BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – I sense the BBC are fully on board and campaigning away at full speed Three days in a row now, since it was first mooted in the print media, I think the BBC have had the article up to grab web-site viewer’s attention. Those of us with long memories and who have lived in the Thames Water Co. catchment area know that drinking the urine of other people – after it has been carefully treated – is quite all right.
The old joke goes that in London, the water has been drunk at least twice, if not three times, way out west before it even gets into the glass, coffee mug or tea cup of a Londoner.
Meanwhile in China, Washington + New York the virus researchers squabble etc…
“NIH has requested on two occasions that [EcoHealth] provide NIH the laboratory notebooks and original electronic files from the research conducted at [the Wuhan Institute of Virology]. To date, [the institute] has not provided these records,”
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
So Merseyside Police have blitzed organised crime in Liverpool with over 200 arrests, and seizure of guns and drugs etc. So why the F… haven’t they done this before ???? why does it take the death of a 9 year old to get them off their fat (yes, fat) arses for them to do anything ? It shows it can be done, and what we need to see on a regular basis.
Now, what can the Met do about the thuggish Albanians in the capital.
Jeezus, I don’t know why I get so worked up about this – I’ll be checking out in a few years, but I can’t help but think back to the style of policing when ‘Jack Regan’ was the type of copper who wasn’t afraid to get stuck in, and the plods walking the streets were built like brick sh…….ses who no-one would dare to mess with. Now this baby faced generation are still using wet wipes to remove their street dancing make up.
Listening to GB News this morning, the two hosting presenters could not remember 9/11 !!!!! one wasn’t born, and the other was too young as she had “just arrived in this country” !
I worked in advertising then. Helicopters flying massive fag packets to banging classical music. Throwing account execs out windows.
“London creatives protest fossil fuel clients
A network of creatives called Glimpse is campaigning against agency fossil fuel advertising by, inter alia, handing out a pamphlet ‘The ‘The Brief Sabotage Handbook’ outside the London offices of WPP agencies and big PR firm Edelman. The handbook, said to be satirical, contains tips on sabotaging work for clients including BP and Shell”
The Home Office has been building a new gangway at the new Tug Haven facility in Dover which cost the taxpayer around £2.5 million. The gangway has been strategically placed to make it difficult for the press and the general public to see how many are arriving.
The obvious intention behind this is to prevent the public from keeping count of how many arrive. The MOD does release the daily figures, however, there have been numerous times when the number that arrived failed to match up with the MOD figures released.
pug a year or so ago during another licence fee debate the comedian Simon Day (who I like) was defending the BBC’s output.
He reeled off all the great comedy — Fawlty Towers, Only Fools and Horses, Porridge etc. Hard to disagree, but I remember noting the most recent one he listed was The Fast Show. The last series of which ended in 1997, 25 years ago.
Things change… I think they call it ‘progress’, even when progressive thinking leads to regressive TV…
Looks like the murder at the Notting hill carnival is unapproved and less important than Paul pogba and his tribal witchcraft …
Culture eh? Left off the national BBC news ….
Two vintage hours of BBC radio ‘position’-‘ you and yours ‘must have breach some OFCOM guidelines about balance – there was none – a pro union onslaught with no one – no one – to even attempt a contrary view – the phone in was rigged . The ethnic present was wetting herself with pro union glee .
The lady Brooke sneering at the idea of taking oil and gas out of the North Sea – cheering on some SNP/ Green type who wants us all to die this Christmas to save the effing planet – burn that diesel /gas / Petrol / oil …burn
Jon Trickett MP
Born and bred in the Great County of Yorkshire. Former Leader of Leeds City Council. Proud Labour MP For Hemsworth constituency. There is a better way.
Democratic September 2010
5,409 Following
BoJo warning we are in for a “tough time” Thank you you useless pile of blubber. His policies have been ruinous for this country after he was elected with a great majority and done nothing. Sadly as is now apparent he is no statesman and just a waffling oaf.
There’s a bit of me that hope liz truss will Do The Right Things whatever the election outlook or what the SPADS say – but I worry she will be another Useless T May …D Cameron …
.. on the upside … her decision not to kneel before Comrade Robinson shows there is someone in the camp who can think things through . If her cabinet avoids the BBC they’ll do themselves great good…
“Brexit: Tenterden brewery says new export rules have hit sales”
That should bring the price of beer down for us Brits then . More Remainer guff !
We the Great Brits, voted to Leave ! Get over it .
