The succession candidates don’t get much attention beyond softball vacuous puffery.
Joe’s going to go down the Air Force One stairs on his arse + break his neck isn’t he ?
I suspect most Americans have had enough already and It’s a race against time to November and there are a few Democrats who know that – it’s a dangerous time….
Another shocking angle just released of Biden’s fall today reveals what might have caused it
As I’ve said here I’ve witnessed a couple of people fall apart (senility – alzheimers) in the last few years and I’ve had a few twinges about being so hard hearted about the pathos cloud around Joe – but actually – I agree – he is and has been a bent, sticky fingered, nasty piece of work – the Bobulinski interviews topped out that perception for me.
The BBC’s fawning over and water carrying for the Democrats is just putrid. OFCOM are about as independent as the Electoral Commission – another appendage of the self serving/ perpetuating left leaning quangocracy.
“While publicly [WHO] maintains that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’, .. [director-general of the WHO] had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a [Wuhan lab leak]”
This PC/Woke lark seems to be achieving cult-like status. Has Jim Jones risen from his jungle tomb? Mandatory ethnic quotas in all programming, including adverts as well as a get out of jail free card excuse for any criminal activity. And just why the hell did you accept that knighthood Lammy, sorry, Lenny?
Morning all.
Been off grid for a few days. But that didn’t stop the bias-watching just the reporting of it,. So with apologies if covered elsewhere…..
Heard some of Any Questions for the first time in ages. My god, what a biased train crash. The overwhelming Leftoid audience. Cheering and whooping to every utterance of the Labour woman, boos and stony silence for the Tory.
Flagrant bias, proven when participants said more or less the same thing yet got wildly different audience reaction.
I sensed even Mason or what the presenter’s name was felt a bit embarrassed.
A total BBC disgrace.
We on this site should have a competition. Switch on Radio 4 and see how long it takes to spot the agenda. See who can get the quickest time.
This morning, no minute hand was needed.
The radio alarm came on and within a matter of seconds Toady on Sunday almost immediately featured a bisexual man talking to a Lesbian Sikh.
What are the chances of that?
As we all know on the BBC, extremely high.
No excuse, but an example of why media-installed senile gnomes who overuse ‘solidarity’ should not get their notes prepped by Paul Brand’s boyfriends’ Irish opposite numbers.
Three months in Ireland this year and a dosing with Irish politicians … they are beyond parody – truly ….
Here’s one in action recently in Cork
🚨 BREAKING NEWS | An Irish politician has been arrested after trying to board British naval vessel HMS Enterprise, a survey ship, in Cork Harbour. Here's a clip of the incident.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire bulletins on the mega solar farm plan
The BBC groupthink is that they are some crusading org saving the world so they are apt to work with Green PR
News which carries both sides; one against one is good
but today R Lincs didn’t do it that way. Instead bulletins had a clip from one side.
and the clip from the anti-solarfarm side seemed to be edited to be very weak
– 7am news did feature the weak clip from the anti-solar woman “They have made some SMALL changes to the amount of land, having had to put some mitigation so that they don’t use using prime agricultural land”
– 8am clip of the Solar corp’s PR woman “we’ve made these concessions” *
– 9am clip of the Solar corp’s PR woman doing a hyper Global Warming spiel
– 10am. 11am same weak clip from the anti-solar woman
8am Solar corp’s PR woman said
“We have made a number of changes,”
: “reduced the area by over 100 hectares” I reckon that still leaves 90% of the planned 1000
: “Removed battery storage” .. well it was a fire risk, and probably they haven’t got the subsidy they wanted for it
; “4.7Km of permissive paths” …
Saturday morning’s news promoted the Lincoln XR meeting and made out it was less radical than it was.
