Unpleasantness at the BBC . Staff are threatening to strike over the merger of 1 BBC propaganda News channel with another .There’s a petition to save it. At the time of posting this it has 2700 signatures in 48 hours .( There is also a petition to save Channel 4 from being sold – there millions of signatures – actually 9300… with 5800 in 4 months on the parliament site .).Any dissent within the BBC must be welcomed and encouraged – it’s a long battle to kill it – but we will .
Midweek 17 August 2022
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Not much from this guy.
I’m James Murray and I’m honoured to be the Labour and Cooperative Member of Parliament for Ealing North.
I grew up in Ealing North, just off Argyle Road. Before being elected I was Deputy Mayor of London, where I worked to build high-quality council homes in Ealing.
As your MP, I will always:
Listen to you and learn from you;
***** Celebrate the best of our community with you; *****
and Fight for a fairer future for Ealing North and for our country.
Instead we get this:
BBC: “Radio 1Xtra’s 20th anniversary: ‘It shows a plethora of blackness'”
there maybe many who have alternative opinions on what this plethora leads to:
But at least there is one job left for white models at the bbc: holding knifes to illustrate knife crime in the latest bbc lie:
It always amazes me how the BBC and the Left can make such statements without any hint of shame or realisation of just how racist they are.
My test is replace ‘black’ with ‘white’ and if it would be racist one way then it’s racist the other.
The most shameless of double standards. Can it be possible that they don’t even realise ?. Maybe for the gullible group-think masses but I’m sure the activists know full well and are just top-tier hypocrites.
Despicable BBC
Hey hey it’s results day – A levels – but what BBC ? The children are gonna be disappointed ? University courses are full up ? There’s too many kids ? Only 7000 medical places when normally 10000. …..?
But BBC what about important courses like media studies ? HR ? Diversity ? Journalism ? PPE ? These vital courses which power the economy must have more students ….right ?
Occasionally the BBC goes through the ritual of discussing whether Going to university ( posh polys ) is worth it – whether Blair was right to aim for 110% of kids to waste 3 years being indoctrinated by Britain hating Marxist academics …
.. but today successes mean the Russel group university – any thing else – an apprenticeship – means you are a failure – and – ugh – working class . ….
Through family connections I have a middle aged male teacher in my social group. He hates anything Tory, Royal, Patriotic as if they are diseases to be eradicated. Through him, socially I have been required to rub shoulders with some of his work fellows in education, I would say I have met around twenty of them, men and women and they are all identical pseudo Marxist haters in the same mould as him.
They wear their hate like a uniform.
Thinking about it, they are all pretty much Thatcher children and I think that was the beginning if the disease. Their hate of Thatcher is astonishing even though they were only shoolkids at the time so teachers were at it back then with their indoctrination.
Thatcher was the first and only modern day PM to take on the Union mobsters and win.
The effect on raising a balanced strong-minded, self-thinking crop of new youngsters through our education system looks pretty bleak.
Hence, we are where we are!
How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10
“Through the black magic, witchcraft you are able to send a lightning bolt to strike someone, Can you explain that scientifically … ” @0:50 – one of the speakers
“It’s not true” – audience member
“I need to address you directly (audience member who says witchcraft does not work). When we started this we agreed on certain house rules. By you doing that (arguing) you are disrespecting that sacredness of this space. I would like you please first to apologise …” – another speaker
Ok folks let’s play that game …
..an arrest over the murder of an 87 in Greenford ( the local
Labour MP must be absent – not heard a word ) ….
The game ? The name of the alleged killer . PA says a 44 year old has been arrested ….. but will it be another ‘mental issues ‘ where the identity of the killer is never made public ? Will it be a ‘local man ‘ who just got off the boat ? Shocked relatives saying stabbing 87 year olds is totally out of character ? Only carried a knife because he was ‘frightened’?
We ll get the full treatment – or more likely the BBC will bury this non narrative story in the ‘local news ‘ ….
…next murder in londonistan …..
I suspect that the story got blown up because given the circumstances, the BBC didn’t think it would be yet another savage stabbing by a black man.
Unfortunately the Met were a bit slow releasing the CCTV footage and now they need to bury it as soon as possible. The CCTV picture has been dropped very quickly and there is no link to the older article including it (which they always do for an agenda topic).
Once the arrested man is charged and we know for sure he is black, I guarantee it will be dropped like a stone and the article will disappear quickly from the front page. Then single brief reports when the trial starts and when he is found guilty.
Standard BBC protocol applies.
Now that “someone” has been arrested the ghastly picture of the “suspect” can now be removed and replaced by a picture of the poor unfortunate victim.
If the colours are reversed then so is the protocol.
This story will disappear as quickly as the reporting on the Mendy rape trial .
