Be in no doubt that as the BBC bury the Report on mass child sexual abuse in Telford their fight with the British Military will be pushed on . Some people ask what evidence of anti British Bias is there ? Well the 2 issues above help answer that question. Dump your TV licence – end your Direct Debit .
The site has been playing up from time to time recently – lets hope it gets cured .
Midweek 13 July 2022
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It should be a career ender . But it shows that BBC policy is to change the UK from white to coloured – maybe the BBC just wants all the whites dead ….( apart from approved ones who can be declared honoury coloureds ) …
Offensive beyond words . I assume the football team has formally complained of the overt racism
The BBC does not report news … it generates it (Savile/Brand/Pay Gap) … and is busy changing the country via social engineering …
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
Dear Winston Smith from the Memory Hole Department,
Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part1
; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
**imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group**
They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children. Who are the anti-natalists – and how far are they willing to push their ideas? { 13aug2019}
UN on Genocide: imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
BBC On Anti-natalists:They (Anti-natalists) believe humans shouldn’t have children.
Terrorism: “Wouldn’t it just be better to blow a hole in the side of the earth and just have done with everything?”
Seems your article might want to mention the UN definition of genocide and also mention it to the Anti-natalists.
There were examples
of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with
guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.
1400 children were sexually exploited over the full
Inquiry period, from 1997 to 2013.
COULD could COULD could.
Covid: Sore throat now top symptom that could be the virus
The top symptom that could be Covid is a sore throat, according to data from 17,500 people who said they had tested positive for the virus this week.
who said
who said
who said
who said
“Even if people have had a past infection and are fully vaccinated, people are still catching it.
Vaccine effectiveness for Pfizer, where the second dose was administered 6 weeks or more after the first dose, stood at 85% from 14 to 73 days after, falling to 51% after 6 months.
Vaccine effectiveness for 2 doses of Pfizer, where both doses were administered within 6 weeks of each other, stood at 89% 14 to 73 days after dose 2, decreasing to 53% after 6 months.
4:45pm R4 Science show
So of course they have the Greenpeace guy on .. Rex Wiler
presenter expressing horror that dome people kill and eat whales.
Item seems to be 40 years of the International Moratorium on Whaling.
So the Greenpeace guy turned this into an excuse to do Greenpeace history.
“We were a peace group, then we met this whale researcher working in Vancouver, and we thought this it it, we have to save the whale”
“We got these little rubber dinghies and put ourselves between the whale herd and the Russian whalers”
That last sentence sums up what these greenpeace gits are all about. They attention seekers trying to be seen as fearless hero’s getting between the whales and the whalers in their little rubber boats, hoping this will show them as selfless unflinching hero’s when in fact they are fully aware that they are 100% protected by their allegiance to greenpeace 190% guarantees that no one would do anything to bring about a furious green faux backlash.
It’s entirely possible that most of them did their training in their bedrooms on some zombie shootemup games,
Trailer comes on “I’m Rory Stewart , listen to my R4 series : How To Argue Effectively.”
He has failed to win over anyone bar those who agree with him in the first place!
It’s like the BBC saying ‘tune in to Newsnight because we have installed another idiot, snarky bimbo to prese…’
How much are The Guardian charging for those celebrity journalism masterclasses?
… Google…
Polly Toynbee – £129
Owen Jones – £50
In Radio 4’s The Long History of Argument, Rory Stewart explores the strange human phenomenon of arguing and why it matters so deeply to our lives.
Payments from Aitken Alexander Associates; literary agent, of 291 Gray’s Inn Rd, London WC1X 8QJ:
30 April 2019, payment of £1,831.08 for royalty payments of books written before the 2010 election. Hours: none since my election. (Registered 09 May 2019)
23 September 2019, payment of £1,334.75 for royalties for books written before the 2010 election. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 15 October 2019)
17 October 2019, payment of £10,905.89 from royalties for books written prior to the 2010 election. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 29 October 2019)
Another fruit hoop heading for the nut nut ‘honours’ list …together with Lord Cummings of Barnard Castle
I bet Carrie gets a Damehood –
Dame Carrie of John Lewis …
Is PoliticsLive actually a place for juvenile dementia patients?
The one of the Scots footy bird trashing her career is also interesting.
NiasedBBC forced an item saying *RESPECT trans* people
but showed they don’t *RESPECT black people*, if they are Tory
Called in Wetherspoons Sowerby Bridge for my tea as I can’t be bothered cooking tonight.
They have on the TV women’s Football. Italy v Iceland and it looks like 22 Caucasian ladys. BBC wont be happy !
“NHS facing surge in demand amid extreme weather warning”
Once again we have “Could”, “Could”, and “Could”.
Interestingly we have “behavioural change and the key thing was to “prepare” government services.”
Is it the government’s place to operate “behavioural change”?
More Fear, fear, and fear!
Its about time the government prepared their services to operate in normal times, something it has not done for years . Hence the mess in the NHS .
Interesting woman on GB News earlier today pointing out that in ‘olden’ days if the weather got up around 30 degrees you would see a weather report map with a nice yellow sun showing it as a lovely summer day compared to now where it’s shaded dark red and weather warnings all over the news.
It’s another part of the nudge.
I remember hot summers, they were great and they usually lasted about 2 or 3 days until the thunderstorm.
Now we have weather warnings almost all the time.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Exactly !
