A big week for the Far Left BBC – the Gray Report on breaches of covid rules by civil servants and government staff – is due to be published . Meanwhile an unelected group of globalists and their retinue meet in the World Economic Forum to decide the future. As usual plenty of opportunity for the BBC to push its ‘propaganda at the people who are forced to pay for it .
Start the Week 23 May 2022
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President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
We all thought Biden was senile due to ‘advanced age’, we were wrong, he was already displaying a tragic lack of cognitive function 34 years ago.
What a fumbling, bumbling fool, how did he ever get elected President… oh, right.
Ben Pile : How the UK government created high gas prices
“‘Greens’ are behind the agenda to destroy our way of life.
Money buys undue influence over government policies which is un democratic & deadly. Millions will pay with their lives. ”
Stew – it’s a long 24 minutes and works at x2 speed – who is the author ?
As for the content – I wonder if the authors of the current economic disaster are panicking yet ?
It’s a pity the content will not get wide attention – and that there is no short term remedy for what it happening ….
As for sunak – the thought that he could be PM ! – really !
More seriously – the coming economic and social strain ( crime – death ) might even make a green think we’d better put the project off for a decade …. …
And of course the ‘macro ‘ shown in that video is going to be drowned out by stories of old dears riding around on buses to stay warm or mothers eating their babies …
Fed the author is Ben Pile @clim8resistance
Writer. Sceptical of environmentalism. Anti-warmonger.
Writer at Spiked
In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
Biden vows to defend Taiwan in apparent US policy shift
By Tessa Wong
BBC News
Published3 hours ago
What’s been top of the bbc all day? nazaneen bloody radcliffe. I don’t care, nobody cares. Go away. Nothing else happened in the world? Boy loses finger. It’s racist. Absolutely no other factors come into play. No other opinions permitted. P.S. please send money. If anyone wants me I’m hiding under a rock.
Exactly ! what IS that woman after ? a big payout ? because she hasn’t stopped griping since she got back home !!!!
In the meantime, Mr Biden seems to be speaking his own truth.
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Give back his £2.2K payrise?
Imran Ahmad Khan: Ex-MP jailed for sex assault on teenage boy
KrankieRail has hit the buffers after just 7 weeks of state control.
Cuts to 30% of the previous timetable announced.
Its becoming clearer by the day that the state broadcaster is muzzled by Krankies team of 300 spad stormtroopers …Hope that mid term review includes Brigadoon and specifically whether it provides value for money.
PS Krankie was quick of the blocks to host the Sinn Fein/IRA lady
commentators saying it was not a good look and designed to
please her “core” vote.
There may be troubles ahead!!
Ukraine calls for safe passage for grain exports
“Ms Svyrydenko, who is also Ukraine’s Minister of the Economy, urged the international community to help lift the blockade of the country’s sea ports.”
But is there a blockade?
BBC staff never question anything.
Some people say commercial ships are steering clear of Ukraine’s remaining Black sea ports because of Ukrainian sea mines floating around, and the difficulty getting insurance.
Russia has a nice response to the West over this, as in why should we allow grain exports from Ukraine to help them financially in the “Special operation” we are undertaking.
The West usually responds with somne liberal guff about humanitarian needs for grain to hungry people. Ah says Russia well if there are humanitarian needs, we also have grain so allow us to sell ours as well and we will lift the blockade.
Oh no says Bidens White house we’re not doing that, thus defeating their own argument.
They will cave in the end over this when the bodies begin pilling up. Socialism murders people.
Looks like the BBC have a dedicated “BBC climate disinformation specialist”.
At this rate they will have more disinformation reporters than they have information reporters.
Errs on the disingenuous, when his boss blocks anyone questioning the unit output and his corporate employer had a few secret meetings on what and who to usher through and who and what to ban.
But very BBC.
“Why is climate ‘doomism’ going viral (?)”
