A big week for the Far Left BBC – the Gray Report on breaches of covid rules by civil servants and government staff – is due to be published . Meanwhile an unelected group of globalists and their retinue meet in the World Economic Forum to decide the future. As usual plenty of opportunity for the BBC to push its ‘propaganda at the people who are forced to pay for it .
Start the Week 23 May 2022
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“I’d lost touch with my Nigerian father, cos the area dialing codes had changed and I didn’t know what to”
“In my work as a digital phone system engineer”
Those are the words of the Nigerian born Labour MP Chi Onwurah on the Jim Al-khalil show (who grew up in Newcastle)
“I went to study engineering at Imperial College. They had a mining school which was full of white male South Africans”
That university was an awful experience for me”
She claims she is “the only chartered engineer in parliament to have worked in industry”
I know Graham Stringer was analytical chemist.
And about 10 have engineering degrees some are chartered (like Mark Hendrick) ..maybe they only worked in academia.
Nope Alan Brown is a chartered Civil Engineer who has practised.
2015 list https://duncan.hull.name/tag/graham-stringer/
A community with a free hand to lie freely because any challenge is of course racist.
About that…
Here is a video by a wall street investor who runs a daily channel advising people on stocks shares rises falls, what to invest in etc. He starts each video with a piece on various sectors, but today is about the collaping British economy and the head in the sand approach of Blue Labour, there appears to be a possible BBC clip of people at a food bank (note the lack of diversity here).
These videos are always worth a watch to in the words of Rabbie Burns see ourselves as others see us. The conclusions are not pleasant the future is not bright, and he is also coming to the conclusion come the Autumn the Russians will cut the gas & oil to Europe.
Thoughtful – very grateful – the first 18 minutes reviews Blighty – and it is bleak . I agree with it although I am role playing the armchair economist .
The government has no plan to minimise the effects of what is happening . Quarterly resetting of ceilings by OFGEM just meant prices will go up faster for consumers ….
There are plenty of people calling on a national drive to plant stuff Right Now – but no sign of action .
Absorption with cake and beer gate is a meaningless trivial distraction .
I don’t get it . If I can see it why can’t they ? This commentator can see it from the states – projected unemployment into 2025 above 5% – from our position of huge numbers of vacancies ? Shocking ….
I prefer a realistic and pessimistic outlook because if I am wrong everything will be better – but if I – and that American – are correct – Blighty is gonna suffer bigly in the next 2 – 3 years ….
And it is all based on failure to go nuclear – or frack – or encourage oil production because of green crap …
Contrary views welcome
( by the way – the prospect of 2 French energy firms pulling out of Blighty and a need to re nationalise power production – is an Income Tax nightmare for the end of 2022…- that’s my view btw)
What can the individual do ? If you have a loan fix the rate now – stock up on food / water … keep some diesel / petrol spare if possible ….
Otherwise – not to sure …. Apocalyptic …to quote the boss of the UK state bank …
We have the wrong PM again …
Not a pleasant watch, but truthful and honest.
I do wonder if in much the same way as the left have lost the ability frame a cogent argument because of their resorting to meaningless perjoritives usually ending in ‘ism’ or fauxbia’ that the UK government has lost the ability to make important decision because it has allowed the EU to do it for them for decades, only concentrating on trivia which appears to be continuing to do.
I’m not so sure about the issue of nuclear, they did look into that with Chinese money because we are so poor sending £16 Bn a year overseas, and it came to nought in the end.
The issue most certainly is with the Communist backed Green lobby who the cowardly Tories have Kow Towed to for decades. When you allow a 16 year old schoolgirl truant from a foreign country to dictate your countries energy policy you know it isn’t going to end well.
As a result we have closed the Morecambe Bay gas field, destroyed our gas storage at a time now when we could be filling our tanks we haven’t got a tank to fill!
Exploration licences for gas and oil in the North sea haven’t been granted because of Green lobbying, fracking has been halted because of green lobbying, and coal fired power stations have been closed because of green lobbying.
A cold winter could absolutely destroy any little support for Green policies once and for all if people have to shiver and their relative die.
Another investor I watched came out with a good one as he has enriched himself massively – never underestimate the stupidity of politicians (even more so in large numbers).
As he also said, the economists and financial people in state organisations are highly intelligent people, but they are only as good as what they have been taught by University and their mentors, and they never stop to think they have got it all wrong!
