“Two-thirds of Europe is under some sort of drought warning, in what is likely the worst such event in 500 years.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62648912
How true is this ?
Just more fear, fear, and fear.
So, what can we in GB do about it ?
Depends if you mean #WetDrought or proper drought
The UK is not generally in drought
The water grid has a reasonable amount of water in it
The EA has declared a drought in some zones where reservoirs are 50% or even 80%
Some streams in the southeast might be low
some gardens dry, but it’s not like Africa.
There is speculation he / it is employed by the bbc.
Judging from his last comment, he is at least showing some of the qualities of Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Mark Page and Stuart Hall that endeared them to the nation, so should do well.
Here’s one for him then. Ask if a BBC reporter would ever say the following:
“Prime Minister, given this, and previous, Government’s policies on immigration it is inevitable that by 2050 the U.K. will be a Muslim-majority country. Could you tell us which present Muslim-majority country you are using as an example of what you would like us to be?”
Supplementary Question: “Prime Minister, as you have been unwilling to indicate where the Government’s policies on immigration will inevitably lead, how do you feel about going down in history, together with your immediate predecessors, as being responsible for the destruction of a thousand years of civilization?”
Indeed popeye, responsible for the destruction of our nation-well on the way at present. I was saying not so long ago that the immigration situation was quite incomprehensible, given the costs to the taxpayer, given the history of the crimes then being committed by these loathsome individuals who had landed on our shores and quite uninvited-now today I say it is comprehensible and all its issues being seemingly supported by the authorities without consideration as to the very grave possibility that the United Kingdom ( if it is still one) being controlled by those that follow the teachings of Islam. I’m ready to fight.
If you look at the history of a country such as Portugal, a long time ago they were overun with muslims, it took them hundreds of years to get rid of them.
Now the muslims are getting back in again like they are everywhere else, why dont people see this?
I ask the same question Wild Bill, the reply one would expect never reaches us, the game seemingly just goes on-who is behind this calamity, as that is what it will be if matter continue-I am of the opinion that the power of Money aided by the likes of the WEF, WHO, Socialism, et al are clearly operating the signal to destroy this nation and its indigenous peoples.
AS an aside ,
Nick Clegg is moving from California to England .
This person, of international parentage , who speaks several languages , who espouses internationalism , is leaving California , where only 57% speak English as a first language and official communications are in English and Spanish ,
is leaving multiculture diverse California to live in England .
“Former civil servant launches legal case claiming he was sacked for not being a feminist
Kevin Legge, 50, said he was forced out of his job for not being a feminist. He is taking legal action against the Enivornment Agency as a result. He said said the interview process was ‘biased in favour of women over men’
Mr Legge, who was based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, said in a submission that he refused ‘to do (their) bidding by favouring women over men in recruitment or promotion’ as it would have amounted to sex discrimination.
He cited alleged incidents including one in July 2019 when he told Ms Larmour he would not ‘positively discriminate’ after rejecting a female candidate based on merit.
Another clash with Ms Larmour occurred in early 2020 when she allegedly stopped him from appointing a man to a senior adviser role despite him being ‘the best candidate’.
Mr Legge claims he was advised to take on a less qualified female candidate when he protested at being told to re-advertise the post.”
Greedy, self centred socialist shits on display again:
“Good times never seemed so good! Conga-dancing Felixstowe dockworkers on strike belt Sweet Caroline as they party on picket line.
On Monday, the second day of industrial action at the port, Mr Morton said Unite wants an improved pay offer in line with at ‘least the rate of inflation’, suggesting a figure between ‘7% and 12.3%
Paul Davey, head of corporate affairs at the Port of Felixstowe, stressed there is a ‘7% plus £500’ offer on the table, and has urged Unite to let its members vote on it.”
“Militant unions are seeking to plunge the UK supply chain into anarchy and disrupt an estimated £700million of trade by galvanising around 1,900 Unite members to go on strike.
There are fears that the mass walkouts – which come amid soaring 10% inflation and fears it could surge past 18% next year – will cause shipping chaos at Felixstowe, Britain’s biggest container port, and lead to shop and supermarket shortages through to Christmas.”
Yes Zephir that is exactly what they are about-target to bring not just this Government down but any other-one if not the oldest Parliament in the world will be destroyed and a bunch of uneductaed Arabs will then reside in that place. The EU and successive week government and absolute greed by a few to destroy the many.
I keep on waiting for someone to say to those striking because “soaring 10% inflation and fears it could surge past 18%”, ok, as a business we can give you 8%, but any more & we go bust.
and another thing, if inflation drops in the future will you take a pay cut, or again we go bust ?
It’s one of the BBC’s favourite words. It allows them to use their global soapbox to infer an agenda based lie might be true without any accountability.
And all paid for by the public – whether they like it or not.
Dear police. If you really are so desperate to find the gunman who killed the poor 9 year old child. Why are you stil omitting the most important aspect of his description and the description of his intended victim ? ( who most likely shares this particular attribute with the gunman ) He has presumably changed his clothes by now !
Lessons learned from Rochdale, Telford Rotherham etc ? Yes of course ! Main lesson learned is to do a better job of covering things up next time ! ( I know different ethnicity most likely involved in this case but same principle applies.)
Amanda Chadderton, leader of @OldhamCouncil, says she's 'not really got much to say' about allegations that OC & @GMPolice covered-up child gang rape & trafficking, calls residents conspiracy theorists, then votes for an amendment blocking a motion calling for a public inquiry. pic.twitter.com/esFjMLSIim
Just more proof that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’.
Keep repeating this phrase and it drives the left crazy, they will respond that you are a ‘racist’ for saying that, at which point you can thank them for proving your point to be correct.
Come on Nigel get amongst the Pigeons and sort them out-you should without doubt be head of our Immigration and perhaps Home Secretary-Whoever becomes this nations new Prime Minister I say make certain Nigel Farage is in your Cabinet.
They have arrested a man who was also shot and got away, he was out of prison on licence, he will know who was shooting and other names too, he should NEVER be released.
Wonder what ethnicity he is?
Not quite BBC, but the BBC are one of the significant reasons we have ended up here.
I was reading a report on a video game developer who has died through cancer. Here’s how it reads:
‘Prior to indie development, Hale had worked as a modder and developer on triple-A titles. Their first solo game, Waves, was a twin-stick shooter that released in 2011.
“I know they would have liked to have completed that final project,” CJ continued, “but as Covid encroached, the need to have a more stable income was looming and between these factors and Rob’s struggles with their health, they never got the time to cap off this particular branch of their legacy.”‘
I was completely confused for a moment until I realised the guy who died was being refered to as ‘they’ and ‘their’. It totally rubbishes the point of pronouns in the English language and highlighted to me just how ridiculous the Left are making this world.
Laura koonsberg has a new show on the BBC . She is doing interviews . There is a headline in the Daily telegraph which includes the words ‘women ‘ and’ abuse ‘
I assumed this would be about the abuse of females by Pakistani racist Muslim Paedo gangs … but no- who care about that – it’s only northern white kids –
No – this is about women in journalism being abused . I would have thought koonsberg would welcome this as it might take out competition .
Plenty of stuff about fuel bills going up for the high street – restaurants being hit hard . Isn’t it strange that the papers glory in saying what the 2021 bills were and comparing to now …
… and never mention that if the green crap – sponsored by Russia – hadn’t been so ‘bigger up ‘ then we’d be benefiting from our own fuel supplies at a lower price ( probably ) …..and might be a bit less worried about being dependent on very limited and expensive imports ….