Well BBC, you could start with a good, hard look in the mirror on that one, and have a chat with the Venerable St. David of Attenboogie while you’re at it, I’m sure that’ll clear up any doubts you might have.
House journal sketchy scribe (are all these odd titles to excuse any attempt at journalistic integrity) shows why the only noble MP is the line up of spanners on the shadow benches there to get as much wonga as possible.
Bet he has a poster of our Claudia on the wall.
This loopy old media peroxide victim is often good value.
I wonder if this anecdote would crop up in a debate on the pros and cons of illegal immigration policies?
Hard Right Far right Emma Kennedy encounters refugees in her homeland
and reacts with hysterical fear and mouse-a-phobia.
.. Instead of seeking to shelter the poor refugees, she seeks to have them exterminated
Musophobia (fear of mice, I think, although it may also refer to fear of the followers of a certain religion?)
She looks like a mad cat woman to me, where are her moggies, on strike?
Local BBC radio now promoting OFSH : a free Art project for cleaner, greener, healthier future
“Its’s about the important issues of our time : sustainability, Climate Change and Mental Health
Funded by Arts Council in collaboration with local and national partners.
Including – Orsted windfarms
– Smarter Energy North East Lincolnshire (Preparing Local Business for a Future of Net Zero Emissions)
– Zapp App the charging point app
Fri 27th Main talk by Quentin Cooper, ambassador for art-science climate change organisation Cape Farewell
Sat 28th
– 10am Understanding the Climate Crisis
With Robin Lyons (an accredited ‘Climate trainer’)
11am A Beginners Guide to Going Green
Beacon School’s Eco Committee
Sat/Sun 10am join vibrant chalk artists Urban Canvas
creating a nature inspired 80metre wind-turbine, giving a sense of the scale of Ørsted’s new offshore wind farm Hornsea 2.
PUBLIC is a new outdoor performance about the ownership of public space, which has become increasingly colonised by corporations.
There is a load of other dance and circus stuff with no obvious climate connection
The presenter was keen to hear that it would make a long term difference.
Trending on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com › podcast › trending
The online boom in climate doom. It is hard not to feel anxious about climate change.
After all, the world is already experiencing the effects of global …
What a bunch of Scammers ..It’s not actually trending
“Trending” is the BBC series name
Please inform us which countries Britain is worried about suffering humanitarian disaster because those countries cannot get cereals and fertilisers due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and which of those countries are not backing Britain in this war because they are neutral or supporting Russia .
Why should we care about them ?
I hope that our Tory Government is making contingency plans for the food shortages that are coming round the corner ? We need a forward thinking government
Taffy ,
The Tory Government and the rest of the Powers That Be will make contingency plans every part of the world but Britain .
I’ve said here before – and will say it again – these characters are not the sharpest knives – they cannot think forward – they are totally career oriented – there is no ‘greater good ‘ for either politicians or civil servants – look to yourself .._
On the upside at least there won’t be panic buying when there’s nothing to buy …
It’s summer the fields are full of ripening food
then the warehouses will be full.
“UK finds 36 more monkeypox cases”
Did I hear Cpl. Jones shouting “don’t panic, don’t panic”?
Out of Africa . We have an un controlled border . What do you expect ?
Our Home Office has more concern for foreign criminals than it does for the good people of Great Britain. That’s the good people who pay Income Tax and NI to feed, house and provide health care for these criminals and freebooters .
Still they come Tory Voters, still they come across the Channel ……
“Border Force” is an oxymoron in Great Britain .
Look at the way the image has been cropped . I count only six invaders ?
Government “nudge team” at work ?
It looks as if we will be shortly “nudged” gradually, into “Lockdown” again.
The hairs on the back of my neck tell me that SAGE are already downloading the ‘graphs of confusion’ .
“Boris Johnson pictured drinking at No 10 lockdown event”
While we could not see or say “goodbye” to our loved ones ?
The BBC will make sure this one runs and runs.