Hello Halifax
Yes you mention mendy – I understand this ‘serial ‘ rape trial is ongoing. The innocent in me might think there is an injunction in place to limit reporting – but the realist suggests race trumps sex ..
… and bits like how allegedly he treated his victims like lumps of meat is about the only thing I’ve heard .
Today watch
Boring one today – A level results – skin in the game? Fine . But if not – who cares ?
So I looked overseas to the US . Did you know of the 10 republican in name only RINOs – 8 have already lost their seat through primaries with the other 2 dead meat .
The likes of the bBC cannot – will not – report anything positive about president trump . The Guardian concentrates on calling Trump supporters ‘election deniers . It thinks the hugely defeated Liz Cheney will stand in the 2024 Presidential election despite losing her seat by 70% …..
The Obama democrat mafia must be desperate to charge president trump after the corrupt warrant . But they’ve already started to roll back by giving him the passport their FBI stole ….
Otherwise – if the 2024 election is something like fair and not third world corrupt like the last one – president trump will walk it …
You won’t hear any of this on the BBC – bias by omission .
Vile. The BBC bike boy.
Stuart Hughes so last campaigning impartiality season.
New EU Directive BBC Programme Labels – for a new transparent and accountable BBC
“I, Jeremy Vine, cost the public £750K* per year which is the equivalent to 21.5 nurses on £35K, declare that I have no other incomes derived from my broadcasting at the BBC. I have declared all my expenses and registered all gifts on the BBC expenses website. I, Jeremy Vine on this 30 minutes of show, with production time of 2 hours at an hourly rate of £1153 cost you the public £2884*. This does not include the studio and team wages. All monies I make from my ‘BBC Brand’ go back into the BBC. I follow the BBC guidelines – not giving my opinion on subjects that I know little about on twitter, facebook. If I do give an opinion then they are 100% in agreement with the BBC and have been approved by the BBC at time of publishing. Please note that reading out this EU compliant notice just cost you, the public enforced to pay my wages under threat of prison, a total of £76*.”
* hourly rate is rough calculation, without knowing Jeremy Vines full wage it will be hard to workout. Figures are for illustrative purposes only. They may go up or down depending gender or TV Tax, but are linked to the talent market.
Vine is lying, on a main road we reguarly clock cyclists doing 35mph or more, they speed up downhill too making it harder to get past them.
since the word record in a velodrome is about 37mph for a 1Km sprint
I doubt anyone is doing 35mph unaided on your street
In a 40Km flat road race an advanced cyclist might average 16mph
to do it in 1.5 hours
In July my elder son (hobby cyclist, def not a pro or even a competition cyclist) did the night ride from London to Dunwich in Suffolk.
He sent me the Strava map.
Distance:- 181.22 km (112.6 miles)
Elevation Gain:- 1,357 m
Moving time:- 7:12:07
Avg speed:- 25.2 km/h (15.66 mph)
Max Elevation:- 118 m
Max speed:- 54.4 km/h (33.80 mph)
It’s a long time since I was a teenager, and a long time since I rode a pushbike actually, but I vaguely recall having a little speedometer on my bike as a teenager (no idea if it was accurate) and quite often topping 30 on it… seem to recall we all wanted to reach 40, which was as high as our speedometers went, but never did.
The trick to going really fast was to work your way up to the top of the longest, steepest hill in the area, then to belt down it pedaling like crazy for a few minutes, and at the last second to hold your feet off the pedals, and hands off the brakes, and freewheel all the way to the bottom.
It was absolutely terrifying, especially as this lane crossed a busy main road near the bottom of the hill. If you were a real ‘man’ you’d take your hands off the handlebars and wave them in the air whilst shouting too.
Most of us came off at some point doing that hill, there were lots of broken arms and chipped teeth, one kid hit a car, bounced over some poor woman’s bonnet and through her windscreen – broke both arms and his nose, and had two black eyes – I seem to recall – quite a hero in the playground.
Then there came the skateboarding craze, and it got mad, so the local council closed the lane and put concrete barriers across it.
What we used to do for thrills in the countryside, in the halcyon days before ‘county lines’ and online gaming.
We’re well accumstomed to our BBC telling us about gay pride. Is this story making the news perhaps due to BBC gay confusion?
Mystery of half-billion year old creature with no anus solved (BBC)
When it was discovered in 2017, it was reported that the tiny fossil of this sack-like marine beast could be humans’ earliest-known ancestor… The ancient animal, Saccorhytus coronarius… – wait a minute… is this April Fool’s Day?
Panorama once told us spaghetti grew on trees. There’s usually a clue hidden somewhere in these spoofs. Saccorhytus coronarius…? Saccharine is something to with sugar.
