A big week for the Far Left BBC – the Gray Report on breaches of covid rules by civil servants and government staff – is due to be published . Meanwhile an unelected group of globalists and their retinue meet in the World Economic Forum to decide the future. As usual plenty of opportunity for the BBC to push its ‘propaganda at the people who are forced to pay for it .
Start the Week 23 May 2022
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I think there’s no situation that cannot be made worse by politicians.
Everything they do ends up being in a worse state than before they get involved.
Immigration, lockdowns, brexit (which they’ve made a right mess out of, just get out on WTO like we wanted), the channel armada and everything else.
“The most frightening words ever: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Ronald Regan
I think there’s no situation that cannot be made worse by politicians.
Except the rewards for politicians
Just a short exposure to a Parish Council meeting proves that.
On the BBC webshite.
A report that Charles and Camilla are taking part in an episode of ‘East Enders’.
A great photo of the cast is shown.
Weirdly, a huge proportion of the cast are white.
But thanks to the BBC and their fellow travellers, the East End does not actually look like that any more, does it ?
It is ‘rather more ‘diverse’ than that.
Take Tower Hamlets for example, where an entirely new political party, Aspire, stood on a Bangladeshi Delhi Islam ticket and swept the board, even kicking out the Labour council.
How weird, how hypocritical that the BBC’s ceaseless pro BAME pro mass immigration agenda should appear so at odds with their most popular soap.
Alternatively, if they know their agenda is so anathema to the viewing public why do they persist?
That show will be dead within 5 years. At some point a new producer will insist on it being reflective of the real East End. At that point it will neither be watched be white people, nor watched by minorities (who largely don’t watch television anyway) It will be interesting when the show is eventually axed, and blame placed at the foot of video games (where almost all protagonists are caucasian) or streaming (where people get to vote with their feet as to what shows that watch)
A scribbling from this weekend
The Islington state religion
Guido then quotes their October 2021 story
“Sky News Doomsday Climate Report Flooded with Misleading Sea Rise Claims
Doom-mongering journalists at Sky News are reporting unsubstantiated graphic claims that London is on course to be flooded, illustrated with an image of ..”
Can you imagine the sky brain power that went into ‘a climate show ‘? An excellent example of lost group think … all those kidults out snowflaking each other to save a planet by screwing the UK economy ……
I don’t watch sky – but I did hear that a volcanic explosion in Tonga a few months ago put up so much stuff into the atmosphere that it dwarfs human activity …. Hurry up ice age – get it done ….
Meanwhile, Al Go… Rushbridger’s old rag is miffed.
Wendy’s unit is going to have to get Springster to up her game.
“We’ll soon be experiencing”. It’s always soon, isn’t it?
We’re in a new ice age aren’t we according to the ’70s panic?
Or is it a Mediterranean climate since 2015 according to the 2000 panic?
Dont be alarmed or switch off but global systems models predicted most of what we are seeing today. Again, notice that the BBC never mentions that computer simulations of global ecology and economics seem to have been accurate. Its just nature.
I scanned the article – thanks – it only accords with the common sense theory that as life becomes more complicated one individual can have a disproportionate effect on the world – the idiot who released covid into the environment ( assuming cocktail up theory ) or a lunatic in the Kremlin –
Couple their actions with a world based on assumptions of continuous peace and there is the ever growing risk of blame k swan events rapidly causing severe suffering across the world
– which we are starting now . Longer supply chains and dependency on particular countries is long term suicide for short term gain .
Buy tinned food -rice – pasta a tin opener bottled water – camping gas – batteries … a wind up radio
We can import all the fuel and food from Russia we need, as long as our politicians can swallow their pride and exchange our money they are printing for rubles.
But they cant as the biden regime thinks that its better if we starved. Helps the planet’s Climate.
Not the BBC but just tuned in to the start of channel 4’s ‘ Hunted’ as I thought it looked interesting on paper .. People put on a beach then trying to hide from a team looking for them.
Like everything else on TV these days the ridiculousness of the box ticking hits you in the face from the start.
Most of the competitors appear to be BAME .. Assorted nationalities ..Indian, Pakistani who knows ..they are it seems to be hunted down by a woman in a veil. Then we actually see some white people, but they are using sign language as they are deaf/disabled .. I turned off and gave up at that point.
You can just picture them all when they set up these shows round the table .. ‘ ok , we must have lots of BAME, we must have a Muslim, we must have some disabled but they need to be able to run .. How can we do that ? Ah I know .. let’s get some deaf people …. ‘
It’s such a bloody farce. Box ticking first then make what you can of the show later …
Of course nothing like as bad as the black gay trans Doctor Who nonsense but not far off ..
I will go back to YouTube and the pre woke films on Talking pictures .. But then I still have to watch the African adverts ..
It was the same with channel 4 Murder Island last year. The two white blokes were obviously the best team. But NO they gave it to shock horror! the black couple who were as thick as planks but hey -diversity eh!
TVland is into fakery, how fake is Antiques Roadshow
.. A neighbour went to an event he expected to see Fiona Bruce
the security guy told him “No you won’t see her, she came yesterday and recorded all her bits”
So did they bus in the audience that stands behind her ?
