Dear PM – please get your new Culture Secretary to tell the BBC to plan for self funding when the charter ends in 2027 – and that public funding will be ended . Please note that many of us would like to see the Far Left Anti British monster ended .
Start the Week 5 September 2022
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GB News keeps having guests who want Boris back.
We must not forget the pressure put onto Boris to lock down, the Daily Mail and the BBC. I know memories may vary but I watched how a friend, a senior administrator in the NHS said from August 2021 that we would have another lockdown. That went on until last Xmas. Boris resisted.
But would I have him back, definitely not. He (or Mrs Johnson) became obsessed with eco and green issues. It has added to our fuel bills and threatens our food security. Boris’ idea of rewilding one third of our agricultural land would destroy the U.K.. I would not bring back Boris.
Boris is lapping it up – COP26 ! Climate emergency!
Deborah, I hope you do not mind having a Labour Government, with more daft green ideas than Bojo, from December 2024 or even sooner.
Here you are, Deborah. Some optimism from former Rishi supporter Mark. I have the view that Liz Truss has the potential to be a successful Warrior Queen against a number of anti-British forces including the BBC. In Liz I trust. If she carries through even a quarter of what she has promised there is no way the country will want Boris back. It doesn’t need a court jester back in charge.
Only just, but good enough.
Further to the proms, the announcer/compere was that well known classical musician Clive Myrie. Dodging bombs in the Royal Albert Hall.
I was at a prom this morning. Mr Schiff was wonderful. The audience wasn’t exactly multicultural. I saw several ladies who looked as though they may be Japanese, one or two who may have originated on the Indian subcontinent and one Afro Caribbean. Still I haven’t seen much of the BBC’s efforts to get me to the Notting Hill carnival.
2018 … Rainbow does not include the colours black and white so is racist.
The term LGBT+ does not include heterosexuals so is exclusive and NOT inclusive.
…. and to top it all off your TV Tax Money, paid under threat of prison, is being used as a social experiment ….
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
* note that LGBT stands at 1.5% in the UK, but the BBC want 8% – so over representation.
BBC true to form, will push anyone of any colour, except white, into every plum job going. Nadya, Clive, Jay, Amol, Anita, some are good, some are rubbish.
As one of the usual distraction techniques to protect our one party state governments utter & continuing incompetence over its ‘Green’ energy policies.
And so we hear the propaganda lies about a windfall tax on the huge profits of the energy companies, however here is the proof that is not true, and not only is it not true, these companies are in such parlous states they are begging for state loans to keep them afloat.
A legend has built up in the Nottingham Black Labour Party movement
and it just happened to turn up in the middle of Antiques Roadshow
as if he Nottingham Black Labour Party had served it up to them
And it just happens that Antiques Roadshow CHOSE to use the shot for their publicity tweet.
The prog is about antiques, the story had NOTHING to do with antiques.
Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window
Woman wey take her hand, pack her poo-poo comot di toilet of man wey she dey friend because ”e no gree flush” enter trouble, after she go try collect di poo-poo back.
Sex doll brothel wey dem just open dey fully booked for weeks
Italy first sex doll brothel don dey fully booked for weeks immediately afta dem open am for one secret location inside Turin on September 3.
LumiDolls Torino dey charge €80 (£72) for half-hour session wit silicon doll.
BBNaija eviction today: Beauty disqualified, Christy O, Cyph dey evicted from season 7 show – How Nigerians react
7 August 2022
What’s up with English?
The piece was carefully crafted by BBC editors to embellish a story which seems to already be composed of a lot of embellishment.
While Fiona Bruce narrated the screen footage morphed from black and white footage of the Rayleigh bicycle factory to footage of black people on the Windrush
So that you thought you were seeing a whole lot of black workers at the Raleigh factory
The classic false narrative was repeated
that right after the war Britain invited a load of Caribbean workers in to help rebuild Britain and they all came over on the Windrush.
Fiona told us that Rayleigh did have one or two black workers but in “the post war years Raleigh invited Jamaican workers to come over”
And that had happened cos the Jamaican government had threatened to send back a whole consignment of bicycles unless Jamaican workers were invited to come over.
And that had happened after a black worker called George Powe had campaigned and then written to the Jamaican PM
The documented story appears to be different
#1 That yes numbers of black people did work in Raleigh, but that was from the early 60s
#2 Powe wrote letters to “Norman Manley, Jamaica’s Premier from 1959 to 1962, suggesting that Jamaica should stop importing bicycles made by the company”
but I see no document that Jamaica itself ever threatened such a boycott
#3 I see no document that Raleigh invited Jamaicans to emigrate
rather webpages say Raleigh agreed to improve work practices for black workers
#4 All sources say George Powe never worked at Rayleigh rather he was a roving activist who did visit, but only came to live in Nottingham much later, and he became a Nottingham Labour party councillor, which explains why Labour have an interest in him.
#5 Powe was half Chinese through his father
#6 The two people interviewed by Bruce appear on the Nottingham Black Archive exhibition display,
BTW the founder of that archive Panya Banjoko calls her website LeftLion.
Co founder was Laura Summers
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
I forgot to say that Panya was actually on the show
so the item was indeed directly connected to hep Nottingham Black archive project.
Oh there’s an official BBC South Africa account talking about how they air the AR shows
So shoehorning black people into the show might be partially being done to appeal to that market.
Ther is no mention of Raleigh in his obituary by his second wife.
He appears to have been a Communist/Labour activist.
@TheIsland , cheers
bios say Powe was a communist for 2 or 3 years before he joined Labour and became a Labour councillor
Interesting defence by rugby player who failed to tell his male partner he had HIV and went on to infect him. “He never asked and I never denied it.”