One remembers Tony Hancock in The Blood Donor being informed his blood type was Rhesus Positive and his reply “Rhesus… that’s something to do with monkeys isn’t it?” And of course we know all about corona – it’s never out of the news!
Generation Covid faces university rejection (Telegraph) – our media always allow that little error to slip through into their headlines, so let me just do the necessary editorial correction there… Generation Lockdown faces university rejection
One wonders why that obvious misprint transposition of the term covid or pandemic in our media headlines, when the word lockdown being more appropriate, stubbornly recurs so often?
Covid: Brain fog more common two years on, study suggests (BBC) – brain fog could be the answer – there’s certainly a lot of it about.
Mind you, if we’re looking for possible All Fools’ Day report candidates there’s plenty from which to choose…
‘Inclusive Barbies a major step in my life’… James Stewart is among those celebrating new Barbie dolls that are being released today… For the first time, Barbie is seen with a hearing aid, a prosthetic limb and a wheelchair, while a Ken doll has vitiligo. (BBC) – the first time I glanced at that report I read it as the Ken doll having vertigo and wondered how on earth the little plastic man was made to represent that condition?
Come to think of it the Action Man of my youth would never stand on his own independantly without falling over. I think what happened was I read the name James Stewart and subliminally made the connection to the movie Vertigo – just to be pedantic the character’s problem there was really acrophobia the proper term for the fear of heights. In 1958 they didn’t think to name films Acrophobia – they might do these days – then the BBC could run a report telling us how some campaigning Joe Schmo acrophobia sufferer believed it to be a major step in his life.
Will Barbie still fancy Ken with a lack of melanin? The plastic doll was unavailable for comment. And when they make a Ken with an anus – that’s when we really want to worry!
Moving quickly on… to the weather…
The formerly patriotic Times takes the opportunity to publish a frontpage pic vaguely reminiscent of some impromptu urban wet t-shirt competition: Young women sprint for cover as storms hit London following the recent heatwave – just me, or do these girls seem to be carrying a lot timber? (as the urban dictionary would have it) – they’re not exactly gazelle-like, that’s for sure – an occasional sprint might do them some good.
Having likely offended more than half the demographic by this stage of the review it seems appropriate to mention: Work harder says wannabe PM entitled to 13 weeks holiday (Daily Star) – whereas, Allister Heath in the Telegraph: Liz Truss was right – abysmal productivity is our national disease – but who wants to hear that?
Tory leadership race: Tax cut pledges are unrealistic, says IFS… large, permanent tax cuts could add to pressures on the public purse as the economic outlook deteriorates. (BBC) – one tries to recall BBC promotion of think tanks’ concerns over the practical realities of the frequent and myriad state spending pledges trumpeted here there and everywhere by our politicians of all stripes.
We get some comments on this site but your speculation on where ‘Ken ‘ will ever have an anus takes some beating and I’m glad to be informed about a new barbie / Ken combo …
Tory leadership race: Tax cut pledges ….
2001 …
Blair accused of breaking promise on voting reform
Lucy Ward, political correspondent
Thu 24 May 2001 01.36 BST
Tony Blair is today caricatured as Pinocchio with a lengthening nose as electoral reform campaigners accuse Labour of breaking promises to reconnect voters and government.
I see the police have arrested a potential RAF recruit for the murder of the wheelchaired pensioner.
European diversity: the strength of our union
As part of our ongoing series ‘A Europe of Equals’, European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli argues that building a Union of equality requires recognising people face discrimination
I can see the slogans:
‘Vote Left. Fighting racism with racism.’
The important thing is to understand what is ‘not news’, and what is…
Luckily LoTT are being dealt with by the guys in charge.
Gay Conversion Bad.
Gender Conversion Good.
BBC of course knows what IS news.
Tracey seems a good sport.
When at Uni the Med students used to dread going to certain areas to perform certain investigations on certain people less troubled with hygiene as even back then reeling back and retching was deemed an ism of some sort.
The corridors of W1A can waft as well as roll now.
As do chaps just here, sniffing around, checking out da hood…
They crop up a lot on social media, often disappointed to meet chaps who are not as expected.
Luckily untroubled by the Emmas of this parish.
Blondes do have all the fun.
American singer-songwriter Madonna, who is also known as the Queen of Pop, does both for a healthy lifestyle. Yeah, that’s perhaps the secret to her great health. Madonna recently revealed to her fans that she takes a 3 am ice bath and drinks a cup of her own urine. That’s her unusual post-show routine.20 Nov 2019
Now, a joint dfs purchase with the right partner is the best.
Not these two, obvs.
News and views from Tracey Cox. International sex, body language and relationships expert, author and TV presenter.
Londonlinktr.ee/traceycoxBorn November 1Joined January 2012
2,981 Following
Telling the wrong people.
