Not directly BBC – but the overall prospect for the world economy is pretty negative – putin may well have opened a pandoras ‘ box of consequences directly after the Chinese virus . .. although thankfully bits of china are still suffering from their virus .
Different bits of the world are going to experience different level of disorder – and it’s already starting even as the economic effects are only coming through now . And the longer the Russian problem continues the worse it is going to be .
I wish I could find someone better informed who could run through the possible options – for instance – supposing the restrictions on Russian exports to the West continue for some time – eg another year or more . Can the world adjust to that ? What will it mean ?
Domestically will people realise that the state cannot do all – that it can run out of money – that the money tree does have a limit ?
But what then? Whether it’s red or blue labour running the show – what difference ? At least red labour and the BBC can spend it’s time blaming nut nut for mismanaging with Rachel reeve trying to ‘clearup the mess’ ….left by an inadequate tory chancellor ….
I heard a thing yesterday about the ‘producer price index ‘ which was argued to be a real reflection of the economy – it puts inflation at over 15% – compared to 10% for the retail version ….
Yet there seems little urgency in controlling inflation . Has the current government just run out of steam ? Fire brigading from one mini crisis to another without any overal grip ? Seems like it .
So we are pivoting from project fear over health – covid – to project fear on the economy …. That putin has a lot to answer for … I wish he’d just die .
Nadine appeared before the MP culture committee yesterday – I don’t think there were any proper conservatives on it so she was given a bit of a kicking by various lefties .
I think she treated the committee with the contempt it deserved since it is just a talking shop where bitter MPs can make a noise to get a ‘gift’ from their party bosses at some future time …
Makes you wonder why Nadine even bothered …. Just get on with ending the licence arrangements and get rid of this monster
Gotta feel for our Justin – yesterday he had to be in The socialist republic of Liverpool – today he is in the socialist heaven of SNPistan –
Apparently the Scottish railway has been bought into public ownership and is promptly suffering a cut in the timetable by a Third .
The comrades in Scotland are also rediscovering the joys of striking over ‘the cost of living ‘ – nostalgia for the 1970s .. complete with aggressive Scottish union types … oh BBC – the world as you’d want it …
It looks from the new timetable that some trains are arriving before they start . And i think i heard that the current life span of men in Glasgow is 66? Surely shome mishtake?
BBC makes new record attempt…
The BBC has made a bid to be included in the Guinness Book of World Records by seeing how many times it can use the word ‘indigenous’ in an article. The bold attempt, which has been described as ‘stunning and brave’, was made in a report about the visit of Charles Windsor – heir to the British throne and supporter of the World Economic Forum – to Canada, a former colony run by dictator, blackface enthusiast and fellow WEF supporter, Justin Turdeau. Through careful editing and masterly use of the English language, the BBC managed to include the word ‘indigenous’ (not to be confused with ‘indigestion’) no less than 14 times.
Although the Prince examined a rifle, sat on a snowmobile and did many other noteworthy and exciting things, the main point is that he said “We must listen to the truth of the lived experiences of indigenous peoples, and we should work to understand better their pain and suffering.” It is rumoured that the words were carefully crafted for him by American TV host Oprah Winfrey and American actress Meghan Markle. Apparently, “we must learn from indigenous people on climate change”. This could be a hidden reference to secret advanced carbon sequestrian technology developed by said indigenous people, although the only technology on show was a hand-made stress ball made out of beaver fur and given to someone called Camilla.
As an example of the ‘truth of learned experiences’, the BBC article includes a link to the notorious ‘child graves’ story that led to dozens of Canadian churches being desecrated, vandalised and burnt to the ground in 2021. This was based on an unsubstantiated claim by an anthropologist that she had discovered hundreds of unmarked graves near a school. The BBC article is now 10 months old and the story is generally considered to be discredited as no graves or bodies have been found, nor have any excavations been carried out.
‘Indigenous people’ are all invaders who displaced (and probably ate) previous ‘indigenous people’, nearly everywhere on the planet… otherwise we’d all still be Neanderthals, Homo africanus etc…
The Americas might be a bit of an exception, there the human race has only been around maybe a couple of hundred thousand years, and all the current ‘indigenous peoples’ are the descendants of those that murdered, enslaved, or ate their cousins.
With the caveat that, according to the establishment, there is no such thing as indigenous British people (MPs actually declared this in a vote some years ago). Rather, these islands are occupied by varying peoples over the ages: Romans one day, Vikings the next, then Normans, Pakistanis, Somalians etc. The fact that the majority of the population have DNA that can be traced back to people who lived here at the end of the Ice Age is neither here or nor there. Indeed, considerable effort went into the Cheddar Gorge Man Hoax – heavily promoted by the BBC – that the earliest inhabitants were actually black. So, those thousands of young men being transported across the English Channel by the Border Farce/RNLI/Organised Crime coalition are simply following in the footsteps of their ancestors…
‘Cheddar Man’ – the sculptor deliberately chose the darkest brown clay, and gave him dreadlocks to ‘upset the applecart’. People don’t realise how much power artists and writers/reporters have in how they ‘interpret’ and depict ‘science’, and can always claim the protection of ‘artistic license.’
Ian – im declaring myself to be indigenous. Im also ‘ vulnerable’ and of ‘ mixed heritage’ because i had a mum and dad . Im thinking of coming out as a member of an obscure sexual orientation- lets call it HS -heterosexual .. and in my area i am part of a minority group – lets call it whitee .
Even rarer – i am not and have never been on welfare – and sadly am mug enough to be a taxpayer ..
Being even more of a minority – a do not take or sell drugs and dont have ‘tats ‘ ( no offence to our’ inked up ‘ friends
It is possible the electorate has something to do with it?
Maybe… the ‘new form of democracy’ espoused by such as XR, and outright imposed by the BBC can be introduced? The one where activists and media remove public choice from everything.
Luckily the reporter of colour and faith and not many reports was substituted for JonDon a while ago so he best keep his canoe in the boat house.
They like the EU way of doing it. Helps guarantee an outcome they like.
The ‘democracy’ part starts when the voters can choose from a pre-approved list. In the EU’s case, a list of one.
Bidens new press secretary is an excellent example of what happens to quality when you force people into positions for any other reason than ability for the job.
Older Australians tend to be racists, it was their ‘culture’ to be rude and outspoken about everyone and everything, including each other, and that’s usually reflected in their political leaders.
We have a lot of Australian relations, and it’s noticeable that younger generations are different, still rude and ill mannered (by British standards), but ‘race’ is no longer (openly) usually the vocal issue it once was.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but there seem to be a spate of very white looking Australians claiming to be aboriginals in recent years? There are also a lot of homosexuals/bisexuals and trans among younger Australians, more even than in the UK, I believe?
Easy to have a critical view of other cultures, but unless you live there, you’re only an outside observer, looking in through a very small window – not that that stops Aussies from mouthing off about us Poms a lot, or anyone else, come to think about it.
Re Australian parliament : It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’s math’s was wrong, I picture the aborigines and famous Asians like Penny Wong.
One thing is most immigrants want to keep a connection with their home country so often keep dual citizenship but Australia has a special rule.. to be a politician you must renounce any other citizenship.
“The Senate is one of the two houses of the Australian Federal Parliament. It consists of 76 senators,”
“The House of Representatives has 151 Members,”
so that is 227 altogether
There are 6 aborigines for a start : “As of June 2021, the 46th Parliament includes six parliamentarians who identify as Indigenous or as having Indigenous heritage—two members of the House of Representatives and four senators”
Who was born overseas
– Iran (1) Sen Sam Dastyari
– Malaysia (1) Sen Hon Penny Ying-Yen Wong (senior Labour politician, leader of the Senate opposition)
– Singapore ..includes the Asian Mr Ian Reginald Goodenough
(Some of the white politicians were born in Nigeria, India and Singapore)
So add in Penny Wong and Lisa Maria Singh
So at first glance I have 11 out of 227 as non- white
(sometimes people who count as aborigine can look 100% white)
Oh hang on Wikipedia says there
“There are eight incumbent Asian Australian parliamentarians as of 2021.”
So of the 227 there are 8 Asians and 6 Aborigines
So at least 14 of 227 are non-white
so the BBC’s 96% figure doesn’t seem to stand up
Sometimes ‘The Guardian’ writes a report which is one of the most balanced and detailed I find.
And sometimes (much, much more often actually) they write the most outrageous, misleading and totally agenda based tripe I could imagine. Often bordering on fanatical.
What a mixed bag. Dip in and you might pull out something nice. But it’s far more likely you’ll pull out a turd.
I’m highly offended by today’s Guardian who think that Fleetwood Mac’s songs ranked. They were jolly good, even if Stevie Nicks ‘sings down her nose’ and they junked an excellent guitarist in Lindsey Buckingham.
Up2 – i saw that – and have decided to go through the Fleetwood Mack albums – theyve never been my cup of chai because of the Be atlees … but from 1968 to now – not the same band at all eh ?
Fed, I liked ‘Oh, well’ for obvious reasons and ‘Albatross’, ‘Green Manalishi’ was also good but love the later stuff, too, from more recent line-ups. The only FM album I didn’t like was probably the drugged up one that I cannot remember the name of. Line-ups change in bands. Touring takes its toll. Even Dire Straits have changed their line-up, also to good effect. So did the Beatles and other groups.
Up2 – I e gone through the first 3 albums and got to 1969? Where there seems a huge change -I don’t want to wiki it until I’ve done them all – although I know how ‘west coast ‘ they became – maybe one day I will see that the Stones PLC ar worth something… Angie .. the growler … 😎
Dozing through a part of Toady this morning, half asleep. Think JustRemainin was one of the presenters.
What struck me when I woke up was not any individual story but just the overwhelming sense of anti-government clutching at straws and s***-stirring from one story to another.
Boris has been largely exonerated from the Partygate stuff and the D Mail have a real go at the cops and Labour. But the BBC are going full doom-and-gloom hoping and hoping that the Sue Gray report will be critical.
TOADY Watch #1 – Lacklustre Labour’s and the BBC’s mutual desperation is evident for all to hear
6 a.m. News: what is the BBC’s lead item? ‘Partygate’. But that is only because the Metropolitan Police investigation is over. Tomorrow, tonight even, it will be wrapping fish and chips. So the BBC, and Labour no doubt, are pinning their hopes on the Gray Report. JustRemainIn Webb, still in Scotland on a TellyTax funded ‘jolly’ issues a word of caution: the most criticised in the Gray Report may be Civil Servants. To lift Labour and BBC spirits, JustRemainIn or Iain Watson do mention the two forthcoming by-elections on which Lacklustre Labour will be pinning much hope.
There is a big danger for the BBC and their Labour friends. If they keep attacking the PM personally, they may create ‘an underdog’ and it used to be said the British tend to support the underdog. Is that still true? Didn’t work for Maggie or Major. But the continual attack on a person by BBC and Labour may actually highlight the fact that the Conservatives have policies and Labour have … er, …. ummhh … er .. tax increases and …. no, that’s pretty much it.
According to Fick Ange and the overworked Dr. Rosena, already we are all basking in rebates. Reportedly. Well, not in the media, who seem to think such things need not be checked.