Wasn’t it Joan Bakewell who said the BBC is run by children. We are now reaping the ‘benefit’ of those students who did Media Studies at Uni a few years ago. The men in grey suits who gave us the golden years of the tele are all dead, and we are left with mankids who wear baseball caps back to front and turn up for work in designer T shirts and jeans. The briefcase has been replaced by the backpack and obligatory coffee to go, and all work is done by mobile phone.
When ‘this lot’ get to the age of “Waiting for God” I wonder whether tv will still exist, and if so what types will be running it !
Every single aspect of TV is fake. They have absolutely no conscience about it.
A friend of mine who flew RC helicopters said he was going to an episode of ‘storage hunters’ because they were going to find an RC helicopter and pretend the guy who found it was flying it.
Two things amaze me:
1) How many people think it is all real
2) The extent of how much they fake it.
I just saw that on Wheeler Dealers even the bit where Mike searched for a car then goes to check it out and negotiate a bargain is absolutely and completely fake. Someone else goes out and ‘pre-buys’ the car some days before then Mike turns up later and everything he does is scripted.
The world is one big lie.
JohnC – I’m shocked that you have found this stuff to be false . I’ve never seen a ‘reality ‘ TV programme – I just make the assumption that all is contrived / false and an insult . I know there is a programme which shows the reaction of people watching television – when TV gets as dumb and incestuous as that one knows it’s time to cut down on use.
Fortunately there is plenty to watch / do instead .
BTW – has anyone a link to 2000 mules – I’ve tried but all I get is ‘previews ‘ and ‘summaries ‘….. and I don’t want to register for some unknown site …
I’m not shocked that it’s not true but I am shocked at just how far they are prepared to fake it, especially for documentary type programs.
The ones I absolutely cannot abide are those where the audience are whooping and cheering and it is very, very obvious someone is telling them to do it as they all start cheering at the same time.
This link works from my PC:
I’m shocked that you say are not shocked . I think it’s all shocking .
The fakery of mainstream TV is why YouTube is so much better. One guy with a camera doing this or that by themselves makes such better viewing .. E.g. Noel Phillips travelling the world taking random trains planes etc .. Or to prove people don’t have to be white to be good as long as they are not there to tick boxes, Sam Chui travelling by plane, are both excellent channels and beat the mainstream media hands down.
The BBC used to be able to do it, e.g. Michael Palin and his travels .. But no way that a white male would be allowed to make a travel show now .. Unless perhaps if he only had one leg and had his boyfriend with him ..
In his travel books Palin describes how he is on a giant container ship in S China Sea and they pass a boat. The captain says “they are boat people”, the producer says lets divert the ship and save them, you and your shipping line will be famous if we film it!
A giant container ship with thousands of containers takes miles to stop…they left the boat people behind.
Its all about clever editing as well.
The Garden Rescue programmes before Covid made the viewer believe that Charlie Dimmock & the Rich Bros would toddle along to the property and survey what needs to be done and a little chat to the owners. Then its ‘cut’ to where they go away and design the garden. Next shot is showing the owners the finished design and a choice is made. Of course that isn’t what really happens. You only had to see the clothes everyone is wearing to realise that the ‘survey’ and ‘choice’ filming is done at the same time.
Same with Homes Under the Hammer. The new purchaser stands in the wings waiting to be interviewed whilst the Presenter chats about the state of the property. Cut to the auction where the new owner is identified. Then its back to seeing the new owner trotting into the property to be interviewed.
Worst are the reality competition shows where the Presenter shouts “FIVE MINUTES LEFT ! ” when the filming clearly shows that the competitor is only half way through their project !
Same with DIY SOS The Big Build. ‘We only have 9 days to finish the build. These 2 came early to lay the foundations so we could start on time.’ oh, so it’s not ‘only 9 days’.
Given up on all the TV car and bike shows, it’s such utter tripe, lots of very good stuff on youtube created by real enthusiasts
Here’s the BBC pushing Met Office Global Warming PR
What do they miss ?
#1 They fail to context that 25C was late this year , May 17th
when their old average claim was May 19th 1960-91
#2 That it strangely happened at an effing hot airport full of tarmac
#3 That it’s a BS metric
#4 That now we have more weather stations there are more chances of getting a 25C
Yes, the BBC seems to regard anecdotal reports such as a single temperature record or the opinion of a middle class buddy to be equivalent to large-scale statistical studies.
Repeatedly using such equivalence without any warnings about anecdotal reporting being infotainment is a violation of the Charter.
Colonel in Iran Revolutionary Guard assassinated
Another front page article from the BBC which stands out because you wonder why on Earth it is there. People are murdered all the time in that region and life is very cheap to them.
So I took a look and sure enough, it’s because the BBC want you to think the nasty Israelies did it and provide all kinds of conjecture without any actual evidence at all.
It’s very obvious who’s side the BBC are on. I was checking some of their other articles to see how they reported Jewish people being killed and they refer to Hamas as a ‘militant group’ but they are listed in the government ‘Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations’ so surely the BRITISH BBC are obliged to describe them as such to give the articles proper context ?. One might think they don’t agree they are terrorists …
All I can say is that based on previous experience, if the Israelies DID do it then they had a good reason.
So keen they just grabbed the first senten…
BBC News
Two gunmen on a motorbike are reported to have shot Colonel Sayad Khodai five times in a car outside his home in a rare assassination,
Motorbike? Of course in that neck of the woods they are not so rare… or poor rooftop H&S.