Why are the British people made to pay for an organisation which is the propaganda arm of the Labour Party?
Sima has Chris as a source.
Sima Kotecha, when we were all locked down and nothing was open
except you were allowed to exercise in the street
went with a BBC team to do a live broadcast from the square in Leicester
That looked like the BBC were trolling the Covid rules.
One crazy guy took it on himself to go down and protest against the BBC and do a livestream which he normally does.
He did this by continually shouting over the broadcast until they had to give up.
Is that bad ? Yes , is it illegal ??
The police originally charged him with some harassment charge
but later upgraded that on BBC pressure to “causing racially-aggravated harassment, alarm or distress”
on the weird premise that him saying “off you go BBC back to where you came from” is racism, when in fact he was looking at the mainly white BBC team at the time.
After one year that charge was removed
They got him to plead guilty to causing “harassment, alarm or distress”
The court heard “The incident was sustained and caused alarm and distress to multiple people.”
That’s the same as XR or BLM do
The judge accepted there was no racism
There was no specific sentence for the BBC incident .. but cos the guy had done other offences at another time like waving at 2 people he was sentenced to mental hospital.
“Wrexham: Man dies after being bitten by dog at house”
Lets all hope that its not rabies .
Or lycanthropy.
Another revisionist mockery of a classic.
Not BBC, but Sky
The Midwich Cuckoos, previously filmed as Children of the Damned.
Set in an English village?
the graphic
Thanks Stew.
Young Claudia is set for stardom.
Lol – Chinese and wheelchair bypass again ..
Someone ought to tell the people who do casting that white women who sleep with black men have mixed-race children, not white ones… or was the title actually the ‘Midwich Cuckolds’?
John Wyndham (great writer), will be turning in his grave, I’m sure.
Yes – I read som of Wyndham s stuff at a ‘teen’ and found his work far better than any script / film …
John Wyndham! The Kraken Wakes, Day of the Triffids, and above all imho, The Chrysalids.
A wonderful author with a relaxing style and an ability to present SF
with normal, believable characters and without letting technology and scientific sensationalism ruin the read.
…’The Trouble with Lichen’ (topically, about feminists in science, and the impacts of longevity inducing medicine and health care), and (truly dystopian and 1984ish) ‘Consider Her Ways’ (which rather scarily evokes some of the weird ideas about genders and birth today!).
But, I agree Yasser, his overall best, and a must-read is ‘The Chrysalids’.
This latest incarnation of the ‘Midwich Cuckoos’ seems to be inspired by the 1960 film, rather than the novel, I’m certain a lot of the current (usually appalling) remakes are inspired solely by old ‘movie’ or ‘TV’ versions, rather than original novels. Reading some of these novels, with their ‘dated’ world views, would probably explode the heads of wokeists.
Davos invited the NYT as a guest
Back in the day when the world had some great singers, was the time when the BBC shone the brightest.
Just watched (I recorded it) the Perry Como Special on BBC4 that aired in 1971. The BBC was excellent at these shows, and watching the fabulously gorgeous man in a tuxedo, who was 58 at the time, took me back even further to when I grew up watching his black and white shows from the US (letters, we get letters….) where he had all the other great singers of the day – nearly of all were of the same Italian heritage – Sinatra / Tony Bennet / Dean Martin / Bobby Darin / Vic Damone / Al Martino / Frankie Laine / Fankie Valli / Mario Lanza / Connie Francis.
How the Queen (and us) must wish there was somebody of this calibre to perform at her Jubilee, instead of an assortment of pop stars and daytime tv slebs, and that old bird who turns up at the opening of an envelope – Joan Collins, that her Maj has little in common with. Sadly there are no decent singers left anymore. I suppose Diana Ross is better than no-one.
Has Farage fallen out with the studio at GB News ? only he seems pretty much based at the Westminster studio now.
He keeps have ex cops who are woke on ….strange ..
are we supposed to be impressed?