To add to you list I would suggest people listen to “a year in Hell” on you tube, an account of what happened to someone living in Bosnia when society broke down, and how he and his family survived. His number one item – guns and ammunition! We cannot have those but we can have these:
An amazingly intimidating weapon which just by its presence could de-escalate a situation and will outreach almost anything anyone else can get hold of!
I don’t want to agree with either him or your assesment because it’s just too awful to think of, but the only thng we can do is prepare for what is a coming inevitability. The country is not as it was in the 1940s when community was united, now mass migration has allowed in those whose propensity to violence is almost total, and who will resort to it very quickly to get what they want.
Watched a crazy programme on BBC Scotland last night called “Disclosure”. It was all about a moral dilemma exercising the minds of Scottish transgenders: Should you tell somebody what gender you are before you have sex with them?
One woman (who thinks she is a man) told a guy the morning after that she was really a man. No way, said the guy. Yes, said the woman/transman, and what that means is that you are really gay.
We have created a nightmarish, decadent world in which the confabulations of children and the vanity of adolescents have to be taken seriously. They demand that we take them at their own estimation. And, alas, we do.
Just proves that these people in charge are living in a fantasy world completely detached from reality with no concern for the future crisis which is surely coming.
Completely decadent they will lead the people off the edge of the cliff, and alas many of them are so stupid they will just let them do it.
Just watched the BBC feeds on the News Site regarding the Elizabeth line. Filmed this morning. The camera passes through the carriages passing about 150 (?) People. Not one BME person visible. Obviously Getty had better get there BME models down there pretty damm quick, wouldn’t want to upset quotas now would we ?
Drivers gone on strike yet ? It’s been a day ….
VD (Victoria Derbyshire) on BBC2
raising concerns on the stigmatising of gay and bisexual men around Monkeypox, which is prevalent amongst gay and bisexual men, with
links to a gay bathhouse in Madrid where people meet up for casual sodomy.
The BBC obsession with sex and race really is something is nt it H ? No wonder so many are screwed up …
They don’t like it up em’ .
Revealing moment just before 9am this morning on BBC woke Radio 5 Live. Some expert on infectious diseases was being interviewed by Rachel Burden. He concluded by saying that Gay and bisexuals were more likely to be infected and as a group should take care…….cue stumbled intervention by Rachel, “well we shouldn’t single out one group”, expert responds, ” no we shouldn’t but I’m saying that they need to take more care” (perhaps not exactly verbatim but close enough).
So there you have it, a vital health message “moderated” by the BBC for PC, woke purposes.
From the way I heard it, I got the impression that she might have been instructed by producer/ ministry of truth/ woke censor, to intervene.
It was followed after 9 by Nicky Campbell hosting a phone-in on what else? Party pictures of course
Sri Lanka forced into going full-on green agriculture overnight by it’s green looney zealot dictator president trying for personal praise at COP conferences is in deep trouble described as catastrophic with people starving and farmers just giving up without fertiliser or pesticides. Its people almost at the point of rioting.
Prince Charles does not come out well in this story either…
I really hope this story reaches those prigs in the fashionable parts of our Capital who are so fond of rooting out boutique “organic” eateries. Not to mention all those trendy new “organic” product producers springing up in our supermarkets, they are literally helping people around the World starve to death. But then again I don’t suppose The Guardian or The BBC will be running this story!
Maybe that’s the grand plan?
I love Sri Lanka. You could not hope to meet nicer people than Sri Lankan peasants. The fates are not kind to them. The student riots, the civil war, the tsunami and now this.
$5bn in bridging finance for a year donated by Bill Gates would stop starvation but still keep up the pressure on the government to reform. But wait, wasn’t it Gates’ policies that precipitated the crisis?
The woke, wealthy, “Liberal” greens like Bill Gates will be running round trying to put out bushfires like this with cash taken from your pockets, not theirs to prevent the issue going mainstream and spoiling the grand global plan they are working on to turn us all into medieval, servile peasants again controlled by an all-knowing all-powerful elite. Think Oliver Cromwell….
This is also why they are working under cover to dismantle the institutions and powers which block their progress such as our Monarchy and Christian Churches.
They have a huge proportion of the Global Press onside in the West – US, Canada, UK, EU, Australia, New Zealand etc. to make sure the “story” comes across in the right “all-knowing” tone. Particularly including the BBC who ought to be the very organisation delving into what the hell is really going on on our behalf and alerting the public to the dangers.
There is only one way this can end and that’s in insurrection and rioting by Joe Public.
I love the introductory comment: “Meanwhile an unelected group of globalists and their retinue meet in the World Economic Forum to decide the future.”
