taffman, King Charles III didn’t look too well in a photo last week or this. Cannot remeber where I saw it. It wasn’t on the newspaper front pages, at leat I don’t have a copy from a snip. It was a strange photo in that it appeared to have been taken through a car windscreen, with HM driving but the rear view mirror appeared to be outside. In the photo, Charles appeared to have had a recent tumble with a bruise and a slight cut on his left cheek. Obviously the worried look would have reflected his concern for his mother.
Of course they did. The Queen was unimpeachable and carried great public support. The BBC have been preparing for this in minute detail for a long time and they would be crucified if they didn’t get it right.
Just wait and see how respectful they are about Charles after a month or two. This is what the socialists have been waiting for.
But let’s not have that Huw Edwards involved in any of the Funeral comentary-we need another man with good easy to understand voice, preferably an indigenous white.
Errr… This is how much respect the low-lifes at the BBC have. Watch the two characters to the right of Huw Edwards’ head. Looks like they are taking selfies as the sad news is announced, until a bloke in a white shirt approaches from the left and tells them to stop and do some work.
Liz T just made a statement. Sorry, but even at a time like this her voice just doesn’t carry the gravitas or emotion expected, and sounded like someone reading out her shopping list.
You think Brissels that Liz didn’t hit the right note? I didn’t think she did too badly. You obviously didn’t hear Sir Kier. He sounded as though he was delivering a party political broadcast.
And I am listening to The Donald on GBNews. He too sounded sad.
Further to my comment above, listening to GBN tonight, I clearly wasn’t alone in my assertions. Angela Rippon put it more succinctly than I could – Liz T she said had a problem not with what she says, but how she delivers it. In fact she didn’t quote my shopping list, but the telephone directory. Ms Rippon said her monotone voice would make her drop off. So, I now feel vindicated.
Liz T just needs some lessons in how to ‘deliver’ a speech and as was said earlier “to take the Nation with you”.
Totally agree. My life long loyalty to the crown is now in question. If Charles continues to air his views , which in my view are increasingly woke, I do not think that he , or his successors, can expect my support.
Listening to Sir Nicholas Soames on LBC last night, he addressed that very same issue.
While Charles has been able to express whatever views he may have, Royal Protocol prohibits the Monarch to have their own opinions expressed anywhere in public, so we may well see a quieter result.
That’s not to say that some of the others might start getting a bit uppity…
I haven’t listened to BBC for many years and I now remember why. Classic FM cut to LBC where the programme was led by ex-BBC stalwart Andrew Mair. He enthused mightily over three statements of sympathy (well OOT in his praise) for Starmer, Macron – and of course Blair!
Some of the ways events unfolded reminded me of Blair having to deal with Princess Diana’s death so soon after he became PM.
I think Liz Truss did pretty well under the circimstances, as her piece would be cast all around the world, and she’d only had the job a couple of days!
The sky is crying, the streets are full of tears,
rain come down and wash away my fears,
we lost our Monarch who served our country,
faithfully, gracefully, for all of seventy years.
During her first televised Christmas message in 1957, Queen Elizabeth II reminded her subjects not to throw away the 'ageless ideals' and 'fundamental principles which guided the men and women who built the greatness of this country and Commonwealth' 🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/EdImdf3yVT
Nine BBC radio channels are carrying the same news special
BBC WS seems to be carrying normal schedule
BBC2 is just showing same news special as BBC1
ITV, Channel and all news channels all have news specials
BBC4 and BBC3 are suspended
Channel 5 “Remembers The Queen”
Some minor repeat channels remain normal
including the BBC commercial channels
Dear Winston Smith in the Memory Hole Department of the BBC,
I hope you are well and that viewing complaints all day does not make you biased against the BBC in anyway.
I noticed that on the BBC News programme that the programme text said 50 migrants and the presenter said 66 migrants arrived on the coast of the UK fleeing from the shores of the EU27.
This could cause untold mental health problems, imagine a person watching with the sound off and another person listening and not really watching the screen. These two people meet and cannot agree what number of migrants left the troubled shores of the EU27 to reach the UK – creating two confused people who might then think they are going mental and not hearing the right thing.
I suppose the question is which was the correct number or do viewers complete some Orwell maths such as 2+2=5?
Many Thanks,
Mr. H.
** “fleeing from the shores of the EU27” was added by myself.
When Britain first, at heaven’s command
Arose from out the azure main
Arose arose from out the azure main
This was the charter, the charter of the land
And guardian angels sang this strain
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Still more majestic shalt thou rise
More dreadful from each foreign stroke
More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Still more majestic shalt thou rise
More dreadful from each foreign stroke
More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
The Muses, still with freedom found
Shall to thy happy coasts repair
Shall to thy happy, happy coasts repair
Blest isle regardless, with countless beauty places
And manly hearts to guard the fair
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,
Fear’d by their breed and famous by their birth,
Renowned for their deeds as far from home,
For Christian service and true chivalry,
As is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry,
Of the world’s ransom, blessed Mary’s Son,
This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,
Dear for her reputation through the world,
Is now leased out, I die pronouncing it,
Like to a tenement or pelting farm:
England, bound in with the triumphant sea
Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.
Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life,
How happy then were my ensuing death!
8th of September – in the morning a British PM spends over
£100 000 000 000 ( 100 billion ) and in the afternoon we lose the Head of State .
There will be 10 days of mourning – something we haven’t seen before . I know this site will be ok – that comments will be measured – but other social sites such as twitter are a horror .
Personally I have mixed feelings about the loss of the Monarch. -without doubt she held her office with great duty as her country declined and hope that the King acts like a King and not a politician .
The new PM has a monumental task – even bigger now . Fortunately after Friday Parliament closes which will give the new government space to work .
The period of mourning will be a distraction from the hardships a lot of people are about to experience ( and experiencing ) and it will be a reflection of how this country is now .
I understand Elizabeth Windsor was a strong Christian . Well May she rest in the peace and love of Jesus Christ . ➕
It’s worse than that, it’s £150 Bn and there’s no cap on that either, leaked parliamentary figures suggest closer to £200 Bn, double what she talked about.
Yes we’ll never be slaves, unfortunately we’ll be paying out to those that were , or whose parents and grandparents were, or who thought they were, until this country gets a backbone and says FOXTROT OSCAR!
I cannot imagine the last night of the proms will go ahead on Saturday, or perhaps the hate filled lefties will use the Queens death to cancel the patriotic second half of the program as they did after 9/11 in what was seen as opportunism to do what they wanted.
I think everything is cancelled due to the official 10 days of national mourning – even the footy – it will be interesting how people react – but somehow I think there will be general approval . It’s not every day thar a Queen passes – particularly one who was always there .
I think one of the striking things was that when she went to the Throne Stalin was still in power – as Truman an Churchill – losing someone of such age – and such a link to history really is a point in time .
By the way – I’ve seen more sober comments on the internet about a coming global economic crash suggesting buying water food and fuel as there’s only weeks or months ….
You might want to take a look at some of the interviews Andy Schectman has done recently to see the way forward, more clearly if he doesn’t scare you half to death!
He appears to have influenced many such as Robert Kiyosaki.
Tomo – great that you put that up – if you haven’t seen it – the chap telling the story was a PPO for the queen before retiring ….
I still wonder if the Americans ever realised ..
