Yes, taffman, you could be right on that although I thought it was Cameron or May who said that. IF they didn’t say it, they probably or definitely thought it. Boris could well have said it but as things stand, with the Conservatives in Government threatening to significantly self-harm, electorally-wise, I think the entire Parliamentary Conservative Party should be in the ‘box’ that is the Waiting Room for seeing a really good therapist who could sort out their present (rooted in the past) suicidal tendencies.
I’m getting very picky at what I watch now on GBN. There are a few brilliant presenters, but I do wonder what numbnut behind the scenes decides to book Lizzy Cundy and Daniella Westbrook as serious panellists on intelligent discussion shows. What the likes of Andrew Pierce must think, when he was paired with Dopy Cundy today on Nana Mouskouri’s show, I’d like to know.
The BBC does not report news … it generates it (Savile/Brand/Pay Gap) … and is busy changing the country via social engineering …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Presumably you mean 50% of those who identify as women. Knowing the BBC of that 50% they will want half to be men claiming to be women.
The world , well the Anglo Saxon world has gone mad.
There have been developments. Apparently, 9 new genders have been discovered overnight, bringing the total to 159 or one for each £ of the TV license fee. The organisation the BBC turned to for this deranged nonsense is called Global(ist) Butterflies, who are also in cahoots with the government and big commercial organisations.
Ian, knowing children as I do, I guess that the BBC might not like what children do with a gingerbread ‘man’ when it is on their plate and they have a knife in their hands. 😉
“The BBC is now a joke. It has become the mouthpiece of the woke, politically correct, liberal fantasists. To have a lecturer tell staff that there were 150 genders is ridiculous and quite frankly incorrect biologically. Our money has been spent on this nonsense and it must stop. We should split the BBC up into saleable lots and sell it on the open market ensuring that the State has no ownership or say in any of it. The proportion of white to Black or Brown presenters is not representative of the population in the country where whites are dominant with 80%. This publicly paid waffle and propaganda must stop.”
Article yesterday in the Daily Mail, where they reported that because of lockdowns children are going to school in shopping trollies because they never learned to walk and whole classes of 5 year olds wearing nappies because of lockdowns. I don’t believe a word. But then the Times today is full of the backbenchers rebelling without mention of which ones and no mention of Brexit. I don’t trust the BBC and I don’t trust the press. I get better knowledge from reading this site.
I was disappointed the Daily Sceptic was linking to the DM article which seemed to be written to an agenda to rewrite history. Yet the Daily Mail was one of the papers which was screaming loudest for lockdowns at the time.
tomo , Nibor & Deborah
“The BBC also supports over 100 agendas , all liberal/ left globalist.”
The Tory Government ………………..
What’s Nadine Dorries doing about our heritage, culture and The BBC ?
What’s Pritti Patel doing about the security of our borders ?
What indeed is Boris Doing about Brexit ?
Its about time we had a Conservative Government running this country not the ‘Limp Dems’ .
How say you all ?
Deb, my niece is a Head Teacher in Notts, and pulls no punches when being vocal to parents who send their children to school without having basic functions. Thankfully she finds its a small occurrence, but happens at the start of every school year when tots start proper school with a nappy on, barely know their own name and certainly are unable to use a knife and fork.
When parents register their child for school she has impressed the need for them to be toilet trained, but sometimes to no avail.
I cancelled my long standing Times subscription years ago because I found their Remainer obsession too much to bear. The Telegraph has been sliding leftward for years and despite readership protests continues to do so. The Mail has a newish editor and is much less pro Leave than it was.
I suspect that GB News has plenty of lefties on to keep Ofcom happy. As Brissels mentions above there are some GBN shows that are pretty much normal MSM lies and dross but Steyn, Farage, Wootton and Brazier are the ones I watch.
Double – funny – the times is running an offer for £1 a month for 4 months which ends Tuesday – but then jumps to £26 a month thereafter – maybe I should leave that ?
As for GBNews – they must be paranoid about tick boxing for OFCOM – free speech is the UK ? What a joke ,,,
The BBC is so pro abortion that its’ unquestioning support for Row v Wade in a foreign country is – embarrassing …
I wonder how abortion numbers across – say – the last 4 years in UK / US figure . Have ladies been keeping their legs closed because of brexit / covid ? ( you d need to separate of the Fatima s and ‘Mohammed’s ‘ )
“NI Protocol: MPs to vote on plans to ditch parts of Brexit deal”
Scrap the bloody lot !
Who the heck put that deal into operation ? We voted to leave . Leave means leave.
I agree. If the EU wants a hard border, let them build it in the Republic of Ireland.
Since that would cause Ireland problems, I think the EU would find that they didn’t need a hard border after all. The only reason they get away with it is because Boris was stupid enough to put a hard border down the Irish Sea.
West Midlands Fire Service believe the incident in Kingstanding, Birmingham, which destroyed a property and left a man with life-threatening injuries was a gas explosion. It “significantly damaged” three other properties. Four people had minor injuries.
Sunday local radio presenters
01:00 Hayley Hassall with BBC Radio 5 live
05:00 Claira Hermet
06:00 Lizzie Rose
10:00 Fiona Mills
14:00 Liz Green
15:00 Rugby League
Richard Stead and Nick Pinkney. ..actual men
#1 “Boris has DEFENDED talk of a third term”
“asked if it was delusional he said”
clip of Ed Davie Liberal leader attacking Boris
#2 Hull *Labour MP* Karl The Milkshaker Turner has warmed we could face more strikes in the summer
… Clip Karl Turner doing his union leader impressions
#3 “Communities of ALL BACKGROUNDS will bewelcomed at the Great Get Together to remember Jo Cox”
clip of * Hull :Labour MP* Emma Hardy
“This year the theme is Welcome .welcoming all into our community ..welcoming DIFFERENT people togther to show we have more in common”
#5 BBC has apologised for omitting the first hour of the Paul McCartney set at Glasto
(They love talking about themselves)
Hooray ! – the G7 rallies over Russia. Does that mean Ukraine will win now ?.
Somehow I think the G7 is not quite going to be the ‘rally’ the BBC are telling us. I bet a few countries are thinking about their gas supply after the war ends and if Ukraine is really worth the price.
But back to the missiles:
‘A Kyiv apartment block was destroyed, killing at least one and wounding six others including a seven-year-old girl.’
How can you destroy an apartment block and only one person died ?. And I’m surprised the wounded 7 year old girl wasn’t holding her new puppy on her Birthday.
Meanwhile on that same day, around 200 Ukranian soldiers were blown to pieces by shells, shot through the head or otherwise killed. But the BBC don’t care about them one bit because they much prefer stories about children as they can be loaded with empathy.
Ukranian soldiers are almost completely ignored by the BBC now. I wonder how many of those women in uniform the BBC showed us every day just before it started actually ever fired a shot.
And look at this:
With the caption: ‘A missile caused this crater in a residential area of Kharkiv on Sunday’
It looked suspicious to me as it’s full of water already and very little damage around it – particularly the windows of the buildings. And then I saw the filename : kharkivcraterreut26jan22.jpg
Just been researching a bit as I don’t trust the BBC one bit over this and it seems that the likely truth is that the cruise missile was on it’s way to another target but collided with the apartment building. It would be on the upper floors hence why only one person died. I thought it was odd how we didn’t get any picture of the building.