Question: are you allowed to attend Davos if you don’t have a private jet?
Rules were made to be BBC’d.
Cujo seems unrabid.
Not killed any babies yet …
“BIG BROTHER-How is the Londonistan Programme going
to cover to Chelsea flower show?” ” Listen, their anarchist
Marxist editors , sub editors, researchers know how to handle
this pale stale male and girl event. Just tell them not to
show any flowers and tell them to find something “inclusive”
in whities show. flooding and mental issues has got something
to do with gardening .”
There is a new sit com on the BBC . It is set in a committee room in the House of Lords – tim Stanley -n the Daily telegraph offers a review – STARTS
Fans of sitcom W1A, that witty parody of BBC jargon, will be delighted to know they’ve recorded a new episode, set in the Lords. I was lucky enough to be in the studio audience (surprisingly small) at which three execs played parodies of themselves: Director General Tim Davie, who thinks everything is super; chairman Richard Sharp, who is one more Jimmy Savile away from a heart attack; and director of policy Clare Sumner, who just talks gibberish.
The first question from Baroness Stowell, chair of the communications and digital committee, was, “what is the future of the BBC?”.
“This is, as you all well know, a centuries-old institution,” said Sharp, starting badly by confusing it with the monarchy, “that has potential for multigenerational value in the future, not just to this nation but to the world”. So why don’t the young watch it anymore? “The youth should be media promiscuous,” he replied, his mind maybe drifting to that horrific monkeypox outbreak that started in a sauna, but ultimately it’s about “how we influence the ecosystem”.
Tim Davie agreed with Lord Lipsey that the BBC shouldn’t “lurch to the young… Universality… does not mean doing everything for everybody”. Rather the BBC needs to be a “public service that is purpose led, with accessibility”.
“Accessible rather than universal?”, asked Baroness Stowell. Well, I prefer to think of it as “differentiation and focus,” explained Davie – and Sumner helpfully noted that universality has “three different prisms”.
We need to look at “all the options… without preconception,” insisted Sharp. But it’s always important to strategise before tinkering with a beloved organisation (which, let’s not forget, pre-dates Magna Carta). “When you make a change… you have to be incredibly thoughtful to evaluate the… unintended consequences vs the intended consequences.”
Warming to his theme, and likely encouraged by the pin-drop silence in the room, he said: “We should think of ourselves as a national mutual… The priorities of our values lead to what is distinctive in aggregate about the value proposition we represent to the nation and to the world.”
At that point, Baroness Buscombe, who had listened to all of this with the expression of a woman being given complex directions in Swahili, asked: who is going to “interpret” what you’re saying to the general public?
And I must admit, I was thinking much the same. Though the dialogue of this scene was very funny, surely even these characters could see the irony of using words like accessibility and universality in a way that makes them entirely inaccessible and peculiar? It’s a rule of thumb that the more complicated the justification for spending other people’s money sounds, the weaker the argument actually is.
“In terms of debate,” concluded Sumner, “in terms of being really clear what we mean, as you say, kind of cut through, some of the clarity as it were, be clear”.
Baroness Buscombe nodded politely. One hopes this episode is broadcast with subtitles.ENDS
Personally – I think this has legs – a work based multi generational thought exchange encompasses the globalism the BBC seeks to express – engaging a disparate sliver of audiences in a non patriarchal methodology in tune with contemporaneous process achievements …
I. Suggesting David Brent and Alan partridge be lead with someone token as the tick box … Lenny or idris ? Wip work in progress – hugs
Looks like an unlawful detention of journalist JackPosobiec by special WEF police
One cop had his hand on his machine gun ready to fire FFS.
There’s video explanation https://www.twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1528799878184173569
In different footage an officer tells the cameraman to stop filming
Actually Swiss courts have previously established, you have a right to film the police
A WEF civilian objects to being filmed
that is her right, but you can film people who don’t object to being filmed
Before broadcast you are supposed to blur the objectors.
