailey deflects blame for soaring inflation on to global “shocks”. BoE Governor cites war‘ (FT) – maybe the west should encourage Ukraine to negotiate a peace deal considering the damage this war is apparently doing to us all?
But they keep telling us Ukraine is winning…
‘Ukraine’s defence ministry says 264 fighters have left the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol and been taken to areas held by Russian-backed rebels‘ (BBC) – a few more victories like that and Putin will be in Kiev and we’ll all be queuing for our bread rations.
A Pyrrhic victory is “a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it.” The word comes from the name of Pyrrhus, a long-ago king of Epirus, who suffered heavy losses in defeating the Romans at Asculum in Apulia in 279 BC
I wonder if it time for a footy strand
Rebekah v Colleen – queer footy players ? Is paddy p running a book on the next one deciding to make such private affairs public ?
Maybe that pre match kneeling should be accompanied by clapping for queers or similar
That is actually a 1Kg bag for £1.40
but my point was the half kilo bag is 20p
So if that’s 5.5 portions
that’s less than 4p per portion
A one kilo bag of pasta is a pretty big bag
most are half a kilo.
(I’d already tweeted the screenshot of Tesco’s 20p and 29p pasta..but I didn’t want to fill up the screen here)
Does using a microwave to boil water cost less than a kettle -? I’ll wait to be told by the bbc fact checker ‘jiggling her melons ‘ as described on previous comment …
Honestly, I can get a week’s worth of fresh groceries for the four of us from Lidl or Aldi (brilliant shops both) for around £30 (£31.76 this weekend – got the receipt in my wallet for some reason, and looking down it that included some meat, and two bars of chocolate, so not really ‘hardship’). If the wife goes, she’ll spend that on just a bottle of wine and bag of coffee (which is why I normally do the shopping).
Pasta, rice, potatoes, flour (and dried yeast to make your own bread/pasta) are all currently still dirt cheap, so long as you avoid brand names and buy from one of the cheaper supermarkets, or ‘essentials’ ranges. Fresh veg – onions, carrots, tomatoes, even peppers are all cheap too, so long as you buy in season.
Another cost cutter is to grow your own veg – anyone with a small area of ground, or even a few growbags/sacks of soil, can plant potatoes – buy a small bag of potatoes from Lidl (about 80p), wait ’til they sprout – about a week in a dark place at this time of year, bury them, and in July/August, dig up about 5/6 times as many as you planted. Runner beans – a dozen dried beans, which someone will normally give you for nothing, will grow into a dozen plants, each of which will produce several kilos of fresh, green beans – July-Sept. Packet of lettuce seeds (£1 online) will give you as much fresh salad as you can eat from April through to Oct, when planted in batches. Radishes, carrots, peas, leeks, onions, garlic … all easy to grow and not space, or time demanding, and save a small fortune if you grow your own. Most places I’ve been abroad, once you leave the city centres, you always see fruit and veg in every garden, it only seems to be the UK and the US where people don’t grow much of their own food.
In this country we’ve grown fat, lazy, and spoilt. I reckon Lee Anderson is right, and you probably could feed your family on 30p a head, per meal, but even if we say £1 per meal, that’s still less than £30 a week for a family of four… Child Benefit is £21.80 for the first child, £14.45 each other, so if you have two kids, their Child Benefit has covered the grocery bill for the entire family (assuming two parents), and change left over to save up for school uniform and school trips. To put things in perspective, £30 is less than half a tank of diesel, or the earnings for 3.5 hours of work on minimum wage.
Despite all the whinging about ‘foodbanks’ etc… it’s not food, or grocery bills which are the problem (not yet, anyway), it’s the other ‘household bills’ – mortgage/rent, energy, water, council tax(!)… and not forgetting the ‘telly tax’ (scrapping which would allow a family of four to feed themselves another month, or so).
A Tory will say something dumb – even out of context
Tories get the blame
It would never happen under labour
It’s not happening in …. Where ever land
The wealthy are still wealthy
Kiddies are starving
Prem millionaire wants free food for all
Someone with 9kids wants more welfare
Loan sharks
A run on Food banks
UN warns Blighty on millions ‘starving ‘
Obesity getting worse …
Now the weather …
I don’t watch live TV any more Fed, no point in paying for it in our house, no one watched it when I did, but I did catch a bit of the BBC news at a friend’s house recently (it was on, ignored in the background), and everything on it: climate change, Ukraine, foodbanks, naughty Boris, lovely Sir Keir, all seemed like some of liturgy to me too – “Repeat daily, rinse and repeat…”
Big – my tv gave up over a week ago – I don’t miss it – selective use of GB news radio does for me – and I force myself to listen to Today for the unintended comedy ….. not had a TV licence for probably 15 years – and will never have one …
As with the gotchas, it is just another idiot game.
BBC clueless hosts depending on researchers to catch out clueless pols who have sent a Spad out.
Missus shops online via Waitrose and Morrisons, and I raid the local Aldi at least once a week. I can tell you the price of a Ferrex battery. Milk I grab off the shelf. No idea on cost.
This weekend we had a roast pork loin. £6.50. Two hungry kids. Enough left for a pork curry the next day. We have one main meal daily, so I make that quality fare at just over £1 a head.
Jon, Toenails, Mishal and £75 Plonker Ange can do one.
I saw an undercover article when Deliveroo and Just Eat got off the ground, and I wouldn’t feed my dog on the food from where its prepared. Think industrial buildings on an industrial site and cooked/handled by foreigners who don’t have the same standard of hygiene as the rest of us. Yes, High St restaurants and fast food chains should be reliable, but the rest ????????
A point on the hypocrisy of the Left over the cost of living crisis which all of us should be bringing up every time the so called cost of living crisis is mentioned.
Recently we saw a wealthy leftie liberal (aren’t they all?) invite other wealthy leftie liberals to throw food at a statue.
There must have been enough food wasted to have fed a family of four for a week, had that food been given to a food bank, and now the left cannot complain about people going hungry when it would rather waste this food throwing it at an effigy which they didn’t like through their own rank intolerance.
Every time the Lefties bring up the cost of living they need to reminded that there are so many wealthy lefties who do not care one jot about others suffering that they would rather waste this food throwing a tantrum at an inanimate object than helping out those down on their uppers and needing help to put food on the table.
More gaslighting
May 12th the NYT tweeted a gotcha
“One of the biggest donors to the UK’s Conservative Party is suspected of secretly funneling $630,225 to the party from a Russian account, a bank alert showed.
The cash was part of a fund-raising blitz that helped propel the party to victory in 2019.”
You’d need £60m, £300m to swing an election
$600K would get you just one or two primetime TV adverts etc.
Sophie The Tory supporting Durham student is trending
.. Twitter is awash with hatey Labour tweets against her
I didn't recognise Sophie Corcoran without her banjo. Why #gmb would you have this ignorant, bigoted lout on your show? She's thicker than blubber fondue.
These lefties have been whipped up into a lather by the media for so long now, and their violent outbursts are becoming more and more frequent, that something big is going to happen.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.
Giving up alcohol in the LGBT community: ‘I like this version of me better’
One study suggests lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely to report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people.
“Let me be clear, I’m not blaming heterosexuals for their current predicament; I am blaming the culture that’s increasingly scattering obstacles in their path. When I encounter a functioning straight couple nowadays, I want to cheer.
Because at a very basic level, heterosexuality is of major importance, as the great motor of humanity. Without it, nobody would exist. It is a responsibility and (I’ve observed) a great joy, to rear and to effectively socialise children. The devaluation of parenthood — and of stable heterosexual coupling — across the West has had serious social consequences, exacerbated by bad economic decisions taken by Western governments. It has become increasingly financially difficult to raise kids — the ONS reported in 2020 that the English fertility rate had reached its lowest recorded level — which should be the easiest thing in the world.”
“Shame about innocuous things is dangerous. As a gay man (sorry) who came of age in the Eighties, I know that only too well. It should not be so boring or gauche to be heterosexual that people are desperate to deny it. So let us have more heteronormativity and end the stigma. Take it from a homosexual, you’re just fine as you are.”
An observation: Although undeniably true (and downright sensible), this is socially acceptable coming from an overtly gay man (and one who has written for the BBC – ‘Dr Who’, although pre-woke era, I suspect?), would it be so, if it was written by a ‘heteronormative’ one?
I wonder what his views on the trans debate are?
“Volunteer police officers to be armed with Taser stun guns”………
“But Amnesty International called it a “dangerous expansion” in their use.”
What has this got to do with Amnesty International?
Amnesty International needs to recognise that Great Britain is governed by a democratically run government. It would serve the world better if it spent its time and money on focusing on the Despotic countries round the world.
Besides , how would they advise unarmed British Volunteer Police Officers deal with armed criminals, arm them with feather dusters ?
I can support Amnesty in this. We no longer have a ‘Police’ service in the UK, more of a Stasi or Gestapo, concerned with incorrect political opinions rather than actual policing of criminals.
These do gooding zealot vounteers are likely to taser anyone they suspect of displaying some kind of ism or fauxbia instead of criminals.
“How would they advise unarmed British Volunteer Police Officers deal with armed criminals ?”
We have no use for a woke, tick box “police service”, but we are desperately in need of a Police Force to bring the crime rate down in this country .
There are quite a few fatalities in the US from their deployment and use on all and sundry, but then, in the US the alternative is a firearm… so I guess tasers really are the ‘safer’ option.
Not too keen on our volunteer PCOs being issued with them personally, but they do need to be able to look after themselves and actually excert some authority on the streets – in the unlikely event they actually try to do anything about real crime.
Truncheons can be pretty deadly too, I guess, and a couple of twenty stone policemen/women/man-women tackling you to the ground (and kneeling on your neck?) isn’t entirely without risk.
Policing can be a ‘orrible job, but like emptying the bins, or unblocking sewers, someone needs to do it.