Switch HIV for child abuser and see if that still stands as a legitimate defence!
Pic is from story “Phillip Schofield has described his co-host Holly Willoughby as behaving ‘like a sister’ during his challenges of months of revealing his true sexuality” (as gay)
ie Phillip Schofield didn’t tell his wife he was gay
ITV have been on a publicity push for these two , as viewing figures during their summer vacation have been higher for Ruthless Langsford and Ryvita Clark who were the summer stand-ins.
How to identify the ‘vampire appliances’ that are bleeding you dry
Dutch Grand Prix: Lewis Hamilton taken to ‘breaking point’ as win slips away at Zandvoort
#1 Story “datePublished”:”2022-03-30″,
Truth is regulations require standby power to be absolutely minimal something like 0.45W
Secondly after you run around switching everything off, think about what happens to wasted standby power. It almost all comes off as heat so your boiler will have to turn up a tiny amount.
DATED 12/01/2022
BBC Breakfast prog on BBC One, 1 October 2021
In an item about energy saving measures around the home we said ‘turning off the telly either at the button or at the wall could save you £35 a year’.
In fact the Energy Saving Trust says £35 is the average amount spent by UK households every year powering all appliances that are left on standby.
I think that WAS quite an overestimate.
The hatey leftywaffe are all tweeting the Stewart Lee article
Stewart Lee was on BBC2 at 10.25 tonight (Snowflake half) apparently the Tornado half is next week
BBC platformed a hatey lefty .. surprising
“Oh the Guardian, lefty-woke nonsense”
Hair discrimination is intertwined with racism. Let’s follow California, and ban it
This article is more than 3 years oldMicha Frazer-Carroll
Sunday with Rachel Parris: ‘There’s a class divide in how my husband cooks the meat’
Rich Pelley
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
Here’s the full text of what Boris Johnson had to say as he concluded his final answer in PMQs
“I want to use the last few seconds to give some words of advice to my successor whoever he or she may be.
“Stay close to the Americans, stick up for the Ukrainians, stick up for freedom and democracy everywhere.
“Cut taxes and deregulate wherever you can to make this the greatest place to live and invest. I love the Treasury, but remember, if we’d always listened to the Treasury we wouldn’t have built the M25 or the Channel Tunnel.
“Focus on the road ahead but always remember to check the rear view mirror. And remember above all, it’s not Twitter that counts. It’s the people that sent us here.
“The last few years have been the greatest privilege of my life and it’s true that I helped to get the biggest Tory majority for 40 years and a huge realignment in UK politics.
“We’ve transformed our democracy and restored our national independence. I’ve helped to get this country through the pandemic and helped save another country from barbarism.
“And frankly that’s enough to be going on with. Mission largely accomplished for now.
I want to thank you Mr Speaker, I want to thank all the wonderful staff at the House of Commons, I want to thank all my friends and colleagues, I want to thank my right honourable friend opposite, Mr Speaker and, I want to thank everybody here and…
“Hasta la vista, baby.”
1400 raped kids in Rotherham
1000 raped kids in Telford
3 teachers hiding in Batley
NI border in the Irish Sea.
Afghanistan ran by Warlords.
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
3 million hong kongs escaping China.
20K afghans escaping Islam.
Dinghies every day.
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
‘We’ve transformed our democracy’ – How Johnson signed off from Commons
Hate crime?
“This sceptred Isle ???? how dare a bloody lefty socialist use that phrase, who promotes illegal criminals and the scum of the 3rd world invading our country and protests against their removal and who heap scorn on those proud of our heritage?
The speech that uses this phrase is absolutely appropriate to describe the scum Guardian readers and their ilk and what THEY have done to Britain:
(Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands)
“This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,
Fear’d by their breed and famous by their birth,
Renowned for their deeds as far from home,
For Christian service and true chivalry,
As is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry,
Of the world’s ransom, blessed Mary’s Son,
This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,
Dear for her reputation through the world,
Is now leased out, I die pronouncing it,
Like to a tenement or pelting farm:
England, bound in with the triumphant sea
Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.”
Richard II
When Gaunt goes on to observe that England is ‘this seat of Mars’, he reminds us that kings have only held onto their kingdom because of their warlike nature, Mars being the Roman god of war, of course. England is like another Garden of Eden, halfway towards being paradise: an earthly paradise.
John of Gaunt then goes on to analyse England’s advantages in terms of might and defence: these come down to its island status, as being a ‘precious stone set in the silver sea’, standing apart from the mainland of Europe.
Nature has built England as a ‘fortress’: the fact that England (more accurately, England, Scotland, and Wales, of course!) stands islanded apart from the mainland makes it like a fortress to withstand invasion or attack, with the sea washing England’s shores acting much as a moat does around a castle.
England had a great reputation throughout the world but is now being sold off and ‘leased out’, like someone selling off a small farm. (‘Pelting’ here means ‘paltry’ or ‘petty’, and stands in contrast to the repeated use of ‘dear’, suggesting high monetary value as well as something regarded fondly.)
That enemy of any great civilisation, excessive bureaucracy, has now led to England’s downfall. Those ‘inky blots and rotten parchment bonds’ used to sign England away are trivial and transient compared with the stable and constant ‘rocky shore’ that has protected England for so long; and yet those inky blots have succeeded where invading armies often have failed. England, for John, is finished. And England has been destroyed or conquered, not by some foreign army, but by itself, from within.
TOADY Watch #1 – will the real Liz Truss please stand up?