Years, ago storms were just storms, now there is a department full of people giving them names .
Have they forgotten the summer of 1976 ?
Nudge, nudge or behavioural change , two cheeks of the same @r5e.
It was Laura Dodsworth on GB News (interesting woman on about the weather)
Matt Ridley in The Telegraph writes (edited)
Highlights the BBC ignorance in Sri Lanka’s collapse, from one of the fastest growing Asian economies to a political, economic collapse seems to have taken everybody by surprise…
Five years ago, the World Bank was extolling “how Sri Lanka intends to transition to a more competitive and inclusive upper-middle income country”. Right up to the middle of last year, despite the impact of the pandemic, the country’s misery index (inflation plus unemployment) was low and falling. Then the misery index took off like a rocket, quintupling in a year.
What happened? There is a simple explanation, one that the BBC seems determined to downplay. In April 2021, president Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced that Sri Lanka was banning most pesticides and all synthetic fertiliser to go fully organic. Within months, the volume of tea exports had halved, cutting foreign exchange earnings. Rice yields plummeted leading to an unprecedented requirement to import rice. With the government unable to service its debt, the currency collapsed.
As the agricultural scientist Prof Channa Prakash of Tuskegee University in Alabama once told me: “Sure, organic agriculture is sustainable: it sustains poverty and malnutrition.” Farming was organic when millions died in famines every decade and the US prairies turned into dustbowls for lack of fertiliser to hold the soil during droughts.
But if you watch or listen to the BBC, you will hear little of this.
In the Netherlands, too, farmer protests are mainly about a policy of reducing the use of nitrogen fertiliser. In this country, organic farming gets publicity far out of proportion to its actual contribution: about 3 per cent of Britain’s farmland is organic.
If the world abandoned nitrogen fertiliser that was fixed in factories, the impact on human living standards would be catastrophic….to feed eight billion people with organic methods we would need to put more than twice as much land under the plough and the cow. That would consign most of the world’s wetlands, nature reserves and forests to oblivion.
And the BBC will claim they are Saving the planet!
For whom I might ask. But we know who, not us. Them, the Twiiter based virtue signalers. aka; Gary Linekar and Co.
I wonder who /what the WEF will blame ?
I reckon they’ll say ‘to slow ‘ or ‘not enough reform “
I just hope the ordinary Sri lankanian ? Joe gets to find out the cause of the chaos – but not from the BBC woke service eh?
Makes one wonder if anyone will ‘take out’ the WEF ?
I see Rajapaksa has fled to Singapore. Surely Schwab or Gates has a spare back room to offer him?
The British blockade of Germany in WW1 meant the Krauts couldn’t get enough fertiliser, hence less yields from their farms , less food , a lower ability to fight Spanish Flu .
These people are too distant from the reality – too young to recall pre-industrialisation on any scale (as we all, alive today are), too arrogant, and cut off from the real world to actually have a clue how necessary these things are to sustain the human population, and lifestyle we now have (and clearly take for granted).
Without modern, intensive farming, without oil, and oil based transport and chemicals (plastics!!!), we’d very quickly move into a new dark age with mass famine, horrific and deadly outbreaks of disease, and appalling social upheaval and conflict, the survivors would have to resort to cannibalism to survive, and most wouldn’t, along with many of the achievements of humanity, many species, and perhaps any form of civilisation.
In comparison, the worst ‘climate catastrophes the doomsayers can dream up would be like a walk in the park.
IF there is something behind this global warming idea (and it seems more plausible in a mid-summer heatwave, than it does mid-winter cold snap, for some unfathomable reason), the only way forward is to use science and technology to find workable alternatives. Just ‘stopping’ ‘oil’, or ‘plastics’, or ‘fertiliser’ without an alternative that works is a dreadful idea!
Not named yet ? 29 ? Engerland player – spurs or arsenal ?
There are only 2 candidates ….bit mad reporting it at all …
Looks like it will probably be Rishi v one of the wimmin.
They say Rishi will lose when the vote goes out to the members.
I hope the Tories MPs don’t use the American vote counting machines.
Who is more difficult for Labour
Poshboy Rishi ? or a black woman ?
Posh boy is easy because of the wife – money – non Dom – green card – money tree – easier to run the blue labour sleeze narrative – also – rishi is too manufactured for the Commons –
I still reckon if it’s between rishi and truss – truss does a pseudo thatcher and gets the gig …
I’m more interested whether they go for a really early election or bottle like G Brown , the economy is bad but it’s gonna get far worse in the next 24 months …. So chance it now and have a 10 majority – with nut nut maybe campaigning for the new PM .. maybe
And the blue tories are chucking money back at the original owners ( apart from total benefits fiends and frauds of course ) £236 today with another taste in a month ….?
Can I get some too ?
Well if anyone has the cash to fix the election it is the in – laws – … I heard the thing about the one who comes second in the ballot being the winner in Tory elections …
… I also think that almost all of those red wall tories are now out of touch with their locals by now after being fed nut nut green crap for a couple of years
I still reckon on Truss even with a financial (£8) interest in her win . Whether she’d be any good as a PM – who knows ? But if she has a picture of Mrs Thatcher in her room – that might help …
I think the conservatives will look at maudent and the coloured girl and say ‘go get a life ‘….
BBC Local breakfast show item
“Here we are at the Great Yorkshire Show with 8 Asylum Seeker men brought here by the refugee charity.”