Men to wear Sperm?
Oh yes, we all love the fragrant odour of Billingsgate market
So a blind man walks by a fish market…
he take a deep breath, then exhales and says “Good morning ladies!”
Only one thing an attractive woman has to put behind her ears to make herself more attractive:
Her ankles.
This invaluable advice never made it to the bbc comments pages.
‘My first thought as I came round was Oh God! What have I done?’: Man suing the NHS over trans surgery he bitterly regrets has bravely waived anonymity to share his ordeal
Ritchie Herron, 35, says life has been unbearable since surgery four years ago
His case first emerged after he shared experience on Twitter under pseudonym
He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedure
If it’s good enough for a Ukranian tran lesbian, it’s good enough for me.
Salma al-Shehab: Concern for Saudi student jailed for 34 years over tweets
But the bBC love this lot, how can they be concerned sometimes
2017 … Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
Raza’s brother, Waseem Abbas, said the family was “poor but literate”, and belonged to Pakistan’s minority Shia Muslim community. “My brother indulged in a sectarian debate on Facebook with a person, who we later come to know, was a [counter-terrorism department] official with the name of Muhammad Usman,” he said.
I expect the ‘official’ baited the man hoping he would say something specific and kept a record of everything he wrote on the forum which might be used against him at some point in the future.
Exactly what maxi does.
Salma al-Shehab: Concern for Saudi student jailed for 34 years over tweets
By David Gritten
BBC News
11 hours ago
“Saudi Arabia is boasting to the world that they are improving women’s rights and implementing legal reforms. But there is no question with this sentence that the situation is just getting worse,” she told the BBC’s Newshour programme on Saturday.
650 MPS Defend Salman Rushdie and the 3 Teachers in Batley?
Even Kieth Vaz who burnt books in the City of Bradford?
TOADY Watch#1 – in which Aunty demonstrates increasing dementia
Mishal Husain, the TOADY Harshmistress is so old she has completely forgotten her schooldays. Either that or she is developing a ‘problem’ – dementia – of old age which could also affect her memory. She makes the claim frequently during the programme that the ‘A’-level students are receiving results today from “the first ever public examination these students have sat.”.
Not so, Mishal. You are in error. In your typical BBC desire to find ‘a victim of a wicked Tor-reeee Government’ you completely overlook the fact that the students have sat mock exams in exactly the same setting and in the same manner as their examinations this summer. That error doesn’t stop the Harshmistress preventing James Cleverly, SoS for Education, getting an edge in wordways. It is time to shuffle Aunty off to a Care Home.
TOADY Watch #2 – guaranteed future career at the BBC ?
Christine Farnish is in the news again because she is giving up living off the taxpayer and has resigned from OFGEM, the energy regulator. I wondered whatever would Christine Farnish do next and set out to find her qualifications. Unfortunately I also found this:
“Christine Farnish Wiki, Age, Husband, Parents, Biography, Ethnicity, Net Worth August 18, 2022 by Kiran
Christine Farnish Wiki:- Christine Farnish is an English non-executive director at vitality regulator Ofgem. She is now on Google trends becouse she gave her resignation to the enterprise secretary “Kwasi Kwarteng” in August 2022. In this article, we bring all the information about Christine Farnish Wiki, like her husband’s name and ethnicity, her net worth, and more details you want to know.
Christine Farnish Wiki, Biography, Education
Her birth name is Christine Farnish.
Christine Farnish was born in London, England, the United Kingdom in 1950.
She is an English Personality and non-executive director at vitality regulator Ofgem.
Her School Education at Private High School and College Education is completed at a Private college.
Her net worth is & 5 million approx.
She is a very talented person. She won many achievements in her life. She celebrates her birthday every year.
We don’t know if she is married or not, and we also couldn’t find her partner’s name or details.
Her parent’s name is not identified yet.
We are talking about Christine Farnish Wiki. ”
I immediately assumed that this is an overseas News operation for young people for whom English is not their first language and they are using Google Translate or some other translation service in conjunction with a spell-check and predictive text software.
I clicked on ‘About US’ to find out more about ’18 Live News’ and this is what I found:
” About US
18livenews is a News Website that is Provided news like Education, Entertainment, celebrity news, USA news, Jobs Business, Politics & Other categories News is Available on the Site. We are Provided Best News on this site. More Category Available on Arealnews Web site.
Breaking news
India news
World news
Entertainment news
Sports news
Business news
Politics News ”
It appears to be an American site for young people. I am relieved it is not British and run by our young people. America is truly lost if this is the best that Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden can produce.
It might well be an organisation based in the US but you can bet your life reading their output that it is run almost entirely by Indian continent Asians. The US tech industry is saturated with Indians and Pakistanis which explains much about the content of their output and the political slant they project.