In a wider context DAVOS, Bilderberg, CFR etc. are part of a re-assertion of power by the oligarchical class. Power began slipping out of their hands in the seventeenth century in England and all over the West by 1920. They want it back.
Of course, they would have no chance if it were not for the corporate class such as public sector workers (inc. academics) and employees of large corporates. The successful members of the corporate class are the “Corporate Elite”. They call themselves the “Liberal Elite” to sound harmless.
The BBC are the mouthpiece of the Corporate Elite and, being humanities graduates, are blind to their role as the stormtroopers of the Western oligarchy. Actually that is a bit OTT but it is true.
Thank you – sometimes I have nothing to say but a quick assessment of what is coming helps …
With all the photos being ‘leaked’ to the press in a bid to bring everyone and anyone down, it would seem the way to go is to draw the blinds and make everyone leave their phones at the door before allowing anyone in to all gatherings !!! It seems that every situation is up for grabs now by tw….ts holding a phone up in the air, and for what ? photos that are never looked at again, OR with the hope of flogging them to the media, or posting on line for the world to see. Life is a joke now.
Good Afternoon Brissles.
I still use a basic flip phone. It’s just a phone. The big slide-screens have never appealed to me. They do seem to have become an appendage to some people. As if they can’t remember there was life before them. People older than me must remember if I do.
“faith & worship centres” will be a euphemism for mosques.
Better described as a territory for that filthy religion of war and plunder.
We always see pictures of the Jungle and other illegal camps. The legal camps in the EU and now the UK are often of high quality
Click to access Housing%20for%20Migrants_compressed_0.pdf
When you see the legal accommodation available it is clear that the Broadcasters like the BBC are campaigning when they cover the Jungle.
“…it is clear that the Broadcasters like the BBC are campaigning”… it certainly is, and on a whole raft of different issues.
The big question is WHY? It’s not their job to.
The Climate Question: What is Net Zero?
BBC World Service, 25 April 2022
The programme included contributions from Dr Benny Peisner who was introduced as the Director of the Global Warming Policy Forum.
We should have also said that the Forum questions climate change science and the cost of policies to tackle it.
A Commons sleaze investigation into shadow minister Jess Philips has concluded she breached the House’s Register of Interest rules multiple times with late registrations of payments in her capacity as an author, columnist and public speaker, beyond the 28-day deadline. She also “incorrectly registered accommodation provided by Google as hospitality rather than earnings.” No doubt if this were a Tory minister Labour would by demanding a resignation…
Accommodation provided by Google. Google is not actively trying to influence global politics, is it?
By Teddy Tawil
In his 1961 farewell address, President Eisenhower warned about the rise of a “technological elite” that could covertly control policy without the public’s awareness. Now, there is a tech giant with the capability to make his alarming, Orwellian vision a reality. And it isn’t necessarily Facebook.
Psychologist Robert Epstein of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology has researched how search engines can be used to manipulate voter preferences for almost a decade. This manipulation is not merely constrained to the actions of rogue, nefarious employees tampering with search results to promote their preferred candidates; it can be as subtle as foreseeing a skewed outcome and doing nothing to counter it. In randomized, controlled, peer-reviewed experiments that have been replicated four times with thousands of participants, Epstein and his colleagues have found that politically biased search rankings can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more, and the bias can be masked so that people are unaware of it. The effect even held up in a trial on 2,000 real undecided voters in the 2014 Indian Lok Sabha election.
Reading there the “mouth music” coming out of the bBC and the 3 blind mice…Davie, Sharp and Sumner.
The verbals are eerily like those from a large international co. i worked for at the end of the 80,s early 90,s.
Following a period of deep navel gazing it became clear the the game was up……….120,000 laid off worldwide.
bBc….Its now time you were cut down to size.
Teflon, like bbc Bashir….if she was a Tory MP the bbc would be baying for her blood.
Katie Price won’t face jail for speeding in her BMW just days before drink drive crash: Reality star will not appear before magistrates today as case is dealt with under ‘single justice procedure’ that rules on minor driving offences.
Shamed model Katie Price’s long history of driving offences that has seen her banned from the road SIX times
2003 – Price escaped a speeding charge after police failed to arrest her within 12 weeks of allegedly clocking 70mph in a 40mph zone in her Range Rover.
2008 – After talking on the mobile phone while driving on April 18, Price landed three penalty points.