Residents furious as ‘stretched’ police filmed riding on dodgems at fairground despite being on duty. COPS who claim their skint force is overstretched found time to ride dodgems on duty. The army of police sparked uproar yesterday after enjoying fairground thrills on duty instead of watching for crime.
Please consider whether this should be withdrawn. It is not about the BBC but is the complete Manifesto of the Buffalo shooter.
I am concerned that the authorities here – always looking for links to the far far right – might seize upon certain views held by respectable conservatives who can be labelled by our troll as fellow spirits.
The anti semitism is, perhaps, stronger than the BBC’s.
Just to add tucker carlson goes into this case – seems this kid truly was a nutter and the manifesto was a rambling nut job…
Yet the left plaster it as a Trump inspired attack …
Btw he says 104 americans were shot to death at the weekend – 104 – wow
Surely if you didn’t put that up it wouldn’t be on this site ! Personally I don’t like taking stuff down – those who don’t like this site won’t change whatever goes on it …….
“It comes after the PM said he did not want to scrap the deal – on how goods enter Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK – but it could be fixed.”
Almost six years after we voted for independence is Boris trying to keep one foot in the EU?
taffman, I think may Conservatives would like to dump N. Ireland. Over the last 55 years it has cost the UK lots and England most of all. OK, the Unionists have a case but if they wished to stay in a majority their solution was plain for everyone to see.
Jake Daniels, a footballer, comes out as gay. The first footballer to do this for thirty years. It’s so brave. A cause for celebration. A watershed moment. We need more gay “representation” in football.
Do we? Most gays I know aren’t interested in football. As a group they tend to have peculiarly unathletic physiques. A lot of them have weird body shapes. They aren’t ideal as potential footballers. It is more probable that there are just very few gay footballers than that they are afraid to “come out” in this macho sport.
But the fact is that there are many gays already in football. But they are football coaches and scouts rather than players. They are attracted to these jobs because it gives them access to young men and boys. Many have been convicted of sexual abuse. Hundreds more are suspected of homosexual rape and paedophilia.
They are not under-represented amongst the backroom staff.
We’re currently at a stage where being ‘heteronormative’ is as much of a social and career disadvantage as suffering from melanin deficiency, especially if you’re in a position of public scrutiny.
For a while, I thought some ‘gay’ celebrities might be found out for the frauds they are, when their shocking heterosexuality was finally outed, but turns out there’s a way around that one – all you need to do is loudly proclaim you’re ‘bisexual’, ‘pansexual’, ‘multisexual’? etc….
Presidents Carter and Reagan and Congress had all instituted sanctions against the white minority South African government because of its policy of racial apartheid. But in 1986, Reagan condemned Mandela’s group, the ANC, which was leading the black struggle against the apartheid regime, saying it engaged in “calculated terror … the mining of roads, the bombings of public places, designed to bring about further repression.”
After the apartheid regime in South Africa declared the ANC a terrorist group, the Reagan administration followed suit.
I often wonder, when seeing Christina Patterson review the papers, who she would aim her bile at if Labour was in government. Even Gillian Joseph the news presenter had to bring her back on track, as she went off on one about how awful Boris is.
Tomo – yes – 15 minutes – but the section at the end – how colour politics used by the democrats is separating and dividing and causing disorder – is so wise.
But because it it tucker and fox – the truth could never be accepted …
No doubt all the feminist activist groups and the misandrists at the BBC are waiting to find out the colour of the murderer before deciding whether create an outcry and start their night-time vigils.
Though the fact I don’t see it on the UK news front page suggests to me that the BBC already know.
Advice centres, such as the one visited by Hana – a 19-year-old living in the north-eastern US state of Massachusetts – are often run by Christian organisations.
Conversion therapy: UK government to fund helpline
By Lauren Moss
LGBT and identity correspondent
The ‘man’ in question (Alex Davies) certainly sounds like an odious little creep, but:
1. Compare and contrast with the BBC’s reporting of other young terrorists (or wanna be terrorists).
2. Other than forming a gang with other ‘far right’ neo-nazi cretins, and talking bollox about ‘race war’ and ‘bombs’, did they actually DO anything?
3. If he is 27 today (2022), and he founded the organisation in 2013, he was, what 18? at the time, the article actually mentions he was 15/16 when he first came to the attention of the authorities. Where were parents? teachers? social workers?
4. If you watch the video the police talk about him being tried for his ‘ideology’, rather than for anything he actually did. Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with the notion you can be imprisoned for expressing your thoughts (however, vile they may be), rather than for your actions?
5. If he’d been campaigning for the environment, and formed some ‘extreme eco-action’ group, which talked about blowing people up in their SUVs, and murdering ‘old white men’ industrialists, would it have been handled in the same way?
Shamima Begum is a British-born woman, who left the UK in 2015 aged 15 to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria. Her attempt to return to the UK in 2019 resulted in litigation culminating in a decision of the Supreme Court, and public debate about the handling of returning Islamic extremists. Wikipedia
bBC reports
“Russians are increasingly turning to domestic brands, amid an exodus of Western household names like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Ikea.
Thirsty Russians are now being offered fizzy drink replacements for Coke, Fanta and Sprite – namely the Ochakovo beverage firm’s CoolCola, Fancy and Street.
But on its website Ochakovo avoids naming the Western counterparts – cola for example is just described as “a cult flavour”.
There is now a Kremlin-led drive to pump out Russian-made consumer goods, as wide-ranging sanctions imposed over the Ukraine war hit imports.
No doubt many Russians will hope the quality is better than that of Soviet substitutes during the Cold War, when the cash-strapped communist state boycotted most “capitalist” goods.
Ochakovo is a well-established firm famous for kvass – a traditional, mildly alcoholic Russian drink made from fermented bread.”
I’ve drunk kvass! Didn’t know it was Russian, or made from fermented bread, but have read that’s how a lot of beer was made once upon a time, especially so-called ‘small beer’, with low alcohol content.
Anyway, the kvass I drank in Romania, served ice cold, in hot, dusty weather, went down a treat (from memory)… could do with a glass, or two of that now, actually.
Wouldn’t touch Coca-cola with a barge pole – vile, sickly sweet stuff, a saturated sugar solution, to which caramel and artificial sweetners have been added.
Agreed – infinitely better than Coca-Cola. Usually available in Baltic shops here (Lithuanian, Latvian etc), occasionally in Polish stops if they are also catering for Baltic or Russian folk. Comes in two varieties, a sort of ‘pop’ style and a more traditional fermented one which is a good non-alcoholic substitute for beer. My local Lithuanian shop stocks both Russian and Ukrainian varieties, or at least did so until the current fun and games. And don’t get me started on Russian Alenka chocolate or Ukrainian Roshen chocolate…
If you drink Coke or its big name rival just a couple of times a year (esp. after adding some lemon juice) it can be quite refreshing, cold from the ‘frige’ more so.
I’m sure Up, but drink a 5 litre bottle of it every day (like a surprising number of people) and you’ll soon be joining the ranks of the terminally obese. Like a lot of things, I’m quite sure it does no harm in moderation.
Coca Cola has 10.6g of sugar in a can
That’s 32g in a litre
One apple has 19g of sugar
“Experts have found that a single 350g baked potato without any toppings, often considered a healthy option, contains nearly 90g of sugar.”
It’s just your body does use quite a lot of sugar in the digestion of it.. and it takes time for your body to breakdown the carbohydrate into sugar it doesn’t all go into your blood at once.
Calories in 330ml can of Coca-Cola (original) = 140 kcal (i.e. 7% of recommended daily intake for an ‘average’ active adult man)
Calories in ‘medium’ sized potato = 110 kcal
Calories in ‘average’ sized apple = 95 kcal
Calories in 330ml of beer = 140 kcal (identical to Coke)
The difference being you get a great deal of the vitamins and minerals you need from eating potatoes and apples (and from drinking beer in moderation), you only get ’empty’ calories from drinking coke – good for an ‘energy shot’ perhaps, not much good for anything else – you NEED to eat on top of that massive calorific injection.
Also, we recognise ‘beer bellies’, so why not ‘coke bellies’?
Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas — three or more a day — had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake.
It is a textbook insight into the bias and tunnel-vision the well-off lefties have against anyone with an alternative point of view.
I would like to tell Ms Williams that real book-reading is not all about virtue signalling at some single-minded group-think book-fest.
I for instance am constantly reading and enjoying numerous books, from classics to modern fiction and I don’t feel the need to gather like sheep to bask with a cult in our liberal righteousness.
Worth noting that even The Guardian removed this piece from their home page quite quickly so maybe they had some unexpected feedback.
I have dipped in and out of our Zoe’s articles and they are usually a diatribe of anti-Tory bullshit with little real content but lots of lefty haughty poison and positioning.
I believe this lady illustrates perfectly why our popular news outlets are so rabidly left biased as they are infested with these types of tunnel-vision ex UNI left-leaning-bubble chanters including of course the BBC.
Lol – a devotee of The Who saw their first gig after The Arrest and Pete Townsend walked on the stage and said ‘the kids are all right ‘ – I know because I wasn’t there …
“…The fact remains that Conservative governments that increase taxation during recession, like the first George Bush, or John Major, go down to defeat. And more importantly, millions of families are now desperately worried about how they’re going to pay their bill. So what I’d like the Chancellor now to do is to say his absolute priority, coming up to the budget, is to reduce the overall tax burden on working families.”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
6.30 weather on BBC1 and the weather girl stated that at 27 degrees Celsius, temperatures were a few degrees above where they should be. I have never experienced weather that was stable day after day. The U.K. weather swings sufficiently on a daily basis that the British are known for it being a topic of conversation. Perhaps those working in weather should know that.
Look North reporting that the cost of living crisis and the pandemic have reduced the donations being given to charities. A huge amount was given to Ukraine and it will have had an effect of donations to U.K. charities but this wasn’t mentioned.
I might add that I know a London charity discussing tonight pay rises of 5 or 7 per cent.
Apparently krankie has gone to Washington and told the comrades that an independent Scotland will be a member of NATO ..