Notice that the bbc is making more out of the cake thing than the Labour Party – still hunkered down waiting for the free pass from Durham socialist plod …
Guest, I was refering to future Labour policies as ‘tax increases and nothing else’. Am surprised that Ange and Dr Rosie (and no doubt Foghorn, herself) think I’m getting tax rebates as I’m not at all rishi – just a poor oldie. I did get the £150 Council Tax rebate up front as did every other poor person who doesn’t pay by Direct Debit, contrary to Labour Lies, a.k.a. BBC lies.
No doubt the BBC and the Lacklustre Labour Party will play ‘keepy-uppy’ with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ just in case ‘Partygate’ turns out to be the chance Ange, Jess and Foghorn have been waiting for to get a Wiimin-in-Charge of Labour. We have all been warned.
I think gray will be pretty withering on the sheer stupidity – naivety ( spelling ) of the’ brightest and the best ‘ – all those oxbridge types with their kidult group think not realising their vulnerability in breaching their own rules .
I understand how it happened – but No One Said WTF ? – this is not on ….
All those ‘careers ‘ screwed – but there’s never a shortage of politicians or spads or lobbyists or journalists – or snitches – such as the hateful Cummings ….
Fed, yes, it was obviously a set-up and no-one, even Cummings after his Durham brush with the Daily Mirror, was sharp enough to spot it. Maybe that is why he turned snitch, to try and earn some Brownie points with the Left and Whitehall in case he ever got involved in No.10 again.
I had hoped all along that Dom was a double agent and was digging for dirt on Part-time and her pal Pippa.
There is a strange BBC mindset . It expects the State ( government ) to do and fix everything …. And it assumes that the State will always be inadequate .
It also believes in control – the control of freedom – speech – beliefs – behaviour . It is totally interventionist and has a drive to divide the UK at all levels -whether it be by sex or race or age or belief or regionalism-
And then it spouts about ‘all in it together ‘ … I do think the collective group hatred of the UK is very deep . There is no pride about the country – unless it is a specific ‘approved ‘ area – there is no good history . Every thing must be undermined – rubbished … and it’s one of the many reasons I want to see it gone … Justin – meeshal – bee lady – Amal – the lot ..
What BBCLabour have failed to spot is that many of the northern working class are patriotic. Think of the Pals battalions in the First World War.
To a portion of these people it has dawned on them how utterly unpatriotic and hateful to Britain – and especially England- are Labour and the BBC with their open door immigration support and Brexit opposition.
Is it possible that Boris has spotted this? The local election results the other week showed surprising Tory resilience in the north especially given our largely useless government.
From the DT – a piece about US tech falling out with Obama /Biden …
STARTS Barack Obama’s White House hosted so many Google executives that it was seen as a satellite office.
The company’s chairman Eric Schmidt campaigned vocally for Obama’s election, and during Obama’s eight years in power, a Google employee visited the White House on average once a week.
The Biden White House has been more hostile to tech companies and their owners, however. Biden has accused companies like Facebook of “killing people” for not regulating Covid posts more strictly.
He has also appointed a string of senior officials who have called for Big Tech to be broken up, such as Tim Wu and Lina Khan, two stars of the antitrust movement.
Biden has also strongly supported unions, putting him in conflict with the likes of Amazon and Tesla. Amazon has fought unionisation efforts at major warehouses in America, while Musk has been a vocal opponent of organised labour.
The Tesla billionaire has also grumbled at Biden’s apparent reluctance to credit his company with driving the electric vehicle revolution, while heaping praise on Ford and General Motors.
In contrast, Trump cut taxes on the huge stashes of overseas funds that Apple, Google and Microsoft held, which were returned to grateful shareholders.
But it is Democrats’ tax policies that have caused the biggest stir among Silicon Valley’s wealthiest. Last year, US senators Ron Wyden and Elizabeth Warren proposed taxing the richest 700 Americans on their unrealised gains such as the soaring value of their shares. The plan was scuppered by moderate Democrats but earned Musk’s ire.
“Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you,” he wrote in October. Later, he sold 10pc of his Tesla shares, resulting in a tax bill of around $11bn.
“I’m paying the largest amount of tax of any individual in history,” he said.
Zach Graves, executive director of the Lincoln Network, a technology policy group, says: “There has always been a libertarian kind of flair in Silicon Valley, but sometimes that’s been more underground. They don’t wear it on their sleeve. The convention that Silicon Valley leans pretty strongly to the Left is right. But you do see notable exceptions.
“People have become more successful, maybe they have had their exit [a major payday such as an IPO]. They feel more comfortable in their political views.”
A string of top Silicon Valley investors such as Paul Graham, the Welsh born founder of Y Combinator, and Marc Andreessen, the head of one of Silicon Valley’s top venture firms A16Z, have become more outspoken about Left-wing censorship in recent months.
“It used to be that censorship was something the Right did, and free speech was something the Left were in favour of. But over the last few decades, banning ‘problematic’ ideas has become a huge component of Left culture,” Graham wrote last month.
Musk has promised to use his $44bn takeover of Twitter to reverse this trend, saying he would promote free speech and allow Trump to return to the service. The White House responded by highlighting Biden’s concerns about “misinformation” on social media.
If tech’s elite are divorcing from the Left, it could put them in further conflict with the Silicon Valley rank and file, who have protested over work such as military contracts and who disproportionately donate to Democrat candidates.
But as the tech industry moves out of California, its politics may change too. Miami’s Republican mayor has cosied up to the city’s booming cryptocurrency scene, and Texas governor Greg Abbott has embraced tech firms moving to his state.
As a wave of anti-tech sentiment runs through US Democrats, Biden risks losing one of his most powerful constituents.
Maybe that $17M cubicle garden diversity lawyer at Twitter can spell the new podium one of… literally the lot… who reads out stuff she is given to not answer questions?
In Vine world the ‘other things’ include more multi coloured helmet initiatives, anything to do with bicycles that can disrupt more peoples lives, and a crackdown on any anti BBC hurty words.
They’ll need to deflect away from criticism of Durham plod not going after the curry party ….
And at the going rate of MPs being arrested – prosecuted – convicted – it must be one every couple of weeks …. – I think if you include the Lords -that’s about 1500 paid up ‘representatives ‘ – is Westminster a crime centre ? Discuss …
Just watch this reasonably short video to get an insight of what both China and Russia are up to in the world.
The invasion of Ukraine might not be what the West believes it to be, but instead might well be a Russo-Sino pact to destabilise the West by destroying the worlds food supply (of course our dopey leaders are too dim to see even what’s going on in front of their noses let alone the grand strategy).
Western sanctions have utterly failed to prevent Russia’s economy from functioning and it has bounced back stronger than it was before.
If what this video alludes to is true then we are all in a great deal of trouble especially with the globalist idiots who are supposed to be leading the West at the present time.
13 minutes – summary – Russia China is controlling grain and fertiliser production . Remedy – you stock up on food for the future global famine .
Very very poor and glad I watched it at double speed . Is the deficit in grain and fertiliser being fixed by the markets – ? America can do this . Is it doing it ? Potential profits and influence could be huge .
Are we heading for the nuclear war with China / Russia which is starting to seem inevitable – the end of the world ? – and no TV licence …?
I think you have to view it in a wider context because it is quite shallow, what it provides is evidence of a strategy between the two powers to attack the global food supply, and that they have been doing this for quite a few years now.
China holds 50% of the worlds grain reserves and is continuing to buy grain in huge quantities. Why is this when the grain is spoiling in warehouses and is having to be dumped?
Then there’s the two countries fertiliser export ban
Thoughtful – I think putin just got lucky on being able to rely on the Chinese to be able to fund him when the west cut him off . I bet it wasn’t in the plan – Ukraine would have been as quick and easy as his previous conquests – no one would have said much about it – merkel would have kept the juice going – Obama / Biden didn’t know where Ukraine is – and that was it …
But somehow he either didn’t listen to the intel or his crew would only tell him what he wanted to hear…
What the Chinese land up with out of all Of it -I don’t know – if western markets dry up through recession they’ll have a lot of unemployed people and factories …
The Charter already obliges the BBC to provide in-depth analysis and impartiality but the big problem with the BBC is that its compliance with the BBC Charter is not being monitored effectively. Ofcom is not an effective supervisor.
The DCMS has a plan to privatise Channel 4 and keep the BBC operating as usual. The systemic problem of news omission and suppression to create bias is not addressed.
Is anyone interested in contacting Nadine Dorries and Julian Knight, the DCMS and the House of Commons DCMS Committee to raise the specific issue of reporting with no in-depth context and news omission/suppression?
Change is required at the BBC to enforce the Charter and end the routine suppression and omission of news to create bias.
1. A BBC Broadcasting Commission should replace Ofcom as the guardian of BBC impartiality. This commission would include lay members appointed for 4 year terms.
2. A Research Department should be employed by the BBC but appointed by the Broadcasting Commission to produce impartial, in-depth analysis of news issues in the academic style. This analysis should be available at short notice to comply with the time scale of news and current affairs programs. As the body of work of the Research Department expands it will become increasingly easy to perform this role. After a “bedding in” period of 6 months staff would be expected to introduce broadcast and online news items with the Report summaries and the Reports would be made publicly available on BBC News Online after each programme.
3. A separate “Public Service Broadcaster” division should be created within the BBC that deals with news and documentaries to produce a gold standard of news coverage for the nation. It would broadcast on BBC4, BBC Radio 4 and the BBC Online News.
4. BBC World and overseas services should be entirely separate from the domestic service with no career path between the two services.
These changes would create a BBC that would be oriented to the needs of the nation and serve as a beacon of impartiality and quality for the entire UK media industry.
If you support this manifesto please comment below so that, if there are enough supporters, we can begin action.
Interesting that you support the existence of a BBC and the charter – or is that a step to the end of it ?
On your 1 – the lay members will be political quango junkies
On 2 – who pays the piper plays the tune – there’s no such thing as ‘independent ‘
On 3 the BBC already thinks it is ‘the gold standard ‘ plucky brave war correspondents on the roof of a Kiev hotel …. Exposing paki racist Paedo rape gangs … oh … wait …
4 – why do you think there should be either a world service – paid by the Uk taxpayer – or bbc world – from which licence payers get no benefit – or is it that nonsense ‘soft power ‘ lie ?
Change – I profoundly disagree with the manifesto – I suggest – go watch Steyn or brazier or even Farage to compare and contrast what a good news output / discussion should be – as opposed to group think mono think BBC output …
Do you think the BBC should be taxpayer funded or be independent ?
Should there be a state broadcaster ?
How can generations of 1960s Marxists running the show be transformed to deliver a balanced unbiased account of issues – not being too scared to go against taboos seriously harming the fabric of the UK – eg Islam or green crap ?
If I come across here as heated or aggressive – I don’t mean to be – and it’s good for someone to put up a ‘way forward ‘ from time to time . ..
And for someone to support the existence of the BBC – but I am very small state … after the BBC goes – it’s the NHS….
1. We can despair of government or we can hope to create something that is a step in the right direction.
2. There is such a thing as “academic” in which reviews are based on data rather than opinion. Take a look at for an example.
3. Yes, the BBC has a problem with impartiality but its staff are seemingly unaware of this and think that they are impartial. Suppressing the fact that the Koran permits sexual crimes against unbelievers is a typical BBC foible. Somehow the BBC has come to believe that suppressing/omitting news is not bias. This is what needs correction.
4. I do not think there should be a World Service. But first things first, the current World Service/BBC World is infecting the BBC with Internationalism. Deal with this first.
