Dear PM – please get your new Culture Secretary to tell the BBC to plan for self funding when the charter ends in 2027 – and that public funding will be ended . Please note that many of us would like to see the Far Left Anti British monster ended .
Start the Week 5 September 2022
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More oddities happening (or not if you believe the state) in America this time 4 unexplained explosions of gas facilities within two weeks !
Are the Americans silly enough to go in for the Smart Meter craze? It seems a bit daft to me to introduce a sender unit powered by electricity into an enclosure that was previously devoted to gas alone.
Government logic:
The Jamaican population in the UK took a hit a few years ago when it was agreed that the UK Government would finance the building of prisons in Jamaica to house all the criminal Jamaicans languishing in UK prisons. So at the taxpayers expense, hundreds of criminals were flown back to Jamaica and no doubt the UK Government also pay for the upkeep, wages and maintenance etc of the prisons along the way.
There is now a suggestion that ditto above for Jamaica, be negotiated with Albania. All at the taxpayers expense needless to say. Meanwhile, I cannot get an NHS appointment with an ENT specialist for two years.
It escapes the brains of our political “leaders” and their inevitably, “tirelessly working” Civil Servants that the abuse can be short-circuited by not letting the barstewards in in the first place. That’s what Degree level brains lack.
“Streatham Hill: Man shot dead by police after pursuit”
Ello, ello, what’s bin going on ere then ?
Not BBC but a good scam
You get an email from ‘royal mail ‘
There is a parcel fro you – here’s the tracker
Go to the link and put in the tracker
Put your details into the link page
Go to second page – your card details
Please include PiN
I’m waiting for a parcel . It looked real . I got to the card page and wondered what I needed to pay for ? – nothing .
Went to the Real royal mail tracker site ( real )
Tracker number was invalid .
Contacted Royal Mail scams page today
They checked – a scam – but looked really good
Careful now , ,,,
I now tend to pass the cursor on the incoming email before opening, and you’d be surprised at what this reveals – mainly lots of letters and numbers, or an address that is not relevant to what you see before opening.
Brissles – that’s a good technique – I’m usually super cautious but the appearance of the site was so good that it nearly got me .
One thing that failed as the ‘address ‘ bit – where you put the postcode in and get the drop down of numbers – that didn’t happen which I thought odd for ‘Royal Mail ‘ of all sites …..
Careful now
They travelled to the depot on bicycles?
Presumably the local fuzz were off snagging teachers and kids not using appropriate pronouns?
BBC coverage?
Or… ‘analysis’ by not looking?
After the Panorama SAS effort I tried ECU again. It is still a risible entity.
Frankly Truss and whichever idiot she drags into DCMS this time are also a waste of space in face of such rampant ideological propagandist efforts.
Germans demand gas for their showers!
In this link…
Energy companies would take out government-guaranteed loans to bridge the gap between the wholesale price in the market and the fixed price they are charging customers. Those loans would be repaid over the next 10-20 years through supplements to customer bills.
So basically keep the energy prices high, energy firms still make BILLIONS, and the plebs/bill payer pay is back over 10-20years!
What’s the reason for the price hike on “standing charges”?
Profiteering ?
Teacher who refused to use student’s gender-neutral pronouns condemns ‘insanity’ as he is JAILED in Ireland
Springster out and about again?
Still awaiting BBC fact checks on the council election claims by certain of their fave girls. Say, in Wandsworth.
I thought the footage off boris dragging nut nut out of Downing Street just about summed things up – she wanted to keep running things whilst the idiot blustered away . Good riddence – take your green crap with you …
Apparently some people are complaining of the double degree of carbon emissions because Boris Johnson and Elizabeth Truss flew up to see the Queen in seperate planes-of course they did for obvious reasons of safety. Idiots just don’t think further than the end of their noses and not even that far most times.
On that route they could’ve used turboprops – a lot less fuel vs. a few minutes longer…
Safety? Boris was bloody useless and I fully expect Mary to be the same.
Steve Laws outside the Royal Courts of Justice yesterday.
My Interview With Sky News That They Didn’t Air
Recent arrivals:
4 Sept – 1160 in 25 boats
5 Sept – 188 in 5 boats
Yeah, well, Sky News are actually “MSNBC” (Comcast) – an outpost of the deep state run US corporate media.
– and it shows.