One guy said he is a refugee from Turkey
.. Is life so bad in Turkey ?
Tonight on ITV local news
“Here we are at the Great Yorkshire Show with 32 Asian born women brought here by the refugee charity. called.Roshni .”
Asian ? There were no Chinese or Koreans
One woman gave the game away “We don’t have these things in Pakistan or Bangladesh”
The ITV item also featured the black guy Maxwell Ayamba they said he won an award
They didn’t mention he is the founder of the walking group “Black Men Walking”
His bio says “Environmental Journalist/Academic – PhD Research Student in Black Studies, University of Nottingham & M4C/AHRC”
His tweet today said
At the 142nd Harrogate Agricultural Show today, supporting British Farmers to reconnect with people from minoritized communities to access those spaces which are often perceived as ‘White’ or ‘privileged”
Yesterday he tweeted about being on the BBC
Being racebaity gets you in the media doors
Is that a form of privilege ?
I’ve taken country walks with black friends, and those of other ethnicities (in my uni/research days I had friends/students and co-workers of every colour).
From those experiences I’d like to make three observations:
1. Everyone, even farmers, were interested to see people of non-white ethnicities in the countryside, and often went out of their way to say “hello, we don’t see many people like you around here, please come again, you’re very welcome”. I’ve never experienced them say anything like that to white people.
2. The biggest local landowner (a lord) near my home has a half-Nigerian wife, who shares the big (it really is) house with him, and her (fully) Nigerian mother stays in a cottage on his ginormous estate. Before him, his father had a taste for ethnic ‘wifelets’, and had at least 50 of various shades dotted around the estate in cottages in his heyday (I suspect you can guess from that who these local landowners might be?)
3. Chinese and other East Asian people seem to like country walks as much as us English people, South Asians and Blacks generally do NOT, and normally consider it beneath them to walk in the countryside (which is where poor, smelly peasants live – to them, successful people all live in nice clean apartments in big cities and don’t get mud on their nice shiny shoes).
The countryside is not ‘racist’, quite honestly, many black and brown people are though… and snobs too.
I thought the whole trespass in the countryside thing was done 90 years ago by Benny Rothman, Ewan MacColl and The Young Communist League.
Maxwell A. Ayamba
Environmental Journalist/Academic – PhD Research Student in Black Studies, University of Nottingham & M4C/AHRC
Sheffield, EnglandJoined January 2019
730 Following
‘We have to change that narrative’: Sheffield walking group aims to widen access to nature among BAME communities
A South Yorkshire walking group is aiming to widen access to the great outdoors among black and ethnic minorities.
The group, Black Men Walk for Health was created in Sheffield in 2004, in order to improve physical and mental health through exercise, nature and companionship.
They have also created a theatre production addressing questions of identity, history and asserting a rightful place in the countryside.
“To see black faces in white landscapes or landscape deemed the rural idyll is something new that people are not used to, so our group is trying to say no, we have to change that narrative and to fashion a new narrative that is inclusive and that nature belongs to everyone.”
Oil price has fallen to $95 a barrel probably in anticipation of some success in the Biden begging tour, if he can remember where he is, and not totally wind up the Saudi by calling them every ism and fauxbia his demented mind can recall.
Micron has already told him that there is no spare capacity and Saudi are actually buying oil from Russia – probably because they can buy it cheaper than they can seel it, and dozy Biden doesn’t realise he’s buying Russian oil in breach of the sanctions.
Not that that would bother the criminal Democrats with the November midterms coming up – wouldn’t put it past them to try to source Russian oil indirectly under cover if they thought they could get it into the country and bring down fuel prices in the states.
Meanwhile millions of cars have been repossesed on lease / loan defaults, and the next rate rise hasn’t even happened yet! Some of these loans are reportedly 1405 of the cars original value because no repayments at all have been made.
Expect this to follow in this country if our hopelessly incompetent BoE governor actually manages act soon on inflation and raises interest rates.
Thoughtful – tucker says that a gallon of gas in Mexico is 25% less than in California – they are all heading south to fill up …we might think this country is in a mess but the US ? Ugh ..
I would advise Sir Patrick to go and lecture countries like China, India, Russia , the USA etc etc etc .
The economic sacrifices the Bo Jo and his altar of net zero policy is destroying the economy of Great Britain.
What Tory voted for that one ?
“the CO2 levels in the atmosphere are higher than they have ever been” – doesn’t sound much like hard ‘scientific’ fact to me. Am pretty sure the ESTIMATES of the experts in the field (there seems to be a huge amount of ‘guesstimation’ involved in ‘climate science’) put it much, much higher in some earlier eras, and given the amount of CO2 major volcanic eruptions can produce, which can dwarf anything we can produce, it seems highly likely it was.
“Braverman out of Conservative Party leadership contest”
Something tells me that the ‘rejoiners’ are likely to be in charge .
The Tories are in the “Last Chance saloon”, mess this up again and they are finished .
A couple of days ago here – there was a discussion about a dirty bomb / nuclear attack on New York . I ridiculed it a bit – although I know some loon will try a dirty one some day –
Anyway – watching last nights ‘ tucker Carlson – he shows a public information film being shown in New York about what to do after a nuclear attack …. The ultimate project fear – but this one might be real … it’s 59 days to 9/11 … gulp …
TO be honest a full scale nuclear war with Russia would be unsurvivable, but there are many countires now who possess nuclear weapons and the use of one would indeed be survivable.