I am a little surprised that, with cosmetic surgery scars visible in photos of Liz Truss in the newspapers this morning, that the BBC have not attacked her for having that private surgery that only the wealthy can afford. Instead they do quite a good job of making Liz Truss, assuming she becomes PM, appear to be economically a hardline Conservative and thus economically incompetent.
Highway Code: 61% of drivers have not read new guidance, AA survey suggests
I had just been to a small shopping area the other (with it’s own car park). I drove up the small exit road to join the proper road (which often has some traffic) and as I could see it was clear, got ready to pull out while I could.
Then a pedestrian appeared on the footpath from the left hand side (hard to see because of the house there) and without any break in her stride, stepped out in front of me and crossed right in front of my car without even looking at me.
I checked the new rules and sure enough, she had right of way – and she clearly knew it.
Now I can half understand the rule about ‘when you turn into another street, you have to give pedestrian priority’ because you scan the entrance to the street quickly and can see the footpatch clearly on each side. It kind of makes some sense when people have started crossing before you indicated to make the turn. But when you are coming out of a side-street, it’s not so easy to see the pavement, especially if you are concentrating on the traffic.
I’m still stunned by this new rule. It’s complete madness. How many people are going to get knocked down ?. These people have more right to cross than they do using a zebra crossing yet they are doing it at a dangerous place where motorists are already having to concentrate on other things to make the turn.
So much for the Tufty club. At any road junction, You can just walk straight across without looking and you are in the right.
I think it’s admirable that such pedestrians have time to wait for the ambulance and then the A&E car park, corridor , exam , x ray , broken leg plastering and recovery – after such careful examination of the ‘Highway Code ‘ – assuming they survive of course …
Happened to me a while back too and when I sounded my horn as they just stepped out in front of me just hurled some abuse, but they DID NOT have the right to step out in front of me unless they are crossing a road that I am about to turn into.
The actual wording of the new rule is:
‘give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way ‘
Which implies to me it’s basically all ways.
So basically they have changed every junction in the country into a virtual zebra crossing but in a far more dangerous place and without any markers or warnings for motorists.
I simply cannot see the logic behind it. God knows how it will work in a Town with many pedestrians. I presume all the pelican crossings on junctions are redundant now : pedestrians can just walk out regardless of the traffic lights and have right of way.
“I checked the new rules and sure enough, she had right of way – and she clearly knew it.”
Try shooting an intruder in your house…………….
‘Today’ is about to pivot from ‘kill boris ‘ to ‘we want a general election ‘.
The Robinson ego – which now thinks it can bring down a PM will now be pushing for the GE – claiming Truss needs a mandate .
I just hope that Truss spends a little bit of time plotting her revenge on the BBC . She might as well because it will never be her friend . It must be treated as an enemy .
However – with 2 years to the next scheduled election she thinks she will need the MSM more than it needs her .
In such a bad time ( war ) the process of campaign the BBC used to get rid of nut nut ( for whom I have no time ) has caused a ‘non government ‘ at a time when a lot of people need reassurance about paying their energy bills ….
…but because the BBC creates the ‘propaganda news ‘ it’s never going to point this out and not enough people will notice …
…. I’d offer a prize for the first reported call for a General Election ….
Fed, the BBC could be put in a very difficult position within the next week or so. The BBC in turn with their Labour friends raised merry hell about the National Insurance increase back in February, March and April that came into effect on 1 April. Liz Truss has said that she will reverse that NI increase.
The purpose of of the NI increase was to provide a permanent solution to the-Care-Home-crisis but Bojo and Rishi made a temporary two year diversion of funds to the NHS to deal with the-other-patients-left-untreated-crisis during the Pandemic protection of the NHS.
The BBC will not be able to to utter a peep without giving HMG the excuse to re-visit a very critical examination of the BBC Licence Fee during the-cost-of-living-crisis.
The Guardian have started attacking Liz Truss via her husband already because he isn’t on the TV standing by her side.
As Liz Truss becomes the PM of a country which is falling apart we might pause to wonder why is it in seemingly terminal decline . My answer is that we are reaping the bitter harvest of thirty years of unchecked liberalism. In every sphere liberalism has triumphed and its practitioners are in positions of power and are largely unopposed. The HoL, HoC, Civil Service, MSM, police, judiciary, education, armed forces, quangos , the arts, the charity sector etc etc have all fallen to liberalism and it’s extreme modern variant Wokism.
Modern liberalism has succeeded because of globalism . Rather than an ideology imposing itself on the economy of a country, such communism tries to do, liberalism has teamed up with the globalist economy and between them they have taken over the West.
Can this situation be reversed? Certainly not by the power of democracy as the global liberal elite won’t allow any party which doesn’t share their value to succeed. Trump almost succeeded but was ousted by powerful anti democratic forces.So Liz Truss has not a chance of a significant change of course. She probably won’t even try.
Double – I agree – and the temptation to try to roll back the far left ‘liberalism ‘ you describe will probably be avoided because of the economic background .
Unless there is radical change with Russia – the coming recession is going to last years . I heard a financial type saying in recent years the UK has been spending 1.5% of government income ( taxes ) paying debt interest . She thinks this will double in the next year to pay for the energy furlough .
So a 3 % or 4% of tax income going straight to interest payments – and if base rates have to rise it will be worse .
Add increasing welfare costs and public spending gets really crushed so great plans for tax cuts msy not last long .
On a slightly different subject … the BBC over the weekend was trumpeting the election in Chile to change the constitution from the Pinochet one to some lefty liberal woke thing ….
Well guess what… 61% who voted have decided to keep what they’ve got .
Will we hear why ? Was the election fixed ?
Maybe we won’t hear much because it might open up the election practices used to steal the US presidential election ( which the BBC says didn’t happen )….