A small state broadcaster is needed because otherwise there will be no real standards. Have you ever sat in a US hotel going through the news channels? Since the US abandoned the “Fairness Doctrine” their news has become biased nonsense.
The objective of this manifesto is to create a small nucleus of quality in the UK media that is not seeking political advantage. It would allow the license fee to be reduced to perhaps 20% of its current level and it would also create the possibility of disposing of the rest of the BBC for about £10bn and transferring the World Service to the Foreign Office.
I detest the BBC at the moment but can see no immediate moves towards disposing of it. Disposal can only be done in stages.
Farage is a great man but he does represent one side of issues. This is reasonable for an individual. To obtain impartial coverage we need a small organisation that is devoted solely to the objective of impartiality by using data rather than anecdote and belief.
The “gold standard” Public Service News division with balanced summaries would only be broadcast on BBC4/R4/online. The objective is to create a national reference point for impartial news.
The Broadcasting Commission would oversee the whole BBC.
Changethebbc tells us: “Whether we trust them [Nadine Dorries and Julian Knight] or not they are the first port of call in any campaign to limit BBC bias.”
Well, each to his own but this doesn’t work for me. The first port of call is you. The viewer. Stop paying the licence fee. Ignore their threats.
Once the licence goes, their free money goes. Once their free money goes, reality will kick in fast. Half the creeps and sycophants will be become unaffordable. If the BBC then makes programmes people want to watch, then people will pay for them. Fine. All I ask is an end to this grotesque compulsory tax.
Julian knight is a lefty – Nadine doesn’t do detail – waste of effort contacting them – deep down I have a pessimism thar no one will touch the BBC in Any Way and our efforts will go to nought – after all with a huge majority Johnson has done nothing with it – completely consumed by the Chinese virus and now Russia
He should have commissioned someone like Redwood to come up with stuff but it’s too late now – attention now goes to the next election …
But it has to be tried – even trolls and bbc types monitoring sites like this must know of the discontent at minimal and visceral hatred at the other end …
We have a fair number of people here who all share a dislike of BBC bias. Nadine Dorries heads DCMS and Julian Knight chairs the Commons DCMS Committee. Whether we trust them or not they are the first port of call in any campaign to limit BBC bias.
Suppose we all were to push for small changes in the right direction?
– Set up a smaller Public Service News division in the BBC
The discussion between Changethebbc and Fedup2 has been most interesting. It is good to see someone come up with proposals for change rather than just the (very understandable) criticism of BBC bias. I suppose the key question is whether you believe that change is even possible, given the state that the BBC has reached.
Abolishing the TV tax which funds it might not achieve much other than giving poorer households £159 back. The government simply decides to fund it with, say, £3.5 billion per annum, to increase with inflation, plus anything that BBC Studios can earn on top, say another £1-1.5 billion. The £3.5 bn would come from general taxation and be harder to stop paying than the TV tax, which you can at least legally avoid at present if you’re happy to use other means and rely on ITV, C4 and 5 catch-up services.
Effective monitoring of the BBC has failed over and over again, with “Governors”, the BBC Trust, Ofcom, etc. I can’t see it changing, given the statist/collectivist cultural bias of our times. The BBC clearly can’t be trusted to police itself when it has such a biased world view.
If I had to come off the fence, I’d agree more with Fedup2: I don’t think it can be reformed and radical change is needed, including ending the TV tax and pruning it back to a small PSB-type model. If this is not going to happen, then cosmetic changes are pointless. The BBC still does some good things but the cultural and political price of these is too high, unless they are siphoned off to smaller independent operators.
I’m pessimistic about change – but ironically the coming years of hardship might force it as licence fee revenues fall away at a quicker rate – programme inflation caused by new entrants – quality competition in itself – and a falling away of users – provides the background for change .
Unfortunately I can see a taxpayer funded ‘basic ‘ model – of – say 2 TV stations – with 5 main national radio stations .
I don’t know what the usefulness of the local network nor the cost .
Anything else can go to subscription – the big stuff – national occasions – will still be there …
I think Nadine was trying to formulate this in the culture committee yesterday … but the resistance to any change to ‘comrade aunty ‘ or ‘national treasure ‘ will be tough and it will take a determined PM with overwhelming public support to do it – but can’t see either of those ingredients any time soon …
Supervision of the BBC will always be a big problem because of the incestuous nature of that industry …
Here is my prediction of what will happen, for what its worth – The Consocalist government will scrap the telly tax and just fund the outfit off our income tax.
The totally anti-British Broadcaster will continue to flourish as before because we have a Liberal government in ‘Tory’ clothing .
The vindictive left, and particularly the Democrats in the USA and Labour in the UK both must have departments dedicated to smear to try to damage opposition.
Consider how telling it is the when Elon Musk takes steps they do not like he is immediately under suspicion of the usual sexual impropriety claim by some paid stooge of the left.
Elon Musk however is a formidable opponent and I suspect he might just throw this right back in their faces.
The left realise that truth in these matters is unimportant, all that matters is accusatory headlines being spread designed to damage reputation.
The people who don’t fit with their agenda are murdered.
Then each time a couple of generations pass, the new ideologically driven Leftists start down exactly the same road. Only chance and global events decide if they make it to the end goal or not.
The cheering and singing when Thatcher died was very, very significant. They hated her enough to wish her dead.
They would do the same if Trump went.
The ‘tolerant Left’ is evil at it’s core. They turn very nasty when things don’t go their way. Biden’s mask has slipped more than once now.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Funny, I thought. I thought funny …
… that is a strange order to have the front pages of the newspapers this morning after the Metropolitan Police announced their investigation into ‘Partygate’ is over. I wonder why the BBC chose to put the Daily PippaCrerar/LauraKuenssberg Mirror at the top?
I don’t look at the bbc website much – but the paper reviews go I’ve them the opportunity to spout far left propaganda from like minded sources –
I wonder how often the mirror / guardian / I – feature first with something suitably ‘approved ‘?
Nice description of cycling the other day.
The proliferation of cycle lanes used almost exclusively by middle aged men in Lycra was described as a free-of- charge substitute for the gym.
When you think about it, cycle lanes do more to reduce social mobility than almost any other measure. How many cycle to work because they can’t afford a car? And live near enough to their work to be able to cycle in the first place? Especially if they then get a better job? How many cycle in their ordinary clothes at a steady care-free pace?
Cycle lanes are a middle class fitness confection masquerading as a green policy.
Spending on cycle lanes is so often a reverse Robin Hood
It takes money and time away from all drivers and consumers
and gifts it to an elite group : the middle class men in lycra who have the time and inclination to use them.
Hmm In practice it’s lycra men who want cycle lane policies
but who uses them ? People who have the time and inclination
a special fraction of the population : some school children, some oldies, some couriers.
Still banging on about Partygate with scarcely a mention of Beergate.
Demanding more money for nursery care when most nursery care is paid for by rich families.
This omission of context – that both Starmer and Johnson were “at it” and the class dimension of childcare – is unacceptable. It clearly violates the BBC Charter.
It was the same with all the other news items, without context they become campaigning.
I see the first flight of migrants Rwanda has already been halted, not a surprise seeing as the bent Tories funded the lawyers to take them to court anyway. As comments have said with an 80 seat majority Johnson could easily force this policy through regardless of the courts or the leftie judges, but alas, the reality is the Rwanda thing is just a scam to placate the right of his party and after he loses, he will simply blame leftie lawyers and liberal judges whilst all the time quietly smiling to himself.
Gosh, if one was a cynical person and one didn’t know better, one might think that the Tories concocted this scheme particularly because they knew it would fail…
(Cue video footage of Boris waving his hands and saying “Well, we’ve tried our very hardest but, the thing is you see, we have to accept the legal judgement and, er, unfortunately, there’s just nothing we can do. But, er, if we win the next General Election we’ll certainly make it our priority and erm, you know, etc”)
BBC discovers Trans-Nazis… The BBC, which loves anything to do with trans, has now discovered and embraced Trans-Nazis. These are people with ‘far right’ views (e.g. similar to Brexit voters, American Republicans etc) who are now ‘transitioning’ into liberals, democrats and, er, National Guardsmen. An example has been found in Ukraine, amongst the notorious Azov regiment. Here’s what the BBC published on their website at 13:21 today (follow the link and scroll down):
“The Azov regiment is the most frequent target for Russia’s claim that it is fighting against Nazis in Ukraine. The regiment, which was set up as a volunteer militia in 2014 but is now a National Guard unit, once had links to the far right.”
Well, that’s all right then (no pun intended). In fairness to the BBC, they are simply saying what the Foreign Office has told them to say in this instance.
If Boris/Tories really wanted to do this they could do it.
They have an 80 seat majority so they could make it happen.
The truth is, they are happy with this situation and can’t get enough migrants in, they just pretend to be concerned.
Nothing will happen.
The government, all the parties, are working against the Brits and will do nothing about this invasion.
The government is our common enemy aided by the lefty msm.
TWatO Watch #1 – vairry interestink, …. but schtoopid – Part 1
Labour are now out to attack anything the Conservative Government does or proposes to do, hence Bridget Phillipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education appearing on TWatO. I don’t think I had heard of her or from her before now. She is obviously a very sharp, totally and heavily indoctrinated Socialist. The subject was the staffing rules for Child Minders for children under the age of two in England. Jonny ‘Di scon ne cted’ Dymond was keeping the TWatO seat warm for himself and started with quite a sharp question for Miss Phillipson which she did not answer in true Labour Party fashion. Took me right back to my teens and twenties, that did. 🙂
Jonny asked her another question which she avoided answering. I noticed that at no time did Jonny really push for an answer to his questions in the fashion of, say, Nick Robinson or Mishal Husain. He was really soft on the interviewee and I wondered whether he was dazzled by her lipstick. That’s your future seat on the TOADY Programme blown away, Jonny.
The third question also was not directly answered by Miss Phillipson but she did promise, I think twice, to spend much more money on ‘early years care’. Much more money from Labour Party = higher taxes. How much money does Labour think it will raise in a recession from hard-pressed taxpayers who have to choose between heating or eating? That was an additional question that Jonny should have pressed Bridget to answer.
“Finland has been refusing to pay for its supplies in roubles.
…a Kremlin spokesman said “it is obvious that nobody is going to deliver anything for free”.
Finland imports most of its gas from Russia but says it can cope with the disruption”
Copium won’t help!
Anyone know how the rouble payment system works exactly?
I get that the buyer hands over their Euros/ Dollars, Gazprom bank then converts it to Roubles, and then credits their Rouble account accordingly, and only then is the transaction made.
But how is the gas priced, the Roubles has strengthened again this week , so are customers paying more per unit?
Back in the late 80s I was on a 4 day visit to Moscow (perestroika and glasnost era), hubby and I went into a drinking ‘establishment’ and it was bonkers. It was an open currency bar – you paid in stirling and received Austrian shillings in change. Paid again in dollars and got a handful of Pesetas in return. Ok hubby and I got hammered with like minded Brits, but we had zero clue as to how much the evening cost us !
“How easy is it to drive across Wales in an electric car?”
The cracks are now beginning to show . So much for “green energy”. reminder to the Welsh Assembly ………Wales has some hills . Hills = energy consumption.
Lots of big empty spaces in Wales too (it’s why I like to go on holiday there), not so great if you’re caught short and need to charge your car up though – every hill will need to have its own charging station.