And then there is Liverpool plod – perhaps the buzzies will be too busy now to rehearse their queer dance steps ….
…I wonder what happened to plod ? I suppose it got infected by far left woke like everything else we are forced to pay for …
…maybe privatisation would be an option …
I was looking at the Liverpool echo to see how the killing of a 9 year old is being dealt with . Nothing about the killer – but – a story of someone caught trying to import 4 kilos of cannabis into Liverpool airport – and he got a suspended sentence … wow …I thought doing such a thing was serious ….
As you can see the UK is paying the highest spot prices for gas purely because of the decision by the Monster Raving Loony Liberal Democrats when in coalition with the Tories that they would close Britains gas storage facilities !
With inflation heading toward the 20% mark, soon we’ll all be Dicky Mint – as they say in Cockney rhyming slang
There was a time us non-Liverpudlians only heard about the obscure, semi-legendary district of Knotty Ash from Ken Dodd and his friends the Diddy Men, who – as far as one could make out – were a squeaky-voiced Merseyside off-shoot of immigrant Irish leprechauns; who toiled away in vital local industires such as the Jam Butty Mines and the Broken Biscuit Repair factory doing jobs the locals didn’t want to do. Ah, but those were innocent days.
Girl, 9, shot dead at home in gang crossfire… after the attacker allegedly entered the property in Knotty Ash and opened fire (Telegraph)
Merseyside Police [police singular in the awkward BBC nomenclature] has appealed to anyone with information to come forward, including members of Liverpool’s “criminal fraternity” (BBC) – police and media being none too forthcoming as the nature of the these gangs and the specific brand of their criminality. My money is on drugs. And although the immediate area is typically rather like Ken Dodd’s jokes – elderly and white British – I’m guessing the gang may have Balkan connections.
Albanians offer free bus ride to Channel… gangs are offering free mini-bus rides from southern Europe… promoting the “100 per cent secure” service in adverts on social media (Telegraph) – which could be handy, considering: Eurotunnel Le Shuttle: Passengers stuck for hours inside tunnel (BBC) – few such delays are to be expected these days on the one way ticket UK nationalised ferry service.
Picture of innocence to shame lawless Britain – suggests the Daily Mail – given that there are now several well-defined issues into which our mainstream media just will not venture – such as the de facto official tolerance of drug- and people-trafficking – I’m reminded of that old gag about the delinquent kid: “He came from from a broken home, he broke it”
Speaking of the Broken Biscuit Repair factory… NHS 111 chaos ‘will cause avoidable harm’ (Telegraph)
Well, at least: Missing nurse found ‘fit and cared for’, say police (Guardian) – thank goodness for that – what with the nursing shortage crisis in the NHS we can’t afford to go losing them – good for her – although one suspects there’s quite some story there waiting to be told – one wonders if it ever will be?
And what of those lucrative Jam Butty Mines? : Kwarteng to rein in green profits (we welcome a debut appearance hereabouts for Utility Week – ’empowers utilities to transform with confidence in a fast-moving sector’ – empowers… see what they did there?)
Editor’s picks from Utility Week include rather a lot of good news – from their point of view: Consumers willing to pay to avoid future water shortages. Around one-third of billpayers have indicated they would be willing to pay more to fund infrastructure to boost resilience against future droughts and flooding, a survey has shown. It also suggested water efficiency messaging has impacted behaviour, with 70% of adults who identified recent drought conditions as a ‘water crisis’ – so although as far as one can tell there has in reality been zero incidence of actual failure of water supply, the media nudge unit has been playing a blinder – as they say.
Yorkshire sees demand fall in response to drought messaging – see what I mean?
And so it goes on…
Yorkshire to add 28 solar sites; Scotland’s largest offshore windfarm generates first power – and yet… UK is ‘out of time’ to act on energy crisis Energy crisis could last three years, says National Grid (Telegraph)
Who’s up for a game of “Could, Fears, Crisis”?
Well, we’ve already just this moment chalked off Could and Crisis in one single headline. The triple is not too far away.
EU feared to be losing will to back Ukraine (Telegraph)
War fatigue setting in?
We love our Ukrainian guests, but can we afford them much longer? (Telegraph) – considering the Russian advance has supposedly run out of steam and the Ukrainians are pushing them back – how come the refugees can’t now return home to Kyiv?
Anyway, a new propaganda push would seem to be rather timely…
Ukraine war: Kyiv counts cost of fragile independence… Destroyed Russian military vehicles have been on display in Kyiv, to mark Ukraine’s Independence Day (BBC); Front line frontmen: Antytila, the rock band fighting Russia (BBC)
I remember not long back suggesting that if you wished to destroy a country from within, you would follow the Biden Marxist/Socialist playbook. Little did I realise that the UK Government would take that same playbook and follow it so closely. So quickly.
“A nation can survive its fools (Boris Johnson), and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within (Theres May). An enemy at the gates is less formidable (ISIS), for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself (Islamist Politicians). For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.(Jeremy Corbyn) He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
AISI, “Boracic Lint” is, I think, the correct phrase you are searching for, for line one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boracic_lint . It was certainly the one used by the Cockney who taught me rhyming slang.
TOADY Watch #1 – doggone it! the dugongs gone but don’t let’s ask questions
Only in China is the dugong said to be extinct but who knows, China is a large country, have the researchers looked everywhere? Ah but, yes but, no but when you read the article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62638485 on the BBC web-site you suddenly find “The likely disappearance of the dugong in China is a devastating loss.” (Prof. Samuel Turvey, Zoological Society of London)
No hard questions about Chinese pollution. No tough interview with the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, pinning him to the wall with the pointed and barbed questions. Funny that.
It was one of those WTF things . The ‘ research ‘ was based on ‘ asking thr locals’ who will always tell the Truth … waste of a negative story – but one extnction a day keeps the Greens happy ..
Local fishermen in Southern China traditionally revered dugongs and regarded them as “miraculous fish”. They believed it was bad luck to catch them and they were plentiful in the region prior to the 1960s. Beginning in the 1950s, a wave of immigrants from other regions that do not hold these beliefs resulted in dugongs being hunted for food and traditional Chinese medicine. This led to a steep decline in dugong populations in the Gulf of Tonkin and the sea around Hainan Island
I don’t see any proper context info ..like saying “millions of dugongs used to exit in Hainan” or something
If numbers were always limited to stray from southern areas
then that would explain a zero count today.
Also when count are close to zero POLITICS can lead to miscounts
eg pretend you saw one ..then get a WWF grant
or Pretend they’ve all gone and you can get on with developing a place without protest.
Or pretend they have all gone ..and therefore keep poachers away from the ones you secretly know exist.
Quite right, Stew. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are told by the BBC in a year or two that the seagrass has returned and dugong have been seen with their young, feeding on the seagrass.
Guest Who
Microchip all illegals on arrival….could be useful if ( if being the operative word ! ) caught for Drug Dealing , Murder , Rape , Robbery the list is endless
‘They don’t have that power when people are delivering speeches in public… Why should they have it when they are speaking on the internet?’
Lord Sumption criticises the Online Safety Bill, calling it ‘an attempt to control material that is perfectly legal to talk about.’ pic.twitter.com/8MGxboxCH8
This in response to theisland above – See also Prevention of Terrorism Act, first used to arrest an 80-year old heckler at the Labour Party Conference, then RIPA (introduced “purely” to assist the fight against terrorism lol) used by councils to catch people putting the wrong bins out. Give the Establishment an inch…..