The fake picture above is to make us think the missiles are deliberately landing in residential areas while we are not given any details at all of what the other missiles actually hit – which presumably is because it was a legitimate military target.
This picture from Al Jazeera confirms it. I wouldn’t call that apartment block ‘destroyed’. More BBC lies.
The BBC running 0% news, 100% empathy stories about itself. A bit like the BBC giving awards to itself. Incestuously not quite ethical.
Not sure how much I believe anyway after they claimed a woman saw her new boiler and curtains on a Russian tank and managed to get a very good, close-up picture.
They are a bit like Tom Chance in Chance In A Million. The more unlikely it is, the more likely the BBC will say it happened.
‘Will these impossible things happen a lot ?’
‘Quite probably I’m afraid’.
I was amazed to read that the bbc are claiming that the house fire in Birmingham was a “suspected gas explosion”. I thought that it would be a “Deliberately targeted Russian attack on a civilian area”. Everything else seems to be. Considering the amount of ordanance sent to Ukraine, you would think that they would have hit something by now. Not on the bbc, they haven’t; the Ukranians are much too nice for that and the victim status is top trumps at the moment.
You join us on our warmongering Monday – by-proxy – orchestrated by our motley liberal corporate media and led this morning by the standard bearers of the auld alliance, our very own state-sponsored aunty BBC and her longtime companion the red-over-green flag-waving Guardian.
Let me translate… the BBC online newspaper frontpage line up is headed by the Guardian this morning. The Gruan treds a tricky editorial tightrope. Yes, they hate Boris, but yes they also enjoy the continuing Ukraine war – at least insofar as the Guardianistas dare not call for a truce, for a pause in the killing, for peace: Do not give ground on Ukraine, PM tells leaders – of course there has to be a mocking snide coda: Under pressure at home, Johnson uses G7 to warn against deal with Putin
World leaders poked fun at Russian president Vladimir Putin’s macho image – scoffs the freebie metropolitan advertising sheet Metro – World leaders, really? Last time one checked the G7 was just six Nato members plus Japan with the European Union is a ‘non-enumerated member’
Elsewhere on the Graun frontpage it is identity leftist politics as usual: NHS ‘failing south asian people with dementia’ – scare quotes there warn us this bold statement is the opinion of some: alarming review… seen by the Guardian… commissioned by Alzheimer`s Society
And: Roe v Wade – thanks to our lefty press a 1973 legal judgement in America is now more famous over here in Britain than 1977’s Virgina Wade v Betty Stöve match
Now there was a British champion
The media’s somewhat unhealthy obsession with the 19-year-old with more corporate endorsements than tournament wins continues apace: The new queen of Wimbledon Emma Raducanu on her centre court debut today (‘i’)
I suppose as local hero our Emma can be leveraged to top of the bill?
Supreme court has ‘tourched’ its legitimacy say Democrats, as anger grows in US
That Guardian sentiment is shared by the FT, where – as a welcome distraction from stockmarket woes – their Datawatch feature impresses opinion on liberal-minded readers by way of hinting what they ought to think: Court of public opinion % having a great deal/quite a lot of confidence in the US Supreme Court… 20 points down on the year of Roe vs Wade ruling
Because of course James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton et al had abortion in mind as a constitutional right. Well, in the recent rapping foul language stage musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda they might well have done.
Quick puzzle: When can supreme not be the foremost?
Answer: When it is a British court – overuled by a European court.
From Tony Blair’s apparently not-so Supreme court to: Supreme fun Diana Ross makes Worthy Farm explode with disco joy (Guardian) – the headline segueways write themselves this morning.
Glasto blast from past – observes the Daily Mirror unabashedly pandering to the baby boomers: Diana & Macca reign supreme
Golden oldies Ross sparkles after Macca masterclass (‘i’)
Prince Charles is famously a Three Degrees fanboy but “Upside Down” by Diana Ross was in his top 13… Thirteen? Who has a top 13? Oh, the 13 listed are just inclusions in his favourites.
Charles discussed some of his favorite songs from throughout his life, including “Givin’ Up, Givin’ In,” which The Three Degrees performed at his 30th birthday, and which “long ago, used to provide me with an irresistible urge to get up and dance.” (CNN)
He who pays the piper calls the tune, as they say…
Charles ‘cash in bag’ probe. Sheikh in Euros 3m gift (Sun)
Perhaps there is an unseemly ‘money gene ‘ in the House of Windsor? Andy Windsor enjoying the high life courtesy of a billionaire paedophile – now the eldest brother dirtying his hands with Arab readies – with notes which don’t have his mothers ‘picture on them ….
Republicans will have great entertainment when he gets the gig …and the ghost of the ex wife not far away ..
A contact of mine with fairly good connections in the right places offers an insight into Charlie boy’s recent gibbering about slavery. Apparently there is is concern that some countries in the Commonwealth will use the eventual passing of Queen Elizabeth as the excuse to leave that esteemed organisation. However, the hope is that by dangling the carrot of possible reparations, African and Caribbean countries will remain in order to get their hands on some additional filthy lucre to help support the Swiss banking industry.
Re suitcases of cash from rich Arabs… perhaps they are paying reparations to us for the capture and enslavement of British people by the Corsairs of North Africa during the 16th to 18th centuries?
The reason the UK will have the lowest growth in the G7 next year is Brexit. We're not going to reverse the decline until we begin to remove the barriers – economic, social, scientific – that we chose to erect with the rest of our continent. That's not rocket science. Just say it
“remove the barriers” – At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Guest Who
I was interested in science as a kid – but Patrick Moore helped to put me off – the Brian ‘the kid’ cox came along and I thought he might be a bit more ‘Normal’ – but instead he goes all ‘approved ‘ – and got ‘cancelled ‘ or ‘off switched ‘ as they say …
Time to relax and listen to the sweet tones of Diana Ross at ‘Glasto’…
Jon Snow is on my little list , well it started off little but has grown considerable in recent years , of those I want to outlive so as not to miss the rejoicing at news of their death.
After the last week it seems (Ready to govern 🙃) @UKLabour MPs are more at home on the picket lines amongst what seems like Palestinian rail workers , given the flags we saw, or at a music festival screeching on about poverty and climate change amongst all the iPhones and litter
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
What would the blue on blue descriptor of this effort be?
A watermelon refining a media plant correcting a moron.
Well said but obviously your middle point is not true for *every* area and for some constituencies the main contenders don’t include the Tories at all. In other words don’t forget people like Carla Denyer and Caroline Lucas exist 🙂
As for today’s debate in the HoC on the NI Protocol Bill, Jeff Taylor wonders whether any bookies have odds on how may times the terms ‘breaking international law’, ‘law-breaking PM’ and ‘Henry VIII powers’ will be uttered by the remoaners.
‘We have been lied to’: Greta Thunberg Glastonbury address takes aim at ‘greedy’ world leaders
The Swedish activist made a short speech on the Pyramid Stage this afternoon (June 25), taking aim at world leaders for the ongoing climate crisis
Twitter reports that Ghiselle Maxwell has been moved to ‘suicide watch ‘… she must hope the CCTV doesn’t give up and the 2 security guards don’t fall asleep again …. BBC will be getting the obituary updated ?