TWatO Watch #2 – vairry interestink, …. but schtoopid – Part 2
The next General Election is due in December 2024 five years after Bojo’s substantial win in 2019. Parliament could face a vote to vary or even abandon altogether the fixed term Parliament Act of twentynumblysomething. It is said by psephologists or was, when I was young, that winter General Elections favour a Conservative Party but early summer General Elections are more likely to be won by the Labour Party depending, of course, on the relative performance, promises and standing of the main parties and their leaders.
What is also unclear, for a General Election that could be as soon as next year, if Parliament is offered a vote, or even as late as December 2024 if it is not, will be the state of the UK economy and the world economy. I will be pleasantly surprised if the war between Russia and Ukraine is over by Christmas 2022. Then there is the small matter of coronaviruses whether natural or man-made.
What is highly likely, whether a UK General Election is held in the spring of 2023 or as late as possibly can be, is that a measure of economic upheaval will still be going on whether Pandemic-led or Russia/Ukraine-led. Labour have so far identified two sources of serious tax money leaving internet retailers aside: Buy to Let Landlords and the Oil/Gas/Electricity companies. I cannot remember what Labour think they can soak Landlords for but I suspect it is a relatively small amount compared to the £4billion+ that Labour think could be distributed from the energy companies to deserving cases.
It is likely that an incoming Coalition of Labour and the LimpUndems with SNP help in exchange for an Independence Referendum will be faced with exactly the same budgetary constraints in a similar UK and world economic situation as the current Government. There are only so many pockets that a Lab/Lib Government can pick and they may not be as deep as first thought.
Labour and their friends in the media might be very wise and well-advised to start to go quiet on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ because they may be dealing with it quite soon.
G.W.F., yes that’s right and funnily enough that was my first thought when I read about a burst of Covid-19 infections in New York. I went immediately to find out when the mid-terms are, thinking this new burst of infections my disadvantage the Republicans. The US doesn’t mess about. Their mid-terms are mid-term so Beijing Biden will have to be hoping and praying that it will be a harsh autumn/early winter in the US.
In other words UP the leadership of the UK is currently a poison chalice? I’ve thought that for some time, it might explain why we only seem to have fools putting themselves forward for the role, I guess?
I am disappointed with the Tories . They have failed totally on two key issues that I expected them to fix , immigration and the BBC. On Brexit , another of my big three they haven’t completed our exit and nor have they used the freedom that leaving the EU has given us.
Additionally , they didn’t handle the pandemic very well but many governments did even worse eg Scotland, Germany , Italy and France. They have also been far too soft handling the eco terrorists , allowing the civil service to do as they please and in their handling of unions.
Finally the adoption of Net Zero is a massive own goal that gets worse and worse as we plunge into a economic slump , although I am uncertain if the economic problems could have been entirely avoided.
But my problem is that despite all of the above if I and millions of other unhappy Tories don’t vote Tory at the next GE we will get some lunatic combination of Labour , Lib Dem, SNP. Then no matter how bad the Tory performance has been on the above issues the new coalition government will be much , much worse.
I know some folks believe that by the Tories losing the GE a new right of centre party will emerge and win the next but one election. I don’t believe that . I’m sure the leftist coalition will fix everything in their favour and be in power in perpetuity.
Our democracy is hanging by a thread and will certainly die if A Labour Coalition wins the next election. Having said that even with the Tories in power will they resist the move to a world government run by the WEF, I’m not so sure that they will.
“I am disappointed with the Tories . They have failed totally on two key issues that I expected them to fix , immigration and the BBC.”
They have grossly wasted the votes that many British people “lent them”.
Next time vote for The Reform Party or UKIP. Both these parties match your needs .
I have posted this call before.
I know that you believe that voting for Reform or UKIP will result eventually in a truly right of centre government . I don’t agree because for the reasons that I give above once a Labour coalition is in power democracy will be done away with and we won’t have free and fair elections in the future. Therefore right of centre governments simply won’t be an option .
The only hope I see is that Trump or a Trump endorsed candidate wins in the US, blows up the globalist left hold on power, emboldens free speech, drains the swamp , restores democracy, smashes the WEF and resurrects the primacy of the democratic nation state world wide. That is one hell of a tall order and the globalist elite will be even more entrenched than they were 2017-2020 and harder to beat.
I hope that I am far too pessimistic and that the next US President can win all these battles and allow the likes of Reform to flourish over here.
“Global entry clearance permissions for longer-term residence in the UK have reached record levels – with more than 800,000 people being allowed to come in 2021 (more people than live in the city of Leeds). This has partly been driven by a huge spike in study visa grants and a significantly larger amount of direct refugee resettlement (with around 80,000 Hong Kongers arriving in one year). Mounting illegal arrivals during 2021 (including by boat) have also fed into the highest number of asylum claims since 2003 (over 50,000 by main applicants and dependants). The government has failed to deliver on its pledges to restore border control in the wake of Brexit, and to reduce immigration.”
The Conservatives WILL lose the next election because of immigration and because of their failure to remove the NI protocol. We will almost certainly get some sort of LabLib coalition cheered on and enabled by those who hate the UK, and assisted by the apathy of the majority.
I share your disappointment, Double. Although I was out of London by the time Bojo became Mayor I knew what his term in office would be like. I was under no illusions. In fact, I have driven on the reality of the big promises that came from the Big Mayor. Disaster.
The problem is that the PM’s mind is probably not on the job; I think he is away with the faeries much of the time – the Roman and Greek faeries – and when he’s not with them he’s probably thinking about Carrie and the squalling babies. He needs a strategic thinker like Cummings to organise him.
Immigration. Why don’t we do what other countries do and make asylum seekers apply to our Embassies in the first safe country they reach? Each Embassy could be given a quota, when that number is reached just say no and direct the refugee to the French or German Embassies.
BBC. I thought the incoming Conservative Government would have a cunning plan for BBC’s death by a thousand cuts but no. Dorries seems to be feeble. PM has a great excuse if BBC keep going on about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Instruction from PM to D-G: Licence Fee needs to go down to £100 next year. £90 in 2024. £10 less every year to next Charter renewal. “Surely you want to help hard pressed families, don’t you? Why don’t you reduce salaries or cut stations and channels?”
Brexit. I guess the PM became impatient and took over from Lord Frost and bodged the result. Mind you, we should have come out on WTO terms in March 2018 and again in 2019 had May not ‘bottled it’. Indications are she was there as PM because some Tories wanted to frustrate our leaving.
Mind you, if you think Bojo is bad, May was worse. Cameron probably as bad.
NetZero is stupid but that’s not Bojo; that’s the fault of his squeeze and his immediate predecessor. But every PM since John Major and including Major have been try to steal the Emperor’s New Clothes on Green Issues to some extent.
BigBro, I don’t think Jeremy Hunt was/is a fool and he proved it by winning a battle with the NHS JDs. He was the other contender with Bojo. I didn’t have a vote – am not a member – but had I done so, I would have voted for Hunt. Would he have won an 80 seat majority? No, definitely not. He would have won against Corbyn but you could have put the proverbial rosette on a donkey and they would have beaten Corbyn-led Labour.
Monkey Pox.
Did it ‘drift in’ or ‘wash up’ on to the shore at Dover?
Initial media reports were that it was harmless and nothing to worry about .
The next pandemic? Or at least the next excuse for the WHO to call a global pandemic and for national governments to hand over the powers that their electorates invested in them.
Even if monkey pox isn’t the trigger for world government I’m sure another release of a new disease from a lab can be arranged and the world government gun fired. It’s already fully loaded and cocked.
“Coming up on ITV we are in Grimsby finding out how green energy could drive down our energy bills”
.. then they cut to a PR guy saying we have to get on with.
FFS no country has cheaper electricity due to solar and wind,
cos they impose huge costs on the grid
It’s PRasNews for Ofsted
featured Duncan Clark of Ofsted
Jonathan Brown @JonnyBrownYorks was the reporter
Item was just a quick 2 minutes , the PR claims were not challenged.
Cheeky b*stards
The whole reason UK energy got so expensive
is cos the government discourages fossil fuel investment
and rigs the market to make the grid buy expensive wind/gas
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . .
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:10 Midweek 5th March 2025 I guess the UK/London needs the money to fund Ukraine? “A PhD student from China, he had been studying at…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
Not directly BBC – but the overall prospect for the world economy is pretty negative – putin may well have opened a pandoras ‘ box of consequences directly after the Chinese virus . .. although thankfully bits of china are still suffering from their virus .
Different bits of the world are going to experience different level of disorder – and it’s already starting even as the economic effects are only coming through now . And the longer the Russian problem continues the worse it is going to be .
I wish I could find someone better informed who could run through the possible options – for instance – supposing the restrictions on Russian exports to the West continue for some time – eg another year or more . Can the world adjust to that ? What will it mean ?
Domestically will people realise that the state cannot do all – that it can run out of money – that the money tree does have a limit ?
But what then? Whether it’s red or blue labour running the show – what difference ? At least red labour and the BBC can spend it’s time blaming nut nut for mismanaging with Rachel reeve trying to ‘clearup the mess’ ….left by an inadequate tory chancellor ….
I heard a thing yesterday about the ‘producer price index ‘ which was argued to be a real reflection of the economy – it puts inflation at over 15% – compared to 10% for the retail version ….
Yet there seems little urgency in controlling inflation . Has the current government just run out of steam ? Fire brigading from one mini crisis to another without any overal grip ? Seems like it .
So we are pivoting from project fear over health – covid – to project fear on the economy …. That putin has a lot to answer for … I wish he’d just die .
Nadine appeared before the MP culture committee yesterday – I don’t think there were any proper conservatives on it so she was given a bit of a kicking by various lefties .
I think she treated the committee with the contempt it deserved since it is just a talking shop where bitter MPs can make a noise to get a ‘gift’ from their party bosses at some future time …
Makes you wonder why Nadine even bothered …. Just get on with ending the licence arrangements and get rid of this monster
Gotta feel for our Justin – yesterday he had to be in The socialist republic of Liverpool – today he is in the socialist heaven of SNPistan –
Apparently the Scottish railway has been bought into public ownership and is promptly suffering a cut in the timetable by a Third .
The comrades in Scotland are also rediscovering the joys of striking over ‘the cost of living ‘ – nostalgia for the 1970s .. complete with aggressive Scottish union types … oh BBC – the world as you’d want it …
SNP – First Nationalist Socialist administration NOT to make the trains run on time.
It looks from the new timetable that some trains are arriving before they start . And i think i heard that the current life span of men in Glasgow is 66? Surely shome mishtake?
BBC makes new record attempt…
The BBC has made a bid to be included in the Guinness Book of World Records by seeing how many times it can use the word ‘indigenous’ in an article. The bold attempt, which has been described as ‘stunning and brave’, was made in a report about the visit of Charles Windsor – heir to the British throne and supporter of the World Economic Forum – to Canada, a former colony run by dictator, blackface enthusiast and fellow WEF supporter, Justin Turdeau. Through careful editing and masterly use of the English language, the BBC managed to include the word ‘indigenous’ (not to be confused with ‘indigestion’) no less than 14 times.