Tomo – it’s why it doesn’t matter how many people watch sky news – Comcast is a huge corporation and losing 600 million a year on sky news counts not much …
Energy bills to be cut using government loans
Similar to yesterday, another women trying to work out the energy bills at home (men are excluded, especially if white)
PS its great the plebs/bill payer has to pay it back over 10-20yrs, and presume as this is always a women in the bbc’s eyes hopefully she has the money
GET FRACKING – and pronto!
“Kwasi Kwarteng …be consistent with Ms Truss’ position that the UK needs to break free of the Treasury’s strict spending rules. ”
There’s strict spending rules in place?
I’ve got a feeling these upcoming energy policies are designed solely to subsidise well off people, so they can continue to have their big houses heated to sauna level.
NHS to benefit from £13.4 billion debt write-off
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers.
Department of Health and Social Care
2 April 2020
Last updated
9 April 2020 — See all updates
The World Service News BBC News at I pm said “that the once biggest lake in the world in Iran is in danger of completely drying up “due to rising temperatures ” This a complete distortion of the truth and the BBC is parroting the same excuses that the Iranian government gives to its own people ie climate change, drought etc and sanctions when in fact it is ‘routed in decades of disintegrated planning and managerial myopia’ . Population migration to the cities, inefficient agriculture, and mismanagement of infrastructure development.
By the way, Israel has more or less the same climate as Iran and doesnot have a problem with its key water sources.
Think things are bad now? Just wait until midwinter and then imagine the total incompetence of the idiots who have appointed themselves to lead us and Europe.
Seems like Mary (Liz) is to keep green crap loon sharma in the green job for a while – but I bet he won’t be blowing up any more coal powered fire stations – the c word ….
Maybe someone a bit more forensic and less thick .
Fed, I don’t think Badenoch is thick. She’s been elected by two different constituencies, London Assembly and House of Commons..
I think her name is Myska (not Mysta) but, in any case, she’s no friend of this country … so a perfect fit for the globalist BBC.
Listening to amateur hour on GBNews for Mary to make her PM speech – raining and raining and off switch – some imbecile called Patrick Christy – who sounds like he is on the white powder – yapping like a dog . Off switch
I like Patrick Christys
but live-news is NOT news, it’s pantomime, so I never watch it.
It’s droughting here, drought showers until 8pm
Seem it’s droughting in London too.
Where I am it’s 31 …
After the past couple of months you’re welcome to it !!
Fed, do you get thunderstorms in your part of the Med? We had one last night, in the middle of the night just to wake folk here up.
Here,s another quick win for Liz Truss;
The immediate closure of the 8? ” pretend SNP foreign offices” opened by Krankie?
How does a devolution act allow that?
She, s also squirrelled £20 million of taxpayers money for the
2nd round of Independence Brigadoon malarkey.
PS Can we put forward a committee from this site to replace Ms Dorries?
I would personally like the HR job with 1 objective being the removal of Lineker.
wordgames, as usual, Privileged Gary know he can get away with breaking the rules.
Just like the bBBC, LBC, then GB News, now TalkRadio/TV seem to be moving to the left. The new 4.00pm afternoon show with Vanessa Feltz and Jonathon Lis is just like radio 2/5, anti gov., anti brexit.
How bad can Rwanda be? The UK TV advertising industry relocated to Africa two or three years ago.
Mary made the speech . It was bland flat boring . Ideal for the current circumstances – the last thing we need is a public school ponce spouting Greek ….
Good luck Mary …God be with You .
Liz Truss’s speech.
Nowt about scrapping green nonsense and Net Zero.
Nowt about immigration.
But money will be spread around.
BBC likely to be satisfied.
Goodbye Tories
She mentioned building roads ? Did I mishear ? Does she know people can’t afford cars ….?
My car fell apart a couple of years ago. Despite the inconvenience and inability to go anywhere, I’m somewhat relieved.
Moggie, my car is at risk of falling apart. Kent roads are a disgrace. They are in competition, I think, with London for the title ‘Worst Roads in the UK’.
In Canterbury, you would think the ‘City fathers’ would want the City to present a ‘good face’ ie. roads, to visitors from overseas of which there are many. But no …. 🙁
i’ve been out all day.
Has Liz Truss been smeared yet?
Has Liz Truss been set-up with her very own equivalent of Partygate?
Has anyone resigned from Liz Truss’s first Cabinet yet?
Have the BBC called for Liz Truss to resign?
My message to Liz, the new Home Secretary………..