Her autobiography must be nearly finished …
Today Watch
Simon Jack says the US Supreme Court “removed the Legal Right of Abortion . “Perhaps he should read the judgement … and get himself referred to the BBC lie department ( aka fact checker ) …
…I see also that that amol is in trouble for using the term ‘ pro life ‘ – which is clearly not an appropriate term for not killing babies …
Lawrence Fox banned from twitter again – I think it’s because he put up a picture of what you get if you join 4 ‘rainbow queer ‘ flags together – you get a swastika …( you won’t be seeing that as a kidult ‘emoji’…
One of the many rewards from Brexit is the creation of a number of Freeports.
How many have we got now that we’re out of the EU.
Apparently they are supposed to be a really good thing so surely they must be some up and running by now.
Tomo – so have they managed to bring in different tariffs for different time of day – which I reckon is on the cards if technically possible ( smart meters ?) …
Me – I just want the Smart Meters to charge the “100% renewbabble” folk what it actually costs and then cut them off at night when the wind isn’t blowing – not much to ask?
And the bBC has even opened a Forum, to help people listen to the remainers still going on and on. The likes of the bBC will never help unite, just divide and conquer
At one time I fancied becoming a barrister but when I mentioned to my prof that I looked toward the Criminal Bar he said ‘ why not go to a branch which makes real money ‘…
I was white male hetero and from a ‘modest ‘ background without connections – Masonic or otherwise so I kicked that one into touch .
A lefty class mate of mine switched from being a psychiatric nurse to human rights law so he must be coining it – and maybe a labour MP by now …
Micah Ables | 02.05.19
It took the US infantry fifty-five years and thousands of deaths to abandon the idea of trench warfare. It took the US cavalry twenty-five years to accept that armored tanks were better than horses against a machine gun. It took the US Supreme Court almost sixty years to decide that “separate but equal” was anything but equal and black Americans should attend school alongside white ones. It took America more than 130 years to declare that men and women should have equal voting rights. Just because policies take time and adjustments to “get it right” does not mean that they should be abandoned altogether. Women serving in combat roles is no exception: implementation and standards should be addressed, but the policy aim is right.
Oh how the eco loons in the EU are destroying their own continent, how long will it survive if they fail to back down and show the flexibility needed in the current energy crisis?
America cannot supply Europe with Liquid Natural Gas because of the explosion at the Texas port which means no ships until the end of 2022, too late to bail Germany out of the mess it created for itself.
So it turns to Qatar which has a lot of natural gas, but is running at full capacity with nothing to spare.
If they are to build another terminal and order new ships from South Korea it will take time and cost a lot of money, to the Qatari’s are quite reasonably asking European nations for long term contracts of supply which the EU doesn’t want them to do.
LNG is of course more expensive to produce than pumping the stuff through a pipeline, and then shipping it halfway across the world, it’s also an awful lot more polluting and less Green so the EU don’t want countries to do it.
It would appear that the EU would rather Europe ground to a standstill economically and people froze to death rather than abandon the fantasy of ‘climate change’. This is an absurd position to take. They don’t want to use Russian gas nor do they want to use Qatari Gas, and they don’t want coal either.
There is no other way left open to them other than the lights going out all over Europe because of obstinacy and the fantasy bubble they inhabit. Given the chance they will do what Socialists have always done, kill people on an industrial scale.
Apparently Glasto was ‘the most political ever’. A lot of wailing about what’s going on in the U.S., I understand. What don’t these people get about keeping your damn snout out of other people’s business? No, too busy preening themselves with self-righteousness to notice how pathetic they look, along with the rest of the luvvie media. Blimey, what a bunch.
The scene at New York City’s Stonewall Inn on Saturday, as reported by multiple witnesses on social media, showed how long-simmering tensions between transgender women of color and white gay men have boiled over during the celebration of World Pride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
Not BBC but suspiciously also in the unreformed public sector bracket.
A propos of nothing.
Notwithstanding various things like Grenfell and a gas explosion in Birmingham reported today.
But instances of fires have been in decline for years.
The move away from coal fires. The reduction in smoking and bans at places of work. More fire resistant rules ( bedding, furniture etc) means there are fewer fires.
Now take a look at the Fire Service component of your council tax.
It’s small so never gets noticed. But mine has gone up by way more than the normal council tax year after year. Has yours? Take a look.
So if not for fires, just where is the money being spent? Surely not on full pensions for retirement at 50?
“Manny sweetheart, can you lean forward a bit so I can get Mario and Justin in – yes that’s it darling, bend over for Justin, ha ha! Thank you sweetie, mwah!
Now, on the other side, Joe can you move a bit so I can get Boris in – yes that’s Boris next to you. Yes, you’re Joe – no dear, that’s a newspaper – oh, forget it.”
R4 12 pm “Second Homes in holiday areas (Welsh can’t buy new homes), Hajj Travel Chaos pilgrims whose once in lifetime trip to Mecca has been plunged into uncertainty
and Digging for Pleasure
… (The BBC probably mean Dogging for Pleasure)
If you were British Muslim about to go on Haj
The Sauds have made a sudden last minute decision to change the system
your booking has been cancelled and you go into a lottery procedure
.. Sounds like Saudis are doing a British Muslim ban.
They say it’s an anti-fraud measure
Yasmin Qureshi The Labour MP for Bolton South East is on
Next item PRasNews for Octopus Energy promising zero energy bills
How’s that ?
Basically you pay masses up front for a super insulated home, solar panels, battery and an air source heatpump ..that is built into the house price far only 2 houses done (£15K+ per house)
Interesting to note the Norway Islamic attack has all but dropped off the MSM radar. You’d think the voices and lived experiences of the gay community would be given ample airtime — even more so during Pride Month — but strangely this particular concern doesn’t feature.
From the BBC report: “There is reason to think that this may be a hate crime,” police said on Saturday. “We are investigating whether… Pride was a target in itself or whether there are other motives.” People in this country are viewed increasingly as a festering cesspit of unconscious bias and microaggressions — but a whole raft of macroaggressions like, say shooting up a gay bar hours before Pride, needs further investigation. Let’s not jump to conclusions.
Odd also that the BBC haven’t reported the Irish man who has just been raped on holiday in Valencia… police are hunting “two men ‘of Arabic origin with a French accent’ who spoke only a few words of English”.
Oh and there’s also two people stabbed in a Swedish shopping mall last week with the arrest of a 16 year old boy (“motive unclear”). Also not on the BBC.
But Sky dig a predictable Islamophobia backlash report out of the bins and you can count on the BBC to offer their usual type of dishonest, cowardly balance:
“Islam: Winning photo celebrates Muslims’ Wales connection”
The BBC and their gender advisors “Global Butterflies” – the Telegraph story about 150 genders in full – handily saved in full by the obliging vikings in Iceland
“Third party voluntary training material does not instruct BBC staff, but is available to increase awareness and understanding.
“There is no link to, or influence on, any editorial decision making and to suggest otherwise is wrong. As we have said many times before, the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines are sacrosanct, our staff know this and they understand their responsibilities.”
The shambolic, blithering Boris teams up with Castro Jnr
– Churchill ? – my arse
Klaus the Schwab in the background would’ve been useful – anybody know if he’s been invited?
What’s not to like?