2009 – Price failed to provide the identity of the driver after her car was allegedly caught speeding in a 30mph zone and was later handed four penalty points after being clocked at 99mph and was handed four points on her licence.
2010 – Price was convicted for failing to be in proper control of her horsebox after veering into another lane in February and was given three points on her licence, bringing her total to 10. Then in December she was banned from driving for six months after doing 83mph in a 70mph zone in her home county of West Sussex.
2012 – Two years later, Katie was disqualified for 12 months for failing to respond to two speeding tickets in September.
2018 – Price landed a six-month ban in February 2018 for speeding after totting up 12 penalty points for speeding. In July, photos emerged of her driving while still banned. Then in October she was arrested on suspicion of drink driving and spent 13 hours in custody after crashing into a VW Golf and a hedge on a gated estate at 2am.
2019 – She was given a three-month ban for driving while disqualified in January of that year. And then in October, Price was banned from driving for a further 18 months for failing to inform police who was behind the wheel of her pink Range Rover during a crash in Bexley, South East London.
2021 – Price crashes her BMW car on a country road near her West Sussex home in the early hours of the morning in September after drinking and taking drugs. She pleaded guilty at Crawley Magistrates of drink driving, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.
2022 – Price is back in court charged with speeding and failing to provide information to the police.
Drunk ex-model in a pink motor.
I remember watching all those Hanna-Barbera cartoons on the BBC when I was a kid.
Maybe the BBC could reboot one – “The Perils of Penelope Pissed-Up.”
bBC banging on AGAIN about partygate
Has even opened the page AGAIN for people to comment on
“Energy price cap to rise to £2,800 in October”
Ditch the Green Levy Boris, we are heading for a recession , you know it makes sense . Wake up Tory MPs if our jobs go, you are next .
What other great nations are concerned about ‘Carbon Footprints’?
Taffman – even with a 0 VAT rate – a windfall tax – a rise in tax credits – those bills are still going up again ….. on the upside the pressure to,suspend the green levy crap will be overwhelming –
Wealthy greens will Moan like billy o – but it has to be done …
I hope partygate brings this government down. Not because I give a damn about partygate but because of the government’s green agenda. Take a look at the government rolling out the red carpet for Ex Rebellion .
Maybe a better PM – maybe Truss will be better or Rich Richi – but the eternal problem is the lack of a good potential leader or party .
Whoever takes over will be dealing with a nightmare far worse that the Chinese virus -….
Have these people from Extinction Rebellion , ever done a real job? Why are the MPs offering them a listening ear after all the damage they have been trying to do to the UK economy ?
ER need to go to India, China, Russia and the US where I am sure that they will get a ‘warm’ reception.
Wallace and Gromit .
I claim the prize !
Hot from the Guardian, the Chelsea Flower Show results are in. I know you’re all chomping at the bit, so…
Best in Show is The Rewilding Garden. This ticks all the right (left) boxes. George Monbiot would love it. Now, I like a rather informal garden, but “rewilding”…isn’t that just letting things go and giving your garden over to nettles and bindweed. Blimey, I might get an award for mine…
Oh… and there a silver gilt award for the Hands Off Mangrove garden that commemorates a black protest (violent riot) that took place in the 1970s. I saw the “designers” of this garden yesterday and just knew they’d be in line for an award. Lenny Henry would have been livid if they hadn’t won something…
I used to enjoy The Chelsea Flower Show,. It gave garden designers the chance to show off some interesting and imaginative ideas. Nowadays, I’m afraid, the displays usually have some fashionable PC theme.
Expect a lot of pretentious waffle from the BBC this evening.
Life in the UK media and in particular the BBC is becoming remarkably like Mao’s little red book.
“The purpose of the book (BBC) was to distill the voluminous products of Mao’s (BBC’s) mind and pen into a small volume (BBC Output) that even a semi-literate peasant or new soldier could read, memorise, or set to music. The aphorisms therein were plucked out of context and strung together without much regard for chronology: if it was Mao’s (BBC’s) thought, it must be coherent, went the editorial idea.”
I knew from the get go what the Chelsea Flower Show would be up to. So it didn’t surprise me at all. The net result will be the loss of interest in these pantomimes by the hard-working professional people who are really good at what they do, dumbing down always produces dumb results. Just look at our University and School leavers to see this in action.
Im on the verge of sticking my size 10 boots through the TV screen, more F–KING Partygate.