Defend this nation.
Control the borders.
Ensure food supply.
Ensure energy supply.
Scrap the BBC and scrap the Tory deadwood .
Just a bit of news re last night’s shooting in south London…
Apparently, the young man who was shot by police after a car chase was due to become a father in November. Local sources also told the media he was a talented musician (rapper) but his girlfriend’s mother denied this and said, “he was an apprentice architect.” I didn’t know they did apprenticeships for architecture, but we’ll leave that there…
She also said, “If he was a white lad he wouldn’t have been shot, they’d have given him a chance.”
Things are looking just a tad febrile and I’m reminded of the shooting of gangster, Mark Duggan, over a decade ago. That really kicked off.
Just waiting for the ever reliable BBC to start stirring the pot…
Troops will be out to shoot the looters .
Jeff, think that apprenticeship would be for Architects Technician, I someone who is able to draw up the plans on a drawing board as instructed by the architect. May be a rough equivalence to a Teaching Assistant.
Not just “musicians” and aspiring footballers eh?
Why are so many rappers getting killed either by stabbings or shootings? It has to be the unluckiest singing genre to be part of.
Tabs – read my mind – I was thinking about a new career as a rapper but I think I might pass on that one due to life insurance premiums – innit ….
Presumably plod only shot this one cos he was coloured …. ‘Community ‘ marching for £ justice £ yet?
Speaking of politics ….
I recommend the Goon Show, last repeat tonight on R4extra @7 p.m., ‘The Jet-Propelled Guided Naafi’. It is a tale that includes politics and nefarious deeds. (Eccles) “You can’t talk to me like that, I’m the Chancellor of the Exchequer. I resign!”
ITV local NewsPR have suddenly rescheduled to 6:30pm
Why ?
I hope it’s not to prepare boring SPECULATION about Truss
I want local news.
It’s the football World Cup, must be Harry and the boys.
Strangely by 6:28pm it had already started
Item now “a woman who died on a smart motorway”
Now the video shows it’s a headscarf wearing Muslim family
Mr Mohammed Bashir was driving when the car conked out he pulled over and climbed over the safety barrier.
After some time a car smashed into his car his wife was killed cos she still on the road “the safety barrier” was too high to climb.
Sorry for him but I wouldn’t have left her on that side.
He reckons he doesn’t know where she was
Now ITV local item claiming there is a false Autumn problem
quotes Cat Scott saying there was Climate Change
, RHS, then Wildlife Trust
Reporter Kevin Ashford.
Do you think those ladies were breast fed ? Or know any jokes ? Not gonna get a husband doing that now ..
A box of house spiders – sprinkled liberly.
Then see them move pretty quick.
There fixed it .
So wish these vegan vigilantes would pay a visit to my local supermarket.
It’d be a helpful reminder to stock up on veal, lamb and beef burgers.
What a star studded cast of climate nutters!
Harrabin’s Legacy…. – or is he now a consultant?
Turn off the studio lights? Save the planet!
Israeli Public Elfs sit on vax data…
( Source)
Summary of key points
On August 2nd, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) released a report on adverse events reported following vaccination from December 9th 2021-May 31st 2022 based on a new reporting system.
The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers from Shamir Medical Center with experience in pharmacovigilance to analyse the data from the system. Here is a subtitled video with excerpts from the Zoom meeting on this issue.
The Israeli MOH subsequently misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.
The Israeli MOH artificially minimised the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a much larger number of vaccine doses administered over a longer period of time and a much larger population than the one reporting.
The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly two months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under five.
Wonder if it’ll attract any BBC peeps to fact check it?
” late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under five.”
The assessment by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is that the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms. However, the margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal vaccination of healthy 12 to 15 year olds at this time.
It is not within the JCVI’s remit to consider the wider societal impacts of vaccination, including educational benefits. The government may wish to seek further views on the wider societal and educational impacts from the Chief Medical Officers of the UK 4 nations.
Mentioned already, but Timmeh! has BBC #tellitoftenenough down pat.
His big bookie Wookiee of semantics is impressive too.
Tim seems distracted. I think what he meant to put was, “Gary Lineker understands offside rules.”
“BORDERS word search = 0”
Good afternoon,
I have just accepted Her Majesty The Queen’s kind invitation to form a new government.
Let me pay tribute to my predecessor.
Boris Johnson delivered Brexit, the Covid vaccine, and stood up to Russian aggression.