The fact that both of you seemingly have no appreciation for how idiotic this looks and sounds is a testament to the fact that we are being governed by absolute idiots. @JustinTrudeau@BorisJohnson
No wonder Justine Castreau is the globalist-technocratic elite's favourite poster-boy for unaccountable supranational, 'post-democratic', 'liberal'-fascist, one-world government.
— A Libertarian Rebel (preferred pronouns: Sir/Boss) (@A_Liberty_Rebel) June 27, 2022
Black people invented everything
.. including rewriting history
History Debunked
He mock the BBC claims
I’ve nothing against black people I think the rewriting is actually done by patronising white BBC/Guardian types pushing their woke-supremacy
Some very disturbing news out of the G7 that Red Boris has left his braincell on the bedside cabinet and told Macron Britain is interested in rejoining the EU.
Of course Red Boris denies this but I think I’d trust Macron over a man who has made a living out of compulsively lying for a living.
How long has this been going on? Probably ever since the chancer decided to run as the Brexit leader and when the Commieserve yourselves sidelined the Brexit party using state power in order to progress his own personal agenda.
I’ve pointed out before that the UK is mirroring EU legislation introducing it into UK law to make a rejoin easier and more seamless, but this provides absolute confirmation that the one party state we live in is comitted to rejoining the EU in defiance of the people who voted to leave it.
Glastonbury top head liner … dressed as Christ and not Mohammed …
Alls my life I has to fight, nigga
Alls my life I
Hard times like, yah!
Bad trips like, yah!
Nazareth, I’m fucked up
Homie, you fucked up
But if God got us then we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Uh, and when I wake up
I recognize you’re lookin’ at me for the pay cut
But homicide be looking at you from the face down
What MAC-11 even boom with the bass down
Schemin’! And let me tell you bout my life
Painkillers only put me in the twilight
Where pretty pussy and Benjamin is the highlight
Now tell my mama I love her but this what I like
Lord knows, twenty of ’em in my Chevy
Tell ’em all to come and get me, reapin’ everything I sow
So my karma come in heaven, no preliminary hearings on my record
I’m a motherfucking gangster in silence for the record, uh
Tell the world I know it’s too late
Boys and girls, I think I’ve gone cray
Drown inside my vices all day
Won’t you please believe when I say
Wouldn’t you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin’ at the world like, “Where do we go, nigga?”
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I’m at the preacher’s door
My knees gettin’ weak and my gun might blow
But we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
What you want you, a house? You, a car?
40 acres and a mule? A piano, a guitar?
Anything, see my name is Lucy, I’m your dog
Motherfucker, you can live at the mall
I can see the evil, I can tell it I know when it’s illegal
I don’t think about it, I deposit every other zero
Thinkin’ of my partner put the candy, paint it on the regal
Diggin’ in my pocket ain’t a profit, big enough to feed you
Everyday my logic, get another dollar just to keep you
In the presence of your chico ah!
I don’t talk about it, be about it, everyday I see cool
If I got it then you know you got it, Heaven, I can reach you
Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, my dog, that’s all
Bick back and Chad, I trap the bag for y’all
I rap, I black on track so rest assured
My rights, my wrongs, I write ’til I’m right with God
Wouldn’t you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin’ at the world like, “Where do we go, nigga?”
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I’m at the preacher’s door
My knees gettin’ weak and my gun might blow
But we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
I keep my head up high
I cross my heart and hope to die
Lovin’ me is complicated
Too afraid of a lot of changes
I’m alright and you’re a favorite
Dark nights in my prayers
I remembered you was conflicted
Misusing your influence, sometimes I did the same
Abusing my power full of resentment
Resentment that turned into a deep depression
Found myself screamin’ in the hotel room
I didn’t wanna self destruct, the evils of Lucy was all around me
So I went runnin’ for answers
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious.
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
Get in
the box?
the Cabinet?
“the box”
Do you remember Boris threatening “to put Nigel Farage into his box”? Was it because of the Brexit Party and its popularity ?
Yes, taffman, you could be right on that although I thought it was Cameron or May who said that. IF they didn’t say it, they probably or definitely thought it. Boris could well have said it but as things stand, with the Conservatives in Government threatening to significantly self-harm, electorally-wise, I think the entire Parliamentary Conservative Party should be in the ‘box’ that is the Waiting Room for seeing a really good therapist who could sort out their present (rooted in the past) suicidal tendencies.
Catchup links to most recent posts on previous thread
– page 2 finished 9pm on Sunday
then 3 comments overspilled onto page 3
GB NEWS with dire warnings over the Supreme Court’s ruling over Rovy.
Predictably the blame is directed at Trump, as seems to be the GB News line
I’m getting very picky at what I watch now on GBN. There are a few brilliant presenters, but I do wonder what numbnut behind the scenes decides to book Lizzy Cundy and Daniella Westbrook as serious panellists on intelligent discussion shows. What the likes of Andrew Pierce must think, when he was paired with Dopy Cundy today on Nana Mouskouri’s show, I’d like to know.
The BBC has announced it supports over 100 genders….
Telegraph has the story
Contracted a specialist outfit to train the troops ‘parently
The BBC also supports over 100 agendas , all liberal/ left globalist.
The BBC does not report news … it generates it (Savile/Brand/Pay Gap) … and is busy changing the country via social engineering …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Presumably you mean 50% of those who identify as women. Knowing the BBC of that 50% they will want half to be men claiming to be women.
The world , well the Anglo Saxon world has gone mad.
There have been developments. Apparently, 9 new genders have been discovered overnight, bringing the total to 159 or one for each £ of the TV license fee. The organisation the BBC turned to for this deranged nonsense is called Global(ist) Butterflies, who are also in cahoots with the government and big commercial organisations.
Ian, knowing children as I do, I guess that the BBC might not like what children do with a gingerbread ‘man’ when it is on their plate and they have a knife in their hands. 😉
A comment on this on ‘Unredacted’ made me smile:
“The BBC is now a joke. It has become the mouthpiece of the woke, politically correct, liberal fantasists. To have a lecturer tell staff that there were 150 genders is ridiculous and quite frankly incorrect biologically. Our money has been spent on this nonsense and it must stop. We should split the BBC up into saleable lots and sell it on the open market ensuring that the State has no ownership or say in any of it. The proportion of white to Black or Brown presenters is not representative of the population in the country where whites are dominant with 80%. This publicly paid waffle and propaganda must stop.”
Can you have a new gender named after you, as they do with newly discovered stars?
Article yesterday in the Daily Mail, where they reported that because of lockdowns children are going to school in shopping trollies because they never learned to walk and whole classes of 5 year olds wearing nappies because of lockdowns. I don’t believe a word. But then the Times today is full of the backbenchers rebelling without mention of which ones and no mention of Brexit. I don’t trust the BBC and I don’t trust the press. I get better knowledge from reading this site.
I was disappointed the Daily Sceptic was linking to the DM article which seemed to be written to an agenda to rewrite history. Yet the Daily Mail was one of the papers which was screaming loudest for lockdowns at the time.
tomo , Nibor & Deborah
“The BBC also supports over 100 agendas , all liberal/ left globalist.”
The Tory Government ………………..
What’s Nadine Dorries doing about our heritage, culture and The BBC ?
