What are the so called ‘Tories’ doing about it ? Nothing, but to continue to allow the ‘freebooters’ to come across the Channel to loot from the people of this country. Nothing at all!
They Just continue to Tax us all .
Our only salvation is https://www.reformparty.uk/
I know that you have been advocating voting for Reform for a long time. Previously I always thought that voting Reform was just going to allow Labour in so I voted Tory . But as the Tories seem little better than Labour I am asking myself what is the point of voting for them. We will arrive at the same liberal left destination only a little more slowly.
I think that our democracy is completely broken . Even if we have a new PM who really tries to implement rightist policies they will be prevented from doing so by the blob.Not that I think any of the candidates would even try todo that.
So casting a vote for Reform would at least show dissent from blob rule and an appetite for radical change. Apart from continuous civil disobedience , and I’m getting too old for that , there isn’t much else left for us to do in post democratic Britain.
People around the world are puzzled why Boris resigned because there was no actual reason they can see significant enough to warrant it.
They would have had to watch the BBC running headline after headline for weeks about the most trivial events and deliberately whipping the public into a frenzy about it. I never saw the BBC open so many HYS on one topic as they did about partygate.
And in my opinion the reason is simple. The two people most responsible for Brexit are Nigel and Boris. Nigel has been suitably destroyed politically by the MSM and has been cancelled completely by the BBC. Now they finally got the chance to do the same to Boris. It’s the most basic ideological hatred and spite which has been simmering since Brexit. Nothing more. The current economic situation has served to make the public angry. They just channelled that anger towards Boris.
IMHO it is a political assasination by the Leftist establishment – with the BBC holding the knife.
Now we are seeing all those who resigned now seem to think they have a real chance to be PM. One really has to wonder what has gone on behind closed doors. I think it all stinks to high heaven.
But of course Boris turning woke means his departure could be a good thing unless they get a remainer back into No 10. Which – given the skullduggery used to get us here – is a very real possibility.
4 months to go to USA mid term elections and Alphabet crank it on the critics of Biden…
Do you think Alphabet aren’t tinkering with UK Internet? Then there’s Facebook VP Nick Clegg …
Google and Facebook are trying hard to degrade the internet from its early promise (an unprecedented tool of liberation) into one of the most repressive weapons ruling class power centers ever had.
Beyond left/right, Jackson is, above all, an anti-establishment critic. Thus: https://t.co/OooVvOWoWk
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
As your new Prime Minister I’m going to govern for you , the ordinary Joe , and not for the people who think they have the Vision Of The Anointed , so I’m not afraid of them calling me a populist. In a democracy, populism should be a good thing .
So there will not be the constant looking over my shoulder to see what the likes of the BBC and university lecturers are approving or denigrating about my Conservative and patriotic policies . What they don’t like is probably for the best .
Which is why my immigration policies are guided by what the British people want , not by a self regarding so called intellectual class , and not by a union . A country has the right to decide who enters it , for how long , and what their behaviour should be . It’s not for international courts or out of date treaties to decide. And certainly not the BBC .
The civil service will go back to what they should be ; public servants. Servants to the public and not what they consider is a higher moral calling . The age of secrecy and obfuscation will be dead . What they advise will be public knowledge and their names will be known .
The judiciary will not indulge in judicial activism. Judges are not gods and they are there for us ,the ordinary people . If they want to indulge in politics then they have to stand for election for their positions. Everyone has conditions and restrictions in their daily jobs and the bewigged ones will have those too . Who has complete independence in how they do their work ?
The future of politics is to be discussion, not intimidation. The days when anyone who falls foul of the self appointed elite can be catcalled Far Right , Extreme Right or racist will be stopped . An exchange of ideas will replace the sneering and threatening that thugs on the left and BBC employ , as exemplified by Any Questions and Question Time where a rigged audience whoops hollers and whistles with their herd mentality and boos , hisses and shouts at a token non liberal/ left pannelist is intimidated .Applause should only be given to someone of an opposite view to yourself who makes such a profound point that you question your position.
We will engage in the culture war and push back the absurdities of the cultural Marxists . Our previous society of the fifties was a nice society with flaws like racism , homophobia etc , now we have a flawed society with niceties like no racism and homophobia. We will get a nice society with niceties .
There will be no policies to be the first in tackling climate change , equality, and all the other cosmic justice shibboleths beloved by the self anointed ones . Our international policies will be for the good of the ordinary people here , not for civil servants, Foreign Office or even the Prime Minister to strut about the world stage . Again , no impoverishment of the British people for cosmic justice .
Nothing protects anyone from man-made Climate Change, as its a fraud.
Whoever takes over 10, there is a slight chance that he/she may not be a hard Climate Change believer as Boris Johnson. The West has committed itself to the Climate Change hypothesis, as a means to control all aspects of life on earth. This would have led to a global disaster if the West was still a major economic power it was just a decade ago.
Thankfully neither China, India, Russia or Japan subscribe to AGW/CC.
This is so pitiful. Absolutely sad that a person ( not parent- because obviously none of that is going on) could teach their child to act like this. It is a learned as much as it is allowed!!
Health warnings because its a bit hot. Christ how did we get through the Summer of 76 when it was around 80 deg for 5 months straight ! There were water bowsers in the street, along with stand pipes, and I don’t remember anyone whingeing. Not many people had home showers so it was straight into a cool bath when we got home from work, and Mum sat with her feet in a bowl of cold water. Plenty of tomatoes too, as I grew them in abundance on the windowsill at work !
In 1976 we lived on a main road. On the other side was a stinking slime pool optimistically labelled “ornamental pond” on the local map. I used to cross the road with my Dad that summer with a bucket in each hand so he could water the garden.
I’ve got a feeling that such behaviour these days would result in some neighborhood snitch bringing Plod down on you – and the Plod being only too ready to see you punished.
I see that ‘glamour models /reality tv contestants’ are now being re-branded as ‘Broadcaster and TV Personality’. ie Nicola McLean, who sits on the GB News sofa along with more serious talking guests. Doing a lot of giggling, and adds bugger all to the discussion.
I wrote to GBN about this, as they appear to have form in dumbing down with their choice of thicko guests, like Lizzy Cundy, and Daniella Westbrook who contribute nothing except fill up the screen with their botoxed lips. Why are they doing this ? for cheapness ? its insulting to the viewer.
Brissels, Mr D switched off GBNews this evening for the same reason. Last night we had a panel member with tattoos right up his neck and I think a ring in his nose. Both he and the young female Conservative commentator who couldn’t speak without a glottal stop could put forward a coherent argument and neither were easy to understand. I am sure I read that Naga Munchetty’s husband now works for GBNews, maybe these guests are the result. But this household is reacting with the off switch. GBNews you need to think of your viewing figures.
I ration usage of GBNews – I don’t really ‘do’ panels ….
..for those wondering what happened to the Steyn piece of vaccine damage – twitter says it is to be broadcast 8pm Thursday …
Perhaps they could ‘break the mould ‘ and put a documentary but seem to prefer 24 hour same format – which I think it dumb
Conservatives – liz truss has written a piece in thr times saying she will be a Conservative PM- that makes a nice time .
However – as spotted in the comments – she does not say where savings will come from on promised tax cuts – nor anything about green crap nor the military – … but she sounds pretty straightforward …..
When they had Jennie Murray on I started to wonder. She has BBC DNA running throughout her body. Topping up he massive BBC pension paid for by the over 75’s. I don’t want to listen to a woman who has made a career whinging about men and crying it’s all not fair.
And just as a footnote can someone at GBnews please tell Dan Wootton to slow down. Sometimes he talks at the speed of light.
Jo Brand backlash after Nigel Farage ‘battery acid’ joke: ‘Why bother with milkshake?’
JO BRAND faced major backlash after she made a joke about throwing battery acid at politicians such as Nigel Farage instead of milkshakes, an unearthed account shows.
You can tell this is an agenda item because it’s all empathy. What place do statements like ‘Groups of women burst into song, dancing in the litter-strewn street.’ have in a report like this ?.
It follows another mass-murder which I hadn’t even heard about where 21 children between 13 and 17 (at a bar) were murdered with poison apparently.
So that’s 36 black people killed by other black people and barely a peep from the media. It proves once again that the Left only care about black deaths when white people kill them.
But the real story here is the scale of the black violence in South Africa. We are told by the likes of the Guardian that black murder so many people because white people are racist. So they actually blame white people for it.
But there are no white people to blame in Africa now. They do these things all on their own and they do it a much larger scale. Which rubbishes that argument.
With the knowledge that throughout nature, different strains of the same animal have different characteristics – eg some tend to be much more agressive than others, I wondered if the recent unravelling of DNA might have discovered anything. I found this which was interesting:
It seems that genetics do play a part in violent people after all (of course they do) – and it’s clear the scientist don’t really understand any of it. They just think there is some link. But looking across Google, anyone even suggesting this might be possible is instant ‘alt-right’, a white supremacist and ‘abhorrent’.
So we will ignore the science completely and destroy anyone who dares to even raise the question. And also ignore the hugely disproportionate murder rate because it is inconvenient.
Humans haven’t changed much at all since medievil times. People tend to believe what they are told to believe by society group-think and those who question the narrative are persecuted. If they could, the Left would make them disappear. They are full of hate – and it is getting much worse thanks to Biden’s crew driving a wedge right through the middle of society and the BBC being fully complicit.
‘What resolved him to quit, he told the BBC’s Sunday Morning show, was hearing a sermon on integrity at a prayer breakfast in Parliament on Tuesday.’
Excuse me while I throw up. Javid and the word integrity do not belong in the same sentence. The man who rushed back from holiday after another immigration crisis on his watch so he could write an article about it for the Telegraph and then do absolutely nothing.
After they had Soubry endorsing Javid at the weekend, it’s now clear that this remainer shape-shifter is one of the BBC’s preferred choices.
How long before John Major is wheeled out again to tell us what he thinks ?.
Hot on the heels of the most appalling ‘fact checking’ hatchet job I have ever seen which the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ did on Boris a couple of days ago (where they simply selected things over his whole time as PM they could already prove to be false), now we have this one.
I can only imagine the hate and spite they have stored up inside since Brexit. This is purely about kicking a beaten animal when it’s down. It has no news value whatsoever.
Here are what the BBC tells us Tory voters think of Boris now:
“I believe him to be the worst prime minister this country’s ever had,” said Andy Rainbow
“Honestly, seriously, he should never have been prime minister,” Mr Butler said.
“But unfortunately it’s his integrity – or lack of it – and all the lies.”
“I also want to see a change in faces in the Cabinet – I think some of the Cabinet members like Jacob Rees-Mogg just perpetuate this impression that we’re a party for rich people’
It’s clear they are following the example of the Democrats in the USA. They don’t just want him out : they want to utterly ruin him so he can never come back. That’s how the Left work. In another time when they had total power, they would remove people permanently. Thats how they have been throughout history.
How we are about to be swayed competition edition.
There’s a relatively innocuous yet instructive case of our media manipulating photo selection and captioning in order to promote a particular narrative to fit their own prized agendas this morning.
At Wimbledon yesterday one might claim the rebel Serbian tennis ace employed his natural immunity to silence the likes of the compliant lefty conformist media: No-vaxx Djokovic: why his spiritual world view can have a dangerous side. The Serb’s views reflect how thin the line is between finding solace in spirituality and potentially projecting dangerous narratives, like opposing vaccination (Guardian April 2020) – article by Guadianista sportswriter Tumaini Carayol illustrated with a pic of Djokovic, teenth clenched and pointing his index finger to his head as though he were saying – I’m a right nutter, me!
Novak Djokovic: Is his vaccine saga an unforced error for Australia? (BBC January 2022) – our stately national broadcaster getting into the weeds of the managerial process – clearly it was a tight line call. Arty photo of a banner featuring the Serb hero brandished by his supporters at a rally downunder.
