A big week for the Far Left BBC – the Gray Report on breaches of covid rules by civil servants and government staff – is due to be published . Meanwhile an unelected group of globalists and their retinue meet in the World Economic Forum to decide the future. As usual plenty of opportunity for the BBC to push its ‘propaganda at the people who are forced to pay for it .
Start the Week 23 May 2022
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TWatO Watch #1 – the whole programme bar five minutes on this …… ? Part the 2ooth
The BBC may have been a little unwise. In mulling over The Gray Report they ask Scottish MP, Anneliese Dodds (Lab) to be interviewed by the Montacutie. It was the Montacutie who famously dropped her Scottish colleague ‘in it’ when talking to Laura Kuenssberg on air, Sarah said something like “I know you have been working hard and very intensively on this.” when discussing the Daily Mirror’s early revelations of ‘Partygate’.
It rather made it sound like a Scottish attempt to ‘get at Boris/get Boris removed’. The only person missing was Pippa Crerrar (another Scot and Daily Mirror journalist), and maybe the ‘Scottish wee Nippy Person’ herself.
Anti-Brexit billionaire George Soros has urged the EU to “transform itself into an association that countries like Britain would want to join”.
“This development will put additional pressure of unpredictable force on an already beleaguered Europe – It’s no longer a figure of speech to say Europe is in existential danger,” said the tycoon.
(must be why Tusk is tweeting as well).
Mr Soros said the Best for Britain campaign to halt Brexit would launch its “manifesto” within days.
Why is it the The Thick of it keeps coming back ? I was struck by the episode where one of the staff has a go at a coloured cleaner who promptly suggests she might go to a newspaper –
The whole response of fear and loathing reminds me of the gray report and the opportunist opposition response to it ….
… lessons for nut nut – no cameras – no emails – no phones – closed doors – discretion ….
I hope they have a party to celebrate the gray report … it should be themed – everyone has to come as someone nasty – growler – blackford – Cummings – there’s a long list …
Can’t decide which gate to describe the parties at No 10.
Lapgate, vomitgate are two favourites of mine.,
Priceless moment on GBNews – brazier – had that lefty Barry gardiner on – brazier had the audacity to ask Chinese barry about the £500k bung he took from the people republic of China for nothing at all.
Chinese Barry responded by accusing brazier of ‘deflecting ‘ from the gray report …
Declaration I have never been offered or accepted £500k from the PRC … but if it was offered …I might ,…
Tripe from the DT – you have better things to read –
The UK robbed Spain of second place at Eurovision because an algorithm inflated the jury vote, the BBC has claimed.
Spain was seven points behind the UK in the final results for the contest, with 459 and 466 points respectively, while Ukraine finished in first position with 631 points.
However, a pact between six countries to vote for each other in the semi-finals of the contest led to organisers scrapping their jury votes and employing an algorithm instead.
It has now been claimed that if this algorithm had not been employed and the original “irregular” voting had fallen under the radar, Spain would have taken second place with artist Chanel singing SloMo.
The row comes after the UK found itself in an unusually successful position on the Eurovision results board. Sam Ryder’s song, Space Man, was hailed the best song the UK has taken to the contest in years.
Jury votes from each country are added to votes from the public to reach a total score.
The UK received 283 jury votes and Spain won 231. However, Spain received 228 public votes, while the UK won 183. This has added fuel to the debate on whether the algorithm for the jury votes made a significant difference to the final result.
Charlotte McDonald, a BBC producer and Eurovision reporter, said on BBC Radio 4’s More or Less programme: “If I was Spanish, I would certainly be claiming that Spain beat the UK. I think it would have been a really big scandal if Ukraine hadn’t blown everyone away with an extraordinary audience vote.”
During the programme, it was said that Azerbaijan, Georgia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and San Marino had their jury votes voided, and that scores were then handed out based on averages from countries deemed to have similar tastes.
Azerbaijan and Georgia, for example, were assigned points based on an average of scores from Armenia, Ukraine and Israel – countries deemed to have similar tastes to Azerbaijan and Georgia.
This led to the UK receiving 12 jury points from both countries, and Spain receiving only five from each country.
Another example given is Romania. If the irregular voting in the country had flown under the radar, the country would have given the UK no points and would have given five to Spain.
However, the algorithm gave the UK eight points and Spain only one. This gave the UK a potentially unreliable seven-point lead on Spain in Romania alone, it is argued.
John Redwood, the Conservative MP, told The Telegraph that it was typical for the BBC to take an anti-UK and pro-EU stance, and to publicise “dishonest EU spin”.
The BBC declined to provide an official comment. However, the broadcaster pointed out that Ms McDonald also said that because the full figures have not been published by Eurovision organisers, it is not known for certain if the absence of the algorithm would have led to Spain taking second place.ENDS
Does anyone even watch the euro thing any more ? Bomb banga bang …
Texas school shooting
Johnson’s mob have got away with all of it. More fool us
Laura Perrins
“Under Johnson’s premiership, Downing Street was turned into a frat house. These people trashed the office of the government, they trashed the economy with lockdown and they have trashed the country. Now, we the public, are left to clean up the metaphorical vomit.
If you feel your rulers are laughing at you, it is because they are laughing at you. ”
Agree especially about all that money they sloshed around and wasted.
Range Rover manufacturers must have got mega rich,
from people who had a good covid; never seen so new ones.
BBC only seem to care about the parties not the other damage..