The US is obviously a target, but so is Britain, and unlike the US Britain is completely undefended and exposed. Where an attack on the US might be detected and fail, Britain is a much softer target as in the unlikely event we did detect something, we wouldn’t be able to stop it
Surely Russia has unstoppable hypersonic nuclear missiles plus a huge number of normal missiles, that’ll overwhelm USA’s or anyone else’s defences.
“Only Japan and Germany, countries occupied by the US military after World War 2, host more US airmen than Britain.”
That public information nuke warning was – I strongly suspect – issued by the Democrat administration in New York city/state- and if you’ve seen / listened to the frankly unhinged old trout who’s the state governor she’s full of it.
Joe Biden is crumbling in front of our eyes and his son seems intent on committing spectacular reputational Harakiri despite the efforts of the US MSM – and the nuke scare aligns neatly with the Democrats obviously terrified of TEOTWAWKI.
Consider if CNN, CNBC, PBS , NPR all went to town with what many of us already know about the Bidens and somebody did an honest assessment of Kamala Harris’s fitness for high office – the meltdown would burn through the earth’s core.
It doesn’t take 13 minutes to repeal stuff we’ve known about since before the stolen election …
Patrick Vallance links to Bill Gates funding of his business interests in global drug pandemics, some would say. LBC confirmed (on air) that he did take funding but Vallance said ‘.it was not for me personally, but for ‘funding’ of my institute. For mis-informing us all he was later made a Lord. Lord Vallance.
Rumours have it the Saudi’s intend to Snub Biden on his begging tour as only a minor royal will meet him at the airport. If Biden is silly enough to raise human rights issues and that of the murder of Jamal Khassoggi it will not go down well
Can but be hoped – I suppose they have to send someone to the airport – and the usual signs of ‘solidarity ‘ whilst putin makes the Saudis even richer without even trying .
Why would they increase production to reduce the price ? Nut nut tried and failed … and they new where they stood with president trump …
They know where they stand with dopey Joe, he’s made it perfectly clear he hates them for their treatment of the gays and blacks and he’s said he wants to turn Saudi into a pariah state, now he needs the oil and the boot is on the other foot.
Reminds me this article:
Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi embassy street in US renamed after murdered journalist
By the Washington DC Democrat council.
‘”We intend to remind the people who are hiding behind those doors, we intend to remind them every day, every hour, every minute, that this is Jamal Khashoggi Way,” said Sarah Leah Whitson’
This story has Leftist ‘moral superiority’ spite written all over it. Every single Saudi must have their nose rubbed in it – even though non of them had anything to do with it and it happend in another country. And I presume Biden knows about it and approves. What a diplomat …
One point of GBnews was that it would have regional journo
Local BBC have jut poached the Hull one
“Anna Riley
Journalist based in Yorkshire, formerly @gbnews @hulllive”
From the DT
Nearly two million people told the BBC they no longer required a licence fee last year, as the corporation predicted that more viewers will desert them this year.
A total of 1.96 million households said they did not watch the BBC or other live television in 2021-22, a rise of 270,000 on the previous year and equating to £42 million in lost revenue.
The figures were contained in TV Licensing’s annual report, which warned that licence fee income would decline as more people switched to streaming services or decided they could no longer afford the £159-per-year outlay.
“The BBC expects its licence fee income will fall, at least in the short-to-medium-term, because of cost of living increases since the start of 2022, and the continuing decline in licence sales arising from changes in how audiences view television content,” the report said.
There has also been a significant increase in the evasion rate, which reached 8.9 per cent in 2021-22.
The BBC blamed this on two factors: the suspension of home visits by TV Licensing enforcers due to Covid restrictions, and the inclusion of over-75s in the evasion figures following the scrapping of their free licences.
Around one in 10 over-75s has ignored the BBC’s letters telling them to pay for a licence or apply for a free one.
‘Strike the right balance’
As a result, the report said, “during the coming year we will deepen our efforts to reach customers in ways that suit them best”.
It said the relaxation of Covid rules meant there was now scope for the BBC “to undertake more visits to households”, but claimed that the corporation’s approach would “strike the right balance between enforcement and encouragement”.
That encouragement includes a new “customer value management approach”, which will involve sending letters to non-paying households emphasising how much enjoyment they can derive from watching live television programmes on the BBC and other channels, and the shows they can watch on iPlayer.
If the licence fee remains unpaid, the individual faces prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000.
BBC to broadcast radio shows
Despite the increase in evasion and those no longer requiring a licence, the total licence fee income rose by £53 million to £3.8 billion in 2021-22 thanks in large part to an increase in the cost of a licence from £157.50 to £159.
The BBC is to begin broadcasting its radio phone-in shows on television, imitating commercial rivals such as LBC.
Nicky Campbell’s Radio 5 Live programme is the first to be piloted. It will be shown on weekday mornings on BBC Two, and streamed on the BBC News channel.
The corporation said other programmes will follow as it invests in “visualising” radio shows. That approach has proved a hit for LBC, the commercial station which has poached several big BBC names including Andrew Marr and Eddie Mair.
GB News also features televised phone-ins, while TalkTV broadcasts output from TalkRadio.ENDS
Harra said
“.. drought on #Wye and #Usk. No rain since March 10 says @BBCFarmingToday”
– Of course his side took him at face value
– but 99% of skeptics did too and went of ranting about rainfall charts ..deep history etc.
