It’s back to normal – a ‘report ‘ about a homicide investigation being opened over the shooting of a coloured gun user by plod last week. The previous use of guns by said coloured dead man and his record was nt mentioned .
No doubt PC X will be charged and acquitted – either before during and after the ‘community’ and the race industry will get on board the compensation ( aka ‘justice ) bus …..
The BBC will be there all along with the likes of comrade casciani , Easton and Robinson stirring the pot …
Will the BBC carry on being odious this week? I expect so. They were at it on Farming Today this morning with HMG’s help for households and businesses with energy costs. Two or three contributors saying “it’s not enough” and “we don’t know” and “it’s too late, we’ve already fixed forward”.
The Swedish GE is a close run thing. The Swedish Democrats ( anti mass immigration) have made big gains and their right of centre coalition is neck and neck with the liberal immigrant lovers who have ruled the country for decades. It is thought that , although 90% of the votes have been counted , it will be Wednesday before the count if complete and the result can be announced.
Sounds chillingly familiar . Liberal left immigrant lover parties in a losing position , delay in counting and announcing the result, suddenly the liberals emerge as the winners. All views and suggestions that the election was rigged are suppressed by the MSM.
But the count is so close that it is undeniable that there is now huge opposition to immigration in Sweden. It has taken them decades to realise that they were effectively committing suicide and it is probably too late to stop the country descending into a third world hell hole. But at least they might act as a warning to other countries which are not so far down that path.
Sadly I fear that the UK is too far down the path to be able to turn things round.
Double – will it be fixed ‘Biden style ‘ I wonder? – the voting mechanics are taken over by the lefty unions –
You’re right – Blighty is ‘done ‘ – for short time the British population will look away – but very soon they’ll be forced to look …. With or without the BBC brainwashing
Sweden will soon learn how to operate Biden style elections, just as the UK have learnt. The key to their success lies with the media who will cover up evidence of fraud.
“…….and it is probably too late to stop the country descending into a third world hell hole.” Too late? Yes, it is too late. Governments gross mismanagement.
No one can cheat the arithmetic of demography unless Western countries set up Auschwitz style ‘Farms’ in every country to deal with the Muslims. Like immediately. If this route is pursued, simultaneously, policies must be put in place to increase the fertility of the indigenous people. Governments will not do this because of the lure/requirement of immediate tax income.
In essence, the West ignored the demographic time bomb which could have been turned round during, at the latest, the 1990’s. As ever, gross mismanagement and the desire to perpetuate the illusion of, “Democracy”.
No mention at all about the number of slugs turning up on the beaches since last Wednesday. I reckon not far short of 10,000. Manston must be close to filling up.
Good article from the former Conservative Woman, now TCW, on immigration.
The writer suggests an intention by the state and other states to use the inevitable friction as a means to introduce martial law.
Perhaps we might go further and see many of the young migrants of military age as mercenaries to be employed against British people should events take a turn for the worse.
When Sir Bliar and Mad Al concocted the notion of rubbing their political oppositions’ noses in something that they unleashed, supported through venality or ineptitude since, if things do get feisty soon, theirs to a literal grindstone by way of reward seems appropriate if free speech has been removed by their enforcers in media.
Currently watching an old but lesser know streamed series called ‘The Last Ship’ based on a book by William Brinkley.
Initial series rather shocking on societal breakdown but the military suff is satisfying if the collateral sacrifice is depressing.
Certainly by series 3 it becomes an object lesson in political opportunism and police or military chain of command getting easily misdirected.
When Islam takes over, Sharia takes over too. No need of martial law, its all contained with enforcement of the Koran. More I think about it, the demographical position and time factors, would account for the hesitancy/inactivity of Government to really deal with the housing, NHS “crisis”, and other public services. As the Baby Boomers drop off the end en masse, (and that’s increasing) there will be more than enough “Services” including housing etc, to go round.
Even “Too late” is too late now. In any case, Europe all, including us, is committed to Global Reset and Climate Change scam, which includes Global One world government. This by default includes Open borders.
There is no opposition to all this – specially Climate Change scam policy, which will destroy food production in Africa. Millions of hungry people from Africa and the ME will be displaced, and move to Europe. What else can these poor people do. They are pawns.
The European and American elite know this and probably welcome it. Allows control of Africa’s mineral resources and governments.
Refering to Royal family fraternal feuds, Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph observes: Princes’ peace ‘time-limited’ for mourning – and so it will be with national politics on our press frontpages.
It’s more of a cultural thing than a strictly party political battle these days. So give it another week and some narcisist troublemaker who we happily welcomed into the family, so to speak, will suddenly, without being able to name specifics, claim here in the UK we’re all evil racialists.
Family of London man shot dead by police demand homicide inquiry… The Guardian understands that the Met is monitoring community tensions in the area (Guardian)
I’m afraid my abiding image of our poor eldely widowed Queen was that tragic picture of her sitting alone and masked in the ornate wooden pews of St George’s Chapel.
Queen Elizabeth Refused to Break 1 Rule For Philip’s Funeral, Felt It Would Be ‘Unfair’… 30 people attended Prince Philip’s funeral… Queen Elizabeth turned down the government’s offer for eased COVID-19 restrictions (an unfamiliar appearance hereabouts for Showbiz CheatSheet a US-based entertainment media brand) – what a trouper she was – as compared with (and talking of our cheat sheets) the long roll call of our politicians, political advisors, civil servants, public health officials and tv news presenters – all of whom broke their own supposedly precious rules when they hoped no one was looking.
The press photo of today is of Scottish soldiers bearing the Royal standard-draped casket which signifies how at the ned it wasn’t the covid koof that carried Her off, it is the coffin they carried Her off in.
Another chinless wonder, job for life, thinking himself too entitled to sack – despite failing, gilt-edged pension placeholder – has his moment of moaning: Tom Scholar: Former top civil servants hit out at Treasury boss sacking (BBC)
Sir Tom Scholar had been the official in charge of the Treasury since 2016 – with the pound precarious, inflation in double digits and government debt ballooning out all proportion – that all went well, then.
I’m reminded of: Philip Rutnam quits position as Home Office boss and intends to take government to court… Priti Patel bullying case dropped after civil servant receives undisclosed settlement… (Independent March 2021) – you’ll recall what a whimp of a character he looked bleating for the cameras and begging our sympathy under his umbrella
Our beloved Sir Humphrey Appleby had unquestionable old school British phlegm and a certain air of authority about him; so how is it these real life madarins tend to share such disappointingly drooping drip-like physiognomy?
Perhaps the pale mole-like appearance of these deep state apparatchiks comes of hiding in the corridors of power all their working lives and only emerging blinking into the light of day when one of their number happens to be rooted out?
Sir Mark Rowley: Met’s new commissioner ‘tougher than he looks’ – or so our BBC attempts to convince.
One gets the impression our cops have gone decidedly Softly, Softly (BBC 1966-69) and when it comes to actual crime they’re clueless.
Olivia Pratt-Korbel: Pair released in girl’s murder inquiry… no charges have been brought. (BBC) – heaven forbid the cops have to widen the dragnet for criminal characters originating beyond the shadow of the Liver Building.
The BBC likewise appears to be holding its collective breath over this one: Sweden’s election was too close to call on Sunday night, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said. Exit polls at first predicted victory for the incumbent left-wing coalition, but results later suggested the right-wing bloc could narrowly win. Immigration and crime were major issues in the campaign, and the far-right Sweden Democrats look set to become the second-largest party – is it still reasonable to tag the second most popular party in a nation as “far” anything? I suppose if Joe Biden does it and that message goes around the world then it’s ok: Joe Biden brands MAGA Republicans a threat to law and order (The Sydney Morning Herald)
The press room above the Social Democrats’ election party emptied out – despite aromatic baskets of Nordic pastries being laid out as late-night snacks – with many journalists calling it a night… with integration and crime overtaking huge global issues including the cost of living, energy and the climate crisis. (Analysis by Maddy Savage, Stockholm, BBC) – aw, bless. While you’re embedded with those lefty Swedish Social Democrats, and scoffing the Nordic pastries, Maddy, do watch out you don’t catch too bad a case of that old Stockholm Syndrome – social distance yourself a bit – do you know what I mean?