Although the Prince examined a rifle, sat on a snowmobile and did many other noteworthy and exciting things, the main point is that he said “We must listen to the truth of the lived experiences of indigenous peoples, and we should work to understand better their pain and suffering.” It is rumoured that the words were carefully crafted for him by American TV host Oprah Winfrey and American actress Meghan Markle. Apparently, “we must learn from indigenous people on climate change”. This could be a hidden reference to secret advanced carbon sequestrian technology developed by said indigenous people, although the only technology on show was a hand-made stress ball made out of beaver fur and given to someone called Camilla.
As an example of the ‘truth of learned experiences’, the BBC article includes a link to the notorious ‘child graves’ story that led to dozens of Canadian churches being desecrated, vandalised and burnt to the ground in 2021. This was based on an unsubstantiated claim by an anthropologist that she had discovered hundreds of unmarked graves near a school. The BBC article is now 10 months old and the story is generally considered to be discredited as no graves or bodies have been found, nor have any excavations been carried out.
BBC record attempt:
BBC Report of ‘child graves’:
Factual report of ‘child graves’:
Isn’t the hypocrisy of the BBC off the scale ?.
In the UK, the BBC consider the indigenous people as the low-life racist filth who voted for Brexit.
‘Indigenous people’ are all invaders who displaced (and probably ate) previous ‘indigenous people’, nearly everywhere on the planet… otherwise we’d all still be Neanderthals, Homo africanus etc…
The Americas might be a bit of an exception, there the human race has only been around maybe a couple of hundred thousand years, and all the current ‘indigenous peoples’ are the descendants of those that murdered, enslaved, or ate their cousins.
With the caveat that, according to the establishment, there is no such thing as indigenous British people (MPs actually declared this in a vote some years ago). Rather, these islands are occupied by varying peoples over the ages: Romans one day, Vikings the next, then Normans, Pakistanis, Somalians etc. The fact that the majority of the population have DNA that can be traced back to people who lived here at the end of the Ice Age is neither here or nor there. Indeed, considerable effort went into the Cheddar Gorge Man Hoax – heavily promoted by the BBC – that the earliest inhabitants were actually black. So, those thousands of young men being transported across the English Channel by the Border Farce/RNLI/Organised Crime coalition are simply following in the footsteps of their ancestors…
‘Cheddar Man’ – the sculptor deliberately chose the darkest brown clay, and gave him dreadlocks to ‘upset the applecart’. People don’t realise how much power artists and writers/reporters have in how they ‘interpret’ and depict ‘science’, and can always claim the protection of ‘artistic license.’
Ian – im declaring myself to be indigenous. Im also ‘ vulnerable’ and of ‘ mixed heritage’ because i had a mum and dad . Im thinking of coming out as a member of an obscure sexual orientation- lets call it HS -heterosexual .. and in my area i am part of a minority group – lets call it whitee .
Even rarer – i am not and have never been on welfare – and sadly am mug enough to be a taxpayer ..
Being even more of a minority – a do not take or sell drugs and dont have ‘tats ‘ ( no offence to our’ inked up ‘ friends
Australia election: Why is Australia’s parliament so white?
Leave it to the Australian people to decide and keep your intolerant, meddling, leftist, fascist nose out of it.
It is possible the electorate has something to do with it?
Maybe… the ‘new form of democracy’ espoused by such as XR, and outright imposed by the BBC can be introduced? The one where activists and media remove public choice from everything.
Luckily the reporter of colour and faith and not many reports was substituted for JonDon a while ago so he best keep his canoe in the boat house.
Nick Bryant and Sopes still there?
They like the EU way of doing it. Helps guarantee an outcome they like.
The ‘democracy’ part starts when the voters can choose from a pre-approved list. In the EU’s case, a list of one.
Bidens new press secretary is an excellent example of what happens to quality when you force people into positions for any other reason than ability for the job.
She makes him not look quite so bad.
Older Australians tend to be racists, it was their ‘culture’ to be rude and outspoken about everyone and everything, including each other, and that’s usually reflected in their political leaders.
We have a lot of Australian relations, and it’s noticeable that younger generations are different, still rude and ill mannered (by British standards), but ‘race’ is no longer (openly) usually the vocal issue it once was.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but there seem to be a spate of very white looking Australians claiming to be aboriginals in recent years? There are also a lot of homosexuals/bisexuals and trans among younger Australians, more even than in the UK, I believe?
Easy to have a critical view of other cultures, but unless you live there, you’re only an outside observer, looking in through a very small window – not that that stops Aussies from mouthing off about us Poms a lot, or anyone else, come to think about it.
Re Australian parliament : It wouldn’t surprise me if the BBC’s math’s was wrong, I picture the aborigines and famous Asians like Penny Wong.
One thing is most immigrants want to keep a connection with their home country so often keep dual citizenship but Australia has a special rule.. to be a politician you must renounce any other citizenship.
“The Senate is one of the two houses of the Australian Federal Parliament. It consists of 76 senators,”
“The House of Representatives has 151 Members,”
so that is 227 altogether
There are 6 aborigines for a start : “As of June 2021, the 46th Parliament includes six parliamentarians who identify as Indigenous or as having Indigenous heritage—two members of the House of Representatives and four senators”
Who was born overseas
– Iran (1) Sen Sam Dastyari
– Malaysia (1) Sen Hon Penny Ying-Yen Wong (senior Labour politician, leader of the Senate opposition)
– Singapore ..includes the Asian Mr Ian Reginald Goodenough
(Some of the white politicians were born in Nigeria, India and Singapore)
So add in Penny Wong and Lisa Maria Singh
So at first glance I have 11 out of 227 as non- white
(sometimes people who count as aborigine can look 100% white)
Oh hang on Wikipedia says there
“There are eight incumbent Asian Australian parliamentarians as of 2021.”
So of the 227 there are 8 Asians and 6 Aborigines
So at least 14 of 227 are non-white
so the BBC’s 96% figure doesn’t seem to stand up
The BBC probably got their figures from the SBS news article
which for some reason used the 2018 data instead of current data
Such articles appear to be PRasNews as part of the coming Australian election campaigning.
Is the BBC story original ?
– 2 weeks ago Autralian broadcaster
back in Aljazeera 2016 had a story
Why is Australia’s parliament so white?
Surely that really is an OFCOM racism job ? – is it a spoof ?
Incest media set ups are awesome.
The Indy serves a winner for the bbc to ‘report’ as what the public thinks based on six readers…
“Fury among Downing Street staff as Johnson escapes further Partygate fines”
Seems it was from a ‘source’, who was stamping his pretty little foot…
Is there a single news media person now who is not a simpering tool?
Jimbo at Full Fact is on the named versions.
FFs not yet going near the Labour pre council election money claims. Along with most other impartial media.
Some kind of post ballot purdah thing where stuff said can not be seen as disinformation if they ignore it.
A new form of holding power to account?
Fury as Starmer escapes beergate without a single fine ( for law breaking ) …
Sometimes ‘The Guardian’ writes a report which is one of the most balanced and detailed I find.
And sometimes (much, much more often actually) they write the most outrageous, misleading and totally agenda based tripe I could imagine. Often bordering on fanatical.
What a mixed bag. Dip in and you might pull out something nice. But it’s far more likely you’ll pull out a turd.
I’m highly offended by today’s Guardian who think that Fleetwood Mac’s songs ranked. They were jolly good, even if Stevie Nicks ‘sings down her nose’ and they junked an excellent guitarist in Lindsey Buckingham.
Peter Green
Zephir – i bet a mr lennon said “ i wish i was peter green “ .., thanks
Zephir, thanks for putting that up. Wasn’t Mick Fleetwood thin back then?!
Up2 – i saw that – and have decided to go through the Fleetwood Mack albums – theyve never been my cup of chai because of the Be atlees … but from 1968 to now – not the same band at all eh ?
But Mr Green really was something .
Fed, I liked ‘Oh, well’ for obvious reasons and ‘Albatross’, ‘Green Manalishi’ was also good but love the later stuff, too, from more recent line-ups. The only FM album I didn’t like was probably the drugged up one that I cannot remember the name of. Line-ups change in bands. Touring takes its toll. Even Dire Straits have changed their line-up, also to good effect. So did the Beatles and other groups.
Up2 – I e gone through the first 3 albums and got to 1969? Where there seems a huge change -I don’t want to wiki it until I’ve done them all – although I know how ‘west coast ‘ they became – maybe one day I will see that the Stones PLC ar worth something… Angie .. the growler … 😎
That’s the Guardian telling its readers “WHAT to think”
.. That’s a thing they say they never do
I think there was an old Guardian advert about that.
Stew, think much of the MSM prints do it. Then there’s the BBC. ‘Ten things you need to know about viruses’, etc.
Man approached lone woman and shouted ‘I want a f**k, give it to me’ before attacking her
Rahman Akhtar, 33, targeted the woman – who he’d never met before – as she walked to her local shop in Oldham.
He could be deported back to Pakistan, but as we know this pathetic Blue Labour government never deports anyone.
Dozing through a part of Toady this morning, half asleep. Think JustRemainin was one of the presenters.
What struck me when I woke up was not any individual story but just the overwhelming sense of anti-government clutching at straws and s***-stirring from one story to another.
Boris has been largely exonerated from the Partygate stuff and the D Mail have a real go at the cops and Labour. But the BBC are going full doom-and-gloom hoping and hoping that the Sue Gray report will be critical.
TOADY Watch #1 – Lacklustre Labour’s and the BBC’s mutual desperation is evident for all to hear
6 a.m. News: what is the BBC’s lead item? ‘Partygate’. But that is only because the Metropolitan Police investigation is over. Tomorrow, tonight even, it will be wrapping fish and chips. So the BBC, and Labour no doubt, are pinning their hopes on the Gray Report. JustRemainIn Webb, still in Scotland on a TellyTax funded ‘jolly’ issues a word of caution: the most criticised in the Gray Report may be Civil Servants. To lift Labour and BBC spirits, JustRemainIn or Iain Watson do mention the two forthcoming by-elections on which Lacklustre Labour will be pinning much hope.
There is a big danger for the BBC and their Labour friends. If they keep attacking the PM personally, they may create ‘an underdog’ and it used to be said the British tend to support the underdog. Is that still true? Didn’t work for Maggie or Major. But the continual attack on a person by BBC and Labour may actually highlight the fact that the Conservatives have policies and Labour have … er, …. ummhh … er .. tax increases and …. no, that’s pretty much it.
‘Increases’? I think not.
According to Fick Ange and the overworked Dr. Rosena, already we are all basking in rebates. Reportedly. Well, not in the media, who seem to think such things need not be checked.
Wendy, Wendy, Wendy….
Notice that the bbc is making more out of the cake thing than the Labour Party – still hunkered down waiting for the free pass from Durham socialist plod …
Guest, I was refering to future Labour policies as ‘tax increases and nothing else’. Am surprised that Ange and Dr Rosie (and no doubt Foghorn, herself) think I’m getting tax rebates as I’m not at all rishi – just a poor oldie. I did get the £150 Council Tax rebate up front as did every other poor person who doesn’t pay by Direct Debit, contrary to Labour Lies, a.k.a. BBC lies.
No doubt the BBC and the Lacklustre Labour Party will play ‘keepy-uppy’ with ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ just in case ‘Partygate’ turns out to be the chance Ange, Jess and Foghorn have been waiting for to get a Wiimin-in-Charge of Labour. We have all been warned.