Local radio and Police busy promoting Mablethorpe Pride weekend festival
1 Like
The rain hasn’t put off the crowds in Mablethorpe for MABOP – the town’s first Pride event – with live music, drag acts and lots of fun on the high street today 🏳️🌈
— BBC Radio Lincolnshire (@BBCRadioLincs) June 18, 2022
We hope that everyone in Mablethorpe is #ReadyToParty for this weekend’s #Pride
If you want to pop along to say hello we’re based near Wellington Road… Lots of great photo opps and we’ll even let you try on some of our hats! #LGBT#LincsPolice 🌈
I presume that BBC regional radio + TV appendages do this promotional stuff themselves – but I also wonder if there is a set of guidelines pushed out from Broadcasting House prescribing the way they go about it and what’s in and what isn’t?
Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys for promoting homosexuality
By David Gritten
BBC News
Published4 days ago
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
moggie, definitely no TV, images are verboten, no sex scenes and female presenters covered from head to toe for radio and definitely no pop music. Call to prayer broadcast every day, five times a day, and readings from the Koran.
‘Ms. Marvel is the best-reviewed series in Disney Plus’s MCU, and now just 1% shy of being the highest scoring show or movie, outside of Black Panther.’
Well, there’s your answer. The reviews are fake wokery praising something racist for purely agenda reasons. Same as Black Panther which is absolute rubbish.
‘.. why? It certainly isn’t because the show isn’t good. ‘. LMAO.
The author then goes through a list of reasons why nobody is watching it. Including how everyone is racist.
The one reason – and the actual reason IMHO – the author does not consider is that the excellent reviews are the result of racist groupthink BECAUSE she is a Muslim. Whereas in reality it’s all woke rubbish that nobody except a small minority wants.
I totally give up with these people. They are complete idiots who should be told to shut up and go away. Putin must laugh to himself if he reads things like this.
He is obviously aware that the militant left-wing rail unions are trying to start a phoney fight with the Conservative Government to try to embroil them into the activist plot in an effort to paint them as the “baddies” and lose them public support.
Meanwhile, Labour are squeaking away in the background with their hands tied behind their back. If they support the Strikers they will have the wrath of the travelling public on their heads. If they oppose the action they will have the wrath of the other militant unions on their heads.
The rail union barons are determined to try to escalate this into an “oppressed” Unions v Conservative Government thing and “strikey” grumbles are now coming for those hardy annuals The Teachers Unions.
My guess is that the Civil Service Unions will be next to step into the ring.
The simple issue is that having failed so far to throw Boris into the lake, this is just another organised anti-Conservative left-wing attack.
However, I think these militant Red unions are about to step into a trap of their own making. They will simply antagonise the majority of Joe Public many of whom on much lower remuneration are still trying to get their economic lives in order after the fiasco that was Covid. I believe any public support will melt quicker than snow in June.
If Surkeer decides to go with the flow in hopes of damaging Boris he will be throwing away any hope of increasing labour’s share of the voting public.
The only viable route for Labour is to mimic the Conservatives and say “nuffin to do wiv us!”
This would turn it into a straight fight between the Unions and the Public which is the last thing the Unions want.
“SIR KEIR Starmer has been accused of hypocrisy after leaked documents reveal he privately supported striking rail workers – while publicly claiming to regret the chaos they are about to unleash.”
“The new head of the British Army has issued a rallying cry to troops – telling them they need to be ready to face Russia on the battlefield.
Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, who started the job last week, addressed all ranks and civil servants in an internal message on 16 June, seen by the BBC.”
Nice diplomatic start to his role, towards a country we are supposed to be at peace with.
No criticism from war mongering BBC.
“Russia spends about 4.14% of its gross domestic product on its military, while the UK spends about 2.33%, according to data from IISS Global Military Balance 2020.”
BBC just talking percentages again..
From Wikipedia
GDP (US$ million) by country
UK 3,376,003
Russia 1,829,050
So roughly we spend about the same as Russia already?
Makes me wonder where all our money went.
In WW2 during winter Russian troops were given white smocks except those in punishment battalions who wore the standard brown great coat. When they attacked the great coats drew the fire off the white smocks. Just an idea.
Looks like Johnson is pinning future electoral success as a warrior standing up to the Russian Bear. British involvement will gain initial support until the bodies start piling up.