Nick Kyrgios has backed the Serb but many others resent his refusal to be vaccinated and his conduct in Australia (Observer January 2022) – report accompanied by a pic of Kyrgios grinning, covid theatre mask pulled down around his chin, whilst munching on a banana. Make of that what you will.
On the heels of securing his seventh Wimbledon crown, Novak Djokovic reiterated Sunday he has no plans to change his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of next month’s U.S. Open. Djokovic, who defeated Nick Kyrgios in the men’s final to claim his 21st career Grand Slam, revealed to reporters he remains unvaccinated (Sports Illustrated) – article, oddly, unillustrated…
Oh, by the way, there was a tennis match and the Serb defeated: …a sweary Kyrgios in the blazing sun (giveaway corporate metroplitan advertising sheet The Metro)
To the case in point. At some stage on Centre Court our media darling, the gorgeous Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, put her hand to the brow of the cutesy boy George aka Prince George of Cambridge.
The Metro takes the line that Kyrgios is a bad boy sweary invective-spitting crowd-baiting Aussie bludger. So their photo of the motherly Kate with her hand to her princeling’s brow and across his eyes is captioned: Not suitable for family viewing George! Fffff-our setter final – as if a hand in front of his eyes would protect him from witnessing the profanity or perhaps the family were out of earshot but the eight-year-old might be an accomplished lip reader?
Same momentary pose caught a second or two away in the timeline and from a slightly different angle for The Daily Mail – which plumps for the hot weather angle – now mum is mopping the hot and bothered, habitually over-dressed lad’s brow with her cooling motherly hand: It ain’t half hot, Ma’am! George swelters on Centre Court.
And that, media watchers, as we witness our media go to town on the cast of dozens of top Tories in their in-house least-knobbly knees competition, is a brief glimpse at how it can be done. How we are about to be swayed.
Today watch
Ashworth ( labour ) being asked about funding their tax cuts –
1 cutting charitable ( tax free ) funding for private education
2 a ‘temporary ‘ digital transaction tax
On -2 – above – there is no such thing as temporary – and what he is really saying is putting up VAT ….
Nothing on fuels taxes or green crap
If only these people could be slightly straight forward …. With the blue labour lot in self inflicted disarray one might think that a coherent opposition party would be ‘ preparing for government ‘ – but let’s face it – there is so little difference between the main parties that the main difference will be a change of faces …
I guess the new blue labour leader will go for an election fairly soon – maybe this year – before the really bad stuff comes through the pipe – assuming the war carries on ….
It is reporting that Birmingham airport is the more unreliable and that on average planes take off 12 minutes late .
So why not move the timetable so that all the planes take off 12 minutes later – then they and all be on time right ?
And it’s being reported that it will be hot in the summer – government to blame – lessons will be learnt – it won’t be so hot when the red Labour Party gets elected …
Ah, but climate change or over-population or natural resource exhaustion or some such did for the ancient Mayan civilization. And their government sacrificed the population to change the weather to save the population.
Come to think of it – our government are changing the population to better fit the warmer weather.
Caught the weather just before 0700 this morning – Susan Powell no less. ‘Doctor’ Susan Powell of the Met Office. The short debate between her and the Car Salesman questioning suggested that temperatures could rise to 45 C. at the end of this week and into next.
Switch emphasis. My local Met Office forecast online, “Feels Like” temperatures up until Sunday next do not exceed 24 C. I took the “Feels Like” because invariably they are higher that the predicted.
So, who to believe? The Met Office or the Met Office……………
Guest who
I resent you posting this because the white Scottish girl is far more likely to know what it is like to be coloured than the coloured girl is
—- maybe being thick and offensive is another SNP tactic.
I note the SNP girl is sitting behind the groping SNP whip ( what another one ?)
More seriously – there is a truly racist assumption that all coloured folk are the same – think the same – and have the same experiences …
It’s only us whitees that are like that ( I despair)
A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
Yeah – I think one of the elephants in the room is to promise to stop sending taxpayers’ borrowed money to help elephants in the third world – aka cutting down the overseas giveaway cash to a more sensible number – say £1 – or re designate all that defence money going to Ukraine as ‘overseas aid ‘ …
The tax cut competition could turn ugly, says our economics editor Faisal Islam in his analysis. However, there is one candidate, former chancellor Rishi Sunak, who has played down the prospect of tax cuts before public finances improve.
Questions have been raised about how pledges over taxes will be paid for, and opposition Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is expected to criticise prime ministerial hopefuls for now opposing tax rises after voting for them previously.
Well, golly, SurKurry… BBC expects every vacillating sound bite provider to follow their lead.
Top politicians secretly helped Uber, leak reveals
Who…. Tucked well down. But ‘top’.
Low expectation that the bbc will be too harsh on those favoured.
9 minutes of high comedy – works well at x2 speed ..
.. I wonder if he got out of his country with a prince Charles style suitcase of cash – now living with the ex president of afgee – next one please …. The COP WEF graveyard…..
In a fantasy world, I see – through rose-tinted specs – a labour constituency, where every private employer upsticks and leaves the area, taking his workforce with him to a better neighbourhood.
The Marxists can then set about completing the ruin of the area without any private cash! Could be hilarious, but they’d need a labour government to bail them out…
TOADY Watch #1 – compare and contrast, as the examiners in summer were wont to say
1. Amol Rajan’s interview (don’t know why the BBC do not sack all other presenters and let Amol do BBC R4 24/7! – he is all over R4 like an overcoat) with Labour Shadow demotee (SoS for Health to DWP) John Ashworth, with
2. Amol Rajan’s interview with Alok Sharma SoS for BIS in the Conservative Government Cabinet.
Socialist, Labour supporting, BBC worried about high taxes, no? Labour will have another new tax on the digital economy since Rishi ruined their windfall tax plans on the oil and gas producers.
– v –
Socialist, Labour supporting, BBC worried about high taxes, yes!
What spending will you cut in Government to pay for cuts in taxes?
The BBC have their Socialist understanding and campaigning on full display this morning. This all, after trying to smear Cameron and Osborne, Conservatives (past), and Boris Johnson. ‘Conservative (sort of) present’ with a Panorama type expose of Uber’s past lobbying.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
The ridiculous number of candidates for the Tory leadership,/PM illustrates how poor the assortment are. There are normally at least two obvious candidates, this time?
In any case the tiresome Smarmer/Ginge/BBC will no doubt remind us several times a day that the new PM has no electoral mandate. Every opportunity will be taken to call for a General Election.
The odour from this one tells me someone went around all these people and convinced them they had a chance to take over from Boris if they resigned in protest.
Now they’ve done it and realise what happened, those with some integrity have pulled out leaving those who are either greedy for power (Javid at the top for that one) or too stupid to realise they never had a chance (the ex equalities minister wins for that one).
Now we have to suffer the circus of the BBC fawning over those who match their agenda and being constantly just a touch negative about those who don’t.
In any democratic Party leadership battle, anywhere, the number of candidates, by definition, is unlimited in the first instance. Always has been and always will be. Anyone can put themselves forward. Until people put themselves forward for nomination, then no-one knows who they might be able to vote for. I should have thought that was pretty obvious. Others with a different view might believe that an initially large number of candidates indicates a position of strength, rather than a weakness in a party.
The real test will come when the initial candidates are winnowed down, but unless that is by a process of reasonable elimination, then you might as well just dictate from whatever authority there may be, just who the next Leader of the Party will be…. which sounds to me like totalitarianism, such as exists in Communist states.
Richard, think the current rules of the 1922 Committee are that each candidate must have, initially, eight nominations. That rule may be changed by this evening. Am not sure if one MP may nominate more than one candidate.
They’re going to bow to pressure from the BBC and it’s party political wing, Labour, to increase the number of votes each candidate must have in the first round, in order to shorten the process…..makes for better TV, n’est-ce pas, Up2snuff ?
He did indeed play for Fulham, but it was the Sunday side, so didn’t count!
I remember him playing at left full back against Charlton, and forgetting the two-three-five combination and finishing up in row three on the oppostion’s bench, much to the annoyance of Amelia Newt (mentioned above), who was seriously considering a post-match conjugation with Ron Newt, who was enamoured of her at that particular moment!
As to be expected, the BBC missed all this and concentrated their dire recording on Liverpool v Tranmere which was apparently a farce, as Tranmere only had eight players, and Liverpool forgot how to get there in the first place!
His plimsolls were a laugh, as they still had his mum’s name-tag sewn in to the uppers! They all laughed at that in the changing room, especially as he had to take them off and every lout in the opposition saw his real name, in indelible stitchwork!
He was legendary around the night clubs in the area, and was photographed on a regular occasion with Toniatteline Sagtrouser, (mentioned above), who was somewhat – er – free with her affections and was suspected of being in cahoots with at least eighteen foobollers of dubious distinction, but there you are!
That’s the BBC’s saving ‘grace’, showing linehker’s rubbish at our expense…
the polling (well, that’s what they call it…) seems to indicate that the present field of runners and riders don’t enthuse the electorate much at all… as in 60% don’t care or actively dislike the proffered candidates
– then again – Smarmer/Ginge/BBC popularity is righteously assumed eh?
IMHO, any “Remainers” or “Rejoiners” in the above list should be discounted along with all the yes men/women that formed the previous “dodgy” cabinet that got us into the present ‘Green Blob’ mess.
Anyone that cannot identify or describe a woman should not be considered
Tomo – the left-hand column in the graphic above is probably meaningless. The vast majority of those people do not have any say in the election of the leader of a political party, since they are not members of the political party, so their views are pretty irrelevant in that context….. unless the question asked was a leading question. We shall probably never be given that information
For all we know, the numbers of people who registered a ‘None of the above’ vote might actually prefer not to have had Boris Johnston leave his position, and as for the ‘Don’t Knows’….. well, given that the election process has barely started, perhaps that’s not unexpected.
To bastardise a common saying, ‘there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics’. Polls are simply statistics, and depend heavily on the question being asked, the people you poll, and the options you might give people from which to respond. For instance, I might ask if the column labelled ‘British Public’ excluded or included the other column, ‘Conservative Party Members’, how many people took part in the poll, was it a true poll, or did people put themsemselves forward to respond. Without that information, the data gathered, as I said to start with, could well be meaningless.
Paxman put out a normal sneery piece about Johnson and the Conservative Party . The most notable thing is the size of the voting membership and their ‘demographic ‘ …
You won’t find them in big cities – I think they are Thatcherite – hopefully old school – and see the word ‘woke ‘ as a term of abuse –
So I think any false brexiters Will be dumped as well as those with dodgy tax arrangements / green cards ….
-Paxman’s sneer is so old these days ….
Tony seldon – another sneery liberal traitor was also given the opportunity ( £1000?) to pour excrement on Johnson’s corpse ….
I’m glad I will never pay more than a bargain basement sum to get beyond the paywall …
Ban the spoilt elderly from voting says Jeremy Paxman (a cantankerous 67) who also accuses pensioners of ‘exploiting’ their vote by forcing politicians to focus on their own problems
Paxman accused OAPs of betraying young people and holding MPs to ransom
Blame his generation for the housing crisis, saying young people now struggle
His salary was £240,000 for University Challenge and £800,000 for Newsnight
Paxman …… “who also accuses pensioners of ‘exploiting’ their vote by forcing politicians to focus on their own problems”.
Haha – try telling that to the Union Leaders and their Members, Paxman, who could never possibly look after their own interests by focussing their votes on a certain party ……… yeah, right !
Edit – this clearly is not linked to Tomo’s response below, or that of Up2snuff – it just happens to be in the same thread. Apologies for any confusion I may have caused
– they did ask some people – who those people were, how they were selected and what the questions actually asked were – would be going too far in exposing the pollsters art?
I’d ask any of the customers in my local C0-0P ( a good cross section of the public), who would get their vote for PM. I’m betting most would say the 2 names they only know or heard about……. Sunak or Javid. The others would not be names off the top of their heads, and maybe Truss and Hunt would come to them… eventually. The rest ? forget it.