‘2000’ mules is, in my opinion, one of the most important films that has emerged since ‘Brexit the Movie’ and it is similar in that it revealed not just a few truths, but it confirmed that there was a lot the establishment did not want us to know or discuss.
I wondered how the media and establishment would react to the evidence that D’Sousa presents in the film. I knew of course they would try and ignore it, but one or two outlets would try and refute it in some sort of damage control. How would they spin it? Well the few attacks that I have seen all have one thing in common they claim that it is not absolute proof. Fair enough you might rightly say, but the implication is that anything short of that 100% mark can be dismissed as if it was of no account.
A few years ago I posted a new blogger on this channel called ‘Politico’ an educated and cultured man who was in line with us on this site on so many issues. What I liked about him was that he was not gullible, and wouldn’t blindly go along with hyperbole and group-think and not afraid to criticize those who he thought were going ‘over the top’ even if they were on his side.
Today I unsubscribed him.
To be honest I had be going off him for a while because his increasingly holier-than-thou tone was beginning to grate but today took the biscuit when he decided to criticise 2000 mules.
Right from the start he started sneering and nitpicking. He obviously doesn’t like D’Sousa, fair enough he’s entitled to his dislikes but by the end of his ‘critique’ all he has done is echo the establishment in their attempts to belittle the achievement.
Probably the most irritating thing is the moral high ground he relishes taking over the fact that the “True The Vote Team”, who gathered the evidence, used electronic tracking. He disapproved of this indicating this was a case of the ‘Right’ doing something they accuse the ‘Left’ of. It’s alright when we do it he mocked.
Let’s have a bit of context here. If my neighbour keeps squirting me with his garden hose I might ignore at first and try to reason with him. If this keeps failing then he’ll feel the full force of my water blaster. Look, Mr Politico, an election has been stolen, the evidence has to be found and the powers that be are not doing their job. Anybody who sticks with Queensbury rules in a street fight is beyond stupid.
His item is on youtube. Just type Politico and 2000 mules if you want to watch it.
There is no evidence for voter fraud we were told. It was the most free and fair election ever, they said!
There is no evidence for voter fraud they insisted and so confident were they banned all discussion of it in the media.
However, the evidence has been slowly coming forward bit by bit despite the attempted suppression and with the 2000 mules contribution it is massive. The point that the film doesn’t have 100% watertight courtroom proof does not mean that that the content isn’t worth anything which is the line that the establishment is pushing. If you examine the weight of evidence from all sources it is damning. The US 2020 election was stolen by a corrupt establishment and democracy is now in danger. This will have severe repercussions around the world if not exposed.
What planet is Politico on?
… and why does the BBC think it has the right to not even acknowledge the existence of the film because of their bias against Trump ?.
The “voter fraud” in the US election was due to the collection of postal votes by Democrats and the acceptance of these sacks of votes by the polling authorities.
This was not illegal but it should have been.
Postal voting is dangerous for democracy.
The BBC has indeed failed to mention what happened and so is endangering our democracy by keeping MPs etc. in ignorance about the fact that postal voting is not a secret ballot.
I suggest you watch 2000 Mules….
– you appear to be laboring under considerable misunderstanding.
are you sure you’re talking about Politico?
The Politico I’m referring to is a lone chap not the big media operation. He is British and has been going for about four years. I think I was the first person to post him on this site. Others have done so since.
Alas, since I unsubscribed him I cannot find him so I can’t post him for you. My description on how to find him I see is inadequate.
Sorry about that. I’ll keep trying.
@Yasser Mr Politico’s video comes up when you filter by “latest”
… https://youtu.be/oGIXiQqtpm0
He certainly doesn’t dismiss the 2000 Mules video
rather he does seem to look for gotcha against it
and doesn’t find one
but agrees that so far it’s not absolute proof.
This story of Raheem Bailey has gone completely out of proportion. Now the whole school has been shut down.
It seems that he was actually fleeing bullies and the racism bit has been pushed as it’s the entire reason for the story.
What we will never find out is if Raheem is the innocent little boy he is being portrayed as or not. We know one of the reasons so many black youths turn to gangs, drugs and knives in Londonistan is because they are from single parent families with no father figure.
Here is Raheem with his family:
We will never know what the circumstance really were : the first casualty of the Leftist agenda is truth.
Still, the 90K mum is getting from go-fund-me as a result will come in handy. She knows what she is doing …
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
Published3 October 2012
A London MP has suggested that absent fathers are a key cause of knife crime.
Tottenham Labour MP David Lammy said most young people who have stabbed someone to death come from single parent families.
Former gang member Sheldon Thomas, now a government advisor on youth violence, said he agreed with Mr Lammy “100%”.
So Lammy didn’t go near the real question of why there are so many single-parent black families.
Because it is the C word. Culture. Import 3rd world, get 3rd world.
A C word also applies to Lammy. But not ‘culture’. And it has ‘Thick’ in front of it.
Having tried hard and ultimately failed to take complete control of the Western World with the outbreak of seasonal flu given a scary name the WHO and eventually The UN are now making another attempt to control the population with the fanfare over “monkey pox”….
83 cases World wide…. And they have gone into nanny mode instantly. Watch out for the return of enforced masks, social distancing, and bloody stickers everywhere.
This is heavily political and dangerous to our basic freedom. We need to let them know this time they can FO.
Another report crows about the record mental health issues in our kids, no bloody wonder with these schemers constantly manipulating everyone with nanny state fear.