On Sept 12, 2001 — 24hrs after 9/11 — Queen Elizabeth ordered the U.S. national anthem be played at the Changing of the Guard outside Buckingham Palace.
#QueenElizabeth Starmer: Eloquent, heartfelt, personal – and moving; "For the vast majority of us, the late Queen has been simply The Queen, above all else Our Queen, above the clashes of politics." Truss: Banal tribute, sounded like an automaton reading words written for her.
Another one whose employers should take time to consider whether he has brought them into disrepute:
Trevor Sinclair apparently a footballist and talk sport commentator on twitter could not keep his race-baiting thoughts to himself when he should have.
Talk Sport headline this morning: ” REMEMBERED Sporting world and horse racing legends pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II following death of iconic British monarch at age of 96″
But not one of their correspondents so if you fell like complaining, as I will:
One anonymous comment I quote below from Ohio, USA:
“If there is one person who can stand in front of their Maker and say “I did my best.”, its Her Majesty. RIP to a truly inspirational woman, an example to the rest of us in class, dignity and selfless service to others. Condolences to the people of the UK on their great loss.”
When I heard that “God Save The Queen” was changing to “God Save The King” I was initially worried it was yet another stunt by the LGBT activists. Still, it’s at least refreshing that a news story about a dead queen isn’t yet another one about an celebrity with HIV…
When one sees things like this and the above from a footballer, doing very well thank you, as a black in the UK who show no insight into their own fortune, no class, dignity or empathy, no wonder there are racists about, and no doubt a few more created after reading how some conduct themselves:
“Twitter pulls vile tweet by Carnegie Mellon’s critical race theory professor who said she hoped Queen died ‘an excruciating death’ – after Jeff Bezos led avalanche of condemnation
“Uju Anya is an ‘anti racist’ teacher and associate professor at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and she sparked outrage after calling the ailing Queen the head of a ‘thieving, raping, genocidal empire’.
Writing shortly before the Queen’s death was announced, Anya said she hoped the Monarch’s final hours of pain ‘be excruciating.'”
Angry Uju didn’t miss a beat
..after Twitter removed her tweet, she simply continued in the same vein and got 77K Likes for it
Saying it’s all whities fault , and denying that Africans enslaved Africans for centuries first and then started selling them to outsiders later ..is very popular
If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star.
“Have they no shame? Woke liberals writing for the New York Times, New York Magazine and The Atlantic waste no time attacking the ‘colonizer’ Queen mere hours after her death aged 96 – and hours after Twitter took down vile post mocking monarch
Opinion writers from The New York Times, Atlantic and New York Magazine openly celebrated the death of Queen Elizabeth on Thursday
Tirhakah Love, senior newsletter writer for New York Magazine, said he was looking forward to dancing on the queen’s grave”
“Anti-monarchist fish and chip shop owner who celebrated Queen’s death with video proclaiming ‘Lizard Liz is dead’ is rescued from furious mob by police”
RIP your Majesty-Long live the King.
I remember on the 6th February 1952 when
I was in my first year of infant school my teacher
Miss Greenland telling us that there would be no school
tomorrow because King George had died. She asked us
for any questions and I sheepishly put my hand up and
said ” Miss Greenland I thought that the King looked ill
on the pennies.”
I just hope that a certain section of the Liverool FC
supporters dont start booing during the minutes silence
during the respect for the Queen. To be honest Liverpool
should tell their “fans” not to boo. In my opinion there
should be dire consequences to the club if they do.
Echo all the sentiments above about our wonderful Queen, but as this is the Biased BBC website…..
I flicked between the BBC and ITV coverage yesterday evening.
Both were suitably reverential but the presentations were totally different.
The BBC typically did a vox pop. ‘How do you feel’ they asked people outside Windsor Castle. What exactly what does that reporting achieve?
I thought ITV did a far better job, and with smaller resources generated entirely through their own efforts.
Am limiting my exposure to BBC R4 today. Music to mourn by, a suggestion: Elizabethan Serenade by the late Ronald Binge*. Very much part of my childhood on the BBC’s ‘Childrens’ Favourites’ as a new Elizabethan.
* also famous for composing ‘Sailing By’, a melody well known to BBC R4 insomniacs
I find that when such ‘events ‘ occur the BBC tends to behave itself in the sense of becoming suddenly British – uncritical – pro monarchy,
After a short while the tone will change – maybe in response to some unwise comment by a politician .
I’m not really following coverage any more – I am not a Royalist but I do appreciate the continuity HMThe Queen has represented .
Unfortunately the soap opera will not be too far away and the BBC will return to its ‘ Britain hating – far left – cancelling self
I feel , it’s in vogue to express one’s feelings isn’t it, as though yet another of the ties which held our country together has been broken with the death of the Queen. There are very few of these ties left but the strength of the forces trying to rip us apart have increased.
Charles will not be a unifying force like his mother was. Instead , if he continues with his thinly disguised woke zealotry , he will become a divisive monarch who reigned over the disintegration of the country into series of waring factions, tribes , religions and pressure groups.
During the reign of the late Queen we fully transitioned from Empire to Commonwealth. In retrospect the Commonwealth has proved a millstone round our necks and one which I think will prove a heavy a burden on us in the next decade or two. It has been a major source of mass migration which , in the long run , will lead to end of the UK as a unified nation . Also I think it will open the door to calls for financial reparations which , with so many citizens of Commonwealth heritage in our country, will be hard to resist. They don’t want our apologies , they want our money.
In short Britain would have been better served without ever having a Commonwealth and it seems to me that the major factor in us having one was what to do with the Royal Family when we retreated from Empire.
For a moment one considered pulling down the shutters on the press review hereabouts… but life goes on
Sadly – very sadly – our media will allow no public figure to simply Rest In Peace, as it were…
Least of all one of such real historic stature as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Aunty BBC – for it is She who must – primarily – be addressed (if not obeyed) hereabouts (to paraphrase or is it to repurpose – and metaphorically, presumably given our present chaotic times – to pluck from the militant union strike picket line, rather than from Court Number One at the Old Bailey, or from some cigar smoke filled furthest nook of Pommeroy’s winebar – that favourite catchphrase of Horace Rumpole)
She (Aunty BBC) employs the now de rigueur platitudinous Day Two headline formulation: leads tributes – one comes to suppose they must surely drum that mantra-like all-purpose foundational building block for all and any obituary headline into students on Day One at the Cardiff School of Journalism: King Charles III leads tributes to ‘cherished’ Queen (BBC)
As a world-weary – if against all odds, still persistent – conservative patriotic monarchist, Mr AsISeeIt prefers, considering what comes next, to borrow his mantras from the likes of the popular comedian and filmmaker Mel Brookes: Hope for the Best (Expect the Worst)
Forearmed and forewarned with that motto one embarks on an inevitably subdued if not completely black bordered blacked out press review.
The google seach for BBC news landing page promotes one of those all-too-familiar template news headline constructions – care of David Dimbleby to Emily Maitlis – who must have missed Day Two at the the Cardiff Media School perhaps? – always formulate your biased personal interest monlogue as a question: Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Will there be a Bank Holiday and will schools close? (BBC)
Clickbaity bird seed trail aimed primarily at the interests of lefty teachers and bolshy any excuse for a sick note or a hall pass public sector workers rather than we much harassed (by said public sector) joe public parents and our private sector actual national bread winners.
National life after Queen’s death: Will schools close? – is the somewhat more respectful less eager headline than the “so do I get a day off?” first shot from the hip.