“I, Charles III by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of My other Realms and Territories King, Defender of the Faith, do faithfully promise and swear that I shall inviolably maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion as established by the Laws made in Scotland in prosecution of the Claim of Right and particularly by an Act intituled ‘An Act for securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government’ and by the Acts passed in the Parliament of both Kingdoms for Union of the two Kingdoms, together with the Government, Worship, Discipline, Rights and Privileges of the Church of Scotland. So help me God.”
The false president has said he is attending the State Funeral . Will he come down with covid this week ? He is bringing his nurse / wife and presumably his boss – Obama …..
At least it will save Mary truss a lot of overseas visits … and I’m sure Vladimir and Mrs putin would be there is spirt …..
Meanwhile – more generally – I really hope that the Truss government is not totally distracted by the death of HMThe Queen as winter is coming and that fuel plan needs to be detailed pretty quickly …. The party conference season seems to be going ahead …unlike the footy …
Perhaps St Zelensky will be attending HMs funeral as well, no doubt attired in his latest T shirt emblazoned with a swastika, black bordered of course as a mark of respect.
Is it not rather childish deliberately to address someone by the name they have chosen not to use?
Whatever you may think of the PM’s policies – and it is surely too early to judge – calling her ‘Mary’ rather than her preferred ‘Liz’ is bad manners and reflects badly on you.
Maybe the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg or the Daily Mirror’s Pippa Crerar could shed some light on the answer? Did Sir Tom Scholar deliberately play a part in contriving the downfall of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister?
Now I guarantee that that is a question the BBC will never ask.
Perhaps Marianna Spring could investigate why not?
As John Snow would say . There were too many white faces in
crowds watching the Queen’s hearse passing by. Surely we
should of seen at least 50% black faces like we have on the
adverts on TV.
9am The Advertise Your Book show
3 authors advertised their book about Birmingham
One white man, one black woman, one half black whose book has had its own series on R4
“Oh in the sixties it was said that you could leave one job and get another the next day
.. but that didn’t apply to black people”
Hmm easy to say but probably not universally true
I bet some places deliberately look for black workers.
9:45 am The advertise your book every day for a week Show
“Edward Enninful, editor-in-chief of British Vogue, traces his journey from working class refugee to the pinnacle of the global fashion industry”
intro was heavy on Racebaiting until he got into the Africa bit
Now he gets to London he starts on anti Thatcher and his London grievance.
3 months in the country and his family had a house opposite Chelsea Barracks
.. Sounds more privileged life than many British people.
I have noticed in bookshops recently, it is becoming increasingly rare to see books by male authors.
If one wishes to identify or empathise with the author’s narrative, gender is important.
In my opinion buying books is a very personal decision, bookshops who try to pretend that by pushing certain books to the fore that certain author profiles can be forced to be popular or not are pissing in the wind.
P.s, bookshops tend to be staffed by a high proportion of gender fluid folk, just saying!
I trust people are familiar with the chip shop woman in Muir of Ord near Inverness.
She obviously felt comfortable with her celebration at the death of the Queen, and probably thought she would be carried on the the shoulders of SNP supporters through the High Street.
To see the shop smashed up and her ran out of town with a Police escort, was very much at odds with the MSM portrayal of Scotland, as was the hundreds of thousands who lined the route of the funeral cortege.
Add to this Krankie bowing to the new King, signing the official proclamation, and signing the National Anthem, was just the icing on the cake.
People were entirely entitled to review her stance in return.
Damage and/or threats.. gets tricky these days, depending.
From pols to academics much beloved of ratings media, especially shows crossing the Ch4/BBc sofa sloth stirred outage divide… maybe the time has come to think very carefully.
That said, the politico/judicial/enforcement systems have left a goal wider than some colourful doctors and professors reserved seating arrangements.
I’m pro free speech – apart from those who don’t agree with me ( joke ?)
More seriously – the arbitrary way in which people are punished for what they say – meaning there is not much equality or law is disturbing to say the least –
One comment can end a career – carol thatcher – starkey – Ron jobbie – Lawrence Fox ( sort of ) yet others seem untouchable when saying things purposefully offensive .
The high point of course is those arrested for tweeting – eg queer nazi flag man ….
And it’s reassuring that the BBC monitor this site through their stazi stooge troll …… taking notes …
Do you know why my post last week was removed within an hour?
I mentioned the often repeated theme on here about the over representation of non whites in films and TV series and most of them going woke being a reason I now rarely watch recent tv and films.
I also gave an example of type casting where white = bad and non white = good where you can tell if a USA President will be a good or bad one.
Also, you can now guess the plot outcomes depending on the ethnicity of the actors.
A comment which mentioned EG in the reply to this post was also removed.
If you let me know which part caused my post to be taken down I will know what to avoid mentioning in future.
EG – well it wasn’t me – I don’t take many down and usually say ‘deleted ‘ just to wind my victim up – I and haven’t had to edit for a while … I will have a look in the top secret deleted items file a bit later and try to come back to you ….
I hope your comment about deletions isn’t deleted – or this one ….spooky …
When the Left make plain their hate filled offensive thoughts, it is a matter of freedom of speech and expression, this is not a flexibility extended to anyone else who is regarded as not of the Left and they would find every effort would be made to dismiss them from their position as has been the case on many occasions.
This is a case of Carnegie Mellon speaking with forked tongue freedom for me but not for thee.
Interesting construction -mt he don’t object to something which is objectionable and have no words regarding the death of the British monarch – despite being funded by a Scottish benefactor,,, but who is Mellon ? Someone fruity or ripe ?
In the above series, as society tries to recover, the media is easily corrupted by those in power. One journalist discovers this too late to their cost.
I disagree – Starkey is just too much – mention Henry 8 and stand back and watch the very loud and long bang .
Funny that they dropped a real Royal Correspondent- Colin Brazier a week before the Queen passed …
Starkey’s style may be irritating at times but at least he gets the historical facts broadly right insofar as they are based on his personal research of primary sources. This is not to say that the original documents are necessarily accurate, since many are clearly biased.
He gives an interesting short (13m) talk on sources on his website Chroniclers & Historians.
Starkey isn’t on GBN to be a ‘Royal Correspondent.’ For what it’s worth I think young Cameron Walker is doing a reasonable job as their Royal Reporter and isn’t ‘up himself.’
The problem with Starkey is that he has to be right every time and in every damn circumstance – even the really solemn stuff – he has no sense to time or place – add HRH Stewart to the mix and it becomes beyond acceptance .
The only thing of value to me now is Steyn – Farage sniping from a pub doesn’t get anything done – he needs real politics .
Getting rid of Brazier was a HUGE error on their part – why ? he would have excelled this past week and brought the necessary gravitas to the coverage. I quite liked Patrick Christys in the beginning but he’s now too hyper, and certainly not suited for this occasion, shouting his delivery as though he’s calling Bingo numbers. He needs to be quieter and more measured which only comes with age and experience.
Why is Charles driving around in a 1950 old banger Rolls?
Surely to goodness we can give him something a bit more modern. England may we’ll be running out of cash but there’s nothing to be gained by advertising the fact.
You could say the same of the hearse selected to carry HM to Holyrood, there must be a raft of view-through Rollers available – but then a diesel Merc doesn’t need to refuel every 100 miles…
Good to see they’re still using something that my parents generation helped pay for….as ROLLS ROYCE and BENTLEY are now German owned…ironic really or just keeping it in the Royal Family !