Perhaps thats the NATO lite version where nuclear submarines of US or UK variant are not based there ….
Im sure quite a few eyebrows were raised in the Pentagon with that one ….
Maybe Turkey will object to scotland being in NATO because it has a long history or harbouring various brands pf Irish terrorist .,.
Um, I’ve sat inside Guy Gibson’s Lancaster – it was the late 1960’s at Biggin Hill. Just about managed to get from the rear gunner’s position – scarily vulnerable, to sitting in the GG’s seat. A rare honour. Unbelievably cramped inside despite the size.
Another coverup: 2016 Operation Cerrar in Glasgow.
55 Asylum seekers (Kurds, Afghans, Egyptians, Moroccans, Turks, Pakistanis & Iraqis) abused at least 44 girls & the Scottish police wouldn’t say how many were charged or if any were convicted
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
I am proud to be the Met’s first female Commissioner. I know what it feels like
to police this incredible global city and I fully support the Mayor’s vision of
creating a police service that is the best we can be for London and one that
keeps London one of the safest cities in the world.
“There are more job vacancies than unemployed people in the UK for the first time since records began.”
Why ?
Too many people with silly degrees . Not enough young people with real skills.
Who’s idea was it to send all school leavers to Yooney to waste four or five years of their lives and money?
When did the records begin? When I was young there were so many jobs firms were begging people to come work for them, and you could leave on job and start another next day.
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do they do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
My thoughts exactly Taffman, “innocent until proven guilty” and all that. As it currently stands, it is (as far as I’m aware) just an accusation, of a kind which is often thrown around by ex-wives, jilted lovers, rivals etc… . If he is proven guilty, then it should be reported, and he deserves whatever is thrown at him, until then, it would be malicious rumormongering to mention it in the press, hey BBC?
Yes, because so far as I am aware the so called far right are a bunch of inadequates more sad than dangerous. The far left on the other hand genuinely are dangerous.
Marxist infiltrator Theresa May when PM refused to proscribe Antifa, even though the terrorism links were presented to her as being US and German threats, and instead talked utter rubbish about a rise of an imaginary ‘far right’ which didn’t exist.
BBC local radio news
Presenter “I heard a story from another area that children are being poisoned cos parents are switching the fridge off at night to save electricity”
No evidence was given
So lets dive into Twitter
Cost of living: Children ‘getting food poisoning’ as parents turn fridge off
A food bank says struggling families are taking measures to keep up with the cost of living crisis.”
There it says “Truro Foodbank, in Cornwall, said it had received reports of children having stomach upsets from eating meals that had been incorrectly stored.” foodbank manager Simon Fann told BBC.
“But also *reports* of children having upset stomachs or, in worse cases, food poisoning because some parents are turning the fridges and freezers off overnight.”
OK so we are back to the BBC
BBC talked to the Foodbank manager and he said he’d heard reports.
It’s not up to the public to do the legwork
It’s up to the BBC to substantiate and context claims when they make them.
Stew – as part of my fixed dual fuel tarif I have to have a smart meter – is there any benefit to having one ?
I’ve got a theory that the aim is to introduce price tariffs set accordingly to time and day to discourage using power at peak times ….
I just wonder if the UK system can do this – if power costs remain high for a long time – beyond windfall taxes – I think this is a likely option . Actual supply could be rationed too …
Precisely the reason why I refuse to have a smart meter. Eon tried to convince me that I had to have one fitted as part of the tariff I was on then, when that failed, it was law to have one. I definitely knew better so I told them to f*** off and changed supplier.
Our meter is always north of a £1 first thing in the morning (with only the fridge on!) . Always assumed this was due to ‘green levy’ or other fixed costs?? but meter says energy ‘used so far today xxkWh’
It seems to me media workers, are so addicted to storytelling
Their instinct is to report a good story
and then only afterwards try to find the evidence.
” good story” is a story which reinforces their existing worldview* and is exciting due to the dream or doom angle
* (of the world as the WANT it to be, rather than how it is)
I’m not talking about what is a truthful story to us.
Next local item : The gay footballer
The prog played the segment from BBC breakfast TV
“Hull City youth player Thomas Beattie, who came out as gay after he retired from football, says unlike Jake Daniels he struggled to embrace who he was. ”
Thomas Beattie has had multiple past media appearances
about his work about helping gay sportsmen come out.
This context was not mentioned in the BBC local news item.
.. Then PR for Lincoln Hospitals new drug manufacturing lab
.. Then even more PR for a Puffin charity (The plugged their Puffin Festival 2 weeks ago)
The PuffinGalore trail art project : 42 model puffins painted by artists
Why ?
Clare Huby The arts project manager said “The project will be raising the awareness of Climate Change and the impact it has”
Nurse painter “I wanted to shed light on some of the renewable structures (Wind farms ?)
the other half i going to be focussed on Global Warming and the destruction it caused”
Others will focus on History like Amy Johnson
.. The artworks will be auctioned off for charities (and activist orgs ?)
I suppose one thing is that when there is an ethnic component to a story the BBC can use it twice or more
Both on the English pages
and then again in the BBC’S foreign languages pages
BTW BBC local news reported Van-Tam didn’t collect his knighthood today, cos currently has Covid
GS gốc Việt Jonathan Van-Tam: ‘Không loại trừ khả năng có biến chủng Covid né được miễn dịch’
— BBC News Tiếng Việt (@bbcvietnamese) May 7, 2022
PC Sandeep Khunkhun has been fired for “shocking dereliction of her duties”.
Not often you read about someone being so barbaric, they burn someone else alive. The only other I recall was by some Muslims in Manchester.
The most extreme case of domestic abuse you can imagine. Poured petrol on her then set her alight. Would have been a huge outcry if the guy who did it was white. Where are all the misandrist feminist groups for this one ?.
Here he is:
This must be the diversity enrichment they keep telling me about.
The BBC put this inconvenient truth up late at night. I wonder if it will still be on the front page by breakfast.
6:30 UK time and it’s already slipped to the last slot on the page …
The Tory arrested on suspicion of rape is still the top story. For anyone else, (especially BAME), it only makes front page billing after they were found guilty. Reading the general news, the media mob have already started the lynching – so I hope he is guilty and deserves to be ruined. Because he certainly will be.
Fed, It’s one of those cases which is so incredibly off-the-scale that I just can’t get my head around it.
Barbarians who can pour petrol on someone else and set them on fire don’t just turn like that overnight. I’m sure there is a LOT more to this case than we are being told – but I’m also sure the Leftists think that their multicultural agenda justifies supressing this kind of news.
I bet they are snowed under with black crime in London and I expect they are under pressure to make it look better than it is – hence I bet a LOT is simply not investigated.
I had a look at the independent complaints outfit – seems this ‘detective ‘ was told what to do but just didn’t do it … along side this case was an ‘minority’ met copper who was dismissed for pursuing a crime victim to take her for a ‘drink ‘ …. And kept at it .
There is something seriously wrong with plod – I suppose it is the consequence of recruiting anything coloured just to tick the diversity box ,
And the consequence of this must be a huge increase in internal investigations leaving the public to be exposed to the tooled up monsters on the streets ….
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
So, Ukraine turns off one third of natural gas traveling through Ukraine and destined for Europe!
Never mind, the UK have some purple haired pierced nutters who will stop us using alternative oil and gas and a judiciary and police that allows them to terrorise the nation.
‘Twitter does not believe in free speech’: Undercover Project Veritas recording reveals Twitter engineer saying platform censors the right but NOT the left, everyone who works there is ‘commie as f**k’ and they ‘hate’ Elon Musk
Project Veritas have published a secretly recorded conversation with a Twitter engineer admitting the company has a left-wing bias
Siru Murugesan, described by Project Veritas as a senior engineer at the company, said it was ‘commie as f***’
He said many employees were angry and worried about Elon Musk’s takeover of the company, and ‘did all we could, to like revolt against it’
Murugesan said that Twitter had operated an extremely left-wing, lax culture where people could take any time off they wanted and not worry about profit
He told the undercover operative that there was ‘bias’ against conservatives, and said: ‘Twitter does not believe in free speech’
It’s a private company – its culture is its own business
Problem is the media/the naive that believe twitter represents real life
A decentralised open source twitter clone, totally free from censorship and totally transparent,is a possibility, but would likely need to be funded directly by users rather than ads
The algorithms will not disappear when Elon takes over. They will just be tweaked.
This isn’t true.
Can you imagine if BT and other telephone providers decided they had the power to cut your telephone line because they didn’t like your political views?
“When will the Leftist superannuated student activists grow up and stop monstering Maggie?
What does it say about us as a society that a statue commemorating our first female Prime Minister in her home town, paid for by £300,000 in public subscriptions, has to be put under 24-hour surveillance against criminal damage?
Even more profoundly depressing is the fact that the first vandal out of the blocks is an allegedly educated man about to enter his seventh decade.
Don’t these people ever take a day off? Sadly not.
Britain appears to have spawned an entire generation of overgrown student union protesters, decades past the first flush of youth. Some of these menopausal morons are already drawing their pension.
So I guess we shouldn’t be all that surprised that a 59-year-old art gallery administrator is behaving like a hormonal first year revolutionary reading diversity studies at a former polytechnic.
Even his own 87-year-old mother-in-law, a Thatcher fan, called him ‘childish’.
There are legions of these people, mostly employed in cosy sinecures in the public sector, salving their agitprop consciences at taxpayers’ expense.
Take Wolfie Webster. He seems to have spent his entire career sucking on the public teat.
Before he got his latest gig in Leicester, he was head of exhibitions at a craft and design centre in that internationally renowned cultural citadel, Sleaford.
Prior to that, we are told he spent a decade in ‘various roles’ at Lincolnshire County Council.
I’m only guessing here, but I doubt he worked as a dustman or roadsweeper.
For the record, Labour closed more coal mines than the Thatcher government.
And Barmy Arthur Scargill’s suicidal year-long strike, aimed primarily at bringing down a democratically elected Conservative government, did for the rest.