As head of the Commonwealth for just about forever the Queen provides no end of catalogued tick box diversity ethnic photo ops for our BBC – yet for their report: Queen Elizabeth II: World leaders remember a ‘kind-hearted Queen’ – Pakistanis, Indians and Jamaicans – none of them will see their home leaders in a Royal handshake pic – of course the BBC go with one of Her Maj with Barrack Obama.
The formerly patriotic Times reflects on former patriotic times devoting their frontpage to the 1953 coronation portrait.
The Daily Mail goes with another very old coronation contemporary pic of a very young-looking Elizabeth and has the former Mrs Michael Gove write their headline obituary and, for their crowned headline, go with: Our hearts are broken
The Telegraph employs a nice recent national great granny-like photo with the quote: ‘Grief is the price we pay for for love’
One considers the actual policy outcomes of General Elections to be rather predictable these days with the two main parties, and even our handful of rainbow-coloured minor ones, being basically indistinguishable. One recalls the slogan vote Labour get the SNP or somesuch… Now it’s vote any which way and get Greens, get Globalists, get Socialists, get Social Liberals…
One notices Times politics not too far distant from those of the Guardian these days and as luck would have it the Guardian and Times frontpages today are indistinguishable. How about that?
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is nothing if not maudlin and self-pitying at the best of times – so we appreciate their postage stamp-like profile picture of an elderly Queen and general uncharacteristic gratitude: Thank you – do we think the posties will cancel their strikes or perhaps co-ordinate with the barristers on the picket lines? The briefs wore their uniform horsehair wigs and gowns in protest. I wonder if unlikely striking bedfellows the postmen might show up in their uniform short trousers?
At times like these I like to reflect on – and as I digest unlikely tributes from across the political aisle, so to speak – to bear in mind – that old Not The Nine o’Clock News sketch of a heated political TV debate between sparring politicians played by Mel Smith and Rowan Atkinson. The vitriol and personal abuse flow freely. Then poor Rowan suddenly clutches his chest and falling from his seat expires – leaving Smith to quickly change gear and ‘lead tributes’ to ‘one of the great Parliamentarians of our times…’
The Sun pulls off the tabloid show of sentiment rather more convincingly than most: We loved you Ma’am
The left-leaning ‘i’ takes their lead from the Gruan and Times with that coronation portrait – but they can’t help themselves scribble all over it with their usual corporate managerial presentation bullet point verbiage – as comic seaside hotel proprietor Basil Fawlty once remarked – stating the bleedin’ obvious – among several other needless frontpage observations the ‘i’ notices: UK has new King and a new Prime Minister within 48 hours
Her Majesty’s The Daily Express finds another day on which they can excusably give the tired flagging Ukraine flag on their masthead a rest and go instead with that nice elderly Queen photo and explain to Zelensky if he’s reading: Our beloved Queen is dead
And finally, the irreverent Daily Star ditches the usual disrespectful tone and borrows the same Times/Guardian/’i’ thought for the day of posting up that coronation photo and their usual cheeky thought for the day is expanded to headline status: ‘You did your duty Ma’am’
And here we close with that old cliché ‘And Finally…’ that says it all really.
Asiseeit Meanwhile the Uk weather is reflected on the twitter – where the basically evil comment of a coloured US academic about the queen has drawn huge condemnation . Yesterday said lady was a lecturer at ‘carnagie Mellon ‘ college – today I suspect she might be carrying one of those boxes out of the door … such is out times …
The press will also be monitoring for those dissenting from appreciating HM The Queen – with a guarantee that some kidult snowflake ‘comedian’ will make an unnecessary comment ….
I’ve just checked all of the world’s most important newspapers and our own dailies. Not one of our dailies is running its normal masthead and the Sun’s gone purple. Every major newspaper from Los Angeles all round the world until you get to Tokyo is running this as a front page splash. I even checked Die Burger. Queen is currently the number one story in Johannesburg. And Cairo. And in Moscow she’s knocked Ukraine down to number two.
The only newspaper that has no mention is the Morning Star a tiny mention near the bottom, in “Britain News” with no picture:
Just returned from holiday in a rainy Cornwall. A week without radio, TV or internet news of any kind.
Now I must join you in our national mourning. Sad news for as all. I agree with Doublethinker’s thoughts above though, RE- The Commonwealth.
I know this thread is about the Queen’s sad death but I shall post this video an hour long as it sets out in stark detail the death of the West mainly down to Socialist idiocy by the mafia Democrat crime party.
I’m not so sure as we seem to be on the cusp of an ending of several eras. The era of the New Elizabethans followed by the right Charlies? and also the ending of the West as a world hegemony we will experience many painful changes and need to be as prepared as possible.
There’s not much by way of thread discipline on this site so I am responding to Thoughtful .
Thoughtful – I watched it – sometimes life might seem so better in a state of ignorance . But if the petrodollar is replaced – and the dollar value does drop – and inflation and interest rates in the the US crash the markets – then it is definitely tin hat time .
Normally I’d assume the brains in the US would spot this threat and try / start to remedy it . But judging by the idiots who appear to be in charge that is not the case.
The theme of continuously printing money – without the means to support it will end in a crash – when that is – what that looks like – hyperinflation ? The big reset ? Could cause loss of sleep …
How to prepare for something like that ? Buy a bunker in NZ?
How can you remedy something which is commercial ? They are fighting the proxy war in Ukraine to try to prove Russia cannot protect the BRICS nations.
Schectman claims Bidens begging tour was not about pumping more oil, but trying to plead with the Saudis not to stop selling in Dollars.
Forewarned is forearmed as they say you now have a brief period to take some action, to provide and protect others will have a very great shock, and probably won’t even have a clue was to what or why all this is happening to them.
If as he suggests, Claus Schwaab is not suggesting there should be a great reset, but is merely predicting it then he would seem as a prophet, and you really will own nothing after that and goodness only knows if you will be happy but it certainly would take away the horror of having to have the latest gadget / car / whatever and being mortgaged to the hilt.
Thoughtful – I might watch the video again and look for solid evidence of what is claimed – is china trying to / going to – replace the $ with a gold based yuan ?
What is the effect on other countries if the US dollar became the subject of hyperinflation and the stock market crashed as rates went through the roof ?
I’ve seen a linked tweet by Thomas malenin to day by which predicts horrors for the EU due to energy pressures .
I’m a natural doom and gloom merchant but there are so many negatives about that it’s beyond worrying .
Just heard an Emily Maitlis trailer for her radio serial
It’s premise is Hoover used the FBI maliciously.
Does it not seem that the Democrats used the FBI maliciously against Trump before the election ?
.. by using it to suppress discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop.
It’s old hat news that Hoover did that you can find all about it on Wikipedia.
She probably won’t be covering him being a tranny and as a consequence of the Russians finding out, being compromised by them,and the Mafia too.
It’s a repeat. It was broadcast earlier this year on R4. It appears Maitlis is getting a bit desperate to salvage – if that is at all possible – her reputation as a broadcaster.
I’m glad that SNP chip shop woman was run out of her shop under a Police escort, and probably out of town.
This lets the rest of the UK see that Sturgeon and her foot soldiers are a minority in Scotland, and way overrepresented on the MSM. Muir of Ord is near Inverness, and steeped in Gordon Highlanders. Great to see this horror barracked by quite a large crowd for a wee town.