No stop rushing in, like that
.. Harra made a claim that is “too wow to be true”
We know Harra is NOT about facts, he’s about NARRATAVE
If he sees something that supports his narrative, he will run with it,
he’s not going to spoil it by actually checking.
He know hi faithful will just take it t face value.
Yet o other person said “let me go to the BBC audio” and check it
Minute 9:30s Simon Evans from the Wye and Usk Foundation
“we haven’t had rain since 10th of March .. the ecology is falling apart”
We know damn well the BBC cherrypick such lines, cos they are gold to narrative supporting
Note that is the ONLY line from Simon Evans selected by the BBC to be in that carefully constructed 4 minute BBC radio collage
Simon Evans later tweeted he mis-spoke
Actually if we Twitter search we get
Welsh rivers run low as lack of rain impacts country –
July 13 Simon Evans, chief executive of the Wye and Usk Foundation,
said there had not been **sufficient** rain fall since 10 March, and the situation was “pretty grim”.
There we have it Evans dropped the word “sufficient”
so made fake news, which then Harra ran off with to initiate a new sermon pushing his religion
We could continue and take apart his next lines too.
“.. 1.2C of heating. ..2-3C warming. ..#Tory leadership race.”
Someone rushed in and posted an incomplete rainfall chart
So Harra replied at 8:42am Thursday
“Precipitation is notoriously hard to predict.
But Farmers appear disinclined to gamble that climate change will improve matters.”
Then 9:27am he added
“I think the misleading is coming from those people who have been telling us for decades that Climate Change was not a problem.
I’m ending this conversation here because I’ve got work to do”
Seems he’s a Global Warming PR guy
.. not a truth seeking BBC journalist.
Easily verifiable facts are to Harrabin as cloves of garlic are to vampires – or something…
I’ll say again when someone states that there was no rain in the entire spring to mid summer season in one place in the UK, that i obviou fake news
The UK i a very rainy place
Yet the Farming today people DELIBERATELY chose that line to be in there collage report.
And Harra chose to amplify it
You Harra, and you BBC are #FakeNews
The reason I dismiss these viture-signalling idiots who live in their bizarre make-believe metropolitan bubble is that they say nothing about the men’s football teams who are disproportionately black.
I can’t bear hypocrites. They are basically liars.
Could it be that the globalist filth who control The Conservative party, desperately want clown Rishi Sunak to be their puppet.
Problem: he might just get outvoted by the members..
Solution ? – offer up an attractive candidate on the surface, then ‘out’ them as woke, big government etc to deter the real Conservative voters.
Eg they’ll run similar to this piece on Mordaunt.
While leaving the even less traditional Conservative Sunak well alone.
“Will the penny finally drop about morphing Mordaunt?”
Archived article as some platforms censor TCW
“On economics and tax, she labels herself a ‘small state, low tax conservative’. Yet only a few paragraphs away on either side, she wants to ‘roll out further development corporations that will drive growth in local communities’ and ‘turbo-charge levelling-up projects’, the latter under the aegis of city mayors. In other words, more government-created town hall and quango bureaucracy in a replay of 1970s Heseltine-style state-sponsored corporatism – presumably to ‘pick winners’? And she’s a ‘small state conservative’?”
This whole leadership election just doesn’t feel right to me. Do the Tories really have such a dearth of talent these still in the running are the best options ?.
I suspect that even if we did have another Maggie or Winston in the pack, the Left would assasinate them before they ever got near the top job.
They hated Boris – but despite their best efforts, they could not overcome public opinion for Brexit. It’s taken this long for them to finally remove him. And they couldn’t manage it by fair means (by elections and confidence votes) so they went very dirty and what we witnessed was an absolute disgrace.
But how do they do it ?. Secret meetings over brandy in the club with promises of future rewards ?. Brown paper envelopes stuffed with cash ?.
Agree. I’m doubtful over Truss being any further right than the Tory centre , which means fairly left, particularly on cultural issues. Mordant and Sunak are both highly suspect on cultural issues . Tugs his hat is a Lib Dem plant.
Only Kemi is a true Conservative who seems to have reliable old fashioned British values! That being so the spineless Tory MPs won’t allow her name to go forward to the membership who would probably elect her given the chance. So much for their extreme racism!
In 21 st century Britain only a person of colour dares to tell the truth on a wide range of cultural issues. The white MPs darent say boo to a goose so intimidated are they by the SJWs and are so frightened that they won’t elect a black lady , not because she is black but because she dares to say what needs to be said.
It’s all very surprising but 21 st century Britain is full of surprises most of them very unpleasant.
Prince Andrew: BBC’s Newsnight interview to be turned into a film
Absolutely typical BBC lie by repetition.
A couple of sentences actually about the film then the rest of the article re-telling the original story to make it current again. Along with links to old articles about it.
Then – at the very end – we are told none of the stars claimed to be in have heard of it.
Quite disgusting BBC. I have to say that Andrew – unpleasant idiot that he is – has been skinned alive for having sex with an attractive, willing young woman and keeps getting regularly dipped in salt for it.
Another #metoo success story.
Hillary and Chelsea have a series starting on Apple TV in September, called ‘Gutsy.’