Which is why Polls are useless if its a straight “who would you vote for PM” with no names to choose from.
The government could ease the cost of living of the people of Great Britain by scrapping the archaic TV Licence.
What about the BBC ? Privatise it and tax any profits they make .
My wise older sister posits that while the cost of living crisis is now , why not allow everyone to pay at the pumps the Green levy VOLUNTARY .
As in ” that`s £36 do you want to pay the green levy ? , yes , so thats £56 is that cash or card ?”
Let`s see .
I doubt I’m alone in wondering what actually possessed Hunter Biden to film himself weighing Crack + negotiating/pleading with whores?
Seriously, what did he think (?) he was going to do with the video later? Hidden cameras à la Jeffrey Epstein is one thing – but to personally accumulate wild Kompromat on oneself (and then leave it lying around) – that’s on a whole different level…
– the near non-existent reaction of the US lefty MSM (and BBC) speaks volumes about what’s going on stateside. Imagine if this were Donald Trump Jnr?
Having a puff on a spliff doesn’t hold a candle to Hunter’s antics – one wonders if any of Hunter’s paid-for lady-friends accompanied him on official trips and if Hunter’s been smoking crack on Air Force aircraft? (I’d hazard a guess and suggest that the pattern of risky behaviour makes those things more likely than not)
He’s evidently not bothered about being caught as evidenced by his ejection from the US Navy!
That he’s off the rails is one thing – that he’s funding this lifestyle via corrupt deals that categorically involve “The Big Man” and American taxpayer funds – that is quite another matter.
This is being enabled by Joe’s handlers – they simply *must* be aware of it – and Hunter knows that he’ll be protected from any consequences – not difficult to imagine that his drug suppliers (and pimps) are sanctioned by the FBI really?
She is older now, her once dazzling looks undeniably faded, her famous beauty worn and creased.
“Sorry about that,” she says. “I was supposed to get ironed yesterday.”
Yes, it’s “that dress” — the dress that, 20 years ago this month, held the fate of a presidency in her lap. It has been two decades since the day she gave her dramatic testimony to the grand jury and then promptly disappeared into the federal witness protection program. Even as she recalls her brief moment in the spotlight, she looks drawn. But that’s because, following extensive reconstructive surgery, she’s been living quietly as a pair of curtains in Idaho.
“What do you think?” she says, saucily brushing her hem against the sill as her pleats ripple across the mullions. “It cost less than Paula Jones’ nose job.”
To be honest, I was lucky to get the interview. The dress was supposed to be doing the BBC — the full sob-sister treatment, Martin Bashir, the works—but, to protect her identity, they wanted to do that undercover secret-location protect-your-identity trick with the camera that makes part of the screen go all fuzzy and blurry.
“Are you crazy?” she yelled at them. “It’ll look like I’ve still got the stain.”
… the laptop appears to be delivering what in ordinary times would be damning conduct of the bidens …
….. but fixed votes mean any ‘revelations ‘ don’t count a dooy…
Curious that Twitter allows video of Hunter consorting with hookers and fooling about with crack when they deem that stupid, tubby Democrat congressperson selfie-ing in a bikini standing on her head at the beach with legs akimbo “sensitive content”
Sorry to repost this but I feel there are some important issues (and some spelling and grammar to correct!)
So Smarmer is innocent, OK? (Sure he is)
Will we be privy to the investigation’s findings?
Do we know if there was an injunction/Superinjuction after all?
Do we know if Smarmer actually appealed and overturned a decision to fine?
The timing of Durham’s Police was remarkable. Could it have been “a good time to bury controversial news”? Or possibly to allow Smarmer a clear run at the Tories at a difficult time for them.
I think there should be a public inquiry.
Does anyone else think there could be some fiddling of the leadership voting?
Two things worry me.
Has beens like major and sourbry are saying there’s no need to allow the Tory party members to vote and it should be the MPs alone who decide.
That stinks because MPs are mostly remainers no matter what they say out loud and we could end up with a remainer pm.
Secondly, remember Leadsom and May where Leadsom reached the last two then dropped out leaving no choice and letting in remainer May.
What if a similar thing happened again and one of the last two drops out leaving (it will be a remainer) the other to be pm.
They will say they followed (their) the rules and the procedure was legitimate but we all know it would be a fix if it happened.
They will try to get a remainer in as pm.
They will say brexit is done, it isn’t.
They will say it’s about tax or something else.
Watch this very carefully because they are devious and they know they can get away with it.
And don’t forget Leadsom was bullied out of the race.
The more I think about it, the more I realise this leadership election is effectively the ‘second referendum’ and we are going to witness a level of ‘fixing’ and bias like we have never seen before.
They got away with it with Biden, they got away with it to get rid of Boris and now that line in the sand is about to be pushed out even further. The BBC now know for sure OFCOM will not do anything at all to stop them.
The BBC are moving into phase two of their push to get a Labour Government.
A BBC heavyweight Charlie, Ben Brown, outside Westminster pulled up a wonk lady professor from that seat of freedom, truth and democracy, the University of Bristol and asked “ Is it right that the general public have no say in who is elected to run the Country”…. Weasel words meaning we (The BBC) demand a general election now because Labour might get into power.
Of course she politely agreed as you would expect.
I think the BBC have set their sights on an imminent Labour government and I believe we are in for a Tsunami of BBC activism to try to bring it about.
Whoever ends up running the Conservative show will get the short end of the stick as far as the BBC are concerned. Hunt bluntly answered the question put to him by a beeboid lady “would you keep the BBC license fee?” He just said “yes”. That of course will neither get him elected or guarantee his position if he won as far as the BBC are concerned. He is a sort of pallid Tory and hence a target to them.
If the head honchos in the Conservative Party cannot see this they are blind. They should give the defund the BBC move a hefty shove or they are deluding themselves and the BBC will eventually depose them.
Interestingly, I bet the BBC would not see the irony of Keir Starmer becoming Prime Minister if a General Election were called and Labour won.
We have never, to my knowledge, in our parliamentary elections, ever had a general vote for a Prime Minister.
And, of course, we did have an election to decide who would run the country – in 2019, for the next 5 years potentially, and the Conservative Government won the vote, by a quite significant majority, to do so.
Where do the BBC get these morons….. apart from somebody’s speed-dial list ? What’s the betting that she was some kind of a ‘social sciences’ professor ?
As I have said before the Government, irrespective of its political hue, need the BBC to carry out political propaganda. It’s why nothing has been done to curtail their bias. The perception of whom they appear to be supporting depends on what a person’s political views are.
Liz truss video – 1 minute 47 – pretty short – the responses are ‘diverse ‘ but someone noted the website was registered on 8 June – if true – shows she has some foresight …. Best of the bad …?
IMO she is far too in thrall to the civil servants at whichever department she is ‘heading’ at the time and has no real stomach for any fight with the establishment (or with the EU).
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV
Pug, there are proper presenters on LBC, and rabid lefties, as I’ve found out only recently…
Abbot, O’Brien and Adam just spout childish bile, while the normal ones are entertaining!
But at least we don’t have to pay them or listen to their crap adverts which I switch off every quarter of an hour! I really have no wish to sell my ‘coooorrrr’ at some junk motor fair at three in the morning!
British Conservative Party lawmaker John Penrose, has proposed an addition to the UK’s controversial internet censorship bill, dubbed “The Online Safety Bill,” which continues to get even more Orwellian with each new proposed amendment.
Like something out of dystopian fiction, Penrose, the MP for Weston-super-Mare, has proposed that the government forces online platforms to maintain a score of how truthful a person is, determined by their past statements.
On my iPad I only see half of your post as it’s too big and the right half is missing.
This happens on a few other posts where only half a picture appears.
I’m unable to make the rest of the message appear by making the post smaller as it’s not there.
It’s a pity to miss out on posts because half is missing.
Is it only on iPads or do others only get a half message.
Maybe stew can tell us how to get a post to fit. I think he did before but us older ones keep forgetting how to do it.
This site doesn’t automatically resize images, so before posting an image you have to resize it yourself. The safe maximum width is 750 pixels. Absolutely any graphics program, including the free ones, will resize images.
Alternatively, use your screen to resize. Display the image so it occupies about a third of your screen width. Press ‘PrtScn’ (Print Screen). That should you the whole screen on your clipboard. Crop it down to just the part you want. Save it as a jpg. Then you can use it for this site.
#JeremyVine won’t be testifying in Nottingham court today
Alex Belfield just put up a clip
“court adjourned ’til tmw due to Covid”
.. In yesterday’s video AB said he’d been told a QC has tested positive
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
I think that Labour will abolish the TV license and fund the BBC even more lavishly out of general taxation. They know that with every passing month more and more people become refuseniks and that the rate is accelerating .
Pug, there are proper presenters on LBC, and rabid lefties, as I’ve found out only recently…
Abbot, O’Brien and Adam just spout childish bile, while the normal ones are entertaining!
But at least we don’t have to pay them or listen to their crap adverts which I switch off every quarter of an hour! I really have no wish to sell my ‘coooorrrr’ at some junk motor fair at three in the morning!
Australia : Victoria Police APOLOGISE to @Avi Yemini over ‘Unlawful Arrests’ 11 Jul 2022
Rebel News video .. https://youtu.be/Xe0t4V7yTQM “Victoria Police sincerely apologises
… On each occasion, @Avi Yemini was wrongly arrested and detained by members of Victoria Police while reporting for Rebel News.”
SHARE FULL APOLOGY: https://rebelne.ws/3PiblbL
The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political scandal that emerged in 2009, concerning expenses claims made by members of the British Parliament in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords over the previous years.[1] The disclosure of widespread misuse of allowances and expenses permitted to Members of Parliament (MPs) aroused widespread anger among the UK public and resulted in a large number of resignations, sackings, de-selections and retirement announcements together with public apologies and the repayment of expenses. Several members or former members of both the House of Commons, and members of the House of Lords, were prosecuted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.
Ukraine plans a “million-strong army” equipped with Nato weapons to retake the south of the country from occupying Russians, the defence minister says.
Retaking the areas around the Black Sea coast was vital to the country’s economy, Oleksii Reznikov said.
During an update on the story of Archie Battersbee – the 12 year old from Southend – whose parents are challenging a decision to end life support treatment our report incorrectly suggested that Archie had been at home by himself when he was found unconscious. We would like to make it clear this was not the case and apologise to Archie’s family for this error.
“Germany’s government is worried that gas supplies could be reduced or cut permanently. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62121702
Russian gas supplies to Germany via the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 have been halted for 10 days.
The pipeline shutdown is also affecting Italy, where energy group Eni said it would receive about a third less gas from Russia’s Gazprom on Monday compared with average volumes supplied over the past few days.”
2017 … Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 5 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
A lit ring on a gas hob
Centrica’s closure of the Rough facility is is expected to be broadly cost neutral because of the value of the remaining gas. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA
Adam Vaughan
Tue 20 Jun 2017 19.32 BST
Doesn’t quite match merkel closing nuclear and relying on Russian comrades – but pretty good – here the Russians just prevented nuclear power by funding the anti nuclear useful idiot movement …
The Russians have never been properly punished for their conduct – I hope this time there will be some form of retribution ..
Especially if they go nuclear – if he get fried would be ‘comforting ‘ to know they’ve gone too …
Putin’s mini army: Lawmaker proposes giving Russian women president’s sperm to create new ‘military and political elite’
Yelena Borisovna Mizoulina made bizarre proposal during round table debate
One of the good side effects of the blue labour contest is the amount these representatives of the people are worth –
Zedahwi? Spelling has a ‘family trust fund worth £100 million based in Gibraltar – but he doesn’t benefit from it of course ….
I don’t mind people being rich – but when they become MPs it must be a bit of a stretch listening to constituents worrying about feeding or fueling …. Which will be big in about 10 weeks ….
At least they know how much a cake is worth – it’s a political career …
Labour’s free broadband plan fires up the election battle
This article is more than 2 years old
For Corbyn the proposal would create a ‘treasured institution’, but Johnson calls it ‘crazed’
He said the service would become “our treasured public institution for the 21st century”.