The US tech industry have waved in hordes of these people because they are both tech savvy and dirt cheap.
BBC News channel mentioning a forest fire in Spain…. “the fire has been made worse by dry conditions and climate change”.
I’m waiting for the next item where they say, “the cost of living crisis has been made worse by inflation and the TV licence fee”.
We live in a time where opinion is mentioned as fact but mentioning facts (against the narrative) gets you cancelled.
‘Inclusive Barbies are a major step in my life’
By Ellie Cleverley and Iqra Farooq
James didn’t think he would be holding a doll that looks like him “in a million years”
Bradley Gledhill: Six jailed for life for Batley stab murder
30 July 2021
Four men and two boys have been convicted of his murder after a trial at Leeds Crown Court
Four Men ….
BBC News channel interviewing 8 kids getting their exam results.
5 of which are black girls, all front and centre of the group. What is the chance of that?
Caption competition ?
“BBC latests interns arrive at Broadcasting House. Looking forward to dress down Friday”
or maybe:
“First NHS Diversity Manager conference takes place, agenda item number one: is 50K a year enough to live on ?”
“I fail maff an english dat racist dat is”
Ah….. the Belliwheel. That device would have use in today’s world. I think there’s an internet article that gives a list of 2000AD predictions that have come true.
Just skim reading some of the posts on this page, I do wonder about the world in which I now live, BBC included. It appears to be totally insane but at least I have the prospect of dying laughing sometime in the future! 🙂
“He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were guilty of the crimes they were charged with. He had never seen the photograph that disproved their guilt. It had never existed, he had invented it. He remembered remembering contrary things, but those were false memories, products of self-deception. How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed. It was like swimming against a current that swept you backwards however hard you struggled, and then suddenly deciding to turn round and go with the current instead of opposing it. Nothing had changed except your own attitude: the predestined thing happened in any case. He hardly knew why he had ever rebelled. Everything was easy, except—!
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. ‘If I wished,’ O’Brien had said, ‘I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.’ Winston worked it out. ‘If he thinks he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously think I see him do it, then the thing happens.’ Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: ‘It doesn’t really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.’ He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a ‘real’ world where ‘real’ things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
He had no difficulty in disposing of the fallacy, and he was in no danger of succumbing to it. He realized, nevertheless, that it ought never to have occurred to him. The mind should develop a blind spot whenever a dangerous thought presented itself. The process should be automatic, instinctive. Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.”
Haven’t you finished that book yet ?
Its been months now.
Worth reading again – like COrbyns little red book.
Z, thanks another chuckle on my way to the grave. 🙂
In 2015 The Guardian called Ukraine “the most corrupt nation in Europe”. According to a poll conducted by Ernst & Young in 2017, experts considered Ukraine to be the ninth-most corrupt nation from 53 surveyed.
Threat to Democracy
The BBC N. Democrat ‘analysis’ will be interesting.
MSM seems mixed. Depending.
BBc audience levels there too.
Seems Timbo’s title see themselves as bastions against ‘Miss Info’ too. Tim is a senior, so extra qualified.
Khan should resign…
Mayor launches mass-tree planting package to combat climate change
28 July 2022
BBC headline –
“MP Margaret Ferrier pleads guilty to exposing public to Covid”
Now if that was a Conservative MP it would 100% be
“Conservative MP Margaret Ferrier pleads guilty to exposing public to Covid”
They are such a rancid, Biased , Lefty activist outlet, it stinks. Stinks !!!
Still has a job?
Well, you kind of expect it from the new breed of power graspers.
They do it here in the shires too. Laughable. I wonder if The BBC local democracy reporters approve?
BBc looking at the young too. Credulous lot.
FOI exemptions for the porpoises of covering up?
BBC News
BBC One, 4 June 2022, 10.30pm
We reported that the acclaimed British sculptor Sir Antony Gormley is to become a German citizen. We said he was giving up his British passport because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and that he had described the move as embarrassing and had plans for new sculptures that would reflect his view.
In fact Sir Antony Gormley is not giving up his British nationality and has asked us to make clear the circumstances behind his application for a German passport.
Sir Antony holds dual nationality as a result of having a German mother and has decided to apply for a German passport, which he will hold alongside his British one.
In a statement he says he remains a proud British citizen and is grateful for the extraordinary support he has received from so many people and institutions across the UK but he is also keen to retain his links with and continue to show his work in Europe.
We apologise for the mistake.
Still.. science. Facts, integrity, and money.
Maybe Springster could check? With the US MSM?
What is clearly needed is research, or a poll, or some scientists, who say…
In a wide-ranging interview with the BBC’s Today programme, Bill Gates says conspiracy theories about him are “crazy” and that being shouted at in public is “awful”. He also told the BBC’s Mishal Husain that meeting Jeffrey Epstein was a “mistake” and talks about Elon Musk’s recent public criticism of him.