“They speak with prominent women who have impacted the culture and their communities over the years.” Among them, Kim Kardashian, Wanda Sykes and Amy Schumer – sounds riveting.
I like the picture in the link below – it’s not safe to drive a car with no headrests, ladies.
Not BBC but our old friends the TV advertisers. Seen this National Lottery advert?
“The wind’s got Mo’s Lottery ticket!”
Mo? He must be a Morris or a Morgan then, surely a Mohammed would view gambling as Satan’s handiwork?
Of course, the middle-aged white bloke gets to make a tit of himself, as usual. At least the music is good; it’s from The Goonies.
lol, nearly all the ‘main parts’ are BAME, women and disabled except for the object of ridicule who is a fat white male.
How very ‘inclusive’. And racist + sexist but nobody in the advertising business cares about that. I wonder if the ad agency knows gambling is strictly forbidden by the Koran. The forteenth greater sin.
I’m sure complaints will be made by very, very angry people.
When the Lottery started in the nineties some moslem won the Lottery. A good few seven or million million IIRC, which was a double rollover and he had to go into hiding because gambling is unIslamic, apparently and couldn’t spend the money.
The complex interplay of patriarchy, power, exploitation, opportunity and disregard for children edition
The latest celeb alleged sex abuser, another former Radio One DJ’s employer isn’t named in the frontpage teaser headline for this opinion piece in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper this morning: Muted response to Tim Westwood allegations shows society still can’t empathise with black girls
That’s a stretch. Surely experience tells us the boot is on quite the other foot where the likes of national media, local social services and police are concerned?
A leaked report produced by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has upheld a complaint made by a father whose daughter had been missing for a week. He said a police officer told him that Rotherham “would erupt” if it came out that Asian men were habitually having sex with underage white girls. (A debut appearance hereabouts for The Conversation a network of not-for-profit media outlets publishing news stories and research reports online, with accompanying expert opinion)
Of course our left-leaning media will habitually clutch at any available straw in order to deny the inconvenient non-socially cohensive truth: A new Home Office report admits grooming gangs are not a ‘Muslim problem’ (Guardian December 2020)
Left-leaning academia provides the smoke screen of respectability for the mainstream media denial: The study finds no credible evidence for a far-right stereotype that has spread widely in the media, writes Dr Ella Cockbain (UCL Security & Crime Science) in a joint-authored article… A powerful modern racial myth has been exploded. What started as a far-right trope had migrated into the mainstream, meeting little resistance along the way. In 2011, the Times and its chief investigative reporter, Andrew Norfolk, claimed to have uncovered a new ethnic crime threat, shrouded until then in a supposed “conspiracy of silence”. The racial stereotype gained credence when the Quilliam Foundation, a controversial “counter-extremism” group, claimed that 84% of “grooming gang offenders” were Asian. (Guardian)
So…? What’s it all about, then? The common denominator is not immigration, race, culture or Islam. Child sexual abuse is the product of a complex interplay of patriarchy, power, exploitation, opportunity and disregard for children. (Guardian – where esle?)
Alice Cooper could be the name of a bog-standard white girl, but back in 1972 the rock band of that moniker celebrated with the youth: School’s Out For Summer
Schools set to close early in UK heatwave (‘i’); ‘Exceptional’ heat may shorten the school day (Telegraph)
Predictably, our public sector workers tend to buckle at the first hint of anything out of the ordinary: NHS braces for patient surge amid fears of 40C (Times); Red hot alert. A&E docs fear 40C surge. Europe blaze hell in 49C. NHS docs fear a surge in heat-related illnesses and deaths… Met Office warned of ‘danger to life’ weather (Mirror)
And what of our selfless caring professional medics? Surgeon ‘knifed rival’ (Times) – I’m betting he knew just where to strike with his scalpel: A surgeon tried to kill a fellow doctor by stabbing him after trying to set fire to his home to remove him as a witness in a disciplinary case, a crown court was told.
The formerly(?) coronaphobic ‘i’ paper ventures what it terms: Good news. Covid is not a forever plague – phew, thank heavens for that.
And what of the energy crisis? Burning issue. Oil falls below invasion level (FT) – so we can expect our energy bills to be reduced? Who am I kidding?
And finally…
We close with cartoonist Matt in the Telegraph who sketches two denizens of the Westminster political bubble reflecting: “The Tory party is about to make a huge mistake. I just don’t know which one”
Starmer has travelled to Germany and been granted an audience with Chancellor Scholz.
Lammy is carrying the luggage.
(This is to ‘make Brexit work’ you understand …)
Why Biden’s Saudi trip has proved so thorny
When will the bBC give us a true account of the pensioner, as seen many times on Sky Australia
Saint Obama replaced Saint Biden – who can do no wrong
Andy – if I was the sheikh having to deal with Obama / Biden I d wait until he was back on the plane then cut the oil supply – being ‘green ‘…
For Biden /Obama to beg the Saudis for anything is just a joke after what he has done to the US oil industry …
Fedup, we aren’t meant to know that saint biden has given away billions of barrels of his nations reserves in oil to china, owww no i’ve said it lol
I’m sure the bBC will follow this up
No links to £500K from China.
Today watch
BBC going big on ambulance shortages . But surely there are too many ambulances ? If they spend all their time at hospitals waiting to off load tedious members of the public who have ‘medical emergencies ‘ why not cut down the number of ambulances so that the people can stay at home – like in the pandemic .