Whippet sniffing the latest craze? Am pretty sure I’ve seen photos of Mz Mateless and a whippet, or two, being under the influence might explain some of the ‘impassioned’ tweets she’s been emitting recently.
“Teenage Hindu girl is burned alive ‘by Muslim stalker in India who set her alight with petrol as she slept’: Protests break out over ‘love jihad’ bid to ‘force her to convert to Islam’
Ankita Singh, 19, died after Shahrukh Hussain allegedly set her on fire in Ranchi
Shahrukh had been harassing Ankita for months and threatened to kill her
Her death has sparked protests after Hussain, a Muslim, is said to have wanted to convert Ankita, a Hindi, to Islam”
“Ankita’s death has sparked protests by Hindu right-wing organisations who have alleged that Shahrukh, a Muslim, wanted to commit “love jihad” by converting the victim, a Hindu, to his religion.
“Love-jihad” is a controversial term used by radical Hindu groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage. ”
Get the “right wing” and “controversial” and “radical” referring the the victims faith in there won’t you bbc ?
makes you almost sorry for the poor muzzie murderer
BIG FAT GYPSY MESS Travellers who trapped residents in their own homes leave scene of destruction including smashed-up car
Alex Winter
14:34, 31 Dec 2021Updated: 15:17, 31 Dec 2021
getting seriously pissed about the BBC reporting on this particular Ukraine topic.
A couple of times over the weekend I caught BBC peeps opining that the wikkid wushins were going to blow up the nuclear plant.
Even the Pentagon now admits Ukraine is likely to shell "near" the nuclear plant in Zaporozhie – days after they bombed the nuclear fuel storage facility at the plant.
A bloke just knocked on my door and asked if I'd contibute to the pakistan floods. I said I'd love to but my hose only reaches the bottom of the garden.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
Given the energy crisis and the knock on effect on the cost of nitrogenous fertiliser , not to mention the action of some governments to limit the use of such fertilisers , I am sure that the green lobby will want us all to defecate and pee out doors. Each of us will be assigned a square of land which we must toilet on to increase its fertility. Those who live in towns and cities where fields are beyond walking distance , no ICE upto to be used but cycles will be allowed, will be given a slop bucket which they will have to drag to the fields at weekends.
Monty Don will hold special human waste fertiliser classes on Gardeners World . A BBC spokesperson said that trigger warnings would be issued as some of the footage is considered graphic.
I am amazed no one has photoshopped an ‘N’ into the title of this magazine yet, what is the internet playing at, or is such horseplay being censored perhaps?
I think that The Duchess seems increasingly mentally ill. I’m sure that she has serious problems . I used to think that she said all the exaggerations and lies because it made her money one way or another. But now the tales are becoming so bizarre that no rational person would ever expect anyone else to believe them . So whatever it is she is suffering from is likely to get worse , her claims more outlandish, and she will become a laughing stock rather like David Icke did with his lizard theory.
A cheering end to a thread – a cut and paste from The Guardian than mr J vine breached BBC impartiality rule through his mad support for cycling – like many cyclist they develop and unquestioning belief that they are right .
The BBC has warned staff against expressing support for low-traffic neighbourhoods, after ruling that Jeremy Vine breached impartiality rules by backing safe cycling measures near his London home.
The Radio 2 presenter, a well-known cyclist, has posted repeatedly on Twitter about his support for LTNs – and publicly criticised individuals who objected to the introduction of the traffic-calming scheme near his house in Chiswick.
One local anti-LTN campaigner complained to the BBC, arguing that Vine’s repeated tweets in support of the scheme represented “a campaign of abuse” against a legitimate campaigning group. They claimed Vine breached the corporation’s new impartiality rules by expressing a view on a controversial matter in a manner inappropriate for a “journalist who should be non-biased”.
After an investigation, the BBC’s editorial complaints unit has sided with the member of the public and concluded that Vine breached impartiality rules. It ruled that taking a public side in the debate over whether LTNs are good or bad is the “kind of topic to which considerations of due impartiality applied for the BBC”.
Vine is influential in the cycling world, commutes to his jobs at the BBC and Channel 5 on a bike and regularly posts video footage of near-misses with car drivers. Earlier this month, he told the Guardian his support for safe cycling was “not political”.
The broadcaster’s repeated support for the Chiswick low-traffic neighbourhoods led to him branding anti-LTN campaigners – who claimed a cycle lane would make it easier for robbers to stage getaways – as a “source of persistent malevolence towards cyclists in my area”.
He also praised the introduction of a contentious local cycle lane – which angered some car drivers for taking up road space – for “improving safety, allowing kids to cycle, reducing pollution, increasing footfall in the shops, calming traffic”.