Meanwhile back at the ranch:
Lib left demand to cancel the Catholic Church:
SF Examiner editorial board demands Pope remove archbishop who barred Pelosi from communion over abortion
The paper called for Pope Francis to remove the ‘radical’ Cordileone from leadership.
Cordileone wrote to the Pelosi on Friday, warning her that she cannot receive Communion, while vowing to codify Roe v. Wade.
“You are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,” he wrote.
Zephir – maybe pelosi – who is dammed for supporting abortion anyway – should join the CofE – I think she’d fit well . I take it biden is banned too … and the Kennedys of course…
Very very heavy on the lefty subjects today – almost overwhelmingly – I just can hear it so the off switch was hit –
But before that – taxpayers to fund unwanted kids ( why have them ) queers spreading the pox ( again ) rail unions striking ( nothing new ) hyper sensitive coloured ladies being racially discriminated in maternity ( and it’s free ) NHS nurse killing babies ( nothing new there ) something green ( whatever ) …
So ‘off’
The BBC/labour already laying the ground to rubbish the Gray report before it is published – I’m guessing the lefty Durham Plod will be holding off on their whitewash until Gray is out of the way and public response is assessed .
How long can it take Durham plod to investigate one incident which is uncomplicated – compared to the number 10 thing – a week tops ? How long has it been now?
But on the upside at least the growler scum and choir are being quiet for 5 minutes ….
“The official teachings of the Catholic Church oppose all forms of abortion procedures whose direct purpose is to destroy a zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus, since it holds that “human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.”
But that means NOTHING to the left:
“In response, the liberal editorial board blasted the Catholic leader for “punishing” Pelosi, instead of “right-wing politicians” who “[vote] against health care or funding for the poor.”
They defended Pelosi as a leader who has “consistently fought on the morally right side of these issues,” and praised her as a role model for women.
The editorial board argued that by denying Pelosi Holy Communion, the archbishop wasn’t being loyal to Christ.”
“Cordileone’s chief loyalty is not to Christ, but to the cabal of far-right American bishops led by Raymond Leo Burke, a Catholic prelate who has led a continual campaign to undermine Pope Francis’ authority,” they wrote, before demanding the Pope remove the “radical conservative” from San Francisco.
I can’t really see how she have the sacrament of confession either – if she ain’t sorry for her sins it ‘null points ‘…. For all its failings – pervert priests- sadist nuns – I still feel that I know where I am with the RC church … although I was at a mass a while ago which went a bit happy clapy- mental issues maybe ..
And this, what we all suspected, where else has his filthy cash perverted democracy:
George Soros throws $1M behind Stacey Abrams’ second gubernatorial run
(female, tick, black, tick)
Liberal billionaire George Soros has pushed $1 million into Georgia to back Stacey Abrams’ second attempt at landing in the governor’s office, filings show.
Soros’ Democracy PAC II, a federal committee bankrolled by $125 million from the financier for the 2022 elections, made a $1 million donation to One Georgia Inc. on March 11, Federal Election Commission records show.
One Georgia Inc. is a leadership committee launched to aid Abrams’ candidacy, and Abrams nor the group appear to have publicly announced its existence.
“Monkeypox contacts advised to isolate for 21 days”
Here we go again……….
Will we see SAGE re-emerging again?
Maybe Springster could che…?
Maybe Nadine can chuck in a review of BBCOFCOM as well …because if the BBC review shows the bias then OFCOM is not fit for purpose –
Taken far too long in the 80 seat majority to get to this …
I reread what billy large lies – above – twittered – the Far left aways smokescreen by claiming the BBC is biased to the Right – examples please Billy – start with president trump or brexit eh?
Coming from a party which is itself left wing biased and appears to have abused its powers it’s a bit rich.
Monday 8th January 2018: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast, 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
Now let me give just two random cases I know of, without doing any research. I timed a lunchtime interview with Jeremy Corbyn. It lasted just 1 minute and 20 seconds. 10 seconds was taken up with a question. Corbyn then spoke for one minute and 5 seconds uninterrupted. The interviewer finished with “Thank you Mr Corbyn”. Perhaps the BBC can give just one example where a prominent politician from the right was treated the same?
Then the late Jeremy Hardy publicly stated that he would never, ever, tell a joke about a Labour politician. He was a regular on the “News Show” and at the time the Labour front bench included ripe material such as Corbyn, Abbott, Lammy and Phillips. Can the BBC explain why such blatant bias was allowed and where the “comedian” specialising in lampooning Labour was employed?
That is going to seriously effect bbc disinformation troll social events.
‘At least 80 cases of the virus have so far been indentified in the UK and around the world’
What kind of nonsense is that ?. It’s either the UK or the whole world.
Knowing how dishonest the BBC are, I will assume it is deliberate to make the casual reader think we have 80 cases in the UK and thus make it sound much worse than it is.
BBC Editorial Guidelines place sense very low on the priority list.
Ban gay sex in saunas to save lives – produce vaccine to stop people being gay – oh wait.
It ain’t gonna happen . The government needs Al Beeb as it’s “Nudge Machine”.
Nudge? It’s like a massive slap machine.
Just waiting for the headlines:
clap for the STD clinics
The Graun is funny.
Mr. Harris displacing YAB and Femi on Vile?
Graun in Beeb mode. No hikers?