History will see him as a hugely consequential Prime Minister.
I’m honoured to take on this responsibility at a vital time for our country.
What makes the United Kingdom great is our fundamental belief in freedom, in enterprise, and in fair play.
Our people have shown grit, courage and determination time and time again.
We now face severe global headwinds caused by Russia’s appalling war in Ukraine and the aftermath of Covid.
Now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding Britain back.
We need to build roads, homes and broadband faster.
We need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country.
We need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on in life.
I know that we have what it takes to tackle those challenges.
Of course, it won’t be easy. But we can do it.
We will transform Britain into an aspiration nation…with high-paying jobs, safe streets and where everyone everywhere has the opportunities they deserve.
I will take action this day, and action every day, to make it happen.
United with our allies, we will stand up for freedom and democracy around the world – recognising that we can’t have security at home without having security abroad.
As Prime Minister, I will pursue three early priorities.
Firstly, I will get Britain working again.
I have a bold plan to grow the economy through tax cuts and reform.
I will cut taxes to reward hard work and boost business-led growth and investment.
I will drive reform in my mission to get the United Kingdom working, building, and growing.
We will get spades in the ground to make sure people are not facing unaffordable energy bills and we will also make sure, that we are building hospitals, schools, roads, and broadband.
Secondly, I will deal hands-on with the energy crisis caused by Putin’s war.
I will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure our future energy supply.
Thirdly, I will make sure that people can get doctors’ appointments and the NHS services they need. We will put our health service on a firm footing.
By delivering on the economy, on energy, and on the NHS, we will put our nation on the path to long-term success.
We shouldn’t be daunted by the challenges we face.
As strong as the storm may be, I know that the British people are stronger.
Our country was built by people who get things done.
We have huge reserves of talent, of energy, and determination.
I am confident that together we can:
Ride out the storm,
We can rebuild our economy,
And we can become the modern brilliant Britain that I know we can be.
This is our vital mission to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations. I am determined to deliver. Thank you.
Liz Truss
The Black Broadcasting Corporation are delighted to inform us that a black man was shot dead after a car chase in S London.
He was, apparently, an extremely gifted drill rapper, drill being an even more violent sub-genre of rap.
Already the beeb are dropping hints of – you guessed it – police racism, by their favourite trick of quoting others:
– ‘Ms Alleyne said had her daughter’s fiancé been white he would have been given “a chance to get out the car”.’
– “He had a young family on the way and it just feels like his life has been cut short for no reason… I think something needs to be done to hold police to account.”
– “nobody deserves to be killed by the police unless there is an imminent or direct threat to the public, which at that moment in time, from what I’m hearing, he was not.”
Political race-baiters are getting in on the act too: Bell Ribeiro-Addy, MP for Streatham, said tensions were rising in the area following the shooting and called for police to release more information about what happened.
“People are drawing their own conclusions,” the Labour politician said.
With a bit of luck, the BBC could have a new George Floyd situation to exploit for months ahead. They might even whip up a riot or two.
3 months ago one weekend the police shot dead a guy robbing Ladbrokes in Kensington
then strangely there was no more info
I need to check again.
The original cobra effect
The Indian cobra
The term cobra effect was coined by economist Horst Siebert based on an anecdote of an occurrence in India during British rule.[2][3][4] The British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising people began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped. When cobra breeders set their now-worthless snakes free, the wild cobra population further increased.[5]
A propos of nothing.
Theresa Coffey is the new duputy PM. Who? Why?
And she is the new Health Secretary.
She weighs about 18 stone, is about 5 foot 6, and cannot walk conventionally, she rather waddles.
Health Secretary ?????
After only a few short hours someone is already taking the p***.
Sluff. I made the same point last night.
It was either Health or Sport .
The culture job hasn’t been fixed yet – a lot hoping the online censorship and ending freedom bill will die …
New thread time – the jobs change but the faces stay the same . Please give us a culture secretary who hates the BBC as much as we do …
‘We can ride out the storm’ and ‘hello Liz’
Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 8 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
MPs get bumper £2.2k pay rise NEXT MONTH as Britons crippled with eye-watering tax hikes
‘We can ride out the storm’ and ‘hello Liz’
‘We can ride out the storm’ and ‘hello Liz’
‘We can ride out the storm’ and ‘hello Liz’
and MPs will be whopping their whopping energy bills on expenses – what’s not to like?