🚨 Translation 👇 : I’ve really buggered up here so I’m deflecting and back peddling at frantic pace 😱.I’ve just outed myself for grifting from both #Everydoctor and the Holy #NHS at the same time. Quality👌. Ju x #everydildopic.twitter.com/8FiP8Fq4zD
— Dr Julia Grace Virtue Signal 💙 #everydildo (@trampbummer) August 23, 2022
The lotuseaters covered this item about this waste of space recently.
It beggars belief that this type of snowflake life style is encouraged in the media and else where. Have these morons never heard of actual work?
Oh martha – talking to the liverpool police commissioner- labour – but not introduced as such – talking about shooting stats as though 2 years of covid never happened .
Its all good in Liverpool – apparently – although the family of a 9 year old might think differently.
Martha really is the softest of soft – maybe its the bees …
“The Scots Guards perform Eurovision ‘Stefania’ tribute for Ukraine’s Independence Day” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-62653710
Correct me if I am wrong, but is the still photograph being used of a Welsh Guard?
They’re Albanian and according to one Border Force official all sporting prison tattoos and prison haircuts! So we’re importing East European criminals into our country at a frightening rate!
Tuberculosis (TB) incidence has increased in England and Wales since 1987, with much of the increase in migrants from high TB incidence countries. …. The National Health Service increasingly depends on healthcare workers (HCWs) trained abroad, often from areas of high TB incidence. .. Pre-employment screening for active disease may not be enough to prevent the occurrence of these incidents (latent TB occurs much later). {Survey of tuberculosis incidents in hospital healthcare workers, England and Wales, 2005}
I wonder if the Albanians were offered a choice? – US Southern Border or UK by Channel crossing. I imagine the UK option would be preferred if only to return to Albania often to visit mummy after they have set up their criminal enterprise in the UK.
I wonder how long the public can go back in time to support pressing charges against the politicians for Treason. I’d go for Bliar to start with.
T Blair-most definitely- historically one of the worst traitors this nation has ever had to endure, however in far off days the traitor would have been sent to Traitors Gate, end of. Now our incompehensible system, gives them a Knighthood and then to add insult to injury makes them a member of the Garter, a very old tradition to which Blair is undeserving in every way. The system, as they say is broke.
“Merseyside Police [police singular in the awkward BBC nomenclature] has appealed to anyone with information to come forward, including members of Liverpool’s “criminal fraternity” ”
They’re struggling to find non criminals to talk to.
Sorry about the Scouser “joke”
Seriously there’s a lot going on in Liverpool that doesn’t make the news. Someone living in Liverpool I knew well ended up dead in mysterious circumstances last week. There’s been absolutely nothing in the news, not even in the Liverpool Echo. There is a Police investigation. Was it an accident, murder or manslaughter? No one knows.
Our old friend David Vance stopped by on this site on Friday, with a recommendation of a book; IS THAT TRUE OR DID YOU HEAR IT ON THE BBC?
I sent off for it via Amazon and it arrived Sunday morning. It’s a cracking read. I wouldn’t usually use this site to endorse books, but this is really “right up our street”. The author, David Sedgwick, forensically exposes the lies, misinformation, bias and downright bigotry that the BBC deal in every day.
He goes through their manufactured hysteria about “climate change”, their obsession with racial politics, their paranoid hatred of Brexit and Donald Trump and their rabble rousing coverage of the death of American thug, George Floyd, while completely ignoring the racist torture and murder of Kriss Donald and others on these shores.
I’m heading up town to Westminster Abbey today to enjoy a brass band in the beautiful cloister gardens. I always enjoy reading while on the train so I might have finished the book by the time I get home.
If the band aren’t up to much I will have finished it…
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
IMHO there has been a phase shift in the UK’s politics…………
UKIP and The Reform Party have become The New Conservatives.
Conservative Tories have become The Liberals.
Liberals have become the Labour Party.
The Labour Party have become Marxists.
And that’s why we are still paying the ‘Telly Tax’ , the ‘Green Levy’ and still have one foot in the EU.
All at the same time as we are still being invaded from Europe by criminals.
Thank’s Bo Jo!
taffman, policy-wise that is somewhat right. The BBC are desperately hoping that Der Starmer can halt the Labour slide to ‘autocracy’ and can do a Blair but the poor sucker has all the charm and electability of a wet sheep. It would be a great help to British democracy if UKIP and Reform would merge.
TOADY Watch #2 – no, Amol – that is a fear for democracy
Jair Bolsanaro, President of Brazil, is concerned that the forthcoming Presidential Election might be rigged against him. Amol decides that it is because Jair Bolsanaro is an autocrat. I would say it it is because Jair Bolsanaro wants free and fair elections and is a democrat and believes democracy is best.
After 17 years at the BBC for Panorama and Newsnight, he is now a free spirit, up for the right kind of trouble. He has written twelve books, including the best-selling novel set in the war in Burma, Elephant Moon and a co-authored investigation into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Murder On The Malta Express, which in December 2020 won a national book award in Malta.
Laura Kuenssberg given bodyguards at Labour conference after abuse
BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has been assigned security at the Labour Party conference after receiving abuse from Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters, according to reports
Huh ! so the guy who forced his way into the house in Liverpool (chased by a gunman) is a prisoner on licence, so its back to clink for him. He’s been arrested in his hospital bed.
I cannot for the life of imagine how terminally nosey someone would have to be, on hearing a masssive disturbance on the street involving firearms, decides the best course of action would not be to take cover and find out later what was going on, nor to go upstairs to get a better view and curtain twitch, but to open the front door to see what is going on, and no doubt give them a piece of her mind for making a racket!
This is true nosiness on a world class scale and it resulted in the death of her 9 year old daughter, putting everyone in the house at risk.
Toxic femininity? Possibly but we will never hear it described as such.
Not necessarily back to the clink, he could be an innocent victim of someone trying to kill him and lets face it, if someone was chasing any of us with a live gun we would all seek what ever shelter we could.
Liverpool plod are as big a joke as any of the Labour controlled big city forces and have arrested the guy for show that they are doing something.
REDio Humberide just had a long item
Gareth Forest of the TUC saying
“it’s simple just make the minimum wage £15” etc.
Then the presenter played a record
and now an item live from Grimsby with Unite the Union
who have organised a “pay the workers rally there”
cos “we are here cos it’s a RED wall seat” .. (so it’s POLITICAL ..not about wages)
Next presenter says “Hey I just read this in the Daily Mirror”
No the reality workers have to be POORER
cos Guardianland policies make the UK poorer
Calais migrants
& now strikes
Will magic unicorns pay ?
I suspect that I am right about this, and being a pale stale
male I suppose you can say that I am being sexist at
the very least. BUT the BBC have decided that Women’s
football coverage is put on, at the very least equal terms
as the men.
You will see on the main page of the internet Sports pages
several features about the women’s game. Appearing
that the men’s game doesn’t even exist.
I , like most patriotic sports loving folk in England were
thrilled to bits that England’s women won the Euro’s.
But honestly some of the stuff that they make major
sports headlines , beggars belief.
It might be dressed in woke language, but the reality is that the BBC have not had access to the mens game for decades now, claiming poverty in the face of the reality of being one of the wealthiest broadcasters in the world.
They being Socialist put squandering and wasting money at the top of their list of priorities
For instance why does the BBC need to maintain 8 orchestras and choral groups?
On LGBBC newcastle radio this morning they had a wimmin on who was talking about a time when her autistic son had an episode in a supermarket and she was very upset.