I see GB News has Mr Tatchell of the Gays supporting sending our soldiers to liberate Ukraine. ‘We have to defend those under attack’
‘We must do everything in our power to avoid war or escalate existing war.’
Peter Tatchell discusses whether he is ‘comfortable’ with British troops potentially fighting in Europe.
I expect that our ratio of civil servants to troops is much higher than the Russians will be. Also our civil servants will earn at least three times what a squaddie earns . Those boys and girls in Whitehall will soak up money like blotting paper and I’m sure that they just get in the way of the services.
Things would probably be much more efficient if we paid them to work from home but took away all their means of communication.
Meanwhile our head in the clouds fantasy land excuse for a Prime Minister believes electricity is generated by fairy dust and unicorn droppings.
Story also in the Financial Times (pay walled)
The German government said on Sunday it would pass emergency laws to reopen mothballed coal plants for electricity generation and auction gas supplies to industry to incentivise businesses to curb consumption. The move illustrated the depth of concern in Berlin over possible gas shortages in the winter months.
“This is bitter but in this situation essential to lower the use of gas,” said German economic minister Robert Habeck, a member of the Green party.
I’m still digesting the news from Neil Oliver that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change latest report shows that there has been no increase in global temperature since 1998, 25 years !
Surely , as Mr Oliver suggested , that fact from the climate change ultimate authority , the IPCC, ought to trigger widespread debate as to the veracity of the models which have been predicting irreversible warming for the last several decades.
A demonstrable fact is worth the predictions of a thousand models. At least it was when I was a scientist . But the climate change lobby wanted it suppressed and will now ignore it. I expect that any mention of it on the internet will be dealt with in the same way doubts about vaccines have been.
DT, do you have a link to that report by Neil Oliver, or a date/time when it went live please?
I’m just curious to know more about what exactly he said, as that would be utterly gobsmacking, if true!
The UN IPCC has been one of the leading advocates of world action re ‘climate change’, and were completely behind the 1.5oC warming=end of the world narrative at COP26. If they have indeed said there’s been no appreciable warming since 1998 (as you say, the last quarter of a century), then that needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Not that I agree with the RMT strike.
But when a government sits idly by while inflation rockets to 10% leaving most private sector savers and pensioners staring at an irretrievable loss of around 5- 7.5% this year it’s pretty obvious that the useless Tories are handing it to them on a plate.
Worst of it is that it is all quite deliberate with the Bank of England using inflation as a policy to reduce the real value of the massive government debt.
2 trillion isn’t much when it can only buy a few loaves of bread. Ask Zimbabwe.
Kamala Khan is Marvel’s first Muslim superhero headliner, played by 19-year-old Pakistani-Canadian actress Iman Vellani.
She tells the BBC Asian Network’s Haroon Rashid it’s exciting to bring in “an entirely new diaspora” of fans into the MCU.
“We had so many conversations, the directors and I, just incorporating so much of my real life and real life experiences. I feel like I totally lived Kamala’s life,” Iman adds.
A year after Saudi Arabia’s women won the right to drive, life hasn’t improved. The longstanding ban on women driving was lifted at midnight on June 24, allowing women to no longer need to rely on men to move around.24 Jun 2019
But behind the celebrations lay larger issues. Despite renewed freedoms on the road, in the year since the ban was ended, Saudi women remain subject to strict guardianship laws that prohibit them from making many basic decisions without the permission of a male relative.
And some of the very activists who fought for their rights have been languishing behind bars. Here’s what to know a year after the ban on female drivers was lifted.
Perhaps you should take a look at the breathtaking stupidity of the Obama / Biden regime which said if the presidency meant anything at all they would make Saudi and MBS a pariah state. Now next month sees the Biden begging tour for more oil because the breathtaking stupidity of Obama / Biden who on the very first day on the Presidency began to destroy Americas fuel independence which Trump had built up.
The Saudi regime just executed 81 people – so why is Boris Johnson cosying up to it?