More moderate union leaders acknowledged that Thatcher was a necessary corrective to the institutionalised decay and resistance to modernisation.
While politically opposed to many of her policies, patriotic union men like Terry Duffy of the engineering workers and the electricians’ Eric Hammond not-so-secretly admired Mrs T’s determination to revive our moribund economy.
Don’t forget, either, that she won three consecutive General Elections and in the process helped drag the Labour Party into the real world, even though it has been regressing in recent years under a succession of hopeless leaders who have either forgotten or chosen to ignore the lessons of history.
Ordinary voters had much more time for Thatcher than their self-appointed ‘champions’ on the Left maintained.
Outside of the smug metropolitan tendency, hatred of Mrs Thatcher today would appear to be concentrated in parts of the North of England, Manchester and Liverpool in particular.
But both these great cities benefited long term from economic dynamism ignited by her government.
When I went to Liverpool during the 1980s, after it had fallen into the hands of Militant, the city was on its knees.”
Marianna Vyshemirsky: ‘My picture was used to spread lies about the war’
Marianna Spring
The one thing this article makes absolutely clear is that the Springster has absolutely nothing of any importance to do. She is there for when her boss wants her to jiggle her melons in front of the camera while squeezing some agenda through the gap in the middle.
I’ll sum up this article for you: The picture of this pregnant woman with blood on her face was accused by the Russians of being a propaganda photograph.
That’s it. But my God, what a meal Marianna makes of it;
‘I’ve spoken extensively to her friends and relatives, but have been trying to interview my namesake for weeks. So when she finally appears on my screen on a video call, it feels a little surreal. ‘
The rest of it is the usual BBC attempt to fill the article with empathy and tug at your heartstrings with stuff which has no relevance to the story whatsoever. Marianna has spent days on this one.
Springster also tells us that she clearly isn’t another woman on stretcher in a different picture but inexplicably doesn’t show that picture to prove it.
But the bit which caught my eye was : ‘Marianna seems at ease, and is speaking to me without any preconditions, but a pro-separatist blogger is with her.’.
What ?.
‘There was speculation how free she was to say what she wanted’. Speculation by who Springster ?. You ?. Or was your boss sat on the interview as well so he could tell you what to write ?.
So Marianna is pro-separatist ?. Or not ?. Didn’t mention that anywhere …
Then Springster calls her Marianna Vyshemirsky. Yet as I search in vain for the fake picture, she is called Mariana Vishegirskaya and even the tweet they show in this report she is called Marianna Podgurskaya. But for some reason they just show a screen grab. I can’t click it to see.
Eventually I have given up trying to work out what is going on with this story. Everything is half-truths and unexplained claims and things which just seem odd. And the article confused me from the very start because I couldn’t see what the point of any of it was. Eventually my searches told me it is all because Russia said the hospital was being used by fighters so her picture was staged to make it look like it had pregnant women in it.
What an exercise in subdifuge this article turned out to be. I’m still not quite sure if I know all the facts. But I can say that this report by the BBC’s ‘specialist disinformation and social media reporter’ falls way, way below the required standard for such a title.
But the bit which shocked me was when I searched for ‘My picture was used to spread lies about the war’. The BBC story has simultaneously appeared all over the place. In a similar way to how phrases such as ‘… falsely claimed that ..’ suddenly appears in unison when it fits some far-Left agenda.
I don’t care much about this actual story. It’s that last part which matters. There is absolutely some sort of coordinated media network in place behind the scenes to push this sort of thing.
Sad, but true:
The tactic here is to fathom out the political message that the “non partisan” “unbiased” bbc (who are meant to just report news) is trying to peddle to it’s audience and assume the polar opposite to be nearer to the real truth.
Simple, but effective way of finding out what is really going on in the world.
My post on the bbc lying climate editor yesterday with two complaints of lying in his reports about climate change upheld againt him being a case in point.
And,do not accept ANY photos they use as evidence that these represent the truth either.
“BBC criticised for cropping out weapon in Black Lives Matter protest photo”
Regarding the above:
“Fury over the BBC’s hypocritical coverage of violent protests is real
LAST night just outside Number 10 Downing Street anti-racism protests were turning violent for the third time in a week.
Blood was pouring from the head of an un-armed police officer, bottles and other sharp objects were being pelted at cops, thugs were attempting to burn our flag on the Cenotaph, and the statue of our greatest ever Prime Minister Winston Churchill had been desecrated.
If pro-Brexit campaigners had been responsible for such behaviour it would have been headline news.
This newsworthy event developed in the hours before the BBC’s 10pm bulletin went live. But such unacceptable and shocking violence taking place at the heart of Westminster was, yet again, virtually ignored by the corporation.
Just like on Saturday night when police horses had been attacked by the mob, resulting in serious injuries to a WPC, but Beeb reporters either ignored completely or played down this violence.
Their online headline – “27 police officers injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London” – has been rightly pilloried.”
“Please remind me the last time 27 cops were injured during a protest anyone with a right mind could describe as peaceful.
Also brushed over was the complete lack of social distancing by the tens of thousands of protestors, despite the Home Secretary Priti Patel warning they shouldn’t go ahead given we’re in the middle of a pandemic.”
You are way out of date, Zephir, that’s 2020 not current news. Not as bad as Marky Mark but still out of date.
What has date got to do with anything when providing examples of photo editing to create a false narrative by the bbc ?
History is ignored by the revisionists.
Context – just put the date first before the report – otherwise it looks – poor .
In future all Godwin references to certain political events of ism need the postscript ‘29-‘45.
And also regarding the above, let us never forget this gem:
“That’s why London mayor Sadiq Khan showed himself to be an irresponsible hypocrite yesterday.
He was supporting and encouraging the protests to go ahead on Saturday night.
Then on Sunday at 9.05am he had the temerity to tweet: “Lockdown has not been lifted. The virus is still out there. I know it’s tough, but please keep following the rules.”
TOADY Watch #1 – you know you can trust the BBC
to hire new staff for their ever expanding empire at TellyTaxpayers’ expense. Coletta, is yet another new voice on Business this morning. “Oh no, what another one?” comments an incredulous Brenda from Bristol. Coletta tries to claim that the poorest people in the land have not received their £150 Council Tax rebate as promised by Rishi Sunak in the Budget. She says this affects the poorest who do not pay by Direct Debit.
Coletta gives out iformation that is wrong, wrong, wrong. Just plain untrue.
If you do not pay by Direct Debit, your Local Authority provided the rebate up front and deducted the £150 from your overall bill for 2022/23. I have the evidence to prove it. You know you cannot trust the BBC. On behalf of their Labour Party friends and colleagues, they wish to attack a Conservative Government and will even tell lies to try to help the Socialist cause. Time to close the BBC down.
I listened to that and wondered why the BBC were investigating something which should be being done either by the government ( treasury ) itself or the loyal opposition ….
…..any way I am not sure you are completely right – the socialist council in my bit of east London doshed out the cash for DD types about 2 weeks ago .
However – my neighbour refuses to DD and at this time hasn’t had her cheque yet – the £150 wasn’t removed from the council tax invoice …..
Elswhere – I know I listen to the BBC too much – and consume too much news …. But the more I listen the more obviously dysfunctional various public bodies are .
I realise that this really isn’t the place to run through all the obvious errors state bodies commit – but it bugs me and I try to figure out is there an overall reason for these failures – or is it just the BBC going after easy hits – as in the needless failure to administer giving £150 of their own money back to them ….
Maybe I should turn the question around – is there anywhere in government which is efficient and works well ?
Elswhere – again Steyn interviewed – again – the widows of 2 healthy men who died young after taking the covid virus . The lady who is to head the public inquiry has asked the PM to include vaccine deaths into the terms of reference – there has been no reply yet .
If the aim is to ‘learn and apply ‘ lessons – then surely nut nut would eagerly say ‘yes ‘ …. But there is potential economic and reputational harm to various players …
Fed, “…..any way I am not sure you are completely right – the socialist council in my bit of east London doshed out the cash for DD types about 2 weeks ago .”
You did not read my post carefully enough.
Non-DD types get the £150 discount up front. This OAPensioner had his £150 discount above the line, as the accountants say. 😉 The Charity that the BBC had cuttid and pastid from had not done their research nor had the BBC who lied on air so they should not accuse Bojo of that. BTW, nothing to do with HMT nor HM’s Oppo.
May be of interest to some:
As the great, good and gay gather in studios to celebrate a footballist few have heard of,…
…the BBC digs deep into its £5B budget and finds mostly #FBPE loons. And a few who need blocking.
Given all Stuart Hughes and Vile have done for BBC loose chain Spandexistas, the photo Ed has clearly captured the corporate ideology well.
Bio “BBC News Head of UK Operations. Chair WBU IMCG.
@rise_WIB Woman of the Year 2019.
Wife/mother/cyclist; proud Cheshire grocer’s daughter.
Views all mine etc”
Bio photo shows a pair of cycle women
Is that her and her wife ?
(earlier tweets mention her husband
… Oh BBC Lincs breakfast presenter has just mentioned HIS husband ..veryBBC)
Wonder if she was in an ethnic Muslim area of Montenegro ?
(I stayed one night with a Muslim family there about 10 years ago)
BTW I refer to their news reporting as “storytelling”
and she head of news recently quoted another BBC journalism manager’s presentation at the MobilePhone Journalism Festival
“It’s opened up so many more *storytelling* opportunities “
says @Declanwilson on #mojo at #MojoFest #MPTS2022
You can have it all … everything everywhere
Ukraine propaganda watch
The BBC is running the script of ‘downfall ‘ – the latest bit is that hitler – sorry – putin – is running the war / peace keeping operation – from his bunker – making decisions ‘usually made by junior officers ‘…..
I would love to see the source intelligence which comes up with this one ….
Elsewhere – as this war carries on casualty number don’t seem to be put out by the MSM – I would have thought that the Ukraine side biggest weakness is the number of fighters it has versus the sheer number available to putin
– surely sooner or later Ukraine will run out of fighters ….. are am I missing something ( eg private security companies )…?
