Two aspects of the Fight For Freedom this week –
Happy first birthday to GBNews . The Far Left BBC and rest of the woke media and OFCOM haven’t managed to kill off a bit diversity of thought yet …Free Speech in Britain continues to be suppressed -but at least GBNews offers something a bit different .
And on a more sombre note `Tuesday 14th of June commemorates the 40th anniversary of another fight for freedom – The Falklands War – or as the BBC would prefer to call it – The Malvinas …….
Further to the collective politico/media/judicial bubble infesting government, law and media, one name crops up an amazing amount.
Tuesday BBC local news
“coming up the workers from the Far East picking fruit in East Yorkshire because local workers cannot be found”
the workers shown was a headscarf woman and a guy identifying as Nepali.
Em Nepal is not the Far East it’s South Asia
I would err more on Middle Asia, if it existed outside the LotR franchise. But it does seem a scag load of Asia heads up a long way through Russia.
The region consists of the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
I see you Wiki, and complement you…
Kipling and twain (not Mark).
Seems a pity there is not an East East or West East, though the latter does now cover Bradford and the ground floor of W1A.
What fruit is currently growing in Yorkshire?
Marina ?
Oh, Howard
I think we’ve cracked it this time
This bunch?
Rhubarb, have you never heard of the rhubarb triangle?
Before the Eastern Europeans came over I used to see several minibuses heading from Birmingham to the Vale of Evesham full of ‘locals’ off to do some picking for the day.One of the minibuses was an old Jesus Army one although the vinyls had been removed you could still make out the words it always made me smile when I saw it full of men wearing turbans.
Presenter “they used to get strawberry pickers from the Ukraine and Russia”
(well neither of those are in the eu so there must add been some trickery going on there)
“Our permanent staff are mainly Bulgarian Romanian said Jenny Tasker Harwill farm
This year for seasonal pickers we are having laborers come from as far as Nepal and Indonesia”
presenter said this is a special kind of visa will operate until 2024
Nick Marsden of British Berry Growers making dramatic claims
I wonder if he is a antiBrexit PR man
“we had to throw away 39 million pounds of perfectly good fruit”
actually that’s not a huge amount of money for that industry
Nepalis are working with Indonesians and people from Tajikistan
.. all on at least £10 an hour
Look North on Tuesday evening and as I switched on there was Peter Levy interviewing someone about the cost of living crisis. I didn’t see most on the piece but it seemed to be that BOGOF offers at supermarkets are on ‘unhealthy’ food. Peter said one in 4 people are classed as obese and he was suggesting it was BOGOFS forced on people during these difficult times were to blame. People don’t get fat in a matter of a few weeks, people’s weight and indeed their choices are nothing to do with the present economic situation. Indeed this warm weather should mean nothing is being spent on heating so people should be able to eat.
I go in Sainsbury, Heron Foods, Lidl, Aldi, and One Stop, none of them have 2 for 1 offers.
‘People don’t get fat in a matter of a few weeks’
I unknowingly developed hyperthyroidism and put on 4 stone in less than 3 months after getting married. My GP dismissed the weight gain as ‘good living’.
Other Look North items
Item : Falklands Islands War remembered
that’s PR as news for the weekend’s war memorial ceremonies
– Today’s viewer feedback messages were strange
They all supported yesterday’s item about getting more Covid jabs
That is totally different to when you look at their social media responses.
– 92 year old hospital volunteer
A look around the car park of any supermarket or town centre will show you a display of £10 – 20 000 cars
yeh they are all starving, alongside their i phones,
I recall a time when their was no shame attached to having an old banger to drive around in, no longer
How many of them are on borrowed money though? How many leased, motability, or not even theirs? Don’t forget also that many cars have paradoxically increased in value since they were bought ?
Um, there’s a plane sat on a runway. What’s it waiting for ???? there are only 7 passengers – possibly 6 now that the EU Human Rights lobby has got involved.
Why couldn’t it take off at lunchtime, or teatime. Get the bastards up the steps and strapped in before some other lawyer gets on the phone.
I really believe this Rwanda malarkey is just a bit of window dressing by the government to make us think they’re actually doing something to tackle the illegal immigrant problem. Boris and Pritti will be able to say ‘well we did try’.
Even if this flight takes off, there will probably be appeals by the powerful woke lobby to get them brought back.
Anyway, what’s six illegals compared to the ten thousand who have already arrived this year. BBC figures, so it’s probably many more than that.
Yep Boris and Starmer are both in the same Globalist party
“Rwanda asylum flight cancelled after legal action”
Well there we are!
Who is running this country ?
We need to ‘drain the swamp’ and get a proper government and prime minister in to parliament.
The present lot are not fit to run a bath .
How say you Tory Voters ?
Now that the pound has hit a significant new low of £1.20 against the dollar I wonder if the craven and useless excuse for a Prime Minister will be making speech akin to the one a previous Labour leader gave which became known as “The pound in your pocket”.
At this point the pound was worth more than double what it currently is at $2.40
In WWII when Churchill pegged the value of the pound to the dollar it was at $4.03
So far as I can tell this is the lowest level the pound has ever fallen to, and Boris owes everyone in the country an explanation as to why he has allowed this to happen.
Alas there does not appear to be anyone in parliament with even an ounce of economic or commercial nous at all.
” lowest level the pound has ever fallen to”
bet it was lower about 2 years ago
1.16 … 20th March 2020 (a short blip)
..1.20 ..10th August 2019
… 1.216 … 10 March 2017 It was about that for 6 months
Lenny miffed that Clive will be played by John Simpson in the docudrama ‘Helmut Hero of Kviv’?
Wait until she learns what can happen to Christian churches on that benighted continent of bbc selective diversity training.
Lenny on it? Maybe a musical?
he Drop: ‘Streetwear fashion will be more gender-fluid in the future’
A more diverse range of streetwear designers will cause a “breakdown of the typical masculine domain of streetwear”, one expert says.
So the BBC accepts using Surkeer wa# not working on a LabourSez basis, and hence…
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
The coverage of the EU Ministers visiting Kyiv was enough to make you weep. The BBC covered the empty promises as if the EU was the saviour of Ukraine!
See for full details.
Nord Stream 1 says gas supplies to Europe via pipeline continue
Gatwick: Passenger with restricted mobility dies leaving flight
hint hint, the bBC mentioned about disabled passengers waiting the other day. Couldn’t quite go that far with this “report” and mentioning delays, but almost
Building it up for the solicitors to pickup the case, where theres a blame theres a claim
EU enlargement
Enlargement policy applies to countries currently aspiring to join the EU and potential candidates. The prospect of membership is a powerful stimulus for democratic and economic reforms in countries that want to become EU members.
Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro have been waiting for over 10 years. EU candidacy is a destabilising force because the pro-EU populations just give up on national politics because they believe everything will be fixed when membership happens.
In Turkey the secular population had supported military coups to ensure Attaturk’s legacy against Russian and Islamic subversion. But they became complacent.
The BBC is in talks with the European Broadcasting Union “to potentially host the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest” in the UK.
The show’s organisers have concluded, after a “full assessment and feasibility study”, that next year’s event cannot be held in the winning country, Ukraine.