What’s Pritti Patel doing about the security of our borders ?
What indeed is Boris Doing about Brexit ?
Its about time we had a Conservative Government running this country not the ‘Limp Dems’ .
How say you all ?
Deb, my niece is a Head Teacher in Notts, and pulls no punches when being vocal to parents who send their children to school without having basic functions. Thankfully she finds its a small occurrence, but happens at the start of every school year when tots start proper school with a nappy on, barely know their own name and certainly are unable to use a knife and fork.
When parents register their child for school she has impressed the need for them to be toilet trained, but sometimes to no avail.
Parenting isn’t what it was.
Toenails cited it yet?
I cancelled my long standing Times subscription years ago because I found their Remainer obsession too much to bear. The Telegraph has been sliding leftward for years and despite readership protests continues to do so. The Mail has a newish editor and is much less pro Leave than it was.
I suspect that GB News has plenty of lefties on to keep Ofcom happy. As Brissels mentions above there are some GBN shows that are pretty much normal MSM lies and dross but Steyn, Farage, Wootton and Brazier are the ones I watch.
Double – funny – the times is running an offer for £1 a month for 4 months which ends Tuesday – but then jumps to £26 a month thereafter – maybe I should leave that ?
As for GBNews – they must be paranoid about tick boxing for OFCOM – free speech is the UK ? What a joke ,,,
The BBC is so pro abortion that its’ unquestioning support for Row v Wade in a foreign country is – embarrassing …
I wonder how abortion numbers across – say – the last 4 years in UK / US figure . Have ladies been keeping their legs closed because of brexit / covid ? ( you d need to separate of the Fatima s and ‘Mohammed’s ‘ )
“NI Protocol: MPs to vote on plans to ditch parts of Brexit deal”
Scrap the bloody lot !
Who the heck put that deal into operation ? We voted to leave . Leave means leave.
I agree. If the EU wants a hard border, let them build it in the Republic of Ireland.
Since that would cause Ireland problems, I think the EU would find that they didn’t need a hard border after all. The only reason they get away with it is because Boris was stupid enough to put a hard border down the Irish Sea.
“Birmingham explosion: House destroyed and others damaged”
“The cause of the explosion is not yet known.”
Unknown ?
Surely likely to be gas
West Midlands Fire Service believe the incident in Kingstanding, Birmingham, which destroyed a property and left a man with life-threatening injuries was a gas explosion. It “significantly damaged” three other properties. Four people had minor injuries.
There’s quick that result was announced?
It normally takes a few days.
I have noticed a few of these “flying gas mains” of late ?
taffman and Stew, just wait until we are using hydrogen for cooking food and heating homes!
Sunday local radio presenters
01:00 Hayley Hassall with BBC Radio 5 live
05:00 Claira Hermet
06:00 Lizzie Rose
10:00 Fiona Mills
14:00 Liz Green
15:00 Rugby League
Richard Stead and Nick Pinkney. ..actual men
10am local BBC radio news
#1 “Boris has DEFENDED talk of a third term”
“asked if it was delusional he said”
clip of Ed Davie Liberal leader attacking Boris
#2 Hull *Labour MP* Karl The Milkshaker Turner has warmed we could face more strikes in the summer
… Clip Karl Turner doing his union leader impressions
#3 “Communities of ALL BACKGROUNDS will bewelcomed at the Great Get Together to remember Jo Cox”
clip of * Hull :Labour MP* Emma Hardy
“This year the theme is Welcome .welcoming all into our community ..welcoming DIFFERENT people togther to show we have more in common”
#5 BBC has apologised for omitting the first hour of the Paul McCartney set at Glasto
(They love talking about themselves)
Ukraine war: Missiles hit targets across country as G7 rallies over Russia
Hooray ! – the G7 rallies over Russia. Does that mean Ukraine will win now ?.
Somehow I think the G7 is not quite going to be the ‘rally’ the BBC are telling us. I bet a few countries are thinking about their gas supply after the war ends and if Ukraine is really worth the price.
But back to the missiles:
‘A Kyiv apartment block was destroyed, killing at least one and wounding six others including a seven-year-old girl.’
How can you destroy an apartment block and only one person died ?. And I’m surprised the wounded 7 year old girl wasn’t holding her new puppy on her Birthday.
Meanwhile on that same day, around 200 Ukranian soldiers were blown to pieces by shells, shot through the head or otherwise killed. But the BBC don’t care about them one bit because they much prefer stories about children as they can be loaded with empathy.
Ukranian soldiers are almost completely ignored by the BBC now. I wonder how many of those women in uniform the BBC showed us every day just before it started actually ever fired a shot.
And look at this:
With the caption: ‘A missile caused this crater in a residential area of Kharkiv on Sunday’
It looked suspicious to me as it’s full of water already and very little damage around it – particularly the windows of the buildings. And then I saw the filename : kharkivcraterreut26jan22.jpg
Fake news BBC. Caught red-handed.
Just been researching a bit as I don’t trust the BBC one bit over this and it seems that the likely truth is that the cruise missile was on it’s way to another target but collided with the apartment building. It would be on the upper floors hence why only one person died. I thought it was odd how we didn’t get any picture of the building.
The fake picture above is to make us think the missiles are deliberately landing in residential areas while we are not given any details at all of what the other missiles actually hit – which presumably is because it was a legitimate military target.
This picture from Al Jazeera confirms it. I wouldn’t call that apartment block ‘destroyed’. More BBC lies.
To turn off the water?
The BBC running 0% news, 100% empathy stories about itself. A bit like the BBC giving awards to itself. Incestuously not quite ethical.
Not sure how much I believe anyway after they claimed a woman saw her new boiler and curtains on a Russian tank and managed to get a very good, close-up picture.
They are a bit like Tom Chance in Chance In A Million. The more unlikely it is, the more likely the BBC will say it happened.
‘Will these impossible things happen a lot ?’
‘Quite probably I’m afraid’.
JezBo and cameraperson of faith at the funerals with Toenails?
Seems the glazing guys are quicker than the water utility.
The roofers don’t hang about either.
And I can’t imagine the power lines survived the blast for such a huge creater – so they’ve been fixed as well !.
And you can clearly see the tide-line at the top of the crater where the water rose up then dropped down again.
All in 24 hours !!. Those Ukranians sure get cracking.
= propaganda chaff dispensing drones at Broadcasting House
Picture .jpg still has the same name a minute ago
– went to archive it but pics get renamed in the archive – live and learn.
– A BBC complaint might elicit some interesting squirming?
Just done that.
Reuters confirm crater photo was taken 26th June 2022, not 26th January. “Typographical error” is their explanation.
Russia in historic foreign debt default, reports suggest
The “headline” implies Russia can’t pay?
Russia has the money to make a $100m payment and is willing to pay, but sanctions made it impossible to get the sum to international creditors
What will Tory MPs put in their manifestos as “achievements” when the next elections begin looming? The BBC will be having a field day.
I was amazed to read that the bbc are claiming that the house fire in Birmingham was a “suspected gas explosion”. I thought that it would be a “Deliberately targeted Russian attack on a civilian area”. Everything else seems to be. Considering the amount of ordanance sent to Ukraine, you would think that they would have hit something by now. Not on the bbc, they haven’t; the Ukranians are much too nice for that and the victim status is top trumps at the moment.