Russian saying from WW2:
Quantity has a quality all of it’s own.
You can be sure we will be told by the BBC that Ukraine are on the verge of victory right up to the point the Russians control the Donbas and the fighting suddenly stops. I can imagine quite a few large groups of Ukrainian soldiers have been wiped out by overwhelming Russian firepower by now – but we only get told about the deaths of Ukranian civilians and Russian soldiers. Those incredibly brave white males out there doing the fighting and getting blown to pieces are just inconvenient for the BBC agenda when they get killed. They much prefer empathy stories about women and children suffering hardships.
I do wonder how many mercenaries they have out there. They will come home rich if they survive, but going up against the Russian army will be a lot more dangerous than it was for them in Syria where the opposition just had basic rocket launchers and AK47’s.
You can’t trust anything you read about this on the BBC at this point to be the full story. As usual, it’s what they don’t tell you that matters. I must admit I’ve been force-fed so much propaganda, I’ve almost lost interest in all of it.
Or…Canadian Generals
“Retired Canadian lieutenant-general under police investigation for alleged sexual misconduct is now in Ukraine”
An old story, he was believed to be in the Szovstahl works fighting with the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol, there are rumours he has been captured but no confirmation of this.
No word on Elsie.
Maybe Suze snagged her Uber?
£300 per word?
Femi Oluwole: ‘There’s no price I wouldn’t pay’ to stop Brexit
Put him up against the most combative Brexiteer and his relentless grasp of the facts will usually see him emerge with the whip hand.
whip hand? Racism? whip hand? Racism?
A remainer with a relentless grasp of the facts (about the EU)? ? !!! ? Don’t make me laugh. Most of the Remain voters I know of didn’t have the first idea about the EU. Even one of those, no longer alive, who had lived in it, had a very poor knowledge of Brussels matters!
Keep-it-uppy, Pyrrhic victories and superlatisation edition
Here’s one for future pub sports quiz questions: ‘Daniels is first UK footballer in decades to come out as gay‘ (Guardian)
In case you were after an extra 10-point bonus question – the freebie Metro provides the answer: ‘First: Justin Fashanu‘
Suffice to say our BBC, in the thinly veiled persona of football/poverty/immigration and now gay-scene expert Gary Lineker, is cock-a-hoop: ‘Jake Daniels: Gary Lineker says forward will be ‘massively accepted’ after coming out‘- it’s like all the BBC’s birthdays and Christmases had come together.
Suddenly common or garden goals formerly described by hyperbolic commentators as “brilliant” or “worldies” will now be “fabulous”
The journalistic opportunities will be endless – now watch the game of keepy-uppy as our media relish the every reaction of crowds – negative, positive or indifferent.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper naturally go with this gay footballer story as their top headline – be there actual public interest or no – however, the juxtaposition with this feature aimed at the feminist-leaning female constituency strikes this reader as somewhat awkward: ‘Fashion. Full-frontal words. How beauty companies sell you make-up – and sex‘ – are our liberal media, corporates and public sector here not busily enaged in selling gay sex to the chaps?
We go over now to Barnstoneworth United – coming off the back of an eight-bloody-one defeat last week… where just prior to kick-off Ottershaw the big number nine feels the need to inform the crowd of his preference for Marigold gloves and a smack on the bottom from the missus on a Thursday night – his annoucement of his preferred peccadillos are evidently “massively accepted” by the customary home crowd of three small boys, one man and his dog. Slight blush there from Mrs Ottershaw over in the players’ wives section.
‘I’m Greg James and I’m a pen pervert. My stationery obsession is now out of control‘ (‘i’) – BBC Radio One DJ (apparently) – sadly my Radio One days are long past… but whatever turns you on… LGBTQ+… HB..? That’s pencils… LGBTQ+BIC?
‘Greg James misses BBC Radio show after testing positive for Covid‘ (Metro) – Greg, I thought I was the one behind the times… but that covid look is SO last year.
Returning to the wags for a moment – former high street giants such as John Lewis may be struggling these days but our media headlines are rarely undersold: ‘Coleen’s fury at Rebekah’s “evil” texts‘ (Daily Mail)
Superlatisation of speech pervades from bottom to top of our culture and society: ‘Bank chief: food price rises will be “apocalyptic”‘ (Daily Telegraph)
Why so? ‘Bailey deflects blame for soaring inflation on to global “shocks”. BoE Governor cites war‘ (FT) – maybe the west should encourage Ukraine to negotiate a peace deal considering the damage this war is apparently doing to us all?
But they keep telling us Ukraine is winning…
‘Ukraine’s defence ministry says 264 fighters have left the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol and been taken to areas held by Russian-backed rebels‘ (BBC) – a few more victories like that and Putin will be in Kiev and we’ll all be queuing for our bread rations.
A Pyrrhic victory is “a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it.” The word comes from the name of Pyrrhus, a long-ago king of Epirus, who suffered heavy losses in defeating the Romans at Asculum in Apulia in 279 BC
I wonder if it time for a footy strand
Rebekah v Colleen – queer footy players ? Is paddy p running a book on the next one deciding to make such private affairs public ?
Maybe that pre match kneeling should be accompanied by clapping for queers or similar
AISI, some brilliant ones in there today. Well done.
Seems K-9 is going to be Robbie the RoCat.
Bet Tenno and Bovvered are thrilled with their agents now.
Ha ha , I can’t wait. A gay black Dr Who with a black transgender assistant acting a script by a gay writer.
How can it possibly fail ?.
Watching the BBC destroy itself through sheer bloody-minded spite at the non-woke is very entertaining.
Equality turns to superiority – you will all be gay.
Switched on R4 at 7:52am First words I heard were Labour MP @JonAshworth
saying “A bag of pasta at Tesco has gone up from £1.20 to £1.40”
FFS the #GuardianSupremacist class who rule over us
like @JonAshworth & R4today
are stuck in storytelling land. Not #Based in the real world
Cheap pasta is less than 50p. Tesco still has 20p bags (500g)
…. Yet they still let property price Ponzi & invite lots more foreigners in
Accommodation is the real super-cost thing in the UK, not food prices.
From Tesco’s own site.
1 kilo of pasta = 13 portions of 75g.
I know that times are hard, but that is still less than 11p a time.
That is actually a 1Kg bag for £1.40
but my point was the half kilo bag is 20p
So if that’s 5.5 portions
that’s less than 4p per portion
A one kilo bag of pasta is a pretty big bag
most are half a kilo.
(I’d already tweeted the screenshot of Tesco’s 20p and 29p pasta..but I didn’t want to fill up the screen here)
Does using a microwave to boil water cost less than a kettle -? I’ll wait to be told by the bbc fact checker ‘jiggling her melons ‘ as described on previous comment …
Honestly, I can get a week’s worth of fresh groceries for the four of us from Lidl or Aldi (brilliant shops both) for around £30 (£31.76 this weekend – got the receipt in my wallet for some reason, and looking down it that included some meat, and two bars of chocolate, so not really ‘hardship’). If the wife goes, she’ll spend that on just a bottle of wine and bag of coffee (which is why I normally do the shopping).
Pasta, rice, potatoes, flour (and dried yeast to make your own bread/pasta) are all currently still dirt cheap, so long as you avoid brand names and buy from one of the cheaper supermarkets, or ‘essentials’ ranges. Fresh veg – onions, carrots, tomatoes, even peppers are all cheap too, so long as you buy in season.
Another cost cutter is to grow your own veg – anyone with a small area of ground, or even a few growbags/sacks of soil, can plant potatoes – buy a small bag of potatoes from Lidl (about 80p), wait ’til they sprout – about a week in a dark place at this time of year, bury them, and in July/August, dig up about 5/6 times as many as you planted. Runner beans – a dozen dried beans, which someone will normally give you for nothing, will grow into a dozen plants, each of which will produce several kilos of fresh, green beans – July-Sept. Packet of lettuce seeds (£1 online) will give you as much fresh salad as you can eat from April through to Oct, when planted in batches. Radishes, carrots, peas, leeks, onions, garlic … all easy to grow and not space, or time demanding, and save a small fortune if you grow your own. Most places I’ve been abroad, once you leave the city centres, you always see fruit and veg in every garden, it only seems to be the UK and the US where people don’t grow much of their own food.
In this country we’ve grown fat, lazy, and spoilt. I reckon Lee Anderson is right, and you probably could feed your family on 30p a head, per meal, but even if we say £1 per meal, that’s still less than £30 a week for a family of four… Child Benefit is £21.80 for the first child, £14.45 each other, so if you have two kids, their Child Benefit has covered the grocery bill for the entire family (assuming two parents), and change left over to save up for school uniform and school trips. To put things in perspective, £30 is less than half a tank of diesel, or the earnings for 3.5 hours of work on minimum wage.
Despite all the whinging about ‘foodbanks’ etc… it’s not food, or grocery bills which are the problem (not yet, anyway), it’s the other ‘household bills’ – mortgage/rent, energy, water, council tax(!)… and not forgetting the ‘telly tax’ (scrapping which would allow a family of four to feed themselves another month, or so).
Cost of living crisis is almost a ritual –
A Tory will say something dumb – even out of context
Tories get the blame
It would never happen under labour
It’s not happening in …. Where ever land
The wealthy are still wealthy
Kiddies are starving
Prem millionaire wants free food for all
Someone with 9kids wants more welfare
Loan sharks
A run on Food banks
UN warns Blighty on millions ‘starving ‘
Obesity getting worse …
Now the weather …
I don’t watch live TV any more Fed, no point in paying for it in our house, no one watched it when I did, but I did catch a bit of the BBC news at a friend’s house recently (it was on, ignored in the background), and everything on it: climate change, Ukraine, foodbanks, naughty Boris, lovely Sir Keir, all seemed like some of liturgy to me too – “Repeat daily, rinse and repeat…”
Big – my tv gave up over a week ago – I don’t miss it – selective use of GB news radio does for me – and I force myself to listen to Today for the unintended comedy ….. not had a TV licence for probably 15 years – and will never have one …
Cost to heat it – £20 with gas from Russia!