Dundee & Glasgow are the only places where these scumbags have a sizeable presence, not co-incidentally, the two biggest shit holes in the country.
I lived in Scotland from 75 to 2005 on both sides of the central belt , Ayr and Stirling. Although sectarianism reduced over those thirty years it was still a feature of life in Scotland. As I remember it the Protestants were very firmly Unionist so it surprises me that the SNP has such a hold in Glasgow and in Dundee .
Do we have any Scottish contributors who could put me right on this? Have old allegiances faded?
I take an interest in the place, Double, and one thing worth bearing in mind is that Dundee is ‘Toon’ Town. It has moved into the new hi-tech gaming industry, leveraging the wealth from comics and publishing, itself built on the jute and lino business. Therefore it may consider itself much more ‘globalismist’ (a.k.a. Theresa May’s ‘citizens of nowhere’) and be inclined toward Europe & the world via the SNP.
Glasgow is strange. Have friends and contacts who live there. It has pockets of affluence and pockets of poverty, sometimes right alongside each other. It is trying to re-invent itself along Dundee lines with hi-tech and music industries. It is obviously split Catholic:Protestant but has a Jewish population as well as an immigrant population. The SNP are socialist as well as nationalist so Sturgeon’s promises of future affluence will appeal to the pockets of poverty.
Let me give you my humble opinion on why the SNP has such a hold in Glasgow and Dundee.
Before the 1980s, Scottish protestants were mostly unionists and would vote Tory or Labour. Scottish catholics generally voted Labour. The SNP were very much a minority party, dismissed as being “tartan tories”.
But two important things happened in the 1980s. First, de-industrialisation. Thatcher got rid of all the old heavy industries like steel and coal and decimated the trade unions. One of the side-effects of this was that the bonds were broken between Scottish workers and their fellow trade unionists in England and Wales. Scottish workers’ sense of Britishness was weakened.
The other important factor in the 1980s was that Alex Salmond and others moved the SNP to the left. They became a left-wing, progressive party.
Voting SNP therefore became a feasible option for newly-unemployed Scottish protestant workers, especially since Labour were incapable of restoring the old sense of workers’ solidarity throughout Britain.
Scottish catholics also deserted Labour in droves for the SNP. The anti-English and republican strains in this new SNP were possibly very attractive especially to catholics of Irish descent.
As Glasgow and Dundee both have large catholic populations, the voting patterns among those communities are perhaps more relevant when trying to answer your question.
I think there are still some Scots whose protestantism is inseparable from their unionism but they are declining in number.
Scottish born & bred and lived here all 60 years.
Sectarianism tends only to show around the North East of Scotland when the 2 Glasgow Clubs are involved. Dundee & Glasgow are the main Irish Catholic enclaves in Scotland.
The football sectarianism has proved quite useful for the SNP with their IRA sympathies, and you will see every SNP MP/MSP is Celtic supporting without exception.
500 years ago she would have been burnt at the stake as a heretic.
Stuns me that this peabrain feels it appropriate to make such delusional statements regardless of anyones views on royalty.
Does anyone else find it a strange co-incidence that Harry Markle and his ghastly wife just happen to be in the UK at the time of the death of the Queen, so he is able to gallantly hop on a plane putting all family rifts aside and be at Balmoral for the death?
Given the amount of time the pair have spent at the California home and I don’t believe once stayed at Frogmore it seems an incredible co-incidence that should be there at this critical moment.
Of course we are not party to the inside information about the health of any of the Royals and it might be the death has been expected for some time, but the Queen was well enough to receive both Boris Johnson and Theresa May just last week.
It appears to be an incredible co-incidence to me.
It was mentioned last night that Harry didn’t arrive at Balmoral until 7.30 pm – so why the delay ? he could have walked it to Scotland from the time the story broke his Gran wasn’t well at lunchtime – but the family would have known long before that. Then he was first out of the blocks to leave this morning. What’s betting him and the wife have gone back to the US until the funeral.
That’s all we need. The thought of the Duchess of Meghan poncing around at the funeral, talking about me me me, with her sycophantic American ‘friends’ fawning over her every word. I wonder what her ‘truth’ will be?
Despite a generally faultless presentation, the nation’s favourite broadcaster just could not resist a little political dig along party lines. Referring to the relationship between HM and Margaret Thatcher, it was described as ‘stressful at times…’
This would of course explain why the Queen gave the PM the Order of Merit. This is an exceptional award, the personal gift of the Sovereign, in recognition of exceptional service, given to an exceptionally few recipients – including people like Schweitzer, Hardy and Mandela.
Just as with President Trump, the BBC has to take every opportunity to denigrate those of whom it disapproves, no matter what the circumstances. Bastards.
More good news – not only will there be no dire ‘last night of the proms ‘ we will be spared the football this weekend – although they may have referred the decision to VAR …
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyd49dxyxxo “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
God Save the King.
God save Great Britain. We are facing dark times .
God save the King and us all. We are indeed facing dark times.
Could he be called ‘King Arthur’?
Charles III
taffman, King Charles III didn’t look too well in a photo last week or this. Cannot remeber where I saw it. It wasn’t on the newspaper front pages, at leat I don’t have a copy from a snip. It was a strange photo in that it appeared to have been taken through a car windscreen, with HM driving but the rear view mirror appeared to be outside. In the photo, Charles appeared to have had a recent tumble with a bruise and a slight cut on his left cheek. Obviously the worried look would have reflected his concern for his mother.
He was a miners leader in the early 80s.
Charles vows to keep “Defender of the Faith” title as King
Posted: Mon, 09 Feb 2015
Ditto. QE II may well be the last of long reigning monarchs. You did a good job ma’am.
Brissles, I agree. Queen Elizabeth served our nation faithfully. The new PM will be deprived of her prayers and her wisdom.
Very sad day.
Well done BBC news, you reported on the death of our beloved Queen in a respectful and dignified manner.
Thank You.
Of course they did. The Queen was unimpeachable and carried great public support. The BBC have been preparing for this in minute detail for a long time and they would be crucified if they didn’t get it right.
Just wait and see how respectful they are about Charles after a month or two. This is what the socialists have been waiting for.
Totally agree.
But let’s not have that Huw Edwards involved in any of the Funeral comentary-we need another man with good easy to understand voice, preferably an indigenous white.
Errr… This is how much respect the low-lifes at the BBC have. Watch the two characters to the right of Huw Edwards’ head. Looks like they are taking selfies as the sad news is announced, until a bloke in a white shirt approaches from the left and tells them to stop and do some work.
Liz T just made a statement. Sorry, but even at a time like this her voice just doesn’t carry the gravitas or emotion expected, and sounded like someone reading out her shopping list.
You think Brissels that Liz didn’t hit the right note? I didn’t think she did too badly. You obviously didn’t hear Sir Kier. He sounded as though he was delivering a party political broadcast.
And I am listening to The Donald on GBNews. He too sounded sad.
Trump remains an Anglophile, despite all the bile thrown at him in this country.
Further to my comment above, listening to GBN tonight, I clearly wasn’t alone in my assertions. Angela Rippon put it more succinctly than I could – Liz T she said had a problem not with what she says, but how she delivers it. In fact she didn’t quote my shopping list, but the telephone directory. Ms Rippon said her monotone voice would make her drop off. So, I now feel vindicated.
Liz T just needs some lessons in how to ‘deliver’ a speech and as was said earlier “to take the Nation with you”.