The other people there were very friendly and understanding to her which helped her.
There was one man who gave her a hug to make her feel better and she said it helped her.
I wouldn’t dare hug a stranger in her position for fear of being arrested for some sort of assault or whatever.
In the olden days you could do this but with today’s wokies they are so easily triggered you would be best advised to keep your hands to yourself.
If you came across an obviously lost child would you take their hand and lead them away to …. where?, a police station if you could find one. You would probably be arrested for abduction.
Matt Hancock has become the first MP to join the metaverse. Since stepping down as Health Secretary the lover boy has picked up the baton of some niche political issues, not least the complementary causes of cryptocurrency and assisted dying. According to the press release, Hancock is now engaging with the Californian virtual reality platform as he “believes that the Metaverse should be open and free”. It’s a generous hairline…
order order
In the 2010s, personal data belonging to millions of Facebook users was collected without their consent by British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, predominantly to be used for political advertising.[1]
The data was collected through an app called “This Is Your Digital Life”, developed by data scientist Aleksandr Kogan and his company Global Science Research in 2013.[2] The app consisted of a series of questions to build psychological profiles on users, and collected the personal data of the users’ Facebook friends via Facebook’s Open Graph platform.[2] The app harvested the data of up to 87 million Facebook profiles.[2] Cambridge Analytica used the data to provide analytical assistance to the 2016 presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.[3][4] Cambridge Analytica was also widely accused of interfering with the Brexit referendum, although the official investigation recognised that the company was not involved “beyond some initial enquiries” and that “no significant breaches” took place.[5][6]
The knock of effect of stolen elections – lawless democrat cities . Millions of US taxpayers money wasted on corrupt airhead give aways …..
In a democracy the remedy is easy . Decent people vote the vermin out of office – but if the Obama party has the voting system under control they know that they can do what they want using an unlimited supply of other peoples ‘ money .
The other big mistake of course is treating feral a like young human beings when they are really animals and should be treated as such ….
The perennial fight over crime – using force – or treating it as a disease – but screw the victims – they don’t count .
….elsewhere – same theme Lady Brooke talking like the queen asking what would happen to a witness to the latest killing in Liverpool if they came forward – they would be ‘protected ‘ ..until the latest drugged up corrupt plod sold their details to a dealer ….
Lady Brooke not good on real life …
I think it is fair to include the bBC in this but did anyone see the Liam Halligan show on GB NEws yesterday.
He was comparing the crisis over the total liability presented by
the massive scale of public sector pensions.
Public sector pension liabilities are almost the same as the entire debt currently being carried by the UK.
We’re talking trillions here…numbers with 11 zeros I think Liam said.
The takeaway for me was that this level of liability is virtually unpayable and is of a design 50 years old where;
1) life expectancy was much lower
2) many pensions in the public sector are still final salary or average salary based
3) that public sector wages now outstrip the private sector.
When it sounds too good to be true etc?
Watch for bBC rat exodus as they finally realise that yes that is water coming up through the floorboards.
Actually I saw the mega pension cost thing on Steyn
The point is those pensions will be paid but over about 90 years
eg a 20 yo civil servant will still be getting a pension when he is 110
Likewise the NHS will be funded in 90 years time
So the 90 year NHS liability will be about £130bn each year for 90 years scaled up for inflation
so will be tens of thousands of billions, ie tens of trillions
BOLTON MUSEUM: Michael remembers being transfixed by a painted plaster copy of an Ancient Egyptian Nefertiti bust (right) as a young child at Bolton Museum’s Egyptology gallery. “I just think it’s a very powerful image, so beautiful and regal. I remember being a little gay boy staring at Nefertiti thinking, ‘I want to have that face one day'”
‘I tried and tried, but his heart stopped’: Olympic gold cyclist Katie Archibald reveals she desperately battled to save dying partner mountain biker Rab Wardell, 37, after he ‘suffered cardiac arrest as they lay in bed’
The internet asked why a triple vaxxed athlete with no previous heart condition suddenly died of a heart attack
Since it only just happened it is the family’s business so media are right to protect his name being hijacked by POLITICAL folks.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Two-thirds of Europe is under some sort of drought warning, in what is likely the worst such event in 500 years.”
How true is this ?
Just more fear, fear, and fear.
So, what can we in GB do about it ?
Depends if you mean #WetDrought or proper drought
The UK is not generally in drought
The water grid has a reasonable amount of water in it
The EA has declared a drought in some zones where reservoirs are 50% or even 80%
Some streams in the southeast might be low
some gardens dry, but it’s not like Africa.
Drought can be a PR word
Watch out, watch out, our pet troll is about!
There is speculation he / it is employed by the bbc.
Judging from his last comment, he is at least showing some of the qualities of Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Mark Page and Stuart Hall that endeared them to the nation, so should do well.
Envy of da wurld innit..
Here’s one for him then. Ask if a BBC reporter would ever say the following:
“Prime Minister, given this, and previous, Government’s policies on immigration it is inevitable that by 2050 the U.K. will be a Muslim-majority country. Could you tell us which present Muslim-majority country you are using as an example of what you would like us to be?”
Supplementary Question: “Prime Minister, as you have been unwilling to indicate where the Government’s policies on immigration will inevitably lead, how do you feel about going down in history, together with your immediate predecessors, as being responsible for the destruction of a thousand years of civilization?”
Indeed popeye, responsible for the destruction of our nation-well on the way at present. I was saying not so long ago that the immigration situation was quite incomprehensible, given the costs to the taxpayer, given the history of the crimes then being committed by these loathsome individuals who had landed on our shores and quite uninvited-now today I say it is comprehensible and all its issues being seemingly supported by the authorities without consideration as to the very grave possibility that the United Kingdom ( if it is still one) being controlled by those that follow the teachings of Islam. I’m ready to fight.
If you look at the history of a country such as Portugal, a long time ago they were overun with muslims, it took them hundreds of years to get rid of them.
Now the muslims are getting back in again like they are everywhere else, why dont people see this?
I ask the same question Wild Bill, the reply one would expect never reaches us, the game seemingly just goes on-who is behind this calamity, as that is what it will be if matter continue-I am of the opinion that the power of Money aided by the likes of the WEF, WHO, Socialism, et al are clearly operating the signal to destroy this nation and its indigenous peoples.
popeye – “Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.” – https://www.eutimes.net/2009/10/labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-uk-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser/
AS an aside ,
Nick Clegg is moving from California to England .
This person, of international parentage , who speaks several languages , who espouses internationalism , is leaving California , where only 57% speak English as a first language and official communications are in English and Spanish ,
is leaving multiculture diverse California to live in England .
Then Mr Clegg will find himself in a minority speaking English?
Notice Tarien , he goes to Brexit England , not the United In Diversity EU .
He will love it- a fully blown Multicultural society, but not much Brexit to be seen as of now. Bring back Boris-well maybe not just yet or ever!
Comes to something when even Zux doesn’t want you.
Straight back as BBC Newsnight roving reporter?
Why is he coming back here?
“Former civil servant launches legal case claiming he was sacked for not being a feminist
Kevin Legge, 50, said he was forced out of his job for not being a feminist. He is taking legal action against the Enivornment Agency as a result. He said said the interview process was ‘biased in favour of women over men’
Mr Legge, who was based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, said in a submission that he refused ‘to do (their) bidding by favouring women over men in recruitment or promotion’ as it would have amounted to sex discrimination.
He cited alleged incidents including one in July 2019 when he told Ms Larmour he would not ‘positively discriminate’ after rejecting a female candidate based on merit.