News story
Bill and Melinda Gates visit DFID
Bill and Melinda Gates visited DFID to address staff, as part of a wider trip to the UK to highlight the importance of aid.
Breaking news- Jeremy Paxman’s replacement on University Challenge is- Amol Rajan! They really are a parody of themselves aren’t they- another programme not long for this world…..
“How old was Aisha when she married Mohammed?” – QUestion for Oxford
27 December 2011 01:00
“It was the last of these that caused the late Christopher Hitchens to describe faith as like living under a “celestial dictatorship”, akin to North Korea. Like him, I care too much for rationality and reason to allow faith – belief without evidence – to obstruct my moral sentiments and calculations. I also think it obvious that organised religion, particularly where it is wedded to the state, is the greatest threat to civilisation on earth.”
Fantastic news – I gave up on it because I got Fedup spotting the woke questions – anything which diminishes long running ‘much loved BBC institutions ‘ is another nail and a victory for us .
Maybe they can get myrie to do a double act ….
Small mercies not to be treated to the Tat/Graun/GQ/Vogue photo shoot treatment for Sqwark and Hound, as with BS, Tess, etc.
I thought VD had the pure bias gig now?
Newsnight was oddly coy about stating it though:
The RAF’s recruitment chief hit quits over diversity targets.
“Impossible diversity targets” – that was was the reason, it came to light today, which was cited by the head of RAF recruitment for resigning from the service.
But it now finds itself at the centre of a row after one of its senior officers resigned.
Dr Sophy Antrobus, do you think the RAF chief recruiter was right to resign?
Viewers might have thought it was a moaning man until Kirsty Wark let slip a “she” very late on.
I read the other day that Amol Rajan was hot favourite to replace Paxo on University Challenge. I thought someone was taking the p***. Today I discover that this is in fact true.
So now we have two BAMEs running the showpieces quizzes, Mastermind and University Challenge. What are the chances of that? Obviously very high. Its the BBC.
Absolutely appalling positive discrimination by an entitled broascaster that is totally out of touch with its rapidly dwindling audience.
Why doesn’t the BBC just put up a ‘no whities allowed’ sign outside its HQ?
Hot on the absolute woke trash which was Ms Marvel comes:
‘She-Hulk: Attorney at Law’
This one doesn’t involve racism though so the woke brigade haven’t avalanched it with 10/10 scores on IMDB and the critics are not lauding it as the best thing ever. Hence it only scores the 5.1 Ms Marvel should have got.
I wonder what the Left are going to ruin next. They have an almost perfect record for doing it.
When the Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini decreed a death sentence against author Salman Rushdie in 1989, to be carried out by any good Muslim, the most common reaction was disbelief. A death sentence? Over a book?
In Australia, at least, there were laughs to be had, and plenty of comedians were ready to mine them. Austen Tayshus predicted Rushdie’s next book would be called “And Buddha is a fat little shit.” Rob Sitch and his fellow D-Generation talents won an ARIA award for their 1989 album The Satanic Sketches. In 1989, for comedians, all religions were fair game.
But in the 26 years since Khomeini’s fatwa was announced, the laughs have withered away. As its engagement with the Muslim world deepens, the West – Australian satirists no exception – has come to understand that Islam is no laughing matter.
When the show’s irascible Krusty the Clown offered seasonal greetings to fans in 1999, he chose his words carefully: “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, crazy Kwanza, a tip-top Tet, and a solemn, dignified Ramadan”.
Very few things have been off-limits in The Simpsons. Certainly the other great religions have had to lie down and take their medicine.
Not Muslims.
Marvel doing their bit to level the playing field…
However as I remember it the original Hulk was an ugly, grimacing monster of a being with bared, gnashing teeth and the body of an gorilla on steroids that you wouldn’t want to meet in a blind alley and certainly not take home to Mum.
If I recall as the alter-ego his famous phrase was “You wouldn’t like me if I get angry!”
Whereas the lady version from Marvel is a catwalk model with slightly green-tinged make up and a willowy, sexy figure. Maybe her phrase would be “you wouldn’t like me with my make up on”.
That should fix the gender inequality thingy!
It seems that there is nothing that the folk at Marvel will stop at to push their agenda.
Girls performed better than boys across the board in this year’s A-levels.
That includes the top grades.
In total, 37.4% of girls’ entries were A* and A grades, compared with 35.2% of boys’ entries.
That gap is smaller than in 2021, when grades were based on teachers’ assessments. That led to 46.9% for girls and 42.1% for boys.
But, crucially, it is still bigger than in 2019, the last year that exams were held as normal before the pandemic. Back then it was 25.5% for girls and 25.4% for boys.