This article is more than 3 months oldMaya Foa
The UK needs to reduce its reliance on Russian oil. But the answer is not a kingdom that has just staged its largest mass execution
Maya Foa is the director of the human rights charity Reprieve
“Fina bars transgender swimmers from women’s elite events if they went through male puberty”
About time some body “stepped in” with some common sense.
Perhaps our WOKE government and our Heritage & Culture minister will have the ‘beach balls’ to follow suit?
And as soon as the first legal case is brought Fina will be forced to back down.
EU law (which is still what the UK follows) says that for all LEGAL purposes someone who has undergone gender reassignment must be treated as the new gender.
So it’s simple they are breaking the law and will lose any legal case brought against them.
They would however be better testing for testosterone and barring anyone who has too high a level according to Sharon Davies she would have been banned if her level was as high the trans competitor so they should use the law to their advantage and treat someone for the purpose of the law in the same way they would treat a female and argue it that way.
I was reading a Wilbur Smith novel today, about Mozambique and Zimbabwe, how both of them went down the swannee when the colonials got the elbow. Not one ex colony in Africa is in as good a state as when they were a colony. Anyway one quote sticks in my mind ” socialism only works when the capitalists pay for it, and run it”
SImple, the adult version of the child catcher offers them “free stuff” and voters are too stupid to realise they’re being hadd over.
Same as happened in Australia – Free stuff, we’ll cap electricity prices, and now they’re having rolling black outs, and it only took labour about 3 weeks to achieve that !
BBC local news Saturday : long item on Falkland’s war commemorations in Hull
A surprise there a step away from usual lefty dogma.
It was ITV that did the lefty dogma
“Here we are in London with the Lincoln people protesting about the Cost Of Living crisis”
(That was a Labour union event; no strokes to stop people getting there )
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 12:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hello wwfc Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio Bandarrinha, 20 – funny names, I…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 11:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 …….related to the actions of another member of his staff. I have her permission to post this tweet.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Russian blogers take on the current situation in the Kursk region of Russia after last years Ukraine invasion. Russians using…
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
not anytime soon.
The succession candidates don’t get much attention beyond softball vacuous puffery.
Joe’s going to go down the Air Force One stairs on his arse + break his neck isn’t he ?
I suspect most Americans have had enough already and It’s a race against time to November and there are a few Democrats who know that – it’s a dangerous time….
lol – I would feel sorry for the senile old duffer if he wasn’t such a nasty and unpleasant person.
I notice the BBC describe the event but then spend 2/3 of the article trying to restore his credibility.
I’m starting to despise what OFCOM stand for more than the BBC these days.
As I’ve said here I’ve witnessed a couple of people fall apart (senility – alzheimers) in the last few years and I’ve had a few twinges about being so hard hearted about the pathos cloud around Joe – but actually – I agree – he is and has been a bent, sticky fingered, nasty piece of work – the Bobulinski interviews topped out that perception for me.
The BBC’s fawning over and water carrying for the Democrats is just putrid. OFCOM are about as independent as the Electoral Commission – another appendage of the self serving/ perpetuating left leaning quangocracy.
WHO nabob opines on where that bug came from
This PC/Woke lark seems to be achieving cult-like status. Has Jim Jones risen from his jungle tomb? Mandatory ethnic quotas in all programming, including adverts as well as a get out of jail free card excuse for any criminal activity. And just why the hell did you accept that knighthood Lammy, sorry, Lenny?
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live right now, 2 presenters 2 guests.
75% are black – tick
75% are woman – tick
25% are disabled – tick
Morning all.
Been off grid for a few days. But that didn’t stop the bias-watching just the reporting of it,. So with apologies if covered elsewhere…..
Heard some of Any Questions for the first time in ages. My god, what a biased train crash. The overwhelming Leftoid audience. Cheering and whooping to every utterance of the Labour woman, boos and stony silence for the Tory.
Flagrant bias, proven when participants said more or less the same thing yet got wildly different audience reaction.
I sensed even Mason or what the presenter’s name was felt a bit embarrassed.
A total BBC disgrace.
We on this site should have a competition. Switch on Radio 4 and see how long it takes to spot the agenda. See who can get the quickest time.