It’s not just the cost of the gas from Russia (or electronics from China) that really worry me, so much as who we’re giving all our money too…
As with the gotchas, it is just another idiot game.
BBC clueless hosts depending on researchers to catch out clueless pols who have sent a Spad out.
Missus shops online via Waitrose and Morrisons, and I raid the local Aldi at least once a week. I can tell you the price of a Ferrex battery. Milk I grab off the shelf. No idea on cost.
This weekend we had a roast pork loin. £6.50. Two hungry kids. Enough left for a pork curry the next day. We have one main meal daily, so I make that quality fare at just over £1 a head.
Jon, Toenails, Mishal and £75 Plonker Ange can do one.
If you can boil water you can boil an egg.
I saw an undercover article when Deliveroo and Just Eat got off the ground, and I wouldn’t feed my dog on the food from where its prepared. Think industrial buildings on an industrial site and cooked/handled by foreigners who don’t have the same standard of hygiene as the rest of us. Yes, High St restaurants and fast food chains should be reliable, but the rest ????????
Morrisons are running a commercial right now saying they are slashing the prices of 500 everyday food items and by loads!
Anyone told the BBC?
Then again they probably wouldn’t know who Morrisons are would they?
A point on the hypocrisy of the Left over the cost of living crisis which all of us should be bringing up every time the so called cost of living crisis is mentioned.
Recently we saw a wealthy leftie liberal (aren’t they all?) invite other wealthy leftie liberals to throw food at a statue.
There must have been enough food wasted to have fed a family of four for a week, had that food been given to a food bank, and now the left cannot complain about people going hungry when it would rather waste this food throwing it at an effigy which they didn’t like through their own rank intolerance.
Every time the Lefties bring up the cost of living they need to reminded that there are so many wealthy lefties who do not care one jot about others suffering that they would rather waste this food throwing a tantrum at an inanimate object than helping out those down on their uppers and needing help to put food on the table.
More gaslighting
May 12th the NYT tweeted a gotcha
“One of the biggest donors to the UK’s Conservative Party is suspected of secretly funneling $630,225 to the party from a Russian account, a bank alert showed.
The cash was part of a fund-raising blitz that helped propel the party to victory in 2019.”
You’d need £60m, £300m to swing an election
$600K would get you just one or two primetime TV adverts etc.
Sophie The Tory supporting Durham student is trending
.. Twitter is awash with hatey Labour tweets against her
Scum ?
Given Ms. Roberts’ bio pic, any commentray on image is… brave.
‘despise’ ‘disgusting’
These lefties have been whipped up into a lather by the media for so long now, and their violent outbursts are becoming more and more frequent, that something big is going to happen.
Turkey threatens to block Finland and Sweden Nato bids
By Yaroslav Lukov & Matt Murphy
BBC News
Is Al Beeb guilty of using “Nudge theory”?
Note how it frequently uses the word “Could” in its articles about so called ‘Climate Change’.
What are nudges?
Nudges mean thinking harder about the way people approach decisions and using those insights to design policy. In 2010, the Institute for Government set out some of those approaches in its MINDSPACE report, which suggests that both the messenger and the message were important and that defaults mattered. It remains the Institute’s most downloaded report.
The approach depends a lot on experimentation, and the Nudge Unit has championed wider use of experiments in government.
Behavioural science.
Giving up alcohol in the LGBT community: ‘I like this version of me better’
One study suggests lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely to report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people.
Harvey Day
4 March 2022
“Let me be clear, I’m not blaming heterosexuals for their current predicament; I am blaming the culture that’s increasingly scattering obstacles in their path. When I encounter a functioning straight couple nowadays, I want to cheer.
Because at a very basic level, heterosexuality is of major importance, as the great motor of humanity. Without it, nobody would exist. It is a responsibility and (I’ve observed) a great joy, to rear and to effectively socialise children. The devaluation of parenthood — and of stable heterosexual coupling — across the West has had serious social consequences, exacerbated by bad economic decisions taken by Western governments. It has become increasingly financially difficult to raise kids — the ONS reported in 2020 that the English fertility rate had reached its lowest recorded level — which should be the easiest thing in the world.”
“Shame about innocuous things is dangerous. As a gay man (sorry) who came of age in the Eighties, I know that only too well. It should not be so boring or gauche to be heterosexual that people are desperate to deny it. So let us have more heteronormativity and end the stigma. Take it from a homosexual, you’re just fine as you are.”
An observation: Although undeniably true (and downright sensible), this is socially acceptable coming from an overtly gay man (and one who has written for the BBC – ‘Dr Who’, although pre-woke era, I suspect?), would it be so, if it was written by a ‘heteronormative’ one?
I wonder what his views on the trans debate are?
Adam and Eve rewritten as Adam and Evan – the beginning of the end.
Did we know the word “could” before the BBC existed?
“Volunteer police officers to be armed with Taser stun guns”………
“But Amnesty International called it a “dangerous expansion” in their use.”
What has this got to do with Amnesty International?
Amnesty International needs to recognise that Great Britain is governed by a democratically run government. It would serve the world better if it spent its time and money on focusing on the Despotic countries round the world.
Besides , how would they advise unarmed British Volunteer Police Officers deal with armed criminals, arm them with feather dusters ?
I can support Amnesty in this. We no longer have a ‘Police’ service in the UK, more of a Stasi or Gestapo, concerned with incorrect political opinions rather than actual policing of criminals.
These do gooding zealot vounteers are likely to taser anyone they suspect of displaying some kind of ism or fauxbia instead of criminals.
Political Police?
Rotherham grooming: Solicitor criticises police watchdog’s ‘zero accountability’
“How would they advise unarmed British Volunteer Police Officers deal with armed criminals ?”
We have no use for a woke, tick box “police service”, but we are desperately in need of a Police Force to bring the crime rate down in this country .
Police Force – force? Farce? Facebook Force?
If you can’t stop the rot at source i.e. the college of Policing which started all this then there’s no point doing anything.
And not just A police force – as in the Scottish gendarmerie – but county constabularies that are not too big. Some of ours ought to be split up.
Can they taser themselves to feel the pain?
Tasers are pretty dangerous:
There are quite a few fatalities in the US from their deployment and use on all and sundry, but then, in the US the alternative is a firearm… so I guess tasers really are the ‘safer’ option.
Not too keen on our volunteer PCOs being issued with them personally, but they do need to be able to look after themselves and actually excert some authority on the streets – in the unlikely event they actually try to do anything about real crime.
Truncheons can be pretty deadly too, I guess, and a couple of twenty stone policemen/women/man-women tackling you to the ground (and kneeling on your neck?) isn’t entirely without risk.
Policing can be a ‘orrible job, but like emptying the bins, or unblocking sewers, someone needs to do it.
Criminals high on drugs are pretty Dangerous .
They certainly are Taffman, and scary!
Maybe we could all be supplied with tasers?
Residents furious as ‘stretched’ police filmed riding on dodgems at fairground despite being on duty. COPS who claim their skint force is overstretched found time to ride dodgems on duty. The army of police sparked uproar yesterday after enjoying fairground thrills on duty instead of watching for crime.
Fed up 2
Please consider whether this should be withdrawn. It is not about the BBC but is the complete Manifesto of the Buffalo shooter.
I am concerned that the authorities here – always looking for links to the far far right – might seize upon certain views held by respectable conservatives who can be labelled by our troll as fellow spirits.
The anti semitism is, perhaps, stronger than the BBC’s.
Click to access spree-killer-manifesto.pdf
Er – GWF – I am a bit confused – do you want me to trash something you have put up ? Or is it some where else I have missed ?
I’m not going to the link you put up because it looks ‘risky ‘…..
Please help …
Just to add tucker carlson goes into this case – seems this kid truly was a nutter and the manifesto was a rambling nut job…
Yet the left plaster it as a Trump inspired attack …
Btw he says 104 americans were shot to death at the weekend – 104 – wow
I was wondering if it falls outside the scope of this site, and whether enemies would accuse us of endorsing it.
Surely if you didn’t put that up it wouldn’t be on this site ! Personally I don’t like taking stuff down – those who don’t like this site won’t change whatever goes on it …….
Like these views on immigration?

“It comes after the PM said he did not want to scrap the deal – on how goods enter Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK – but it could be fixed.”
Almost six years after we voted for independence is Boris trying to keep one foot in the EU?
taffman, I think may Conservatives would like to dump N. Ireland. Over the last 55 years it has cost the UK lots and England most of all. OK, the Unionists have a case but if they wished to stay in a majority their solution was plain for everyone to see.
Jake Daniels, a footballer, comes out as gay. The first footballer to do this for thirty years. It’s so brave. A cause for celebration. A watershed moment. We need more gay “representation” in football.
Do we? Most gays I know aren’t interested in football. As a group they tend to have peculiarly unathletic physiques. A lot of them have weird body shapes. They aren’t ideal as potential footballers. It is more probable that there are just very few gay footballers than that they are afraid to “come out” in this macho sport.
But the fact is that there are many gays already in football. But they are football coaches and scouts rather than players. They are attracted to these jobs because it gives them access to young men and boys. Many have been convicted of sexual abuse. Hundreds more are suspected of homosexual rape and paedophilia.
They are not under-represented amongst the backroom staff.
We’re currently at a stage where being ‘heteronormative’ is as much of a social and career disadvantage as suffering from melanin deficiency, especially if you’re in a position of public scrutiny.
For a while, I thought some ‘gay’ celebrities might be found out for the frauds they are, when their shocking heterosexuality was finally outed, but turns out there’s a way around that one – all you need to do is loudly proclaim you’re ‘bisexual’, ‘pansexual’, ‘multisexual’? etc….