I have to say that I’m extremely worried about Charles being King.
Totally agree. My life long loyalty to the crown is now in question. If Charles continues to air his views , which in my view are increasingly woke, I do not think that he , or his successors, can expect my support.
Listening to Sir Nicholas Soames on LBC last night, he addressed that very same issue.
While Charles has been able to express whatever views he may have, Royal Protocol prohibits the Monarch to have their own opinions expressed anywhere in public, so we may well see a quieter result.
That’s not to say that some of the others might start getting a bit uppity…
I haven’t listened to BBC for many years and I now remember why. Classic FM cut to LBC where the programme was led by ex-BBC stalwart Andrew Mair. He enthused mightily over three statements of sympathy (well OOT in his praise) for Starmer, Macron – and of course Blair!
The Queen only expressed one regret about a government’s action , the selling off of the Royal Yacht Britannia – Blair’s doing .
Some of the ways events unfolded reminded me of Blair having to deal with Princess Diana’s death so soon after he became PM.
I think Liz Truss did pretty well under the circimstances, as her piece would be cast all around the world, and she’d only had the job a couple of days!
down this way
The sky is crying, the streets are full of tears,
rain come down and wash away my fears,
we lost our Monarch who served our country,
faithfully, gracefully, for all of seventy years.
(With apologies to Mark Knopfler)
This message could well apply today.
Nine BBC radio channels are carrying the same news special
BBC WS seems to be carrying normal schedule
BBC2 is just showing same news special as BBC1
ITV, Channel and all news channels all have news specials
BBC4 and BBC3 are suspended
Channel 5 “Remembers The Queen”
Some minor repeat channels remain normal
including the BBC commercial channels
Since I find R4 unlistenable now I have to trust others with apparently stronger stomachs.
Dear Winston Smith in the Memory Hole Department of the BBC,
I hope you are well and that viewing complaints all day does not make you biased against the BBC in anyway.
I noticed that on the BBC News programme that the programme text said 50 migrants and the presenter said 66 migrants arrived on the coast of the UK fleeing from the shores of the EU27.
This could cause untold mental health problems, imagine a person watching with the sound off and another person listening and not really watching the screen. These two people meet and cannot agree what number of migrants left the troubled shores of the EU27 to reach the UK – creating two confused people who might then think they are going mental and not hearing the right thing.
I suppose the question is which was the correct number or do viewers complete some Orwell maths such as 2+2=5?
Many Thanks,
Mr. H.
** “fleeing from the shores of the EU27” was added by myself.
When Britain first, at heaven’s command
Arose from out the azure main
Arose arose from out the azure main
This was the charter, the charter of the land
And guardian angels sang this strain
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Still more majestic shalt thou rise
More dreadful from each foreign stroke
More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Still more majestic shalt thou rise
More dreadful from each foreign stroke
More dreadful, dreadful from each foreign stroke
As the loud blast, the blast that tears the skies
Serves but to root thy native oak
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
The Muses, still with freedom found
Shall to thy happy coasts repair
Shall to thy happy, happy coasts repair
Blest isle regardless, with countless beauty places
And manly hearts to guard the fair
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
Rule Britannia, Britannia, rule the waves
Britons never, never, shall be slaves
I’ll take your Arne and raise you a Shakespeare:
This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war,
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house,
Against the envy of less happier lands,
This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings,
Fear’d by their breed and famous by their birth,
Renowned for their deeds as far from home,
For Christian service and true chivalry,
As is the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry,
Of the world’s ransom, blessed Mary’s Son,
This land of such dear souls, this dear dear land,
Dear for her reputation through the world,
Is now leased out, I die pronouncing it,
Like to a tenement or pelting farm:
England, bound in with the triumphant sea
Whose rocky shore beats back the envious siege
Of watery Neptune, is now bound in with shame,
With inky blots and rotten parchment bonds:
That England, that was wont to conquer others,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.
Ah, would the scandal vanish with my life,
How happy then were my ensuing death!
8th of September – in the morning a British PM spends over
£100 000 000 000 ( 100 billion ) and in the afternoon we lose the Head of State .
There will be 10 days of mourning – something we haven’t seen before . I know this site will be ok – that comments will be measured – but other social sites such as twitter are a horror .
Personally I have mixed feelings about the loss of the Monarch. -without doubt she held her office with great duty as her country declined and hope that the King acts like a King and not a politician .
The new PM has a monumental task – even bigger now . Fortunately after Friday Parliament closes which will give the new government space to work .
The period of mourning will be a distraction from the hardships a lot of people are about to experience ( and experiencing ) and it will be a reflection of how this country is now .
I understand Elizabeth Windsor was a strong Christian . Well May she rest in the peace and love of Jesus Christ . ➕
It’s worse than that, it’s £150 Bn and there’s no cap on that either, leaked parliamentary figures suggest closer to £200 Bn, double what she talked about.
This is in reply to Markymark above.
Yes we’ll never be slaves, unfortunately we’ll be paying out to those that were , or whose parents and grandparents were, or who thought they were, until this country gets a backbone and says FOXTROT OSCAR!
I have just been sent a text.
If it’s any help to anyone at this sad time.
ASLEF have suspended strike action on the 15th September.
Now what about the ROYAL Mail doing the same ?
I cannot imagine the last night of the proms will go ahead on Saturday, or perhaps the hate filled lefties will use the Queens death to cancel the patriotic second half of the program as they did after 9/11 in what was seen as opportunism to do what they wanted.
I think everything is cancelled due to the official 10 days of national mourning – even the footy – it will be interesting how people react – but somehow I think there will be general approval . It’s not every day thar a Queen passes – particularly one who was always there .
I think one of the striking things was that when she went to the Throne Stalin was still in power – as Truman an Churchill – losing someone of such age – and such a link to history really is a point in time .
By the way – I’ve seen more sober comments on the internet about a coming global economic crash suggesting buying water food and fuel as there’s only weeks or months ….
You might want to take a look at some of the interviews Andy Schectman has done recently to see the way forward, more clearly if he doesn’t scare you half to death!
He appears to have influenced many such as Robert Kiyosaki.
Tomo – great that you put that up – if you haven’t seen it – the chap telling the story was a PPO for the queen before retiring ….
I still wonder if the Americans ever realised ..
Hear Hear, Fed – thanks Tomo!
Ah yes – the Americans…
Starmer’s a barrister…
Not saying he’s insincere but after all that taking a knee crap I can’t take him seriously.
Sykes : lefty liberal using the Queens death for political comment, no surprise there for that shower
Thank you Meghan for making Her Majesty’s last days that much more difficult, and possibly shortening her life.
And now her bloody kids will be prince and princess!
Another one whose employers should take time to consider whether he has brought them into disrepute:
Trevor Sinclair apparently a footballist and talk sport commentator on twitter could not keep his race-baiting thoughts to himself when he should have.
Talk Sport headline this morning: ” REMEMBERED Sporting world and horse racing legends pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II following death of iconic British monarch at age of 96″
But not one of their correspondents so if you fell like complaining, as I will:
Feedback, complaints and queries
Radio/App: feedback@talksport.co.uk
Website: website@talksport.co.uk
One anonymous comment I quote below from Ohio, USA:
“If there is one person who can stand in front of their Maker and say “I did my best.”, its Her Majesty. RIP to a truly inspirational woman, an example to the rest of us in class, dignity and selfless service to others. Condolences to the people of the UK on their great loss.”