The 2019 Internet blackout in Iran was a week-long total shutdown of Internet. It was ordered by Supreme National Security Council and imposed by the Ministry of ICT. The blackout was one of the Iranian government’s efforts to suppress 2019 protests.
A blue plaque has been place by a savvy PR company outside News UK’s London Bridge HQ to commemorate The Sun newspaper’s political reporter, Noa Hoffman, landing the scoop that kickstarted a chain of events that saw the PM fall. Riot E-liquid, a quit smoking company with a sense of humour, claims the plaque is in “recognition and celebration of helping people quit”. Guido can see what they did there…
In 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
Last week’s R4 Moral Maze was basically “Should ‘Unacceptable’ Opinions be banned ?”
They picked Joe Mulhall as a guest
He’s from the Socialist front group Hatey Not Hopey
In fact such groups often seem to be a core of 1 or 2 people, and he is there
He tweeted last night to discuss the importance of freedom of speech.
I argued that by marginalising the most EXTREME and hateful voices we will actually increase the diversity of voices in public debate.
He said that “women, migrants, people of colour, LGBT people’s voice’s are SUPPRESSED”
(he was challenged on stating that as FACT)
cos the presence of a minority nationalists makes them feel uncomfortable, so the
When asked how you decide what is CORRECTSPEAK ie which minority opinions should be banned he says society reaches a consensus
but surely that is the whole point of free speech, that minority opinion get equal opportunities
You could have said in the 60s that pro gay and pro trans rights people were minority opinion and should have been banned
And thus today they would still be banned.
Strangely Mulhall and his group want to be the arbiters of what is a good minority opinion and what is a bad minority opinion.
Then his group act like a brownshirts mob they label their political opponents with big smear labels and then march in to stop them speaking.
Consensus is not a good way of finding truth
If it’s RIGHT that speech rights are to be limited by whether they conform to consensus, then in hard Muslim countries it would right to forbid pro gay messages , to forbid questioning of Islamic dogma, forbidden to speak positively about converting to Christianity etc.
All 4 guest speakers seemed London lefty anti-Brexiteers
The other 3
– Prof. Eric Heinze of Queen Mary (his own twitter feed strongly sneers at Boris and Brexit etc. )
– Jeevun Sandher, Economist & Political Scientist researching inequality (tweets similar to above)
– James Bloodworth of the lefty Labour publication New Statesman ..we were told he is a VICTIM of mobbing and “even stalked online”
, but we were not told why .
I guess he was labelled transphobic or homophobic for speaking about trans males trying to have 100% right into women’ spaces. He was the most reasonable speaker
The 4 panelists are different to the 4 guests
One of the panelists lefty Matthew Taylor said “We have antiracism and anti-homophobic laws .. yet OUR institutions are still DOMINATED by white heterosexual people”
He didn’t even pause to think and Mulhall quickly agree with him
FFS of course UK institutions are dominated by people of the main skin colour and main sexual orientation.
The prog has hardly any listeners
Lefties refuse to listen cos they can’t stand the fact 2 of the panel are usually righties
.. Lefties can’t stand their worldview being contradicted.
And righties don’t listen to Radio4, cos it’s a lefty propaganda station.
However one part did get attention. Near the end Jeevun Sandher misquoted research from the Jo Cox charity , a charity which is quite close to Hatey Not Hopey
A reply tweet gives the chart
It was not a majority it was 44%
Furthermore the question wasn’t clear, cos many of the public might wrongly think the words “transwoman” describe a woman who is transitioning to become a man
Someone on @BBCRadio4 Moral Maze has just claimed that “most people” now accept transwomen are women and transmen are men. No, we don’t – and this should have been challenged.
Adam and Eve were the first humans, according to the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian religions, and all humans have descended from them. As stated in the Bible, Adam and Eve were created by God to take care of His creation, to populate the earth, and to have a relationship with Him.
I’ve always thought with that analagy, that the human race would have died off a few generations after it begun, because the gene pool was so small we would start off as village idiots evolving into rabid insanity mentally, and physical deformities.
We only have to look at the cleft lip deformities when first cousins marry in some communities.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the start of the County Cricket Championship) the genes for Adam and Eve were initially perfect. They were designed to live for ever. After ‘The Fall’ with sin in the world the change to human genetics may have come slowly into being over many many generations through a fallen, ie. spoiled, Creation. It is difficult to know, so I was taught, whether the ages attributed to some of the ‘Ancients’ (ie. before Abram) are accurate. There is a school of thought among some Hebrew scholars who are Christians, that the massive age given for Methusaleh, for example, was a measure of the quality of his life. On the other hand he may have had exceedingly good genes! The other big problem – as I was taught – is that Ancient Hebrew (before and up to and including the time of Moses) is notoriously vague.
Gender segregation in Islamic law, custom, law and traditions refers to the practices and requirements in Islamic countries and communities for the separation of men and boys from women and girls in social and other settings. Scholars differ as to whether the Qur’an requires gender segregation, and, if so, the hadith that require it.[1][2][3][4][5] There are diverging opinions among experts in Islamic theology concerning gender segregation. However in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc. with high Muslim population sex segregation has been executed since old times.
MM, there was gender segregation in Judaism as well. That is still practised today, with some of the Orthodox Jewish synagogues that I have visited. The men would sit downstairs and participate in the ceremony. The women and children (pre-Barmitzvah) would sit upstairs in the balcony. One of my past Pastors used to recite an Orthodox Jewish prayer as an illustration in his sermons: ‘I thank thee, oh God, that thou hast made me a man and not a woman, a dog or a Gentile’ I think it went. Jewish woman being superior to a dog but a Gentile, irrespective of gender, being inferior to a dog.
This separation between men and women is still practised today in some congregations in the former Soviet bloc and also in Greece, even in evangelical congregations. It was strange to walk into a Romanian Baptist Church, for example, and find all the women sitting on one side of the building and all the men on the other.
“Consequently there was a long period during which nearly every thinking man was in some sense a rebel, and usually a quite irresponsible rebel. Literature was largely the literature of revolt or of disintegration. Gibbon, Voltaire, Rousseau, Shelley, Byron, Dickens, Stendhal, Samuel Butler, Ibsen, Zola, Flaubert, Shaw, Joyce — in one way or another they are all of them destroyers, wreckers, saboteurs. For two hundred years we had sawed and sawed and sawed at the branch we were sitting on. And in the end, much more suddenly than anyone had foreseen, our efforts were rewarded, and down we came. But unfortunately there had been a little mistake. The thing at the bottom was not a bed of roses after all, it was a cesspool full of barbed wire.“
panelist Mona Siddiqui kept saying that it is not a problem when righty people get cancelled ‘they are soon back on another platform with another book’ etc.
That is gaslighting .. people really do suffer
And was contradicted by a recent ruling
“Maya Forstater, who lost her job after claiming people cannot change their biological sex, has won two claims in a fresh employment tribunal following an appeal”
“A potential job offer and visiting fellowship were withdrawn.
My biography was taken down from the website when I tried to assert my rights under the Equality Act (victimisation).”
Thread .. https://twitter.com/MForstater/status/1544638227327471618
Woke Boris the Red, if Putin had been a woman he would not have invaded Ukraine.
Clealy this woke nutter despite having a history (classics) degree has no idea of history.
He has obviously never heard of Catherine the Great (nor has the media it appears) was started several wars of expansion, and it gets even worse for dimbo Boris because Britain was directly involved in one of those wars in the Crimea.
During her reign, Catherine extended the borders of the Russian Empire by some 520,000 square kilometres (200,000 sq mi), absorbing New Russia, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and Courland at the expense, mainly, of two powers—the Ottoman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
So there you have it, direct proof that the bottlers woke nonsense about toxic masculinity is absolute tosh !
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:08 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-14481009/Harry-Potter-Doctor-star-dies-aged-63-tributes.html Surprised the…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
Posted again as per Fedup2’s request
it’s the World Economic Forum stupid.
What are the so called ‘Tories’ doing about it ? Nothing, but to continue to allow the ‘freebooters’ to come across the Channel to loot from the people of this country. Nothing at all!
They Just continue to Tax us all .
Our only salvation is https://www.reformparty.uk/
I know that you have been advocating voting for Reform for a long time. Previously I always thought that voting Reform was just going to allow Labour in so I voted Tory . But as the Tories seem little better than Labour I am asking myself what is the point of voting for them. We will arrive at the same liberal left destination only a little more slowly.
I think that our democracy is completely broken . Even if we have a new PM who really tries to implement rightist policies they will be prevented from doing so by the blob.Not that I think any of the candidates would even try todo that.
So casting a vote for Reform would at least show dissent from blob rule and an appetite for radical change. Apart from continuous civil disobedience , and I’m getting too old for that , there isn’t much else left for us to do in post democratic Britain.
People around the world are puzzled why Boris resigned because there was no actual reason they can see significant enough to warrant it.
They would have had to watch the BBC running headline after headline for weeks about the most trivial events and deliberately whipping the public into a frenzy about it. I never saw the BBC open so many HYS on one topic as they did about partygate.
And in my opinion the reason is simple. The two people most responsible for Brexit are Nigel and Boris. Nigel has been suitably destroyed politically by the MSM and has been cancelled completely by the BBC. Now they finally got the chance to do the same to Boris. It’s the most basic ideological hatred and spite which has been simmering since Brexit. Nothing more. The current economic situation has served to make the public angry. They just channelled that anger towards Boris.
IMHO it is a political assasination by the Leftist establishment – with the BBC holding the knife.
Now we are seeing all those who resigned now seem to think they have a real chance to be PM. One really has to wonder what has gone on behind closed doors. I think it all stinks to high heaven.
But of course Boris turning woke means his departure could be a good thing unless they get a remainer back into No 10. Which – given the skullduggery used to get us here – is a very real possibility.
Or Boris could have told the truth for a change.
Thoughtful – thank you – I might watch for a third time on x2 speed ….
As one.
4 months to go to USA mid term elections and Alphabet crank it on the critics of Biden…
Do you think Alphabet aren’t tinkering with UK Internet? Then there’s Facebook VP Nick Clegg …
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Hello ,
As your new Prime Minister I’m going to govern for you , the ordinary Joe , and not for the people who think they have the Vision Of The Anointed , so I’m not afraid of them calling me a populist. In a democracy, populism should be a good thing .
So there will not be the constant looking over my shoulder to see what the likes of the BBC and university lecturers are approving or denigrating about my Conservative and patriotic policies . What they don’t like is probably for the best .
Which is why my immigration policies are guided by what the British people want , not by a self regarding so called intellectual class , and not by a union . A country has the right to decide who enters it , for how long , and what their behaviour should be . It’s not for international courts or out of date treaties to decide. And certainly not the BBC .
The civil service will go back to what they should be ; public servants. Servants to the public and not what they consider is a higher moral calling . The age of secrecy and obfuscation will be dead . What they advise will be public knowledge and their names will be known .
The judiciary will not indulge in judicial activism. Judges are not gods and they are there for us ,the ordinary people . If they want to indulge in politics then they have to stand for election for their positions. Everyone has conditions and restrictions in their daily jobs and the bewigged ones will have those too . Who has complete independence in how they do their work ?
The future of politics is to be discussion, not intimidation. The days when anyone who falls foul of the self appointed elite can be catcalled Far Right , Extreme Right or racist will be stopped . An exchange of ideas will replace the sneering and threatening that thugs on the left and BBC employ , as exemplified by Any Questions and Question Time where a rigged audience whoops hollers and whistles with their herd mentality and boos , hisses and shouts at a token non liberal/ left pannelist is intimidated .Applause should only be given to someone of an opposite view to yourself who makes such a profound point that you question your position.
We will engage in the culture war and push back the absurdities of the cultural Marxists . Our previous society of the fifties was a nice society with flaws like racism , homophobia etc , now we have a flawed society with niceties like no racism and homophobia. We will get a nice society with niceties .