Not BBC — in the early days of the vaccine rollout, Matt Hancock said we could “cry freedom” when the most vulnerable had got their injections. Ending restrictions was dangled in front of us like the carrot many suspected was always going to be slightly out of reach.
Many others already predicted a future of repeated doses — not just the odd booster but a regular programme of modifications we’d be told were necessary. Trudeau’s currently threatening more restrictions in Canada if people aren’t up to date with theirs.
Reminder that the new bivalent vaccine approved in the US for use was tested on 8 mice only and has undergone no human trials:
“Bike rack in Norwich closed for ‘Royal Period of Mourning'”
Since covid it does seem as if there’s a new template in place to close things down when there’s an ‘event’. Those nudge units aren’t going to knock off any time soon.
“The shameful Friday afternoon meeting that sealed Hakeem’s fate: Social workers voted UNANIMOUSLY to take frail boy, seven, off his crack-addled mother but decided to ‘leave it until Monday’… he died that very weekend
Alert at a child protection conference was not immediately acted on and Hakeem Hussain died two days later
Laura Heath, 40, deliberately ‘prioritised her addiction to heroin and crack cocaine’ prior to death, court told
Hakeem died from an asthma attack alone in the garden of a friend’s home where his mother had been staying
Heath, formerly of Nechells, Birmingham, was convicted today of gross negligence manslaughter of Hakeem”
I’m ready to throw up ! – at all the gushing by journos at how William & Harry ‘are on the road to a reconciliation’ and ‘how the public would love to see them united” “it was what their Granny wanted”; just because there was a three line whip for the two of them to appear together for the optics it would convey.
Granny is no more – that’s the thing about death , to appease ourselves we say “its done in her/his memory” or “its what she/he would have wanted”. Of course the deceased isn’t around to see or care, so why should we put ourselves through a stressful situation we don’t want instead of living our lives our way without any beholding.
@BRISSLES – “how the public would love to see them united” – As a member of the public, I absolutely would NOT love to see them united. I WOULD love to see Whinge and Ginge permanently banished from these shores, under pain of execution for treason.
Incidentally, journos are interpreting Charles’ speech as ‘an olive branch’ to the loathsome couple. Maybe so, but when he said “I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas”, I heard: “and may they F off back there asap and stay there for good.
Gavin Ashenden, erstwhile Chaplain to the Queen, shares his thoughts on her reign, her passing and what the future holds.
It’s quite long, so for those in a hurry some bullet points, mostly from the last third:
– The Queen’s deep and sincere faith infused and formed her, both as an individual and as Queen.
– Her passing marks the end of Christendom.
– In its place, two major ideologies will prevail: secular / atheistic materialism (predominantly left-wing) and Islam.
– He predicts that the UK will go the way of Lebanon, fragmenting into muslim cities and non-muslim.
(Personally, I believe that’s just the start: with no countervailing belief system, eventually the whole nation will go muslim – possibly abetted by Big-Ears. As Ashenden puts it, by the simple logic of demographics, democracy and migration.)
In the separate article below, an ex-muslim outlines islam’s plans for world conquest.
Those hundreds of thousands paying their respects are, yet again, not counted or listened to
Once again, it is the empty vessel that makes the loudest noise
“Prince Andrew is heckled as he follows Queen’s coffin through Edinburgh by lone spectator who called him a ‘sick old man’ – before bystanders and police tackle him to the ground
A young man was filmed shouting ‘Andrew, you’re a sick old man’ as the disgraced Duke of York, 62, passed by
Short scuffle ensued, before the officer led him away as he shouted ‘disgusting’ and ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’
Andrew, a Falklands War veteran, wore a morning suit for the sombre procession through the Scottish capital ”
Agreed, Sluff. I have always found Jim Naughtie’s verbose style monumentally boring. By the time he reaches the end of one of his very long, ponderously-delivered, subordinate clause-packed sentences, I have forgotten what the first part of it was.
I just wanted silence or at least minimal commentary during the procession up the Royal Mile. I don’t need to be told that someone has shouted, “God bless the Queen!” when I have clearly heard it.
But it was a dignified procession. “Thistle do Nicely” said one of the shop names as it passed. I am sure Her Majesty would have agreed.
The pall bearers did an excellent job.
One of them was BAME. Out of 8.
That’s 12.5%. About representative of the general population.
When was the last time on the BBC, in a drama, or sports presentation, or vox pop, or news, that we had a BAME representation as low and this as representative as that?
Sadly I’ve helped carry more coffins than I would ever want to
( if you know what I mean – I am not an undertaker )) and that coffin is especially heavy . But a true honour for those boys . And I bet a good number of tears shed …
I have really been impressed by @newsagentspod. Especially good this past week, a new prime minister and all of a sudden a new monarch. Well informed and very interesting.
OK, don’t eat these as many people are warning they’d make you sick. Sweet chestnuts are edible, I’m told, though taking no responsibility…
Maguire! Worth £7.1 million from spouting his anti royal marxist views. Gets paid “royaly” by BBC, Jeremy Vine, GMB, and Sly
I think people dissenting in the present circumstances is problematic …. Being a keyboard anti queen – anti monarchist is one thing – but going out in public to express a view is likely to cause a breach of the peace – however free the speech ….
But there has been a miniature rail crash on Dorset ? Mini emergency services are on the scene – a mini incident has been declared .. mini thoughts and mini prayers …
Yeah, I know you have an excuse: working off the jet lag, feet up, on a balcony watching the sunrise/sunset over the Med, cool drink to hand. 😉 You deserve it.
Sorry up2 – the news just got through to where I am – has the miniature railway accident investigation unit worked out what happened ? Was it doing 10 in a 6 mph curve ?
“Chinese VP mourns passing of Queen Elizabeth II at British embassy
BEIJING, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan visited the British embassy in Beijing on Monday to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
Wang stood in silent tribute in front of a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and signed the condolence book. On behalf of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government and people, Wang expressed deep condolences over the Queen’s passing and extended sincere sympathy to the British royal family, government and people.
Wang said Queen Elizabeth II was a promoter of and a contributor to the development of China-UK relations. She was the first British monarch to visit China, and received multiple Chinese leaders during their visits to Britain.
3 hour queue in Hong Kong to sign the condolence book – bet the facial recognition computers working overtime on ‘dissenters’…( then of course they’ll copy the book )
Meanwhile, at the Morning Star, the headline news is:
“Thousands march to demand justice for Chris Kaba!”
THE Metropolitan Police must release the body-cam footage from officers involved in the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba, his family and justice campaigners demanded today.
The 24-year-old, who was due to become a father for the first time, was shot by a firearms officer in his car in Streatham Hill, south London, last Monday night.
The police watchdog, which has launched a homicide investigation into the killing, has confirmed that Mr Kaba, a black man, was unarmed when the shooting took place.
2:15pm cos this morning’s progs about amazing immigrants and racist Brits we got another one
“Abdulrazak Gurnah discusses his childhood overlooking the main port in Zanzibar, and how his experience of multiple nationalities, cultures and languages inspired some of the themes of identity, belonging and departure that recur in his novels. “
“We just borrowed money to come into the UK as tourists,
rocked up at an uncle’s place in Canterbury
got on a course
and after some weeks went down to plead with the Home office”
Later there was a trailer for Desert Island Discs
“The new series will feature Jay Blades”
Rather mean expression of condolence from Scottish Green Patrick Harvie in the Scottish Parliament, I thought. Moving away from the personal or national sense of loss, he insensitively starts havering about progressive policies, inequality, human rights, racist discrimination, sexualities. Tone-deaf bugger.
