274 Responses to Weekend 11 June 2022

  1. Zephir says:

    A follow on:

    “Cool it, Ben & Jerry’s: Bosses of ice cream brand are accused of virtue-signalling after saying that sending migrants to Rwanda was ‘ugly, inhumane and racist’

    pretty racist to say that about poor African countries n’est pa?

    Does Prince Charles thing Rwanda is appalling ?

    If not, where’s the argument ? they have already crossed numerous borders of safe countries to attempt to steal UK benefits, whats another border to them ?

    African benefit system and council houses and vunerable underage schoolkids and women not to their taste ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      In addition to its classic double scoops, Vermont-based ice cream producer Ben & Jerry’s is now offering a calorie-rich serving of double standards, too. The Ben & Jerry’s brand, owned and operated by Unilever, announced on July 19 that it would terminate its license agreement with an Israeli-based manufacturer to ensure its products “will no longer be sold” in the “Occupied Palestinian Territory.” Unilever cut off the longstanding licensee after it refused to halt sales in the disputed territories, which reportedly would violate Israeli law. In short, Unilever engaged in a boycott of Israel as defined by state and federal law, which means the company may soon be facing penalties that eat into its profits.


      It also maintains corporate offices in numerous human rights-abusing countries, including China, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.


  2. Guest Who says:

    You know that thing the BBC also does, when its own staff are involved and certain key aspects need swerving…


    • Guest Who says:

      Plus Mad Al.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “healthy, functioning democracies” – 3 teachers hide in Batley waiting for PRESS OUTRAGE.


    • Zephir says:

      Oh, journalists are exempt from criminal prosecution in bbc word now are they ?

      What about your repeated dishonest and lying journalists like Bashir ?

      “singling out” what does that mean ? a gang of bank robbers and one gets “singled out” because he organised it and held the gun, is that wrong ?

      Or, only if it is a bbc lying, cheating, disseminating journalist in action ?

      How many times, bbc have you demanded the head of the tory government because of the actions of others in the governmet ?

      how many times ?

      and how many times have your journalists shamed you with their political bias displayed openly on social media, with their attacks upon Cliff Richard whilst hiding Jimmy Savills attacks upon children, in openly biased attacks upon a democratically elected government with a massive majority whilst never exposing the opposition to the same scrutiny ?

      Never, has the head of the bbc even considered resigning as you DEMAND from everyone else.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Don’t worry Carole – they’ll crowdfund the outcome so you’ll still be able to afford a bottle of red or two – who needs to be responsible for their actions eh?


  3. StewGreen says:

    BBC “news” is actually is really full of ADVERTS
    someone benefit financially from each PRasNews item
    Local news “Lincolnshire farmers say they are making greener beer”
    Then they move to the clip which features the man from Heineken “Look at us we make green beer !”
    (The clip actually began with 15 seconds from an actual Heineken advert
    Most of the BBC words were over Heineken advert footage

    First story “It’s the first anniversary of the murder of Cory”
    That’ a white youth killed by a black guy who fled and hasn’t been found.
    ..Obviously his family have the resources to get the PR

    Strangely the show had an item playing a clip of a local Tory MP from the local BBC politics show this morning.

    ITV local news just had a PRasNews item for Sherwood Forest wardens


    • StewGreen says:

      The Green beer thing was ultimately; they have sheep in the barley field.

      Main news BAME female presenter, BAME male sport presenter, weather : White female
      Local news White male, white female weather presenter

      Our local ITV doesn’t seem to ever have any non-white presenters/weather people these days
      Reporters and the sports anchors are often Asian
      The Leeds/Sheffield editions probably have Asian anchors.
      Then the advert come on ..not many white faces.


  4. Guest Who says:

    One way to get ahead in media is to have a name based on meteorology.



    • Zephir says:

      Snowflake here,

      And tommorrow, there will be waves of LGBT pride marches descending upon the majority of the country due to an occluded weather front that refuses to move even though it comprises only 0.7 % of the cloud mass, followed by a black shower (3%) storm from the south east via France , affecting all benefit offices and council house waiting lists who are warned of an amber alert.

      Lock up your daughters…


  5. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile Nick Robinson is continuing to pass off what Fick Ange tells him as news.



  6. tomo says:

    It’s cheaper!

    Millions more jobs !

    – says Boris


    • MarkyMark says:

      More indian companies can come and take over – ones with Rishi’s father in Laws connections?


  7. Zephir says:

    15 Sept 2020: (no answer available online)

    Parliamentary questions
    PDF 41k WORD 9k
    15 September 2020
    Question for written answer E-005044/2020
    to the Commission
    Rule 138
    Elżbieta Kruk (ECR)

    Answer in writing
    Subject: Sexual crimes committed by migrants

    As a result of its open door policy towards refugees, Europe was flooded by a wave of migrants, who came here mainly for economic reasons.