The BBC director general, Tim Davie, has put enormous emphasis on impartiality, although which topics are considered contentious can be difficult for staff to work out. Racism, homophobia and climate scepticism are considered settled topics – but if a journalist takes a public stance on issues that anger certain media outlets or political parties then it can lead to internal investigations.
Two other BBC staff told the Guardian they had been informally warned by managers about expressing public support for LTNs near their homes, because it was seen as a politically contentious issue.
The BBC emphasised that Vine and other staff in the broadcast’s news division were well within their rights to use social media to express generic enthusiasm for cycling and call attention to the potential benefits of riding a bicycle. They also said that Vine was within his rights to highlight personal attacks on anti-LTN websites in the Chiswick area, such as when individuals celebrated the broadcaster injuring himself by falling off a Penny Farthing.ENDS
Sorry double thinker but my take is that she is a greedy Hollywood tart with a stupid ex royal stooge she is using to get to the top of the pile and he is too thick to see that he is being used big time!
JUST IN: Ebay locking accounts of users who sell over $600 worth of products until they submit their social security number for IRS reporting.
“An incredible place’: New video shows David Beckham gushing about Qatar ahead of the World Cup as the £10m face of the country’s tourism industry – despite it being illegal to be gay and women needing permission to study or marry.
More than 6,500 migrant workers have died there while building the infrastructure for the tournament, the Guardian, citing government figures, reported last year.”
“‘Overcoming 60 years of apartheid is not the same as marrying a white prince’: Nelson Mandela’s grandson slams Meghan Markle for suggesting South Africans celebrated her wedding the same way they rejoiced his freedom
Meghan Markle has spoken about royal life in bombshell interview to The Cut – part of New York magazine
In it she shared an anecdote where a South African told her: ‘We rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison'”
The Harkles took on a $9 million mortgage for their Commiefornian palace, Forbes reported an interest rate which would require $225000 to $250000 a year to service, but with the interest rates applied by the Fed, that must have doubled to a cool $500K pa, and it’s not going to end there with reported rate rises coming down the pipe taking the amounts even higher.
Either they have to earn the money, or downsize in a buyers market which is not going to be a pleasant experience.
“Notting Hill clean-up crew fill entire SKIP with cannisters of ‘EXPLOSIVE’ Dutch ‘hippy crack’: 200 binmen are slowed by having to separate volatile nitrous oxide cans from normal waste as they clear streets of 300 TONS of trash”
Yes I was just about to put that up. Days That Shook the BBC with David Dimbleby
Ep 1 of 3, Independence
Focusing on controversies from the recent past, David Dimbleby examines the way the #BBC has dealt with power and how it has preserved its independence.
@UnitedAgents promote it , I guess they are his book agents
On Saturday Dimbleby was on R4Today promoting this series
..Item was NOT news, it was PR
As a kind of Luke warm Republican – I can’t see the fuss about the American actress and her ginger husband . So she says she is more popular than Christ or something .
But is it just a distraction from worrying about the September Dual Fuel DD ? Because I understand that the power charges coming in on 1 October will start to be seen in September DDs .
So even if Liz truss tries to stop everything – they’ll still be taking those pumped up DDs from bank accounts . Bank overdraft charges kick in – credit ratings suffer – money is borrowed at 26% on credit cards used to pay the debts ….
Reduced use of juice – ‘lifestyles ‘ changing to save energy – maybe the clocks won’t go back – power reductions at peak times on cold days .__ blackouts because the grid can’t buy juice from anywhere . ….
I was looking at timelines – open gas fields in the North Sea – minimum time 12 months – most 5 years .
Nuclear power stations – 10 years minimum
Fracking ? How long – I guess 3 years at a push ….
So where does the power come from ? No idea – if France and Norway and the Dutch can’t deliver because of their own needs – it’s trouble ..
I can’t help but suspect that much of the hysteria whipped up in the media, is simply a staged rerun of the same smear tactics they used for partygate, get Joe public angry then point the finger at the Tory Government at a crucial time in the replacement of its leader.
They will never clarify that this is a Global crises largely created by Russia and Ukraine and there is practically zilch that the UK government can do about it whether that government be Tory or Labour.
This is a fight that will run and run as long as the lefty media get their way.
digg, Russia v. Ukraine is a factor which is entirely 2022 but it all started before COP26 in the previous year. That is what is driving the energy crisis along: NetZero barmyness.