It’s important to remember that exams weren’t back to normal this year.
Special measures were introduced for this year’s A-levels to counteract the disruption to education caused by Covid, such as pupils having advanced information about topics.
Nagma Abdi (left) and Zuhoor Haibe opened their A-level results at Ark Putney Academy in south-west London
Under the male guardianship system, a man controls a Saudi woman’s life from her birth until her death. Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, normally a father or husband, but in some cases a brother or even a son, who has the power to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf. The Saudi state essentially treats women as permanent legal minors. Saudi Arabia has done very little to end the system, which remains the most significant impediment to women’s rights in the country.
They’re really going for it these days aren’t they? ‘Predictive programming’ in full swing.
UK goment offer promising students around di world to study for free
About the Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF)
The Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) was a funding opportunity for small UK-registered charities and not-for-profit organisations.
Funding round status
Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) project grants launched in July 2017 and closed on 25 March 2021.
Funding process
SCCF project grants of up to £50,000 have been available for projects of up to two years, for UK-registered organisations working towards addressing the Global Goals (opens in a new window), to improve the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalised.
Jo Cox Memorial Fund
About the Jo Cox Memorial Grants
On Tuesday 6 March 2018, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) paid tribute to MP Jo Cox and announced a new £10 million funding opportunity in her memory, the Jo Cox Memorial Grants.
Funding round status
The Jo Cox Memorial grants launched in March 2018 and closed in June 2018.
To be eligible, organisations proposed projects to support the most marginalised in one of the lowest 50 countries in the UN Human Development Index (HDI) or countries FCDO considers to be of high or moderate fragility.
The David Ames Memorial anybody?
I wonder what prompted the Jo Cox gesture with our taxes?
The husband of murdered MP Jo Cox, Brendan Cox, has quit two charities he set up in her memory after allegations of sexual assault were made public. Mr Cox denied assaulting a woman in her 30s at Harvard University in 2015 – but admitted to “inappropriate” behaviour while working for Save the Children.18 Feb 2018
Margaret Ferrier – the SNP MP – has pleaded guilty to multiple breaches of covid regulations in 2020 . Sentencing is put off for another month – for ‘reports ‘…
One might wonder why a still sitting MP needs ‘reports ‘ but it is very SNP to play the system – wonder how the one s accused of indecent assault / fraud are getting on … the snP make the red/blue Labour lot look clean ….
Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP will spend £300,000 sawing off the bottom of school DOORS in ‘crackpot’ DIY scheme trying to stop the spread of Covid
Japan’s young adults are a sober bunch – something authorities are hoping to change with a new campaign.
The younger generation drinks less alcohol than their parents – a move that has hit taxes from beverages like sake (rice wine).
So the national tax agency has stepped in with a national competition to come up with ideas to reverse the trend.
There’s more reporting on here than the entirety of bBC Scotland about the failure of the SNP
The Ferrier case has been delayed and postponed for an age.
But don’t forget the SNP have knobbled both the Police and the Justice system.
They will all be working as a team to keep this hidden from sight.
That, s devolution for you.
Contracts have been awarded by the SNP for the sawing of of school doors –
Given the disappearance of both the £600 k and Mr Murrell
it could reasonably be assumed that a summerhouse dwelling place has been hastily erected for Mr Murrell using the sawn off wood from the school doors.
Maybe Ferrier will; end up in there with him?
I remember when Scotland was an open society and a nice place to visit. Sturgeon and the SNP have succeeded in turning it into a sort of third world junta and fall over themselves to smear anyone from other parts of the UK.
When will the Scot’s wake up and realise that the lunatics have taken over the asylum ?
As with local authorities, it becomes a nest of vipers given a bit of power.
Immigrant crime:
Armed police in ’30-minute stand-off with mobility scooter murder suspect’
Shocked residents have told MailOnline how more than six police officers used a battering ram to smash down the front door of the suspect’s semi-detached home on Allenby Road at around 1.30am and shouted for the man to give himself up before he emerged and was pushed to the floor and handcuffed. The house is occupied by a Jamaican couple, they added.
Home Office advice: Jamaica
Crime levels are high, particularly in and around certain areas of Kingston and Montego Bay. Gang violence and shootings are common, and while these incidents are generally confined to inner city neighbourhoods there have been recent incidents outside of these where the risk of becoming a collateral victim does exist. Be especially cautious if you’re travelling to West Kingston, Grant’s Pen, August Town, Harbour View, Spanish Town and certain parts of Montego Bay, including Flankers, Barrett Town, Norwood, Glendevon, Rose Heights and Mount Salem.