Life beyond Number 10: Theresa May’s lucrative career on the speech circuit
The former PM has earned over £1 million since December 2019
Extraordinary that so many want to listen to T, May and are willing to pay for it. Bonkers.
It is a means of losing a debt for services rendered that in this case failed massively
Daughter, 19, forced to execute her own mother in brutal hanging
Nothing reported on the bbc
Happened in Iran in March 2021
: Her mother was sentenced to die for killing her abusive husband, 13 years ago
Under the Iranian regime, relatives of murder victims are allowed to decide the killers’ punishment
“A DAUGHTER was forced (?) to execute her own mother by kicking away the chair as she was hanged in Iran.
Maryam Karimi received the barbaric punishment which is in line with the country’s brutal regime after she killed her abusive husband”
I read it as the daughter was the victim of her father being killed so she got to choose to operate the execution of the perp her mother.
The mother’s father was a co-murderer so was executed in June.
28 April 2022 BBC reported this
“Iran executions: Alarming rise in use of death penalty in 2021 – report”
“At least 17 women were executed in total, eight more than in 2020, it adds. They included Zahra Esmaili and *Maryam Karimi*, who were convicted of murdering abusive husbands”
“Maryam’s daughter was six years old when the murder took place and has been in the care of her father’s family” for 13 years.
So at 19 she made the choice
dunno how freely
“An Iranian woman prays as she stands before the noose that will execute her”
The story of Australia’s first hijab-wearing Muslim senator – and why she’s looking forward to meeting Pauline Hanson
The world is on fire and no one could save us but EU edition
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper says a true thing this morning: Stand by for the shortest political honeymoon in history – Ian Birrell refers of course to the as yet to be confirmed new PM Liz Truss
Meanwhile the appropriately sub-continental Arj Singh in the same organ tells us: How Rishi Sunak blew chance to be next PM – perhaps because Tory voters sensed he was the ex-Goldman Sachs globalist anywhere elite rich boy, who splashed the furlough cash like there was no tomorrow and although he kept shtum at the time, he only now has second thoughts about Lockdown?
How Liz Truss left Rishi Sunak in her wake, from ‘bizarro’ tax cuts to the Prada shoes problem. Team Rishi was running a general election campaign, but Truss knew her audience – the Tory members – and kept her eye on the ball
More to the point we tend to notice perhaps where our Arj’s sypathies lie: Starmer’s battle with Truss could offer Labour leader path to election win, insiders believe. Labour insiders say the dividing lines now will be the economy and the question of ‘who’s side are you on?’
Well, quite. Who’s side ARE you on?
I don’t know about short honeymoons… the indecently impatient Daily Mirror seems to demand full consumation – up the church aisle – whilst the organist is still playing, the congregation in the pews look on – and our poor blushing Liz is standing there merely as yet expecting to shake hands with the vicar: Truss: wait week for crisis plan… Nation can’t sleep for bill fears… but ‘new PM’ STILL offers nothing
A week is a long time in politics…
Come on Liz – the cost of living crisis is keeping us all awake at night – how about detailed plans to turn around decades of all our myriad British economic missteps… we can’t possibly wait any longer… surely there’s a little something you can… put out? – as American high schoolers used to say.
The Telegraph happily buys into the panicked atmosphere of crisis – and ups the stakes by a notch or two: Truss could freeze bills to avoid energy ‘Armageddon’
I’m oddly reminded of that annoyingly catchy tune with the very saucy video by the vaguely one hit wonder warbling Chris Isaak:
“The world was on fire and no one could save me but you
It’s strange what desire will make foolish people do…
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you”
Well, at least Liz Truss says she would like to do what dreamy Tory voters would want her to do – at least as seen through the somewhat jaundiced eye of her opponents: Likely PM says seeing things ‘through lens of redistribution is wrong’ and helping rich is fair (Guardian)
Theresa May evidently took on the job NOT wanting to do what Tory voters wanted her to do – Brexit
You’ve heard of the Euro Millions….
As is so often the case these days the Guardian likes to contrast British floundering and failure with Hunnish efficiency: Germans to get E65bn in help to pay energy bills – all borrowed, newly printed notes, mind you. And to help pay for it: Eurozone rate rise The European Central Bank is expected to raise interest rates by 75 basis points, its biggest single increase, after inflation fears spread across the eurozone (Times)
There’s a scene in the rather good Netflix Spanish language cult eurodrama Money Heist where the criminal mastermind explains his motivations for breaking into the Madrid Royal Mint and holding hostages whilst running the printing presses making millions of new euros. Excusing his crime he reminds the police negotiator of the billions of new euros printed over recent years out of thin air by the European Central Bank.
One was also amused recently by certain commentators joking about the notion that anyone should admire German international strategic planning, given their dire track record over the previous century.
Euro falls below $0.99 for first time in 2 decades on Russian gas shutdown (FT) – oops.
EU-brokered deal leaves Kosovo and Serbia mired in antagonism (FT) – that went well, then.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky urges west to send more weapons to Ukraine… Western sanctions against Moscow are having an impact, Russian exile tells FT Weekend Festival – when it comes down to who can manage a hard cold winter better – us or them? My money’s on the Ruskies. We always tend to suffer the wrong type of snow – despite climate change.
The FT posits feminist identity politics as a financial elastoplast for our deep ecomonic wounds: Men behaving badly. Blatant misogyny persist on Wall Street – Pilita Clark – if you say so, luv.
UK power producers seek state help as strains mount in European market (FT)
But surely the government ought simply to put a big windfall tax on the power companies – that would solve all our problems?