I’m awfully sorry that someone thinks I should feel sorry, when really I’m just sorry that I got caught saying something I really meant, and which we all think about that sorry twathole Linekar.
I’ve just been going through my Sky menu to see what to record.
Just about all the choices have something in common. You click on them for more information and the picture comes up, black boys and girls with a token white.
Angela Black, I looked at it but it was the usual tv couple on the picture.
Several others all showing black people (the 3% of the population)
I’m not against having black people in films and tv series’ but the problem is it makes it easy to guess the plot because the black characters are always the good guys, always noble and more intelligent than the whiteys who are invariably dirty, shifty and stupid.
Even when it looks like a black person is guilty it then unfolds to be a false ending because the true culprit (whitey) ends up being found out.
It’s like every terrorist plot is the far right (when everyone in the real world knows who it really is)
Have you noticed that every President of the USA in films (the more recent ones) is either a good President (black) or a bent President (white)
It wasn’t always like this.
Lots of old films are colour blind.
If you go back a long time it does become a bit embarrassing such as Sanders of the river but from the 50’s or so onward there was a balance.
I’m finding that I don’t want to watch films and tv series’ from the last 15-20 years because they come over so false and I’ve normally guessed the outcome based solely on the cast.
Just think about the cost, organisation and implementation of the plan to change the demographic perception of the UK. It is a conspiracy of immense magnitude and will not have been implemented without a single driving force providing total confidence in the secrecy, money, training and supervision. ‘History Debunked highlights the parallel efforts the secret ‘entity’ is applying to the written word – in particular with children in focus. This is a war, otherwise known (aka The Balkans) as ‘ethnic cleansing’.
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 After banning elected President Călin Georgescu and ruling he can never run again, Romanian authorities are now using brute force…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – I sense the BBC are fully on board and campaigning away at full speed Three days in a row now, since it was first mooted in the print media, I think the BBC have had the article up to grab web-site viewer’s attention. Those of us with long memories and who have lived in the Thames Water Co. catchment area know that drinking the urine of other people – after it has been carefully treated – is quite all right.
The old joke goes that in London, the water has been drunk at least twice, if not three times, way out west before it even gets into the glass, coffee mug or tea cup of a Londoner.
“Sir James Bevan said the ‘unpopular’ move would help protect the UK’s water supply.”
There seems to be an increase in institutional propaganda geared towards saving institutions at the cost of human wellbeing these last few years.
The dead 21 year old at the Notting hill ‘party’ is named as
Takayo Nembhard – a rapper from Bristol .
No more rapping for Takayo ….
( I left ‘rapper’ off my list of potential ‘victims ‘ above )
Does ‘revenge ‘ beckon …?
It is usually drug dealer or rapper as the only 2 career choice options. Some might argue they are the same and therefore only one career option.
HMS Prince of Wales disabled by a damaged propeller shaft. I wonder if they’ve run over too many illegal immigrants and rubber boats?
Roger Bolton being “let go” by BBC radio after 23 Years against his will.
Anyone fancy opening a book on the characteristics of his replacement?
Amol Rajan?
Meanwhile in China, Washington + New York the virus researchers squabble etc…
The largest rotten apple in the barrel full of them has identified herself.
Ms Emily Matliss.
Contrast her fiery removal with the quiet footsteps of Sopel and Marr…who tiptoe into the vast pool of licence fee funded pensions pots.
As Sir Sean would have said
“Sho long Shaggy Boobsh”
And entourage, raking in the audience.
Bet The Times gives him lots of awards too.
Maybe a whippet.
Looks like a ‘community’ effort.
Get the feeling the Times has raided BBC royalty bargain basement?
His Diana documentary is worth a watch
“I’m a tory and I love cociane” tshirt.
BBC Complaint Summary:
I take offence that presenters promote their books
Full Complaint:
I see that BBC presenters use their twitter accounts to promote items outside of the BBC
…. Katty Kay (The Confidence Code and Womenomics),
Jon Sopel (If Only They Didn’t Speak English),
Chris Evans (Call the Midlife)
Gary Lineker ( …
there might be more around.
Does the BBC charge the presenters for using the BBC brand to promote these items?
Does the BBC get a kick back to reduce the TV License with each successful sale of these products?
Can you tell me how this works … do the items on sale conform to the BBC core values and guidelines?
Many Thanks.
So Merseyside Police have blitzed organised crime in Liverpool with over 200 arrests, and seizure of guns and drugs etc. So why the F… haven’t they done this before ???? why does it take the death of a 9 year old to get them off their fat (yes, fat) arses for them to do anything ? It shows it can be done, and what we need to see on a regular basis.