There will be no policies to be the first in tackling climate change , equality, and all the other cosmic justice shibboleths beloved by the self anointed ones . Our international policies will be for the good of the ordinary people here , not for civil servants, Foreign Office or even the Prime Minister to strut about the world stage . Again , no impoverishment of the British people for cosmic justice .
And I haven’t even mentioned taxation.
A proper Tory Prime Minister .
[ that’s what I hope ]
Nothing protects anyone from man-made Climate Change, as its a fraud.
Whoever takes over 10, there is a slight chance that he/she may not be a hard Climate Change believer as Boris Johnson. The West has committed itself to the Climate Change hypothesis, as a means to control all aspects of life on earth. This would have led to a global disaster if the West was still a major economic power it was just a decade ago.
Thankfully neither China, India, Russia or Japan subscribe to AGW/CC.
But this is coming to our shores soon
Its 11 and counting for the top job. Farcical doesn’t begin to describe it. The Cat is waiting in the wings…………..
Health warnings because its a bit hot. Christ how did we get through the Summer of 76 when it was around 80 deg for 5 months straight ! There were water bowsers in the street, along with stand pipes, and I don’t remember anyone whingeing. Not many people had home showers so it was straight into a cool bath when we got home from work, and Mum sat with her feet in a bowl of cold water. Plenty of tomatoes too, as I grew them in abundance on the windowsill at work !
In 1976 we lived on a main road. On the other side was a stinking slime pool optimistically labelled “ornamental pond” on the local map. I used to cross the road with my Dad that summer with a bucket in each hand so he could water the garden.
I’ve got a feeling that such behaviour these days would result in some neighborhood snitch bringing Plod down on you – and the Plod being only too ready to see you punished.
Aye – lass – you ‘ad bath – you were lucky …😎( yes I remember the tar melting in 76 ) …phew
I see that ‘glamour models /reality tv contestants’ are now being re-branded as ‘Broadcaster and TV Personality’. ie Nicola McLean, who sits on the GB News sofa along with more serious talking guests. Doing a lot of giggling, and adds bugger all to the discussion.
I wrote to GBN about this, as they appear to have form in dumbing down with their choice of thicko guests, like Lizzy Cundy, and Daniella Westbrook who contribute nothing except fill up the screen with their botoxed lips. Why are they doing this ? for cheapness ? its insulting to the viewer.
Brissels, Mr D switched off GBNews this evening for the same reason. Last night we had a panel member with tattoos right up his neck and I think a ring in his nose. Both he and the young female Conservative commentator who couldn’t speak without a glottal stop could put forward a coherent argument and neither were easy to understand. I am sure I read that Naga Munchetty’s husband now works for GBNews, maybe these guests are the result. But this household is reacting with the off switch. GBNews you need to think of your viewing figures.
I ration usage of GBNews – I don’t really ‘do’ panels ….
..for those wondering what happened to the Steyn piece of vaccine damage – twitter says it is to be broadcast 8pm Thursday …
Perhaps they could ‘break the mould ‘ and put a documentary but seem to prefer 24 hour same format – which I think it dumb
Conservatives – liz truss has written a piece in thr times saying she will be a Conservative PM- that makes a nice time .
However – as spotted in the comments – she does not say where savings will come from on promised tax cuts – nor anything about green crap nor the military – … but she sounds pretty straightforward …..
When they had Jennie Murray on I started to wonder. She has BBC DNA running throughout her body. Topping up he massive BBC pension paid for by the over 75’s. I don’t want to listen to a woman who has made a career whinging about men and crying it’s all not fair.
And just as a footnote can someone at GBnews please tell Dan Wootton to slow down. Sometimes he talks at the speed of light.
… and we all know that the BBC is creaking at the seams with culture warriors
‘Racist’ Gandhi statue removed from University of Ghana
Calls to remove ‘racist’ Gandhi statue in Leicester
Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe called the petition a “massive distraction” from the Black Lives Matter movement.
The Labour politician said Gandhi “was part of creating a movement in the same way that Martin Luther King created a movement”.
Nice to see they’ve put up the 2001 block …
GBN hire righties
and them ban them for saying something none-woke
Dominiv Frisby said “the Jews” ..banned even though he is a Jew
The tubby female comedian @abiroberts was banned
after she argued with Jon Gaunt
She’s been suspended off Twitter for vax crimes
Jo Brand backlash after Nigel Farage ‘battery acid’ joke: ‘Why bother with milkshake?’
JO BRAND faced major backlash after she made a joke about throwing battery acid at politicians such as Nigel Farage instead of milkshakes, an unearthed account shows.
MM most of us on here are old enough to remember that.
South Africa: Fifteen shot dead in Soweto township bar
You can tell this is an agenda item because it’s all empathy. What place do statements like ‘Groups of women burst into song, dancing in the litter-strewn street.’ have in a report like this ?.
It follows another mass-murder which I hadn’t even heard about where 21 children between 13 and 17 (at a bar) were murdered with poison apparently.
So that’s 36 black people killed by other black people and barely a peep from the media. It proves once again that the Left only care about black deaths when white people kill them.
But the real story here is the scale of the black violence in South Africa. We are told by the likes of the Guardian that black murder so many people because white people are racist. So they actually blame white people for it.
But there are no white people to blame in Africa now. They do these things all on their own and they do it a much larger scale. Which rubbishes that argument.
With the knowledge that throughout nature, different strains of the same animal have different characteristics – eg some tend to be much more agressive than others, I wondered if the recent unravelling of DNA might have discovered anything. I found this which was interesting:
It seems that genetics do play a part in violent people after all (of course they do) – and it’s clear the scientist don’t really understand any of it. They just think there is some link. But looking across Google, anyone even suggesting this might be possible is instant ‘alt-right’, a white supremacist and ‘abhorrent’.
So we will ignore the science completely and destroy anyone who dares to even raise the question. And also ignore the hugely disproportionate murder rate because it is inconvenient.
Humans haven’t changed much at all since medievil times. People tend to believe what they are told to believe by society group-think and those who question the narrative are persecuted. If they could, the Left would make them disappear. They are full of hate – and it is getting much worse thanks to Biden’s crew driving a wedge right through the middle of society and the BBC being fully complicit.
Boris Johnson resignation: Sajid Javid says prayer meeting moved him to quit
‘What resolved him to quit, he told the BBC’s Sunday Morning show, was hearing a sermon on integrity at a prayer breakfast in Parliament on Tuesday.’
Excuse me while I throw up. Javid and the word integrity do not belong in the same sentence. The man who rushed back from holiday after another immigration crisis on his watch so he could write an article about it for the Telegraph and then do absolutely nothing.
After they had Soubry endorsing Javid at the weekend, it’s now clear that this remainer shape-shifter is one of the BBC’s preferred choices.
How long before John Major is wheeled out again to tell us what he thinks ?.
Boris Johnson: Why Monmouthshire turned against PM
Hot on the heels of the most appalling ‘fact checking’ hatchet job I have ever seen which the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ did on Boris a couple of days ago (where they simply selected things over his whole time as PM they could already prove to be false), now we have this one.
I can only imagine the hate and spite they have stored up inside since Brexit. This is purely about kicking a beaten animal when it’s down. It has no news value whatsoever.
Here are what the BBC tells us Tory voters think of Boris now:
“I believe him to be the worst prime minister this country’s ever had,” said Andy Rainbow
“Honestly, seriously, he should never have been prime minister,” Mr Butler said.
“But unfortunately it’s his integrity – or lack of it – and all the lies.”
“I also want to see a change in faces in the Cabinet – I think some of the Cabinet members like Jacob Rees-Mogg just perpetuate this impression that we’re a party for rich people’
It’s clear they are following the example of the Democrats in the USA. They don’t just want him out : they want to utterly ruin him so he can never come back. That’s how the Left work. In another time when they had total power, they would remove people permanently. Thats how they have been throughout history.
Baw-iss is the new Fatcha
How we are about to be swayed competition edition.
There’s a relatively innocuous yet instructive case of our media manipulating photo selection and captioning in order to promote a particular narrative to fit their own prized agendas this morning.
At Wimbledon yesterday one might claim the rebel Serbian tennis ace employed his natural immunity to silence the likes of the compliant lefty conformist media: No-vaxx Djokovic: why his spiritual world view can have a dangerous side. The Serb’s views reflect how thin the line is between finding solace in spirituality and potentially projecting dangerous narratives, like opposing vaccination (Guardian April 2020) – article by Guadianista sportswriter Tumaini Carayol illustrated with a pic of Djokovic, teenth clenched and pointing his index finger to his head as though he were saying – I’m a right nutter, me!
Novak Djokovic: Is his vaccine saga an unforced error for Australia? (BBC January 2022) – our stately national broadcaster getting into the weeds of the managerial process – clearly it was a tight line call. Arty photo of a banner featuring the Serb hero brandished by his supporters at a rally downunder.
Nick Kyrgios has backed the Serb but many others resent his refusal to be vaccinated and his conduct in Australia (Observer January 2022) – report accompanied by a pic of Kyrgios grinning, covid theatre mask pulled down around his chin, whilst munching on a banana. Make of that what you will.
On the heels of securing his seventh Wimbledon crown, Novak Djokovic reiterated Sunday he has no plans to change his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of next month’s U.S. Open. Djokovic, who defeated Nick Kyrgios in the men’s final to claim his 21st career Grand Slam, revealed to reporters he remains unvaccinated (Sports Illustrated) – article, oddly, unillustrated…
Oh, by the way, there was a tennis match and the Serb defeated: …a sweary Kyrgios in the blazing sun (giveaway corporate metroplitan advertising sheet The Metro)
To the case in point. At some stage on Centre Court our media darling, the gorgeous Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, put her hand to the brow of the cutesy boy George aka Prince George of Cambridge.
The Metro takes the line that Kyrgios is a bad boy sweary invective-spitting crowd-baiting Aussie bludger. So their photo of the motherly Kate with her hand to her princeling’s brow and across his eyes is captioned: Not suitable for family viewing George! Fffff-our setter final – as if a hand in front of his eyes would protect him from witnessing the profanity or perhaps the family were out of earshot but the eight-year-old might be an accomplished lip reader?
Same momentary pose caught a second or two away in the timeline and from a slightly different angle for The Daily Mail – which plumps for the hot weather angle – now mum is mopping the hot and bothered, habitually over-dressed lad’s brow with her cooling motherly hand: It ain’t half hot, Ma’am! George swelters on Centre Court.
And that, media watchers, as we witness our media go to town on the cast of dozens of top Tories in their in-house least-knobbly knees competition, is a brief glimpse at how it can be done. How we are about to be swayed.
Today watch
Ashworth ( labour ) being asked about funding their tax cuts –
1 cutting charitable ( tax free ) funding for private education
2 a ‘temporary ‘ digital transaction tax
On -2 – above – there is no such thing as temporary – and what he is really saying is putting up VAT ….
Nothing on fuels taxes or green crap
If only these people could be slightly straight forward …. With the blue labour lot in self inflicted disarray one might think that a coherent opposition party would be ‘ preparing for government ‘ – but let’s face it – there is so little difference between the main parties that the main difference will be a change of faces …
I guess the new blue labour leader will go for an election fairly soon – maybe this year – before the really bad stuff comes through the pipe – assuming the war carries on ….
BBC News watch
It is reporting that Birmingham airport is the more unreliable and that on average planes take off 12 minutes late .
So why not move the timetable so that all the planes take off 12 minutes later – then they and all be on time right ?
And it’s being reported that it will be hot in the summer – government to blame – lessons will be learnt – it won’t be so hot when the red Labour Party gets elected …
Ah, but climate change or over-population or natural resource exhaustion or some such did for the ancient Mayan civilization. And their government sacrificed the population to change the weather to save the population.
Come to think of it – our government are changing the population to better fit the warmer weather.
Good point – imported third world weather – fights – road rage – running out of cold stuff – melting roads – never happened before ….