The WEF manager “I don’t like being filmed”
Well I guess Posobiec’s team don’t like being unlawfully detained by the team led by her
Here’s footage of her team retreating after other journos noticed the situation.
.. https://twitter.com/AnonNews14/status/1528771890977951744
WEF New tidy cut of the video about Posobiec getting detained.
.. https://youtu.be/ScwCz4kEbPA
.. They were probably SWATted
ie a malicious person phones the police and says that they saw you doing terrorist stuff.
Klaus and the Gang been invited to hold their coven at Manchester Arena by Andy Make Up?
No terrorism there. People died, yes, but nothing else. Apparently.
Just had the trailer for the new ‘top-gun maverick’ pushed in front of me so gave it a whirl.
First clip : Tom in office with the academy commander : he’s black.
Next scene, a group of aircraft leave a carrier with Tom in charge for some dogfight training. We see the pilots of 3 other planes : One black, one woman and one Asian.
Along with several clips from the original to try and leech a bit of it’s popularity.
And they seem to think that in a jet, if you push the throttle fully forward, it kicks in like a rocket and you get slammed back in your seat. Absolute bollox : it takes time to spool up. Once would be OK, but they do it again and again – even in the trailer.
What a shame. They’ve given it the Dr Who treatment. I remember really enjoying the original at the time.
Go woke go broke .
Simples .
Wot, no trans pilots in high heels? But at least Tom Cruise has some man-on-man action, right? (And I’m not talking dogfights.)
In a military jet with throttle fully forward and full afterburner (reheat) on it will kick in like a rocket and you will get slammed back in your seat.
“Boris Johnson pictured drinking at No 10 lockdown event”
Who is releasing all the ‘lockdown photographs’?
Not only photographs of Boris , but also of Sir Starmer and Hancock ?
Could it be our Security Services are looking after us?
If the Consocalists want to serve another term in government they need to change the dodgy cabinet.
Simples .
If you want to see what the BBC has become, just check the comment on the Boris story:
Boris Johnson pictured drinking at No 10 lockdown event
Cue more comments from Angela Rayner. The liar, hypocrite and growler flashe.
And of course they have opened it for comments. Just check them out to see what kind of spiteful schoolboys the BBC represent now.
Top comment and entirely typical:
‘No, Johnson, the vast majority of people don’t want you to “get on with the job” as you repeatedly claim they do.
The vast majority of people want you to resign for breaking the rules that you yourself brought in, demanded we follow or face criminal punishment, broke, and then continuously lied about breaking. You disgust me.’
And get this : 4,000 upticks.
They really, really want Boris out and this is their last desperate chance to do it using lockdown rules.
And the lie they are trying to use to make him resign ?
‘No – but I am sure that whatever happened, the guidance was followed and the rules were followed at all times.’
It’s not even specific.
Identical headline/image coordination across all shared politics media.
Surkeer must be thrilled. And relieved.
North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is seen at state funeral not wearing a mask
Dear BBC,
We really don’t care. Stop trying to make non-stories into headlines for your own agenda.
Did he take his off when approaching people to breathe over in Korea?
Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion
Another masterclass from the BBC about mis-representation when it suits them.
‘Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, but Ukrainian forces retook large areas around Kyiv in early April after Russia abandoned its push towards the capital.’
ie. Russia withdrew and Ukraine moved in to where they left. They didn’t ‘take them’.
The MOD says of Russian casualties : ‘a combination of factors have led to the high number of casualties, including poor tactics and limited air cover.’
And of course the thousands of Javelin anti-tank missiles given to Ukraine by the USA. This is what worries me the most about this as it is what would elevate the whole conflict. In the old days, they did it subversively. Now Biden goes on TV and openly tells everybody how many more billions worth of arms he’s sending to – as the BBC wrote ‘help them win the war’. But the truth is it is making sure many more die before the end of it.