Now, what can the Met do about the thuggish Albanians in the capital.
Hello Brissles
Border farce are doing all they can with the Albanians
Terrorism in the UK: number of suspects tops 40,000 after MI5 rechecks its list
Learn Albanian ?
Jeezus, I don’t know why I get so worked up about this – I’ll be checking out in a few years, but I can’t help but think back to the style of policing when ‘Jack Regan’ was the type of copper who wasn’t afraid to get stuck in, and the plods walking the streets were built like brick sh…….ses who no-one would dare to mess with. Now this baby faced generation are still using wet wipes to remove their street dancing make up.
Listening to GB News this morning, the two hosting presenters could not remember 9/11 !!!!! one wasn’t born, and the other was too young as she had “just arrived in this country” !
I worked in advertising then. Helicopters flying massive fag packets to banging classical music. Throwing account execs out windows.
“London creatives protest fossil fuel clients
A network of creatives called Glimpse is campaigning against agency fossil fuel advertising by, inter alia, handing out a pamphlet ‘The ‘The Brief Sabotage Handbook’ outside the London offices of WPP agencies and big PR firm Edelman. The handbook, said to be satirical, contains tips on sabotaging work for clients including BP and Shell”
Handing out a pamphlet. Rock…. and roll.
Steve Laws
Home Office To Hide Boat Arrivals 3min video
The Home Office has been building a new gangway at the new Tug Haven facility in Dover which cost the taxpayer around £2.5 million. The gangway has been strategically placed to make it difficult for the press and the general public to see how many are arriving.
The obvious intention behind this is to prevent the public from keeping count of how many arrive. The MOD does release the daily figures, however, there have been numerous times when the number that arrived failed to match up with the MOD figures released.
Might as well build a mega Premier Inn there too.
pug a year or so ago during another licence fee debate the comedian Simon Day (who I like) was defending the BBC’s output.
He reeled off all the great comedy — Fawlty Towers, Only Fools and Horses, Porridge etc. Hard to disagree, but I remember noting the most recent one he listed was The Fast Show. The last series of which ended in 1997, 25 years ago.
Things change… I think they call it ‘progress’, even when progressive thinking leads to regressive TV…
Looks like the murder at the Notting hill carnival is unapproved and less important than Paul pogba and his tribal witchcraft …
Culture eh? Left off the national BBC news ….
Two vintage hours of BBC radio ‘position’-‘ you and yours ‘must have breach some OFCOM guidelines about balance – there was none – a pro union onslaught with no one – no one – to even attempt a contrary view – the phone in was rigged . The ethnic present was wetting herself with pro union glee .
The lady Brooke sneering at the idea of taking oil and gas out of the North Sea – cheering on some SNP/ Green type who wants us all to die this Christmas to save the effing planet – burn that diesel /gas / Petrol / oil …burn
Jon Trickett MP
Born and bred in the Great County of Yorkshire. Former Leader of Leeds City Council. Proud Labour MP For Hemsworth constituency. There is a better way.
Democratic September 2010
5,409 Following
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Barry Gardiner said he kept security services fully informed, after MI5 warned MPs they are being targeted by Beijing.
The BBC and MSM like to promote how Londoners think how wonderful the Notting Hill Carnival is.
I have moved out of London now.
My family lived there for generations and my own Family over 50 years.
I don’t know a single person that’s been to the Notting Hill Carnival.
BoJo warning we are in for a “tough time” Thank you you useless pile of blubber. His policies have been ruinous for this country after he was elected with a great majority and done nothing. Sadly as is now apparent he is no statesman and just a waffling oaf.
Replace him with Nigel Farage & Richard Tice . Get The Brexit Party in charge and dump the wet Tories .
Sad to say, I stuck up for Boris right up to when he got thr boot, but even I am sick of him now.
I hope Nigel Farage is thinking of another comeback.
Bill – history is really gonna dump on him …
There’s a bit of me that hope liz truss will Do The Right Things whatever the election outlook or what the SPADS say – but I worry she will be another Useless T May …D Cameron …
.. on the upside … her decision not to kneel before Comrade Robinson shows there is someone in the camp who can think things through . If her cabinet avoids the BBC they’ll do themselves great good…
“Brexit: Tenterden brewery says new export rules have hit sales”
That should bring the price of beer down for us Brits then . More Remainer guff !
We the Great Brits, voted to Leave ! Get over it .
Bloomberg , then deBlasio pushed rafts of stupid nannying laws and now this – no wonder that many are voting with their feet and leaving New York…
What is it with people who keep voting these twits into power?