This morning, no minute hand was needed.
The radio alarm came on and within a matter of seconds Toady on Sunday almost immediately featured a bisexual man talking to a Lesbian Sikh.
What are the chances of that?
As we all know on the BBC, extremely high.
(Ooops, apologies to pug @1048)
No excuse, but an example of why media-installed senile gnomes who overuse ‘solidarity’ should not get their notes prepped by Paul Brand’s boyfriends’ Irish opposite numbers.
Three months in Ireland this year and a dosing with Irish politicians … they are beyond parody – truly ….
Here’s one in action recently in Cork
Trouble making left wing shit. Try that on an American ship and he’d end up with as many holes as a Swiss cheese.
Another key difference is GB is funded by public choice.
Lewis Goodhall is paid by the Labour PR dept. via public compulsion.
I agree with Nic.
Not the one who calls passing on stuff he read that suits as news.
BBC Radio Lincolnshire bulletins on the mega solar farm plan
The BBC groupthink is that they are some crusading org saving the world so they are apt to work with Green PR
News which carries both sides; one against one is good
but today R Lincs didn’t do it that way. Instead bulletins had a clip from one side.
and the clip from the anti-solarfarm side seemed to be edited to be very weak
– 7am news did feature the weak clip from the anti-solar woman “They have made some SMALL changes to the amount of land, having had to put some mitigation so that they don’t use using prime agricultural land”
– 8am clip of the Solar corp’s PR woman “we’ve made these concessions” *
– 9am clip of the Solar corp’s PR woman doing a hyper Global Warming spiel
– 10am. 11am same weak clip from the anti-solar woman
8am Solar corp’s PR woman said
“We have made a number of changes,”
: “reduced the area by over 100 hectares” I reckon that still leaves 90% of the planned 1000
: “Removed battery storage” .. well it was a fire risk, and probably they haven’t got the subsidy they wanted for it
; “4.7Km of permissive paths” …
Saturday morning’s news promoted the Lincoln XR meeting and made out it was less radical than it was.
libmob re opposed to Rwanda
.. So they are opposed to measure that are aimed at reducing gangsters human trafficking ?
Local radio and Police busy promoting Mablethorpe Pride weekend festival
1 Like
Most tweets about the festival come from those two orgs
I presume that BBC regional radio + TV appendages do this promotional stuff themselves – but I also wonder if there is a set of guidelines pushed out from Broadcasting House prescribing the way they go about it and what’s in and what isn’t?
Seems awfully same-y across the land.
Saudi authorities seize rainbow toys for promoting homosexuality
By David Gritten
BBC News
Published4 days ago
A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager.
A judge gave the go-ahead for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.
Lawyers will argue children cannot give informed consent to treatment delaying puberty or helping them to transition.
The Tavistock said it always took a cautious approach to treatment.
What’s with all the quotes from grumpy ga-ga Gordon Broon appearing all around the place?
It were bound to ‘appen
Reminds me of what a colleague once said about something which was broken:
‘Fucking fucker’s fucked.’
Has the BBC moved from news to social engineering …. YES.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Has the BBC ever lied to me …. YES.
“Gavin Hewitt in 2015 replacing video with still photos to hide a nasty refugee pushing a pregnant female refugee and small child onto a train track, the BBC made it look like the border guards were being tough.”
Has the BBC ever hidden news from me …. YES.
“May 2018 the Day of Freedom march was not reported on the main website or the main news channel and is not available on the BBC £3.5bn online search page – other news agencies including the Guardian reported it.”
Has the BBC kept the public in the dark …. YES.
“We know that the UK MP expenses continues and should be investigated with the £3.5bn BBC New Service every year to keep the MPs on their toes, David Lammy bought a bike for £650 on expenses (Claim Ref:387540/17oct2014) which is blatant misuse of Tax Payer Money. How come the BBC don’t check up each year?”
Has the BBC ignored politician’s lies …. YES.