Judging by your own story, you've really twisted that headline into something that isn't there. He was asked if he was consulted, he said no. He didn't say it was a shock or that he should have been told.
Ex Beeboid Groper over fluffed by his own station.
Many wondering just how desperate they are.
Presumably Andrew has taken legal advice and talked to the police about these issues? I'm sure he wouldn't be just giving an opinion without knowing the law ..
Guest -thanks – I didn’t realise the stroke mr Marr had -had such a serious effect …anyway … free speech . … as a neutral on the monarchy – I think people have a right to be republicans – but then I ask – what are they trying to achieve by going to a Royal Funeral – Amist people who have come to honour their sovereign – and then spouting Republican stuff ?
They are bound to be ‘lifted ‘if only to prevent harm . Marr applies theory to a practical situation and fails .
For the record i wish Blighty had stayed a republic after Cromwell but what happened happened ..
Is anyone on this site intending to go to Westminster Hall to pay their respects ?( yeah I know it’s not strictly BBC but it’s a unique event ) – a running commentary would be welcome .
Fed, understandably you won’t be allowed to enter Westminster Hall with a lot of camping paraphernalia, ie chair, cooker, food, flasks, blankets, change of clothes, portable loo etc, but in order to walk the distance then queue until your next birthday before getting in, a survival kit is an absolute necessity.
So its a no from me.
(All credit to K Charles and his siblings at their age, for walking at that pace for 30 minutes behind the hearse – that hill looked an absolute killer !)
Not necessarily about monarchy, but maybe admiration for a person, put into a situation with little choice and over 70 years carried out that duty with devotion and commitment and never put a foot wrong,
As a somewhat older bloke, I am being blitzed by NHS to have what they have suddenly started calling the “annual” covid booster.
I have reluctantly agreed to all their previous campaigns.
I have also had what I can only describe as unusual possible side effects including mental confusion, weight loss, appetite loss, night cramps and more throughout this period.
I refused the last round of this pantomime and have begun to slowly regain my former health and vitality.
I am beginning to suspect this is a cash cow for both the drug companies and the NHS so from now on they can whistle.
I do not want to urge anyone else to do what I have done but I am now convinced that the constant jabbing has affected my health and not in a good way and I feel so much better after refusing their medical interventions.
Interesting … which jabs have you had ? The State is suppressing comments like yours and calculating maybe a 75% take up versus ( my guess ) – a 90% take up last time …
.. project fear is less effective this time as the top medics have all got gongs …
BBC update on the neck-and-neck Swedish election between the far-right (boo) and the normal people (yay). Analysis from what looks like a bit like an Anglo-Scandi Marianna clone, with comparable levels of bewilderment at what’s happening.
“… At a coffee shop in central Stockholm this morning, I overheard two voters worried about a deepening anti-immigrant rhetoric. But a cab driver from Argentina I chatted to told me he’s not worried about life changing dramatically…”
Straight from the playbook — framing it as a straightforward choice between the wholesome status quo and the chaotic disruption pushed by the insane and the brutish.
Finding people to comment on why they’re supporting right wing parties is a journalistic stretch too far, even when they make up 50% of the voters. (Or 52%.) Those who want life to change dramatically — and the reasons underpinning this — will forever remain a mystery to the BBC.
As far as the BBC is concerned – anything they don’t like / agree with is “Far Right”.
I listened to a description of the Swedish elections on R4 6 O’Clock News – just pathetic scrambling to smear people that got more votes that the people the BBC think should win…
No attempt to examine what the candidates are saying (or doing even…) – they just went straight for trying to monster those they’ve just labelled “Far Right”.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Exposure from power lines. Although a study in 1979 pointed to a possible association between living near electric power lines…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 14:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Households near new pylons to get hundreds off energy bills “…get discounts of up to £2,500 over 10 years,…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:33 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “marr ” ………………………. Would BBC’s Andrew Marr say that the EU does not have much control over the UK ……
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Good morning!
Morning mick
Today watch
It’s back to normal – a ‘report ‘ about a homicide investigation being opened over the shooting of a coloured gun user by plod last week. The previous use of guns by said coloured dead man and his record was nt mentioned .
No doubt PC X will be charged and acquitted – either before during and after the ‘community’ and the race industry will get on board the compensation ( aka ‘justice ) bus …..
The BBC will be there all along with the likes of comrade casciani , Easton and Robinson stirring the pot …
Will the BBC carry on being odious this week? I expect so. They were at it on Farming Today this morning with HMG’s help for households and businesses with energy costs. Two or three contributors saying “it’s not enough” and “we don’t know” and “it’s too late, we’ve already fixed forward”.
The Swedish GE is a close run thing. The Swedish Democrats ( anti mass immigration) have made big gains and their right of centre coalition is neck and neck with the liberal immigrant lovers who have ruled the country for decades. It is thought that , although 90% of the votes have been counted , it will be Wednesday before the count if complete and the result can be announced.
Sounds chillingly familiar . Liberal left immigrant lover parties in a losing position , delay in counting and announcing the result, suddenly the liberals emerge as the winners. All views and suggestions that the election was rigged are suppressed by the MSM.
But the count is so close that it is undeniable that there is now huge opposition to immigration in Sweden. It has taken them decades to realise that they were effectively committing suicide and it is probably too late to stop the country descending into a third world hell hole. But at least they might act as a warning to other countries which are not so far down that path.
Sadly I fear that the UK is too far down the path to be able to turn things round.
Double – will it be fixed ‘Biden style ‘ I wonder? – the voting mechanics are taken over by the lefty unions –
You’re right – Blighty is ‘done ‘ – for short time the British population will look away – but very soon they’ll be forced to look …. With or without the BBC brainwashing
Sweden will soon learn how to operate Biden style elections, just as the UK have learnt. The key to their success lies with the media who will cover up evidence of fraud.
The Danes have done some sums
Maybe Panorama could get Di Abbott in to crunch those numbers with noted statistician and Military genius Springster?
Hopefully they might go further than slapping a bbc label on it.
“…….and it is probably too late to stop the country descending into a third world hell hole.” Too late? Yes, it is too late. Governments gross mismanagement.
No one can cheat the arithmetic of demography unless Western countries set up Auschwitz style ‘Farms’ in every country to deal with the Muslims. Like immediately. If this route is pursued, simultaneously, policies must be put in place to increase the fertility of the indigenous people. Governments will not do this because of the lure/requirement of immediate tax income.
In essence, the West ignored the demographic time bomb which could have been turned round during, at the latest, the 1990’s. As ever, gross mismanagement and the desire to perpetuate the illusion of, “Democracy”.
Sorry, we’ve “had it”. Games already over.
Sets it out rather well:
And the rate of immigration will only increase when food shortages hit this winter.
(Thanks in part to Biden’s moronic energy policies that emboldened Putin to invade Ukraine.)
No mention at all about the number of slugs turning up on the beaches since last Wednesday. I reckon not far short of 10,000. Manston must be close to filling up.
“Why do all three main political parties in Britain promote and encourage immigration?”
Unusually, Simon Webb misses the glaring, ‘Elephant’ in the room: Demography.
The “Baby Boomers” are very quickly sliding off the spreadsheet.
Good article from the former Conservative Woman, now TCW, on immigration.
The writer suggests an intention by the state and other states to use the inevitable friction as a means to introduce martial law.
Perhaps we might go further and see many of the young migrants of military age as mercenaries to be employed against British people should events take a turn for the worse.
When Sir Bliar and Mad Al concocted the notion of rubbing their political oppositions’ noses in something that they unleashed, supported through venality or ineptitude since, if things do get feisty soon, theirs to a literal grindstone by way of reward seems appropriate if free speech has been removed by their enforcers in media.
Currently watching an old but lesser know streamed series called ‘The Last Ship’ based on a book by William Brinkley.