Whippet sniffing the latest craze? Am pretty sure I’ve seen photos of Mz Mateless and a whippet, or two, being under the influence might explain some of the ‘impassioned’ tweets she’s been emitting recently.
Awaiting the bbc : a mostly peaceful immolation ?
“Teenage Hindu girl is burned alive ‘by Muslim stalker in India who set her alight with petrol as she slept’: Protests break out over ‘love jihad’ bid to ‘force her to convert to Islam’
Ankita Singh, 19, died after Shahrukh Hussain allegedly set her on fire in Ranchi
Shahrukh had been harassing Ankita for months and threatened to kill her
Her death has sparked protests after Hussain, a Muslim, is said to have wanted to convert Ankita, a Hindi, to Islam”
Ahh here we are bbc India news:
“Ankita’s death has sparked protests by Hindu right-wing organisations who have alleged that Shahrukh, a Muslim, wanted to commit “love jihad” by converting the victim, a Hindu, to his religion.
“Love-jihad” is a controversial term used by radical Hindu groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage. ”
Get the “right wing” and “controversial” and “radical” referring the the victims faith in there won’t you bbc ?
makes you almost sorry for the poor muzzie murderer
Honour killing!
Control the language control the thinking.
Makes a change from killing Christians …
BIG FAT GYPSY MESS Travellers who trapped residents in their own homes leave scene of destruction including smashed-up car
Alex Winter
14:34, 31 Dec 2021Updated: 15:17, 31 Dec 2021
Mostly use Calor/Propane………..
Mostly use STOLEN Calor/propane….
And somewhere in the distance, the world’s smallest violin plays a sad tune.
Nick some copper …. Bypass the meter – nothing new …
Meghan Markle is troubled by the “N” word…………..
getting seriously pissed about the BBC reporting on this particular Ukraine topic.
A couple of times over the weekend I caught BBC peeps opining that the wikkid wushins were going to blow up the nuclear plant.
Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.
I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police, more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country. The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.
I thought if they all drown, then it is Allah’s will. Can’t have it both ways.
Meanwhile, in the Congo, sorry, London:
Video and Pictures: Thousands take part in Shia Procession in Manchester
8th September 2019
No music?
Judging by the video below it is also flowing with excrement.
The good kind, from Labour MP core voters.
Currently Lammy can’t find a Foreign Secretary, ironically.
I’ve never seen so many white people… oh wait…
Meghan interview: We upset Royal dynamic just by existing, says Duchess of Sussex
3 hours ago
Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA[1]) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder).[2]
Crapping in a phone box. Is this Africa ? nope Stratford:
Mostly heading this way………………
Given the energy crisis and the knock on effect on the cost of nitrogenous fertiliser , not to mention the action of some governments to limit the use of such fertilisers , I am sure that the green lobby will want us all to defecate and pee out doors. Each of us will be assigned a square of land which we must toilet on to increase its fertility. Those who live in towns and cities where fields are beyond walking distance , no ICE upto to be used but cycles will be allowed, will be given a slop bucket which they will have to drag to the fields at weekends.
Monty Don will hold special human waste fertiliser classes on Gardeners World . A BBC spokesperson said that trigger warnings would be issued as some of the footage is considered graphic.
Well it certainly gives new meaning to the concept of enrichment by African economic migrants…….errr I mean vulnerable families.
C’mon. What about the million or so in Londonistan?
Up to 1% of Britons defecate outdoors?
Ok, ok, camping in the woods, late at night, and all that, but, I normally use a toilet personally, it just seems… polite.
Sources say.
According to critics.
People are….
This is a good way to get what you want out there and smell divine in the process.
As promoted on social media.
And almost all comments agree it was what she might have posted.
Only she didn’t.
They show a version… of a mock up that was ‘circulated’.
My first thought was how could a blue tick name be hacked.
This is where they are now.
BBC trending will probably pick it up in a week.
On an historical, mental image basis…. unfortunate.
Still reeling the fan in.
I am amazed no one has photoshopped an ‘N’ into the title of this magazine yet, what is the internet playing at, or is such horseplay being censored perhaps?
I think that The Duchess seems increasingly mentally ill. I’m sure that she has serious problems . I used to think that she said all the exaggerations and lies because it made her money one way or another. But now the tales are becoming so bizarre that no rational person would ever expect anyone else to believe them . So whatever it is she is suffering from is likely to get worse , her claims more outlandish, and she will become a laughing stock rather like David Icke did with his lizard theory.