It looks to me like the war is in the final stage now. Russia will take the Donbas and the South. then fortify the border and the world will lose interest. Then Zelensky will need to up his PR efforts to keep us involved.
Now Biden is publicly telling China the USA will go to war with them if they invade Taiwan.
What the MSM should be reporting is how these things are happening because the West has the weakest leader in it’s history.
I remember when the Left told us Trump and/or Brexit would start WW3. I truly detest their hypocrisy and complete lack of ethics.
How popular is Joe Biden ?
According to these charts, Joe is now the most unpopular President at this point in his presidency in at least the last 87 years.
Worth a headline don’t you think BBC ?. Or maybe you will just ignore it because of your bias.
Hello John
In a few years i’m wondering what people will remember Biden for
For encapsulating how a media driven mostly by ideological hate can be turned into a pathetic trail of slime?
He will be remembered for his gaffs and the Afghanistan withdrawal.
History will judge him quite differently to how the hypocrite Leftist MSM judge him at the moment.
While the BBC and the MSM keep telling us the Ukraine conflict is the result of the mad dictator Putin, I came across this article while trying to work out what is what. People think that it would all end if someone assasinated Putin. I think it could get a lot worse. As we found with Saddam Hussein, sometimes it takes a ruthless bast@rd to keep the other ruthless bast@rds in their place. A coup could really lead to WW3.
What… is not to like?
If you are part of this deranged establishment.
I may live a sheltered life, but the ONLY systemic racism I see today is anti-white. And the BBC are winning by a nose against ITV for being the worst.
What I have learned is however much the Left bow and grovel to black people for forgiveness, it will never, ever be enough. They will just demand more.
All part of a process to polarise – pushing social policy just alienates the majority – and positive discrimination and coloured as perpetual victim just exacerbates the whole thing …
Elsewhere – guido reports on poor Jess Phillips who has been found to have breached parliamentary money rules 17 times – not declaring interests and income – including her appearance on the tired old Have I got news for you – now in series 250..
Meanwhile, Bletchley Park in turmoil over hairdressing salons who don’t understand priorities.
Does that mean we can take back the word ‘gay’ and use it as a referral of being happy. And can we start calling little girls Gay again ???
One of the girls of media uses #sourceswhosay to poor effect.
Seems Ms.Rayner is now free and clear in media world to continue to say and do anything she like, because… holding to account.
Hard to despise the media more, but they seem to have unplumbed depths yet.
There is, of course, #thosepresent, if unspecified, but shared around the media ‘us’.
Endless sniping by shrivelled media shrews referencing each other referencing unnamed folk is getting as tedious as professionally pointless.
If Boris is scalped, who gets to hang it in the studio broom cupboard… part-time? Beff? Pippster? Brando?
And then who does the country get in… to lead?
Growler? Dr. Three Jobs? Saddo? Moron? Spud head?
All held to account by… Vile and Femi and YAB and Champion.
Spare me.
The American Dream.
Here he’d be Labour Shadow Chancellor.
Today Watch
Wow – they’ve really got it in for nut nut again . Some traitor blue Tory MP and got the full treatment – easy questions-no interruptions – coffee with biscuits as he sat on his bottom pre judging the Gray Report . I think the BBC would love the Gray Report to be issues in weekly instalments – they’d still be talking about it in 2030 as the last lockdown from the African monkey pox is being ended to flatten the curve …
I bet the Tory Whips recording it were using green ink …..
Elswhere – all plod are to be vaccinated with the new non racism vaccine – the vaccine prevents whites from applying laws to coloured folk busily killing each other . The coloured folk have even formed an equivalent to the fraud operation in America where there was a requirement to kneel down for some reason .
Gonna be a hot summer – but at least this stuff isn’t about people having to eat the pets because they can no longer afford their Sky subscriptions ….
Saz Sands getting in Abbott and Lammy to analyse this pandemic?