Contacts should not travel and should avoid contact with immunosuppressed people, pregnant women, and children under 12
Joe not deleting the lefty media dot headlines as well as Beeb or Graun.
Uh oh.
Snopes just shafted all BBC editorial.
Albinos in africa suffer …. Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
Guest Who – thank you for the link – methinks the guardianistas are getting a bit frightened of GBNews . The only thing they can say of Steyn is “niche” . They clearly fear anyone outside the group think – Lawrence Fox and Mr Farage – because of the following they have .
It must be deeply unsettling that there are people in the world ( me ) who fundamentally dissent from their view of the world and country …
As for GBNews – I listen to brazier 9/10 – Farage 8/10 and Steyn 11/10 but consider the rest dross – I don’t bother with the TVnews thing – if piers Morgan is on it it is just tainted …
My biggest criticism of GBNews is the long and over frequent ad breaks …
Do you notice how many adverts have whistling in them ? Normally associated with cars or DIY type stuff – do advertisers think people classified on lower socioeconomic groups spend their time whistling …. ?
Also – the guardianista seems to think sending big BBC names stand on the roof of the best hotel in Kiev telling us about the drive from the airport -is war reporting – is a bit rich.
Do you notice that there isn’t much by way of war reporting ? The health and safety war has been won ….
I don’t listen to ad breaks.
Especially on radio. Luckily Global gets its announcers to advise their arrival, plus the news.
Car spots were what added ads to the news. 10’ commercial and 20’ gibbering t&cs.
Just listening to the BBC news during Radcliffe and Maconi as I couldn’t get to the PC to move it forward. I heard:
’22 people were killed when a bomb exploded at the end of an Arianne Grande concert’
It was a Muslim suicide bomber BBC. You can be absolutely certain we would have been told if it was someone from the far-Right.
Shameless, lying scum. Because deliberately hiding that fact to protect their own agenda is no different from a lie.
“the most powerful form of lie is the omission” – spoken by a BBC employee named Orwell….
Omitting the context of news is partiality – only covering a part.
News omission and suppression are violations of the main obligation of the BBC Charter: to be impartial, but Ofcom have not realised this.
Something I suspect many on here know, this is from 2017 and probably even more relevent now:
Twitter and Facebook are not representative of the general population: Political attitudes and demographics of British social media users
A growing social science literature has used Twitter and Facebook to study political and social phenomena including for election forecasting and tracking political conversations. This research note uses a nationally representative probability sample of the British population to examine how Twitter and Facebook users differ from the general population in terms of demographics, political attitudes and political behaviour. We find that Twitter and Facebook users differ substantially from the general population on many politically relevant dimensions including vote choice, turnout, age, gender, and education. On average social media users are younger and better educated than non-users, and they are more liberal and pay more attention to politics. Despite paying more attention to politics, social media users are less likely to vote than non-users, but they are more likely to support the left leaning Labour Party when they do vote. However, we show that these apparent differences mostly arise due to the demographic composition of social media users. After controlling for age, gender, and education, no statistically significant differences arise between social media users and non-users on political attention, values or political behaviour.
Zephir – the people who use the internet / social media have a way of life – but there are others . I monitor twitter but never engage – ever – I have never used Facebook or any other social media and never will – I don’t need affirmation for my views and I know my views are unlikely to change those of others
So online shouting matches are not for me . I see the same for mainstream stuff such as the BBC question time – does that explain or change anything ?
Social media companies have been caught brazenly “curating” their user base so that right of centre users are expelled:
Like the brazen curation of The BBC climate oafs?
To be fair, a lot of Beeboids do seem to end up in Oz.
Bryant, Sopes, etc…
JonDon still paddling back?
If the BBC is biased against Labour why do the left spend so much effort trying to keep it as it is and the right want to abolish it ?
A question often posed to lefty gobs just before they throw a wobbly and block folk.
And don’t forget those Leftist politicians who display their shameless hypocrisy by cherry picking one thing if they get a chance and claiming it proves the BBC is biased to the Right.
You have to be a complete idiot or a complete hypocrite not to know the BBC is left-wing. Exactly what OFCOM are supposed to stop – but it’s clear they are just more of the same people.
BBC News
In the future, you could be breakfasting on false banana or snacking on pandanus tree fruit.
Or radioactive cockroaches.
I’d get Wendy to check, but like most BBC his scope is limited.
Blonde on bond.
What was it? £400m?
Dual nationals imprisoned in Iran
Iran detains an unknown number of foreign and dual nationals, mostly on
charges of espionage. Many of those detained have sought to avoid publicity
for their cases, in fear this will jeopardise negotiations for their release.
In 2017, the news agency Reuters said there were 30 known cases of foreign
and dual nationals who had been detained in Iran since 2015, mostly on
spying charges. T
Click to access CBP-8147.pdf
It’s heart warming to see all these celeb’s coming out in support of the young black lad who has been bullied by “racist thugs.”
Kids can be really spiteful and bullying should always be challenged and condemned. It’s horrible.
However, I haven’t noticed any famous folk sticking their heads above the parapet when it comes to the much more insidious and dangerous “Asian” grooming gangs. In these cases the young victims don’t just lose part of their finger, awful as that is, they sometimes lose their lives.
Of course, here the victims are nearly always very young white girls and the perpetrators nearly always much older Muslim paedo’s.