The not givin’ up, not givin’ in edition
You join us on our warmongering Monday – by-proxy – orchestrated by our motley liberal corporate media and led this morning by the standard bearers of the auld alliance, our very own state-sponsored aunty BBC and her longtime companion the red-over-green flag-waving Guardian.
Let me translate… the BBC online newspaper frontpage line up is headed by the Guardian this morning. The Gruan treds a tricky editorial tightrope. Yes, they hate Boris, but yes they also enjoy the continuing Ukraine war – at least insofar as the Guardianistas dare not call for a truce, for a pause in the killing, for peace: Do not give ground on Ukraine, PM tells leaders – of course there has to be a mocking snide coda: Under pressure at home, Johnson uses G7 to warn against deal with Putin
World leaders poked fun at Russian president Vladimir Putin’s macho image – scoffs the freebie metropolitan advertising sheet Metro – World leaders, really? Last time one checked the G7 was just six Nato members plus Japan with the European Union is a ‘non-enumerated member’
Elsewhere on the Graun frontpage it is identity leftist politics as usual: NHS ‘failing south asian people with dementia’ – scare quotes there warn us this bold statement is the opinion of some: alarming review… seen by the Guardian… commissioned by Alzheimer`s Society
And: Roe v Wade – thanks to our lefty press a 1973 legal judgement in America is now more famous over here in Britain than 1977’s Virgina Wade v Betty Stöve match
Now there was a British champion
The media’s somewhat unhealthy obsession with the 19-year-old with more corporate endorsements than tournament wins continues apace: The new queen of Wimbledon Emma Raducanu on her centre court debut today (‘i’)
I suppose as local hero our Emma can be leveraged to top of the bill?
Supreme court has ‘tourched’ its legitimacy say Democrats, as anger grows in US
That Guardian sentiment is shared by the FT, where – as a welcome distraction from stockmarket woes – their Datawatch feature impresses opinion on liberal-minded readers by way of hinting what they ought to think: Court of public opinion % having a great deal/quite a lot of confidence in the US Supreme Court… 20 points down on the year of Roe vs Wade ruling
Because of course James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton et al had abortion in mind as a constitutional right. Well, in the recent rapping foul language stage musical Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda they might well have done.
Quick puzzle: When can supreme not be the foremost?
Answer: When it is a British court – overuled by a European court.
From Tony Blair’s apparently not-so Supreme court to: Supreme fun Diana Ross makes Worthy Farm explode with disco joy (Guardian) – the headline segueways write themselves this morning.
Glasto blast from past – observes the Daily Mirror unabashedly pandering to the baby boomers: Diana & Macca reign supreme
Golden oldies Ross sparkles after Macca masterclass (‘i’)
Prince Charles is famously a Three Degrees fanboy but “Upside Down” by Diana Ross was in his top 13… Thirteen? Who has a top 13? Oh, the 13 listed are just inclusions in his favourites.
Charles discussed some of his favorite songs from throughout his life, including “Givin’ Up, Givin’ In,” which The Three Degrees performed at his 30th birthday, and which “long ago, used to provide me with an irresistible urge to get up and dance.” (CNN)
He who pays the piper calls the tune, as they say…
Charles ‘cash in bag’ probe. Sheikh in Euros 3m gift (Sun)
Perhaps there is an unseemly ‘money gene ‘ in the House of Windsor? Andy Windsor enjoying the high life courtesy of a billionaire paedophile – now the eldest brother dirtying his hands with Arab readies – with notes which don’t have his mothers ‘picture on them ….
Republicans will have great entertainment when he gets the gig …and the ghost of the ex wife not far away ..
A contact of mine with fairly good connections in the right places offers an insight into Charlie boy’s recent gibbering about slavery. Apparently there is is concern that some countries in the Commonwealth will use the eventual passing of Queen Elizabeth as the excuse to leave that esteemed organisation. However, the hope is that by dangling the carrot of possible reparations, African and Caribbean countries will remain in order to get their hands on some additional filthy lucre to help support the Swiss banking industry.
Re suitcases of cash from rich Arabs… perhaps they are paying reparations to us for the capture and enslavement of British people by the Corsairs of North Africa during the 16th to 18th centuries?–research-suggests-white-slavery-was-much-more-common-than-previously-believed/
Meanwhile Bri Coxy is actively promoting Labour.
The BBC has #1degreeofseparation propaganda sewn up.
“remove the barriers” – At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
“remove the barriers” – bbc taxes you £159.
Guest Who
I was interested in science as a kid – but Patrick Moore helped to put me off – the Brian ‘the kid’ cox came along and I thought he might be a bit more ‘Normal’ – but instead he goes all ‘approved ‘ – and got ‘cancelled ‘ or ‘off switched ‘ as they say …
Time to relax and listen to the sweet tones of Diana Ross at ‘Glasto’…
There’s nothing like using Leftists predictions as fact then pretending to be surprised when they all turn out to be false.
I though these idiots would have learned their lesson after Brexit.
Write articles for the Guardian to buy expensive Eco fruit?
Probably something for Saz and BBC N. America to go nowhere near.
Unlike the Ceebeebies core.
Here’s Sleepy with Sopes back in the day.
Meanwhile AOC could take an RPG to Clarence’s house and the BBC would see it as ‘mostly sane protest’.
Flicking through the channels last night I saw a bit of Kendrick Lamar at Glastonbury pretending to be Jesus with his diverse 100% black dance group.
He was mostly lecturing rather than singing but at one point he said “I can see so many diverse face in the crowd”.
You can’t beat the BBC/Glastonbury for comedy!
What does a diverse face look like? Is it striped or spotty? He probably thinks that diverse is what comes after de chorus.
Jon Snow says ‘I’ve never seen so many white people in one place’ during report on pro-Brexit rally
Jon Snow is on my little list , well it started off little but has grown considerable in recent years , of those I want to outlive so as not to miss the rejoicing at news of their death.
Try and get the crowd to chant “There’s only one Maggie Thatcher” to see how diverse it is.
One for Toenails and Laura in da Set to ‘analyse’.
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
Barry is a top secret agent ( wonder who for ?) but don’t tell anyone … he assured us that all the money went on his office expenses in the Bahamas ….
Sadiq created a special zone yet?
According to racial equality activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2 percent black players, 16.9 percent white players, 2.2 percent Latino players of any race, and 0.4 percent Asian players. There were 6.3 percent of the players classified as “other” races.
What would the blue on blue descriptor of this effort be?
A watermelon refining a media plant correcting a moron.
Deffo red on beige.
BBC Moaning Headlines got Mason in The Socialist Worker?
It is funny SurKurry is sticking on safe ground.
Starmer is trying to follow the instructions of Blair and Peter Kellner by planting the ‘centre ground’ seed.
We await the announcement of clear ‘progressive’ new Labour policies (obviously to include net zero) with bated breath.
However, even Kellner admits the recent by-elections were the result of tactical voting.
As for today’s debate in the HoC on the NI Protocol Bill, Jeff Taylor wonders whether any bookies have odds on how may times the terms ‘breaking international law’, ‘law-breaking PM’ and ‘Henry VIII powers’ will be uttered by the remoaners.
The signs are not in arabic, so can they read what they are holding ?