    Countries that have received large numbers of migrants, such as Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom, are now seeing an increase in sexual crimes, including rape, against white women and girls.

    Significantly, although the number of reports of such crimes is increasing, the number of convictions for them is falling. This is reducing women’s sense of security and confidence in the justice system, and it represents of loss of the ability to obtain redress.

    There is much to suggest that the reason for this is that the police, who are reasonably afraid of being accused of racism and ‘Islamophobia’, are discouraged from carrying out investigations involving migrants. As a result, these crimes are going almost unpunished.

    For example, Sweden has the second-highest Muslim immigration rate and the second-highest sexual assault rate in Europe. It would be irresponsible to pretend that this is a coincidence.

    In light of the foregoing:

    1. Is the Commission monitoring the number of rapes and other sexual crimes committed by migrants against girls and women in the EU?

    2. Is the Commission investigating possible barriers to the reporting of sexual crimes by victims?

    3. Will the Commission take action to improve the indicators for the prosecution of these crimes?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}

      “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38



  8. Zephir says:

    Even the BBC:
    Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV


    When Europe ignored the sex crimes of immigrants, all women suffered


    ‘You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border



    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC fails to follow up on a refugee related News story … BBC £3.5bn Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’

      … sorry if this makes you feel sick or generates hatred, but why aren’t the BBC interested in Maria Ladenburge’s killer being brought to justice and why the killer did it ….

      The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid {gatesofvienna.net sep2017}

      The accused entered the courtroom with shackles on hands and feet at 9:05am. First he read out loud a letter of apology, and he asked the family of the murdered Maria Ladenburger for forgiveness, Focus reports.

      “I wish I could undo everything. What I have done, I am deeply sad about that from the bottom of my heart.” (Hussein K.)

      Then he went on to recount the events of the night of the murder:

      He had been drinking with three friends and he had smoked hashish. Because he was extremely drunk, he was thrown out of the bar. At some time after that, he was on his way home. At the [river] Dreisam, the girl on her bicycle approached him.

      He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.

      “When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)

      Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:

      “It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)

      According to his testimony he was too drunk to achieve an erection, so he inserted his hand. Since he had a previous injury from a bicycle accident, he pulled her into the river to wash his blood from her body. There he left her and fled.

      BBC Last Touched on this story “Afghan murder suspect in Germany was jailed in Greece (convicted of attempted murder in Greece)” {bbc.co.uk dec2016}
      Germans were outraged by the murder of Maria L, a student in Freiburg who volunteered for a refugee charity.
      He was given a 10 year-sentence but was apparently freed after about 18 months.

      – BBC £3.5bn News Service Search for ‘Maria Freiburg’ found wanting, the real world is just to horrible to report
      – Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary (sales pitch!)


  9. BigBrotherCorporation says:


    Is hair sniffing contagious?


  10. MarkyMark says:



  11. Northern Voter says:



  12. Zephir says:

    In light of the above, they should be happy with a Rwandan immigration lawyer with a couple of GCSEs in basket weaving and goat milking to take on their case for their inimitable right to thieving british benefits.


  13. MarkyMark says:

    Love is Love. But some love is safer than some other types of love.



    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s a bit early but I’m going to start the next thread as there are more anniversaries
      Thanks for all the comments – in case anyone reading this is unaware – I am a mere volunteer moderator – I have no control over the website other than basic admin …

      Cheers …


      • MarkyMark says:

        Kim Jong-Fedup2 – our new leader.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I smell dissent – wanna be cancelled 😎?

          I think GBNews might get a bit of ‘treatment ‘ from the woke swamp this week …. With a bucket of … stuff.. from BBCOFCOM


          • MarkyMark says:

            Gulags are great ways to be be re-educated by our over lords.
            I take both knees – not just the one to show my dedication.

            Good work Fedup2 – thanks for doing it.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Thank you Marky – its the nearest i get to Absolute Power and hopefully the corruption that comes with it .., banishment – summary executions – all before breakfast …

              Got to go – my army is fighting the ukrainians at the moment … we are winning ..


  14. MarkyMark says:


    How many churches are in Saudi Arabia?

    Image result for number of churches in saudi arabia
    There are currently no official churches in Saudi Arabia and the thousands of Maronite families who work there have to live “either as a neutral person or as a Muslim”, one Lebanese Catholic, Danny Nasrallah, told the New York Times. “You have to pray in your heart when you want to pray,” he said.16 Nov 2017


  15. Zephir says:

    Headlines for the media obsessed with absolute nonentities~:

    Dragons’ Den Star Hilary Devey dies aged 65: Self-made millionaire businesswoman who starred on hit BBC show passes away in Morocco after long battle with illness

    British businesswoman Hilary Devey had an estimated net worth of £80million, making her fortune through Pall-Ex, her freight distribution business which she founded in 1996, financed by selling her house and car
    A spokesperson for the Dragons’ Den star said she had been ‘ill for some time’ and died in her holiday home
    She was awarded a CBE in 2013 for transport industry and charity services, and has worked with Carer’s Trust
    The 65-year-old Bolton-born millionaire suffered a stroke in 2009 and made her ‘lose a third of her brain’


  16. Thoughtful says:

    British Navy has just 38 ships

    But what it lacks in ships it makes up in jobs for the boys.