Perhaps these celeb’s haven’t heard about this travesty…
I remember my son coming back from Croydon covered in blood with a broken nose. His phone had been stolen by a gang of 6 black boys. There was never a word on the BBC about gang violence in Croydon.
Unbelievable self-delusion media people suffer from.
Presenting the slim new look Gemma Collins….
If you have ever read The Kings New Clothes you will know what I mean.
All I can say is that New Look obviously have a very active PR department let alone imagination.
“lost a whopping three stone”
Reminds me of that old reprobate Jim Davidson claiming to have slept with a fat groupie. Finding her naked on his bed, he exclaimed, “Give us a ****ing clue, love!”
Albino Lives Matter … As a result, people with albinism have been persecuted, killed and dismembered, and graves of albinos dug up and desecrated. At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.[3]: 81
Affiliated with the global arrogance edition
Sounds Familiar was once the title of a BBC Radio gameshow – now it’s just about every media headline…
BBC: ‘A colonel in Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) has been shot dead in a rare assassination in Tehran…Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said the colonel was assassinated by “sworn enemies” of Iran who are “the terrorist agents affiliated with the global arrogance”‘
We’re familiar with a certain degree of excitable islamic fundamentalist name-calling – the ready epithet “the great Satan” is to be expected but this “global arrogance” is a new one on me.
It’s a big bad world out there but at least the world is with us on this Ukraine thing, right? The good old blue and yellow?
‘Riyadh to back Russia in Opec+ group. Saudi Arabia has suggested that it will stand by Russia… despite tightening Western sanctions on Moscow and a potential EU ban on Russian oil imports’ (FT)
Global arrogance is on full display here: ‘Putin will be gone as leader by next year, says ex-MI6 chief‘ (‘i’)
And many biased pundits told us Liverpool would win the league.
And there’s more global arrogance here: ‘Ukraine peace deal: Kyiv rules out ceding land to Russia‘ (BBC) – good luck with getting any peace deal there then.
Whereas apparently here peace for the sake of the children is appropriate: ‘BBC and Royal Family in peace talks before Jubilee‘ (‘i’)
The formerly patriotic Times carries lots of advice for us little people in their lesser headlines: ‘Monkeypox advice‘ – succinctly put – beware monkey business; ‘Street party rules‘ – meanwhile the impotence of the global arrogance is exposed: ‘US warns over China. President Biden will urge Indo-Pacific leaders to counter the threat posed by China, as President Xi pursues plans to develop the world’s most powerful navy‘
‘Taking the lead. New Aussie PM flies into action‘ – the FT failing to discern the paradox here – jetting off to solve the climate crisis – of course he is: ‘Scott Morrison’s rightwing coalition government conceded defeat after the electorate swung against them, objecting to their environmental and social policies‘ – not their endless strict Lockdowns, then – that was all fair dinkum?
‘Australia Labor takes power after climate crisis upends election‘ (Guardian) – don’t like the weather? Vote your government out for a change of climate!
‘Albanese has promised to improve Australia’s record on climate change… In his first act as leader he will fly to Tokyo to meet other members of the “Quad”‘ (FT)
Watch this space – our global elites are jetting off to get their orders: ‘World leaders prepare to meet in Davos‘ (FT)
What novel treats could the WEF be planning for us?
‘Gene-edited crops to help ease Ukraine food crisis‘ (Telegraph)
‘Brits feel the pinch. Rise in shoplifting to survive‘ (freebie Metro)
‘Ten-day 25c Jubilee heatwave starts this week‘ (Daily Star)
‘NHS wait lists may be twice as long as reported‘ (Telegraph)
‘Shocking appointments crisis hits NHS. Patients left without care as hospitals reject GP referals‘ (‘i’) – why so? Have we not got some sticking plaster we could stick on the NHS?
‘Call for WFH medical consultants. The NHS sould allow consultants to work from home and train clerical staff to conduct cancer scans‘ (Times) – but our heroic medics have our best interests at heart, surely?
‘Kids’ nurse in poison kill quiz‘ (Sun) – well, most of them, anyway.
Monkey see, monkey do…
‘Monkeypox contacts told to isolate‘ (Telegraph) – lock them monkeys down.
‘EU agency urges monkeypox jab plans‘ (FT) – that’ll teach ’em to steal all our car wing mirrors.
“Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before” – as Steven Morrissey was once wont to request of his 1980s student audience.
Come on globalist elite, tell us something new!
‘Beer bottle crisis‘ (Daily Star) – OK, that’s a new one.
Once again it’s easy to find a newer .. and smaller image on Twitter
There are always biases : like Asian countries don’t like to report bad news.
And some countries have very quick diagnosis systems.
Nigeria report about 3000 cases per year.
Stuart Kirk is trending
The HSBC executive wrote a speech saying a lot of BS Climate Change talk is hyperbole.
HSBC signed off the speech.
But then when he delivered it, the green bullies like the UN’s Christiana Figures call for his cancellation.
Tallbloke has an article
Figueres is the kind of person that makes outrageous claims, that have turned out to be false.
.. https://www.twitter.com/MhehedZherting/status/1528140374468079616
– and never gets challenged effectively / is protected….
What’s her husband do ?
He isn’t by any chance a top banker who makes money from green banking ? ../sarc
I see @GW did mention the Stuart Kirk story near the top of the page
but when I searched the page it didn’t show up
cos the words were only in a tweet.