Jim Davidson slams Dan Wootton guest as ‘absolute nutter’ who said Thatcher statue belongs in Thames
Once again Jim speaks some sense and makes the Leftist look stupid.
See how long it takes you to spot the sour faced, humourless and thoroughly unpleasant typical Lefty activist in the video line-up.
These people are chock full of hate and intolerance. People like her absolutely disgust me.
Reminds me of what Bender Butterworth looked like the first time I saw him on there. Spite coming out his ears.
Presidents Carter and Reagan and Congress had all instituted sanctions against the white minority South African government because of its policy of racial apartheid. But in 1986, Reagan condemned Mandela’s group, the ANC, which was leading the black struggle against the apartheid regime, saying it engaged in “calculated terror … the mining of roads, the bombings of public places, designed to bring about further repression.”
After the apartheid regime in South Africa declared the ANC a terrorist group, the Reagan administration followed suit.
I often wonder, when seeing Christina Patterson review the papers, who she would aim her bile at if Labour was in government. Even Gillian Joseph the news presenter had to bring her back on track, as she went off on one about how awful Boris is.
Tomo – if you are about and would like to put up the latest Tucker Carlson – please do – its very considered – its on you tube – free
This one?
Sheesh …. Joe Biden adds a whole new dimension to the word “moron”.
I see that we still do not have an American Ambassador in London – understandable – who would sanely defend this administration?
Tomo – yes – 15 minutes – but the section at the end – how colour politics used by the democrats is separating and dividing and causing disorder – is so wise.
But because it it tucker and fox – the truth could never be accepted …
Stabbing to death.
A man has been arrested.
”A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 21-year-old woman was stabbed to death in a west London alleyway.
The woman was found with several stab wounds and died at the scene, in an area off Church Gardens, South Ealing, just after midnight.
The Met Police arrested a 20-year-old man and he remains in custody.”
No doubt all the feminist activist groups and the misandrists at the BBC are waiting to find out the colour of the murderer before deciding whether create an outcry and start their night-time vigils.
Though the fact I don’t see it on the UK news front page suggests to me that the BBC already know.
Shameless racist hypocrites.
Advice centres, such as the one visited by Hana – a 19-year-old living in the north-eastern US state of Massachusetts – are often run by Christian organisations.
Conversion therapy: UK government to fund helpline
By Lauren Moss
LGBT and identity correspondent
Published4 days ago
What in God’s name is an LGBT and Identity Correspondent and why are we paying for it? The world has gone mad and the BBC are leading the way.
Has anyone commented on this yet:
National Action: Nazi Alex Davies guilty of fascist group membership
The ‘man’ in question (Alex Davies) certainly sounds like an odious little creep, but:
1. Compare and contrast with the BBC’s reporting of other young terrorists (or wanna be terrorists).
2. Other than forming a gang with other ‘far right’ neo-nazi cretins, and talking bollox about ‘race war’ and ‘bombs’, did they actually DO anything?
3. If he is 27 today (2022), and he founded the organisation in 2013, he was, what 18? at the time, the article actually mentions he was 15/16 when he first came to the attention of the authorities. Where were parents? teachers? social workers?
4. If you watch the video the police talk about him being tried for his ‘ideology’, rather than for anything he actually did. Is anyone else a little uncomfortable with the notion you can be imprisoned for expressing your thoughts (however, vile they may be), rather than for your actions?
5. If he’d been campaigning for the environment, and formed some ‘extreme eco-action’ group, which talked about blowing people up in their SUVs, and murdering ‘old white men’ industrialists, would it have been handled in the same way?
Shamima Begum is a British-born woman, who left the UK in 2015 aged 15 to join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in Syria. Her attempt to return to the UK in 2019 resulted in litigation culminating in a decision of the Supreme Court, and public debate about the handling of returning Islamic extremists. Wikipedia
bBC reports
“Russians are increasingly turning to domestic brands, amid an exodus of Western household names like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Ikea.
Thirsty Russians are now being offered fizzy drink replacements for Coke, Fanta and Sprite – namely the Ochakovo beverage firm’s CoolCola, Fancy and Street.
But on its website Ochakovo avoids naming the Western counterparts – cola for example is just described as “a cult flavour”.
There is now a Kremlin-led drive to pump out Russian-made consumer goods, as wide-ranging sanctions imposed over the Ukraine war hit imports.
No doubt many Russians will hope the quality is better than that of Soviet substitutes during the Cold War, when the cash-strapped communist state boycotted most “capitalist” goods.
Ochakovo is a well-established firm famous for kvass – a traditional, mildly alcoholic Russian drink made from fermented bread.”
bBC get a life, so what
I’ve drunk kvass! Didn’t know it was Russian, or made from fermented bread, but have read that’s how a lot of beer was made once upon a time, especially so-called ‘small beer’, with low alcohol content.
Anyway, the kvass I drank in Romania, served ice cold, in hot, dusty weather, went down a treat (from memory)… could do with a glass, or two of that now, actually.
Wouldn’t touch Coca-cola with a barge pole – vile, sickly sweet stuff, a saturated sugar solution, to which caramel and artificial sweetners have been added.
Agreed – infinitely better than Coca-Cola. Usually available in Baltic shops here (Lithuanian, Latvian etc), occasionally in Polish stops if they are also catering for Baltic or Russian folk. Comes in two varieties, a sort of ‘pop’ style and a more traditional fermented one which is a good non-alcoholic substitute for beer. My local Lithuanian shop stocks both Russian and Ukrainian varieties, or at least did so until the current fun and games. And don’t get me started on Russian Alenka chocolate or Ukrainian Roshen chocolate…
If you drink Coke or its big name rival just a couple of times a year (esp. after adding some lemon juice) it can be quite refreshing, cold from the ‘frige’ more so.
I’m sure Up, but drink a 5 litre bottle of it every day (like a surprising number of people) and you’ll soon be joining the ranks of the terminally obese. Like a lot of things, I’m quite sure it does no harm in moderation.
Coca Cola has 10.6g of sugar in a can
That’s 32g in a litre
One apple has 19g of sugar
“Experts have found that a single 350g baked potato without any toppings, often considered a healthy option, contains nearly 90g of sugar.”
It’s just your body does use quite a lot of sugar in the digestion of it.. and it takes time for your body to breakdown the carbohydrate into sugar it doesn’t all go into your blood at once.
Calories in 330ml can of Coca-Cola (original) = 140 kcal (i.e. 7% of recommended daily intake for an ‘average’ active adult man)
Calories in ‘medium’ sized potato = 110 kcal
Calories in ‘average’ sized apple = 95 kcal
Calories in 330ml of beer = 140 kcal (identical to Coke)
The difference being you get a great deal of the vitamins and minerals you need from eating potatoes and apples (and from drinking beer in moderation), you only get ’empty’ calories from drinking coke – good for an ‘energy shot’ perhaps, not much good for anything else – you NEED to eat on top of that massive calorific injection.
Also, we recognise ‘beer bellies’, so why not ‘coke bellies’?
Mum who needs blood transfusions from drinking SIX LITRES of Coke a day is unable to stop even though doctors warn that her £2,000-a-year habit could kill her
Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas — three or more a day — had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake.
Possible more for growing kids?
How to make Kvass with Boris (no, not that one)
This guy reminds me of the Swedish Chef from the Muppets.
It’s all racist though, isn’t it, or ‘cultural appropriation’, or something else which is bad. (frowny emoticon).
Please dont make fun of out new ( maybe ) NATO friends …. 🥸
This piece in The Guardian by Zoe Williams tells you all you need to know about the mindset of the average posh lefty Islington set.
It is a textbook insight into the bias and tunnel-vision the well-off lefties have against anyone with an alternative point of view.
I would like to tell Ms Williams that real book-reading is not all about virtue signalling at some single-minded group-think book-fest.
I for instance am constantly reading and enjoying numerous books, from classics to modern fiction and I don’t feel the need to gather like sheep to bask with a cult in our liberal righteousness.
Worth noting that even The Guardian removed this piece from their home page quite quickly so maybe they had some unexpected feedback.
I have dipped in and out of our Zoe’s articles and they are usually a diatribe of anti-Tory bullshit with little real content but lots of lefty haughty poison and positioning.
I believe this lady illustrates perfectly why our popular news outlets are so rabidly left biased as they are infested with these types of tunnel-vision ex UNI left-leaning-bubble chanters including of course the BBC.
“‘My dog’s haircut costs more than mine!’ A day at the groomers with Oscar, Bear, Otis and Zorro”
Was this “literary Festival” thing then ?
Charles Dickens playing Freebird ?
I’m up for that
I hear rumours that William Makepeace Thackerary did a cracking “Sweet Home Alabama” on the harmonium after a surfeit of lauduanum.
And Charlotte Bronte was known to knock out “My Generation” on the spoons.
Lol – a devotee of The Who saw their first gig after The Arrest and Pete Townsend walked on the stage and said ‘the kids are all right ‘ – I know because I wasn’t there …
“…The fact remains that Conservative governments that increase taxation during recession, like the first George Bush, or John Major, go down to defeat. And more importantly, millions of families are now desperately worried about how they’re going to pay their bill. So what I’d like the Chancellor now to do is to say his absolute priority, coming up to the budget, is to reduce the overall tax burden on working families.”
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Published1 March
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
6.30 weather on BBC1 and the weather girl stated that at 27 degrees Celsius, temperatures were a few degrees above where they should be. I have never experienced weather that was stable day after day. The U.K. weather swings sufficiently on a daily basis that the British are known for it being a topic of conversation. Perhaps those working in weather should know that.
Look North reporting that the cost of living crisis and the pandemic have reduced the donations being given to charities. A huge amount was given to Ukraine and it will have had an effect of donations to U.K. charities but this wasn’t mentioned.
I might add that I know a London charity discussing tonight pay rises of 5 or 7 per cent.
Apparently krankie has gone to Washington and told the comrades that an independent Scotland will be a member of NATO ..
Perhaps thats the NATO lite version where nuclear submarines of US or UK variant are not based there ….