Also one for in depth analysis, Sopes styly.
Or, not. BBC Rayner styly.
Guest Who – thanks – she is the gift that keeps on giving . That means that there is a gift and it is given — ( nods ) …
Out of the sauna boys – were the cases in California by any chance ?
In which a person with a history only the bbc could love gets into an exchange with a relatively (key word, on several counts) sane media commentator.
Depression is terrible. BBC newsreaders sharing as news is worse.
BBC News
“Your mind goes into a place where you don’t want to do anything. You can’t make any decisions.”
Huw opens up. Which he does, a lot. For money.
Crossrail opening day .. The first trains ..
See also social media for the very first train ..
Note something about the enthusiasts that turned up for the first trains .. Those first trains will be the first and only trains in the history of crossrail where whites ( and a few Chinese types ) are in the majority !
Is this the bit where Frank Gardner says he couldn’t do something because of the wheelchair ?
…. Elsewhere … for those who appreciate Tucker Carlson – last night he reviewed the increasing anger of ‘Far Left liberals / Far Left democrats ‘ about every thing – including so called journos calling for him to be jailed ‘or worse ‘ ..
The ‘or worse’ is unspecified but the onward drive to silence anyone dissenting from the approved script in America keeps rolling on ….
…and it’s so easy to see it hear …. Maybe we are living in the final days where comments like this can be put on the internet . .. this site would need to be approved by the ‘ministry of communication ‘
Saw a tweet of him reprising Home Alone in an airplane.
Now there’s an idea.
I thought this was worth posting as it outlines the sheer malevolent nature of Bidens (mal)administration when it comes to simply not caring about the American people, and putting their own insane politics ahead of people lives.
Also included is the complicity of the media failing to report what is going on in an honest or failing to even report issues at all.
Pakistan looks set to be the next country to fail with a potential civil war which the BBC seem reluctant to report on. Wheat harvests in the USA are predicted to be 50% down and the Democrats are talking about price caps on fuel.
It’s really bad in the States, I’m not surprised the wealthy are trying to get hold of passports from other countries so they can flee if what most of them have done makes the country unlivable.
I think the BBC should do its’ public service and put up a ‘count down ‘ clock to tell us how long it is until the Gray Report is published .
It will be
1 a whitewash
2 the PM must go
3 plod were political
4 gray was subverted
5 people died whilst nut nut partied
6 Carrie should resign
7 nut nut should resign
8 number 10 should be levelled as a ‘crime scene ‘
9 everyone involved should be crucified along Whitehall
10 meanwhile pay your TVLicence
Enough – just enough – and the same for starmer/growler …
Meanwhile on Twitter, it will be:
1. “jail the PM”
2. “socialism now”
Erring on a dietary ism, but suggesting that would lead to another ism, so… result!
In media bubble head werld, anyway.
The new racism infecting the world:
“Critical race theory is being injected into medicine and as a doctor it alarms me
Critical race theory and training in ‘implicit bias’ is now required for me to renew my medical license in Massachusetts
I will not be renewing my medical license in Massachusetts. Last month, I received an email from the state Board of Registration in Medicine informing me that to maintain my license, I must “complete a continuing medical education requirement” on “implicit bias in healthcare.”
Massachusetts has long been a center of excellence in medicine, so it is particularly distressing to see politics intrude into this life-saving field. I cannot be party to the ideological corruption of my profession, which will injure physicians and patients alike.”
The liberal left madness infecting the world:
“San Francisco Mayor London Breed, police groups opt out of Pride parade over uniform ban:
San Francisco Pride parade organizers said seeing the officers in uniform could be uncomfortable for community members who have had negative encounters with law enforcement”
Paraphrasing Winnie, I thought that would be the last thing they could do.
Who’s minding the store edition
Not another bloody office do… what is it this time… birthday, promotion, someone pregnant… leaving…. retiring?