Just drove 2 and a half hour trip for work listening to BBC Radio 5 Live..Who do they drag out for comment regarding Partygate : Roger Gale an habitual Boris hater and anti Brexit followed by Dominic Grieve an habitual Boris hater and anti Brexit both demanding his resignation
I stopped at a greasy spoon for breakfast and without exception all voiced anger and frustration that we are still banging on about Partygate, there was a massive audible groan when it appeared on the the BBC news on the TV in the cafe..
We think BBC is bad, i direct you to the SKY News web page, full of anti Government comment etc etc..
The establishment are determined to get there man..!!!
I think when growler was describing Tory scum she was looking at roger gale – a traitor looking for a peerage .
We can play the ‘cross the floor game ‘ when the report comes out …
It says a lot for the desperation of the BBC who continually go to those two fossils for comment….
Government should just confess their hypocrisy, and refund all fines issued.
Eddy Booth…
Agree but lets include the hypocrisy of the Labour Party Covid law breakers, lets include the NHS staff who by all accounts were partial to a few scoops in a store room after a shift, lets include the many thousands of hypocrites nation wide who broke lock down rules (yes that includes me) who now deem it ok to criticise the Government, lets include many other workers from many walks of life who by all accounts may have had a glass of wine after work etc etc etc
Give up your TV Licence, dafydd, you know it makes sense.
I recall a Brexit debate where nut nut was a backbencher being barracked by scum gale sitting behind him . Gale is a truly hateful traitor – I can only guess how he got his knighthood – and I bet it wasn’t for anything honourable …
What amazes me is how there Constituent Association allow them to get away with it…Its bad enough having most of the media against Boris and the Tories but constant and unfounded criticism from the gruesome twosome is just adding fuel to the fire
It doesn’t bare thinking about what Gale had to to to get his Knighthood..Pond life both of them
Probably a lodge thing …
So now we have a monkeypox tracker…
The deduction I would make from the numbers is the concentration of cases in Europe and the World are massively represented by The UK, Spain and Portugal. Over 130 cases out of a Global total of 170 in these top 3 countries .
It doesn’t really take a genius to join the dots here, UK couples (or 3 or 4-somes) of a certain persuasion taking a nice free and easy break on a short plane hop for sun, sea, booze and hanky panky maybe?
BBC apologises for the truth – from the DT
The BBC has apologised after a message appeared on screen reading “Manchester United are rubbish”.
The line popped up on the BBC News ticker at the bottom of the screen during a tennis update on the 9am to 10am broadcast. Later in the morning, the presenter Annita McVeigh apologised to any Manchester United fans who may have been offended, saying the mistake had occurred as someone was learning how to operate the ticker and was “writing random things not in earnest”. Another message reading “Weather rain everywhere” also appeared on the ticker.
It is not the first time the broadcaster has suffered inadvertent run-ins with the Old Trafford club. Sir Alex Ferguson refused to give post-match interviews to the BBC for seven years until 2011 after a BBC documentary made allegations against his son, Jason. On Monday, the club’s latest manager, Erik ten Hag, vowed to bring “rules, principles and structures” in a bid to overhaul his struggling players.
United failed to even qualify for the Champions League after slumping to sixth place and finished the season with a dismal 1-0 loss to Crystal Palace with Ten Hag in the stands to see his side for the first time.ENDS
Ukrainian Olympic rower and wife ‘so grateful’ after escaping to England
“A Ukrainian Olympic rower and his pregnant wife have described how hard it was to leave their home and family in Ukraine after escaping to England.”
BBC despite being pro Ukraine’s military defence, is naturally too polite to ask why, a fit young man is dodging fighting for his country.
“We would really like to find an apartment nearby where we can start our family life with our new baby, ”
I’m sure there’s a bunch of British people too, who rather like to find a home in Henley on Thames area ..
No plans to send warships to ease food supply issues – UK
The idea of a “protective corridor” from Odesa was raised by Lithuania’s foreign minister and UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, according to the Times, with the potential for a “coalition of the willing” to provide ships.
Bbc missing out the tiny issue that Turkey, who controls the entrance to the Black sea, the Bosphorus strait, have banned warships entering.
Yes, the BBC missing the context of events is heart of their bias, even if they do it stupidly.
We need 1 TV Public Service Channel that has a cast iron commitment to impartiality (ie: covering the context of events). Not a sprawling BBC.
Change theBBC. From your moniker I wonder if your are a reformer rather than either a subscriptionist or an outright abolitionist. I’m the latter but in my heart I know that no government will ever dare go so far as to abolish the BBC.