I think gray will be pretty withering on the sheer stupidity – naivety ( spelling ) of the’ brightest and the best ‘ – all those oxbridge types with their kidult group think not realising their vulnerability in breaching their own rules .
I understand how it happened – but No One Said WTF ? – this is not on ….
All those ‘careers ‘ screwed – but there’s never a shortage of politicians or spads or lobbyists or journalists – or snitches – such as the hateful Cummings ….
… can’t wait for the pictures ….dumb dumb dumb
Fed, yes, it was obviously a set-up and no-one, even Cummings after his Durham brush with the Daily Mirror, was sharp enough to spot it. Maybe that is why he turned snitch, to try and earn some Brownie points with the Left and Whitehall in case he ever got involved in No.10 again.
I had hoped all along that Dom was a double agent and was digging for dirt on Part-time and her pal Pippa.
There is a strange BBC mindset . It expects the State ( government ) to do and fix everything …. And it assumes that the State will always be inadequate .
It also believes in control – the control of freedom – speech – beliefs – behaviour . It is totally interventionist and has a drive to divide the UK at all levels -whether it be by sex or race or age or belief or regionalism-
And then it spouts about ‘all in it together ‘ … I do think the collective group hatred of the UK is very deep . There is no pride about the country – unless it is a specific ‘approved ‘ area – there is no good history . Every thing must be undermined – rubbished … and it’s one of the many reasons I want to see it gone … Justin – meeshal – bee lady – Amal – the lot ..
Could not agree more, bbc in a nutshell
What BBCLabour have failed to spot is that many of the northern working class are patriotic. Think of the Pals battalions in the First World War.
To a portion of these people it has dawned on them how utterly unpatriotic and hateful to Britain – and especially England- are Labour and the BBC with their open door immigration support and Brexit opposition.
Is it possible that Boris has spotted this? The local election results the other week showed surprising Tory resilience in the north especially given our largely useless government.
Let’s see….
Click, click, clickedy click…
From the DT – a piece about US tech falling out with Obama /Biden …
STARTS Barack Obama’s White House hosted so many Google executives that it was seen as a satellite office.
The company’s chairman Eric Schmidt campaigned vocally for Obama’s election, and during Obama’s eight years in power, a Google employee visited the White House on average once a week.
The Biden White House has been more hostile to tech companies and their owners, however. Biden has accused companies like Facebook of “killing people” for not regulating Covid posts more strictly.
He has also appointed a string of senior officials who have called for Big Tech to be broken up, such as Tim Wu and Lina Khan, two stars of the antitrust movement.
Biden has also strongly supported unions, putting him in conflict with the likes of Amazon and Tesla. Amazon has fought unionisation efforts at major warehouses in America, while Musk has been a vocal opponent of organised labour.
The Tesla billionaire has also grumbled at Biden’s apparent reluctance to credit his company with driving the electric vehicle revolution, while heaping praise on Ford and General Motors.
In contrast, Trump cut taxes on the huge stashes of overseas funds that Apple, Google and Microsoft held, which were returned to grateful shareholders.
But it is Democrats’ tax policies that have caused the biggest stir among Silicon Valley’s wealthiest. Last year, US senators Ron Wyden and Elizabeth Warren proposed taxing the richest 700 Americans on their unrealised gains such as the soaring value of their shares. The plan was scuppered by moderate Democrats but earned Musk’s ire.
“Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you,” he wrote in October. Later, he sold 10pc of his Tesla shares, resulting in a tax bill of around $11bn.
“I’m paying the largest amount of tax of any individual in history,” he said.
Zach Graves, executive director of the Lincoln Network, a technology policy group, says: “There has always been a libertarian kind of flair in Silicon Valley, but sometimes that’s been more underground. They don’t wear it on their sleeve. The convention that Silicon Valley leans pretty strongly to the Left is right. But you do see notable exceptions.
“People have become more successful, maybe they have had their exit [a major payday such as an IPO]. They feel more comfortable in their political views.”
A string of top Silicon Valley investors such as Paul Graham, the Welsh born founder of Y Combinator, and Marc Andreessen, the head of one of Silicon Valley’s top venture firms A16Z, have become more outspoken about Left-wing censorship in recent months.
“It used to be that censorship was something the Right did, and free speech was something the Left were in favour of. But over the last few decades, banning ‘problematic’ ideas has become a huge component of Left culture,” Graham wrote last month.
Musk has promised to use his $44bn takeover of Twitter to reverse this trend, saying he would promote free speech and allow Trump to return to the service. The White House responded by highlighting Biden’s concerns about “misinformation” on social media.
If tech’s elite are divorcing from the Left, it could put them in further conflict with the Silicon Valley rank and file, who have protested over work such as military contracts and who disproportionately donate to Democrat candidates.
But as the tech industry moves out of California, its politics may change too. Miami’s Republican mayor has cosied up to the city’s booming cryptocurrency scene, and Texas governor Greg Abbott has embraced tech firms moving to his state.
As a wave of anti-tech sentiment runs through US Democrats, Biden risks losing one of his most powerful constituents.
Maybe that $17M cubicle garden diversity lawyer at Twitter can spell the new podium one of… literally the lot… who reads out stuff she is given to not answer questions?
In Vine world the ‘other things’ include more multi coloured helmet initiatives, anything to do with bicycles that can disrupt more peoples lives, and a crackdown on any anti BBC hurty words.
BBC reeling from the fact PM not to receive anymore fines.
Now turning there attention to Sue Gray report. They really are building up into some catastrophic happening.
If the Sue Gray report doesn’t go the way the BBC want, what will they turn to next..Exciting times..(my arse)
They’ll need to deflect away from criticism of Durham plod not going after the curry party ….
And at the going rate of MPs being arrested – prosecuted – convicted – it must be one every couple of weeks …. – I think if you include the Lords -that’s about 1500 paid up ‘representatives ‘ – is Westminster a crime centre ? Discuss …
Wendy’s Unit hits the skids and all of W1A are coming after this place.
PJW’s video about the Disinformation Board being suspended
Just watch this reasonably short video to get an insight of what both China and Russia are up to in the world.
The invasion of Ukraine might not be what the West believes it to be, but instead might well be a Russo-Sino pact to destabilise the West by destroying the worlds food supply (of course our dopey leaders are too dim to see even what’s going on in front of their noses let alone the grand strategy).
Western sanctions have utterly failed to prevent Russia’s economy from functioning and it has bounced back stronger than it was before.
If what this video alludes to is true then we are all in a great deal of trouble especially with the globalist idiots who are supposed to be leading the West at the present time.
13 minutes – summary – Russia China is controlling grain and fertiliser production . Remedy – you stock up on food for the future global famine .
Very very poor and glad I watched it at double speed . Is the deficit in grain and fertiliser being fixed by the markets – ? America can do this . Is it doing it ? Potential profits and influence could be huge .
Are we heading for the nuclear war with China / Russia which is starting to seem inevitable – the end of the world ? – and no TV licence …?
I think you have to view it in a wider context because it is quite shallow, what it provides is evidence of a strategy between the two powers to attack the global food supply, and that they have been doing this for quite a few years now.
China holds 50% of the worlds grain reserves and is continuing to buy grain in huge quantities. Why is this when the grain is spoiling in warehouses and is having to be dumped?
Then there’s the two countries fertiliser export ban
Thoughtful – I think putin just got lucky on being able to rely on the Chinese to be able to fund him when the west cut him off . I bet it wasn’t in the plan – Ukraine would have been as quick and easy as his previous conquests – no one would have said much about it – merkel would have kept the juice going – Obama / Biden didn’t know where Ukraine is – and that was it …
But somehow he either didn’t listen to the intel or his crew would only tell him what he wanted to hear…
What the Chinese land up with out of all Of it -I don’t know – if western markets dry up through recession they’ll have a lot of unemployed people and factories …
The libmob countries are limiting the global ENERGY supply
..and that is having big consequences to your wallet.
.. Meanwhile food is still plentiful and cheap.
I had a follow up email from the venue of a concert I went to a few weeks ago …
’bout the same >>>> f-ing morons
The BBC introduces bias by refusing to summarise issues in a balanced fashion. It routinely suppresses and omits one side of the issue.
Here is an analysis of the World At One showing this problem occurring on every item:
The Charter already obliges the BBC to provide in-depth analysis and impartiality but the big problem with the BBC is that its compliance with the BBC Charter is not being monitored effectively. Ofcom is not an effective supervisor.
The DCMS has a plan to privatise Channel 4 and keep the BBC operating as usual. The systemic problem of news omission and suppression to create bias is not addressed.
Is anyone interested in contacting Nadine Dorries and Julian Knight, the DCMS and the House of Commons DCMS Committee to raise the specific issue of reporting with no in-depth context and news omission/suppression?
I would suggest the following manifesto:
Change is required at the BBC to enforce the Charter and end the routine suppression and omission of news to create bias.
1. A BBC Broadcasting Commission should replace Ofcom as the guardian of BBC impartiality. This commission would include lay members appointed for 4 year terms.
2. A Research Department should be employed by the BBC but appointed by the Broadcasting Commission to produce impartial, in-depth analysis of news issues in the academic style. This analysis should be available at short notice to comply with the time scale of news and current affairs programs. As the body of work of the Research Department expands it will become increasingly easy to perform this role. After a “bedding in” period of 6 months staff would be expected to introduce broadcast and online news items with the Report summaries and the Reports would be made publicly available on BBC News Online after each programme.
3. A separate “Public Service Broadcaster” division should be created within the BBC that deals with news and documentaries to produce a gold standard of news coverage for the nation. It would broadcast on BBC4, BBC Radio 4 and the BBC Online News.
4. BBC World and overseas services should be entirely separate from the domestic service with no career path between the two services.
These changes would create a BBC that would be oriented to the needs of the nation and serve as a beacon of impartiality and quality for the entire UK media industry.
If you support this manifesto please comment below so that, if there are enough supporters, we can begin action.
Interesting that you support the existence of a BBC and the charter – or is that a step to the end of it ?
On your 1 – the lay members will be political quango junkies
On 2 – who pays the piper plays the tune – there’s no such thing as ‘independent ‘
On 3 the BBC already thinks it is ‘the gold standard ‘ plucky brave war correspondents on the roof of a Kiev hotel …. Exposing paki racist Paedo rape gangs … oh … wait …
4 – why do you think there should be either a world service – paid by the Uk taxpayer – or bbc world – from which licence payers get no benefit – or is it that nonsense ‘soft power ‘ lie ?
Change – I profoundly disagree with the manifesto – I suggest – go watch Steyn or brazier or even Farage to compare and contrast what a good news output / discussion should be – as opposed to group think mono think BBC output …
Do you think the BBC should be taxpayer funded or be independent ?
Should there be a state broadcaster ?
How can generations of 1960s Marxists running the show be transformed to deliver a balanced unbiased account of issues – not being too scared to go against taboos seriously harming the fabric of the UK – eg Islam or green crap ?
If I come across here as heated or aggressive – I don’t mean to be – and it’s good for someone to put up a ‘way forward ‘ from time to time . ..
And for someone to support the existence of the BBC – but I am very small state … after the BBC goes – it’s the NHS….
1. We can despair of government or we can hope to create something that is a step in the right direction.
2. There is such a thing as “academic” in which reviews are based on data rather than opinion. Take a look at for an example.