Yes, I already signed the over-sized card. They’re not organising yet another whip round are they?
‘Back-to-office drive runs out of steam. Data has shown that higher earners increasingly plan to spend most of their working week at home, suggesting that the government’s drive to revive the office-based service ecomomy is likely to fail‘ (FT)
Given this significant cultural shift in our attitudes to the workplace we can perhaps begin to understand the prominence our media affords the story they call Partygate.
Because I think we’re all agree now – we actually don’t like commuting into the office on a daily basis. And if we can afford to work from home – great. Alternatively, those mere minons among us can be gifted a lockdown excuse for time off from the office.
The commuter freesheet Metro works hardest to accuse Boris – perhaps inevitably considering its audience is skewed toward urban office workers who know a thing or two about the realities of office culture: ‘No 10 Party pictures. Lockdown in one, PM. How did Boris not get fined for this booze-up? Toast: New images of PM with glass at No10 bash caused fury‘
Fury? Frankly, what did anyone expect was going on in Westminster offices during lockdown?
I’d vote in favour of a lockdown – if I could be assured government would properly join in the effort and completely shut down and get off our backs for a few weeks of quarantine – after closing the border which would seem to be the main factor – what with all these poxy monkeys running about. But I’m sensible enough to know that won’t ever happen.
I have a strange reimagining of those 1970s gayly iconic Village People – the traffic cop, the cowboy, the red indian, the construction worker… and now they’re joined by a chap in a monkey suit.
1950s US comedy TV star Phil Silvers was known as the King of Chutzpah, being famous for his audacious New York jewish one-liners. On the back of his hit TV show – initially titled You’ll Never Get Rich – popularly known as “Sergeant Bilko” he received an invite to go to Washington and meet President Eisenhower. Apparently the fun and games portrayed on screen had boosted army recruitment and government was keen to show gratitude. Introduced to the great and the good, first to the President, then Vice President, Sectretary of State, Speaker of the House… and so it went on… Silvers broke off from the round of handshakes to inquire: “If you’re all here, then what I’m wondering is… who’s minding the store?”
Name and shame is the order of the day – as the BBC put it: ‘The vast majority of the front pages feature the photographs obtained by ITV News of Boris Johnson raising a glass at a gathering in Downing Street during one of the Covid lockdowns‘
So it is in the Sun, although the tabloid democratises the tendency for us – in these days of constant relentless photography anyone can be named and shamed: ‘CCTV shock. Some PCs are on the pitch. Off-duty police join fan invasion. Police scouring CCTV film of a pitch invasion spotted off-duty cops… Supt Sarah Derbyshire, 49, joined raucous celebrations after Bournemouth’s win on May 3. The first in a series of similar invasions which included players being assaulted‘
“Let he who is without sin control the CCTV evidence”
So what is it about Partygate that so excites our media obsession?
Obviously the left-leaning and Brexit-sore titles leap on Boris’s political discomfort.
Those many among us who still yet can’t bring ourselves to recognise the failure and sheer economic waste of lockdown policy have at least a roundabout way of complaint. The call of hypocrisy is a convenient charge which ignores the fact that the law was an absolute ass and instead blames Boris for not following the letter of it.
“And they seem to think that in a jet, if you push the throttle fully forward, it kicks in like a rocket and you get slammed back in your seat. Absolute bollox : it takes time to spool up. Once would be OK, but they do it again and again – even in the trailer.”
Haven’t seen the trailer but If they are carrier takeoffs you are slammed back in your seat by the steam catapult. Interestingly I did spend the day on the USS Eisenhower!
Quite true. But unfortunately in this sci-fi they are flying along normally then suddenly bang the throttle to full and it hits the end-stop with a clunk. They they are immediately thrown back in their seat.
Then they do it with the cylic stick : Pilot pulls back to the end stop and it hits with another clunk. Plane points upwards instead of pitching right over as it really would (and the pilot probably pass out through g-force).