Another clash with Ms Larmour occurred in early 2020 when she allegedly stopped him from appointing a man to a senior adviser role despite him being ‘the best candidate’.
Mr Legge claims he was advised to take on a less qualified female candidate when he protested at being told to re-advertise the post.”
Greedy, self centred socialist shits on display again:
“Good times never seemed so good! Conga-dancing Felixstowe dockworkers on strike belt Sweet Caroline as they party on picket line.
On Monday, the second day of industrial action at the port, Mr Morton said Unite wants an improved pay offer in line with at ‘least the rate of inflation’, suggesting a figure between ‘7% and 12.3%
Paul Davey, head of corporate affairs at the Port of Felixstowe, stressed there is a ‘7% plus £500’ offer on the table, and has urged Unite to let its members vote on it.”
“Militant unions are seeking to plunge the UK supply chain into anarchy and disrupt an estimated £700million of trade by galvanising around 1,900 Unite members to go on strike.
There are fears that the mass walkouts – which come amid soaring 10% inflation and fears it could surge past 18% next year – will cause shipping chaos at Felixstowe, Britain’s biggest container port, and lead to shop and supermarket shortages through to Christmas.”
Yes Zephir that is exactly what they are about-target to bring not just this Government down but any other-one if not the oldest Parliament in the world will be destroyed and a bunch of uneductaed Arabs will then reside in that place. The EU and successive week government and absolute greed by a few to destroy the many.
I keep on waiting for someone to say to those striking because “soaring 10% inflation and fears it could surge past 18%”, ok, as a business we can give you 8%, but any more & we go bust.
and another thing, if inflation drops in the future will you take a pay cut, or again we go bust ?
Ukraine war: Kyiv counts cost of fragile independence
bBC does a “report” on Ukraine Independance day
When driving into work this morning, on the radio they mentioned it was cancelled, strange
Question: Is Albania emptying its jails and prisons?
Question: Is the Ministry of Defence defending Great Britain?
“ Melting glaciers: Germany’s ‘could disappear’ in 50 years”
Operative word “could”.
It’s one of the BBC’s favourite words. It allows them to use their global soapbox to infer an agenda based lie might be true without any accountability.
And all paid for by the public – whether they like it or not.
Dear police. If you really are so desperate to find the gunman who killed the poor 9 year old child. Why are you stil omitting the most important aspect of his description and the description of his intended victim ? ( who most likely shares this particular attribute with the gunman ) He has presumably changed his clothes by now !
Can we assume then that what we are all thinking is correct ?
It happens every time. He can change his clothes but he can’t change his skin. Whatever colour it is.
Pushing the Leftists agenda is now more important to the police than catching murderers.
History will look back on our times with the kind of disbelief of how warped it is that we have looking back on medievil England.
Lessons learned from Rochdale, Telford Rotherham etc ? Yes of course ! Main lesson learned is to do a better job of covering things up next time ! ( I know different ethnicity most likely involved in this case but same principle applies.)
And make sure get a gang member employed in the council and plod …
Remind you of any national broadcasters?
They laughed at him then, but they’re not laughing now !
Nigel , your country needs you !
Just more proof that there’s no such thing as ‘racism’.
Keep repeating this phrase and it drives the left crazy, they will respond that you are a ‘racist’ for saying that, at which point you can thank them for proving your point to be correct.
Come on Nigel get amongst the Pigeons and sort them out-you should without doubt be head of our Immigration and perhaps Home Secretary-Whoever becomes this nations new Prime Minister I say make certain Nigel Farage is in your Cabinet.
They have arrested a man who was also shot and got away, he was out of prison on licence, he will know who was shooting and other names too, he should NEVER be released.
Wonder what ethnicity he is?
Not quite BBC, but the BBC are one of the significant reasons we have ended up here.
I was reading a report on a video game developer who has died through cancer. Here’s how it reads:
‘Prior to indie development, Hale had worked as a modder and developer on triple-A titles. Their first solo game, Waves, was a twin-stick shooter that released in 2011.
“I know they would have liked to have completed that final project,” CJ continued, “but as Covid encroached, the need to have a more stable income was looming and between these factors and Rob’s struggles with their health, they never got the time to cap off this particular branch of their legacy.”‘
I was completely confused for a moment until I realised the guy who died was being refered to as ‘they’ and ‘their’. It totally rubbishes the point of pronouns in the English language and highlighted to me just how ridiculous the Left are making this world.
Laura koonsberg has a new show on the BBC . She is doing interviews . There is a headline in the Daily telegraph which includes the words ‘women ‘ and’ abuse ‘
I assumed this would be about the abuse of females by Pakistani racist Muslim Paedo gangs … but no- who care about that – it’s only northern white kids –
No – this is about women in journalism being abused . I would have thought koonsberg would welcome this as it might take out competition .
Plenty of stuff about fuel bills going up for the high street – restaurants being hit hard . Isn’t it strange that the papers glory in saying what the 2021 bills were and comparing to now …
… and never mention that if the green crap – sponsored by Russia – hadn’t been so ‘bigger up ‘ then we’d be benefiting from our own fuel supplies at a lower price ( probably ) …..and might be a bit less worried about being dependent on very limited and expensive imports ….
And then there is Liverpool plod – perhaps the buzzies will be too busy now to rehearse their queer dance steps ….
…I wonder what happened to plod ? I suppose it got infected by far left woke like everything else we are forced to pay for …
…maybe privatisation would be an option …
“fuel bills going up” – but never a mention about how our wind farms/solar farms will save us from freezing this winter.
wonder why ?
I was looking at the Liverpool echo to see how the killing of a 9 year old is being dealt with . Nothing about the killer – but – a story of someone caught trying to import 4 kilos of cannabis into Liverpool airport – and he got a suspended sentence … wow …I thought doing such a thing was serious ….
As you can see the UK is paying the highest spot prices for gas purely because of the decision by the Monster Raving Loony Liberal Democrats when in coalition with the Tories that they would close Britains gas storage facilities !
It does depend how much gas is actually bought the day before
probably a tiny amount.
Spot the massaged Fake News, compliments of the Met Office.
“New record from July heat”. July heat? Wow! That’s the whole of July isn’t it? Well no. read on:
“A new highest daily minimum temperature record has been set during the unprecedented hot spell.”
So, what was the average July temperature? Conveniently not mentioned – let’s do nothing to disturb the illusion that the planet is, ‘burning up’.
Artist’s impression of BBC commentators observing the Brexit referendum result?
With inflation heading toward the 20% mark, soon we’ll all be Dicky Mint – as they say in Cockney rhyming slang
There was a time us non-Liverpudlians only heard about the obscure, semi-legendary district of Knotty Ash from Ken Dodd and his friends the Diddy Men, who – as far as one could make out – were a squeaky-voiced Merseyside off-shoot of immigrant Irish leprechauns; who toiled away in vital local industires such as the Jam Butty Mines and the Broken Biscuit Repair factory doing jobs the locals didn’t want to do. Ah, but those were innocent days.
Girl, 9, shot dead at home in gang crossfire… after the attacker allegedly entered the property in Knotty Ash and opened fire (Telegraph)
Merseyside Police [police singular in the awkward BBC nomenclature] has appealed to anyone with information to come forward, including members of Liverpool’s “criminal fraternity” (BBC) – police and media being none too forthcoming as the nature of the these gangs and the specific brand of their criminality. My money is on drugs. And although the immediate area is typically rather like Ken Dodd’s jokes – elderly and white British – I’m guessing the gang may have Balkan connections.