“UK Politicians are on TV shouting austerity and recession but all have taken an 18% pay increase from 2010 to 2018. How can they talk for the people when the live in their own bubble?”
Has the BBC let journalist break their guidelines …. YES.
“Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker uses his twitter account to say Brexit is bad, EU is good. But not once has he confronted Jacob Rees-Mogg or Nigel Farage to talk about it. It is a one sided echo chamber.”
I’d be interested to know how long the BBC thinks it would last under Sharia law.
moggie, definitely no TV, images are verboten, no sex scenes and female presenters covered from head to toe for radio and definitely no pop music. Call to prayer broadcast every day, five times a day, and readings from the Koran.
That sounds about as entertaining as it is now, then.
Not BBC but it’s the same.
Why ‘Ms. Marvel’ Viewership Is Reportedly Much Lower Than Other MCU Series
‘Ms. Marvel is the best-reviewed series in Disney Plus’s MCU, and now just 1% shy of being the highest scoring show or movie, outside of Black Panther.’
Well, there’s your answer. The reviews are fake wokery praising something racist for purely agenda reasons. Same as Black Panther which is absolute rubbish.
‘.. why? It certainly isn’t because the show isn’t good. ‘. LMAO.
The author then goes through a list of reasons why nobody is watching it. Including how everyone is racist.
The one reason – and the actual reason IMHO – the author does not consider is that the excellent reviews are the result of racist groupthink BECAUSE she is a Muslim. Whereas in reality it’s all woke rubbish that nobody except a small minority wants.
I totally give up with these people. They are complete idiots who should be told to shut up and go away. Putin must laugh to himself if he reads things like this.
There probably aren’t too many whites at grime and drill festivals. Wonder why not? Westwood used to go, but we don’t talk about him any more.
It’s good to see that Grant Shapps is not falling for the Rail Unions gotcha over strikes.
Rail strikes: Not for government to intervene – Shapps
He is obviously aware that the militant left-wing rail unions are trying to start a phoney fight with the Conservative Government to try to embroil them into the activist plot in an effort to paint them as the “baddies” and lose them public support.
Meanwhile, Labour are squeaking away in the background with their hands tied behind their back. If they support the Strikers they will have the wrath of the travelling public on their heads. If they oppose the action they will have the wrath of the other militant unions on their heads.
The rail union barons are determined to try to escalate this into an “oppressed” Unions v Conservative Government thing and “strikey” grumbles are now coming for those hardy annuals The Teachers Unions.
My guess is that the Civil Service Unions will be next to step into the ring.
The simple issue is that having failed so far to throw Boris into the lake, this is just another organised anti-Conservative left-wing attack.
However, I think these militant Red unions are about to step into a trap of their own making. They will simply antagonise the majority of Joe Public many of whom on much lower remuneration are still trying to get their economic lives in order after the fiasco that was Covid. I believe any public support will melt quicker than snow in June.
If Surkeer decides to go with the flow in hopes of damaging Boris he will be throwing away any hope of increasing labour’s share of the voting public.
The only viable route for Labour is to mimic the Conservatives and say “nuffin to do wiv us!”
This would turn it into a straight fight between the Unions and the Public which is the last thing the Unions want.
“SIR KEIR Starmer has been accused of hypocrisy after leaked documents reveal he privately supported striking rail workers – while publicly claiming to regret the chaos they are about to unleash.”
“Rail strikes: Not for government to intervene – Shapps”
But they seen intent on micro managing every other aspect of our lives..
“Treasury ministers also warn that if pay goes up too much, it could just make inflation worse.”
Not to be confused with the government flooding the country with money during their hysrerical covid response.
BBC, as usual refraining to say exactly how much pay the rail workers earn, and how much they want, just % this and that.
New UK Army chief issues Russia rallying cry
“The new head of the British Army has issued a rallying cry to troops – telling them they need to be ready to face Russia on the battlefield.
Gen Sir Patrick Sanders, who started the job last week, addressed all ranks and civil servants in an internal message on 16 June, seen by the BBC.”
Nice diplomatic start to his role, towards a country we are supposed to be at peace with.