I don’t believe that any channel with a significant part of its income coming from the public purse will remain impartial, sooner rather than later Conquests ( might be the wrong name) Law will apply and it will start an ever increasing leftward lean. Even if you get rid of the BBC but set a new publically funded broadcaster this Law will eventually apply .
Therefore the only solutions that would satisfy me are ones involving zero public money.
The BBC give the Leftists (and our government) a reach into all the countries of the world. It is an outlet for political and agenda based propaganda beyond monetary value.
They might make some UK services subscription based to quell the outrage of their bias here – but they will absolutely, definitely keep certain parts such as the world service funded by the public so the rest of the world gets them free.
Changethe bbc,
Do you work with maincony ?
“We need 1 TV Public Service Channel”
That’s what the BBC was ?
A public service channel would end up employing ex beeboids and morph into the former outfit .
No I say, scrap the parasite or privatise it.
The Tories have already privatised most of the UK’s former national industries, why not this one?
P.S. Have a word with Nadine …………….
Epstein says these huge shifts suggest that search engine manipulation is “one of the most powerful forms of influence ever discovered in the behavioral sciences.” Crucially, Epstein calculates that these shifts can be large enough to flip any election with a projected win margin under 2.9 percent. Worldwide, more than 25 percent of national elections are won by margins up to 3 percent. The implication that search algorithms could have inadvertently determined the results of a quarter of the world’s elections is chilling.
Energy price cap: Typical energy bill set to rise to £2,800 a year in October
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Yawn again, one guy blurts out a figure for October and everyone takes it as gospel
..Ofgem’s prediction record isn’t very good.
At the end of the day many people can winter abroad.
True, Stew, but a lifting of the cap doesn’t mean that a power company has to invoice to that level. Of course many of them now will do so which is one of the downsides of ‘interfering’ in a market. Apparently, the IMF boss is suggesting that Governments around the globe do just that – provide subsidised energy and food – to their populations. We know what that will result in, don’t we?
Stew /up2
The way prices are going – the energy companies will have to invoice to the top of the OFGEM cap as they are losing money through fixed contracts …
I can’t see how even focusing on the most In need will have an impact – they’ll end VAT on fuel as a token but generally bills are going up a lot in 5 months time ….
.. unless of course some one ends putin and a pro western power takes control in Russia – what a gamble that would be …
Fed, not necessarily. It just depends at what point the energy companies ‘fixed’.
Is that a Chinaman with a plait down his back ?
Oh dear. Partygate looking bad for the green saviour of the planet. Civil servants willing to drop Boris in the merde. The look on Laura Koonsberg’s face as she repeated the words of a civil servant who said that ‘they were sitting on each other’s laps’.
If Soogray’s report finishes Nut Nut, will there be a chance of a political shift away from devastating effects of the net zero policy?
Yawn I don’t need to speculate
just wait for the Sue Gray and Durham Police reports.
ITV local news ..PRasNews for a government e-bike scheme
… which magic unicorns paid for those 900 new ebikes in the scheme ?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the BBC and the ONS have lost interest in Covid-19
The Pandemic is over for the UK it appears. The BBC (and the ONS who provided the data along with Public Health bodies in the devolved nations) have lost interest. But the BBC do have a revived interest in ‘Partygate’ – the-cost-of-living-crisis is also on the back burner – because the BBC think that in Gray Week they can cut Bojo off from his Party and the Premiership and shoehorn Lacklustre Labour into No.10.
While I agree with Stew that a weekly comparison of Covid-19 infections makes good sense, some of us liked to check the weekday stats, now reduced to just Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, now it seems to be whenever the BBC feel like updating the numbers. Usual Three Monkeys from the BBC ….. aah … monkeypox? No, they appear to have lost interest in that, too. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274
Popular tweeter Wittgenstein @backtolife_2022 suspended by Twitter for tweeting a video highlighting elite plan calling for
“recalibration” of free speech.
Others await their fate – will the BBC relay Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant’s assertion to the masses?
George addresses the faithful
Apologies if this has been spoken of before, – apparently its a story in the red tops which I don’t read, but was picked up by another news outlet.
It appears that a Ukrainian refugee Sofiia Karkadym22 has waltzed off with her married host after just 10 days of arriving in the home he shared with his WIFE !
Oh dear, its already started. Once upon a time it used to be the au pair that floozied off with the old man, now its nubile refugees. I wonder if there are some lithe and fit bodied young Ukrainian lads who are being gazed at lovingly by young bored housewives, as they strip to the waist while pushing the mower !!! (the young men that is) Well, it would redress the balance.