Initial series rather shocking on societal breakdown but the military suff is satisfying if the collateral sacrifice is depressing.
Certainly by series 3 it becomes an object lesson in political opportunism and police or military chain of command getting easily misdirected.
When Islam takes over, Sharia takes over too. No need of martial law, its all contained with enforcement of the Koran. More I think about it, the demographical position and time factors, would account for the hesitancy/inactivity of Government to really deal with the housing, NHS “crisis”, and other public services. As the Baby Boomers drop off the end en masse, (and that’s increasing) there will be more than enough “Services” including housing etc, to go round.
Even “Too late” is too late now. In any case, Europe all, including us, is committed to Global Reset and Climate Change scam, which includes Global One world government. This by default includes Open borders.
There is no opposition to all this – specially Climate Change scam policy, which will destroy food production in Africa. Millions of hungry people from Africa and the ME will be displaced, and move to Europe. What else can these poor people do. They are pawns.
The European and American elite know this and probably welcome it. Allows control of Africa’s mineral resources and governments.
“The European and American elite know this and probably welcome it. Allows control of Africa’s mineral resources and governments.”
That’s already taken care of, by the Chinese. Probably included (if one looked) in their current 5 Year Plan.
Thanks G.
I presume the elits think that they can undo China’s grip by bribes. It generally works.
Beautiful, I love these spontaneous examples of Britishness, obviously the USA can be like that too.
Here’s another, love the comment about the bbc failing to broadcast it!
Also horse riders paying tribute, very moving.
This surely must inspire a ‘mostly the opposite of what was printed previously’ claim by the BBC?
A bbc fact check by Springster and Rowlatt might have more credibility but for #28Gate.
Moment of Treasury official moaning edition
Refering to Royal family fraternal feuds, Camilla Tominey in the Telegraph observes: Princes’ peace ‘time-limited’ for mourning – and so it will be with national politics on our press frontpages.
It’s more of a cultural thing than a strictly party political battle these days. So give it another week and some narcisist troublemaker who we happily welcomed into the family, so to speak, will suddenly, without being able to name specifics, claim here in the UK we’re all evil racialists.
Family of London man shot dead by police demand homicide inquiry… The Guardian understands that the Met is monitoring community tensions in the area (Guardian)
I’m afraid my abiding image of our poor eldely widowed Queen was that tragic picture of her sitting alone and masked in the ornate wooden pews of St George’s Chapel.
Queen Elizabeth Refused to Break 1 Rule For Philip’s Funeral, Felt It Would Be ‘Unfair’… 30 people attended Prince Philip’s funeral… Queen Elizabeth turned down the government’s offer for eased COVID-19 restrictions (an unfamiliar appearance hereabouts for Showbiz CheatSheet a US-based entertainment media brand) – what a trouper she was – as compared with (and talking of our cheat sheets) the long roll call of our politicians, political advisors, civil servants, public health officials and tv news presenters – all of whom broke their own supposedly precious rules when they hoped no one was looking.
The press photo of today is of Scottish soldiers bearing the Royal standard-draped casket which signifies how at the ned it wasn’t the covid koof that carried Her off, it is the coffin they carried Her off in.
Another chinless wonder, job for life, thinking himself too entitled to sack – despite failing, gilt-edged pension placeholder – has his moment of moaning: Tom Scholar: Former top civil servants hit out at Treasury boss sacking (BBC)
Sir Tom Scholar had been the official in charge of the Treasury since 2016 – with the pound precarious, inflation in double digits and government debt ballooning out all proportion – that all went well, then.
I’m reminded of: Philip Rutnam quits position as Home Office boss and intends to take government to court… Priti Patel bullying case dropped after civil servant receives undisclosed settlement… (Independent March 2021) – you’ll recall what a whimp of a character he looked bleating for the cameras and begging our sympathy under his umbrella
Our beloved Sir Humphrey Appleby had unquestionable old school British phlegm and a certain air of authority about him; so how is it these real life madarins tend to share such disappointingly drooping drip-like physiognomy?
Perhaps the pale mole-like appearance of these deep state apparatchiks comes of hiding in the corridors of power all their working lives and only emerging blinking into the light of day when one of their number happens to be rooted out?
Sir Mark Rowley: Met’s new commissioner ‘tougher than he looks’ – or so our BBC attempts to convince.
One gets the impression our cops have gone decidedly Softly, Softly (BBC 1966-69) and when it comes to actual crime they’re clueless.
Olivia Pratt-Korbel: Pair released in girl’s murder inquiry… no charges have been brought. (BBC) – heaven forbid the cops have to widen the dragnet for criminal characters originating beyond the shadow of the Liver Building.
The BBC likewise appears to be holding its collective breath over this one: Sweden’s election was too close to call on Sunday night, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson said. Exit polls at first predicted victory for the incumbent left-wing coalition, but results later suggested the right-wing bloc could narrowly win. Immigration and crime were major issues in the campaign, and the far-right Sweden Democrats look set to become the second-largest party – is it still reasonable to tag the second most popular party in a nation as “far” anything? I suppose if Joe Biden does it and that message goes around the world then it’s ok: Joe Biden brands MAGA Republicans a threat to law and order (The Sydney Morning Herald)
The press room above the Social Democrats’ election party emptied out – despite aromatic baskets of Nordic pastries being laid out as late-night snacks – with many journalists calling it a night… with integration and crime overtaking huge global issues including the cost of living, energy and the climate crisis. (Analysis by Maddy Savage, Stockholm, BBC) – aw, bless. While you’re embedded with those lefty Swedish Social Democrats, and scoffing the Nordic pastries, Maddy, do watch out you don’t catch too bad a case of that old Stockholm Syndrome – social distance yourself a bit – do you know what I mean?
Penny Mordaunt did quite well, more primeministerial than the Primeminister.
I quite enjoyed the Scottish protestant proclamation, no wonder they stopped the football.
Dear Zephir,
‘ Scottish protestant proclamation’
Who was this made by, and where?
Can you give more details please?
“I, Charles III by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of My other Realms and Territories King, Defender of the Faith, do faithfully promise and swear that I shall inviolably maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion as established by the Laws made in Scotland in prosecution of the Claim of Right and particularly by an Act intituled ‘An Act for securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government’ and by the Acts passed in the Parliament of both Kingdoms for Union of the two Kingdoms, together with the Government, Worship, Discipline, Rights and Privileges of the Church of Scotland. So help me God.”
OK – I didn’t realise you meant the actual Royal Oath.
Zeph, I agree, she was very states’man’ like.
The false president has said he is attending the State Funeral . Will he come down with covid this week ? He is bringing his nurse / wife and presumably his boss – Obama …..
At least it will save Mary truss a lot of overseas visits … and I’m sure Vladimir and Mrs putin would be there is spirt …..
Meanwhile – more generally – I really hope that the Truss government is not totally distracted by the death of HMThe Queen as winter is coming and that fuel plan needs to be detailed pretty quickly …. The party conference season seems to be going ahead …unlike the footy …
Can’t wait to see Biden move slowly up the aisle, causing a backlog of the queue behind him. Perhaps a walker on wheels should be provided.
Maybe Robocop could lend him something to increase his mobility.
Let us hope he does not defecate in his trousers as he did in the Vatican.
Perhaps St Zelensky will be attending HMs funeral as well, no doubt attired in his latest T shirt emblazoned with a swastika, black bordered of course as a mark of respect.
Is it not rather childish deliberately to address someone by the name they have chosen not to use?
Whatever you may think of the PM’s policies – and it is surely too early to judge – calling her ‘Mary’ rather than her preferred ‘Liz’ is bad manners and reflects badly on you.
Remember: ‘Manners Maketh Man’.