Anecdotally, my trendy greeny energy supplier, Bulb, has been bust and in administration since late 2021 (pre-Ukraine war effect) and has been bailed out by State aid.
Evidently the government will end up having to pay someone to take it off their hands.
Octopus Energy asks government for £1bn to buy Bulb (BBC)
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
In May last year NHS Test and Trace (NHST&T) was set up with a budget of £22 billion. Since then it has been allocated £15 billion more: totalling £37 billion over two years.
UK steps up support for Pakistan’s flood response
The UK government announces humanitarian support of up to £15 million to help Pakistan’s flood response.
£13.4 billion
£22 billion
£15 million
Mark, have Pakistan ever helped us when we had floods?
I wouldnt give them a penny.
They all come over here to rape our schoolgirls anyway, pack of twats.
The D Mail reports today that 61% of people don’t know the new rules in the Highway Code.
I was on the receiving end of one of them the other day. Two cyclists cycled down the middle of the lane for over a mile and it was impossible to,overtake because of oncoming traffic even though there was plenty of space by conventional norms had they kept left.
Let’s think further. Motorways where there are absurd speed limits, such as a 40 mph one the other day because of ….a few traffic cones at the side of the road. The criminalisation of millions through arbitrary speed limits, often changing so quickly along a single stretch of road (whereas the road conditions do not) that it is simply impossible to rationalise the speed limit with what you see on the road ahead.
Councils creating ‘safe neighbourhoods’, closing roads and eliminating parking spaces. Punitive parking charges. Badly timed traffic lights ‘to dissuade car use’. Council traffic departments full of zealots. ER getting kid glove treatment from the police. The BBC strongly favour much of the above. Think about their indulgence of cycling warrior Jeremy Vine.
We know the score. It is to make us abandon our private, individual transport in favour of collectivised, state transport.
Yet at a time of bleak economic outlook, surely it is worth remembering that the private motor car has provided a massive engine of growth for the past century and more. By choking off car use you choke off economic growth. And boy do we need some growth.
Is anyone listening in the eco-obsessed blue socialist government. No.
The Robinson Ego was on the green big opposite parliament – until ‘a man’ turned up playing the ‘benny hill theme tune ‘ on a loudspeaker ….
… so the Ego had to go inside . Look I’m sorry Ego but I could nt help myself . But it was better than the tape I made which has the same 4 letter word repeated again and again …. Can you guess what that 4 letter word might be …. I’ll give you a clue …C ….
R4 at 10am “Why do Conservatives elect female leaders?”
What’s that really mean ?
All UK political parties except one have had female leaders
Jo Swinson was the Liberal one
Only Labour has never had a female leader.
Want to go down to Ladbrokes and put money on Labour electing a female Jewish leader ?
Or a male Jewish leader.
” ‘I am convinced she is bitter and twisted’: Filmmaker who met and shared texts with ISIS bride Shamima Begum – and at first felt sorry for her – claims she is ‘playing the victim card in an attempt to get back to the UK’
Filmmaker who has interviewed Shamima Begum says she is ‘playing the victim’. The ‘adventure tourist’ said he felt sorry for the ISIS bride, but no longer does
Andrew Drury has described Begum as ‘bitter and twisted’ and ‘manipulative’
Mr Drury has now said that he sees her as manipulative, after she criticised the war in Ukraine for shifting the focus from her plight”
Aylan Kurdi died because his father wanted dental treatment, claims Australian politician Cory Bernardi
Cory Bernardi, a Senator of the governing Liberal party, told his country’s parliament Abdullah Kurdi and his family were not real refugees and suggested many others seeking asylum in Europe were merely “opportunistic”.
Aylan’s body washed up on a beach in the Turkish tourist resort of Bodrum last week, with pictures of tragic scene triggering worldwide calls for action amid the escalating migrant crisis. His five-year-old brother Galip and their mother Rehan also died.
Dad remarried an aspiring dentist?
Another tragic BBC Moaning Emole post.
Suspects hunted after deadly stabbings in Canada
“Do not leave a secure location. Use caution allowing others into your residence.” That is the advice from police after at least 10 people were killed and another 15 injured in a stabbing rampage in Canada. Police received the first call about a stabbing in the Saskatchewan province on Sunday, then more started coming in within minutes. The victims were found in 13 locations in the James Smith Cree Nation and nearby village of Weldon and a manhunt is under way to find the two suspects. Damien Sanderson, 31, and Myles Sanderson, 30 are considered to be armed and dangerous, and police believe some people may have been targeted while others have been randomly attacked. A state of emergency has been declared in the James Smith Cree Nation and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was “shocked and devastated by the horrific attacks”. It is one of the deadliest acts of mass violence Canada has ever seen.
Currently shy on a few key details.
A few noting Dancing Justin may cut the Sabre Dance from his repertoire.
TOADY Watch #2 – always the looking for the sharp edge
Sad news of the stabbings in Canada. However, here we had Harshmistress Mishal looking for something, I wonder what? She interviewed an Immunologist from a University and a spokeswoman for an association, I think of small, retail pharmaceutical chains. The Harshmistress appeared to be searching for something sharp with which to stab HMG for some failure or other, asking question after question and hoping for a negative in reply.
The Immunologist and the spokeswoman did not oblige.
Chiswick gym-goer has bank account emptied after locker raid
A woman has described…
Very important to let us know she was a women
Trans Man Woman with pronouns steal/nick/pinch
@AndyJSnap Nothing wrong there, the consumer show has an item
and turns it into a news item
This time it’s actually real news, and helps us
The woman put her stuff in a gym locker
The banks systems are so bad that somehow the thieves got her PIN and stole almost £20K
The banks service was appalling
They then said they stopped all except £5K
Eventually they rescinded the £5K claim and actually paid her compensation
Last night on the BBC Radio 5 Live phone-in with Dotun Adebyou, a young female baldly stated that she was “entitled” to shoplift and did it regularly. She sounded black from her voice tone and street language.