3. Yes, the BBC has a problem with impartiality but its staff are seemingly unaware of this and think that they are impartial. Suppressing the fact that the Koran permits sexual crimes against unbelievers is a typical BBC foible. Somehow the BBC has come to believe that suppressing/omitting news is not bias. This is what needs correction.
4. I do not think there should be a World Service. But first things first, the current World Service/BBC World is infecting the BBC with Internationalism. Deal with this first.
A small state broadcaster is needed because otherwise there will be no real standards. Have you ever sat in a US hotel going through the news channels? Since the US abandoned the “Fairness Doctrine” their news has become biased nonsense.
The objective of this manifesto is to create a small nucleus of quality in the UK media that is not seeking political advantage. It would allow the license fee to be reduced to perhaps 20% of its current level and it would also create the possibility of disposing of the rest of the BBC for about £10bn and transferring the World Service to the Foreign Office.
I detest the BBC at the moment but can see no immediate moves towards disposing of it. Disposal can only be done in stages.
Farage is a great man but he does represent one side of issues. This is reasonable for an individual. To obtain impartial coverage we need a small organisation that is devoted solely to the objective of impartiality by using data rather than anecdote and belief.
To clarify the above.
The “gold standard” Public Service News division with balanced summaries would only be broadcast on BBC4/R4/online. The objective is to create a national reference point for impartial news.
The Broadcasting Commission would oversee the whole BBC.
I would suggest the following, scrap the outfit along with its tax . That’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
I agree, the BBC is worth £5-10bn. But how do we get this accepted?
One step at a time is best. Prepare the ground for disposal.
taffman is right.
Changethebbc tells us: “Whether we trust them [Nadine Dorries and Julian Knight] or not they are the first port of call in any campaign to limit BBC bias.”
Well, each to his own but this doesn’t work for me. The first port of call is you. The viewer. Stop paying the licence fee. Ignore their threats.
Once the licence goes, their free money goes. Once their free money goes, reality will kick in fast. Half the creeps and sycophants will be become unaffordable. If the BBC then makes programmes people want to watch, then people will pay for them. Fine. All I ask is an end to this grotesque compulsory tax.
Julian knight is a lefty – Nadine doesn’t do detail – waste of effort contacting them – deep down I have a pessimism thar no one will touch the BBC in Any Way and our efforts will go to nought – after all with a huge majority Johnson has done nothing with it – completely consumed by the Chinese virus and now Russia
He should have commissioned someone like Redwood to come up with stuff but it’s too late now – attention now goes to the next election …
But it has to be tried – even trolls and bbc types monitoring sites like this must know of the discontent at minimal and visceral hatred at the other end …
We have a fair number of people here who all share a dislike of BBC bias. Nadine Dorries heads DCMS and Julian Knight chairs the Commons DCMS Committee. Whether we trust them or not they are the first port of call in any campaign to limit BBC bias.
Suppose we all were to push for small changes in the right direction?
– Set up a smaller Public Service News division in the BBC
– Replace Ofcom as regulator
– Detach World Service from BBC
are the first tiny steps.
Nadine Who?
What does she do for her money ?
She is selling off Channel 4 – excellent.
Unfortunately she is preserving the BBC.
The discussion between Changethebbc and Fedup2 has been most interesting. It is good to see someone come up with proposals for change rather than just the (very understandable) criticism of BBC bias. I suppose the key question is whether you believe that change is even possible, given the state that the BBC has reached.
Abolishing the TV tax which funds it might not achieve much other than giving poorer households £159 back. The government simply decides to fund it with, say, £3.5 billion per annum, to increase with inflation, plus anything that BBC Studios can earn on top, say another £1-1.5 billion. The £3.5 bn would come from general taxation and be harder to stop paying than the TV tax, which you can at least legally avoid at present if you’re happy to use other means and rely on ITV, C4 and 5 catch-up services.
Effective monitoring of the BBC has failed over and over again, with “Governors”, the BBC Trust, Ofcom, etc. I can’t see it changing, given the statist/collectivist cultural bias of our times. The BBC clearly can’t be trusted to police itself when it has such a biased world view.
If I had to come off the fence, I’d agree more with Fedup2: I don’t think it can be reformed and radical change is needed, including ending the TV tax and pruning it back to a small PSB-type model. If this is not going to happen, then cosmetic changes are pointless. The BBC still does some good things but the cultural and political price of these is too high, unless they are siphoned off to smaller independent operators.
I’m pessimistic about change – but ironically the coming years of hardship might force it as licence fee revenues fall away at a quicker rate – programme inflation caused by new entrants – quality competition in itself – and a falling away of users – provides the background for change .
Unfortunately I can see a taxpayer funded ‘basic ‘ model – of – say 2 TV stations – with 5 main national radio stations .
I don’t know what the usefulness of the local network nor the cost .
Anything else can go to subscription – the big stuff – national occasions – will still be there …
I think Nadine was trying to formulate this in the culture committee yesterday … but the resistance to any change to ‘comrade aunty ‘ or ‘national treasure ‘ will be tough and it will take a determined PM with overwhelming public support to do it – but can’t see either of those ingredients any time soon …
Supervision of the BBC will always be a big problem because of the incestuous nature of that industry …
Here is my prediction of what will happen, for what its worth – The Consocalist government will scrap the telly tax and just fund the outfit off our income tax.
The totally anti-British Broadcaster will continue to flourish as before because we have a Liberal government in ‘Tory’ clothing .
The vindictive left, and particularly the Democrats in the USA and Labour in the UK both must have departments dedicated to smear to try to damage opposition.
Consider how telling it is the when Elon Musk takes steps they do not like he is immediately under suspicion of the usual sexual impropriety claim by some paid stooge of the left.
Elon Musk however is a formidable opponent and I suspect he might just throw this right back in their faces.
The left realise that truth in these matters is unimportant, all that matters is accusatory headlines being spread designed to damage reputation.
The lefty press of course lap it up.
I hope Musk spanks them big time.
Pondering my last post I began to wonder what these people will do to any citizen they choose who steps out of line if they do get absolute power?
China shows the way forward.
History has shown us many times.
The people who don’t fit with their agenda are murdered.
Then each time a couple of generations pass, the new ideologically driven Leftists start down exactly the same road. Only chance and global events decide if they make it to the end goal or not.
The cheering and singing when Thatcher died was very, very significant. They hated her enough to wish her dead.
They would do the same if Trump went.
The ‘tolerant Left’ is evil at it’s core. They turn very nasty when things don’t go their way. Biden’s mask has slipped more than once now.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Funny, I thought. I thought funny …
… that is a strange order to have the front pages of the newspapers this morning after the Metropolitan Police announced their investigation into ‘Partygate’ is over. I wonder why the BBC chose to put the Daily PippaCrerar/LauraKuenssberg Mirror at the top?
I don’t look at the bbc website much – but the paper reviews go I’ve them the opportunity to spout far left propaganda from like minded sources –
I wonder how often the mirror / guardian / I – feature first with something suitably ‘approved ‘?
#ScumMedia is trending. Seems a coordinated thing where libmob accounts try gaslighting by saying such things as :
“Tories moaning about #ScumMedia when 90% of the media is pro-Tory.
And the other 10% hate the left.”
Nice description of cycling the other day.
The proliferation of cycle lanes used almost exclusively by middle aged men in Lycra was described as a free-of- charge substitute for the gym.
When you think about it, cycle lanes do more to reduce social mobility than almost any other measure. How many cycle to work because they can’t afford a car? And live near enough to their work to be able to cycle in the first place? Especially if they then get a better job? How many cycle in their ordinary clothes at a steady care-free pace?
Cycle lanes are a middle class fitness confection masquerading as a green policy.
here here
Spending on cycle lanes is so often a reverse Robin Hood
It takes money and time away from all drivers and consumers
and gifts it to an elite group : the middle class men in lycra who have the time and inclination to use them.
Hmm In practice it’s lycra men who want cycle lane policies
but who uses them ? People who have the time and inclination
a special fraction of the population : some school children, some oldies, some couriers.
feckerz don’t even use the cycle lanes around here.
Plenty of entitled/deranged w*nkkerz out on bikes too.
Just listened to World At One.
It is suppressing the context of stories:
Still banging on about Partygate with scarcely a mention of Beergate.
Demanding more money for nursery care when most nursery care is paid for by rich families.
This omission of context – that both Starmer and Johnson were “at it” and the class dimension of childcare – is unacceptable. It clearly violates the BBC Charter.
It was the same with all the other news items, without context they become campaigning.
I see the first flight of migrants Rwanda has already been halted, not a surprise seeing as the bent Tories funded the lawyers to take them to court anyway. As comments have said with an 80 seat majority Johnson could easily force this policy through regardless of the courts or the leftie judges, but alas, the reality is the Rwanda thing is just a scam to placate the right of his party and after he loses, he will simply blame leftie lawyers and liberal judges whilst all the time quietly smiling to himself.
Shocked, I tell you; shocked!
First, read Shakespeare.
Gosh, if one was a cynical person and one didn’t know better, one might think that the Tories concocted this scheme particularly because they knew it would fail…
(Cue video footage of Boris waving his hands and saying “Well, we’ve tried our very hardest but, the thing is you see, we have to accept the legal judgement and, er, unfortunately, there’s just nothing we can do. But, er, if we win the next General Election we’ll certainly make it our priority and erm, you know, etc”)
BBC discovers Trans-Nazis… The BBC, which loves anything to do with trans, has now discovered and embraced Trans-Nazis. These are people with ‘far right’ views (e.g. similar to Brexit voters, American Republicans etc) who are now ‘transitioning’ into liberals, democrats and, er, National Guardsmen. An example has been found in Ukraine, amongst the notorious Azov regiment. Here’s what the BBC published on their website at 13:21 today (follow the link and scroll down):
“The Azov regiment is the most frequent target for Russia’s claim that it is fighting against Nazis in Ukraine. The regiment, which was set up as a volunteer militia in 2014 but is now a National Guard unit, once had links to the far right.”
Well, that’s all right then (no pun intended). In fairness to the BBC, they are simply saying what the Foreign Office has told them to say in this instance.
Also see:
Don’t tell JK Rowling, she’ll be over there with her gang of Feminazi’s to kick the cr** out of everyone who gets in their way !
From Breitbart London
If Boris/Tories really wanted to do this they could do it.
They have an 80 seat majority so they could make it happen.
The truth is, they are happy with this situation and can’t get enough migrants in, they just pretend to be concerned.
Nothing will happen.
The government, all the parties, are working against the Brits and will do nothing about this invasion.
The government is our common enemy aided by the lefty msm.
Mark Steyn for PM.
See three posts up !
I must read everything before posting.
It’s not even tautology as I’m using almost the same words.
I’ll fall back on the ‘great minds….’ excuse.
TWatO Watch #1 – vairry interestink, …. but schtoopid – Part 1
Labour are now out to attack anything the Conservative Government does or proposes to do, hence Bridget Phillipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education appearing on TWatO. I don’t think I had heard of her or from her before now. She is obviously a very sharp, totally and heavily indoctrinated Socialist. The subject was the staffing rules for Child Minders for children under the age of two in England. Jonny ‘Di scon ne cted’ Dymond was keeping the TWatO seat warm for himself and started with quite a sharp question for Miss Phillipson which she did not answer in true Labour Party fashion. Took me right back to my teens and twenties, that did. 🙂
Jonny asked her another question which she avoided answering. I noticed that at no time did Jonny really push for an answer to his questions in the fashion of, say, Nick Robinson or Mishal Husain. He was really soft on the interviewee and I wondered whether he was dazzled by her lipstick. That’s your future seat on the TOADY Programme blown away, Jonny.