Albanians offer free bus ride to Channel… gangs are offering free mini-bus rides from southern Europe… promoting the “100 per cent secure” service in adverts on social media (Telegraph) – which could be handy, considering: Eurotunnel Le Shuttle: Passengers stuck for hours inside tunnel (BBC) – few such delays are to be expected these days on the one way ticket UK nationalised ferry service.
Picture of innocence to shame lawless Britain – suggests the Daily Mail – given that there are now several well-defined issues into which our mainstream media just will not venture – such as the de facto official tolerance of drug- and people-trafficking – I’m reminded of that old gag about the delinquent kid: “He came from from a broken home, he broke it”
Speaking of the Broken Biscuit Repair factory… NHS 111 chaos ‘will cause avoidable harm’ (Telegraph)
Well, at least: Missing nurse found ‘fit and cared for’, say police (Guardian) – thank goodness for that – what with the nursing shortage crisis in the NHS we can’t afford to go losing them – good for her – although one suspects there’s quite some story there waiting to be told – one wonders if it ever will be?
And what of those lucrative Jam Butty Mines? : Kwarteng to rein in green profits (we welcome a debut appearance hereabouts for Utility Week – ’empowers utilities to transform with confidence in a fast-moving sector’ – empowers… see what they did there?)
Editor’s picks from Utility Week include rather a lot of good news – from their point of view: Consumers willing to pay to avoid future water shortages. Around one-third of billpayers have indicated they would be willing to pay more to fund infrastructure to boost resilience against future droughts and flooding, a survey has shown. It also suggested water efficiency messaging has impacted behaviour, with 70% of adults who identified recent drought conditions as a ‘water crisis’ – so although as far as one can tell there has in reality been zero incidence of actual failure of water supply, the media nudge unit has been playing a blinder – as they say.
Yorkshire sees demand fall in response to drought messaging – see what I mean?
And so it goes on…
Yorkshire to add 28 solar sites; Scotland’s largest offshore windfarm generates first power – and yet…
UK is ‘out of time’ to act on energy crisis
Energy crisis could last three years, says National Grid (Telegraph)
Who’s up for a game of “Could, Fears, Crisis”?
Well, we’ve already just this moment chalked off Could and Crisis in one single headline. The triple is not too far away.
EU feared to be losing will to back Ukraine (Telegraph)
War fatigue setting in?
We love our Ukrainian guests, but can we afford them much longer? (Telegraph) – considering the Russian advance has supposedly run out of steam and the Ukrainians are pushing them back – how come the refugees can’t now return home to Kyiv?
Anyway, a new propaganda push would seem to be rather timely…
Ukraine war: Kyiv counts cost of fragile independence… Destroyed Russian military vehicles have been on display in Kyiv, to mark Ukraine’s Independence Day (BBC); Front line frontmen: Antytila, the rock band fighting Russia (BBC)
I remember not long back suggesting that if you wished to destroy a country from within, you would follow the Biden Marxist/Socialist playbook. Little did I realise that the UK Government would take that same playbook and follow it so closely. So quickly.
“A nation can survive its fools (Boris Johnson), and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within (Theres May). An enemy at the gates is less formidable (ISIS), for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself (Islamist Politicians). For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.(Jeremy Corbyn) He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero
AISI, “Boracic Lint” is, I think, the correct phrase you are searching for, for line one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boracic_lint . It was certainly the one used by the Cockney who taught me rhyming slang.
Front line frontmen: Antytila, the rock band fighting Russia
Scary stuff
TOADY Watch #1 – doggone it! the dugongs gone but don’t let’s ask questions
Only in China is the dugong said to be extinct but who knows, China is a large country, have the researchers looked everywhere? Ah but, yes but, no but when you read the article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62638485 on the BBC web-site you suddenly find “The likely disappearance of the dugong in China is a devastating loss.” (Prof. Samuel Turvey, Zoological Society of London)
No hard questions about Chinese pollution. No tough interview with the Chinese Ambassador to the UK, pinning him to the wall with the pointed and barbed questions. Funny that.
It was one of those WTF things . The ‘ research ‘ was based on ‘ asking thr locals’ who will always tell the Truth … waste of a negative story – but one extnction a day keeps the Greens happy ..
Local fishermen in Southern China traditionally revered dugongs and regarded them as “miraculous fish”. They believed it was bad luck to catch them and they were plentiful in the region prior to the 1960s. Beginning in the 1950s, a wave of immigrants from other regions that do not hold these beliefs resulted in dugongs being hunted for food and traditional Chinese medicine. This led to a steep decline in dugong populations in the Gulf of Tonkin and the sea around Hainan Island
I don’t see any proper context info ..like saying “millions of dugongs used to exit in Hainan” or something
If numbers were always limited to stray from southern areas
then that would explain a zero count today.
Also when count are close to zero POLITICS can lead to miscounts
eg pretend you saw one ..then get a WWF grant
or Pretend they’ve all gone and you can get on with developing a place without protest.
Or pretend they have all gone ..and therefore keep poachers away from the ones you secretly know exist.
Quite right, Stew. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are told by the BBC in a year or two that the seagrass has returned and dugong have been seen with their young, feeding on the seagrass.
When Getty goes… less diverse.
Guess tagging certain groups might be seen as an outrage.
Any pix of Timmeh! dressed as a Romulan getting his cheque from Gates around?
650 MPS first – with data made public.
microchipping people is not the same as tracking
Those tiny chips don’t transmit to a satellite etc.
We all have fairly unique fingerprints anyway without a hidden chip.
Guest Who
Microchip all illegals on arrival….could be useful if ( if being the operative word ! ) caught for Drug Dealing , Murder , Rape , Robbery the list is endless
Home Office loses track of more than 600,000 people who should have left country, finds immigration watchdog
UK border checks branded ‘shambolic’
Clarity from Lord Sumption.
The vagueness of the statute is going to be given precision by so-called guidance coming from Ofcom.
Jo Brand: Ofcom to take no further action over battery acid joke
27 January 2020
This in response to theisland above – See also Prevention of Terrorism Act, first used to arrest an 80-year old heckler at the Labour Party Conference, then RIPA (introduced “purely” to assist the fight against terrorism lol) used by councils to catch people putting the wrong bins out. Give the Establishment an inch…..
The courts now
“You insult a righty multiple times, that’s free speech”
“You insult a lefty multiple times and that is harassment”
Back on the QT panel in no time.
Assumed this was the BBC Disinformation Chicago Office… until I saw the meat.
So, not BBC Environment, Science and Flying Places either.
The lotuseaters covered this item about this waste of space recently.
It beggars belief that this type of snowflake life style is encouraged in the media and else where. Have these morons never heard of actual work?
Oh martha – talking to the liverpool police commissioner- labour – but not introduced as such – talking about shooting stats as though 2 years of covid never happened .
Its all good in Liverpool – apparently – although the family of a 9 year old might think differently.
Martha really is the softest of soft – maybe its the bees …
Criminals working from home?
“The Scots Guards perform Eurovision ‘Stefania’ tribute for Ukraine’s Independence Day”
Correct me if I am wrong, but is the still photograph being used of a Welsh Guard?
Yep, leek on the collar and green and white plume is Welsh Guards
Watching the clip I also spotted an Irish Guardsman among the – mainly – Scots Guards band
Shortage of Guardsmen – Conservative army cutbacks ?
Might be worth checking.