‘We have been lied to’: Greta Thunberg Glastonbury address takes aim at ‘greedy’ world leaders
The Swedish activist made a short speech on the Pyramid Stage this afternoon (June 25), taking aim at world leaders for the ongoing climate crisis
The Climate Book: Greta Thunberg Announces Her New Book
3 months ago
BBC News
For weeks, officials have warned of a power crunch as temperatures rise in the country.
The solution is… turn off the LED lights. Apparently.
Seems the A/Cs are powered by the same mystical energy as Greta’s wafting about system.
Nasa launches first rocket from Australian commercial spaceport
Onlookers who travelled to the remote site glimpsed the rocket for only about 10 seconds before it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.
This “science” article was brought to you by the same people that claim climate change is real.
Not the BBC
Twitter reports that Ghiselle Maxwell has been moved to ‘suicide watch ‘… she must hope the CCTV doesn’t give up and the 2 security guards don’t fall asleep again …. BBC will be getting the obituary updated ?
Her autobiography must be nearly finished …
Today Watch
Simon Jack says the US Supreme Court “removed the Legal Right of Abortion . “Perhaps he should read the judgement … and get himself referred to the BBC lie department ( aka fact checker ) …
…I see also that that amol is in trouble for using the term ‘ pro life ‘ – which is clearly not an appropriate term for not killing babies …
Lawrence Fox banned from twitter again – I think it’s because he put up a picture of what you get if you join 4 ‘rainbow queer ‘ flags together – you get a swastika …( you won’t be seeing that as a kidult ‘emoji’…
Iran pushes app with ‘Death to America’ emoji
By News from Elsewhere…
…as found by BBC Monitoring
25 April 2018
Zelensky to address G7 as Russian missiles hit cities “reports” the bBC
Incredible timing!
One of the many rewards from Brexit is the creation of a number of Freeports.
How many have we got now that we’re out of the EU.
Apparently they are supposed to be a really good thing so surely they must be some up and running by now.
Happy days in the margin planning department at Octopus Energy
Tomo – so have they managed to bring in different tariffs for different time of day – which I reckon is on the cards if technically possible ( smart meters ?) …
Yes – there’s several sites that show the tarrifs …
Select your area
Me – I just want the Smart Meters to charge the “100% renewbabble” folk what it actually costs and then cut them off at night when the wind isn’t blowing – not much to ask?
The reaction when he does the same in JezBo’s ‘hood…
Blimey – whoever that it – a certain mr Lennon made an unplanned comment about Jesus and look what happened to that poor soul ….
Will he dress as MOHAMMED and have 6 year olds dancing round his feet?
He might go for the full crucifixion gig next time …. Not the most tasteful theatrical display but reap and sow ,….
NI Protocol: MPs to vote on plans to ditch parts of Brexit deal
And the bBC has even opened a Forum, to help people listen to the remainers still going on and on. The likes of the bBC will never help unite, just divide and conquer
I am not rewarding this with a click.
Maybe a bit more gets revealed.
Theresa May says lost!
BBC Getty Legal
What is Alan Titmarsh doing there though?
Justice delayed is justice – oh wait …
At one time I fancied becoming a barrister but when I mentioned to my prof that I looked toward the Criminal Bar he said ‘ why not go to a branch which makes real money ‘…
I was white male hetero and from a ‘modest ‘ background without connections – Masonic or otherwise so I kicked that one into touch .
A lefty class mate of mine switched from being a psychiatric nurse to human rights law so he must be coining it – and maybe a labour MP by now …
Not sure about titchmarsh but isn’t that Jay Blades in the middle?
R4 now : “Being a lesbian in the military”
FFS Katie Holmes led a pretty open lesbian lifestyle in the military for years
It just was not officially acknowledged.
Micah Ables | 02.05.19
It took the US infantry fifty-five years and thousands of deaths to abandon the idea of trench warfare. It took the US cavalry twenty-five years to accept that armored tanks were better than horses against a machine gun. It took the US Supreme Court almost sixty years to decide that “separate but equal” was anything but equal and black Americans should attend school alongside white ones. It took America more than 130 years to declare that men and women should have equal voting rights. Just because policies take time and adjustments to “get it right” does not mean that they should be abandoned altogether. Women serving in combat roles is no exception: implementation and standards should be addressed, but the policy aim is right.
As Stew might say, in acronym, Followers Finding Sources..
Sky is beyond risible.
EXCLUSIVE: Two more staff are suspended at blasphemy row school over claims they KNEW RE teacher was going to show pupils ‘offensive’ image of the Prophet Muhammad
Vacancies at the school, i’m sure the list will increase
Over 99% of these ‘attacks’ were the opening of a pack of bacon flavoured crisps within 500 yards of one these places.
Driver of the van will be thrilled.
Plus… artist?
Is Hunter Biden’s art project painting the president into an ethical corner?
Oh how the eco loons in the EU are destroying their own continent, how long will it survive if they fail to back down and show the flexibility needed in the current energy crisis?
America cannot supply Europe with Liquid Natural Gas because of the explosion at the Texas port which means no ships until the end of 2022, too late to bail Germany out of the mess it created for itself.
So it turns to Qatar which has a lot of natural gas, but is running at full capacity with nothing to spare.
If they are to build another terminal and order new ships from South Korea it will take time and cost a lot of money, to the Qatari’s are quite reasonably asking European nations for long term contracts of supply which the EU doesn’t want them to do.
LNG is of course more expensive to produce than pumping the stuff through a pipeline, and then shipping it halfway across the world, it’s also an awful lot more polluting and less Green so the EU don’t want countries to do it.
It would appear that the EU would rather Europe ground to a standstill economically and people froze to death rather than abandon the fantasy of ‘climate change’. This is an absurd position to take. They don’t want to use Russian gas nor do they want to use Qatari Gas, and they don’t want coal either.
There is no other way left open to them other than the lights going out all over Europe because of obstinacy and the fantasy bubble they inhabit. Given the chance they will do what Socialists have always done, kill people on an industrial scale.
Apparently Glasto was ‘the most political ever’. A lot of wailing about what’s going on in the U.S., I understand. What don’t these people get about keeping your damn snout out of other people’s business? No, too busy preening themselves with self-righteousness to notice how pathetic they look, along with the rest of the luvvie media. Blimey, what a bunch.
2017 then 2020 …
Glastonbury crowd chant ‘Oh, Jeremy Corbyn’ at silent disco
165,878 views23 Jun 2017
Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report
29 October 2020
Thousands take part in Glasgow and Edinburgh Pride marches
I’m wondering how many different genders will be there, 150 different genders maybe?
The scene at New York City’s Stonewall Inn on Saturday, as reported by multiple witnesses on social media, showed how long-simmering tensions between transgender women of color and white gay men have boiled over during the celebration of World Pride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
Not BBC but suspiciously also in the unreformed public sector bracket.
A propos of nothing.
Notwithstanding various things like Grenfell and a gas explosion in Birmingham reported today.
But instances of fires have been in decline for years.
The move away from coal fires. The reduction in smoking and bans at places of work. More fire resistant rules ( bedding, furniture etc) means there are fewer fires.
Now take a look at the Fire Service component of your council tax.
It’s small so never gets noticed. But mine has gone up by way more than the normal council tax year after year. Has yours? Take a look.