Although Dotun chided her gently about it being theft he didn’t lay into her as he should have done.
Puke -inducing interview by Mischal Useless Hussein on Toady with the CEO or near equivalent of the Refugee Council.
Soft ball doesn’t even come close.
He was allowed free rein to just open the doors to millions.
Apparently all those Albanians on the ever larger cross channel boats are fleeing persecution. Isn’t it weird how only male under 35s are persecuted? Mischal forgot to ask about that one.
Absolutely pathetic so-called journalism.
And who is going to pay for all this largesse? That’s one of the questions I would have asked. But not a murmur from the BBC ‘top talent’. Yet moments later they are bleating about the cost of energy to ordinary people.
Why leave France – safe country ?
Why destroy documents ?
Why so many young males ?
Why use deceit to get here for ‘refuge ‘?
Not questions asked …..
The worst question was the why Albanians – to witch he replied ‘well the home office grants them asylum so must be okay ‘.
Between 1995 and 2010, the committee found an associated displacement of 160,000 British workers. For every additional one hundred immigrants, they estimated that 23 British workers would not be employed. { dec2012}
So, there is a ‘lump of labour’ fallacy in the immigration debate, but there is also a ‘zero displacement’ fallacy. And government must never again make the mistake of falling for it.
– Theresa May. 2012
I am fascinated by the ethnicity of the Civil Service, particularly in London. From my own personal experience of visiting Government Departments in London in the early 2000’s it appeared to be predominantly foreign i.e. either Asian or black. Seems 14.3% are from an ethnic minority background in 2021
Diversity in the Civil Service
As close as I can get to the information I seek.
However, of interest is the ‘Queer’ contingent.
“Overall, 5.6% of civil servants are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or recorded their sexual orientation as ‘Other’, in 2021. By grade this varies from 5.4% at grade AA/AO level to 6.2% at Grade 6/7. The overall percentage has increased over the last three years.”
“5.6%” Seems over the top to me, what do others think?
Corruption – no real work – jobs worths – lefty unions …
Just a passing comment on this.
When gay marriage was made legal, in the following year around 7% of marriages were gay, thus 93% straight.
Now that 7% it is not unreasonable to think contained a large backlog of gay couples who were waiting for the legislation. Elton John and David Furnish spring to mind.
And sure enough ever since then, the % of gay marriages has been around 2-3% per year. This seems to be a reasonable and sensible, evidence-based estimate of gays in the general population.
Thus it can be deduced that the civil service is clearly both positively discriminating and is proud to do so.
How depressing it is to read all the comments made here, nevertheless the words count for much. The enemy is known.
Sophists swelled with insolent conceit: Such is most assuredly aimed at the controllers of the BBC and the awful injudicious programmes they foist upon the listener/viewer, and that they are expected to meekly accept. One has to ask as to whether all is being served for the minority and not for the true majority? A word of advice to Elizabeth Truss-The principle object is to have what is wanted and to have it in time.
How can the ginger ex royal and the American half caste actress become so unpopular as to require special protection when they visit their’ home country ‘… ?
Actually – a wasted comment – who cares ?
Some comedy value though …
Who pays for it Fedup2? They should of course not the Tax paying public who have little or no interest in these two uninteresting persons that the Media make so much of with such low intelligent comments.
Tarien – the ginger is running a judicial review about royal protection – apparently they’ve been down graded to economy and they want business class – he could always use the services of Al fayed like his mum did ( bad taste eh?) btw – Al fayed is Still Alive !?
The BBC Sunday R4 6pm news was simply ridiculous parody of a Labour Party press hand out – “NHS threatened by cost of living crisis – we must pay nurses more” and “over half of teachers have given food or clothing to their pupils”.
Talk about playing to the public sector congregation – I was slow to switch off, wondering if the comedy slot had been moved.
Given the earnest tones with which the above and other articles of faith were delivered I’d guess that self awareness isn’t something that’s cultivated at Broadcasting House.
Not for the first time I was reminded of Douglas Adam’s “B Ark” and Peter Sellers “I’m Alright Jack”
The NHS was formed by the Labour Government after WW2. The protests about it being unaffordable were dismissed. When it was formed almost every medical matter was free, however it has been rolled back over the years. Does anyone remember free glasses? Dentistry? Hearing aids? However the range of treatments has expanded dramatically as has the cost. From what I can see, most NHS staff are well paid, Doctors and Consultants do very well indeed.
The NHS is now progressing into unaffordability, it’s a great bif wasteful white elephant that will ruin us if we let it.
It is one of modern history’s greatest calumnies that gifts the creation of the NHS to Aneurin Bevan, as nasty, prejudiced and self-serving a politician as the Labour party have ever produced to our great and continuing cost.
In reality Bevan inherited the well-laid plans of the NHS Bill, introduced to parliament in 1943 by Winston Churchill and based on the extensive and thoroughly researched Beveridge Report, the work of Sir William Beveridge.
Bevan’s changes to this report laid the unresearched ground rules which were very largely responsible for the ungovernable, unmanageable, unaffordable and teetering monolith we cower beneath today.
Stop the BBC TV Tax – £159 per year.
EXCLUSIVE NHS is STILL hiring ‘diversity and inclusion managers’ paid up to £76,000 a year despite No10 pledge to scrap roles as part of war on ‘waste and wokery’
We are at present, ‘nudging’ 2.5 TRILLION POUNDS National Debt. I’m told that increases, at the moment by “£5000 every second”. The immediate future? Collapse of the Pound as well as every other Western currency. Hey, now’s the time to borrow significantly more: just carry on printing money……………
What goes up, must come down.