The NHS has to concentrate on the welfare of its ‘1.7 million staff – with diversity and HR managers leading with way on staff obesity treatment .
While I think of it – maybe there are too many hospitals too – we’d then be able to cut the numbers of ‘health professionals ‘ and focus taxpayers money on properly funding NHS managers who make the NHS the world beating service that has always been ….
Don’t forget to clap …
Hello Fedup2
“diversity” managers, that’ll go well then
Yes – there are not enough diversity managers – for example -,clearly the lady engerland footy team needs a few . I worry that diversity managers might go on strike one day – then where would we be ?. The BBC won’t go near this subject for fear of panicking the public …
Great fun – one of the blue labour PM candidates has transferred their ‘loyalty ‘ to lizzi trussi- and with the army chap the next to get the chop I reckon she ll get his votes too .
But wait – there is still penny mordant – but luckily her former boss – lord frost of brexit – helpfully described her as useless and lazy . Ordinarily this would be bad but in the case of a PM such characteristics can be an asset .
Mordant also doesn’t know what a man or woman is – this can also be useful to ensure a disfunctional woke regime like the one heading for the door …
I get the feeling the BBC favours both rishi and mordant so conservative voters will know who not to support … not that any of it really matters ..
As the country has no leader, I wonder who is steering us towards the eu at the moment, other than the negative reports over the years the bbc has put out
I’m very worried still about sandwiches running out, as “reported” a few years back
Andy – don’t worry – the civil service is still on the job ensuring we stay in the EU – apart from those civil servants working from home – on maternity / paternity / pet support leave – welfare leave – flexible working – working from home in another country – or it’s their turn to go sick or suspended on full pay or away on a course about absenteeism
I would say he’s right. He probably has another 20 years in him, but the other hysterics leaving uni have 50 years worth of shrieking nonsense before sense prevails again and everyone realises chicken licken wasn’t right!
My MP – IDS was interrupted by Simon jack ? One of the today lightweights bought in when big hitters like meeshal are away doing private stuff …
Any way – it was meant to be an interview – but it was an interruption . Every time IDS tried to use words in sentences in response to a Simon jack speech – jack interrupted – ignored – talked over – cut him off .
If you ran a clock on who spoke longest I bet I know the answer . Is Mr Jack just an enthusiast ? Or is it too much caffeine – or similar substance to fire this dip sh-t up ?
By the way – IDS was trying to explain why he is supporting Liz Truss – there’s almost the smell of conservatism in the air … .. old stuff about people being ‘allowed ‘ to have more of their own money rather than the State taking it to pay the interest on the sunak borrowing ..
I’m still waiting for all these Leftists to explain to me what these boat people are actually claiming Asylum from. France ?.
It seems to be a subject nobody wants to go near. They were perfectly safe before they even got in the boat.
Could it possibly just be all about the money and what a soft touch we are ?.
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
Slick letting Di write the tweets is not the smartest.
Today again
Seems like winter has already started for the world beating NHS . Allegations that nurses keep ambulances at hospitals waiting for punters to be off loaded / die so that they can’t bring more punters into their world beating hospital .
Has an increasing – out of control – population got anything to do with this ? No of course not – keep the borders uncontrolled – bring them all in – give them each a human rights £ lawyer £ and mo ‘s your uncle …
Declaration – I’ve done the 6 hours in an ambulance hospital car park gig – before graduating to the hospital corridor – it’s a good nhs wheeze because it doesn’t affect the performance measures which keep the medical mafia getting their ‘performance bonuses ‘.
Hospital performance measures are things which are kept secret from the punters . It explains why medics behave the way they do – and since their motivation is mainly about money – getting that performance measure gets them more of it – money that is .
For instance – it’s much better for a punter to die before their get into the hospital because it makes the hospital look bad in the ‘morbidity tables ‘ if they – you – die inside the hospital . …
I’m only writing as a taxpayer but I’m sure some medic will rubbish me later …
– I have seen the miserable spectacle of a failing A&E sending a patient (who arrived via ambulance with accurate notes) 15 miles to another hospital (to die) after literally ignoring his treatable condition for 9 hours.
That’s not uniformed opinion consequent from mourning trauma – it’s what the investigation found.
Tomo – it’s one of the reasons I find affection for doctors and nurses – sickening – and they way they exploit the pedestal upon which they stand even more so …
In that particular case I feel the blame can be laid squarely at the feet of “managers” who employed a shift supervisor doctor with only vestigial awareness of emergency medicine and organisational “skills” that destroyed any attempts at triage – in a bluidy A&E fer chrissakes!
It was a very sorry episode – made a lot worse d/t 18 months of aggressive cover-up which had to be disentangled.
Not difficult to imagine that the UK government is doing much the same as the US democrat loons…
The Ghost of Kiev was real.
Some Americans are going to Mexico for cheaper petrol
I couldn’t get to see Liz Truss who was my MP at one time because she only did surgery on Fridays , when I would be away .
I presume all other times she was working her way up the greasy pole with officials.
You’re lucky – my MP (Andrew Murrison) hasn’t been responding to emails and has had the answerphone on for weeks (maybe 2 months) – please leave a message after the beep.
Dear Darren Henry,
Do you know about the following which will have a big impact on the World’s climate and our future planet?