When I heard that “God Save The Queen” was changing to “God Save The King” I was initially worried it was yet another stunt by the LGBT activists. Still, it’s at least refreshing that a news story about a dead queen isn’t yet another one about an celebrity with HIV…
I wondered where you went Calvin …
Drawing lessons ?
Tucker Carlson talks about the queen , Britain and the Empire . Painful …
When one sees things like this and the above from a footballer, doing very well thank you, as a black in the UK who show no insight into their own fortune, no class, dignity or empathy, no wonder there are racists about, and no doubt a few more created after reading how some conduct themselves:
“Twitter pulls vile tweet by Carnegie Mellon’s critical race theory professor who said she hoped Queen died ‘an excruciating death’ – after Jeff Bezos led avalanche of condemnation
“Uju Anya is an ‘anti racist’ teacher and associate professor at the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and she sparked outrage after calling the ailing Queen the head of a ‘thieving, raping, genocidal empire’.
Writing shortly before the Queen’s death was announced, Anya said she hoped the Monarch’s final hours of pain ‘be excruciating.'”
PS: Trump lost his twitter account, and this one ?………
Angry Uju didn’t miss a beat
..after Twitter removed her tweet, she simply continued in the same vein and got 77K Likes for it
Saying it’s all whities fault , and denying that Africans enslaved Africans for centuries first and then started selling them to outsiders later ..is very popular
“Have they no shame? Woke liberals writing for the New York Times, New York Magazine and The Atlantic waste no time attacking the ‘colonizer’ Queen mere hours after her death aged 96 – and hours after Twitter took down vile post mocking monarch
Opinion writers from The New York Times, Atlantic and New York Magazine openly celebrated the death of Queen Elizabeth on Thursday
Tirhakah Love, senior newsletter writer for New York Magazine, said he was looking forward to dancing on the queen’s grave”
“Anti-monarchist fish and chip shop owner who celebrated Queen’s death with video proclaiming ‘Lizard Liz is dead’ is rescued from furious mob by police”
OK there’s a few weird folk around
There’s no need to reward them with too much attention
Here’s her video, I haven’t bothered to watch it https://twitter.com/DavidMackayy/status/1567958253870485504
Well thats her out of business with a bit of luck.
Many have tested the principle of #nosuchthingasbadpublicity but this might have been to destruction.
Clearly nuts. Or a professor.
A measured assessment by Starkey on Nigel’s show.
Service and duty are values sadly lacking and not understood from certain others paying tribute.
Queen Elizabeth II: The moment the Buckingham Palace crowds learned the news
Just look at this.
The still of the video clip of the crowd shows it is almost exclusively white. And it looks to me like there are more white males there than females.
These are the stills the BBC took for the article. Not a white male in sight.
Now they are using the death of the Queen to push their agenda-based racism and sexism.
Scum. As I said yesterday, IMHO the BBC have been eagerly waiting for the Queen to die for a number of reasons. They are absolutely without shame.
I noticed their news front page was devoted to the Queen and they had an article about the proms being cancelled and the picture ?
You’ve guessed it, a black playing a cello.
RIP your Majesty-Long live the King.
I remember on the 6th February 1952 when
I was in my first year of infant school my teacher
Miss Greenland telling us that there would be no school
tomorrow because King George had died. She asked us
for any questions and I sheepishly put my hand up and
said ” Miss Greenland I thought that the King looked ill
on the pennies.”
I just hope that a certain section of the Liverool FC
supporters dont start booing during the minutes silence
during the respect for the Queen. To be honest Liverpool
should tell their “fans” not to boo. In my opinion there
should be dire consequences to the club if they do.
New bBC Religion Editor is a muslim, nearly the takeover is complete
They have appointed Muslims as head of religion for decades, do keep up.
Echo all the sentiments above about our wonderful Queen, but as this is the Biased BBC website…..
I flicked between the BBC and ITV coverage yesterday evening.
Both were suitably reverential but the presentations were totally different.
The BBC typically did a vox pop. ‘How do you feel’ they asked people outside Windsor Castle. What exactly what does that reporting achieve?
I thought ITV did a far better job, and with smaller resources generated entirely through their own efforts.
Am limiting my exposure to BBC R4 today. Music to mourn by, a suggestion: Elizabethan Serenade by the late Ronald Binge*. Very much part of my childhood on the BBC’s ‘Childrens’ Favourites’ as a new Elizabethan.
* also famous for composing ‘Sailing By’, a melody well known to BBC R4 insomniacs
I find that when such ‘events ‘ occur the BBC tends to behave itself in the sense of becoming suddenly British – uncritical – pro monarchy,
After a short while the tone will change – maybe in response to some unwise comment by a politician .
I’m not really following coverage any more – I am not a Royalist but I do appreciate the continuity HMThe Queen has represented .
Unfortunately the soap opera will not be too far away and the BBC will return to its ‘ Britain hating – far left – cancelling self
How are the dinghies on the south going …?
I feel , it’s in vogue to express one’s feelings isn’t it, as though yet another of the ties which held our country together has been broken with the death of the Queen. There are very few of these ties left but the strength of the forces trying to rip us apart have increased.
Charles will not be a unifying force like his mother was. Instead , if he continues with his thinly disguised woke zealotry , he will become a divisive monarch who reigned over the disintegration of the country into series of waring factions, tribes , religions and pressure groups.
During the reign of the late Queen we fully transitioned from Empire to Commonwealth. In retrospect the Commonwealth has proved a millstone round our necks and one which I think will prove a heavy a burden on us in the next decade or two. It has been a major source of mass migration which , in the long run , will lead to end of the UK as a unified nation . Also I think it will open the door to calls for financial reparations which , with so many citizens of Commonwealth heritage in our country, will be hard to resist. They don’t want our apologies , they want our money.
In short Britain would have been better served without ever having a Commonwealth and it seems to me that the major factor in us having one was what to do with the Royal Family when we retreated from Empire.
Double – I completely echo your view – and it’s one of the reasons I will not be wallowing in vicarious grief .
Hope for the Best (Expect the Worst) edition
For a moment one considered pulling down the shutters on the press review hereabouts… but life goes on
Sadly – very sadly – our media will allow no public figure to simply Rest In Peace, as it were…
Least of all one of such real historic stature as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Aunty BBC – for it is She who must – primarily – be addressed (if not obeyed) hereabouts (to paraphrase or is it to repurpose – and metaphorically, presumably given our present chaotic times – to pluck from the militant union strike picket line, rather than from Court Number One at the Old Bailey, or from some cigar smoke filled furthest nook of Pommeroy’s winebar – that favourite catchphrase of Horace Rumpole)
She (Aunty BBC) employs the now de rigueur platitudinous Day Two headline formulation: leads tributes – one comes to suppose they must surely drum that mantra-like all-purpose foundational building block for all and any obituary headline into students on Day One at the Cardiff School of Journalism: King Charles III leads tributes to ‘cherished’ Queen (BBC)
As a world-weary – if against all odds, still persistent – conservative patriotic monarchist, Mr AsISeeIt prefers, considering what comes next, to borrow his mantras from the likes of the popular comedian and filmmaker Mel Brookes: Hope for the Best (Expect the Worst)
Forearmed and forewarned with that motto one embarks on an inevitably subdued if not completely black bordered blacked out press review.