The third question also was not directly answered by Miss Phillipson but she did promise, I think twice, to spend much more money on ‘early years care’. Much more money from Labour Party = higher taxes. How much money does Labour think it will raise in a recession from hard-pressed taxpayers who have to choose between heating or eating? That was an additional question that Jonny should have pressed Bridget to answer.
Russia halts gas supplies to Finland
“Finland has been refusing to pay for its supplies in roubles.
…a Kremlin spokesman said “it is obvious that nobody is going to deliver anything for free”.
Finland imports most of its gas from Russia but says it can cope with the disruption”
Copium won’t help!
Anyone know how the rouble payment system works exactly?
I get that the buyer hands over their Euros/ Dollars, Gazprom bank then converts it to Roubles, and then credits their Rouble account accordingly, and only then is the transaction made.
But how is the gas priced, the Roubles has strengthened again this week , so are customers paying more per unit?
Currency and Russia ? who knows.
Back in the late 80s I was on a 4 day visit to Moscow (perestroika and glasnost era), hubby and I went into a drinking ‘establishment’ and it was bonkers. It was an open currency bar – you paid in stirling and received Austrian shillings in change. Paid again in dollars and got a handful of Pesetas in return. Ok hubby and I got hammered with like minded Brits, but we had zero clue as to how much the evening cost us !
“How easy is it to drive across Wales in an electric car?”
The cracks are now beginning to show . So much for “green energy”. reminder to the Welsh Assembly ………Wales has some hills . Hills = energy consumption.
Lots of big empty spaces in Wales too (it’s why I like to go on holiday there), not so great if you’re caught short and need to charge your car up though – every hill will need to have its own charging station.
@Changethebbc what’s the idea “Change the BBC”
.. No sorry it’s had its chances
but chooses to cheat, cheat, cheat and cheat again
It can eff off
And most of the staff pensions need to be seized back, cos they come from organised crime.
The DCMS plan is to simply ignore BBC bias.
Are you really saying, on a site that is dedicated to BBC bias, that you are willing to just let it go on?
Scrap it or privatise it !
TWatO Watch #2 – vairry interestink, …. but schtoopid – Part 2
The next General Election is due in December 2024 five years after Bojo’s substantial win in 2019. Parliament could face a vote to vary or even abandon altogether the fixed term Parliament Act of twentynumblysomething. It is said by psephologists or was, when I was young, that winter General Elections favour a Conservative Party but early summer General Elections are more likely to be won by the Labour Party depending, of course, on the relative performance, promises and standing of the main parties and their leaders.
What is also unclear, for a General Election that could be as soon as next year, if Parliament is offered a vote, or even as late as December 2024 if it is not, will be the state of the UK economy and the world economy. I will be pleasantly surprised if the war between Russia and Ukraine is over by Christmas 2022. Then there is the small matter of coronaviruses whether natural or man-made.
What is highly likely, whether a UK General Election is held in the spring of 2023 or as late as possibly can be, is that a measure of economic upheaval will still be going on whether Pandemic-led or Russia/Ukraine-led. Labour have so far identified two sources of serious tax money leaving internet retailers aside: Buy to Let Landlords and the Oil/Gas/Electricity companies. I cannot remember what Labour think they can soak Landlords for but I suspect it is a relatively small amount compared to the £4billion+ that Labour think could be distributed from the energy companies to deserving cases.
It is likely that an incoming Coalition of Labour and the LimpUndems with SNP help in exchange for an Independence Referendum will be faced with exactly the same budgetary constraints in a similar UK and world economic situation as the current Government. There are only so many pockets that a Lab/Lib Government can pick and they may not be as deep as first thought.
Labour and their friends in the media might be very wise and well-advised to start to go quiet on ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ because they may be dealing with it quite soon.
An election can be postponed due to lockdown with the new pandemic.
G.W.F., yes that’s right and funnily enough that was my first thought when I read about a burst of Covid-19 infections in New York. I went immediately to find out when the mid-terms are, thinking this new burst of infections my disadvantage the Republicans. The US doesn’t mess about. Their mid-terms are mid-term so Beijing Biden will have to be hoping and praying that it will be a harsh autumn/early winter in the US.
In other words UP the leadership of the UK is currently a poison chalice? I’ve thought that for some time, it might explain why we only seem to have fools putting themselves forward for the role, I guess?
I am disappointed with the Tories . They have failed totally on two key issues that I expected them to fix , immigration and the BBC. On Brexit , another of my big three they haven’t completed our exit and nor have they used the freedom that leaving the EU has given us.
Additionally , they didn’t handle the pandemic very well but many governments did even worse eg Scotland, Germany , Italy and France. They have also been far too soft handling the eco terrorists , allowing the civil service to do as they please and in their handling of unions.
Finally the adoption of Net Zero is a massive own goal that gets worse and worse as we plunge into a economic slump , although I am uncertain if the economic problems could have been entirely avoided.
But my problem is that despite all of the above if I and millions of other unhappy Tories don’t vote Tory at the next GE we will get some lunatic combination of Labour , Lib Dem, SNP. Then no matter how bad the Tory performance has been on the above issues the new coalition government will be much , much worse.
I know some folks believe that by the Tories losing the GE a new right of centre party will emerge and win the next but one election. I don’t believe that . I’m sure the leftist coalition will fix everything in their favour and be in power in perpetuity.
Our democracy is hanging by a thread and will certainly die if A Labour Coalition wins the next election. Having said that even with the Tories in power will they resist the move to a world government run by the WEF, I’m not so sure that they will.
“I am disappointed with the Tories . They have failed totally on two key issues that I expected them to fix , immigration and the BBC.”
They have grossly wasted the votes that many British people “lent them”.
Next time vote for The Reform Party or UKIP. Both these parties match your needs .
I have posted this call before.
I know that you believe that voting for Reform or UKIP will result eventually in a truly right of centre government . I don’t agree because for the reasons that I give above once a Labour coalition is in power democracy will be done away with and we won’t have free and fair elections in the future. Therefore right of centre governments simply won’t be an option .
The only hope I see is that Trump or a Trump endorsed candidate wins in the US, blows up the globalist left hold on power, emboldens free speech, drains the swamp , restores democracy, smashes the WEF and resurrects the primacy of the democratic nation state world wide. That is one hell of a tall order and the globalist elite will be even more entrenched than they were 2017-2020 and harder to beat.
I hope that I am far too pessimistic and that the next US President can win all these battles and allow the likes of Reform to flourish over here.
“Global entry clearance permissions for longer-term residence in the UK have reached record levels – with more than 800,000 people being allowed to come in 2021 (more people than live in the city of Leeds). This has partly been driven by a huge spike in study visa grants and a significantly larger amount of direct refugee resettlement (with around 80,000 Hong Kongers arriving in one year). Mounting illegal arrivals during 2021 (including by boat) have also fed into the highest number of asylum claims since 2003 (over 50,000 by main applicants and dependants). The government has failed to deliver on its pledges to restore border control in the wake of Brexit, and to reduce immigration.”
The Conservatives WILL lose the next election because of immigration and because of their failure to remove the NI protocol. We will almost certainly get some sort of LabLib coalition cheered on and enabled by those who hate the UK, and assisted by the apathy of the majority.
Its more of the same then.
I share your disappointment, Double. Although I was out of London by the time Bojo became Mayor I knew what his term in office would be like. I was under no illusions. In fact, I have driven on the reality of the big promises that came from the Big Mayor. Disaster.
The problem is that the PM’s mind is probably not on the job; I think he is away with the faeries much of the time – the Roman and Greek faeries – and when he’s not with them he’s probably thinking about Carrie and the squalling babies. He needs a strategic thinker like Cummings to organise him.
Immigration. Why don’t we do what other countries do and make asylum seekers apply to our Embassies in the first safe country they reach? Each Embassy could be given a quota, when that number is reached just say no and direct the refugee to the French or German Embassies.
BBC. I thought the incoming Conservative Government would have a cunning plan for BBC’s death by a thousand cuts but no. Dorries seems to be feeble. PM has a great excuse if BBC keep going on about ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’. Instruction from PM to D-G: Licence Fee needs to go down to £100 next year. £90 in 2024. £10 less every year to next Charter renewal. “Surely you want to help hard pressed families, don’t you? Why don’t you reduce salaries or cut stations and channels?”
Brexit. I guess the PM became impatient and took over from Lord Frost and bodged the result. Mind you, we should have come out on WTO terms in March 2018 and again in 2019 had May not ‘bottled it’. Indications are she was there as PM because some Tories wanted to frustrate our leaving.
Mind you, if you think Bojo is bad, May was worse. Cameron probably as bad.
NetZero is stupid but that’s not Bojo; that’s the fault of his squeeze and his immediate predecessor. But every PM since John Major and including Major have been try to steal the Emperor’s New Clothes on Green Issues to some extent.
BigBro, I don’t think Jeremy Hunt was/is a fool and he proved it by winning a battle with the NHS JDs. He was the other contender with Bojo. I didn’t have a vote – am not a member – but had I done so, I would have voted for Hunt. Would he have won an 80 seat majority? No, definitely not. He would have won against Corbyn but you could have put the proverbial rosette on a donkey and they would have beaten Corbyn-led Labour.
Fake news
Putin hasn’t asked the President of Finland if his country wants to win the next Eurovision Song Contest..
Telegraph journo wrote a tweet about the Sizewell C nuclear plant
that said it will be built ON The Minsmere reserve
That’s FakeNews of course
It will be built on the exiting nuclear site ADJACENT to the reserve
More cases of Monkey Pox reported. Originated in Nigeria, caught by sexual bodily contact. I’m not saying any more.
Monkey Pox.
Did it ‘drift in’ or ‘wash up’ on to the shore at Dover?
Initial media reports were that it was harmless and nothing to worry about .
The next pandemic? Or at least the next excuse for the WHO to call a global pandemic and for national governments to hand over the powers that their electorates invested in them.
Even if monkey pox isn’t the trigger for world government I’m sure another release of a new disease from a lab can be arranged and the world government gun fired. It’s already fully loaded and cocked.
“Coming up on ITV we are in Grimsby finding out how green energy could drive down our energy bills”
.. then they cut to a PR guy saying we have to get on with.
FFS no country has cheaper electricity due to solar and wind,
cos they impose huge costs on the grid
It’s PRasNews for Ofsted
featured Duncan Clark of Ofsted
Jonathan Brown @JonnyBrownYorks was the reporter
Item was just a quick 2 minutes , the PR claims were not challenged.
Cheeky b*stards
The whole reason UK energy got so expensive
is cos the government discourages fossil fuel investment
and rigs the market to make the grid buy expensive wind/gas
Have they (ITV Regional) been tweeting it?
– I feel like having a go…
Stew, not Ofsted but Ofgem. The Green Levy is, I think, costing customers £500 on just electricity alone. Is that right. Time for Rishi to get rid.
Up2Snuff no, Orsted the wind farm company
, that was ny typo
The whole minute item was PRasNews for Orsted
Their PR pushed dreams, there was no challenging.
Hi all just another day without nuclear war – famine or pestilence – er 1 out of 3?
New thread new whatever ?