AsISeeIt: Your last remark brought a wry smile to my Monday-morning face.
Gaz of the BBC, impartially, trusted as ever.
Tookenart interviewed
( after the FCO or ministry of wasting money aka defence )
Polls, gosh darned polls, and what the media have been told to make happen.
Going more with become Labour MPs and live on Twitter.
People have run out of real problems … non-conforming ….
Hopefully disappear up their own a……ses
Caught the weather just before 0700 this morning – Susan Powell no less. ‘Doctor’ Susan Powell of the Met Office. The short debate between her and the Car Salesman questioning suggested that temperatures could rise to 45 C. at the end of this week and into next.
Switch emphasis. My local Met Office forecast online, “Feels Like” temperatures up until Sunday next do not exceed 24 C. I took the “Feels Like” because invariably they are higher that the predicted.
So, who to believe? The Met Office or the Met Office……………
A few fair points on idiot wimmin of tv outrage there.
Guest who
I resent you posting this because the white Scottish girl is far more likely to know what it is like to be coloured than the coloured girl is
—- maybe being thick and offensive is another SNP tactic.
I note the SNP girl is sitting behind the groping SNP whip ( what another one ?)
More seriously – there is a truly racist assumption that all coloured folk are the same – think the same – and have the same experiences …
It’s only us whitees that are like that ( I despair)
If I have caused resentment, a promising career in politics or media beckons.
But being in proximity to such as that thick SNP harpie might be tricky to withstand.
Though the look of incandescent frustrated rage at being bested on matters of race by Ms. B might have been fun to experience.
Conservative ….
UK aid to superpower China hit a record £70 million in 2019
Aid to the world’s second largest economy has now been cut by 95% following a revue of international development funding.
Conservative ….
Bradford is UK City of Culture 2025.
Bradford has been revealed as the winner of the hotly contested UK City of Culture 2025 competition.
Conservative ….
A teacher is still in hiding one year on from the Prophet Muhammed Batley school row. The teacher had shown a caricature of the founder of Islam, during a religious studies lesson at Batley Grammar School in March 2021.25 Mar 2022
Yeah – I think one of the elephants in the room is to promise to stop sending taxpayers’ borrowed money to help elephants in the third world – aka cutting down the overseas giveaway cash to a more sensible number – say £1 – or re designate all that defence money going to Ukraine as ‘overseas aid ‘ …
Will any bkue labour candidate be brave enough …?
The Moaning Emole is as expected.
Edited for reasons of illustrative purposes.
The tax cut competition could turn ugly, says our economics editor Faisal Islam in his analysis. However, there is one candidate, former chancellor Rishi Sunak, who has played down the prospect of tax cuts before public finances improve.
Questions have been raised about how pledges over taxes will be paid for, and opposition Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is expected to criticise prime ministerial hopefuls for now opposing tax rises after voting for them previously.
Well, golly, SurKurry… BBC expects every vacillating sound bite provider to follow their lead.
Top politicians secretly helped Uber, leak reveals
Who…. Tucked well down. But ‘top’.
Low expectation that the bbc will be too harsh on those favoured.
“The tax cut competition….”
All a whiff of, “Trinkets for the Natives” if I’m not mistaken.
Scientists design contraceptives to limit grey squirrels
By Justin Rowlatt
climate editor
6 hours ago
Isn’t Elizabeth Warren 83% squirrel, and hence OUTRAGED!?
Saz Sands has the story.
Um, why is it only limited to squirrels ? I could think of a better use.
That looks like a mostly lethal riot…. In BBC terms.
9 minutes of high comedy – works well at x2 speed ..
.. I wonder if he got out of his country with a prince Charles style suitcase of cash – now living with the ex president of afgee – next one please …. The COP WEF graveyard…..
10/10, Pug!
In a fantasy world, I see – through rose-tinted specs – a labour constituency, where every private employer upsticks and leaves the area, taking his workforce with him to a better neighbourhood.
The Marxists can then set about completing the ruin of the area without any private cash! Could be hilarious, but they’d need a labour government to bail them out…
There again, I’m just dreaming!
TOADY Watch #1 – compare and contrast, as the examiners in summer were wont to say
1. Amol Rajan’s interview (don’t know why the BBC do not sack all other presenters and let Amol do BBC R4 24/7! – he is all over R4 like an overcoat) with Labour Shadow demotee (SoS for Health to DWP) John Ashworth, with
2. Amol Rajan’s interview with Alok Sharma SoS for BIS in the Conservative Government Cabinet.
Socialist, Labour supporting, BBC worried about high taxes, no? Labour will have another new tax on the digital economy since Rishi ruined their windfall tax plans on the oil and gas producers.
– v –
Socialist, Labour supporting, BBC worried about high taxes, yes!
What spending will you cut in Government to pay for cuts in taxes?
The BBC have their Socialist understanding and campaigning on full display this morning. This all, after trying to smear Cameron and Osborne, Conservatives (past), and Boris Johnson. ‘Conservative (sort of) present’ with a Panorama type expose of Uber’s past lobbying.
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
The ridiculous number of candidates for the Tory leadership,/PM illustrates how poor the assortment are. There are normally at least two obvious candidates, this time?
In any case the tiresome Smarmer/Ginge/BBC will no doubt remind us several times a day that the new PM has no electoral mandate. Every opportunity will be taken to call for a General Election.
The odour from this one tells me someone went around all these people and convinced them they had a chance to take over from Boris if they resigned in protest.
Now they’ve done it and realise what happened, those with some integrity have pulled out leaving those who are either greedy for power (Javid at the top for that one) or too stupid to realise they never had a chance (the ex equalities minister wins for that one).
Now we have to suffer the circus of the BBC fawning over those who match their agenda and being constantly just a touch negative about those who don’t.
In any democratic Party leadership battle, anywhere, the number of candidates, by definition, is unlimited in the first instance. Always has been and always will be. Anyone can put themselves forward. Until people put themselves forward for nomination, then no-one knows who they might be able to vote for. I should have thought that was pretty obvious. Others with a different view might believe that an initially large number of candidates indicates a position of strength, rather than a weakness in a party.
The real test will come when the initial candidates are winnowed down, but unless that is by a process of reasonable elimination, then you might as well just dictate from whatever authority there may be, just who the next Leader of the Party will be…. which sounds to me like totalitarianism, such as exists in Communist states.
Richard, think the current rules of the 1922 Committee are that each candidate must have, initially, eight nominations. That rule may be changed by this evening. Am not sure if one MP may nominate more than one candidate.
They’re going to bow to pressure from the BBC and it’s party political wing, Labour, to increase the number of votes each candidate must have in the first round, in order to shorten the process…..makes for better TV, n’est-ce pas, Up2snuff ?
You’re right of course, Flots!
The betting is getting quite heated now, and strangely Tugendhat is beginning to make waves!
An excellent blog with which I have a passing acquaintance, is publishing additional names for the leadership…
Basil Kalashnikov
Ron Groat
Amelia Newt
Cynthia Molestrangler
Norman Wibble
PC Lumbersnatch
Pastor Gilbert Flange
Elder Lungeburt
Toniatteline Sagtrouser
Len Belch
Frambreline Gruntrasher
Prunella Lunge-Dachsund
Brunhilde Gunke
Countess Wilbertine-Starkers
Nurse Fabriola Cruntstable
Lady ffiona Horseperson
Wimbert Lump
Edwina Baggage
Afficianados of this excellent record of a normal citizen’s life will understand of course!
(Unfortunately the long lamented Fruning Graplecard is deceased, and therefore will not be included, or so it’s claimed).
Scroblene – I think you have put up the PMs farewell honours list by mishtake…
.. and I think you’ll find Len Belch plays for `Fulham …
He did indeed play for Fulham, but it was the Sunday side, so didn’t count!
I remember him playing at left full back against Charlton, and forgetting the two-three-five combination and finishing up in row three on the oppostion’s bench, much to the annoyance of Amelia Newt (mentioned above), who was seriously considering a post-match conjugation with Ron Newt, who was enamoured of her at that particular moment!
As to be expected, the BBC missed all this and concentrated their dire recording on Liverpool v Tranmere which was apparently a farce, as Tranmere only had eight players, and Liverpool forgot how to get there in the first place!
Lol😎I thought it might have been palace but I got confused with good only Jonnie burp who missed out on the 66 final because he forgot his boots …
He bloody well did!
His plimsolls were a laugh, as they still had his mum’s name-tag sewn in to the uppers! They all laughed at that in the changing room, especially as he had to take them off and every lout in the opposition saw his real name, in indelible stitchwork!
It was Grogan Nargs!
Scrobie, wot? No Nugent Dirt?
Bugger me, Uppers!
I totally forgot him!
He was legendary around the night clubs in the area, and was photographed on a regular occasion with Toniatteline Sagtrouser, (mentioned above), who was somewhat – er – free with her affections and was suspected of being in cahoots with at least eighteen foobollers of dubious distinction, but there you are!
That’s the BBC’s saving ‘grace’, showing linehker’s rubbish at our expense…
the polling (well, that’s what they call it…) seems to indicate that the present field of runners and riders don’t enthuse the electorate much at all… as in 60% don’t care or actively dislike the proffered candidates
– then again – Smarmer/Ginge/BBC popularity is righteously assumed eh?
IMHO, any “Remainers” or “Rejoiners” in the above list should be discounted along with all the yes men/women that formed the previous “dodgy” cabinet that got us into the present ‘Green Blob’ mess.
Anyone that cannot identify or describe a woman should not be considered
Reduction of government.
Tomo – the left-hand column in the graphic above is probably meaningless. The vast majority of those people do not have any say in the election of the leader of a political party, since they are not members of the political party, so their views are pretty irrelevant in that context….. unless the question asked was a leading question. We shall probably never be given that information
For all we know, the numbers of people who registered a ‘None of the above’ vote might actually prefer not to have had Boris Johnston leave his position, and as for the ‘Don’t Knows’….. well, given that the election process has barely started, perhaps that’s not unexpected.
To bastardise a common saying, ‘there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics’. Polls are simply statistics, and depend heavily on the question being asked, the people you poll, and the options you might give people from which to respond. For instance, I might ask if the column labelled ‘British Public’ excluded or included the other column, ‘Conservative Party Members’, how many people took part in the poll, was it a true poll, or did people put themsemselves forward to respond. Without that information, the data gathered, as I said to start with, could well be meaningless.
Paxman put out a normal sneery piece about Johnson and the Conservative Party . The most notable thing is the size of the voting membership and their ‘demographic ‘ …
You won’t find them in big cities – I think they are Thatcherite – hopefully old school – and see the word ‘woke ‘ as a term of abuse –
So I think any false brexiters Will be dumped as well as those with dodgy tax arrangements / green cards ….
-Paxman’s sneer is so old these days ….
Tony seldon – another sneery liberal traitor was also given the opportunity ( £1000?) to pour excrement on Johnson’s corpse ….
I’m glad I will never pay more than a bargain basement sum to get beyond the paywall …
Ban the spoilt elderly from voting says Jeremy Paxman (a cantankerous 67) who also accuses pensioners of ‘exploiting’ their vote by forcing politicians to focus on their own problems
Paxman accused OAPs of betraying young people and holding MPs to ransom
Blame his generation for the housing crisis, saying young people now struggle
His salary was £240,000 for University Challenge and £800,000 for Newsnight
Paxman …… “who also accuses pensioners of ‘exploiting’ their vote by forcing politicians to focus on their own problems”.
Haha – try telling that to the Union Leaders and their Members, Paxman, who could never possibly look after their own interests by focussing their votes on a certain party ……… yeah, right !
Edit – this clearly is not linked to Tomo’s response below, or that of Up2snuff – it just happens to be in the same thread. Apologies for any confusion I may have caused
Richard d
I agree
– they did ask some people – who those people were, how they were selected and what the questions actually asked were – would be going too far in exposing the pollsters art?