Morning Mark,
I couldn’t understand why our dinghy tourists didn’t want to go to Rwanda. Thanks for clearing up the confusion.
I D parade – Jartown ?
The Democrat controlled city of Jacksonville Mississippi has no clean running water and according to the BBC this is because of a flood.
This is a lie – a plain and simple old fashioned lie. It is fake news to cover up decades of Democrat failure to effectively administer and control the infrastructure.
There are allusions to the issues which caused this, but no outright statements.
Here however is the truth about the situation, where a complete lack of mainance by the Democrat council and the Mayor Chokwe Lumumba directly led to this catastrophic situation, where the water processing facility lost is main pump due to lack of maintence, and then an emergency back up pump came onstream, but the Democrats didn’t think it important enough to repair the failed pump and left the emergency unit operating until that too failed, only waking up when they finally realised the water wasn’t comming out of the taps.
They have had notices to boil water since June but failed to react to the crisis they were causing.
From the BBC:
“On Tuesday afternoon Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said the “very fragile” city-run plant would not turn off its water supply but officials needed time to treat the water.
He blamed the system’s failure on staffing shortages and “a set of accumulated problems based on deferred maintenance that has not taken place over decades”.
“It was not a matter of if our system would fail, but a matter of when,” he said”
The question is never asked why the hell the Democrats allowed this situation to develop when they knew it was brewing. If this had been a Repulican controlled city they would have been all over it long before the catasrophe even happened.
2021 … Lead-In-Water Lawsuit: Contamination Has Hurt Black Jackson Children And Their Futures
2016 …. High levels of lead found in Mississippi capital’s water likened to Flint crisis
This article is more than 6 years old
Jackson residents stunned as elevated levels of lead were found in drinking water last year but officials didn’t issue a warning until January
We are presently being rooked for 12p / litre on road fuel
and Albania is going to be empty by autumn – isn’t it?
This is the main tweet but note LBC’s multiple tweets
You can see from her question that he i anti-Tory and Anti-British nationalist
– Aug 28 ‘This is my country.’
Sangita Myska educates this caller who tells her to ‘shut up’ about improving the UK because she wasn’t born here.
News story
All are video tweets
– Jun 11 “To be honest, tropes like ‘Britain is full’ are racist.”
– Aug 21 Qn to Matt Hancock ‘Is Rishi Sunak so far behind because he’s viewed as someone who stabbed Boris Johnson in the back… or is it because the party won’t tolerate a brown man being PM?’
– Aug 29 ‘I’m of this country.’
An emotional Sangita Myska becomes tearful in this exceptionally powerful reflection on being told to ‘shut up’ by a bigoted caller.
– Aug 29 Sangita Myska: Not everyone that voted Brexit was a racist, but one thing I can tell you is everyone that was a racist probably voted Brexit
– Aug 30 Sangita Myska: Everyone that was a racist probably voted Brexit
(Doh SNP and Sinn Fein are racist but they voted Remain)
– Sangita Myska boils why ‘this contest was Rishi Sunak’s to lose’ down to three possible reasons:
1. He is too rich and therefore unrelatable 2. He is not very good at politicking 3. It is his race
– Sangita Myska says ‘being British is not a skin colour it is an attitude and a commitment to the country’.
Another ridiculous tweet
– Sangita Myska: ‘We are not on target currently to meet our net zero targets for 2050. We are just not doing enough.’
What you should know about India’s ‘anti-Muslim’ citizenship law
Ruling Hindu nationalist government pushes for the law, which opposition says violates India’s secular constitution.
11am Red-io Humberside news
Item #1 “Former Hull Labour our mate Alan Johnson, say this about the Tory leader election”
#2 “Tory MP will seek a meeting about sewage discharge to the sea”
but EV owners ….
I’ve lost count at the number of times I’ve almost been run over by a an electric car. YOU CAN’T HEAR THE BLOODY THINGS !
Why not power your house off your electric car …?…. Or drive at night … or drive really fast and use wind energy ? Or just drive down hill ?
No imagination …
… and not even had my first bottle of red yet
Oh @SangitaMyska blocked me cos of my perfectly civil tweet.
She tweeted this about her BBC prog
“Can ‘feeling the future’ help solve the climate crisis?’
I replied
It’s wrong that people on public money like her run away from debate by blocking
It’s also wrong that Twitter hides my reply behind the “show more replies” button
People who PAY for green policy, should be able to have a SAY
So there should be free and fair debate especially on publicly funded forums like the BBC
BBC employees should not take public money, and then block members of the public from debate
merely cos they pose polite questions.
#3 The worst thing about them using blocking as a weapon
is that you think you are EQUAL in debate
You don’t get an alert only find out weeks later by accident you’ve been excluded.
No excuse for that. Especially from the BBC’s droids.
But media selection for ideological steering now is out of control.
By sheer coincidence such a term has been used by the head of The BBC disinformation unit to erase any critics not sharing his politics, which should not exist via The BBC anyway.
Times article on Albania
– NOT paywalled – so one has to assume it’s true and that editorial at News International think it should have a wider readership….
It is paywalled to me. Often if you come in off a Times tweet that includes a token giving you a free view ..archived page
Almost all the comments were anti wokist
So they were shut down after just 37
The top 3
#1 The country and it’s laws on immigration and much else besides is now a farce, a sad, sick joke. We are wide open to anyone who can get here and there is little to fear about the possibility of subsequent deportation because for the vast majority is does not happen. This country is in a parlous sta…See more Recommend (168)
#2 Send them all to Rwanda, and make sure the Laws are in place beforehand. It’s never easy to apply the Law, but we don’t need criminals from abroad, when we have our own. Recommend (161)
#3 It only happens because the English fail to secure their borders and because we fund excessive benefits.