China allows three children in major policy shift
Published 31 May (BBC)
– Large population growth China currently has 1.4 billion people at present.
China’s Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth
Cutler Cleveland , The Energy Watch Jun 18, 2010, 2:23 PM (Business Insider)
– Rotation of the Earth can change weather patterns and climate.
China is the largest developing country in the world. China is still considered a developing country based on the criteria of the World Bank and the United Nations. (World Atlas)
– Thus China can get cheap loans and be exempt from impositions put on developed countries.
China has banned BBC World News from broadcasting in the country, its television and radio regulator announced on Thursday. 12 February (BBC)
– I guess you if you cannot report on a Country then it can do no wrong.
Did you know about the above and if not then what are you opinions on them and their impact on the World?
Yours sincerely,
Mr H
The Tucker Carlson segment has that NY nuclear warning ad that’s been running on TV.
“Former chancellor of the exchequer (finance minister) Rishi Sunak, the one candidate with a pragmatic view of developing balanced ties with China, has won the first round of voting by MPs.”
“When Sunak was the finance minister in July 2021, he used his annual Mansion House speech to insist that Britain should beef up its trading relationship with China”
“Apart from Sunak, almost all of the other candidates hold a very tough stance on China”
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent
The Labour MP said Christine Lee appeared to be ‘operating as a legitimate person in the UK’.
Amy Gibbons
Thursday 13 January 2022 20:23
From 3 February 2014 to 1 August 2014, I employed my then partner’s niece, Georgina Lyon, as an intern. (Registered 22 August 2016)
2 April 2014, received £10,000 for participation in the TV programme Splash. Hours: 20 hrs dive training and one day’s production on 18 January 2014. (Registered 7 April 2014)
Pay the BBC … Pay MPs to sit and lecture you ….
24 November 2017, received £150 from the BBC, Broadcasting House, Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR, for an appearance on Any Questions. Hours: 2 hrs including preparation. (Registered 08 February 2018)
Periods: Company offers staff time off and flexible working
Law firm Aiken Gump are now paying graduate starters at its company an astonishing £179K at around 21 years old. It’s senior partners ‘earn’ an average of £2.3 million each.
Compare this to the current crop of Tory leadership hopeful and it’s no surprise that they are as hopeless as ever.
We cannot expect brand new Rolls Royces, when we are only prepared to pay for a clapped out second hand mini.
Rolls Royce and Mini are BMWs – no?
– be a shortage of those “due to Putin” – eh?
I wonder if a senior partner has a relative called Forrest?
Forrest doing well after all?
To improve resilience, enhance diversity and promote sustainable community cohesion maybe?
2022 – Telford child sex abuse inquiry: Abuse suspects disregarded over racism fears
2018 – Telford child abuse perpetrators targeted under-18s events
2 May 2018
‘Not gangs’
Guessing that council leader mo Mohammed might had some influence … ?
Remember the May/Leadsom final 3 years ago where I would think most of us wanted Leadsom to win but she dropped out (I’m still unsure why) giving the PM job to May.
As it’s becoming clearer that the Tory MPs are out of touch with their members who seemingly want any of the wimmin and not Rishi, I wonder if there will be another mysterious drop out leaving the way clear for Rishi.
Maybe they have dirt on the wimmin and are waiting to find out who it is they have to attack.
It’s becoming clearer to me that Liz Truss is the one they don’t want so she’s the one for me and if Kemi backs her all the better.
The msm are already criticising her which is a good sign.
And Fed, I reckon if the nhs diversity managers went on strike the productivity of the nhs would go up/improve.
As I recall it Leadsom had given an interview to a journalist where she was led onto the subject of babies and said something along the lines that she was getting at her rival Teresa May for being childless.
This looked very bad and Leadsom realized it and was shattered.
She wasn’t meaning to do that but it was a stupid thing to talk about and careleslly hand the journalist a “gothca”.
The Alex Belfield trial reports on his youtube channel are v. interesting.
During cross-examination Jeremy Vine seemed to concede that he did use £1k of BBC/licence payers’ money for either a memorial piss-up or a memorial donation to charity. Said something along the lines that he doesn’t care if its against the rules he thought it was right/fitting. Implies that the BBC knew where the money was going.
The videos are long and essentially a wholly verbatim reflection of the day’s conversation but are quite fascinating in places.
BBC star Jeremy Vine made his ten-year-old daughter a company shareholder to help lower his tax bill by channelling funds through private firm
BBC’s Jeremy Vine appears to have used daughter to avoid tax payments
Daughter Martha, aged 10, is shareholder in Jelly Vine Productions
The presenter has been funnelling cash through the limited company
Controversial move highlights BBC practice of paying some presenters off the books using money from millions in earns in licence fee money
PUBLISHED: 00:33, 7 March 2015 | UPDATED: 15:52, 7 March 2015
yes this was discussed as well – somebody referred to her as a company director rather than a shareholder which vine jumped on to make it seem like it was a complete fabrication
Has a Nick name , Jeremy Whine , ever been more appropriate. Pillock.
BBC era of droite de seigneur slips daily…
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee music released by British-Israeli composer
BBC News website, 5 February 2022
This article has been removed after doubts were raised about Loretta Kay-Feld’s claim that she was specially commissioned by a member of the Royal Family to produce music for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The accompanying video article has also been removed.
I usually follow Bellfield but tire of shushi shushi, jellywoblers, the voice of reason