The google seach for BBC news landing page promotes one of those all-too-familiar template news headline constructions – care of David Dimbleby to Emily Maitlis – who must have missed Day Two at the the Cardiff Media School perhaps? – always formulate your biased personal interest monlogue as a question: Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Will there be a Bank Holiday and will schools close? (BBC)
Clickbaity bird seed trail aimed primarily at the interests of lefty teachers and bolshy any excuse for a sick note or a hall pass public sector workers rather than we much harassed (by said public sector) joe public parents and our private sector actual national bread winners.
National life after Queen’s death: Will schools close? – is the somewhat more respectful less eager headline than the “so do I get a day off?” first shot from the hip.
As head of the Commonwealth for just about forever the Queen provides no end of catalogued tick box diversity ethnic photo ops for our BBC – yet for their report: Queen Elizabeth II: World leaders remember a ‘kind-hearted Queen’ – Pakistanis, Indians and Jamaicans – none of them will see their home leaders in a Royal handshake pic – of course the BBC go with one of Her Maj with Barrack Obama.
The formerly patriotic Times reflects on former patriotic times devoting their frontpage to the 1953 coronation portrait.
The Daily Mail goes with another very old coronation contemporary pic of a very young-looking Elizabeth and has the former Mrs Michael Gove write their headline obituary and, for their crowned headline, go with: Our hearts are broken
The Telegraph employs a nice recent national great granny-like photo with the quote: ‘Grief is the price we pay for for love’
One considers the actual policy outcomes of General Elections to be rather predictable these days with the two main parties, and even our handful of rainbow-coloured minor ones, being basically indistinguishable. One recalls the slogan vote Labour get the SNP or somesuch… Now it’s vote any which way and get Greens, get Globalists, get Socialists, get Social Liberals…
One notices Times politics not too far distant from those of the Guardian these days and as luck would have it the Guardian and Times frontpages today are indistinguishable. How about that?
The Labour-supporting Daily Mirror is nothing if not maudlin and self-pitying at the best of times – so we appreciate their postage stamp-like profile picture of an elderly Queen and general uncharacteristic gratitude: Thank you – do we think the posties will cancel their strikes or perhaps co-ordinate with the barristers on the picket lines? The briefs wore their uniform horsehair wigs and gowns in protest. I wonder if unlikely striking bedfellows the postmen might show up in their uniform short trousers?
At times like these I like to reflect on – and as I digest unlikely tributes from across the political aisle, so to speak – to bear in mind – that old Not The Nine o’Clock News sketch of a heated political TV debate between sparring politicians played by Mel Smith and Rowan Atkinson. The vitriol and personal abuse flow freely. Then poor Rowan suddenly clutches his chest and falling from his seat expires – leaving Smith to quickly change gear and ‘lead tributes’ to ‘one of the great Parliamentarians of our times…’
The Sun pulls off the tabloid show of sentiment rather more convincingly than most: We loved you Ma’am
The left-leaning ‘i’ takes their lead from the Gruan and Times with that coronation portrait – but they can’t help themselves scribble all over it with their usual corporate managerial presentation bullet point verbiage – as comic seaside hotel proprietor Basil Fawlty once remarked – stating the bleedin’ obvious – among several other needless frontpage observations the ‘i’ notices: UK has new King and a new Prime Minister within 48 hours
Her Majesty’s The Daily Express finds another day on which they can excusably give the tired flagging Ukraine flag on their masthead a rest and go instead with that nice elderly Queen photo and explain to Zelensky if he’s reading: Our beloved Queen is dead
And finally, the irreverent Daily Star ditches the usual disrespectful tone and borrows the same Times/Guardian/’i’ thought for the day of posting up that coronation photo and their usual cheeky thought for the day is expanded to headline status: ‘You did your duty Ma’am’
And here we close with that old cliché ‘And Finally…’ that says it all really.
Asiseeit Meanwhile the Uk weather is reflected on the twitter – where the basically evil comment of a coloured US academic about the queen has drawn huge condemnation . Yesterday said lady was a lecturer at ‘carnagie Mellon ‘ college – today I suspect she might be carrying one of those boxes out of the door … such is out times …
The press will also be monitoring for those dissenting from appreciating HM The Queen – with a guarantee that some kidult snowflake ‘comedian’ will make an unnecessary comment ….
Not quite:
I’ve just checked all of the world’s most important newspapers and our own dailies. Not one of our dailies is running its normal masthead and the Sun’s gone purple. Every major newspaper from Los Angeles all round the world until you get to Tokyo is running this as a front page splash. I even checked Die Burger. Queen is currently the number one story in Johannesburg. And Cairo. And in Moscow she’s knocked Ukraine down to number two.
The only newspaper that has no mention is the Morning Star a tiny mention near the bottom, in “Britain News” with no picture:
Hello All,
Just returned from holiday in a rainy Cornwall. A week without radio, TV or internet news of any kind.
Now I must join you in our national mourning. Sad news for as all. I agree with Doublethinker’s thoughts above though, RE- The Commonwealth.
I know this thread is about the Queen’s sad death but I shall post this video an hour long as it sets out in stark detail the death of the West mainly down to Socialist idiocy by the mafia Democrat crime party.
Grateful – the world keeps turning …
Fed, wrong Thread?
I’m not so sure as we seem to be on the cusp of an ending of several eras. The era of the New Elizabethans followed by the right Charlies? and also the ending of the West as a world hegemony we will experience many painful changes and need to be as prepared as possible.
There’s not much by way of thread discipline on this site so I am responding to Thoughtful .
Thoughtful – I watched it – sometimes life might seem so better in a state of ignorance . But if the petrodollar is replaced – and the dollar value does drop – and inflation and interest rates in the the US crash the markets – then it is definitely tin hat time .
Normally I’d assume the brains in the US would spot this threat and try / start to remedy it . But judging by the idiots who appear to be in charge that is not the case.
The theme of continuously printing money – without the means to support it will end in a crash – when that is – what that looks like – hyperinflation ? The big reset ? Could cause loss of sleep …
How to prepare for something like that ? Buy a bunker in NZ?
BTW – this thread is also the weekend one
How can you remedy something which is commercial ? They are fighting the proxy war in Ukraine to try to prove Russia cannot protect the BRICS nations.
Schectman claims Bidens begging tour was not about pumping more oil, but trying to plead with the Saudis not to stop selling in Dollars.
Forewarned is forearmed as they say you now have a brief period to take some action, to provide and protect others will have a very great shock, and probably won’t even have a clue was to what or why all this is happening to them.
If as he suggests, Claus Schwaab is not suggesting there should be a great reset, but is merely predicting it then he would seem as a prophet, and you really will own nothing after that and goodness only knows if you will be happy but it certainly would take away the horror of having to have the latest gadget / car / whatever and being mortgaged to the hilt.
Thoughtful – I might watch the video again and look for solid evidence of what is claimed – is china trying to / going to – replace the $ with a gold based yuan ?
What is the effect on other countries if the US dollar became the subject of hyperinflation and the stock market crashed as rates went through the roof ?
I’ve seen a linked tweet by Thomas malenin to day by which predicts horrors for the EU due to energy pressures .
I’m a natural doom and gloom merchant but there are so many negatives about that it’s beyond worrying .
What are you doing to prepare ?
Food which will last, cans, I’m fortunate enough to have enough land to have 4 100Litre water butts, plus some filtration if needed.