Meanwhile over at Buy Larger Mansions
Very late to the party, but did anyone listen to Useless Hussein attacking Grant Shapps on Toady this morning?
Carrying out the BBC agenda to a T, she harangued him endlessly on Partygate and then on a report just issued which he hadn’t read.
Grant Shapps is the Transport Secretary. The Elizabeth Line opened today.
He wasn’t asked a single question about it.
The BBC are the total pits.
BBC Agenda
1 get rid of nut nut
2 demand replacement calls election
3 campaign for remainer party to rejoin EU
4 fix the vote for remainer party
5 remainer party elected
6 demand remainer party seeks EU membership
7 rejoin EU dump pound
8 ever closer union
9 United States of EU socialist paradise
10 President Blair / macron / der fuhrer
How long is it going to be before the crackpot Prince Charles is fingered over his involvement in the collapse of Sri Lanka as a result of his Green lunacy.
“How the world’s first all-organic farming nation has led to hunger, riots and economic ruin in Sri Lanka… The consequences have been nothing short of catastrophic”
He has in nutshell been behind the collapse of a sovereign nation and the deaths of God alone knows how many.
I did say in an earlier post, I thought that this crisis might be the end of the Green lobby, and perhaps that now is just the begining with the first high profile loon exposed.
Another day. Another Partygate Have Your Say on thecBBC webshite.
At the time of writing……
The post ‘don’t vote Tory’ gets 2292 upticks and 198 down ticks at the time of writing.
Meanwhile the post ‘Don’t vote Labour’ gets 609 upticks and 2501 downticks.
So it appears the party continually preferred by general election voters since 2010 is opposed by BBC readers to the tune of around 85% to 15%.
Whoever the BBC speaks for it is a very small and highly unrepresentative part of the population.
But we knew that already.
It shows just how laughable the claims of the BBC being unbiased really are.
Their whole reason for existence at this time is to get another Labour government elected next time. It’s absolutely outrageous.
But I can tell those in OFCOM are of similar political disposition and so they just ignore it. The situation with BAME minority representation on TV now is extreme racial discrimination yet OFCOM say nothing.
Right and wrong are meaningless in this country now. Everything is completely political.
I just saw that comment and anything else so ‘off topic’ would have been deleted by the BBC within 10 minutes.
The ‘vote tory’ comment has 3,200 downticks now.
I have reported it. Let’s see how they respond.
Edit: They have replied already. I reckon they have a big team of moderators.
Dear BBC Visitor
‘Further to your complaint about some of the content on a BBC website (reference number P43223291), we have decided that it does not contravene the House Rules and are going to leave it on site.’
So if it’s not ‘off topic’, it means they admit the whole article is about ‘Don’t vote Tory’.
Just for the record, this is the actual comment by jb_81 I reported:
in https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-61566410#comments
That can’t be right. 200 males ?. I’ve seen the BBC reports and at least 80% are women and children.
What this makes me think is how desperate they are for rooms when somewhere like this is being commandeered by the government to house asylum seekers.
The cost of it all to the taxpayer must be astronomical : I’m sure they are using every trick in the book to hide the true figure.
[url=https://imgbb.com/]11 by 14 picture[/url]
Though I suspect the first picture is not quite accurate considering the virus originates in Africa ….
Just when you thought the oppression couldln’t get any worse China comes up with this:
Speaking at a “Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption” WEF pannel in Davos, Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans said that his company will be introducing more surveillance systems within China in order to usher in a so-called greener future.
“We are developing through technology the ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint… where are they travelling, how are they travelling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform,” Evans said.
The former Goldman Sachs banker dubbed the project the “individual carbon footprint tracker,” saying: “stay tuned, we don’t have it operational yet but this is something we are working on.”
How long before the zealots here insist on everyone being tracked, probably taxed, and very little if any rewards being offered.
Time for the midweek thread – enjoy the party – but popcorn futures
‘Do I buy electric or food?’
“Oh, oh, oh… I don’t know…”
“The clock is ticking Big, I’m going to have to press you for an answer!”
“Oh, alright… food!”
“Correct! That’s 10 points for Big Brother.”
Spending all that money on tattoos
and then begging from a foodbank ?
I thought it – you wrote it …
Tv licence or food – cost of a chicken – £5? Number of chickens per tv licence 31 ish … number of weeks in year – 52 – do the math… as they say …
…or 10kg sack of rice – £13 … 11 sacks of rice equals a TV licence … eat or watch the BBC?