No criticism from war mongering BBC.
“Russia spends about 4.14% of its gross domestic product on its military, while the UK spends about 2.33%, according to data from IISS Global Military Balance 2020.”
BBC just talking percentages again..
From Wikipedia
GDP (US$ million) by country
UK 3,376,003
Russia 1,829,050
So roughly we spend about the same as Russia already?
Makes me wonder where all our money went.
Diversity Officers ! Wonder how well equipped they are going to be to face Russian troops, personally I’d have them in the front line!
As for Russian defence spending, they might spend it, but how much actually reaches the actual military?
If we apply the same model they used in Iraq – a British taxpayer funded funfair will be erected in Kyiv.
In WW2 during winter Russian troops were given white smocks except those in punishment battalions who wore the standard brown great coat. When they attacked the great coats drew the fire off the white smocks. Just an idea.
Looks like Johnson is pinning future electoral success as a warrior standing up to the Russian Bear. British involvement will gain initial support until the bodies start piling up.
I see GB News has Mr Tatchell of the Gays supporting sending our soldiers to liberate Ukraine. ‘We have to defend those under attack’
I wonder if he’s ever done anything for his country – although I suppose lying back and thinking of England might count.
Equality within status quo is not liberation
London, UK – 26 June 2019
Pride has sold its soul to rainbow-branded capitalism
The Guardian. READ & COMMENT:
2.33% on rainbow tanks.
I expect that our ratio of civil servants to troops is much higher than the Russians will be. Also our civil servants will earn at least three times what a squaddie earns . Those boys and girls in Whitehall will soak up money like blotting paper and I’m sure that they just get in the way of the services.
Things would probably be much more efficient if we paid them to work from home but took away all their means of communication.
Energy Crisis: Germany to Ration Use of Gas for Electricity Production, Increase Coal Burning
Meanwhile our head in the clouds fantasy land excuse for a Prime Minister believes electricity is generated by fairy dust and unicorn droppings.
Story also in the Financial Times (pay walled)
The German government said on Sunday it would pass emergency laws to reopen mothballed coal plants for electricity generation and auction gas supplies to industry to incentivise businesses to curb consumption. The move illustrated the depth of concern in Berlin over possible gas shortages in the winter months.
“This is bitter but in this situation essential to lower the use of gas,” said German economic minister Robert Habeck, a member of the Green party.
I’m still digesting the news from Neil Oliver that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change latest report shows that there has been no increase in global temperature since 1998, 25 years !
Surely , as Mr Oliver suggested , that fact from the climate change ultimate authority , the IPCC, ought to trigger widespread debate as to the veracity of the models which have been predicting irreversible warming for the last several decades.
A demonstrable fact is worth the predictions of a thousand models. At least it was when I was a scientist . But the climate change lobby wanted it suppressed and will now ignore it. I expect that any mention of it on the internet will be dealt with in the same way doubts about vaccines have been.
DT, do you have a link to that report by Neil Oliver, or a date/time when it went live please?
I’m just curious to know more about what exactly he said, as that would be utterly gobsmacking, if true!
The UN IPCC has been one of the leading advocates of world action re ‘climate change’, and were completely behind the 1.5oC warming=end of the world narrative at COP26. If they have indeed said there’s been no appreciable warming since 1998 (as you say, the last quarter of a century), then that needs to be shouted from the rooftops!
Mercedes + BMW have a crash program to field directly fueled bituminous charcoal / lignite powered vehicles.
Britain however is ahead of the game – looks like it’s called “Mildred”
Not that I agree with the RMT strike.
But when a government sits idly by while inflation rockets to 10% leaving most private sector savers and pensioners staring at an irretrievable loss of around 5- 7.5% this year it’s pretty obvious that the useless Tories are handing it to them on a plate.
Worst of it is that it is all quite deliberate with the Bank of England using inflation as a policy to reduce the real value of the massive government debt.
2 trillion isn’t much when it can only buy a few loaves of bread. Ask Zimbabwe.
MPs to get £2,200 pay rise next month
Published1 March
What for ?