A cheering end to a thread – a cut and paste from The Guardian than mr J vine breached BBC impartiality rule through his mad support for cycling – like many cyclist they develop and unquestioning belief that they are right .
The BBC has warned staff against expressing support for low-traffic neighbourhoods, after ruling that Jeremy Vine breached impartiality rules by backing safe cycling measures near his London home.
The Radio 2 presenter, a well-known cyclist, has posted repeatedly on Twitter about his support for LTNs – and publicly criticised individuals who objected to the introduction of the traffic-calming scheme near his house in Chiswick.
One local anti-LTN campaigner complained to the BBC, arguing that Vine’s repeated tweets in support of the scheme represented “a campaign of abuse” against a legitimate campaigning group. They claimed Vine breached the corporation’s new impartiality rules by expressing a view on a controversial matter in a manner inappropriate for a “journalist who should be non-biased”.
After an investigation, the BBC’s editorial complaints unit has sided with the member of the public and concluded that Vine breached impartiality rules. It ruled that taking a public side in the debate over whether LTNs are good or bad is the “kind of topic to which considerations of due impartiality applied for the BBC”.
Vine is influential in the cycling world, commutes to his jobs at the BBC and Channel 5 on a bike and regularly posts video footage of near-misses with car drivers. Earlier this month, he told the Guardian his support for safe cycling was “not political”.
The broadcaster’s repeated support for the Chiswick low-traffic neighbourhoods led to him branding anti-LTN campaigners – who claimed a cycle lane would make it easier for robbers to stage getaways – as a “source of persistent malevolence towards cyclists in my area”.
He also praised the introduction of a contentious local cycle lane – which angered some car drivers for taking up road space – for “improving safety, allowing kids to cycle, reducing pollution, increasing footfall in the shops, calming traffic”.
The BBC director general, Tim Davie, has put enormous emphasis on impartiality, although which topics are considered contentious can be difficult for staff to work out. Racism, homophobia and climate scepticism are considered settled topics – but if a journalist takes a public stance on issues that anger certain media outlets or political parties then it can lead to internal investigations.
Two other BBC staff told the Guardian they had been informally warned by managers about expressing public support for LTNs near their homes, because it was seen as a politically contentious issue.
The BBC emphasised that Vine and other staff in the broadcast’s news division were well within their rights to use social media to express generic enthusiasm for cycling and call attention to the potential benefits of riding a bicycle. They also said that Vine was within his rights to highlight personal attacks on anti-LTN websites in the Chiswick area, such as when individuals celebrated the broadcaster injuring himself by falling off a Penny Farthing.ENDS
Sorry double thinker but my take is that she is a greedy Hollywood tart with a stupid ex royal stooge she is using to get to the top of the pile and he is too thick to see that he is being used big time!
I’m blacker than her and I’m at least tenth generation Anglo Saxon.
Try selling stuff to pay your energy bill…
Simple solution, get off eBay and tell them to do one…
They will soon reconsider if enough people do this.
GB has little to worry about.
Looks like someone dropped their Samsung in an enclosure.
The best bit is Sopes mentioning… of all things… his intention to cover…Trump.
At least he didn’t try and flog his book.
Wonder if Toenails will be passing off this one too?
The bizarre thing is how the bbc simply runs #prasnews from all these clowns’ ‘people’ without engaging a brain cell.
Meghan, Trudeau, Khan, Jean Pierre… #tellitoftenenough assumed to still overpower the clear evidence of rational senses.
Heres some news bbc:
“An incredible place’: New video shows David Beckham gushing about Qatar ahead of the World Cup as the £10m face of the country’s tourism industry – despite it being illegal to be gay and women needing permission to study or marry.
More than 6,500 migrant workers have died there while building the infrastructure for the tournament, the Guardian, citing government figures, reported last year.”
I wonder how much the millionaire Beckham was paid to make that video?
“‘Overcoming 60 years of apartheid is not the same as marrying a white prince’: Nelson Mandela’s grandson slams Meghan Markle for suggesting South Africans celebrated her wedding the same way they rejoiced his freedom
Meghan Markle has spoken about royal life in bombshell interview to The Cut – part of New York magazine
In it she shared an anecdote where a South African told her: ‘We rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison'”
The Harkles took on a $9 million mortgage for their Commiefornian palace, Forbes reported an interest rate which would require $225000 to $250000 a year to service, but with the interest rates applied by the Fed, that must have doubled to a cool $500K pa, and it’s not going to end there with reported rate rises coming down the pipe taking the amounts even higher.