I had another petition thrust under my nose the other day and in it they described how was should keep the BBC licence fee as poor people would be deprived the wonderful BBC content as they could not afford the subscription charge.
… errr … maybe they would use the cash they would otherwise have spent on the license fee ?. Or maybe the author has unwittingly admitted they don’t pay it.
The BBC seem to be squirming in their reporting of the 15 dead in the Texas shooting. After their huge coverage and follow on articles from the white guy who did it in the supermarket, it is very obvious they don’t have the same enthusiasm over this one.
Looks to me like they are changing tack and making the issue all about gun control this time.
Let’s see if dementia Joe reads an autocue about hate again or he too moves over to blame gun control.
Going by what I’ve seen recently, I’m expecting a simultaneous shift for all the MSM to focus on the same thing. There is no longer any suspicion that the entire media is somehow being directed on what to report : it is absolutely certain.
I see plenty of hate and racism in all of this, and have done since the Democrats got in. All of it from the Left towards whites on the political Right.
250000 die in the USA every year due to medical negligence – goodness knows how many are injured solution? Yay! lets ban doctors !
It’s as rational a thought as banninmg guns.
I read a claim on another forum which I don’t have a source to.
If it is true, it is an interesting observation about gun ownership in the US. Relative to population, gun ownership has hardly changed since the 1950s. How many mass shootings occurred in the 1950s? This would indicate there are other reasons to examine.
I doubt any BBC activist , sorry “journalist” in name only, would explore this?
gb123, it’s rather like the question why, when so many Canadians own guns (is it a similar % to the US?) there are so few people shot in Canada?
Deeper questions no one wants to touch with a barge pole, for some inexplicable reason.
Big brother
A lot of thought was done on the us / Canada difference – one theory was that mentally Americans are less mature – even as a country –
Plus they have a Hollywood mentality – lots of references to films .
I have my own theory about why these school slaughters happen . The madmen who do these slaughters want to be remembered – and the only way they think they can get notoriety is by doing something as evil as they can think – and cause as much distress to as many as they can .
They can burn ….
An old chesnut -but- now do Switzerland
Thanks tomo – I thought Biden Obama exhibited on of the traits of dementia – inability to control emotions – yes – I know the murder of 22 school children is ‘emotional ‘ – but I was think about how good speakers – such as Reagan or indeed Billy Clinton would have dealt with it ….
I they will send him there tomorrow to demand the NRA is banned as a terrorist group – like anything else Obama Biden doesn’t like ….
Having watched way too much old (and present) footage of Biden over the last 18 months I’m left with zero sympathy.
While not ever the sharpest knife in the drawer, simple comparison of his speech pattern over time shows that he’s functionally unfit for office (at best!)
Best I can do is repeat(again!) the banner from the Houston overpass.
“it took 2000 mules to elect one jackass”
That the school shooter was an evil little nut is clear – the driving factors behind the rampage, less so.
Texas – buy a gun with no psych check at 18 but can’t drink alcohol until 21. Back in the 1980s colleagues working in Texas told me about local laws that bar owners could be held liable for DUI accidents if the driver had been served in their bar…
It’s messed up.
TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 1
Yes, you guessed it: The Gray Report has escaped or been released into the fangs and claws of the media and the Lacklustre Labour Party. With a bit of luck, by the weekend it will be wrapping fish and chips for someone who is not suffering ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ and can afford to buy fish along with the chips.
Guess what? There is a drinking and party culture among Civil Servants and politicians? Who’da thunked it?
I thought a drinking culture and a party culture only existed among journalists including broadcasters*, oh, and maybe footballers … and football fans ….. and cricketers … and doctors and nurses …. and films and stage actors …… and bankers …. and … university students ….. and schoolteachers … and … accountants ….. and ….. advertising executives and their staff … and … lots of others.
* I seem to recall that the BBC have a subsidised bar, courtesy of the TellyTaxpayer. Some years ago I visited the notorius BBC Tea Room, similarly subsidised by the TellyTaxpayer, and survived the experience of a cup of BBC tea.
The moral outrage is well over the top . The fat bloke looking for a heart attack in charge of the SNP described the PM as engaging in debauchery – the useless speaker didn’t challenge him …. A labour MP used the word ‘arse ‘ and wasn’t challenged –
I’m glad to see the commons descending – the more people alienated by it the better ..
Probably a spoof / fake – but if it isn’t – well, that’d make my day…
Seen some pretty odd aging Germans and Swiss on accidental naturist beach incursions (honest!)