And CCHQ speaks ! Good for Mary truss..yeah you got a bite .. if Mary truss starts being a conservative I will call her ‘Liz’ . Until then …
‘The Big Question.’
Maybe the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg or the Daily Mirror’s Pippa Crerar could shed some light on the answer? Did Sir Tom Scholar deliberately play a part in contriving the downfall of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister?
Now I guarantee that that is a question the BBC will never ask.
Perhaps Marianna Spring could investigate why not?
I will not hold my breath.
As John Snow would say . There were too many white faces in
crowds watching the Queen’s hearse passing by. Surely we
should of seen at least 50% black faces like we have on the
adverts on TV.
You were not alone in making that observation Fossy. Yet when the journos wanted to interview on the street, one always seemed to emerge.
R4 Racebaiting
9am The Advertise Your Book show
3 authors advertised their book about Birmingham
One white man, one black woman, one half black whose book has had its own series on R4
“Oh in the sixties it was said that you could leave one job and get another the next day
.. but that didn’t apply to black people”
Hmm easy to say but probably not universally true
I bet some places deliberately look for black workers.
9:45 am The advertise your book every day for a week Show
“Edward Enninful, editor-in-chief of British Vogue, traces his journey from working class refugee to the pinnacle of the global fashion industry”
intro was heavy on Racebaiting until he got into the Africa bit
Now he gets to London he starts on anti Thatcher and his London grievance.
3 months in the country and his family had a house opposite Chelsea Barracks
.. Sounds more privileged life than many British people.
I have noticed in bookshops recently, it is becoming increasingly rare to see books by male authors.
If one wishes to identify or empathise with the author’s narrative, gender is important.
Booksellers appear to believe that people will buy any old crap if the book they want isn’t being sold there. Booksellers are rather mistaken.
For a large part of 2020, post-BLM, every bookshop window I looked in was displaying a variant of “Why White People and Men Have Ruined Everything”.
Don’t think they shifted a lot of Ayn Rand that year.
There’s always a silver lining.
In my opinion buying books is a very personal decision, bookshops who try to pretend that by pushing certain books to the fore that certain author profiles can be forced to be popular or not are pissing in the wind.
P.s, bookshops tend to be staffed by a high proportion of gender fluid folk, just saying!
I trust people are familiar with the chip shop woman in Muir of Ord near Inverness.
She obviously felt comfortable with her celebration at the death of the Queen, and probably thought she would be carried on the the shoulders of SNP supporters through the High Street.
To see the shop smashed up and her ran out of town with a Police escort, was very much at odds with the MSM portrayal of Scotland, as was the hundreds of thousands who lined the route of the funeral cortege.
Add to this Krankie bowing to the new King, signing the official proclamation, and signing the National Anthem, was just the icing on the cake.
I am very pro free speech.
Just not the multiple track variety.
People were entirely entitled to review her stance in return.
Damage and/or threats.. gets tricky these days, depending.
From pols to academics much beloved of ratings media, especially shows crossing the Ch4/BBc sofa sloth stirred outage divide… maybe the time has come to think very carefully.
That said, the politico/judicial/enforcement systems have left a goal wider than some colourful doctors and professors reserved seating arrangements.
“Police investigate David Starkey over slavery remarks to Darren Grimes
This article is more than 1 year old
Historian says Met probe ‘not proportionate’ and focus on Grimes is ‘grossly unfair’
Guest who
I’m pro free speech – apart from those who don’t agree with me ( joke ?)
More seriously – the arbitrary way in which people are punished for what they say – meaning there is not much equality or law is disturbing to say the least –
One comment can end a career – carol thatcher – starkey – Ron jobbie – Lawrence Fox ( sort of ) yet others seem untouchable when saying things purposefully offensive .
The high point of course is those arrested for tweeting – eg queer nazi flag man ….
And it’s reassuring that the BBC monitor this site through their stazi stooge troll …… taking notes …
Do you know why my post last week was removed within an hour?
I mentioned the often repeated theme on here about the over representation of non whites in films and TV series and most of them going woke being a reason I now rarely watch recent tv and films.
I also gave an example of type casting where white = bad and non white = good where you can tell if a USA President will be a good or bad one.
Also, you can now guess the plot outcomes depending on the ethnicity of the actors.
A comment which mentioned EG in the reply to this post was also removed.
If you let me know which part caused my post to be taken down I will know what to avoid mentioning in future.
EG – well it wasn’t me – I don’t take many down and usually say ‘deleted ‘ just to wind my victim up – I and haven’t had to edit for a while … I will have a look in the top secret deleted items file a bit later and try to come back to you ….
I hope your comment about deletions isn’t deleted – or this one ….spooky …
And parent funding their kid through that educational system must be at best conflicted.
Unless they are seeking to create a messed up unemployable new generation to see them through retirement.
When the Left make plain their hate filled offensive thoughts, it is a matter of freedom of speech and expression, this is not a flexibility extended to anyone else who is regarded as not of the Left and they would find every effort would be made to dismiss them from their position as has been the case on many occasions.
This is a case of Carnegie Mellon speaking with forked tongue freedom for me but not for thee.
“When the Left make plain their hate filled offensive thoughts…”
“G” just suggested; “Auschwitz style ‘Farms’ in every country to deal with the Muslims” (16 likes).
But yeah, those hate filled Lefties… and CV library, no problem finding some Ukranians looking for guarding jobs with their grandfathers as a reference.
Just don’t ask “what do you think you can bring to our company” it would make Goebbels blush.
As above timed at 11.38.
The Prick arrives to distort context as only a commie/Marxist can do.
Or, perhaps, he/she/it is quite dim.
Interesting construction -mt he don’t object to something which is objectionable and have no words regarding the death of the British monarch – despite being funded by a Scottish benefactor,,, but who is Mellon ? Someone fruity or ripe ?
“David Starkey loses two university positions after saying slavery didn’t constitute genocide
Cambridge college and Canterbury Christ Church University terminate historian’s positions ”
Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good white male witch hunt.
In the above series, as society tries to recover, the media is easily corrupted by those in power. One journalist discovers this too late to their cost.
Hope Wendy and Spingster and Saz realise before it gets to be a dilemma or too late.
BBC has Olusoga, GBN gets Starkey. Deal.
I disagree – Starkey is just too much – mention Henry 8 and stand back and watch the very loud and long bang .
Funny that they dropped a real Royal Correspondent- Colin Brazier a week before the Queen passed …
Fair enough Feds, each to his own.
Mind you, if we’re talking presentation methods, Alistair Stewart might be happier being unctuous in a Gentleman’s Outfitters.
Starkey’s style may be irritating at times but at least he gets the historical facts broadly right insofar as they are based on his personal research of primary sources. This is not to say that the original documents are necessarily accurate, since many are clearly biased.
He gives an interesting short (13m) talk on sources on his website Chroniclers & Historians.
Starkey isn’t on GBN to be a ‘Royal Correspondent.’ For what it’s worth I think young Cameron Walker is doing a reasonable job as their Royal Reporter and isn’t ‘up himself.’
The problem with Starkey is that he has to be right every time and in every damn circumstance – even the really solemn stuff – he has no sense to time or place – add HRH Stewart to the mix and it becomes beyond acceptance .
The only thing of value to me now is Steyn – Farage sniping from a pub doesn’t get anything done – he needs real politics .
Getting rid of Brazier was a HUGE error on their part – why ? he would have excelled this past week and brought the necessary gravitas to the coverage. I quite liked Patrick Christys in the beginning but he’s now too hyper, and certainly not suited for this occasion, shouting his delivery as though he’s calling Bingo numbers. He needs to be quieter and more measured which only comes with age and experience.
Peruvian marching powder …like Farage … listen for the sniffs ..
Why is Charles driving around in a 1950 old banger Rolls?