I’d ask any of the customers in my local C0-0P ( a good cross section of the public), who would get their vote for PM. I’m betting most would say the 2 names they only know or heard about……. Sunak or Javid. The others would not be names off the top of their heads, and maybe Truss and Hunt would come to them… eventually. The rest ? forget it.
Which is why Polls are useless if its a straight “who would you vote for PM” with no names to choose from.
Too right Brissles!
My lovely till-lady would vote for me, and I’d certainly vote for her if I was thirty years younger…
richardD, good analysis.
The government could ease the cost of living of the people of Great Britain by scrapping the archaic TV Licence.
What about the BBC ? Privatise it and tax any profits they make .
Taffy ,
My wise older sister posits that while the cost of living crisis is now , why not allow everyone to pay at the pumps the Green levy VOLUNTARY .
As in ” that`s £36 do you want to pay the green levy ? , yes , so thats £56 is that cash or card ?”
Let`s see .
I doubt I’m alone in wondering what actually possessed Hunter Biden to film himself weighing Crack + negotiating/pleading with whores?
Seriously, what did he think (?) he was going to do with the video later? Hidden cameras à la Jeffrey Epstein is one thing – but to personally accumulate wild Kompromat on oneself (and then leave it lying around) – that’s on a whole different level…
– the near non-existent reaction of the US lefty MSM (and BBC) speaks volumes about what’s going on stateside. Imagine if this were Donald Trump Jnr?
Bill Clinton Said He ‘Didn’t Inhale’ 25 Years Ago—But the History of U.S. Presidents and Drugs Is Much Older
Having a puff on a spliff doesn’t hold a candle to Hunter’s antics – one wonders if any of Hunter’s paid-for lady-friends accompanied him on official trips and if Hunter’s been smoking crack on Air Force aircraft? (I’d hazard a guess and suggest that the pattern of risky behaviour makes those things more likely than not)
He’s evidently not bothered about being caught as evidenced by his ejection from the US Navy!
That he’s off the rails is one thing – that he’s funding this lifestyle via corrupt deals that categorically involve “The Big Man” and American taxpayer funds – that is quite another matter.
This is being enabled by Joe’s handlers – they simply *must* be aware of it – and Hunter knows that he’ll be protected from any consequences – not difficult to imagine that his drug suppliers (and pimps) are sanctioned by the FBI really?
they simply *must* be aware of it.
August 22nd 2018
She is older now, her once dazzling looks undeniably faded, her famous beauty worn and creased.
“Sorry about that,” she says. “I was supposed to get ironed yesterday.”
Yes, it’s “that dress” — the dress that, 20 years ago this month, held the fate of a presidency in her lap. It has been two decades since the day she gave her dramatic testimony to the grand jury and then promptly disappeared into the federal witness protection program. Even as she recalls her brief moment in the spotlight, she looks drawn. But that’s because, following extensive reconstructive surgery, she’s been living quietly as a pair of curtains in Idaho.
“What do you think?” she says, saucily brushing her hem against the sill as her pleats ripple across the mullions. “It cost less than Paula Jones’ nose job.”
To be honest, I was lucky to get the interview. The dress was supposed to be doing the BBC — the full sob-sister treatment, Martin Bashir, the works—but, to protect her identity, they wanted to do that undercover secret-location protect-your-identity trick with the camera that makes part of the screen go all fuzzy and blurry.
“Are you crazy?” she yelled at them. “It’ll look like I’ve still got the stain.”
I always do that too …
… the laptop appears to be delivering what in ordinary times would be damning conduct of the bidens …
….. but fixed votes mean any ‘revelations ‘ don’t count a dooy…
Curious that Twitter allows video of Hunter consorting with hookers and fooling about with crack when they deem that stupid, tubby Democrat congressperson selfie-ing in a bikini standing on her head at the beach with legs akimbo “sensitive content”
“congressperson selfie-ing in a bikini standing on her head at the beach with legs akimbo “sensitive content”
Did she get that idea from Crayons, Tomo?
It wasn’t even a selfie – it was a TikTok video
I hope her next electoral opponent makes full use of it.
crayons? – you lost me?
Crayons = Fick Ange!
More kids than ‘o’ levels on leaving school…
Growlergate beckons – not!
The least Bill could do was splash out on a new dress for her!
Sorry to repost this but I feel there are some important issues (and some spelling and grammar to correct!)
So Smarmer is innocent, OK? (Sure he is)
Will we be privy to the investigation’s findings?
Do we know if there was an injunction/Superinjuction after all?
Do we know if Smarmer actually appealed and overturned a decision to fine?
The timing of Durham’s Police was remarkable. Could it have been “a good time to bury controversial news”? Or possibly to allow Smarmer a clear run at the Tories at a difficult time for them.
I think there should be a public inquiry.
The perps have worked the timeline to finesse the slippery Starmer’s escape.
Have the Russians / comrade Merkel turned the gas off yet ?
Does anyone else think there could be some fiddling of the leadership voting?
Two things worry me.
Has beens like major and sourbry are saying there’s no need to allow the Tory party members to vote and it should be the MPs alone who decide.
That stinks because MPs are mostly remainers no matter what they say out loud and we could end up with a remainer pm.
Secondly, remember Leadsom and May where Leadsom reached the last two then dropped out leaving no choice and letting in remainer May.
What if a similar thing happened again and one of the last two drops out leaving (it will be a remainer) the other to be pm.
They will say they followed (their) the rules and the procedure was legitimate but we all know it would be a fix if it happened.
They will try to get a remainer in as pm.
They will say brexit is done, it isn’t.
They will say it’s about tax or something else.
Watch this very carefully because they are devious and they know they can get away with it.
And don’t forget Leadsom was bullied out of the race.
The more I think about it, the more I realise this leadership election is effectively the ‘second referendum’ and we are going to witness a level of ‘fixing’ and bias like we have never seen before.
They got away with it with Biden, they got away with it to get rid of Boris and now that line in the sand is about to be pushed out even further. The BBC now know for sure OFCOM will not do anything at all to stop them.
The BBC are moving into phase two of their push to get a Labour Government.
A BBC heavyweight Charlie, Ben Brown, outside Westminster pulled up a wonk lady professor from that seat of freedom, truth and democracy, the University of Bristol and asked “ Is it right that the general public have no say in who is elected to run the Country”…. Weasel words meaning we (The BBC) demand a general election now because Labour might get into power.
Of course she politely agreed as you would expect.
I think the BBC have set their sights on an imminent Labour government and I believe we are in for a Tsunami of BBC activism to try to bring it about.
Whoever ends up running the Conservative show will get the short end of the stick as far as the BBC are concerned. Hunt bluntly answered the question put to him by a beeboid lady “would you keep the BBC license fee?” He just said “yes”. That of course will neither get him elected or guarantee his position if he won as far as the BBC are concerned. He is a sort of pallid Tory and hence a target to them.
If the head honchos in the Conservative Party cannot see this they are blind. They should give the defund the BBC move a hefty shove or they are deluding themselves and the BBC will eventually depose them.
Interestingly, I bet the BBC would not see the irony of Keir Starmer becoming Prime Minister if a General Election were called and Labour won.
We have never, to my knowledge, in our parliamentary elections, ever had a general vote for a Prime Minister.
And, of course, we did have an election to decide who would run the country – in 2019, for the next 5 years potentially, and the Conservative Government won the vote, by a quite significant majority, to do so.
Where do the BBC get these morons….. apart from somebody’s speed-dial list ? What’s the betting that she was some kind of a ‘social sciences’ professor ?
As I have said before the Government, irrespective of its political hue, need the BBC to carry out political propaganda. It’s why nothing has been done to curtail their bias. The perception of whom they appear to be supporting depends on what a person’s political views are.
Are you supporting them by paying your telly tax?
Unfortunately, ‘er indoors is an avid Eastenders fan
Liz truss video – 1 minute 47 – pretty short – the responses are ‘diverse ‘ but someone noted the website was registered on 8 June – if true – shows she has some foresight …. Best of the bad …?
IMO she is far too in thrall to the civil servants at whichever department she is ‘heading’ at the time and has no real stomach for any fight with the establishment (or with the EU).
She is a warmonger along with the whole sorry cabal whether in government or opposition. All connected to the WEF.
The BBC EdGuds Special Stuff Synonym section expands daily.
Of course, it is also what happens when you hit twitter after a £75 cheeky red or a solo photo shoot in yer Y’s.
Seems The BBC has a wee problem looming.
Propping up la Rayner and LaLa Bryant as leadership material with Kemi and Suella actually doing stuff and making sense will be quiet the challenge.
One one is sure the w1A loins are being girded to address.
But defensive vocab in the face of evident fact is hardly a good start.
Diane Abbott HAS got a head for figures… as long as they are her own! Blundering Shadow Home Secretary made £110,000 in licence fee payers’ cash for appearing on BBC TV
Diane Abbott got figures wrong on police numbers on Nick Ferrari’s LBC show
Said it would cost £300k to hire 10,000 new officers, paying police £7.50 a year
She then corrected it to £80 million meaning officers were on £2,000 salaries
She has been paid more than £110,000 in licence payers’ cash to appear on BBC
Hackney and Stoke Newington MP also paid thousands speaking on expert panels
Pug, there are proper presenters on LBC, and rabid lefties, as I’ve found out only recently…
Abbot, O’Brien and Adam just spout childish bile, while the normal ones are entertaining!
But at least we don’t have to pay them or listen to their crap adverts which I switch off every quarter of an hour! I really have no wish to sell my ‘coooorrrr’ at some junk motor fair at three in the morning!
To be trialed on 650 MPs first …
UK lawmaker John Penrose proposes dystopian idea to give citizens a truth score on social media
Massive overreach.
British Conservative Party lawmaker John Penrose, has proposed an addition to the UK’s controversial internet censorship bill, dubbed “The Online Safety Bill,” which continues to get even more Orwellian with each new proposed amendment.
Like something out of dystopian fiction, Penrose, the MP for Weston-super-Mare, has proposed that the government forces online platforms to maintain a score of how truthful a person is, determined by their past statements.
On my iPad I only see half of your post as it’s too big and the right half is missing.
This happens on a few other posts where only half a picture appears.
I’m unable to make the rest of the message appear by making the post smaller as it’s not there.
It’s a pity to miss out on posts because half is missing.
Is it only on iPads or do others only get a half message.
Maybe stew can tell us how to get a post to fit. I think he did before but us older ones keep forgetting how to do it.
This is what I see (if it works)
Will try harder.
Not all support resizing – need a site to apply changes.
This site doesn’t automatically resize images, so before posting an image you have to resize it yourself. The safe maximum width is 750 pixels. Absolutely any graphics program, including the free ones, will resize images.
Alternatively, use your screen to resize. Display the image so it occupies about a third of your screen width. Press ‘PrtScn’ (Print Screen). That should you the whole screen on your clipboard. Crop it down to just the part you want. Save it as a jpg. Then you can use it for this site.
Not ideal, but click on picture, then use preview image.
I just searched Twitter for “truth score”
And right clicked over the image to pickup its URL
#JeremyVine won’t be testifying in Nottingham court today
Alex Belfield just put up a clip
“court adjourned ’til tmw due to Covid”
.. In yesterday’s video AB said he’d been told a QC has tested positive
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable and gender fair BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are NOT linked to the talent market.
I don’t think getting rid of the BBC will end the problem. On election, Labour would probably set up BBC Mk II, to their spec of course.
At least the licence robbery might stop.
I think that Labour will abolish the TV license and fund the BBC even more lavishly out of general taxation. They know that with every passing month more and more people become refuseniks and that the rate is accelerating .
Pug, there are proper presenters on LBC, and rabid lefties, as I’ve found out only recently…
Abbot, O’Brien and Adam just spout childish bile, while the normal ones are entertaining!
But at least we don’t have to pay them or listen to their crap adverts which I switch off every quarter of an hour! I really have no wish to sell my ‘coooorrrr’ at some junk motor fair at three in the morning!