We are obviously paying too much in tax
Lucy Pevensey
……………..& Telly Tax?
Kamala Khan is Marvel’s first Muslim superhero headliner, played by 19-year-old Pakistani-Canadian actress Iman Vellani.
She tells the BBC Asian Network’s Haroon Rashid it’s exciting to bring in “an entirely new diaspora” of fans into the MCU.
“We had so many conversations, the directors and I, just incorporating so much of my real life and real life experiences. I feel like I totally lived Kamala’s life,” Iman adds.
A year after Saudi Arabia’s women won the right to drive, life hasn’t improved. The longstanding ban on women driving was lifted at midnight on June 24, allowing women to no longer need to rely on men to move around.24 Jun 2019
But behind the celebrations lay larger issues. Despite renewed freedoms on the road, in the year since the ban was ended, Saudi women remain subject to strict guardianship laws that prohibit them from making many basic decisions without the permission of a male relative.
And some of the very activists who fought for their rights have been languishing behind bars. Here’s what to know a year after the ban on female drivers was lifted.
Perhaps you should take a look at the breathtaking stupidity of the Obama / Biden regime which said if the presidency meant anything at all they would make Saudi and MBS a pariah state. Now next month sees the Biden begging tour for more oil because the breathtaking stupidity of Obama / Biden who on the very first day on the Presidency began to destroy Americas fuel independence which Trump had built up.
The Saudi regime just executed 81 people – so why is Boris Johnson cosying up to it?
This article is more than 3 months oldMaya Foa
The UK needs to reduce its reliance on Russian oil. But the answer is not a kingdom that has just staged its largest mass execution
Maya Foa is the director of the human rights charity Reprieve
“Fina bars transgender swimmers from women’s elite events if they went through male puberty”
About time some body “stepped in” with some common sense.
Perhaps our WOKE government and our Heritage & Culture minister will have the ‘beach balls’ to follow suit?
And as soon as the first legal case is brought Fina will be forced to back down.
EU law (which is still what the UK follows) says that for all LEGAL purposes someone who has undergone gender reassignment must be treated as the new gender.
So it’s simple they are breaking the law and will lose any legal case brought against them.
They would however be better testing for testosterone and barring anyone who has too high a level according to Sharon Davies she would have been banned if her level was as high the trans competitor so they should use the law to their advantage and treat someone for the purpose of the law in the same way they would treat a female and argue it that way.
I was reading a Wilbur Smith novel today, about Mozambique and Zimbabwe, how both of them went down the swannee when the colonials got the elbow. Not one ex colony in Africa is in as good a state as when they were a colony. Anyway one quote sticks in my mind ” socialism only works when the capitalists pay for it, and run it”
Why vote socialist?
SImple, the adult version of the child catcher offers them “free stuff” and voters are too stupid to realise they’re being hadd over.
Same as happened in Australia – Free stuff, we’ll cap electricity prices, and now they’re having rolling black outs, and it only took labour about 3 weeks to achieve that !
I see Micron has failed to secure a majority in French elections and Le Penn has made stong gains.
Not over yet the morning will perhaps tell more.
Perhaps the morning will bring Micron more votes – US style
BBC local news Saturday : long item on Falkland’s war commemorations in Hull
A surprise there a step away from usual lefty dogma.
It was ITV that did the lefty dogma
“Here we are in London with the Lincoln people protesting about the Cost Of Living crisis”
(That was a Labour union event; no strokes to stop people getting there )
BBC local news Sunday : another Falkland’s war commemoration
A surprise there a step away from usual lefty dogma.
Whereas ITV did the PRasNews
#1 Yet another item saying “we need more BLACK blood donors”
#2 Prostate cancer charity
#3 Wildlife Trust item
Oh ITV did do a bit on Falkland’s war commemorations
BBC demographics
Main news : white male anchor … weather : white male
Local news : Asian female anchor … weather : black female
Is black blood different from white blood? I thought Alf Garnett was joking about it, does it turn out to be true after all?
Wise man, that Alf.