    3 Admirals
    7 Vice Admirals
    26 Rear Admirals
    71 Commodores + 2 acting

    There are enough chiefs here not to need any Indians, & I expect that no Navy has ever had such a ratio of senior officers to available ships !


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – does the 38 include nuclear submarines ? Just asking for a Russian friend …


    • tomo says:

      Now do horses in the British Army and hot air balloons in the RAF


    • StewGreen says:

      @Thoughtful Why do you say 38 ships ?
      “As of May 2022, there are 73 operational commissioned ships (including submarines as well as one historic ship, HMS Victory) in the Royal Navy,
      plus 11 ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA);
      there are also 5 Merchant Navy ships available to the RFA under a private finance initiative.”


      • Fedup2 says:

        It’s comforting that HMS victory is still shown on the battle order . It’s eco friendly – stealth – very green – made of recycled materials – uses renewable energy –

        In fact – why not replace all of those nasty modern boats with eco friendly ones … they just need disabled access to pick up third works passengers from from War torn France ….our bestist friend …

        Please fact check your facts before putting facts on this site – we are not twitter


  17. Chevalnoir says:

    … did anyone else hear the child presenter Shanequa Paris on the 11th at about 0850hrs? As if standards aren’t already at their lowest, witness one of the next generation oh so clever wokists who didn’t recognise and couldn’t pronounce the words ‘mercenary’ (“mer-CENEEEREEE”) and ’emeritus’ (“emu-REEETISS”) … as she read them, probably on a screen. The Woke Establishment, promoting semi-literate so-called presenters are embedded. The only solution is the close it down …


    • StewGreen says:

      That was Loving you on 5 Live.
      @ShanequaParis said she is “born in Bristol”
      She couldn’t say ’emeritus’ properly
      I stress on mercenaries was e=wrong too
      However unlike on R4 she did let her guests speak

      She’s been presenting Newsround on Children’s TV for the last 2 years

      This guy is not a fan.. a couple of people like her
      but people don’t talk about her much


  18. tomo says:

    Boris starts Grow for Britain Campaign

    Michigan Sheriff Dept has blown through its fuel budget and is now prioritising 911 attendance wrt “travel” associated with incidents.

    Bild in Germany : 1 in 6 forgoing food due to price rises…

    and more from Alex Christoforou on Ukraine detail that for some reason (eye-roll) escapes our MSM…


    • Fedup2 says:

      I like the idea of a US police chief saying that the fuel budget is gone so his plod will be working from home .. I hope the baddies adopt the same policy … maybe the plod will have to become cycle – borne ….
      ….. can only be a matter of time before petrol is stolen from cars again – like the 1970s …


  19. tomo says:

    Twitter throttling is hitting small fry these days – I’ve a tweet that picked up 40 likes and seemed to keep going – but as soon as it gets up to 45, it drops back to 39.


  20. JohnC says:

    Africa Eye: Racism for sale

    I think the UK is not being racist enough these days – so to keep the agenda current, they’ve created this article. They put two of their finest employees on it.

    Basically there is a trend in China to have groups of African children holding up a blackboard and saying something together. Like wishing someone happy birthday, dressed up for Xmas etc.

    So someone made one video with the kids chanting ‘I’m a black monster and my IQ is low’ in Chinese. They had no clue what they were saying.

    OK I thought, someone’s idea of a joke. Not particularly pleasant but I’ve known people worse through my life. It was just one isolated video, nobody got hurt and the kids got some money – and it’s the Chinese after all. Not here.

    So I watched the video waiting for a whole set of racist videos. There are none : just that one. About 5 seconds long. And it’s from 2020.

    So this young black girl and a young black man actually went around Africa trying to track down who made that video. And of course they did and also the children in it. They claim they just walked into a village and there this guy was making another video with a group of children. A chance in a million – clearly a complete lie by someone too stupid to realise how obvious it is.

    You’ve never seen such an amateur piece of ‘journalistic’ rubbish as this video. It’s like a 6th form project. They are absolutely desperate to claim it’s all racist and it’s so contrived, it’s even worse than an episode of Panorama.

    One black village woman says ‘Profiting from poor people’. What ?. They are being paid to do something. It’s 100% certain she was primed to say that. And near the end we see that fire in African people which usually leads to them stabbing each other. The Chinese guy didn’t even seem concerned – so I call it all completely fake. I’m sure the original video is real, but I reckon they staged the entire report from start to finish.

    If this is how they are spending the license fee, someone should be investigating why.