So if not for fires, just where is the money being spent? Surely not on full pensions for retirement at 50?
BBC headlines showing G7 sat around a table. Every head of state visible except one……go on guess which one it is ……
Hello Halifax, no idea why the Von Trapp women is there, just to have a listen and take the ideas away
“Manny sweetheart, can you lean forward a bit so I can get Mario and Justin in – yes that’s it darling, bend over for Justin, ha ha! Thank you sweetie, mwah!
Now, on the other side, Joe can you move a bit so I can get Boris in – yes that’s Boris next to you. Yes, you’re Joe – no dear, that’s a newspaper – oh, forget it.”
R4 12 pm “Second Homes in holiday areas (Welsh can’t buy new homes),
Hajj Travel Chaos pilgrims whose once in lifetime trip to Mecca has been plunged into uncertainty
and Digging for Pleasure
… (The BBC probably mean Dogging for Pleasure)
If you were British Muslim about to go on Haj
The Sauds have made a sudden last minute decision to change the system
your booking has been cancelled and you go into a lottery procedure
.. Sounds like Saudis are doing a British Muslim ban.
They say it’s an anti-fraud measure
Yasmin Qureshi The Labour MP for Bolton South East is on
BTW there is irony
“Senedd MS’s have second homes fully funded by the taxpayer in order to attend and work at the Senedd”
Next item PRasNews for Octopus Energy promising zero energy bills
How’s that ?
Basically you pay masses up front for a super insulated home, solar panels, battery and an air source heatpump ..that is built into the house price far only 2 houses done (£15K+ per house)
Interesting to note the Norway Islamic attack has all but dropped off the MSM radar. You’d think the voices and lived experiences of the gay community would be given ample airtime — even more so during Pride Month — but strangely this particular concern doesn’t feature.
From the BBC report: “There is reason to think that this may be a hate crime,” police said on Saturday. “We are investigating whether… Pride was a target in itself or whether there are other motives.” People in this country are viewed increasingly as a festering cesspit of unconscious bias and microaggressions — but a whole raft of macroaggressions like, say shooting up a gay bar hours before Pride, needs further investigation. Let’s not jump to conclusions.
Odd also that the BBC haven’t reported the Irish man who has just been raped on holiday in Valencia… police are hunting “two men ‘of Arabic origin with a French accent’ who spoke only a few words of English”.
Oh and there’s also two people stabbed in a Swedish shopping mall last week with the arrest of a 16 year old boy (“motive unclear”). Also not on the BBC.
But Sky dig a predictable Islamophobia backlash report out of the bins and you can count on the BBC to offer their usual type of dishonest, cowardly balance:
“Islam: Winning photo celebrates Muslims’ Wales connection”
Barristers salaries
One has to consider full life time income vs training costs
Yes years of study
but in the end some become very highly paid judges.
Test Match Special have done 12 photo tweets in the last 2 hurs promoting their coverage of today’ women’s game
Hello Stew, the ground is full to capacity, always pulls in a good crowd womens sports 🙂 and very cheap to sponsor, so the bBC is keen
Trousers are for males!
The BBC and their gender advisors “Global Butterflies” – the Telegraph story about 150 genders in full – handily saved in full by the obliging vikings in Iceland
The shambolic, blithering Boris teams up with Castro Jnr
– Churchill ? – my arse
Klaus the Schwab in the background would’ve been useful – anybody know if he’s been invited?
What’s not to like?
3 teachers hide in UK batley ….. Canada Justin Trudeau sets World Record In avoiding questions – 18 Times – wastes everyone’s time in Parliament
Loads of helicopter traffic out of Glastonbury this morning – 5 in the air at the moment.
Black people invented everything
.. including rewriting history
History Debunked
He mock the BBC claims
I’ve nothing against black people I think the rewriting is actually done by patronising white BBC/Guardian types pushing their woke-supremacy
Some very disturbing news out of the G7 that Red Boris has left his braincell on the bedside cabinet and told Macron Britain is interested in rejoining the EU.
Of course Red Boris denies this but I think I’d trust Macron over a man who has made a living out of compulsively lying for a living.
How long has this been going on? Probably ever since the chancer decided to run as the Brexit leader and when the Commieserve yourselves sidelined the Brexit party using state power in order to progress his own personal agenda.
I’ve pointed out before that the UK is mirroring EU legislation introducing it into UK law to make a rejoin easier and more seamless, but this provides absolute confirmation that the one party state we live in is comitted to rejoining the EU in defiance of the people who voted to leave it.
Jens the Norwegian chef has plans….
– and I reckon he’s figuring on us to chip in….
Glastonbury top head liner … dressed as Christ and not Mohammed …
Alls my life I has to fight, nigga
Alls my life I
Hard times like, yah!
Bad trips like, yah!
Nazareth, I’m fucked up
Homie, you fucked up
But if God got us then we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Uh, and when I wake up
I recognize you’re lookin’ at me for the pay cut
But homicide be looking at you from the face down
What MAC-11 even boom with the bass down
Schemin’! And let me tell you bout my life
Painkillers only put me in the twilight
Where pretty pussy and Benjamin is the highlight
Now tell my mama I love her but this what I like
Lord knows, twenty of ’em in my Chevy
Tell ’em all to come and get me, reapin’ everything I sow
So my karma come in heaven, no preliminary hearings on my record
I’m a motherfucking gangster in silence for the record, uh
Tell the world I know it’s too late
Boys and girls, I think I’ve gone cray
Drown inside my vices all day
Won’t you please believe when I say
Wouldn’t you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin’ at the world like, “Where do we go, nigga?”
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I’m at the preacher’s door
My knees gettin’ weak and my gun might blow
But we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
What you want you, a house? You, a car?
40 acres and a mule? A piano, a guitar?
Anything, see my name is Lucy, I’m your dog
Motherfucker, you can live at the mall
I can see the evil, I can tell it I know when it’s illegal
I don’t think about it, I deposit every other zero
Thinkin’ of my partner put the candy, paint it on the regal
Diggin’ in my pocket ain’t a profit, big enough to feed you
Everyday my logic, get another dollar just to keep you
In the presence of your chico ah!
I don’t talk about it, be about it, everyday I see cool
If I got it then you know you got it, Heaven, I can reach you
Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, Pat Dawg, my dog, that’s all
Bick back and Chad, I trap the bag for y’all
I rap, I black on track so rest assured
My rights, my wrongs, I write ’til I’m right with God
Wouldn’t you know
We been hurt, been down before, nigga
When our pride was low
Lookin’ at the world like, “Where do we go, nigga?”
And we hate po-po
Wanna kill us dead in the street for sure, nigga
I’m at the preacher’s door
My knees gettin’ weak and my gun might blow
But we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
We gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Huh? We gon’ be alright
Nigga, we gon’ be alright
Do you hear me, do you feel me? We gon’ be alright
I keep my head up high
I cross my heart and hope to die
Lovin’ me is complicated
Too afraid of a lot of changes
I’m alright and you’re a favorite
Dark nights in my prayers
I remembered you was conflicted
Misusing your influence, sometimes I did the same
Abusing my power full of resentment
Resentment that turned into a deep depression
Found myself screamin’ in the hotel room
I didn’t wanna self destruct, the evils of Lucy was all around me
So I went runnin’ for answers