Tuberculosis (TB) incidence has increased in England and Wales since 1987, with much of the increase in migrants from high TB incidence countries. …. The National Health Service increasingly depends on healthcare workers (HCWs) trained abroad, often from areas of high TB incidence. .. Pre-employment screening for active disease may not be enough to prevent the occurrence of these incidents (latent TB occurs much later). {Survey of tuberculosis incidents in hospital healthcare workers, England and Wales, 2005}
I wonder if the Albanians were offered a choice? – US Southern Border or UK by Channel crossing. I imagine the UK option would be preferred if only to return to Albania often to visit mummy after they have set up their criminal enterprise in the UK.
I wonder how long the public can go back in time to support pressing charges against the politicians for Treason. I’d go for Bliar to start with.
T Blair-most definitely- historically one of the worst traitors this nation has ever had to endure, however in far off days the traitor would have been sent to Traitors Gate, end of. Now our incompehensible system, gives them a Knighthood and then to add insult to injury makes them a member of the Garter, a very old tradition to which Blair is undeserving in every way. The system, as they say is broke.
“Merseyside Police [police singular in the awkward BBC nomenclature] has appealed to anyone with information to come forward, including members of Liverpool’s “criminal fraternity” ”
They’re struggling to find non criminals to talk to.
Sorry about the Scouser “joke”
Seriously there’s a lot going on in Liverpool that doesn’t make the news. Someone living in Liverpool I knew well ended up dead in mysterious circumstances last week. There’s been absolutely nothing in the news, not even in the Liverpool Echo. There is a Police investigation. Was it an accident, murder or manslaughter? No one knows.
Gun crime in 1990s Manchester …?
Luckily they can also cover news.
Cows will need health warnings according to the Daisy Threat Charity asst. marketing spokesperson on BBC Bimbo Chicago.
See, all that was needed.
Back as generals in a month after gardening leave, per W1A policy?
Our old friend David Vance stopped by on this site on Friday, with a recommendation of a book; IS THAT TRUE OR DID YOU HEAR IT ON THE BBC?
I sent off for it via Amazon and it arrived Sunday morning. It’s a cracking read. I wouldn’t usually use this site to endorse books, but this is really “right up our street”. The author, David Sedgwick, forensically exposes the lies, misinformation, bias and downright bigotry that the BBC deal in every day.
He goes through their manufactured hysteria about “climate change”, their obsession with racial politics, their paranoid hatred of Brexit and Donald Trump and their rabble rousing coverage of the death of American thug, George Floyd, while completely ignoring the racist torture and murder of Kriss Donald and others on these shores.
I’m heading up town to Westminster Abbey today to enjoy a brass band in the beautiful cloister gardens. I always enjoy reading while on the train so I might have finished the book by the time I get home.
If the band aren’t up to much I will have finished it…
Nudge Nudge …

And no BS.
Well, any more.
She has joined Groper, to ‘find her voice’.
The next Pengecast with Sopes is aiming at double figures.
Eddie Izzard introduces us to Raghad and her story of living in conflict in Yemen.
Man wearing lipstick and womans clothes wants Raghead to have stability .
“I want you to go home and kill your Brexit voting parents.” Kumar
It’s the little things.
Guess Timmeh! might need to get a minion to wave this one off anonymously.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC £3.5bn UK News Service Department,
I noticed on the BBC news (2jul2019) you showed the opening of the EU Parliament and The Brexit Party facing the opposite way (outward looking) to the other MEPs (inward looking) and went on to show the Liberal Demoracts Party wearing bright yellow t-shirts front side only (not yellow vests).
May I point out three bits of omission as it was a former employee of yours that said “Omission was the greatest lie.”.
1) You showed the Liberal Democrats t-shirts but did not display what was on the back .. B*LL*CKS TO BREXIT. I added stars incase your system blocks swear words. This is missing the point that grown ups are swearing in Parliament.
2) Your complaints page has been missing for at least two weeks that shows your omissions and corrections in 2018 like the one where you said NHS nurse but in fact she was a Labour Activist.
3) I see MEP Magid Magid got refused entry to the EU Parliament, but the article shows a nice t-shirt (IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT) and not the one he wore which was “F**K FASCISM” when trying to enter Parliament.
From these 3 cases I hope you can see that omission lets the BBC tell a different story and can elevate those in favour and bring scorn to those out of favour.
I know this email is on its way to the BBC Memory Hole but hope that at least one person in the BBC, you Winston, get a chance to raise an eyebrow.
Many Thanks,
A BBC TV License Tax payer helping the Few like Gary Lineker, Not the Many like the over 75s.
IMHO there has been a phase shift in the UK’s politics…………
UKIP and The Reform Party have become The New Conservatives.
Conservative Tories have become The Liberals.
Liberals have become the Labour Party.
The Labour Party have become Marxists.
And that’s why we are still paying the ‘Telly Tax’ , the ‘Green Levy’ and still have one foot in the EU.
All at the same time as we are still being invaded from Europe by criminals.
Thank’s Bo Jo!
Boris – Left of Labour to beat labour. Not coming back.
taffman, policy-wise that is somewhat right. The BBC are desperately hoping that Der Starmer can halt the Labour slide to ‘autocracy’ and can do a Blair but the poor sucker has all the charm and electability of a wet sheep. It would be a great help to British democracy if UKIP and Reform would merge.
If the Tories and the LibDems can form a coalition, its pretty clear that UKIP and The Reform Party could merge.
A winner !
TOADY Watch #2 – no, Amol – that is a fear for democracy
Jair Bolsanaro, President of Brazil, is concerned that the forthcoming Presidential Election might be rigged against him. Amol decides that it is because Jair Bolsanaro is an autocrat. I would say it it is because Jair Bolsanaro wants free and fair elections and is a democrat and believes democracy is best.
Light relief. Possibly an accurate bbc story.
John Sweeney
Killer In The Kremlin https://smarturl.it/KillerInTheKremlin
Taking On Putin podcast http://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/tak…
Londonjohnsweeney.co.ukJoined January 2012
3,992 Following
After 17 years at the BBC for Panorama and Newsnight, he is now a free spirit, up for the right kind of trouble. He has written twelve books, including the best-selling novel set in the war in Burma, Elephant Moon and a co-authored investigation into the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Murder On The Malta Express, which in December 2020 won a national book award in Malta.
No dog?
Guess not needed.
“It’s Always Brutal At The End”: Broadcaster Laura Kuenssberg Talks Boris’s Downfall, Internet Bullies, And Landing Her Biggest Gig To Date
Laura Kuenssberg given bodyguards at Labour conference after abuse
BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg has been assigned security at the Labour Party conference after receiving abuse from Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters, according to reports
BBC teaching young reporters how things are done in the place all the oldies went to for the Olympics despite… moving on…
Limit Misinformation.
Huh ! so the guy who forced his way into the house in Liverpool (chased by a gunman) is a prisoner on licence, so its back to clink for him. He’s been arrested in his hospital bed.
I cannot for the life of imagine how terminally nosey someone would have to be, on hearing a masssive disturbance on the street involving firearms, decides the best course of action would not be to take cover and find out later what was going on, nor to go upstairs to get a better view and curtain twitch, but to open the front door to see what is going on, and no doubt give them a piece of her mind for making a racket!
This is true nosiness on a world class scale and it resulted in the death of her 9 year old daughter, putting everyone in the house at risk.
Toxic femininity? Possibly but we will never hear it described as such.
How could I judge when i wasn’t there ?
Maybe her other child was outside
Maybe she thought a pop was an exhaust backfire, not gun.