Either they have to earn the money, or downsize in a buyers market which is not going to be a pleasant experience.
Does Harry still get money from the Royal family to pay that mortgage.
“Notting Hill clean-up crew fill entire SKIP with cannisters of ‘EXPLOSIVE’ Dutch ‘hippy crack’: 200 binmen are slowed by having to separate volatile nitrous oxide cans from normal waste as they clear streets of 300 TONS of trash”
Ready for a treat from BBC2 shortly at 9pm?
“Days that shook the BBC and how we kept our independence under pressure….”
Can’t wait!
Should be “Days that annoyed the BBC and how we ignored it to keep on doing what we want to!”…..
Yes I was just about to put that up.
Days That Shook the BBC with David Dimbleby
Ep 1 of 3, Independence
Focusing on controversies from the recent past, David Dimbleby examines the way the #BBC has dealt with power and how it has preserved its independence.
@UnitedAgents promote it , I guess they are his book agents
On Saturday Dimbleby was on R4Today promoting this series
..Item was NOT news, it was PR
As a kind of Luke warm Republican – I can’t see the fuss about the American actress and her ginger husband . So she says she is more popular than Christ or something .
But is it just a distraction from worrying about the September Dual Fuel DD ? Because I understand that the power charges coming in on 1 October will start to be seen in September DDs .
So even if Liz truss tries to stop everything – they’ll still be taking those pumped up DDs from bank accounts . Bank overdraft charges kick in – credit ratings suffer – money is borrowed at 26% on credit cards used to pay the debts ….
Reduced use of juice – ‘lifestyles ‘ changing to save energy – maybe the clocks won’t go back – power reductions at peak times on cold days .__ blackouts because the grid can’t buy juice from anywhere . ….
I was looking at timelines – open gas fields in the North Sea – minimum time 12 months – most 5 years .
Nuclear power stations – 10 years minimum
Fracking ? How long – I guess 3 years at a push ….
So where does the power come from ? No idea – if France and Norway and the Dutch can’t deliver because of their own needs – it’s trouble ..
I can’t help but suspect that much of the hysteria whipped up in the media, is simply a staged rerun of the same smear tactics they used for partygate, get Joe public angry then point the finger at the Tory Government at a crucial time in the replacement of its leader.
They will never clarify that this is a Global crises largely created by Russia and Ukraine and there is practically zilch that the UK government can do about it whether that government be Tory or Labour.
This is a fight that will run and run as long as the lefty media get their way.
digg, Russia v. Ukraine is a factor which is entirely 2022 but it all started before COP26 in the previous year. That is what is driving the energy crisis along: NetZero barmyness.
Guess so up2 maybe the head honchos at the energy companies think it’s time to have a bonanza percent bonus before armegeddon.
I’m sorry that you are sorry for me being sorry …
I’m awfully sorry that someone thinks I should feel sorry, when really I’m just sorry that I got caught saying something I really meant, and which we all think about that sorry twathole Linekar.
And so one thread ends and another starts
I’ve just been going through my Sky menu to see what to record.
Just about all the choices have something in common. You click on them for more information and the picture comes up, black boys and girls with a token white.
Angela Black, I looked at it but it was the usual tv couple on the picture.
Several others all showing black people (the 3% of the population)
I’m not against having black people in films and tv series’ but the problem is it makes it easy to guess the plot because the black characters are always the good guys, always noble and more intelligent than the whiteys who are invariably dirty, shifty and stupid.
Even when it looks like a black person is guilty it then unfolds to be a false ending because the true culprit (whitey) ends up being found out.
It’s like every terrorist plot is the far right (when everyone in the real world knows who it really is)
Have you noticed that every President of the USA in films (the more recent ones) is either a good President (black) or a bent President (white)
It wasn’t always like this.
Lots of old films are colour blind.
If you go back a long time it does become a bit embarrassing such as Sanders of the river but from the 50’s or so onward there was a balance.
I’m finding that I don’t want to watch films and tv series’ from the last 15-20 years because they come over so false and I’ve normally guessed the outcome based solely on the cast.
Just think about the cost, organisation and implementation of the plan to change the demographic perception of the UK. It is a conspiracy of immense magnitude and will not have been implemented without a single driving force providing total confidence in the secrecy, money, training and supervision. ‘History Debunked highlights the parallel efforts the secret ‘entity’ is applying to the written word – in particular with children in focus. This is a war, otherwise known (aka The Balkans) as ‘ethnic cleansing’.
One day, perhaps, someone will break ranks.