Some Twitter comments have also been suppressed
“What @thetimes did not know was that people from North of #Albania quoted in this story
are relatives of the #albanian man, who worked with them as a fixer.”
Amazon took all U.S. solar rooftops offline last year after flurry of fires, electrical explosions
Some 220 solar panels and other equipment at the facility, known as FAT1, were damaged by the three-alarm fire, which was caused by “an undetermined electrical event within the solar system mounted on top of the roof,” Leland Wilding, Fresno’s fire investigator, wrote in an incident report.
The BBC are currently engaged in activism for the Labour Party whilst pretending to be reporting on the imminent Tory leader reveal.
They are doing “vox pops” pretending to interview ordinary people for their views on Truss should she win.
At this point their divisiveness surfaces.
Despite the fact that the big event is in London, they have chosen to despatch interviewers only to Northern towns and cities to stop people in the street.
So lots of Northern accents universally saying that they didn’t think Truss would be able to sort out the financial situation. So obviously they are only showing carefully “selected” edits.
I can see right through this total sham, they are trying to blow holes in Boris’s fabled red wall on behalf of Labour.
Shameful and shameless deceit and political activism from a National Publicly funded organisation!
You just cannot trust this foul outfit!
meanwhile, largely unreported by the BBC…
The 2019 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday, 12 December 2019. It resulted in the Conservative Party receiving a landslide majority of 80 seats. The Conservatives made a net gain of 48 seats and won 43.6% of the popular vote – the highest percentage for any party since 1979.

@Tomo you just posted a tweet from @SimonJonesNews
The BBC migrant crossing reporter.
and labelled it “largely unreported by the BBC”
BTW I have seen someone do exactly the same here before.
DUH…. !!!
eye roll 🙂
I just feel sick when I see this on a daily basis. We may just as well have no border, no passport, we already don’t have ‘border control’, all the airports should shut up shop and the Ports around the country should save money and make their staff redundant.
Some regular Polish workers for a mate of mine got a load of BS from UK border goons on a coach from Poland last week…
The Tory leadership result is about to be announced.
The BBC are covering it.
A guy comes on to the stage with Graham Brady.
He gives a speech.
We see the pictures.
But what we hear is Huw Edwards and Vicki Young droning on, filling up the time with their chatty dross.
A good time to be a lip reader.
EdwRds actually says ‘….as we look at the pictures….’
How about listening, Huw?
Cretinous. Clearly the BBC don’t want to cover anything positive for the Tories.
Its Liz !
Well she better get cracking . Energy , Woke , and very important defend our country from invasion!
Start organizing, urging people to vote for UKIP, Reclaim etc. to obtain just a few seats that might hold the balance of power when labour win the next election with a small majority. The Tories will do nothing between now and the election
Award for best question / answer of the day –
Lady Brooke to Tory MP
Q‘Why did truss win ‘
A ‘because sunak lost ‘ – tea splutters …lol
TKMaxx in Westminster runs out of knives as truss supporters attack rishi supporters in Romanesque orgy of violence …
All you need to know about Liz – football club ?favourite flower ? Favourite food ? Colour? Pop star ?
‘Today asked for an interview with the new PM but she
said ‘eff off ‘….
Truss: “The Leadership Campaign demonstrated the length and breadth of the Conservative Party”. Well, with that length and breadth why are we in the state we are in………………
80 seat majority – zero conservative policies.
I feel slightly nauseous watching that…
Top local sports news a Sheffield player has reported some racial abuse
Yesterday when the Hull Sheffield United match had almost finished a SUFC defender who was on sub duty
“A angry-looking Kyron Gordon patrolling the technical area and speaks to fourth official and what looked like a member of Hull staff after coming back from warming up in front of home fans. Ref now involved… play resumes”
“confirmed Kyron Gordon has reported some alleged racial abuse from the home crowd ”
Strangely his brother Tyler Smith plays in the Hull side
Is it strange that two black brothers have different surnames ?
Police Investigation into claims Hull fan racially abused
Gordon said he was targeted by an “idiot” Hull supporter
He was warming up on the touchline when he was allegedly abused.
On Monday, Gordon tweeted that he was “disappointed” about what had happened.
But he added: “One idiot who’s ignorant doesn’t reflect the whole of hull city’s supporters, probably celebrating when a black player scores for his team. I know it will get dealt with properly. Thanks for all the messages.”
As ever we don’t get to hear what words/gestures were actually thought to have been used.
One fan there said “I saw something along them lines, Kyron Gordon told our fans to F off so at that point I assume someone did/said something racist, “
Bbc news at one interviewed 3 people from Redcar part of the red wall . It didn’t go well for the bbc as they are still backing the conservatives. Heads will roll in the editorial suite at the bbc.
So it’s Truss!
I think we should now open a book on how long it will take the BBC to dig up some dirt on her!
My guess is about three weeks….
I wonder how many BBC basement termites are trawling her social media as we speak?
My guess is it will be some casual racism or trans – lesbian – gay – phobic slur. She must at the very least have used the wrong pronoun at some point for which she will need to burn in hell.
She has no mandate
MPs didn’t vote for her
She was once unmarried
She had plastic surgery
Immediately everyone is a f…….g expert on what she should do and what she can’t do. The Government should do this, God Almighty all the money that the ‘experts’ want and talk about, is coming from us the taxpayer.