Not necessarily back to the clink, he could be an innocent victim of someone trying to kill him and lets face it, if someone was chasing any of us with a live gun we would all seek what ever shelter we could.
Liverpool plod are as big a joke as any of the Labour controlled big city forces and have arrested the guy for show that they are doing something.
REDio Humberide just had a long item
Gareth Forest of the TUC saying
“it’s simple just make the minimum wage £15” etc.
Then the presenter played a record
and now an item live from Grimsby with Unite the Union
who have organised a “pay the workers rally there”
cos “we are here cos it’s a RED wall seat” .. (so it’s POLITICAL ..not about wages)
Next presenter says “Hey I just read this in the Daily Mirror”
No the reality workers have to be POORER
cos Guardianland policies make the UK poorer
Calais migrants
& now strikes
Will magic unicorns pay ?
11am news came on The #2 item was that Gareth Forest of the TUC clip
I suspect that I am right about this, and being a pale stale
male I suppose you can say that I am being sexist at
the very least. BUT the BBC have decided that Women’s
football coverage is put on, at the very least equal terms
as the men.
You will see on the main page of the internet Sports pages
several features about the women’s game. Appearing
that the men’s game doesn’t even exist.
I , like most patriotic sports loving folk in England were
thrilled to bits that England’s women won the Euro’s.
But honestly some of the stuff that they make major
sports headlines , beggars belief.
It might be dressed in woke language, but the reality is that the BBC have not had access to the mens game for decades now, claiming poverty in the face of the reality of being one of the wealthiest broadcasters in the world.
They being Socialist put squandering and wasting money at the top of their list of priorities
For instance why does the BBC need to maintain 8 orchestras and choral groups?
A full size orchestra is at least 90 musicians !
I have a question for the BBC – why do you need five orchestras?
The head of Radio 3 needs to convince the licence fee payers
On LGBBC newcastle radio this morning they had a wimmin on who was talking about a time when her autistic son had an episode in a supermarket and she was very upset.
The other people there were very friendly and understanding to her which helped her.
There was one man who gave her a hug to make her feel better and she said it helped her.
I wouldn’t dare hug a stranger in her position for fear of being arrested for some sort of assault or whatever.
In the olden days you could do this but with today’s wokies they are so easily triggered you would be best advised to keep your hands to yourself.
If you came across an obviously lost child would you take their hand and lead them away to …. where?, a police station if you could find one. You would probably be arrested for abduction.
It’s sad that it’s come to this.
Matt Hancock has become the first MP to join the metaverse. Since stepping down as Health Secretary the lover boy has picked up the baton of some niche political issues, not least the complementary causes of cryptocurrency and assisted dying. According to the press release, Hancock is now engaging with the Californian virtual reality platform as he “believes that the Metaverse should be open and free”. It’s a generous hairline…
order order
1-NIGHT STAND BAN Matt Hancock tells people not to have casual sex and stick to ‘established relationships’ to stop coronavirus spreading
Alex Matthews
8:42, 24 Sep 2020Updated: 16:18, 24 Sep 2020
is he mates with Cleggie in there?
In the 2010s, personal data belonging to millions of Facebook users was collected without their consent by British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, predominantly to be used for political advertising.[1]
The data was collected through an app called “This Is Your Digital Life”, developed by data scientist Aleksandr Kogan and his company Global Science Research in 2013.[2] The app consisted of a series of questions to build psychological profiles on users, and collected the personal data of the users’ Facebook friends via Facebook’s Open Graph platform.[2] The app harvested the data of up to 87 million Facebook profiles.[2] Cambridge Analytica used the data to provide analytical assistance to the 2016 presidential campaigns of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.[3][4] Cambridge Analytica was also widely accused of interfering with the Brexit referendum, although the official investigation recognised that the company was not involved “beyond some initial enquiries” and that “no significant breaches” took place.[5][6]
But Mr Hancock told anyone looking for a steamy affair in the winter months to think twice.
He said: “In these rules that we have to bring in, there have to be boundaries, to coin a phrase.
Thank God they were both standing up ! (and not just one of them 😉 )
Olympian Katie Archibald said she tried desperately to save her partner Rab Wardell as he suffered a fatal cardiac arrest in bed beside her.
The champion cyclist expressed her devastation after Wardell, a mountain biker, died aged 37 on Tuesday morning.
His death came two days after he won the Scottish MTB XC Championships in Dumfries and Galloway.
Chilling stuff…
The knock of effect of stolen elections – lawless democrat cities . Millions of US taxpayers money wasted on corrupt airhead give aways …..
In a democracy the remedy is easy . Decent people vote the vermin out of office – but if the Obama party has the voting system under control they know that they can do what they want using an unlimited supply of other peoples ‘ money .
The other big mistake of course is treating feral a like young human beings when they are really animals and should be treated as such ….
The perennial fight over crime – using force – or treating it as a disease – but screw the victims – they don’t count .
….elsewhere – same theme Lady Brooke talking like the queen asking what would happen to a witness to the latest killing in Liverpool if they came forward – they would be ‘protected ‘ ..until the latest drugged up corrupt plod sold their details to a dealer ….
Lady Brooke not good on real life …
2021 … China hoards over half the world’s grain, pushing up global prices
Testy ties with U.S. and Australia could be prodding China to boost food reserves
I think it is fair to include the bBC in this but did anyone see the Liam Halligan show on GB NEws yesterday.
He was comparing the crisis over the total liability presented by
the massive scale of public sector pensions.
Public sector pension liabilities are almost the same as the entire debt currently being carried by the UK.
We’re talking trillions here…numbers with 11 zeros I think Liam said.
The takeaway for me was that this level of liability is virtually unpayable and is of a design 50 years old where;
1) life expectancy was much lower
2) many pensions in the public sector are still final salary or average salary based
3) that public sector wages now outstrip the private sector.
When it sounds too good to be true etc?
Watch for bBC rat exodus as they finally realise that yes that is water coming up through the floorboards.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Actually I saw the mega pension cost thing on Steyn
The point is those pensions will be paid but over about 90 years
eg a 20 yo civil servant will still be getting a pension when he is 110
Likewise the NHS will be funded in 90 years time
So the 90 year NHS liability will be about £130bn each year for 90 years scaled up for inflation
so will be tens of thousands of billions, ie tens of trillions
News …”blah blah blah ..hosepipe ban”
“Now the weather : more rain around this afternoon”
Not much reported about the artists who read extracts from the Satanic Verses in support of Rushdie.
I managed to find this extract
Keith Vaz: one scandal too many for the publicity-seeking MP
This article is more than 5 years old
Claims he paid for male escort services follow controversies including a march against The Satanic Verses and the Hinduja passport affair
GWF Guardian/Telegraph/Indy did report it
but in such a low key way , few people tweeted it
BOLTON MUSEUM: Michael remembers being transfixed by a painted plaster copy of an Ancient Egyptian Nefertiti bust (right) as a young child at Bolton Museum’s Egyptology gallery. “I just think it’s a very powerful image, so beautiful and regal. I remember being a little gay boy staring at Nefertiti thinking, ‘I want to have that face one day'”
Comments moderated – wonder why
‘I tried and tried, but his heart stopped’: Olympic gold cyclist Katie Archibald reveals she desperately battled to save dying partner mountain biker Rab Wardell, 37, after he ‘suffered cardiac arrest as they lay in bed’
The internet asked why a triple vaxxed athlete with no previous heart condition suddenly died of a heart attack
Since it only just happened it is the family’s business so media are right to protect his name being hijacked by POLITICAL folks.