Surely to goodness we can give him something a bit more modern. England may we’ll be running out of cash but there’s nothing to be gained by advertising the fact.
You could say the same of the hearse selected to carry HM to Holyrood, there must be a raft of view-through Rollers available – but then a diesel Merc doesn’t need to refuel every 100 miles…
Good to see they’re still using something that my parents generation helped pay for….as ROLLS ROYCE and BENTLEY are now German owned…ironic really or just keeping it in the Royal Family !
Tradition – they are extremely rich but very tight . Hence all the charities people are encouraged to pay into – even with suitcases full of cash ….
Not BBC — in the early days of the vaccine rollout, Matt Hancock said we could “cry freedom” when the most vulnerable had got their injections. Ending restrictions was dangled in front of us like the carrot many suspected was always going to be slightly out of reach.
Many others already predicted a future of repeated doses — not just the odd booster but a regular programme of modifications we’d be told were necessary. Trudeau’s currently threatening more restrictions in Canada if people aren’t up to date with theirs.
Reminder that the new bivalent vaccine approved in the US for use was tested on 8 mice only and has undergone no human trials:
“Bike rack in Norwich closed for ‘Royal Period of Mourning'”
Since covid it does seem as if there’s a new template in place to close things down when there’s an ‘event’. Those nudge units aren’t going to knock off any time soon.
Because we’re all in it together?
Saves on bicycle mounted IEDs…
Who the F**ck are these people who want to do this stuff? They are maniacs.
Advance warning, we work for the council and we’re having another day off
and teecherz
“The shameful Friday afternoon meeting that sealed Hakeem’s fate: Social workers voted UNANIMOUSLY to take frail boy, seven, off his crack-addled mother but decided to ‘leave it until Monday’… he died that very weekend
Alert at a child protection conference was not immediately acted on and Hakeem Hussain died two days later
Laura Heath, 40, deliberately ‘prioritised her addiction to heroin and crack cocaine’ prior to death, court told
Hakeem died from an asthma attack alone in the garden of a friend’s home where his mother had been staying
Heath, formerly of Nechells, Birmingham, was convicted today of gross negligence manslaughter of Hakeem”
I’m ready to throw up ! – at all the gushing by journos at how William & Harry ‘are on the road to a reconciliation’ and ‘how the public would love to see them united” “it was what their Granny wanted”; just because there was a three line whip for the two of them to appear together for the optics it would convey.
Granny is no more – that’s the thing about death , to appease ourselves we say “its done in her/his memory” or “its what she/he would have wanted”. Of course the deceased isn’t around to see or care, so why should we put ourselves through a stressful situation we don’t want instead of living our lives our way without any beholding.
How much will Netflix offer the ex royal Americans for ‘Elizabeth 2 – the funeral and me ‘. ?..
@BRISSLES – “how the public would love to see them united” – As a member of the public, I absolutely would NOT love to see them united. I WOULD love to see Whinge and Ginge permanently banished from these shores, under pain of execution for treason.
Incidentally, journos are interpreting Charles’ speech as ‘an olive branch’ to the loathsome couple. Maybe so, but when he said “I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas”, I heard: “and may they F off back there asap and stay there for good.
Gavin Ashenden, erstwhile Chaplain to the Queen, shares his thoughts on her reign, her passing and what the future holds.
It’s quite long, so for those in a hurry some bullet points, mostly from the last third:
– The Queen’s deep and sincere faith infused and formed her, both as an individual and as Queen.
– Her passing marks the end of Christendom.
– In its place, two major ideologies will prevail: secular / atheistic materialism (predominantly left-wing) and Islam.
– He predicts that the UK will go the way of Lebanon, fragmenting into muslim cities and non-muslim.
(Personally, I believe that’s just the start: with no countervailing belief system, eventually the whole nation will go muslim – possibly abetted by Big-Ears. As Ashenden puts it, by the simple logic of demographics, democracy and migration.)
In the separate article below, an ex-muslim outlines islam’s plans for world conquest.
Those hundreds of thousands paying their respects are, yet again, not counted or listened to
Once again, it is the empty vessel that makes the loudest noise
“Prince Andrew is heckled as he follows Queen’s coffin through Edinburgh by lone spectator who called him a ‘sick old man’ – before bystanders and police tackle him to the ground
A young man was filmed shouting ‘Andrew, you’re a sick old man’ as the disgraced Duke of York, 62, passed by
Short scuffle ensued, before the officer led him away as he shouted ‘disgusting’ and ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’
Andrew, a Falklands War veteran, wore a morning suit for the sombre procession through the Scottish capital ”
he shouted ‘disgusting’ and ‘I’ve done nothing wrong’
The Queen is going up the Royal Mile in Edinburgh in her procession.
This is being shown on BBC and ITV.
We are switching between them tto every now and then.
On ITV there are prolonged periods of silence, with little reminders now and then. The pictures are left to do the talking. Well done them.
On BBC, by contrast James Naughtie just won’t shut up. Every time we switch over, there he is, yap yap yapping. Back to ITV. Silence.
Not so much bias as totally inept and disrespectful.
Hello Sluff
The bBC knows best, we can’t do without them, so they think
Agreed, Sluff. I have always found Jim Naughtie’s verbose style monumentally boring. By the time he reaches the end of one of his very long, ponderously-delivered, subordinate clause-packed sentences, I have forgotten what the first part of it was.
I just wanted silence or at least minimal commentary during the procession up the Royal Mile. I don’t need to be told that someone has shouted, “God bless the Queen!” when I have clearly heard it.
But it was a dignified procession. “Thistle do Nicely” said one of the shop names as it passed. I am sure Her Majesty would have agreed.
The pall bearers did an excellent job.
One of them was BAME. Out of 8.
That’s 12.5%. About representative of the general population.
When was the last time on the BBC, in a drama, or sports presentation, or vox pop, or news, that we had a BAME representation as low and this as representative as that?
Sadly I’ve helped carry more coffins than I would ever want to
( if you know what I mean – I am not an undertaker )) and that coffin is especially heavy . But a true honour for those boys . And I bet a good number of tears shed …
Saw this as Lewis Goodhall retweeted.
Interesting bio.
Clearly a niche audience.
Kev gets told he makes folk sick.
Often the enablers are the bigger problem than those they enable.
Nice that he’s got time to take photos of his fingers.
Gotta earn a living in a crowded field to put his kids through private school ..
I think people dissenting in the present circumstances is problematic …. Being a keyboard anti queen – anti monarchist is one thing – but going out in public to express a view is likely to cause a breach of the peace – however free the speech ….
I’m no royalist but hearing of some anti-british scum getting battered by a mob of peasants would cheer me up no end.
LOL x3
site seems a little shaky – but it might be me ….
Yep both sites were down a bit earlier
Not the BBC
But there has been a miniature rail crash on Dorset ? Mini emergency services are on the scene – a mini incident has been declared .. mini thoughts and mini prayers …
Fed, was that not last week?
Yeah, I know you have an excuse: working off the jet lag, feet up, on a balcony watching the sunrise/sunset over the Med, cool drink to hand. 😉 You deserve it.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Sorry up2 – the news just got through to where I am – has the miniature railway accident investigation unit worked out what happened ? Was it doing 10 in a 6 mph curve ?
China News:
“Chinese VP mourns passing of Queen Elizabeth II at British embassy
BEIJING, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan visited the British embassy in Beijing on Monday to mourn the passing of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
Wang stood in silent tribute in front of a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and signed the condolence book. On behalf of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government and people, Wang expressed deep condolences over the Queen’s passing and extended sincere sympathy to the British royal family, government and people.
Wang said Queen Elizabeth II was a promoter of and a contributor to the development of China-UK relations. She was the first British monarch to visit China, and received multiple Chinese leaders during their visits to Britain.