Sustainability, climate change, global warming, one-ness, community, Grenfell. Yes, even Grenfell.
How do you shoehorn all these Leftoid words in one sentence?
In BBC land, Simple. You just select the right person to talk about…….wait for it…….the Chelsea Flower Show !!!!!!!!
Of actual flowers, there was no mention.
Toady, 0745. Unbelievable.
More on Toady. Someone was brought on to whinge about child services. It is all due to austerity of the previous Tory government. This deserving service needs an extra £2.6 bn paid for by a windfall tax ( oh yes, windfall taxes are now where it’s at for everything) on private childcare providers.
As far as I remember, the reason for austerity was because we were still living beyond our means as a country and borrowing billions years after the banking crisis. What short memories people have.
Inflation is now 9% and rising. So much for the benefits of borrowing, spending what you don’t have, low interest rates, and QE.
Oh, the benefits of public ownership and the uselessness of the Scottish SNP government.
The SNP herald bringing Scotrail into public ownership. No more of those nasty private sector companies running the railways.
It took seven weeks. All of seven weeks. And here we are. The unions are about to take strike action and the newly nationalised company is to introduce an emergency timetable, cutting services by around a third.
Socialism in action.
I do like the idea of the last train starting out earlier in the day – maybe Krankie will invent a Scottish clock of 20 hours to not be like the hated English – minutes will be 70 seconds long …
I think we all know our politicians are corrupt and dishonest and will use any excuse to betray the people of this country to achieve their own hidden goals and possible due to poor pay enhance their incomes through bribery and corruption.
The latest one to come are the Blue Labour Tory party trying to legalise genetically modified crops, something which the British people are massively opposed to, so Blue Labour have changed the name (an old Socialist trick) to gene edited crop production, and they claim it is to help with the ‘crisis’ in Ukraine and the lost Wheat production there. This is of course an outright lie.
I am concerned that money has either changed hands to the minister or the party, or has been promised for a later date.
If the Blue Labour party were serious about crop production they would have abandoned the Green insanity which caused this famine in the first place, something even the EU has managed. They would have suspended the set aside program, rewilding, bio ethanol production, and subsidised the production of fertilisers.
This is one area where I would agree with the apparantly Tory backed Extinction Rebellion protesting and destroying the crops.
Why? Seems odd to me that millions will queue up for a so called vaccine whose modus operandi is to manipulate your cells apparatus and hasn’t been tested thoroughly, but are scared of genetically modified crops.
Durham Constabulary on Facebook
“PC Recruitment is now CLOSED!
Thank you to everyone who applied!
Our HR team will be working around the clock to identify the best candidates.”
And therein lies the overall problem (not just with the police).
HR control recruitment by saying who gets an interview.
This is why no institutions – take your pick – are functioning properly.
Elsewhere the C of E cancels Calvin Robinson because he is not woke enough.
I cannot call myself a Christian and don’t agree with Calvin on everything but he’s obviously a ‘good person’.
The C of E on the other hand …
Sorry, not bBC (again).
Cost of living: Two-child families paying £400 a month more
I was thinking that people who had 1 or 3 or more, cost no more than last year. Its costing everyone more, why this has to have another mixed race family picture is beyond me, where is the white dad
Radio Humberside just tweeted
“Sark: Wind farm firm suggests rat cull to protect seabirds”
.. That’s nothing to do with the Humber region
Rather it is the tweet of a team obsessed with wind farms
The Radio Humberside phone in today is banging the drum
for “We must have windfall taxes on oil corps, it’s a SIMPLE and MAGIC solution”
The real world is more complex than that
As ever the answer is
“We shouldn’t have started from here”
Both Labour/Tory are Islington parties dedicated to restricting fossil fuels
But we need Fossil Fuels cos almost everyday solar & wind let us down
So when world price rose we had no flexibility
& had to pay top dollar
Prices have risen ..part of that is pay for bust energy retailers
who were basically seling energy TOO CHEAPLY last year,
paying MORE for their energy than they were charging their customers.
That is not necessarily BP or Shell’s fault
.. they sell their stuff at world market prices.
BTW this is why the narrative that oil corps are against mad green policies is false
Big oil has always been enthusiastic in favour of policies that increase the price of oil and restrict/discourage their smaller competitors
The prog featured the IEA and the IPPR
neither political affiliation was mentioned
IPPR is very Labour, Labour founders , presents at Labour conferences
Yet the presenter’s intro made out the IPPR is purely the consumers’ friend.
Now the prog is promoting a new Marcus Rashford
.. I guess Troy has a Channel4 prog to promote
Oh look libmob are promoting the prog
That was made with a LibDem politician
“The same Troy Deeney who went to prison for assault and dived into a stand after scoring”
(That tweeter used a “monkey no see” emoji but I guess these days that would be called racist by attackers)
According to the fabulously woke TV guide in the Daily Mail’s Weekend magazine, ” Troy rallies support from fellow sportsmen – including boxer Anthony Joshua and footballer turned pundit Micah Richards – as well as actor David Harewood, MP Layla Moran and musicians Big Narstie and DJ Cuppy to campaign for change.”
Many societies throughout history have practised slavery, and Muslim societies were no exception.
It’s thought that as many people were enslaved in the Eastern slave trade as in the Atlantic slave trade.