Loads of lanterns and torches looking for a generator, wood stoves, gas stoves.
Oh and trying to convert assets to gold where possible. Silver in the UK carries VAT gold doesn’t.
The main issue is potential mobs looting, glass has been changed to laminated so access is more difficult.
And a whole load more!!
Thoughtful, the central banks of several countries may be holding and hoarding gold but judging by the price, they are definitely not buying it: https://www.gold.co.uk/gold-price/5-year-gold-price/
Thoughtful – thanks – I tick box on most of the stuff you suggest although I am in suburbia –
Luckily if mobs take to the street during ‘lock downs ‘ plod will issue them with fixed penalty notices …..
Time to panic buy water futures ..
Just heard an Emily Maitlis trailer for her radio serial
It’s premise is Hoover used the FBI maliciously.
Does it not seem that the Democrats used the FBI maliciously against Trump before the election ?
.. by using it to suppress discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop.
It’s old hat news that Hoover did that you can find all about it on Wikipedia.
She probably won’t be covering him being a tranny and as a consequence of the Russians finding out, being compromised by them,and the Mafia too.
It’s a repeat. It was broadcast earlier this year on R4. It appears Maitlis is getting a bit desperate to salvage – if that is at all possible – her reputation as a broadcaster.
I’m glad that SNP chip shop woman was run out of her shop under a Police escort, and probably out of town.
This lets the rest of the UK see that Sturgeon and her foot soldiers are a minority in Scotland, and way overrepresented on the MSM. Muir of Ord is near Inverness, and steeped in Gordon Highlanders. Great to see this horror barracked by quite a large crowd for a wee town.
Dundee & Glasgow are the only places where these scumbags have a sizeable presence, not co-incidentally, the two biggest shit holes in the country.
I lived in Scotland from 75 to 2005 on both sides of the central belt , Ayr and Stirling. Although sectarianism reduced over those thirty years it was still a feature of life in Scotland. As I remember it the Protestants were very firmly Unionist so it surprises me that the SNP has such a hold in Glasgow and in Dundee .
Do we have any Scottish contributors who could put me right on this? Have old allegiances faded?
I believe a lot of this dates back to the filming of Braveheart around Glasgow which sparked a lot of nationalism.
Here’s a couple of links about the issue:
I take an interest in the place, Double, and one thing worth bearing in mind is that Dundee is ‘Toon’ Town. It has moved into the new hi-tech gaming industry, leveraging the wealth from comics and publishing, itself built on the jute and lino business. Therefore it may consider itself much more ‘globalismist’ (a.k.a. Theresa May’s ‘citizens of nowhere’) and be inclined toward Europe & the world via the SNP.
Glasgow is strange. Have friends and contacts who live there. It has pockets of affluence and pockets of poverty, sometimes right alongside each other. It is trying to re-invent itself along Dundee lines with hi-tech and music industries. It is obviously split Catholic:Protestant but has a Jewish population as well as an immigrant population. The SNP are socialist as well as nationalist so Sturgeon’s promises of future affluence will appeal to the pockets of poverty.
Let me give you my humble opinion on why the SNP has such a hold in Glasgow and Dundee.
Before the 1980s, Scottish protestants were mostly unionists and would vote Tory or Labour. Scottish catholics generally voted Labour. The SNP were very much a minority party, dismissed as being “tartan tories”.
But two important things happened in the 1980s. First, de-industrialisation. Thatcher got rid of all the old heavy industries like steel and coal and decimated the trade unions. One of the side-effects of this was that the bonds were broken between Scottish workers and their fellow trade unionists in England and Wales. Scottish workers’ sense of Britishness was weakened.
The other important factor in the 1980s was that Alex Salmond and others moved the SNP to the left. They became a left-wing, progressive party.
Voting SNP therefore became a feasible option for newly-unemployed Scottish protestant workers, especially since Labour were incapable of restoring the old sense of workers’ solidarity throughout Britain.
Scottish catholics also deserted Labour in droves for the SNP. The anti-English and republican strains in this new SNP were possibly very attractive especially to catholics of Irish descent.
As Glasgow and Dundee both have large catholic populations, the voting patterns among those communities are perhaps more relevant when trying to answer your question.
I think there are still some Scots whose protestantism is inseparable from their unionism but they are declining in number.
Thank you. Illuminating .
Zelazek, good analysis there.
Scottish born & bred and lived here all 60 years.
Sectarianism tends only to show around the North East of Scotland when the 2 Glasgow Clubs are involved. Dundee & Glasgow are the main Irish Catholic enclaves in Scotland.
The football sectarianism has proved quite useful for the SNP with their IRA sympathies, and you will see every SNP MP/MSP is Celtic supporting without exception.
500 years ago she would have been burnt at the stake as a heretic.
Stuns me that this peabrain feels it appropriate to make such delusional statements regardless of anyones views on royalty.
Does anyone else find it a strange co-incidence that Harry Markle and his ghastly wife just happen to be in the UK at the time of the death of the Queen, so he is able to gallantly hop on a plane putting all family rifts aside and be at Balmoral for the death?
Given the amount of time the pair have spent at the California home and I don’t believe once stayed at Frogmore it seems an incredible co-incidence that should be there at this critical moment.
Of course we are not party to the inside information about the health of any of the Royals and it might be the death has been expected for some time, but the Queen was well enough to receive both Boris Johnson and Theresa May just last week.
It appears to be an incredible co-incidence to me.
It was mentioned last night that Harry didn’t arrive at Balmoral until 7.30 pm – so why the delay ? he could have walked it to Scotland from the time the story broke his Gran wasn’t well at lunchtime – but the family would have known long before that. Then he was first out of the blocks to leave this morning. What’s betting him and the wife have gone back to the US until the funeral.
That’s all we need. The thought of the Duchess of Meghan poncing around at the funeral, talking about me me me, with her sycophantic American ‘friends’ fawning over her every word. I wonder what her ‘truth’ will be?
When you open that thread you see that many 8 or more Australian lefties have done similar hatey political opportunism
Pauline Hanson’s party Senator Malcolm Roberts
Despite a generally faultless presentation, the nation’s favourite broadcaster just could not resist a little political dig along party lines. Referring to the relationship between HM and Margaret Thatcher, it was described as ‘stressful at times…’
This would of course explain why the Queen gave the PM the Order of Merit. This is an exceptional award, the personal gift of the Sovereign, in recognition of exceptional service, given to an exceptionally few recipients – including people like Schweitzer, Hardy and Mandela.
Just as with President Trump, the BBC has to take every opportunity to denigrate those of whom it disapproves, no matter what the circumstances. Bastards.
What are they up to in Beeboid world ?
Reviewing each others money making books.
I think sweetie will regard any comment as ‘bullying ‘….
Blimey Vlad
That’s pretty gracious of you …. Maybe be can talk about ending your war now please ?
It might be a bitter pill for some to swallow, but Putin is actually more of a statesman that many have been persuaded to realise or recognise.
That Zelensky is still, essentially, a stand-up comedian may also be a costly lesson for us all.
Closer to home, Boris’ current speech to parliament might make those involved in his demise see that as a costly mistake too.
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.
J Mitchell
To make and end is to make a beginning
The end is where we start from.
More good news – not only will there be no dire ‘last night of the proms ‘ we will be spared the football this weekend – although they may have referred the decision to VAR …