3 hour queue in Hong Kong to sign the condolence book – bet the facial recognition computers working overtime on ‘dissenters’…( then of course they’ll copy the book )
Meanwhile, at the Morning Star, the headline news is:
“Thousands march to demand justice for Chris Kaba!”
THE Metropolitan Police must release the body-cam footage from officers involved in the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba, his family and justice campaigners demanded today.
The 24-year-old, who was due to become a father for the first time, was shot by a firearms officer in his car in Streatham Hill, south London, last Monday night.
The police watchdog, which has launched a homicide investigation into the killing, has confirmed that Mr Kaba, a black man, was unarmed when the shooting took place.
His death has sparked national outrage, have put out an email revealing the scorn being spewed out by certain commentators in the US media for the Queen.
Lo and behold, cloudflare, their ISP has taken their site down…..
Coincidence or friends in high places?
The US left are going to rue the day in good time they started messing with people who just want to speak the truth.
They really have no idea of the meaning of democracy have they? Either that or they are running scared!
2:15pm cos this morning’s progs about amazing immigrants and racist Brits we got another one
“Abdulrazak Gurnah discusses his childhood overlooking the main port in Zanzibar, and how his experience of multiple nationalities, cultures and languages inspired some of the themes of identity, belonging and departure that recur in his novels. “
“We just borrowed money to come into the UK as tourists,
rocked up at an uncle’s place in Canterbury
got on a course
and after some weeks went down to plead with the Home office”
Later there was a trailer for Desert Island Discs
“The new series will feature Jay Blades”
Stew, few people realise that before the operation he was known as a gay blade.
Missing a trick there, bit of lipstick and a wheelchair, job for life at the bbc
I have shown others some of the nasty stuff coming from the US recently, no doubt soon to happen here
One, not maybe the sharpest knife in the box, to put it kindly
just looked and turned and said “why?”!
Perfect response, from the heart.
Rather mean expression of condolence from Scottish Green Patrick Harvie in the Scottish Parliament, I thought. Moving away from the personal or national sense of loss, he insensitively starts havering about progressive policies, inequality, human rights, racist discrimination, sexualities. Tone-deaf bugger.
Try having a quiet beer in a Campeltown, Argyll pub with an English accent, racism comes in many shapes and forms.
England Argentina game on their pub TV , very noisy until Michael Owen shut their gobs up.
Then find the cutest girl in the bar and take her back to your hotel, they dont like it, but she did
Here’s an odd story, that the USA is stealing oil in Syria and smuggling it back to Iraq.
Strange indeed and not one our media is likely to be covering in a hurry:
The US have a strong track record when it comes to covert operations
So, classic bbc SNAFU.
Given the way these things appear to work, Draino would need to be pretty thick not to have a sneaky idea.
Not funny. It can be expected
“Coming soon to Netflix”
Not forgetting the BBC of course.
Ex Beeboid Groper over fluffed by his own station.
Many wondering just how desperate they are.
Rob Burley like it though.
Guest -thanks – I didn’t realise the stroke mr Marr had -had such a serious effect …anyway … free speech . … as a neutral on the monarchy – I think people have a right to be republicans – but then I ask – what are they trying to achieve by going to a Royal Funeral – Amist people who have come to honour their sovereign – and then spouting Republican stuff ?
They are bound to be ‘lifted ‘if only to prevent harm . Marr applies theory to a practical situation and fails .
For the record i wish Blighty had stayed a republic after Cromwell but what happened happened ..
Is anyone on this site intending to go to Westminster Hall to pay their respects ?( yeah I know it’s not strictly BBC but it’s a unique event ) – a running commentary would be welcome .
Fed, understandably you won’t be allowed to enter Westminster Hall with a lot of camping paraphernalia, ie chair, cooker, food, flasks, blankets, change of clothes, portable loo etc, but in order to walk the distance then queue until your next birthday before getting in, a survival kit is an absolute necessity.
So its a no from me.
(All credit to K Charles and his siblings at their age, for walking at that pace for 30 minutes behind the hearse – that hill looked an absolute killer !)
Brissles – I was thinking about The Last One in The Queue ( Line – US) who doesn’t get to walk past after spending 26 hours in the queue ….
Not necessarily about monarchy, but maybe admiration for a person, put into a situation with little choice and over 70 years carried out that duty with devotion and commitment and never put a foot wrong,
Even with Tony Blair’s wife in the same room.
One thing that has been a joy this week – NO ADVERTS !!!
Jeremy Corbyn shows what Labour can do to restore the country again:
No family should have to go through the pain Chris Kaba’s family have suffered following his killing last week.
My thoughts are with them as they fight for justice and accountability for his death.
Wait until the invoice comes through for the bullets the police have to pay for.
Speaking of Team Jez.
The BBC seems to have cooled on OJ too, but the rest of the green room circuit still crop up.
And that they can’t shake Mad Al is beyond reason.
I read that Kev has stashed a Botneyload too for his efforts.
That these bottom feeders get so rich off the poor saps they claim to fight for is quite sickening.
As a somewhat older bloke, I am being blitzed by NHS to have what they have suddenly started calling the “annual” covid booster.
I have reluctantly agreed to all their previous campaigns.
I have also had what I can only describe as unusual possible side effects including mental confusion, weight loss, appetite loss, night cramps and more throughout this period.
I refused the last round of this pantomime and have begun to slowly regain my former health and vitality.
I am beginning to suspect this is a cash cow for both the drug companies and the NHS so from now on they can whistle.
I do not want to urge anyone else to do what I have done but I am now convinced that the constant jabbing has affected my health and not in a good way and I feel so much better after refusing their medical interventions.
The effects of the jabs (both good + bad) are being PR’d in the same way that the swines tinkered with deaths and lock downs and more.
If a nasty variant pops up it is rather likely that the present jabs won’t counter it.
Interesting … which jabs have you had ? The State is suppressing comments like yours and calculating maybe a 75% take up versus ( my guess ) – a 90% take up last time …
.. project fear is less effective this time as the top medics have all got gongs …
digg sorry to hear, you are not alone in reporting this.
Some doctors are offering various potential remedies if you’re inclined to check out, e.g.
(Not medical advice, everyone’s mileage may vary)
Digg, those side effects are called the Menopause by those with vaginas ! Lol !
well as we bought 650m jabs they are desperate for somewhere to shove them
(just two jabs to freedom! so what were the extra 520m bought for????)
Some people are removing “plastics” from Liz tribute flower bouquets
There’s probably a gushing, earnest piece on the BBC about it – I really cannot be arsed to look
Yet, they are just putrid.
BBC update on the neck-and-neck Swedish election between the far-right (boo) and the normal people (yay). Analysis from what looks like a bit like an Anglo-Scandi Marianna clone, with comparable levels of bewilderment at what’s happening.
“… At a coffee shop in central Stockholm this morning, I overheard two voters worried about a deepening anti-immigrant rhetoric. But a cab driver from Argentina I chatted to told me he’s not worried about life changing dramatically…”
Straight from the playbook — framing it as a straightforward choice between the wholesome status quo and the chaotic disruption pushed by the insane and the brutish.
Finding people to comment on why they’re supporting right wing parties is a journalistic stretch too far, even when they make up 50% of the voters. (Or 52%.) Those who want life to change dramatically — and the reasons underpinning this — will forever remain a mystery to the BBC.
well we know they are not worried about Argentinians , strange how the bbc doesn’t
As far as the BBC is concerned – anything they don’t like / agree with is “Far Right”.
I listened to a description of the Swedish elections on R4 6 O’Clock News – just pathetic scrambling to smear people that got more votes that the people the BBC think should win…
No attempt to examine what the candidates are saying (or doing even…) – they just went straight for trying to monster those they’ve just labelled “Far Right”.