Australia : Victoria Police APOLOGISE to @Avi Yemini over ‘Unlawful Arrests’ 11 Jul 2022
Rebel News video .. https://youtu.be/Xe0t4V7yTQM
“Victoria Police sincerely apologises
… On each occasion, @Avi Yemini was wrongly arrested and detained by members of Victoria Police while reporting for Rebel News.”
SHARE FULL APOLOGY: https://rebelne.ws/3PiblbL
The United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal was a major political scandal that emerged in 2009, concerning expenses claims made by members of the British Parliament in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords over the previous years.[1] The disclosure of widespread misuse of allowances and expenses permitted to Members of Parliament (MPs) aroused widespread anger among the UK public and resulted in a large number of resignations, sackings, de-selections and retirement announcements together with public apologies and the repayment of expenses. Several members or former members of both the House of Commons, and members of the House of Lords, were prosecuted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.
Ukraine plans a “million-strong army” equipped with Nato weapons to retake the south of the country from occupying Russians, the defence minister says.
Retaking the areas around the Black Sea coast was vital to the country’s economy, Oleksii Reznikov said.
However, the comments are more of a rallying cry than a concrete plan, says the BBC’s Joe Inwood in Kyiv.
TITLE “Ukraine aims to amass ‘million-strong army’ to recapture south, says defence minister”
REALITY “the comments are more of a rallying cry than a concrete plan”
BBC London
29 June 2022
During an update on the story of Archie Battersbee – the 12 year old from Southend – whose parents are challenging a decision to end life support treatment our report incorrectly suggested that Archie had been at home by himself when he was found unconscious. We would like to make it clear this was not the case and apologise to Archie’s family for this error.
BBC Wishful thinking …
BBC Context
29 June 2022
In our story about Poland’s role within Nato, the map wrongly named Poland over the territory of Belarus. We are sorry for the error.
“Germany’s government is worried that gas supplies could be reduced or cut permanently.
Russian gas supplies to Germany via the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 have been halted for 10 days.
The pipeline shutdown is also affecting Italy, where energy group Eni said it would receive about a third less gas from Russia’s Gazprom on Monday compared with average volumes supplied over the past few days.”
Hahaha Putin is taming the globalist filth!
2017 … Closure of UK’s largest gas storage site ‘could mean volatile prices’
This article is more than 5 years old
Shuttering of Rough facility off Yorkshire coast by British Gas owner Centrica will increase dependence on imports, say critics
A lit ring on a gas hob
Centrica’s closure of the Rough facility is is expected to be broadly cost neutral because of the value of the remaining gas. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA
Adam Vaughan
Tue 20 Jun 2017 19.32 BST
Doesn’t quite match merkel closing nuclear and relying on Russian comrades – but pretty good – here the Russians just prevented nuclear power by funding the anti nuclear useful idiot movement …
The Russians have never been properly punished for their conduct – I hope this time there will be some form of retribution ..
Especially if they go nuclear – if he get fried would be ‘comforting ‘ to know they’ve gone too …
Putin’s mini army: Lawmaker proposes giving Russian women president’s sperm to create new ‘military and political elite’
Yelena Borisovna Mizoulina made bizarre proposal during round table debate
One of the good side effects of the blue labour contest is the amount these representatives of the people are worth –
Zedahwi? Spelling has a ‘family trust fund worth £100 million based in Gibraltar – but he doesn’t benefit from it of course ….
I don’t mind people being rich – but when they become MPs it must be a bit of a stretch listening to constituents worrying about feeding or fueling …. Which will be big in about 10 weeks ….
At least they know how much a cake is worth – it’s a political career …
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Labour will control the MEMEs of Production …
Labour’s free broadband plan fires up the election battle
This article is more than 2 years old
For Corbyn the proposal would create a ‘treasured institution’, but Johnson calls it ‘crazed’
He said the service would become “our treasured public institution for the 21st century”.
The 2019 Internet blackout in Iran was a week-long total shutdown of Internet. It was ordered by Supreme National Security Council and imposed by the Ministry of ICT. The blackout was one of the Iranian government’s efforts to suppress 2019 protests.
A blue plaque has been place by a savvy PR company outside News UK’s London Bridge HQ to commemorate The Sun newspaper’s political reporter, Noa Hoffman, landing the scoop that kickstarted a chain of events that saw the PM fall. Riot E-liquid, a quit smoking company with a sense of humour, claims the plaque is in “recognition and celebration of helping people quit”. Guido can see what they did there…
In 2018, investigations by the Sunday Mirror alleged that the extent of the Telford grooming gang was far more vast than had previously been believed, with claims of up to 1,000 girls, most of them white, having been victims of trafficking, drugging, beating, rape and even murder.
Last week’s R4 Moral Maze was basically “Should ‘Unacceptable’ Opinions be banned ?”
They picked Joe Mulhall as a guest
He’s from the Socialist front group Hatey Not Hopey
In fact such groups often seem to be a core of 1 or 2 people, and he is there
He tweeted
last night to discuss the importance of freedom of speech.
I argued that by marginalising the most EXTREME and hateful voices we will actually increase the diversity of voices in public debate.
He said that “women, migrants, people of colour, LGBT people’s voice’s are SUPPRESSED”
(he was challenged on stating that as FACT)
cos the presence of a minority nationalists makes them feel uncomfortable, so the
When asked how you decide what is CORRECTSPEAK ie which minority opinions should be banned he says society reaches a consensus
but surely that is the whole point of free speech, that minority opinion get equal opportunities
You could have said in the 60s that pro gay and pro trans rights people were minority opinion and should have been banned
And thus today they would still be banned.
Strangely Mulhall and his group want to be the arbiters of what is a good minority opinion and what is a bad minority opinion.
Then his group act like a brownshirts mob they label their political opponents with big smear labels and then march in to stop them speaking.
Consensus is not a good way of finding truth
If it’s RIGHT that speech rights are to be limited by whether they conform to consensus, then in hard Muslim countries it would right to forbid pro gay messages , to forbid questioning of Islamic dogma, forbidden to speak positively about converting to Christianity etc.
All 4 guest speakers seemed London lefty anti-Brexiteers
The other 3
– Prof. Eric Heinze of Queen Mary (his own twitter feed strongly sneers at Boris and Brexit etc. )
– Jeevun Sandher, Economist & Political Scientist researching inequality (tweets similar to above)
– James Bloodworth of the lefty Labour publication New Statesman ..we were told he is a VICTIM of mobbing and “even stalked online”
, but we were not told why .
I guess he was labelled transphobic or homophobic for speaking about trans males trying to have 100% right into women’ spaces. He was the most reasonable speaker
The 4 panelists are different to the 4 guests
One of the panelists lefty Matthew Taylor said “We have antiracism and anti-homophobic laws .. yet OUR institutions are still DOMINATED by white heterosexual people”
He didn’t even pause to think and Mulhall quickly agree with him
FFS of course UK institutions are dominated by people of the main skin colour and main sexual orientation.
The prog has hardly any listeners
Lefties refuse to listen cos they can’t stand the fact 2 of the panel are usually righties
.. Lefties can’t stand their worldview being contradicted.
And righties don’t listen to Radio4, cos it’s a lefty propaganda station.
However one part did get attention. Near the end Jeevun Sandher misquoted research from the Jo Cox charity , a charity which is quite close to Hatey Not Hopey
A reply tweet gives the chart
It was not a majority it was 44%
Furthermore the question wasn’t clear, cos many of the public might wrongly think the words “transwoman” describe a woman who is transitioning to become a man
Adam and Eve were the first humans, according to the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian religions, and all humans have descended from them. As stated in the Bible, Adam and Eve were created by God to take care of His creation, to populate the earth, and to have a relationship with Him.
I’ve always thought with that analagy, that the human race would have died off a few generations after it begun, because the gene pool was so small we would start off as village idiots evolving into rabid insanity mentally, and physical deformities.
We only have to look at the cleft lip deformities when first cousins marry in some communities.
When Adam and Evan were in the Garden of Eden not many kids were born.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the start of the County Cricket Championship) the genes for Adam and Eve were initially perfect. They were designed to live for ever. After ‘The Fall’ with sin in the world the change to human genetics may have come slowly into being over many many generations through a fallen, ie. spoiled, Creation. It is difficult to know, so I was taught, whether the ages attributed to some of the ‘Ancients’ (ie. before Abram) are accurate. There is a school of thought among some Hebrew scholars who are Christians, that the massive age given for Methusaleh, for example, was a measure of the quality of his life. On the other hand he may have had exceedingly good genes! The other big problem – as I was taught – is that Ancient Hebrew (before and up to and including the time of Moses) is notoriously vague.
Not Adam & Steve?
Gender segregation in Islamic law, custom, law and traditions refers to the practices and requirements in Islamic countries and communities for the separation of men and boys from women and girls in social and other settings. Scholars differ as to whether the Qur’an requires gender segregation, and, if so, the hadith that require it.[1][2][3][4][5] There are diverging opinions among experts in Islamic theology concerning gender segregation. However in countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc. with high Muslim population sex segregation has been executed since old times.
MM, there was gender segregation in Judaism as well. That is still practised today, with some of the Orthodox Jewish synagogues that I have visited. The men would sit downstairs and participate in the ceremony. The women and children (pre-Barmitzvah) would sit upstairs in the balcony. One of my past Pastors used to recite an Orthodox Jewish prayer as an illustration in his sermons: ‘I thank thee, oh God, that thou hast made me a man and not a woman, a dog or a Gentile’ I think it went. Jewish woman being superior to a dog but a Gentile, irrespective of gender, being inferior to a dog.
This separation between men and women is still practised today in some congregations in the former Soviet bloc and also in Greece, even in evangelical congregations. It was strange to walk into a Romanian Baptist Church, for example, and find all the women sitting on one side of the building and all the men on the other.
Forgot about that stuff. Well worth remembering.
“Consequently there was a long period during which nearly every thinking man was in some sense a rebel, and usually a quite irresponsible rebel. Literature was largely the literature of revolt or of disintegration. Gibbon, Voltaire, Rousseau, Shelley, Byron, Dickens, Stendhal, Samuel Butler, Ibsen, Zola, Flaubert, Shaw, Joyce — in one way or another they are all of them destroyers, wreckers, saboteurs. For two hundred years we had sawed and sawed and sawed at the branch we were sitting on. And in the end, much more suddenly than anyone had foreseen, our efforts were rewarded, and down we came. But unfortunately there had been a little mistake. The thing at the bottom was not a bed of roses after all, it was a cesspool full of barbed wire.“
panelist Mona Siddiqui kept saying that it is not a problem when righty people get cancelled ‘they are soon back on another platform with another book’ etc.
That is gaslighting .. people really do suffer
And was contradicted by a recent ruling
“Maya Forstater, who lost her job after claiming people cannot change their biological sex, has won two claims in a fresh employment tribunal following an appeal”
“A potential job offer and visiting fellowship were withdrawn.
My biography was taken down from the website when I tried to assert my rights under the Equality Act (victimisation).”
Thread .. https://twitter.com/MForstater/status/1544638227327471618
Bit rich from a Muslim – a religion which carries out the ultimate cancellation …
LGBLT are the ones trying to suppress womans voices it seems to me?
Woke Boris the Red, if Putin had been a woman he would not have invaded Ukraine.
Clealy this woke nutter despite having a history (classics) degree has no idea of history.
He has obviously never heard of Catherine the Great (nor has the media it appears) was started several wars of expansion, and it gets even worse for dimbo Boris because Britain was directly involved in one of those wars in the Crimea.
During her reign, Catherine extended the borders of the Russian Empire by some 520,000 square kilometres (200,000 sq mi), absorbing New Russia, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and Courland at the expense, mainly, of two powers—the Ottoman Empire and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
So there you have it, direct proof that the bottlers woke nonsense about toxic masculinity is absolute tosh !
“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
― Winston Churchill
Boris “Just let me read out these lines that Carrie has written down for me”
Cake -boris ?