Im sure quite a few eyebrows were raised in the Pentagon with that one ….
Maybe Turkey will object to scotland being in NATO because it has a long history or harbouring various brands pf Irish terrorist .,.
I had a look around a US nuclear sub in Scotland when I was a kid after giving them the mackeral I caught off the quay.
Zephir – u bucket list swine . I tried to get in a T34 tank once – but was too big to get in —— still want to get inside a mark 3 Lancaster …
Um, I’ve sat inside Guy Gibson’s Lancaster – it was the late 1960’s at Biggin Hill. Just about managed to get from the rear gunner’s position – scarily vulnerable, to sitting in the GG’s seat. A rare honour. Unbelievably cramped inside despite the size.
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
Diversity training ?
Click to access inclusion-strategy-2017-2021.pdf
I am proud to be the Met’s first female Commissioner. I know what it feels like
to police this incredible global city and I fully support the Mayor’s vision of
creating a police service that is the best we can be for London and one that
keeps London one of the safest cities in the world.
“There are more job vacancies than unemployed people in the UK for the first time since records began.”
Why ?
Too many people with silly degrees . Not enough young people with real skills.
Who’s idea was it to send all school leavers to Yooney to waste four or five years of their lives and money?
‘We desperately need more migrants in order to fulfil all the job vacancies’
When did the records begin? When I was young there were so many jobs firms were begging people to come work for them, and you could leave on job and start another next day.
Oh and more are coming
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
Lucy Pevensey
Where were all the child charities, the NSPCC, the police, the MPs etc ?
What are they doing about it now ?
What do they do with all the money they get ?
This is a national scandal !
Ah! NHS Doctors to save the NHS!
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants. The village containing the troops is bombed flat by airplanes of the new French government, referred to only as the “Paris Multiracial Commune”. Within a few years, most Western governments have surrendered. The mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three African-American families from Harlem; migrants gather at coastal ports in West Africa and South Asia and swarm into Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; London is taken over by an organization of non-white residents known as the “Non-European Commonwealth Committee”, who force the British queen to have her son marry a Pakistani woman; millions of black Africans from around the continent gather at the Limpopo River and invade South Africa; and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of hundreds of thousands of Chinese peasants as they overrun Siberia.
The epilogue reveals that the story was written in the last holdout of the Western world, Switzerland, but international pressure from the new governments, isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders, along with internal pro-migrant elements, force it to capitulate as well. Mere hours from the border opening, the author dedicates the book to his grandchildren, in the hopes they will grow up in a world where they will not be ashamed of him for writing such a book.
So come on then – whose the latest Tory MP to be arrested on a sex offence allegation then ? I reckon it’s a chap – which reduces the field by a few …
It could be a malicious accusation ?
My thoughts exactly Taffman, “innocent until proven guilty” and all that. As it currently stands, it is (as far as I’m aware) just an accusation, of a kind which is often thrown around by ex-wives, jilted lovers, rivals etc… . If he is proven guilty, then it should be reported, and he deserves whatever is thrown at him, until then, it would be malicious rumormongering to mention it in the press, hey BBC?
A name emerged at exactly the same time as your post
Oh Guido was earlier at 7:26pm
BTW The convicted Claudia Webbe’s appeal is on Thursaday.
Admin note
Not bothering with a mid week thread as the comment numbers are so low
10pm Dan Wootton discussion “The Prevent programme is it too focussed on THE Far Right and not enough on Islamic terrorism ?”
Yes, because so far as I am aware the so called far right are a bunch of inadequates more sad than dangerous. The far left on the other hand genuinely are dangerous.
Marxist infiltrator Theresa May when PM refused to proscribe Antifa, even though the terrorism links were presented to her as being US and German threats, and instead talked utter rubbish about a rise of an imaginary ‘far right’ which didn’t exist.
BBC local radio news
Presenter “I heard a story from another area that children are being poisoned cos parents are switching the fridge off at night to save electricity”
No evidence was given
So lets dive into Twitter
Cost of living: Children ‘getting food poisoning’ as parents turn fridge off
A food bank says struggling families are taking measures to keep up with the cost of living crisis.”
There it says “Truro Foodbank, in Cornwall, said it had received reports of children having stomach upsets from eating meals that had been incorrectly stored.”
foodbank manager Simon Fann told BBC.
“But also *reports* of children having upset stomachs or, in worse cases, food poisoning because some parents are turning the fridges and freezers off overnight.”
OK so we are back to the BBC
BBC talked to the Foodbank manager and he said he’d heard reports.
It’s not up to the public to do the legwork
It’s up to the BBC to substantiate and context claims when they make them.
Someone says “My smart meter tells me I’ve used over £1 when I come downstairs first thing in the morning.
Where’s the motivation after that?”
I make that having a kettle on flat out for 5 hours
If someone believes they are really using that overnight they might switch off the fridge.
It wasn’t until I went to Africa that I heard such wacky stories
like in the way Cairo drivers only turned their lights on at junctions.
Stew – as part of my fixed dual fuel tarif I have to have a smart meter – is there any benefit to having one ?
I’ve got a theory that the aim is to introduce price tariffs set accordingly to time and day to discourage using power at peak times ….
I just wonder if the UK system can do this – if power costs remain high for a long time – beyond windfall taxes – I think this is a likely option . Actual supply could be rationed too …
Precisely the reason why I refuse to have a smart meter. Eon tried to convince me that I had to have one fitted as part of the tariff I was on then, when that failed, it was law to have one. I definitely knew better so I told them to f*** off and changed supplier.
Our meter is always north of a £1 first thing in the morning (with only the fridge on!) . Always assumed this was due to ‘green levy’ or other fixed costs?? but meter says energy ‘used so far today xxkWh’
It seems to me media workers, are so addicted to storytelling
Their instinct is to report a good story
and then only afterwards try to find the evidence.
Beg to differ Stew. They have no instinct for a good story. They make up any crap and it gets published without any thought.
” good story” is a story which reinforces their existing worldview* and is exciting due to the dream or doom angle
* (of the world as the WANT it to be, rather than how it is)
I’m not talking about what is a truthful story to us.
Stew, are you using the word ‘storytelling’ as a euphemism?
Next local item : The gay footballer
The prog played the segment from BBC breakfast TV
“Hull City youth player Thomas Beattie, who came out as gay after he retired from football, says unlike Jake Daniels he struggled to embrace who he was. ”
Thomas Beattie has had multiple past media appearances
about his work about helping gay sportsmen come out.
This context was not mentioned in the BBC local news item.
Next item ..some local families pet Ukrainians
.. Then PR for Lincoln Hospitals new drug manufacturing lab
.. Then even more PR for a Puffin charity (The plugged their Puffin Festival 2 weeks ago)
The PuffinGalore trail art project : 42 model puffins painted by artists
Why ?
Clare Huby The arts project manager said “The project will be raising the awareness of Climate Change and the impact it has”
Nurse painter “I wanted to shed light on some of the renewable structures (Wind farms ?)
the other half i going to be focussed on Global Warming and the destruction it caused”
Others will focus on History like Amy Johnson
.. The artworks will be auctioned off for charities (and activist orgs ?)
Tonight there was an EFL Championship play-off semi-final between Nottingham Forest and Sheffield United. The game went to penalties.
I kid you not, the BBC Sport website reported the result as “Sheffield United win 2-3 on penalties”. A correction has now gone in.
I suppose one thing is that when there is an ethnic component to a story the BBC can use it twice or more
Both on the English pages
and then again in the BBC’S foreign languages pages
BTW BBC local news reported Van-Tam didn’t collect his knighthood today, cos currently has Covid
PC fired for not investigating woman’s murderer
PC Sandeep Khunkhun has been fired for “shocking dereliction of her duties”.
Not often you read about someone being so barbaric, they burn someone else alive. The only other I recall was by some Muslims in Manchester.
The most extreme case of domestic abuse you can imagine. Poured petrol on her then set her alight. Would have been a huge outcry if the guy who did it was white. Where are all the misandrist feminist groups for this one ?.
Here he is:
This must be the diversity enrichment they keep telling me about.
The BBC put this inconvenient truth up late at night. I wonder if it will still be on the front page by breakfast.
6:30 UK time and it’s already slipped to the last slot on the page …
The Tory arrested on suspicion of rape is still the top story. For anyone else, (especially BAME), it only makes front page billing after they were found guilty. Reading the general news, the media mob have already started the lynching – so I hope he is guilty and deserves to be ruined. Because he certainly will be.
Just checked and it’s slipped to the middle of the bottom row.
6 of the 8 still above it are older stories.
Not sure when it went cos I’ve been busy – but it’s gone now.
It would be interesting to know the detail of this case . Surely there must be a failure of supervisors to spot such terrible negligence …?
Fed, It’s one of those cases which is so incredibly off-the-scale that I just can’t get my head around it.
Barbarians who can pour petrol on someone else and set them on fire don’t just turn like that overnight. I’m sure there is a LOT more to this case than we are being told – but I’m also sure the Leftists think that their multicultural agenda justifies supressing this kind of news.
I bet they are snowed under with black crime in London and I expect they are under pressure to make it look better than it is – hence I bet a LOT is simply not investigated.
I had a look at the independent complaints outfit – seems this ‘detective ‘ was told what to do but just didn’t do it … along side this case was an ‘minority’ met copper who was dismissed for pursuing a crime victim to take her for a ‘drink ‘ …. And kept at it .
There is something seriously wrong with plod – I suppose it is the consequence of recruiting anything coloured just to tick the diversity box ,
And the consequence of this must be a huge increase in internal investigations leaving the public to be exposed to the tooled up monsters on the streets ….
Jake Daniels: Why Blackpool forward’s decision is a watershed moment for British football
The BBC and it’s vastly disproportionate level of gay staff desperately trying to keep this story current.
Dear BBC : I don’t care if he’s gay or not. He should be judged purely on how well he can play football.
You and your people just want to ram it down my throat.