It’s ironic that when the Atlantic slave trade was abolished the Eastern trade expanded, suggesting that for some Africans the abolition of the Atlantic trade didn’t lead to freedom, but merely changed their slave destination.
Now local radio is promoting “TAP a social justice banking platform”
1pm News
Newsreader “A Tory Minister has refused to rule out a windfall tax”
.. is that actual news ?
No but it allows the newsreadrer to play a 1 minute clip of Dear Starmer laying into the government
Newsreader “The IPPR is dedicated to improving life for people in the North”
.. FakeNews the IPPR is really a Labour Party connected LOBBYING group
Newsreader “Here’s the IPPR’s George Davis”
GD ‘Yeh part of the solution is to seize money off North Sea oil and gas corps and give it away’
Look at this line
Item #2 “The world is watching Grimsby and learning to produce energy from windfarms
.. that comes from Orsted who are building the world’s largest offshore windfarm”
FFS #1 that’s outrageous PRasNews
#2 Of course it’s the world’s largest
windfarms are crap & expensive most other countries are not crazy enough to set up the huge SUBSIDY schemes like the UK does.
“Their head is Duncan Clark”
plays clip of him
FFS they were only just playing a clip from him the other day on local BBC TV news
He talked of the new rising CAPACITY being installed
The problem is windfarms often don’t deliver ..most of the time they don’t deliver the output anywhere near their capacity rating.
#3 Medical cannabis : PR for mother’s petition
#4 Scotland Monkey Pox
#5 Russian commander sentenced
#6 PR for Doodle workshop
#7 “Hull bus lanes fines are now in force” .. real news in a few words
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe says Iran made her confess as a condition of her release
It has to be true, because the bBC told us
I guess if you were a spy you wouldn’t admit it either
Zaghari-Ratcliffe has a lot of airtime to say things but for some reason she has never mentioned that she worked for the BBC. Likewise, the BBC have never admitted she worked for them.
Cant put my finger on it but there is something slightly odd and shifty about our Nazanin Zaghary-Ratcliffe and her bloke….
Four hundred million pounds of taxpayers cash to get her release and she comes across as stroppy. A small thank you to the UK public would have been in order in my opinion.
Maybe she will be a bit more circumspect on her next hols.
Dual nationals imprisoned in Iran
Iran detains an unknown number of foreign and dual nationals, mostly on
charges of espionage. Many of those detained have sought to avoid publicity
for their cases, in fear this will jeopardise negotiations for their release.
Click to access CBP-8147.pdf
Black History Month …
Bodies exhumed in ANC ‘murder’ case linked to Winnie Mandela
Beloved president’s ex-wife accused as corpses of missing ANC activists are identified
Nastasya Tay
Tuesday 12 March 2013 21:48
A WHO spokesman says that Monkeypox is NOT a sexually transmitted disease – but its mainly caught by sexual activity (?) He also said its NOT a gay disease, – but its prevalent between men having sex with men (so if these aren’t classed as gay men, then what is ???) so that means anal sex then, oh and bi-sexual men.
The look on the face of the interviewer could be read as “wish I’d never asked”.
WHO are proven liars. Impossible to believe any of the nonsense they spout.
On the subject of WHO, pandemics and the BBC we must all wonder why the application by Ecohealth Alliance to create COVID has had no publicity – see https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/4NFC6M83ewzKLf6DvAygb4/0cf477f75646e718afb332b7ac6c3cd1/defuse-proposal_watermark_Redacted.pdf
OK, DARPA turned this down because it would create a pandemic and vaccines against these sorts of viruses rapidly become ineffective: https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/5OjsrkkXHfuHps6Lek1MO0/5e7a0d86d5d67e8d153555400d9dcd17/defuse-project-rejection-by-darpa.pdf
The project went ahead anyway in a civilian/military lab in Wuhan. Probably backed by the Wellcome Trust and definitely backed by the NIH under Faucci.
When the inevitable epidemic happened Faucci, Wellcome, Scripps Institute etc. deliberately suppressed what had occurred: https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Letter-Re.-Feb-1-Emails-011122.pdf
The WHO even mounted an investigation with the head of EcoHealth Alliance – Dr Daszak – as the lead!
Of course you know all of this already but it really makes me angry that the BBC in particular played along with suppressing the truth.
British donated NLAW missiles captured by Russians.
Who decided it was a good idea to flood a country with weapons..
Meanwhile BBC doing a cutting edge article on refugees.
“From tomorrow, Ukrainian refugees in Germany will be able to convert cash they have brought from home into euros, without exchange fees, the German finance ministry says.”
The Chelsea Flower Show has an image of a Spitfire pilot looking towards the sky. The photograph shows 4 young Air Cadets looking up towards it. None are white, which means they are probably 3rd generation of settlers here after WW2, so wouldn’t be aware of the real significance of this statue.
Well known cycle troll Jeremy Vine went out to troll motorists and try to claim some victimhood points
He went with his troll mates some cyclist including 2 bike cops
one of which didn’t stick to his own lane ie no due care.
Then they moan about a Waitrose truck that stayed inside its own narrow lane
… https://twitter.com/RogerofBorg1/status/1528697876657983488
Vile makes Stuart Hughes* look like the height of professional probity.
*Another BBC Spandex ball crush victim who flat out used his position to to start a campaign, was caught bang to rights but enjoyed that special waiver BBC staff get from everyone in authority.