The motive for most attacks on tourists is robbery. There are mobile police patrols, but you should take steps to protect yourself and your belongings. Be vigilant at all times, even if you’re staying with friends and family. Don’t walk alone in isolated areas or on deserted beaches, even during the day. Take particular care when withdrawing money from ATMs. Don’t carry large amounts of cash or wear eye-catching jewellery. Try to vary which restaurants you use. Using the same place too often might make you a target for thieves. Avoid using buses at night.
Most hotels and resorts are well guarded, but robberies can occur. Follow hotel security procedures. Use hotel safe, lock windows and doors and report suspicious activity. If you are in residential accommodation, make sure proper door locks and window grilles are fitted and consider employing a guard and fitting a house alarm. Gated and guarded compounds are normally the safest type of accommodation.
There have been some violent incidents, including armed robbery, murder and rape. There is also a risk of sexual assault against tourists. You should maintain a high level of personal safety awareness, including at popular events. The FCDO has guidance for women travelling abroad that may be helpful.
Crime in Jamaica
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Some areas of Jamaica, particularly cities such as Kingston, Montego Bay and Spanish Town, experience high levels of crime and violence.[1] Jamaica has had one of the highest murder rates in the world for many years, according to United Nations estimates.[2] Former Prime Minister P. J. Patterson described the situation as “a national challenge of unprecedented proportions”.[3]
When Jamaica gained independence in 1962, the murder rate was 3.9 per 100,000 inhabitants, one of the lowest in the world.[4] In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders, for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people,[5] the highest murder rate in the world.[2] In November 2008, the Jamaican Parliament voted to retain the death penalty, which is performed by hanging.[6]
Jamaica recorded 1,680 murders in 2009.[7] In 2010, there were 1,428, in 2011, 1,125. 2012 saw 1,097, 2013, 1,200. 2014 totaled 1,192, 2015, 1,450, 2016, 1,350 and 2017, 1,616.[8] 1,287 murders were reported in 2018.[9]
It would seem that the best way to pass exams is by not taking them.
As mentioned before, the signs are there showing how the legacy media use real-life killings to push for more internet regulation. Simon Jenkins at the Guardian now co-opting the attempted murder of Rushdie to dishonestly suggest “this is the debate now thundering into view”.
The man arrested had hardly read The Satanic Verses. It’s unlikely he was busy on the Guardian opinion pages discussing trans rights with Owen Jones before picking up a knife. Substack, Twitter and other social media sites are a threat to the media’s financial model and ideological muck spreading. Imagine a world where Tony Blair was just some ex-politician with a blog instead of being wheeled out on the news every time he has a sinister thought.
Hopefully more people can see what’s “thundering into view” are increasing restrictions on free speech, with governments and the media elite clumsily shoehorning real threats into their pretend universe.
UK goment offer promising students around di world to study for free
Hello Marky
…. even Nigeria, apparently
We are all equal.
Sanna Marin: Finland PM partying video causes backlash
The bBC having overthrown the British PM, is now going for another – I wonder if the likes of the bBC will keep going on and on and on
The Finnish prime minister, Sanna Marin, is facing a backlash after being seen partying in a leaked video.
In the footage, thought to be taken from social media, she and friends including Finnish celebrities are seen dancing and singing.
She has faced criticism from opposition parties, with one leader demanding she take a drug test.
Boris and Carrie Johnson share ‘first dance’ to Sweet Caroline in cringe-worthy clip
The fact that nobody in the media is demanding Biden takes either a cognitive test or a drug test tells me everything I need to know about just how corrupt the political Left are now.
The MSM are supposed to be a democratic check-and-balance for this sort of thing. But now they aid and abet a Leftist dictatorship.
The system is very, very badly broken.
What is the solution ?. The best way is Trump gets back in and sorts it out. The alternative is civil war.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Russell Brand slammed by antisemitism campaigners for platforming Corbyn apologist
Aaron Maté claimed that Labour antisemitism was a ‘scam’ in order to ‘delegitimise Corbyn’
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
Diane ABbott – under socialism everyone gets everything free….
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: The Premier League
Address of donor: Brunel Building, 57 North Wharf Road, London W2 1HQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two box tickets with hospitality for Arsenal v Everton, value £500
Date received: 22 May 2022
Date accepted: 22 May 2022
Donor status: company, registration 02719699
(Registered 14 June 2022)
Half of black children do not live with their father. And we wonder why they’re dying
Rod Liddle
Sunday January 13 2019, 12.01am, The Sunday Times
Isuspect that the first thing many of you thought when you heard that a 14-year-old boy, Jaden Moodie, had been knocked off his moped and stabbed to death in east London — the first thing after the wave of utter revulsion and pity at a young life wiped out — was: what is a kid of that age doing out at night illegally riding a moped?
David Lammy MP says absent fathers ‘key cause of knife crime’
3 October 2012